Principles of Hydrodynamics
Principles of Hydrodynamics
Principles of Hydrodynamics
7. Principles of Hydrodynamics
1 Introduction; 2 Hydrodynamic States; 3 Eulerian and Lagrangian Coordinate Systems; 4 Continuity
Equation; 5 Pressure Tensor; 6 Equation of Motion; 7 Navier-Stokes Equations; 8 Elasticity Equations; 9 Heat
Flux Vector; 10 Energy Equation; 11 Summary and References
7.1 Introduction
Hydrodynamics once meant the dynamics of water. But the breadth of the subject
has come to include general flows of continuous matter, solids as well as fluids, as well
as related problems in static stress analysis in which there is no flow at all. Thus
another classical body of knowledge, elasticity theory, is included in hydrodynamics.
The fundamentals of hydrodynamics parallel those of molecular dynamics:
conservation of mass and energy, together with Newton's equations of motion for the
flow of momentum. In hydrodynamics continuum constitutive equations are the
analog of atomistic forces, and serve to distinguish one material from another. But the
hydrodynamic equations of motion have to be developed for continua rather than
particles. The forces causing flows are either external forces, from fields or moving
boundaries, or internal forces, described in terms of the hydrodynamic pressure tensor
P. Thus the hydrodynamic analog of interatomic forces is the "constitutive relation"
describing the response of individual materials to sources of momentum and energy.
The mechanical constitutive relation or "equation of state" for each material gives the
pressure tensor as a function of the geometric flow variables, strains in the case of
elastic solids and strain rates in the case of viscous fluids.
Because the macroscopic thermodynamic view includes an additional thermal
variable, temperature or internal energy, the constitutive equations needed to specify a
well-posed hydrodynamic problem must describe also the flow of energy in response to
temperature gradients. Energy flows are usually assumed to follow Fourier's law of
heat conduction, Q = - K - V T . Once both the mechanical and thermal constitutive
relations are given, the remaining task is to solve Newton's equations for the motion
together with Fourier's heat flow equation for the energy.
There are a variety of analytic and numerical methods for solving problems in
hydrodynamics, many more than in molecular dynamics because the underlying
equations are partial differential equations rather than ordinary ones. The
hydrodynamic equations are typically irreversible, rather than reversible, and
absolutely unstable when reversed, so that it is only possible to predict the future. The
past is inaccessible. The chief simplifying feature of the continuum approach, relative
to the atomistic one, is that the flows take place in one-, two-, or three-dimensional
geometrical spaces rather than in the abstract many-dimensional phase space of
statistical mechanics.
The numerical limitations are similar to those governing molecular dynamics
simulations. The system of interest has to be described by fewer than a billion degrees
of freedom, and followed in time for no more than a million time steps. The
computational work involves the evaluation of spatial derivatives, usually evaluated