Copywriting Templates Work Book

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No doubt about it, sales copy–the words on your website that are supposed to persuade people to
buy–is king.

The fact is...

It doesn't make any difference what kind of internet business you run (or want to run)... or what
kind of product (or service) you sell... if your sales copy isn't making you sales...

You're BLEEDING Money!

Nine times out of ten, the problem with every underperforming web site is the sales copy.

Most online sales copy is so bad it sends prospects the other way... which means... instead of
spending money with you; they're giving your competitors their hard-earned cash.

And what if your sales copy is working on your website... what if you are making sales now with
mediocre sales letters and marketing pieces?

Then you should be angry as a hornet because you're leaving so much money–hundreds of
dollars (if not thousands) on the table!

Good Copy Is A Marketing Multiplier And One Of The Most Reliable Money-
Making Skills There Is!
With good copy, almost immediately, you can...

Create a steady stream of interested leads and prospects (instead of being a “nobody”
Get more prospects to turn into paying customers (instead of just “professional
Stuff your bank account with consistent amounts of fresh cash (instead of watching
the numbers dwindle down each month)...
Crush your competition (instead of letting them take the lion’s share of the market)...

And take almost ANY website -- in ANY market -- from zero to amazing levels of success in the
shortest time humanly possible.

The Easy Way!

What you now hold in your hands is the easiest way in the world to put the skills of two world-
class copywriters into your hands.

All you have to do is “highlight-copy-paste” and you can have more powerful copywriting
starting almost immediately!
How To Use This Book
This book is divided into different template “sets” – that is sets of different templates of the
various “building blocks” of effective sales copy. Headlines, Lead Paragraphs, Closes, etc – all
of it is here for you to copy, paste and profit from until you’re blue in the face.

Have fun and don’t forget to tell us about how much more success you’re having using our best
copywriting templates!
3 Pre-head templates

The pre-head (or sometimes called the “eye-brow” because it is like an eye-brow over the
headline) is often used to target the prime prospect for your message and help grab their attention
and direct them to the headline and advertisement below. The pre-head often serves to establish
credibility if it’s not possible in the deck copy.

Pre-head template #1: The “Credibility eye-brow” technique – is one I use a lot when I want
to draw attention to the fact that my spokesperson (the person writing the letter) is credible and I
want to do that right up front before I even start the sales process.

Here’s the template:

“<insert spokesperson’s name>… --the man who <insert accomplishments

your spokesperson has achieved>… wants you to know…”
Here’s an example of this:

“‘Wunderkid’ Ryan Hall, only 21 years old named the #1 RATED Lightweight
Blue Belt Competitor for 2005 … #1 RATED Blue Belt Competitor Overall for
2005 … and #3 RATED Advanced Lightweight Competitor for 2005 invites you

Pre-head template #2: The “WARNING” technique –is one that is great if you want to
instantly grab your prospects attention and alert them to the fact that the need to read the
information in your sales letter FIRST before they do anything else:

Here’s the template:

“WARNING: Don’t buy another … <insert product like what you sell>… or…
<insert something that they might do wrong without your product>… until you
read every word of this important message…”
Here’s an example of this:

“WARNING: Don’t spend another dime on pay-per-click advertising or buy

another internet marketing course until you read every word of this important
Pre-head Template #3: The “Only” technique –is one that is often used when you are calling
out only a VERY specific part of the target market because the advertising message is especially
for them.

Here’s the template:

“For … <insert the name of the people in your target market this message is
for>… ONLY:”
Here’s an example of this:

“For Direct Response Copywriters ONLY:”

There you go! You now have 3 pre-head templates you can use to call out the specific
people who are best suited for your message… grab their attention… establish
credibility… and pull them into your sales copy so you make more sales more often—
have fun!
3 Pre-Head Templates
A good pre-head that combines credibility or benefits (or even both) can do a lot to increase the
effectiveness of your headlines and deck copy. It’s often the part of the “opening” that is read
second (after the often-times giant headline of course). With this in mind here are three more
pre-head templates you can put to good use right away.

Pre-head Template #1: The “As Seen In” technique – is a great way to lend credibility to your
message. Often you can not only put text here, but also put the actual logos of the famous
companies and “piggyback” off their brand names they have spent millions of dollars branding
into consumer’s minds.

Hint: If you advertise in a specific medium, then you can use their name. I.e. If you advertise
with Google Adwords then you can say “As seen on Google…”

Here’s the template:

“As seen on … <insert the names of credible third-party authorities who have
either featured your product or you’ve advertised in>… and … <insert another
authority here>… ”
Here’s an example of this:

“As seen on Outdoor Life Network and in BassMaster, In-Fisherman, USA

Today, Popular Science, North American Fisherman and over 1000

Pre-head Template #2: The “All the XYZ are furious” technique – is a classic way to
immediately create an “us versus them” mentality with your copy. You’re basically telling the
reader, “I don’t care how mad they get at me for helping you – I’m helping you anyways!” and
this goes a long way towards building rapport with the reader.

Here’s the template:

“WARNING: You're about to read a shocking report that all of the <insert
type of people you want to create and “Us V.S. Them” mentality against> are
furious at me for releasing. But I'm gonna do it anyway. Read my story now as I
expose the truth about what it really takes for an "average" person to … <insert
main benefit, outcome, or result that your prospect wants and your product can
give them>… .”
Here’s an example of this:
“WARNING: You're about to read a shocking report that all of the "gurus"
are furious at me for releasing. But I'm gonna do it anyway. Read my story now
as I expose the truth about what it really takes for an "average" person to make a
fortune on the internet.”

Pre-head Template #3: The “testimonial” technique – is a great way to establish credibility up
front and show that your product works immediately. Also, you could have a quote from a very
recognizable third-party authority that backs up your main “big idea” here as well.

Here’s the template:

… <simply insert a testimonial into a “Johnson box”
like this, in the pre-head of your sales letter. Usually you
would format the Johnson box so that it has a dotted line
border, like this one.>…

Here’s an example of this:

"I can’t believe how great your copywriting
templates package is – I’ve used the pre-head
testimonial technique on my sales letter and
increased response 10x already!"
Joe Internet Marketer
Sarasota, FL

There you go! You now have three more ways to infuse more credibility, benefits and dominant
emotions into your pre-heads so they further increase the pulling power of your headlines, deck
copy and entire “opening”. Put these templates to work today to increase your readership and
eventually sales.
3 Pre-Head Templates
One of the things I’ve discovered is that you can often boost the response rate of an “ordinary
headline” by up to 25% simply by adding a good pre-head and deck copy combo that adds
credibility and further sells the prospect on reading your message. This is why it’s important to
have good pre-heads, so here are three more pre-head templates to make this part of writing copy
easy for you.

Pre-head template #1: The “Finally” pre-head: Is a good way to target the people who you
know you want to read your message – you’re letting them know that you have what they’re
looking for.

Here’s the template:

“Finally, the easy … <insert what your product does for them, the main
benefits> you have been searching for…”
Here’s an example of this:

“Finally, the easy-to-implement money-making strategies you have been

searching for…”

Pre-head template #2: The “Are you ready” pre-head: Is a good way to start to introduce the
opportunity you’re going to be talking about in the headline, deck copy and lead in copy below.

Here’s the template:

“Are YOU Ready to … <insert the benefit that you’re asking them if they’re
ready to get>… ? … <insert more copy to further set up your headline, deck copy
and lead-in>… !”
Here’s an example of this:

“Are YOU Ready to Snatch YOUR Share from this $300 BILLION cash-pile
looking for a home? 'They' thought they'd keep it all for themselves but 'they'
were wrong…!”

Pre-head template #3: The “Confidential Report” pre-head: Is a good way to set up your
sales message especially if you’re giving away valuable information within it – like an
advertorial approach.
(An “advertorial” is simply an advertisement/sales letter that is written in a way that gives away
valuable information within it. The name comes from the combination of “editorial” and
“advertisement” – Advertorial! Get it?

Here’s the template:

“Confidential Report: … <insert copy that tells the reader the benefits of your
product and ideally of reading the rest of your sales message>...”
Here’s an example of this:

“Confidential Report: Disillusioned Banker Opens 'Money-Floodgates' to


There you go! You now have three more pre-head templates you can use to add credibility to
your headline, deck copy and lead-in so you lift your response rates higher and make more
money with all your sales messages.
9 Headline Templates
Your headline is of course, the most important part of your advertisement. It’s the main
advertisement for the rest of your advertisement. It’s job is to catch your reader’s attention… to
grab them by the eyeballs… and get them so intrigued that they must “see what this is about” and
keep reading your ad.

Headline template #1: The Big Ole benefit headline – This is the “Classic” way to write a
headline for an advert. A basic rule of selling is “focus on what the product can DO for the
prospect – what is the benefit that the prospect gets from the product. Said another way, the
prospect wants to know “What’s in it for me?” Your benefit headline is the answer to that
important question.

NOTE: In many “mature” markets (which means they’re competitive and have seen a lot of
direct response ads before – like the weight loss market for example) – big benefit headlines
aren’t as powerful as they once were because everyone is making hyped up, benefit-driven
claims in their headlines. But they’re still more effective than nothing and in less mature markets
they work like gang busters!

Here’s templates for this style of headline:

“Who Else Wants … <Insert Big Beneft …>

“How You Too Can … <Insert benefit your prospect gets> …”

“Finally! Now You Can … <Insert Big Benefit(s)> …”

Here’s some examples of this type of headline:

“Who else wants to lose weight, slim their waist and

Get a “Beach Body” In Just 90 Days?”
“How You Too Can Work Less Hours, Make More Money & Finally Live Life
On Your OWN Terms—Almost Immediately!”
“Finally! Now You Can Lose Weight and
NEVER Have a Hungry Moment!”

Headline Template #2: The “Emotion” headline technique – Emotion headlines speak little to
the direct benefits of your prospect, and instead focus on the emotions that they’re feeling at this
point and time.

These headlines were developed for very “mature” markets where the straight-benefit approach
has lost its appeal … or isn’t pulling as well anymore.

Eugene Schwartz, in Breakthrough Advertising says to use these types of headlines when a
market has entered the “5th stage” of sophistication—when they’ve heard all the other claims
made by other marketers and are thinking “yea right!” when they hear your big benefit headlines.

Here’s templates for this type of headline:

“Lies, Lies, Lies

We … <name of people in target market>… are FED UP
with everyone lying to us
and … <name the results of what is happening to them from people lying to
“An Open Letter To Anyone Who Is Sick & Tired Of …”
"Shameless Two-Faced S.O.B.s!"
"While urging YOU to … <insert what the “common” advice is from the
common enemy>…,
… <insert name of the common enemy>… are quietly … <insert what they are
doing contrary to what they’re telling you>!”
Here’s some examples of this type of headline:

“Lies, Lies, Lies

We real estate investors are FED UP
with everyone lying to us and
taking our money while teaching us useless investment techniques that
don’t work in today’s market!"
“An Open Letter To Anyone Who Is Sick & Tired Of All The “Miracle” Diets,
Fat Burner Pills, and 6-Minute-Wonder-Workouts…”
"Shameless Two-Faced S.O.B.s!"
"While urging YOU to build adsense, ebook, and affiliate websites,
The internet marketing “gurus” are quietly building million dollar “online stores”!”

Headline Template #3: The “Combination of Benefit and Emotion” headlines – This is th
most powerful way to use the two headlines above. In fact, most times you will not find a pure
emotional headline that doesn’t include at least some mention of a benefit. The difference here,
is we’re not just “implying” the benefit –we’re out-right stating it to make the emotional
connection stronger and answer the reader’s question right away “what’s in it for me?”

Let’s use the examples above, the emotional headlines and combine them with a big benefit.

Here’s some templates for this style of headline:

“Lies, Lies, Lies

We … <name of people in target market>… are FED UP
with everyone lying to us
and … <name the results of what is happening to them from people lying to
BUT, Getting … <insert major benefits of what you offer> …”
“An Open Letter To Anyone Who Is Sick & Tired Of … And Instead Wants To
FINALLY … <insert benefits of what you offer> …”
"Shameless Two-Faced S.O.B.s!"
"While urging YOU to … <insert what the “common” advice is from the
common enemy>…,
… <insert name of the common enemy>… are quietly … <insert what they are
doing contrary to what they’re telling you>!
“Now! You Can …<insert benefits of what your product does for them>…”
Here are some examples of this headline:

“Lies, Lies, Lies

We real estate investors are FED UP
with everyone lying to us and
taking our money while teaching us useless investment techniques that
don’t work in today’s market!
BUT, Getting Rich is the BEST Revenge! Here’s How To Create Your Own
Automatic, $5,000 Month Income Stream In Just 90 Days Using a “Forgotten”
Real Estate Loophole!
“An Open Letter To Anyone Who Is Sick & Tired Of All The “Miracle” Diets,
Fat Burner Pills, and 6-Minute-Wonder-Workouts… And Instead Wants To
FINALLY Carve Inches Off Their Waist & Years Off Their Body
All In 60 Days Or Less—GUARANTEED!”

"Shameless Two-Faced S.O.B.s!"
"While urging YOU to build adsense, ebook, and affiliate websites,
The internet marketing “gurus” are quietly building million dollar “online stores”!
“Now! You Can Fight Back and Create An Enviable Six Figure Paycheck
Using The Automated Internet Income System Revealed Below …”

So there you have it! Three of the most powerful templates or “styles” of headlines that you can
use make your headlines more powerful… more engaging… and ultimately make your copy
more profitable. Try these headline techniques out today and watch your response rates increase!
9 Headline Templates
Headlines are undoubtedly the most important part of your ads, so here’s even more techniques,
templates and headline styles that you can use to grab your readers by the eyeballs and get them
reading your advertisements so you can get more opt-ins… more sales… and more PROFITS
starting today!

Headline Style #1: The “transaction” headline – Sometimes in order to get past the “yea
right!” response of your prospect when you want to tell him what your product does for him …
you have to “qualify” the prospect. Qualifying your prospect works because it adds credibility to
the benefit you’re promising the reader—you’re asking for something in return for getting the

Surprisingly, you don’t have to ask for MUCH … just give them a something they must do in
order to get the benefit.

Here are templates for this headline:

“Read This Now …

Or … <insert a disaster that your prospect does NOT want>… !”
"If you’ve got 20 minutes a month,
I guarantee to … <insert a benefit or result that the prospect wants in their life>…
"Give me 90 days and I’ll help
you … <insert the primary benefit, end result, or outcome that your prospect
wants>… !”

Here’s some examples of this headline:

“Read This Now …

Or Kiss Your Internet Business GOODBYE!”
"If you’ve got 20 minutes a month,
I guarantee to show you how to double… triple… or even
QUADRUPLE your online profits this year!"
"Give me 90 days and I’ll help
you burn off at least 2 pounds of fat per week and
Build razor sharp, six pack abs you’ll be proud of!”

Headline Style #2: The “Curiosity” headline -- is a great one that you can use to get people
reading your ad because they can’t resist figuring out how you can get the benefit you’re
advertising from the “method” you’re describing. A great source of these types of headlines are
grocery store magazines like The National Enquirer and The Sun (that’s why copywriting giants
like John Carlton recommend reading those publications).

Here are templates for this type of headline:

“How I … <insert primary benefit, outcome or result your prospect wants>…

With a ‘Fool Idea’"
“Why I Never … <insert benefit your prospect wants> … Until I Stopped …
<insert thing your prospect is doing now. Something that would make him curious
why you stopped doing it> …”
Ex- … <insert profession totally different from the target market—as outlandish
or “Normal” as possible>… Discovers The Secret Of … <insert benefit(s) your
prospect wants>… ”


Here are some examples of this headline:

“How I Made $10,000 Last Month Online With a ‘Fool Idea’"

“Why I Never Made Any REAL Money Online
Until I Stopped Writing Sales Letters, Building Websites or
Trying To Build Email Lists …”
“Ex- Landscaper Discovers The Secret Of
Creating A $9,700 A Month Positive Cash Flow”

Headline Style #3: The “numbered list” headline –is great because it organizes information …
and makes it easy for people to see exactly what you’re offering them. People like lists because
they seem simple & many times you can position it so you’re offering valuable information to
the reader.

What’s more: you are creating a feeling of momentum and tapping into what Influence author
Cialdini calls “commitment & consistency”—which is when someone starts in on your numbered
list, they won’t want to stop until they’ve read all of them. This is good because more
readership=more sales!

Here’s some templates for this style:

“7 ways to … <insert the benefit, outcome, or result your prospect wants>…”

“5 Early Warning Signs you … <insert the name of something your prospect
doesn’t want to experience>…”
“The 7 secrets every … <insert credible figure or profession in your
prospect’s target market>… knows about … <insert the subject your prospect is
interested in>… that you don’t yet”

Here’s some examples of these headlines:

“7 ways to make more money from your blog in the next 72 hours or less”
“5 Early Warning Signs You May Be At Risk For a Heart Attack Or Stroke In
The Next 3 Months”
“The 7 secrets every millionaire knows about making money online that you
don’t yet”

There you go, you now have 3 more headline styles… 9 more headline templates… which you
can adapt for your own products and services so your headlines attract more eyeballs… sell more
people on reading your ads… and ultimately increase the effectiveness of your next
advertisement. Have fun trying these out and start testing a different headline today!
9 Headline Templates
Did you know you can often increase the response rate of an ad by 50%... 100%... even 300% by
simply changing the headline? That’s why many world-class copywriters recommend writing at
least 100 headlines for each ad before deciding on testing one. That’s why it’s so important to
test a variety of headlines on your ads… even if… you’re already making GREAT money from
the ads you’re running now because you never know when a new headline “test panel” (as they
call them in the copywriting world) is going to provide a significant boost in response and

Eugene Schwartz said that 80% more people read your headline than they do your body copy …
so you should spend 80% MORE time coming up with a “breakthrough” headline!

With this in mind, here’s some more styles of headlines:

Headline Style #1: The “Point to the copy below” technique – is a great one to make
absolutely sure your prospect reads your ad (because otherwise he’ll miss out on the valuable
information you want to give him!)

Actually, this is a great technique to get your reader to START reading your ad. What he does
from that point on rests on the power of your first sentence! Does it compel him to read the
second sentence? The third? That’s what you need to do if you want greater readership and by
extension sales.

For now though, let’s focus on how to get him started!

Here’s some templates for this:

“Do you make these mistakes in… <insert the subject matter your prospect is
interested in>… ?”
“Which one of these 3 mistakes are you currently making while trying to…
<insert the desired outcome, or goal that your prospect wants and your product
will help him achieve>…?”
“Are you using this secret method (revealed below) to… <insert the desired
outcome, benefit or goal your prospect is trying to achieve that your product
helps him do>…?”
Here’s some examples of this:

“Do you make these mistakes in English?”

“Which one of these 3 mistakes are you currently making while trying to
make more money online?”
“Are you using this secret method (revealed below) to make more money
from every advertisement you write?”

Headline Style #2: The “How” technique –is one of the simplest and most direct ways to get
people to read your ads because you’re telling them you’re going to give them valuable
information in the ad to get the result, outcome or benefit they desire.

Here’s some templates for this style:

“How to … <insert benefit, outcome or goal that the prospect wants>…”

“How … <insert type of person who is credible in your target market>…
always … <insert outcome, benefit or result that your prospect wants>…”
“How I … <insert accomplishment, outcome or result that your spokesperson
accomplished that your prospect would also like to have>… and you can too”
Here’s some examples of this:

“How to win friends and influence people…”

“How some martial artists can consistently win tournaments no matter how
much bigger… stronger… or more skilled their black-belt opponents are”
“How I created a six figure income in copywriting and you can too”

Headline Style #3: The “why” technique – is also a good technique to use because it hints at
the benefit your prospect can get and implies that you’re going to give them the information they
need to get it.

Here’s some templates:

“Why you always struggle to… <insert the thing that your prospect
desperately wants but hasn’t achieved yet>… no matter how hard you try”
“Why this … <insert name of credible figure in target market>… says to …
<insert advice that is contrary to what everyone else in the market is saying to
do>… if you really want to… <insert benefit, outcome, or result that your prospect
“Why I don’t … <insert something that your prospect is doing that is not
helping them achieve the outcome, result or benefit they want>… anymore and
why you should stop too if you really want … <insert the outcome, result or
benefit that your prospect wants>… in the shortest time possible”
Here are some examples of this:

“Why you always struggle to make money with your website no matter how
hard you try”
“Why this doctor says to stop drinking 8 cups of water each day if you really
want to fortify your health… enhance your immune system… and stop catching
every cold and disease that’s going around…”
“Why I don’t do sit-ups anymore and why you should stop too if you really
want to get six-pack abs in the shortest time possible”

There you go! You now have 3 more headline styles and 9 more headline templates that you can
use in your own advertisements to make more money starting immediately.
9 Headline Templates
By this point you already know how important headlines are. You already know they can provide
a significant increase in your response rate… sales… and bottom-line profits. Plus, you know
you should be constantly testing new headline “test panels” to try and squeeze every last bit of
profitability out of your advertisements that is possible. So here’s 9 more headline templates you
can start using right away:

Headline Template #1: The “call out your prospect” headline – is great when your product or
service is only meant for one segment of the market.

Here’s the templates:

“Who else wants … <name the benefit your prospect wants>… in … <insert
the specific role or type of person… or situation your prospect is in that assures
him this message was meant for him>…”
“<insert appropriate gender> … <insert subject of interest to your
prospect>… secrets!”
“An open letter to every … <insert type of prospect you want to respond>…
who wants … <insert benefit they want>”
Here’s examples of this headline type:

“Who else wants to grow up to two times richer in this bear market?”
“Women’s health secrets!”
“An open letter to every bodybuilder who wants to gain at least 10 pounds of
muscle in the next two months:”

Headline Template #2: The “Shock Value” headline – is a great way to break through the
other “marketing noise” and get your message noticed (especially in crowded markets).
Here’s the templates:

“Read This Or … <insert really bad outcome> … !”

“New warning about … <insert thing they thought was good>… that can …
<insert bad thing that the thing they thought was good can do to them>…”
“<insert bad things about the people you and the prospect don’t like, the
“common enemy” and use shocking words to do it, as close to cursing as
They’re telling us … <insert one thing they are telling you>… while… <insert
thing they’re doing that’s contrary to their own advice>… and… <insert the
benefit they’re getting by using their own method, in essence by lying to you and
your prospect>”
Here’s some examples:

“Read This Or DIE!”

“New warning about “healthy” vitamins that
can trigger hypertension, strokes & cancer”
“Dirty, No-Good, Lying Bastards!
They’re telling us to buy their stocks while they’re quietly unloaded billions of
dollars worth of stock and raking in money hand-over-fist…”

Headline Template #3: The “readers voice” headline – is great because it shows you
understand the reader and are voicing his opinions for him and can thus deliver a solution.

Here’s the templates:

“I Could Never … <insert thing your prospect is trying to remove from his life
now> … Until I Discovered This One Secret …”
“Hands off my … <insert the thing your prospect doesn’t want someone else
to touch>…”
“Lies, Lies, Lies!
Why I’m fed up with … <insert the thing that frustrates your prospect, or a
problem he’s having>…”
Here’s examples of these:

“I Could Never Lose Belly Fat & Get a Sexy, Trim Tummy Until I Discovered
This One Secret …”
“Hands off my money!”
“Lies, Lies, Lies!
Why I’m fed up with stockbrokers, pickers and other “experts” and started
following my own advice…”

There you go! You have 3 more headline templates you can use to increase the pulling power of
your advertisements… create a boost in your response… and put more cash in your pocket.
9 Headline Templates
You need to get your prospects attention in order to get them to read your ad... and it’s a simple
math equation that the more people read your ad –the more people end up buying! So here are
nine more headline templates for you to pillage and plunder so you can increase the selling
power of your ads starting today!

Headline Template #1: The “Be contrary” headline is a great way to get attention because
you’re coming forward and saying something totally different than what your target market is
used to hearing.

Here’s templates for this headline:

“Break all the rules and… <insert the benefit they want>…”
“Throw away your… <insert something they normally would use to achieve
the result they want>… and… <insert the result, benefit or outcome they
“Use your … <insert something they wouldn’t think would help them get the
result they want>… to… <insert the result, outcome or big benefit they desire>…”
Here’s examples of these headlines:

“Break all the rules and win a 35-year old body at 50-60-70 and beyond!”
“Throw away your pillow and wake up the next morning looking and feeling
up to 10 years younger!”
“Use your newspaper to boost your child’s grades.”

Headline Template #2: The “arresting question…” headline technique is a great way to get

Here’s templates for this headline:

“If YOU Could … <insert seemingly simple action to get desired benefit> ...
Would you ever stop?”

“What if you could … <insert benefit that person wants> … – even if …
<name current “dilemma” or “roadblock” keeping them from doing this now>… ?”
“What’s wrong with … <insert big benefit> … ?”
Here’s some examples of this style of headline …

“If YOU Could Push a Single Button and Cash Automatically Filled Your
Bank Account,
When Would You Stop Using it!?”
“What if you could write a check for $1,000,000 to buy real estate – even if
you only had $10 in your personal bank account?”
“What’s wrong with getting richer, quicker?”

Headline Template #3: The “You can… and…” headline technique is a great way to be
direct about your benefits. You can use this to list many different benefits for the same
product/offer. And if you follow it with a qualifier it ups the credibility (an “if” statement)…

Here’s templates for this headline:

“You can … <insert benefits they can get from your product>…”
“You can laugh at … <insert thing they might worry about that your solution
helps them with>… worries if you… >
“You can put this simple plan to work tonight and have … <insert the benefit
they can get>…. In just XX hours”
Here’s examples of this:

“You can lose 20, 40, 60, 80, EVEN 100 pounds and never gain an ounce of
it back.”
“You Can Laugh At Money Worries Forever
- If You're Willing To Follow This Simple Plan.”
“You can put this simple plan to work tonight and have a cash-producing
website in just 36 hours”

There you go! You now have 9 more headline templates that you can swipe and use to your
heart’s desire to get more attention in your marketplace and get more sales. Try these headlines
out today!
9 Headline Templates
It is said that over 80% of every advertising dollar is spent on the headline because over 80%
MORE people read your headline than read the rest of your advertisement. That’s why it’s so
important to test new headline types, angles and approaches because you never know which one
is going to hit the white-hot emotional button of your market and pull infinitely more orders for
you (even though you’re spending the same amount of money to run your ads). So here’s nine
more headline templates to help you even more.

Headline Template #1: The “instant results” headline is a good way to present your benefits
because nobody wants to wait or take the “slow way” to get the results they want.

Eugene Scwhwartz was a MASTER of these headlines and they still work well today. They work
the best in markets where not many other advertisers are using “big benefit” marketing—but if
you really can back up the “instant” claim—they can work well for you too, even in more mature

Here’s templates for this type of headline:

“Instant … <insert main benefit here>…”

“How to… in just X short … <insert time period, ie. Minutes, hours, days,
weeks, months>…”
“…. <insert the benefit they get>… in the next … <insert time period, ie.
Minutes, hours, days, weeks, months>…”
Here’s examples of this:

“Instant weight loss! With this little known natural African herb…”
“How to build a memory in 4 short weeks –so powerful it is beyond your
wildest dreams today!”
“Her eyesight was “born again”… returned to normal in a single day.”
Headline Template #2: The “Try before you buy” headline is a great way to present your
“no-risk” offer up front. The better the offer, the better this headline works.

Eugene Schwartz used these headlines extensively too because it’s a great way to add a layer of
credibility and believability to an almost otherwise un-believable claim! Other modern day direct
response giants, like boardroom books, are built entirely upon these “Try before you buy” claims
– even if they don’t directly state them in their headlines anymore.

The most powerful use of these headlines is to give a BIG result the prospect MUST get if he
uses your product or it’s FREE!

Here’s templates for this headline type:

“Don’t pay a penny for this … <insert product type>… till it … <insert the
benefit the product gives them>… !”
“If this … <insert product type>… doesn’t… <insert the benefit they’re
supposed to get>… I’ll pay you … <insert the amount you’ll pay them>…”
“You must get TEN times the … <insert benefit they get>… with this …
<insert the product type>… or you don’t pay one red cent!”
Here’s some examples of this headline:

“Don’t pay a penny for this book till it doubles your power to learn!”
“If this new diet pill doesn’t burn every last ounce of stubborn fat off your
body in 90 days or less, I’ll pay you $20 out of my own pocket!”
“You must make TEN times what you paid with this book in the next 3
months or you don’t pay one red cent!”

Headline Template #3: The “At Last!” headline is a good one to use when you have your
finger on the pulse of the market, and you’re introducing a new way or new technique or new
system that fills a need the market has been wanting – and you have it, “at last!” or “finally!”.

Once again, Schwartz, the master of headlines used these extensively!

Here’s some templates for this type of headline:

“At last! … <insert the benefit they get>…”
“Finally! … <insert benefit they get>… without… <insert the thing they don’t
have to do anymore with your solution because it’s the new way they’ve been
looking for>…”
“Finally! Now you can… <insert benefit they can get>… even if… <insert the
thing that would normally disqualify them from getting this benefit>…”
Here’s some examples of this headline:

“At last! Instant Weight Loss!”

“Finally! Get a muscular, shirt ripping, chiseled chest without doing pushups,
bench presses or lifting a single weight!”
“Finally! Now you can lose weight (and keep it off!) even if every diet, fat loss
pill and exercise program has failed you in the past!”

There you go! You now have 9 more headline templates you can use to increase the attention-
getting power of every advertisement you write from here on out. Have fun putting these
headlines to work and testing them against your current headlines today!
3 Deck Copy Templates
The deck copy is the space after the headline and before the salutation in your sales letter where
you are going to expand upon the idea, or big benefit presented in your headline, possibly add
some credibility and definitely “advertise the ad” below it by arousing curiosity and giving the
reader a reason to keep reading.

Deck Copy Template #1: The “Revealed on this page” technique –is a GREAT technique to
use because you’re literally advertising the rest of the ad – giving the reader a good reason (or
many) to keep reading.

Here’s the template:

“Revealed on this page...

… <insert a bullet about some information you’re going to reveal on
the page that your target market is interested in>…

… <insert a bullet about some information you’re going to reveal on

the page that your target market is interested in>…

… <insert a bullet about some information you’re going to reveal on

the page that your target market is interested in>…”

Here’s an example of this:

“Revealed on this page...

The Crucial ADD/ADHD 'Misconception': your child isn't "deficient" in

The System Meltdown: Why the system (and its treatments) has been
unable to awaken your child's hidden genius...

YOURS FREE – Exclusive Access To a Once In a Lifetime Teaching

I'm teaming up with 7 other expert ADD/ADHD doctors to blow the lid
off this problem and show you how to unwrap the hidden gifts of
ADD/ADHD in your child –and did I mention it's ALL completely

Deck Copy Template #2: The “Why this is different” technique-- is great when you’re in a
crowded market… the prospects have seen products and advertisements like yours before… and
you want to immediately make it known that your product is different and highlight that
uniqueness even before they get into the main sales copy. (You can then combine this technique
with the other deck copy techniques after you have established its uniqueness for even more

Here’s the template:

“This is not some … <insert types of products your competitors are selling>…
It's unlike anything you may have seen before. With … <insert a quick description
of the unique benefits of this product>… and … <insert a few more quick
benefits>, you will discover...
… <insert what they’ll discover by reading further>…
… <insert what they’ll discover by reading further>…
… <insert what they’ll discover by reading further>…”
Here’s an example of this:

“This is not some course, ebook or "system." It's unlike anything you may
have seen before. With over 60 hours of the most intense, outrageous, no-holds-
barred copywriting shortcut secrets and "extreme sales copy makeovers" ever
caught on video, you will discover...
How to leapfrog over the learning curve, write highly responsive copy
in a stunningly short time, and transform any piece of dull copy into a
power-packed moneymaker....

What tweaks and simple adjustments you can apply to your copy
that can can balloon your revenues and jump your bottom-line by
a few decimal points...

How to dive deep into the mind of your prospect to quickly and easily
identify their dominant fears, frustrations, and desires that can explode
your response and profits...

How to select the right words and story angles that get your
prospects riveted to your copy, hanging onto every word, eager
to become your customers...

What inside secrets top million-dollar marketers use, often "behind the
scenes," that can literally double, triple, quadruple, or even quintuple
your response and your sales.
And much, much more!”
Deck copy template #3: The “Here’s what its done for me… now it’s your turn” technique -
- is great when you want to make sure they understand how powerful the information is you’re
about to share with them – and you’re making it clear it’s there turn now. This is a simple, direct
way to continue along with the big benefit or idea presented in your main headline.

Here’s the template:

“These secrets have …<insert benefits that

either you have gotten or other people have gotten from using your
knowledge and your products> …
Now, it’s YOUR turn to put them to work!”
Here’s an example of this technique:

“These secrets have helped my clients attract more than

3 million new customers and rake in more than $1 BILLION
in direct mail and Internet sales …
Now, it’s YOUR turn to put them to work!”

There you go! You now have 3 more deck copy templates you can use to further sell the “big
idea” presented in your headline… establish credibility… bribe the prospect to keep reading and
further advance the sale. Go test these three techniques out and have some fun!
3 Deck Copy Templates
The headline gets your reader’s attention. Next, it’s the job of your deck copy to take that
reader’s attention and convert it to interest… to let them know they made the right decision to
start reading your letter… and to get them interested in reading further because they’re curious
about your claims. With that in mind, here are 3 more templates for deck copy.

Deck Copy Template #1: The “Yes! Even you…” technique is a good way to enter the
conversation in the prospects head, the one he’s having after reading your benefit laden headline
– if you suspect he’s thinking “well that sounds good, but I don’t know if I could do it”…

Here’s the template:

“Yes! Even you can… <insert the benefit they can get from your product or
Here’s an example of this:

“Yes! Even you can enjoy the incredible “internet lifestyle” of making money
24/7 whether you work… take vacations… or even sleep!”

Deck Copy Template #2: The “Introducing a new…” technique is good when you are leading
with a lot of strong benefits… and you have a new “something” (whether it’s the product or
technique) that can give them the list of benefits.

Here’s the template:

“Introducing a revolutionary new… <insert copy identifying the method as

unique and a credibility element as well if possible>… -- Guaranteed to help
… <insert benefit>…
… <insert benefit>…
… <insert benefit>…”
Here’s an example of this:

“Introducing a revolutionary, doctor-directed breakthrough guaranteed

to help you…
Permanently lose 10-40 pounds of stubborn fat
Restore your health without prescription drugs or surgery
Break the bondage of food addictions, cravings
& poor eating habits
Supercharge your body, mind, emotions and spirit
Get slimmer, healthier, happier and sexier in 90 days or less!”

Deck Copy Template #3: The “Little known method…” technique is a good way to position
what you’re about to tell them as an “insider’s secret” that they’re about to get in on (every one
loves finding out “inside information”!)

Here’s the template:

“Little-known method … <insert copy about what the method helps you do,
get, or be more effectively>…”
Here’s an example of this:

“Little-known method burns NINE TIMES more fat than traditional exercise.”

There you go! You now have 3 more deck copy templates you can use to take more of your
readers who had their attention arrested by your headline and convert them into interested
prospects who want to read the rest of your sales letter.
3 Deck Copy Templates
If a prospect sees your headline and it flags their attention, you had better have a good “deck” for
them to jump into and start reading. A deck that further gathers their attention… increases their
interest… and makes them decide to keep reading. If you can’t do that –the sale is lost. With this
in mind, here are three more deck copy templates to help you out.

Deck Copy Template #1: The “Best Part:” technique is a great way to follow up a headline
and subhead combo in your deck copy to draw special attention to a very unique benefit of your
product or service.

Here’s the template:

“Best Part: You can quickly get … <insert benefits they can get>… without…
<insert stuff they won’t have to do to get those benefits>… and without… <insert
another thing they don’t want to do – that your solution makes it possible for them
to not do – and still get the benefits they want>…”
Here’s an example of this:

“Best Part: You can quickly get lean and toned in just 4 minutes a day
without boring cardio and without dieting.”

Deck Copy Template #2: The “Here’s the true story…” technique for deck copy is a great
way to follow up a headline that invokes curiosity… an unusual story… or “how to” and you are
using a story lead template for your opening copy. It’s another way to “advertise the ad” &”
build further curiosity to get more people to read your sales letter.

Here’s the template:

“Here’s the true story about … <insert what the story is about>… how …
<insert what they’re going to discover in the copy below>… and how you can put
it to work for YOU.”
Here’s the example:

“Here's The True Story Of What Really Happened, How This Proven
System Works, And How You Can Put It To Work For YOU.”
Deck Copy Template #3: The “It’s so simple, it’s embarrassing…” technique is a great way
to frame your unique solution so that it catches the interest of the reader… invokes their curiosity
about what could be so simple… and makes them wonder if they “missed something” because
they don’t want to be embarrassed too.

Here’s the template:

“”It’s so simple, it’s embarrassing...” Yet 95% of … <insert name of people in

target market>… won’t see it… leaving … <insert what the opportunity is>… up
for grabs!”
Here’s an example of this:

“"It's so simple, it's embarrassing..." yet 95% of investors won't see it…
leaving millions of dollars up for grabs!”

There you go! You now have 3 more deck copy templates to help you convert “casual attention”
into intense interest. Have fun trying these new deck copy templates out today!
3 Lead Templates (for opt-in pages)
Qualified leads are the life-blood of any business online. You need lots of them if you’re going
to make real money. And if you ask almost any internet millionaire they’ll all tell you “the
money is in the list”. That’s why it’s important to always try and improve your opt in and lead
generation pages. With that in mind, here are three more leads you can test on your opt-in pages
to try and increase your opt-in rates.

Lead Template #1: The “With Your permission” lead – is a classic way to tell the reader up
front that you’re going to be giving them something free next… but you need their permission
first (which is them opting in or otherwise accepting your free offer).

Here’s the template:

“In the next few moments (with your permission) I am going to send you …
<insert what you’re giving them for free>… .
Why am I doing this? Two reasons actually:
1. I am sick and tired of all the bad advice out there about … <insert
subject your prospect is interested in and your free gift helps them
with>… and…
2. I want you to finally discover how to … <insert what your free gift is
going to help them achieve>…
All you have to do is enter your first name and email address into the spaces
below and I will send you … <insert the name of what you’re giving them> …
immediately via email.”
Here’s an example of this:

“In the next few moments (with your permission) I am going to send you a
FREE copy of my book “Ultimate Copywriting Secrets”.
Why am I doing this? Two reasons actually:
1. I am sick and tired of all the bad advice out there about copywriting…
2. I want you to finally discover how to write advertisements which will
bring you more leads, sales and ultimately cold-hard cash…
All you have to do is enter your first name and email address into the spaces
below and I will send you “Ultimate Copywriting Secrets” immediately via email.”
Lead Template #2: The “Yes you can just flat out have” lead – is a good technique when you
have a headline establishing the fact you’re going to be giving them something free and you want
to continue with that momentum and get them to accept your free gift by opting in.

Here’s the template:

“Yes you can just flat out have this … <insert description and name of what
you’re giving them>… so that you can … <insert benefits they’ll get from this
In this free gift you’ll discover…
… <insert bulleted copy of what they’ll discover in your free gift>…
To get this free gift, immediately by email, simply enter your first name and
email into the spaces below and you’ll be sent … <insert name of free gift>…
Here’s an example of this:

“Yes you can just flat out have this 267 page book, “Ultimate Copywriting
Secrets” so that you can finally increase your conversion rates… double your
leads… and explode your profits (all without having to be a professional
In this free gift you’ll discover…
How to write headlines that grab your readers by the eyeballs
How to write opt-in pages that create a steady flow of interested
prospects and…
How to craft a sales letter that sells more products and services in one
day than you now sell all month!
To get this free gift, immediately by email, simply enter your first name and
email into the spaces below and you’ll be sent “Ultimate Copywriting Secrets”

Lead Template #3: The “Here’s how to get your hands on” lead – is probably the simplest,
most direct way to write a short opt-in page or lead generation page. To make this lead in
successful you DEFINITELY need to advertise the free gift in the headline of your page.

Here’s the template (starting with the headline):

“FREE … <insert what you’re giving away free>… Reveals … <insert

benefits for reader>…”
Here’s how to get your hands on the FREE … <insert what you’re giving
away free>… in 3 simple steps:
1. Enter your first name and best email addresses into the spaces below
2. Click the “submit” button below it and…
3. Go check your email address immediately to download your free gift!”
Here’s an example of this:

“FREE 60 Minute Audio Podcast Reveals How You Can Squeeze

Double, Triple, Even QUADRUPLE The Profits Out of Each Email You Send
Out From Now On!”
Here’s how to get your hands on the FREE audio in 3 simple steps:
1. Enter your first name and best email addresses into the spaces below
2. Click the “submit” button below it and…
3. Go check your email address immediately to download your free gift!”

There you go! You now have 3 more lead in templates you can use on new opt-in pages and lead
generation pages you create… and you can also test these templates against whatever opt-in
pages you’re currently using now to see if they bump up your opt-in rates. Have fun!
3 Lead Templates:
Now we move on to actual sales letters ...

An effective lead carries on the idea or appeal created in the headline… it is direct and to the
point. It’s the opening paragraph right after the “dear friend” or other salutation.

If your lead fails, so does the rest of your ad! So it’s very important to transfer that initial
attention you grabbed with your headline, into serious interest in your prospect … otherwise
you’ll never be able to get him desiring your product and the sale is lost!

Here are three different lead templates you can use right now:

Lead Template #1: The “If…Then…” -- This one is very common, effective, direct and
straight to the point. Perfect for most cases:

“If you’ve ever wanted to know <insert benefit>… and <insert another benefit
or adjective>… then this simple website will show you how”
Here’s how this might look in a sales letter for an internet marketing course:

“If you’ve ever wanted to know how to get more leads, traffic and optins…
and convert that traffic into high-paying customers… then this simple website will
show you how”

Lead Template #2: The Story Lead – You engage the reader right away with a story. This
works great in almost all markets.

The key here is to keep it direct, simple, and engaging. Make sure you don’t use unnecessary
words that would slow the reader down, you want them involved in the process right away and to
get carried away with the story.

Here’s the template:

“I used to … <insert what you used to do that was the hard way>... .
But I didn’t start to… <insert the results you got from using your special
method or product>… .
For example, … <insert example of something you did, a benefit you got, or
result you achieved using your method that was a lot easier than what people
normally do>…”
Here’s an example from the Lazy Man’s Way To Riches Ad that was very successful:
“I used to work hard. The 18 hour days. The 7 day weeks.
But I didn’t start making big money until I did less—a lot less.
For example, this ad took about 2 hours to write. With a little luck, it should
earn me 50, maybe a hundred thousand dollars…”
And then the ad goes on to sell them on the benefit of using his method to get rich the lazy way
and ordering his book to find out how.

Lead Template #3: The Bribe Lead – this lead is great to get the reader to keep reading. You
give them a benefit oriented headline then you give them a reason to keep reading with this lead.

“In the next few moments, I’m going to give you <insert what you’re going to
tell them>.
Some might say <restate the benefit to make it more seductive>
Specifically, I’m going to give you <tell them what you’re going to tell them,
what they’re going to discover by reading this message>…”
Here’s an example of this from a financial package:

“In the next few moments, I’m going to give you a critical advantage over
99.9% of all other investors.
Some might even say it’s an “unfair” advantage.
Specifically, I’m going to give you 27 tools to cut your risk, pump up your
profits, and simplify all of your investment decisions…”
There you go. You now have 3 more templates you can use to make your leads more engaging to
your readers and pump up the profit power of your sales copy!
3 Lead Templates
Next to your headline, your lead is one of the most important parts of your ad. This is because it
is what your reader uses to determine whether he will keep reading your ad and eventually buy
from you… or throw your ad in the trash (or surf away from your web page) and never return

To help you: think of your first line of your lead as a mini-headline advertising the next line of
copy, and so on, and so on!

Here’s three more lead templates to make sure your lead paragraph is engaging:

Lead Template #1: The “I’m credible, and here’s what I have to tell you” lead –works great
when you have a person who is an expert in the target market… or well known in the target
market and they are the “voice” of the letter. This lead builds immediate credibility and
establishes what the reader is going to get from reading the ad right away.

Here’s the template:

“My name is… <insert credible or well known authority person’s name>…
and I have… <something of value>… Here is what I have discovered…”
Here’s an example of this lead:

“My name is Dr. O’Malley, and I have just written a book that shows how you
can instantly increase the intensity and duration of your orgasms. Here is what
I’ve discovered…”

Lead Template #2: The “grabber” lead – is only to be used when you have a “grabber”
attached to the top of the letter. A grabber is an object that would catch your prospects attention.
This technique is VERY powerful if you can use it. Often, it is used in direct mail where you can
attach a real “something” to the top of the letter – like a dollar bill or a penny works well. You
can also use it online if done correctly.

Here’s the template:

“As you can see I have attached a… <insert the name of whatever you have
attached>… at the top of this letter.
Why have I done this?
It’s because I want to tell you about… <start to tell them about your
subject/start to sell them>”
Here’s an example of this lead:
“As you can see I have attached a picture of your neighborhood to the top of
this webpage.
Why have I done this?
It’s because I want to tell you about an easy way that other homeowners are
selling their homes in your neighborhood for 10% above market values…”

Lead Template #3: The “I have a problem” lead – works great when your offer is really good
and you’d like to set it up from the very beginning of the letter. You give the person an
immediate reason for why you’re writing… why they should believe you… and why you’re
going to be giving them such a good deal later in the letter so they want to keep reading. It works
even better when you can make it seem like you’re giving them a great deal that will stay out of
the hands of a “common enemy” you have developed with the reader.

Here’s the template:

“I have a… <problem in the target market>… and I want you to be the

beneficiary instead of…. <name the common enemy>…”
Here’s an example of this lead:

“I have a tax problem and I want you to be the beneficiary instead of the

There you go. You now have 3 more templates you can use to make your lead copy more
engaging to your readers and pump up the profit power of the rest of your sales copy!
3 Lead Templates
After you prospect reads the headline, he will next read your “lead in” and based on the strength
of this part of your copy will decide whether he keeps reading further.

And guess what? If he doesn’t keep reading then he’ll never see your offer… and if he never
sees your offer then he won’t desire your product… and you can’t close him… and (you guessed
it) –you’ve lost the sale! That’s why it’s so important to have good lead templates to work from.
Here’s 3 more…

Lead Template #1: The “Arresting Question” lead technique – is great because you hit them
right up front with questions that hook the reader and keep them reading.

(Notice how the “arresting question” technique is a headline technique adapted for body copy
because, like I said, the first line of your body copy is actually a headline for the next paragraph
of copy!)

Here’s the template:

“Do you know … <insert something interesting your prospect may or may not
know (the more astounding or “secret” information the better) about the subject
he’s interested in>…?
If you … <insert something they might be doing>…, do you know … <insert
another interesting fact your prospect should know but may not>…?
If you … <insert something they might be doing that you could help them
with>…, do you know … <insert another interesting fact>…?”
Here’s an example of this:

“Do you know you can multiply the response of all your ads by using a
certain (rather crude) swear word?
If you use an order form, do you know you can add as much as 30% (or
more) response with a simple graphic in your word processor’s “clip art” gallery?
If you use email, do you know there’s a way to use some of the tactics
created by spammers and other “e-criminals” so people are actually happy to
hear from you -- and even anxious to read your offers?”

Lead Template #2: The “Start with a date” lead technique – is great because it immediately
focuses the reader on a certain point in time and allows you to go quickly deep into a story about
yourself, or about how your product was created will advance the sale (stories are one of the
most powerful ways to keep a reader’s attention).
Here’s the template:

“In … <insert the date of where your story began>…, I was … <immediately
go into where you were at this time… and what you were doing that started your
search or journey on the same path that your reader is on>...
…<in the next paragraph give some more elements of “intrigue” to the story
by giving specific details about yourself (which builds rapport)… about your
“problem situation” (which is the same one your prospect is facing – the one your
product or service helps him solve)… and about how hard it was for you, the
challenges you were facing, etc (all these build rapport and show the reader you
understand their problem and that you’ve been in their shoes)>…
<… in the next paragraph you continue along with this theme of showing the
reader 1. Your common problem, 2. You understand their frustrations and 3. You
share the same emotions, frustrations and setbacks about the problem as the
reader…. And you continue like this until you introduce your solution (your

Here’s an example of this:

“In February of 1981, I was at the high school wrestling tournament in Des
Moines, Iowa, trying to mentally prepare for my match in the state finals. I was a
senior. This was the last match of my high school career. I had already beaten
the defending state champion. I had already beaten the number three ranked
man. Now it was down to two men and the best man was supposed to win.
But the best man didn't know how to use his mind when it counted. He didn't
believe in himself. He didn't believe he deserved to win. He thought of himself as
a nobody from a nobody town. This was his first trip to the state tournament. He
came in unranked and unknown. He was out of his league. Hell, he was happy
JUST to be in the finals. That was more than anyone from his area had

Lead Template #3: The “I was a total skeptic” story lead is great because it puts you into the
shoes of the reader right away. It works great when you have a shocking headline or big
promise/benefit in your headline that you know your reader will be skeptical of and you want to
basically “enter the conversation” that is already going on in your reader’s head. This disarms
them… they lower their defenses… get sucked into your story… and then eventually get sold.

Here’s the template:

“I was the total skeptic. Not only had I … <insert the things you know your
reader is already doing to get the benefit he wants, but it’s not working>…, but I
had major success under my belt, including … <insert your credentials,
achievements, or success that makes the reader believe you are credible to be
talking about this subject>.... . So I just didn't want to believe … <insert the
contrary big idea or big benefit you presented in your headline> WITHOUT …
<insert the thing they were doing before to try to get the result they wanted with
no success>.. and WITHOUT …<insert another thing they were doing before to
get the result they wanted with no success>… .

… <in the next paragraph you continue with how you couldn’t believe what you
were hearing at first. But then, only because you finally decided to just “Try it” –
you were so blown away by the results and how well it actually worked. Then
your copy follows this them from this point on… you introduce your product…
Here’s an example of this:

“I was the total skeptic. Not only had I read all the great marketing books, but
I had major success under my belt, including earning a full-time, six figure
income from home with my personal website. So I just didn't want to believe what
this 19 year old kid was telling me about making money online WITHOUT a
website ... and WITHOUT writing sales letters or building email lists!

Most importantly, I didn't want to hear that the hours I had spent learning how to
write sales copy, build websites and do email marketing were all just wasted
time. Hate to admit it, but I must.
What I discovered shocked me from head to toe!.”

There you go! You now have three more lead templates that will make it easy to start your next
copywriting project… or to insert into copy you’re currently using so you can try to improve
your conversion rates (and put more money in your pocket!).
3 Lead Templates
If you’ve done your job with the sales letter’s headline, then your prospects are at least interested
in what you have to say… at the very least, they’re curious enough to keep reading… now your
job is to keep building the curiosity, desire and interest level of your prospect—all while building
deep rapport with him so he trusts what you have to say and will eventually buy from you. It’s a
tough job indeed, so here are three more ways to do it right.

Lead Template #1: The “News story” lead – is a way to make your advertisement look more
newsworthy. Use it with a “Breaking News!” style headline for maximum effect.

Here’s the template:

“(Dateline: … <insert your location, or better yet – the location of your

prospects if possible) … <insert any other lead template you want in the first
paragraph. Newsworthy leads work best though.>…”
Here’s an example of this:

“(Dateline: Hollywood, CA) If you've ever dreamed of breaking away from the
pack, and quickly mastering the guitar at a level that blows away even hardcore
professional musicians… then this is gonna be the most exciting message
you ever read.”

Lead Template #2: The “I wasn’t going to show you this” lead – is a good way to invoke
curiosity in your reader so he keeps reading and convey the value of what you’re about to tell
him without directly telling them how valuable the information is. This makes it more believable.

Here’s the template:

“You know, I seriously considered NOT allowing you to see this stunningly
simple secret of … <insert the subject matter, main benefit, or result that your
prospect desires>… .
Why? Because — once you learn how easy it is to ... <insert the result that
your product helps the prospect achieve>… — I may never hear from you again.
You'll finally … <inser the end-result, benefit or outcome your product will help
the prospect achieve>… , you won't need my advice any more.
Well, the heck with it. I'm gonna let you in on this secret anyway. It's just too
good not to share with another … <insert subject matter your prospect is
interested in>… nut. I mean… it's the lazy … <insert name for people who are
interested in this subject>… DREAM — no practice necessary, instant results,
and it's permanent.
It's a good story, too — the secret of … <start the main story about how
your product was developed… how you discovered this secret method… why this
product is different, how it was developed, etc>… ”
Here’s an example of this:

“You know, I seriously considered NOT allowing you to see this stunningly
simple secret of great golf.
Why? Because — once you learn how easy it is to dominate any golf
course, and score low consistently and without any trouble — I may never
hear from you again. You'll finally have your game down so cold, you won't need
my advice any more.
Well, the heck with it. I'm gonna let you in on this secret anyway. It's just too
good not to share with another golf nut. I mean… it's the lazy golfer's DREAM —
no practice necessary, instant results, and it's permanent.
It's a ripping good story, too — the secret of a guy who funded his rise to
the pro ranks by winning at super secret "closed door" skin-games (against
vicious "sharks" who would stoop to cheating to try to win... he beat `em all
anyway)… who learned his advanced skills alongside more famous guys like
Corey Pavin and Steve Pate… and who has won over 100 pro tournaments
(blowing away the top-seeds every time).”

Lead Template #3: The “If you’ve ever suspected…” lead is a great way to “enter the
conversation” inside the reader’s head. You’re directly stating what he’s already thinking…
acknowledging it… and letting him know he’s right –all of which build rapport with the reader
and make them more apt to listen to you.

This works even better if you can build the “suspicion” around a common enemy so that you
create a powerful “us versus them” mentality where you bond with the reader over something
they care deeply about.

Here’s the template:

“If you’ve ever suspected -- like most good … <insert name of people who
are interested in the subject matter, i.e. “marketers” for people interested in
marketing>… I know -- that the best way to get really good at … <insert subject
matter your prospect is interested in>… is to just figure it out yourself… you
now have proof it’s true.”
Here’s an example of this:

“If you’ve ever suspected -- like most good golfers I know -- that the best way
to get really good at golf is to just figure it out yourself… you now have proof
it’s true.”
There you go! You now have three more powerful ways to start your sales letters so that you
build curiosity… bond with the reader… build rapport and increase you readership which
ultimately increases sales. Put these leads to work today and watch your response rates increase!
3 Lead Templates
After your prospect’s attention is arrested with your headline, pre-head and deck copy –your lead
must then convert that fleeting attention into intense interest. If you can’t do this right away, then
the sale is lost! With this in mind, here are 3 more lead-in templates you can use to punch up the
power of your lead copy today.

Lead Template #1: The “I am looking for” lead is great because you’re subtly setting up the
reader to qualify himself as the person you are looking for.

Here’s the template:

“I am looking for an elite group of men and women determined to … <insert

the result that you know your prospect wants… the benefit that your product can
give them… >”
Here’s an example of this:

“I am looking for an elite group of men and women determined to be among

the most successful and highest-earning copywriters and marketers in the world.”

Lead Template #2: The “I am one of XX people…” lead is a classic way to first establish
yourself as a person with very specialized knowledge, an expert who can help the reader, and
then you are basically inviting them to be an “insider” which makes the offer from just a simple
product purchase into a “membership into a privileged and elite society of people” which is
infinitely more appealing on many emotional levels.

Here’s the template:

“I am one of fourteen people who have discovered an easy, legal and no-
hassle way to … <insert the amazing thing you have discovered>. Here is how
you can be number fifteen…”
Here’s an example of this:

“I am one of fourteen people who have discovered an easy, legal and no-
hassle way to take almost any website and get it ranked number 1 for whatever
keyword I choose within Google—within the next 72 hours. Here is how you can
be number fifteen…”

Lead Template #3: The “I’d like to show you…” lead is a simple, almost no-fail way to start a
sales letter by quickly introducing the reader to what your product can do for them.
Here’s the template:

“I’d like to show you how to instantly … <insert the benefit, outcome, or result
your prospect wants>… …simply by tweaking a tiny aspect of your … <insert
something trivial that your product helps them improve to get this big benefit>… .”
Here’s an example of this:

“I’d like to show you how to instantly drive harder, longer, and more laser-
accurate shots off the tee damn near every time… simply by tweaking a tiny
aspect of your backswing.”

There you go! You now have three more ways you can start virtually any sales letter to instantly
grab your prospects attention… let him know what this letter is about… and start building his
3 Lead Templates
Often times, if your copy has been working well but you’re starting to get diminished results
because your prospects have seen your ad again and agan, month after month—you can “refresh”
it and make it work like new again… simply by changing the headline, deck copy and lead in
copy. Basically the first 1/3 of the advertisement.

The reason for this is simple: because people are lazy and have attention spans, if they “bail out”
of reading your sales letter – it usually happens in just the first 1/3rd of the copy! So the solution
is to “refresh” this part of your copy and keep the sales coming in!

To give you even more ways to start your sales letters (or refresh aging copy) here are three more
lead templates for you.

Lead Template #1: The “My name is... and…” lead is a simple way to start off your sales
letter when you’re fairly well known in the target market (or want to appear to be the “go-to”
guy) and you want to hit them right up front with what you’re letter is about.

Here’s the template:

“My name is …<insert your name here>... and in just a moment, I will show
you how to quickly, easily, and inexpensively … <insert the benefits they’re
going to get from your product or service>...
...just as I have for vast numbers of other people, year after year after year.
And I will do this for you...
... no matter what kind of results you've been getting (or not getting) up to
... and no matter how … <insert copy about how bad they are at getting the
results they want>… ”
Here’s an example of this:

“My name is John Carlton... and in just a moment, I will show you how to
quickly, easily, and inexpensively force your Website or offline advertising to
start generating mind-blowing new levels of profit and success...
...just as I have for vast numbers of other people, year after year after year.
And I will do this for you... matter what kind of results you've been getting (or not getting) up to
now... ...and no matter how much you currently suck at persuading people to
Lead Template #2: The “Imagine” lead is a great way to immediately get the reader to start
envisioning the results and benefits of your product before he even makes the purchase. If you
can do it effectively at the beginning it will pump his desire level up so high he is almost sure to

Here’s the template:

“Imagine … <insert copy about the main result or benefit your prospect will
get from your product or service>. … <insert copy describing how great this
benefit is… dimensionalize the value of having this big benefit so it is crystal
clear in their mind how much they’d enjoy it… and how much they want it>… .
Imagine … <insert more copy about your primary benefit, or even a
secondary benefit>… . Better yet, imagine … <insert more copy about your big
benefit or secondary benefit being as SPECIFIC as possible so they can picture
this result in their head… imagine it… and truly “own” this imagination.>… ”
Here’s an example of this:

“Imagine getting 5 calls a day from motivated sellers. These are people who
are ready to just “put the keys in the mailbox"and walk away, handing tens and
hundreds of thousands of dollars to investors who know how to solve their
problems - and make a big profit in the process.
Imagine closing an average 3-5 of these deals a month, averaging $20,000
to $50,000 on each deal. Better yet, imagine cashing checks for $118,285.19,
$41,844.87, and $62,319.96 in a single month!”

Lead Template #3: The “The odds are against you…” lead is a good way to enter the
conversation inside the prospects head – let them know you understand the frustrations and
setbacks they are facing and then when they’re ready for a solution, you show them yours.

Here’s the template:

“The game of the … <insert the subject matter your prospect is interested
in>… world is stacked against you:
… <insert copy about one of the problems facing your prospect>...
… <insert copy about another setback keeping them from what they
… <insert copy about another roadblock keeping them from the life
they want>...
And … <insert copy about another problem facing your prospect. You
can continue this list, but follow these guidelines: No less than three
problems and no more than seven problems>...
It's a cold-hearted, calculating world out there. The bastards are relentless...
they'll own your life unless you stop them!
So wouldn't you like to … <insert copy about what results they’d like to get
instead, and if you can tie in this main result, outcome or benefit to “Getting over”
on the common enemy – or the people the prospect sees as keeping them from
realizing their dreams then it works even better>...”

Here’s an example of this:

“The game of the working world (and the financial world at large) is stacked
against you:
Your boss wants you to pay you peanuts and work you to death...
Hundreds of thousands of jobs are being moved overseas for cheaper
Corporations lay off workers just before they become fully invested in
their pensions ? cheating them out of their full retirements...
Pension funds get robbed by corrupt management...
Credit card companies want you in debt up to your eyeballs...paying
interest that multiplies your debt many times over...
The IRS only wants one thing - everything you own...
And the stock market bosses are happy to scam you out of your
retirement money...
It's a cold-hearted, calculating world out there. The bastards are
relentless...they'll own your life unless you stop them!
So wouldn't you like to tell your boss - and all the others...
'Get Your Stinkin' Hand Out Of My Wallet!'”

There you go! You now have three more ways to start a sales letter that will be sure to hit your
reader square between the eyes… capture their attention… and get them involved in your sales
process. Try these three leads out today.
3 Lead Templates
Everyone knows that the hardest part about writing a sales letter is getting started. Nothing is
worse than staring at a blank computer screen—with that little blinking cursor mocking your lack
of creative genius! Fear not—here are three more powerful ways to start writing a good sales

Lead Template #1: The “Today…” lead: is a great way to start a letter when you want to be
simple, direct and straight to the point about what the purpose of your letter is. It’s also a good
way to structure the lead in of your letter when you may be introducing a concept the reader is
unfamiliar with… or… you just want to make sure they KNOW for sure about the topic you’re

Here’s the template:

“Today I want to tell you about one of the most … <insert copy about how it
helps them>...
Master this … <insert copy about what it is, ie. Skill, talent, idea, etc>… , and
you will never … <insert the thing it will help them never do again>… again. It
doesn't matter … <insert things that the reader thinks might keep them from
enjoying this benefit, but that don’t matter when they have your product>… .
What I'm going to tell you about in a moment will help you … <insert again
the main benefit they’ll be enjoying>… !
It … <insert more copy describing the concept, idea, skill, talent, subject, etc
that your letter is about>...
What I am talking about is … <finally name the thing you are talking about.
Then you will continue to talk about how this idea, concept, skill, talent, subject,
etc will help them and benefit them.>… ”
Here’s an example of this:

“Today I want to tell you about one of the most profitable talents you can
Master this skill, and you will never want for money again. It doesn't matter
what position you're in currently... or what happens with the economy... and it's
one you can easily learn.
Learn how to do this, and you will always enjoy prosperity.
What I'm going to tell you about in a moment will help you enjoy a richer and
far more exciting life than any corporate 9 to 5er I've ever known!
It is already a $40 billion dollar industry, with the coming years promising
countless new opportunities... and in these days of Google, the Internet, and the
"Long Tail" revolution of niche marketing, it's only going to get bigger.
What I am talking about is direct marketing.”

Lead Template #2: The “Would you like…” lead: Is a good way to start a letter because
you’re putting the benefits up front. But the twist is—you should use this lead when you have 2
or 3 case studies or testimonials that are really good that you can use in the lead. This way you’re
telling them about benefits they’re going to get and simultaneously proving they can get them
because you’re using testimonials to do it.

Here’s the template:

“Would you like to...

… <insert first result that customer got – first testimonial>… ?
… <insert second testimonial>… ?
… <insert third testimonial>… ?
It is possible to do all of these things and much more – when you understand
… <insert the subject of your letter—why you’re writing them>… .”

Here’s an example of this:

“Would you like to...

Generate $206,731.57 in sales in three months?
Increase your take home pay from $60,000 to $650,000 per year?
Create 2,000 new potential customers per week?
It is possible to do all of these things and much more – when you understand
the power of the “Early to Rise / Agora Model” of Internet marketing - which
was the focus of five intense days and evenings in Denver recently.”

Lead Template #3: The “You have unfinished business” lead: Is a GREAT way to
immediately identify the “common enemy” that you are helping your reader to fight and show
them that you’re on their side and you’re going to help them “Get revenge” on this enemy in this
letter—so they should keep reading.

Here’s the template:

“You have unfinished business. … <insert the name of the common
enemy>… took you for a fool and now it's payback time...
The … <insert name of the common enemy>… don't know it yet, but they
could be about to give YOU one heck of a send off! As you … <insert copy
painting a vivid image of the life they’re going to have when they get revenge>...
I don't exaggerate. … <insert copy describing what you’re going to tell them
about in this letter>...
I only need a few minutes to explain why you're now at the point where you
could get the better of … <insert another name for the common enemy> instead
of … <insert name of the common enemy>… getting the better of you...”

Here’s an example of this:

“You have unfinished business. Wall Street took you for a fool and now it's
payback time...
The New York elite don't know it yet, but they could be about to give YOU
one heck of a send off! As you wave your boss goodbye and head for the golf
course under a clear blue sky, spare a thought for those hard working yuppies
who made it all possible...
I don't exaggerate. The biggest pot of cash in history ($300 BILLION!) is
waiting for a home. No catches and no silly risks- it's going to be raining money-
and all you have to do is put a bucket out there to catch some...
... You also need an "insider" to tell you where to put the bucket!
I only need a few minutes to explain why you're now at the point where
you could get the better of the system instead of the system getting the
better of you...”

There you go! You no longer have to fear the blank page – you now have three more ways to
start a good sales letter. Or you can use any of the these three leads on copy you’ve already
written to see if they help lift your response.
3 Editor Introduction Templates
At the beginning of your letter, after you have given people a reason to read your ad with the
benefit oriented headline, deck copy and opening paragraph, it is always a good idea to let the
reader know who is talking to them – we call this person the “editor” or the “voice” of the letter.

You want this person to be a credible person so because right now the reader is thinking “this
sounds great… but why should I believe this person… who is he to be telling me I can get these
benefits?” and you want to establish the fact up front that your “editor” is an expert that is
trustable and knows what he is talking about.

Another way to do this, if you’re not an expert, is to bond with the reader by showing him you’re
just like him and someone he can trust… who just happened to find out something interesting
that you’d like share with the reader.

Editor Intro Template #1: The simple “who I am and why you should listen to me” –works
great and is straight to the point. You just do those two simple things, and tell them who you are
and why they should listen to you…

Here’s the template (starts with a subhead):

“Who am I and why should you listen to me?

My name is… <insert name> and I am… <insert profession, degree, etc>.
In case you’ve never heard of me, here’s why I’m qualified to tell you about…
<the subject you’re writing about>…
<insert bullet list of credentials and qualifications>
… But I’m not writing you today to talk about myself. I want to tell you
Here’s an example of this:

“Who am I and why should you listen to me?

My name is Lloyd Irvin and I’m the coach of Team Lloyd Irvin.
In case you’ve never heard of me, here’s why I’m qualified to tell you about
how you can win more Brazilian jiu-jitsu matches almost immediately… when you
follow my advice:
I’m a multiple time National Judo Champion, multiple time National
Sombo Champion and a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu World Champion… and… I
hold Black Belts in these three arts…
I’ve been named the International Judo Federation Coach of
the Year, The Grapplers Quest Coach Of The Year, The Naga
Coach Of The Year and was inducted into the Grappling Hall of
Fame along with Royce Gracie in 2005...
And most importantly to YOU, as the head of Team Lloyd Irvin – I’ve
been the coach to hundreds of state, regional, national and even
international and world champions!
… But I’m not writing you today to talk about myself. I want to tell you

Editor Intro Template #2: The “How I became an expert” template – is great for when your
editor is a person who is just like the reader… but discovered some great information… did some
hard work… or found a secret way and is now an expert.

Here’s the template (starts with a subhead):

“How I became a… <insert subject>… expert…

Ok, so I’m not really a <insert subject> expert… but my friends and family all
think I am. Here’s why…
I decided I was going to really figure this whole… <insert subject>… thing
out. So I started studying.
I started… <insert all the stuff your editor did to become and expert, all the
searching for information, money spent on information, etc>
Here’s what I discovered…”
Here’s an example of intro:

“How I became a car repair expert…

Ok, so I’m not really a car repair expert… but my friends and family all think I
am. Here’s why…
I decided I was going to really figure this whole car repair thing out. So I
started studying.
I started to talk to all my friend who I always knew were good with cars and
picked their brains first (a good place to start).
Then I got on the internet and started reading anything I could on cars and
car repairs.
Next, I visited the local library and got an armful of books on automotive
repair which I painstakingly studied for weeks (I even had to pay a few late
Here’s what I discovered…”

Editor Intro Template #3: The “accidental” expert status: this is kind of a play off the how I
became an expert template but it can work better when you’re using a “reluctant hero” theme for
your editor.

This goes a lot for helping you make the sale because it sets your editor up as a guy who doesn’t
even want the reader to buy the product, but he reluctantly is going to let you buy his product
because he was forced into selling it! This is a very powerful technique that star copywriters and
successful marketers like Frank Kern use a lot in their marketing.

Here’s the template:

“How I accidently became a… <subject>… expert…

Well you know my story by now if you've searched this subject at all... My
name's… <insert your editor name>… Yeah, the… <insert the expert title>... (like
that's a title I wanted...)
Before I dedicated myself to helping people… <get a benefit>… , I was a …
<insert previous profession here>... but now I am known all over the internet as
the go-to guy for… <insert subject>…
Let me tell you a little bit about how I became this “guru” and how I can help
Here’s an example of this:

“How I accidently became a bad breath expert…

Well you know my story by now if you've searched this subject at all... My
name's Caleb Osborne. Yeah, the “bad breath guru”... (like that's a title I
Before I dedicated myself to helping people cure their bad breath problems
naturally, I was a marketing consultant. But now I am known all over the internet
as the go-to guy for people who have tried everything else with no success and
now they want to FINALLY cure their bad breath for good.
Let me tell you a little bit about how I became this “guru” and how I can help

Well, there you go, you now have 3 different templates you can use to introduce your editor so
that he is seen as an expert, trustable person that your prospects would like to buy from.
3 Editor Intro Templates
Sometimes you’re not the author of your product… or you’re writing the sales letter (you’re the
voice) but the main person who is responsible for the product or service you’re selling is another
person. In these instances you can use a template like one of the three below to introduce your
editor in the strongest possible way.

Editor Intro Template #1: The “This is gonna thrill you” editor introduction is great
because it sets you up as being really excited about the other “expert” you’re about to introduce
to the reader and that makes the reader excited too.

Here’s the template:

“I've got something brand new that's gonna thrill you.

I can't believe we got such a famous … <insert subject matter the person is
an expert in>… expert to reveal this amazing stuff.
It's just killer …<insert the subject matter the person is an expert in>…
See that photo to the right? That's … <insert the persons name>… . This
guy is a...
…<insert praise for this person>…
Amazing record. A … <insert subject matter person is an expert in>… expert
(he's … <insert a quick statistic of their track record>…), who taught and trained
the world's … <insert a group of people that your expert has helped already>…
including names you might know like the:
… <insert name of group of people who are also recognized as
… <insert name of group of people who are also recognized as
… <insert name of group of people who are also recognized as
And the list goes on. The … <insert the names of some more famous people,
respected groups, companies, businesses, etc that your expert has helped> --
and more.
It seems almost impossible that I'm talking about ONE man here. But I am,
(actually I'd need another 20 pages to give you a full list of his

Here’s an example of this:

“I've got something brand new that's gonna thrill the hell outta you.
I can't believe we got such a famous American Special Ops expert to reveal
this dangerous stuff.
It's just killer fighting information.
See that photo to the right? That's SGT Jim Wagner on the cover of "Black
Belt" Magazine (for the second time). This guy is a...
Real American
Amazing record. A counter-terrorist expert (he's been on 146 missions), who
taught and trained the world's most dangerous fighters including the:
U.S. Marines...
U.S. Army units...
U.S. Air Force Security Forces...
German GSG9 Elite Special Forces...
Israeli Defense Forces...
And the list goes on. The Argentine Special Forces... Brazilian GEPA Elite
Forces... U.S. Attorney's Anti-Terrorism Task Force... Mexican SWAT... Spanish
Special Forces... the London Metropolitan police... Royal Canadian Mounted
Police Anti-Terrorist Units... the U.S. Navy... Finland's National Police
Academy... the DEA... U.S. Border Patrol -- and more.
It seems almost impossible that I'm talking about ONE man here. But I am,
(actually I'd need another 20 pages to give you a full list of his

Editor Intro Template #2: The “Get his secrets free… if you keep reading” technique is
great because you start giving the credentials of the editor you’re introducing and tell a little
about his secrets, and promise to tell the reader how they can get ALL his secrets for free… if
they keep reading.

Here’s the template:

“But first, I want to tell you exactly who this "secret" … <insert title of
expert>… is.

His name is … <insert name of expert>… .

And even though he's mostly known for being a master … <insert title of what
expert is mostly known for>… …he's also one of the best… <insert subject
matter your reader is interested in, that the expert is also an expert in>… in the

And while I can't cover everything I learned from … <insert expert’s name>… in
this letter, I can tell you how to get your hands on all the secrets above -- plus
hundreds more I haven't told you about -- at no risk to you...
And Even Free If You
Here's how:”
Here’s an example of this:

“But first, I want to tell you exactly who this "secret" copywriter is.

His name is Ken McCarthy.

And even though he's mostly known for being a master Internet marketer and
pioneer…he's also one of the best copywriters in the world.

And while I can't cover everything I learned from Ken in this letter, I can tell
you how to get your hands on all the secrets above -- plus hundreds more I
haven't told you about -- at no risk to you...
And Even Free If You
Here's how:”

Editor Intro Template #3: The “Doesn’t mind being called names” technique is great
because you’re “covertly” praising the editor you’re about to introduce by telling the reader all
the names other people jealously call him – you’re basically building his credibility in a
“sneaky” way that doesn’t seem like you bragging about him.

Here’s the template:

“… <insert subject matter>… pro … <insert expert’s name>… doesn't mind

one bit being called names. He's actually getting used to young "hot-shot" …
<insert the name of what people in this market are called i.e. marketers, fitness
enthusiasts, etc>… being furious with him.
Because he regularly out … <insert an action he does better>… them… out
… <insert another action he does better>… them... then walks off unassumingly.
It's a humbling experience for these … <insert name of the people he is better
than, make it seem like they SHOULD be the ones who are doing better than
him, but aren’t>… - especially because…
…<Insert expert’s name>… Is
…<insert description of him which would make you think he shouldn’t be
having all the success he’s currently enjoying>…
This guy enjoys taking on … <insert the name of people he regularly does
better on and how they are more gifted or have more advantages in life than the
expert>… — because it PROVES that his simple method to … <insert outcome,
result or benefit your prospect wants>… is actually superior to what everyone
else is doing.
What's more - he's now ready to show you everything he knows.
It's an amazing story that's definitely worth a couple of minutes of your time.”

Here’s an example of this:

“Golf pro Mark Fowler doesn't mind one bit being called names. He's actually
getting used to young "hot-shot" golfers being furious with him.
Because he regularly out drives them… out plays them... then hums an old
Frank Sinatra tune while pocketing their money. It's a humbling experience for
these athletic 20-something golfers - especially because…
Mark Fowler Is Just
5'6" tall… 130-pounds…
And Currently Preparing For The Senior Tour.
This "little old guy" enjoys taking on younger, stronger, more skilled scratch
players in head-to-head matches — because it PROVES that his simple "3-step"
method to long gorgeous drives is actually superior to young brute strength.
What's more - he's now ready to show you everything he knows.
It's an amazing golf story that's definitely worth a couple of minutes of your

There you go! You now have three more templates you can use whenever you want to introduce
another expert into your copy so that what you say about your products or services is more
credible and more believable to your prospects… and more likely to get you increased sales!
3 Body Copy Templates
After your headline, deck copy, and lead in has done their job –it’s time to let your body copy do
the talking. Your body copy must now enter the conversation in the readers head… meet them at
a “common ground” and logically build upon facts that prove they need your product (which you
then introduce with your “product intro” templates). Here’s three templates you can use to help
organize your body copy and make it more effective.

Body Copy Template #1: The “Chain of logic” technique is one of the best ways to structure
your sales argument, in the words of one of the most successful copywriters working today,
Clayton Makepeace, it “… generally means starting at point "A" … progressing to point "B" …
moving on to point "C" … and so on, until you have reached your ultimate conclusion: That only
a drooling moron would even think of passing on this generous offer.”

Here’s the template:

“Point #1: … <a well-known fact or easily provable point.>…

Point #2: … <from this fact, make a statement that your prospect can agree
with …>…
Point #3: … <then tell them about your process or the next step>…
Point #4: … <then connect the two together>…
Point #5: … <<it’s usually good to dimensionalize the final benefit & what you
just told them.>…”

Here’s an example of this (with the “point#” guide so it’s easy to see how the technique was

“Point #1: There’s only 3,500 calories in 1 pound of fat.

Point #2: And the research has proven this super-duper pill helps you burn
an extra 1,000 calories per day! …
Point #3: 1,000 calories burned per day is 7,000 calories per week … which
is 28,000 calories per month …
Point #4: Or put another way, you will immediately start losing 7,000 calories
per week—which equals 2 pounds of ugly fat—by doing nothing but swallowing
this pill!
Point #5: By the end of just one month, you will have already lost 8 pounds
of fat! This is a no-brainer for you if you want to lose an effortless 8-16-even 32
pounds over the next few months!
Body Copy Template #2: The “3 T’s” technique is a great way to keep your sales argument
easy to follow and drive home every point you make in your process so the prospect never gets
confused and you’re sure he’s following along.

Here’s the template:

“Step 1. Tell them what you're going to tell them: The demand for …
<insert the name of what your product can help them become>… is going to go
through the roof…
B. Tell them: Look: … <insert a fact about why this demand is rising.> …
C. Dimensionalize or prove what you told them: … <if possible, give them
more statistics to dimensionalize what you just told them (so it becomes real and
more vivid in their minds)>…
D. Tell them what you told them: Needless to say, the demand for …
<insert the name of what your product can help them become>… is going t to go
through the roof and you can … <insert benefit they’ll get>…”
Here’s an example of this (with the steps outlined again so it’s easy to see how the technique was

“Step 1. Tell them what you're going to tell them: The demand for internet
copywriters is going to go through the roof…
B. Tell them: Look: Almost every business is online these days, and that
means all these businesses NEED talented writers to create web pages that sell

C. Dimensionalize or prove what you told them: Statistics report 100 new
online businesses are being started every day – that’s over 3,000 per year…
D. Tell them what you told them: Needless to say, the demand for online
copywriters is going t to go through the roof and you’ll be in the perfect position to
cash in on it!”

Body Copy Template #3: The “this, and, plus, and what’s more” technique is a great way to
string together a logical argument. You first tell them a fact, then you add to it in the next
paragraph with “and”… you strengthen it in the next paragraph starting with “plus” and finish up
with a “what’s more” paragraph to drive your point home.

Here’s the template:

“Statistics point to… <insert your fact>…

And… <insert another fact to build upon the first fact>…
Plus, … <insert yet another fact that builds on the first to and futhers the
sales argument>…
What’s more… <insert the final fact or point you need to make so your
prospect believes your argument without a doubt>…
Here’s an example of this (bolded words to help you see how this technique is used):

“Statistics point to online marketing as the largest growing segment of

marketing both now and well into the future.
And every day new businesses are opening up their doors online…
Plus, companies who are already online are actually spending MORE money
on advertising with each passing year (online spending is up 30% since 2007)…
What’s more, the availability of home-study courses and distance learning
“how to start a business” programs… along with the low “start up” costs of
running an internet business are making it the first choice for first-time

There you go! You now have three templates you can use to logically structure your sales
arguments in your body copy. If you use these templates well you’ll make your body copy sing!
3 Body Copy Templates
Whenever possible, you need to make each step of the sales process easy for your reader. Easy
for him to understand… easy for him to follow… and easy for him to agree with and move
further along the process of buying your product or service. So it’s important to organize your
body copy in ways that make it easy for your reader to do these things. With this in mind, here
are three body copy templates to make copywriting easy for you.

Body Copy Template #1: The “three reasons” template: Whenever you’re making a good
offer (or even want to prove a certain point), most people need reasons. Three reasons is a
perfect number for this because it is just enough reasons to convince you… yet not enough to
slow down the sales process.

Here’s the template:

“Why is … <insert the question you’re going to give three answers for>? For
these very good reasons:
FIRST and candidly, because … <insert your first reason>.
SECON D ... …<insert another reason why you’re doing what you’re doing>.
THIRD: … <insert your third and final reason for what you’re doing. It’s best
to make this reason something that you can continue talking about to further the
sale. For instance, if your third reason for helping people make more money is to
help them “get back” at the greedy internet marketing “Gurus” who are ripping
them off –then you establish that as your third reason here, and then in the next
paragraph continue with that “Us Verses Them” chain of logic and thought>…
You see, … <continue with the point, logic or train-of-though that you
presented as your third reason.>… ”
Here’s an example of this:

“Why is Jay willing to be generous and daring enough to do all this for you?
For these very good reasons:
FIRST and candidly, because Jay can probably afford to take a big risk on
you, much easier than you can afford to risk a lot of money on Jay. He's game for
that challenge.
SECON D ... Jay knows his methods and strategies always perform and work
wonders whenever anyone properly applies them. But what he doesn't know is
whether you'll really implement and work what he teaches you. Consequently,
Jay doesn't want to make money from anyone who doesn't profit far greater than
Jay does.
THIRD: Jay knows how many different ways his ideas and concepts can
fatten up your bank account, boost your sales, multiply your profits and help your
business thrive and prosper ... BUT YOU DON'T. All you know is some very
amazing and almost unbelievable claims and success stories we've talked about
You see, Jay believes he can easily help YOU make an extra $10,000,
$50,000, $500,000 and even $1,000,000 OR MORE from the basic money-
making market system he sends you. If he DOES, you should be more than
willing to re-invest a small portion of your newfound profits back with Jay in the
not-so-distant future.”

Body Copy Template #2: The “X Reasons why you should” template: This is a way to prove
your point or add urgency to the sale. You can add urgency to the sale and get people to act right
away to buy your product is by giving them reasons why they should buy right now. Or if you’re
trying to convince them of an opportunity that is waiting for them, you can give them reasons
why right now is such a great time for this opportunity. Basically you can use the “X reasons”
template to prove any point you want to prove –the best way to do this is to use third party
credible sources and logical facts you know your reader will agree with as your reasons.

Here’s the template:

“X Reasons Why … <insert the point you are trying to prove>… !

1. You can … <insert the thing they can do>… <then insert a fact, figure, or
example to prove your point>…
2. You will … <insert the thing they will do>… <then insert a fact, figure, or
example to prove your point>…
3. You can … <insert the thing they can do>… <then insert a fact, figure, or
example to prove your point>…
4. You have … <insert the thing they will have>… <then insert a fact, figure,
or example to prove your point>…
5. You don’t need … <insert the thing they don’t need>… <then insert a fact,
figure, or example to prove your point>…
6. You can … <insert the thing they can do>… <then insert a fact, figure, or
example to prove your point>…
7. You can … <insert the thing they can do>… <then insert a fact, figure, or
example to prove your point>…
But I left the best for last…
8. You don’t need … <insert the thing they don’t need to do. For best results
make sure it’s something they absolutely HATE to do>… <then insert a fact,
figure, or example to prove your point>…

Here’s an example:

“8 Reasons Why You Should Get Started Right Now!

1. You can start out small. Many an empire has been started from a spare
bedroom. You don’t need a huge office or ridiculous overhead when you start
2. You will be your own boss. Forget about the stupid memos and dress
codes and meetings now! You have the chance to do everything the way YOU
want to.
3. You can make your own hours. You can work two hours in the morning
and go golfing the rest of the day if you feel like it.
4. You have unlimited profit potential. You can make as much money as you
can spend. Want to make an extra $2,000 a month? Okay. Need to make an
extra $10,000? No problem. It’s all up to you. The sky’s the limit
5. You don’t need any employees. If you’ve ever had employees before, you
know what I’m talking about.
6. You can run your empire from anywhere. All you need is a computer and
an Internet connection. Go ahead, work from the side of the pool, it’ll be our little
7. You can learn everything you need to know in under an hour.
But I left the best for last…
8. You don’t need to have a ton of money to get started. You’ll actually learn
methods that can get you started for less than a couple hundred dollars.”

Body Copy Template #3: The “This is what you have… this is what you want” template: Is
a great way to connect with the reader… show them you understand them… and then start to
describe what the perfect solution would be for their problem in a way you know they would
agree with (which you will then later show them is your product or service).

Here’s the template:

“You know what it’s like. You’re sick and tired of … <insert the thing they’re
sick and tired of>… And you’re no stranger to feeling like…
… <insert a bad emotion or feeling they’re having>…
… <insert a bad emotion or feeling they’re having>…
… <insert a bad emotion or feeling they’re having>…
What you’d really like is …<insert what you know they want>… But you don’t
want just any … <insert the thing that they want>… You need a … <insert the
thing they want>… that gives you…
… <insert the benefit they want>…
…<insert the benefit they want>…
…<insert the benefit they want>…”

Here’s an example of this:

“You know what it’s like. You’re sick and tired of still having bills to pay when
you’ve reached the end of your paycheck. And you’re no stranger to feeling
Your job is a complete dead end with no future…
Your boss is a complete idiot who lauds his power over you at every
That there has GOT to be an easier way to make a living…
What you’d really like is just a little extra cash… a little breathing room at the
end of the month. But you don’t want just any new income stream. You need an
income stream that gives you…
A high “per hour” rate, so you don’t have to work a lot of extra time…
A feeling of satisfaction that you’re doing something to make a
difference… and…
Most of all: you don’t want another idiot boss standing over your
shoulder… belittling your work… and making your life a living hell!”

There you go! You now have three more ways you can organize your body copy in your sales
letters so they’re easier to read… make more powerful points… and make more sales.
3 Body Copy Templates
When it comes to selling different products and services you have unique challenges. There are
other competitors and you need to set your product apart. You have a unique system that has
worked for you, but you don’t have many testimonials yet. Or maybe you’re selling a totally
different “product” like a live workshop or seminar. How do you handle those? Here are three
body copy templates you can use to sell most anything—and they’ll help you out in those
“unique” situations too!

Body Copy Template #1: The “What this is NOT” technique: If there’s a lot of other
“marketing noise” in your target market—then you need to quickly establish that your product,
service or offering is different. Here’s one great way to do it.

Here’s the template:

“What this is NOT:

This is NOT … <insert first thing>…
This is NOT… <insert second thing>…
This is NOT … <insert third thing. Do this no less than three times but no
more than seven times>…
This IS … <insert a unique way to talk about what you’re offering them that
sets it apart as different and exciting>…”

Here’s an example of this:

“What this is NOT:

This is NOT multi-level marketing…
This is NOT a franchise system…
This is NOT a late-night informercial program that promises to make you
millions but only makes the guy selling it rich.
This IS the only way left for the “little guy” to make an income that would
make a doctor jealous—and with MUCH less work too!”

The “Here’s what happened to me” technique: Is a good technique to use when you’re telling
a personal story to sell your product… when you don’t have a lot of testimonials and you’re just
starting out… or you just want to build a lot of rapport with your reader.
Here’s the template:

“After Using … <insert the name of what you’re offering>… On A

Regular Basis, I also Noted The Following:
1. My … <insert thing something personal that improved>… improved!
Because … <insert copy about how this thing improved>… .
2. My … <insert thing something personal that improved>… got better!
Because … <insert copy about how this thing improved>… .
3. I … <insert benefit you received from using it>…! … <insert copy about
how this thing improved. Do this for no less than three things and no more than
seven benefits you saw from using your own system.>… .
Here’s an example:

“After Using This Program On A Regular Basis, I also Noted The

1. My martial arts skills improved! Because I had the confidence which
comes from being in the best shape of my life, I could focus on my techniques.
and. when sparring-beating my opponent.
2. My confidence soared because I knew I was working out with the most
effective exercise program available. and. I had built sexy, lean muscle while
dropping pounds of fat!
3. I found my focus and concentration at work took on laser-like levels - a
delightful side benefit of the unique 'centering' exercises contained in this
4. My muscles weren't just stronger and more defined, they were relaxed and
ready for action. When I used to pump weights my muscles never felt like this.
They felt strong, but definitely not flexible. This program made a huge difference
by training both my strength AND flexibility evenly (without the need for separate
5. My energy levels shot through the ever-lovin' roof! Unlike working out with
weights, after this workout I feel ready to take on the world! I feel a real, natural
pump in all my muscles and a feeling of great accomplishment.
6. I now sleep all night long and stress is much more easily handled. With my
experience in martial arts -- my stress resistance was pretty high already, but this
exercise program, because it contains powerful breathing techniques melts away
tension and stress unlike anything else I've used!
7. Probably the best part is this: because I've practiced martial arts for so
long and pretty much been a regular "tough guy", I've carried around aches and
pains for YEARS. After just a few short workouts with this program, those pains
and aches are nothing but a memory. Even better, these bodyweight exercises
are the best thing I've found to keep future injuries from re-occurring!”
The “Why you can’t “Get this” from…” technique: This is a great way to set your product
apart from everything else in the marketplace – it works especially well if you are selling a live
workshop, seminar or other form of training.

Here’s the template:

“Why You Can NOT “Get” This From

a Book, Audio, or DVD Course…
… <insert the things they’ll be learning>….Is a physical skill. Which means
you have to learn it physically…
It’s like …<insert a sport your audience is familiar with>… . For example, if
you pick up a book written by … <insert famous athlete from this sport your
audience would be familiar with>… and read it cover to cover and even practice
the … <insert the stuff they would practice to get good at this sport>… … you’re
still not going to be … <insert the name of a person with a high level of skill in this
sport would be called>… when you get done.
Most likely, if you … <insert copy explaining how if they tried to play that
sport against someone who was personally trained by the athlete who wrote the
book—they’d lose>… !
That’s also how you get real good, real FAST. I’ve personally seen guys who
have read all the ebooks, bought all the DVD courses… but when they come to
one of our workshops – they experience success equal to or greater than all the
years they spent learning combined!”
Here’s an example:

“Why You Can NOT “Get” This System From

a Book, Audio, or DVD Course…
Unlocking your inner natural… discovering how to attract women, build
rapport with them and get intimate is something you do 99% with your body. It’s a
physical skill. Which means you have to learn it physically…
“Pickup” is a physical skill—like martial arts. For example, if you pick up a
book written by Chuck Norris and read it cover to cover and even practice the
blocks, kicks and punches you see in the illustrations in the mirror… you’re still
not going to be a black belt when you get done.
Most likely, if you stepped in the ring with a black belt trained by Chuck
Norris personally—you’d get beat down—and FAST too!
Like martial arts you need to actually go out “in field”… talk to real girls… get
their reactions… try your techniques… and learn from it all.
That’s also how you get real good, real FAST. I’ve personally seen guys who
have been “in the game” for over 2 years… they’ve read all the ebooks, bought
all the DVD courses… but when they come to one of our 2 ½ day workshops –
they experience success equal to or greater than the previous two years

There you go! You now have three more templates to help you differentiate your offering… deal
with special objections and unique challenges… and set your offering apart as the only clear
choice for your prospects.
3 Body Copy Templates
When you’re writing your body copy you want to pull out every available sales tool you have to
make the sale. To do this you have to answer objections… qualify the reader… and sometimes
stroke their ego to get them into a buying mood. With this in mind, here are three body copy
templates to help you achieve more sales with your copywriting.

Body Copy Template #1: The “Here’s some common questions” technique: Is a
straightforward and probably the most SIMPLE way to answer any objections that you think
your prospect might have. You simply list the questions and address them in a simple “question
and answer format”.

Here’s the template:

“I know we've covered a lot here, so let's step back for a minute and address
any questions you may have at this point...
Question: … <insert an objection your prospect may have in the form of a
question, as if they were asking you directly>… ?"
Answer: No… …<insert your answer as to why their objection is unfounded
and they should buy your product anyways>…
Question: <insert an objection your prospect may have in the form of a
question, as if they were asking you directly>… ?
Answer: Yes...<insert your answer why they should not worry and buy your
program. You can do this with no less than three questions and keep going until
you’ve answered all the objections you can think of. If you end up with more than
seven questions, it’s good to break up the flow of the copy with either a subhead
or an order link”
Here’s an example of this:

“I know we've covered a lot here, so let's step back for a minute and address
any questions you may have at this point...
Question: Isn't it too late to get in on the Internet boom? Have I "missed the
Answer: No… The number of people using the Internet worldwide tripled
over the past 8 years, and there are now more than 1.1 billion people online.
( So u r ce : w w w . i n t e r n e t w o r l d st a t s. co m )

In 2007, consumers spent $220 billion shopping online. According to a recent

Pew Internet & American Life Project survey, 92% of Internet users between the
ages of 18 and 64 send or read e-mail. ( So u r ce :
w w w . p l u n k e t t r e se a r ch . co m a n d w w w . p e w i n t e r n e t . o r g )
A recent Direct Marketing Association study projected that email driven sales
in the United States will show a compound annual growth rate of 14.9% between
2006 and 2011. ( So u r ce : w w w . d i r e ct m a g . co m )
So with all the recent advancements in online marketing tools, techniques,
and business models ... all which are covered on the I n t er n et Bu si n ess- Bu i l d i n g
Su ccess DVD Li b r ar y ... there's never been a better time to start your own
Internet business than right now.
Question: I don't have any experience with building a Web site, search
engine optimization, or email marketing. Will this conference give beginners like
me the necessary technical knowledge to start a successful online business?
Answer: Yes...the tools you will learn about during this program are simple
and easy, even for a beginner with no experience. If you know how to type in a
Web address you can benefit from the program. And even though you will be at
home, you will see our expert coaches guiding those in attendance through
questions you probably also have.”

Body Copy Template #2: The “Who this program is NOT for” technique: Is a way to call
out the people who you want to buy your product. You do this by stating the people that are the
opposite of the person you want to buy (the person who you know is reading the letter). It works
even better if you name people who the reader does not want to be like.

Here’s the template:

“Who this program is NOT for:

This is not for you if…
You … <insert copy describing a person who you know is not like the
You… <insert copy describing a person who you know is not like the
You… <insert copy describing a person who you know is not like the
prospect. Do this no less than three times but no more than seven times>…”
Here’s an example of this:

“Who this program is NOT for:

This is not for you if…
You think you can sit on the couch and eat bon-bons all day and still lose
You’re not willing to invest at least 1.5 hours – TOTAL – per week to lose
You aren’t ready to FINALLY lose every last ounce of stubborn body fat you
now possess and carve out a chiseled midsection…”

Body Copy Template #3: The “How to tell if this is right for you” technique: Is a way to
further justify your prospect’s desires by naming characteristics you know he wants to possess.
He will of course say “yes –that describes me” when you name the positive characteristics.

Here’s the template:

“How to tell if this product is right for you…

Some people wonder if this product will work for them. If you can meet the 3
qualifications below then I can guarantee this product is right for you…
You… <insert positive characteristic or way of thinking about yourself that
you know your product wants to believe>…
You… <insert positive characteristic or way of thinking about yourself that
you know your product wants to believe>…
You… <insert another positive characteristic or way of thinking about
yourself that you know your product wants to believe. Do this no less than three
times and no more than seven times>…
If the above list describes you, then it’s in your best interest to order now.”
Here’s an example of this:

“How to tell if this product is right for you…

Some people wonder if this product will work for them. If you can meet the 3
qualifications below then I can guarantee this product is right for you…
You truly desire to build a better life for yourself and your family…
You aren’t afraid of working a few hours extra each week (as long as those
extra work hours equal extraordinary results)…
You know that the only way to make your dreams happen is to take action on
them, and not quit until you’ve achieved them…
If the above list describes you, then it’s in your best interest to order now.”

There you go! You now have three more body copy templates you can use to add extra selling
power to every sales message you right from here on out.
3 Product Introduction Templates
So you’ve got your reader interested… you’ve bribed them to keep reading… you’ve shown
them you are a trustworthy person who understands their problems and knows what they want…
and now you’re about to introduce your product.

That’s where these 3 product introduction templates come in:

Product Intro Template #1: The “finishing touches” intro—works great when you have good
momentum running in your copy and you’re ready to introduce the product, simply and directly.

Here’s the template:

“… I’ve just put the finishing touches on… <insert product name and quick
description of what they get>… which contains the same secrets I’ve used to…
<insert benefits you got from information in the product, benefits that your
prospect wants>.
This is the complete A-to-Z guide that gives you everything you need to know
about… <insert subject matter>.
Everything you need to know to… <insert benefits they’re going to get from
using this product>…
Let me give you a taste of what you’ll discover inside… <insert product
Here’s an example of this product intro:

“… I’ve just put the finishing touches on “The Ultimate Copywriting eBook”
which contains the same secrets I’ve used to create winning copy which has put
over $124,000 in my clients pockets in just 7 days…
… the same secrets I’ve used to generate a six figure income for myself and
a lifestyle to die for… and the same secrets you can use to do the same.
This is the complete A-to-Z guide that gives you everything you need to know
about writing copy that sells massive amounts of products and services on the
Everything you need to know to…
Double your opt-in page conversions…
Triple your email open rates…
And quadruple your internet business profits by increasing the selling
power of every piece of communication that goes out to your
Let me give you a taste of what you’ll discover inside “The Ultimate
Copywriting eBook”…

Product Intro Template #2: The “Now it’s your turn” intro – works great when you’ve
already built a big picture of how grand and awesome and powerful your life is now that you
know the secrets that are inside your product. And you’re telling the prospect “now it’s your
turn” to live this life and the way the get to live your great life is by buying your product!

Here’s the template (starts with a subhead):

“Now it’s your turn:

I want to give you the proven secrets I have used to
<insert the benefits and accomplishments you’ve achieved
that they want to have too>
Not too long ago, I spent a couple hours putting everything I know about…
<insert subject matter> into what I consider the very best source of information
on how you can… <insert benefits of using your product>.... it’s called: <insert
your product name>.
And here’s just some of what you’ll discover inside:
<insert bullet list of what’s inside book>”
Here’s an example of this template:

“Now it’s your turn:

I want to give you the proven secrets I have used to
earn six figures online working less than 4 hours per day!
Not too long ago, I spent a couple hours putting everything I know about
making money on the internet into what I consider the very best source of
information on how you can use copywriting to explode the profits of your internet
business. It’s called: “The Ultimate Copywriting eBook”
And here’s just some of what you’ll discover inside:
<insert bullet list of what’s inside book>”

Product Intro Template #3: The “look over my shoulder” intro – is great for product where
you’re showing people something with videos, DVD’s, Screen recordings… or it’s a very
personal product where it’s like they’re actually watching you work or show them your secrets.
Here’s the template (starts with a subhead):

“Why not …
Stand over my shoulder and LISTEN AND WATCH
as I <insert what you’re going to show them>!
Introducing… <insert the name of your product>… – your… <insert how long
it is, number of pages, etc>… course on how to do it right!
No special software necessary: You hear the audio and see the video as I …
<insert what you’re going to show them>!
I cover it all: … <insert more of what you’re going to show them>.
We’re showing you <insert more of what you’re going to show them>!
You get … <insert exactly how long it is, how big the course is,
specifically,>… in all: You’ll see how … <tell them what they’ll discover again in
an interesting, different and exciting way>!”

Here’s an example of this product intro template:

“Why not …
Stand over my shoulder and LISTEN AND WATCH
as I tear apart FOUR real-life promotions
and DOUBLE their pulling power
right on your desktop!
Introducing Challenge a Strong Control And KICK IT TO THE CURB
– your four-part, 7 1/2-hour course on how to do it right!
No special software necessary: You hear the audio and see the video as I
take four separate promotions – each one doing well as-is – and dissect each
one, and show you exact ways to multiply their attention-getting power,
readership and response!
I cover it all: From the main theme and the headline and opening copy … to
the fascinations and benefit copy … to the offer and closing copy –even the order
We’re tearing up promotions on real estate … a self-defense course … a
travel writer’s workshop and even a promotion I wrote myself – a major health
newsletter promo!
You get four full sessions – one per promotion – 7 ½ hours in all: You’ll see
how to identify the strongest Format… and the most powerful headline … find
weak spots in the body copy … create stronger offers … the works!”
So there you have it! You now have three more product introduction templates that you can use
to make sure the introduction of your product is as exciting and powerful as possible, so the
reader stays excited and can’t wait to learn more about your product and what it can do for them
(which you can use your bullets to do!)
3 Bullet Templates
Bullets are a VERY important part of copy. It’s where you:

Break up the flow of your copy so it is a breeze to read and becomes a “slippery
slide” all the way down to the order…
Share a logical chain of information to state your case… enhance desire… and build
Give your prospect valuable information about your product or service and what it
can do for them!
In fact, bullets are so important, often a person will order a product simply on the strength of just
ONE bullet that really appealed to their desires.

Here are 3 bullet templates you can use right away:

Bullet Template #1: The simple “how-to” bullet – most common one, use to tease them with
information they’re about to learn.

The template for this bullet is to simply start the sentence with:

“How to… <get this benefit>! <Here’s some more information about this
benefit that you will learn which will peek your desire>”
Here’s an example of this bullet:

“How to turn OFF your fat genes - for permanent weight loss! Spanking
new research from the Human Genome Project identifies 6 fat switches! One of
them shows you how to eat more to weigh less!”
Bullet Template #2: The Paradox bullet – use this bullet to create a LOT of curiosity in your
reader, they get the benefit but also want to order the product to figure out how what your bullet
is saying could possibly be true:

Here’s the template:

“If you want to get <this benefit> DON’T do <what everyone thinks you
should do>! <Here’s more information about the benefit you’ll get from knowing
this bullet>”
Here’s an example of this bullet:

“If you want to get rid of your "spare tire" and "love handles" DON’T DO
SIT-UPS! New discovery gives you an easier way to stronger abs and a flatter
Bullet Template #3: The question bullet – Use this bullet to draw the reader in to you’re the
benefit they will get from your product by asking them a question first.

Here’s the template:

“Do you know <insert something they should know> about <your subject>?
Don’t even try to <do something> until you read this first!”
Here’s an example of this bullet:

“Do you know these 3 never fail belly-fat burning exercise moves? Don’t
even try to do another “ab workout” until you read this first!”
There you go. You now have 3 more templates you can use to make your bullets more engaging
to your readers and pump up the profit power of your sales copy!
3 Bullet Templates
Because bullets are so important, here are 3 more bullet templates to keep your copy strong, and
punch up the selling power of your bullets.

Bullet Template #1: The “truth about” bullet – this bullet works great with any bit of
controversial information, ESPECIALLY if you can use it to work against a common enemy.

Here’s the template:

“The truth about <insert controversial subject>… that <the common enemy>
does NOT want you to know!”
Here’s an example of this bullet:

“The truth about paying less income tax that the IRS does NOT want you to

Bullet Template #2: The “Why” bullet—a very simple type of bullet that becomes very
powerful when you use it in a blind way. (When you don’t tell them the “reason why”.)

Here’s the template:

“Why… <a certain person or a certain thing>… always… <get a benefit your
reader wants>… and how you can steal their secret and use it for yourself!”
Here’s an example of this bullet:

“Why some gamblers seem to always make money when they sit down to
play poker… and how you can steal their “insider secrets” and use them for

Bullet Template #3: The “numbered list” bullet – give a list of ways to do things… things
they should know… or facts about something they should know. Use odd numbers like 3, 5, 7,
and the even number 10 – they “flow” better.

Here’s the template:

“The 3 things you MUST know… <insert your subject>… if you want…
<insert the benefit they want>…”
Here’s an example of this bullet:
“The 3 things you absolutely MUST know about writing an effective bullet… if
you want to get more sales… more profits… and cold, hard cash out of every ad
you write”

There you go. You now have 3 more templates you can use to make your bullets more engaging
to your readers and pump up the profit power of your sales copy!
3 Bullet Templates
Bullets are VERY important to getting your prospects excited to buy your product.

Here are 3 more bullet templates you can use right away:

Bullet Template #1: “the only time” bullet – use this one to make the information you have
seem like it is must-have information. Like the reader will miss out if he is doing whatever
you’re talking about wrong… or doesn’t know the “only time” he should do it.

Here’s the template

“The only time you should ever… <insert the action they should take> … if…
you want <the benefit your prospect wants>”
Here’s an example of this bullet:

“The only time you should ever buy a woman a drink at a bar… if… you want
her to feel gut-level attraction and fall head-over-heals for you”

Bullet Template #2: The secret “place, spot, method” bullet – use this one to really amp up
the curiosity and intrigue so your reader absolutely MUST know what the secret is and has to
order your product to find out.

Here’s the template:

“A secret spot on … <insert where this spot, place, or method is>… that…
<gives you this benefit>”
It could also start like…

“A secret method that…”


“A secret way to…”

Or a whole lot of ways depending on the situation you’re using it in. Just make sure to still end
the bullet with the benefit that it will give your reader.

Here’s an example of this bullet:

“A secret spot on your body you can massage that almost instantly erases
any feelings of anxiety and nervousness”
Bullet Template #3: The “why this doesn’t work and what does” bullet – this is best used
when you want to give some good information that your reader might not know… or already
thinks he knows… but you have a better way to get the benefit the reader wants or a way they’ve
never heard of (that might be contrary to what they know). It can be used similarly to the
“paradox bullet” in this way.

Here’s the template for this bullet:

“Why… <their way of doing things>… almost never works and the one
"almost magic" way to… <do the thing they want to do>… that works every

Here’s an example of this bullet:

“Why long distance running to burn belly fat almost never works and the one
"almost magic" way to “go for a run” that works every time to melt fat off your
body like butter in a microwave”

There you go. You now have 3 more templates you can use to make your bullets more engaging
to your readers and pump up the profit power of your sales copy!
3 Bullet Templates
Bullets do much of the “heavy lifting” of selling your product or service because they are the
little “bite sized” benefit nuggets you’re tantalizing your reader with and telling them that they’re
going to get if they buy your product. It’s extremely important to have good bullets, so here are 3
more templates you can use today.

Bullet Template #1: The “If.. Then” bullet –is great when you can tell them they can get a
benefit they really want if they only do something that you know is easy for them to do:

Here’s the template:

“If you can … <insert simple thing for them to do>… then you can have …
<insert the outcome, result, or benefit that they want>…”
Here’s an example:

“If you can fold an everyday, ordinary dish towel then you can heal your
arthritis with the “exercise” technique revealed on page XX”

Bullet Template #2: The “single most” bullet works great when you really want to make the
prospect feel like he’s missing out if he doesn’t know the information you want to tell him in
your product.

Here’s the template:

“The single most important thing you must know about … <insert the subject
your prospect is interested in>… if you want to … <insert the benefit that your
prospect wants and that your product provides>”
Here’s an example of this:

“The single most important thing you must know about what time you
exercise if you want to burn off stubborn belly fat as fast as possible.”

Bullet Template #3: The “sneaky” bullet –is when you want to make the reader feel like he
will learn something no one else will know if he gets your product or knows your “sneaky”
method, it builds curiosity really well.

Here’s the template:

“A sneaky way to… <insert METHOD your prospect uses to get the outcome,
benefit or desire that your prospect wants>… that you can put to use immediately
to… <insert the benefit your prospect wants>”
Here’s an example of this:

“A sneaky way to sit in your chair (yes your chair!) that you can put to use
immediately to lose up to 2 inches off the size of your waist!”

There you go! You now have 3 more bullet templates you can use to punch up the power of your
copy and make your prospect feel like he is sorely missing out on a truckload of benefits if he
doesn’t buy your product… which of course… leads to more sales for you!
3 Bullet Templates
Did you know people are more apt to read a string of bullets rather than one big chunk of text?
It’s true, and people love to get little bite-sized bits of information on how your product or
service can help them get whatever benefit they want quicker and easier. So here’s some more
bullet templates.

Bullet Template #1: The “simple fact” bullet – is great to set up your information in such a
way that it seems like your prospect will instantly get the advertised benefit if he just knows this
“simple fact” that your product will tell him.

Here’s the template:

“A simple fact about … <insert the subject your prospect is interested in>…
that all … <insert credible people your prospect respects>… know that can …
<insert the benefit your prospect wants>.
Here’s an example:

“A simple fact about how websites work that all internet millionaires know that
can double… triple… and in some cases, quadruple the profitability of your
website (nearly overnight!)

Bullet Template #2: The “better than” bullet – is a great way to make a prospect who already
thinks he knows the best way to do something do a double take and get curious about the better
way to get the benefit or result he wants.

Here’s the template:

“Better than … <insert the thing your prospect is already the best at getting
the benefit He wants>-- New … <insert description of new “best” way to do this
Here’s an example:

“Better than botox: new scientific discovery proves an all natural volcanic
rock can not only remove your fine lines and wrinkles… but also… help new,
younger skin grow and rejuvenate!”

Bullet Template #3: The “Do you?” bullet – points to the information in your product… shows
it as important information that the prospect would feel like he’s missing out or doesn’t know
something if he doesn’t know the answer to your bullet.
Here’s the template:

“Do you know the 4 rules about … <insert subject your prospect wants to
know about>… on page XX?”
Here’s an example:

“Do you know the 4 rules about creating an opt-in page that consistently gets
a 40% opt-in rate on page 29?”

There you go! You now have 3 more bullet templates you can put to use immediately to make
your bullets ZING… build more curiosity… deepen desire… and pull more sales!
3 Bullet Templates
Bullets can make or break the success of your promotion. The late, great Gary Halbert used to
always tell a story about how he very successfully sold a product on the strength of just one
bullet buried deep into the copy. It was something like:

“Fake cocaine: A legal substitute that fools even the experts!”

This was during the 80’s –and this one bullet was responsible for selling the product like crazy.
That’s the strength of bullets! With that in mind, here are three more templates you can put to
use in your copy right away.

Bullet Template #1: The “string of benefits” bullet technique is good when you have a bunch
of quick benefits that your product can give your reader, and you can group the series of bullets
all together quickly.

Here’s the template:

“Increase your…
Improve your…
Fight off…
Put an end to…
Regain your…”
Here’s an example of this:

“Increase your brainpower…

Improve your eyesight…
Fight off infections…
Put an end to chest pain…
Regain your sexual potency…”

Bullet Template #2: The “Do this one thing…” blind bullet technique is a great one to
sprinkle your copy with because it will keep your reader’s curiosity high.

Here’s the template:

“Do this one thing, revealed on page XX, and … <insert the benefit your
prospect will received>…”
Here’s an example of this:

“Do this one thing, revealed on page 69, and your prospects will immediately
buy more of your products, and in greater quantities than ever before…”
Bullet Template #3: The “#1 Easiest way…” bullet is a great way to advertise information
because everyone wants an easier way to get the results they want.

Here’s the template:

“The #1 Easiest way to … <insert the benefit, outcome or result that your
prospect wants>…”
Here’s an example of this:

“The #1 easiest way to get a 50 to 100 percent boost in your results


There you go! You now have 3 more bullet templates you can use to punch up the selling power
of any piece of copy you write.
3 Bullet Templates
You already know your bullets need to be “fired” at your prospects in great quantities to give
them plenty of “reasons why” to buy your product or service. You also need to find ways to
present your benefits so they sound believable… and… so your readers believe they can get the
same results. With that in mind, here are three more bullet templates you can use right away.

Bullet template #1: The “biggest mistake” bullet – is a great way to get a propsect’s interest
up because he definitely doesn’t want to make any mistakes – so he’ll buy your product to avoid

Here’s the template:

“The biggest mistake that almost all … <insert the name of people you’re
writing to>… —even the savvy ones—are making. Correct this, and watch …
<insert benefit they’ll get from your product>… .”
Here’s an example of this:

“The biggest mistake that almost all marketers—even the savvy ones—are
making with their ezines. Correct this, and watch your opt-ins soar.”

Bullet template #2: The “surest way” bullet is great because it sells the information you’re
giving them without sounding like unbelievable marketing hype.

Here’s the template:

“The surest way you'll ever find to … <insert benefit they’ll get from your
Here’s an example of this:

“The surest way you'll ever find to double and sometimes even triple your
odds of winning in any contest against other copywriters, even the best.”

Bullet template #3: The “An ingenious strategy” bullet is good because it hints at the benefits
the prospect will receive… yet does it in a way that gives a believable “reason why” they’ll get
the benefit (the strategy is the reason why) which makes the reader trust your claims more.

Here’s the template:

An ingenious strategy for … <insert what this strategy will do for them,
the big benefit>… . If you … <insert how this strategy could help them achieve
the result they want quickly and easily WITHOUT telling them what it is>… ”
Here’s an example of this:

“An ingenious strategy for differentiating "commodity" products or

services. If you sell a product or service that's pretty much the same as
everyone else's, you are doomed to reap the same mediocre results, unless you
apply this technique, which repositions everything in your favor. Example: I show
you a case history so successful that it brought in 900 million customers to the
company that used it, even though it sells the same "commodity" product as all
its competitors.”

There you go! You now have three more bullet templates you can use to fire off benefits and
reasons why people should buy your products and services. Have fun implementing these bullets
into your copy.
3 Bullet Templates
Bullets allow you to build desire in your prospect from lots of different angles depending on how
you use them. You can build curiosity, intrigue, and dimensionalize the benefits of your product
for your reader so they can imagine them using it which further builds desire.

Bullet Template #1: The “correct way” bullet – is a good bullet to use in almost all ads,
especially when you have some insider knowledge about how to do something better – when
your prospect already THINKS he knows how to do it.

Here’s the template:

“The correct way to … <insert action>… to get … <insert benefits>… in the

shortest time possible.”
Here’s an example of this:

“The correct way to hold your golf club to get more distance and accuracy off
the tee… while… eliminating slices and hooks… in the shortest time possible.”

Bullet Template #2: The “Five-second” bullet –(or “three-second” or any amount of seconds
up until about 10 seconds) is a great way to dimensionalize something, instead of just saying the
“easy” or “quick” way to get results.

Here’s the template:

“The five-second … <insert what it is, i.e. technique, exercise, etc>… to

almost instantly … <insert the benefits they’ll receive from the five-second
Here’s an example of this:

“The five-second exercise you can do anywhere (without anyone noticing) to

almost instantly reduce your waist line by up to 3 full inches (some users report
results within the very first day of performing this “five second miracle”!)”

Bullet Template #3: The “Surprising Reason” bullet – is another good way to “frame”
information so it builds the reader’s curiosity and intrigue.

Here’s the template:

“The surprising reason why … <insert something>… and how… <insert
something else>…”
Here’s an example of this:

“The surprising reason why most professional “marketing consultants” never

make more than $100k a year… and how to make dead-certain you are not one
of these people”.

There you go! You now have three more bullet templates you can use to add intrigue…
dimensionalize your benefits… and instill a burning desire to know “what is that secret?” in your
reader. Try these bullet templates out in the next piece of copy you write and watch your results
6 Sub-Headline Templates
Sub-headlines serve to break up the running copy you have on your page so it’s easier to read,
identify sections of copy so they’re easily found (i.e. a sub-headline announcing your guarantee
helps a reader to quickly discover what the terms of your guarantee are) and one of their most
important jobs is to be like mini-advertisements to “skimmers” that pull them back into the
running copy so they read more and hopefully end up buying.

Subhead template #1: Use this subhead after you have promised a big-benefit or tell the reader
what they’re going to get from you, or in some other way make a claim that doesn’t sound
believable. Then after the subhead, you go on to describe why they should trust you.

Here’s the template (you can just use this exact one, you don’t need an example):

“Is this a bunch of hype?”

“This Sounds Too Good To Be True …”

Subhead Template #2: Is a good way to introduce the beginning of your story to your reader.
It’s useful if you’ve advertised to tell them how your method works or have in some other way
advertised in your headline, deck copy, or opening that you’re going to tell them a story.

Here’s the template:

“Here's The "Back Story" Behind… <insert your end result here>…”
Here’s an example:

“Here's The "Back Story" Behind The Biggest Launches

In The History Of Internet Marketing”

Subhead Template #3: Is a good way to draw a people who are skimming your ad and not
reading it back into your copy, it heightens the tension and sense of suspense in the
advertisement. (Usually you use it when you’re telling the story of how you developed your
product and you weren’t sure it was going to work).

Here’s the template (and you can just use this subhead verbatim, you don’t need an example):

“Frankly, I Was Scared Out Of My Mind”

“Wow! There’s No Way This Can Work!”

Subhead Template #4: Is a way to talk a lot about how well your product works, but by saying
it in a “negative” way it creates credibility. Also, this subhead increases a skimmers curiosity and
draws them into the copy because they want to know how something could possibly work “too

Here’s the template (you can use this one verbatim without an example):

“It Actually Worked TOO GOOD!”

Subhead Template #5: Is a good subhead to use when you’ve told them about the results you’ve
achieved with your system and you’re entering the conversation in the reader’s mind again
because they’re thinking this very same thing. Use this headline before you introduce your
testimonials to form a tight chain of logic that leads to the sale.

Here’s the template (you can use this one word-for-word without an example):

"Maybe You Just Got Lucky."

“But, This Could Have Been A Freak Accident …”

Subhead Template #6: Is a way to heighten the suspense of the story you’re telling about your
product… about how good it is… and how well it’s working for others. Also, if the reader isn’t
yet convinced that you’ve really found the right “method” to achieve your results, then it is a
good way to enter the conversation they’re having in their head because they’re thinking “maybe
this is just luck”. This builds rapport, draws them into the copy more (especially skimmers) and
makes them curious to find out if your luck really does hold out.

Here’s the template (you can use this one word-for-word too without an example):

“Could My "Luck" Really Hold Out?”


“Would This Actually Work For OTHER People?”

There you go! You now have nine subhead templates you can use to break up your copy so it’s
easier to read… draw skimmers into your reading copy… advertise important sections of copy
and ultimately make yourself more sales from every ad you create from now on.
6 Sub-Headline Templates
The easier your copy is to read, the more people will read it. The more people that read your
copy, the greater number of people you have a chance of buying your product. That’s why it’s so
important to use subheads to break up your copy to make it easier to read. With that in mind,
here are six more subhead templates you can use to increase your readership levels (and
hopefully sales!)

Subhead Template #1: Is a great way to show how, with the right solution (your product or
service) your reader can get the results they are looking for and not only is it not hard –it’s
actually easy. After this subhead I generally like to give them some reasons to convince them
why, after having my product or service they can get the results they want easily.

Here’s the template (no example needed because you can use this word-for-word):

“It's Really Pretty Easy!”

Subhead Template #2: This is a great way to introduce your product or service. Use it when it
really is the first time you’ve offered it –or the first time it’s been offered in the format you’re
delivering it in. This is almost like a “Subheadline pre-head” because generally you will have
another subheadline underneath it announcing what you’re making available for the first time

Here’s the template:

“For The First Time EVER:”

Here’s an example of this:

“For The First Time EVER:

Now you can get access to this master copywriter’s entire bag of
response multiplying tricks in easy-to-use product”

Subhead Template #3: Is a great way to introduce the subject of price because it is
written in such a way that you’re entering the conversation inside the reader’s head
again. Once you’ve built the necessary amount of desire in your prospect, this is what
they’re thinking next, and you’re directly answering it. Also, it’s a great way to catch
any skimmers who started reading your copy, got interested and skipped ahead to find
out how much it costs. Make sure that after introducing the price you quickly justify it
as being an extreme bargain compared to how much value you’re giving them.
Here’s the template (no example needed, you can use this phrase outright):
“How Much Is This Going to Cost Me?”
“So What’s The Price?”

Subhead Template #4: Is another good subhead to use when you want to introduce your
guarantee. The guarantee is another thing that skimmers will skip ahead to because they want to
see 1.) if you’re offering one and if so, 2.) how long the guarantee is and what the terms are. So it
makes it easy to find in the copy and draws more skimmers in. You can also use this one as a
mini “pre-head” to the main subhead where you further describe your guarantee.

Here’s the template:

“You Are, Of Course, Completely Guaranteed”

Here’s an example of this:

“You Are, Of Course, Completely Guaranteed:

You must FEEL the difference Joint Pain Relief Plus Pill Makes
Or You Don’t Pay One Penny!”

Subhead Template #5: Is a GREAT way to catch skimmers and people who jump ahead to read
the later parts of copy when their desire level has been raised. You’re entering the conversation
in the prospect’s head again and if you’ve built up enough value and have an incredible offer
then you are best served by directly answering the question they’re thinking next which is,
“What’s the catch? Why is he giving me such a great deal?” This is a great spot to follow the
subhead with some copy explaining that your supplies are limited in some way and that the
“catch” is, you might run out at any time –so they better hurry up and order now if they’re in any
way interested.

Here’s the template (no example is needed, you can use this wording verbatim):

“There is one “Catch””

“Yes! You can get started right now …
But there is one “Catch” …”

Subhead Template #6: Is the classic way to introduce your ordering options to the reader. Gary
Halbert and John Carlton popularized this “no-nonsense” approach that works well when the rest
of your sales letter has already done its job of building white-hot desire… proving every point…
making the price seem like a bargain… turning the buying choice into an urgent matter… and the
only thing that is left is to provide dead-simple ordering instructions for the reader to follow step-

Here’s the template (no example needed because you can use this subhead word-for-word):

“Here’s How To Order”...

“It’s Easy To Order”

There you go! You now have six more subheadlines you can swipe till you’re blue in the face so
your copy is less intimidating and easier to read… which… always helps to increase sales.
6 Sub-Headline Templates
Sometimes you’ll have a reader’s attention at the beginning of your sales letter, but then you’ll
lose them and they’ll start skimming down the page to see if anything else catches their eyes.
That’s why it’s important to think of sub-heads as little “mini-advertisements” for the main
running copy of the sales letter that pull in skimmers. The more you can do this, the more sales
you will make because your readership level will increase.

Subhead Template #1: Is a great way to GREATLY increase the trust level of your reader. It’s
similar to a selling technique where you admit a “flaw” in your product or self so that you build
trust with your reader because everyone has heard the saying “if it sounds too good to be true
then it probably is” and believes it. By admitting a flaw, you’re admitting you’re not perfect and
building trust and rapport with the reader.

Here’s the template:

“Let’s …<insert copy about being realistic>…”

Here’s an example of this subhead:

“Let's Cut The Hype

And Keep This Grounded In Reality.”

Subhead Template #2: Is another way to enter the conversation in the readers head when you
are piling on the benefits and the reader is thinking, “sure this works for him, it only works for
him because blah blah…” because they think you or the people in your testimonials had some
sort of “advantage” that made it work for them. You want to assure them that this will work for
the reader too – not just you or the “privileged” people in your testimonials who have some
make-believe “advantage” over them that makes your solution work so well.

Here’s the template:

“This Only Works If You're …”

Here’s an example of this:

“You Guys Are Full Of Crap!

This Only Works If You’re Selling Internet Marketing Stuff!”
Subhead Template #3: Is a way to heighten the suspense and mystery in your story to draw in
readers. Also, it is a good way to introduce a particular “problem” that your solution handles in a
unique and inventive way that other products or services in your market don’t.

Here’s the template (you can use this one verbatim, no example is needed):

“But There Was A Big Problem.”

“Here’s The Problem With This …”

Subhead Template #4: Is a good way to differentiate your solution from everyone elses in the
market. Also you can use this subhead and follow it up with some valuable information on why
they haven’t gotten the results they have wanted thus far.

Here’s the template (no example is needed, you can use this one verbatim):

“Here’s Where Everyone Else Get’s It Wrong”


“This Is The Part Almost Everyone Totally Messes Up!”

Subhead Template #5: Is a good way to add drama, intrigue, suspense and a little mystery to
your sales story. You can use it to draw in more skimmers who want to know what is weird. You
can also use it when you want to establish another point of uniqueness to your solution that
makes it totally different (or almost “weird”) to any other product in the market.

Here’s the template (no example needed because you can use this word-for-word):

“Here's Where It Gets Weird”


“But This Is The UNIQUE Part …”

Subhead Template #6: Is a great way to introduce testimonials, third party facts, case studies or
any other credibility elements you want to use to prove your product, service or solution is
everything you say it is. You can also use it when you want to introduce a tight chain of logic
starting with a fact that you and the reader agree on, and building upon that fact step-by-step
until you’ve proven your solution is the way to go.

Here’s the template:

“PROOF that …<insert product name>… works….”
Here’s an example of this:

“PROOF That The Instant Internet Income System Works Better

Than Anything You've Ever Seen”

There you go! You now have six more subhead templates you can use to draw more people into
your running copy… increase your readership… and ultimately get more sales. Have fun using
these different sub-headline templates to make your copy more readable and more effective.
6 Sub-Headline Templates
Just like a headline should be able to stand on its own (that is, you should be able to run your
headline and deck copy with a telephone number as a classified ad and people should “want”
what you’re buying)… your subheads should tell your complete sales story on their own as well.
This means if someone was scanning your sales letter they should get an abbreviated form of
your sales message – still getting the idea behind what you’re selling and the benefits for them.

This is called creating an “alternate readership path” for the people that won’t read all your long
copy (or will first scan it, then if it looks interesting, will go back and read it all). With this in
mind, here are six more subhead templates to help you tell your “abbreviated sales story”.

Subhead Template #1: Use this style subhead at the beginning of your copy to state the main,
big benefit of your product, service or solution “covertly” – that is you’re telling them what
they’re going to get from you if they buy, but doing it in a “negative” form by telling them not to
read any further unless they want your big benefit.

Here’s the template:

“... If you're NOT interested in … <insert the big benefit>… (like I did),
you should NOT read any further.”
Here’s an example of this:

“... If you're NOT interested in retiring from work

within a year (like I did), you should NOT read any further.”

Subhead Template #2: This subhead is a way to tease the reader about some valuable
information that you’re letting them in on—information that no one else in the world (or only an
elite few) know. Plus, you’re telling them that everyone else is getting “ripped off” by the
common enemy (the people the prospect views as keeping them from getting the benefits they
want)… and you’re going to help them fight back against this enemy.

Here’s the template:

“Revealed: Probably The Biggest … <insert a colloquialism your reader

is familiar with that means “scam”>… in History...
... While Everyone Else Has Been… <name the thing everyone else is doing
that isn’t getting results>…, the Elite Quietly Play a Different Game with
Different Rules...”
Here’s an example of this:
“Revealed: Probably The Biggest Red Herring in History...
... While the World's Been Stock Watching,
the Elite Quietly Play a Different Game with Different Rules...”

Subhead Template #3: This subhead is a great way to continue with the “trusted friend” theme
where you’re telling the reader you’re just like them, but you discovered a secret about how the
common enemy is getting over on the reader and you want to help them out. This is most
effectively used when you create the image of an “elite club”… “insider’s group”… or “secret
society” in the readers mind that you’re letting them into.

Here’s the template (no example needed, you can use this word for word, or replace “elite club”
with a phrase like the ones above):

“Why My Humble Background Has Opened

The Door of Opportunity Wide for YOU...
... The Backdoor into The Elite Club”

Subhead Template #4: This subhead is great to immediately dimensionalize the main benefit
you’re offering. You tell them what you achieved and how long it took you to achieve it (the
shorter the better) using the powerful information you’re about to reveal to the reader –then you
as for a small commitment of asking them if you can show them how you did it. (Every sale is
just a series of small commitments from the reader—so this lays the foundation for the purchase
of your product later on).

Here’s the template:

“Within a … <insert a short period of time>… of Privately Using The

Powerful Secret 'They' Taught Me, … <insert the amazing benefits you
enjoy now from using this ‘secret… and paint a picture of the life you now
live>… !
May I Show You How to do the Same?”
Here’s an example of this:

“Within a Year of Privately Using The Powerful Secret 'They' Taught Me,
And Aged Just 35, I Left My High-Flying Trading Job. I Now 'Work' Just Half
an Hour Each Day From Home!
May I Show You How to do the Same?”

Subhead Template #5: Use this subhead as an arresting question that gets the reader picturing
the main benefit in their head. Not only does it convey your big benefit, but it does it “under the
radar” because instead of telling them “you will get this benefit” (which triggers their sales
alarms) you instead as them “how would this benefit change your life?” which gets them to
“own” the benefit in their mind’s eye by redirecting their attention to imagine their life with it.

Here’s the template:

“How would … <insert the big benefit here>… change YOUR life?!”
Here’s an example of this:

“How would an extra $6,000 a month change YOUR life?!”

Subhead Template #6: This subhead helps to answer any objections in the readers mind about
whether they can achieve the same level of success using your method, process, product, service
or solution because they think they need something else to make it work. You’re answering this
objection directly and simplifying it to the basic statement of “all you need is my product”. All
the better if you can give an example of someone who has done it with even less resources than
the reader using your information right after this subhead. You can also introduce a tight chain of
logic that proves why they can do it and all they need is what you’re selling after this subhead.

Here’s the template:

“No Experience or Knowledge and VERY little … <insert another

resource you know the reader is worried about having to get the results
they want>… Needed”
Here’s an example of this:

“No Experience or Knowledge and VERY Little

Start-Up Capital Needed”

There you go! You now have six more subhead templates that will help you to create your
“abbreviated sales message” with subheads. Have fun trying these different templates out in your
copy and watch as you increase your readership levels and increase your sales!
6 Sub-Head Templates
If you could only write your sales letter on a 3 X 5 index card, with limited space what would
you do? You would write short, pithy sentences that conveyed a lot of information with little
words, right? You would hit all the major sales points in your message with quick little
“summary sentences” as best you could right?

This is exactly the way you should think of your subhead writing! So with this in mind here are
six more subhead templates to help you write better sales copy, quicker and with less effort.

Subhead Template #1: Is a good way to bring up your guarantee. When people scan sales copy
they often look for 1.) the offer 2.) the price 3.) the guarantee (which this subhead helps them
find) and 4.) the ordering instructions and delivery options. You then want to follow this subhead
with your risk-reversal (guarantee) copy.

Here’s the template (no example needed, you can use this word-for-word or add the terms of
your guarantee directly underneath it in the subhead):

“See for Yourself at My Risk!”

Subhead Template #2: You always want the prospect to know that the only difference between
the people who are getting the results they want… and the people like the prospect who are not
getting the results they want is one thing, and one thing only. They took action and purchased
your product. That’s why it’s often necessary (almost mandatory) that you always address this
objection head on and let them know why anyone (most importantly, the reader) can get the
results they want if they just have the right “solution” (which is of course, your product).

Here’s the template (no example needed, you can use this word-for-word):

“It’s so simple ANYONE Can Do This”

Subhead Template #3: Whenever possible you want to show how easy it is to consume your
product, not matter what kind of product it is. If it’s a book… it’s easy to read. If it’s a pill… it’s
easy to take. If it’s a plug and play product then all you do is fill in blanks. This subhead is a
great way to make a DVD or other video type product (which are growing in popularity) seem
easy to watch and learn from.

Here’s the template:

“Relax and Let Me Reveal … <insert what you’re going to show them or
teach them>… on Screen at Home”
Here’s an example of this:

“Relax and Let Me Reveal The Instant Internet Income System

on Screen at Home”

Subhead Template #4: This is a good subhead to keep your reader focused on the end result,
what your product will do for them, when you’re ready for them to take action and order. Follow
this up with one of the close templates to make it work even better.

Here’s the template:

“Your Path to … <insert a word picture of the big benefit>… Awaits!”

Here’s an example of this:

“Your Path to the 'Hidden' Money-Mountain Awaits!”

Subhead Template #5: Whenever possible you want to create an “us verses them” mentality in
unison with the reader where you’re both “fighting” the same enemy—the person who wants to
keep the reader from getting the results they want. And to do this you often have to show the
reader why it’s “not their fault” that they’re not succeeding –it’s the common enemy’s fault. This
subhead is a good way to start that process.

Here’s the template:

“The Trouble With … <insert the name of the common enemy that is
responsible for your reader failing thus far to get what they want>…”
Here’s an example of this:

“The Trouble With ‘Get-Rich Quick Schemes’”

Subhead Template #6: Your reader is most likely skeptical. He most likely doesn’t believe you
yet. So you just want him to commit to small steps. But all these small steps eventually lead to
the payoff at the end—the sale. Step number one is to “keep an open mind” and LISTEN to what
you have to say by reading your copy. So once this reader has taken this step, you are essentially
rewarding them with this subhead and the copy that follows by showing them that people who do
what they are doing (keeping an open mind) get the results they want (because they eventually
buy your product). You then want to follow this subhead with some testimonials or case studies
or stories of people like the reader who have succeeded because they listened to you.

Here’s the template (no example needed, you can use this word-for-word):

“The Pay-Off For Keeping an Open Mind”

There you go! You now have six more subhead templates that you can use to increase your
readership levels… tell your sales story quickly… and draw more scanners into your copy so you
can make more sales. Have fun using these subhead templates to make the copywriting process
easier and quicker than ever!
3 Testimonial “Enhancement” Templates
Although I can’t give you a template for your testimonials because 1.) the more genuine they are
the better they work and 2.) you don’t want to EVER make up testimonials or use false ones… I
DO have some copy that you can outright steal to make the section of your copy with
testimonials more impactful. Use these templates to enhance the effect of your testimonials.

Testimonial Enhancer Template #1: The “Are these people any different?” technique – is
one I use on a lot of promotions that I write because it emphasizes that the only difference
between the people getting the results they want and the reader is that they people who are now
experiencing success bought the product. I generally insert this after a string of testimonials.

Here’s the template:

“Are These People Any Different Than You?

I don’t think so. They’re just honest people who were so thrilled and amazed
with the results they’ve received while using … <insert name of the product>…
that they’re willing to sign their names to a testimonial. It takes a heck of a
product to inspire that kind of openness and co-operation.”
Here’s an example of this:

“Are These People Any Different Than You?

I don’t think so. They’re just honest people who were so thrilled and amazed
with the results they’ve received while using “The Best Joint Pain Relief Pill” that
they’re willing to sign their names to a testimonial. It takes a heck of a product to
inspire that kind of openness and co-operation.”

Testimonial Enhancer Template #2: The “Check out the praise on this page” technique is
useful when you have a lot of testimonials and you (optimally) have them running down the side
of your main sales argument on the side of your webpage in a sidebar.

Here’s the template:

“If you have never heard of me or my company… <insert name of

company>… , then please read the testimonials at the right side of this page. Go
on, read them. These are “Hall of Fame” … <insert subject matter your prospect
is interested in>… legends, “insider” … <insert name of reputable group of
people in target market your prospect will respect>… , respected men and
women you could trust with your life.
Our … <insert name of your program>… they are praising is the most
advanced … <insert what your product does for them>… system in the world.
(Over XXX advanced … <insert name of people who use this product>… have
used it to reach goals no other system could take them to.)
That’s why you should at least listen to me here. Men and women with this
kind of respect and stature do not give out praise on a whim.”
Here’s an example of this:

“If you have never heard of me or my company Optimum Training Systems

(or OTS for short , then please read the testimonials at the right side of this page.
Go on, read them. These are “Hall of Fame” bodybuilding legends, “insider”
sports medicine doctors, respected men you could trust with your life.
Our “Serious Growth” program they are praising is the most advanced
bodybuilding system in the world. (Over 50,000 advanced bodybuilding and
professional athletes have used it to reach goals no other system could take
them to.)
That’s why you should at least listen to me here. Men with this kind of
respect and stature do not give out praise on a whim.”

Testimonial Enhancer Template #3: The “My files are full…” technique – is a great way to
introduce a series of powerful testimonials to show overwhelmingly that your product delivers
the benefits, results and outcome that your prospect desires.

Here’s the template:

“My files are full to overflowing with documented success stories and
unqualified praise like this...
Almost every day, we get more letters from … <insert product name>…
users who are absolutely thrilled and amazed that … <insert product name>… is
working for them. Fact is, I could fill more than XX typewritten pages with
amazing success stories just like these.
For example:
… <then go into your series of testimonials>…”

Here’s an example of this:

“My files are full to overflowing with documented success stories and
unqualified praise like this...
Almost every day, we get more letters from Enhanced Oral Chelation™ users
who are absolutely thrilled and amazed that Enhanced Oral Chelation™ is
working for them. Fact is, I could fill more than 75 typewritten pages with
amazing success stories just like these.
For example:”

There you go! You now have three more ways to take the power of your testimonials and at least
double their effectiveness by making sure they come to real, vivid life for your reader and have
maximum impact at convincing them your product or service really does what you say it will.
3 Offer Templates
Your offer is so important that if you do it right, you need little else to run a successful
advertisement. If you had a good headline, a good offer, a strong-risk reversal and an iron-clad
close you have the basic “pillars” of a successful sales letter. So here’s three more offer
templates to make sure your offers are as irresistible as possible.

Offer Template #1: The “Here’s what you get” offer –is the simplest and most direct way to
tell people what they get when they order your product. For that reason, it’s also one of the best
ways to start with because it is un-confusing for the reader and lays everything out for them.

Here’s the template:

“The Program
By investing in … <insert name of your program>… you’ll get:
The … <insert first part of program they get, i.e. ebook, etc>…
The … <insert second part of program they get, i.e. audio recordings,
But To Make … <insert program name>… Absolutely Irresistible
We’re adding:
…<Insert your copy selling your bonuses>…”
Here’s an example of this:

“The Program
By investing in Breaking Through Resistance you’ll get:
The Edited And Mastered 70 Minute MP3 Audio File
The Word-For-Word PDF Transcript File
But To Make Breaking Through Resistance Absolutely Irresistible
We’re adding:

Offer Template #2: The “Components” offer – is a classic way to structure your offer when
you have a multi-faceted product and each part of it you want to frame as a “component”
because they all work together to form a complete, powerful system.

Here’s the template:

“There are 3 main, "components" in my ...<insert name of product>… -- let
me walk you through each of them:
…<insert name of first part of program>…
First… <insert copy about what makes this component of the total program
so good… why it helps them so easily, etc>…
… <insert name of second part of the program>…
In addition to everything in component number one… <insert more copy
about how this part of the program is going to help them more… use bullets to
demonstrate the value… if possible, use specific testimonials about how helpful
this part of the program is>… .
… <insert name of third part of program>…
… <insert more copy about how this part of the program is going to help
them more… use bullets to demonstrate the value… if possible, use specific
testimonials about how helpful this part of the program is>…”
Here’s an example (I’ve edited the original copy a bit and cut it short to make it easier to digest
and see the “template” being used in the offer):

“There are 6 main, "components" in my MAGNETIC MARKETING

SYSTEMS KIT-- let me walk you through each of them:
"No Brainer," Fast Implementation
First, in general, I've made implementation an 80% "no-brainer," because I
have done 80% of the work for you. In addition to teaching on the CD's included
in the Kit, I have taken 11 different businesses and 4 different sales careers, in 6
different business categories, and treated each one as a private, paying client,
and created complete direct marketing/Magnetic Marketing Systems for each
one, including all of the "power documents": prospecting and sales letters, ads,
postcards, and so on.
And these documents are all marked "Copyright Free," which gives you
permission to take them and use them, virtually as-is! (When I am paid to
develop ONE collection of documents, for one client, I am typically paid
$7,500.00 to as much as $15,000.00 plus royalties, so there is over $75,000.00
worth of copywriting services provided in this Kit!)
Now, here's the best part: Information and ideas are fine, but let's bridge the
gap to implementation. It turns out that 90% of all businesses and sales careers
fit one (or more) of these categories so perfectly and ...YOUR business or sales
career will match up with (at least) one of these categories so perfectly, you will
be able to "steal" and use those "power documents" and strategies outright, just
as if they were created for you ... only very minor adaptation necessary!
Please pay attention to this point! At each seminar, after each speech, I am
surrounded by people, each asking if the Kit applies to this business, that
business, each believing theirs to be so "different" it must not be included.
So, to repeat: 90% of all businesses and sales careers are covered by this
Kit! For most, at least one category is such a perfect match, there's instant
application with little or no creative adaptation.
The Kit covers business-to-business selling situations, to-consumer
situations, retail, restaurants, professional practices, real estate, automobile
sales, even financial services sales (where there are compliance issues), direct
sales and network marketing, industrial, big ticket items, on and on. And just
about everybody who gets this Kit finds one category to be a very close match ...
they learn and "borrow" from ALL the materials, AND they are able to instantly
and easily apply the tools from the one category best matched to their business.
Included in these Copyright-Free Documents, in one of the business
examples, are the now-famous "Giorgio, Romance Director" Letters that I show
at most seminars, that every audience falls in love with! You've just got to see
this "marketing masterpiece!"
Learn From What Others Have Done
In addition to everything I created for you, I have also included 102 -- yes,
102! -- additional "Exhibits" that I did NOT create. These came from people just
like you, who purchased previous Editions of the Kit, took something, adapted it
to their business, then sent it in with a report of extraordinary results.
These Exhibits let you see exactly how business owners, marketing
executives, and salespeople have very successfully adapted and used the 'power
documents' in the Kit. By seeing how they've moved the 'documents' from one
business to another, from a different business to theirs, you can see how to do it
Included in these 102 Exhibits, you even get a "Cash Flow Surge Letter".....4
typed pages that brought in $58,000.00 of extra, cash business in 15 days for an
art gallery owner and has been adapted, with similar success, in over a dozen
different businesses that we know of. These four typed pages ALONE could
easily be worth thousands of dollars to you.
Don't mistake this Kit for a big collection of "form letters," by the way. SOME
of my Marketing Systems are "letter driven." But virtually EVERY possible media;
every effective method of getting your "marketing message" out to your target
markets is included in my Systems. My MAGNETIC MARKETING KIT is a
comprehensive, integrated package of help with marketing messages, target
marketing, and every media and method.
The "Cafeteria Tape"
CD #1 "walks" you through every page, every 'power document', every tool,
every example in the Kit. Sit down for about a half-hour at your desk or kitchen
table, with the Kit, listen to this first Tape, and you will understand everything in
the Kit, where it is, why it's there, how it is to be used. This way, you quickly set
up your own "cafeteria line," so you can go back through the line, pick out the
strategy and "tools" most relevant to your business right now, get those up and
running, working for you, and then go back through the line and pick another
system, etc.
Oh, and don't worry about the "how to eat an elephant problem" here -- the
answer IS "one bite at a time." This Kit is NOT something you're going to zip
through once, put on a shelf and never go back to. Not at all! It IS a true "tool kit"
you'll keep going back to, time after time, month after month. And each time you
choose and put to work a System, a strategy, or tool, you will AGAIN simplify
your business, strengthen your marketing, increase your income!
ETC… ”

Offer Template #3: The “Here’s the main product… Plus…” technique is an easy way to
just keep piling on the value of what you’re offering them. You first introduce your main
product, followed by bullet points to show them why they want it. Then you introduce your next
part of your offer in the next subhead followed by more bullet points… then you introduce the
next part of your offer in the next subhead followed by bullet points, etc. You can do this quite
effectively to build massive value in your offer. (Just make sure to some it all up for them at the
end to make sure they realize how much they’re actually getting!)

Here’s the template:

“The result – … <insert name of product> – is more than a book. It’s a

tool designed from the ground up to … <insert benefit that your product helps the
prospect to get>... .
You’ll discover, for example …
… <insert bullets for what they’ll get in this part of the system>…
Plus, I want you to have … <insert name of what they get next>…
… <insert copy about why this part of the program is so great>…
… <insert bullets about what makes this part of the program uniquely
beneficial and make the reader really want the program>…
Plus, to help you even more,
I also want you to have … <insert name of what they get next>…
… <insert more copy about why this part of the program is so great and why
it is going to help them so much. Use bullets, pictures, excerpts, and specific
testimonials if possible>…
… <continue along with this same pattern of adding a new subhead for each
part of your complete product until you have thoroughly described the total offer
and told them everything they are getting in the main system. Then you move on
to either the bonuses, price justification, guarantee or close (depending on how
you have structured the rest of your sales letter)>…”
Here’s an example of this (I’ve edited this copy to make it shorter, so that you don’t get caught
up in the copy and it’s easier to see the “template” at work!):

“The result – Two Hours to More Profitable Sales Copy – is more than a 276-
page book. It’s a tool designed from the ground up to add dollars to your bottom
Now, if what I’ve told you about Two Hours to More Profitable Sales Copy so
far has your finger itching to click an “order now” button on this page, PLEASE
DON’T. Not yet, anyway.
Because to live up to my reputation – “underpromise and overdeliver
Makepeace” – I’ve added much, much more to this volume. And when you order,
you’re going to get more than a book.
You’re going to get a complete history of direct response copywriting to help
you see how these techniques have evolved over the years and how they’re
likely to evolve from here.
You’re going to get a bonus report designed to pour even more power into
your sales promotions.
And you’re going to get a 120-minute CD that will challenge everything you
think you know about copywriting today.
More on all of that in a moment; first, let’s take a look at just a few of the
money-making gems awaiting you in your copy of Two-Hours to More Profitable
Sales Copy …
You’ll discover, for example …
How to tap into the power of your subconscious mind to organize
your thoughts, get off to a fast start, and create better copy. A
simple process …
How to turn a leisurely visit to your local bookstore into the most
profitable three hours of your entire year: A treasure trove of
response boosting ideas at your fingertips …
The truth nobody tells you about focus groups: Why relying on
them to learn about your prospects could cost you a small fortune …
And much, MUCH MORE.
Plus, I want you to have a printed and bound copy
of my complete “Great Moments in Advertising” series
I’m constantly amazed that so few people have read what The Masters – the
men who created the direct response industry and who defined the principles of
great copywriting.
And so, to give you a quick reference guide – and hopefully to whet your
appetite to read The Masters (or to read them again – like I do, every year), I also
want you to have Great Moments in Advertising.
This printed and bound volume contains all six of the highly acclaimed
articles I created to give our readers a solid foundation in the persuasive
principles that got my copywriting and marketing career off to a fast start.
Chapters include …
How Reeves’ Unique Selling Proposition installed a bald-headed
general in the White House …
Four reasons why USPs sometimes fail direct marketers …
Four unorthodox ways to make USPs work for you – by breaking
Rosser Reeves’ sacred rules …
And much MORE.
Plus, to help you add even more fire to your copy,
I also want you to have a printed and bound copy of
7 Most Powerful Characteristics of All Great Sales Copy
A couple of months back, Natalie Judd of the Internet Masters Series crawled
inside my head and mined my brain for more ways to create big winners for my
Frankly, I thought I’d said it all in The Total Package. But you know what? I
was wrong.
In this printed transcript of that interview, you’ll discover …
The seven things your copy MUST do to kill the control and
become a huge winner …
How to find the best emotional tone for your next premium …
Secrets of web design that generate maximum readership …
And much, Much MORE.”

There you go! You now have three more ways to structure your offers so that they convey the
maximum amount of value to your readers and they can’t help but think… “This is such a great
deal – I NEED to get my hands on it NOW!” and buy more products and services from you more
often. Have fun!
3 Price Justification Templates
After you have introduced your product and you have your prospect salivating to get his hands
on it, it’s now time to show him why it’s a simple “IQ test” to buy your product. Which means
you are going to build enough value… and compare your product to all the other options in such
a way that he will feel like a fool for not buying your product right away.

Price Justification Template #1: The “simple mathematics” price justification – is a great,
simple, to the point way to take all the work you just did with the entire letter… remind your
reader how much value you are offering them… and then compare it to the price of the product
and show that it’s a “no-brainer” decision to act now.

Here’s the template:

“These secrets are responsible for <insert the benefits you have gotten
from using your product and the ones your prospect would like to get>”
Remember – when you RSVP today …
You get … <insert the main component of your offer> – Which
contains… <insert the details of what they’re getting… how many pages… how
many hours of video… etc> – a $XXX value …
You get … <component number two> – with amazing … <detail the quick
benefits for the reader of this part of your offer – most likely your first bonus> – a
$xxx value …

You get … <component number three of your offer>: with … <again

detail the benefits of this offer> – a $xxx value …
<Repeat the same templated “offer bullets” as the above three for anymore
bonuses you may have here>
All in all, that’s $X,XXX-worth of … <insert the benefit your product gives the
reader>… making materials – it’s all yours for just $... <insert your price here>!”
Here’s an example of this template (pay attention to how Tony Flores continually builds upon
the value of each component of the offer and how much money each product has made him or
other people):

“These writing processes and secrets have created

nearly $1.5 billion in sales revenues for Clayton’s clients.
They’ve earned him royalties of
up to $650,000 in a single month.
Order now and they’re yours
for just $1,497!
Remember – when you RSVP today …
You get The Ultimate Desktop Copy Coach two-binder set – totaling
1,075 big pages … complete with all the examples of each technique in real-
world promotions … your personal worksheets, my detailed analysis of Clayton’s
promotions … and so much more – a $1,497 value …
You get your six-part “Getting Started” audio series – with amazing
copywriting insights from million-dollar copywriters like Jim Rutz … John
Carlton … David Deustch and Brad Petersen … PLUS, two exciting interviews
with Clayton that will empower you to create enjoyable, highly profitable
relationships with clients – and maximize both the work time and play time you
experience as an independent marketing pro – a $474 value …
You get three, eye-opening one-hour-plus Video Training Sessions on
DVD: Clayton’s Copy Autopsy … Secrets of Winning Graphic Design with
Clayton … and How to Crawl Inside Your Prospect’s Brain with Clayton and John
Carlton – a $297 value …

You get Swipe Files of the Copywriting Superstars – my never-before-

released, ten-promotion, 240-page volume featuring some of the greatest copy
ever written by some of Clayton’s most successful former students (Parris
Lampropoulos, Carline Anglade-Cole, Kent Komae, Bob Hutchinson, and Brad
Petersen) – a $197 value …
You get my groundbreaking new, 60-page Emotional Trigger Words–
the ONLY complete resource for putting one of Clayton’s most explosive secrets
to work for you – a $147 value and …

You get six full months live, personal coaching – just call the personal
phone number I give you at the appointed time twice each month and I’ll
personally answer your questions, walk you through any challenges you might be
facing. And you also get full and free membership in my secret coaching site
where I deliver more great copy samples, videos, ideas and more throughout the
year – a $2,400 value …
All in all, that’s $5,012-worth of money-making materials – it’s all yours for
just $1,497!
Heck: That wouldn’t have even covered my gas money in college!
Remember? I spent $150,000 and four years of my life for a degree and all I
got out of the deal was a $40,000 dead-end job offer.
For just $1,497 - 1/166th of my tuition … a measly one-half of one-percent of
what I blew on my degree – you can have an education and a lifetime
resource packed with the copywriting secrets that have not only made Clayton
a rich man … they’ve turned his copy cubs into millionaires, too!”
Price Justification Template #2: The “reduce to the ridiculous” price justification – is one I
use ALL the time to take the price of the product and reduce it down to the ridiculous, smallest
amount I can – often how much the prospect is actually spending per day. And then I like to
compare it to something he probably buys every day to show how miniscule this amount is in the
grand scheme of things.

Here’s the template (starts with a subhead):

“Just .XX cents per day to… <get the benefit your prospect wants>!
When you really think about it, compared to having … <the benefits your
prospect wants>…, $XXX is really just a painless drop in the bucket.
Consider this: Over the course of just one year, by which time you will
have already … <paint a picture of them already having all the benefits that come
from owning your product and how life will be then>…, your investment in this
system will only be $.xx per day… that’s less than the price of a cup of
Starbucks coffee!”

Here’s an example of this template:

“Just $1.91 per day to totally transform

your relationships with women…
into fun, sexy experiences -- FOREVER!
When you really think about it, compared to having a lifetime of success with
women, 4 payments of $197 is really just a painless drop in the bucket.
Consider this: Over the course of just one year, by which time you will
have already completely transformed your relationships with women into fun,
sexy, attractive encounters instead of boring conversations, your investment in
this system will only be $1.91 per day… that’s less than the price of a cup of
Starbucks coffee!”

Price Justification Template #3: The “Sell them on a higher price then drop it” price
justification –is one I often like to use, either just by itself or in combination with the other
methods of price justification (can you see how you can use all of these techniques both by
themselves… and in combination with the others for even more effectiveness?) Basically, you
establish a solid point of reference as to how much your product is worth… get them to agree to
that price… and then drop the price way lower than they expected so that they agree logically
and FEEL like they really are getting a great deal.

Here’s the template:

“To get advice like this elsewhere… <name another place they could learn
information not quite as good but like what you’re selling them>… it would cost
you at least $XX per month … which equals a hefty $XXX per year.
And I’d bet dollars to donuts you won’t find anyone, at any… <name place
you compared to before>…, who could teach you how to use these secrets to…
<get the benefit your prospects want>!
And even IF you could find someone to teach you these secrets … which you
won’t … $XXX would be a drop in the bucket compared to the incredible …
<name the benefits they’ll get from your product again>… you’ll possess.
You’ll be the envy of all the … <name the other people in your prospects
peer group who they desperately would like to impress> – just being around you
will make them wonder “What is that guy’s secret?”
But the good news is you won’t have to pay anywhere near $XXX!
As part of a special marketing test, you can get the complete … <insert name
of your course>… for only $XX … Over the course of one year, that’s just .XX
cents a day … not even one fourth of the cost of a single cup of coffee at the
cheapest gas station in town!
Can you think of a better way to spend … <insert how many quarters,
nickels, dimes or pennies it would cost to equal the amount of
change per day they’re spending>… than by making yourself into … <paint
a picture of the person they’ll be after using your product> in record time?
I didn’t think so!”

Here’s an example of this template in use:

“The International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association

(IHRSA) reports that the average gym membership rate in the United States is
$55 per month … which equals a hefty $660 per year.
And I’d bet dollars to donuts you won’t find anyone, at any health club, who
could teach you how to use the secret power of handstand training to explode
your health and fitness!
And even IF you could find someone to teach you these secrets … which you
won’t … $660 would be a drop in the bucket compared to the incredible strength,
power and confidence you’ll possess.
You’ll be the envy of all the guys who hack into the gym year after year – just
being around you will make them wonder “Is that guy taking steroids?”
But the good news is you won’t have to pay anywhere near $660!
As part of a special marketing test, you can get the complete HANDSTAND
SECRETS REVEALED Manual and DVD for only $99 … Over the course of one
year, that’s just .28 cents a day … not even one fourth of the cost of a single cup
of coffee at the cheapest gas station in town!
Can you think of a better way to spend a quarter and three pennies than
by making yourself into a certified “he-man” in record time?
I didn’t think so!”

So there you go! You now have 3 templates you can use to justify the price you want to charge
for your products or services and make it seem like such a bargain to do business with you that
it’s not just a simple “yes or no” question… it’s an offer so good it makes not buying sound like
a dumb thing to do.
3 Guarantee Templates
You guarantee, or “risk-reversal” section is very important in making the sale. This is the part of
the copy where you prospect already wants what you have… he wants to buy it… he thinks it’s a
good sale… now you’re going to take all the pressure off his buying decision and make it an easy
decision for him to say yes.

Guarantee Template #1: The “tell them what it’ll do or they don’t pay” guarantee –is a
simple, straight-to-the-point guarantee that I like to use a lot. You simply tell them what to
expect, and if they don’t get those results they get it free.

Here’s the template (starts with subhead):

“The … <insert product name>

must make you much, much more
<insert benefit user will get from using your product>
or we won’t make a penny on it
Just click here, or call toll-free, 1-800-000-0000 to order your copy of …
<insert product name>… for only $XXX.
When it arrives on your doorstep, put it right to work: USE it to … <insert the
benefits of using your product>… all you want for a full year.
Then, you tell me whether you’ll keep it or not.
We’re betting the farm that one year from now – in … <insert date of next
year>… – you’ll be telling everyone you know that this uniquely powerful
resource … <insert benefits of using your product>… worth hundreds of times
what you paid for it.
If I’m right, just keep on using it to … <insert the benefits they’ll get if they
keep using it>… for the rest of your life.
Otherwise, just return it and we’ll cheerfully and promptly refund every penny
you paid.
That’s right. You get ONE FULL YEAR to put … <insert product
name>… through its paces – and keep it ONLY if you agree that it’s the best
investment you’ve ever made.
I ask you: What could possibly be fairer than that?”
Here’s an example of this template in use:

“The Ultimate Desktop Copy Coach

must make you much, much richer,
or we won’t make a penny on it
Just click here, or call toll-free – 1-800-000-0000 to order your copy of The
Ultimate Desktop Copy Coach for only $1,497.
When it arrives on your doorstep, put it right to work: USE it to make all the
money you want for a full year.
Then, you tell me whether you’ll keep it or not.
We’re betting the farm that one year from now – in July, 2009 – you’ll be
telling everyone you know that this uniquely powerful resource earned you
hundreds of times what you paid for it.
If I’m right, just keep on using it to ramp up your response, profits and income
for the rest of your life.
Otherwise, just return it and we’ll cheerfully and promptly refund every penny
you paid.
That’s right. You get ONE FULL YEAR to put The Ultimate Desktop
Copy Coach through its paces – and keep it ONLY if you agree that it’s the best
career investment you’ve ever made.
I ask you: What could possibly be fairer than that?”

Guarantee Template #2: The “Plus, you get a guarantee” template –is often a good way to
go when you’re in a market that already EXPECTS a guarantee… everyone else is using one…
and your guarantee isn’t anything spectacular or different from everyone else in the market. You
just tell them in a matter-of-fact “of course!” kind of way that they have a guarantee covering
their purchase.

Here’s the template:

“Plus everything comes with my

full 100% money back guarantee!
You must be absolutely convinced that my … <insert product name>…
series and all your FREE bonuses will … <insert the benefit that you’re sure
they’ll get from using your product>… or just let us know and we’ll gladly refund
your entire purchase price.
Considering all you get, $XXX is nothing. Thousands of college kids pay
more than that every week to get a degree in art history that they’ll never use! I’m
going to show you how I … <insert what you’re going to show them how to do>…
and how you can, too.
You do the math.”

Here’s an example of this template:

“Plus everything comes with my
full 100% money back guarantee!
You must be absolutely convinced my “HOW TO EASILY LOSE WEIGHT”
ebook and all your FREE bonuses is transforming your body right from the very
first day – more likely, from the very first hour –or just let us know and we’ll gladly
refund your entire purchase price.
Considering all you’re getting, three hundred bucks is chicken feed. Entire
armies of people hack into gyms each year paying 5 times that much for their
gym memberships! I’m showing you how to get the body you want in half the time
and with half the effort.
You do the math.”

Guarantee Template #3: The “take it for a test-drive car salesman” guarantee – is a great
way to reframe the risk-reversal. They’re not “buying” your product and getting a guarantee…
they’re getting to “try it out”… or… “Take it for a test-drive” so it doesn’t feel like they’re
making such a permanent decision and they are more likely to act now instead of thinking it
over. This is a great “prove it to yourself first” type guarantee.

Here’s the template:

“Test-Drive … <insert product name>… for a FULL YEAR …

… make sure it delivers what you need
to … <insert the benefit or outcome your prospect wants> …
… or you don’t pay one red-cent!
The entire series comes with my full 100% money-back guarantee.
Take the series for a spin. I insist you have the time to discover my secrets
for … <insert the subject or benefit your prospect is interested in or trying to
achieve> … put them to use … and actually … <insert the benefits they’ll get
from using your product>… BEFORE you commit to keeping it.
You must be absolutely convinced these sessions are … <insert the benefits
they’re getting from using your copy and paint a picture of how well they’re doing
using your product to improve their lives>… – or just return the series to us within
12 months.
And we will cheerfully refund every penny you paid – no questions asked!”
Here’s an example of this template in action:

“Test-Drive Challenge a Strong Control

… make sure it delivers what you need
to dissect and beat a control …
… or you don’t pay one red-cent!
The entire series comes with my full 100% money-back guarantee.
Take the series for a spin. I insist you have the time to discover my secrets
for beating a control … put them to use … and actually GET PAID for your efforts
BEFORE you commit to keeping it.
You must be absolutely convinced these sessions are taking your copy to
new control-beating highs - significantly boosting response to your direct mail,
Internet, and print ad promotions – or just return the two-CD-ROM set to us
within 12 months.
The Redhead will cheerfully refund every penny you paid – no questions

There you have it! 3 more ways to reverse the risk of ordering your product and make your
prospect feel confident that his money is in good hands should he ever need to return your
product by way of a refund. Try these guarantee templates out and watch your conversion rate
3 Guarantee Templates
It’s time to make purchasing your product the easiest thing in the world for your prospect to do.
To do that you need to take away any and ALL fears he may have that he is going to get “ripped
off” and you do that by offering a rock-solid guarantee and positioning it in the best way
possible to “reverse the risk” from the prospect’s shoulders to your own. Here’s 3 more
guarantee templates to help you do just that.

Guarantee Template #1: The “before the price” guarantee is great because the prospect
knows you’re about to tell him how much the product costs… but first you’re going to assure
him that he’s not risking a penny.

Here’s the template:

“Before I even mention a price... let's make you understand how EASY this
decision really is.
I will shoulder ALL the risk here.
If... after checking out … <insert product name here>… for 3 entire months...
you are unhappy with it -- for ANY reason at all -- then I INSIST you return it.
And your purchase price will be promptly refunded.
That's a...
3-Month 100% Money-Back Guarantee…
No Questions Asked.”
Here’s an example of this:

“Before I even mention a price... let's make you understand how EASY this
decision really is.
I will shoulder ALL the risk here.
If... after checking out "Kick-Ass Copywriting Secrets of a Marketing
Rebel" for 3 entire months... you are unhappy with it -- for ANY reason at all --
then I INSIST you return it.
And your purchase price will be promptly refunded.
That's a...
3-Month 100% Money-Back Guarantee…
No Questions Asked.”
Guarantee Template #2: The “Rock –Solid” Guarantee is a straightforward way to give a
guarantee. The biggest difference is you’re really hammering home how rock-solid and 100%
iron-clad your guarantee is.

Here’s the template (starts with the subhead):

“Rock-solid No-Risk, 100% Money-Back Guarantee…

Just Say “Maybe” To Unlock … <insert benefit they’re getting>… Today!
Don’t decide now… all I need is for you to say, “Maybe!”… and I’ll rush this
entire system out to you right away…
Get the package and review it. Watch the videos, listen to the audios. Go
over the shortcuts and secret techniques spelled out, step-by-step, in it. Apply
just one idea to your life and …<insert the part of their life they’ll be using your
product in>… it will be "life changing" as more than one satisfied person has told
Follow and COMMIT to the Six Week Action Plan to Your New Life.
If before the six weeks is up, for some reason you don't think my secrets
have changed your life forever contact my customer support team and get a full,
no hassle refund. No questions, no conditions, no problem.
I can't possibly make it any easier for you to … <insert the benefit, outcome,
or result that they want>… .
You risk nothing.
Of course, you probably would not part with your copy of … <insert product
name>… for 10 times the price, but it's totally up to you.
What you get is the opportunity to review the hottest … <insert the subject
matter your prospect is interested in>… secrets in the world. You won't find these
secrets anywhere else.”
Here’s an example of this:

“Rock-solid No-Risk, 100% Money-Back Guarantee…

Just Say “Maybe” To Unlock Your Charismatic Conversation Skills Today!
Don’t decide now… all I need is for you to say, “Maybe!”… and I’ll rush this
entire system out to you right away…
Get the package and review it. Watch the videos, listen to the audios. Go
over the shortcuts and secret techniques spelled out, step-by-step, in the
handouts. Apply just one idea to your dating life and conversations with ALL
women and notice the difference… it will be "life changing" as more then one
seminar attendee told me.
Follow and COMMIT to the Six Week Action Plan to Your New Life.
If before the six weeks is up, for some reason you don't think my secrets
have changed your dating life forever contact my customer support team and get
a full, no hassle refund. No questions, no conditions, no problem.
I can't possibly make it any easier for you to know exactly what to say in any
situation with women.
You risk nothing.
Of course, you probably would not part with your copy of CHARISMATIC
CONVERSATIONS: Take-Home Training Kit for 10 times the price, but it's
totally up to you.
What you get is the opportunity to review the hottest “what to say” dating
secrets in the world. You won't find these secrets anywhere else.”

Guarantee Template #3: The “Use everything free” guarantee is one I first saw used by
master copywriter John Carlton and it’s a great way to position your guarantee so that the
prospect feels like he gets to see everything free (or try your product free) if they decide to take
you up on your guarantee.

Here’s the template:

“Plus, you also get a generous…

60-Day Guarantee.
Here's what that means:

You have 30 days to use these … <insert the type of product they’re
getting>… .

If you aren't 100% happy and satisfied during those 60 days for any reason...
we will buy the product back from you.

No hassles and no questions asked.

Which means you can basically use everything FREE, if you choose.”
Here’s an example of this:

“Plus, Ken has also decided to give you a generous…

60-Day Guarantee.

Here's what that means:

You have 30 days to use these copywriting tactics in your ads and sales
If you aren't 100% happy and satisfied during those 60 days for any
reason...Ken will buy the course back from you.

No hassles and no questions asked.

Which means you can basically use everything FREE, if you choose.”

There you go! You now have 3 more ways to totally reverse the risk of your prospects decision
so that he feels like his decision is totally and completely risk-free… that his hard-earned cash is
in good hands… and he can make a “no-pressure” decision to buy your product because he can
trust you to handle his money well. Have fun and try these guarantee templates out and watch
your response rates soar!
3 Bonus Section Templates
Bonuses are free gifts and discounts that you give your reader as more incentive to take action
now. Think of it as “sweetening the pot” with some extra reasons to not wait and act now.
They’re an important part of the copy that can take your prospect from “oh, that sounds like a
good product—I might get that one day”… and turn them into… “Wow! This is so much
value—I have to act now!”

Bonus Template #1: The simple “bonus list” technique – is the simplest, most direct and easy
way to give bonuses. Without fan fare you simply list off the bonuses they’re going to get with
the offer if they act now.

Here’s the template:

“Plus, you get …<insert number of bonuses>… MORE instantly

downloadable volumes
to …<insert benefit they’ll get from your product>
– an additional $XXX value – FREE!
Bonus report #1: … <insert name of bonus>…--a $XX Value, FREE!
…<insert a quick description of what this bonus does>…
Bonus report #2: … <insert name of bonus>…--a $XX Value, FREE!
…<insert a quick description of what this bonus does>…
<Repeat the process for the correct number of bonuses you have>…”

Here’s an example of this technique:

“Plus, you get EIGHT MORE instantly downloadable volumes

to rocket your career
– an additional $392 value – FREE!
Bonus report #1: Secrets of Successful Lead Generation by Bob Bly – a $29
Value, FREE! This brand new report from master copywriter and marketer Bob
Bly takes you step-by-step through his most successful (and lucrative) lead
generation techniques. Including his Silver Rule of Marketing 31 simple ways to
make your ads generate more inquiries 50 lead generating tips 5 ways to capture
the e-mail addresses of landing page visitors and much, much more!
Bonus report # 2: Profiting with Information Products by Bob Serling – a $39
Value, FREE! Bob Serling shares many of the components of his "stealth
system" that make it easy for anyone to create and market their own highly
successful information products. In the transcript of this live teleseminar, Bob
was joined by three of his recent students to give in-depth details on how to:
Select only those topics that will be most profitable
Quickly and easily create your information products
Effectively market your information products
You'll be pleasantly surprised to hear how easily his customers have gone
from zero to substantial sales in a very short time – and how you can duplicate
their success.

Bonus Template #2: The “Great Reasons” technique-- is another great way to say that they’re
getting a ton of bonuses, but you’re framing them as great reasons why they should act now.

Here’s the template:

“Here are seven great reasons why today is the best time for you to
try… <insert product name>…:
Reason No. 1: Special savings of …<insert any discount you might be
giving them as your first bonus>…
Reason No. 2: … <insert the name of the second bonus you’re giving
them> with your order, valued at $XXX—but yours FREE! Now you can …
<insert a description of all the great stuff they’ll be able to do with this bonus>....
Reason No. 3: FREE SPECIAL REPORT: … <insert the name of the
special report they’re getting>… (A $XX value, yours FREE) Discover…
… <insert a description of what they’ll discover in this bonus>…
… <insert a description of what they’ll discover in this bonus>…
… <insert a description of what they’ll discover in this bonus>…”

Here’s an example of this:

“Here are seven great reasons why today is the best time for you to
give the new Advanced Joint Relief™ a shot:
Reason No. 1: Special savings of $180.00 on the Gold Medal “best value”
12 month order
Reason No. 2: Six FREE bottles of Ortho Balm™ with your Gold Medal
order, valued at $209.70—but yours FREE! Now you can rub muscle and joint
pain away quickly with Ortho Balm™, arguably the world’s most powerful, fact–
acting pain–reliving cream.
Just rub on a bit of this amazing cream to your neck, shoulders, hands,
joints, back, elbow, knees, hips, wrists or feet—and start enjoying pain–free
No other cream gives you seven natural pain–fighters (Aloe, Camphor,
MSM, Eucalyptus oil, Vitamin E, Methyl 1 Salicylate and Methyl) in a single,
scientifically–developed formula.
People love Ortho Balm™, and say things like, “After a few days, the
pain was gone… thank you for a miracle product.”—Dominador M.,
California… and “Saved me much pain, truly a miracle product.”—Mary H.,
Now, get six bottles FREE—a perfect complement to Advanced
Joint Relief™.
Reason No. 3: FREE SPECIAL REPORT: 7 Deadly Sins of Joint and
Pain Sufferers (A $19.95 value, yours FREE) Discover…
The shocking truth about painkilling prescriptions. The fine print
most people overlook—with potentially deadly results.
The big dosage dupe. Why most people taking joint/pain
supplements aren’t taking high enough dosages of nutrients to get
relief. What you really need to take each day.
The vitamin skimming ruse. Little–known trick vitamin
manufacturers use to get you to buy a joint/pain supplement. But
chances are it’s too weak to do any good.
The great absorption rip–off. Sad truth why millions of pain
sufferers are taking gobs of supplements, with little or no relief.
The exercise black hole. Why common mistakes in exercising cause
more pain than relieve it. Easy to sidestep.
And more eye–opening blunders you must avoid to get genuine
relief—all yours for FREE! ”

Bonus Template #3: The “Special Introductory Offer” technique – is a great way to
introduce your offer and your bonuses because it gives them a reason for why they’re getting all
the bonuses (and any discounts you may be offering).

Here’s the template:

“Special Introductory Offer:

Claim 3 MORE
Great …<insert subject type>… Guides
– A $XXX Value, FREE!
And to sweeten the pot — and to make this generous offer even MORE
impossible to refuse, I’m throwing in three MORE of my most powerful …<insert
subject type>… guides — FREE!
1. You get …<insert name of bonus>…– a $XX Value, FREE! gives you
… <insert a short description of what this product is>…
You’ll discover…
• … <insert bullets about what they’ll discover in this bonus>…
• … <insert bullets about what they’ll discover in this bonus>…
• … <insert bullets about what they’ll discover in this bonus>…
• And MORE!
2. You get …<insert name of bonus>…– a $XX Value, FREE! In this little
gem, I give you …<insert description of what they’ll get>!
With this handy guide at your side, you’re guaranteed to … <insert the
benefits they’ll get from this report>!

Here’s an example of this:

“Special Introductory Offer:

Claim 3 MORE
Great Business Building Guides
– A $227 Value, FREE!
And to sweeten the pot — and to make this generous offer even MORE
impossible to refuse, I’m throwing in three MORE of my most powerful business-
building guides — FREE!
1. You get AD WRITER'S ARSENAL– a $79 Value, FREE! gives you 48
Super Weapons that explode through your prospects' defenses by speaking
directly to his most powerful emotions.
And shows you how to use the astonishing power of Dominant Emotion copy
to rocket your response!
You’ll discover…
• How to multiply the selling power of your ads by targeting your prospects’
29 most powerful emotions…
• 6 major objectives to instantly connect with your prospects’ DOMINANT
EMOTIONS in your headline and lead copy to drive readership and response
through the roof…
• 8 ways to spot powerful dominant emotions your prospects already have
that could skyrocket your response rates…
• Simple 5-step exercise to connect your products’ benefits with your
prospects’ most powerful response-boosting emotions, exploding your
• And MORE!
2. You get BEAT THE BLANK PAGE BLUES – a $49 value, FREE! In this
little gem, I give you three fantastic starter outlines for every kind of copy you’ll
ever write!
With this handy guide at your side, you’re guaranteed to write better ads
faster and get bigger winners, more often!”

There you go! You now have 3 more ways you can pile on the bonuses to make your offer
absolutely irresistible and so valuable that your prospects would be foolish to say “no”! Try these
three different techniques and watch your closing rates increase.
3 Close Templates
The close is one of the most important parts of your copy. This is the part where you wrap up
your sales pitch… ask for the sale and make the decision to buy… and the ordering process easy.

It’s essential that you tell them exactly what to do at this point and then make it easy for them to
do it because confusion KILLS sales.

Close Template #1: The “Crossroads close” –is one I use a lot because it boils the decision
making process down into 3 simple choices and nudges them (without being pushy) towards
making the RIGHT choice (to buy your product!).

Here’s the template:

“I Urge You – Let My

… <insert product name>…
Help YOU Take control of Your Life – NOW!
This is a crossroads moment in your life. Three paths lie before you:
1. You can bury your head in the sand… continue ignoring my warnings and
my offers of help and still be stuck in the same … <paint a picture of how their life
is now, without your product and the help you want to give them>… -
2. You can try to figure all this out your own, and grumble about the slow
progress you’re making… how hard it is to figure out …<insert all the stuff they
want to know>… and live with knowing you once had the chance to never say, “I
wish I had known …” but never took advantage of it ...
3. OR you can TAKE CONTROL of your life and get the guidance and advice
I’m offering from my sweat and trial and error… proven to allow you to finally
have … <insert the benefits they’ll get from your product>!
Frankly, only one of these choices makes any sense at all. Please – for your
own sake – join me in taking advantage of my risk-free offer today!
I want to help you set the … <insert whatever subject your product helps
them with in here> agenda for the rest of your life… a life filled with … <insert
benefits of having the life your product helps provide>… and a bright outlook. It’s
time to ACCEPT this risk-free investment in your (and your family’s) future and
join me now.
Here’s how to Order: Click on the link below to order RIGHT NOW. You can
use your credit card— it’s fast, safe and 100% secure… ten times more secure
than using a credit card at your favorite restaurant!”

Here’s an example of this template:

“I Urge You – Let My
Take-Home Training Course
Help YOU Take control of Your Dating Life – NOW!
This is a crossroads moment in your life. Three paths lie before you:
1. You can bury your head in the sand… continue ignoring my warnings and
my offers of help and still be stuck in the same boring relationships, losing out on
the incredible women you could be enjoying - FOREVER…
2. You can try to figure all this out your own, and grumble about the slow
progress you’re making… how hard it is to figure out what women REALLY
want… and live with knowing you once had the chance to never say, “I wish I had
known …” but never took advantage of it ...
3. OR you can TAKE CONTROL of your life and get the guidance and advice
I’m offering from my sweat and trial and error… proven to allow you to finally
have incredibly fun and sexy conversations with women!
Frankly, only one of these choices makes any sense at all. Please – for your
own sake – join me in taking advantage of my risk-free offer today!
I want to help you set the dating and relationship agenda for the rest of your
life… a life filled with choices with women… and a bright outlook. It’s time to
ACCEPT this risk-free investment in your (and possibly your family’s) future and
join me now.
Here’s how to Order: Click on the link below to order RIGHT NOW. You can
use your credit card— it’s fast, safe and 100% secure… ten times more secure
than using a credit card at your favorite restaurant!”

Close Template #2: The “What are you waiting for?” Close – is great because it makes it
seem like the logical choice is to buy your product, and you can’t understand why they wouldn’t
take advantage of this offer right now. Also, you go back over the offer a little more and remind
them once again of the benefits they’ll be getting before you tell them to order.

Here’s the template (starts with a subhead):

“What are you waiting for?

The only thing standing between you and the … <insert benefits they
want>… you deserve is … <insert a result that your product can give them>
So now it’s up to you.
You can, of course, continue down the agonizingly slow road of learning by
trial and error, facing costly mistakes and setbacks, and taking years to discover
the key to … <insert the outcome and benefits they want> .
Or, you can start putting the winning strategies you’ll find in … <insert
product name>… to work for you …
To … <insert a benefit your product will give them> …
To … <insert another benefit your product will give them>, and …
To … <insert another benefit your product will give them> …
… and … <insert a final benefit that is the sum total of the three
benefits above, and paint a picture of the life this will give the reader if
they get your product>.
With our 100% money-back guarantee, there’s absolutely no risk on your
part. So when it comes right down to it, there’s really only one rational thing to
do …
Click here to order now.”
Here’s an example of this template:

“What are you waiting for?

The only thing standing between you and the success you deserve is a chain
of bigger winners.
So now it’s up to you.
You can, of course, continue down the agonizingly slow road of learning by
trial and error, facing costly mistakes and setbacks, and taking years to discover
the key to writing control-killing copy.
Or, you can start putting the winning strategies you’ll find in Clayton’s Steal
These Secrets, Volume 2 to work in your copy …
To inject your headlines with irresistible pulling power and entice your
prospects to keep reading your sales message …
To create insatiable desire for your product by proving its benefits
beyond the shadow of a doubt, and …
To structure your sales argument with bullet-proof logic, leaving your
prospect with the conclusion that it would be dumb not to order …
… and catapult your direct marketing career into orbit.
With Clayton’s 100% money-back guarantee, there’s absolutely no risk on
your part. So when it comes right down to it, there’s really only one rational thing
to do …
Click here to order now.”
Close Template #3: The “If… then” close – is a very simple and direct close you can use to
sell just about everything. It’s perfect for many low priced products (like ebooks for instance)
where the decision to buy should be a simple one.

Here’s the template (starts with subhead):

“If you're finished with … <insert all the stuff they have been doing that
hasn’t been working>… and you're ready to do it the right way, THEN THIS
This is the Honest and Effective Solution You've Been Searching For
If you're even remotely interested in learning the truth about …<insert the
subject they want to learn about>…, then you owe it to yourself to at least try …
<insert product name>....
If it's not for you, I'll understand. Frankly, this program isn't for everyone. 95%
of people are going to keep looking for a magic pill or quick fix. But I don't think
you would’ve read this far if you were the type of person to follow the crowd.
I'm not looking for an army of followers - I'm looking for a small handful of
winners who are sick of all the lies in this industry and are willing to put in the
honest hard work necessary to make their dreams a reality - people who simply
need the right information, motivation and coaching to help make it happen.
If you're one of those special people - one of the top 5% who are ready to
make the commitment and willing put forth the effort - then come on board with
me and order today, because "just thinking about it" never led anyone to …
<insert the result your prospect wants to achieve>.”
Here’s an example of this template:

“If You're Finished for Good With all the Weight Loss Fads, Pills and
"Quick Fix Diets" That Have Failed You in the Past and You're Ready to Do
it the Right Way, THEN THIS IS IT! This is the Honest and Effective Fat Loss
Solution You've Been Searching For
If you're even remotely interested in learning the truth about permanent fat
loss, then you owe it to yourself to at least try Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle. If
it's not for you, I'll understand. Frankly, this program isn't for everyone. 95% of
the people in this world are going to keep looking for that magic pill or quick fix.
But I don't think you would have read this far if you were the type of person to
follow the crowd.
I'm not looking for a huge mass of followers - I'm looking for a small handful
of winners who are sick of all the marketing hype and BS in this industry and are
willing to put in the honest hard work necessary to make their dreams a reality -
people who simply need the right information, motivation and coaching to help
make it happen.
If you're one of those special people - one of the top 5% who are ready to
make the commitment and willing put forth the effort - then come on board with
me and order today, because "just thinking about it" never led anyone to a better

There you go! You now have 3 more “pressure cooker closes” you can use to make the sale at
the end of your copy when it really counts!
3 Close Templates
The close is a very important part of your copy. It’s where the sale is made. And for that reason
you should definitely test different versions of your close. Even if you’re selling a “service” that
you provide to the customer, special attention must be taken to make the ordering process
simple, easy and as UN-confusing as possible. Here’s three more close templates to help you do
just that.

Close Template #1: The “here’s what you need to do right now” technique –is great because
you’re adding urgency and telling them exactly what to do, making the next step (ordering) clear
and simple. (This is a technique I learned from studying master copywriter John Carlton by the

Here’s the template

“Here's what you need to do right now: Hit the "Add To Cart" button now...
Use your credit card. It's the quickest way to secure … <insert product
name>… right now. Or... if you'd prefer to talk with a real live person, you can call
my office at:
Tell the operator you want … <insert product name here>… .”
Here’s an example of this:

“Here's what you need to do right now: Hit the "Add To Cart" button now...
Use your credit card. It's the quickest way to secure your copy of “The
Ultimate Copywriting eBook” right now. Or... if you'd prefer to talk with a real live
person, you can call my office at:
Tell the operator you want “The Ultimate Copywriting eBook” .”

Close Template #2: The “let’s get started” technique – is a good way to sell services by
telling them the best way to contact you and get started fast.

Here’s the template:

“Let's Get Started On … <insert service you provide>… Right Now!
Let's work together right now to create your … <insert service you offer>… .

Here's the step-by-step, 1-2-3 process to get started now:

1. Get your free quote, or call me at 1-800-000-0000.
2. We'll agree on the details of your project and on a price.
3. I'll get your project scheduled and give you a completion date.”

Here’s an example of this:

“Let's Get Started On Your Copy Right Now!

Let's work together right now to create your results-focused copy.

Here's the step-by-step, 1-2-3 process to get started now:

1. Get your free quote, or call me at (509) 624-2220.
2. We'll agree on the details of your project and on a price.
3. I'll get your project scheduled and give you a completion date.”

Close Template #3: The “every day you delay is costing you” technique is a great way to
remind them of what’s at stake if they don’t act now.

Here’s the template:

“Remember, every day you delay is costing you … <insert the things they are
NOT getting by continuing to wait>… . So, go ahead! Get started now and …
<insert the main benefit they will receive from owning your product>… .
Simply click here to order now and be taken to our secure servers so
your credit-card payment can be processed quickly and easily.”
Here’s an example of this:

“Remember, every day you delay is costing you money in lost sales and
income. So, go ahead! Get started now and propel your website up the search
engine rankings.
Simply click here to order now and be taken to our secure servers so
your credit-card payment can be processed quickly and easily.”
There you go! You now have 3 more ways to create an iron-clad close that you can use to get
more interested prospects to say “YES!” and order your products and services. Have fun!
3 Close Templates
Your close is like a “virtual salesman” on your website that should be working to get you more
sales each and every day. If a salesman in a retail store wasn’t producing then you would fire
them and hire a new one. In the same way, it’s important to continually test new “salesmen” on
your marketing materials. With that in mind, here’s three more close templates you can use right

Close Template #1: The “summary” close – is great because you remind them of what you’ve
shared with them previously in the letter… remind them of the offer… the guarantee and then
move onto the next logical step—placing the order.

Here’s the template:

“In our short time together today, you’ve seen … <insert examples, or logical
argument of how you proved your solution/your product was the best choice>…
… you’ve read the sincere letters of dozens of very real customers and heard
their stories about what … <insert product name>… has done for them.
Now, it’s time for you to decide.
The simple fact is, if any … <insert “competitor” who sells a competing
solution for your prospects problem—even better if they’re the “common
enemy”>… in the world had a patented product with so many benefits, they’d
charge an arm and a leg for it. But for as little as … <insert how much money
they’re spending>… , … <insert product name>… just may be the best bargain
you’ll see in your lifetime.
Please remember—you have absolutely nothing to lose by accepting my
generous offer.
More than that: You must personally experience significant, dramatic
improvements in your life. If not, simply return the product—and you’ll receive a
prompt refund. All the free gifts you’ve received are yours to keep absolutely
FREE of charge. Can I be any fairer than that?
I urge you to CLICK HERE NOW or call Toll Free 1-800-000-0000 to accept
this remarkable offer. And I will rush your … <insert product name>… and FREE
gifts to you. Soon you’ll be taking your first step towards … <insert benefit your
prospect wants>… .”
Here’s an example of this:

“In our short time together today, you’ve seen the science behind Advanced
Artery Solution™… you’ve read the sincere letters of dozens of very real
customers and heard their stories about what oral chelation has done for them.
Now, it’s time for you to decide.
The simple fact is, if any drug company in the world had a patented product
with so many benefits, they’d charge an arm and a leg for it. But for as little as
just 23 cents per capsule, Advanced Artery Solution™ just may be the best
bargain you’ll see in your lifetime.
Please remember—you have absolutely nothing to lose by accepting True
Health’s™ generous offer. The EDTA in Advanced Artery Solution™ is so safe
it’s officially approved by the FDA as a preservative in packaged foods, vitamins,
and even baby food.
More than that: You must personally experience significant, dramatic
improvements in your health. If not, simply return the unused portion—even if the
bottle is empty—and you’ll receive a prompt refund. All the free gifts you’ve
received are yours to keep absolutely FREE of charge. Can I be any fairer than
I urge you to CLICK HERE NOW or call Toll Free 1-800-746-4513 to accept
this remarkable offer. True Health™ will rush your Advanced Artery Solution™
and FREE gifts to you. Soon you’ll be taking your first step towards better health
and a healthier heart.”

Close Template #2: The “Just a couple bucks gets you started” close – is a great way to
minimize price resistance and eliminate any objection your prospect might have to not ordering
by reminding him that it only takes a couple bucks to get started today.

Here’s the template:

“Just $XX Can Get You Started …

Don’t want to pay up front? With our E-Z Payment Plan, you can get started
for only $XX. Right away, you’ll get access to … <explain what they’ll get access
to>… , along with your XX bonuses. Then each … <insert the time “interval” that
they’ll receive your product>… you’ll get … <insert what they’ll receive>… until
you’ve completed the program.
Here’s an example of this:

“Just $19 Can Get You Started …

Don’t want to pay up front? With our E-Z Payment Plan, you can get started
in your new home business for only $19. Right away, you’ll get access to the first
chapter to get you started, along with your two bonus books. Then every two
weeks you'll gain access to additional chapters for only $19 each until you
complete the program.”
Close Template #3: The “Take Control Today” close – is another great way to frame the
ordering process as finally taking control of this part of the prospect’s life and getting your
product to change it for the better.

Here’s the template:

“Take Control of … <insert part of their life your product is going to

— Starting Today!
Now that I've shown you this no-risk way to … <insert the benefit your
product gives them>... the next move is up to YOU.
Seriously, if you've read this far, you know that you have a strong interest in
… <insert the benefit, outcome, or result that your prospect desires>… . All
what's left right now is to take the first step to do it. If you want to...
…<insert a benefit>...
…<insert a benefit>...
…<insert a benefit>...
... Then, you owe it to yourself to take full advantage of this limited, risk-free
offer right now before it's too late. Every moment that passes by is another
moment you’re not experiencing… <insert the benefit they want>… .
In today's uncertain world, plain "how to," what-to-do advice alone just won't
cut it. You need more. You need a potent combination of powerful advice, proven
strategies, and specific, step-by-step examples.
That way, you can … <insert the benefit, outcome or result that your
prospect wants> as quickly as possible.
… <insert product name>… is one of the only products — perhaps the only
source! — with this kind of comprehensive information on the Internet. You won't
find anything like it elsewhere. Not in any other ebook, website or course. So go
ahead and signup right away.

Here’s an example of this:

“Take Control of How Profitable Your

Business Can Be — Starting Today!
Now that I've shown you this no-risk way to boost the response of every
marketing piece, every sales piece and every ad you use in your business... and
pull more profit with all your marketing... the next move is up to YOU.
Seriously, if you've read this far, you know that you have a strong interest in
making your sales copy produce the kind of results you really deserve. All what's
left right now is to take the first step to do it. If you want to...
Stop gambling on how well your business will do by turning low
response into record-breaking profits...
Take control of how much more profitable and pleasurable your
business can really be...
And stop pulling your hair out from frustratingly low sales, second-
guessing every tweak you make...
... Then, you owe it to yourself to take full advantage of this limited, risk-free
offer right now before it's too late. Every moment that passes by may be another
lost sale.
In today's uncertain economy, plain "how to," what-to-do advice alone just
won't cut it. You need more. You need a potent combination of powerful advice,
proven strategies, and specific, step-by-step examples.
That way, you can get your business or website on a fast track to stronger
response, increased sales, and a lot more profits as quickly as possible.
The Copy Doctor is the only private membership website — perhaps the only
source! — with this kind of comprehensive information on the Internet. You won't
find anything like it elsewhere. Not in any ebook, website or course. So go ahead
and signup right away.

There you go! You now have three more closes to act like tireless salesman in print, constantly
striving to turn more “lookers” into paying buyers. Have fun!
3 P.S. Templates
The P.S. is an important part of your copy. Before the internet, it was the second most important
part of a sales letter because people would often glance at the P.S. second to reading the headline
to see who the letter was from. So it did a lot to make or break the sale. Online, it is still
important to further sell your offer and take any prospects who might be “on the fence” about
buying and gently “push” them into making a purchase!

P.S. Template #1: The “Please remember” p.s. – is a classic technique because you are
restating the important parts of your offer and reemphasizing the guarantee.

Here’s the template:

“P.S. Please remember: You get over $XXX in valuable free gifts and
discounts when you act today… and this is a 100% risk-free offer. …<insert
product name>… will make you … <insert benefit they’ll get from your
product>… in the next 12 months or it’s FREE!”
Here’s an example of this template

“P.S. Please remember: You get over $297 in valuable free gifts and
discounts when you act today… and this is a 100% risk-free offer. The Ultimate
Copywriting eBook will make you at least ten times richer in the next 12
months or it’s FREE!”

P.S. Template #2: The “What if I’m right?” p.s. technique –is great to paint a horrifying
alternative to NOT buying the product right now.

Here’s the template:

“P.S. What if I’m right? What if I really can help you avoid …< insert the
problems they’re having now, or bad stuff they don’t want to happen>… and …
<insert the benefits or outcome they want>? How will you feel, licking your
wounds and knowing that if you had just said, “YES,” to this generous offer, you
could have … <insert the outcome or benefit they would get from purchasing
your product and succeeding instead>?
Please – for your sake – let me hear from you today. If I can’t help you, my
product costs you nothing. If I can, you’ll be enjoying a sweeter life full of…
<insert benefits of a life with the outcomes your product can provide>.
Here’s an example of this technique in action:

“P.S. What if I’m right? What if I really can help you avoid losses and even
profit when tech stocks tumble? How will you feel, licking your wounds and
knowing that if you had just said, “YES,” to this generous offer, you could have
made a killing?
Please – for your sake – let me hear from you today. If I can’t help you, my
service costs you nothing. If I can, you’ll be laughing all the way to the bank.”

P.S. Template #3: The “Extra fast response bonus” P.S. technique – is great to get those
people who are “on the fence” about ordering to go forward and take action. It’s often done by
offering one more free bonus if they respond within a certain amount of time (often today, or the
next couple of days).

Here’s the template:

“P.S. Respond within… <insert the amount of time they have to respond>
and we will send you an extra FREE copy of … <insert name of extra free
bonus>… --a $XX value—FREE. Please click here now to place your order and
claim this extra free bonus while it’s still available.”
Here’s an example of this technique:

“P.S. Respond within the next 24 hours and I will send you an extra FREE
copy of Millionaire’s Secret to Super-Value Investing—a $29 value—FREE.
Please click here now to place your order and claim this extra free bonus while
it’s still available.”

There you have it—3 more ways to sweet the pot… push more “on the edge” prospects into
becoming buyers… and grab more people who would of bailed out of ordering with these three
P.S. templates. Put them to use in your copy today and watch your response rates magically
3 P.S. Templates
After you’ve done the best job you possibly can in your sales letter to get the prospect to
purchase… there is always going to be those people still “sitting on the fence” about buying—
not quite ready to make a decision. They need a little “push” to make that decision and that’s the
job of your P.S. With this in mind, here are three P.S. templates you can use to get more
undecided prospects to take action and buy now.

P.S. Template #1: The “Time is now” P.S. – use this one to reemphasize whatever reason you
gave for why the prospect needs to act now to take advantage of your offer.

Here’s the template:

“P.S. The time is now. … <describe again why the “window of opportunity”
for your prospect is small and closing any minute now, reemphasizing the points
you made about this in your earlier copy in the main part of the sales letter>…
Will you take action?”
Here’s an example of this:

“P.S. The time is now. Those big corporations are going to keep taking from
you till you’ve got nothing left to give. Do you have the courage to fight back?
Your chance to make all your dreams come true has arrived. Will you go for it?
Will you take action?”

P.S. Template #2: The “This is your last chance” P.S. – is one you must use sparingly because
there is a chance that it can come across as “pushy”—but when you use it correctly, it’s very

Here’s the template (no example needed, you can use this one word-for-word):

“P.S This is your last chance. Will you step up to the plate swinging or will it
just be another strikeout? Don’t you think you owe it to yourself? What have you
got to lose? Don’t put it off another minute.”

P.S. Template #3: The “Where will you be?” P.S.—is a great way to create a vivid picture of
what will happen in the coming months based on their decision now.

Here’s the template (no example needed, you can use this one word-for-word):
“P.S. Two years from now, will you look back at this moment as the time you
read a letter that completely changed your life, or will you look at it as the time
you threw away a great opportunity? Don’t wait. Order now.”

There you go! You now have three more templates you can use to convert more undecided
prospects into buyers of your products and services.
3 Order Form Templates
Many times, instead of having an order link on your webpage that links to a separate order page
it makes sense to have the order form on the same page as your copy, only at the very bottom of
the page. In instances where you are offering more than one product for sale (like a “good”,
“better” and “best” choice of product bundles) it is almost necessary. With that in mind here are
3 order form templates you can use right away.

Order Form Template #1: “Special Introductory Offer” order form – is useful when you’ve
highlighted in the copy that you have a special introductory offer for your prospects and they get
valuable gifts and discounts for acting today.

Here’s the template:

“Special Introductory Offer

>> Save up to $XXX
>> Claim up to $XXX in FREE gifts
>> 100% Risk-Free Offer
YES! I want to eliminate … <insert the thing your prospect doesn’t want
anymore>… and experience the kind of dramatic results your users are talking
about! Please rush my free gifts and RISK-FREE supply …<insert product
name>… as indicated below!

I understand that I must … <insert the terms of your guarantee>… , or I can

return the unused portion for a FULL REFUND. And the FREE gifts I’m getting
are mine to keep no matter what.
… <insert an order link and short description below this copy for the “good”,
“better”, and “best” ordering options for this product>… ”

Here’s an example of this:

“Special Introductory Offer

>> Save up to $120.00
>> Claim up to $126.65 in FREE gifts
>> 100% Risk-Free Offer
YES! I want to eliminate the plaque that threatens my heart and experience
the kind of dramatic results your users are talking about! Please rush my free
gifts and RISK-FREE supply of Enhanced Oral Chelation™ as indicated below!

I understand that I must feel the difference Enhanced Oral Chelation™ is making
in my body, or I can return the unused portion for a FULL REFUND. And the
FREE gifts I’m getting are mine to keep no matter what.
BEST VALUE: A full year of Enhanced Oral Chelation™™ for just $239.40. I
SAVE $120.00 and get all 7 FREE gifts:

4 FREE bottles of Mineral Power!™ (a $79.80 value)

NO MORE SNEAK ATTACKS! (a $19.95 value)




$246.65 worth of discounts and FREE gifts in all!

GREAT VALUE: Six full months of Enhanced Oral Chelation™ for just
$149.70. I SAVE $30.00 and get 3 FREE gifts:

2 FREE bottles of Mineral Power!™ (a $39.90 value)




$96.80 worth of discounts and FREE gifts in all!

GOOD VALUE: Three months of Enhanced Oral Chelation™

for just $89.85 plus $3.50 shipping and handling for U.S. destinations. Plus, I also

1 FREE bottle of Mineral Power!™ (a $19.95


$23.40 in FREE gifts!

TRIAL OFFER: One, 30-Day Supply of Enhanced Oral Chelation™ for

$29.95, plus $6.95 shipping and handling for U.S. destinations.”
Order Form Template #2: The “Savings and Discounts” order form – is a good one to use
when you are giving away a very substantial discount and a lot of bonuses and you want to make
it clear what a great deal you’re giving them on the order form.

Here’s the template:

“$XXX.00 in Charter Savings and Discounts!

Save Up To $XXX
Claim Up To $XXX.XX In Valuable FREE Gifts
100% Risk-Free Offer
YES! I want to … <insert the benefits that your product is going to give
them>… and experience the kind of dramatic improvements your customers are
talking about! Please rush my free gifts and RISK-FREE supply of … <insert
name of product>… as indicated below! I understand that I must … <insert the
conditions of your guarantee>…, or I can return the unused portion for a FULL
REFUND AT ANY TIME! And the FREE gifts I’m getting are mine to keep no
matter what.
… <insert below this your copy describing their ordering options, usually it’s a
“good, better, best” multi-option ordering form, but not always.>…”
Here’s an example of this:

“$502.65 in Charter Savings and Discounts!

Save Up To $120
Claim Up To $382.65 In Valuable FREE Gifts
100% Risk-Free Offer
YES! I want to scrub away the plaque that threatens my heart,
eliminate dangerous toxins from my body and experience the kind of dramatic
health improvements your customers are talking about! Please rush my free gifts
and RISK-FREE supply of ADVANCED ARTERY SOLUTION™ as indicated
below! I understand that I must feel the difference Advanced Artery Solution™ is
making in my body, or I can return the unused portion for a FULL REFUND AT
ANY TIME! And the FREE gifts I’m getting are mine to keep no matter what.

BEST VALUE: $502.65-worth of discounts and FREE gifts!

Sign me up for a full year of ADVANCED ARTERY SOLUTION™ for just
$239.40. I SAVE $120 and get all 16 FREE gifts:
12 FREE bottles of Mega-Minerals™ (a $239.40 value)…
Lower Your Cholesterol WITHOUT Costly Drugs! (a $19.95 value)…
Freedom From High Blood Pressure! (a $19.95 value)…
Heart Healing Miracles! (a $19.95 value)…

GREAT VALUE: $211.35-worth of discounts and FREE gifts!

6 full months of ADVANCED ARTERY SOLUTION™ for just $149.70.
I SAVE $30 and get 8 FREE gifts:
6 FREE bottles of Mega-Minerals™ (a $119.70 value)…
Lower Your Cholesterol WITHOUT Costly Drugs! (a $19.95 value)…
PLUS FREE SHIPPING AND HANDLING (You save $41.70 every 6

GOOD VALUE: $80.70-worth of discounts and FREE gifts!

Send me 3 months ADVANCED ARTERY SOLUTION™ for just $89.85
and get 4 FREE gifts:
3 FREE bottles of Mega-Minerals™ (a $59.85 value)…

TRIAL OFFER: I’ll try a 30-Day supply of ADVANCED ARTERY

for $29.95, plus $6.95 shipping and handling.

Order Form Template #3: The “Priority Enrollment Form” is great for when you’re selling a
membership. Although it can easily be adapted for selling a single “one-time payment” product.

Here’s the template:

“… <insert name of your product>… Priority Enrollment Form

YES! Sign me up ASAP, …<insert name of “voice” of sales letter! I'm both
ready and eager to … <insert the benefit they get from your product>… ! I realize
that my … <insert name of your product>… membership is the fastest and
easiest way to do it.
I understand that:
Once my enrollment is successfully processed, you will grant me
instant access to all the … <insert a quick description of the product
they’re getting>… as well as any add-ons and updates during my
By taking quick action today, my investment is a single installment of
only $XXX for a full, unlimited, lifetime membership. There are no
recurring fees. Once enrolled, I'm in for life! This special offer is
available for a limited time, and the price will return to $XXX at any
time, without notice.
My satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. If I'm not satisfied within the first
30 days of my new membership, I can ask for a complete refund on
my subscription fees paid. (Applicable to first-time subscriptions only.
If you subscribed before, this would not apply.)
On that basis, I'm eager to start...

Here’s an example of this:

“Copy Doctor™ Priority Enrollment Form

YES! Sign me up ASAP, Michel! I'm both ready and eager to exponentially
multiply my sales and boost my conversion rate! I realize that my Copy Doctor™
membership is the fastest and easiest way to do it.
I understand that:
Once my enrollment is successfully processed, you will grant me
instant access to all the videos (almost 60 hours and growing); all the
resources; all the articles, tools and tips; all the free bonuses; as well
as any add-ons and updates during my membership.
By taking quick action today, my investment is a single installment of
only $697 for a full, unlimited, lifetime membership. There are no
recurring fees. Once enrolled, I'm in for life! This special offer is
available for a limited time, and the the price will return to $997 at any
time, without notice.
My satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. If I'm not satisfied within the first
30 days of my new membership, I can ask for a complete refund on
my subscription fees paid. (Applicable to first-time subscriptions only.
If you subscribed before, this would not apply.)
On that basis, I'm eager to start...

There you go! You now have three more ways to make sure your order forms are turning the
maximum amount of interested people into buyers of your product. Here’s a quick marketing tip:
Make sure to test:

1. Putting a link on your sales letter that leads to a separate order page with one of the
above order forms… and also test a version where…
2. You put the order form directly on the same page as the sales letter, only put it at the
very bottom of the page after the complete sales page is done.
Wrapping It Up…
Like we’ve said many times before “There ya go!”

You now have a TON of good copywriting templates that you can use to start copy… test against
current controls… beat writer’s block and so much more.

The product you now have in your hands has the potential to make you thousands, if not
hundreds of thousands of dollars for yourself (or your clients if you’re a copywriter or marketing

Put it to work today and be sure to drop us a line and tell us about your results from using this


Ray Edwards & Caleb Osborne

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