Panda 2016
Panda 2016
Panda 2016
Lightweight is one of the most important criterion in the optimum design of gear set for motorsport and aerospace
application. A tradeoff between optimum weight and failure modes of gear is a subject of interest for researchers and the
industry. In the present work weight of a single-stage spur gear set is optimized. This nonlinear constrained optimization
formulation has been solved by using differential evolution algorithm. A total of six design variables corresponding to gear
geometry and material property are considered. The results obtained are compared with those of published heuristics
like genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, and particle swarm optimization algorithm, respectively. The optimization is
performed in such a way that the design variables satisfy all constraints at optimum solution. Apart from this, several
constraints related to scoring are included in the optimization. The constraint violation study is performed to prioritize
the constraints. The sensitivity analysis is carried out to see the effect of manufacturing tolerances of design variables on
weight of the gear set. The optimality of the solution has been ensured through the convergence study. The optimization
reveals that the reported results are also encouraging in terms of objective function values and CPU time. In addition, the
optimum design variables obtained through the weight optimization of spur gear set are used for preparation of a CAD
model. Then the stress analysis using finite element analysis is performed on the gear set to identify the critical stress
region in the optimized gear set.
Optimal weight design, differential equation, constraint violation, sensitivity analysis, CPU time, finite element analysis
With the use of computer, design can be performed
Design of a gear that can withstand almost all failure iteratively and the design variables that satisfy the
modes in its running condition is a complex task. In given condition can be obtained. However, the
the industry, there is a need of comparatively low-cost design so obtained may not be an optimum one,
and lightweight gear trains. A tradeoff between opti- because in the iterative design process the variables
mum weight and protection against failure modes of so obtained satisfy one condition at a time. For exam-
gear is a subject of interest for researchers. So the ple if module is calculated based on bending strength,
selection of optimum input parameters is necessary the same module is substituted to calculate the surface
in the gear train design. Due to the complex geometry durability. It is accepted if the strength of surface dur-
of gear, a number of geometric as well as material- ability is within the limit, otherwise it is changed
dependent parameters have to be considered in the accordingly. But in this optimum design approach
design optimization. The numerical methods are not the variables are determined and they simultaneously
suitable for this type of problem easily because of
their slow convergence and complexity. The compu- 1
Department of Production Engineering, Veer Surendra Sai University
tational complexity increases as the number of design
of Technology, Burla, Odisha, India
variables and constraints increases. These complex 2
Department of Industrial Design, National Institute of Technology,
optimization problems also involve discrete, continu- Rourkela, Odisha, India
ous, and integer variables that are difficult to be Department of Mechanical Engineering, Veer Surendra Sai University
handled simultaneously. A conventional design pro- of Technology, Burla, Odisha, India
cess is based on the tooth bending strength, tooth
Corresponding author:
surface durability, tooth surface fatigue, interference, S Panda, Department of Production Engineering, Veer Surendra Sai
and efficiency. Manual design is very difficult when the University, Burla, Odisha 768018, Indi.
above factors are considered and there is need of CAD. Email: [email protected]
satisfy the envisaged condition i.e. at optimum point all weight, size, and vibration level. Deb and Jain11
most all constraints are satisfied. Moreover increased applied the nondominated sorting genetic algorithm
demand in compact, efficient and reliable design (NSGA-II) for optimization of both gear volume and
forces the designer to use optimum design approach. the power of an 18-speed, 5-shafts gear box. A meth-
Thus, there is a strong need of an evolutionary-based odology for the selection of optimum gear ratio, the
algorithm, which can handle both mixed integer and optimum position for shaft axes, and material for
nonlinear constraints easily. In this context various evo- optimum design of spur gears was developed by
lutionary technique such as genetic algorithm (GA),1,4–6 Marjanovic et al.12 Recently, Savsani et al.13 con-
particle swarm optimization (PSO), and simulated sidered the same optimization problem that was pre-
annealing (SA)13 are proposed. Yokota et al.1 proposed viously studied by Yokota et al.1 A new gear design
a scheme using GA for minimization of weight of a scheme based on AGMA criteria to minimize the
single-stage spur gear train. The bending strength of weight of a simple spur gear train involving mixed
tooth, torsional strength and interference were con- integer using PSO and SA was studied. Golabi
sidered as active design constraints in the weight et al.14 minimized the volume/weight of a gear using
optimization. optim tool box of Matlab. By choosing different input
Kader et al.2 used the center distance as the object- variables of gear box like input power, gear ratio,
ive function along with pitting and bending strength hardness of gear materials different performance par-
as the constraints to study the critical failure mode of ameters like number of stages, face width of gear, and
a spur gear set in its optimized condition both for 20 shaft diameter were estimated using the practical
and 25 pressure angles full depth teeth. Abuid and graphs obtained from the results of optimization.
Ameen3 formulated a multiobjective function for the Based on the literature review, authors have
optimization of spur gear by considering gear volume, noticed the implementation of evolutionary-based
center distance as objective functions, and five algorithms for weight optimization of gear trains.
dynamic factors of shaft and gear as variables. The It is also observed that use of more numbers of
solution was obtained by using min–max numerical active control constraints like flash temperature,
method and a direct search method. Gologlu and equality modules of each gear pair, etc., identification
Zeyveli4 used GA for optimization of a two-stage hel- of key design variables, prioritization of constraints,
ical gear set. Gear volume was formulated as objective sensitivity analysis of various design variables, and
function along with contact stress, bending stress, stress analysis of optimized gear geometry using
number of teeth on gear and pinion, module and FEA have not received proper consideration by the
face width of gear as constraints. The penalty function researchers. This has motivated us to address these
approach was used for constraint handling. Mendi issues in the weight optimization problem.
et al.5 proposed a multiobjective approach using GA In this paper, the aim is to address the weight
for gearbox weight optimization. The multi-objective optimization of a spur gear set and stress analysis of
optimization problem was formulated using gear optimum gear set using a novel DE algorithm and
volume, shaft diameter, and rolling bearing dimen- FEA. The DE algorithm is subjected to some modifi-
sions as the objective functions and tooth root frac- cation to expedite convergence and avoid constraint
ture and surface failures as constraints. Refaat and violations. The weight of a spur gear set is formulated
Meguid6 reported the use of a two-step algorithm as a constrained optimization problem using the for-
involving quadratic programming and Lagrange’s mulation reported in Savsani et al.13 Interestingly,
multipliers to estimate the contact and root stress of stable and improved solutions are obtained through
gears. The results of the modeling were verified with the convergence of the proposed DE algorithm. The
the results of finite element analysis (FEA). key design variables are identified quantitatively
Thompson et al.7 proposed a quasi-Newton mini- through statistical analysis. The constraint violation
mization-based multiobjective optimization using study is performed to prioritize the constraints. The
gear volume and surface bending fatigue as the two sensitivity analysis is carried out to study the effect of
objective functions. In another similar approach, tolerance of design variables on weight of gear set.
Wang and Wang8 studied the multiobjective The optimization results are compared with that of
optimization problem using the weight of gear, GA, SA, and PSO as reported in Yokota et al.1 and
center distance, gear life, and tooth deflection as Savsani et al.13 The optimization results obtained are
four objective functions. Woods et al.9 proposed a also encouraging in terms of objective function values
model to study the effect of presetting on fatigue life and CPU time. Further, using all the optimum geo-
of gear tooth. The results of the proposed model were metric variables a CAD model was prepared. The
verified analytically and experimentally using the CAD model was imported into the ANSYS V-12
FEA and the fatigue test to confirm the improvement workbench for stress analysis.
of fatigue life through presetting. Kapelevich10 pro- The present work is organized as follows.
posed a method to design spur gear drive with asym- The forthcoming sections describes the implementa-
metric teeth so as to increase load capacity, reduce tion of the proposed DE algorithm and outline the
problem synthesis. Optimization results and discus- In this study, the handling of discrete variables
sions are reported next. The CAD modeling, stress involve the following steps:
analysis of the optimized gear train using FEA and
comparisons of results are reported subsequently. 1. Replace each discrete variable with a continuous
Conclusions are drawn in the last section. variable taking values between 1 and n with n
being the number of discrete values allowed for
A modified differential evolutionary the discrete variable under consideration. This
variable is called a continuous position variable.
algorithm 2. Round the value assigned to each continuous pos-
Evolutionary algorithms are optimization techniques ition to an integer.
based on the concept of a population of individuals 3. Use the integer position value to look up the
that evolve and improve their fitness through prob- actual value from the corresponding discrete set.
abilistic operators like recombination and mutation.
DE adds the weighted difference of two vectors of the The implementation of mutation procedure
population to a third vector. Price and Storn15 adopted in this study is DE/rand/2/bin, the procedure
proposed the working principle of DE with a single for DE involve the following steps:
strategy. Later on, Price and Storn16 suggested 10 dif-
ferent strategies namely, DE/rand/1/bin, DE/best/1/ i. Initialize a population of individuals (solution
bin, DE/best/2/bin, DE/rand/2/bin, DE/rand to vectors) with random values generated according
best/1/bin, DE/rand/1/exp, DE/best/1/exp, DE/best/ to a uniform probability distribution in the
2/exp, DE/rand/2/exp, DE/rand to best/1/exp. In n-dimensional problem space.
DE/x/y/z, DE indicates differential evolution, x is a ii. Evaluate the fitness value of each individual.
string, which denotes the vector to be perturbed, iii. Perform the mutation operation of the individ-
y denotes the number of difference vectors taken for uals according to the following equation
perturbation of x, and z is the crossover method.
Evolutionary algorithms are successfully applied to uij ðt þ 1Þ ¼ xi,r1 ðt þ 1Þ þ Fðxi,r2 ðtÞ xi,r3 ðtÞ
the optimization problem within gear box systems þ xi,r4 ðtÞ xi,r5 ðtÞÞ ð3Þ
and to the optimization of gear train in particular
as developed by Savsani et al.13 The DE algorithm
as suggested in Price and Storn15 is modified so as iv. Following the mutation operation, the crossover is
to expedite the optimization. The modifications are applied on the population. For each mutant
(i) the initial iteration is skipped when bound vio- vector, ui(t þ 1), an index rnbr(i) 2 {1, 2,. . ., n} is
lation will occur, (ii) another modification is that chosen randomly, and a trial vector, ui(t þ 1) ¼
our implementation uses both ‘‘forced bound’’ and [ui1(t þ 1), ui2(t þ1).uin(t þ1)]T, is generated with
‘‘method without forcing the bound’’ together in 8
dealing with bound violations, instead of using > uij ðt þ 1Þ if ðrand ðbð j Þ4CRÞ
them individually and independently. Design vari- < orð j ¼ rnbrðiÞÞ,
ables bound violation may occur as a result of uij ðt þ 1Þ ¼
> uij if ðrand ðbð j Þ 4 CRÞ
mutation and crossover operations. Since the trial >
vectors are infeasible, such trial vectors are repaired. orð j 6¼ rnbrðiÞÞ
The violated dimensional value is repaired either by
taking the bound value that is being violated or by ð4Þ
replacing it with a new vector generated through the
neighborhood of best value (xibest) within the To decide whether the vector ui(t þ 1) should be a
boundaries. Consider the case when the target member of the population comprising the next gener-
vector uij(tþ1)>max(xij) ation, it is compared to the corresponding vector xi(t).
Thus, if Fc denotes the objective function under mini-
maxðxij Þ if rand 4 0:5 mization, then
uij ðt þ 1Þ ¼
xibest þ rand ðxibestþ1 þ xibest1 Þ=2g
ui ðt þ 1Þ if Fc ðui ðt þ 1ÞÞ 5 Fc ðxi ðtÞÞ,
ð1Þ xi ðt þ 1Þ ¼
xi ðtÞ otherwise:
Similarly for the case when uij(tþ1)<min(xij)
minðxij Þ ifrand 4 0:5
uij ðt þ 1Þ ¼
xibest þ rand ðxibestþ1 þ xibest1 Þ=2g v. Loop to step (ii) until a stopping criterion is met,
usually a maximum number of iterations (gener-
ation) where i ¼ 1, 2,. . . ,N is the individual’s
Proposed DE algorithm
1: Specify,NP,F,CR and MaxFE.
2: Provide the domain, range (bound) of each
3: Give the global optimal g_opt (value to reach) of Figure 1. Single-stage spur gear train geometry with
the maximization problem. dimension.
4: Randomly generate the initial population.
5: Evaluate the initial population using the penalty particular to improve what was reported in Savsani
function constraint handling method.set the et al.13 The main objective of this research is to min-
number of function evaluation,nfe equals to NP. imize the weight of a single-stage spur gear train sub-
6: Determine the best function value f_best and the jected to 10 nonlinear constraints involving mixed
best solution x_best and its location i_best. integer design variables.
7: while nfe< MaxFE and f_best<g_opt
8: For each target vector
Objective function
9: Randomly find the five population vectors
10: Generate the mutated vector according to the The basic spur gear geometry considered for the
mutation strategy DE/rand/2/bin using Eq.(4) weight optimization is illustrated in Figure 1. The
11: Generate the trial vector using Eq.(4) objective function for the spur gear train weight opti-
12: if mization problem is as represented in equation (3).
13: it is the first generation and the side constraints The nonlinear objective function
are violated then skip the iteration.
14: Else
Weight ¼ Fc ðxÞ ¼ bm2 z21 1 þ a2 D2i d20
15: Handle the out of bound according to
2 2
16: Evaluate the new trial vector using the new evalu- ðl bw Þ ndp bw d1 þ d2 b ð6Þ
ation functionas per step 5 increment nfe by one.
17: Update the current generation of population by
replacing the target vector with the trial vector
Design variables
if the trial vector turns out to be better.
The design variables considered in this optimization
problem are module, numbers of teeth on the pinion,
face width, pinion and gear shaft diameter, and hard-
Problem synthesis ness of gear material. The design variables with their
The research on the gear design is mainly focused on bounds are presented in Table 1. A little observation
dimensional design of the gear drives. A number of on Table 1 reveals that the design variables involve
design and calculation procedures were developed by mixed integers. The gear ratio is 4 for the spur gear set
researchers2–6 for the gear drives design. In a compact considered in this study.
design of the gear box, weight of the gear drive plays a
pivotal role. In this work, a single-stage spur gear
train weight minimization problem is considered.
The same optimization model proposed by Savsani In this design optimization problem, three different
et al.13 has been used for formulation of the objective kinds of constraints have been considered, i.e. geo-
function. An improved DE algorithm is proposed in metrical constraint, design constraints, and control
Mutation factor
(a) Population size ¼ 100, Cross-over
0 probability ¼0.8, Number of iterations ¼7000
0.1 1612.45
26 2.4 0.3 1604.92
Face width (mm)
25 2
Module (mm)
0.4 1608.72
0.5 1609.04
Figure 3. Optimization results for module, face width and 0.8 1605.34
weight of gear train. 0.9 1636.94
1.0 1617.94
Cross-over probability
(b) Population size ¼ 100, Mutation factor ¼0.4,
Number of iterations ¼7000
0.1 2412.35
2000 Optimum 0.3 1604.92
0.4 1603.81
0.5 1604.38
Weight (gm)
0.8 1608.72
0.9 1612.82
26 1.0 1612.85
24 2.8
22 2.6 Numbers of iteration
18 2
2.2 (c) Population size ¼ 100, Mutation factor ¼0.4,
Nos. of Teeth Module (mm)
Cross-over probability ¼0.8
Figure 4. Optimization results for number of teeth, module, 200 1603.81
and weight of gear train.
300 1606.20
400 1609.30
500 1603.97
700 1613.10
marginal. This shows that the solution is having 1000 1607.14
higher precision. Also there is a saving in weight of 5000 1607.95
the spur gear set in this method i.e. in terms of object- 7000 1608.72
ive function value the proposed algorithm provided
better results. The convergence of optimum fitness
function is illustrated in Figure 2. As m, Z1, and b
are the key design variables so their variations with the reported values of the objective function have
respect to weight of spur gear set are presented in hardly shown any discernable variation. Mutation facili-
Figures 3 and 4. The bar in this stem plot represents tates a random jump out of a local minima (or maxima).
the minimum weight of the spur gear set with respect to Normally the mutation rate is kept low to avoid too
the different values of m, Z1 (Figure 3) and different random search. Even at a higher value of F ¼ 1 the
values of Z1 and b (Figure 4). The results obtained value of objective function does not differ much from
from the present work are reasonably improved as the value reported with F¼0.4.
compared to the previous results. The results correl- Table 4(b) indicates the results obtained by varying
ation establishes confidence in this efficient analysis. the crossover probability. Here also the objective
function values have hardly varied. Hovering
around the neighborhood of 1605.00, these values
Convergence study
are much the same as those reported in Table 4(a).
Table 4(a) to (c) throws more light on the convergence Increasing number of iterations (Table 4(c)) seem to
characteristics and reveals the fact that the solution is produce slightly better value of the objective function,
most likely an optimal one and not one trapped in but for higher number they seem to saturate to the
local minima. The results reported in Table 4(a) indi- value reported in Table 4(a) and (b). One of the spe-
cate that even with an increase in mutation factor, cial significance of the result reported with 5000 and
7000 iterations is that these results are almost close to becomes stable at an early stage as compared to
each other and it clearly indicates the higher precision. other parameters and it directly converges to a value
The marginal lower value of objective function in this 18 after 10th iteration. The gear shaft diameter (d2)
study may, however, be an indication of the optimal- finally converges to a value 36.74 mm at 18th iteration.
ity of the solution. It can thus be clearly seen that the The hardness (H), however, shows a decrease in its
computed value of the objective function is better value and finally attains a stable value 298.23 BHN
than those reported in Yokota et al.1 and Savsani after 18th iteration.
et al.13
Key design variable
Design variable convergence It is very important for the designer to have prior
The convergence characteristics of all the design vari- information about the key design variables that influ-
ables are presented in Figure 5. The face width (b) ences the gear design. So an attempt is made to find
shows a variation in its value up to 10th iteration out the critical design variables in gear design. The
after which it directly converge to a value of design variables considered are module, face width,
25.5 mm. The same is the case with module (m) nos. of teeth on pinion, diameter of gear and pinion
which attains a stable value after 18th iteration with shafts and hardness of gear material. In order to iden-
its value 2.0 mm. The pinion shaft diameter (d1) ini- tify the key design variables the minimum, maximum,
tially shows an increase in its value and then it mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variance
becomes stable at 18th iteration with the value of (COV) of each variable is determined in the weight
29.98 mm. The number of teeth on pinion (Z1) optimization problem and it is depicted in Table 5
P in io n S h a f t D ia . d 1 (m m )
G e a r S h a f t D ia . d 2 (m m )
28 30.5
F a c e w id t h b (m m )
27 39
25 36
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
No. of Iterations No. of Iterations No. of Iterations
N o . o f t e e t h o n P in io n
H a rd n e s s H (B H N )
M o d u le m (m m )
20 350
19 300
2 250
1.8 200
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
No. of Iterations No. of Iterations No. of Iterations
Standard Coefficient of
Decision variable Minimum value Maximum value Mean value deviation variance (COV)
(The higher values of COV are boldfaced). It can be techniques. So less expensive and easily machinable
inferred from this table that a higher value of COV materials can be used for gear train manufacturing.
indicates larger dispersion of the variables i.e. these The reported key design variables also need manufac-
variables need better control as they influence the turing tolerance.
optimized solution. Based on COV values the key
design variables are H, m, Z1, and b. It was also
Sensitivity analysis
reported in Mushtaq et al.2 that gear design can
base on bending mode of failure or at scoring or at The COV analysis recognizes m, Z1, and b as
pitting mode of failure depending upon the type of the important design variables that influence the opti-
materials being used. This fact is supported in our mum design and these parameters can suffer from
optimum gear design as hardness is a material prop- manufacturing tolerances. There is a variation of
erty. Materials with hardness value varying between design parameter values during the manufacturing
150 and 350 BHN are more prone to scoring type of of components and the most common range of devi-
failures as reported in Mushtaq et al.2 In our opti- ation is 0.5–1%. So it is desirable to perform para-
mization the hardness value is 298.23 BHN and the metric sensitivity analysis of these design variables.
optimized gear set satisfies the scoring constraint i.e. The parametric sensitivity values of optimized
the gear set is protected against scoring. design variable are tabulated in Table 6. The variation
In particular, from Figure 5 one can note that H in design variables has been performed by generating
and m of gear are very influential in the optimum random points within 1% neighborhood of the
design process since the beginning, while other optimized point.
design parameters seem to be more rapid in conver- The variation of the design variables are performed
ging to optimal values. This may be attributed to the separately and collectively. It can be seen from
fact that bending fatigue strength, surface fatigue Table 7 that there is a small amount of change in
strength, surface failure like scoring, and pitting the weight of gear set but the constrained are not
depends on the hardness. So the selection of econom- found to be well behaved. The constraints g2, g7,
ical material that has better machinability and resist- and g10 are violated in each case. As the constraints
ance against different modes of failure is key to are not satisfied the solutions in each case are infeas-
lightweight gear train design. Moreover, it is observed ible. So a tight manufacturing tolerance on design
that the hardness of material obtained by the pro- variables is desired for a feasible solution. Another
posed DE algorithm is less as compared to other important observation that can be drawn is that the
1 ˇ þ0.157 ˇ 0.6846
2 ˇ 0.094 ˇ 0.0744
3 ˇ 0.036 ˇ 0.0051
4 ˇ ˇ 0.0925 ˇ ˇ 1.470
5 ˇ ˇ 0.0154 ˇ ˇ 0.0667
6 ˇ ˇ 0.0340 ˇ ˇ 0.5696
7 ˇ ˇ ˇ 0.0020 ˇ ˇ ˇ 0.7504
1 .5
1 .4 C o n s tra i n t 1 C o n s tra i n t 2
Constraint Violation
C o n s tra i n t 7
Constraint Violation
1 .2 C o n s tra i n t 4
0 .5
0 .8
0 .6
0 .4
0 .2 -0 .5
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
No. of Function Evaluations No. of Function Evaluations
1 .4
Constraint Violation
1 .2 C o n s tra i n t 3
C o n s tra i n t 5
0 .8
0 .6
0 .4
0 .2
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
No. of Function Evaluations
Figure 6. Constraint violation vs number of function evaluations: (a) Constraints 1 and 4; (b) Constraints 2 and 7; (c) Constraints 3
and 5.
face width (b) has a positive effect on the objective func- The penalty method is used to include constraints,
tion i.e. a þ1% change increases the weight of gear and it is important to separate the constraints at opti-
set and a 1% change decreases the weight of gear. mum solution point and check their magnitude of
But all other design variables have negative effect. violations. The value of constraints at optimum
The parametric analyses demonstrate that the solu- point is reported in Table 3. It is noted that in all
tions obtained are robust, and the practicing engineer the algorithms the constraints are satisfied at opti-
must maintain close tolerance for these design vari- mum solution point except in the case where no con-
ables during the time of manufacturing. straints are used. When the proposed DE algorithm is
applied without using any constraint it is observed
that the constraints g10 is violated at optimum point
Constraint violations
(Table 3 bold faced). This shows effectiveness of the
The constraint violations with numbers of function proposed algorithm for constrained optimization.
evaluation are drawn to prioritize the constraints.
The plots are obtained from the solution at the end
of 100 iterations. The constraint violations are calcu-
lated for each solution and then they are plotted with Scoring is one of the factors that cause gears to be
the numbers of function evaluation. The constraint unusable. Since there are many factors affecting scor-
violations are normalized by dividing the highest ing, which have not been satisfactorily explained,
value to give values between 1 and þ1. Figure 6 researches on this subject are continuing. Scoring is
shows the constraint violation for constraints 2, 7, 1, mostly predominant over pitch line region. Design
4, 3, and 5. Constraints g2, g7, g1 and g4 have wide- overweight will also cause scoring as there will be a
spread range with range values 1.5072, 1.09, 0.8502, shift in alignment across the face of gear and wide face
and 0.7217 respectively (refer to Table 7). Constraints gears are more prone to scoring.22
g2, g4, and g7 are concentrated more in the range 0 In this study, the importance of scoring is demon-
and 1 with mean values 0.1692, 0.3020, and 0.3584, strated by performing the design optimization using
respectively. But all other constraints are concen- scoring as one of the constraint. The results obtained
trated near their maximum value. Constraint g2, g7, are then compared with the optimization results
g1, and g4 are important constraints that mostly affect obtained without using scoring constraints. The
the solution. So Table 7 helps to prioritize the result reported in Table 3 shows that there is an
constraints. improvement of around 3.64% weight saving in the
21. Optimization code for use with Matlab. Natick, MA: H hardness (BHN)
The MathWorks Inc., 1982. I geometry factor
22. Winter H and Michaelis K. Scoring load capacity of J Lewis geometry factor
gears lubricated with EP-oils. AGMA Paper 219.17, K thermal conductivity of the material
(W/m C)
23. Dudley DW. Hand book of practical gear design.
Km mounting factor
London: CRC Press, 2000.
Kms mean stress factor
Ko overload factor
Kr bending reliability factor
Appendix A Kv velocity factor
Kw load factor
Notation l length of boss (mm)
a gear ratio lw thickness of rim (mm)
A semi-width of contact (mm) m module (mm)
b face width (mm) n number of drilled holes
bi constraint quantities N1, N2 speed of pinion and gear shaft (r/min)
bw thickness of web (mm) P power to be transmitted (kW)
C specific heat capacity of gear material Sfe surface fatigue strength (MPa)
(J/kg C) Sn standard Moore endurance limit
Cl surface fatigue life factor Tf flash temperature ( F)
Cp elastic coefficient (MPa) V pitch line velocity (m/s)
Cr surface reliability factor W1,W2 surface velocities of pinion and gear (m/s)
Cs surface factor x design variable vector
d1 diameter of pinion shaft (mm) Z1, Z2 number of teeth on pinion and gear
d2 diameter of gear shaft (mm)
1 coefficient of friction
Di inside diameter of rim (mm)
Ø pressure angle (o)
do outside diameter of boss (mm)
density of gear material (mg/m3)
dp drilled hole diameter (mm)
gear material strength (MPa)
Dr dedendum circle diameter (mm)
Ha allowable Hertzian stress (MPa)
E Young’s modulus (N/mm2)
shaft shear strength (MPa)
F normal load (N)
1 roll angle (rad)
F(x) objective function
gi(x) constraints