M03-Maintaining Television Receivers
M03-Maintaining Television Receivers
M03-Maintaining Television Receivers
Level – III
Based on April 2022, Curriculum Version
Ocb, 2023
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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Table of Contents
Introduction to the Module...........................................................................................................8
Unit one: Standard television receivers maintaince tools..........................................................9
1.1. Prepare standard television receivers maintaince tools....................................................10
1.1.3. Low voltage power supply.......................................................................................12
1.1.4. Explanation of all components of low voltage power supply...............................13
1.1.5. Switching mode power supply.................................................................................15
1.2. Tools, test instruments and PPE and With OHS...............................................................31
1.2. 2. Prepare workplace and equipment for maintenance...........................................31
1.2.3. Preparation before maintenance work started......................................................32
1.2.4. Personal Protective Equipment or PPE.................................................................32
1.2.5. Common Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)..................................................32
1.2.7. Introduction to occupational health and safety.....................................................33
1.2. 8. Electrical tools and Electrical equipment.............................................................34
1.2.6. Driving of Tools........................................................................................................35
1.2.9. Soldering Tools.........................................................................................................35
1.3. Use service manuals and service information....................................................................36
1.3.1. Operating instructions/User’s/Owner’s manual...................................................37
1.3.2. Instructions for normal or intended operations....................................................37
1.3.3. Safe handling of the LCD panel and during service.............................................38
2.4. Verifying and documenting of defects parts......................................................................39
2.4.1. General information.................................................................................................40
2.4.2. List of maintenance actions.....................................................................................40
Self-Check 1.1..............................................................................................................................40
Operation Sheet 1. 1:...................................................................................................................41
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LAP Test – 1.1..............................................................................................................................42
Unit Two: Identify faults.............................................................................................................43
2.1. Observing systematic pre-testing procedure......................................................................45
2.2. Diagnosing the fault in the unit...........................................................................................46
2.2.1. Diagnosing and troubleshooting.............................................................................46
2.2.2. Troubleshooting Procedures...................................................................................47
2.2.3. General troubleshooting Guide lines......................................................................48
2.2.4. Troubleshooting techniques or methods................................................................49
2.3. Ensuring the unplugging and plug the TV set...................................................................51
2.3.1. Unplug the AC power plug and clean it regularly................................................52
2.4. Carry out basic earthling test and volt ampere test..........................................................52
2.4.1. Basic Test Methods for Earth Resistance..............................................................52
2.4.3. Testing Challenges in Large Ground Systems.......................................................53
2.5 Discharging any large capacitor and cathode ray tube before diagnosis.......................54
2.5 .1. Safe discharging of capacitors in TVs and video monitors.................................54
2.5.2. Discharging Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Capacitors.............................55
2.6. Locating the exact location of the fault...............................................................................56
2.6.1 Fault Locating Procedures.......................................................................................57
2.6.3. Common Faults Categories in Power Supplies of Television receiver................58
2.7. Identify system defects/fault symptoms..............................................................................60
2.7.1. Common Television Problems:...............................................................................60
2.7.2. A power switch, relay, or triac to enable main power..........................................61
2.7.3. Faults found on SMPS television receiver using pictures diagram.....................64
2.8. Document diagnosis and testing results..............................................................................70
2.8.1. Maintenance documentation...................................................................................71
2.9. Advising / informing customers...........................................................................................72
2.9.1. Customer advice.......................................................................................................72
Operation Sheet 2. 1:...................................................................................................................73
LAP Test – 2.1..............................................................................................................................74
Unit Three : Maintain and Repair television products............................................................75
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3.1. Identifying faults on the of television PCB.........................................................................76
3.1.1. Analysis of all possible faults in this circuit...........................................................76
3.2. Troubleshooting of television...............................................................................................79
.3.2.1. Subsystems of a television set.................................................................................80
3.3. Maintaining/repairing television receivers.........................................................................81
3.3.1. Maintaining Low Voltage Power Supply Problems.............................................82
3.3.2. Maintaining/Repairing High Voltage Power Supply Problems..........................87
3.3.3. Repairing Raster, Color, and Video Problems.....................................................88
3.3.4. Troubleshooting Audio Problems...........................................................................91
3.4. Observing Care and Extreme Precaution..........................................................................93
3.4.1. Perform Cleaning of unit........................................................................................93
3.4.2. Prevention and Safety with Circuit Boards..........................................................94
Self-check 3.1................................................................................................................................95
Operation Sheet 3. 1:...................................................................................................................97
LAP Test – 3.1..............................................................................................................................98
Unit Four: Test functionality of repaired television receivers.................................................99
4.1. Electronic schematic symbols and diagram interpretation of TV.................................100
4.1.1. Block diagram and schematic diagram of TV explanation.............................100
4.1.2. Working principles and Block Diagram of SMPS of TV...................................101
4.1.3. Functions and schematic diagrams of SMPS Circuits........................................104
4.2. Reassembling and repairing TV units..............................................................................107
4.2.1. Testing and cleaning the final reassembling units.............................................108
4.3. Supply and confirm power supply....................................................................................109
4.3.1. Checking standby line or power on signal line....................................................110
4.4. Testing functionality of TV unit........................................................................................111
4.5. Dispose Waste materials....................................................................................................112
Self-check 4.1..............................................................................................................................112
Operation Sheet 4. 1:.................................................................................................................114
LAP Test – 4.1............................................................................................................................115
Unit Five : Achieve productivity and quality target...............................................................116
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5.1. Correcting routine faults in the TV Set............................................................................117
5.1.1. Routine/detecting fault finding system in the TV set..........................................117
5.2. Recording customer complaints post service...................................................................118
5.2.1. Customer complaint resolution techniques.........................................................118
5.3. Achieving customer satisfaction........................................................................................120
5.3.1. Handle Customer satisfaction...............................................................................120
5.4. Ensure free handling of the unit........................................................................................121
Self-check 5.1..............................................................................................................................123
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Ministry of Labor and Skills wish to extend thanks and appreciation to the many representatives of TVET
instructors and respective industry experts who donated their time and expertise to the development of this
Teaching, Training and Learning Materials (TTLM).
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AGC Automatic Degaussing Circuit
TV Television
HDTV High Definition Television
VCR Video Cassette Recorders
DVD Digital Versatile Disc
ICs Integrated Circuits
AC Alternating current
DC Direct current
KV Kilo Volt
PTC Positive Temperature Coefficient
NTC Negative Temperature Coefficient
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
TV Rx Television Receiver
SMPS Switch Mode Power Supply
VDR Voltage Dependent Resistor
AGC Automatic Gain Control
CCVS Composite Colour Video Signal
IF Intermediate Frequency
RF Radio Frequency
AFT Automatic Fine Tuning
OHS Occupational health and safety
LAP Learning Assistance Program
LED light emitting diode
PCB printed circuit boar
ESD Electro-Static Discharge
DMM Digital Muli-Meter
VOM Volt Ohm Meter
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Introduction to the Module
In Electrical/electronic equipment servicing filed; the: Maintain and repair television receivers project helps to
require Maintain and repair television receivers includes constructing, diagnosing faults, dismantling, re-
assembling, testing and preparing report.
This module is designed to meet the industry requirement under the Electrical/electronic equipment servicing
occupational standard, particularly for the unit of competency: Maintain and repair television receivers
Module units
Standard television receivers maintaince tools
Identify faults
Maintain/repair Television receivers
Test functionality of repaired television receivers
Achieve productivity and quality target
Learning objectives of the Module
At the end of this session, the students will able to:
Standard television receivers maintaince tools
Identify faults
Maintain/repair Television receivers
Test functionality of repaired television receivers
Achieve productivity and quality target
Module Learning Instructions:
1. Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.
2. Follow the instructions described below.
3. Read the information written in the information Sheets
4. Accomplish the Self-checks
5. Perform Operation Sheets
6. Do the “LAP test”
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Unit one: Standard television receivers maintaince tools
This learning unit is developed to provide the trainees the necessary information regarding the
following content coverage and topics:
Basic concept of television
Preparing workstation, tools, test instruments and PPE With OHS
Using service manuals and service information
Verifying and documenting of defects parts
This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon
completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
Basic concept of television
Prepare workstation, tools, test instruments
Use service manuals and service information
Verify and documenting of defects parts
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1.1. Prepare standard television receivers maintaince tools
1.1.1. Basic concept of television Receiver
Television is an electronic system for conveying pictures from one place to another. Television, just as any other
system dealing with pictures, is dealing with the characteristics of the human eye. This is because it is the eye that
determines whether or not the reproducer picture is a faithful rendition of television must begin with a description
of the eye and its characteristics.
Television is defined as an audio-visual medium. It blends pictures with sound to produce a communication
experience exhibited on the screen. It uses sound to explain the visuals presented on the screen. It addresses the
emotion and intellect in a remarkable way (Owauamalam, 2007:238). Television uses the movement of images in a
unique way or pattern to express thought and feelings in an exciting and appealing manner. Television is defined
by the BBC English Dictionary (1992:1206) as the system of pictures and distance so that people can receive them
on a television set.
Television (often abbreviated to TV) is a widely used telecommunication system for broadcasting and receiving
moving pictures and sound over a distance. The term may also be used to refer specifically to a television set,
programming or television transmission. The word is derived from mixed Latin and Greek roots, meaning "far
sight": Greek tele (t??e), far, and Latin vision, sight (from video, vis- to see).
Since it first became commercially available from the late 1930s, the television set has become a common
household communications device in homes and institutions, particularly in the first world, as a source of
entertainment and news.
Since the 1970s, video recordings on VCR tapes and later, digital playback systems such as DVDs have enabled
the television to be used to view recorded movies and other programs. A television system may be made up of
multiple components, so a screen which lacks an internal tuner to receive the broadcast signals is called a monitor
rather than a television. A television may be built to receive different broadcast or video formats, such as high-
definition television (HDTV).
1.1.2. The elements of a simple broadcast television system
An image source. This is an electrical signal representing the visual image, and may be from a camera in the
case of live images, a video tape recorder for playback of recorded images, or a film chain-telecine-flying spot
scanner for transmission of motion pictures (films).
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A. Sound source. This is an electrical signal from a microphone or from the audio output of a video tape recorder
or motion picture film scanner.
A transmitter, which generates radio signals (radio waves) and encodes them with picture and sound
An antenna coupled to the output of the transmitter for broadcasting the encoded signals.
An antenna to receive the broadcast signals.
A receiver (also called a tuner), which decodes the picture and sound information from the broadcast signals,
and whose input is coupled to the antenna.
A display device, which turns the electrical signals into visual images.
An audio amplifier and loudspeaker, which turns electrical signals into sound waves (speech, music, and other
sounds) to accompany the images.
Practical television systems include equipment for selecting different image sources, mixing images from several
sources at once, insertion of pre-recorded video signals, synchronizing signals from many sources, and direct
image generation by computer for such purposes as station identification. The facility for housing such equipment,
as well as providing space for stages, sets, offices, etc., is called a television studio, and may be located many
miles from the transmitter. Communication from the studio to the transmitter is accomplished via a dedicated cable
or radio system.
Television signals were originally transmitted exclusively via land-based transmitters. The quality of reception
varied greatly, dependent in large part on the location and type of receiving antenna. This led to the proliferation of
large rooftop antennas to improve reception in the 1960s, replacing set-top dipole or "rabbit ears" antennas, which
however remained popular. Antenna rotors, set-top controlled servo motors to which the mast of the antenna is
mounted, to enable rotating the antenna such that it points to the desired transmitter, would also become popular.
In most cities today, cable television providers deliver signals over coaxial or fiber-optic cables for a fee. Signals
can also be delivered by radio from satellites in geosynchronous orbit and received by parabolic dish antennas,
which are comparatively large for analog signals, but much smaller for digital. Like cable providers, satellite
television providers also require a fee, often less than cable systems. The affordability and convenience of digital
satellite reception has led to the proliferation of small dish antennas outside many houses and apartments.
Digital systems may be inserted anywhere in the chain to provide better image transmission quality, reduction in
transmission bandwidth, special effects, or security of transmission from reception by non-subscribers. A home
today might have the choice of receiving analog or HDTV over the air, analog or digital cable with HDTV from a
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cable television company over coaxial cable, or even from the phone company over fiber optic lines. On the road,
television can be received by pocket sized televisions, recorded on tape or digital media players, or played back on
wireless phones ("mobile" phones) over a high-speed or "broadband" internet connection.
1.1.3. Low voltage power supply
The low voltage power supply is common to almost all stages in both colour and black/white television receivers.
The power supply stage is responsible for providing the DC requirements of each circuit and provides the heater
needs of the picture tube.
Integrated circuits (ICs) and other solid-state devices used in different selection of the colour TV receivers,
required appropriate DC voltages for their operation. The power requirements in a colour TV receiver are:
A DC voltage of about 110 to 120V for some high-level stage as the horizontal drive output stage, vertical
output stage and in few cases, the sound output stage as well.
A DC voltage of about 200 V for some high-level stage including R, G, and B output stages
The DC voltages from 12 to 24 V for the ICs and transistors
A suitable voltage for the filament of the colour picture tube (6.3V ac or 12V ac/dc) and Suitable voltage for
the colour picture tube electrodes, these are
About 500 V for the screen
About 500 V for the focusing anode, and
Extra high tension voltage of about 25 KV for precession in line colour picture tubes
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Figure : 1.2. Components of Low Voltage Power Supply
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high AC current is applied to the degauss coil wrapped around the periphery of the CRT. The PTC thermistor
heats up, increases in resistance, and smoothly decreases the current to nearly zero over a couple of seconds.
A startup circuit for booting the horizontal deflection of various voltages to run the TV is derived from the fly
back. This may be an IC or discrete multi-vibrator or something else running off a non-isolated voltage or the
standby power supply.
A standby power supply for the microcontroller and remote sensor. Usually, this is a separate low voltage power
supply using a small power transformer for line isolation. However, some sets use other (probably cheaper)
The two type of power supplies are commonly used in colour TV receivers as
1. The transistor regulated power supplies and
2. The SMPM
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Fig 1.4. Block diagram of black and white TV Rx
1.1.5. Switching mode power supply
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Fig 5.1: Switch mode power supply block diagram
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Figure: 1.7. Schematic Diagram of SMPS
The off line power supply uses directly the supply voltage without isolating transformer (step down transformer).
This type of power supply is called SMPS. The above block diagram illustrates an off –line SMPS, which works
directly from 180V to 250V AC-mains, the main voltage is rectified and filtered by high voltage rectifiers and
filter capacitors. The unregulated DC voltage so obtain is chopped at a high frequency (greater than 25 KHz) by
the switching transistor and control circuit. The chopped dc is applied to the primary of the transformer and the
voltage at its secondary is rectified (using a fast recovery power diode) and smoothed (using IC filter) to give the
required output. The transformer is very small in size as it works on a very high frequency. This DC voltage is fed
back through a scene amplifier to the control circuit. This control circuit adjusts the duty cycle of the switching
transistor via the isolated driver transformer to keep the output voltage constant deposit changes in the voltage or
The three main types of SMPS are:
1. Fly back SMPS
2. Forward SMPS
3. Push-pull SMPS
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Fig 1.7. Basic fly back switching mode (SM) power supply
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Small physical size
Less dissipation of heat because the controlling element does not conduct continuously, it is switched ON
and OFF at a high frequency. This results in low consumption and high efficiency
Isolation from mains supply without using the bulky 50 Hz power transformer
Low voltage about (121 voltage) and intermediate voltage (about 130V) can be generated simultaneously.
Protection against excessive output voltage
B. The power supply section of TV receiver
Provides the supply voltages 150V, 105V, 18V and 12V to power the different stages of the TV-
receiver circuits
Regulates the different supply voltages against line and load fluctuation and
Protects itself against accident short and open for loads
C. Protective devices
The protective devices are used in the power supply unit to protect the system from over voltage and current. For
VDR: - is a semiconductor device it varies its resistance according to the supplied voltage across it,
therefore it is said to be voltage dependent resistor. It uses to protect over voltage.
Fuse:- is most commonly used to protect the system from excess current (over current)
D. ADG circuit
Before undertaking the purity and convergence adjustments, it is essential to demagnetize the metallic part
of the TV set. This process of demagnetization is called degaussing, means, removing residential
magnetism which will interfere with the proper scanning of the three beams
All the modern colour picture tube incorporate automatic degaussing coils on the mild steel shield fitted
around the tube. These coils demagnetize the main metal parts of the tube. i.e. the shadow mask, the
magnetic shield and the mounting bond.
A typical automatic degaussing circuit is illustrated in the figure below
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Figure: 1.10. Degaussing coil
E. RF Tuner section
The RF tuner process the incoming signal, the antenna and the RF section is also called the front end of the TV
receiver. The function of the RF section is to provide selectivity, there by rejecting interference the TV signal to
which the input circuit are tuned to is then heterodyned to a lower frequency (IF). Three subsections are included
in RF tuner. Both the RF amplifier and the mixer section provide gain.
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Figure1.11: Tuner section
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Pre amplification of video and inter carrier sound IF signal
Automatic gain control of the video IF amplifier with noise cancellation
Generating delayed AGC voltage for the RF amplifier in the tuner
Amplification and limitation of video IF signal for automatic fine tuning (AFT), ,and
Generating automatic fine tuning voltage for the tuner
The video IF amplifiers are always preceded by the appropriate wave trap for the sound carrier of the adjustment
lower channel (31.9MHz), for co-channel sound (33.4 MHz) and for the video carrier of the adjustment higher
channel (40.4MHz).
There are two type of filter used in IF section. These are :-
Stagger tuner filter
SAW filter
The output of the video IF amplifier is used to drive the video detector.
G. Video detector
The Y-Signal (luminance) and the colour sidebands along the various synchronizing pulses and the colour burst
are recovered from the video detector. The two Ifs, video (38.9MHz) and sound (33.4MHz), beat together to
produce the inter-carrier sound IF 95.5MHz). This new sound IF signal is fed to the sound section for further
The video detector of a colour TV Rx is also basically similar to that of a black and white TV Rx. The output of
the video detector is a unipolar, negative signal of about 2V amplitude.
H. Audio section
The function of the sound section of colour TV Rx is the same as those of a black and white TV Rx. They are:-
To amplify the inter-carrier sound IF
To limit and detect the FM sound IF, and
To amplify the output of the detector to a level sufficient to drive the loudspeaker
The sound section can utilize an IC in the sound IF subsystem and another in the sound output section or an IC in
the sound IF subsystem with a transistorized sound output stage
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Figure 1.13: audio sections
H. Video section
The nature of the input signal in the video amplifier determines the required characteristics of the video amplifier.
The composite signal is obtained at the output of the video detector and consists of the following signals.
The video (Y) signal (0 to 4.2 MHz)
The chrominance signal (2.08 to 4.08MHz)
Horizontal and vertical blanking pulses (15734.26 and 59.94 Hz)
Horizontal and vertical Sync pulses
Colour burst
A DC level that is directly proportional to the signal strength and picture content
A sound IF of 4.5MHz ( Present in inter-carrier receiver )
In short the video amplifier must be able to reproduce without distortion a range of signal frequencies extended
from DC to 4.2 MHz and with wave shape that are extremely complex.
In inter-carrier receiver sound IF take off traps tuned to4.5 MHz are provided in the output circuit of the video
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Figure1.14: video section
I. Chroma section
The generation of chrominance signal involves the separation of the luminance signal from natural colour signals
while colour television has considerably complicated the variables between different television systems.
Under this topic the trainer should explain
Primary and secondary colour
First video amplifier
Delay lines
Main y amplifier
Chroma band pass amplifier
Chroma delay line
U and Chroma signals
U and V signal demodulators
Colours burst circuits
Burst pre amplifiers
Gated burst amplifiers
Pulse shaper
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Acc amplifier
Phase discriminator
Phase identification amplifier and colour killers
Reference oscillator
Electronic line by line(PAL) switch
RGB matrix
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same amplitude. These pulses are separated from one another by means of filter circuit called integrators and
differentiator. The output of each of these filters is then fed to associated deflection oscillator
K. Horizontal section
It consists of a horizontal oscillator which generates 15.625Hz; the horizontal oscillator is in variably preceded by
an AFC circuit. The input to the AFC circuit is the horizontal sync pulses from the differentiating network. The
AFC circuit compares the frequency and phase of the sync pulse with that of the horizontal oscillator. Any
difference between the two results in a correction voltage which is used to synchronizes horizontal oscillator. The
output of the horizontal oscillator is amplified by the horizontal output transformer. The horizontal output
transformer feeds in to the deflection coils and to the convergence circuitry. In addition to the horizontal sweep,
extremely high voltages are also induced in the horizontal output transformer during fly back
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Fig 1.17: Typical diode split high voltage fly back transformer
The primary of the fly back transformer is feed by the collector of the horizontal output transistor. For separate
secondary winding each develop voltage pulses. Built in to the transformer and in series with each winding
rectifier diode. This voltage forces the diode to conduct and charges the internal capacitors. If any of the diodes in
the transformer became defective, the entire transformer must be replaced
A. Vertical section
Vertical deflection circuits are necessary in both colour and black and white television Rx and perform two
functions: they generate the vertical deflection saw tooth, and they provide the necessary power amplification to
drive the vertical deflection yoke. The vertical deflection amplifiers may also provide important outputs for
vertical retrace blanking and in colour receivers they may provide vertical convergency and top and bottom
pincushion correction.
The vertical deflection saw tooth current flows through the vertical winding of the yoke and creates a changing
magnetic field that forces the electronic beam to deflect from the top to the bottom of the raster.
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Figure1.18 : Vertical section
B. AGC circuit
The function of the automatic gain control is to keep contrast of the picture relatively constant, despite the
variations in the strength of the signal induced by the antenna. The input of the AGC stage is the video signal from
the first video amplifier. The AGC stage develops a control voltage proportional to the input video signal. This
control voltage is applied to the control stages, i.e. RF amplifier, in the tuner and one or more of the video IF
amplifier stage.
C. Control section (microprocessor)
Working from a set of built-in instructions, a microprocessor chip controls and co-ordinates all the TV set’s
functions in accordance with viewer commands and feed back it receives from inside the set. Use of such a chip in
conjunction with a memory store offers a comprehensive and flexible control system tailored to the type, price and
features of the set.
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Figure 1.19: system controller
D. Remote commander
The purpose of remote control is to allow essential adjustment of the receiver from a remote position. Colour, tint,
on/off, and VHF /UHF channel selection were controlled by remote controls in earlier TV Rxs.
All remote control systems are basically similar. They all have a transmitter that is small enough to be held in the
hand operated by the viewer and they all have a remote receiver that is mounted in the receiver cabinet. All remote
control functions are controlled by specific signals generated by the transmitter and acted up on by the receiver
E. Color picture tube (CRT)
In all the colour picture tubes, three phosphors and uniformly coated over the inside surface of the screen. These
phosphors emit red, green and blue light. The colour picture tubes employ three guns to produce the three beams.
Each beam controls the intensity of the color which it produces.
In the RGB drives each colouring video signal is applied to its respective cathode. The three phosphorus are so
close to each other, that the three color blend into a resultant mixed color so that the eye sees only one color.]
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Figure1.20 : CRT Section
Understand your responsibilities for keeping work equipment in good working order, how often you need to
maintain it and where you can keep a record. You need to carry out maintenance to ensure the workplace structure,
equipment, machinery, fixtures and fittings and facilities are in good working order. Inadequate maintenance can
lead to dangerous situations, accidents and health problems.
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1.2.3. Preparation before maintenance work started.
Safe maintenance work requires proper planning, a safe work area, appropriate equipment, careful work execution
and diligent final checks.
Providing a safe work area.
Allocating appropriate equipment.
Work execution.
Final checks.
A. Important of maintenance at workplace
Regular maintenance is essential to keep equipment, machines and the work environment safe and reliable. Lack
of maintenance or inadequate maintenance can lead to dangerous situations, accidents and health problems.
Maintenance is a high-risk activity with some of the hazards resulting from the nature of the work.
1.2.4. Personal Protective Equipment or PPE
It is commonly known has been design specifically to protect employees in the work environment. Not only is
it important to protect employees but also to protect the employer from unwanted legal claims. Furthermore,
PPE is often a legal requirement and it is the responsibility of the employer to ensure employees wear protective
clothing and observe safety and health regulations. It is also a responsibility, which employees must take
1.2.5. Common Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
During diagnose and troubleshoot Television system, the following Personal Protective Equipment or PPE are
most commonly used.
Safety hat
Safety shoes
Ear muffs
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Safety belt/Harness
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You must also comply with the legislation.
Protect your own Health and Safety and that of your co-workers;
Not initiate or participate in the harassment of another worker; and
Co-operate with your supervisor and anyone else with duties under the legislation.
II. Your Rights
The right to know the hazards at work and how to control them;
The right to participate in Occupational Health and Safety; and
The right to refuse work which you believe to be unusually dangerous. You may not be punished for
using these rights. An employer can be required to legally justify any action taken against a worker
who is active in Health and Safety.
III. Your Right to Know and Participate
If you are inexperienced, you must receive an orientation which includes;
What to do in a fire or other emergency;
First aid facilities;
Prohibited or restricted areas;
Workplace hazards; and
Any other information you should know.
You must also be supervised closely by a competent supervisor.
Regularly inspect the workplace;
Conduct accident investigations;
Deal with the Health and Safety concerns of employees;
Investigate refusals to work. and
Continue refusal measures have been taken to satisfy you that the job is now safe to perform
1.2. 8. Electrical tools and Electrical equipment
A. Electrical tools normally refer to electrical hand tools - typically tools used in construction activities such as
electrical drills, wire strippers, and can also include electrician tools such as electrical meters (voltmeters,
multi-meters, etc.). Electrical tools are plentiful and you can find them for tool shops.
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B. Electrical equipment refers to manufactured systems that distribute, transform, protect, or convert electrical
energy. Electrical equipment includes motors, generators, transformers, switches and switchgear, and more,
and ranges from low voltage (up to 600V), medium voltage (1kV to 38kV) or high voltage.
1.2.6. Driving of Tools
A. Screwdriver. It is a device specifically designed to insert and tighten or to loosen and remove screws. A screwdriver
comprises a head or tip which engages with a screw, a mechanism to apply torque by rotating the tip and some way to
position and support the screwdriver. A typical hand screwdriver comprises an approximately cylindrical handle of a size
and shape to be held by a human hand and an axial shaft fixed to the handle, the tip of which is shaped to fit a particular
type of screw. The handle and shaft allow the screwdriver to be positioned and supported when rotated to apply torque.
C. Phillips Screwdriver. It is used to drive or fasten positive slotted screws. It is a screwdriver that could take greater torque and can
provide tighter fastenings.
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Fig 1.23. soldering iron
Some soldering irons have interchangeable tips for different types of work. Fine round or chisel tips are typically
used for electronics work. A new tip needs to be coated, heated, and then covered with solder before its first use.
This procedure is called "tinning". The tinning forms a liquid layer, which facilitates the transfer of heat to the
work piece. A dirty tip does not transfer heat well. The tip needs to be kept coated with a shiny layer of solder by
occasional wiping and applying solder directly to the tip.
1.3. Use service manuals and service information
1.3.1. General Guidance for services manual for TV
A. Service manual is the full written information provided by the manufacturer regarding the equipment.
This service manual usually accompanies the equipment at time of purchase.
A service manual consists of some or all of the following
Safety & precautionary measures during dissembling
Dismantling or blow-up diagram
Block diagram of the equipment
Circuit diagram
PCB lay out
An isolation Transformer should always be used during the servicing of a receiver whose chassis is not
isolated from the AC power line. Use a transformer of adequate power rating as this protects the technician
from accidents resulting in personal injury from electrical shocks.
It will also protect the receiver and it's components from being damaged by accidental shorts of the
circuitry that may be inadvertently introduced during the service operation.
If any fuse (or Fusible Resistor) in this TV receiver is blown, replace it with the specified. When replacing
a high wattage resistor (Oxide Metal Film Resistor, over 1 W), keep the resistor 10 mm away from PCB. Proper
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service and repair is important to the safe, reliable operation of all television Equipment. The service procedures
recommended by television and described in this Service guide are effective methods of performing service
operations. Some of these Service operations require the use of tools specially designed for the purpose. The
special tools should be used when and as recommended. It is important to note that this manual contains various
which should be carefully read in order to minimize the risk of personal injury to service personnel? The possibility
exists that improper service methods may damage the equipment and pose risk of personal injury. It is also
important to understand that these cautions and notices are not exhaustive. Service should only be performed by an
experienced electronics
Technician trained in the proper Television safety and service methods and procedures here after throughout
this manual.
1.3.1. Operating instructions/User’s/Owner’s manual
User documentation, be it called a user manual, user guide, or other, is usually provided to
customers once they buy a product or services. The User Manual contains all essential information for the
user to make full use of the information system. This manual includes a description of the system functions
and capabilities, contingencies and alternate modes of operation, and step-by-step procedures for system
access and use. An owner's manual is an instructional book or booklet that is supplied with almost all
technologically advanced consumers.
Information contained in the owner's manual typically includes:
Safety instructions; for liability reasons these can be extensive, often including Assembly instructions; for
products that arrive in pieces for easier shipping. Installation instructions; for products that need to be installed
in a home or workplace Setup instructions; for devices that keep track of time or which maintain user
accessible state.
1.3.2. Instructions for normal or intended operations.
A. Maintenance instructions.
Troubleshooting instructions; for when the product does not work as expected. Service locations; for when the
product requires repair by a factory authorized technician. Regulatory code compliance information; for
example with respect to safety or electromagnetic interference.
B. Product technical specifications.
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Warranty information; sometimes provided as a separate sheet.
Service Information was a regular program used to give out technical information for the
technician. Service information includes the following basic points:
Job report sheets: is blank quantity for the worker to fill up during or after performing the job.
A bill of materials (BOM) provides a list of all the raw materials or components, sub-components,
assemblies, and sub-assemblies required to build or repair a product or service. It is a
comprehensive list of parts, items, assemblies and other materials required to create a product, as well as
instructions required for gathering and using the required materials. The bill of materials explains what,
how, and where to buy required materials, and includes instructions for how to assemble the product from
the various parts ordered.
Customer index is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass
customer expectation. Customer satisfaction is defined as "the number of customers, or percentage of total
customers, whose reported experience with a firm, its products, or its services (ratings) exceeds specified
satisfaction goals."
Customer Index is an economic indicator that measures the satisfaction of consumers across the country.
The four crucial things a customer needs are: Fair price. Good service. Good product. Service Flowchart is a
kind of diagram showing how steps in a process fit together, through which you can build a step-by-step
picture of the process for analysis, discussion, or communication. A flowchart is a formalized graphic
representation of a logic sequence, work or manufacturing process, organization chart, or similar
formalized structure.
1.3.3. Safe handling of the LCD panel and during service
The work procedures shown with the Note indication are important for ensuring the safety of the product and
the servicing work. Be sure to follow these instructions.
Before starting the work, secure a sufficient working space.
At all times other than when adjusting and checking the product, be sure to turn OFF the POWER Button and
disconnect the power cable from the power source of the TV during servicing.
To prevent electric shock and breakage of PC board, start the servicing work at least 30
Seconds after the main power has been turned off. Especially when installing and removing the power board,
start servicing at least 2 minutes after the main power has been turned off.
While the main power is on, do not touch any parts or circuits other than the ones specified. If any
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connection other than the one specified is made between the measuring equipment and the high voltage
power supply block, it can result in electric shock or may trip the main circuit breaker When installing the
LCD module in, and removing it from the packing carton, be sure to have at least two persons perform the
When the surface of the panel comes into contact with the cushioning materials, be
Sure to confirm that there is no foreign matter on top of the cushioning materials before
the surface of the panel comes into contact with the cushioning materials. Failure to observe this precaution
may result in, the surface of the panel being scratched by foreign matter
Be sure to handle the circuit board by holding the large parts as the heat sink or ttransformer. Failure to
observe this precaution may result in the occurrence of an abnormality in the soldered areas
2.4. Verifying and documenting of defects parts
A. Energy Efficiency (EE) standards and labels- Labels:
Informative labels affixed to manufactured products (usually in the form of energy use, efficiency, or energy
Give consumers the data necessary to make informed purchases.
Two types: endorsement labels and comparative labels.
B. Energy efficiency (EE) standards:
Procedures and regulations that prescribe the energy Performance of manufactured products,
Sometimes prohibit the sale of products that are less efficient than a minimum level.
C. Rational for EE labels & standards:
They can produce very large energy savings
Limiting energy demand growth without limiting economic growth
Require change in the behavior of a manageable number of manufacturers rather than the entire consuming
They treat all manufacturers, distributors, and retailers equally
The resulting energy savings are generally assured
D. Steps in the process of developing energy-efficiency labels and standards
Decide Whether and How to Implement Energy Efficiency Labels and Standards
Develop a Testing Capability
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Design and Implement a Labeling Program
Analyzing and setting standards
Design and Implement a Communication Campaign
Ensure Program Integrity
Evaluating the impact of labeling and standards programs
2.4.1. General information
The first section has to do with general information. This information is used to identify the piece of
equipment. It most commonly includes:
Name of equipment Model or manufacturer
Serial number
Person responsible for equipment
Some equipment maintenance logs also include the Purchase date and Purchase price in this section.
2.4.2. List of maintenance actions
The second section lists all the maintenance actions performed on the equipment. It commonly includes
the following fields:
Date when the action was performed
Description of the action itself
Name of the person performing the actions
Lastly, some logs also include a remarks section. This section is useful in case the person performing
the maintenance might have any special notes to add for future reference.
Self-Check 1.1
Test I: Say True or False
Instruction: write short answer for the given blank space provided question. You are provided 4 minute for each
question and each point has 5 Points.
1. Before starting the work, secure a sufficient working space
2. Television is defined as an audio-visual medium
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3. The off line power supply uses directly the supply voltage without isolating transformer (step down
4. All the modern colour picture tube incorporate automatic degaussing coils on the mild steel shield fitted
around the tube.
TEST. II : Choose The best answer (each 5 points)
1. Working long hours outside with ________ exposure can affect the fragile tissues in the eye.
A) UV light B) Hand Gloves
C) Eye Glass D) All
2. Which one of the following is used to provide stable DC to the horizontal deflection system?
A. Transformer B. a discrete, hybrid, or IC regulator
C. Large filter capacitor D. a set of rectifiers
3. Which one of the following is used to produce additional voltages directly from the line power.
A. Transformer B. Chopper transformer
C. voltage dividers D. A set of rectifiers E. B & C
4. ________ is used to measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer
A. Service manual B. Customer index C. Service information D. All
TEST .III: Write Short Answer On the blank space provided below
1. _________ is usually in a bridge configuration - to convert the AC into DC
2. ___________is used to smooth the unregulated DC
3.____________is a device specifically designed to insert and tighten or to loosen and remove screws
4. _______________ is the full written information provided by the manufacturer regarding the equipment
Operation Sheet 1. 1:
Identify Major Section of TV Set
Operation title: Procedures of identify major section Of TV Set
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Purpose: To practice and demonstrate the knowledge and skill required to identify major section Of TV Set parts
Instruction: Use the given select tools, equipment and to identify major section Of TV Set parts.
So that classification is usually done by preparing your TV set block/circuit diagram using reading drawings. For
this operation you have given 5 Hour and you are expected to provide the answer on the given steps.
Step 1 - Prepare Safety Materials
Step 2 - Make your working area free from dust and unwanted objects
Step 3 - Select the appropriate tools and testing instrument
Step 4 - Prepare TV set block/circuit diagram
Step 5 - Open TV set
Step 6 - Identify each stage
Step 7 - Inspect each stage and parts of TV set
Step 8 - Assemble the TV set
Step 9 - Clean Up and Write laboratory report
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Instructions: Given necessary templates, tools, materials and equipment you are required to perform the identify
major section Of TV Set parts for the following tasks within 5 hour.
Task -1: Prepare PPE material for starting identification of major section Of TV Set parts.
Task – 2: select appropriate test instrument according to the give designed circuit to be identified.
Task – 3: Open the case according to the service manual
Task – 4: Identify each stage major section Of TV Set according to the circuit diagram
Precautions: select necessary templates, tools, materials and equipment before identify major section Of TV Set parts
on the given format
Quality Criteria: the given identification of major section Of TV Set parts is with correct specification.
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This learning unit is developed to provide the trainees the necessary information regarding the
following content coverage and topics:
Observing systematic pre-testing procedure
Diagnosing the fault in the unit
Ensuring the unplugging and plug the TV set receiving power supply point
Carrying out basic earthling test and volt ampere test
Discharging any large capacitor and cathode ray tube before diagnosis
Locating the exact location of the fault
Identifying system defects/fault symptoms
Documenting diagnosis and testing results
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2.1. Observing systematic pre-testing procedure
There are several approaches that troubleshooters use. They may have different steps or processes but they
have the following in common: They all approach problems systematically and logically thus minimizing
the steps and ruling out trial and error.
Visual Inspection
Observe most faults provide clues as to their cause. There could be visual clues such as signs of damage or
improper operation. Don't forget to use your other senses; sounds and smells can also provide valuable
clues. Through careful observation and a some reasoning, most faults can be identified to the actual
component with very little testing.
Define Problem Area At this stage you apply logic and reasoning to your observations to determine
the problem area of the malfunctioning equipment.
Identify Possible Causes Once you have the problem area(s) defined it is necessary to identify all the
possible causes of the malfunction.
Determine Most Probable Cause Once the list of possible causes has been made it is necessary to prioritize
the items as to the possibility of them being the actual cause of the malfunction.
Test and Repair Once you have determined the most probable cause, you must test it to prove it to be the
problem or not. Understand how to use tools such as prints, diagrams and test instruments to identify
defective components. Let's first look at prints and diagrams.
Some of the key things you should be able to determine from these are:
how the circuit should operate
Practice! Troubleshooting, like any skill, requires practice to become proficient . Practice can be difficult
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to get. Depending on your job, you may not have the opportunity for enough troubleshooting practice.
And even if you do, your employer may not want you to practice
Troubleshooting on equipment they depend on. Until you become reasonably competent, it is best to
practice troubleshooting in a controlled environment.
One option is to build or purchase equipment that can be used for troubleshooting. This equipment is
designed with the ability to apply faults to it. Here you can practice your skills in a very realistic
environment without affecting equipment in use.
Interview of customer repair history of unit
Interview of the customer about the component to be repaired is for important as it helps you to identify
the defected area of the unit. The customer may give you the clue what was happed during the fault
occurred. What he/she see, smell, and heard and so on. Again he/she may tell you the maintenance
history of the unit if it has.
Operate the unit according to manual to confirm defects
System defects/fault symptoms are identified using appropriate tools and equipment and in accordance with
safety procedures
Test instruments required for the job are used in accordance with user manuals
Circuits are checked and isolated using specified testing procedures
Identified defects and faults are explained to the responsible person in accordance with enterprise
or company policy and procedures
Control settings/adjustments are checked in conformity with service-manual specifications
Results of diagnosis and testing are documented accurately and completely within the specified time
Customers are advised/ informed regarding the status and serviceability of the unit according to
company procedures
2.2. Diagnosing the fault in the unit
2.2.1. Diagnosing and troubleshooting
Diagnosis is the systematic approach to find where and what type of fault occur in a system and
troubleshooting/repair is the activity of correcting the fault and enabling the system to restore to its normal
operation condition.
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To find fault of a system, systematic and logical approach should be followed. The fault of the system should be
observed and tested on each sub-system of input and output by following logical order (flow) of the process in the
2.2.2. Troubleshooting Procedures
Trouble shooting procedure is important to reduce the time required for maintenance and troubleshooting is done
easily if we have a theoretical knowledge about the equipment.Troubleshooting procedures consists of the
following 5 Steps:
Step 1 Preparation
Step 2 Observation
Step 3 Define Problem Area
Step 4 Identify Possible Causes
Step 5 Determine Most Probable Cause
System recognition is the awareness of some undesirable change in the equipment performance. That is,
The equipment displays some sign of poor performance.
The performance of the equipment is compared with its normal function.
So here Knowledge of the normal equipment display will enable you to recognize the abnormal display, which
provides the trouble symptoms in the first troubleshooting step. Therefore, in order to aware of symptoms, we
must have knowledge of the present operating characteristics and the normal design characteristic of the
Most faults provide obvious clues as to their cause. Through careful observation and a little bit of reasoning, most
faults can be identified as to the actual component with very little testing.
When observing malfunctioning equipment, look for visual signs of mechanical damage such as indications of
impact, chafed wires, loose components or parts lying in the bottom of the cabinet.
Look for signs of overheating, especially on wiring, relay coils, and printed circuit boards.
Don't forget to use your other senses when inspecting equipment.
The smell of burnt insulation is something you won't miss. Listening to the sound of the equipment
operating may give you a clue to where the problem is located.
Checking the temperature of components can also help find problems but careful while doing this, some
components may be alive or hot enough to burn you.
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Pay particular attention to areas that were identified either by past history or by the person that reported the
Caution here!
Do not let these mislead you, past problems are just that past problems, they are not necessarily the
problem you are looking for now.
Also, do not take reported problems as fact; always check for yourself if possible.
The person reporting the problem may not have described it properly or may have made their own incorrect
When faced with equipment which is not functioning properly you should:
Be sure you understand how the equipment is designed to operate. It makes it much easier to analyze faulty
operation when you know how it should operate;
Note the condition of the equipment as found. You should look at the state of the relays (energized or not),
which lamps are light, which auxiliary equipment is energized or running etc. This is the best time to give
the equipment a thorough inspection (using all your senses). Look for signs of mechanical damage,
overheating, unusual sounds, smells etc.
Test the operation of the equipment including all of its features. Make note of any feature that is not
operating properly.
Make sure you observe these operations very carefully. This can give you a lot of valuable information
regarding all parts of the equipment.
2.2.3. General troubleshooting Guide lines
The ultimate goal of troubleshooting is to get the equipment back into operation. This is a very important job
because the entire production operation may depend on the troubleshooter's ability to solve the problem quickly
and economically, thus returning the equipment to service. Although the actual steps the troubleshooter uses to
achieve the ultimate goal may vary, there are a few general guidelines that should be followed.
There are often cases where a familiar piece of equipment or system breaks down. In those cases, an abbreviated
five-step troubleshooting process can be used to find the fault, get the system up and running. It is important to
note that, although it is a five-step approach, the same basic guidelines of the seven-step troubleshooting method
are followed. The steps are simply combined to be specific to the problem at hand.
The general guidelines for a good troubleshooter to follow are:
Work quickly
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Work efficiently
Work economically
Work safely and exercise safety precaution
2.2.4. Troubleshooting techniques or methods
Once the symptom is identified, the reasons that cause it have to be determined. The choice of which method to
use depends on the circuit complexity, on symptoms, and on the personal preferences of the technician. The most
common troubleshooting techniques are listed below:
A. Power check
It is amazing how many times a simple issue such as a blown fuse or a flat battery is the cause of a circuit
malfunction. Initially, therefore, ensure that the power cord is plugged in and that the fuses are not blown
If the circuit is battery powered, make sure that the voltage level is acceptable. If a power supply rectifier is
present, check the level of the voltage at the output and make sure that the circuit is powered with the correct
B. Visual inspection
This inspection is part of the so called sensory checks. Sensory checks rely on the human senses to detect a
possible fault.
The visual inspection of the PCB is the simplest troubleshooting technique (which is very effective in many of the
cases). The soldered joints have to be inspected thoroughly. If any doubts exist about the quality of a certain joint,
it has to be re-soldered.
The PCB has to be inspected visually for any burnt components. Sometimes, components that overheat leave a
brownish mark on the board. They can be used as ‘starting points’ in the troubleshooting process and the reasons
why they overheat have to be determined.
It is bad practice simply to replace such components, without trying to find out what actually caused the
component to overheat. In many cases, the reason is a faulty (or out of range) component near the failed
component. It also has to be replaced.
C. Using a sense of touch
This is another sensory check. Overheated components can be detected by simply touching them. However, this
check has to be performed with extreme caution. The circuit has to be turned off, and some time allowed for the
large capacitors to discharge. Always touch the components with the right hand only.
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This is important because in the case of Electric shock it is less likely that the current will pass through the heart. If
possible, Wear insulated shoes. In addition, care should be taken not to burn the fingers. Using the sense of touch
is a very useful troubleshooting technique in circuits, where everything seems to work properly for A while, and
then the circuit fails, due to overheating of a certain component. Identifying such components helps to detect the
possible cause of the fault.
Special freezing sprays are available, which allow instant freezing of components. If the circuit begins to operate
properly immediately after the heated component is sprayed, this is an indication that this component is causing
the circuit failure. Before replacing the component, further investigation is needed to determine what caused the
overheating in the first place.
E. Smell check
When certain components fail due to overheating it is possible in most cases to detect a smell of smoke. This is
usually the case, if the technician happens to be there at the time the accident occurred. If not, it is usually possible
to detect the failed component by visual inspection afterwards.
F. Component replacement
This troubleshooting method relies mostly on the operator’s skills and experience. Certain symptoms are an
obvious indication of a particular component failure. This statement is especially true for an experienced electronic
For example, some TV service technicians can unmistakably identify the failed component in a TV set (even
before opening it), by just briefly examining the symptoms.
Component replacement is a good troubleshooting technique for an experienced electronics technician, as it saves
a lot of time and money. Moreover, this technique guarantees the success of the repair, because if enough
components are replaced, eventually the faulty one will be replaced too. However, it is recommended that the
amateur technician initially applies some logical thinking to the troubleshooting process.
G. Signal Tracing
This troubleshooting technique is not the most common one, but it is the most desirable, as it requires intelligent
and logical thinking from the troubleshooter.
This method is based on the measuring of the signal at various test points along the circuit. A test point in the
circuit is the point, where the value of the voltage is known to the operator.
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This troubleshooting technique relies on finding a point, where the signal becomes incorrect. Thus, the operator
knows that the problem exists in that portion of the circuit, between the point where the signal becomes incorrect,
and the point where the signal appeared correct for the last time.
In other words, the operator constantly narrows the searched portion of the circuit, until he finds what caused the
There are two basic approaches in conducting the signal tracing. In the first approach, the signal check starts from
the input, checking consecutively the test points towards the output. The checks are carried out, until a point when
an incorrect signal is found.
The second approach is to start from the output and to work backwards towards the input in the same manner until
a correct signal appears.
Troubleshooting any piece of equipment involves a systematic approach of observing the symptom, analyzing the
possible causes, and checking these failures by test and measurement. Do not completely unload a switched mode
power supply while troubleshooting, for this could cause the supply to self-destruct
A. Installation
The TV should be installed near an AC power outlet that can be easily plugged and unplugged. Place the TV on a
smooth, flat surface to avoid the TV falling and causing injury, or damaging the TV. If you intend to install a TV
wall mount, we recommend that you use an authorized TV wall mount. For details, please contact the Xiaomi
service hotline. The diameter and length of the screws will vary depending on the wall mount model. Failure to
use the correct screws may cause the TV to fall or lead to internal damage.
B. Moving
Disconnect all cables before moving the TV.
Large TV needs 2 or more people to move safely. Avoid applying pressure to the LED panel when moving
the TV. Avoid shaking the TV or exposing it to excessive vibrations. When moving the TV to a new
location or to carry out repairs, package the TV using the original box and packaging materials. Ventilation
Do not cover the ventilation holes or insert any objects into the case.
Keep a space for ventilation around the TV. Wall mounting In order to ensure proper ventilation and
prevent the buildup of dust or dirt:
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Do not mount the TV flat, upside-down, or backwards or side mount the TV.
Do not place the TV on a shelf, carpet, bed, or closet.
Do not cover the TV with fabric (such as curtains) or other materials (such as newspapers). AC power cord
Use the AC power cord and socket according to the instructions below to avoid fire, electric shock,
damage, or personal injury:
Insert the plug completely into the AC outlet.
Use the TV with a 100-240V AC power source.
When connecting cables, the AC power cord should be unplugged for safety reasons. Be careful not to trip
over cables.
Before carrying out work or moving the TV, disconnect the AC power cord from the AC power outlet.
Keep the AC power cord away from heat
2.3.1. Unplug the AC power plug and clean it regularly.
If the plug is covered with dust and has water vapor, its insulation quality may deteriorate, producing a fire risk.
Avoid excessive pinching, bending, modifying, or twisting of the AC power cord, otherwise the wires may become
exposed or broken.
Do not place any heavy objects on the AC power cord.
Do not pull the AC power cord when disconnecting the power.
Do not connect too many devices on the same AC power outlet.
Do not use unsuitable AC power outlets
Wall mounting
In order to ensure proper ventilation and prevent the buildup of dust or dirt:
Do not mount the TV flat, upside-down, or backwards, or side mount the TV.
Do not place the TV on a shelf, carpet, bed, or closet.
Do not cover the TV with fabric (such as curtains) or other materials (such as newspapers)
2.4. Carry out basic earthling test and volt ampere test
2.4.1. Basic Test Methods for Earth Resistance
Broadly speaking, “earth resistance” is the resistance of soil to the passage of electric current. Actually, the earth is
a relatively poor conductor of electricity compared to normal conductors like copper wire. But, if the area of a path
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for current is large enough, resistance can be quite low and the earth can be a good conductor. It is the earth’s
abundance and availability that make it an indispensible component of a properly functioning electrical system.
A. Earth resistance is measured in two ways for two important fields of use:
A. Determining effectiveness of “ground” grids and connections that are used with electrical systems to
protect personnel and equipment
B. Prospecting for good (low resistance) “ground” locations, or obtaining measured resistance values that can
give specific information about what lies some distance below the earth’s surface (such as depth to bed rock). It is
not the intent of this manual to go too deeply into the theory and mathematics of the subject. As noted in the
references at the end, there are many excellent books and papers that cover these. Rather, the information herein is
in simple language for easy understanding by the user in industry.
The earth tester generates an AC signal which is fed into the system under test. The instrument then checks the
status of the circuits for good connection and noise. If either of these variables is out of specification then the
operator is informed. Having checked that the conditions for test are met, the instrument automatically steps
through its measurement ranges to find the optimum signal to apply. Measuring the current flowing and the
voltage generated the instrument calculates and displays the system resistance in the range of 0.001 to 20,000
ohms, depending on the model chosen.
2.4.3. Testing Challenges in Large Ground Systems
Securing valid measurements when testing large ground systems requires that proper techniques and
instrumentation be used. The nature of substation and power station grounding systems and related conditions
make testing far more complex than on a simple ground rod. Following are the three key challenges in testing
substation ground systems: 1. The physically large area of a substation/power station ground system results in a
large “resistance area” and, consequently, long distances to the test probes; ideally, the current test probe should be
placed 10 times the maximum distance on the ground system (e.g, 3000 ft for a 300 ft2 ground grid) to find the
“flat” portion of the characteristic resistance curve. 2. The large “resistance area” typically gives ground resistance
values of less than 0.5 Ω; test instrument resolution is critical if small variances in readings are to be observed; if
the test instrument does not have suitable resolution, instrument errors can overwhelm the results.
2.4.4. Hot Ground Problem
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Modern equipment consists of two grounds, one of which is a “hot” ground while the other is a “cold” ground. Hot
ground is in the primary side of a switch mode power supply while the cold ground is the equipment ground.
Be careful when taking voltage measurements around these grounds. For example, if you want to check the
primary circuit of a power supply with power on, always ground your meter or scope to the hot ground, while
check the secondary side using the cold ground.
If the “Hot” ground is not used and you use only the cold ground, the voltage measurement might not be correct
and it may destroy your meter. One way to prevent this is to use an “isolation transformer
2.5 Discharging any large capacitor and cathode ray tube before diagnosis
2.5 .1. Safe discharging of capacitors in TVs and video monitors
It is essential - for your safety and to prevent damage to the device under test as well as your test equipment - that
large or high voltage capacitors be fully discharged before measurements are made, soldering is attempted, or the
circuitry is touched in any way. Some of the large filter capacitors commonly found in line operated equipment
store a potentially lethal charge.
This doesn't mean that every one of the 250 capacitors in your TV need to be discharged every time you power off
and want to make a measurement. However, the large main filter capacitors and other capacitors in the power
supplies should be checked and discharged if any significant voltage is found after powering off (or before any
testing - the CRT capacitance in a TV or video monitor, for example, can retain a dangerous or at least painful
charge for days or longer!)
The technique I recommend is to use a high wattage resistor of about 5 to 50 ohms/V of the working voltage of the
capacitor. This isn't critical - a bit more or less will be fine but will affect the time it takes to fully discharge the
capacitor. The use of a current limiting resistor will prevent the arc-welding associated with screwdriver discharge
but will have a short enough time constant so that the capacitor will drop to a low voltage in at most a few seconds
(dependent of course on the RC time constant and its original voltage).
Then check with a voltmeter to be double sure. Better yet, monitor while discharging (not needed for the CRT -
discharge is nearly instantaneous even with multi-M ohm resistor).
Obviously, make sure that you are well insulated!
For the main capacitors in a TV or monitor power supply which might be 400 uF at 200 V, this would mean a
5K, 10W resistor. RC = 2 seconds. 5RC = 10 seconds. A lower wattage resistor can be used since the total
energy in not that great. If you want to be more high tech, you can build the capacitor discharge circuit outlined
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in the companion document: Capacitor Testing, Safe Discharging, and Other Related Information. This
provides a visible indication of remaining charge and polarity.
For the CRT, use a several M ohm resistor good for 30 kV or more (or a string of lower value resistors to
obtain this voltage rating). A 1/4 watt job will just arc over! Discharge to the chassis ground connected to the
outside of the CRT - NOT SIGNAL GROUND ON THE MAIN BOARD as you may damage sensitive
circuitry. The time constant is very short - a ms or so. However, repeat a few times to be sure, then use a
shorting clip as these capacitors have a way of recovering a painful charge if left alone - there have been too
many stories of painful experiences from charge developing for whatever reasons ready to bite when the HV
lead is reconnected.
Note that if you are touching the little board on the neck of the CRT, you may want to discharge the HV even if
you are not disconnecting the fat red wire - the focus and screen (G2) voltages on that board are derived from the
WARNING: Most common resistors - even 5 W jobs - are rated for only a few hundred volts and are not suitable
for the 25 kV or more found in modern TVs and monitors. Alternatives to a long string of regular resistors are a
high voltage probe or a known good focus/screen divider network. However, note that the discharge time constant
with these may be a few seconds.
If you are not going to be removing the CRT anode connection, replacing the fly back, or going near the
components on the little board on the neck of the CRT, I would just stay away from the fat red wire and what it is
connected to including the focus and screen wires. Repeatedly shoving a screwdriver under the anode cap risks
scratching the CRT envelope which is something you really do not want to do.
2.5.2. Discharging Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Capacitors.
Most SMPS have a resistor to drain the charge in the main filter capacitor. But some resistors may fail and the
capacitor can hold this charge even after you have turned off the equipment. This capacitor has a range of about
150uf to 330uf at 400 working voltage.
Before you start to work on a power supply, always turn off the power and discharge the capacitor. You can do this
by placing a resistor across the two legs of the capacitor. The resistor value can be around 2.2 to 4.7 kilo ohms
10watt. It takes only a few seconds to fully discharge a capacitor. Double-check the capacitor with a voltmeter
after every discharge.
Do not discharge capacitor with screwdriver because: -
It may melt the tip of the screwdriver.
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It will damage the capacitor and its terminal.
If we are too near to the point of discharge, the heavy spark generated may cause injury to our eyes.
2.6. Locating the exact location of the fault
Fault in electrical equipment or apparatus is defined as an imperfection in the electrical circuit due to which
current is deflected from the intended path. In other words, the fault is the abnormal condition of the electrical
system which damages the electrical equipment and disturbs the normal flow of the electric current.
A. Safety considerations
Before we outline the basic steps for fault finding on some simple electronic circuits, it is vitally important that
you are aware of the potential hazards associated with equipment which uses high voltages or is operated from the
AC. mains supply.
Whereas many electronic circuits operate from low voltage supplies and can thus be handled quite safely, the high
AC. voltages present in mains operated equipment represent a potentially lethal shock hazard.
The following general rules should always be followed when handling such equipment:
A. Switch off the mains supply and remove the mains power connector whenever any of the following tasks are
being performed:
Dismantling the equipment.
Inspecting fuses.
Disconnecting or connecting internal modules.
De-soldering or soldering components.
Carrying out continuity tests on switches, transformer windings, bridge rectifiers, etc.
B. When measuring AC and DC voltages present within the power unit take the following precautions:
Avoid direct contact with incoming mains wiring.
Check that the equipment is connected to an effective earth.
Use insulated test prods.
Select appropriate meter ranges before attempting to take any measurements.
If in any doubt about what you are doing, switch off at the mains, disconnect the mains connector and
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2.6.1 Fault Locating Procedures
Fault Locating is a disciplined and logical process in which ‘experimental fixing’ should never be anticipated. The
generalized process of fault finding is illustrated in the flowchart of Figure7.1.
First you need to verify that the equipment really is faulty and that you haven’t overlooked something obvious
(such as a defective battery or disconnected signal cable). This may sound rather obvious but in some cases a fault
may simply be attributable to maladjustment or misconnection. Furthermore, where several items of equipment are
connected together, it may not be easy to pinpoint the single item of faulty equipment.
The second stage is that of gathering all relevant information. This process involves asking questions such as:
In what circumstances did the circuit fail?
Has the circuit operated correctly before and exactly what has changed?
Has the deterioration in performance been sudden or progressive?
What fault symptoms do you notice?
The answers to these questions are crucial and, once the information has been analyzed, the next stage involves
separating the ‘effects’ from the ‘causes’. Here you should list each of the possible causes. Once this has been
done, you should be able to identify and focus upon the most probable cause. Corrective action (such as
component removal and replacement, adjustment or alignment) can then be applied before further functional
checks are carried out. It should then be possible to determine whether or not the fault has been correctly
identified. Note, however, that the failure of one component can often result in the malfunction or complete failure
of another.
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Figure 2.2. The flowchart
As an example, a short-circuit capacitor will often cause a fuse to blow. When the fuse is replaced and the supply
is reconnected the fuse will once again blow because the capacitor is still faulty. It is therefore important to
consider what other problems may be present when a fault is located.
2.6.3. Common Faults Categories in Power Supplies of Television receiver
No matter what type of power supply you are repairing the faults (problems) fall into the following six categories:
No Power
Low Output Voltage
High Output Voltage
Power Cycling/Blinking
Power Shutdown and
Intermittent Power Problem
Once you have understood the Common Faults or problems, then you can use the necessary step to isolate,
troubleshoot and repair any power supplies.
A. No Power
In SMPS this fault has two categories
Dead and Silent with fuse Blown and
Dead and Silent with fuse Good
To identify this problem, the followings symptom is existing
Switch on the equipment (SMPS)
Make sure that the AC Power cord is properly connected
Observe the LED light indicator.
If there is no light you got the symptom then,
B. Test procedures:
Open the cover observes the fuse.
Test the fuse with your ohmmeter.
Test the bridge rectifier and the power FET and
The secondary diode.
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Figure2.3. Basic Way of fault finding for no power
C. Low Output Voltage Chap 11
The Symptom:
Low power output
No LED light
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Test Steps
Figure 2.5 : Run DC Circuit Diode and Its location In the primary side of SMPS.
E. Power Cycling/Blinking
The equipment LED Blinks.
F. Power Shutdown
Producing too HIGH output voltage that can burn the equipment and other electronic circuitry.
The SMPS shutdown itself whiles you ON.
G. Intermittent Power Problem
The SMPS sometimes works and sometimes don’t work properly.
2.7. Identify system defects/fault symptoms
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some or all of these voltages. There are also various (and sometimes convoluted) combinations of any or all of the
There will always be:
2.7.2. A power switch, relay, or triac to enable main power.
A. Set of rectifiers: usually in a bridge configuration - to turn the AC into DC. Small ceramic capacitors are
normally placed across the diodes to reduce RF interference. One or more large filter capacitors to smooth the
unregulated DC. In the U.S., this is most often a voltage around 150-160 V DC. In countries with 220 VAC power,
it will typically be around 300-320 V DC.
A discrete, hybrid, or IC regulator to provide stable DC to the horizontal deflection system. Sometimes
feedback from a secondary output of the fly back or even the high voltage is used. This regulator may be either
a linear or switching type. In some cases, there is no regulator. Zero or more voltage dividers and/or regulators
to produce additional voltages directly from the line power. This relatively rare except for startup circuits.
These voltages will not be isolated from the line.
A degauss control circuit usually including a thermostat or Posistor (a combination of a heater disk and
Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC) thermistor in a single package). When power is turned on, a relatively
high AC current is applied to the degauss coil wrapped around the periphery of the CRT. The PTC thermistor
heats up, increases in resistance, and smoothly decreases the current to nearly zero over a couple of seconds.
A startup circuit for booting the horizontal deflection if various voltages to run the TV are derived from the fly
back. This may be an IC or discrete multi-vibrator or something else running off a non-isolated voltage or the
standby power supply.
A standby power supply for the microcontroller and remote sensor. Usually, this is a separate low voltage
power supply using a small power transformer for line isolation. However, some sets use other (probably
cheaper) approaches. See below. Always use an isolation transformer when working on a TV but this is
especially important - for your safety - when dealing with the non-isolated line operated power supply. Read
and follow the information in the section: Safety guidelines.
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The standby supply may consist of:
A low voltage power transformer feeding one or more sets of rectifiers, filter capacitors, and possibly
A power surge could cause the primary of the transformer to open up. There may also be a thermal fuse
under the outer layers of insulation which blew either due to overheating or a power surge. However, if the
primary is open, it is best to replace the transformer rather than attempting repairs it.
One or more voltage dividers connected directly to the AC line feeding rectifiers, filter capacitors, and
possibly regulators.
Open resistors and dried up capacitors are common failures since the resistors are often not rated
adequately and run hot, in close proximity to the capacitors.
A portion of the main (switch mode) power supply that runs all the time.
Failures could be almost anything that would affect normal operation of the power supply as well as
problems with the control circuitry.
C. Totally dead set
This can be as simple as a bad outlet (including blown fuse or tripped circuit breaker due to some other fault),
switched outlet and the switch is off, or bad cord set.
Plug a lamp into the outlet to make sure it is live. If the lamp works, then the problem is the TV. It not, the
outlet is defective or the fuse is blown or the circuit breaker is tripped. There is another very simple
explanation that is sometimes overlooked: This is a switched outlet. You always wondered what that wall
switch was for that didn't seem to do anything and you flipped randomly. :-) Well, now you know!
Try wiggling the TV's cord both at the outlet (also push the wire toward the plug) and TV (also push the
cord toward the TV) with the set on and/or while pressing the power-on button. If you can get a response,
even momentarily, the cord likely has broken wires internally.
Beyond these basic causes, troubleshooting will be needed inside the set to determine what is defective.
D. Intermittently dead set - bad cord set
There are two problems which are common with the line cord on appliances. Don't overlook these really simple
things when troubleshooting your vacuum cleaner - or fancy electronic equipment! If wiggling the cord has an
effect, then the following are likely causes:
Repeated flexing results in the internal conductors breaking either at the plug or appliance end. If flexing
the cord/squeezing/pulling results in the device going on and off, it is bad. If the problem is at the plug end,
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cut off the old plug a couple of inches beyond the problem area and replace just the plug. If the problem is
at the appliance end, an entire new cord set is best though you can probably cut out the bad section and
solder what remains directly to the main board.
In either case, observe the polarity of the cord wires - they will be marked in some way with a ridge or
stripe. It is important that the new plug be of the same type (polarized usually) and that the cord is wired
the same way.
The prongs do not fit snugly into older worn outlets. This can usually be remedied by using a pointed tool
like an awl or utility knife to spread apart the pair of leaves often used to form each prong of the plug. If
the prongs are made of solid metal, it may be possible to spread them apart - widen the space between
them. Alternatively, get a 3 to 2 prong adapter just to use as an intermediate connector. Spread the leaves of
its prongs. However, a new outlet is best.
Bad connections on the main board. As you flex the cord, it is also stressing the attachment to the main
board and affecting some marginal solder joints.
It is important to deal with these symptoms as soon as possible as erratic power cycling can lead to much more
serious and expensive problems down the road.
E. No picture or raster and no sound
The screen is blank with no raster at all. There are indications that the channel numbers are changing in the
display. This indicates that some of the low voltages are present but these may be derived from the standby supply.
Assuming there is no deflection and no HV, you either have a low voltage power supply problem, bad startup
circuit, or bad horizontal output transistor (HOT) or other bad parts in the horizontal deflection.
F. Check for bad fuses.
(If you have HV as indicated by static electricity on the front of the screen and you hear the high pitched whine of
the horizontal deflection when it is turned on, then the following does not apply).
Use an ohmmeter to test the HOT for shorts. If it is bad, look for open fusible resistors or other fuses you
did not catch.
Assuming it is good, measure the voltage on the collector-emitter of the HOT (this is safe if there is no
deflection). You should see the B+ - probably between 100 and 150 V.
If there is no voltage, you have a low voltage power supply problem and/or you have not found all the
bad/open parts.
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If there is voltage and no deflection (no high pitched whine and no HV), you probably have a startup
problem - all TVs need some kind of circuit to kick start the horizontal deflection until the auxiliary power
outputs of the fly back are available. Some Zeniths use a simple multivibrator for this - a couple of
transistors. Others power the horizontal oscillator. IC from a special line-derived voltage. The multi-
vibrator types are sometimes designed to fail if someone keeps turning the set on and off (like kids playing)
since the power rating is inadequate. Test the transistors if it is that type with an ohmmeter. If one is
shorted, you have a problem. The usual way a TV service person would test for startup problems is to
inject a signal to the base of the HOT of about 15.75 kHz. If the TV then starts and runs once this signal is
removed, the diagnosis is confirmed. This is risky - you can blow things up if not careful (including
yourself). If you hear the high pitched whine of the deflection and/or feel some static on the screen,
confirm that the horizontal deflection and high voltage are working by adjusting the SCREEN control
(probably on the fly back). If you can get a raster then your problem is probably in the video or chroma
circuits, not the deflection or high voltages.
2.7.3. Faults found on SMPS television receiver using pictures diagram
Cause: l Power Fault.
Shorted Non-Polar Capacitor
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Figure 2.7: The Location of a Shorted Non Polar Capacitor
Case 2: No Power
Startup resistor is opened.
Shorted Power IC
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Figure 2.9. Zero Volt after the Star Up Resistor
Case 3: No Power
Shorted Zener diode
Shorted Power IC
Opt isolator IC Breakdown
Figure 2.10.Optoisolator IC
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Shorted emitter collector pin of Optoisolator IC
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Figure 2.13 Leaky transistor at the secondary side
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Figure 2.15. Testing primary winding of SMPS
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Figure 2.16. Possible shorted components that can blow the main fuse
2.8. Document diagnosis and testing results
Diagnose documentation is a technical communication document intended to give a user or customer
information on how to solve and prevent those problems. It’s commonly written for computer hardware,
electronic goods, and software but they can be written for any product.
Proper documentation would list every stage in the process from start to end. As we discussed troubleshooting
is a logical and step by step process that must be followed every time. If problems and customers are not the
same, then how can even the best troubleshooting staff survive without proper documentation? It is the life
support for troubleshooting.
Troubleshooting documentation is more often than not, lengthy and can be tiring to read. Anyone who is
referring to such a document for a particular problem and its resolution should not need to go through the
entire documentation to find it. A well-defined and crisply laid out index should be in place to make locating
the area of interest easier. The index must also have some help words that describe in layman terms some of
the tongue twisting troubleshooting terminology.
Clearly worded documentation is important to improve efficiency. Even if memory fails under pressure, the
troubleshooting staff can quickly recover from that by referring to the documentation. The customer will never
need to know that the staff ‘ran short’ to start with. The end perception will be one of knowledge and
efficiency. Happy staff and happier customer!
The importance of documentation in troubleshooting and other areas comes from the fact that it is a recording
of a crucial and creative process that focuses on problem resolution and problem prevention. It helps members
of the same team or different teams work collaboratively on customer issues or internal troubleshooting issues
for quicker resolutions.
Documentation can be very inspiring and thought provoking if written well. They provide invaluable and
indispensable data that make the entire troubleshooting process and customer service for a company more
robust and sustainable.
Although it is often neglected in the troubleshooting process, documentation is as important as any of the other
troubleshooting procedures. Documenting a solution involves keeping a record of all the steps taken during the fix-
not necessarily just the solution. For the documentation to be of use to other network administrators in the future, it
must include several key pieces of information. When documenting a procedure, include the following
information. It is a record or the capturing of some event or thing so that the information will not be lost.
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2.8.1. Maintenance documentation
Service contract or in-house preventive maintenance is documented. This documentation is required for annual
maintenance. Maintenance performed at other times, with the exception of routine cleaning, is documented.
A. The documentation includes:
Description of the maintenance;
Date it was done; and
Name of the service representative and company, or name of
The analyst if maintenance provided internally.
B. Repair equipment is documented.
The documentation includes:
Initials of the analyst, and the date the problem was observed,
Description of the problem;
Date and initials of the analyst or service represent at performing the repair;
Synopsis of the repair; and
Cost of repair, copy of the invoice and any additional information (not required).
C. Reading the service manual
It is difficult to repair any piece of complicated equipment without some service literature. It is possible to repair
electronic equipment without the service manual, but it can be very time-consuming. You can lose a lot of valuable
servicing time if you are without a good service manual. The service manual is a set of document prepared by the
manufacturer to help the service technician to repair or service that set of equipment. A well written manual is the
best servicing aid. It contains the following information:
Describe how a circuit works
Block diagram of the equipment
Circuit diagrams
Signal and voltage test points
Adjustment procedure
List of accessories
List of spare parts with the part numbers, values, tolerances and ratings
Fault diagnosis steps, generally in the form of flow charts
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Preventive maintenance layout
Safety precautions to be observed while handling the equipment.
A service manual can be very expensive, but it is worth the investment. With the help of a service manual, a
service technician or engineer can:
Align, calibrate and test the equipment correctly to get the optimum output
Locate a fault quickly
Use the correct replacement part Conduct preventive maintenance correctly
By using the right service manual, as well as with the assistance of good tools, testing equipment and your own
experience, you are set to multiply your troubleshooting power!!!
2.9. Advising / informing customers
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You have to inform them that you are trying your best to save the equipment and if it can’t be repaired after
many attempts then you will return the equipment to them.
Operation Sheet 2. 1:
Diagnosing Faults
Operation title: Procedures of Diagnose faults in the Television Receivers Set
Purpose: To practice and demonstrate the knowledge and skill required Diagnose faults to make functional TV
Instruction: Use the given select tools, equipment and testing instrument so that digonose the fault is usually done by
preparing your circuit’s schematic diagram television receiver set. For this operation you have given 5 Hour and you are
expected to provide the answer on the given steps.
Step 1 - Prepare Safety Materials
Step 2 - Make your working area free from dust and unwanted objects
Step 3 - Select the appropriate tools and testing instrument
Step 4 - Diagnose the fault from the system
Step 5 - clean and test the system
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Step 6 - complied the completion procedure and documentation
Step 7 - Dispose waste materials
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Quality Criteria: the given diagnosing faults in the Television Receivers Set is with Correct specification
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3.1. Identifying faults on the of television PCB
3.1.1. Analysis of all possible faults in this circuit
A. Faulty capacitors
There are three possible problems. The capacitor could be shorted, opened, or leaky. If the capacitor is shorted, it
effectively brings both terminals of the load resistor together and therefore the output voltage is zero. This is
illustrated in Figure7.4 (a). If the capacitor is open (Figure7.4 (b)), it does not filter the output voltage supplied
from the rectifier. The waveform of the voltage, at the output, remains the same as the waveform of the voltage,
after the rectifier. Therefore, the waveforms at points C and D are identical. The only difference is that the
amplitude of the voltage at the point D is smaller, due to the voltage drop across the resistor R surge. Finally, if the
capacitor is leaky the output voltage will appear with increased ripples on the output (Figure7.4 (c)).
A leaky capacitor appears as if there is a leakage resistor, connected to it in parallel. The leakage resistor decreases
the time for a discharge, thus the voltage ripples increase at the output.
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Figure 3.1.Symptoms of a faulty capacitor
B. Faulty Resistor (R surge)
There is only one possible faulty condition, namely a blown resistor Rsurge (Rsurge appears as an open circuit). This
occurs, when an excessive current flows through it. An excessive current flows through Rsurge if the output
terminals are short-circuited or if the capacitor is shorted. In both cases when R surge blows, it brakes the circuit
and prevents the diodes (which are more expensive than the resistor) from burning too. The output voltage in this
case is zero. Before replacing R surge, ensure that the capacitor, or the output terminals of the circuit, is not
shorted and that the conductive paths of the PCB are not shorted out.
C. Shorted diode
Shorted diode appears as a jumper between the points of the connection, as it conducts the current in both
directions. Figure 3.8 illustrates the current that flows in the circuit, when the diode D4 is shorted out. During the
positive half-period, the current flows through D3 and D4 as normal. The shortened diode exhibits a zero
resistance in both directions and it appears for the circuit, as if it is simply forward-biased. Thus, the positive half-
period appears as normal at the point C. However, during the negative half-period the picture changes. The current
now flows through D1 and D4 instead of flowing through the rest of the circuit, because these two diodes,
connected in series, provide a path of least resistance. Effectively the secondary winding is short-circuited and an
excessive current flows through it. Thus, the diode D4 can be damaged quickly, due to overheating. The increase
in the current in the secondary winding increases the current in the primary winding. If the circuit is properly
fused, the fuse on the primary winding should blow. If this is not the case, the diode D 1 overheats (and even
possibly burns) and the voltage at the test point C has the form shown in Figure 7.5. Analytical thinking is required
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to analyze what happens in the circuit when some other diode shorts out, or when two or more diodes short out
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E. Faulty transformer:
This is not a common fault, though if the rest of the circuit appears in a good working order, the transformer has to
be checked. Several faults are possible: the primary or the secondary windings can be open or partially shorted. If
one of the windings is open, no voltage is applied to the rest of the circuit. This obviously results in 0 V at the
output. If the primary winding is partially shorted, the turns ratio of the transformer is effectively increased. The
voltage on the secondary winding is also increased; thus, the level of the voltage at the output of the circuit is
higher. A partially shorted secondary winding decreases the turn ratio of the transformer. The voltage supplied to
the rectifier is lower; thus, the level of the circuit output voltage is also lower.
F. Blown fuse:
As was mentioned earlier, this occurs when one of the diodes is shorted. Thus, before replacing the fuse, the diodes
have to be checked. A partially shorted primary or secondary winding of the transformer can also increase the
current to a level, where the fuse blows. Thus, the transformer also has to be tested before replacing the fuse.
G. Testing BJTs
Sometimes the transistor itself may not be faulty, but due to faults in the external circuitry, it may not operate
correctly. For example, a cold junction on the transistor base terminal effectively isolates the base from the rest of
the circuit. Therefore, the bias voltage on the transistor is 0 V, which will drive it into a cutoff. When checking
such a transistor from the component side of the PCB, it will appear to be functioning correctly. Yet, the signal is
not present at the output.
Troubleshooting is a form of problem solving, often applied to repair failed products or processes. It is a logical,
systematic search for the source of a problem so that it can be solved, and so the product or process can be made
operational again. Troubleshooting is needed to develop and maintain complex systems where the symptoms of a
problem can have many possible causes.
Troubleshooting is used in many fields such as engineering, system administration, electronics, automotive repair,
and diagnostic medicine. Troubleshooting requires identification of the malfunction(s) or symptoms within a
system. Then, experience is commonly used to generate possible causes of the symptoms. Determining which
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cause is most likely is often a process of elimination - eliminating potential causes of a problem. Finally,
troubleshooting requires confirmation that the solution restores the product or process to its working state.
In general, troubleshooting is the identification of, or diagnosis of "trouble" in the management flow of a
corporation or a system caused by a failure of some kind. The problem is initially described as symptoms of
malfunction, and troubleshooting is the process of determining and remedying to the causes of these symptoms.
.3.2.1. Subsystems of a television set
A TV set includes the following functional blocks:
1. Low voltage power supply. Most of the lower voltages used in the TV may be derived from the
horizontal deflection circuits. Sometimes, there is a separate switching power supply but this would be the
exception. Rectifier/filter capacitor/regulator from AC line provides the B+ to the switching power supply
or horizontal deflection system. Degauss operates off of the line whenever power is turned on (after having
been off for a few minutes) to demagnetize the CRT.
2. Horizontal deflection. These circuits provide the waveforms needed to sweep the electron beam in the
CRT across and back some 15,734 times per second (for NTSC). The horizontal sync pulse from the sync
separator locks the horizontal deflection to the video signal.
3. Vertical deflection. These circuits provide the waveforms needed to sweep the electron beam in the CRT
from top to bottom and back 60 times per second (for NTSC). The vertical sync pulse from the sync
separator locks the vertical deflection to the video signal.
4. CRT high voltage. A modern color CRT requires up to 30 kV for a crisp bright picture. Rather than
having a totally separate power supply, nearly every TV on the planet derives the HV (as well as many
other voltages) from the horizontal deflection using a special transformer called a 'flyback' or 'Line OutPut
Transformer (LOPT) for those of you on the other side of the lake.
5. Tuner, IF, AGC, video and audio demodulators. Input is the antenna or cable signal and output are
baseband video and audio signals. There is usually someplace inside the TV where line level video and
audio are present but it may not be accessible from the outside of the cabinet unless you paid for the more
expensive model with the A/V option. Very often, the tuner is a shielded metal box positioned on the
bottom right (as viewed from the front) separate from the main circuit board. Sometimes it is on the main
circuit board. The IF section may be in either place.
On older or cheap TVs with a knob tuner, this is usually mounted to the front panel by itself. There are
usually separate boxes for the VHF and UHF tuners.
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6. Chroma demodulator. Input is the baseband video signal. Outputs are the individual signals for the red,
green, and blue video to the CRT.
7. Video drivers (RGB). These are almost always located on a little circuit board plugged directly onto the
neck of the CRT. They boost the output of the chroma demodulator to the hundred volts or so needed to
drive the cathodes of the CRT.
8. Sync separator. Input is baseband video. Output is horizontal and vertical sync pulses to control the
deflection circuits.
9. Audio amplifier/output. The line level audio is amplified to drive a set of speakers. If this is a stereo TV,
then these circuits must also perform the stereo demultiplexing.
10. System control. Most modern TVs actually use a microcontroller - a fixed program microcomputer to
perform all user interfaces and control functions from the front panel and remote control. These are
becoming increasingly sophisticated. However, they do not fail often. Older TVs use a bunch of knobs and
switches and these are prone to wear and dirt.
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response, even momentarily, the cord likely has broken wires internally. Beyond these basic causes,
troubleshooting will be needed inside the set to determine what is defective
B. Intermittently dead set - bad cord set
There are two problems which are common with the line cord on appliances. Don't overlook these really
simple things when troubleshooting your vacuum cleaner - or fancy electronic equipment! If wiggling
the cord has an effect, then the following are likely causes:
Repeated flexing results in the internal conductors breaking either at the plug or appliance end. If
flexing the cord/squeezing/pulling results in the device going on and off, it is bad. If the problem is at
the plug end, cut off the old plug a couple of inches beyond the problem area and replace just he
plug. If the problem is at the appliance end, an entire new cord set is best though you can probably
cut out the bad section and solder what remains directly to the main board.
In either case, observe the polarity of the cord wires - they will be marked in some way with a ridge
or stripe. It is important that the new plug be of the same type (polarized usually) and that the cord is
wired the same way.
C. Power button on set is flakey
If the ON/OFF (or other button) on the set itself behaves erratically but the remote control works
fine, then it could be a dirty button or cable or other connections to the switch PCB, particularly if the
buttons on the set itself are rarely used.
Why not just continue to use the remote?
If power is controlled by a hard switch - a pull or click knob, or mechanical push-push switch and
this has become erratic due to worn contacts, replacements are available but often only directly from
the original manufacturer to physically fit and (where applicable) have the volume or other controls
built in. As an alternative, consider mounting a small toggle switch on the side of the cabinet to
substitute for the broken switch. This will almost certainly be easier and cheaper - and quite possibly,
more reliable.
D. TV blows fuse
A blown fuse is a very common type of fault due to poor design very often triggered by power surges
due to outages or lightning storms. However, the most likely parts to short are easily tested, usually
in-circuit, with an ohmmeter and then easily removed to confirm.
Note that it *may be* useful to replace a fuse the *first* time it blows (though it would be better to
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do some basic checks for shorted components first as there is a small chance that having a fuse blow
the second time could result in additional damage which would further complicate the
troubleshooting process).
However, if the new one blows, there is a real problem.
Sometimes, a fuse will just die of old age or be zapped by a power surge that caused no damage to
the rest of the TV. However, it must be an EXACT replacement. Else, there could be safety issues (e.g., fire
hazard or equipment damage from too large a current rating) or you could be chasing a non- existent problem
(e.g., if the new fuse is not slo-blow and is blown by the degauss circuit inrush current but nothing is actually
wrong).If the fuse really blows absolutely instantly with no indication that the circuits are functioning (no high
pitched horizontal deflection whine (if your dog hides under the couch whenever the TV is turned on,
deflection is probably working).) then this points to a short somewhere quite near the AC power input.
The most common places would be:
Degauss Posistor - very likely.
Horizontal output transistor.
Power supply regulator if there is one.
Power supply chopper (switch mode) transistor if there is one.
Diode(s) in main bridge
Main filter capacitor(s).
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If these test good, use an ohmmeter with the set unplugged to measure the horizontal output
transistor. Even better to remove it and measure it.
If any readings are very low, the transistor is bad.
If the HOT tests bad, try powering the set first with your light bulb and if it just flashes once
when the capacitor is charging, then put a fuse in and try it. The fuse should not blow with
the transistor removed.
Of course, not much else will work either.
If it tests good, power the set without the transistor and see what happens. If the fuse does not
blow, then with the good transistor (assuming it is not failing under load), it would mean that
there is some problem with the driving circuits possibly or with the feedback from the
voltages derived from the horizontal not regulating properly.
E. No picture or raster and no sound
The screen is blank with no raster at all. There are indications that the channel numbers are changing in
the display. This indicates that some of the low voltages are present but these may be derived from the
standby supply. Assuming there is no deflection and no HV, you either have a low voltage power
supply problem, bad start-up circuit, or bad horizontal output transistor (HOT) or other bad parts in the
horizontal deflection.
• Check for bad fuses.
(If you have HV as indicated by static electricity on the front of the screen and you hear the high pitched
whine of the horizontal deflection when it is turned on, then the following does not apply).
Use an ohmmeter to test the HOT for shorts. If it is bad, look for open fusible resistors or
other fuses you did not catch.
Assuming it is good, measure the voltage on the collector-emitter of the HOT (this is safe if there is
no deflection). You should see the B+ - probably between 100 and 150 V.
If there is no voltage, you have a low voltage power supply problem and/or you have not found all
the bad/open parts.
If there is voltage and no deflection (no high pitched whine and no HV), you probably have a start-
up problem - all TVs need some kind of circuit to kick start the horizontal deflection until the
auxiliary power outputs of the fly back are available.
F. Reduced width picture and/or hum bars in picture and/or hum in sound
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The most likely cause is a dried up main filter capacitor. Once the effective capacitance drops low
enough, 120 Hz (or 100 Hz in countries with 50 Hz power) ripple will make its way into the regulated
G. DC supply (assuming full wave rectification).
Another likely cause of similar symptoms is a defective low voltage regulator allowing excessive
ripple. The regulator IC could be bad or filter capacitor following the IC could be dried up.
H. Shorted Components A failure of the horizontal output transistor or power supply switch mode
transistor will blow a fuse or fusable resistor. Look for blown fuses and test for open fusable resistors in
the power circuits. If you find one, then test the HOT and/or switch mode transistor for shorts.Other
possibilities: rectifier diodes or main filter capacitor.
H. TV doesn't power up immediately: The TV may do nothing, cycle ON and OFF for a while, power
up and then shutdown in an endless cycle - or at least for a while. Then it comes on and operates
normally until it is turned off.
A couple of possibilities:
The main filter capacitor or other filter capacitors in the low voltage power supply is dried up and
this can cause all kinds of regulation problems.
The power supply regulator is defective (or marginal) allowing excessive voltage on its output and
then the X-ray protection circuitry shuts you down.
If there is, then if the picture has serious hum bars in it the main filter cap could be bad. If more or less
a decent picture with minor hum bars then it could be the regulator.
I. TV shuts down with bright picture or when brightness is turned up
This is probably a protection circuit kicking in especially if turning power off or pulling the plug is
required to restore operation. The detection circuit could be in the power supply or horizontal
deflection output circuit. It may be defective or the current may be too high for some other reason. A
couple of tests can be performed to
confirm that it is due to beam current:
• Determine if behaviour is similar when adjusting the user brightness control and the screen (G2) pot
(on the fly back) or master brightness control.
Disconnect the filaments to the CRT (unsolder a pin on the CRT socket) and see if it still shuts
down under the same conditions. If it is over current protection, shut down should now *not* take
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place since there is no beam current.
J. Horizontal deflection shutting down
Confirm that the horizontal deflection is shutting down (along with the high voltage since it is derived
from horizontal deflection: listen for the high pitched deflection whine, test for static on the screen, see if
the CRT filaments are lit, turn up the brightness and/or screen control to see if you can get a
raster) and then why:
Power is failing to the horizontal output transistor - this could be due to a low voltage power
supply problem, bad connection, etc.
Base drive to the horizontal output transistor is failing - could be a fault in the horizontal
oscillator or bad connection.
Problem with the fly back transformer or its secondary loads (fly back may provide other power
K. Single Horizontal Line
CAUTION: To prevent damage to the CRT phosphors, immediately turn down the brightness so the
line is just barely visible. If the user controls do not have enough range, you will have to locate and
adjust the master brightness or screen/G2 pots. A single horizontal line means that you have lost vertical
deflection. High voltage is most likely fine since there is something on the screen.
This could be due to:
Dirty services switch contacts. There is often a small switch located inside on the main board or
perhaps accessible from the back. This is used during setup to set the color background levels. (On
some sets, this is located on the CRT neck board and may be a jumper plug or other means of selecting
service mode - not an actual switch.) When moved to the 'service' position, it kills vertical deflection
and video to the CRT. If the switch somehow changed position or got dirty or corroded contacts, you
will have this symptom. Flip the switch back and forth a couple of times. If there is some change, then
replace, clean, resolder, or even bypass it as appropriate.
1. Bad connection to deflection yoke or other parts in vertical output circuit. Bad connections are
Common in TVs and monitors. check around the pins of large components like transformers,
Power transistors and resistors, or connectors for hairline cracks in the solder. Reseat internal
Connectors. Check particularly around the connector to the deflection yoke on the CRT.
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2. Bad vertical deflection IC or transistor. You will probably need the service manual for this and
the following. However, if the vertical deflection is done with an IC, the ECG Semiconductor
Master Substitution guide may have its pinout which may be enough to test it with a scope.
3. Other bad parts in vertical deflection circuit though there are not that many parts that would kill
the deflection entirely.
4. Loss of power to vertical deflection circuits. Check for blown fusable resistors/fuses and bad
5. Loss of vertical oscillator or vertical drive signals.
The most likely possibilities are in the deflection output stage or bad connections to the yoke.
3.3.2. Maintaining/Repairing High Voltage Power Supply Problems
A. Low or no high voltage
Most of these problems are due to faults in the horizontal deflection system - shorted HOT, shorted
Windings or HV rectifiers in the fly back, defective Tripler, or other bad parts on the primary side of
the fly back. However, if you discover an inch layer of filth inside the TV, the HV could simply be
shorting out - clean it first.
In most cases, these sorts of faults will put an excessive load on the horizontal output circuits so there
may be excessive heating of the HOT or other components. You may hear an audible arcing or sizzling
sound from internal shorts in the fly back or tripler. Either of these may bet hot, crack, bulge, or exhibit
visible damage if left on with the fault present.
B. Snaps, crackles, and other HV breakdown
Various problems can result in occasional or sustained sparking or arcing sounds from inside the
monitor. Note that a static electricity build-up is common on the front of the screen. It is harmless and
there is nothing you can do about it anyhow. The following may result in occasional or sustained sounds
not commonly associated with a properly working TV or monitor. There may or may not be flashes or
blanking of the screen at the same time as the audible noise. See the same-named sections that follow for
Arcing, sparking, or corona from CRT HV anode (red wire/suction cup).
Arcing at CRT spark gaps.
Arcing from flyback or vicinity.
Arcing due to bad connections to or disconnected CRT return.
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3.3.3. Repairing Raster, Color, and Video Problems
A. No color - black and white picture
This means absolutely no color - equivalent to a black and white picture. Not even a hint of color.
First, confirm that the source is actually in color - try another channel or input device.
Next, check the settings of the color control - it may have accidentally been turned down. If your TV
has some kind of automatic picture mode, try turning if off and adjusting the color control. Try
adjusting fine tuning if you have such a control and the problem is with a broadcast or cable
transmission. At this point with a confirmed color signal source, there is a problem with the chroma
circuitry. Note that to the average person, the obvious question becomes: is my color picture tube
bad? The answer is a definitive NO. It is virtually impossible for a defective CRT to cause a total loss of
color. A defective CRT can cause a lack of a primary color - R, G, or, B or a short between two colors
which will mess up the color but is not likely to result in a black and white picture.
Some possibilities in no particular order:
Weak signal or defect in tuner/IF causing loss of signal strength.
Defective part around the chroma chip/circuit. Faulty color oscillator.
Bad connections in area of chroma chip/circuit.
Defective chroma chip (don't suspect this first just because it is probably very expensive).
B. Saturated color but almost no brightness
This means you have lost the luminance input to the chroma decoder or final video chip. A failure of
the brightness limiter may result in similar symptoms.
A few common causes are:
• Check the service switch (if any). Its contacts may be dirty and moving it back and forth a few
times or using contact cleaner may be all that is needed.
• Check for open high value resistors around the chroma decoder IC.
• Check for open high value resistors in the brightness limiter circuit.
C. Brightness control has no effect
The following assumes that the picture is fine but the brightness is fixed - probably at too high a level.
However, there could be several interrelated problems if a common supply voltage were missing, for
example. If it is a knob, then it should be varying the control grid (G1) voltages relative to the cathodes
(K) of the CRT. This is not likely to be a very complex circuit. If you do not have a schematic, I would
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start by tracing from the control, check continuity and solder connections. Check the control itself for
proper operation with an ohmmeter. A power supply going to one side of the control (negative probably)
may be missing. The control grid voltage will end up on the little board on the neck of the
CRT - check there as well for bad solder connections or open resistors. If brightness is a digital control,
then you will need a schematic unless there is an obvious bad
D. One color is too weak or too strong
If the problem is slight and/or has gradually gotten worse, this may just require an adjustment of the
color brightness/background/bias and/or color gain/drive controls inside the TV. Even if it appears as
though there is an excess, this may actually be a reduction in one of the primary colors. For example, a
magenta tinge is represents a reduction in the strength of the green signal.
• Too high an intensity for one of the color channels will result in a tint of one of the primaries: red,
green or blue.
• Too low an intensity for one of the color channels will result in a tint of the complement of one of the
primaries: yellow, cyan, or magenta.
• Problems mainly in the shadows or dark areas of the picture usually represent a fault with
• Problems mainly in the highlights or bright areas of the picture usually represent a fault with the
gain/drive. A color that that is now suddenly brighter or darker than normal resulting in incorrect color
balance or a tint in the background could be due to a number of causes:
• Bad connections or bad component in video amplifier or on CRT neck board for that color.
• Fault in chroma decoder.
• Weak gun in CRT (reduced color).
E. Retrace lines in picture
During the time the electron beam is returning from right to left at the end of a line and bottom to top
(over the course of multiple lines), it is supposed to be result in no visible light on the screen.
However, a number of faults can result in visible retrace lines. The appearance will likely be a general
reduction in contrast from the visible horizontal retrace on every scan line and two dozen or so
diagonal lines (lower left to upper right) resulting from the vertical retrace. The retrace lines may be
either white or gray (possibly with a slight color tint due to unequal settings
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of the color adjustments) or a primary color - red, green, or blue. Anything in between is also possible
but less likely.
F. White/gray retrace lines
Where all colors are involved - the lines are essentially white or gray (or with a slight tint due to slight
unequal settings of the color adjustments), look for something common like an incorrectly adjusted
screen (G2) or master brightness/background/bias control or a problem in one of these circuits, a
defective power supply or a problem in the blanking circuitry: Screen (G2) or master
brightness/background/bias control - mark setting and then see if a slight
adjustment removes the retrace lines. See the chapter: "TV Adjustments". Of course, if this happened
suddenly, the problem is not due to a misadjusted control though a dirty pot is possible - turn it back
and forth - this might clean it and restore normal operation.
• Power supply or connection to CRT neck board - insufficient voltage will result in the CRT
never totally blanking. Check (usually scan derived) power supply components (from flyback).
• General power supply - check B+ for correct value and ripple. A main power supply fault might
result in these symptoms (and usually many others).
• Blanking circuit - this may be a part of the video/chroma chip or separate. Check waveforms to
determine if the blanking pulses are making it to the video output.
G. Red, green, or blue retrace lines
Where only one color is showing, suspect an incorrectly adjusted individual background/bias control
or bad part on the CRT neck board for that color.
• Individual brightness/background/bias control(s) - mark setting of pot for the problem color
and then see if a slight adjustment removes the retrace lines. See the chapter: "TV Adjustments". Of
course, if this happened suddenly, the problem is not due to a misadjusted control though a dirty pot
is possible - turn it back and forth - this might clean it and restore normal operation.
• Component or connection on CRT neck board - insufficient voltage to or incorrect biasing of
the video driver for this color can result in the CRT never totally blanking. Compare voltages and
signals, and swap components between good and bad channels to confirm.
• Blanking circuit - this may be a part of the video/chroma chip or separate. Check and compare
Waveforms of good and bad colors to determine if the blanking pulses are making it to the video
output. There is a slight possibility that a bad CRT may result in visible retrace lines. To
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eliminate this possibility
• Disconnect the filament - all evidence of a picture, raster, and retrace lines should disappear once
the filaments/cathodes have cooled (15 seconds or so. If there are still visible retrace lines, the CRT
is suffering from cold or field emission from someplace (may not even be the cathode).
• Turn down the screen (G2) control on the fly back (usually). If one color remains no matter how
you set the control, again there is some kind of weird emission from the CRT. However, if white/gray
retrace lines remain, the problem may be in the screen supply.
H. Bad focus and adjustment changes brightness
• This is the classic symptom of a short between the focus and screen supplies - probably in
focus/screen divider which is part of the flyback or tripler. If you have a high voltage meter,
measuring the focus voltage will show that (1) it is low and (2) it is affected by the SCREEN
control. Similarly, the SCREEN voltage will be affected by the FOCUS control (which is what is
changing the brightness.
• There is a slight possibility that this may be in the CRT as well. Measure the FOCUS and SCREEN
Voltage with a high voltage meter. If they are identical pull the plug on the CRT. .
3.3.4. Troubleshooting Audio Problems
A. Picture fine, No audio
• First check that any muting control is not activated. This might be a button on the remote or set
itself. If you have a headphone jack, it may have dirty contacts as plugging in a headphone usually
mutes the speaker.
• If the set is mono or only one channel of a stereo set is out, then check for bad connections to the
loudspeaker. Test the loudspeaker by disconnecting one of the wires (with the power off!) and
Measuring its resistance with an ohmmeter (it should be less than 100 ohms - probably less than 8
ohms). Or momentarily touch a 1.5 volt battery to the speaker terminals - you should get a click or
pop from the speaker.
• Next, trace back from the speaker output terminals to the circuit board and look for bad solder
Connections or a loose or dirty connector.
If these tests do not reveal anything, you probably need a scope (or audio signal tracer) and
Schematic. Or at least the part number off of the chip. Is the final amp a chip also or just a
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transistor? Have you tested the transistor? If there is little or no buzz from the speaker, that would
indicate a problem fairly near the output. If the tuner/if were bad, I would expect some noise/humm
pickup from the low level audio stages. Get the part number off of the chip. If it is in a socket,
check the contacts for corrosion or looseness.
B. Weak or distorted audio
• Assuming you are not attempting to play it at ear shattering levels, this may be due to an alignment
problem in the IF/audio demodulator, a bad audio IC or other circuitry, bad connection, or a
defective speaker.
• If your TV has an earphone or audio line out jack, try this to see if it is clear. If so, then your
problem is in the final audio amp or speaker(s).
• If only one channel of a stereo TV is affected, it is almost certainly the audio amp or speaker for
that channel. Interchange connection to the two speakers temporarily and see if the problem moves.
• If the problem is at all intermittent - try gently whacking the TV - then it is likely a bad connection -
either a cold solder joint or a dirty or tired IC socket.
• The audio amplifiers in newer TVs are almost always ICs and replacements are usually readily
available. If the IC is in a socket, remove the IC, clean the pins and socket contacts and reinstall it.
Sometimes, the contacts on old socket lose their springiness and do not provide solid connections.
Such a socket will need to be replaced.
• If the set uses discrete transistors, it s also possible for one of these to become noisy.
• If your TV is fairly old - 10 years or so - this may be an alignment problem requiring tweaking of a
coil in the sound IF. See your service manual. It may be possible to have similar problems with
newer TVs but this is relatively rare.
• There could also be bad electrolytic capacitors, probably in the power supply area. Even though you
might think this would result in hum and there is none (even when there is no audio in the program
or the sound is turned down) dried up caps can result in distorted sound that may sound like a sort
of clipping. An ESR meter is best for testing (with power off!) but carefully jumpering known good
caps across suspect ones (again with power off, then turn on the set and check), will eventually find
the bad one(s).
3.4. Observing Care and Extreme Precaution
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3.4.1. Perform Cleaning of unit
Cleaning a circuit board can seem like a difficult task to tackle, but these boards get dirty all the time. A
slew of different materials are hazardous to the performance and safety of these devices. Watching out for
such dangers and addressing the damage they cause can keep your work productive and the tools needed for
the job functioning properly. Read on to learn how to clean your circuit boards while also maintaining
your own safety standards.
How Do Circuit Boards Get Dirty?
Circuit boards are found in nearly all electrical devices, including computers and industrial equipment. Over
time, water, dust and grime can find their way into your company’s devices and build up to a point where
you must take action to prevent permanent damage to the equipment. The fans responsible for keeping
equipment’s temperature at a cool environment suitable for proper functionality can draw in debris found
in the air and any dirt clinging to nearby surfaces. The build-up of unwanted material leads to overheating
and component failure.
A liquid such as water is not nearly as detrimental to electronics as the additives it almost always contains.
Even plain drinking water contains ions such as sodium chloride and a slew of other minerals that heighten
its reaction to electronic devices.
Once a liquid with good conductive qualities contacts an active device, electrical connections travel
through currents to deactivated regions of the circuit board that can lead to short -circuiting. This harms a
circuit and damages your device.
3.4.2. Prevention and Safety with Circuit Boards
To avoid dirty circuit boards, you can take preventative steps. Get in the habit of ensuring any
electronics not in use are set to the “OFF” position, as the likelihood of adverse repercussions resulting
from water damage significantly drop if the affected areas dry before reactivation. Exercise caution when
handling circuit boards:
B. Disconnect the device from its power source
Avoid standing near any water
Wear dry clothes
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Disassembling hardware can be hazardous for the electronics, so make sure you understand how to properly
handle the devices you work with and how to reassemble them back to their functioning state.
C. How Do You Clean Circuit Boards?
Cleaning a PCB (Printed Circuit Board) effectively relies on using the right methods and tools.
The easiest ways will use:
Compressed air
Baking soda Isopropyl alcohol
Distilled water
House ploy a soft brush and lint-free cloth, too, to ensure nothing gets damaged.
C. Using Compressed Air to Clean PCBs
For simple repairs, compressed air provides an unobtrusive way to free up any dust resting on the
electronics or inside the machines and blow it out. Use short bursts to spray the air inside the ventilation
ports. If you’re not satisfied with the dust removed, open the device with a screwdriver and work your way
around the components, carefully cleaning the circuitry with the air.
D. Behold cleaners
Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is an effective means of removing grime with minimal risk of
damaging the board. It possesses mild abrasive qualities that excel in removing corrosion or residue
that will otherwise not come off with simpler means such as a brush and distilled water. Baking soda is
most effective when treating corrosion, as it dissolves the troubled area and neutralizes the acidic
qualities of the residue.
Using Isopropyl Alcohol to Clean PCBs
Isopropyl alcohol is a great PCB cleaner because it is inexpensive and evaporates quickly. Compared to
other cleaners used for similar purposes, alcohol contains fewer chemicals. It is important that isopropyl
alcohol used to clean your circuit board is 90% or better. High-percentage isopropyl alcohol can cause
adverse effects in contact with the body, so be sure to handle it with care and use latex gloves and goggles.
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Self-check 3.1
Instruction: write short answer for the given blank space provided question. You are provided 4 minute for each question
and each point has 5 Points.
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B. Zero output voltage
C. It will give a half wave output.
D. High output voltage.
E. None
3. The first step in measuring voltage at the filter capacitor
A. Identify the positive and negative pins of the Filter Capacitor.
B. Discharge the big Filter Capacitor.
C. Set Your Voltmeter in DC range.
D. Place the BLACK test probe to the negative pin of the Filter Capacitor.
E. Read the voltage measurement properly.
4. The best point to test the AC input is___________
A. At the terminals of the power cable
B. At the two pins of the capacitor
C. At the two pins of the zener diode
D. At the two pins of the bridge rectifier
E. None
5. _______________Courses to a Blow fuse in Switch Mode Power Supply.
A. One of the diodes is shorted.
B. A partially shorted primary of the transformer
C. A partially shorted secondary winding of the transformer
D. High Current flow in the fuse
E. ALL of the above
Operation Sheet 3. 1:
Maintain/Repair defective section of SMPS of the TV set
Operation title: Procedures of Maintain/Repair defective section of SMPS of the TV set
Purpose: To practice and demonstrate the knowledge and skill Maintain/Repair defective section of SMPS of the TV
set to make functional SMPS of TV set.
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Instruction: Use the given select tools, equipment and testing instrument so that Maintain/Repair the defective is
usually done by preparing your circuit’s schematic diagram television receiver set. For this operation you have given 5 Hour
and you are expected to provide the answer on the given steps.
Step 1 - Prepare Safety Materials
Step 2 - Choose the necessary tools
Step 3 - Prepare your working place
Step 4 - Disassemble the TV set
Step 5 – Identify the SMPS section
Step 6 – Test the power supply section
Step 7 – Trace the voltage input/output
Step 8 – Identify the defective component/part
Step 9 – Repair/replace the defective part
Step 10 - Assemble the TV set
Tools and requirement:
Defective TV set
TV set
Service manual
Set of Philips screw driver
Set of flat screw driver
Soldering iron
Contact cleaner
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Instructions: Given necessary templates, tools, materials and equipment you are required to perform the
Maintain/Repair defective section of SMPS of the TV set for the following tasks within 5 hour.
Task -1: Prepare safety Materials for starting Maintain/Repair faults.
Task – 2: Prepare TV set block/circuit diagram
Task – 3: select appropriate tools and test instrument according to the give designed circuit of SMPS to be
Task – 4: Disassemble the TV set
Task – 5: Trace the voltage input/output
. Task – 6: Identify the fault of component/section to be Maintained/Repaired
Task – 7: Repair/replace the faulty part
Precautions: select necessary templates, tools, materials and equipment before Maintaining/Repairing faults in the
Television Receivers Set on the given format
Quality Criteria: the given Maintain/Repair defective section of SMPS of the TV set is with correct specification
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Unit Four: Test functionality of repaired television receivers
This learning unit is developed to provide the trainees the necessary information regarding the
following content coverage and topics:
Electronic schematic symbols and diagram interpretation
Reassembling and repairing TV units
Supplying and confirming power supply
Testing functionality of TV unit
Disposing waste materials
This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page. Specifically,
upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
Electronic schematic symbols and diagram interpretation
Repaire and rreassemble TV units
Supply and confirm power supply
Test functionality of TV unit
Dispose waste materials
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4.1.1. Block diagram and schematic diagram of TV explanation
A block diagram of a standard home television system is shown on the figure below.
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modulated wave and feed it into video amplifier for amplification.
Video amplifier: - there will be a wide band RF coupled amplifiers to amplify the video signal
which will further able to drive the picture tube accordingly.
Synchronization section: - This section provides horizontal and vertical synchronize pulses. It also
provides color bus which is used as trigger signal to generate CSC (Color Sub carrier) signal.
The horizontal and vertical pulses are applied to deflection a coil of PT (Picture tube).The
horizontal signal is also used to generate EHT (Extra high tension) supply of about 25 KV.
Sound section: - The output of FM (Frequency Modulator) detector is processed and the audio
signal is reproduced by the speaker.
4.1.2. Working principles and Block Diagram of SMPS of TV.
Basically all of the power supply functions are almost the same which is to produce an output voltage for various secondary
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Not all SMPS designs are based on the block diagram in Figure4.57. Some older SMPS do not use the PWM IC to
drive the FET (some use the bipolar transistor) instead they use an oscillator circuit which consists of some
component to drive the FET/ bipolar transistor as seen in the Figure4.58. some do not have sampling error
detector/feedback circuit in at the secondary side but instead it was taken from the primary side as seen from
Figure4.59. In newer designs, you would not find the power FET because it has been integrated in to the power IC
as shown inFigure4.60.
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Figure 4.3. A Typical CRT monitorTelevision SMPS without Optoisolator IC
Figure :4.4. A Typical LCD Monitor SMPS withFET Integrated into power IC
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4.1.3. Functions and schematic diagrams of SMPS Circuits
There are many types of SMPS in the market and it is impossible to explain all of them in this in topic. However, it will help
to guide you with the help of schematic diagram, so that once you have understood how each circuit functions in SMPS then
there will be no problem in repairing all types of SMPS because many SMPSin the market are the same, except that some
uses more components while others use fewer.
Generally, SMPS consists 11 main circuits in order to form the complete set. Each one of the circuits malfunction could
Couse problems in SMPS.
This information sheet uses the LCD Monitor SMPS and some equipment schematic diagrams as a guide to explain how each
of these circuit functions and possible causes of faults. The main circuits are:
Input protection and EMI Filtering Circuit.
Bridge Circuit
Oscillator Circuit.
Sampling Circuit.
Feedback Circuit.
Protection Circuit.
Stand-by Circuit.
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Figure 4.5. Schematic diagram of a Typical LCD Monitor SMPS.
1. Input protection and EMI Filtering Circuit.
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Resistor R801 discharges C801 and C824 on AC removal, preventing potential user shock.
Inductor L805 is used in filtering common mode EMI from coupling back to the AC source.
Thermistor R840 limits the initial peak inrush current drawn by the circuit at start up.
2. Bridge Circuit
Reassembling is the process of putting the parts of (something) back together to assemble
something again.
A. Steps for disassembling and reassembling Parts
When you perform repairs, you need a procedure that helps you take things apart and get them back together.
The procedure here works for repairs that require you to take something apart and put back together
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Allow yourself plenty of time. If things get rough, have some water or a cup of coffee. You may get a whole
new perspective when you go back to work. Limit distractions: If the parts fit together before, they’ll fit
together again.
Follow these instructions, to reassemble the products:
Lay a clean, lint-free rag down on a flat surface, near enough to reach without having to get up or walk to
it.You’ll lay each part on this rag as you remove it. Consequently, the rag shouldn’t be in an area where oil or
dust or anything else can fall on it and foul up the parts As you remove each part, note (on paper, so you
won’t forget) where the part came from, how it was attached, and how tightly it was fastened or screwed
down. As you remove each part, lay it down on the rag in clockwise order, with each part pointing in the
direction it was in before you removed it.
This is the key to the whole system. When you’re ready to reassemble things, the placement and
direction of each part tells you when to put it back and how it was oriented. If you’re making notes, assign each
part a number indicating the order in which you removed it — You can even put numbers on the parts with
masking tape if you’re afraid that the rag may be moved accidentally. When you’re ready to reassemble
everything, begin with the last part you removed, and proceed counterclockwise through the parts on the rag.
Fig 4.8. Reassembled units are subjected to final testing and Cleaning
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Test the equipment thoroughly after repair. After the equipment has been repaired, the equipment must be
carefully re-assembled and tested. Run a thorough test to check the equipment and determine if the
problem is solved. Thorough checking of the equipment is called ‘servicing.’
Do not be discouraged if the equipment still does not work. Simply walk away, clear your mind, and star
again by defining your symptoms
Perform the final test for reassembled units in conformity with manufacturer’s specifications
Fix all the disassembled parts in the housing/compartment, considering the fittings/locks.
Wires and loose parts should be in proper place to avoid damaged due to misaligned
Moving parts must move as it can be moved by hand and free from obstructions.
A. Post-testing Procedure:
Test the resistance at the AC plug to determine the continuity of the power line to the unit.
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The reason is that there is a low-voltage power supply circuit that controls the functions of the
. Energize the unit to check its functionality. Plug the AC cord to the power source. This time, the
unit should operate normally. If not, review the documentation and the problem for the second
B. Testing Procedure:
Test the resistance at the AC plugs to determine the cont inuity of the power line to the AC
the unit. A resistance reading must be observed. Energize the unit to check its functionality.
Press button on at a time observing the behavior. This time, the unit should operate normally.
If not, review the documentation and the problem for the second time.
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and auto generate 5V or 3.3V or both. You can measure this standby voltage on the PSU connector without
press power on the TV. This standby voltage will direct send to the mainboard and through voltage regulator IC
or DC-DC converter circuit and reach the CPU/main chipset (Scaler & MCU inside) or MCU IC
(Microcontroller/Micom). So the standby LED light will lit now. When the TV power switch pressed or remote
control power on command sent, the main chipset will send out the POWER_ON signal to PSU board to start-
up the PFC section and then the PWM section. After that, the 5V, 12V, 18V (audio section use) & 24V will all
successful generate. At the same time, CPU will sent out another signals call BL_ON(other signal like
DIMMING, P-DIM & etc will sent out at the same time) to Inverter board or section (if it is IP board). When
BL_ON signal and 24V are present on inverter board, the backlight system will work. Finally the D TV start-up
successfully and video will show on the screen.
4.3.1. Checking standby line or power on signal line
When we checking the PSU board, we could found the marking code wrote on the PCB board near connector.
They got many marking code on the PSU board, but their functions are same. Here is a list of these marking
Backlight On Signal = BL_ON, INV_ON, SW-INVERTER, SW_INV, ON/OFF & etc
Standby Voltage = STBY, STB5V, 5VSTB or 33STB, STB3.3V & etc
If the PSU board don’t have any marking code on the PCB (normally the OEM PSU board), you can use the volt
meter to testing it. When AC voltage was supply to the PSU board, using the volt meter to testing their voltage
supply output connector pins. If you found that pin provide 5V or 5.xxV, then this is a standby 5V line. If you
found 5V and 3.3V line there, that means the PSU board got both 5V & 3.3V standby voltage line. Or that
board have one standby 5V line and one AC_OFF_DET 3.3V line.
Actually this AC_OFF_DET line is a POWER GOOD or PG signal line. Since we want to know how to self
test the PSU board without connect to the mainboard, so we must know which one is the standby voltage line.
For the POWER_ON signal, starting from the PSU connector pins, and search a pin where it is go to a
transformer with secondary side has a big electrolytic capacitor about 400V or 450V. Or that pin is go to a
circuit with big electrolytic capacitor about 400V or 450V. So this pin is call a POWER_ON signal line.
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4.4. Testing functionality of TV unit
A. Test equipment TV
Don't start with the electronic test equipment, start with some analytical thinking. Your powers of
observation (and a little experience) will make a good start. You your ears
represents the most important test equipment you have.
Some test equipment will be needed:
Multimeter (DMM) - This is essential for checking of power supply voltages and voltages on
the pins of ICs or other components
Oscilloscope - While many problems can be dealt with using just a multimeter, a 'scope will be
essential as you get more into advanced troubleshooting. Basic requirements are: dual trace,10-20 MHz
minimum vertical bandwidth, delayed sweep desirable but not essential. A good set of proper 10X/1X probes.
Higher vertical bandwidth is desirable but most consumer electronics work can be done with a 10 MHz scope.
A storage scope or digital scope might be desirable for certain tasks but is by no means essential for basic
A video signal source - both RF and baseband (RCA jacks). Unless you are troubleshooting tuner or
video/audio input problems, either one will suffice. RF sources include a pair of rabbit ears or an outdoor
antenna, a cable connection, or a VCR with a working RF modulator. This will be more convenient than
an antenna connection and will permit you to control the program material. In fact, making some test tapes
using a camcorder or video camera to record static test patterns will allow you full control of what is being
displayed and for how long.
Color bar/dot/crosshatch signal generator - This is a useful piece of equipment if you are doing a
lot of TV or monitor repair and need to perform CRT convergence and chroma adjustments.
It is inevitable during normal laboratory operations some chemical waste will be generated. This waste
may take a number of forms including chemicals, solvents, stock solutions and items contaminated
with chemicals such as paper, filters and contaminated laboratory equipment. The improper disposal of
chemical waste can pose a number of potential hazards both to the environment and to the safety of staff and
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• Strong smelling substances such as mercaptans can give off strong-smelling, unpleasant vapors that can
linger in drains and pipe work moving throughout the building and escaping in other areas.
• Flammable / reactive substances can give rise to a build-up of flammable vapors in drainage systems
which could lead to a risk of fire or explosion in extreme cases.
• Corrosive substances including acids and alkalis can damage pipe work and fittings as well as reacting
with other chemicals released into the drainage system potentially leading to the release of harmful vapors.
• Radioactive substances can be released to drains under controlled circumstances but in the event that the
licensing of this is very strictly controlled to reduce the risk of radioactive contamination.
• Unexpected reactions may occur when chemicals are released to drain, for example bleach can mix with
some common drain cleaning compounds to release the toxic gas chlorine.
• Poisonous substances may enter the environment if released to drain and can either have a toxic affect on
watercourses or other discharge sites, they may also introduce toxic residues into drinking water that
can persist even after water treatment.
As a result discharging chemicals to foul water drains should be avoided wherever practical and only
considered where there is no viable alternative or for relatively innocuous substances.
Self-check 4.1
Instruction: write short answer for the given blank space provided question. You are provided 4 minute for each question
and each point has 5 Points.
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G. Zero output voltage
H. It will give a half wave output.
I. High output voltage.
J. None
8. The first step in measuring voltage at the filter capacitor
F. Identify the positive and negative pins of the Filter Capacitor.
G. Discharge the big Filter Capacitor.
H. Set Your Voltmeter in DC range.
I. Place the BLACK test probe to the negative pin of the Filter Capacitor.
J. Read the voltage measurement properly.
9. The best point to test the AC input is___________
F. At the terminals of the power cable
G. At the two pins of the capacitor
H. At the two pins of the zener diode
I. At the two pins of the bridge rectifier
J. None
10. _______________Courses to a Blow fuse in Switch Mode Power Supply.
F. One of the diodes is shorted.
G. A partially shorted primary of the transformer
H. A partially shorted secondary winding of the transformer
I. High Current flow in the fuse
J. ALL of the above
Operation Sheet 4. 1:
Maintain/Repair defective section of SMPS of the TV set
Operation title: Procedures of Maintain/Repair defective section of SMPS of the TV set
Purpose: To practice and demonstrate the knowledge and skill Maintain/Repair defective section of SMPS of the TV
set to make functional SMPS of TV set.
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Instruction: Use the given select tools, equipment and testing instrument so that Maintain/Repair the defective is
usually done by preparing your circuit’s schematic diagram television receiver set. For this operation you have given 5 Hour
and you are expected to provide the answer on the given steps.
Step 1 - Prepare Safety Materials
Step 2 - Choose the necessary tools
Step 3 - Prepare your working place
Step 4 - Disassemble the TV set
Step 5 – Identify the SMPS section
Step 6 – Test the power supply section
Step 7 – Trace the voltage input/output
Step 8 – Identify the defective component/part
Step 9 – Repair/replace the defective part
Step 10 - Assemble the TV set
Tools and requirement:
Defective TV set
TV set
Service manual
Set of Philips screw driver
Set of flat screw driver
Soldering iron
Contact cleaner
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Instructions: Given necessary templates, tools, materials and equipment you are required to perform the
Maintain/Repair defective section of SMPS of the TV set for the following tasks within 5 hour.
Task -1: Prepare safety Materials for starting Maintain/Repair faults.
Task – 2: Prepare TV set block/circuit diagram
Task – 3: select appropriate tools and test instrument according to the give designed circuit of SMPS to be
Task – 4: Disassemble the TV set
Task – 5: Trace the voltage input/output
. Task – 6: Identify the fault of component/section to be Maintained/Repaired
Task – 7: Repair/replace the faulty part
Precautions: select necessary templates, tools, materials and equipment before Maintaining/Repairing faults in the
Television Receivers Set on the given format
Quality Criteria: the given Maintain/Repair defective section of SMPS of the TV set is with correct specification
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Unit Five : Achieve productivity and quality target
This learning unit is developed to provide the trainees the necessary information regarding the
following content coverage and topics:
Correcting routine faults in the TV Set
Recording customer complaints post service
Achieving customer satisfaction
Ensuring free handling of the unit
This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page. Specifically,
upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
Correct routine faults in the TV Set
Record ccustomer complaints post service
Achieve ccustomer satisfaction
Ensure free handling of the unit
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Preventive maintenance is basically concerned with the correction of a potential trouble and thereby avoids repair
costs and time. There is considerable disagreement among electronics equipment manufacturers concerning the
need for periodic maintenance or routine checks.
At one extreme, a certain manufacturer recommends preventive maintenance (e.g. replacement of a few parts after
a given number of playing hours or times. At the other extreme, another manufacturer recommends no periodic
replacement cleaning, lubrication or adjustment of any kind.
5.1.1. Routine/detecting fault finding system in the TV set
The invention discloses a fault detection system and method as well as a television. The fault detection system
comprises a fault detection unit, the fault detection unit is connected with a plurality of system chips and/or system
power supplies, and the fault condition is determined by acquiring the detection information of the system chips
and/or system power supplies. The performance of the fault detection system can be increased, and the working
efficiency of working staff to detect faults is improved.
What the present invention adopted is a kind of Embedded detection system, can detect the power issue of system
power supply by fault detection unit, and the hardware case such as damage of a plurality of chips in the system,
the more deep operating state that can detect each System on Chip/SoC, the operating state that this Embedded
monitoring system is primarily aimed at power failure and each chip detects, detection information comprises
hardware information and software information, make that the specific aim of detection system is stronger, the
staff is easy to determine the fault content, improved the operating efficiency that the staff carries out the detection
system fault, especially for the television set industry, fault detection system provided by the invention can detect
the chip and the power failure of dissimilar system for TV set, and the scope of application is bigger.
The function that fault detection unit at first has is exactly that system power supply detects. General System can
The power supply of several roads,
The power as 3.3v, 1.8v power supply, the 5v power supply, and
Every road voltage of supplying with the equal level of same chip substantially all adopts the mode of
magnetic bead or inductance parallel connection, as the 3.3v that supplies with integrated chip IC1 may
comprise the multichannel connecting line, it is in parallel that but all connecting lines all adopt magnetic bead
to isolate, Where in a route road goes wrong like this, another route road then in parallel with it also can go
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wrong, based on this, when detecting each chip, any one tunnel supply line that only needs to have identical
magnitude of voltage on the detection chip gets final product
5.2. Recording customer complaints post service
5.2.1. Customer complaint resolution techniques
Customer complaints are pieces of feedback that point out problems with your company's product or services.
These are opportunities for your business to improve its internal processes and create a better customer experience.
Below are a few common customer complaints you can expect your service team to encounter.
A. Long Wait on Hold
If your team works in a call center, Average Time on Hold (ATH) is one of your most important call center
metrics. Customers want fast answers and can't afford to spend their afternoon with a phone glued to their ear. In
fact, studies show that after about two minutes, customers are likely to hang up the phone and 34% of those
customers won't call back. That means you can potentially lose a third of your customer base just because you
didn't pick up the phone fast enough.
To resolve this customer complaint:
Long hold times indicate two problems. First, it could mean that your customer demand is too high for your
customer service team. In this case, you should consider hiring more reps to meet the needs of your call center. In
the meantime, your reps should apologize for the long wait times and work to ensure first call resolution.
The other issue may be that your call center lacks automation. Call center software can provide your service team
with features that streamline operations and complete tasks automatically. By adopting this technology, you can
optimize your team's production by removing menial tasks from their day-to-day workflow. This should reduce
hold time complaints and create a more satisfying service experience.
B. Unavailable or Out of Stock Product
It's usually a good sign when a product goes out of stock, but if it stays out of stock, customers can become
impatient for its return. They may demand a special order or repeatedly call for product updates. This typically
indicates a time-sensitive need for your product which should be fulfilled immediately.
C. Making Customers Repeat Their Problem
Customers hate repeating their problems to your reps. This happens when they're either transferred to new reps or
dealing with an agent who isn't paying close attention. When customers have to describe their issue multiple times,
it's both a frustrating and time-consuming experience.
D. Uninterested Service Rep
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Whether it's their tone, personality, or even just the time of day, some customers simply won't get along with your
customer service reps. When a rep fails to meet their needs, some customers think it's due to a lack of interest in
their case. Sometimes this is true, other times customers have expectations that are higher than what your team can
provide. Regardless of where the fault lies, when your reps fail to appear invested, your business's reputation takes
the hit.
When dealing with this type of customer complaint, reps should consider what they can do to provide above-and-
beyond customer service. Every business has protocol, but it's sometimes worth bending the rules if that
means preventing customer churn. At the very least, reps should pay attention to their tone and body language to
ensure they're displaying a motivated and attentive demeanor.
If a customer does report an issue with a rep, management should always investigate the issue. Managers should
give their reps the benefit of the doubt but try to get every possible detail. Rather than criticizing the rep's
approach, look for opportunities to teach the agent about preventing these types of situations. If these issues
continue to occur, it may be time to take more severe actions.
E. Poor Product or Service
When your product breaks, you can expect the customer to complain. In some cases, the product isn't broken,
rather, the customer doesn't understand how to use it. Other times, customers aren't a good fit for your product or
service, but they blame your company for failing to fulfill their needs. No matter how customers arrive at this
conclusion, your team needs to know how to prevent them from turning to your competitors
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Figure 5.1. Customer resolution Cycle
5.3. Achieving customer satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction encourages Face-to-Face Dealings. This is the most daunting and downright scary part of
interacting with a customer. ...
Be Friendly and Approachable. ...
Attention to Detail (also known as “The Little Niceties”) ...
Honor Your Promises.
A. There are 4 great ways to improve your customer satisfaction
Treat every customer as if they were a VIP. ...
Keep measuring customer satisfaction. ...
Find out how to measure customer satisfaction most effectively. ...
Keep an eye on what customers say about you on social media.
5.3.1. Handle Customer satisfaction
When handling a constant stream of customer needs daily, it can be overwhelming trying to formulate a plan to
resolve the complaints coming in. However, it’s not impossible. Empower your service teams to do their best work
by following these steps.
A. Collect feedback and look for patterns.
The first step in addressing customer complaints is to dig into the complaints you have received. Using a tracking
software will make this process much easier as you’ll be able to quickly access feedback and metrics like average
call times. Whatever the complaints are, you’ll need to examine the feedback you’re getting first. You can’t fix
what you don’t know.
B. Talk to your service team.
Next, share this feedback with your service team. Discuss their pain points solving for the customer and gather any
additional insights. Are they overwhelmed with the volume of calls and tickets received? Do they have the tools
needed to provide the best service possible? Could your current service processes be improved? Your service team
is on the frontlines with customers every day so their feedback is invaluable for improving the customer
C. Determine the root causes of the problem.
Now that you have a good grasp of the issues your customers are facing, it’s time to address the main causes.
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For example, if customers report long call wait times, it could be that they are calling during peak times of the day
when your service team is swamped with higher than normal call volumes.
Did you roll out a new product feature that has a few bugs and is causing consistent complaints across the board?
Maybe the details of the new feature were not communicated clearly to customers and are causing friction. Getting
to the root of the issues will help you formulate a plan which we’ll cover next.
For general work shop safety, always keep handy a fire extinguisher suitable for electrical fires, and have electric
shock and resuscitation charts clearly displayed near the benches.
Always wear safety goggles when handling or transporting a picture tube, and use a conductive strap to link its rim
band, EHT socket and outer conducting coating together before lifting it by its bowl, screen down.
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Before investigating the mains-powered switch-mode power supply circuit remember to disconnect the equipment
from the mains supply and discharge the main reservoir capacitor with a resistor of say 2K or so, kept in place for
several seconds.
Self-check 5.1
Instruction: write the correct answer for the given question provided below. You are provided 4 minute for each question
and each point has 5 Points.
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TEST II: Write Short Answer
1. Write the Customer resolution Cycle and explain each steps of cycle.
2. Write the steps to formulate a plan to resolve or handling the complaints satisfaction coming in during
Achieve productivity and quality target for television receiver maintaince/Repair .
1. “Dc Power Supply.” Test Equity. 2 Apr. 2009 <http://www.testequity.com/ categories/ DC+Power+Supply/>.
2. “Linear regulator.” Wikipedia. Feb. 2009. 2 Apr. 2009 <http://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/ Linear_regulator>.
3. “LM317 - 3-Terminal Adjustable Regulator.” National Semiconductor. Apr. 2009. 2 Apr. 200
<http://www.national.com/ mpf/ LM/ LM317.html>.
4. “TESLA: Life and Legacy.” PBS. TESSCO. 1 Apr. 200 <http://www.pbs.org/ tesla/ ll/ index.html>.
5. Wierzba, Gregory. “Diode Characteristic and Circuits.” ECE-302. EGR Building. Mar. 2007.
6. Television Deflection Systems –a Boekhorst, J. Stolk - Philips Technical library.
7. TV Vertical Deflection System TDA1170S - SGS-THOMSON Application Notes.
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8. TDA1670A Technical Note - SGS-THOMSON Technical Note.
9. TV and Monitor Vertical Deflection using TDA1670A - O. Cossutta, F. Gatti SGS-THOMSON Application
10. TDA1670A Flyback Stage Behaviour - A. Messi, G. Nardini - SGS-THOMSON Application Notes
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The trainers who Develop these Learning modules
1. Tesfahun Ayalew Denidine MSc Electronics and comm BGRS Assosa poly 012132308/09212
[email protected]
Eng. TVET 121
2. Shimeles Dejen Mekonenn BSC Electrical Comm Techn Ahama W/Sein PTC. 0910838814 [email protected]
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