Guven 11 Ci Sinif Buraxilis - 1
Guven 11 Ci Sinif Buraxilis - 1
Guven 11 Ci Sinif Buraxilis - 1
Listen carefully and answer the questions from 1 to 6 7. Choose the correct variant.
according to the passage. Huseyn has already had....
1. so much problems
1. The passage is mainly about .... 2. so many problems
A) Bollywood actors 3. so a good job
B) Hollywood movies 4. such a lot of difficulties
C) pop songs 5. such a good job
D) India's film-making business A) 1, 3, 4
E) India's traditional melodies B) 2, 4, 5
C) 2, 3, 5
2. Which statements are true according to the passage? D) 1, 2, 5
1. Today Bollywood films are only popular in India. E) 3, 4, 5
2. Music is an important part of Bollywood movies.
3. Bollywood actors don't play in Hollywood films. 8. Choose the correct variant.
4. Bollywood movies are a minimum of three hours long. We need more workers. There are too... people to help us.
A) 2, 3 B) 1,3 C) 2,4 A) a little
D) 1,4 E) 1,2 B) much
C) a lot of
3. Choose the correct answers to the question according to D) a few
the passage. E) few
What makes Bollywood films different?
1. The films are very long. 9. Choose the correct variant.
2. Dancing and singing are common in films. ... people are starving in the world.
3. The music consists of classical and traditional songs. 1. Million
4. Bollywood makes less movies than Hollywood. 2. Millions of
A) 2,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 3. 600 millions
D) 1,4 E) 1, 2 4. 800 million
A) 2,4 B) 2,3 C) 1,3
4. Write one adjective from the passage that describes D) 1,2 E) 3,4
10. Choose the correct pronoun.
_____________________________________________ - Would you like... coffee?
- Yes, please.
_____________________________________________ A) any B) anything C) some
D) something E) none
5. Complete the sentence according to the passage.
Some Hollywood movies are copying 11. Choose the correct pronoun
My children are too young to look after ....
_____________________________________________ A) myself
B) yourself
_____________________________________________ C) themselves
D) yourselves
6. Write the answer to the question according to the E) ourselves
What music types are there in Bollywood movies? 12. Choose the correct pronoun.
Though they are sisters, they never wear... skirts.
A) each others'
_____________________________________________ B) each another's
C) each another
_____________________________________________ D) one another
E) each other's
11 CI SINIF GUVEN BURAXILIŞ – 1 06.11.2022
13. Choose the correct pronouns. 19. Choose the correct variant.
Hamid is a brilliant student ... works with .... 1. to play violin
A) who, our 2. to play tennis
B) which, my 3. a tasty porridge
C) whom, hers 4. blackberry juice
D) who, me A) 3,4 B) 1, 2 C) 2, 4
E) whose, them D) 2,3 E) 1,4
14. Choose the correct pronouns. 20. Choose the correct variant.
... CDs over there are mine. Don't touch...! He will go to my city by... plane and will have ... very good
A) These, they time there.
B) Those, they A) the, the B) the, a C) -, -
C) They, they D) -, the E) -, a
D) Those, they
E) They, them 21. Choose the correct variant.
... Americans are... wealthiest people in ... world.
15. Match the words to their definitions. A) -, the, a B) The, the, the C) -, -, the
1. achievement D) The, -, the E) The, the, a
2. despair
3. manuscript 22. Choose the correct variant.
a. the absence of hope 1. so many rice
b. a book written by hand 2. such a lot of cotton
c. a thing done successfully 3. so much pollution
A) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a 4. such much snow
B) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c A) 1,3 B) 2,4 C) 1, 2 D) 3,4 E) 2,3
C) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c
D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b Read the passage and answer the questions from 23 to 30.
E) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b
1. Nations around the world are fighting with a major
16. Choose the line of compound nouns. epidemic of a new deadly virus. The coronavirus, which
A) living-room, translation, bookcase started in the Chinese city of Wuhan, on 22nd January 2020
B) stepmother, communism, daylight has already killed thousands of people from all around the
C) countryside, flowerpot, housewife world. Countries affected include China, America, the UK
D) cornflake, ambulance, exhibition and Italy. It has also spread to many other places like
E) shipyard, hardship, landlady Pakistan, Japan, Korea, Thailand and etc. More than 90,000
people that have caught the virus and are in hospital. The
17. Choose the incorrect variant. World Health Organization (WHO) has declared that this
1. the women's dresses is a global health emergency. China has been on lockdown
2. the author's novels for many weeks and people have not been to work, school
3. oxen's horn and all public transport has been stopped. In other
4. the men's clothes countries schools have been closed and people have been
5. at the grocers' told not to travel.
A) 3, 5 B) 1,2 C) 3,4 2. The new coronavirus is suspected to have come from
D) 2,4 E) 1,5 illegally traded animals in a Wuhan market. The virus
mutated and spread from an animal to a human. There are
18. Choose the correct sentence with the noun in the fears it could mutate and spread further. Scientists say the
Possessive Case. virus is infectious and can be passed from person to person
A) Ali and Natiq's teacher gave them a lot of tasks. through the air. Dr Linfa Wang, a virologist at the Duke-
B) Tahir and Arif's hands are dirty. National University of Singapore, said the new coronavirus
C) Childrens' literature is very different from adults'. is in the same family as SARS, but it's different from SARS.
D) The course's changed its lesson hours. He said people needed to look for symptoms, such as
E) We will have a party at Samirs'. fever, cough and difficulty in breathing.
11 CI SINIF GUVEN BURAXILIŞ – 1 06.11.2022
23. The passage is mainly about.... 29. Which noun from paragraph 1 best fits the following
A) SARS virus definition "to make known formally or officially"?
B) the World Health Organization
C) scientists' discoveries ___________________________________________
D) an emergency service
E) a deadly disease ___________________________________________