Horizontal Reaction Components of Pointe-108375729
Horizontal Reaction Components of Pointe-108375729
Horizontal Reaction Components of Pointe-108375729
4, 2016
1 Introduction
assimilation of this style would not have been possible. Pointed structures are known to
express smaller lateral thrusts to their supports than circular vaults, which means that
arches and vaults could be built higher and more slender, larger distances could be
covered with shapes pointing towards the sky, and more light could be allowed to enter
through the large windows than ever in the constructions of the previous centuries.
Pointed curves (which will serve below as generators for the vault shapes to be
analysed) can most easily be produced with the help of circular arcs in the way shown in
Figure 1: two arcs, having their radii R larger than half of the span L, and their centres O
being located eccentrically (i.e. not coinciding with the middle of the span), intersect in a
symmetrical manner. The larger is the radius of the arcs, the larger is the eccentricity (i.e.
the deviation of the arc centre from the middle point of the span, quantified with the help
of the scalar α) and the higher is the resulting pointed curve. Note that R = (0.5 + α) L,
which means that α = 0 corresponds to the semicircular shape and α = 0.5 belongs to the
pointed arch based on the equilateral triangle. As long as the arc centre remains on the
horizontal base line, the tangent is vertical at the two supports, but the generator curves
become higher with increasing eccentricity.
Figure 1 The analysed pointed curves and the definition of the eccentricity parameter α (see
online version for colours)
This study focusses on the magnitude of lateral thrusts expressed on the supporting
structural members (walls and pillars) by pointed barrel vaults.
In the present study analytical investigations and discrete element simulations are
performed, to assess how the magnitude of eccentricity influences the magnitude of
horizontal thrust (normalised with the vertical reaction component, which is equal to the
weight of the half of the structure). The analysed barrel vault is shown in Figure 2. An
analytical model based on the Timoshenko beam theory is developed, and the results are
compared with DEM-simulated experimental results.
predictions for circular arches by Milankovitch (1907), Heyman (1969), and Cochetti,
Colasante and Rizzi (2011).
In that version of the 3DEC code that is applied in the present study the discrete
elements are made deformable by being subdivided into uniform-strain tetrahedra whose
nodal translations are the basic unknowns of the analysis. The discrete elements in 3DEC
may have any polyhedral shape. The displacements of the nodes of the tetrahedra are to
be calculated from Newton’s law of force and acceleration. In the equations of motion the
mass of a gridpoint is defined as the volume of the Voronoi-cell around that gridpoint
multiplied with the material density of the element. Different forces acting on the
Voronoi-cell like self-weight, drag force, distributed forces from neighbouring Voronoi
cells inside the same discrete element, and contact forces expressed by the neighbouring
discrete elements are reduced to the gridpoint.
The joints between the elements may have, in principle, two different roles in DEM,
depending on the problem to be modelled. The first option is that the joints represent
some kind of mortar layer having a finite thickness in reality. In this case, the material
parameters of the joints express the deformability of these layers and their failure criteria.
Therefore, a normal and a tangential stiffness (i.e. resistance to relative translation) have
to be prescribed along with fracture criteria (normal and shear strength) and perhaps a
friction coefficient in order to define the conditions when the joints fail.
The other option (the one used in the present study) is most suitable if there is no
material layer modelled between the blocks in the real system. In this case the aim is to
simulate dry contacts or perhaps to neglect the weak mortar in an old masonry structure.
The friction coefficient of the joints still has a real physical meaning, expressing the
sliding criterion of the two contacting bricks or stone blocks along each other. A normal
and a shear stiffness express the resistance to relative displacements of contacting
material points in the contacts: the increments of the forces transmitted from one block to
the other are the product of the increment of the relative normal or tangential translation
of the two material points and of the normal or shear stiffness. These contact stiffnesses
are, in this case, artificial numerical penalty parameters only.
The equations of motion are solved (the displacement increments of the nodes during
consecutive finite Δt time intervals are determined) using a central difference scheme for
numerical time integration. From the displacement increments done during a time step
the strain increments, changes of stresses and forces, and so on are then calculated: the
simulation of the state-changing is achieved by step-by-step calculation of the
incremental motions of the gridpoints.
Technical details of the applied 3DEC code are described in several papers, books
and manuals, for example, in Lemos (2016), Lengyel and Bagi (2015), or Szakaly,
Hortobagyi and Bagi (2016).
The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 focusses on deriving theoretical
predictions for the horizontal reaction of barrel vaults, treating them as continuous, two-
dimensional structures (so a unit slice of the vault is considered), assuming that the
analysed slice is in plane stress state. The derivations are then checked with the help of
3DEC simulations in Section 3, where the plane stress and the plane strain behaviour are
also compared. Finally, in Section 4 the most important conclusions are drawn.
Horizontal reaction components of pointed vaults 403
Figure 3 (a) The geometrical parameters of the analysed arch; (b) the arch element and the forces
acting on it (see online version for colours)
The position of the beginning cross-section of the arch element is described by the angle
φ. A local coordinate system (ξ, η) is assigned to its centroid (Figure 3b). This local
coordinate system rotates while proceeding along the axis in such a way that the ξ and η
axes always point in the tangential and radial directions respectively, so the static and
404 G. Lengyel and K. Bagi
Since the angle dφ is small (cos (dφ) ≈ 1 and sin (dφ) ≈ dφ), after some rearrangements
the three equations can be written as
+ V = R ρ gt cos(φ )
−N + = R ρ gt sin(φ ) (2)
dN 1 dM
− − = − R ρ gt cos(φ )
dφ R dφ
These equations are, in principle, identical to those in Audenaert, Peremans and De Wilde
(2004) and Audenaert, Peremans and Reniers (2007).
the translation components of the centroids at φ and at φ + dφ , taking into account that
the angle dφ is small and that ds = R ⋅ dφ (Figure 4):
(v + dv) ⋅ cos(dφ ) − (u + du ) ⋅ sin(dφ ) − v dv u ⋅ dφ
ψ= = − (3)
ds ds ds
or equivalently:
1 ⎛ dv ⎞
ψ = ⎜ −u⎟ (4)
R ⎝ dφ ⎠
Figure 4 Calculation of the rotation of the axis in a curved element: (a) the translations of the
axis; (b) the rotation components of the cross-section (see online version for colours)
From the kinematic variables above, the deformations of the arch element, that is, the
elongation (ε), the shear deformation (γ), and the curvature (κ), have to be derived with
the help of the derivatives with respect to the length parameter of the arch element, ds.
These deformations of the arch element will be expressed now in terms of the relative
displacements of the cross-sections at φ and at φ + dφ.
First, the elongation of the axis is
(u + du ) ⋅ cos(dφ ) − (v + dv) ⋅ sin(dφ ) − u du v ⋅ dφ
ε= = + (5a)
ds ds ds
1 ⎛ du ⎞
ε= ⎜ + v⎟ (5b)
R ⎝ dφ ⎠
Second, the shear deformation of the arch element, γ(φ) = ψ(φ) − θ(φ), can also be
expressed in terms of the basic kinematical variables:
1 ⎛ dv ⎞
γ =ψ −θ = ⎜ − u − Rθ ⎟ (6)
R ⎝ dφ ⎠
Finally, the curvature of the cross-sections at φ and at φ+dφ is expressed as follows:
406 G. Lengyel and K. Bagi
1 dθ
κ =− (7)
R dφ
The constitutive equations will relate these three characteristics to the internal forces.
Figure 5 Boundaries of the half arch (see online version for colours)
Horizontal reaction components of pointed vaults 407
Boundary u V θ dy Ry
Γ0b – d 0 – –
Γsym. 0 – 0 0 0
Because of the symmetry of the problem, at the top of the arch the resultant of N(φmax)
and V(φmax) should be horizontal; a statical boundary condition is received this way. Five
kinematic boundary conditions can also be specified. The bottom left cross-section of the
arch remains horizontal and does not move vertically; its horizontal translation is zero or
a prescribed value d. The top cross-section neither rotate nor translate horizontally,
because of the symmetry of the problem again. (Note that these conditions exclude the
occurrence of cracks at the support or the crown in the masonry.) The six boundary
conditions can be written in terms of the statical and kinematical variables in the
following way:
This system can be written in the form x '(φ ) = Ax(φ ) + b(φ ). The complete solution of
this system consists of a homogeneous and a particular part: x(φ ) = xh (φ ) + xp (φ ).
The homogeneous system has six linearly independent solutions (x i (φ ), i = 1K 6).
A 6 × 6 matrix can be defined that consists of these six solution vectors:
X(φ ) = [ x1 (φ ) x 2 (φ ) x 3 (φ ) x 4 (φ ) x 5 (φ ) x6 (φ ) ] (11)
(Note that bold capitals denote matrices, so that X is a matrix whose columns are the six
independent xi vectors.) The solution is the linear combination of the xi(φ) vectors, so
408 G. Lengyel and K. Bagi
xh (φ ) = X(φ )c . This system can be solved according to Arnold (1973) and Tufekci and
Arpaci (1998). The eigenvalues of the matrix A are as follows:
λ1,2 = −i; λ3,4 = 0; λ5,6 = i (i is the imaginary unit), so three duplicities in the
eigenvalues are received. The unknown matrix X(φ) can be written in the following form:
X(φ ) = e − iφ H 1 ( A) + φ e − iφ H 2 ( A) + H 3 ( A) + φ H 4 ( A) + eiφ H 5 ( A) + φ eiφ H 6 ( A) (12)
where H1, H2, … H6 are the Hermitian matrix polynomials of matrix A and can be
determined in the following way. Introduce the auxiliary complex variable, z. Every Hj
should satisfy H j ( z ) = α j 5 z + α j 4 z + α j 3 z + α j 2 z + α j1 z + α j 0 = z α j , where
5 4 3 2 T
z = ⎡⎣ z 5 z4 z3 z 1⎤⎦ , and α j = ⎡⎣α j 5 α j 4 α j 3 α j 2 α j1 α j 0 ⎤⎦ . The
coefficients αj0, αj1, … αj5 belonging to Hj are searched for, separately for every j. These
coefficients can be calculated from the linear equation system, Eq. (13), where the actual
values z = −i, z = 0, and z = i are the eigenvalues of matrix A:
⎡ z T |z =− i ⎤
⎢ ⎥
⎢ d zT | ⎥ ⎡ −i 1 i −1 −i 1⎤
⎢ dz z =− i
⎥ ⎢ 5 4i −3 −2i 1 0 ⎥⎥
⎢ zT | ⎥ ⎢
⎢ z =0 ⎥ ⎢0 0 0 0 0 1⎥
⎢ d T ⎥α j = ⎢ ⎥α j = e j (13)
⎢ z |z = 0 ⎥ ⎢0 0 0 0 1 0⎥
⎢ dz T ⎥ ⎢i 1 −i −1 i 1⎥
⎢ z |z = i ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ d ⎥ ⎣⎢ 5 −4i −3 2i 1 0 ⎦⎥
⎢ z T |z = i ⎥
⎣ dz ⎦
On the right side, the j-th unit vector can be seen for H1 , e1 = [1 0 0 0 0 0] ,
H 2 , e2 = [ 0 1 0 0 0 0] , and so on.
To derive the particular part, the method of undetermined coefficients can be applied,
) )
where xp (φ ) = X(φ )c (φ ) . The vector c (φ ) is a function of position along the arch, ϕ. By
substituting this expression into x '(φ ) = Ax(φ ) + b(φ ), the following relation is received:
) ) )
X '(φ )c (φ ) + X(φ )c '(φ ) = AX(φ )c (φ ) + b(φ ) (14)
) )
But matrix X(φ ) solves the homogeneous equation, so X '(φ )c (φ ) = AX(φ )c (φ ).
Consequently, c '(φ ) = X −1 (φ )b(φ ), which yields the particular solution:
Finally, the complete solution is the sum of the homogeneous and the particular
part: x(φ ) = xh (φ ) + xp (φ )
As mentioned above the homogeneous solution is the linear combination of the
solution vectors. The unknown vector c (remember that xh (φ ) = X(φ )c ) has six scalar
components, which have to be determined with the help of the six boundary conditions,
see Eq. (9), as follows:
Horizontal reaction components of pointed vaults 409
The six boundary conditions set requirements for the five functions u(φ), v(φ), θ(φ),
N(φ), and V(φ). These are components of x(φ) so they can be written as:
u (φ ) = ∑ ci uhi (φ ) + u p (φ )
i =1
v(φ ) = ∑ ci vhi (φ ) + v p (φ )
i =1
ϑ (φ ) = ∑ ciϑhi (φ ) + ϑ p (φ )
i =1
N (φ ) = ∑ ci N hi (φ ) + N p (φ )
i =1
V (φ ) = ∑ ciVhi (φ ) + V p (φ )
i =1
(Note that the scalar function M(φ) is not listed here, since no boundary condition is
specified for the bending moment.). Since the x1(φ), x2(φ), … x6(φ) components of the
homogeneous part and the xp(φ) particular part are already determined, the only
unknowns on the right side are the c1, c2, … c6 coefficients.
The six boundary conditions can be collected into a linear equation system
M⋅c +b = 0 where:
⎡ uh1 (0) uh2 (0) uh3 (0) uh4 (0) uh5 (0) uh6 (0)
⎢ vh1 (0) vh2 (0) vh3 (0) vh4 (0) vh5 (0) vh6 (0)
⎢ u (φ ) sin φ −
θh1 (0) θh2 (0) θh3 (0) θh4 (0) θh5 (0) θh6 (0)
M=⎢ (
h1 max max
⎢ vh1(φmax ) cos φmax
)( vh2 (φmax ) cos φmax
uh2 (φmax ) sin φmax −
vh3 (φmax ) cos φmax
uh3 (φmax ) sin φmax −
uh4 (φmax ) sin φmax −
vh4 (φmax ) cos φmax
uh5 (φmax ) sin φmax −
vh5 (φmax ) cos φmax
uh6 (φmax ) sin φmax −
vh6 (φmax ) cos φmax
⎢ Vh1(φmax ) sin φmax +
⎢ Nh1 (φmax)cos φmax
)( Nh2 (φmax )cos φmax
Vh2 (φmax ) sin φmax +
Vh3 (φmax ) sin φmax +
Nh3 (φmax )cos φmax
Vh4 (φmax ) sin φmax +
Nh4 (φmax)cos φmax
Vh5 (φmax ) sin φmax +
Nh5 (φmax)cos φmax
Vh6 (φmax) sin φmax +
Nh6 (φmax )cos φmax ⎥
⎣ θh1(φmax ) θh2 (φmax ) θh3 (φmax ) θh4 (φmax ) θh5 (φmax ) θh6 (φmax ) ⎦
⎡ u p (0) ⎤
⎢ v p (0) ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ θ p (0) ⎥
b=⎢ ⎥
⎢ u p (φmax ) sin φmax − v p (φmax ) cos φmax ⎥
⎢V p (φmax ) sin φmax + N p (φmax )cos φmax ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣ θ p (φmax ) ⎥⎦
Now the unknown c can easily be determined from c = − M−1 b. The results will be
visualised and illustrated in the rest of Section 2.6.
Now the results on two statical characteristics will be shown here. The first quantity
(denoted by δ, named the normalised horizontal reaction) is the magnitude of the
horizontal force component (Figure 6), divided with the magnitude of the vertical
component (i.e. with the weight of the half arch, shown in Figure 5):
410 G. Lengyel and K. Bagi
δ := .
Figure 6 Reaction components acting on the bottom boundary (see online version for colours)
This quantity was determined for different eccentricities, thicknesses, and for different
magnitudes of the horizontal support displacement d. The second quantity (e, the
eccentricity of the compression force) can be different in every cross-section:
(− M / N )
e := ⋅100%.
(t / 6)
This quantity expresses whether the whole cross-section is under compression: for
e < −100% or for e > 100% the resultant of the normal stresses is outside the kernel of the
cross-section, which means that tension occurs at a part of the cross-section according to
the applied theoretical model and in the case of a no-tension material cracks should
Regarding the normalised horizontal reaction, first a sensitivity study was performed
to clarify whether the material properties of the vaults make any influence on δ.
The reactions were determined for circular arches having the same geometry with
t = 0.08 L, using different Poisson’s ratios (0–0.5) and Young’s moduli (ranging over
several orders of magnitude). The colour scale in Figure 7 indicates the corresponding
values of δ. Obviously, the normalized horizontal reaction was practically independent
of ν and E. Indeed, though the analysed arch model is statically indeterminate, since the
material parameters were always constant along the arch in every case and the geometry
was also the same, it was found that the equilibrium was maintained with the same
direction and position of the reactions. After this test, all further calculations were based
on properties of travertine limestone given in Section 2.4.
Figure 7 Normalised horizontal reaction for different material parameters (see online version for
Horizontal reaction components of pointed vaults 411
Figure 8 shows how the normalised horizontal reaction depends on the shape of the arch.
The calculations were done for the arch thickness t = 0.08 L. Proceeding leftwards along
the horizontal axis the arch shape becomes more and more strongly pointed. According to
the Timoshenko beam model, the horizontal reaction significantly decreases with
increasing pointedness α: it drops by about 45% when reaching the arch shape based on
the equilateral triangle (α = 0.5), and by 55% in the case of α = 1.0, if compared to the
horizontal reaction of the circular arch (α = 0).
Figure 8 Normalised horizontal reaction as a function of the eccentricity of the vault shape, for
self-weight with fixed support (d = 0), for t = 0.08 L (see online version for colours)
Figure 9 is also specific to fixed supports. Arches having different thicknesses were
analysed under self-weight. Similar to Figure 8, it was found that pointed arches have
smaller normalised horizontal reactions, and the increasing thickness of the arch makes
the direction of the resultant reaction more vertical.
Figure 9 Normalised horizontal reaction: (a) as a function of the eccentricity of the arch, for
different thicknesses; (b) as a function of the thickness of the arch, for different
eccentricity parameters (see online version for colours)
The next diagram, Figure 10, focusses on the effect of outwards support displacements of
arches with the same thickness, t = 0.08 L. The analytical derivation predicts that the
increase of the support translation causes the horizontal reaction to decrease
monotonically. Figure 10 shows a linear dependence of the normalised horizontal force
on the magnitude of the displacement d, for every analysed arch shapes. For the circular
arch (α = 0) the force decreases to zero and then turns to outwards direction already at
around d/L = 0.017%, which corresponds to 1.7 mm for a 10 m span. Indeed, Figure 10
confirms that the elastic solution for the forces is very sensitive to the support
412 G. Lengyel and K. Bagi
Figure 10 Normalised horizontal reaction for different support displacements (see online version
for colours)
Larger α causes a slower decrease of the horizontal reaction with the support
displacement, but the tendency is the same. Note that a negative δ means that since the
horizontal reaction is directed outwards, significant tensioned zones exist in the vault.
This is in contrast to real masonry behaviour, so the tension-resisting theoretical model
cannot suitably reflect the horizontal reactions for circular or only slightly pointed shapes
with even very small support displacements. The theory loses its validity for smaller
displacement values in case of circular or slightly pointed arches than in case of strongly
pointed shapes. The issue will be analysed now in more detail with the help of the
eccentricity of the compression forces.
The diagrams in Figure 11 illustrate how the e eccentricity of the compression force
varies along the length of the arch submitted to its self-weight, without support
displacements. (Note that going rightwards along the horizontal axis means proceeding
upwards along the axis of the arch.) Solid lines belong to thin arches (t = 0.08 L); dotted
lines correspond to thick arches (t = 0.20 L). According to the theoretical model, tension
occurs within those cross-sections where the value of e falls outside the interval (−100%,
+100%). The diagrams show that strongly pointed arches and thick arches are, in general,
more favourable: the eccentricities are smaller at most cross-sections. The neighbourhood
of the crown carries large bending moments in all shapes, particularly in the case of small
thickness. From among the three shapes (circular, pointed based on equilateral triangle,
pointed with α = 1.0) the arch based on an equilateral triangle is the most advantageous
from the point of view of the eccentricity of the normal forces.
Figure 11 Eccentricity of compression, for self-weight (see online version for colours)
Horizontal reaction components of pointed vaults 413
Interesting to note that in the case of thick vaults the reactions act inside the kernel
(e is smaller than 100%) for both circular and pointed shapes.
The four curves in Figure 12 belong to four different magnitudes of support
displacement (red curve for fixed support). All diagrams were calculated for an arch with
t/L = 0.08 (thin arch) and α =0.0 (circular arch). The continuous beam model predicts that
the eccentricity becomes very large around the crown already for the slightest
displacement: d/L = 0.03% means 3 mm translation for a 10 m span, which is in the range
of construction errors.
Figure 12 Eccentricity of compression, for increasing support displacement (see online version for
At first sight these results seem to suggest that the theoretical model is reliable only for
fixed supports and thick structures. However, it will turn out from the discrete element
simulation results in Section 3 that though the support displacements indeed make the
continuous model unreliable, the arch thickness does not have an appreciable influence
on the validity of the theoretical prediction of the reactions.
Figure 13 3DEC model of barrel vaults: (a) the blocks of the analysed slice; (b) nodes on both
faces (front and back) are supported against translation in the x direction, to produce
plane strain state; (c) nodes only on the front face are supported in the x direction, to
allow plane stress state (see online version for colours)
The trapezoid-shaped discrete elements were made deformable by subdividing them into
tetrahedral uniform-strain finite elements. The finite element mesh density was
approximately the same everywhere, with the maximal edge size of the tetrahedra equal
to one quarter of the thickness of the masonry shell.
The blocks were linearly elastic, isotropic in the 3DEC model, with infinite resistance
to tension, compression, and shear. Material parameters corresponding to travertine
limestone were applied again, with those data given in Section 2.4. The joints between
the blocks were considered to be dry so that there was no resistance against tension in the
contacts, and the friction angle was set to 30 or 40 in the different tests. Based on the
analysis in Simon and Bagi (2015), the normal and tangential stiffness of the joints was
set to 103 GPa/m.
boundary (neighbourhood of the crown) was defined in the way shown in Figure 13a: the
top block represented the half of the crown stone, and the nodes located on the axis of
symmetry were fixed against y-directional translation.
Boundary v w
Γ0b d *
Γsym. 0 –
Several arch geometries were analysed under self-weight with no displacements of the
supports. After equilibrating the vaults, the reaction components and the internal forces
could be recorded and then analysed. In general, a surprisingly good agreement was
found between the analytical solutions and the discrete element simulations, in spite of
the fact that significant regions of the discrete systems were partially cracked.
Figure 14 compares the analytical prediction given by the continuous Timoshenko
beam to the discrete element simulation results for the plane stress state and also for the
plane strain state. The diagram shows the normalised horizontal reaction as a function of
the geometrical eccentricity parameter α, for 40° friction angle and arch thickness
t = 0.08 L (a relatively thin arch). Though it was clearly shown in Section 2.6 (Figure 11)
that significant regions carry tension according to the continuous model, the comparison
with DEM brought an unexpected finding: the discrete element results practically
perfectly coincide with the theoretical predictions. Consequently, the presence of the
cracks in the discrete model does not cause a considerable difference in the distribution
of internal forces from those internal forces that were predicted by the continuous model.
This statement is checked in Figure 15 with the help of the eccentricity parameter of the
compression forces. The value of e is shown along the length of the arch, for α = 0
(circular shape) and α = 0.5 (pointed arch based on the equilateral triangle). Solid lines
represent the discrete element simulations and dotted lines denote the analytical
predictions. Indeed, the results on the position of the compression force show a very close
coincidence between the cracked discrete systems and the continuous beams, even at
those regions where the eccentricity of the force is large.
Figure 14 Comparison of the analytical and DEM results on the normalised horizontal reaction
(t = 0.08 L) (see online version for colours)
416 G. Lengyel and K. Bagi
Figure 15 Eccentricity of the compression along the arch: analytical and DEM results (t = 0.08 L;
plane stress state) (see online version for colours)
This surprisingly good agreement remains valid for other arch thicknesses and friction
coefficients. Very low frictional resistance (30°) and different thicknesses (t = 0.06, 0.08,
and 0.10 L) were tested, for plane stress and for plane strain as well. The results on the
horizontal reaction were practically identical (Figure 16).
Figure 16 Normalised horizontal reaction for different arch thicknesses and frictional resistance in
the contacts: (a) plane stress state; (b) plane strain state (see online version for colours)
These normalised horizontal reactions can be compared to those minimal and maximal
admissible values found by Romano and Ochsendorf (2010) with the help of limit state
analysis. For arches with t/L = 0.15 the horizontal thrust was found by them to vary
between the minimal value 0.24 … 0.14 times the half weight, depending on the shape of
the arch (the first value corresponds to the semicircular arch, α = 0, according to the
notations of the present paper, while the second value corresponds to the arch based on
the equilateral triangle, α = 0.5). The maximal value in Romano and Ochsendorf (2010)
was 0.58 … 0.3 times the half weight, depending again on the eccentricity of the arch
shape. Figure 16 shows that the results of the discrete element simulations and the
analytical solution given in the present study vary from 0.4 to 0.18, so they are in the
interior of the admissible domain found by Romano and Ochsendorf (2010).
Horizontal reaction components of pointed vaults 417
Figure 17 Normalised horizontal reaction for support displacements in the DEM model
(t = 0.08 L; friction angle 40°): (a) range of small displacements; (b) range of large
displacements (see online version for colours)
The residual reaction is shown in Figure 18, for plane strain and plane stress state,
respectively. The curves in different colours belong to different arch thicknesses and
friction coefficients. The thick black line represents the normalised horizontal reaction
predicted by the analytical solution for self-weight, for t = 0.08 L.
418 G. Lengyel and K. Bagi
Figure 18 The magnitude of normalised residual horizontal reaction for different arch geometries:
(a) plane strain state; (b) plane stress state. Black line represents the analytical
prediction for plane stress state, for fixed supports, t = 0.08 L (see online version for
The residual reaction is, in general, slightly smaller in the case of plane strain state (i.e.
the middle region of a long aisle vault) than in plane stress state. The friction coefficient
does not considerably affect the residual reaction, but the thickness of the arch is
important: arches with smaller thickness express a larger normalized horizontal reaction
on the supporting structural members below.
The residual thrust values can also be compared to those found by Romano and
Ochsendorf (2010) with the help of limit state analysis. As already mentioned above, they
found that for arches with t/L = 0.15 the horizontal thrust should be between the minimal
value 0.24 … 0.14 times the half weight, and the maximal value 0.58 … 0.3 times the
half weight, depending on the eccentricity parameter of the arch shape. (Remember that
the first value always belongs to the semicircular arch, α = 0, while the other value
corresponds to the arch based on the equilateral triangle, α = 0.5) That thickness,
t/L = 0.15, for which detailed comparable data were available, was bigger than even the
largest thickness for which discrete element simulations were done in the present study,
t/L = 0.10. The DEM simulations gave that for the thinnest arch, t = 0.06 L, the horizontal
thrust was 0.4 … 0.23, very close to the analytical Timoshenko prediction. With
increasing thickness, the normalised horizontal residual thrusts decreased and approached
towards the minimal normalised horizontal thrust predicted by the limit state analysis: for
t = 0.10 L DEM gave 0.3 … 0.17.
To summarise, the analytical solution gives an upper boundary to the values of δres:
note that the smallest analysed thickness, t = 0.06 L, is close to Heyman’s minimal wall
thickness for the circular arch. So it can be concluded that the continuum-based
analytical solution gives a safe (but not economic) estimation of the horizontal reactions,
not only for fixed supports but also for small support displacements. The simulations
could have been continued until failure in order to get an insight into the variation of the
horizontal force, but the huge computational times (i.e. months) did not allow for such an
4 Conclusion
Vaults with pointed arches, in general, express smaller horizontal thrusts on their
supports than vaults with circular or only slightly pointed arches.
Horizontal reaction components of pointed vaults 419
The horizontal reaction components of barrel vaults with fixed supports can reliably
be predicted with the help of the proposed linearly elastic continuous beam model, in
spite of the fact that the model does not take into account the possibility of cracking. This
statement holds only for the case of no displacements at the supports.
In the case of increasing outwards support displacements the barrel vaults reach a
state when they abruptly become statically determinate, and after this the reactions
remain practically constant for further small increase of the displacements (a residual
horizontal reaction magnitude can be assigned to the barrel vaults). Then the increasing
displacements modify the geometry of the vault so significantly that the horizontal
reactions increase again, until failure. In the range of small displacements the continuous
model gives a good approximation of the residual reaction for thin structures, and a safe
but not economic approximation for vaults with large thickness.
The authors would like to thank Dr. Fabian Dedecker of ITASCA Consulting Inc. for his
support as well as the ITASCA Education Partnership Program for providing a copy of
3DEC. Financial support of the OTKA 100770 project is gratefully acknowledged.
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