W1 Dry Lab
W1 Dry Lab
W1 Dry Lab
1. In part 1, you collected data about how the amount of sugar affects the amount of
The gas that is inside the balloons is carbon dioxide, which causes them to inflate.
b. Find the average circumference of the two balloons with each amount of sugar. Show
your work.
No sugar: 0+0=0
The average is 0
16 divided by 2 would be 8
The average is 8
22 divided by 2 would be 11
The average is 11
d. What do your data tell you about how the amount of sugar affects the rate of cellular
respiration performed by the yeast? Remember that a rate involves a change in amount
over time. Does this answer make sense? Why or why not?
Up to a degree, sugar quickens the rate of cellular respiration. It makes sense since the
"pre-made" glucose doesn't require the yeast to transform the food it is fed into glucose.
2. In part 2, you collected data about how the amount of light affects the amount of gas
The gas that the bubbles formed by the plant contain was oxygen.
b. Find the average number of bubbles at each distance from the light source. Show
your work.
Farthest: 24+30+28=78
78 divided by 3 would be 26
The average is 26
Middle: 14+15+13=42
42 divided by 3 would be 14
The average is 14
Closest: 5+7+6=18
18 divided by 3would be 6
The average is 6
c. From the perspective of the plants, how did the characteristics of the light (color and
intensity) vary with the distance from the light source? Explain your conclusions.
Less gas is created the further the plant is from the sunlight source, where the
brightness of the light wasn't as significant.
d. What do your data tell you about how the intensity (amount) of light affects the rate
of photosynthesis performed by the plant? Remember that a rate involves a change in
amount over time. Does this answer make sense? Why or why not?
The rate at which a plant converts light into energy depends on the intensity of the light
and its proximity to the light source. It makes sense since it would seem reasonable to
assume that getting closer to an energy source would result in a higher rate of energy