Activity Lesson E

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DECEMBER 2022 – APRIL 2023


Pages Lesson R/W/S/L Grammar Vocabulary
-Video: The man who
invented Spiderman
- Writing: Superheroes -Second
Lesson A: - Speaking: Superhero in -Matching words
“If I were a the city with definitions
superhero” - Listening: What makes a
superhero? From Mathew

- Video: Passive voice.

- Writing: Obituary
Lesson B: -Speaking: Cities in Passive Matching
“My duty is voice
done” Ecuador. exercises words with
-Listening: A team meeting definitions
about biodiversity

- Video: Second conditional

6-26 conversation. - Second
Lesson C:
-Writing: Technological conditional vs. - Matching words
apps and platforms. Passive voice with definitions
to Practice” (exercises)
-Speaking: Covid-19
-Listening: Far from the
-Listening: Netflix
Lesson D: -Write their
-Writing: is Netflix killing Strengthening
“Listen and meanings in your
the cinema? Listening.
Think” language
Lesson E: -Passive Voice: Using one
“Language of these verbs in the
Summary” correct form, present or
-Second Conditional
- Writing: What if?

Pages Lesson R/W/S/L Grammar Vocabulary
- A video about changing
from WhatsApp to
another OTT application.
- Writing: Would you
Lesson A: Matching
rather be a billionaire? - Would rather
“Social words with
-Speaking: Discussion of exercises
Media “ definitions.
different questions using
would rather (3)
-Listening: Colleague
Lesson B: Reading. New Zealand
“Food - - Writing: prefer to do
Salad or - Speaking: Series or
-Would prefer -Activities using
Soup” films?
exercises would prefer.
- Listening: Would you?

- Reading: Social media
- Writing: A Personal - Infinitives &
Lesson C: adjectives
Profile Gerunds’
“People” with
- Speaking: Last Party exercises
- Listening:

Lesson D: Speaking enhancement Spoken

“Strengthening and strengthening production set
Speaking” of exercises

Grammar exercises, -Review and

Lesson E:
written and oral Exercises of the
production topics of the

Pages Lesson R/W/S/L Grammar Vocabulary
- Reading: Peace Corps
-Writing: Write a rap
-Speaking about
Lesson A: questions using past -Matching
“Prefixes- perfect words with
Sections” Discussion about a definitions
professional person
you know by using
-Listening: Conversation
with prefixes.
- Reading about Jacob
The Great.
- Writing: Essay
Lesson B: about computers.
- Type of the words
prefixes with
type of - Speaking: Discussion
(exercises) definitions
prefixes” about
attractive &
- Reading: If statues
could talk.
- Writing:
Cities are getting bigger
- Selecting the
Lesson C: more crowded. -Suffixes
best choice with
“Suffixes” - Speaking: exercises
fill in the gaps.
Types of pollution.
Write an essay by
using suffixes
-Listening: Audio
with suffixes
Lesson D: Reading enhancement -Reading Reading
“Reading is And strengthening experience production det
Useful for enhancement and

Grammar exercises, -Review and

Lesson E:
written and oral Exercises of the
production- topics of the

Pages Lesson R/W/S/L Grammar Vocabulary
Lesson -Reading about what - Past -Matching the
A: “What they perfect phrases with
had you had done? exercises correct
done” -Writing about a love definitions.
-Speaking: Discussion
some questions by
using the
past perfect.

Listening: Complete
sentence or question.
Lesson B: -Video about a party. - Simple -Matching
What did - Writing about Past words with
you do activities exercises definitions.
yesterday? you liked to do when
you were a kid.
-Speaking: Discussion
on how the pandemic
has changed our
perception of time.
85-110 -Listening: recording
and selecting the best
Lesson C: -Reading about last -Past -Phrasal
“Vacations” summer perfect vs. verbs with
holiday. Simple Past the verb
- Writing about places (exercises) work
cities you had visited in
the past but didn’t find
interesting anymore.
- Speaking: Personal
opinion about the social
movement “Black Lives
-Listening: Where did
the moon come from?
Lesson D: Writing enhancement -Past simple and
“Strengthening and strengthening Past Perfect

Lesson E: Grammar exercises, -Past simple and Exercises

“Review and written and oral Past Perfect
Exercises” production

Pages Lesson R/W/S/L Grammar Vocabulary
- A Reading about Carmen´s
Lesson A: - Writing about a prompt
- Third
What if I had using third conditional. -Matching
done it in a -Speaking: How different words with
different way? would your life have been if definitions
Part 1
you had never studied?
-Listening: Complete a
-A reading about
“Poor old Marge”
- Writing prompt: How would
you have studied English if you
hadn’t had access to a - Third -Matching
Lesson B: computer? Conditional words with
“If It Hadn't -Speaking: What would you Part 2 the
Been For Love” have done if there had been a exercises meanings.
fire this morning?
-Listening: Complete the song
with correct words.

- A reading about Molly

- Writing: what did people use
- Match the
to do before television was
111-142 Lesson C: invented?
- Used to with the
When I was -Speaking: “Food you used to
exercises correct
Young. eat when you were a child but
not anymore.”
-Listening: Complete the
sentences that appear in the
Lesson D: Spoken enhancement and -Find
“Strengthening strengthening someone
Speaking” Who ( used
- Discuss in
-What do
you see
Lesson E: Grammar exercises, written -Third Review and
“Used to and and oral production. conditional exercises
third and used to

UNIT If I were a superhero… Lesson
1 Second Conditional. 1A


Watch this video to find out about Stan Lee, the creator of Spider-Man.


Match the vocabulary with the correct

definition and write 1 - 10 next to the
letters A-I
1. Publisher
2. Longshot
3. Iconic
4. Captivated
5. Golden age
6. Pumping out
7. Slickly
Video Link: 8. Blockbusters 9. Flawed

A……Something you try, although

Answer the following questions: it’s unlikely to be successful.
1. What is this YouTube video about? B…… In a way that is very clever
and attractive.
2. According to the speaker, who is
C……. To hold the attention of
Spiderman? someone by being extremely
3. Who is Stan Lee? interesting, exciting, etc.

4. Which are the main characters he D……. an imaginary time, when

everyone was happy and successful
created for the Marvel Universe?
E……. A book or film that is very
5. Have you seen any of the movies? successful.
Which one? F……. Not perfect or containing

6. Have you read any of the comics? mistakes.

G……. To remove water or liquid
Which one?
from something using a pump
7. Which one is your favorite? H……. very famous or popular.
I……. An organization that
publishes text or music.


SECOND CONDITIONAL 4. Rewrite the sentences and keep the

same meaning.
1. Read the sentences and choose the correct word or
phrase in these rules. Example: My car is out of order. I won't
drive you there.
We use the second conditional to talk about real/imaginary If my car wasn't out of order, I would
drive you there.
a. I don't know his address. I can't
The second conditional talks about the present or the
future/ the past. contact him.
If I ____________his address, I could
The if clause is always first/ can be first or second in the contact him.
sentence. b. He is ill. He can't go skiing.
If he wasn't ill, he ______________
2. Now, watch the video about the use of the second skiing.
conditional and check your answers in act 1. c. He doesn't like tomatoes. He won't eat
the salad.
If he_______________ tomatoes, he
would eat the salad.
d. I travel on my own because I speak
I wouldn't travel on my own if I
e. We don't have enough room in our
house. You can't stay with us.
If we _____________enough room in our
Practice: house, you could stay with us.
3. Read and complete the sentences with the verbs in
brackets. 5. Correct one mistake in each
sentence. Keep the short or long
1. If I _______ a dog, I would sleep and eat all day long. forms.
Example: If you helped me, we will finish
in time.
2. I __________- more time with my family if I didn’t work so would finish
much. (spend) a. I can't go out. Believe me, I wouldn't
stay at home if I'm not ill.
3. She would buy me a new car if she _________ a million
dollars. (have) b. If my mum was younger, she studied
at university.
4. If I have any musical talent, I _____ piano lessons. (take) c. I can't afford this car. But I'd buy it if I
have more money.
5. He would surf every day if he _____ near a beach. (live)
d. I don't speak French. If I'd speak
French, I'd live in Provence.
6. Choose and write the correct forms.
What would you wish if you ____________three wishes?
□ have □ had
Tim _________________if he asked for a pay-rise.
□ wouldn't be fired □ wasn't fired

Suppose you had to marry Rachel, what______________ first?

□ would you do □ you would do

I wouldn't accept the job on condition that I ______________very early.

□ had to get up □ would have to get up

If we ______________a TV set, we could watch the Olympic games.

□ buy □ bought


Superheroes: Let’s suppose you have the opportunity to become a superhero. Write about
which nickname you would choose and which superpowers you would have. At the same
time, manifest the specific reasons for your election. Write among 100 – 120 words
composition. Note: Use the second conditional.

Introduce the subject of the What are you going to
Introduction essay. discuss?
State your opinion How do you feel about it?
Choose two main aspects of What points/aspects of
Main Part the topic. the topic are you going to
(2 paragraphs) Group related ideas in two discuss?
paragraphs and support them What kind of evidence are
with justification/examples. you going to include?
Summarize your point.
Conclusion Restate your opinion What is your overall
opinion of the topic?


Listen to the following audio about What makes a superhero? from Mathew Winkler
Note: Play the track two times

Now, answer to the following questions:

1. What do Harry Potter, Katnis Everdeen and Frodo have in common with heroes of ancient myths?

2. Which are the order steps that the hero follows?


3. What is the meaning of “step assistance” according to the recording?


5. What is your opinion about the video?



In this section, you have already imagined you are a superhero in the writing section. Now, take the
superhero custom and go out to find some action in the city. Then, imagine you will have your first
appearance as a superhero, imagine which problem would you solve in the city, how many people
would you help, if you had the opportunity, and what is the people’s opinion about you. Talk about
the whole experience. Remember you need to use the second conditional.

Suggested tools to use: Flip Grid, Loom, Zoom, Screencast - o Matic, Padlet

UNIT My duty is done Lesson
1 Passive voice 1B


Watch and listen to the songs in the video.

Match the vocabulary with the correct

Video Link: definition and write 1 - 10 next to the letters A-H.

1. Trash
2. Locked
3. German-shepherded
4. Outside
5. Messy
6. Duties
7. Fancy
8. Knocked over
A……Dirty, unpleasant or lacking order
Now, write the sentences in passive voice you hear: B…… The outer part of something
C……. Something you have to do,
_____________________________________________ because it’s part of your job.
D……. Waste material or things that are no
longer wanted or needed.
_____________________________________________ E……. To fasten something with a key
F……. Expensive
_____________________________________________ G……. To hit someone with a vehicle
and injure or kill them.
_____________________________________________ H……. Type of dog, used specially for
_____________________________________________ police work.


C.GRAMMAR The Passive voice

The passive voice is used to show interest in the person or object that
experiences an action rather than the person or object that performs the action.

Tense Active Voice Passive Voice

Present Simple Sam cooks the food The food is cooked (by Sam)
Past Simple Sam cooked the food The food was cooked (by Sam)
Future Simple Sam will cook the food The food will be cooked (by Sam)
Present Sam is cooking the food The food is being cooked (by Sam)
Past Continuous Sam was cooking the food The food was being cooked (by Sam)
Going to Sam is going to cook the food The food is going to be cooked (by Sam)
Present perfect Sam has cooked the food The food has been cooked (by Sam)
Past perfect Sam had cooked the food The food had been cooked (by Sam)
Used to Sam used to cook the food The food used to be cooked (by Sam)
Would always Sam would always cook the The food would always be cooked (by
food Sam)
Infinitive Sam has to cook the food The food has to be cooked (by Sam)
Modals Sam should cook the food The food should be cooked (by Sam)

1. Change the following ACTIVE VOICE sentences into PASSIVE VOICE,

but only if possible. Omit the by-phrase wherever possible. Do NOT
change the verb tense.

1. The student copied the new vocabulary into her notebook. The new vocabulary
2. The salesperson talked Sung Ho into buying a new car. Sung Ho
3. The chef seasoned the bubbling pot of pho with star anise. The bubbling pot of pho
4. The sous chef chopped the onions and grated the ginger. The onions _______________________
and the ginger ________________________________
5. The crow ate all of the cherries on her tree.
6. This year, monkeys have bitten several tourists in Phuket.
7. It rains a lot during the monsoon season.
8. The sun rises at seven o’clock in winter.
9. Her parents taught her to be punctual.
2. Change the following passive voice sentences into active voice ones. Do not
change the verb tense.

1. Saffron is cultivated in Spain and in Iran.


2. This play was first performed in ancient Greece.

3. Her rice pudding was loved by her friends and family alike.

4. His cat’s collar will be designed by a famous craftsperson.


5. The MacBook Pro was bought by the owner of the enterprise.

3. Mention what type of Sentence are the following: Active Voice (AV) or Passive
Voice (PV)

1. Somebody broke the zipper of my portfolio. ( )

2. A person was seen doing bad things. ( )
3. CENID will graduate the best students of each parallel. ( )
4. I am studying my master’s degree in an online mode. ( )
5. My boss told me to bring the materials for the project. ( )
6. They could not have made the mistake. ( )
7. The earthquake was felt in all the country. ( )
8. The laptop had not been repaired properly. ( )
9. A song has been heard as an echo. ( )
10. The newspaper will be read by my uncle. ( )

4. Complete each sentence with a modal verb + be / have been + past participle. The modal verbs
you can use are must, might, may, can, could, and should Ex)
The laws _________________________ (obey) by everyone, regardless of social status. (obligation -
Answer: The laws must be obeyed by everyone, regardless of social status.
1. Karen hasn't come to work for the past week. She __________________________ (fire) - I'm not
sure. (uncertainty - past)
2. This watch is so strong, it _______________________ (drop) from a height of 40 feet without
breaking. (possibility - present)
3. Cameras with flash ___________________ (use) during the performance. (prohibited - present)
4. Papers ________________________________ (turn) in by April 15. No assignments will be
accepted after the deadline. (obligation - present).
5. Some people _______________________ (offend) by the strong language in the movie. (possibility
- present)
6. My air conditioner is broken. ___________ it __________________, or will I have to buy a new
one? (ability -
7. I think that new immigrants ________________________ (give) more help and support.
(recommendation -
8. I can't believe he got away with the crime! He______________________ (punish).

Present simple passive

1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.
a. Emails ______________- and received by most internet users. (send)
b. Information about goods and services ______________ (find)
c. Goods and services ____________ in e-shops. (buy)
d. Online newspapers and magazines. _______________ mostly by adult users. (read)
e. The internet_______________ for social networking, especially by young people. (use)

Present continuous passive

2. Rewrite the sentences with the present continuous passive.
a. I am afraid that somebody else is using my laptop.
I am afraid that my ___________________________________________
b. They aren't feeding the lions at the moment.
The ________________________________________________at the moment.
c. Someone is speaking Spanish in this classroom.
Spanish _______________________________ in this classroom.
d. The red light is on because doctors are operating a patient.
The red light is on because a _________________________________ 14
Past simple passive
3. Use the words to make sentences in the past simple passive.
Example: two | break | glasses –
Two glasses were broken.
a. tidy up | the room | not
b. on | sandwiches | the table | leave | some
c. empty | not | waste bin
d. with | coke | stain | the sofa
e. plates and forks | everywhere | leave
f. under | empty bottles | the bed | put

Future simple passive

4. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.
a. Life at the end of the century Everything about you ____________________(monitor)

b. Your pulse___________________ by mirror in your bathroom. (take)

c. Your weight ____________________by bathroom scales built into the floor. (check)

d. Your kitchen robot_________________ to make your tea when you get up. (set up)

e. Your daily menu ___________________to match your activities. (optimize)

Past perfect passive

4. Write the correct option next to each sentence.
Paul cried. He had been hit | had hit by his friend. ____________________

They escaped. They had been warn | had been warned by somebody. ____________________

The monkey felt safe after it had hopped | had been hopped on the tree. ____________________

Jill didn't see the man. He had hided | had been hidden behind the wall. ____________________

I didn't like the hotel which I had been prefered | had prefered before. ____________________

Present perfect passive
6. Use the words to make sentences in the passive voice.
Example: build | a new bridge - A new bridge has been built.

A lot has been changed in our town since I was born

improve | a lot of things
renovate | the town hall
add | some benches | in pedestrian areas
in the park | create | a new pond
old trees | cut down


Write a short obituary (a mini biography) about someone close to you who died using the passive
voice. The passage needs to contain from 120 to 150 words. Follow the steps below to write the

Introduce the subject of the What are you going to
Introduction essay. discuss?
State your opinion How do you feel about it?
Choose two main aspects of the What points/aspects of the
Main Part topic. topic are you going to
(2 paragraphs) Group related ideas in two discuss?
paragraphs and support them What kind of evidence are
with justification/examples. you going to include?
Summarize your point.
Conclusion Restate your opinion What is your overall opinion
of the topic?


PAIRS. In this activity, both students have to think about a city in Ecuador you know. Then student
A is going to describe this city using active and passive voice, without saying the name of the city.
Student B has to guess which city is student A talking about. Then, student B repeats the same
process, each student has to talk 1-minute minimum.

Suggested tools: Flipgrid, Loom, Zoom, Screencast o - Matic


A team meeting about diversity

Listen to a team meeting about diversity to
practice and improve your listening skills.
Do the preparation task first. Then listen to
the audio and do the exercises.

Use the following website:

UNIT Exercises to practice Lesson
1 Passive voice& Second Conditional 1C



1. Watch the video about two people answering

questions about possibilities in the future, then
answer the four questions below. What would
you do in the man’s shoes?


2. Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write 1 - 6 next to the letters A-F.

1. Homeless 2. Give it back 3. Tip 4. Park bench 5. Store clerk 6. Pay off.

A……. Someone who serves customers in a shop.

B……. To give someone an extra amount of money for a service.

C……. A hard seat for 2 or more people

D……. To return something to the person who gave it to you.

E……. To result in success.

F ....... Without a home.

3. The following sentences all have problems related to Passive Voice. Find the
mistakes and correct them.

1. John was gave a present yesterday, because it was his birthday.

2. Houses are build every day.

3. His medicine is take every afternoon.

4. This exercise must done with a lot of attention.

5. An idea was putted forward for discussion.

6. My salary will be paiyed in a week’s time.

7. The essays have to be handed in by Monday.

8. My mother was being examined by the doctor last night.

9. Several robberies be committed every day.

10. The road was blocking off by farmers.

2. Choose the best choice.

Which sentence is true of the second conditional?

a.-It describes what will happen in the future.
b.-It describes an imaginary situation.
c.-You can use it for daydreaming and wishing.

Which sentence is correct?

a-.She’d go out more if she would have more free time.
b.-If we lived in that house, we could get a dog.
c.-If I were you, I’d discuss the situation with my boss.

Complete the question.

Which reply is NOT correct?
What would you do if you ……………… in a professional
‘Could you help me fix the car?’
a.-I would if I knew how.
a.-would be
b.-If I had time, I’d.
c.-I would if I’d know how to do it.
c.-can be

4. Complete the sentences with the past simple or would + verb

1. What ...................................... if you had a scholarship? (you, study)

2. If.............................................. a travel ticket, would they rebuy it? (they, lose).
3. In which situation ........................................... his love for a lady? (he, manifest)
4. I would ask for forgiveness if ……………. a mistake (I, commit)
5. If we received a good service at a hotel, do you think
……………back? (we, come)
6. If............................................... millionaire, I would buy everything I want. (I, be)
7. She……………. better grades if she studied hard. (have)

4. Rewrite the sentences in Active Voice.

a. The English classes are given by Mr. Miguel __________________________________________

b. The laptop was corrupted by a virus. __________________________________________
c. The exercises were made by the teachers. __________________________________________
d. The houses are built by stonemasons. __________________________________________


Write an essay about the technological apps and platforms that have improved your academic
performance. Use passive voice and second conditional. Write among 120 - 150 words

Introduce the subject of the What are you going to
Introduction essay. discuss?
State your opinion How do you feel about it?
Choose two main aspects of the What points/aspects of the
Main Part topic. topic are you going to
(2 paragraphs) Group related ideas in two discuss?
paragraphs and support them What kind of evidence are
with justification/examples. you going to include?
Summarize your point.
Conclusion Restate your opinion What is your overall opinion
of the topic?


Now, you would have the opportunity to talk about the reactivation of 3 worldly
sectors after one year of the Covid-19 pandemic. The activity will be made with the
monitoring of the teacher and applying the second conditional and passive voice. You
can use those tools: Flipgrid, Loom, Zoom or Screencast -o Matic.

Far from the office
You are going to listen to three people speaking about unusual jobs they have. Read the
following statements and decide which person says each one, speaker one, speaker two or
speaker three. This is the link:
1. I've sold products for animals.

a. speaker one
b. speaker two
c. speaker three

2. Sometimes I look at people on a computer.

a. speaker one
b. speaker two
c. speaker three

3. Modern technology has made my job even more unusual.

a. speaker one
b. speaker two
c. speaker three

4. I've never met anyone famous while doing my job.

a. speaker one
b. speaker two
c. speaker three

5. One of my past jobs involved me just standing somewhere.

a. speaker one
b. speaker two
c. speaker three

6. I think this job will always be required.

a. speaker one
b. speaker two
c. speaker three


1. This is a list of words you are going to find in the video. Do you know them all? Write
their meanings in your language:


pay off
hit up

2. Match the words with the right definition

3. Read the sentences and complete the gaps with one word from the vocabulary box


Now watch the following YouTube

video called: “Is Netflix killing the
cinema? From BBC News”

Then write:

1. The main idea of the video

2. Three supporting ideas
3. 4 new words you don’t know
4. 1 sentence which each new word.


Do you think Netflix is killing cinemas worldwide? Write a 50-word opinion on this question.
To do this activity you will use the Padlet platform or any other app your teacher suggests.


Cause damage hold invite make overtake show surround translate write

Many accidents _____________________by dangerous driving.

2 Cheese ________________ from milk.
3 The roof of the building ___________________in a storm a few days ago.
4 You_________________ to the wedding. Why didn't you go?
5 A cinema is a place where films ______________________________
6 In the United States, elections for president ___________________every four years.
7 Originally the book ______________in Spanish, and a few years ago it
____________into English.
8 Although we were driving fast, we _______________ by a lot of other cars.
9 You can't see the house from the road. It __________________ by trees.

2. Write questions using the passive. Some are present and some are past.

1 Ask about glass, (how / make?) _____________________________

2 Ask about television, (when / invent?) ________________________
3 Ask about mountains, (how/form?) ___________________________
4 Ask about antibiotics, (when / discover?) ______________________
5 Ask about silver, (what / use for? ) ____________________________

3. Put the verb into the correct form, present simple or past simple, active or passive.

It's a big factory. Five hundred people ______________(employ) there.

2. ____________ (somebody / clean) this room yesterday?
3 Water ______________________ (cover) most of the earth's surface.
4 How much of the earth's surface __________________ (cover) by water?
5 The park gates ____________________(lock) at 6.30 p.m. every evening.
6 The letter ____________ (send) a week ago and it (arrive) _______________yesterday.
7 The boat hit a rock and ____________ (sink) quickly. Fortunately,
8 Robert's parents_______ (die) when he was very young. He and his sister ________
(bring up) by their grandparents.

9 I was born in London, but I_______________ (grow up) in Canada.
10 While I was on holiday, my camera _________________(steal) from my hotel room.
11 While I was on holiday, my camera ____________(disappear) from my hotel room.
12 Why ________________ (Sue / resign) from her job? Didn't she enjoy it?
13 Why_______________ (Ben / fire) from his job? Did he do something wrong?
14 The company is not independent. It _______________ (own) by a much larger company.
15 I saw an accident last night. Somebody __________(call) an ambulance but nobody
__________(injure), so the ambulance _________________ (not / need).


4. Match the beginnings of the sentences to the correct endings, to make logical conditional

5. Use the cues in parentheses to complete the sentences.

1. If you had one wish, what (it, be) ____________________________________________?

2. You could be anything you wanted if you (try) ___________________________ harder.
3. If we stop dreaming about the future, there (be) _______________________ no future.
4. If I (be) __________________________ in charge, I would be able to do anything I
5. Henry (feel) __________________ better if he didn’t always eat fast food.

6. Complete each sentence. Use the second conditional.

1. If I could see into the future, _______________________________________________

2. I would sleep late every morning ___________________________________________
3. If I were a police officer, __________________________________________________
4. I would be very angry ____________________________________________________
5. What would you do ______________________________________________________
6. If I weren’t studying English, ______________________________________________

7. Combine the sentences in each item into one sentence. Use the second conditional.

1. She doesn’t have enough money. She can’t go on vacation.

2. Molly can’t act. She can’t be in the school play.
3. Stevie is shy. He won’t call up any of his classmates.
4. Chicago is cold in the spring. People don’t go swimming.
5. I don’t have Katya’s phone number. I can’t call her.
6. I can’t bake. I don’t make delicious cakes and pies.

What if? Imagine for a moment you’re winning 1 million dollars in the lottery, what would you do
with it? Would you spend it? Would you do social work? Or would you give it to your family, even
though they don´t have financial issues? Or do something different with it.
• You can make an essay in Moodle.
• Remember to use conditionals.
• Must be at least 120 words

UNIT Social Media Lesson
2 Would rather


1. Watch this video to find out about why people are

choosing to change WhatsApp for another Over the 3. Match the vocabulary with the correct
top application (Telegram, Signal, etc.). definition and write 1 - 10 next to the letters
1. Data
2. Collect
3. Accounts
4. Policy
5. Update
6. Third parties
7. Backup
8. Security
9. Switch
10. Coded

A……. A copy of information held on a

computer that is stored separately
2. Now, please write the main idea of this from the computer
YouTube video, and three supporting B……. Protection of a person,
ideas. You can repeat the video as much building, organization.
as you need. C……. To make something more modern or suitable
for use
D……. written or sent in code
E……. Information, specially facts and numbers
collected to be examined and considered to help
F……. Arrangement with a company
G……. A third person or organization
less directly involved in an activity
H……. A set of ideas or a plan that has
been agree by a group of people
I……… To change suddenly or
_____________________________________ J……… To get and keep things of one

Would rather
Would rather (do) = Would prefer to do

Wishes and regrets (I’d rather)

a) Like a second conditional sentence, these wishes use a past tense form to express a feeling
about the present.
I’d rather you didn’t tell anyone (= It would be better if you didn’t tell…).

b) Wishes about the past use past perfect in the same way as a third conditional sentence.
e.g. I’d rather you hadn’t told anyone.

After the would rather, we use the infinitive without “to”. Examples:
a) Would you rather have tea or coffee? Coffee, please!

Notice the negative

a) I’m tired. I’d rather not go out this evening, if you don’t mind.
b) Do you want to go out this evening? I’d rather not
c) I’d rather not to do it by myself

Reflect on Grammar Contraction

I´d rather stay at home than go out
We use “would rather” to describe a preference of
thing compared to another thing.

Subject + would rather +base form + than + base

I would rather play football than watch tv.

Negative form
Subject + would rather + not + base form
Yes/not Wh -questions:

1) What Would you rather do?

2) Would you rather sleep than read?
Yes. I rather sleep than read.
Not. I would rather not sleep.

1. Complete the following conversation by using would rather or would rather not and use the
proper expressions from the list.
Francis: Let’s go to London by car.
Danny: _______________________________________
Michael: Do you prefer to go to Italy or France this summer?
Rachel: _______________________________________
Ron: What did Alice tell you?
Gil: _______________________________________
Liz: Do you feel like going to the movies this evening?
Rina: No, ____________________________________
Nora: What’s the matter?
Sheila: I don’t feel very well. _________________________
Vera: Would you like some coffee?
Simon: ________________________________________

• have some hot chocolate

• go to Italy
• watch a film on TV
• go by train
• go to school today
• say

2. Choose the best answer to fill the gap in each of the following:

1. I went to the party but I didn't like it. (rather)

I'd ............................................................................... to the party.
2. I prefer milk to cocoa. (rather)
I'd ................................................................................ cocoa.
3. Dad would you like you to help him with the garden today. (rather)
Dad ................................................................................ with the garden today.
4. I'd prefer you not to play music so loudly. (rather)
I'd .................................................................................... music so loudly.
5. I didn't like it that you invited Eva. (rather)
I'd .................................................................................... Eva.
6. I didn't want to stay with her. (rather)
I'd ...................................................................................... with her.
7. Liza prefers snowboarding to skiing. (rather)
Liza ................................................................................... ski.
8. Nick would prefer to have bought a computer rather than a tablet. (rather)
Nick would .............................................................................. than a tablet.
9. I don't want you to move that table. (rather)
I'd ......................................................................................... that table.
10. It would be nice if we ate out for a change. (rather)
I'd ........................................................................................ for a change.

3. Select the best choice.
I. Did you enjoy the film last night? No, I'd rather …………………… and watched TV.
a. have stayed b. stay c. had stayed d. to have stayed
2. Will you do the dishes? I'd rather ……………………………….. I'm very tired.
a. you wash them b. you had washed them c. you washed them. d. you to wash them
3. I'd……………………………..than stop playing football.
a. sooner sleep less b. rather had slept c. sooner to sleep d. rather have slept
4. Anna said they'd sooner…………………………the children to the party tomorrow.
a. we not bring b. we wouldn't bring c. we will not bring d. we didn't bring
5. Did Helen call Adam yesterday? Yes, but I'd rather………………………………………
a. she didn't b. she hadn't c. she weren't d. she wouldn't

5. Choose the correct answer:

1. You……………. so much yesterday.

a. would rather I didn’t drink
b. would rather drunk.
c. had better haven’t drunk
d. had better not drink

2. Are the children sleepy? Yes,

they………………….. to bed.
a. would rather went
b. have rather go
c. had better go
d. would rather have gone Go the following link:
3. She’d rather…………………… than go to ening/b1-listening/making-a-decision
a. work Listen to a meeting in which colleagues make a
b. to work decision to practice and improve your listening
c. worked skills.
d. have worked
Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the
4. I’d rather you……………………… than audio and do the exercises.
went to university.
a. worked
b. work
c. to work
d. working

5. I’d rather you…………………alone. It

was a mistake.
a. lived
b. have lived
c. live
d. had lived


In this section, you will develop the following writing prompt of (120 - 150 words). Would you rather be a
billionaire or be happy? Why? Write all your reasons down to make your point very clear.
Write all the necessary details to justify this question.



Groups: In this activity, you’re going to work in Zoom rooms in groups. The
number of groups and members will be decided by your teacher.
The teacher will assign a topic to each group, those are some of the topics:
1. Would you rather go into the past and meet your ancestors or go into the
future and meet your great-great-grandchildren?
2. Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button on your life?
3. Would you rather be able to talk with the animals or speak all foreign
4. Would you rather win the lottery or live twice as long?
5. Would you rather be without internet for a week, or without your phone?
6. Would you rather become someone else or just stay you?
7. Would you rather be Batman or Spiderman?
8. Would you rather read an awesome book or watch a good movie?

Discuss the assigned question in your group for 5 minutes, and then select one of
your classmates to communicate your decision and indicate why is the reason for
your choice.

UNIT Food: Salad or Soup Lesson
2 Would Prefer 2B


1. Look at the picture, then discuss the following questions:

1. Have you tried any dish from another country before? What and from where?
2. How was this food any different from ours (Ecuadorian food)?

2. Vocabulary: Complete the categories with these words.

Bag chicken juice lamb milk oranges peppers pierogi potatoes raisins satay tin


4. Read the text about “New Zealand food” then choose the correct answer.

New Zealand Food

Because New Zealand is a country of immigration; you can find
food from all over the world here. The first people, the Maori, had
their own ways of cooking and if you are lucky, you may be asked
to join a ‘kai’, the Maori word for a meal or food.
Meals in New Zealand usually follow a Western pattern. Breakfast is tea or coffee with toast and
butter. Weet-Bix and Corn Flakes are also popular breakfast foods. They are served with milk

and sometimes with sugar or fruit. In the middle of the morning people have morning tea or
coffee and something small to eat. For lunch, Kiwis eat sandwiches, salads or fruit, and then in
the middle of the afternoon it’s time for another cup of tea or coffee. For most people the main
meal of the day is dinner, which is eaten at about 6 or 7 o’clock after people get home from work.
The evening meal is usually some kind of meat such as chicken, pork or fish with potatoes and
vegetables, or maybe a rice dish. Some people follow the main course with dessert which is fruit
or something sweet.
At the weekend, Kiwis often go out to a café with friends for breakfast or lunch. Brunch is very
popular. It is a mixture of breakfast and lunch and is eaten at about 10 or 11 o’clock. For brunch
you might have eggs, French toast or pancakes, and you will probably have some kind of coffee
with your meal: cappuccino, flat white, long black, short black or Americano. So many choices!

Eating out in restaurants is increasingly popular for people who have enough money. There is a
wide variety of restaurants. You can eat Chinese, Indian, Vietnamese, Italian, Japanese, Spanish,
French, Ethiopian, Thai or Middle Eastern food, to name only some. There is also a wide variety
in prices. You can get a wonderful plate of chicken, vegetables and rice for under $15 and feel full
after eating it. On the other hand, you can pay $50 a plate at some expensive restaurants, and
then you have to pay extra for vegetables or salad.
There are Asian and European supermarkets where you can buy almost anything you need to
make your own country’s food, and there are weekend farmers’ markets where you can buy
naturally grown fresh fruit and vegetables as well as special home-made produce.

5. Choose the correct answer.

1. In New Zealand you can find food from: 6. Long black, short black and flat white are
a. some countries kinds of:
b. many countries a. tea
c. a few countries b. coffee
c. brunch
2. In Maori, kai does not mean:
a. food 7. Eating out in restaurants has:
b. drink a. become more popular over the years
c. meal b. become less popular over the years
c. stayed about the same
3. Weet-Bix and Corn Flakes are eaten for:
a. breakfast 8. Eating out in restaurants can be:
b. lunch a. expensive
c. dinner b. cheap
c. a and b
4. In New Zealand the main meal of the day is
usually: 9. You can buy most things you need to make
a. breakfast your own country’s food.
b. lunch a. at farmers’ markets
c. dinner b. in special supermarkets
c. at New World Supermarket
5. Dessert is served:
a. before the main course 10. Farmers’ markets are usually held:
b. at the same time as the main course a. in the weekend
c. after the main course b. on Friday
c. Monday to Friday

C. GRAMMAR: Would Prefer

To expressing would prefer: We use would prefer or we’d prefer, followed by a to-
infinitive or a noun, to talk about present and future preferences:
Affirmative form: Pronoum + would prefer to + verb
Example: I would (I’d) prefer to buy an Iphone
Negative form: Pronoum + would prefer not to + verb
Example: She would (She’d) prefer not to be here right now
Wh - questions
What would you prefer to study?
Yes, I would prefer to.
Not, I would prefer not to


1. Choose the correct answer.

1. I prefer brown sugar…………………………tea.

a. to b. than c. that
2. I like trekking in the mountains, but I prefer……………………. on the beach.
a. lying b. to lying c. lie
3. I prefer travelling by bus……………………….by train
a. rather than travel b. to travel c. to travelling
4. I'd prefer to read for a while…………………………….TV.
a. that watch b. to watch c. rather than watch
5. I’d prefer a movie…………………………. a concert.
a. rather than b. to c. that d. from

2. Fill in the gap with the correct verb.

1. Stacy would rather……………………food for the family.
2. I think I'd prefer……………………the honor from the authorities.
3. Mary would………………………………. you at school.
4. I'd rather the students………………………………their academic books.
5. Peter prefers………………………………….at his college.

3. Select the best answer in the statements below.
1. He’d prefer to keep his job………………….fired.
a. to being b. rather than being c. before to be d. rather than be
2. I´d prefer………………………………just a salad.
a. have b. having c. to have d. to having

3. I’d prefer to walk rather tan………………by car.

a. to go b. go c. going d. to going
4. I……………………………..become a pianist.
a. ‘d rather b. ’d prefer c. rather d. prefer


Write a composition of 120 - 150 words on what would you prefer to do on your vacations and what would
you prefer not to do. Explain the reasons in a detailed way.




3. Look at the picture, manifest your preference among Tv Series and Films. What would you
prefer? Indicate why you’d prefer one movie but the other.
Use Flip to record your answer. Minimum 2 minutes.


1. First, watch a video about “would” in

this link:

Then, answer:
Which pronunciation tip is the people
giving to you? Comment to the class.

2. Then let’s go the following website:
4/activity-2. Then listen to the audio and complete the activity:

2 Infinitives & Gerunds 2C


1. Look at the chart and try to describe the pictures, using as much words as you can.
Add three pictures more and describe it.
Challengers. Manager Gorgeous
Peacemakers. Consultant Scruffy
Investigators. Financial Advisor Boorish
Helpers. Fundraiser Graceful
Achievers. Government Jobs Self-assured
Reformers. Human Resources Bright
Individualist. Insurance Agent Grotesque
Loyalists. Investment Shiny
Banker Clean
Market Research Slender

2. Match the words with the definitions.

_________ something that is popular right now

_________ the people who watch or follow a public event, e.g. a film or concert
_________ expert knowledge or skill in an area
_________ to ask someone to pay
_________ a specialised area
_________ a short introduction of a person (short for 'biography')
_________ doing something in the same way over time
_________ attractive and easily remembered


Read the text about ”Social media influencers”

It is estimated that about 40 per cent of the world’s
population use social media, and many of these
billions of social media users look up to influencers to
help them decide what to buy and what trends to
So what is an influencer and how do we become one?
An influencer is a person who can influence the
decisions of their followers because of their relationship with their audience and their
knowledge and expertise in a particular area, e.g. fashion, travel or technology.
Influencers often have a large following of people who pay close attention to their views. They
have the power to persuade people to buy things, and influencers are now seen by many
companies as a direct way to customers’ hearts. Brands are now asking powerful influencers to
market their products. With some influencers charging up to $25,000 for one social media post,
it is no surprise that more and more people are keen to become influencers too. If you are one
of them, then here are five tips on how to do it.
1. Choose your niche: What is the area that you know most about? What do you feel most
excited talking about? Find the specific area that you’re most interested in and develop it.
2. Choose your medium and write an interesting bio: Most influencers these days are bloggers
and micro-bloggers. Decide which medium – such as your own online blog, Instagram or
Snapchat – is the best way to connect with your followers and chat about your niche area.
When you have done that, write an attention-grabbing bio that describes you and your
speciality area in an interesting and unique way. Make sure that people who read your bio will
want to follow you.
3. Post regularly and consistently: Many influencers post daily on their social media accounts.
The more you post, the more likely people will follow you. Also, ensure that your posts are
consistent and possibly follow a theme.
4. Tell an interesting story: Whether it is a photo or a comment that you are posting, use it to
tell a story that will catch the attention of your followers and help them connect with you.
5. Make sure people can easily find your content: Publicise your posts on a variety of social
media, use hashtags and catchy titles and make sure that they can be easily found. There is no
point writing the most exciting blogposts or posting the most attractive photographs if no one
is going to see them.
Most importantly, if you want to become a social media influencer, you need to have patience.
Keep posting and your following will gradually increase. Good luck!

1. Read again and answer the questions below.

a. According to the reading, what are the characteristics of an influencer?


b. What kind of influencer would you prefer to be?


1. Read again and select the correct answer.

a. A social media influencer is not someone who …

1. guides the decisions of their followers.
2. is an expert in a particular area.
3. pays their followers to buy products.
4. has many followers who pay attention to their opinions.

b. Companies want to use influencers to help …

1. sell their products to their followers.
2. develop new products.
3. write their blogposts.
4. design their websites.

c. If you want to be an influencer, your bio on your social media account shouldn't …
1. say who you are.
2. talk about your niche area.
3. be interesting.
4. be the same as other people's bios.

d. You should make sure that you post …

1. once a month.
2. every day for the first month and then once a month after that.
3. about similar subjects.
4. about all sorts of different things.

e. You can make sure that people find your post by ...
1. using hashtags.
2. using funny or memorable titles.
3. using different social media to link to your post.
4. doing all of the above.

f. What should the title of this blogpost be?

1. Five ways to influence people
2. Five ways to use influencers in marketing
3. Five tips on becoming a social media influencer
4. Five tips on making money as an influencer

Infinitive Gerund

I like to swim in the summer. I like swimming in the summer.

You like to fix things in your house. You like fixing things in your house.
Ray likes to take pictures of his Ray likes taking pictures of his
family. family.
Michael and Sasha like to swim in a Michael and Sasha like swimming in
pool. a pool.

Verbs show the action of a sentence. Sometimes verbs can be used as a noun in a
sentence. When you use a verb as a noun, you use a gerund or the infinitive.

Some verbs are followed by

Infinitives. Gerunds
e.g. I decided not to do anything e.g. I enjoy driving
that pollutes the World.
e.g. You don’t need to commute as
far as I do.

Gerunds or infinitives
e.g. Cars continue to be the main cause of pollution.
e.g. You really love disappointing me.


1. Put the verb into the gerund or the infinitive with ‘to’:
1.- We decided……………………(buy) a new car.
2.- They've got some work………………………(do).
3.- Peter gave up……………………. (smoke) .
4.- He'd like………………………….(fly) an airplane.
5.- I enjoy…………………………..(write) picture postcards.
6.- Do you know what……………………………(do) if there's a fire in the shop?
7.- Avoid………………………………(make) silly mistakes.
8.- My parents wanted me…………………..(be) home at 11 o'clock.
9.- I dream about……………………………(build) a big house.
10.- I'm hoping………………………..(see) Lisa.

2.- Verb + Gerund or Infinitive?
Put the verbs in brackets in the Gerund or the to-infinitive.
One month ago, my friend Bernardo decided___________________ (lose) some
weight. He stopped_____________________________ (eat) chocolate, gave up
_______________________(drink) beer, and he refused_______________ (eat)
anything high in fat. This was difficult for him because he enjoyed
______________________(eat) chocolate and he preferred____________(drink)
beer to Diet Coke! Luckily, his girlfriend agreed___________________ (help) him. She
promised__________________ (make) him a lot of healthy food, and she did. But
after two months, he only managed__________________ (lose) 3 pounds. Now, his
girlfriend has suggested__________________ (join) a gym. Bernardo hates
__________________________(exercise), but he will try it.

3. Complete the following questions by writing the verbs in parentheses with infinitives or

Student A:
What are you looking forward to___________(do) tonight or tomorrow?
What would you like____________ (study) in class?
What do you enjoy___________ (do) in your free time?
Do you prefer___________ (watch) movies to ________(read) books?
What do your parents often tell you ____________ (do)?
What is something fun that have you decided ___________(do) recently?

Student B:
Is English difficult or easy____________ (learn)?
What do you sometimes forget ___________(do)?
What would you like to stop __________(do)?
If you were married, what would you promise__________(do) for your partner?
What are you afraid of____________ (do)?

Student A
What habit do you have that you’d like to stop___________________ (do) ?
Have you started__________________ (do) anything new recently?
What is something new that you’d like to try_________________(do) in the next few years?
Have you decided _________________(do) anything special this weekend?
What are you looking forward to______________(do) after lass?
Student B
Are you going to stop____________(do) something on the way home today?
Have you regretted______________(do) anything recently?
What in life do you prefer___________(do) to sleeping?
What are the most common tasks that people forget ___________ (do)?
Do you remember____________(be) born? What was your first memory?
Are you used to______________(study) English in this class?

4. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate verbs forms

1.- James offered _____us move. 6.- The man from Brazil appears _______the best
a. to help dancer in the group.
b. helping a. to be
b. being
2.- What do you want _____tonight?
7.- I learned _______French while I
a. to do b. doing was living in Switzerland.
3.- Her daughter decided ____a veterinarian. a. to speak
a. to become b. speaking
b. becoming 8.- I remember _______her at the beach last week.
4.- I have decided on _____a veterinarian. a. to see
a. to become b. seeing
b. becoming 9.- Don't forget _______your mother!
5.- I hope _____to Greece this summer. a. to call
a. to travel b. traveling b. calling
10.- She promised______to the theater with me.
a. to go
b. going


Let’s remind one person in your life that you admire the most. Remember all the characteristics
you like and try to create “A Personal Profile” of him/her. Now, describe what you learned from
this person. You might include some information about what this person is accustomed to ,
annoyed at, capable of, concerned about, desirous of, incapable of, interested in, suited for,
susceptible to, sympathetic toward and weary of. Use at least 5 gerunds complement in your
report. (120 - 150 words).




Remember the last party you attend? Who was it? What were you celebrating? Did you like it
going? Have you enjoyed being there? Talk about that party at use least 5 gerund complements
and four infinitive complements.
Note: Students will have 5 minutes to perform this activity online - Synchronous session.


Listen to the audio and fill in the gaps below.

Alice: Hello. Welcome to 6 Minute Grammar

with me, Alice. Finn: And me, Finn. Hello.
Finn: So, on with the show! Our first pattern is: verb plus gerund.
Alice: A gerund is the …………. of a verb - words like seeing, ………… and giving are all
Would you mind giving me a lift to the station?

Finn: And the verb mind plus the gerund giving.

Finn: So I can say: I suggest .............................. a list of verbs that take gerunds.

Alice: Now for the second pattern: verb plus infinitive. An ................... is the word to plus a base
verb, for ........................................

Catherine: I really want ........................ the football tonight.

My brother's learning ………………………


Think about the situation in your country. Is it
good or bad? What ideas do you think
politicians would have to take into account
to change or to improve your country

Notice: After the brainstorming process the teacher has to form groups so they
can choose one or two options seen in the brainstorm. Then the groups should
show why they chose that option in particular. This can be done in class or a
homework or both.

Tool: Zoom breakout rooms / Loom
Instruction: The teacher will assign the groups a topic about the
following areas:
Preferences and comparisons on food / sports/ subjects /places/
music / clothing
Then, the groups will join a new Zoom session to discuss the pros
and cons of the topic assigned. Once the groups have finished the
discussion, they must go back to the main session.
This can be done in class or as a homework or both.


Health Care

These are the most common conversation topics in many groups and
situations. Make a group of four members the group has to make a video
presentation where a member elaborates on one of theses topics, the
fourth member will give an overall summary of the opinions of the other
• I prefer brown sugar (than/that/to) white sugar
• I don’t want to go out. I´d (to stay/staying/stay) at home
• I like trekking in the mountains, but I prefer (walking/ to walk /walk) on the beach
• I´d rather go in December (to/that/than) in May
• I´d rather come with you (than stay/than staying/stay) here alone
• I prefer traveling by bus (than/that/then) by train
• Jane usually has tea, but today she´d prefer (to drink/ drinking/ drank) coffee
• I´d prefer to read for a while (than watch/than watching /watch) TV
• They would rather you (stay/stayed/will stay) here with us
• We (rather/ would rather/ would prefer) to stay in this hotel


• I´d prefer to watcha movie rather than go to a opera concert ( T)
• He would prefer to keep his job rather than being fired (F)
• I´d prefer having just a salad ( F)
• I´d prefer to walk rather tha go by car ( T)
• I´d rather become a pianist than a singer (T)
• My sister would prefer to go on a cruise than a resort ( T)
• They prefer running than swimming (F)
• She´d prfer to work night shifts than working at the weekends ( F)
• I´d rather she studied something different (T)
• Carl would prefer to do it on his own ( F)

3. Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of rather and prefer
• They prefer________(live)in
living a villa to __________
living (live) in a flat
• go
I would prefer _______(stay) at home than ________ (go out)
to stay out

• Hannah would rather ________(go)go to Rome than Prague

• We prefer________(listen)
listening to classical music than_________
listening (listen) to hip hop

• Ian prefers________(work)
working in groups to _________
working work alone
• They prefer_________(work)
working with a computer to ________(use)using a mobile phone
• My sister prefers _________(be)
being a teacher to ________
being (be) an engineer
• My best friend would rather _______ dance (dance) than __________(listen)
listen to music
• Samuel prefers _________(take)
to take a taxi to ____________
walk (walk) to work

4. Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of rather

• I´d rather Adam (study)__________
studied before the exams.
• She´d rather a student (behave)___________correctly.

• I´d rather (not spend) ______________

not have spent the holidays at the seaside last year
• We´d rather that they (not bring) didn´t
bring children at tomorrow´s party

• We´d rather (clean)_____________

cleaned before the guests arrive
• We´d rather (clean)_____________
had cleaned before the guests arrived
• She´d rather (not have) ___________
not have a fight with her husband last night
• My sister would rather (go)_________
to go to the movies tonight
• I´d rather mike (not knock) __________
didn´t knock on the window


a. She can´t_______ with us to the party d. When I was a child, I used ________ in the
• • Come street
• • Coming They • • To play
must______ at home tonight • • Playing He is interested
• • Stay in _____ people from abroad
• • To stay • • To meet
b. They invited us_____ their new house • • Meeting
• • Visit e. I hate ______ sick. I can´t do anything
• • To visit I Usually go ______ in • • Was
the river • • Being She hoped ______ her
• • Fish final exams
• • Fishing • • Pass
c. _______can cause you many health • • To pass
problems f. They decided ______their house
• • To smoke • • To sell
• • Smoking I would like • • Selling I like_______ very
_________you again much
• • See • • Cooking
• • To see • • Cook


1. Go this website:

speaking/agreeing-and-disagreeing, and then complete the Preparation activity.

2. Watch the video again, and now complete the three tasks proposed.


Watch the video again, there are many ways to agree or disagree, so there are many
possible examples to explain your point!! Now let’s work.
1. Write the agreeing and disagreeing sentences presented in the video.
2. What is your position about abortion? Write 50 words minimum agreeing or
disagreeing on abortion.


GROUPS. Your teacher will divide the class into groups. Now that you have written down your
position about abortion, it is time to talk about it. In the group assigned, you have to select
some students to be in favor, and some students to be against abortion.
You are going to make a little debate, presenting your ideas in favor and against abortion. Then
in class, all groups will present their ideas, group by group. Each group has to minimum talk for
5 minutes in total. Remember that all the members have to participate.

UNIT Prefixes and Suffixes Lesson
3 Sections. 3A

1. Read the Article then answer the questions below.

In 1996, Peace Corps volunteer, Peter Hassler, arrived in Fuling, a quiet town on the Yangtze, to teach English. He went
back recently to find the landscape and his former students transformed.
There is excellent mobile phone coverage at the bottom of the Yangtze River, although Huang Dejian is one of the few
people who know this. He’s the director of the new White Crane Ridge Underwater Museum and today his phone rings
constantly at a depth of 40 meters. The museum is the strangest sight in the city of Fuling - visitors enter via a 100-metre-
long escalator encased in a steel tube, like a massive straw dipped into the muddy Yangtze.
The last time I saw Huang, all this was dry land, the $34 million museum didn’t exist and the Three Gorges Dam* was still
under construction 450 kilometers downstream. Fuling sits at the junction of the Yangtze and the Wu Rivers, and in the
mid-1990s it felt sleepy and isolated. There was no main road or railway line, and the Yangtze ferries took seven hours to
reach Chongqing, the nearest large city. Foreigners were unheard of - if I ate lunch in the town center, I often attracted a
crowd of 30 spectators. The city had one escalator, one nightclub, and no traffic lights. I didn’t know anybody with a car.
In those days, I worked at Fuling Teachers College. Nearly all of my students came from rural homes with little tradition of
education; many had illiterate parents. My students taught me many things, including what it meant to come from the
countryside, where the vast majority of Chinese lived at the beginning of the reform era. They also taught me about the
complexities of poverty in China. My students had little money, but they were optimistic, and they had opportunities; it
was impossible to think of such people as poor.
During my visit, about 15 students return to Fuling for an impromptu reunion. They give updates on the classmates who,
like so many Chinese of their generation, have migrated far from home. My old students are interested in analyzing their
society. One, who gave himself the English name of Mo Money says, ‘Life is competitive. I think this is a special stage for
China. In the past we criticized capitalist America. But now we are in a similar situation.’
My last meeting on this visit is with fishermen, Huang Zongming and his brother Zongguo. I was here when they moved
out of their homes in June 2003, when the first stage of the dam was completed. The brothers tell me there’s still good
fishing upstream and Zongming has still never travelled on a train. I discover that they are the only people I know who
remain virtually the same, despite the changes all around them.
2. Read the article and choose the correct option.
1 The town of Fuling ... 5 When Peter lived in Fuling ...
a.- has been transformed by the Three Gorges Dam. a.- he used to go to Chongqing for lunch.
b.- was built at the same time as the Three Gorges Dam. b.- he was the only foreign visitor most people had seen. c.-
c.- was destroyed by the Three Gorges Dam. there were no cars in the town.
2 Peter Hessler describes ... 6 Peter's students ...
a.- the construction of the Three Gorges Dam. a.- explained Chinese traditions to him.
b.- the changes he finds on his visit to Fuling. b.- had lives which were very different to the lives of their
c.-what it's like to work as a teacher in China. parents.
3 Peter Hessler discovers that ... c.- weren’t able to change their lives because they were
a.-everyone he knew has moved away from the area. poor.
b.-hardly anyone has the same life as they used to. 7 After Peter’s students left college … a.- some of them
most people are unhappy with the changes they have left the area.
seen. b.- they returned home to teach.
4 Huang Dejian is the Peter
director of in
...Fuling ... c.- they stayed in Fuling city to work.
5 When lived
a.- a highly unusual museum. 8 What does Peter say about his old students?
a.- he used to go to Chongqing for lunch.
b.- a museum in the center of the city. a.- They are interested in the American way of life.
c.- one of the oldest museums in the area. b.-They don’t agree with the changes that have happened
in China.
c.-They think a lot about how life is changing in their 51

3. Match the vocabulary from the article with the correct definition and write 1 - 11 next to the letters A-K.
1.- traffic lights
2.- ferry
9.-railway line

A ..................... a business organization that makes money by selling things or services

B ..................... a large group of people who are together in one place
C ..................... a strong wall that is built across a river to stop the water and make a lake
D ..................... a large building where machines are used to make things
E ..................... a boat that carries people and vehicles across a river or the sea
F ..................... a long way away from large towns and difficult to reach
G .................... an occasion when you see someone by chance or by arrangement
H .................... a long, wide road that is for cars to travel fast and for long distances
I ...................... the metal tracks that trains travel on
J ..................... far away from large towns or cities
K .................... sets of red, yellow and green lights at the places where roads meet. They control the


DEFINITION OF A PREFIX: A prefix is a word that is added to

the front of a base word to change the meaning of that
word. More than one prefix may mean the same thing.
There are different types of prefixes, which are the
following: negative & positive, size, location, time & order,

Here, you will see a chart with the type of prefixes.

Roots: Word roots are the ones from other languages that are the origin of many English words.
About 60% of all English words have Latin or Greek origins. Roots give words their fixed meaning.
Prefixes and suffixes can then be attached to the roots to form new words.


1.- Select the best answer by just circling the correct letter.

1. I just bought a _________ phone card with $60.00 worth of calling time.
A) premature B) postmarked C) prepaid D) postponed
2. When it is very hot, it is wise to_____________ getting a headache by drinking
A) prevent B) preview C) precaution D) postmark
3. It is against the law to____________ someone before he or she gets a fair trial
A) postmark B) preview C) prejudge D) precede
4. We went to a sneak__________of an upcoming film titled “Lost in the Galaxy.”
A) preview B) precede C) preplan D) postdate
5. What do you_____________will happen in the next chapter?
A) pretest B) predict C) postpone D) postscript
6. We have learned the__________________meanings of the pre- and post-.
A) prefixes B) postproductions C) pretests D) postdates
7. The________________returned to college to study art history.
A) postgraduate B) prejudge C) postmark D) postmeridian
8. The date is March 12, so the____________on the envelope indicates the same date.
A) postdate B) postmark C) predate D) prefix
9. The man needed to be____________ by the bank before he could buy the house.
A) postmortem B) precautioned C) preapproved D) postponed
10. The music was added to the movie during___________
A) postmeridian B) postproduction C) postponed D) predated

2.- Complete the sentences below. Use the prefixes ‘im-’ or ‘in-’ with the words in the box.

polite expensive effective sensitive

decisive attentive probable formal
active perfect valid describable
moral possible significant sufficient

1. The train tickets didn’t cost very much. They were______________

2. Jonny wasn’t paying attention to his teacher. He was______________
3. It’s not possible to learn a new language in just one day. It’s______________
4. My friend always finds it difficult to make decisions. He’s very______________
5. You don’t have to wear a suit and tie to the meeting. It will be______________
6. Don’t be_________________ Try to be more active and get more exercise.
7. The diamond wasn’t perfect. It was______________
8. People may think you are__________________ if you forget to say, “Thank you.”
9. My son’s room was very messy. I can’t describe it. It was______________
10. The medicine I took didn’t help me. It was______________
11. It wasn’t nice to say that your friend was stupid. It was______________
12. I can use my driving license in Canada but it’s_____________ in other countries.
13. The money I have isn’t enough to buy a new car. It’s______________
14. Killing another person is usually illegal and______________
15. The number of mistakes I made was______________ I still got an A+ on the exam!
16. I don’t believe you saw a space alien. It’s possible but______________

3.- Select the best answer by just circling the correct letter.

1. Since it was so rare, the newspapers crowded to take pictures of the little girl who was born___________
A) polydactyl B) polytheism C) monotone D) monosyllabic
2. My family believes in only one god, but the ancient Greeks and Romans believed in___________
A) polytheism B) polyglots C) monophobia D) monotheism
3. Right now I am monolingual, but in the future I hope to become a___________
A) polyhedron B) polyglot C) monoglot D) polygraph
4. It is illegal in business today to have a___________in an industry.
A) polyclinic B) monopoly C) monolith D) polygon
5. Is that really a work of art? It’s all black! It’s simply too ___________!
A) polychromatic B) polysyllabic C) monosyllabic D) monochrome
6. The man had to take a___________test before the trial. His pulse, breathing, and blood pressure showed
that he was lying.
A) polygraph B) monograph C) polyhedron D) monologue
7. If you know your prefixes, suffixes, and root meanings, then you can understand most ___________words.
A) monosyllabic B) monocle C) polysyllabic D) polyclinic
8. When readers are___________you can tell they are not enjoying the story.
A) polytone B) monotone C) monodactyl D) polyglot
9. Since Trevor has been cured of___________, he can now stay home alone and not feel frightened.
A) polytheism B) monotone C) monochromatic D) monophobia
10. The speaker’s opening___________was so exciting that everyone stood up and clapped for him.
A) polyglot B) monologue C) polygons D) monolith

4.-Select the best answer by just circling the correct letter

1. Which word describes how there is only one “you”?

A) unilateral B) unison C) unit D) unique
2. Which word could describe a discussion in which only one person talks and listens?
A) unitard B) unilateral C) unison D) unicellular
3. The original thirteen colonies decided to do this in the late 1700s when
they became the United States of America.
A) unison B) unit C) unilateral D) unify
4. What word describes an organism with only one cell?
A) unicellular B) unilateral C) united D) unique
5. This creature looks like a horned horse.
A) unicorn B) unitard C) unicycle D) unit
6. A clown often rides on this at the circus.
A) unicellular B) unitard C) unicorn D) unicycle
7. This word would best describe a one-way street.
A) unicycle B) unidirectional C) unit D) unique
8. This one-piece outfit is often worn by dancers.
A) unilateral B) unitard C) unique D) unison
9. A group often says the Pledge of Allegiance together or in_______________
A) unique B) unison C) unicellular D) unidirectional
10. Which word can be used to describe almost anything that is put together into a group?
A) unit B) unison C) unicorn D) unique


Do you like rap?. Imagine you are a singer and write your own rap using prefixes studied in class
(120-150 words) use this link for guidance



Students will complete the questions with suitable prefixes (um, im, il, ir, dis, in, re, over, mis).
Then, they will answer them in pairs.
1. What’s the best way to employ……………. employed people?
2. Give a few examples of ……………responsible behaviour.
3. Give a few examples of things that are ……………… possible for you to do.
4. What food do you really…………… like?
5. Have you ever had to ………….. take your exams/tests?


In this section, you will listen to a conversation that has many prefixes. Write down all the words
that have the prefixes.


UNIT Different type of prefixes Lesson
3 3B
More prefixes
1. Read the about “ 6 worrying facts about asteroids” then answer below.

1. In 2010, the planetary defense team at NASA had identified and logged 90 per cent of the
asteroids near Earth measuring 1km wide. These 'near-Earth objects', or NEOs, are the size of
mountains and include anything within 50 million kilometers of Earth's orbit. With an
estimated 50 left to log, NASA says none of the 887 it knows about are a significant danger to
the planet.
2. Now NASA is working towards logging some of the smaller asteroids, those measuring 140
meters wide or more. Of the 25,000 estimated asteroids of this size, so far about 8,000 have
been logged, leaving 17,000 unaccounted for. Considering that a 19-metre asteroid that
exploded above the city of Chelyabinsk in Russia in 2013 injured 1,200 people, these middle-
sized asteroids would be a serious danger if they enter Earth's orbit.
3. Whether NASA can find the remaining middle-sized NEOs depends on getting the money to
build NEOCam, a 0.5-metre space telescope which would use infrared light to locate asteroids.
If it did get the money, it could probably achieve its goal in ten years. Once logged, the
planetary defense team would still need to work out how to defend the planet against being
hit by the truly worrying asteroids – the PHAs.
4. 'Potentially Hazardous Asteroids' are rocks close enough to pass within 7.5 million
kilometers of Earth's orbit. NASA has created a map of 1,400 PHAs, none of which are
expected to be a threat in the next one hundred years. With technology already available,
NASA can track these objects and make predictions about possible impact, at which point two
defense solutions could be launched.
5. The first is DART – the Double Asteroid Redirection Test. Plans are scheduled to test DART on
the moon of an asteroid called Didymos. 'Didymoon' is 150 meters wide, orbiting its 800-
metre mother, and hopefully the impact of DART will knock it out of its orbit enough for Earth-
based telescopes to pick up.
6. Another suggested defense against a PHA on course to hit Earth is to blow it up using a
nuclear weapon. It may sound like a plot from a film, and it was the subject of the 1998 film
Armageddon, but the Hypervelocity Asteroid Mitigation Mission for Emergency Response
(HAMMER) is a genuine NASA proposal. The eight-ton rockets would be fired at an
approaching asteroid with the hope of bumping it off course. If the asteroid was too close to
Earth for this plan to work, the rockets would carry nuclear bombs to blow it up instead.


Review your comprehension and vocabulary:

To record or make something A) Infrared

A rock that flies through outer B) An asteroid
The path of an object around a C) To be un accounted for
To be in an unknown location D) To log
A kind of light invisible for E) To track
Dangerous F) An orbit
To follow the movement of an G) Hazardous
To notice H) To pick up

1……………… A. Information about a plan that need finance before it can happen
2………………….. B. An un realistic solution to solve a PHA situation
3………………….. C. Information about asteroids that could harm the planet.
4………………….. D. Information on NASA´s most successful project on NEO´s.
5………………….. E. A solution planned for testing
6………………….. F. Information about asteroids that are the biggest danger to earth

Negative Prefixes
Negative statements are the opposite of affirmative statements. In English, one way to make
negative statements is by adding negative prefixes to nouns, adjectives and verbs. The prefixes dis,
-non , -un, mean “not” or “the opposite of”

1.- Write a single word with the prefix un- or dis- to complete each sentence.
1) My brother________with my friend James. (does not agree)
2) The answer to your question is________ (not known)
3) Bethany’s red couch is incredibly________ (not comfortable)
4) My teacher told me not to be________ (not honest)
5) Babies will become________when they are hungry or tired. (not happy)

6) I thought I saw her jacket, but it seems to have________ (not appear)
2.- Choose the correct answer.
1. The jury could not decide. They were still trying to figure out the facts. What are they?
A) unmistakable B) undecided C) unrealistic D) unexpected
2. You usually dream while you are in which state?
A) unconscious B) unexpected C) unworthy D) uncertain
3. Chris did not deserve to join the class in the pizza party since he was teasing people on the
playground every day. What was he?
A) untidy B) unworthy C) unmistakable D) unequal

4. Sophie used this word to describe Alex’s room, which always had piles of clothes on the floor.
A) untidy B) unnecessary C) unconscious D) uncertain
5. A blue diamond is a very rare stone. What is it?
A) unworthy B) unwise C) unnecessary D) uncommon
3.- Choose the correct answer.
1. If you walk into Paige’s room, you will find toys mixed up with books on the shelves and in
drawers. There are even socks between the toys! What word describes her room?
A) dismal B) disrespectful C) discontinued D) disorganized
2. Do you have one of those cameras that can be thrown away after you get the film developed?
What is it?
A) disorganized B) disposable C) discontinued D) disturbed
3. A child who talks while others are talking is often not liked. What is this child?
A) disrespectful B) disappointed C) discontinued D) disagreeing
4. Brenton and Robert were told not to cross the street. Brenton listened. Robert didn’t listen.
What was Robert?


4.- Choose the correct answer.

1. Magazines that arrive in your mailbox every other month are this.
A) biyearly B) biweekly C) bimonthly D) bicolor
2. Which word is a transportation vehicle with two pairs of wings?
A) bicycle B) biplane C) bicuspid D) biped
3. Something that arrives in your mailbox 26 times a year is this.
A) bimonthly B) biennial C) bilingual D) biweekly

4. This three-horned reptile is now extinct.
A) tricuspid B) triceratops C) trilogy D) trisect
5. What do you call a set of three plays or novels that go together?
A) trilogy B) tripod C) tricycle D) trio
6. What is the name of the item that has three legs and can be attached to a camera for Taking
A) tripod B) trilogy C) tricycle D) triangle
7. This is how you could cut a gummy worm into four equal parts to share with your friends.
A) quadruped B) quadrisect C) quadruple D) quadrant
8. Your thigh muscles are called , since they are a group of four muscles.
A) quadriceps B) quadrangle C) quadruped D) quadrennial


Read the following article that appeared in a national newspaper and write an essay discussing the
importance of computers cellphones and screens in our lives today and suggesting ways to
increase computer literacy. You must use prefixes already seen in this lesson. (150 -180 words)


Focus on pictures on the left and the picture on the right. The two pictures show people eating/buying food
at different places. Compare these pictures and state what you find attractive or unattractive, which place
do you like or which place do you dislike? Use the prefixes already seen in this lesson.

Once you have written your opinion, record yourself, remember to audibly stress the prefixes so you
practice and let your teacher know you´re using them
This can be a workshop activity or a homework, if it´s a workshop show audio only if it´s a homework make
a presentation in video format

UNIT Suffixes Lesson
3 All the suffixes 3C

1. Read the following article and choose the correct option.


How did the Easter Island statues move? Archaeologists are still trying to work out how - and
what their story really means.
On a winter night last June, José Antonio Tuki, a 30-year-old artist on Easter Island, sat on
Anakena beach and stared at the enormous human statues there - the moai. The statues are
from four feet tall to 33 feet tall. Some weigh more than 80 tons. They were carved, a long time
ago, with stone tools and then they were moved up to 11 miles to the beach. Tuki stares at their
faces and he feels a connection. ‘This is something that was produced by my ancestors,’ he says.
‘How did they do it?’
The first Polynesians arrived at Rapa Nui (Easter Island), probably by canoe, hundreds of years
ago. The island is 2,150 miles west of South America and 1,300 miles east of its nearest inhabited
neighbor, Pitcairn. Nowadays 12 flights arrive every week from Chile, Peru and Tahiti. In 2011,
50,000 tourists - ten times the island’s population - flew to Easter Island. Almost all of the jobs on
Easter Island depend on tourism. And the tourists go there for only one thing: the moai.
People around the world became curious about the statues after the Norwegian adventurer Thor
Heyerdahl made Easter Island famous, and there are different theories about how the statues
were moved to the beach. Many researchers think the statues were pulled along the ground using
ropes and wood.
Pulitzer Prize winner Jared Diamond has suggested that many people were needed to build and
move the moai. As a result, the island’s trees were cut down for wood and to create farming land.
This open land was fragile and it was soon eroded by the strong winds, so it was very difficult to
grow food. The situation was an early example of an ecological disaster, according to Diamond.
On the other hand, archaeologists Terry Hunt of the University of Hawaii and Carl Lipo of
California State University Long Beach have a more positive view of the island’s history. They
suggest that the inhabitants actually pioneered a type of sustainable farming - they built
thousands of circular stone walls, called manavai, and grew food inside them. And their theory
about how the moai were moved is that they were ‘walked’ along using a system of only ropes
and a few people.
As José Tuki contemplates these enormous statues, he doesn’t mind that there are no definite
answers about the history of his island. ‘I want to know the truth,’ he says, ‘but maybe knowing
everything would take its power away.

1 The moai...
a.- are statues of animals.
b.- are all the same size.
c.- were made by José Tuki’s ancestors.
2 Easter Island ...
a.- is part of the South American continent.
b.- is a long way from other inhabited places.
c.- is an uninhabited island.
3 People travel to Easter Island ...
a.- by boat.
b.- to work.
c.- to see the statues.
4 Jared Diamond thinks that...
a.- farmers on Easter Island planted a lot of trees.
b.- there were environmental problems on Easter Island.
c.- the population of Easter Island was always small.
5 Hunt and Lipo think people moved the statues using ...
a.- wood.
b.- ropes.
c.- both wood and ropes.


Vocabulary practice
Complete the questions about the text with these adjectives. Then choose the
correct option from the answers given.

*big *far *heavy *old *tall

1 How ________ are the statues?
from four feet to 33 feet
more than 33 feet
2 How ________are the statues?
eight tons
eighty tons
3 How ________are the statues?
a hundred years old
hundreds of years old
4 How ________ is Easter Island from South America?
2,150 miles
1,300 miles
5 How ________ is the population of Easter Island?
50,000 inhabitants
5,000 inhabitants


DEFINITION: A suffix is a letter or group of letters added at the end of a word, which makes a new
word. In the table above, the suffix - ful has changed verbs to adjectives - ment, and -ion have

Form Suffix Meaning Examples

-age action or process marriage, voyage, pilgrimage
-ence state or quality of violence, absence, reticence
-ant one who servant, immigrant, assistant
-arium place for aquarium, planetarium, auditorium
Noun -tion state or quality of starvation, inspiration, tension
-cy state or quality of accuracy, bankruptcy, conspiracy
-dom state or quality of freedom, boredom, wisdom
-eer Person engineer, puppeteer, auctioneer
-ectomy surgical removal of tonsillectomy, appendectomy
changed verbs to nouns. If you see a word ending in - ment, for example, it is likely to be a noun
(e.g. commitment, contentment).

-ent one who superintendent, resident, regent

-eur one who chauffeur, masseur
-hood state or quality of childhood, falsehood, neighborhood
-i Plural alumni, foci, syllabi
-ism doctrine of capitalism, socialism, patriotism
-wright one who works with playwright, shipwright
-ology study of biology, etymology, psychology
-able Is, can be comfortable, durable, perishable
-acious inclined to be audacious, loquacious, spacious
Adjective -ant inclined to be vigilant, pleasant, defiant
-ative inclined to be demonstrative, talkative, pejorative
-ic characteristic of comic, poetic, historic
-y characteristic of fruity, sunny, chewy
-ble repeated action stumble, squabble, mumble
-ed past tense wanted, hated, looted
Verb -en made of strengthen, fasten, frighten
-ify to make terrify, falsify, vilify
-ize to make standardize, computerize, pulverize
-ly Resembling slowly, kindly, seriously
Adverb -ward Direction forward, backward, onward
-ways Manner sideways, crossways

Suffix Meaning

-able, -ible can be done: (comfortable) ROOTS AND

-s, -es more than one: (houses, boxes) SUFFIXES
-ing, -ed -ing: happening now(singing) -ed: in the past(walked)
-er, or one who does something: (painter, actor)

You can change the meaning or the usage of a word by adding a suffix at the end.

1.- Use the correct suffix to complete the adjectives in these sentences.

-ful -less -able -ive -ic -ly -ible

1. Your brother was very coward…………………He ran away immediately.

2. That snake looks dangerous, but it's totally harm…………………Don't worry!

3. To work as an acrobat in the circus, you must be very flex……………

4. Oh, look at those ador…………………puppies. Can I have one?

5. He's always running about, very athlete…………………He will be in the Olympics one day.

6. What a beauty…………………painting. Do you know who painted it?

7. We need a full and truth…………………account of what happened, Jennifer. Tell us everything.

8. These animals sleep during the day and are then act…………………during the night.

9. It must be very lone…………………living on this mountain without any neighbors.

10. Betty is a very create……………little girl, always painting or drawing or something like that

2.- Complete the root word with the correct suffix to make an adjective. You can choose from "ous",
"able", "ful" or "y". Sometimes you may have to add or remove a letter for the correct spelling. Then
try using the adjective in the sentences in the second exercise.
Exercise Part A
1.- danger…….
6.- wind…….
7.- enjoy…….
8.- suit…….
9.- help…….
10.- use…….
Exercise Part B
Now try to fill in the blanks with a suitable word from those above.
1. It can be …………………………to cross the train line so be very careful.
2. I really like this sofa. It's extremely …………………………
3. Beckham is probably one of the most…………………………football players in Britain.
4. We have decided to have our lessons in the garden as it was a lovely…………………………day.
5. John's toothache was quite………………………… and he had to go to the dentist.
6. Let's go sailing! It's a perfect day for it, the sun is shining and it's not too………………..
7.This is a really………………………… book. I'm sure you will like it too.
8.This film really isn't very…………………………for children under 10. There is far too much violence.
9.The shop assistant was so…………………………that I'll go there again. He gave me a lot of information.
10. It's really…………………………to be able to speak another language.


Suffix Meaning

-ing, -ed -ing: happening now (singing) -ed: in the past(walked)
-s, -es plural word: more than one (dogs, boxes)
-er, -est -er: more(older, higher) -est: most (oldest, highest)
-ful, -less -ful: a lot (careful, hopeful) -less: none (careless, hopeless)

Select the correct option.
1. Shellie was glad to find out that if the new pants didn’t fit Christian, then her purchase
would be_________________________
A) penniless B) refundable C) worthless D) repairable
2. Pedro got stage fright. He stood perfectly still when it was his turn to give his speech. Which
word describes how he stood?
A) motionless B) laughable C) detachable D) breathless
3. The main character in the movie made people giggle. This movie can be described
A) effortless B) imaginable C) fearless D) laughable
4. Fred can carry his laptop computer anywhere he goes. What is it?
A) timeless B) portable C) imaginable D) worthless
5. Which word describes a person who is worthy of getting an award for saving another
person’s life?
A) worthless B) renewable C) honorable D) reckless
6. What do you call someone who does crazy things and takes risks without worrying about
A) effortless B) reckless C) renewable D) repairable
7. Mechanic Miguel said that the brakes could be fixed. What are they?
A) worthless B) effortless C) repairable D) laughable
8. What type of effort is it when you try really hard time and time again until you succeed?
A) washable B) detachable C) tireless D) repairable

EXERCISE 3 PART B Suffixes ( - ful or - less ) Complete the words.

1. How could you be so care as to lose your wallet?

The weather 4 was beauti……………… we went for a walk.
3. Yesterday we had a wonder………………...dinner at a Spanish restaurant.
4. I am going to give some clothes to the home………………...
5. That little boy is absolutely fear………………...! He isn't afraid of anything.
6. Thank you so much! You were really help ……………… me.
7. That man is completely friend………………...He hasn't got any friends at all.
8. This is a very peace ………………... town. You would like to live here.

Complete the noun with the correct suffix

1.- We organized a number of fun activ _______ for the children.

2.- The develop_______of mobile phone networks in many poor countries has benefitted their economies.

3.- Member_______ of the club is open to all residents.

4.-The charity aims to reduce suffer_______ after natural disasters by providing food and medicines.

5.- Continuing violen_______ in the south of the country has slowed development.

6.-Male elephants will sometimes show aggress_______ towards human beings.

7.-Increasing hostil_______ between the two countries has led to a reduction in trade and tourism.

8.-The defendant claimed he was suffering from depress_______ at the time of the attack.

9.-Research_______ at the institute now think they have discovered a link between diet and depression.

10.- You must keep completely still as even the slightest move will frighten the animals away.

11.-There is absolutely no eviden_______ that my government has been involved in the sale of arms to

12.-This kind of anti-social behav_______ will not be tolerated!

13.-The publi_______ date of the new dictionary is not yet known.

14.- There has been a marked reduc_______ in the number of armed robberies over the past two years.


Students will select the suffixes already seen in this lesson and mention punctual descriptions of
daily actions.
When I found out I had covid, for a moment I was hopeless, but now I feel joyful because I could
overcome the illness and now I am living my life normally.


Read the article and write an essay on the following topic: cities are getting bigger and more crowded.
Discuss the problems this causes and suggest what can be done to improve living conditions in large
cities. Use the suffixes already seen in this lesson. (120 -150 words).



Listen to the following audio and write down all the words that contain suffixes. How many can you

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 70

How many words with prefixes can

you spot?
Do you know their meaning?
Can you make sentences with
Can you name their synonyms and
In a separated piece of paper or
word document, answer these

How many words with prefixes can

you spot?
Do you know their meaning?
Can you make sentences with
Can you name their synonyms and
In a separated piece of paper or
word document, answer these

How many words with suffixes can
you spot?
Do you know their meaning?
Can you make sentences with
Can you name their synonyms and
In a separated piece of paper or
word document, answer these

How many words with suffixes can you spot?

Do you know their meaning?
Can you make sentences with them?
Can you name their synonyms and antonyms?
In a separated piece of paper or word document, answer these
questions 72

Collaborative writing
Make a group of up to four students, where they can summarize all their sentences and add up vocabulary
from the unit to write a small story about the changes related to the biosecurity measures and restrictions
that are being scrapped away. Is it helpful for the economy? Is it harmful for the people?
Use as many prefixes and
suffixes as possible, find a convenient way to demonstrate that all the members took part in the writing
here are links with content to help you out


Repetition of an action is the key to prolongation. Here are some songs that will help you remember and
understand how prefixes and suffixes work and what do they mean. If consumed in the form of music the
beat and rhythm are the perfect transporters for information and is more fun than just listening someone
talk or read book about academic affairs.
Here are the links to the songs


1. Write a correct prefix – il-, ir-, im-, in-, un-, dis-

• Selling soft drugs in our country is …. legal.

• My brother is a very …. organized person and his room is always a complete mess.
• Don’t you think it was really ...responsible to leave me there alone?
• It’s … possible to meet all their requirements. They seem to be always …. satisfied.
• My mother can be very …tolerant of people who have lots of piercings and tattoos.
• I don’t understand your way of thinking. For me it’s completely …rational.
• That’s totally …believable. We’ve won the first prize.
• I’m afraid his handwriting is …legible.
• You look a bit …happy. What’s the matter?
• We’ve got a long list of …regular verbs to memories by next Monday.
• Don’t buy …practical presents. It’s a waste of money.
• Avoid fast food. It’s very …healthy.
• That was highly …respectful behavior. Don’t you think?
• …loyal people are the ones you should stay away from.
• My trip to Thailand was an …forgettable experience.
• Her parents …approve of the boy Katie has started dating. And you know what? I don’t
blame them.
• Do you ever feel …secure in front of a big group of …familiar faces?
• Tanya is such an …decisive girl. Whatever you ask her for she has difficulty making up her

2. Add a prefix to each of the following words to make new ones.


______possible ______understand ______attentive ______polite

______depressive ______employed ______justice ______vision
______agree ______able ______like ______lead
______happy ______legal ______logical ______write
______active ______regular ______expected ______sense
______known ______fiction ______dote ______historic
______loyal ______cover ______reliable ______face
______do ______able ______turn ______place

3. Write the negative form of these words using prefixes


Responsible Legal

Comfort Normal
Safe Visible
Capable Sensitive
Frost Profit

Believable Valid
Armed Logical
Regular Code

Personal Licit

4. Add a suffix to each of the following words to make new words.

y ly less ful er or ness able ment tal ary ous proof free ity

Fear____ teach____ Understand____ Loud____ Suit____

Accident____ kind____ Care____ Home____ Danger____
thought____ water____ Jealous____ Speech____ Act____
friend____ clearly____ Hope____ Mad____ Deplore____
popular____ rely____ Bullet____ Pain____ Cheer____
sugar____ comfort____ Fog____ Happy____ Calm____
fame____ brazil____ Drink____ Courage____ help____
Use____ help____ Brother ____ fashion____ Tax____


In a small paragraph of 80 to a 100 words, write down the impact of prefixes and suffixes of in the
way you communicate. Are you able to be more understandable, accurate, precise? Or you prefer
using antonyms and synonyms?
Use at least 10 prefixes and suffixes, highlight them, use 5 of each.

UNIT What had you done? Lesson
4 Past Perfect 4A



Answer the following questions

Genre: a type or category of music.
Match the phrases with the correct definitions.

1.- A musical style from the American South, known for its quick tempos and
elaborate vocals, often showing off instruments such as the fiddle, banjo,
mandolin, guitar, and bass
2.- A kind of American music that came from spirituals and work
……work songs songs of African-American people
……marches 3.- Popular American music using dance rhythms, simple form,
……lullabies and down-to-earth lyrics
…...spirituals 4.- Songs created by a particular group of people
…...patriotic 5.- Songs written or used to accompany a game
…...popular 6.- Songs written to help children go to sleep
…...blues 7.- Usually patriotic pieces that are performed by a band and often
… songs are performed while marching
…...folk songs
… 8.- Songs written to inspire love for one’s country
……rock 9.- Music that is well-known and liked by a particular
……rap group at a particular time
10.- A style of popular music that started in the late 1970s and that
uses rhyming lyrics spoken or half-sung in a syncopated style over a
rhythmic accompaniment
11.- Popular music of the ’50s and ’60s
12.- American folk hymns often linked to the slaves of the 19th century
13.- Songs written to make work easier and to lift the spirits of the


1. Select the best option.

1. I looked in the letter box yesterday and the letter still ……………………………...
didn't arrive
hadn't arrived

2. When I closed the door, I realized that I ……………………… my keys inside.

'd left

3. She looked really sad but I didn t know what ……………………….

'd happened

4.- When she ……………. on the course, she had never studied a foreign language before.
'd enrolled

5.-………………….when you rang the doorbell?

Did Sai already leave
Had Sai already left

6.- By the time I moved in, they …………………the building work.

'd finished

7.- This is the oldest building in the town. It over 200 years ago.
was built
'd been built

Mark is telling his sister Eve about his friend's garden party. Use the words from the box to
complete their conversation. (Use Past Perfect)
Eve: Did you enjoy the party?
Mark: Not at all. I……………………………….to such a party before. It was a disaster.
Eve: A disaster?
Mark: Exactly. When I arrived at the party, they ………………………………all the sausages. There
was nothing to eat.
Eve………………………………enough sausages for everyone?
Mark: No, they hadn't. The house was full of people I………………………………before.
Eve: So you were hungry all afternoon.
Mark: I was pretty hungry. I………………………………anything before I left home.
Eve: Did you dance?
Mark: No, I didn't. There was a DJ at the party, but after he………………………………a couple
of songs, he disappeared.
Eve: What did you do then?

Mark: Fortunately, they …………………………all the wine before I came. I had two or three glasses of red wine
and went home.
Eve: Mark? You told me you…………………………anything to eat. You must have got drunk!
Mark: To tell the truth, when I…………………………the third glass, I felt a little bit dizzy.
But I am all right now. Am I not?

Complete the sentences with expressions in brackets.
1.- He couldn't go skiing, because it…………………………the night before. (rain)
2. off the lights before you left home? (you - switch)
3.- The plane crashed because the engines…………………………fire. (catch)
4.- After Sam…………………………the bank, he got into his car. (leave)
5.- When he arrived at the office, everyone …………………………gone. (be)
6.……………………… anything to eat before you fed him? (the dog - have)
7.- By the time Joseph returned home Sarah……………to get in touch with him several times. (try)
8.- Why…………………………me before you refused their offer? (you - call)
9.- I was so sad because Jill…………………………somewhere in Spain. (disappear)
10.- What…………………………with the computer before you called the technician? (you - do)

Complete using the Past Perfect Simple.
1.- We ate cherries from the tree that my grandfather ……………………. (plant) many years before.
2.- When we arrived, the show………………………… (start/already) .
3.- We went to a place where I………………………………… (be/never) before.
4.- The teacher wanted to know whether we ………………………………………(read) the book.
5.- Yesterday I met a friend that I ………………………………….(see/not) for ages.
6.- (your husband/make/dinner) …………………………when you got home?
7.- (Lisa/finish/her homework) ………………………… when she went out with her friends?
8.- (you/have/breakfast) ………………………… when you started to work?
8.- (What/he/do…………………………that made you so upset with him the other day?
9.- (she/move/to London/already…………………………when she met her boyfriend?


In this section, you will develop the following writing prompt of (120 - 150 words).
Write a love story. You need to Use the past perfect. In your story you need to explain about what they
did and what they had done.



Students will discuss about the following question using past perfect.


Listen and complete each sentence or question with the past perfect tense. Some are negative.

1. It was obvious that he____________a mistake.

2. She said she __________all night.
3. They__________in California for six years before they realized their mistake in moving there.
4. Jim__________never__________such a large fish before.
5. Alice wanted everyone to try the dessert she__________for the party.
6. It seemed as though I __________ her somewhere else
7. My teacher admitted that he__________ about the assignment
8. They weren’t certain if the test __________ successful.
9. We would have bought the furniture if it__________ a little less
10. Many children died because they__________

UNIT Lesson
What did you do yesterday?
4 Simple Past 4B


Listen to the following audio and answer the following questions. Then, you will see this video and
check your answer if they are correct.


1. Which event was Anne invited?

a. A party
b. A wedding
c. A job interview
2. Why did she change her tights?
a. She had a hole in her tights.
b. She had many tights.
c. She bought new tights.
3. How did she get to the party?
a. By bike
b. By car
c. By motorcycle
4. Why did Anne´s car run out of petrol?
a. She bought a new car
b. Her car is expensive
c. Her son used the car the day before
5. When did she lend the car to her son?
a. yesterday
b. one month ago
c. Two days ago


Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write 1 - 10 next to the letters ALJ.
1. Disappointed
2. lend
3. pour
4. one-way road
5. bearings
6. tights
7. disappointed
8. Tire
9. Gauge
10. Handbag

A………….to give something to someone for a period of time.

B………….you can only drive on it in one direction.
C………….related to or marked by disappointment.
D………….to flow, as from one container to another, or into, over, or on something.
E………….to calculate an amount, especially by using a measuring device
F………….a bag carried by a woman with her money, keys, etc. inside
G………….sad because something is not as good as you expected, or because something did not
H…………. a thick, round piece of rubber filled with air that fits around a wheel
I…………. location, place on a map
J…………. a piece of women’s clothing made of very thin material that covers the legs and bottom


Simple Past

First I read a book, then I went to bed yesterday evening.

Last week I came to a church and then I took the road right.
Simple Past describes an action started and finished at a specific time in the past.

Simple Past - regular verbs

Regular verbs make their past tense by adding -d, -ed, or (if the verb ends in a consonant + y),
changing the y to i and adding -ed.
Special notes:
Verb ending... add ... Examples
-e Add -d live – lived bake
-baked consonant + y Change 'y' to i and add -ed carry

-carried cry -cried

1 vowel + 1 consonant Double consonant and stop - stopped
add -ed
Simple Past L irregular verbs
Examples: Simple Past tense irregular verbs:

Present L Past
begin -began
break -broke
come - came
drink - drank
fall - fell
forget - forgot
get - got
speak -spoke

Simple Past - Signal Words.
Signal words: ago, in 2011 ..., in 1999 ..., last month, last week, last year, yesterday, at 5 o´clock.
Examples Simple Past signal words I

ate oranges last year.

We went to school everyday in 1999.
He took his dog for a walk a month ago.

Simple Past L questions

'did' + subject +infinitive

Examples: Simple Past questions. I ate apple in 2005. Did I eat apples in 2005?
We went to London last week. Did we go to London last week?
He took his dog for a walk last week. Did he take his dog for a walk last week?

Simple Past Questions with was and were

She was in London. Was she in London?
They were at the station. Were they at the station?

Simple Past Negative

Long form: I did not go.
Short form: I didn't go.
Simple Past L 'to be' negative form

I knew Covent Garden? I didn't know Covent Garden.

We went to school every day. We didn't go to school every day. He took his dog for a walk. He
didn't take his dog for a walk.

1. In the following exercise, complete the sentences conjugating the verbs in parenthesis in past
1. She speaks Spanish. (simple present) She_____________Spanish. (simple past)
2. We buy oranges. (simple present) We___________ oranges. (simple past)
3. We have many cars. (simple present) We ________________ many cars. (simple past)

4. We break the windows. (simple present) We the windows. (simple past)
5. He plays with Miguel. (simple present) He _________
6. They ______ to Scotland. (to travel)
7. He ________ at the weekends. (to sleep)
8. Juan ___________ a flat in Edinburgh. (to sell)
9. Luis __________ a gift. (buy)
10. Ben __________ his bike. (to sell)
11. We __________ a baseball game. (to watch)
12. He _ ____________ his new house. (to hate)
13. The shops ___________ at nine o'clock in the morning. (to open)
14. Maria ___________ the cake. (to buy)
15. Emilio_________a piece of cake (to sell)
16. First I _________a book, then I an apple. (to read/to eat)

2. Mention which sentences are the correct and select the best answer.
1. Which sentence is in the Simple past?
a. She buy a phone.
b. She buys a phone.
c. She bought a phone.
2. Which negative sentence is in the Simple past tense?
a. He didn’t play guitar
b. He didn’t play guitar
c. They don’t play guitar.
3. Which negative sentence is in the Simple past tense?
a. He learnt not Spanish.
b. He not learnt Spanish.
c. He did not learn Spanish.
4. Which question is in the Simple past?
a. Did you met him?
b. Did you meet him?
c. Have you met him?
5. Which question is in the Simple Past?
a. How did Frank sell the car?
b. How sold Frank the car?
c. How did Frank sold the car?

6. In which sentence is the Simple Past used correctly?
a. The living room were big
b. The living room was very big
c. The living room has been very big
7. In which sentence is the Simple Past used correctly?
a. Daniel bring his keys.
b. Daniel brought his keys.
c. Daniel brought his keys.

3. Put the following sentences into Past tense.

a. I write a long history …………………………………………………………………

b. Paul plays with video games …………………………………………………………………

c. She will buy a new car …………………………………………………………………

d. Maria has played many instruments …………………………………………………………………

e. Joseph gave a photo to his mother yesterday…………………………………………………………………

f. Frank had eaten all his food already ………………………………………………………………

g. Marcos jumps over the big rope …………………………………………………………………

h. They behave in a bad manner …………………………………………………………………

i. My grandparents work very hard …………………………………………………………………

j. Jesus Christ prays every single day for the mankind ………………………………………………………

4. Fill in the blanks with a verb from the box in the Simple Past tense.


1. She……………a car an hour ago.

2. She……………a hat last week.
3. The boy……………a ball to the window yesterday.
4. They ……………a yacht for an hour.
5. They……………a lot of meat last night.
6. She…………… her body last week.
7. Kathy………………a skirt from her sister to wear to the party.
8. She ……………the money and ran to the store.
9. They …………… their right to use the library because they were so loud.
10. The hummingbird…………… on a branch


In this section, you will develop an essay from 120 to 150 words about the activities that you liked to
do when you were a child. Use the past tense. Which activity did you like most? Did you experience a
new way of playing?



By using Flipgrid, Zoom, Loom or Screencast - o Matic. students will discuss how the pandemic has
changed our perception of time, have you experienced more free time? In which activities have you
used your time?
Note: Students will give their personal opinions and will have 5 minutes to perform this activity on live
- synchronous session.
Note 2: One person can be the moderator in order to ask the questions


Listen to the following recording and answer the questions below.


1. Why is the guy 2. The guy is calling 3. What do students 4. What is I-20?
calling? from need to send to the a. permission for
a. Find out a. a griend center? students to study in the
information about b. his parents a. a sponsorship from program
the program c. his sister b. their high school b. permission for
b. Just to joke around transcript students to study
c. Find places to live c. teacher anywhere
recommendations c. a special discount

UNIT Lesson
4 4C
Past Perfect Vs. Simple Past


1. Read the following story and answer the questions below.

My last holiday
My last holiday was a five-day trip to Prague in the Czech Republic. I
know Prague well because I lived there when I was at university, more
than ten years ago.
Instead of staying in a hotel, I stayed with one of my old friends. It was
so much fun, and a little bit like my old life. I wanted to do all the same
things I did in my university days, so I visited the university. It has
changed a lot and looks more modern. I also went to the supermarket
near my old house. I loved seeing all the different foods. I was really
happy to find my favourite cheese and chocolate biscuits but they
were a bit more expensive than I remember!
We did some touristy things too. We walked up beautiful Petrin Hill and
around the castle. The views of the city are amazing up there. We
walked across the historic Charles Bridge. My friend's flat is very near
the TV Tower so we saw the famous baby statues climbing up it. Those
things haven't changed, of course.

2.- Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1. The writer knows Prague because …
a. they lived there for ten years.
b. they lived there before.
2. On their holiday, they wanted to …
a. do new things.
b. do familiar things.
3. Staying with a friend was like …
a. the writer’s old life.

b. staying in a hotel.
4. They were surprised about …
a. finding the cheese.
b. the price of the cheese.
5. Charles Bridge and the TV Tower …
a. have changed a lot.
b. haven’t changed a lot


2. Match a word in A with a word in B to form places related to travel.

Then complete the sentences.

A arrivals buffet check-in departure filling taxi

B car desk gate hall rank station

1 We had a lot of luggage, so we took it straight to the

…………………………….. when we got to the airport.

2 My sister’s plane was delayed, so we spent hours in the

…………………………….. waiting for her.

3 Fortunately, we reached a …………………………….. before our car ran
out of petrol.

4 There was a massive queue at the …………………………….., so we

caught the bus home instead.

5 When we got to the …………………………….., the flight was already


6 I went to the …………………………….. at the back of the train to get

myself a snack.


1.- Fill in the blanks with Simple Past or Past Perfect Tenses.
When I (1) …………………… (arrive) home last night, I (2) ……………….
(discover) that Jane (3) ………………… (prepare) a beautiful candlelight
dinner. When I (4) ……………….. (turn) the radio on yesterday, I (5)
…………………. (hear) a song that was popular when I was in high school. I
(6) ………………………..(not hear) the song for years, and it (7)
…………………..(bring) back some great memories.
Last week, I (8) ……………….(run into) an old friend of mine. We (9)
……………..(not see) each other for years and both of us (10)
………………………….. (change) a great deal.

When Emilio (11) ………………………….. (enter) the room, I (12) ……………..

(not recognize) him because he (13) ……………… (lose) so much weight
and (14) ………………(grow) a beard. He (15) ……………….(look) totally
When Oprah Winfrey (16) …………..(get) her own TV show in 1986, she
(17)..………………. (work) as a news reporter for a long time.
In 1976, 60% of families (18) ………………….. (be) couples with children but
by 1996, this (19) …………………… (fall) to 51%.
Several senior employees (20) ……………..(leave) the company by the time
the new manager (21) ………….(arrive) last week.
Until the new software (22) ……………………(purchase), the staff (23)
………………. (struggle) to keep the accounts up to date.

I (24) …………………..(see) that movie three times last year When my
supervisor (25) ……………………………(pop in) my office the other day, I (26)
…………………………………………..(work) on the project for nearly three
2.- Fill in the blanks using Past Perfect Tense.
1.- We ………………………….(meet) before you moved to Los Angeles.
2. When I got to the office, they ………………..(leave).
3. By the time the spring came, the flowers ………………………… (bloom).
4. I was able to pass the exam since I ……………………. (study) regularly.
5. The movie…………………… (already start) when we arrived there.
6. Before she traveled to Lisbon, she …………………..(reserve) the hotel
7. I ………………….(have) my lunch when they offered to eat out.
8. I didn’t realize that I ……………………(lose) my keys until I arrived home.
9. I noticed that I ……………………… (forget) to take my passport with me
before I left home.
10. I was able to understand her as I ……………….. (know) Lea for more
than ten years.

3.-Complete the story below. For the infinitives in brackets ( ) choose past
perfect or past simple.

Jimmy was 8 years old. Today was Saturday and he 1, …………………….. (be)
very happy because he was getting on a train to London with his father.

The week before, he 2, …………………(pass) an important exam at school

and all his family 3,…………………….(celebrate) that evening. The day after
the exam, his grandfather 4,………………………..(give) him a toy car and his
grandmother 5, ……………………..(buy) him a big box of chocolates. "Well
done, son" his father 6, …………………………(say) just after the exam. "I'm
going to give you a special present. We'll go to London and visit your cousins
next Saturday."

So now they were both getting on the train to London. But Jimmy 7,
……………………..(be) shocked. There 8, …………………….(be) lots of people
on the train. And he 9, …………………. (say), "Dad, I don't understand it. Look
at all these people! 10, "……………………………..(pass) their exams last week
as well?"

4.- Exercise on past simple vs past perfect tense

1. His wife (be)………….. not in. She (go)………………….out a quarter of an hour

2. He (reach)…………………………Piccadilly and suddenly

(remember)……………………… that he (not call) ……………………. on his aunt.

3. His smile (be)……………………………something she never (see) ……………………


4. Mr. Brown just (finish)…………………………………. reading the letter when the

telephone on his desk (ring)………………………………

5. But the village he (show)…………………………….. her (be)

………………………….the best she ever (see)………………………………

6. I (be)……………………..very careful not to hint or remind her in any way of what

she (tell)……………………………


• In this section, you will develop an essay from 120 to 150.

• Vacation time is not only to go places or do lots of activities, but also a
great chance to rest. Write about a vacation you had in which you got to
rest a lot. How did you spend a regular day during that time?



Sometimes people have bad surprises while on vacation. Think about an

occasion when you had some bad experiences and speak about them. Also, tell
how you faced the experiences.
You can use using Flipgrid, Loom, Zoom or Screencast - o Matic

1. Listen to the following audio and answer the following questions about the
1.- What is most important to Erina when choosing a hotel?
a) Price
b) Location
c) Safety
d) Food
2) Erina doesn' need a gym because she ____.
a) doesn' exercise
b) does yoga
c) can go outside
d) hates gyms
3) Erina thinks ____ are beautiful.
a) beaches
b) infinity pools
c) lakes
d) rivers
4) Erina ____ massages.
a) is into
b) hates
c) is scared of
d) gives
5) Erina thinks a personal butler is ___.
a) necessary
b) unnecessary
c) ridiculous
d) expensive.

An essay is mainly a written piece that is designed to express the writer's perspective, propose an argument
or initiate debate about a specific topic. The importance of an essay lies in the facts that allow to the writer
present his point of view and details to support his position. Generally speaking, the structure of an essay is:

Essay outline Details Content

Introduction The objectives of this paragraph are: Background statement
-Provide background info to introduce Thesis statement
the topic Outline of main points
-Set up your position regarding the

Body paragraph 1 The objectives of this paragraph are: Topic sentence 1

-Present first reason to support your Supporting sentences 1
opinion. Concluding sentence 1
- Provide specific details (examples,
justifications, facts, personal
experiences, quote, statistics, etc.) for
your opinion.

Body paragraph 2 The objectives of this paragraph are: Topic sentence 2

-Present second reason to support your Supporting sentences 2
opinion. Concluding sentence 2
- Provide specific details (examples,
justifications, facts, personal
experiences, quote, statistics, etc.) for
your opinion.

Body paragraph 3 The objectives of this paragraph are: Topic sentence 3

-Present third reason to support your Supporting sentences 3
opinion. Concluding sentence 3
- Provide specific details (examples,
justifications, facts, personal
experiences, quote, statistics, etc.) for
your opinion.

Conclusion The objectives of this paragraph are: Restate thesis statement

-Re-state the thesis statement. Summary of topic sentences
Re-state the tree topic sentences into Call to action sentence
The call to action (something you tell
the audience they should do)

In this section, you will develop an essay from 120 to 150 words about the
following topic:
Write about a task you had to perform that you didn’t like. It could be a job
you had, a household chore, or something else that you were required to do.
Include enough details so the reader can understand exactly why this task is
so disagreeable.

- Use the vocabulary of the unit 4 and highlight them in the text
- Use the grammatical tenses of the unit 4

………………………………………………………………………………………………… 97
In this section, you will develop an essay from 120 to 150 words about the following
Pick a past decade and discuss if immigrants and lower socio-economic classes had
opportunities at that time.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples.
• Use the vocabulary of the unit 4 and highlight them in the text
• Use the grammatical tenses of the unit 4




















In this section, you need to use the simple past and past perfect in order to write
about the first time you felt refreshed after facing a very difficult period.
Try to give as many details as you can. This task can be used as a workshop or as a
• Use the vocabulary of the unit 4 and highlight them in the text
• Use the grammatical tenses of the unit 4




















In this section, you need to write about your childhood phobia that you were able to
overcome? (at least 120 words).
Try to give as many details as you can. Make a video presentation where members
of a group talk about their phobias. This task can be used as a workshop or as
- The task can be individual or in groups up to four people
- Use the vocabulary of the unit 4 and highlight them in the text
- Use the grammatical tenses of the unit 4




















1.- Past Simple Tense Exercises

1.- ………………………………….. him say it? (you/not/hear/?)
2.- I ………………………………… I was so rich. (not/know)
3.- And he ……………………………….her without another word. (leave)

4.- It was the last time I …………………………….her. (see)

5.- He …………………………………. to look very long. (not/have)
6.- Then he …………………………….to his friend again. (turn)
7.- She …………………………for several minutes. (not/speak)
8.- ………………………….that I ………………………………you? (I/say/?) (love)
9.- ……………………………to prevent it? (what/he/do/?)
10.- I ………………………………….. to find him, but could not. (try)
11.- He …………………………………………….. for her to answer. (not/wait)
12.- He said he ……………………………………………any. (not/see)
13.- But ……………………………………… much? (why/they/bring/?)

2.- Choose a verb from the list below and write it in its correct past simple form to
fill the gap:

A.- I ......................................................... toast for breakfast this morning.

speak play have eat drink

B.- What time .................. home yesterday? [you]

need buy eat get sit

Choose a verb from the list below and write it in its correct negative form to fill the

C.- I ……………… Miho yesterday Was she in school?

go play live eat see

3.- Use the words in brackets to complete each of the following. All the
sentences are in the past simple.
1.- (you/see) ……………………….Martin yesterday?

2.- I (last/see) ………………… him two days ago.

3.- He (not/be) ……………………….at the meeting on Monday because he was

away on business.

4.- Where (she/go) …………………..for her holidays?

5.- How long (it/take/you) ………………………. to drive from Amsterdam to Paris?

6.- (you/enjoy) …………………………. your holiday in Italy?

7.- I (see) ………………………………..a great film on TV last night.

8.- I (not/eat) ……………………………..the food because I wasn't hungry.

9.- Why (you/not/get) ………………………………….up earlier? You're going to be


10.- Why (you/not/be) …………………………………………at work yesterday? Were

you ill?

4.- Circle the correct answers.
1.- My parents bought / were buying a house just after they got married.

2.- John had not engaged / was getting engaged before he left university.

3.- Liam inherited a lot of money and was emigrating / emigrated to


4.- Did Pam phone / Had Pam phoned while you watched / were watching

5.- I opened the door and stepped / had stepped outside. It rained / was

6.- I didn’t know where you were because you weren’t phoning / didn’t

7.- I had / ‘d had this watch for two years when the battery ran out.

In this section, you will develop 120- 150 words essay about Who was the person you
admired when you were a kid?
After writing the essay make a video presentation where as a group all of the members
talk about that person.
This can be made as a class workshop or sent as a home work
Groups have to have at least 4 members

1. Put the verbs in the brackets into the gaps
Change the verb into the correct form:
1. I …………………………………………..(study) Japanese before.

2. She ……………………………(bake) a lot before she ……………………..(open) her


3. We ……………… (have) a lot of trouble because we ……………….(lose) our


4. Brian ……………………(know) many people at the club because he ……….(be)

there many times.

5. They …………….(study) English before they ……………….(move) to Canada.

6. You …………………..(enjoy) the movie because you ……………..(read) the book.

7. She really ………………..(like) him because he ………………….(help) her.

8. Amy ………………………….(study) a lot before she ………………………(take) the test.

9. We……………….(get) into the restaurant only because we …………(reserve) our


10. I ………………………..(be) to India before 1986.

11. They ……………….(have) a lot of trouble before they finally …………….(succeed).

12. Chris …………………….(own) that car for 5 years before he …………………..(sell) it.

13. Sharon ……………………(be) very sick until she ……………..(stop) eating junk food.

14. I …………………………(be) in Greece for 7 months before I ……………….(move) to

15. You ………………..(cook) a lot, because you ………………….(be) so hungry.
2. Past Perfect – (with Simple Past)
1. She ……………………..(never be) to the North Pole until 2002.

2. They ………………….(never fight) before they …………………….(move) together.

3. He ……………………..(never break) anything before he …………………..(start) to crawl.

4. When we …………………(arrive), we ……………………..(discover) that the bus


5. When I ………………………(call), she…………………..(go) to sleep.

6. Ashley ……………………………(never meet) him, so she …………………..(want) more


7. He ………………………(never kiss) a girl, so he ………………………(be) embarrassed.

8. Patrick ………………………(save) a lot of money before he ……………..(buy) the house.

9. They …………………..(go) some place, because they …………………..(be) not there

when I …………………………..(arrive).

10. It ……………………………(be) too late, because the car ……………….(sell) to

someone else.

Simple Past or Past Perfect

3.- Fill in the correct form of the verb.
1. After the group …………………London, they ………………………… to Edinburgh. (to visit/to fly)

2. Before the students …………………….the test they …………………………….off their mobiles.

(to start/to switch)

3. After we …………………….. Mum we …………………………….to the hospital. (to phone/to go)

4. Jake ………………………….at the bus stop after the bus ………………………..(to arrive/to

5. After the guests …………………………………, the kids ……………………………the house. (to

go/to clean)

6. When the friends …………………… the cinema, the film …………………..(to get/to start)

7. He ……………………….me the DVD back after he ………………………….it. (to give/to watch)

8. Jake ………………….the email two minutes after he ……………………………………… it. (to

answer/to receive)

9. After we ………………………… the concert we …………………………………….at a snack

bar. (to be/to eat)

10. After we ………………………….., we …………………………..home. (to eat/to return)

4.- Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate
tenses. Simple Past and Past Perfect
I can't believe I (get) …………………………….that apartment. I (submit)
……………………….my application last week, but I didn't think I had a chance of
actually getting it. When I (show) …………………………………..up to take a look
around, there were at least twenty other people who (arrive) …………………………….
before me. Most of them (fill, already) …………………………………….out their
applications and were already leaving. The landlord said I could still apply, so I did.

I (try) …………………………… fill out the form, but I couldn't answer half of the
questions. They (want) ………………… to include references, but I didn't want to list
my previous landlord because I (have) ………………………….some problems with him
in the past and I knew he wouldn't recommend me. I (end) ……………………………..
up listing my father as a reference.

It was total luck that he (decide) …………………….to give me the apartment. It turns
out that the landlord and my father (go) ………………………………….to high school
together. He decided that I could have the apartment before he (look)
…………………………………………… my credit report. I really lucked out!

• Think about a time when something special or unusual happened at
school. It could be a time when something unexpected happened in
your classroom or any event at school that you remember well.
• Write about what happened and why it was special or unusual
• Write at least 100 words.

After you wrote the story, teacher can summon you on groups and ask to
tell your story, every member of the group has to participate
This task can be done as a workshop or as a homework.

UNIT What if I had done it in a different way Lesson
5 Third Conditional Part 1 5A

People always do things they later regret and sometimes they think what would
have happened if they had acted in a different way.

She had been in love with George for ages! Even before she actually started
dating people she had this thing for him. They lived in nearby houses and they
went to the same school, elementary, junior, high school and then college. She
saw every new girlfriend George had and what it’s worse, she knew everything
about them because she was George’s best friend.

They spent time together every time they had the chance to do so, and they
even knew each other’s family. Everybody said they seemed to be a couple for
they were not, or at least they were not a normal one. One day, on Christmas
(they spent Christmas Eve together) they laid down to watch a movie, just the
same way they had done it thousands of times before and she felt specially
attracted to George, she felt the beat of his heart, his breath, his skin. Suddenly,
she decided to kiss him, and he kissed her back. It was an awkward moment,
because even thought they had always been close, it was the first time they had
been so close. They kept on watching the movie and after a little while they felt
asleep. The following day they acted as if nothing had ever happened and even
though Carmen always wanted to be a bit closer, she never tried anything

Now, based on the text, answer the following exercise.

What would have happened if these people hadn’t acted in that way?


Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write 1 - 10 next to the
letters A-J.
1. couple
2. together
3. asleep
4. chance
5. dating

a. an occasion that allows something to be done

b. a stage of romantic relationships in which two individuals engage in activity
c. not attentive or alert; inactive.
d. with or in proximity to another person or people.
e. two individuals of the same sort considered together


We use the third conditional (if + past perfect,

would/should/could/might + have + past
participle) to talk about something in the past that
did not happen.

❖ This is the way we imagine how things could

have been different in the past. If something
had been different, something else would
have happened. Notice that both the
condition and the result are impossible now.
If I’d known, I would have worn something nicer.
In this case, Amy didn’t know about the party, so she didn’t wear special clothes.
If I’d won the lottery, I might have gone on holiday.

❖The next clause is imagining the result in the past, which didn’t happen, of
The if clause can be at the beginning or at the end of the sentence.
I definitely would’ve remembered if you’d told me!

❖ We can use negatives to talk about things that did happen in the past. He
wouldn’t have missed the bus if he hadn’t overslept.

❖ When you’re using this kind of conditional be careful with the contractions. We
use 'd for would and had.
If I’d seen him, I’d have asked him to come over. (had, would).
❖ Apart from would, we also use could or might.
If they’d told me, I might have been able to help.
If she’d seen the car, she could have avoided the accident.

❖ We often use the third conditional to express regret or to complain about

something. It would’ve been even better if Alfie hadn’t ruined it!
If I’d known about the third conditional before, I wouldn’t have failed my English

1.- Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type III) by putting the verbs into the correct form.

If you (study) had studied for the test, you (pass) would have passed it.

If you (ask) ……………….me, I (help) …………you.

If we (go)……………………. to the cinema, we (see) ……………………….my friend Jacob.

If you (speak) ………………………….English, she (understand) ………………………………….

If they (listen) …………………………………………to me, we (be)…………………………. home


I (write) ………………………you a postcard if I (have) ……………………………….your address.

If I (not / break) ……………………………….my leg, I (take part) …………………….in the contest.

If it (not/ start) ……………………………to rain, we (walk) ……………………………to the museum.

We (swim) ……………………….. in the sea if there (not / be) …………………………………. so

many sharks there.

If she (take) ………………………………….the bus, she (not / arrive) ……………………on time.

2.- Rewrite the sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. Put
in commas where necessary.

1) Susan was driving too fast and that's why she didn't manage to brake in time.
(if) Susan would have managed to brake in time
……………………………………………………………………..too fast.
2) If you hadn't helped me, I would certainly have failed the placement exam.
But …………………………………………………………………………….., I would
certainly have failed the placement exam.
3) Adam had planned to visit us, but Susan fell ill.
If Susan ………………………………………………………………………………………us.
4) We forgot to take a map, so we got lost in the mountains.
If we ……………………………………………………………………………….in the
5.- I couldn't go to the cinema, because I didn't have enough money. (could) If I
……………………………………………………………………. to the cinema.

3.- Choose the correct response for each of the sentences:

1. If they hadn't been drunk, the doorman _________.

would have let them in

had let them in

2. If you _________ your last exam, you would have graduated in May.

have not failed

hadn't failed

3. My mother _________ this apartment if she had known it was so noisy.

wouldn't have rented

did not rent

4. I would not ________ to see this movie if I had known how boring it was.


have gone

5. If I hadn't lost my cellphone, I ________ you.

would have called

would call

6. If I hadn't driven so fast, I ________ into an accident.

would not get

would not have gotten

7. If the store ________ open, I would have bought some food.

would be

had been

8. I ________ on time if I hadn't missed the bus.

had been

would have been

9. If you hadn't changed your hairstyle, I _________ you.

would have recognized

had recognized

10. If I ________ full, I would have eaten more.

would not have been

hadn't been

4.-Complete the third conditional sentence by filling in the spaces. For

I didn't pass the test, because I hadn't studied hard enough. --> "If I had studied
harder, I would have passed the test."

1.- He crashed his car, because he fell asleep while driving.

If he …………………….asleep while driving, he ……………………………his car.

2.- We couldn't go to the concert, because we didn't have enough money.

If we …………………..enough money, we …………………………… the concert.

3.- I lost my job because I was late for work.

I …………………………….my job if I ………

…………………. late for work.

4.- The wind was so strong that the bridge collapsed.

If the wind …………………….so strong, the bridge


5.- I couldn't call Sally because I had lost her number.

I ……………………Sally if I …………………………..her number.


In this section, you will develop the following writing prompt of (120 - 150 words). If
you had been the president during the pandemic, what would you have done?
Write all the necessary details to justify it.



By using Flipgrid, Zoom, Loom or Screencast - o Matic, students will discuss the following
How different would your life have been if you had never studied?
Note: Students will give their personal opinions with the correspondent reasons and will
have 5 minutes to perform this activity on live - synchronous session.
Note 2: One person can be the moderator in order to ask the questions.


Listen and complete to the following conversation.


Number 1

Hey Layla, you look fit!

Yes Logan, I feel fit and healthy. If I …………………..going to the gym last year, I
…………………………….really lazy and

chubby. Like I was 2 years ago!

Number 2

Wow, Amelia, what’s up with you? You seem to have so much energy.

Oh Leo, I just ate an apple for lunch. If I ………………… food for lunch like yesterday, I
…………..……………. asleep already.

Number 3

Hey Kai, you look down. What happened?

I just lost my job. I was so stupid. I went to a party all night and fell asleep at work. If I
…………………….at work, I ……………………………………. my job.

Number 4

Grayson, I heard you went on a holiday by yourself. Is that true?

Yes!…How embarrassing! If I ……………………a big fight with my girlfriend, she

……………………………..with me.

Number 5

Harper, what’s going on? What’s happening with your grades?

Sorry! If I…………………………………, I …………………………………….easily. I spent too much time

making videos for YouTube. I promise I’ll do better next term.

Number 6

Hey Olivia, It’s your turn to pay for lunch.

Oh I’m sorry, I have no money again. I really have to solve my money problem. If
I………………………. when I had

that part-time job, I ……………………………….okay. But I didn’t and now I’m always broke.

OK Olivia, you can pay next time.

UNIT If It Hadn't Been For Love Lesson
5 Third Conditional – Part 2 5B


1. Read the text about poor old Marge and then complete the third conditional sentences
about her day using the prompts provided.

Marge is a woman of 55 who lives on her own in a small house in

Scotland. She did not have a very nice day yesterday!
As she was leaving the house, she forgot her bus ticket. Only when
she got to the bus stop did she realise this, so she had to hurry back
to the house. She opened the door, put the keys on the telephone
table, went into the kitchen to get her bus ticket and left again
without her keys.
She caught the 8.42 a.m bus instead of her usual 8.30 a.m bus and
arrived at work about ten minutes late. Mr. Jones, her boss, was in a
bad mood yesterday and shouted at her when she arrived late. As
a result, they had an argument in front of all the other people in
the office. Mr. Jones told her she would have to stay behind for
fifteen minutes at lunch to finish some important work.
At lunch, Marge only had time for a quick sandwich and didn't go
to the office cafeteria with the others as normal. Everyone returned
from lunch very happy because they had met a new employee
who had told some very funny jokes. Marge was not happy. She
was hungry and tired.
She was so hungry as she left the office at 5 o'clock that she
bought a hot dog from the man on the street corner. Within an
hour, she didn't feel very well and had a pain in her stomach. It was
not her day!
She arrived home and realised she didn't have her keys, so had to
walk two miles to her sister's house to get a spare set of keys. She
went into her house, closed the door and went straight to bed.

1. if \ not \ forget \ bus ticket \ not \ have to \ return home

………………………………………………., she wouldn't have had to return home.

2. if \ not \ put \ keys on table \ not \ forget them

If she hadn't put her keys on the table, ………………………………………………

3. she \ not late \ if \ catch \ an earlier bus

…………………………………………………………………….. if she had caught an

earlier bus.

4. her boss \ not \ shout at her \ if \ not \ be \ bad mood

Her boss wouldn't have shouted at her …………………………………………………

5. if \ Marge \ not late \ they \ not argue \ in office

If Marge hadn't been late, …………………………………………………………….


1. Match the words with the meanings


1. In this exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form.

2. Read a situation and write a third type conditional sentence

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Form a Conditional sentence – type III.

If the weather ……………………….(to be) nice, they……………………………… (to play) football.

If we …………………(to go) to a good restaurant, we………………….. (to have) a better dinner.

If John …………………………..(to learn) more words, he ……………………………..(to write) a good


If the boys …………………………(to take) the bus to school, they ………………… (to arrive) on time.

If the teacher …………………………(to explain) the homework, I ……………………(to do) it.

If they …………………………(to wait) for another 10 minutes, they …………………(to see) the pop

If the police …………………….(to come) earlier, they …………………………….(to arrest) the burglar.

If you ……………………………(to buy) fresh green vegetable, your salad ……………..(to taste)

4.- Rewrite the sentences and keep the same meaning.


My car was out of order. I did not drive her there.

If my car had not been out of order, I would have driven her there.

She did not give me her phone number. I could not call her.

If she .................................................. me her phone number, I could have called her.

He was at work. He could not go with us.

If he had not been at work, he .................................................. with us.

My dad did not buy any sugar. My mum did not make any cake.

If my dad .......................................... some sugar, my mum would have made some cake.

I travelled round the world because I had won the lottery.

I wouldn't have travelled round the world if I ..................................................... the lottery.

We did not have enough money. We could not afford to eat in restaurants.

If we ....................................... enough money, we could have afforded to eat in restaurants.

You were not prepared. You could not pass the exam.

If you had been prepared, you ......................................................... the exam.

I came back home late because I had worked long hours.

I would not have come back home late if I ....................................................... long hours.


In this section, you will develop the following writing prompt of (120 - 150 words).
How would you have studied English if you hadn’t had access to a computer? Write all the
necessary details to justify it.



By using Flipgrid, Loom, Zoom or Screencast - o Matic., students will discuss the following
“What would you have done if there had been a fire this morning?”
Note: Students will give their personal opinions with the correspondent reasons and will
have 5 minutes to perform this activity on live - synchronous session.


Listen to following song and fill in blanks with correct words.


Find at least three examples of activities the Singer wouldn´t have done if

it had not been for love .








Read what she says about it.

Molly Hornby was a young girl in the 1960s.
“I was a young girl in the 1960s. My friends and I used to do a lot of things
which shocked our parents. We used to do things our mothers never did. We
cut our hair, we wore short skirts, we smoked, and went dancing. We
danced to the music of Elvis Presley and the Beatles. We also got the
chance to see the Beatles live at a concert once. It was amazing. My father
went fishing once a week.
He always wished that I would accompany him, but fishing was not my cup
of tea. Instead, my friends and I went for picnics in the surrounding area
quite often. My boyfriend had a car, a 1960 Ford Falcon, so he always
picked us up and we often drove to Brighton. We went to the pictures twice
a week and I loved to watch films with Marlon Brando and Elizabeth Taylor,
especially the ‘Reflections in a Golden Eye’ starring both of them. I still love
to watch this film. It’s my favourite. I can remember it all so clearly.”


Read and answer what Molly Hornby used to do when she was young.
Molly Hornby …
…used to do a lot of things which shocked her parents.
…used to cut our hair.
…used to wear long skirts
…used to sing Elvis Presley songs.
…went to a Beatles’ concert once.
…used to go fishing with her father.
…used to go for picnics in the surrounding area quite often.
…used to drive to Brighton with her friends and boyfriend.
…used to go to the pictures twice a week.
…used to watch films with Marlon Brando and Elizabeth Taylor.


Phrasal Verbs For Hobbies

1. Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write 1 - 8 next to the letters A-H.

1. To Be Into Something
2. To Take Up
3. To Join In
4. To Sign Up
5. To Get Into Something
6. To Turn Up
7. To Keep Up
8. To Back Out

A………… arrive for an activity or event

B………….is the opposite of ‘keep up’, to leave, to withdraw, to lose your interest

C………….to become interested in something

D………….to take part in an activity

E………….continue the action that we’ve started

F………….if you’re into something, you’re really enjoying it

G………….to enrol or register for something

H………….to begin, to start a hobby

Now, write some examples using the Phrasal Verbs For Hobbies.

1. To Be Into Something
2. To Take Up
3. To Join In
4. To Sign Up
5. To Get Into Something
6. To Turn Up
7. To Keep Up
8. To Back Out


1. When to use “used to”
The verb used to is a ‘marginal’ modal verb. Unlike the other modal verbs, it is only
found in the past tense. Therefore, when it is used with do to make negatives and
questions, the form of the auxiliary verb is always did.

Used to is used as follows:

- to describe an activity or a state that happened many times in the past.
• Gerry always used to go for a run before
• Peter didn’t use to say things like that when I
knew him.
• to refer to an activity or state that was true in the past but is no longer true.
• I used to like rock climbing when I was younger.
• You didn’t use to be so stressed!
There are two forms for a negative:
1) did not/didn’t use to.
• We didn’t use to have central heating when I was a
• Alan didn’t use to like children, but it’s different
now he has his own.
2) used not/usedn’t to.
• I used not to be able to watch myself on TV at all.
• We used not to worry much about money.
• Things usedn’t to be so bad.
2. Structure
• o Positive statement: Used to + infinitive
• Negative statement: Didn’t + use to + infinitive

In negatives, the form with did is used the most. The common contracted negative
form is didn’t use to. The rarer contracted negative form is usedn’t to.
o Questions: did + subject + use to + infinitive e.g. did he use to…?
o Did they use to visit you often? - Well, Mary used to.

1.- Complete the following sentences using one of the answer choices given
below each question.

1. I …………………… smoke, but now I have stopped.

use to
used to
am used to
2. That auditorium …………………… be a cinema.
used to
use to
was used to
3. I ………………… like opera, but now I don’t.
used to
use to
was used to
4. I ……………………… like western music, but now
I do.
didn't use to
use not to
5. I always ………………… be afraid of the dark.
used to
use to
was used to

2.- Choose the correct option

A.- I ------------ go to the beach every day.

use to uses to used to use
B.- I didn’t ------------- play tennis.
use to uses to used to use
C.- Susan --------- drink milk when she was young.
use to uses to used to use
D.- I didn’t ----------- watch television.
use to uses to used to use
E.- What ---------- you use to wear at school?
use to uses to used to use

3.- Complete the sentences with use(d) to+ a suitable verb.
1 Nicola doesn’t travel much now. She ……………………. a lot, but she prefers
to stay at home these days.
2 Sophie ……………………. a motorbike, but last year she sold it and bought a
3 We moved to Spain a few years ago. We ……………………. in Paris.
4 I rarely eat ice-cream now, but I ……………………. it when I was a child.
5 Jackie ……………………. my best friend, but we aren’t good friends any
6 It only takes me about 40 minutes to get to work now that the new road is
open. It ……………………. more than an hour.
7 There ……………………. a hotel near the airport, but it closed a long time ago.
8 When you lived in New York, ……………………. to the theatre very often?

4.- Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to.
1 I know this town well. We ……………………………. (visit) here a lot when I was

2 You ……………………………. (love) swimming. Why don’t you like it now?

3 Your dad is fantastic at football. ……………………………. he

……………………………. (play) a lot?

4 Our town ……………………………. (have) good sports facilities, but now there’s
a great new sports centre.

5 She sounds American. ……………………………. she …………………………….

(live) in the USA?


Write a composition from 120 to 150 words, explaining what did people use to do before
television was invented?



By using Flipgrid, Zoom, Loom, Screencast - o Matic, students will discuss about: “Food you
used to eat when you were a child but not anymore.”
Note: Students will discuss between each other and will have 5 minutes to perform this
activity on live - synchronous session.
Note 2: One person can be the moderator in order to ask the questions.


Listen the recording and complete the following sentences that appear in the



In this used to speaking activity, students will talk about how things were different in the
past using 'used to' and 'didn't use to'.

Example: 'Computers used to have floppy disks. The monitors didn’t use to be slim and flat
like they are today', etc.

Students must talk about each topic for a minimum of 30 seconds. Each time a student
makes a sentence with 'used to' or 'didn’t use to', they score one point.

If a student talks for less than 30 seconds, they score no points.

Work in groups and find someone Who….


ü Activity in pairs.

ü Discuss the following questions with your partner, then share with the whole
class what your partner said.

1.- What did people use to do before television was invented?

2. How did people use to travel before there were cars?

3. How did people use to see at night before there were electric

4. What games did you use to play as a child?

5. What job did your grandfather use to have?

6. What hobby did you use to have ten years ago?

7. How long ago did most people use to hunt animals for food?

8. What did people use to do before cameras were invented?

Watch this scene from a movie. Answer
these questions

Have you seen this movie before? Did you like it? Can you tell how many situations in third
conditional there are? In case you have seen the movie, did you like it? In case you haven´t seen the
movie are you looking forward to it? What do you think about the scene, is it good, bad,
complicated? After this will you watch the movie? What did you notice from the scene?

You can answer from three to as many questions as you like. You can also answer things beyond the
set of questions that are above

Remember to make a video presentation where you state the questions you are answering but
don´t say the question (i.e. I liked a lot the scene, I haven´t seen this movie before, but as soon as I
can I will watch it with my significant other)

The video must last at least a minute



Role-play #1 Role-play #2

Student A: You are homeless. You are on the street. You Student A: Your partner has just broken up with you. You
have had problems in your life (see reasons for #1 above). had problems in your relationship (see reasons for #2
You see a person on the street (Student B). Tell him/her above). You want him/her back. You have decided to go
about the hard life you have had and the mistakes you to his/her house. Knock on the door and try to convince
have made. Try to get help and money. You will start the him/her to take you back.
conversation. Student B: You have just broken up with your partner. You
Student B: You are a business person. You are on the had problems in your relationship (see reasons for #2
street. You see a homeless person. You don’t want to talk above). You are happy now. You are relaxing at home,
to him/her, but s/he looks like he is going to talk to you. watching TV.

Role-play #3 Role-play #4

Student A: You are a teacher. One of your students has Student A: You are a parent. Your child has been very bad
just failed his/her exam. The student wasn’t a very good recently (see reasons for #4 above), so you have told
student (see reasons for #3 above). It is your school’s him/her to stay in his/her room for a week. You are
policy that final exams cannot be taken again. You are in downstairs now, relaxing.
your office.
Student B: You are a student. You have just failed an Student B: You are a child. Your parents have told you to
important exam. You have had many problems (see stay in your room all week because of problems you have
reasons for #3 above). You are at your teacher’s office. caused (see reasons for #4 above). But you don’t think it’s
Explain your situation. Knock on his/her door, and try to fair. Go downstairs and try to get your parent to forgive
get her/him to let you write it again. you.

Use the words in brackets to complete the following third
conditional sentences.

1.- I (might/not/be) …………………………………………………………………. ill if I

hadn't drunk that wine yesterday.

2.- Who knows what (may/happen) ……………………………………………….. if you

had accepted the job in South America last year.

3.- The walk (be) …………………………………..much more pleasant if the weather

had not been so bad. We got soaked.

4.- If I (know) …………………………………………………it was your birthday

yesterday, I would have bought you a present.

5.- I'd have gone to the party if they (invite)


6.- (you/go)………………………………………………………………………………… to
the party if they had invited you?

7.- You (might/pass)

…………………………………………………………………………………………..the exam
if you'd studied harder.

8.- I (not/say) ………………………………………………………………anything if I had

known what her reaction was going to be.

A.- Complete the sentences with the third conditional.

1.- He (call)………………. if his phone (not/die)……………… .

2.- I (not/offer)…………… the asking price if I (know)………. about all the


3.- We (not/be)…………….. late if James (remember) ………… the tickets.

4.- I (buy)………………. the dress if it (not/be)…………….. so expensive.

5.- If the bar (not/close)………………… at 12, we (stay)…………. out all night!

B.- Complete the questions with the third conditional.

6.- If you (have)…………. the option, (you/stay)…………. in Paris for longer?

7.- If we (negotiate) ………………… a bit, (they/reduce)……………. the price?

8.- If you (know)……………….. about the crime, (you/tell) ………….. the police?

9.- If we (meet)…………………….. 20 years ago, (we/be)…………… friends?

10.- (she/leave)……………………. if we (try)………………….. harder?

C.- Complete the sentences using the third conditional.

11.- If you (look)………….. more carefully, you (find)……………. your house keys.

12.- Don’t worry, the dog (eat)…………………. if he (be)……………… hungry.

13.- If we (wait) …………….. any longer, we (burn)……………….. the cookies.

14.- It was definitely a UFO! You (think)………………… the same if you

(see)………….. it too!

15.- I think she (say)…………………. no if you (ask)………………………. her on a



In this section, you will develop the following writing prompt of (120 - 150 words).
If you had been born 100 years earlier, how would your life have been different?
Write all the necessary details to justify it.




By using Flipgrid, Loom, Zoom or Screencast - o Matic., students will discuss the following
If you had been your country’s leader for the past 10 years, would you have done
anything differently?
Note: Students will give their personal opinions with the correspondent reasons and will
have 5 minutes to perform this activity on live - synchronous session.

Complete the sentences by adding “used to” + infinitive verb according to the sentence.

1. My family ………………………………………….. live in the country before coming to the


2. ……………………You …………………………….go to visit your grandparents in vacations?

3. I ……………………………………….hate eating vegetables, but I love them now.

4. He …………………… not ……………………..smoke.

5. My brother ……………………………………………………play soccer when he was at


Answer the questions about you (when you were a young child). Use ‘used to’ in your

1. What did you use to watch on TV?


2. What time did you use to get up in the morning?


3. What games did you use to play?


4. What did you use to think about?


5. Where did you use to live?


6. Did you use to walk to school?

Past habits make us have good memories even more when you were a child. Answer the following



Past habits make us have good memories even more when you were a child. Answer the
following questions.

Please read the following rubric to consider what is expected from your writing
task and verify the correct use of “used to”.
Check the following example:
I remember I used to get up very early to go to school, at 4 am!!. But now I don’t.
I get up at 6:00. I live closer to school now. Also I used to buy lots of junk food at
the school cafeteria, but now I prepare a healthy meal that includes a
sandwich, fruit and some energetic bars.
I also used to take the bus , well two actually. I had to run to got them. Now I got
my own car and I get time to arrive early to school and to stay a little longer for
extra curricular activities at school.



Discuss the questions below with your partner or with your group.
1. How did people use to get information before the Internet was
2. How did people use to wash clothes before there were washing
3. What did people use to do in their free time a hundred years ago?
4. Where did you use to live as a child?
5. What did you use to look like ten years ago?
6. How long ago did most people use to cook with fire?
7. How did people use to buy things before there was money?
8. Fewer people smoke than before. Why did more people use to smoke in
the past?
9. What favorite toy did you use to have as a kid?
10. Finish this sentence: “I didn’t use to …, but now I do.”

And since this is the last activity of the booklet and probably the last one you would ever do as a
CENID student, answer to yourself in English these questions: did you enjoy your path on this
course and the others before it? Would you had done something different if you had the chance?



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