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ata "I ‘An Instruction on Serial Control (F5021) oo tight on the guiderils, stepeshakings may docu at start and passengers Ifthe guideshoes may feel braking dows a Tithe guideshoes at i stop. ng. the travel set t60 loose on the gut y or gap should be kept berween the B robles. feright direction by exerting ste car to move horizant derails, the car is prone to swaying dur suideshoes and the sliding alitlejecway n order to avoid the above pr sway the car in the le vt the gaps until afte but obviously Felt leeway for the “With stiding, puideshoe isin ngth on foot after ally between rider planes of the standin on tap of the cay 43) The Evenness in Tension ofthe Wire Ropes: et «The unevenness in tension ofthe wire ropes Trad to some of the ropes are over-striched and the tration due to being wo loose. This working conditien of the ropes will are inclined to jerks and vit ning at rated-speed and stop of the elevator hace the ear inthe ride of the hoistay, pul every wire OPE vith the sume force by hand on top of the cab IP the rape ro siewise roughly in the same distance, the tension of ropes are OK; if the rapes + igance that varies rom one wo theater you have et} bark the installation people to readjust others. + have impact on the start, run 20 the tension of ropes “The wire ropes ae usually ‘When they are mounted jane sve opes. The solution Hes havi th strain exists in them, installation so that a twists ain of the around w reel before pt to vibration dite te te (Wi8k kept ly from the reel, the 44188 stain {uy released Hotere inaatatian 44) Fastening and Sealing of the Cat oi ‘would act upon the car running ata Hh spe ve onary a seine stoned, relative movement ry take We DELMAR ie pats anos cls at high-speed, which ¢ ofthe car Dart. tide at 1 ye out wind noise ad vont likely ap ta the weakness + and the sealing, of the shat Great forces the ear walls are NOT well f components when the 1 trav speed, the car may sometimes BP inthe fastening and sealing of the rm sane vil ‘acoustig resonance 1 ainst Resonance supporting beams. on machine sity 5). Damping Devices a8 itr on the ropes by the her pads under the sa « toceliminate car vibratin to atc swith the fifts ust .e tormechan winich 38 pron ‘phe Traction Machine iy.the tea ° sar berween them dt mi and ear or with J Becele aval Jerks 7) Balancing of the Car bin balance tel die ss msledesian anG/Or Tnccasional cases the mass ofthe ar is nex NE * Jt fd Ee ) Switch on the power supply control SW so that the switch power unit TPB (Voltages on the terminals GPTPR is shown in List 41 below) is powered on and the master contr! board stax workli ‘ : f ist 4-1 Voltages on the Terminals of TP Switeh or the Emergency Switch in the contr wipes! the followine: ‘ol cabinet with its comresponding La) lighting “wp, and ek itch @ Glueck if the door zone signals, the up in als work properly. ve “INSPECTION” tn disp tions should be done. $ ‘ike working sta ing wrong of anormal is herein ‘An Instruction on Serial Control (F5027) Juni; 1 for forbidden door in. F165— Door open selection in testing waveling. 0 for open door i inspection; 2 for don’t open the door in vesting F468— Lift numbering for IC card service | F169— Setting landings for up/down calls by IC caré, 'F170__ With IC conto} in car, 1-16 Fl, for selection of identification by 1C cath ie ITL__Wih IC control in car, 17-32 F. for selection of idenification by 1¢ em F172— With 1C control in car, 33-48 Fl. for selection of identification by 1 < a | ¥175— Creeping speed at start, see F186. F180 Velocity increment. Analogy speed given peak increment, range from 0.0% = 110.0%, default value is 1000, denote 100.0%. ¥181— Lift numbering in duplex control. F182— Steps of speed reduction switches F183— Speed at selflearning F196— Creeping speed at start, see F175 F187— Monitoring item ¥193-—_Empty-load compensation at lowest landing F194— Full-load compensation at lowest landing F195— Full-load compensation at top landing F196— 2" main landing by duplex control F197 — 3 main landing by duplex control ‘Range from 0-7. Lower number has high priority (WN2#) (aif the numberof the decelerated switches ) Ai Instruction on Sertal Control (F'5021) than 1.0 ms, itis the only one distance for speed reduction; when the speed gets greater than 1.5 m/s, it is the deceleration distance for a single floo. F46— Deceleration distance for double Floor. Ty be used in digital contol, It is the distanee for deceleration for two or more than two floors when the traveling speed is no greater than 1.75 mis. ‘When the traveling speed is 2.0 mvs, it isthe deceleration distance for two floors ONLY. ¥47— Deceleration distance for triple Floor. To be used in digital control. Its the distance for deceleration for three or more than three floors when the traveling speed is as fast as 2.0 m/s or F63=2. When the traveling speed exceeds 2.0 mis or F63=3, itis the deceleration distance for four and more than four floors, + F157— Deceleration distance for 4-floor. To be used in digital eontio. F158—Deceleration distance for 5 floor. To be used in diystal control F50-— Front doot-opening allowed 1. For F11-16 (absolute value of floors) for opening the front door. F51— From door-opening allowed 2. For F1.17-32 (absolute value of floors) for opening the front doc: F52— Front door-opening allowed 3. For F1.33-48 (absolute value of floors) for opening the front door. F191— Front door-opening allowed 4. For F1.49-64 (absolute value of floors) for opening the front door: F53— Rear door-opening allowed 1. For FI.1-16 (absolute value of floors) for openiny the reat door. FF54—Rear door-opening allowed 2, For F1.17-32 (absolute value af fhaats) fat appentny the reat door. FS8—Kear door-opening allowed 3. For F1,33-48 (absolute value of flora) for npentiye the rear door + B192—Rear door-opening allowed 4. For F1.49-64 (absolute value a aMMA) fur apentig ve fear door +k With group control or duplex or group control, the floor sequenee astiing 18 awed! on the floor arrangement of the building as a whole. ‘ na sacfagpe FS6. ment up (50 for bas F57— Leveling adjustment down (50 for bas Theseiwo parameters are favalid wth digital mode. With snlagy in 3 and Pin for stand-by, cd with the jumper on, after that the jumpex y ‘Aa insisuction on Serial Conticl (F Fig. 2-5 (B) Mounting Dimensions of Car Call Board 4 2.332 The Plug-ins and Ports on Car Call Board icket Aye IPHAP2IPRIPAAPSAPONPTAYS cunsio4 IPOAPIO 14-pin double-tined vertical i List 2-7 Terminal Specification on Car Call Boasd Definition of Pin 1¥ | Definition of Pin 2 to button of 1" F to button of 9 to button of 57" FI 10 buiion of 2" bution of 10 Fi f [to button of Sa*Fi te button i = UF to button of SO" Ft to buton of 13" Fi to button of MFT to button of F 5 5”. Ht. to button of 8" Fl. to button of 16" Fl, to button of 64° Fi i List 2-8 Terminai Hetiniion of Car Call Bi Notes: Wiring of the door-openvclose button indicators 1s shown as follows, i., Pin 1 and Pin 2 to the positive | and negative of power supply respectively, whereas Pin 3 and Pin 4 (o the terminals of the button {An Instruction on Serial Control (F5021) ra positive signals in serial communication with car and call control ete. per Negative signals in serial communication “ with car and call control ete IPIS.1 pparallel voice port D0, LSB 3P15.2 parallel voice port D1 JPIS3 parallel voice port D2 IPIS.4 parallel voice port D3 P55 parallel voice port D4 W156 parallel voice port DS IPIS.7 parallel voice port D6 P58 parallel voice port D7,MSB PIS. ‘commen terminal OV 3P15.10 common terminal +24V Jumper for CAN serial communication por. DO NOT use it if the terminal resistor in car display is already bridged. for connecting car registration control PCB SM-03-D Ifthe input power is supplied by JP6.1 and JP6.2, bridge 12 and 13. Tht ind JP2,20, DO NOT make any bridge! List 2-5 Terminal Definition of Car Mond Notes: J. $M-02-D outputs cight-bit binary coding pulse signals, triggering voice landing forecast during deceleration of car for stop, one sccond for every pulse output, The eight-bit output is in the mode of transistors with open loop in the collector and shared anode, output voltage DC24V, current capacity ‘SOmA. The &-bit binary coding provides is many 3s 256 output status in accordance with STEP WORD BANK for display. Ifthe user sets BI in display for the 1 floor with its correspondipg code 60 which is wmed into binary code for output on JP!S. The voice landing forecast B1 is made available by decoding ry code. At present 0) 247 a -ocessed by the definition of the word bank for display whereas the closed for calls of goiny up (240) 11111001: The sigue comes out when the Tift isin fire alarm service 250} 1HI11GH0: The 1 the doorclosiuy position Himit switeh turns from OFF to ON status daring the Sy opening, (251) HN O1Ls ‘The signal appéars wheu the door openinp OFF to ON status during the deorelosiag, (252) 11111100: Over. (253) 1111101: Voice tending forecast for going up when the door is fully open, (254) NIN: Voice 255) MIKI}: Undefin 2, Wiring and Connection, ion fimit switch tums from od alarm. ding torceast for going down when the door is fully open. har ‘An Instruction on Serial Contici (5021) Fig. 2:3 (8) Mounting Dimensions of Cur Board nr f Wid Definitions of Plug-ins and Ports on Car Board - | ‘a Hourd Wet = Socket Hi ~_IP7__ | 14pin double-tined verdeal CH2510-4 wis CH251010 | CH3.96-4 } 2-4 Terminal Specification on Car Board No. Name Definitions t m2 ‘TYO | arrival nonp upward 7 > | common terminal YOY ‘ | ; 1 He cates spaetet terminal TY i 3 Hplting relay omtput Fowpue | 7 common texeninal TY =) 8 docn-closing signal ontput Output | ' : Common terminal TY es { TY4 [Overload lamp - Output ' TY4 | Overload lamp + Output ' | TYS | buzzeroupar- [vipat | TYS | buzzer output + Output = Mh ; Sw | ieaanalogy signals Input : yi 20 J dase ah. wal se lh itt Ne i oe lt Jalal Dat as Jom a ‘An instruction on Serial Contiot (F502) Safe loop check positive voltage, lane in LOY Input input terminal X26, OV “ x27 | BoP! lock check positive voltage, input voltape 4 joy r input terminal X27, 0V veins | xae | banding. door Taek check positive, input voltys : ov a is i ILE input terminal X28, OV interlinked with JP11.2 i PI21 power supply OV for master controller 7 12.2 ‘power supply OV for master controller e 123 Vacant a jee S ses a wPi2d power supply 24V for master controller IPI25 ~_| power supply OV for master controller a 44 power supply OV for master controller } at power supply OV for master controller JP15.7 | JPR eee "I | sp22.4 | RSA85- = monitoring Working status seleetion of Master PCB, Vand 2°O5F together for normal; 1and 2 ON together for’) burn recor the prepram Tine-in selection Tand 2. ON together for fine in the 1 1 jaior line-in selechion, land 2 ON together for tine in 1 Parallel and group contiol ter apply for handsci, whens huidyed! IPLS.4 provides SV voHtaze cups for a is forbidden without using. any a 2-3 Terminal Definition of Master Conti! Board Notes: 1, Normallinspection service svi nal, OFF for inspection service. ON for normal serviee. Default i value OFF, subject to no change. 4 2, Upldown travel signal. during inspection service, ON for inching up or downs during attendant servic, | Up limit switel [spit _| x6 _| Bown limit swieh Input : JP18 | _X7_| Upone floor deceleration switch Tnpat_| a TP19 | _X8_| Down one flour deceleration switeh Input Tito | x9 _| Upleveling switch tp | P21 |_x10 | Down leveling switch _ Input oa {TIT | lve enorsiga enon om was | Xi2 [Firereum wich [Input gaa | X13 _| Stand-by (F156=0 for Safe loop relay detection Input eas |_x14_| Stneby 6156-0 for Door lockrelay detection) | Input 3P2 [gpx6 | _ X15 _ | Inverter line-in contactor detection Input aT | X16 _ | Inverier line-out contactor detection tmp | TP2.8 |_X17__| Brake compactor detection Input 32.9 | X18 _| Front door zone switch signal input input |_ Note. a ii ready signalGf this signal on then open | sea | lr oe eving wh dor oven or e-HEHME | ope detection ans ¥21__| Fireman Switeh Tnput_| 32 _| Brake Switch Detection Tnput | ¥23 | Motor temperature testing Siena Input al aes 24 | Up thee floor deceleration switch = ‘Dovin tice floor deceleration switeh Inpu | Note 5 y | xo-xas 1 terminal for input input 13.8 O-X28 Input 179 SE0-26 neputive terminal of jsoation cieuit, OV |_ Input XO X28 posnive terminal of j ation circuit, 24V ] Serial communication signal terminal for call and iki ee in Pairs must 16 be used for Tape { fel Hr eneteani e e [ Stand-by outpus xminsl 24V is i itisd | sent conmusiason signal ternal for pre awed is rst and group control, TAD io \ e be used fe ‘Serial communication signal terminal. for parallel Saal and group control, TXA2+ iar —_ Seis commusieaion signal sermina for pale an group contol, TXV2. F ‘An Instruction on Seriat Gontro! (F5021) fis? GB7588-2003, > Safety Rules for the Construction und Installation of Hleetie 2.24 Working Temperature > The control components work in the temperature range between OC and 460°C except for the LCD. : display. 2.3. Classified Descriptions 2.3.1 The Master Control Board External and Mounting Dimensions of Master Control Board Fig, 2-2(A) Outlook of Master Control Board a intl a ae edi J 5 — J... 1“ D peas oman ‘An Instruction on Serial Control (F5021) Chapter IT A Brief on Serial Control 2.1 Configuration of the Control System Fig. 2-1 Configuration of Serial Control System a 1a Pe es __e_—_,_—_ — — — l — —— e — beni ‘An tnsttuction on Serial Conires (F5021) Both the automatic door closing and landing calls ure now blucked out while the control enables the VIP Mider to select the destination floor in the car and closs the door hy pushing on the door-closing button ‘constantly. The lift will return to normal service as soon as the fast VIP leaves the car 23. Floor Control by Password An addtional password seting switch is located inthe sub-case of the car panel. The floor paésword con be set with the switch at on-position while the lift is at inspection rave! with the door open. Its ready for Password entry when pushing on the button of the chosen landing which will fash. Press THREE buttons incessanlly as password, the floor buton will stop flashing with the light on with the password successfully Set: Reset the password seting switch the lit buton will po ut. When the controlled floor button is pushed on in service, twill stat flashing, if the three-digit password entered continuously in the following six Seconds coincided withthe preset password, the button will light up for successful ceustration, Otherwise sthe flashing will go out in failure of registration. 24. NS ~SW Service in Single This option is made available for a single lift or lifts in parallel control by manually setting the service floor selection switch in the sub-case of the car panel. A program on the selected service floors under a Particular condition should be made based on the requirements of the user, whereby the lift will override the landing calls and in-car registrations for those floors. When the service floor selection switch is set on, the lift will NOT serve the selected floors by the program; when the switch is set off, the Hit will serve ‘every floor in normal service. 25. NS ~SW Service in Group The option provides users with two predetermined propran of selected service floors under wo particular conditions for the lifts by manually setting on one of the two service floor selection switches in the sub-case of the car panel, one switch for w program respectively. When both switches are off, the lifts “retin to normal service, ‘The predetermined programs refer to which floors registrations the lifts. will answer, which Moots’ up-call and which floors’ down: calls the lifts will answer respectively. 26. NSCB Service When the NS or you want to block out of service, the buttons will light up. When the non-service floors are set 'B switch in ear is set on with simplex and duplex contol, press the floor buttons tor those ting the NS-CB switch off, the Tift will neither respond to down landing culls of, nor will the car level on those non-servi landings. With the door open in inspection service. reset the switch by setting it on and off once, all the preset won service floors are cleared, 27. Emergency Levelling at Power-off When the car happens to be out of the door zone in the power failure, an entrapment of Passengers takes place, In the wake of a power failure the emergeney leveling unit will start, driving the lift ‘car to the nearest landing with the door open to release the 28. Operation by Stand-by Power Supply The option can only be made available with both group control and emergency power generator in the 30 An Instruction on Serial Control (E5021) outall he registrations and calls of the group, Monitoring the floor postions and other ‘traveling conditions ofthe elevator in the bank, the system works out by eal time the mio ational and cost-effective solutions iO arey call by one of the lifts based on superfuzay algorithm and assigns that lift to the mision terns Brealy rising the efficlency of the elevators, reducing oth power consumption and Waiting time by 10. Up Peak Service in Group {tis an option only available with the in-group contol by time relay settings o1 by manual switches. When trots than three up-going calls are registered on the main landing, the Up Peak Service trafic mode is actuated, whereby all the lifts will immediately return to the main landing with doory ‘open @s soon as they Finish the Up Peak Service missions. The Up Peak Sorvice traffic mode gives way to normat service when ‘he up-uaffic time is over, which is determined either by time relay settings or by manual svitence, “MH. Down Peak Service in Group Is ay opson only available with te in-group contol by me relay seitngs or by manual switches. When ths sition in which the lifts descend to the main landing fully loaded appears, the Down Peak Ser traffic mode is actuated, whereby all he ft wll immediately retur to the top landing with doors open sa Soon as they finish the Down Peak Service missions. The Down Peak Service traffic mode is switched to normal service when the down-trafic ime is ove, which is determined either by time relay setings or by manual switches. 12. Zoned Waiting Servi 1's 0 a8 option only available with dhe ingroup contol, When every hl inthe bank fis stayed waiting For one minute, the group control stutts the zoned wat WE setvice, Le, aif no lift is located on the main a lift with easier access to the main landing, ‘walking there with the door closed; b)if two of the llls in the bank are in normal service while no lift is located on any ane of the upper floors above the intermediate one, the system will assign a lift with easier access to the predetermined upper landing, waiting there with the door closed. landing. and the landings below dt, the system will ass 13. Zone Build By means of a RS485 communication cable the control system is connected with the PC located in the Monitoring monitor ro9m ofthe building (residential zone), With the: monitoring software installed in the computer, the travel information stich as floor loc n, travel direction and errors of the elevators can be shi ot “14. Remote Monitoring by Service Center The remote monitoring of the installations from a service center can be realized usis modem and phone Hines, whereby a remote alarm is made to the service center in charge in ease of a breakdown taking place 15. Anival Gong on Car An arrival gong mounted on the top or at the bottom of the car will sound off during the deceleration and leveling period for stop so that the passengers both in the car and on the landing will know that the lift is ‘coming soon, ‘An tnstruction on Serial Control (F5021) ‘When the system has detected an inconsistency between the registered direction and travel direction for 3 seconds on end, an emergency stop will be activated with alarm buizzing on. 36. Rope-slippage Protection (Operation Time Limiter) If the lift in operation (except for in inspection mode) has traveled incessantly for a longer time than the value preset by the time limiter (max.45s) without leveling and door operations, a rope slip is supposed to be detected by the system, by which all car movements are at stop until beiny put into inspection travel or by resetting the power supply. 37. Car-slippage Protection If fecd:-back pulses have kept coming in for 3 seconds afier the system detects a lift leveling, a car-slipping ‘is supposed to have occurred, by which the lift is prevented from operation at fault with alarm buzzing on. 38. Protection against Overtip Both the uppermost and the lowest ends of the hoistway are mounted with limit switches for speed retardation of the cab so that any overtripsby it can be prevented 39. Contaet Detecting in Safety Relay and Contactor ‘The system checks up the contact reliability of the safety relays and contactors. If any sinconformity nd the working ‘il is detected, all car movements will stay at atus of the between the cor Stop until reset of the power supply. 40. Protection in Speed Regulator at Fault ‘An emergency stop is setivated upon any signals of fault from the speed regulator and the lifts kept out of operation at breakdown, 41. Master CPU Protection by WDT. ‘The control PCB jis integrated with WDT protection. When any CPU or program problems are detected, the WD Circuit will make a forced OFF at the output terminals of the Master Control and reset the CPU. > The Options 1, Pre-Dooropening ‘This option enables the leveling car t0 open the door before it comes to a stop in order to raise the ‘operational efficiency of the lift, by which the door begins to open as soon as the cat enters into the door zone (usually £75 mm from the leveling position) at a speed slower than 0, 3m 2. Relevelling with Door Open Due to the stretch of wire ropes in case of high-rise buildings, the car at stop may move up and down while passengers leave and board the ear, which may Jead to mal-levelling. Once this situation is detected by the yystem, the conirol will make the car relevel at a slow speed! with the doot open 3. Fire Emergency Return In the event of fire the fire reurn switch is put on by tan, upon which the lift will clear out all the ¥ j i 1 J i —SR es i a oes eee ae a * ee Re ATOM ” : " = aC AEA SI TT " ‘ ‘An Instruction on Serial Gontrol (F5021) 15. By-passing Landing Calls on Full-load When a fall-loaded tift car (usually at 80% of the rated load) travels in normal mode without attendant, the lift will NOT answer any calls from its by-passing landings, stopping at the landings by in-car registrations only. 16. Power-off for Car Lighting and Fan at Stand-by Ifa lift stands by out of service over 5 minutes (default value subject to change by parameter), receiving acither in-car nor landing calls, the car lighting and fan will automatically stays off power until a call for the lift to answer appears. i 17. Auto Homing \ When the lift travels in automatic state without attendant service while setting Auto Homing in effect, the lift car which receives neither in-car nor landing calls will automatically return to the main lan given period of time determined by parameter setting 2 within 18, LCD Interfuce and Operating Panel ‘The LCD interface and operating panel on Master Control Board displays the rated speed, traveling speed, direction and status. It can also be used for looking up faults and breakdowns of the lift in the record log. 19. Analogic Sp The traveling sp ud Give AU curve is penerated automatically by analapic apeed reference with deceleration by hances the traveling efficieney wf te Hitt, 20. Digital Speed Reference In case the inverter has no analogue-controlled given, the multi-sectioned + applied, which fends off interference effectively. speed reference will be 21, Historical Fault Log The Historical Fault Log keeps the latesi 20 Fault records concerning the occurring time, floors and codes. 22, Self-learning of Shaft Information The Sel-learning should be initiated before the 1 goes inte servie for the control system to learn the peftaining hoistway data such as distance between Tloors, positions of decelerating and and s0 on and keep the learned data permanently in memory. 23. Service Landing Seting at Will | Using the hand-operator one can determine at will which floors the lift serves and which floors the lift does \ NOT serve c i 24, Indicating Symbols Setting for Landing Display } Using the hand-operator one can determine at will the varied display symbols or marks for the floors, for t instance, “B” for basement ONE. i \ 25. Attendant Service M3 ‘An Instruction on Serial Control (F021) ‘og [Rolling Indication of the Travel | 9g | Petition by Stand-by Power] ls Direction Supply ‘ag. | Automatic Correction in Landing Position | mains? j Sitte | Far quake Control & 30_| Lift Lock-out 30_| Voice Landing Forecasting [y,_ | Protection against Door-opening outside Door Zones | 32_| Light Gate Protection for Doors [33_| Overload Protection a 34 _| Anti-nuisance at Lightload 1d 35 _| Reversing Protection zal 36_| Rope-slippage Protection I I [ 37_| Car-slippage Protection | 38 _| Protection against Overtrip jp | Contact Detecting. in Safety Relays and | ” | Contactors 40_| Protection in Speed Regulator at Faul '41_| Master CPU Protection by WDT 1.2 ABrief on Functions > Standard Functions: 7 1. Fully Selective Conival 7 When in automatic ov attendant conuol, tne lift stops in response 10 the in-car registrations while i ‘auoniatically' follows Filing calls up and down, jc. a passenger can register his or her call at any landing ae 7 ‘ 2 losecson Tang pa : ; lisa Ge Jipgchanics or engineers to carry out maintenance, inspection or testing tasks. When oa pal coer gestae lft ced gacen cmt cerry vessve seat eee button, he can move’ tye éar at inspection speed by continuously pushing-down the hutton and stop it by releasing the bution, 24°” i 3. ‘Self-rescue Travel 7 | ‘When the lift stays out-6f the leveling zone (NOT in inspection state), it will automatically move'to the | leveling zone slowly to evacuate the passengers if only the safety requirements for the start are met. 5 al | 4, Testing Travel | tere aration sateen eatonttse| ienariormencale aun Uhariyiseatsenteteniem enamel testing travelon the Master Control hoard, a fielé engineer will put the lift into automatic operation, Both ‘An Instruction on Serial Control (F5021) N 44. SYSTEM PARAMBTER SETTING. 2 455. TESTING FOR INSPECTION TRAVEL | 4.51) Inspection Ride in Machine Room... soe 452 Inspection Ride on Top of C2 e % OTT 4.6. SELF-LEARNING TRAVEL INHOISTWAY. 4 : oe 4.7 TESTING TRAVEL AT RATED SPEED 48. RIDING COMFORT ADIUSTMENT.. 49 FLOOR LEVELING ADJUSTMENT. ~ CHAPTER V TROUBLE DIAGNOSIS.. T 5.1 A LST OF ERROR CODES «1 64 + ADDENDUM. 1. AN INSTRUCTION ON THE HANDSET TA. Gener ener 1.2 Connection en 1,3. INSTRUCTION OF OPERATION 1.2.1 Function instruction.. 1.3.2. Instruction of windows 1321 Classification of windows 132.2 Operations from power on o elevator satus wise 132.3 Functor Change Relation. 324 How to browse the monitor window. 132.5 Howto set parameter. 132.6. Call funtion 3 132.7 Other function 1.3.3. How toluse access key... L3.AN Recess Key Fl. a 1352 AyeestKey F2 ty 1333 Access Key FS... TL. Lists OF INVERTER PARAMETERS... TL] iAstsicinverter( Asynchronous iAstar-S3A) so 88 112. iAstapfuyerter(Synchronous FAstar-S3A) « 90 9 IIL Group CONTROL AND SOFTWARE SETTINGS 11L1 - Conngetions for Group Control HILL Connection Diagram of Group Control Cabinet... [111.2 ~ Contection between Group Control Cainet and Lift System MIL2_ Settings for Group Contro} as 13. Software Instruction on Group Control Parameter Setting

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