Oman Juridictional Guide

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Country Q&A



Oil and gas regulation in Oman: overview

Andrew Figgins, Marla Valdez and Shamsa Al Lamki

DOMESTIC SECTOR Domestic market structure

State-owned companies produce the majority of Oman's oil and
1. Describe the domestic sector and policy for onshore and gas, although private sector participation is actively encouraged by
offshore oil and gas, including liquefied natural gas (LNG) the government.
and unconventional/shale oil and gas.
State companies. There are the following state companies:
• Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) is the major player in
Domestic industrial production Oman, producing the majority of the country's crude oil. It is
Oman is the largest oil and natural gas producer in the Middle East 60% owned by the government and 40% owned by a
outside the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries consortium of international oil companies: Shell (34%), Total
(OPEC). As of January 2014, Oman has 5.5 billion estimated proved (4%) and Portugal's Partex (2%). PDO also accounts for nearly
oil reserves and 950 billion cubic metres of proved natural gas all of Oman's natural gas supply.
reserves. • Oman Oil Refineries and Petroleum Industries Company
Daily average production of crude oil and condensate has been (ORPIC) controls Oman's refining sector. It owns both of Oman's
hovering around 950,000 barrels per day (b/d), but is projected to operating refineries at Mina Al Fahal (in Muscat) and Sohar.
increase to 970,000 b/d in 2015. • Oman Gas Company is responsible for the country's natural gas
Oman aims to produce an average of 120 million cubic metres per transmission and distribution systems.
day of gas over the next five years (2014 to 2018). In 2014, • Oman LNG operates Oman's three liquefaction trains near Sur.
production was about 98 million cubic metres per day. It is owned by a consortium composed of the government, Shell,
Enhanced oil recovery techniques have been fundamental in Total and other investors.
driving the recent increases in crude production, from a low of • Oman Oil Company is responsible for pursuing investments in
714,000 b/d in 2007. Oman uses a significant portion of its natural the energy sector both inside and outside of Oman. It has
gas production in oil extraction. invested in a wide range of projects, including upstream oil and
Oil and gas remains crucial to Oman's economy. In 2014, Oman's gas developments and power plants.
hydrocarbons sector accounted for about 79% of government International oil companies. International oil companies play a
revenues. major role in the petroleum industry in Oman, Occidental
The import/export market Petroleum being the second largest oil producer in Oman. Other
major players with oil and gas interests in Oman include Shell,
Oil. Oman exports most of its crude oil to the Far East. Oman Total, Partex, BP, CNPC, KoGas and Repsol.
exported 292 million barrels of crude oil in 2014 (about 4% down
from 2013), with over half going to China. Oman is not a major Government policy objectives
exporter of refined petroleum products. Oman has adopted and is implementing the Vision 20-20 plan.
Oman does not import any crude oil, although it imports some The plan is aimed at reducing the country's reliance on oil and gas
refined petroleum products for use in the domestic market (about production by diversifying the economy in the services, industrial
130,000 b/d in 2013). Oman does not have any international oil and financial sectors. Promoting new industries outside the oil
pipelines: exports are shipped out of the country. industry sector, expanding downstream oil capabilities such as
petrochemicals, and developing new talent are key aspects of
Gas. Oman exports LNG through liquefaction facilities based near Oman's aim to cut the economy's US$73 billion reliance on the
Sur, a coastal town about 200km south-east of Muscat, with the hydrocarbon sector and to create new jobs. Vision 20-20 aims to
majority of LNG exports going to Japan and South Korea. The shift crude oil contribution to below 10% of GDP, and increase
liquefaction facilities are owned by Oman LNG and Qalhat LNG natural gas and industrial sector contribution to above 10% and
(the two companies have recently merged) and have a capacity of 20% respectively.
10.4 million tonnes per year. Oman is a member of the Gas
Exporting Countries Forum, an international government Despite the significant fall in the global oil prices, the 2015 budget
organisation comprised of the world's leading gas producers. demonstrates the government's continued commitment towards
critical infrastructure projects such as Duqm and the Sohar - Al
Oman currently imports 5 to 7 million cubic metres per day of Buraimi section of the national railway project. In the oil and gas
natural gas from Qatar through the Dolphin pipeline, which runs sector, Oman continues its investment in developing a port and
from Qatar to Oman via the United Arab Emirates, with a plan to industrial area (including a refinery and petrochemical complex) in
phase out such imports when the Kazzan tight gas field the strategically located town of Duqm, on the Arabian Sea. Oman
commences production in 2017. Oil Company intends to invest US$15 billion into projects based in
Duqm. In Sohar, the state-owned refining company Oman Oil
Refineries and Petroleum Industries Company (ORPIC) is
expanding its existing refinery. ORPIC is developing a US$3.6
billion new steam cracker and petrochemicals project in Sohar
© Thomson Reuters 2015
This article was first published in the Energy and Natural Resources Multi-Jurisdictional Guide 2015/16
and is reproduced with the permission of the publisher, Thomson Reuters.
The law is stated as at 1 May 2015.
Country Q&A

called the Liwa Plastics Industry Complex. The major contracts

work was awarded in March 2014 and is expected to be completed 3. Are there specific government policies and/or incentives in
in 2018. This project will enable Oman to produce polyethylene for place to encourage the exploration and production of
the first time. In December 2014, ORPIC signed an engineering, unconventional/shale gas and/or oil?
procurement and construction contract and financing agreement
for a 280km long Muscat Sohar Product Pipeline Project (MSPP).
The construction of the two-way multi-product pipeline connecting While unconventional gas resources are a major area of focus (for
the Mina Al Fahal and Sohar refineries is due to be commissioned example, Blocks 60 and 61) there do not appear to be any specific
in 2016. government policies or incentives to encourage the exploration of
The government is also trying to maximise the indirect benefits of unconventional hydrocarbons. Each exploration and production
oil and gas projects for the local economy. In 2012, the Ministry of sharing agreement (EPSA) is individually negotiated with the
Oil and Gas (MOG) set up the In-Country Value (ICV) initiative. The Ministry of Oil and Gas (MOG), including the fiscal terms.
ICV initiative is aimed at enhancing the role of Omani suppliers and
increasing the capability of Omani employees (see Question 9).
Regulatory bodies
Current market trends
Gas. The government is very keen to secure additional gas reserves 4. Who regulates the extraction of oil and gas?
to meet rising domestic consumption. Gas consumption in Oman is
expected to grow at 6% for the next five years driven by increased
use of gas in oil recovery, together with higher demand from the Subject to the ultimate oversight of His Majesty the Sultan, the
industrial sector and power producers. Ministry of Oil and Gas (MOG) co-ordinates the government's role
in the oil and gas sector. MOG oversees all oil and gas exploration
The government is, therefore, seeking to develop major gas and production activities carried out in concession areas in Oman.
projects. The biggest of these is BP's Khazzan development in It is also the government counterparty to exploration and
Block 61 onshore Oman. The field is a tight gas formation with production sharing agreements (EPSAs) under which rights to
large recoverable resources and is anticipated to come on-stream explore for and produce hydrocarbons are awarded.
in 2017, with a total initial investment targeted at US$16 billion.
The Ministry of the Environment and Climate Affairs (MECA) is the
In March 2014, Oman and Iran signed an agreement for Oman to regulatory authority for environmental aspects of upstream
import 10 billion cubic metres of gas per year from Iran. However, operations in Oman.
this three-year project has been delayed over disagreement on the
route of a 260 kilometre underwater pipeline. See box, The regulatory authorities.

In January 2015, Oman Oil Company Exploration and Production The regulatory regime
(OOCEP) announced the commercial export of Block 60 tight gas
and condensate from the Abu Tabul Field. Abu Tabul, a 1,500 5. Describe the regulatory regime that applies to onshore and
square kilometre concession, is wholly owned and operated by offshore oil and gas exploration and production, including
OOCEP. the key legislation and features of the regime.
Oil. The Ministry of Oil and Gas (MOG) has indicated that it aims to
increase production to an average of 970,000 b/d in 2015 with an
aim to further increase to 1 million b/d. The key legislation relating to onshore and offshore oil and gas
exploration and production is the Oil and Gas Law, promulgated by
In the context of the region, Oman is particularly open to Sultani Decree 8/2011 (Oil and Gas Law).
investment by smaller explorers as well as international oil
companies. In November 2014, MOG signed a concession All minerals in situ are owned by the state. Under the Oil and Gas
agreement with Medco Arabia and Intaj for exploring and Law, the rights to explore, prospect for, appraise, develop and
developing block 56, which has crude oil and natural gas deposits. exploit oil and gas are granted on the basis of a concession
agreement, executed in the form of an exploration and production
In August 2014, MOG invited petroleum companies with experience sharing agreement (EPSA). The Ministry of Oil and Gas (MOG) is
in upstream hydrocarbon projects to participate in the Oman Bid the authorised authority, acting on behalf of the Government of the
Round 2014 under which the government offered two offshore and Sultanate of Oman, to negotiate and execute EPSAs with selected
three onshore blocks. The two offshore acreages offered for oil and gas exploration and production companies. An EPSA can
bidding were Blocks 18 and 59, while the three onshore Blocks only take effect after a Sultani Decree approving it has been
were 43A, 54 and 58. These blocks have yet to awarded. promulgated.
Subsidies. The government has been considering rolling back The Oil and Gas Law only very generally sets out the obligations of
some of the government subsidies given to domestic oil and gas the concessionaire (the "right-holder"). The EPSA establishes:
consumption. Two possible options being considered include
gradual implementation and special programmes like a voucher • The concession area.
system to assist the needy. Officials have recently indicated that no • The term of the agreement.
urgent action is required and, in fact, the 2015 budget released in
January 2015 did not highlight a reduction of any subsidies. • Bonuses and other payments to the government.
• Minimum work obligations.
2. What percentage of domestic energy needs is met by oil and • The conditions for:
- exploration;
- appraisal;
All of Oman's domestic energy needs are currently met by oil and
gas. In 2013 natural gas accounted for about 82% of Oman's - commercial discovery;
generation capacity, with waste heat (15%), diesel/distillate (2%)
and oil (1%) making up the rest. - development;
Country Q&A
- production; to maintain insurance in respect of various risks, including civil
liability arising from damage to the environment, under the EPSA.
- cost recovery and production sharing;
- reclamation; and
There are special conditions for natural gas. Natural gas must be
- relinquishment of the concession area. used, in the priority and subject to approval by the Ministry of Oil
• Other rights and obligations of the parties. and Gas (MOG), for use in petroleum operations, commercial
exploitation, injection for enhancing extraction rates, storage and
Rights to import, export, transport, store, distribute, process, or other purposes as decided by the MOG. Moreover, all gas
market petroleum substances are subject to a separate licence produced must be sold to the government, whereas crude oil can
granted by the MOG. The MOG therefore has broad authority to usually be sold in the open market. Assignment of any rights or
negotiate the commercial terms of the EPSA with the right-holders. obligations specified in the EPSA is prohibited without the approval
of the government (see Question 7).
8. How are such leases, licences or concessions awarded?
6. How are rights to oil and gas held, and who holds those
Concessions are awarded by the Ministry of Oil and Gas (MOG).
MOG launches bid rounds from time to time on its website. Oil and
Petroleum substances in their natural state and wherever they are gas companies interested in bidding must submit their offer to the
found in Oman are the property of the state. The Oil and Gas Law Department of Petroleum Concessions at MOG.
states that an exploration and production sharing agreement To participate, the bidding company must provide MOG with a
(ESPA) will not grant ownership rights to right-holders. Further, letter of intent and the company profile. The bidder must also pay a
right-holders are prohibited from assigning or transferring any of non-refundable deposit into a nominated government bank
their rights or obligations specified in the EPSA, unless approved account and sign a confidentiality agreement in order to receive a
by the Ministry of Oil and Gas (MOG) and a Sultani Decree is package containing geological information about the relevant
promulgated regarding the transfer (see Question 7). block.
Nature of oil and gas rights Transfer of rights

7. What are the key features of the leases, licences or 9. How are oil and gas rights transferred? Are there any
concessions which are issued under the regulatory regime? restrictions on the disposal of interests?
Can these rights be leased by the right-holder?

The transfer of rights granted under an exploration and production

Lease/licence/concession term sharing agreement (EPSA) is prohibited under Article 19 of the Oil
Exploration and production sharing agreements (EPSAs) are and Gas Law unless the assignment or transfer is approved by the
typically awarded for a short initial term, usually one to four years, Ministry of Oil and Gas (MOG) and a Sultani Decree is promulgated
for exploration. If the right-holder (referred to as the contractor approving it. However, the EPSA usually provides an exception to
under the EPSA) has complied with certain obligations, it will have this prohibition for assignments or transfers to a majority-owned
the option of extending the exploration term. In addition, the term affiliate.
will be extended on a declaration of commerciality by the right-
holder. The production term is usually between 20 to 25 years, with TAX
the right-holder having a right of renewal for a further period if it is
still producing hydrocarbons at the end of the term. 10. What payments, such as taxes or royalties, are payable by
oil and gas interest holders to the government?
A concessionaire or right-holder cannot lease its rights to a third
Fees Oil and gas companies operating in Oman pay income tax at 55%
of their taxable income (in accordance with Sultani Decree
Fees are open to negotiation. Typically, EPSAs specify that various 28/2009 promulgating the Income Tax Law). This tax is deductible
bonuses are payable by the right-holder on the occurrence of from the government's oil production share under the exploration
certain events (typically signature and commercial discovery and production sharing agreement (EPSA).
bonuses), together with payment of annual rental and training
payments to the government. Profit oil is split between the In addition, the EPSA will provide for various payments to be made
government and the right-holder. There are separate cost recovery by the right-holder to the government. These include a signature
and production sharing regimes for natural gas and condensate bonus, annual rental payments and a bonus on the first
and for crude oil. commercial discovery of oil. None of these are deductible as cost
Under the Oil and Gas Law, the right-holder is required to
implement operations with due care, according to good oilfield 11. Does the government derive any other economic benefits
practice and in such a manner that guarantees the protection of from oil and gas exploration and production?
the environment.
The EPSA usually provides that the right-holder will indemnify the The main economic benefit derived from oil and gas exploration
government in respect of claims relating to damage to property or and production is the government's share of profit oil under the
personnel belonging to the government or to third parties that was exploration and production sharing agreement (EPSA). The
caused by the right-holder's wrongful or negligent act. Liability for amount of the share is negotiated based on the scale and
consequential loss is usually excluded. The right-holder is obliged economies of the project.
Country Q&A

In terms of indirect economic benefits, the Oil and Gas Law comprehensive security plan" once a commercial discovery is
requires right-holders to employ Omani nationals and to set up announced, and must liaise with the Royal Oman Police (ROP)
annual training programmes aimed at qualifying Omani nationals in this respect. This requirement expressly applies to
for professional and technical jobs. exploration and production sharing agreements (EPSAs) in
existence prior to the promulgation of the new Oil and Gas Law.
In addition, in 2012 the Ministry of Oil and Gas (MOG) introduced
the In-Country Value (ICV) initiative. ICV aims at promoting the • Sultani Decree No. 29/2013 promulgating the Omani Civil Code
employment and training of Omanis, investments in fixed assets in (Civil Code) sets out the obligations of the employer towards its
Oman and the local sourcing of goods and services. As a result of employees. In particular, it provides that the employer will
the ICV initiative, oil and gas companies are prioritising provide everything necessary to ensure the safety and security of
employment and training of local personnel and sourcing of local its employees, and to ensure that employees' tools and
goods, works and services into their business plans. equipment are fit for purpose and cause no harm.
• Sultani Decree 35/2003 promulgating the Labour Law and
12. What taxes and duties apply on import and export of oil and subsequent amending legislation sets out various provisions
gas? regarding employee working hours and overtime.
• Other laws regulating health and safety issues include the
Environmental Law and Ministerial Decision 686/2008
A 5% duty applies on the import of crude oil, gas and other Occupational Health and Safety Measures.
petroleum products. There are no export taxes on the export of oil
and gas or other petroleum products. Extraction
13. What regulatory requirements apply to the construction See above, Exploration.
and operation of pipelines?
Environmental impact assessments (EIAs)
The establishment of land and pipeline corridor rights is provided 16. Is an EIA required before extracting or processing onshore
for under Omani law. Rights to use the land for a pipeline are or offshore oil and gas?
usually granted by the government to the owner or operator of the
pipeline by way of a usufruct agreement, which grants a land right
similar to absolute title but limited in time and subject to certain The principal environmental legislation in Oman is Sultani Decree
terms of use. 114/2001 promulgating the Law on Conservation of the
The Oil and Gas Law establishes setback zones around oil and gas Environment and Prevention of Pollution (Environmental Law).
pipelines. Setback zones must extend for 25 metres on each side of Under Article 9 of the Environmental Law, no "source" (that is,
the pipeline. Construction and other activities within setback zones process or activity that may directly or indirectly cause
are prohibited, with the exception of activities exercised by the environmental pollution) or "area of work" is to be established
pipeline owner or operator. before obtaining an environmental permit confirming its
environmental soundness. An application for a permit must be
An environmental permit is required to operate an oil or gas made to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Affairs
pipeline (see Questions 15 and 17). (MECA) (see Question 18).
The Oil and Gas Law and the exploration and production sharing
14. Is there a system of third party access to pipelines and other agreement (EPSA) also impose various environmental obligations
infrastructure? on the right-holder.
Before the application for the environmental permit, a detailed
environmental impact assessment (EIA) may be required. The
We are not aware of any statutory regulations governing third party question of whether an EIA is required is a matter to be determined
access to pipelines and other infrastructure. There are contractual through liaison with MECA (Article 16, Environmental Law). As a
arrangements in place between the various oil and gas operators matter of practice, an EIA is required at virtually every stage of an
that provide for third party access, for example on the basis of a upstream or downstream project.
deed of adherence to existing contracts.
Where an EIA is required, the "owner" of a source/area of work
HEALTH, SAFETY AND THE ENVIRONMENT (widely defined and would include the operator of an oil or gas
Health and safety concession) must procure a qualified company approved by MECA
to prepare the EIA.
15. Describe the health and safety regime that applies to oil
and gas exploration and extraction, and transportation by
pipeline. 17. What are the different stages of the EIA?

Exploration The process is carried out in the following two stages.

There is no specific law governing health and safety in the Scoping report
petroleum industry. Instead, health and safety requirements derive Right-holders must submit a scoping report to the Ministry of the
from a number of legislative acts, notably: Environment and Climate Affairs (MECA). The report must include:
• The Oil and Gas Law, which requires the right-holder to have a • A high level description of the project.
policy for maintaining the environment and the health, security
and safety of employees. It also provides for setback zones • A description of the general activities and locations at which
around pipelines (see Question 12). Furthermore, the Oil and such activities are anticipated to take place.
Gas Law provides that a right-holder must set out "a
Country Q&A
• A summary of applicable legislation. the Oil and Gas Law dictates specific requirements for the right-
holder to undertake to protect the environment, ranging from
• An initial view of likely environmental impacts. waste disposals, gas utilisation, mediation measures to control
• A statement of the work needed to complete the full EIA. blowouts and other accidents, to handling of hazardous
substances. The Law on Conservation of the Environment and
MECA usually takes between four to six weeks to review and Prevention of Pollution requires companies, engaged in the
comment on the scoping report. exploitation of natural resources, to set up controls to ensure their
conservation. Generally, rights-holder are required to implement
Full EIA operations with due care and in accordance with the technical
A baseline survey must be conducted. The final EIA must then be standards provided for in the concession agreement and in
submitted to MECA on its standard form in hard copy. The EIA is international agreements to which the Sultanate is a party and in
reviewed by MECA's permitting department in the context of the such manner that guarantees the protection to the environment.
application for an environmental permit (see Question 18).
Oman is also a member of a number of conventions aimed at
It can take several months to prepare and submit the EIA to MECA protection of the environment, such as the United Nations
depending on the complexity and size of the project. Framework Convention on Climate Change. It is also worth noting
that by virtue of Sultani Decree (SD 57/1994) Oman ratified
Environmental permits accession to the two 1992 protocols of the International Convention
on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage and the International
18. Is there a permit regime for environmental damage or Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for
emissions produced during the extraction or processing of Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage respectively. These
oil and gas? conventions provide for ship owners to be liable for oil spills, and
responsible for maintaining mandatory insurance. They also
provide for an international fund to be established to provide
Right-holders are required to obtain an environmental permit compensation for oil pollution damage. These conventions have
under Article 9 of the Environmental Law (see Question 16). In now become Oman law, and generally, principles enshrined in
addition, the handling of hazardous substances (widely defined, them are likely to take precedence over conflicting provisions (if
and includes oil and gas) is prohibited unless an environmental any) of Oman law.
permit is obtained (Article 19, Environmental Law). Consequently,
the extraction and processing of oil and gas requires an All businesses operating in Oman must adhere to both the local
environmental permit. legislation and international conventions signed by Oman on the
protection of the environment.
Ministerial Decision 187/01 and subsequent amending legislation
states that the environmental permit is issued in two stages: Waste
• A preliminary environmental approval (valid for one year), which 20. What are the regulations on the disposal of waste products
allows the project to proceed. resulting from oil or gas extraction or processing?
• A final environment permit (valid for two years), which is issued
once it has been shown that all of the conditions set out in the
environmental approval have been satisfied. Omani law regulates the disposal of waste products into the
environment. The following regulations are particularly relevant to
As a guideline, it usually takes about two months from submission oil or gas extraction or processing:
of the EIA to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Affairs
(MECA) for the preliminary environmental approval to be granted. • Ministerial Decision 18/93: Regulations for Management of
Hazardous Waste. These regulations govern the management
Fees are payable in respect of both an environmental approval and of hazardous waste, a broad definition that includes any waste
an environmental permit. The applications for both permits must arising from commercial, industrial, agricultural or any other
be made to MECA on the prescribed form. activities hazardous or potentially hazardous to the
environment. This is likely to cover waste generated in oil or gas
Environmental concerns extraction and processing activities. A hazardous waste licence
is required from the Ministry of the Environment and Climate
19. Are there any specific government policies and/or Affairs (MECA) to discharge hazardous waste or to mix it with
incentives aimed at meeting the environmental concerns any other waste.
associated with the exploration and production of oil and
gas, particularly unconventional/shale oil and/or gas? Are • Ministerial Decision 145/93: Regulations for Wastewater Re-use
there other non-environmental concerns which inhibit the and Discharge. Article 2 of these Regulations prohibits the
development of the sector? discharge of wastewater or sludge into the environment without
a permit from MECA.
• Ministerial Decision 17/93 regulates the management of solid
Project development and safe-guarding the environment and non-hazardous waste.
conservation of natural resources are both high policy priorities of
the country. The Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs Flares and vents
(MECA) is directly responsible for the protection of the
environment, in co-operation with other state authorities. MECA 21. Are flare and vent regulations in place?
has three special divisions responsible for formulating policies on
climate, nature conservation and environmental protection.
Oman has adopted a number of laws and Sultani decrees that are Ministerial Decision 118/2004 issued by Ministry of the
aimed at protection of the sea, water, land, natural resources and Environment and Climate Affairs (MECA) controls the level of air
wild life. With respect to oil and gas exploration and production, pollutants released from stationary sources. The Annexure to the
Ministerial Decision provides numerical standards for emissions to
air relating to flaring in refineries and petroleum fields.
Country Q&A

Decommissioning Law. The Ministry of Justice, pursuant to Article 6 of the Oil and
Gas Law, has general judicial powers of enforcement and
22. What are the decommissioning obligations and liabilities implementation of the Law. Chapter 8 of the Oil and Gas Law sets
that arise? out the level of punishment (which can include fines and/or
imprisonment) for those found to be in contravention of certain
articles of the Oil and Gas Law. Such fines are in addition to any
At the expiry of the exploration and production sharing agreement other fines or penalties that may be imposed by other laws,
(EPSA), the right-holder will, at its own cost, restore the concession including the Omani Criminal Law.
area to its normal condition, within a period specified by the Fines and penalties
Ministry of Oil and Gas (MOG), by removing any facilities,
equipment or any other material, except for materials that MOG See above, Orders.
decides are not to be removed. If the right-holder fails to restore Other
the concession area and remove such items, MOG will perform this
task and cause the right-holder to bear the costs and expenses See above, Orders.
resulting from the removal, plus an additional 10% of the cost.
The EPSA will also set out decommissioning obligations. The EPSA 26. Is there a right of appeal against the regulator's decisions?
usually provides that the right-holder will have a decommissioning
plan and account for the plan annually in accordance with
International Financial Reporting Standards. The decommissioning Sultani Decree 91/99 creating the Administrative Court and
plan must be updated every calendar year and actual costs relating promulgating its law (as amended) provides a right of appeal
to the decommissioning plan are treated as recoverable costs. In against administrative decisions.
addition, the right-holder must open and thereafter maintain a
decommissioning fund with an international bank of good standing The appeal must be made within 60 days from the date of
and repute. notification to the interested party of the decision, or of such party's
knowledge of the decision.
The administrative court has competence to adjudicate over issues
23. How is trade in oil and gas usually completed?
• Employment-related issues of public employees (that is,
salaries, pensions and allowances).
Marketing of petroleum substances can only be conducted under a
• Actions submitted by interested parties for review of final
licence from the Ministry of Oil and Gas (MOG) after co-ordination
administrative decisions.
with the Financial Affairs and Energy Resources Council, a branch
of the government responsible for drafting Oman's fiscal policy and • Actions relating to administrative contracts (that is, contracts to
the development of Oman's energy resources. Generally, produced which a public body is a party).
oil can be freely marketed.
Producers of natural gas are required to allocate their gas
production, excluding gas used for operations, to satisfy the local
market demand as dictated by the MOG. This means that right- 27. Are there plans for changes to the legal and regulatory
holders are obliged to sell their natural gas production as a priority framework?
to the local markets, as determined by the MOG.
The current Oil and Gas Law was adopted in 2011, after a two-year
24. Are oil and gas prices regulated? consultative process. This Law replaced the prior Petroleum and
Minerals Law adopted in 1974. We are not aware of any specific
plans for changes to the Oil and Gas Law.
The Oman crude oil prices are benchmarked at the Dubai In 2013, the government adopted the Civil Code, a comprehensive
Mercantile Exchange. Gas prices are set by the government on long piece of new legislation that impacts all aspects of doing business
term gas or LNG sales contracts. in Oman. The provisions of the Civil Code must be borne in mind
when conducting any type of commercial activity in Oman.
There are plans for a new Labour Law which will include a chapter
25. What are the regulator's enforcement powers? specific to oil and gas workers. However, concrete details about its
content and when it will be promulgated have not been announced
The Ministry of Oil and Gas has general authority to supervise the
activities of the rights-holder under the EPSA and the Oil and Gas
Country Q&A
Ministry of Oil and Gas (MOG)
Address. Al Khuwair
Ministry Streets
PO Box 551
PC 100
Sultanate of Oman
T +968 2464 0555
F +968 2469 1046
E [email protected]
Main responsibilities. Oversees all oil and gas exploration and production activities in Oman.
Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs (MECA)
Address. Al Khuwair
Ministry Streets
PO Box 323
PC 100
Sultanate of Oman
T +968 2440 4830
F +968 2469 2462
E [email protected]
W (Arabic only)
Main responsibilities. Sets general policies, plans and programmes required for environment protection, and ensuring the safety and
preservation of various environmental systems in Oman.

Oman Ministry of Legal Affairs
Description. The Ministry of Legal Affairs' website contains copies of Sultani Decrees (the primary, first-ranking legislation in Oman),
together with copies of some Ministerial Decisions. Most of the legislation is provided in Arabic only, but there are some English
There are no official English translations of Omani legislation. The Arabic text is always binding.
All Omani legislation is published in the Official Gazette. This is only available in hard copy and is written in Arabic.
Country Q&A

Practical Law Contributor profiles

Andrew Figgins, Partner Marla Valdez, Partner

Dentons Dentons
T +968 2457 3044 T +968 2457 3047
F +968 2457 3097 F +968 2457 3097
E [email protected] E [email protected]

Professional qualifications. England and Wales, Solicitor Professional qualifications. US, Attorney (Juris Doctorate, Natural
Resources Certification)
Areas of practice. Oil and gas; projects.
Areas of practice. Oil and gas; mining.
Non-professional qualifications. French and Business Studies BA
Non-professional qualifications. BA in Russian Studies, emphasis
Professional associations/memberships. Law Society of England on political science
and Wales; Omani British Lawyers Association; Association of
International Petroleum Negotiators (AIPN). Professional associations/memberships. Association of
International Petroleum Negotiators (AIPN) (Regional Director for
CIS 2010-2014); Oman American Business Council, Board Member;
Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation; The Law Society - Foreign
Lawyer; Colorado and New Mexico State Bars.
• Energy Multi-jurisdictional Guide, European Reference Lawyer
• Minerals and Mining (Kazakhstan): A Practical Global Guide.
• Over 20 articles in various publications, including World Finance
Review Magazine, Texas Journal of Oil, Gas and Energy Law,
Caspian Investor Magazine and Euromoney.

Shamsa Al Lamki, Associate

T +968 2457 3022
F +968 2457 3097
E [email protected]

Professional qualifications. England and Wales, Solicitor

Areas of practice. Energy; real estate.
Professional associations/memberships. Law Society of England
and Wales; Omani British Lawyers Association; AIPN.
Languages. Arabic, English

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