Portfolio Danna
Portfolio Danna
Portfolio Danna
Throughout this course, we played Kahoot, Hot Potato, and other activities more
than As l said, this material contains exercises that help you give feedback to
practice and make an effort to learn the language.
This portfolio was developed with one main objective, the objective of guiding me
in the formation and structuring of simple sentences.
Then compound and finally complex sentences, I need to be able to express myself
naturally, with ideas that start with a basic sentence and continue with different
clauses that allow me to speak as fluently as possible.
Hello, I think it is time to give thanks for these two years of my English course, I
thank God first for allowing me to endure two years, to my grandparents, who were
my main motivation, to my grandfather who was the one who paid for the course
they always listened to me even if they didn't understand me, but I always surprised
them with something new. Marisol, my aunt, was the closest person I could have
had to the language. She listened to me, corrected me, and scolded me when I
already knew something and forgot it. Mom who also paid attention to me like my
dad, sometimes my English-Spanish gets lost and l am very surprised at the way I
have advanced, to my Teacher Bella who was very patient with me, she got stressed
but the important thing is she always listened to me, to Zuly, one of my important
friends that I had on this beautiful journey, to
Esther who always corrected me and listened to me, Luis the first partner I had, and
that until now we are still together, to all my friends who always canceled their
outings on Saturdays because I always went to Ciex, to all the Ciex staff who were
always beautiful, they never gave me a bad face, it was always hello, good morning
and everyone was super nice, thanks to myself for allowing
Me to start learning a new language, and I know it is the beginning of a new story...
Well, as I said at the beginning, this portfolio was created for one reason only.. The
reason that l could learn the language more, as you could see this portfolio was very
creative, very elaborate, and with many Spelling mistakes, just like with patience
who has no idea how much it cost me a first first to make a color sheet. Now I can
defend myself in the language. Since I have learned many things. | also met many
friends that I honestly don't regret. I took this course from the time I told my
grandfather that I wanted to take English and he asked me.
I don't regret anything because I was able to know myself what I can give more than
I can learn another language, It's not easy at all, I have to admit.
There are moments when you tell yourself I can't do it anymore, but that's that
littleness where you say, but have to do it because, because I'm already very
advanced, then you just turn back and say, well,
I have already come a long way, and well, the truth is, I would like to get involved,
in this course again to be able to continue learning more about the language and to
be able to read, talk, and listen very fluently. Thank you very much to the people
who were able to read this portfolio, they took the task of being able to review it
and observe it for a single moment, because believe me, truly I made it with a lot of