Cost Accounting

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A cost sheet is a statement that records all the costs a business

incurs from production to sales. Using this information, a
company can fix the price of its products and services. The main
advantage of a cost sheet is that you can compare it with
previous cost sheets to measure performance. We can then
decide whether the cost of an item can be increased or decreased
according to our costs.

We can prepare a cost sheet using previous cost sheet or current

estimated costs. A pervious costs sheet shows us the actual costs
incurred for producing, storing, and selling a product. Using
estimated values, we can produce a cost sheet just before the
production beings. However, there may be several changes in the
estimate and the final figures.

SI. No. Title of the Work

1 Cost sheet

2 Cost sheet format

3 Different Types of Costs

4 Componenet of cost sheet

5 How to prepare a cost sheet

6 Cost sheet example

How do we collect data for creating cost sheets?

A cost sheet is a statement that records all the costs a business incurs from production to sales. Using
this information, a company can fix the price of its products and services. The main advantage of a cost
sheet is that you can compare it with previous cost sheets to measure performance. You can then decide
whether the cost of an item can be increased or decreased according to your costs.


Costs are of four types:

1. Fixed costs
These costs are fixed, that is, they do not change according to the number of products.
The price of your land or equipment are some examples of fixed costs.

2. Variable costs
These costs vary according to the number of products. Raw material and labour are some
examples of variable costs.

3. Operating costs
Your business incurs these costs to maintain production daily. Utility costs, office
supplies, travelling costs, etc. fall under this category.

4. Direct costs
These costs are directly connected to production. For example, if a car company
produces a car in four days, the raw materials and labour involved in the production
form the direct cost of the car.
Let us see what the different costs mean on a cost sheet:

1. Prime Costs
Under this header, you have to record all the expenses involved in the production
process. This is also known as basic or first cost.

For example, if you have a textile store, your prime costs will be the costs of purchasing
fabric from weavers, employee salaries, packaging, implements needed to measure and
cut cloth, etc.

The formula for calculating prime costs is:

Prime Costs= Direct Labour + Direct Raw Material+Direct Expenses

2. Works Cost
Works cost is the sum of prime costs and overhead costs including factory expenses.
Overhead costs are those costs that are not directly related to the production of a product
but are required nevertheless. For example, you need to pay electricity bills to keep your
production going. Similarly, there are several other taxes and utility costs that fall under
the overhead costs category.

3. Cost of Production
Under this header, you should include all the expenses involved in business operations,
including rents and work costs. The formula for calculating the cost of production is:

Cost of Production= (Work Costs) + (Administration Overhead Costs) - (Opening and

Closing Stock of Finished Goods)

4. Cost of Sales
Cost of sales or total cost contains the details of all the expenses involved in the
production and other costs involved in selling and distribution. This value will help you
understand how much you spend on a product according to the resources used for
producing it. You can decide your selling price according to the cost of sales and know
how much profit you will earn from it.


Here is a step-by-step guide to preparing a cost sheet:
Step 1:
Prime Cost = Direct Material Consumed + Direct Wages + Direct Expenses

Direct Material Consumed = Direct Material Purchased + OP Stock of Raw Material –

CL Stock of Raw Material

Step 2:
Works Cost = Prime Cost + Factory Overheads + OP Stock Work in Progress – CL
Stock Work in Progress

Step 3:
Cost of Production = Works Cost + Office and Administration Overhead + OP Stock of
Finished Goods – CL Stock Finished Goods

Step 4:
Total Cost = Cost of Production + Selling and Distribution Overheads

Profit: Sales – Total Cost


Suppose you are preparing a cost sheet for an automobile company for the year 2020-21. You have to
consider the following information to prepare a cost sheet:

 Direct material consumed – INR 30,00,000

 Opening stock of raw materials – INR 18,00,000
 Closing stock of raw materials – INR 2,00,000
 Direct wages – INR 20,00,000
 Direct expenses – INR 10,00,000
 Factory overhead – 100% of direct wages
 Office and administration overhead – 20% of works
 Selling and distribution overhead – INR 10,00,000
 Cost of opening stock for finished goods – INR 2,50,000
 Cost of closing stock for finished goods – INR 3,50,000
 Profit on cost – 20%

Cost sheets are extremely important in the following ways:

1. They help determine the final cost

The main aim of preparing a cost sheet for your business is that it helps you determine
the accurate cost of the product. You can use cost sheets to calculate the total cost as
well as the cost per unit of a product.

2. They help in calculating the cost break up for each product

Using a cost sheet, you can understand how the costs for a product are broken up. For
example, you can get the actual material costs, tax costs, and so on.

3. They help in deciding the selling price

You can use a cost sheet to calculate the selling price of a product according to the
materials and resources you have invested in the product.

4. They help in comparing costs

You can compare the costs of products from previous years with the costs of the current
year. If you can take any action to reduce the current year’s costs, you can take it by
studying cost sheets.

5. They help control costs

A cost sheet gives you a perspective on the costs incurred by your business to produce
and sell a product. You can monitor and control production and marketing costs. An
estimated cost sheet will give you an idea of individual costs at each step of production.

6. They help in decision-making

Cost sheets are one of the first documents you need to prepare and study to ensure that
your production takes place smoothly. A cost sheet can guide you to make correct
business decisions.

7. They help in budgeting

Using cost sheets, you can prepare a robust budget that will help your business run
smoothly. You can prepare a budget using historical data or estimated data.

How do we collect data for creating cost sheets?

You can create cost sheets using historical data. i.e., data from previous cost sheets or
using estimated data, i.e., data of the current year.
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Name of the Student
Rasmita Marandi
Roll no-IC22-191(Commerce)
Regd. No-22H5368557

Internal Examiner

External Examinar Signature of Student


This is to certify that Rasmita Marandi of class-XII

(Commerce) successfully completed the Topic of COST
ACCOUNTING under the Guidance of khirodini Naik
Madam during the academic year of 2023-24
I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher
as well as our principal who gave me the golden opportunity to do
this project of COST ACCOUNTING, which also helped me in
doing a lot of research and I came to know new things about it.
Without their help, guidance and support it would have been
impossible to complete this project.
Secondly, I would also like to thank my parents and friends who
helped me a lot in finishing this project within limited time. I am
making this project not only for marks but also to increase my
Once again thanks to all who helped me in doing this project.

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