Amanda 2019
Amanda 2019
Amanda 2019
*E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. Pliek u is the result of natural fermentation in coconut meat which is separated from
the oil through a pressing process. This fermentation products become an inseparable part of
the daily food of the Acehnese people. Utilization of pliek u is used as additional ingredient in
vegetables but some are used as rujak ingredient. This research aims to determine the shelf life
of containers that are packed with a variety of packaging namely aluminum foil packaging,
plastic pouches and glass bottles with acceleration (Arrhenius) method which is simulated on
four storage temperature conditions in the incubator (30⁰C, 35⁰C, 45⁰C and 55⁰C). The
parameters observed during storage process are moisture content, rancidity, total cell count,
organoleptic (color and aroma). The results showed that the determination of product shelf life
was rancidity parameter (zero order reaction) with linear Y= 0,8894x – 6,5804. The shelf life
of pliek u is one year three months and four days at 35⁰C with a plastic pouch. the highest
water content was obtained at 21 days storage in aluminum foil packaging while the total cell
count and organoleptic with the color and aroma parameters produced will determine the
quality of the pliek u.
1. Introduction
Coconut (Cocos Nucifera L.) is a strategic commodity that has a social, cultural and economic role in
the life of the Indonesian society. The benefits of plants not only lie in the fruit flesh that can be
processed into coconut milk, copra and coconut oil, but a whole part of the coconut plant have great
benefits. The main reason for coconut plant is a commercial commodity because all parts os a coconut
plant can be used for various purposes. In the province of Aceh itself, the coconut plant is processed
into a very typical food ingredient, pliek u.
Pliek u is the result of natural fermentation in coconut meat which is separated from the oil through
a pressing process. Pliek u’s fermentation products become an inseparable part of the daily menu of
the Acehnese society. Usually pliek u used as spice for cooking vegetables (pliek u curry), chili sauce
and rujak seasoning. In nowadays, pliek u is widely known in various regions outside Aceh, which are
known through salak pliek u products.
The province of Aceh has a number of pliek u producing regions, such as Great Aceh, Bireun, East
Aceh, South Aceh and Pidie. The region that produces the most pliek u is Pidie Regency. Based on the
result of a survey conducted in Pidie, there were 17 locations of pliek u production located spread and
the production process was relatively continuous [1]. However, currently there is no packaging used
for the pliek u product so it is not known how long the shelf life is in a package used.
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International Conference on Science and Innovated Engineering (I-COSINE) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 536 (2019) 012121 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/536/1/012121
Therefore, this study will examine the variety of packaging used for pliek u products with three
types of packaging namely alufo pouches, plastic pouches and glass bottle, because the results of the
research only to survey a method of manufacture and qualify testing of pliek u and also isolation and
initial identification of microorganisms at the final stage of coconut fermentation in making pliek u.
2.1. Materials
The materials used in this study were pliek u, alufo pouch packaging, plastic pouches, glass bottles
and plastic bottles, NA (Nutrient Agar), Aquades, Phosphate Buffers, glacial acetic acid, chloroform,
sodium thiosulfate.
2.2. Tools
The tools used in this study were analytic scales, autoclaves, laminar air flow, electric oven, glassware
(IWAKI Japan), shelves, drop pipettes, saucers, filter paper, vortex, refrigerator, centrifuges.
2.3.1. Sampling
The sample used came from Meureudu market in Pidie Jaya Regency. After sampling, the pliek u will
first be sorted and destroyed. Pliek u powder will be carried out by an initial organoleptic test of
aroma, colour and texture, moisture content and total microbes. Then, Pliek u is inserted into
packaging that will be used. The packaging will be used is alufo pouch packaging, plastic pouch and
glass bottle packaging.
Because the TCC is too large, TCC is declared with the CFU/g log. For example, if the number of
colonies per g = 1 000 000 CFU/g, then:
International Conference on Science and Innovated Engineering (I-COSINE) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 536 (2019) 012121 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/536/1/012121
International Conference on Science and Innovated Engineering (I-COSINE) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 536 (2019) 012121 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/536/1/012121
Figure 1. Graph of changes in water content values with Aluminium Foil Packaging, plastic pouch
packaging, and glass packaging for changes in temperature and storage.
The results of linear regression analysis show that the coefficient of determination (R2) varies. In
Aluminum Foil packaging with a temperature of 55°C, the higher coefficient value is 0.9422
compared to the control temperature (0.8396), 35°C (0.3705) and 45°C (0.4357) while the PP value
packaging a higher coefficient at 55°C is 0.9312 compared to the coefficient values at the control
temperature (0.8554), 35°C (0.6661), and 45°C (0.083) but different from the glass packaging with
temperature control is higher i.e. (0.9384), compared to 35°C (0.2004), 45°C (0.5318) and 55°C
(0.7385) during storage.
International Conference on Science and Innovated Engineering (I-COSINE) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 536 (2019) 012121 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/536/1/012121
Figure 2. Graph of changes in Total Colony Counter(TCC) value with Aluminum Foil Packaging,
Plastic Packaging, and Glass Packaging for changes in temperature and storage
The results of linear regression analysis show that the coefficient of determination (R2) varies. In
the packaging of Aluminum Foil with a temperature of 45°C, the higher coefficient value is 1
compared to the control temperature (0.9889), 35°C (0.9998) and 55°C (0.9919) while the PP
packaging with temperature control higher is 0.9981 compared to the coefficient values at
temperatures of 35°C (0.9501), 45°C (0.9943) and 55°C (0.9919) but the glass packaging with the
control temperature is the same as the PP packaging which is more high (0.998), compared to 35°C
(0.819), 45°C (0.9772) and 55°C (09921) during storage.
Figure 3. Graph of changes in TBA values with Aluminum Foil, plastic pouch, and Glass packaging
for changes in temperature and storage.
During storage, TBA value of pliek u at each temperature and treatment tends not to differ much.
The results of linear regression analysis show that the coefficient of determination (R2) varies. In the
packaging of Aluminum Foil with temperature control, the coefficient value is higher 0.8986 that is
International Conference on Science and Innovated Engineering (I-COSINE) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 536 (2019) 012121 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/536/1/012121
compared with the temperature of 35°C (0.1558), 45°C (0.6573) and 55°C (0.2133) while the PP
packaging with the temperature of 45ºC is higher that is 1 compared to the coefficient value at the
control temperature (0.3968), 35°C (0.0087), and 55°C (0.9964) but the glass packaging with the
control temperature is the same as the aluminum foil packaging which is more high (0.9139),
compared to 35°C (0.0041), 45°C (0.7567) and 55°C (0.3652) during storage.
3.4.1. Color
Color is one of the sensory factors visually which is sometimes very decisive in the assessment of food
quality. According to Winarno (1997) in Saragih (2018), consumers will not receive a food if they
have unsightly colors or give the impression that they have deviated from the usual color.
Observations were made because of the influence of storage on the color changes of the pliek u.
During storage for 21 days in all treatments and temperature, there was a decrease in pliek u color
from brown to blackish brown. The results of color organoleptic analysis stated that the level of
preference of aluminum foil packaging was 3.74 with a temperature of 35ºC for 7 days of storage,
while with PP 4.03 with a temperature of 35ºC for 7 days as well as glass packaging the highest level
of preference was also obtained at the temperature 35ºC for 7 days which is 3.78 by untrained
The results of linear regression analysis show that the coefficient of determination (R2) varies. In
the packaging of Aluminum Foil at a temperature of 35°C, the higher coefficient value is 0.9988
compared to the control temperature (0.997), 45°C (0.5192) and 55°C (0.9926) while in PP packaging
with temperature control higher is 0.9912 compared to the coefficient value at temperatures of 35°C
(0.3927), 45°C (0.8421) and 55°C (0.9578) and higher value glass packaging that is 45°C (0.9959),
compared to the control temperature (0.3343), 35°C (0.7788), 55°C (0.75) during storage.
From the results of the study it can be concluded that the higher the storage temperature, the faster
the color changes in the plastic. This is consistent with the statement from Wasono., et al. (2014), the
increasingly dark color changes are suspected because fried banana flour during storage can be caused
by non-enzymatic browning reactions, namely the occurrence of Maillard reaction. When
aldose/ketose is exposed to heat and reacts with the amine group, production of various components
occurs such as flavor, aroma, and dark colored polymers.
Figures 4. Graph of changes in color of organoleptic values with Aluminium Foil packaging, plastic
pouch packaging, and glass packaging for changes in temperature and storage.
3.4.2. Aroma
The results of organoleptic aroma analysis stated that the level of preference of aluminum foil
packaging was the highest of 3.36 with a temperature of 35ºC for 7 days of storage, while with PP
International Conference on Science and Innovated Engineering (I-COSINE) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 536 (2019) 012121 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/536/1/012121
packaging of 3.65 with a temperature of 35ºC for 7 days but different from glass packaging that is the
highest level of preference obtained at temperature 35ºC for 14 days which is 3.58 by untrained
panelists. According to Arpah (2001) in Putri (2016), change in aroma is a sensitive problem in food
products. This is due to the detection by the smells cells in the nose that are able to smell the formed
even at very low concentrations. The formation of several off-flavor molecules in the product will
damage the overall flavor. One of the most common is the occurrence of rancidity both due to
hydrolysis and oxidation.
Figures 5. Graph of changes in aroma of organoleptic value with Aluminum Foil, Plastic pouch
packaging, and Glass packaging for changes in temperature and storage.
The results of linear regression analysis show that the coefficient of determination (R2) varies. In
the packaging of Aluminum Foil with temperature control, the coefficient value is higher 0.9643
which is compared with the temperature of 35°C (0.5811), 45°C (0.0357) and 55°C (0.4102) while in
the PP packaging value Also higher coefficients at the control temperature are 0.9912 compared to
temperatures of 35°C (0.9409), 45°C (9643) and 55°C (0.4743) but are different from glass packaging
where the temperature control coefficient value lower at 0.0819, compared to 35°C (0.3351), 45°C
(0.9826) and 55°C (0.6575) during storage. From the observations taken from the average of each test
and the aroma parameters from pliek u and obtained the results tend to decrease due to the temperature
and storage time.
International Conference on Science and Innovated Engineering (I-COSINE) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 536 (2019) 012121 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/536/1/012121
Table 1. Relation of Water Content, TBA, TCC and organoleptic (color and aroma) to storage time for
each storage temperature in order zero and order one
Temper Temp Order zero Order one
Parameter ature erature Slope Intercep Determina Slope Intercep Determinati
(1/T, K) (°C) Ln ko Ln ko
(ko) t tion(R²) (ko) t on (R²)
0,0033 30 0,029 3,932 16,041 -3,554 0,007 1,374 15,687 -5,031
0,0032 35 0,010 4,200 62,954 -4,633 0,002 1,435 62,291 -6,088
0,0031 45 0,004 4,201 56,432 -5,586 0,001 1,435 56,654 -7,038
0,0030 55 0,013 4,044 5,778 -4,357 0,003 1,398 5,559 -5,801
0,0033 30 0,021 3,974 14,455 -3,886 0,005 1,382 14,165 -5,343
0,0032 35 0,020 4,017 23,977 -3,894 0,005 1,393 23,943 -5,363
0,0031 45 0,000 4,215 99,489 -8,380 0,000 1,439 99,484 -9,817
0,0030 55 0,001 4,131 83,585 -6,602 0,000 1,419 83,471 -8,022
0,0033 30 0,018 4,010 6,155 -3,998 0,004 1,391 5,842 -5,454
0,0032 35 0,006 4,223 79,964 -5,169 0,001 1,440 79,491 -6,617
0,0031 45 0,007 4,131 46,824 -4,954 0,002 1,419 46,531 -6,390
0,0030 55 0,005 4,142 26,154 -5,217 0,001 1,421 26,143 -6,654
TBA 0,0033 30 0,005 0,148 10,136 -5,257 0,023 -1,840 8,416 -3,771
0,0032 35 0,002 0,179 84,416 -6,315 0,008 -1,709 87,333 -4,808
0,0031 45 0,006 0,218 34,266 -5,044 0,020 -1,464 35,847 -3,920
0,0030 55 0,001 0,200 78,665 -6,822 0,005 -1,611 76,835 -5,247
0,0033 30 0,002 0,265 60,317 -6,309 0,006 -1,329 58,574 -5,040
0,0032 35 0,001 0,204 99,132 -7,394 0,003 -1,604 99,411 -5,962
0,0031 45 0,008 0,164 0,002 -4,863 0,029 -1,720 0,282 -3,547
0,0030 55 0,016 0,081 0,359 -4,118 0,056 -2,012 2,704 -2,880
0,0033 30 0,006 0,197 8,607 -5,124 0,022 -1,586 10,195 -3,820
0,0032 35 0,000 0,219 99,591 -8,646 0,001 -1,519 99,648 -7,189
0,0031 45 0,003 0,258 24,326 -5,862 0,010 -1,349 24,369 -4,628
0,0030 55 0,000 0,220 99,819 -7,846 0,002 -1,544 99,707 -6,176
TCC 0,0033 30 0,345 1,360 0,019 -1,065 0,059 0,947 1,033 -2,836
0,0032 35 0,337 1,460 0,007 -1,087 0,058 0,962 1,449 -2,854
0,0031 45 0,337 1,473 0,008 -1,088 0,057 0,970 1,074 -2,861
0,0030 55 0,338 1,415 0,000 -1,085 0,058 0,951 1,261 -2,848
0,0033 30 0,341 1,413 0,004 -1,077 0,058 0,956 1,162 -2,847
0,0032 35 0,340 1,407 0,031 -1,078 0,058 0,956 0,934 -2,849
0,0031 45 0,628 -1,269 6,651 -0,465 0,086 0,700 1,224 -2,459
0,0030 55 0,501 2,065 0,001 -0,692 0,058 1,336 1,361 -2,843
0,0033 30 0,509 2,005 0,002 -0,675 0,059 1,334 1,222 -2,834
0,0032 35 0,503 2,112 0,013 -0,687 0,058 1,347 1,538 -2,846
0,0031 45 0,504 2,066 0,004 -0,686 0,058 1,339 1,443 -2,841
International Conference on Science and Innovated Engineering (I-COSINE) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 536 (2019) 012121 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/536/1/012121
Based on the results of Table 2, the parameter that produces the greatest correlation value is used as
a parameter for determining the quality of the pliek u, which is obtained from the water content value
and TBA with a regression pattern of order one. Then the values applied in the Arrhenius equation
with y are ln k and x are 1/T, then the equation can be written as follows:
lnk=lnko-((Ea/R) x 1/T).
So that it can be written on the order one, water content can be written in Aluminum Foil
packaging k = 0,223 * (1 / T) -5,2387, PP packaging is 0,3166 * (1 / T) -5,5507 and Glass packaging
ln k 0.3497 * (1 / T) -5.6609 while for TBA it can be written in Aluminum Foil packaging k = -0.3539
* (1/T) -3.5518, PP packaging is 0.8894 * (1/T) -6,5804 and Glass packaging l -0,6571 * (1/T) -
3,9821. If it is assumed that in the market storage is carried out at a control temperature, 35 ° C, 45 ° C
to 55 ° C, then the calculation of shelf life of Pliek u can be seen in Table 3 and Table 4.
International Conference on Science and Innovated Engineering (I-COSINE) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 536 (2019) 012121 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/536/1/012121
Table 2. The plot ln k against 1/T for parameters of water content, TBA and TCC
Order Zero Order One
Treatment Slope (Ea/R) Intercept Correlation Slope (Ea/R) Intercept Correlation
Aluminum Foil -0,4431 -3,5141 0,4725 0,223 -5,2387 0,894
WC PP 0,3844 -4,052 0,8062 0,3166 -5,5507 0,8798
Glass 0,4181 -4,1643 0,7913 0,3497 -5,6609 0,8641
Aluminum Foil -0,3425 -5,003 0,2712 -0,3539 -3,5518 0,4166
TBA PP 0,9104 -7,9472 0,6434 0,8894 -6,5804 0,6728
Glass 0,0003 -6,4217 6E-0B -0,6571 -3,9821 0,2622
Aluminum Foil 0,1698 -0,849 0,0667 0,3435 -1,7176 0,0667
TCC PP 0,1767 -1,2695 0,5685 0,04 -2,8497 0,0713
Glass -0,0023 -2,8351 0,3301 -0,0037 -0,6748 0,6096
Table 3. Calculation of Pliek u shelf life based on analysis of Water Content on order zero and
order one.
Aluminum Foil Packaging
Temperature Shelf Life
Order Parameter Equation Ln K K (Ao-At) Ln (Ao-At)
1/T,K (Day)
0,0033 -3,5156 0,0297 21
0,0032 -3,5155 0,0297 21
0 y = -0,4431 x -3,5141 0,6244
0,0031 -3,5155 0,0297 21
0,0030 -3,5155 0,0297 21
0,0033 -5,2380 0,0053 89
0,0032 -5,2380 0,0053 89
1 y = 0,223 x -5,2387 0,4710
0,0031 -5,2380 0,0053 89
0,0030 -5,2380 0,0053 89
PP Packaging
Order Parameter Equation Ln K K (Ao-At) Ln (Ao-At) Life
0,0033 -4,0507 0,0174 21
0,0032 -4,0508 0,0174 21
0 y = 0,3844 x -4,052 0,3656
0,0031 -4,0508 0,0174 21
0,0030 -4,0508 0,0174 21
0,0033 -5,5498 0,0039 259
0,0032 -5,5498 0,0039 259
1 y = 0,3166 x-5,5508 1,0062
0,0031 -5,5498 0,0039 259
0,0030 -5,5498 0,0039 259
International Conference on Science and Innovated Engineering (I-COSINE) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 536 (2019) 012121 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/536/1/012121
Glass Packaging
Temperature Shelf life
Order Parameter Equation Ln K K (Ao-At) Ln (Ao-At)
1/T,K (Day)
0,0033 -4,1629 0,0156 21
0,0032 -4,1629 0,0156 21
0 y = 0,4181 x -4,1643 0,3268
0,0031 -4,1630 0,0156 21
0,0030 -4,1630 0,0156 21
0,0033 -5,6597 0,0035 321
0,0032 -5,6598 0,0035 321
1 y = 0,3497 x -5,6609 1,1183
0,0031 -5,6598 0,0035 321
0,0030 -5,6598 0,0035 321
Based on the calculation of the Arrhenius model acceleration method (Table 3) from the analysis of
Water Content obtained that the shelf life of the pliek u packaged with Glass has a longer shelf life of
321 days (10 months 7 days) compared to pliek u which is packed with PP and aluminum Foil. The
rate of decline in Pliek u quality is also influenced by the type of packaging used because each type of
packaging has different permeability. Sembiring and Hidayat (2012) in Putri (2014) state that, the
permeability capability of each package varies and will affect the rate of water vapor transmission, the
lower the rate of water vapor on a package, the less amount of moisture that can penetrate the
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