Learn Czech by Reading Eva Koudelikova Zvuk 3 10
Learn Czech by Reading Eva Koudelikova Zvuk 3 10
Learn Czech by Reading Eva Koudelikova Zvuk 3 10
Eva Koudelíková
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In this book I bring together my two loves: teaching Czech and reading.
And I also love reading. I believe that if someone wants to learn a new language, they can benefit from rea-
ding extensively. I can confirm this from personal experience.
As a teacher I used to spend hours searching for appropriate reading materials for my students that would suit
their levels and that I knew they could handle. In the end, I realised it was far more convenient to write those
texts myself. In doing so I could write about whatever topics I wanted to, and I could present the new words
that my students needed. Over the space of a year I gathered enough materials to help people who want to
improve their Czech and created this book.
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The articles have been written especially for students at intermediate In addition, consider repeating the audio many times to accustom yourself
level, or B1-B2 on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). with the rhythm of spoken Czech as well as to reinforce your understan-
If you are a learner of Czech, all of the texts will allow you to expand your ding of the text and new vocabulary and grammar.
vocabulary and will give you the tools to improve your grasp of the beauti-
ful Czech language. I believe this is a book you will able to read for pleasure! Research shows
that if you‘re enjoying reading in a foreign language, you won‘t experience
Each chapter contains a glossary with English translations of the bolded the usual feelings of frustration - ‚It‘s too hard!‘ ‚I don‘t understand!‘ It‘s so
words. This means you won’t have to turn to a dictionary; instead, you much easier to learn a new language when you‘re having fun.
can keep reading and enjoying the stories.
I hope that the attractive layout and design of the book will help you enjoy
You’ll be provided with a set of comprehension questions in Czech in the every moment you devote to learning Czech with it. LEARN CZECH BY
worksheets, which will give you the chance to practice the new things you READING will make your learning of Czech easy and enjoyable.
have learned in the text. Don’t worry if you don’t know one of the answers
— a key is provided immediately after, but in order to benefit from them I would like to thank all of my students who inspired me to write the
make sure not to cheat by looking too soon! stories, asked many curious questions and gave me lots of invaluable
feedback. Special thanks to Jackie Fox for her incredibly helpful guidance
Finally, you can improve your listening comprehension using the audio and professional comments and to Ivona Krátká for the beautiful design of
files that accompany each chapter. I have recorded them to help you with the book.
tricky Czech pronunciation. You can use it either as preparation before
your own reading or for checking the pronunciation of difficult words.
Doplňte slova – fill in the gaps Co… znamená – what does… mean
Doplňte slova k obrázkům – fill in the gaps under the Přiřaďte správný název – match with the correct word
Jak se nazývá/nazývají – what do you call
Doplňte správné tvary slov – fi
ll in the gaps using correct
cases Podstatné jméno – noun (is a part of speech used to name
a person, animal, thing and abstract idea such as a teacher,
Doplňte názvy – label the pictures a dog, love, etc.)
Doplňte ingredience – complete the missing ingredients Přídavné jméno – adjective (is a part of speech which
modifies a noun, usually describing it such as big, old,
Napište v (NOM, GEN, DAT, ACC, LOC, INST) tvaru green, etc.)
– write in (NOM, GEN, DAT, ACC, LOC, INST) form
Zájmeno – pronoun (is a form that substitutes for a noun or
Podle textu – using the text a noun phrase such as you, him, etc.)
Poznáte – can you recognize… Číslovka – number
Napište slovo – write a word Sloveso – verb (is a part of speech used to express action such
as read, go, etc. or state of being such as stand, exist, etc.)
Znáte – do you know
Předložka – preposition (links nouns, pronouns and phrases
Víte – do you know to other words in a sentence such as in, on, under, etc.)
Pamatujete si – do you remember Spojka – conjunction (is a part of speech that connects
two words, phrases or clauses together such as and, but,
Určete gramatický pád – identify the grammatical case because, etc.)
Výbava opět není finančně náročná activities
• radovánky noun (PL)
- sáňky, boby nebo pytel na sednutí for fun
a vhodný kopec. Jako děti jsme downhill
• sjezdové lyžování
sáňkovaly třeba i celé odpoledne. To
byl opravdu dobrý trénink, když musel • lyžáky noun (M) (PL) ski boots
člověk mnohokrát vyběhnout kopec • hůlky noun (F) (PL) ski poles
nahoru. Lepší než hodiny ve fitku:-)
• bezpečnost noun (F) safety