Speakout Pronunciation Extra Intermediate Plus Unit 4

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INTERMEDIATE PLUS UNIT 4 5 It is generally that too much time

in front of a screen is bad for you.
4.1 6 Ministers an increase in funding for
computer classes.
1 4.1 would vs will Listen and repeat. 7 The cost of replacing the system is
I would /wəd/ He will /wɪl/ to be more than 10,000 euros.
She wouldn’t /wədənt/ We won’t /wəʊnt/ 8 It is that nearly a thousand stolen
I’d /aɪd/ He’d /hiːd/ laptops were found.

2 4.2 Listen and repeat the sentences. B Listen again and mark the stressed words. Then
repeat the sentences.
I would take an umbrella.
They will take an umbrella.
She wouldn’t take an umbrella.
Won’t you take an umbrella? 6 A HESITATION DEVICES Complete the conversation
between the police officer (P) and Bill (B) with
3A 4.3 Listen and complete the sentences with
words from the box.
will or would.
1 you like anything else? thing see (x2) here hold well
2 What you do? P: So, Bill. Where were you on the night of the
3 Why you help them? robbery?
4 Where you hold the party? B: Let me (1) . . . I was at home watching TV.
5 How he do it? P: What were you watching?
6 I go to Paris in summer. B: (2) , I was watching a football match.
7 Janine help me. P: Who was playing?
8 Do you think that they win B: Umm . . . Manchester United.
the match? P: Did they win?
B Listen again and repeat the sentences. B: The (3) is, I went out to the shop before
the match finished.
P: What did you buy?
B: Some cheese?
4 A STRESSED WORDS/SYLLABLES: reporting verbs P: Do you have the receipt?
Match the verbs (1–8) with the phonemes a)–h). B: (4) on, I have it here somewhere . . .
1 suggested a) /klaɪmd/ Ah yes, (5) it is.
2 agreed b) /estəmaɪtɪd/ P: Ah, you (6) , this is the shop that was
3 shown c) /əɡriːd/
B: Was it?
4 reported d) /kənfɜːmd/
P: Yes, and I’m arresting you for robbery.
5 claimed e) /θɔːt/
6 confirmed f) /sədʒestɪd/ B 4.6 Listen and check. Then listen again and
7 thought g) /ʃəʊwn/ repeat the hesitation devices.
8 estimated h) /rəpɔːtɪd/
7 4.7 Listen to the questions. Use the prompts
B 4.4 Listen and check. Mark the word stress. in brackets and give your own response.
Check and repeat. 1 What time did you arrive home last night?
5A 4.5 Listen and complete the news reports Umm . . . (don’t say you arrived home late)
2 Do you have that money that I lent you?
with some of the reporting verbs in Exercise 4A. You
may need to change the form of the verbs. Hold on . . . (you don’t have it)
1 It has been that global warming is 3 Did you remember to buy milk?
responsible for the high temperatures. The thing is . . . (you forgot)
2 Reports an increase in social 4 Why didn’t you tell me that you were going
media use. to be late?
3 Researchers that internet speeds You see . . . (make an excuse)
are faster in cities. 5 What time should we get the bus?
4 The new operating system is to be Let me see . . . (suggest a time)
easier to use.
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Speakout Pronunciation Extra Intermediate Plus Unit 4.indd 51 16/06/18 9:22 PM

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