Alcohol Phenol Ether Notes

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Alcohols and phenols are hydroxyl derivatives of hydrocarbon in which

H atoms in a hydrocarbon (Aliphatic or Aromatic) replaced by one or
more hydroxyl group.

Alcohols are hydroxyl derivatives of aliphatic hydrocarbons.


Phenols are hydroxyl derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbon
Ar - H Ar-OH

Ethers are obtained by replacing H In a hydrocarbon by an alkoxy or an

Aryloxy group

Ar/R-H +OR/OAr Ar/R-O-R/Ar


Ethers are also obtained by replacing H in an alcohol or phenol by an

alkyl or an Aryl group


Ar-OH +R/Ar Ar-O-R/Ar



Based on number of OH group alcohols and phenols can be

classified in to


PH pit OH
- - OH -

*o -


bit "°
Phenol Hydroxy quinol Hexa phenol

Based on hybridisation of C atom to which OH group is attached

" Compounds containing Csp3-OH bond

I Primary alcohols R -

Utz - OH

R est OH
Secondary alcohols


Tertiary alcohols R - e -

I .

I Compounds containing Csp2 O-H bond

: Aryl alcohols / Phenols

Classification of Ethers
÷ R-O-R’

1. Simple or symmetrical ethers

In ethers both R and R’ are same

Clfg -
O -

Atg Methoxy methane

eltg Utz -
O -

Utz Utz

Ethoxy ethane
2. Mixed or unsymmetrical ethers

In ethers both R and R’ are different

o -

atzatz ethane

3. Aliphatic ethers

In ethers both R and R’ are alkyl group

Ctlz -
O -
} Gt3 -
O -

Cz -115 CzH5
O -

, ,

4. Aromatic ethers

In ethers both R and R’ or any one of Ror R’ is an Aryl group


Colts -0-81-15
Diary ether

Alcohols: The common name of an alcohol is derived from the
common name of the alkyl group and adding the word alcohol to
CH3OH methyl alcohol.
CH3CH2OH ethyl alcohol
In IUPAC system, the name of an alcohol is derived from the name of the
alkane from which the alcohol is derived, by substituting ‘e’ of alkane
with the suffix ‘ol’. The position of substituents are indicated by
numerals. For this, the longest carbon chain (parent chain) is numbered
starting at the end nearest to the hydroxyl group. The positions of the –
OH group and other substituents are indicated by using the numbers of
carbon atoms to which these are attached. For naming polyhydric
alcohols, the ‘e’ of alkane is retained and the ending ‘ol’ is added.
CH3OH Methanol
CH3CH2OH Ethanol

Phenols: The simplest hydroxy derivative of benzene is phenol. It is its

common name and also an accepted IUPAC name. As structure of
phenol involves a benzene ring, in its substituted compounds the terms
ortho (1,2- disubstituted), meta (1,3-disubstituted) and para (1,4-
disubstituted) are often used in the common names
Ethers: Common names of ethers are derived from the names of alkyl/
aryl groups written as separate words in alphabetical order and adding
the word ‘ether’ at the end.
Eg. CH3-O-C2H5 is ethylmethyl ether.

In IUPAC system ethers are named as Alkoxy alkane

Colts ethane
g. at -0 -

Structure of alcohols phenols and ethers

In alcohols the C-O-H bond angle is slightly less than that oftetrahedral
angle (109°-28′). It is due to the repulsion between the unshared electron
pairs of oxygen.

In phenols, the carbon– oxygen bond length (136 pm) in phenol is slightly
less than that in alcohols . This is due to (i) partial double bond character .
and (ii) sp2 hybridised state of carbon to which oxygen is attached.

In ethers, the C-O-C bond angle is slightly greater than the tetrahedral
angle due to the repulsive interaction between the two bulky (–R) groups.
The C–O bond length (141 pm) is almost the same as in alcohols.
Preparation of Alcohols

1. From haloalkane
Hydrolysis of alkyl halides with aqueous alkali or with moist
Ag2O give alcohols : Dil NaOH Max
> R - OH +

R -
X dit : KOH KX
g R - OH +

Ago> R -
OH +

2. From Ethers

Ethers undergo acidic hydrolysis give alcohols.

dit : 1-12804
R-O-R > 212 -

3. From esters

Esters undergo acidic or alkaline hydrolysis give alcohols

R -
§ -
o -
/ " 2°
> R -
É -
OH + R -

R -
% -
o -

R É R -
É -8 + R -

4. From aliphatic primary amines

Aliphatic primary amine react with nitrous acid to form alcohols

5. From alkene

a) Hydration of alkene

Alkenes react with water in the presence of acid as catalyst

to form alcohols. In case of unsymmetrical alkenes, the
addition reaction takes place in Markovnikov rule.
b) Hydroboration- Oxidation reaction
Diborane (BH3)2 reacts with alkenes to give trialkyl boranes as
addition product. This is oxidised to alcohol by hydrogen peroxide
in the presence of aqueous sodium hydroxide.

In this method Antimarkovnikov alcohols are formed

c) Oxymercuration -Demercuration reaction

Alkene react with mercuricacetate in presence of water and

followed by reduction give markovnikov alcohols
d) Reaction with formaldehyde
Alkene react with formaldehyde in acidic medium and
followed by hydrolysis alcohols are formed. This reaction is
known as Prinse reaction
É at at
20 H
Elt g- at cuz atg
get 2-
- -

-1120 OH

6. From Grignard reagent

All the three types of monohydric alcohols can be prepared
by the use of Grignard reagents. Grignard reagents form an
addition compounds by nucleophile attack with aldehydes
and ketones which on hydrolysis with dilute acid yields an
7. Reduction of Carbonyl compounds

Aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and acid derivatives like

acid chlorides, anhydrides and esters can be reduced to

8. Oxo process

In this reaction, alkene is converted to alcohol with one carbon

atom more. Catalyst used in this process is cobalt carbonyl or
cobalt carbonyl hydride [COH(CO)4] In this process first of all
aldehyde is formed, which is reduced to obtain alcohol,
9. Fermentation of carbohydrate
a) The sugar in molasses, sugarcane or fruits such as grapes is
converted to glucose and fructose, (both of which have the
formula C6H12O6), in the presence of an enzyme, invertase.
Glucose and fructose undergo fermentation in the presence of
another enzyme, zymase, which is found in yeast.

b) From starch
Physical properties

a) Boiling point
Lower members are colourless liquids. Higher members having
more than 12 carbon atoms are wax like solids.
The boiling points of alcohols and phenols increase with increase
in the number of carbon atoms (increase in van der Waals forces).
In alcohols, the boiling points decrease with increase of branching
in carbon chain (because of decrease in van der Waals forces with
decrease in surface area)
The –OH group in alcohols and phenols is involved in
intermolecular hydrogen bonding

In case of isomeric alcohols bp decreases with increasing


OH > Atg -


at -
OH > at
%? OH
1 1
Utz Ctl
10 ,

b) Solubility
The first three members are highly miscible with water.
However, the solubility in water decreases with rise of
molecular mass. The solubility in water is due to hydrogen
bonding as -OHgroups present both in alcohol and water
are highly polarised.

The solubility of higher members in water is less. This can be

explained in the following manner. The alcohols possess ,both
hydrophilic (waterioving or waterlike, - O H group) and
hydrophobic (water hating, alkane like due to carbon chains)
part. Thus, with increase in molecular mass the hydrophobic part
of the alcohols increases. This reduces their water solubility.
Another interesting feature in this connection is that among the
isomeric alcohols, the solubility increases with increase in
branching. This can be attributed to decrease the relative
volume of hydrophobic portion.

Solubility of alcohols in the order 3° > 20 > P

Chemical reactions
Alcohols are versatile compounds. They react both as nucleophiles
and electrophiles. The bond between O–H is broken when alcohols
react as nucleophiles.

The bond between C–O is broken when they react as

electrophiles. Protonated alcohols react in this manner. -

Based on the cleavage of O–H and C–O bonds, the reactions of

alcohols and phenols may be divided into two groups:

a) Reactions involving cleavage of O–H bond

1. Acidity of alcohols and phenols

i) Reaction with metals: Alcohols and phenols react with active
metals such as sodium, potassium and aluminium to yield
corresponding alkoxides/phenoxides and hydrogen.

2 R OH +2N
a > 212 - ONA 1-

Q OH 2N a > 2 Colts ONA +

↳ Hg +
The above reactions show that alcohols and phenols are acidic in
nature. In fact, alcohols and phenols are Brönsted acids i.e., they can
donate a proton to a stronger base (B:)

R -
O -

H + BO → R -
O_0 + BH

ii) Acidity of alcohols: The acidic character of alcohols is due to the


polar nature of O–H bond. An electron-releasing group (–CH3, –C2H5)

increases electron density on oxygen tending to decrease the polarity
of O-H bond. This decreases the acid strength. For this reason, the
acid strength of alcohols decreases in the following order:
R > R at OH > R C OH
at 201-1
- -

1 I
10 20 3°

Alcohols are, however, weaker acids than water. This can be

illustrated by the reaction of water with an alkoxide.

R -
O_O -1 H -
O -
H - > R -
OH + %H
This reaction shows that water is a better proton donor (i.e.,
stronger acid) than alcohol. Also, in the above reaction, we note
that an alkoxide ion is a better proton acceptor than hydroxide
ion, which suggests that alkoxides are stronger bases (sodium
ethoxide is a stronger base than sodium hydroxide).
Alcohols act as Bronsted bases as well. It is due to the presence
of unshared electron pairs on oxygen, which makes them proton
Acidity of phenols

Phenols react with NaOH and form sodium phenoxide and water and it
also change blue litmus to red. This two reaction only shown by phenols
ie phenols are more acidic than water and alcohols
NAOH > 0
+ Hzo

Blue ¥1s Red

The ionisation of an alcohol and a phenol takes place as follows:

Due to the higher electronegativity of sp2 hybridised carbon of phenol

to which –OH is attached, electron density decreases on oxygen. This
increases the polarity of O–H bond and results in an increase in
ionisation of phenols than that of alcohols. In alkoxide ion, the negative
charge is localised on oxygen while in phenoxide ion, the charge is
delocalised. The delocalisation of negative charge makes phenoxide
ion more stable and favours the ionisation of phenol. Although there
is also charge delocalisation in phenol, its resonance structures have
charge separation due to which the phenol molecule is less stable
than phenoxide ion.
In substituted phenols, the presence of electron withdrawing groups
such as nitro group, enhances the acidic strength of phenol. This effect
is more pronounced when such a group is present at ortho and para
positions. It is due to the effective delocalisation of negative charge in
phenoxide ion. On the other hand, electron releasing groups, such as
alkyl groups, in general, do not favour the formation of phenoxide ion
resulting in decrease in acid strength. Cresols, for example, are less
acidic than phenol.
ie presence of EDG decreases acidity of phenols and EWG increases
acidity of phenols
2. Esterification reaction
Alcohols react with organic acids to form esters. The process is
known as esterification. It is a reversible reaction and hence it is
carried out in presence ofa dehydrating agent like cone. H2S04 or
dry HCI gas which catalysis the forward reaction and also act as a
protonating agent.

When HCI gas is used as a catalyst, the reaction is usually

referred to as Fischer-Speier esterification.
Alcohols or phenols react with acid chlorides or acid anhydrides esters
are formed. This also esterification reaction

3. Reaction with Grignard reagent

Alcohols react With Grignard reagent they form hydrocarbon..

The alkyl group in hydrocarbon from Grignard reagent

4. Reaction with Dialkyl sulphate

Alcohols react with dialkylsulphate ethers are formed

II . Reactions involving cleavage of C-O bond

1. Reaction with hydrogen halide..

Alcohols react with hydrogen halides to form alkyl halides.

The reactivity of halogen acids is in the order of HI .; HBr > HCI > HF
and the reactivity of ROH is in the order ofallyl, benzyl> 3°> 2° > 1°. The
reaction follows a nucleophilic substitution mechanism.
Here 3° and 2° alcohols react with HX by SN1 pathway while most of the
1° alcohols react by SN2 mechanism. So among 1° alcohols, methanol
show greater reactivity because, no sterric effect is present with methyl

The reaction o f 1° and 2° alcohols with HCI gas in presence of

anhydrous ZnCl2 is called Groove's method.
Utz Fts
- d

oa tg at
- c

d + H2O
Atg Uts

The difference in reactivity of three classes of alcohols with HCl

distinguishes them from one another (Lucas test). Alcohols are soluble in
Lucas reagent (conc. HCl and ZnCl2) while their halides are immiscible
and produce turbidity in solution. In case of tertiary alcohols, turbidity is

produced immediately as they form the halides easily. Primary alcohols

do not produce turbidity at room temperature.
2. Reaction with phosphorous halides
Alcohols react with phosphorus halides to form alkyl halides

R -
OH + Pets → R -
c / + pods + Hd

312 -

OH + Pclz → 312 -
CI + HsP°3

With PCl5 1°and 2° alcohols react by SN2 path. 3° alcohols do not

react with PCl5 (due to sterric effect)

3. Reaction with Thionylchloride

Alcohols react with thionyl chloride to form alkyl chloride

R -

OH -1 sock > R -
C / +8oz + Hcl

This process is called Darren process

4. Reaction with NH3

Alcohols react with alcoholic solution of ammonia when their

vapours are passed over heated alumina or thoria catalyst at
360-500°C to form a mixture of primary, secondary and tertiary
Dehydration reaction

Alcohols undergo dehydration(removalofamolecule of water) to

form alkenes on treating with a protic acid e.g., concentrated
H2SO4 or H3PO4, or catalysts such as anhydrous zinc chloride
or alumina.

This reaction is known as B- Elimination reaction

Eg :
Oxidation reaction

Oxidation of alcohols involves the formation of a carbon

oxygen double bond. This reaction also known as
dehydrogenation reaction.

R -


[0 ]
> R -
Uto # R -

Strong oxidising agents ( KMnO4, K2Cr2O7) are used to convert

alcohols to directly carboxylic acids
Mild oxidising agents ( PCC, PDC...etc) are usedto convert alcohols to
aldehyde and ketones.

Action with hot copper

When vapours of primary and secondary alcohols are passed over

heated copper at 573k de hydrogenation to form aldehydes and
ketones, while tertiary alcohol give alkene.

Halo form reaction


Alcohols which contains Clfz alt group Is heated with iodine in

- -

excess alkali an yellow ppt of iodoform is formed. Is known as

iodoform reaction.
¥1 at
Ig + HCOONA -1
Ctb -
-1312 A
b- NAI + 5h20
Identification of Primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols

1. Luca’s test
2. Mild oxidation
3. Cation with hot copper
4. Victor- Mayer test

Reactions of Phenols
In phenols, the reactions that take place on the aromatic ring
are electrophilic substitution reactions. The –OH group attached
to the benzene ring activates it towards electrophilic
substitution. Also, it directs the incoming group to ortho and
para positions in the ring as these positions become electron
rich due to the resonance effect caused by –OH group.

1. Bromination

Bromination of phenol with Br2/CS2/CHCl3/CCl4 gives a

mixture of ortho and para bromo phenols.
2. With Br2 water
With Br2 water, 2,4,6 tribromophenol is formed

3. Nitration

With dil: HNO3 Mixture of Ortho and Para nitrophenol is formed

With concentrated nitric acid and sulphuric acid phenol is
converted to 2,4,6-trinitrophenol. The product is commonly known
as picric acid. The yield of the reaction product is poor.

Corso :

4. Reimer - Tiemann reaction

On treating phenol with chloroform in the presence of sodium
hydroxide, a –CHO group is introduced at ortho position of benzene
ring. This reaction is known as Reimer - Tiemann reaction.

When phenol is heated with CCl4 and NaOH at 700 C salicylic

acid is obtained


* edu >
5. Kolbe-Schmidt reaction
Sodium phenoxide on heating with CO2 at 130 - 1400 C and a pressure
of 6 atm. Salicylic acid is produced.

/ At
Oil of winter green

↳ H5OH / Ht -
C. 00%11-5

" E- Uts
f go

Ccetscojzo , -


Acetal salicylic acid

6. Reaction with Phthalicanhydride
Phenol react with phthalocyanine anhydride in presence of conc:
h2so4 give phenlphthalein

7. Coupling reaction

p- hydroxyazobenzene

8. Oxidation reaction
9. Reaction with Formaldehyde

The condensation reaction of phenol with formaldehyde in the

presence of either an acid or a base catalyst give phenol
formaldehyde polymer. The reaction starts with the initial formation of
o-and/or p-hydroxymethylphenol derivatives, which further react with
phenol to form compounds having rings joined to each other through
–CH2 groups. The initial product could be a linear product – Novolac
used in paints.

This reaction is Lederer-Manasse reaction that produces ortho

and para hydroxy benzyl alcohols.

10. Reaction with zinc dust

fit In dust
> + ZnO



1. From monohydric alcohols

2. Addition of alcohols to alkene

When alcohols react with alkene in presence of acidic medium

Markovnikov addition to form ethers

at = at
€É¥ at, -

H -

O -

Uts -
at =
É Cet, -


Ut -

Gt3 at at 3
- -

R -

10¥ H b -
3. Addition of carbene to alcohols
Alkene react with diazomethane to form ethers

R -
O -
it + at zN
É R - O -

Utz + Nz

The reaction involving carbene intermediate

Cltzwz * : ate + Nz

4. From halo alkene.

Symmetrical ethers can be prepared by heating alkylhalides wlth

dry silver oxide.

5. Williamson’s synthesis

The heating of alkyl halides with sodium or potassium alkoxides.

It is a nucleophilic substitution reaction and proceeds via SN 2

Ats Utzon a + atsatzcl →,
+ Nad
at > Utzo Na CI at> at, at
→ at, at-20 Utz
qt get
t at, -
- - -

Utz Utz
Cltscttz ON a + Atg C l →
atg c
ate + Utz at 20h
- -

late ,

Order of reactivity of halo alkane fits

> at,


> at, get


at, > at > at




Physical properties

Dimethyl ether and ethyl methyl ether are gases. All ethers are
colourless liquids with characteristic ether smell.
They are sparingly soluble in water but readily soluble in organic
Boiling points of ethers show a gradual increase with increase in
molecular mass. Ethers have much lower boiling points than
isomeric alcohols as there is no association between the
molecules as in alcohols due to hydrogen bonding. The boiling
points of ethers are close to the boiling points of alkanes.

Chemical reactions

1. Reaction with acids

Due to the presence of lone pair on oxygen it act as a Lewis

acid. Therefore ethers react with mineral acids to form stable
oxonium salts.
Ethers can form coordination complexes with Lewis acids like BF3,
AlCI3, RMgX, etc. As the ether (having lone pair of electrons) are Lewis
bases, they easily coordinate to form complexes known as etherates.

2. Hydrolysis .

When heated with dilute sulphuric acid under pressure ethers are
hydrolysed to the corresponding alcohols.
3. Reaction with HX

Ethers are readily cleaved by hydroiodic or hydrobromic acid

give alcohols and the haloalkane.

R - O -
R + HX > R -

OH + R -

On heated with excess hydrogen halide only haloalkanes

are formed.
R - O -
R 1-

① Atg -
O -

-É atg OH + at, I

② Uts -
o -
at, 21--11>291 ,

I + H2O

③ Atg - O -

GH , -É> Cltg I
- + czH50H

Mechanism :

at, -
o -

°É% , -6,0



→ at
I + czHs0H

In case of unsymmetrical ether the halo alkane is

corresponding to smaller alkyl group

⑨ ( at , #
- o - at
, ¥ > Cats ),C -
I + atsoet

Unsymmetrical ether containing a tertiary group the haloalkane

is corresponding to that tertiary alkyl group. Ie the reaction
follows SN1 mechanism.
⑤ Colts - o -
1¥ Colts -
OH tats Br
, g

Unsymmetrical ether containing a phenyl group phenol is formed

as a product.

☒-0-4*-1-0 to , ]-&Éa+D


+ at , -

Utz I + atzOH
- -

⑥ Colts Cltzoatz

Unsymmetrical ether containing a bebzylgroup haloalkane

is corresponding to that benzoyl group. Ie reaction follows
SN1 mechanism

⑦ -0 Colts tÉ No reaction
↳ His

⑧ at - C - o -
-AÉ= feet,)gc -
OH + at, I
, A

its É> Cats),c


I + atsoit
Uts -

- o -
, A
4. Reaction with air or oxygen

The presence of peroxide is old stock of ether can be tested

by using KCNS in FeSO4 solution a blood red colour is
To remove peroxide from ethers it mixed with KI in FeSO4
Reactions of aromatic ethers

The alkoxy group (-OR) is ortho, para directing and

activates the aromatic ring towards electrophilic substitution

1. Halogenation

2. Nitration

3. Friedel craft reaction

Alkylation reaction
Acylation reaction

Epoxides are cyclic ethers.



→ Epoxy

Epoxides undergo acidic hydrolysis give vicinal diols "

\o/ OH OH

-1¥ Utz -
Ut€"ɵfz -

get ,

Utz -
¥2 OH ,f%%
-0! ) it

Utz -
" "
Cyclic organic compounds containing more than one ether group
They are known as X-Crown-Y

X- total number of C and O atoms

Y- number of oxygen atoms

Industrially important alcohols

1. Methanol
Methanol, CH3OH, also known as ‘wood spirit’, was produced
by destructive distillation of wood. Today, most of the methanol
is produced by catalytic hydrogenation of carbon monoxide at
high pressure and temperature and in the presence of ZnO –
Cr2O3 catalyst.

Methanol is a colourless liquid. It is highly poisonous in nature.

Ingestion of even small quantities of methanol can cause
blindness and large quantities causes even death. Methanol is
used as a solvent in paints, varnishes and chiefly for making
2. Ethanol

Ethanol, C2H5OH, is obtained commercially by fermentation.

The process of fermentation is the slow decomposition ,of

complex organic compounds into simpler substances through the
agency of complex nitrogenous compounds called enzymes
produced in living organisms.
Fermentation of carbohydrates gives 95% alcohol and the
rest 5% being water. This alcohol is called rectified spirit.

Absolute alcohols
Absolute alcohol is prepared by keeping the rectified spirit
in contact with calculated amount of quicklime (CaO) for a
few hours and then refluxing and distilling it.

In order to make the industrial alcohol unfit for drinking

purposes, the rectified alcohol is denatured by adding various
poisonous compounds...

Power Alcohol

It has been found that absolute ethyl alcohol mixed with

petrol and benzene can be used as a motor fuel. Alcohol
thus used for generating power is called power alcohol. A
mixture of 20% ethanol and 80% gasoline (petrol) is used in
internal combustion engines to denve power.

3. Isopropyl alcohol

Known as Rubbing alcohols

Utz -
CH =
Utz 1T¥ At} -



Number of -OH group = Mass of product - Mass of reactant



Distinguish between alcohols and phenols

1. Litmus test
Phenols convert blue litmus to red
2. Coupling reaction
Phenols react with benzene diazonium chloride to form coloured
3. Bromination reaction
Phenols react with bromine water to form white precipitate of 2,4,6-

Pinacol- Pinacolone rearrangement

Conversation of vicinal diols to ketones in presence of an acidic

Fries rearrangement

Preparation of acyl phenols

Claisen rearrangement

91-2 OH
o -
- at =

> at
☐ u
1 Utz
Preparation of Allyl phenols

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