FRGN Curr Derivatives - FandO Os1qImUSkG
FRGN Curr Derivatives - FandO Os1qImUSkG
FRGN Curr Derivatives - FandO Os1qImUSkG
– The buyer of a put option, however, wants to be able to sell the underlying
currency at the exercise price when the market price of that currency drops
(not rises as in the case of the call option)
– If the spot price drops to $0.575/SF, the buyer of the put will deliver francs
to the writer and receive $0.585/SF
– At any exchange rate above the strike price of $0.585, the buyer of the put
would not exercise the option, and would lose only the $0.05/SF premium
– The buyer of a put (like the buyer of the call) can never lose more than the
premium paid up front
Profit & Loss for Buyer of Put Option
Option Market Speculation (contd.)
• Seller (writer) of a put (see next slide):
– In this case, if the spot price of francs drops below
58.5 cents per franc, the option will be exercised
– Below a price of 58.5 cents per franc, the writer will
lose more than the premium received from writing
the option (falling below break-even)
– If the spot price is above $0.585/SF, the option will
not be exercised and the option writer will pocket
the entire premium
Profit & Loss for Writer of Put Option
Option Pricing and Valuation
In this case, intrinsic value of call = (Spot – Strike) = (70.60 – 70) = Rs.0.60
• While the intrinsic value of the option above is based on moneyness, the time value
is based on time to expiry and the volatility of the stock price. From the above we
can conclude 3 things about pricing of options:
1. ITM options have intrinsic value and time value
2. ATM/NTM options have larger proportion of time value than intrinsic value
3. OTM options have only time value and zero intrinsic value
Option Intrinsic Value, Time Value
& Total Value
Call Option Premiums: Intrinsic
Value & Time Value Components
Options Pricing: Black & Scholes Model
Ø Uses a 5 factor model to value options, as shown below:
Black and Scholes When the variable How it impacts the call How it impacts the put
Variable moves up? option value? option value?
Spot Price of FX rate Moves Up Option value increases Option value decreases
Strike Price of option Moves Up Option value decreases Option value increases
Interest rate diff Moves Up Option value increases Option value decreases
It is only in case of volatility & time to expiry where the call and the put options
on currency pairs are impacted in similar manner. That is because volatility &
time make the call and put valuable as they increase. In case of currency option,
we look at the movement of interest rate differential. In case of USDINR, we track
the movement of the Indian interest rate – US interest rates.
Currency Option Pricing Sensitivity
• If currency options are to be used effectively, either for
the purposes of speculation or risk management, the
individual trader needs to know how option values
(premiums) react to their various components.
• Six sensitivities:
1. The impact of changing forward rates
2. The impact of changing spot rates
3. The impact of time to maturity
4. The impact of changing volatility
5. The impact of changing interest differentials
6. The impact of alternative option strike prices
Forward Rate Sensitivity