Philosophy Paper 1
Philosophy Paper 1
Philosophy Paper 1
EDU 202
Dr. Mack
Philosophy Paper
Throughout my life, I have heard people question, “What is the purpose of going to
school? What is the point of learning all these concepts if we are most likely never going to use
them in life?” In my family, education means a lot. Receiving a diploma and final transcript of
grades after graduation is like a stamp to conceal our identity and place in the world. It is the
foundation and door to all of the possible good jobs to make a decent living out of. As my mom
has described to me, “Education helps you navigate through life with a higher moral conscience
than others who don’t receive it.” This includes the practices of quick yet critical decision-
making skills, coping and handling real-life scenarios, developing various social skills, and more.
drive for education as I do. I want them to understand the importance of education with Christian
principles. It is not a chore, it is a stepping stone to understanding life and its implications. I hope
to serve as a role model and gain respect from all of my pupils. I am looking forward to
balance the role of being masters of content and “caretakers” of students’ well-being. I want my
students to understand that I care, especially those who are at-risk and ELL. I trust that my
teaching strategies will be inspiring, such as: creating small group discussions, research, case
studies, etc. I am looking forward to seeing the increase in performance and growth that my
students are receiving in the classroom. I want my dedication and passion for teaching to be
obvious. After every successful year of teaching, I hope to maintain a sense of satisfaction and a
calling to continue.
In addition to this, I will try to enrich the minds of students with cultural diversity and
make my classroom comfortable for all students. I plan to teach different basics of languages,
cultural history, dialects, and writing in middle school. The reason is that I believe it is the
perfect time for students to be culturally aware of what is going on in the world and around them
since they would most likely be hearing it from their peers. I want my minority students,
depending on the size, to be comfortable talking in their home dialect if that is what helps them
to drive their point and communicate clearly. For example, I know I will have students who will
speak in pidgin English. They could be speaking perfectly in English but switch over to their
native language if they do not know the English term. Overall, I want my students to respect and
understand that just because a student has a different dialect than you, does not mean that there is
an academic advantage or disadvantage for them. Dialects are a unique creation from God that
allows communication to flourish. Having control of these abilities will prepare them to adapt to
different environments and people. I hope my students understand and appreciate the beauty of
outlook on life. I hope that through my passion for teaching, I will have an impact on my
students. I want them to walk away with a continuing eagerness and motivational drive to learn
and advance. I want my legacy and God’s to pour out in their communities and lives.