Sub Plan
Sub Plan
Sub Plan
5 Grade Homeroom / 4th & 5th ELA
8:45-8:55 In the sub binder, there is a tab for attendance. Use one of those sheets to take
attendance and send to the office. After announcements, hang the attendance
envelope outside the door and line students up to switch.
9:00-9:30 4th Grade ELA
Independently read the Time for Kids Magazine, Hope is Here. Students will
complete the quiz and turn it in if they finish. They will hang on to their magazine
and quiz to work on later when you are done doing spelling/grammar.
Fickenworth – Drake & Mackenzie
Mattson – Aleksys, Hayden, Aiden, Austin, Taylor
9:30-10:30 Journeys Shared Reading/Vocabulary
Read the second text with students, Native American Nature Poetry. Feel free to use
the questions provided in the teacher manual while reading. After reading, have
students create their own free verse poem about a natural sight that Sacagawea saw
on the expedition from the text Sacagawea that we have already read. Their poem
needs to be at least 2 stanzas, 4 lines in each stanza, and accompanied by an
illustration. They should turn this in when they are done. Students can finish at
recess if not finished during class.
10:30-11:00 Spelling/Grammar/Writing
Practice shades of meaning (how strong words are… big, giant, enormous) using the
practice worksheet. You can refer to the cabinets above the sink with synonyms to
simple words as examples. Go over their spelling and grammar homework from
Wednesday night. Make a list of who did not have their homework done. They can
do it at recess. If there is extra time, you can play sparkle with this week’s spelling
Fickenworth – Drake & Mackenzie will stay there until 11:20
11:00-11:20 Reader’s Workshop
Continue Time for Kids Magazine. If students do not finish, they should keep the
magazine and quiz in a safe place where it won’t get lost. Reading independently if
they finish the magazine and quiz. At 11:20 they will need to be packed up and ready
to switch back to Mrs. Chest.
Cross – Aleksys, Hayden, Aiden, Austin, Taylor
Fickenworth- Drake & Mackenzie
11:20-12:00 5th Grade ELA
Independently read the Time for Kids Magazine, Hope is Here. Students will
complete the quiz and turn it in. They will hang on to their magazine and quiz to
work on when you are done doing spelling/grammar.
Cross – Breleigh, Mackenzie, Chloe, Ava, Spencer
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:35-1:07 Special
1:07-2:00 Journeys Shared Reading/Vocabulary
Read the second text with students, Horse Power. After reading, students should
create their own story (true or made up) about befriending a wild animal (text to self
activity on page 621). It should be at least 3 paragraphs with 5-7 sentences in each
paragraph. If there is time, students can share their stories with the class. At the end,
students should turn their stories in. If they do not finish, they can finish at recess.
2:00-2:30 Spelling/Grammar/Writing
Students will need to practice similes, metaphors, and idioms. They will have a
packet with examples of each. They will have 8 playing cards (2 of each suit).
Hearts=similes, diamonds= metaphors, clubs=idioms, and spades will be their own
choice. One student in the group will draw a card and the whole group will practice
that piece of figurative language, when they are done, they will put the card back in
the pile and choose another card. After everyone has finished, or time runs out, go
over a few of each. Go over their spelling and grammar homework from Wednesday
night. Make a list of who did not have their homework done. They can do it at
recess. If there is extra time, you can play sparkle with their weekly spelling words.
2:30-3:00 Writer’s Portfolio, AR
Again, students should be finishing their Time for Kids Magazine and quiz. If students
do not finish, they should keep the magazine and quiz in a safe place where it won’t
get lost. If they finish, they can be reading independently. Around 2:55 have students
packed up and ready to go home before recess.
Mattson – Breleigh, Mackenzie, Chloe, Brendon, Ava, Spencer
3:00-3:30 Recess
3:35 Dismissal
Take students down to the gym to get into their bus lines.