Rulebook e Quest Manor of Ravens

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10 Plastic Figures 2 Hero Sheets 4 Rumor Cards 3 Advanced Quest Cards

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21 Class Cards 9 Shop Item Cards

4 Monster Cards 2 Lieutenant Cards

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18 Overlord Cards
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1 Servant Card 1 Objective Token 1 Tracking Token

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16 Map Tiles

1 Servant Token 1 Lieutenant Token 5 Condition Tokens

Manor of Ravens Manor of Ravens
In the foothills near Greyhaven there sits a forgotten manor, the haunted
residence of the late high mage Ithyndrus. A trove of antique trinkets and
Expansion Icon
abandoned artifacts lays within its ever-changing walls, but the ravens that All cards and sheets found in this expansion are marked with the
watch over the manor were not enough to keep the treasure hunters and bandits Manor of Ravens expansion icon to distinguish these components
out. A new guardian has awoken, and dark forces are gathering to his aid. Left from those found in the base game and other expansions.
unchecked, the power and size of this creature will never stop expanding.
Its potential is limitless, and it must be stopped.

Expansion Setup
Each Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition expansion is designed
to seamlessly integrate into your collection. Before using this expansion for
the first time, perform the following steps:

1. Incorporate Expansion Cards: Take the new Class, Condition, Shop

Item, Relic, Overlord, Monster, and Lieutenant cards and add them to
the pool of available cards.
2. Prepare New Cards: Combine the Rumor cards from this expansion
with those found in other expansions. If you do not have other
expansions that include Rumor cards, create a new deck using the cards
found in only this expansion.
Store the Servant and Advanced Quest cards in the game box until
called for.
3. Incorporate Other Components: Add the Hero sheets, hero and
monster figures, all tokens, and map tiles from this expansion to their
respective supplies.
Players should finish any campaigns they have started before incorporating
the components from Manor of Ravens into Descent: Journeys in the Dark
Second Edition.

Manor of Ravens Quests

A large and exciting part of Manor of Ravens is the six quests included in the
latter half of this book. Players can utilize these new quests in three different

• The quests can be incorporated into any campaign through the use of
Rumors cards (see “Rumors” on page 5).
• The quests can be strung together and be played as a mini campaign (see
“Mini Campaign Rules” on page 7).
• Each quest can be played as a single standalone quest following the
basic game or Epic Play rules described in the Descent: Journeys in the
Dark Second Edition rulebook. When playing a single quest outside of a
campaign, players ignore the “Rewards” section for each quest.

Manor of Ravens Expansion Rules OVERLORD SERVANTS Call of
the Ravens
The following sections describe the rules associated with each of the new The Unkindness Overlord class functions similarly to EvEnt

components found in Manor of Ravens. the Overlord classes from the base game, but it includes When purchased, place this
a new type of card: the Summon card. The overlord card in your play area. This
card cannot be discarded or

Tracking Token purchases Summon cards normally during the Spend shuffled into your deck.

Experience Points step of the Campaign phase. Unlike Exhaust this card at the
The Bounty Hunter hero class has several skills that interact with the tracking token. other Overlord cards, the overlord places a Summon card
start of your turn and
choose 1 monster. Place
This token is used specifically with the Bounty Hunter class. When a player chooses faceup in his play area when he purchases it instead of
1 Raven Flock Servant
token in a space adjacent
the Bounty Hunter class during Hero Setup, he places the tracking token in his play adding it to his deck. This card does not count toward his
to that monster. Then, that
monster suffers 4 �.
area. deck size, nor does it count toward his ability to purchase
There is only one tracking token. During a game, it is either in the Bounty Hunter’s
higher level cards. Unkindness - Summon 1
play area or on the base of a monster that has been tracked. Each time the Bounty Each Summon card corresponds with a Servant Summon Card
Hunter tracks a monster, he takes the tracking token from its card and token. When the overlord purchases
current location and places it on the base of the tracked figure. Shards of aIthyndrus
Summon card, he places the corresponding
The Bounty Hunter can track only one monster at a time. Servant card and token in his play area. Each
Each time a tracked monster is defeated, the tracking token is time the overlord uses the Summon card, he
removed from that monster’s base and placed back in the Bounty takes the corresponding servant token from its
Hunter’s play area. current location and places it as indicated by
the Summon card. The servant token is treated
Tracking Token
New Relic Types as a minion monster in its own group, using
Two new Relic card types are included in this expansion: monster relics and Exhaust thisthe cardinformation
when found on the Servant card,
Tome inof
a monster group the same rules as other monsters. Servant Card
and follows Servant Token
universal relics. Except where noted here, these relics follow the normal rulesperforms
for Five Lies after
an attack,
relics. Each of these relic types is designated by an icon on the lower left of the dice
Relicare rolled, to add
card. Monster and universal relics cannot be wielded by lieutenants. 1 � to the results.

Monster relics are wielded by monster groups in the same way regular Servant Card Breakdown
relics are wielded by lieutenants. During setup of each encounter, the
overlord chooses which monster relic (if any) each of his monster
groups will wield. Each monster group can wield only one relic. Exhaust this card after
The overlord places the chosen Relic card next to the monster Monster drawing
Relic your starting
group’s card. The monster relic remains there until the end of
hand. Shuffle those cards
back into the Overlord
the encounter, even if all monsters in that group are defeated. A
monster relic has no effect if it is not wielded by a monster group.
deck and then draw a
number of cards equal to 2
the number of heroes.
Universal relics are not wielded. Instead, each time the overlord
receives a universal relic, he places it in his play area, where 3
it remains for the rest of the campaign. The overlord can use
universal relics by following the instructions on the card. Universal Relic
Icon 4 5
Overlord Cards
Many of the new Overlord cards instruct that they remain in play after being used. 1. Servant Name: This area lists the name of the servant.
When the overlord plays an Overlord card that remains on a monster group, he keeps 2. Characteristics: This area lists the characteristics (Speed,
the card faceup in his play area, near the affected group. The overlord does not discard Health, and Defense) of the servant.
this card until the end of the encounter or until the card instructs him to discard it.
3. Rules: This section lists any rules for the servant and any
In addition, there are three Overlord cards available as rewards for specific quests. abilities it has.
When the overlord receives one of these cards, he adds it into his Overlord deck as 4. Attack Type Icon: This icon shows the type of attack (Melee or
though it were a purchased Overlord card. Ranged) the servant has.
5. Dice: This area shows the dice types used when the servant
performs an attack.

Rumor cards provide the overlord special campaign level abilities
and are the way that Manor of Ravens quests are introduced into Rumor Card Breakdown
a full campaign.
Cursed Treasures 1 Spread Your Wings 1
Play this card after setup of an encounter.
When starting a new campaign, the overlord shuffles the This card cannot be played during
the Finale. If you have played the “Finders and Keepers”

Rumor deck and draws three cards into his hand. The overlord 2
or the “My House, My Rules” Rumor card,
An increased number of powerful items have discard this card and draw 1 Rumor card.

been appearing within shops and markets. At
does not normally draw new Rumor cards, and therefore must first you were grateful, welcoming the broad
selection. Now you believe you know where
Play this card at the start of a Campaign
Phase during Act I. You cannot play this card
if the Interlude is an available quest. While in
carefully decide when to play these cards during the campaign. they have come from. Looted from Ithyndrus’
old manor, these treasures bring a curse upon
play, this card is treated as an available quest.
A rogue construct has emerged from a haunted
any who bear them.
manor. Forged by the power of forgotten relics

Rumor Card 4
Each hero tests � and adds � to his results and unfinished spells, the potential of this beast is
The overlord can play Rumor cards from his hand at different equal to the number of Act II Shop cards in unknown, and possibly limitless. You must locate

his play area. Each hero who fails suffers and banish this creature.

times. Each Rumor card states when it can be played. When the overlord plays a
1 condition of your choice.
If this card is in play when you transition to
Act II, the overlord receives the “Tome of the

Rumor card, the heroes must immediately resolve the text on the Rumor card before
Five Lies” relic. Then, place the “Where the
Heart Is” Advanced Quest card in play.

continuing. The overlord can play a maximum of one Rumor card during each
Campaign phase.

Some Rumor cards are restricted to particular acts. This is designated by the act 1. Name: This area displays the name of the Rumor card. If the
icon on the upper left of the Rumor card. The overlord can only play Rumor cards Rumor card is limited to a specific act, the corresponding act
during the act that corresponds with this icon. icon is shown here as a reminder.
2. Rules: This area describes all rules for the Rumor card,
At the start of Act II, the overlord must discard all Rumor cards that have the including exactly when the card can be played.
Act I restriction from his hand. Any Rumor cards that are in play that have the
Act I restriction are also discarded. He does not draw additional Rumor cards to 3. Travel Icons: This area displays the travel icons used during the
replace the discarded cards. Travel step of the Campaign phase.
4. Flavor Text: This area explains the story of the rumor.
The overlord does not shuffle discarded Rumor cards back into the Rumor deck. If
the Rumor deck runs out of cards, he does not shuffle it. If the overlord is instructed
to draw a Rumor card and there are no Rumor cards in the deck, he does not draw a
Rumor card.
After choosing a quest on a quest card, players do not reference the quest map
Quest Cards during the Travel step of the Campaign phase. Instead, players refer to the travel
All Advanced Quest cards and some Rumor cards feature quests. Collectively, these icons at the top of the corresponding quest card. Players resolve these icons from left
are referred to as quest cards. Quest cards enter play in two different ways: to right as if they were on the path leading to the quest.

• Rumor cards that feature quests are played faceup by the overlord when Quest cards remain in play until completed or discarded by a game effect. They are
instructed on the card. After he plays a Rumor card that features a quest, it is not automatically discarded at the start of the Campaign phase and instead persist
available as a quest. from session to session until completed.
• Advanced Quest cards enter play only when instructed by a game effect, usually as a Between sessions, players should store any available Quest cards in a neutral area as a
reward during specific quests. When an Advanced Quest card enters play, the card reminder that the quests have not been attempted yet. After either the heroes or the
is placed in play with the front side up (see Advanced Quest Card Breakdown on overlord wins a quest, the victor may store the corresponding card with the rest of
page 6). his materials as a reminder that he won that quest.
Quest cards that have an act icon can only be chosen during the act designated on
the card. When a quest shown on a quest card is chosen, players begin quest setup as
normal, referring to the quest in the corresponding Quest Guide. Each time a player
chooses a quest during the Choose Next Quest step of the Campaign phase, he can
choose any available quest: either a quest on the campaign sheet or a quest shown on a
quest card in the play area.

The backs of Advanced Quest cards list special rewards that heroes or the overlord
can acquire by winning this quest. Players receive the reward only when instructed Advanced Quest Card Breakdown
by the “Rewards” section of the Quest Guide. The card describes when and how
players can use this reward. Where the Heart Is 1 Where the Heart Is 1
Advanced Quest cards are double-sided, and both sides are public knowledge. Any 2 O verlord Reward

Watch of the Ravens: Use this card once

player may look at either side of an Advanced Quest card at any time. While in play, this card is treated as an each Travel step of the Campaign phase

available quest. If this quest is available when a Travel Event card that has “No Event”
after setup of the Finale, the overlord may for the current travel icon is drawn. Draw
draw 1 Overlord card. 1 Overlord card.

COMPLETING A QUEST CARD Unable to wait at the manor forever, you

Players perform the Campaign phase as normal after completing a Quest card. The
3 eventually pursue other matters. You never
forget about the raging construct however, nor
the Manor’s Heart that he controlled. You Hero Reward
wait, ever vigilant, for the day he reappears.

corresponding Quest Guide lists all rewards for winning each quest. You have resolved that when that day comes,
he will never rise again.
Friend of Ravens: Heroes cannot be Doomed.

Quests on quest cards do not count toward the number of quests required 5
to complete the current act. Players ignore all quests from quest cards when
determining how many quests were won by the overlord or the heroes during any
given act. Advanced Quest Advanced Quest
Card Front Card Back

1. Name: This area displays the name of the Advanced Quest

card. Additionally, an act icon is shown here as a reminder of
when the quest can be attempted.
2. Travel Icons: This area displays the travel icons used during the
Travel step of the Campaign phase.
3. Flavor Text: This area explains the story of the quest.
4. Overlord Reward: This area describes the special reward for the
overlord if he wins this quest.
5. Hero Reward: This area describes the special reward for the
heroes if they win this quest.

Example: The hero players have won the “A Fat Goblin” quest during Act I of “The
Shadow Rune” campaign. At the start of the next Campaign phase, the overlord chooses
to play his “Spread Your Wings” Rumor card. During the Choose Next Quest step, the
heroes decide they wish to attempt the “Spread Your Wings” quest and begin setting up
“Spread Your Wings.”

The overlord ultimately wins the “Spread Your Wings” quest, so the players refer to its
“Reward” section of the Quest Guide. The section instructs them to place the “Where the
Heart Is” Advanced Quest card into play. The overlord finds the “Where the Heart Is”
Advanced Quest card and places it faceup in the play area. This quest will be available
during future Choose Next Quest steps in Campaign phases of Act II.

Since the players have only completed one Act I quest on the campaign sheet, they will
need to complete two more before proceeding to the Interlude.

This guide functions similarly to the Quest Guide found in the Descent: Journeys At the end of each quest during a mini campaign, each player receives one
in the Dark Second Edition base game. Players follow all normal quest setup rules experience point. This experience is awarded to both the winning and losing
found in that guide, adhering to any exceptions noted in this guide. players and is in addition to the rewards listed for each quest in the Quest Guide.
Also, if the heroes win a quest, they can choose one hero to receive one random
Mini Campaign Rules Shop Item card from the Shop deck. If the overlord wins a quest, he receives one
additional experience point.
Instead of integrating Manor of Ravens quests into an existing campaign, players
can choose to play a mini campaign using only the quests found in the Manor
of Ravens Quest Guide. This mini campaign contains fewer quests than a full
campaign and requires only 5–8 hours to complete.


Players play the “Manor of Ravens” mini campaign following the normal campaign
rules described in the Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition base game
rulebook in addition to the changes noted in this section.

Unlike a full campaign, this mini campaign consists of only four quests played in a
specific order. Players cannot use Rumor cards when playing a mini campaign. Players
play the entire campaign using the following steps:

1. Setup: Perform all normal rules for game setup. Each hero
receives four experience points and 100 gold, and the overlord
receives four experience points. Then, players perform a Spend
Experience Points step and a Shopping step. Players may save any
unspent gold and experience points to spend in future Campaign
phases. Players can record their gold and experience points on the
Campaign log on page 9.
2. Travel: Perform a travel step beginning at the “Mountain Pass” (see the
campaign map on the back of this book).
3. Quest #1: Play the “Spread Your Wings” quest.
4. Campaign Phase: Perform a Campaign phase, skipping the Choose Next Quest
step. Heroes begin travel from the “Spread your Wings” quest.
5. Quest #2: Play the “Finders and Keepers” quest.
6. Campaign Phase: Perform a Campaign phase, skipping the Choose Next Quest
step. Heroes begin travel from the “Finders and Keepers” quest.
7. Quest #3: Play the “My House, My Rules” quest.
8. Transition to Act II: Perform the steps listed under “Act II” on page 22 of
Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition rulebook.
9. Campaign Phase: Perform a standard Campaign phase (see step 10 below
for which quests may be chosen). Heroes begin travel from the “My House, My
Rules” quest.
10. Finale: If the heroes won more quests than the overlord during Act I, they
choose the next quest from those that correspond with any quest that they
won. If the overlord won more quests than the heroes during Act I, he chooses
the next quest from those that correspond with any quest that he won (see the
Campaign log on page 11 for which Finales correspond with which quests).

To Mutchullis, Provost of Greyhaven, Expansion Design: Nathan I. Hajek
and the Council of Deans,
Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition Design: Adam Sadler
Greetings, and Corey Konieczka with Daniel Lovat Clark
Given the events of recent weeks, I have decided it wise and timely to relate Producer: Jason Walden
to you the state of the manor of our late friend and colleague, Ithyndrus.
Though beyond my jurisdiction, the manor continues to be a point of interest Creative Content Development: Justin Kemppainen and Daniel Lovat Clark
for my garrison. For several weeks now there has been an alarming rate of
accidents and attacks involving strange and powerful artifacts. I can only
surmise that these items were taken from the old manor and peddled away. Editing & Proofreading: Brendan Weiskotten
This, however, is not my greatest concern.
Tales of strange and haunting creatures have reached my ears. It is said that Graphic Design: Christopher Hosch
an unnatural guardian has risen from the mansion, and he is summoning
the spirits of those he kills to aid his cause. This is not enough to keep those Graphic Design Manager: Brian Schomburg
foolish bandits out however! They continue to gather in the surrounding
forests. They raid the manor when their numbers grow large enough and Managing Art Director: Andrew Navaro
divide the spoils among any that return. Ollen Threeblade, a name you know
all too well, leads them. Cover Art: Alex Aparin
I believe it is clear what must be done. If the manor cannot be laid to rest,
it must be destroyed. This is no simple matter. Monstrous creatures and dark Map Tile Art: Henning Ludvigsen
forces gather to the manor even as I write. You must send your finest and send
them quickly. Even so, it may not be enough.
Interior Art: Alex Aparin, Yoann Boissonnet, Eric Braddock, Simon Eckert,
David Griffith, David Kegg, and Frank Walls
- Dane Internous, Third Constable of Westmire
Art Administration: Andy Christensen

Production Management: Eric Knight

Executive Game Designer: Corey Konieczka

Executive Game Producer: Michael Hurley

Publisher: Christian T. Petersen

Playtesters: Samuel Bailey, Dane Beltrami, Pippin Brown, and Nikki Valens

© 2014 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. No part of this product may be reproduced without specific
permission. Descent: Journeys in the Dark, Runebound, and Fantasy Flight Supply are trademarks of
Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. Fantasy Flight Games and the FFG logo are registered trademarks of
Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. Fantasy Flight Games is located at 1995 West County Road B2, Roseville,
Minnesota, 55113, USA, and can be reached by telephone at 651-639-1905. Retain this information for
your records. Actual components may vary from those shown. Made in China. THIS PRODUCT IS

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Monster Character Descriptions
Alys Raine: By her eighth
birthday, Alys Raine had
recited the entirety of
the Common Law in one
sitting and had already
started her memorization of
the seven treaties devoted
to it. Always preferring
her studies to the long
hours of combat training,
only her dream of one day
Bandits: The only predator in
becoming a Marshal kept
all of Terrinoth that survives in
her going. Now, a rising star
every climate and culture. They
among her comrades, the name
take because they want to, thrive
Alys Raine drives fear into the hearts of the unjust
when others fall, and their only
throughout all of Terrinoth. A Marshal of the
regret is the amount of effort
Citadel is a master of both combat and knowledge,
it requires. Unable to eradicate
bringing justice everywhere it is needed. In the
this unfortunate consequence of
field, they serve as judge, jury, and executioner and
civilization, it is left to the heroes
exercise their duties with passion and haste.
of each generation to once again
hold these scoundrels in check. Thaiden Mistpeak: Thaiden has an uncanny
knack for finding things that others cannot. He Lieutenant
led his clan through the Crags of Skarn: Years in the future, scholars will
the Forgotten, rescued his debate the nature and origin of Skarn.
love from the center of the Most believe he was unintentional, that
Gray Wastes, and recovered when Ithyndrus died, the unfinished
his grandmother’s hairpin construct absorbed part of his life force
from an abundantly large and magic.
haystack… or so it is said.
He never planned to use his Some contend that he has always been
talents to avenge the deaths there, watching over the manor even
of those he loved. When the before the wizard arrived. Many who
murderers were never found, saw him claim it was the ravens. Longing
however, he took matters into for their lost master, the ravens created
Wraiths: At the sight of these his own hands. He never another to care for and guard them.
malevolent specters, even the speaks about that journey
bravest will flee. It’s not their or what he did when he Whatever he is, everyone agrees that
looks that cause this dread, it’s found those responsible. If he has to be destroyed. Whether a
fear of their call. To hear the asked, his eyes grow dark, raging monster hungry for power or a
summon of the wraith is to invite and he speaks only of what misunderstood soul devoted to a lonely
the gaze of death and submit he will do when he finds cause, Skarn contains potential beyond
your fate to its pleasure. his current quarry. that which should be allowed.


“I realize it’s an odd request, but I worry about the old manor,” the wrinkly mage whispers. “Ithyndrus had unhealthy interests
in the strange and unnatural artifacts of our world. There are rumors that bandits have been looting. And tales of,” he leans
closer, as if someone might be listening, “a strange creature within her walls.”
“Odd things happen when a wizard dies. His memories and desires echo, and his power doesn’t just fade away, it seeps into
the world around him. If this beast, Skarn, is a product of Ithyndrus’ death and can harness the power of just a few of those
artifacts… I fear what it will be capable of.”

Finale 1

Spread Your Wings Where the Heart Is

Finale 2

Finders and Keepers Wrong Man for the Job

Finale 3

My House, My Rules Beneath the Manor

Hero XP

Hero Gold Overlord


© Fantasy Flight Games 2014. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.
Campaign log also available for download at

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