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The Metric System _ Muliples and suomi, "Tw mre asp of gn atl oy its ave fre ty Song shed pon nbach ets ihe ta ona Eilts a tipo tng male tn ane WW ‘ry ne cing pei a ato he agen ui. Thus one okra rrr tnotitat oan in Shir dentacton of the pret rame u ‘Son sscted ath none ree Fh vn hui allie METRIC STANDARD ABBREVIATIONS. A= ampare hectotne ery bectogram iar = be hrectottre CS cular Fectomsire Fo > Calaue = quive hectoretre = te ceria = tie heetemee = centgrar = Hectopi eenutve bene © square centimetre ‘eloamoere = Squire centimetre felobor per second Iilocouler| = entipose Sentitokes Hiohets = oeave = lout = deagram oltre © Gekattre = eeetre ‘okametre Share klometie uae kame re deka ube llometre ‘ilometre per Nour Sectet Hlomote pet = dacigra econ = Geete Faonawton dct ‘ets ‘cue decineve © opened cre decimate loposcat Syne Hoercoot fxahente = losemens = fared = lovet sam = owe = gigahort = Giaapute ‘Som = mete figaposcal = etre pet second = pipet Sua mate = peony Second Po ‘Pespemcnet haf es RNY GA GN Meg tnds re ig Srenmgenu a se teand Sc its Sancta bol wrote Sle, fan ete toreoer Desctiton {8808 006 B80 040 000 661 ene mic son mitionh ‘8000 000 609 600 001 ‘one tase mon mont {900000 080 601, fre milion mont £8000 000 00? fone thous tonth ‘8000001, fe meth Doot fone thousandth oot ‘oe hurareth 61 see tenth 10 ter 100 ‘oe hued 909, ‘ee thousand 609 ten thouste | 09 0 ‘ne mito 08 0 fone thousand lion 00 9 fe mion mon 00 0 ‘ee then liga milo 000 ‘ne an ili lion ‘ % ounce we PN = mcronewton mat Fal tnieroh bor Heo = Imieropsecat mc HS) = microsecond me 1S © mierosioens ig tetra iT mrotosn Ma = megngram f= mmicrovat tak = then fi = Merona Mile = megatante fe = Newon pu = mile, A= hanoampere wy ule nc = nanoeoutom® m= mate ng > nanogram Min frmgamene nt = nanohenry Ime — Squate mifmetee | ne’ = nortosacond fnon'ie= square mimatre | nT = nanotesia per ecard OS ohn mmm? tube miimeve |p pone tiller P= poise Int ~ meganewton pA prcoampere Pt tn Pa pascal Mi = megotim. Pas — pascal second iifa = rlipascat PC) — picocouler MPa ~ smogspaceal pr pleatarad fPas = miipaseal second | pit ~ pleahary mie misncond Pre potahente rls pm = icoretto ms br = pire mr & © fuinta my, 2 second my 3 = slomers mW ent we shine. iw = Megawat St = Stokes pA. = mictoampae r tonne bor * mierobae T tesla He ~ Mmerocoulomts THe = terahertz WE = ticrfarad Td = terajoute hq tmicrogtam TW = terawatt BH = mieroheny ve ait Hh trolve w= watt(th) The Metric Measurement JOULE) = te work dane wen the pin of apcain oa oes of 1 eon ad ough dace mee te deco Be tr = Nag eh omit = 104 = tar haope oot mishap Ov wave Pearman coulomb ic) ot V)~ the itlerene ofc potent been a points of 3 eneucog wie caring constant eueno ampere hen he power ‘ipsied bonwon town pls ect wa Sh
1 Sochus 4000 petshere = 1 Seahone 10 samitinsucs = J saconimeve | 19m siunes 1 400 seentmaves = 1sqancimeve | "Sep Contines = Yhue aoe Sue pemes 100 litres = Thectolitre FORCE Sa deumeves’ © 1 Samet 1000 Ives {iste 19 micronewiors = 1 dyne 10) sqmoos "= 1 ge eomene 103) meronewtons — } Sinomton | dois 10 necoses >t kotre "0 miinewtons = 1 Gantiewon | aq ectomete 1000 fitewratons = newton {fectere 1090 hewtons | Rtonewon Thecare PRESSURE AND STRESS 1000 Wionewtons = | mogenewton = fecare 1090 micropascale = 1 rlipascal Stomene =} mctobar 1 salomette = I powcat DENSITY & CONCENTRATION 1 beseal {gram pe cubie = 1 milligram por = 1 mibor Inatr eudocimetre | mma 1000 mitigams per = ‘gram per i meoes 2 bea 1 Hoos cu aeamete ea ecinete is =— "nae 1609 mittgons = gem 1000 mibars {Bor alograms per = tonne por ve aiccate = 1 om ia sy [Bettoniee, | Anat cumete grams = Rete cunce iopescals > 1 msgupascal Taogam per 00 ars hectogam” | "eo bare 1 hectobor cudecmete. 10 gras 1 Roger ton0 bars = Reber 00 Bogoms = 1 muta 1000 megapascals = 1 giaptscat ve iggare 5 | agar TIME cuits megagrem tonne ELECTRICITY & MAGNETISM 1000 nanoseconds \ microsecond 1000 picoamperes = 1 nanoampere JQ miroscoonds = | rlliescond 1000 nanoamperes = 1 microampere 1000 milleeconds 1 second ENERGY (WORK & HEAT) 100 ngnonmecrss r mcoampera | Sy secon 1 ioeeond 10000 ergs 1 itjute 1eG0 mitanpees” = 1 Sore "00 migoules = toute Specs 2 1 ileampere 000 joules 1 Klojoule 1000 milicoulombs = 1 eaulomb VELOCITY 10 Kooutes = mepaoute | 1000 caulombe™” 2 1Klscoulom> | 3euiometes = t mete per 3 megojoves = 1 Mowarthour | 1000 merovots Der hoor secord 1000 megoouies = 1 gogjoute {000 miata” > Sooitomenes = Tklomotte per tooo Giesoues’ = 1 etpute too Sate : per hour secon 7Conversion Factors Length 1 ole 1 taong Veron 1 eine tn 1 nutes ite athom Acco 1 ag nile Tare 1 rood td? ve vi 1 vm! tm Volume & Capacity yd? cubic yard) = ‘Te feubie Foot) 1a? (euble inch) ‘ime! tem i im 1 bu thus "huis ran Tie 1 galion Mose tet ‘quarter Stone 1 ar (dram) 4 gr (gran) torte | drach 1 scruple Tet 1 shag tg tom Mass rate of flow ‘omh th ibis Volume rate of flow 1/6 eed oath Gave Velocity 1 mile ph} hve timin inves 1 inimin TUK not Soui7im O-as6127 6.000006 82903 em 6545 16 rm? Ga5i6 cm 0078s int 96 ya" 0°764585 m? 283168 dm iesari em 05102 5 10° in? 9.081 no 531467 we 208 ya 363687 am? 3.08218 dm? 454609 di? 379541 dm! {faes2 de 101805 kg 08023 kg 45,3592 kg 12-7006 635029 ko ma (323008 metric carat 311036 9 398799 g 129586 9 1958079 148609 fg 220462 0.0382 of 101605 kg/h {y1606 U7 o-459562 kgyh (0453582 kas e.078a 168 m/e 2e316e dine 54000 dmrh 451600 dime 190004 keh 03088 m/e ‘000608 m/s (03048 m/min 254 om/e O-042333 cm/s 185318 kev Fuel consumption “gall = 2825 /krn 2ea4et mye 1US gaimie = 2352 1/Krm 2.36215 dervhem I mile/gal = 03540 emit {0354008 kde 1 mile/US gal = 0.4251 kvl 425148 knveen! 1 ton(yé? = 1328-98 kgien? 132698 tib/fe = 160108 kg/mm Vien’ = 21-6788 glen’ 275799 Main Voigt = 00997768 kg/cm ‘:09070 wai alugitt) = 516379 kg/m? Tigimm’ = O13613 5010 orl Naim = oom Tigi’ = 5-688 bye" Moment of inertie “ib! = 000421401 kgm! Tipint = 292540 kg em Toeins = O-182000 kg em? tg t= 135882 kgm Momentuns Vib ttle = 098255 kg m/e Anguler momentum Vib ft/s = 00421401 kg m/s Force Non = 996402 KN Mor = 44402 N Tost = oz7e014N Tpa = 0138255, TN = ozaaat tot Presswe, stess Tonf/f® = 107 252 Kim Hont/ine = 19-4883 MN? Miugyre = 47-2603 N/m Tifa! = 0878 N/m 1589475 mbar oF mb pdt = 148816 W/m" ‘tio = 298907 Nim? Tink = 249-000 Nim Tintlg = 3386:39 Nim 35-8639 mbar or mb MPa = 0 14804 10" bi = O0197 Kef/mm? Viscosity fdynomic viscosity) Tibthyfee = 0:172369 MN e/en ‘tel 47.8503 N s/t pales! = TaeBI8N sf 1488-16 cP {contipocs) tists = Vae818 gis 18 16 cP Tslogitts = AT MT kg/m Eneroy, (work heat), Viner = 105506 Ms thph = 26042 MY Wh = 36M Tet = 7-0580p ku reewt = 136562 S Mt pat = 0042161 Power The = 745700W /s) O7ab00 KW Anis = 135582 W Heat flow rate 1 Btu/h = 0290071 W iis) ‘Speciic energy, speciictatet heat Vwi = 2328 J/kg veces = 296607 Fig Thema capacity per uni mass, pectic heat capacty 1 Btu/lb degt = 41089 J/kg dog TUBE et 38052 Jeg degC ‘Moment of Section TH” = 9.90669087 m* 53007 de vine = areu3t ems tem = 240281 SC 10% Clone vatve, volume basis thermigal = 23208 mud 23.2080 Ginn" tow/te = 010372689 Jem! 372589 kien Specie entropy TBtu/lb°R = 41858 U/kg K Cootcien of hea transfer TBlu/tt"h degF = 567026 Wim dege (inv edege) Thermal conductaity Vatu tet hdegt = 1°79073 Wim dege lumime degt G4238 Wim deg Lum/m' s deat! 519220 Wim deo Umim*e dogth 1 atu in“ h deg 1 Btu in/ts door ‘Mass per unie area Tibyint = 070907 x 10° kg/mm Vibe = 498208 kgm? Viglen? = 142293 3010 font Thgim? = 07042 bt ‘Mass por unit length Nb poryd = 0496 kg/m 3308.33 kg/m Tt kgim 02818 kg/km (001786 kg/mm osrtoriwrtt 03088 m/e CONVERSION POWER TABLE ‘interme of ‘Water cub. feet x feet fat Fuld gallons flow 1b. per sain preseure Fuld ex. foot ow Ib, per ean Pressure Fld cub, foot ow ‘inchee water gauge Uo F heat urits Teach'778 1b. tb 0° heat unite Tesch 1400) Kilogram, C® heat sania 2am, tb. eveperate rom and st 212°F Foal unt, i, 8 “abo tet its an7a1 5,000 6346 wis | an 1415 2x6 1084 20 | 00a per. oes | 303+ 10 Feel bur, I at 12,725 heat urits eb Feat of burnt, at ‘9.600 heat uite 02 | as+10 pati ow | ries Lighting gas burnt, ‘cub. feat 500 heat inte cab te Producer ges burn, ‘ub. fat 127 heat Units pr cub. ote Watt nace “ores Kilogram mets b= 6A hapohe = 273729 kg. (2 6 kg. calPlanning of Bui ding Works PLANNING ALLOWANCES Sen eg Teal rng en cee evan ‘rows Gres vnnty 120 = 120 Esch sey 204 wide Tous sist nadine doy. ant Bi Ing sone 120aeqnes 138660 woken) hake Whe 22 yés (20100 m) tong wth wish for seve ctshes banter 35 yr (58580 mp hom ent of ed Date thaw 91 (2 7431) ong Carew bowls 31 8. 308 mm) sic em ton 9 ee tnd th (9) de Ginoy bolrin Sle (763m) ot ie wat Send en aPwont inuiy 2h 2 bm (Dosdm 2438 m) Toute. Rog 330 t= 225 le aden gach ond ot exceeds anne oS te “13% (00m = 5920) nen Tenne_—Cout 78 +281 (23774 m= 10970 oan back {Srea hac a ot 19 we Tweets ee by ae tncng 101012 8 150") hah Bok (19 mms 2638 me 0.5 9 ‘ani iy wen a0 SH Elm 487m) PrroragndsSwnge 10 10 128, (080m to 2.680.) igh sre sein aero) aboce wound at & heen {0 218%. Pros 12 Io Tt ine (2200 en} a ewsan 43 to 14H (9 66D M0 427M) (ony ‘Zoi (Ed. oun 3 in tik cnt eh 28s. _soowe eine 0" 24\ne deen Pading ponts segronianeiy Sh (1S240m) thumeie depth tain 0 ove 2B mm) sane "2788 mm + 857 mm fr took» 991 min tout pane E00 the 272 ou” Grand vt 1020 bs. 477 Klos (ets, Single 30° «6 6% 800. + 2000 me Aad 16" a ie nd 10 Seed inn an 260 an Tor can foam wen ung He et, Dou 8° 0 100-0 22000 ena 2 4" ae ond edn Tain Afow #0" 120", 2428 mm 2688'm for chelation en ineiding bai ales “ben Ding, Seat 63-0" = 3°" S14 mm» 14 mm Seat BED" FO" 183d Steer Steam Cote, Rectanul 36°» 2: OST mm #819 men Ceca 26" sm oateme 6° = 1-0" 1080 m= 200 mn 10 0 121909 + 2638 0" #80 1824 {Nbiatle tows wehshops ore iw ta oe able pss em Femaine <1 WE tor every 28 trate or pvt of 25 Nace We tor ern 26 ae yp 107001 HC fr ey 40 ater ort 20 nd TE fr 8 ee sr Ew Sy Ei TWie Yor en 10 fomales 2 Ctr 10010250, 27. ates WE forthe eat 200.7 WE for 200 0 500, 3. 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Expmned metal | Uh mest finn apres Soave oosior] ovssoe) 3 tn _meta ng, (amy Wood wot tab | Light wht 11mm 2 ats g otsegio oss omneea 4 rood woot | a tg Co 001736) gasace) ooeaed ooaeei| = Sew is | 02003 Saszsd] ooess9| oost7| 8 ne Bont roy 24a 0.072831 009704 0 12163] 7 eypsim Ligh wei om oo Sasa Onis) 013889 8 sesetona__|_ endo (in 0.024 0.0875 0 12804 018626] 9 doe Lge Sem ‘19/502 {ALLOW tor comrstion and ting” on behwark Fon conereto FoF wndccons | teh tum) | «b00/600) on ubbia son pewous endeng I ov aera fe EXTERNAL RENDERING: Sues Mines fe Undercoat Second Undrcont Fash Onder | Ona] Onwerk | Onsen | Onstorw | On wane Soneere Bratman | Barkan, | enewrene | ‘actame | Baconge ear stom] (ag weak tear son (nq. weak Betsy) as ae wack) ] tk wet cee wee cnree) Gan Posie das Commoner | 13 Non iecermmnted 1 114 | Notsacomnuedt Severn laawacro Rowheash Gebers 13 16 ve [ave Pove rtm Cemuower | tanwocne Prackey nn ce Cavent vs ve ve [ave fave me taanacrety Crane Erinn va tre | vie Pave | ave Fewer Grnnnowr | taqusre linear Come tosone Pirey rn 19Brickwork GUIDE IW BUILDING FACING BRICKWALL ‘ying upe eaan wali one ofthe ale of compte brclayer, however the neigence of mortar on he lacs of the Bick general ereases vith he speed of the work (Care tayng, prevention of excessive coment morta siting nd staining on {Gee bictwot re vary important n sehlovg biekwort ef good appa nce, lw mainenanee ana he est step in evento of efforescence EFFLORSCENCE Solute sas wtih ensalitad on the surface of bckwork ahd appears in {heform ol white ena ign gfereseenca canbe avolleditmoce care (tas tan to prevent saurauon of brcework suring the buleing process. General, efflrescence disappear withthe repasted action of war oan ‘tnging St st depose to the aurace. Tremont of elreseance by acl Dr aol not encourage ae Incorrect sleaing procedure wa gberay ‘hiv increase te salt content of he wal and trtheraggrevae the problem, PRECAUTIONS To BE TAKEN WHEN BUILDING A FAIR-FACE BRICK WALL eype of Bricks — Bick fr the construction af chime, incntators Gna beatin cosa to the ae or comtnt with sltrerograte eo the "Brey of bch shoe ror ther, sch as er of Solos lgmarts:Theso be prone produce aforesces ‘Sum Ube only slicer aroun of coment ruled for rezorenanded frau anh rir man wa eh cb tron nd eset Si ee asec ate conmgunnaatias alsamngcoersn Pi ad tan sreSeng anh Fete bu rd prog esd Sagan secs ay reed ob epee nar re. + ang roe Coury ad Pashingn — Ft ng wal Lee Sea NN easing sed dp aun tte top Sas [aca facy fase fore Jovem forme 3 al, HB | Be | fo ; rey; alg | | as | os 8 zolzi jz 560 | 600 640 3 23/24 (2 |B |e | es 8 P8124 12 a | $8 | 3 | a0 ‘ 28 [3am [20h | fe | ass | tm % 30 [3G [3's | emo | foo | Sto 8 3213 4 2 a [se | |e a 36 [3 [3 8 | 8 [sow | ite Hy 33 [3soE [a ob fos | 33 | 1350 ‘ be fa [22 |e | ton | am 8 SS |S [Sh [ae |ise | tess * 3 [aut |e MORTAR MIXES. QUANTITIES OF ORY MATERIALS. 43 ae ror || ose 110 tie $a [rs | ito fez 10 a8 2k [at 1140 |} 0% 120 20 ‘ofthe wall to ensure that three minimum amount of melturé movernant Ghd tovefora of any anubl sts within tre wr + Covering Untnished Werke — Xf bad west erupt cork, tho fost the wa shuld bo protected wit pehene Shesting evel th BCT O508U lashing ot inn rd dae sal tom fresh mera and vet sling onbrk ae. Apart complete tac bik wal shod {covered was papa or peters anos prevent comert, ely and pat Si rom alan we. + Storage and Stacking on Site, — Facing bike should be tacked in pes teeth ely ons dy Sb Ee ba iy or sve going, Te outed Some ha problems essed wth md ‘tare and Rags row, BRICK CLEANING Boret vst ehamesis# cleaning ean ba dane by szrbbing with ie ste brut and wah down vith coplous amounts ol aan water Morse Stain — etic til sctn of mala of dul 2a ele tate bin trom the top ofthe wo e ‘Sean ths wal rom dt, Sand t,o by Aubin wii be bride brah Mas 2 2, Thorough rs wet tha wil. (hie wal prevent inriia® ababipion of 4 ea sain into the cleo by suction, Se Tox concentration hysroclove aca, Seubbing th dhution ont {he stae and confined to bcklac not marta uth fide brush. 5 Hoos ol aid wit eepovstmount of lean water. CAUTIONS the above chemi is corse! RANE GROWTH STAN Conran kai cn ty mp sol, tries ty wus boxes and eta lernove by vigor ‘ur bshing ac serps within or we On, Nably we il ar {Giede which soul sot on the wa for sovers daya balers rose oF with ‘Rcsr water tnd detergent, Hower boxes nd th feat of rick ring wall should be eemert rendered with wate roo! ther to prevent sbapogo of Water nto the wal Prevention of agar growth can bb aoived by the use ‘thigh grade slicone eal. 1-2. Tava pons sls blocks whe have hh dying shnkage coMMON pnicKwonk Hatt ck 212 Sen) se SF (237 run i Bt ay Boeke tt Bk wat 09 ‘onetime? a ae ! 957 (ne Brak Wal (BP ory oon | a Mss Backer ond a er rz ‘Coutesy of Batu Arang Bucks & Tes BhInsulation METAIC DEFINITION AND FORMULAE ‘Note Olt lari terms shown in tachets ‘Thmmalcondctvnty Winns Wat pareve dages Cele (6 att ie0 wvinidog Fh THERMAL RESISTANCES OF SOME BUILDING MaTEAIALS Used theknesee ve que eon Some pny pates ay ae Temaicantsance Win" Wit per ston dn Cah aaa =e oy Wary hei oes = ce WAY Goa hiteloep F/BTU hn) ‘Asbestos coment sheting 5 oor Temaiontnee mW Wt pers mee m4 dence TH weet ie we Sil | Adidaabteytord 8 ov trata ee lr 80 icMtemmed ough faa tet | aaneion ay ee x | | ose Sia ahon artes dies Fenner) Api ata 1 | 2250 | one mans ote ton Win? water aa mere Ua (Va Stine inn io | Ff | See ies ‘ol Siebert ne conten ic sos | 1700 | onze Heat flow raie W (BTU/hr) Watt aa os — woe Me «arm «0298 Se tite 2 Wee turing sere wine | Shey tatlow pects fa east me woo | don | 343 METRIC VALUES OF SURFACE RESISTANCES: pane fia Sunol m’ciw Conca asta ot me sored se x5 | 1200 | o20 ness toeat J —n-—— S22 Ewer Tope torts a Ne Sone Seine wo | a0 | ons wats on 080 00 0027 | Contwhatiow sors few owns) | 218 ‘Soars ee Seon Uremes) 00 = oo oo Sinker foo | i400 | 23 He : tonne sg wm | im | 330 ‘Whee sacs cma th ake wil ede by 20 per oe aidigncaa soe v0 | 2100 | ore "WHERMAL INSULATION MAXIMUM -U"vaLUES Covtbont ne | | oz Sr Esoanded poivere | os] oa +. Expanded polyurethane a wo] os7 Element Ina | Owetings Fe big me Exe wot os | os port ore | 20 | 028 Fett itt ance se | 88 =m bea 1B | jm | bie nos 355 | 8h Rosca Sa] a0 | Bote foamed st so | | 050 VALUES OF ConSrmuCTIONAL ELEMENTS gee eileen eee Conavcton Oem me | Garg set a | 2500 | 000 el re ane Corsa von aa Seer ace ws | rs | on Eomagted ses 33h orined noon ned wih in 16 Aes) Mee mao: sin sect eh bce an (Goss tokortne nooh 2 | 124 [oo 099 ESronmed seb hed wih bin (127) YS [2S 8 end wih rapa 12 eronbtuns gst ein Bt unr te st 2 | 1042 Jose on Se bane aed at casing 3 B [aT |oee or son es ei Aaa (25 ¢my Sees a | nao (eat cio gt no pst ecg” os ee af Rey ges «g_ | Aviat on in (520m! conte oles sat 298 . | Asphalt on 6in. (152mm) concrete. 21m (51 mm) be: } E | baht weight concrete screed, plastered soffit 193 prc A perigee E | Sot'n cote Ratoe oot tn Aim seth 20mm eee | tet’ sss ne soe eu Spice ow ers. ore as] eo | oa 1 (64m) stn caren ster 305 Feat tomar SE] fo] tt Gin (229 mm) brick 267 sai 7 ‘(PB eet rk wall anne eek teeiod seareecsonunes --|{ auc} ear [ae | pated 170 ipl ea ies B | er teas sins enn tick wih in G2 7mm) theta en et 102 Sie dices soe] am | oas Eonvgnedvsenos tad wih iim (127mm sea Stone —anbe= 8% mie so | +950 | 006 | og.@ 45mm tonmued and gone boning on erring w | — | os | Sirsecdticaen costar Sir em —fose 25 | 20110 038 a | sete ten Wont en as | so] 020 gf) Somiary Ei Woot! bing ss s_| oo} os9 21ROCKWOOL Product Properties THERMAL INSULATION Insulation qualities. The insulation value (’K" value) depends on temperature. Rockwool mineral wool has good thermal insulation properties, which remain intact under fire conditions. The fail in temperature through the insulation layer under such extreme thermal conditions is high enough for any combustible materials and structural members on the other side of the insulation, away from the seat of the fire, to be protected against the fire. FINE INSULATION Important aspects of fire insulation. Very few insulating materials have a high resistance to fire. Rockwool mineral wool does. The fibres of Rockwool mineral wooi are highly resistant to fire, because they can withstand temperatures exceeding 1000°C without melting. As the products are heated the resin binder evaporates this only occurs in the hot outer layer. Even without this binder the rock fibres remain intact protecting the rest of the material. This is a very important quality under fire conditions. Rockwool mineral wool therefore acts as a shield against fire when it is incorporated in the structural members of the building Non-combustibility. An insulating material classified as “non. combustible” is not inevitably a material which is highly fire resistant’ The test illustrated above clearly demonstrates the difference between two insulating materials which are both classified as non-combustible: rock fibre mineral wool and glass fibre mineral wool ACOUSTIC CONTROL & SOUND REDUCTION Sound insulation. For sound insulation against noise within a house, the special structure of Rockwool mineral wool can be used to great effect for instance in double walls, Insulating with Rockwool mineral wool reduces the isk of stationary sound waves between two surfaces, and in partition walls the material provides an excellent air and sound insulation i.e. a higher |, rate. This of course also applies to outer walls and noise from the outside. Sound absorption. ‘Acoustic control and noise suppression with Rockwool mineral wool solves important environmental problems in schools, offices, public institutions as well as industrial premises, etc The following graph illustrates the good sound absorbing properties of Rockwool mineral wool: Illustrations of 8 Reduction value «8 reduction valve the excellent 70 70 sound : - = insulation i 50 50 properties of Rockwool ae isin mineral wool. 20 fare! 20 to 0 [ee | - 125 250 500 1000 2000 250 500 2000 Frequency Hz Frequency Hz Glass woo! Rockwoo! Glass woo! Rockwoo! ‘ype A ABatis type A ABatts Raverage 36908 41.508 Raverage 44808 51.508 Jylab 39.008 i, 44008 = «47.008 42008Carpentery & Joinery TIMBER CLASSIFICATION Hosvy Hardwoods "Thesg are heavy timbers ranging. ip 3 Koi’ "to T12¥ kg/m? (G0 Tort to 70 White at 15 per SSnt" malsture content. They are naturally durable. ae they Contain rorme toxic materials within their teeues, eg. alkaloids ‘or other substances repelient to wood destroying agents. They San be sefely used without praservative trestmwont sven” it Stustions exposed to fungus of tarmie nctvtiee the sapwwocd Of these timbers, however, Is net durable. Medium Hardwoods ae There are mocerately heavy tg heavy timbers pnaing nw from about 721 10,091 Kayne (48 t0.08 IT) at 15 per cent momture content: Some st there timbers are heavy ang song ‘nough to be classified ae “Heavy naréwoods™ but under tro Bical condition they lack sufficlent natural” durability. when Exposed to the westhar or in contact with the ground. Kort of thom, however, are naturally curable in temperate, countries hore climatic convitions are fess conductive to the sctivittes St wood dortroving agent Light Hardwoods ‘These Include all the raletively Hight woight and soft timbers lich range invweight trom about 400 kg/m to. 721 Karns (25 fo 45 fovtt?) at 15% moisture content Most of these light hherdwood species are used for general utility purposes, Som ‘ecorative panelling ste. “although mot iy orable under tropical ‘conditions, some ere. culto durable in temperate rapione, Provided that proper precrutions fre taken against attack by wood destroying agents, the ENLIGHT HAROWGOOS" er 9 whole moe very aatistactory timbers for general construction even when used under Wo. pleai conattions. ‘making. Softwood ‘There ie ane true softwood (Conifer) ef commercial Importance viz, Damen minyak.(Mengilan|. It {2 botenically {dentition os ‘ne Species OF Agathia and ie ls to be found in tho hill forests Within the approximate altitude range of G10 to. 2,190. 2.000 «0'7,000 Teo Medium | Uiaht Hardwoods | Merdwoods | Herdwoode Softwoode Kepur Bintengor Demat Kempes | Jelutong mainvak Keruing | Dark Red Meranti Mengkulang | Light Rea Moran Fonger White torantt SOME COMMONLY USED TIMBER IN BUILDINGS, BALAU Botanical Name Shorea Sop. Brown, usually with @ distinct ole Some species with a redaiah tinge an ‘mostly darkening to @ deep Brown on eporures ‘The grain fe wavally deeply. Intorlocked and the texture fine and General Description Density: Average 1087 keg? (66 tb/t)*) Range: 881 ka/m® ss tb/te') to T1421 kal (7 tw/Te Preservative Treatment : Heartwood extremely resistant Wood permesbl Seasoning Properties Shrinkage Is high. Ratio of tangential Ts somewhat high Sistortion. Although» very dense wood, It Ie Working Propertion eoty to sam, It crorecate and band. favs clearly. Machine planing is not Sittieule The timber is tally hard 8 ‘work bY hand or machine tools 24 KAPUR Borenieal Name Goneral Description Density: Average Sentoning Propertios ‘Working Propertios User KERUING Botanical Name Density: Average Fonge s Working Properties Uses Heavy Construction work such ae bridges, saway sleepers, powe ppolet, fence paste, wall plates, Bnd "window tramnes, doors, oryobelanops Sop, The heartwood ie reddish brown in colour "white the sapwood is. yet Towish brown, 8 eamphor like odour apparent when the timber ie worked, ‘The ‘texture ts moderat course. and 737 elm? Gent moisture content (45 t/t?) at 12 por Sia to 833 kg/m’ (32 - 52 tbyte) Heartwood extremely resistant Sepwood permeable, The timber die elowly but generally fausiactorily In thicknesses” Up fo cup and end spit, When unseasoned the timber can be nwned and planed without difficulty gummed up with resin, Whenseasoned the timber presents some difficulty in’ working. ‘The. presence of siliee utes 8 biunting “eltect, espectally fon saws, A'gaod finlah is obteinable ‘and the timber holds nails and aorews ‘vol Poste, beams, raft Serngers, Moor boards, te Dipteroearnus ron, ‘of plain appearance, The (woos. ie" generally. rea.brown, sometimes with a purple tint, The Sspwood is lighter In colour end grey ingest The toxture ie rether coats fang. the grain. straight. or aligntly ieriocked 857 ka/m? (41 tote?) 361-801 kg/m! (35 t0 80 tb/te) Heertwood moderately resistant Sapwood moderately resistant Shrinkage is very high with 2. ten doncy Tor distortion ean ‘collapse > sional ‘movement. in 0 In the areen condition the tlmbar can be ‘sawn and machined without ser fous cificutty, but once seasoned It Hten gives. touble, “owing othe files content with ite blunting effect fn eutting edges, especially. sow froth. The timber téker nals well ans faves satisfactory results with varnish and other finishing treatment, It Is 9 gone tber, “Sul Falters ote. ‘or beams, joists, MERANTI, DARK-RED. Botanical Name : Goneral Description Density: Average : Range ‘com Shorea spe. ‘The heartwood ie dark brown, madium red 0 deep rad. purplish finge fz common, ‘The sopmood Is pine in “colour The “texture. Ie Rroderately “coarse ‘and ‘the. grain ightly interioeked. (909 kam? (49 t/t") Bar Bor kg/m® (40-50. wrt?) es) 0 Tana Connaten Pe Ld, SingaveneCarpentery & Joinery | Proservative Treatment * Heertwood extremely resistant to proeeruntive treatment Sapwood falrly ear. “The timbor can either be ait zeetaned OF kilmaried without trouble. Move Frent inaervice fa rated as smal presents tittle dificulty See see Suitable for furniture making, wall: panelling, comettic flooring ste MERANTI, LIGHT-RED Botanica! Name Shorea, spp Az (produced by large number imber Ie" unusually verlable in ‘The colour ranges trom pink toa ‘modiumred General Description Density: Average : 801 kglin® (95 fo/t) Range” : 268 “B01 kg/m! (10-40 16/10) FProvervative Trestment * The heertwood ls resitant to oresr. ative “rontment but the sepnood sbtorbe preserumtves quite eel “The timber seesons vill, be It aie tcoroned or kiinsried, Orca dry, she ‘movernant Ia service i ral Seasoning Proportion Working Properties + Lightweight, non-aliceous and non: gummy, ie! ie in general on Eimber to work on, fesse easily works well with both hand’ and machine tools, The timber tales nal ‘ona scrone well and’ ean bo olued Entstactorily. user Suitable for furnituremaking, pane! Ting. Used’ for’ plywood manutec: tuning, AMIN Gonystylus Sep A uniformly coloured, creamy-white timber with @ fine and even texture ‘ana shallowly interlocked grain ‘Avaroge : 577 kg/m? (36 Jb/fe?) Range’: 661-073 kg/m? (35-42 th/tt*) Preservative Treatment : It is easily treated with preservative, Seasoning Properties © Ramin reasons readily with little die tortion ‘or daterioration, Dimensional Movement under changes of hurt iiey ean be high ally works easly with hend end Density: ‘working Propertios olour polishes to gives isfoctory with ell types of adhetive, set ‘An excalfant timber tor mouldings, Danelltngs, dowels and furature, RIGHT HAND and LEFT HAND CONVENTIONS Rule.—tmagine that. you open the door’or easement and stona facing the opened age with one hand Holding auch side oF the door: then the hen which holds the side ot the door On the handt0 melt. prec eee eee ‘This rule appliee slzo to rising butte or lift off hinges foo. the Hana’ te nat the hinge tide, but the fixing side); {oor sorings, However ora the reverse of tho rule For locks and latches in doore opening outwards apply the rule and spacity “reverte bolt” CComsy of Toei Corpo Pee Lt, Sixganone Hb SCREW SIZES and DRILL SIZES for PRE-BORING ‘Sow tre [Mate for chook Pothole for tea se pa a os Bi wm] na] Soe | Sees ii | suoin] "Oa sue oo | a fe Pe | ae Pe] r foo} a fa fo | s fon | « 2 Joo) 2 | a | se 65 a foo} a | a | se sa 5 [ore | 30 wf] ada] os 6 |oras | 27 ola]e] a 7 Jorso | 22 w fata] « 8 joss | 10 wo) ale] a 9 fore} 14 vl a]io] a wjom)o | wf a] af a] a for) « |a fa] a foo] a fom] 2] 2 fo] a fw] a ve for) o fs fos] af a] a we Joz| 1 |e a.| a jos) o | x fo wl oa wlom|e | y ‘ we fay x form| v | a r joa dow dia To find the Gauge of a Screws—Muliy by two the number of sx teenth of an wah inthe orator of the oad md edt wo the real tthe gauge Exampie"a‘tear hen oemune force 6 eons ofan neh (82) "2" 13" 2-10 me sew 8 NO. 10 gauge (ineepectca a length) NAILS: Approximate Number Per Lb. w]e ar |e |e eand wire ‘Gouge 16 |1300|1000 | 200 680 15 |'980|'t00 | 6x0] 50 14 | Boo] eee | $30] S40 12 | 620] 49 | 400] 340 12 | 40] 360 | 300] 3e0 his, 1 | 300] 28° | 280] 219 © 10 240 | 190| 160] 25] 10 3 200 | 160 130| 60 | ss | 36 8 125 50 | 40 | 29 + 20/38 ® 35 |30 | 20 ‘ ie|t4 round cout'+ | 480] 200] 240] 170| 130 80] 70] 40 Run pe ‘se so] 20| 16] 19] 12/10 7 cone neat 40] 39] 26 Roundin+ | eon] 700 | s20| aso] Round ot ha 4380] 160 | 100] 70] fas Oval ted ra [2r00] 1130 | 680) a0] 290 too 45] 40] 30 | 14 ots cle 4500 | 400} 2¢0| 150| 90] 60] 4o| 2s | 12 {et Hor bcs boo] 130 | 0] 80 at 00} 00 | 360 Sopot satin to | 310 | 220] 118 (oars PG Mic, oe a mer 25 teenth 0 alow forCarpentery & Joinery ind of Tambor | suengin| ov | Avmage] meats] Bry By. ory | ousiae ‘stew Grow | Bi | SWAY aan] cs sete | So shots | ht | sacs | So 2250 | 2550 | 2250 | wws0 | 1050] aro | ero | 15 50_| 3610, n2_| 100 2200 | 2680 | 2260 | 1900 | ro10| 790 | exo | 100 A 2 | 29 | 2630 | 2900] 2500 | 2200 | 2500 | 2200 | re00.| 1oz0| 790 | s50_| 195 | 6_| 2500 | 2500 | 2250 | 1950 | 2400 | 2150 | 175 | 1110] e702 | 710 | 5 "Coocmoue Monet 4 7 2000 | 2600 aco | 1950 | 1780 | s400 | soo | a0 | a20 | 199 L Se eee Bho] Fh00, | 1250 | too | 1250 | tooo | seo | 3e0_| Y0_| tos ‘shoree kunstend| 3 | sr | 2780 | 2800 2100 | 1950 | 1500 | seo | 450 | 270 | 138 atin on. Scone a + | 9 | 2520 | 2500 | 2150 | 1900 ] 2200 | 1950 | 500 | oso | 40 | 00 | 00 weston | oo | toso | feso | t4so | Ys00 1050 320_| 360 | 155 rotccens) | | | aero | 400 | 2050 | 1200 400 | 20 | 400 | 330 | 14s 4 a | | 2230 | 2200 | 1900 | s680 1200 | 40 33_| 2ieo | 2is0 | tse | too ua | 4 Tinea Deborah e 2 | 2 | 20m | 2100 | 1900 | 1600 | s6s0 | 1500 | 1200 | sx | ato | 340 | 155 TDryotetonons wonetce 8 4_| so | aso | 2000 | 1700| 1800 | reso | r450 | 1200 | 260 | 270 | 220 | 120 “D.cbtonaioiny |__ | 43 | so10 | 1750] 1500 | 1300 | 1400 | 1280 | 1000.| 420 | 2x0 | 270 | 11 Tengen 8 4 21s0_| 1950 | 1650 s300_| 1080 20 \Seoredoeeous bomneens ra ss30_| 1250 | 1600 | 1400_| 1600| 1400 | 1150 | 70 | 290 | 240 | 125. é a | 41 | 2oto | sas | 1600 | 400 | vaso aso | 39 | 250 | 210 | 110 Hy 35_| Teo | Heo | $500 | 168 | ieo_| tae | Se ia | mo | sem | 0 sow | oo | a0 | 20 | om | uw wae el sia wo | xe | ae | ae] co 2 melas | as | |e yn | ws Lise | ssp | sae | we a foe] me || s | wwioeess |e |e | 2 [ee | rom | soo | oo | io | 0 | 10 | 20 | oo | eo | os ay Sos |e | | | wo | oe mo | om | wo | ao | seo] rm | wo | i o | + | x | ams | eae] ase | a | | ae] oe [ae] we fe (Goonieof Fane Conran Pe Li. Sipgapre SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION CLAUSES FOR JOINERY WORKS 1. The scope of work 3. Other ma ts 18, Procedure 2 (a) Maverials, Tibor 4. Workmanship and 6. Descriptions of the components (8) Moisture'content menutecture 10 be made and scheduler. arPlumbing Work | GENERAL PLUMBING DATA Lend Physica! 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