1CD20IS013, 1CD20IS028 a bonafide student of Cambridge Institute of Technology, has
successfully completed the File Structure Mini Project (18ISL67) entitled “TELEPHONE
BILLING MANAGEMENT” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for VI semester Bachelor
of Engineering in Information Science and Engineering of Visvesvaraya Technological
University, Belagavi during academic year 2022-2023. It is certified that all
Corrections/Suggestions indicated for Internal Assessment have been incorporated in the report
deposited in the departmental library. The File Structure Mini Project has been approved as it
satisfies the academic requirements prescribed for the Bachelor of Engineering degree.
I would like to place on record my deep sense of gratitude to Shri. D. K. Mohan, Chairman,
Cambridge Group of Institutions, Bangalore, India for providing excellent Infrastructure and
Academic Environment at CITech without which this work would not have been possible.
I am extremely thankful to Dr. Indumathi G, Principal, CITech, Bangalore, for providing me the
academic ambience and everlasting motivation to carry out this work and shaping our careers.
I express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Preethi S, HOD, Dept. of Information Science and
Engineering, CITech, Bangalore, for her stimulating guidance, continuous encouragement and
motivation throughout the course of present work.
I also wish to extend my thanks to Project Guide, Prof. Triveni N, Assistant Professor, Dept. of
ISE, CITech for her critical, insightful comments, guidance and constructive suggestions to
improve the quality of the work and complete the project.
Finally to all my friends, classmates who always stood by me in difficult situations also helped me
in some technical aspects and last but not the least, I wish to express deepest sense of gratitude to
my parents who were a constant source of encouragement and stood by me as pillar of strength for
completing this work successfully.
The Telephone Billing Management project is a Java-based application that allows users to manage
telephone records. It provides a user-friendly graphical interface to perform basic operations such
as inserting new records, deleting existing records, searching for specific records, modifying record
details, and displaying all the records.
The application stores the telephone records in a file using serialization. Each record consists of
attributes such as a telephone ID, customer name, phone number, and bill amount. The user can
input these details through text fields in the graphical interface.
The application stores the telephone records in a file using serialization. Each record consists of
attributes such as a telephone ID, customer name, phone number, and bill amount. The user can
input these details through text fields in the graphical interface.
When adding a new record, the application validates the phone number to ensure it is exactly 10
digits long and avoids duplicate records. The application also supports modifying existing records
by updating their attributes based on the provided information.
The user can search for records using the telephone ID and retrieve their details. In addition, the
application provides the functionality to delete records based on the telephone ID.
The application displays the records in a scrollable text area, allowing users to view all the records
or scroll through the displayed records.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
2.1 Design
Chapter 2 2
2.2 Algorithm
2.3 Requirements
Chapter 3 Implementation 6
Chapter 4 Snapshots 17
References 22
The Telephone Billing Management project is a Java-based application developed to simplify the
management of telephone records. The aim of this project was to provide a user-friendly interface
and essential functionalities for organizing and maintaining telephone-related information.
The application allows users to perform various operations, including inserting new records,
deleting existing records, searching for specific records, modifying record details, and displaying
all records. It employs a file-based storage system using serialization to store the records efficiently.
Additionally, the application includes validation checks to ensure data integrity, such as preventing
duplicate entries and enforcing a 10-digit phone number format.
The Telephone Billing Management project offers a streamlined solution for handling telephone
records. It provides an intuitive graphical interface that simplifies the user experience. By
incorporating essential functionalities and implementing validation checks, the application
effectively meets the requirements of managing telephone-related information.
In conclusion, the Telephone Billing Management project demonstrates the capability of Java
programming in developing an efficient application for managing telephone records. With its user-
friendly interface, file-based storage, and validation checks, the application provides a convenient
and reliable solution for organizing and maintaining telephone-related data.
2.1 Design
FIG.2.1 Flowchart
User Interface -> Create/Edit/Search Note -> Save Note -> Display Note->delete Notes
The flow of notes nexus
2.2 Algorithm:
a. Retrieve the selected note from the notes data structure based on user input (e.g.,
selecting from a list, searching by title).
b. Display the note content in the input fields (e.g., populate the title and content fields
with the note's data).
8. Implement logic for modifying a note:
a. Retrieve the selected note from the notes data structure based on user input.
b. Update the note's content in the notes data structure.
c. Update the corresponding text file with the modified content.
9. Implement logic for deleting a note:
a. Retrieve the selected note from the notes data structure based on user input.
b. Prompt the user to confirm the deletion.
c. If the user confirms:
i. Remove the note from the notes data structure.
ii. Delete the associated text file.
iii. Update the UI (e.g., refresh the notes list, clear the input fields).
10. Handle errors and exceptions:
11. Implement error handling for file operations (e.g., file not found, permission denied).
12. Display appropriate error messages or dialogs to the user.
13. Test the application:
14. Create test cases for creating, modifying, and deleting notes.
15. Test the application's functionality and ensure it works as expected.
16. Finalize and deploy the application:
2.3 Requirements:
Software Requirements:
Java Development Kit (JDK): The project requires JDK to compile and run Java code.
Integrated Development Environment (IDE): You can use any Java IDE such as Visual
Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, or NetBeans for development.
Java Swing Library: This library is used for creating the graphical user interface (GUI)
components in the Note Taking App.
Operating System: The project can run on any operating system that supports Java.
Hardware Requirements:
Processor: A modern processor capable of running the chosen operating system and Java
Virtual Machine (JVM).
Memory (RAM): Sufficient RAM to run the operating system, the IDE, and the Note
Taking App simultaneously.
Storage: Adequate storage space to store the application code, libraries, and any notes
saved as text files.
4. Display: A monitor or screen to display the graphical user interface of the Note Taking
Input Devices: A keyboard and a mouse or other pointing device for user input.
These requirements are basic and can be met by most modern computers. However, depending on
the scale and complexity of the project, the actual hardware and software requirements may vary.
It's always a good practice to review the specific requirements of the tools and libraries you plan
to use and ensure that your hardware meets the minimum specifications.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public TelephoneBillingManagement() {
records = new ArrayList<>();
dataFile = new File("telephone_records.dat");
// Create labels
JLabel idLabel = new JLabel("Telephone ID:");
JLabel nameLabel = new JLabel("Customer Name:");
JLabel phoneLabel = new JLabel("Phone Number:");
JLabel billLabel = new JLabel("Bill Amount:");
// Create buttons
JButton addButton = new JButton("Add Record");
JButton deleteButton = new JButton("Delete Record");
JButton searchButton = new JButton("Search Record");
JButton modifyButton = new JButton("Modify Record");
JButton displayButton = new JButton("Display Records");
deleteButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
searchButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
modifyButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
displayButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (recordToDelete != null) {
int deletedId = recordToDelete.getTelephoneId(); // Get the deleted telephone ID
displayArea.append("Record with Telephone ID " + deletedId + " deleted successfully.\n");
} else {
displayArea.append("Record not found.\n");
if (foundRecord != null) {
displayArea.append(foundRecord.toString() + "\n");
} else {
displayArea.append("Record not found.\n");
if (recordToModify != null) {
// Display old record
displayArea.append("Old Record:\n" + recordToModify.toString() + "\n");
// Update record
The Telephone Billing Management application presented a user-friendly and efficient solution for
managing telephone records. Through its intuitive graphical interface, users could easily perform
operations such as adding, deleting, searching, modifying, and displaying records. The application
also incorporated file-based storage, allowing for the persistence of data across sessions. Overall,
the implementation using Java and the Swing library provided a reliable and accessible tool for
telephone billing management.
Future Enhancements:
To further enhance the Telephone Billing Management application, several future enhancements
could be considered. Firstly, implementing user authentication would bolster the security of the
application, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access and manage the records.
Additionally, enhancing data validation with comprehensive checks and error handling mechanisms
would improve data integrity and user experience.
Further improvements could involve incorporating sorting and filtering functionalities, enabling users
to organize and retrieve records based on various criteria. Integration with a database system, rather
than relying on file-based storage, would enhance scalability, reliability, and performance. This
change would allow the application to handle larger datasets and offer advanced data management
[1] Michael J. Folk, Bill Zoellick, Greg Riccardi : File Structures-An Object Oriented Approach
with C++, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 1998.
[2] K.R. Venugopal, K.G. Srinivas, P.M. Krishnaraj : File Structures Using C++, Tata McGraw-
[3] Scot Robert Ladd : C++ Components and Algorithms, BPB Publications, 1993.
[4] Raghu Ramakrishan and Johannes Gehrke : Database Management Systems, 3rd Edition,
McGraw Hill, 2003.