Digital Portfolio Rubric - Sheet1 1

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Digtial Portfolio: Rubric

Student Name:
Teacher of the Classroom:
Criteria Excellent (4) Proficient (3) Basic (2) Needs Improvement (1)
The portfolio is comprehensive, The portfolio is The portfolio is somewhat The portfolio is incomplete, lacks
demonstrating a deep complete, showcasing a incomplete or lacks diversity in artwork, or has minimal
understanding of the creative good range of artwork, diversity in artwork. The reflection, which does not
process and showcasing a and the reflection reflection is limited in demonstrate a meaningful
Content and variety of high-quality artwork. demonstrates a solid depth and may not clearly understanding of the creative
Reflection The reflection is thoughtful, understanding of the connect the work with the process.
insightful, and well-elaborated, creative process, with creative process.
providing a clear connection some insightful
between the work and personal elements.
The portfolio is exceptionally The portfolio is well- The portfolio is somewhat The portfolio lacks organization and
organized and visually organized and visually organized and visually visual appeal. The layout, design,
engaging. The layout, design, appealing. The layout acceptable but may and creativity are inadequate or
Organization and
and creativity in presenting and design effectively benefit from improved missing.
Creativity artwork and reflections are present the artwork and layout and design. The
outstanding. reflections with creativity in presentation
creativity. is moderate.
The use of Canva is exemplary, Canva is used Canva is used with some Canva is used with limited
showcasing a high level of proficiently, and most proficiency, but there are proficiency, resulting in significant
technical proficiency. All elements are well- noticeable technical technical issues that hinder the
elements are effectively integrated. There may issues or inconsistencies portfolio's overall quality.
Technical Proficiency
integrated, and the portfolio is be minor technical that affect the quality of
error-free. issues but nothing that the portfolio.
significantly detracts
from the portfolio.
The portfolio is presented The portfolio is The presentation is The presentation is ineffective,
effectively to the class, presented with good somewhat effective, with lacking communication skills, and
demonstrating excellent communication skills, basic communication does not effectively convey the
communication skills. The and the student skills. The student student's work or creative process.
student articulately discusses adequately discusses discusses their work and
their work and the creative their work and creative creative process but may
process, engaging the audience. process, maintaining not fully engage the
audience interest. audience.
The student completed the The student completed The student completed The student failed to complete the
portfolio and presentation well the portfolio and the portfolio and portfolio and presentation on time,
ahead of the deadline, showing presentation on time, presentation slightly indicating poor time management
Time Management excellent time management demonstrating good behind schedule, skills.
skills. time management indicating some issues
skills. with time management.
If the lesson includes a If applicable, the If applicable, the If applicable, the student's
collaborative aspect, evaluate student collaborates student's collaboration collaboration with peers is ineffective
Collaboration the student's ability to work effectively with peers, with peers is somewhat and hinders the group's success.
effectively with peers. contributing to the effective but may need
group's success. improvement.
Overall Assessment:

Excellent (16-20 points): The student has demonstrated exceptional performance in creating their digital portfolio and delivering the presentation.
Proficient (11-15 points): The student has performed well, meeting the learning objectives effectively.
Basic (6-10 points): The student's performance is adequate but may need improvement in some areas.
Needs Improvement (1-5 points): The student's performance is inadequate, requiring significant improvement.

This rubric can be used to assess and provide feedback on each student's digital portfolio and presentation as they showcase their
artwork and reflect on their creative process using Canva.

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