Timber Technology Grade 8 - Crossword Labs (Lefgal Answers)

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Timber Technology Grade 8

C 1

C 3A m b i u 4M 5
D e f e c t s
i e d
Q 7
H e a r t w o o d 8
P a L 9

u S u 10
H a r d w o o d s
a e l o g
r a F l a t s 12A w i
n g
t s a o n i
D e c i d u o u s
r s n n
r n y y u g
S 15
M i n a C

u a a n B a s t
l R
o o t s
p C
w h g h R o
p o n a e i w
K i l n s e a s o n i n g
S e a s o n i n
n i n o o i g
g f g n f s S a w
m i l l
e B a r k
r y w
s C o n v e r s i o

Across Down
2. The area beneath the bark where cell division and 1. Type of Softwood tree.
growth occur.
3. A method of seasoning timber by exposing it to
5. Structuralructual faults found in Timber air and sunlight.
7. The innermost layer of a tree trunk. 4. The part of the tree that carries plant food to the
bast and cambium.
10. The classification of trees that have broad
leaves. 6. A method of cutting logs.
11. Another name for Plain sawing. 8. Process trees use to make food.
13. A type of tree that loses its leaves in the fall. 9. The process of cutting down trees for timber.
17. The outer protective layer of a tree, just inside 12. The rings visible in a tree trunk, representing a
the bark. year's growth.
18. Absorb water from the soil. 14. A curve across the grain.
20. The method of seasoning timber by using 15. Type of Hardwood tree.
controlled heat.
16. The section of the tree that makes food.
21. The process of removing moisture from timber
19. Trees with needles and cones, often evergreen.
to improve its stability and durability.
21. The classification of trees that have needle-like
22. A factory where machines are used to cut logs
into planks
23. The outermost layer of a tree trunk.
24. The process of cutting logs into usable lumber

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