MT Exam Baracaelregenciaprincipe-Finals
MT Exam Baracaelregenciaprincipe-Finals
MT Exam Baracaelregenciaprincipe-Finals
☐ SDG 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable & modern energy for all
☐ SDG 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and
productive employment and decent work for all.
☐ SDG 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization
and foster innovation.
☐ SDG 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries.
☐ SDG 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
☐ SDG 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
☐ SDG 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
☐ SDG 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for
sustainable development.
☐ SDG 15. Protect restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems,
sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and reverse land
degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
☐ SDG 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide
access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive
institutions at all levels.
in future marine operations . As the demand for energy supply increases, and the marine
industry becomes a greater concern regarding the environment, it actively seeks to minimize its
environmental implications. With its reserves and emission of lesser green house gases, LNG is
proven an alternative.
This proposal investigates the potential risks in marine fuel technology that includes
conventional types which cause severe damage to environment, while promoting shift in
transition to LNG. Discusses on the feasibilities in integrating LNG due to its suitability for most
ship engines available today as well other supporting infrastructure. Moreover, it prioritizes
We propose a plan for the stimulation of use of LNG, which includes constructing LNG refueling
The viability of LNG taking into account the investment costs, operational improvement
capabilities together with potential rewards for early movers has been assessed. Further, our
suggestion also looks into the maritime industry’s trends and the government policies that
encourage LNG uptake in the maritime industry. Let us work together with industrialists,
governments and international institutions in designing common guidelines for the smooth
The industry should move with the tide of using cleaner fuels such as LNG as this is the
4. Background
4.1. Rationale of the Research
environmental impact and support international efforts to address climate change. The use of
LNG as an alternate fuel for future marine operations is one viable strategy for reaching these
goals. This research paper examines the many aspects of using LNG in the maritime industry,
taking into environmental regulatory, technological, economic, and sustainability issues. This
study comparatively assesses the potential of using these fuels in marine engines, and their
different alternative fuels were compared in terms of several parameters such as availability,
renewability, safety, cost, performance, economy and compliance with emission regulations.
alternative fuel for future marine operations. Its findings serve to inform industry stakeholders,
policymakers, and researchers, facilitating informed decision-making and strategies for reducing
the maritime sector’s environmental footprint and enhancing its resilience in a dynamically
The maritime industry plays a pivotal role in global trade and transportation contributing
significantly to the world economy. However, this industry also faces formidable challenges
related to environmental sustainability and emissions reduction. One of the most pressing
issues is the need to transition from traditional fossil fuels to cleaner alternatives. Liquid Natural
Gas (LNG) has emerged as a promising alternative fuel for maritime operations due to its
potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants. Environmental regulations
have long been a crucial part of the natural gas supply chain, and shipping activities have
received more attention recently. The International Marine Organization recently set stricter
rules on international marine commercial operations. This research examines the difficulties and
potential benefits of switching from the heavy fuel oils used in maritime transportation to more
The purpose of this research is to investigate the potential use of liquefied natural gas
(LNG) as an alternative fuel for marine operations. The research aims to explore the benefits
and challenges associated with using LNG as a fuel source in the maritime industry, including its
environmental impact, economic feasibility, and technical considerations. The study may also
examine the potential for LNG to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve the
1. What are the environmental benefits of using LNG as a fuel for marine operations?
2. What are the economic implications of adopting LNG as a fuel for marine operations?
3.What are the challenges in retrofitting existing vessels or designing new ships to
as a requirement for new oil tankers to be fitted with segregated ballast tanks, so as to obviate
the need to carry ballast water in cargo tanks. This was superseded by the requirement for oil
tankers delivered from 1996 onwards to be fitted with a double hull. The protection of the marine
The global cap for airborne emissions from ships continues to grow more stringent year
after year. The revised regulations within Annex VI to the International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL Convention) have driven industry to adopt new
technologies to control pollution, including the use of natural gas as fuel. To address the safety
challenges presented from natural gas fueled ships, the International Maritime Organization
adopted the International Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels
(IGF Code), which came into force January 1, 2017. The IGF Code makes special note of
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construction, arrangement, design, and installations, including alternatives, taking into account
Rising demand for liquefied natural gas (LNG), an energy carrier, aims to expand the
global use of natural gas as energy source to help mitigate concerns associated with climate
change, e.g. CO2 emissions. However, LNG production involves complex, capital- and energy-
intensive refrigeration cycles to meet the very low target temperatures, around 112 K (-161
°C). Small-scale production of LNG usually relies on single mixed refrigerant (SMR) cycles,
whereas cascade configurations are typical for large scale LNG processes. The shaft work
required for refrigerant compression dominates the operating costs of these mixed refrigerant
cycles for high energy-efficiency (i.e. low shaft work demand). Common methods used in
research to improve the energy-efficiency of LNG mixed refrigerant cycles include pinch
analysis, exergy analysis and optimisation algorithms. However, none of these methods directly
modifications to mixed refrigerant cycles, together with adjustment of their operating conditions,
also enhance their performance. Nevertheless, there is only little published research on
structural changes for improved performance. This thesis investigates structural changes to
For this reason, the researchers are conducting this study that will investigate the
Although vessels have become cleaner over time, international shipping still represents
a large portion of local pollutant inventories, specifically along coastal areas, since 70% of the
emissions are deposited within 400 km of land. Assessments for years 2007 through 2012 show
that international shipping remains problematic and that these emissions may lead to significant
Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) addressed some pollutants in
1973, the response by the international maritime policy community has been aggressive of late.
The IMO used the MARPOL framework to introduce regulations controlling specific pollution
emissions. MARPOL's Annex VI, originally adopted in 1997, began an effort to reduce SOx and
NOx emissions from ship smokestacks by initiating emissions standards for ships that reduce
ship emissions rates by ~80% for both sulfur and nitrogen emissions, globally, and greater than
90% reduction in IMO-designated emissions control areas (ECAs) along European and United
States (US) coasts (IMO, 2013, IMO, 2014a, Lauer et al., 2009).
Increasing amount of shipboard emissions, and emission regulations entered into force
used. Alternative fuel use as a fuel on marine diesel engines is one of the new methods to
reduce shipboard emissions. Methanol and ethanol can be used as a liquid fuel or liquefied
natural gas and hydrogen can be used as a gaseous fuel on ships (C. Deniz and B. Zincir,
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LNG is natural gas with the main component is methane (CH4) with the composition the
lowest content of carbon and this natural gas has potential to reduce CO2 emission. The LNG
that produced mostly used for households, power plant and other industry sector. With the
characteristic of LNG, in practically will have free sulphur. As a fuel in shipping, LNG has used
since 1950 and nowadays the LNG carrier has using LNG as fuel. The question on usage of
LNG whether using this type of fuel will provide benefit to ship owner or shipping company?
Some of study has provide some view in different angle about the benefit using LNG as marine
fuel. According to Calderon (2016) explained that LNG has got a good momentum with the
Potential (TWP) approach, LNG as source of energy should have incentive for stakeholder that
use LNG as fuel including in shipping sector as align with the intention to reduce gas exhaust
emission (Thomson, Corbett and Winebrake, 2015). Byeong-Yong in his journal in 2017 provide
the result of his research that using LNG for the CO2 vessel provide cheaper prices for fuel
compare to the same type of vessel but use conventional fuel such as HFO or MGO. Other
research in South Korea for the flour vessel that use LNG as fuel and with the willingness to pay
by the customer due to important of reducing emission from vessel exhaust gas, the customer
want to pay 36% higher from the average cost from the vessel use the conventional fuel [12].
Some of challenge from shipping sector in regard to usage of LNG as fuel from Jun Woo et al
During the last century, the climate has been slowly in decline due to pollution from
various sources such as air pollution and ocean acidification. Causing a global problem with
climate change which can lead to ocean level rising and famine. According to the Paris
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Agreement all the signatory countries must cut their emissions to limit global warming by limiting
the increase of heat on the planet by 1,5 °C but the maritime industry was excluded from this
agreement by omission and makes it difficult to associate any emission by ships to be attributed
to any single country (United Nations Framework Convetion on Climate Change. 2015)
Since the 1930’s, the marine industry has polluted the environment with emissions from Heavy
Fuel Oil (HFO) (Wankhede. 2020). The impact of HFO has been seen all over the world, from
the arctic to the beaches where spilled oil has washed ashore (Fritt-Rasmussen et al. 2018).
The use of natural gas as a transport fuel is, at least, partially motivated by the potential
to reduce CO2 emissions. In previous studies, natural gas led to reduced emissions of nitrogen
oxides (NOx) but increased emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) and unburnt hydrocarbons
All potential clean alternatives have attractive merits to be ship fuels, more in particular
in view of largely reducing CO2 emissions. However, due to some technical, economic, logistic
and safety challenges, these options are not expected to become commercially feasible in the
shipping industry on a large scale within a short period of time. In addition, political and social
concern on using nuclear energy for ship propulsion is a crucial obstacle for this application.
Therefore, given the short timescales between now and 2015 (when the first strict SOx limit
comes into enforce in the ECAs), LNG seems to be the most feasible clean fuel to comply with
contributor to air pollution and climate change. Air pollution, caused primarily by ships
as (SOx), (NOx), (CO2), and particulate matters (PM).Limits on SOx emissions have been
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pollutants. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) agreed at its 70th MEPC meeting in
October 2016 to reduce sulphur emissions from 3.5% to 0.5%. Alternative technologies and
alternative fuels are the two main ways to reduce sulphur oxides to meet stringent standards
and fines. Scrubbers, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), and selective catalytic reduction (SCR),
as well as others, represent alternative technologies, while natural gas, hydrogen, biofuels,
Recently, it is projected that global energy demand has been increasing day by day. The
increased amount of energy demand produces a large amount of greenhouse gases (GHGs) by
the burning of fossil fuels, which ultimately causes global warming. Currently, in the industrial
and transportation sectors, diesel is mainly used as fossil fuel. The consumption of diesel fuel is
increasing day by day unexpectedly because of the dramatic increase in vehicles, mostly in
Asian countries like Bangladesh, Korea, India and China. Currently, researchers all over the
world are concerned about the way of mitigating this large amount of energy demand and at the
same time, carbon dioxide (CO2) emission reduction, which is one of the major components of
GHGs. In this regards, other sources of fuel may be a feasible alternative to conventional fuels.
Natural gas would be a promising alternative fuel source in the transportation sector because of
some of its remarkable advantages. Though natural gas is also derived from fissile resources, it
can be converted from renewable sources, i.e., it can be produced through the biomass
conversion process (biomethane, which is also known as biogas, is a pipeline-quality gas made
from organic matter), attractive cost, better combustion efficiency and greenhouse gas
The use of natural gas in internal combustion engines has been researched thoroughly
to reach the optimum case in both engine performance and environmental impact. Both types of
internal combustion engines were studied: the compression ignition and the spark ignition
engines. All problems associated with the use of natural gas in these engines were dependent
on the injection timing inside the engine cylinders and the cylinder geometry; accurate control is
needed to avoid engine knocking and high-emission formation levels. Lean burn concepts also
Alternative fuels have two important responsibilities. One is to reduce local pollutants;
the other is that it shows a reduction in greenhouse gas over a considerable time. For this, it is
important not only to compare the emissions that the fuel emits when it burns, but also the
emissions it emits throughout its life cycle (Gilbert et al., 2018). Reducing carbon emissions and
improving air quality can be achieved by the intersection of efficiency improvements such as the
energy efficiency design index (EEID) and the use of alternative fuels (IMO, 2020a).
The LNG price lies at the core of the economic discussion on the use of LNG as a ship
fuel. It is widely recognized that the current low LNG price compared to the conventional oil fuel
is a main economic driver for this new application. At present, LNG costs about half as much as
fuel oil in the USA and also remains very competitive in the European market (Ashworth, 2012).
LNG, on the other hand, is the most commonly used alternative fuel in the marine
industry and is preferred for newly built boats since the LNG price is lower than the HFO price,
despite the energy crisis, while the LNG retrofitting cost for existing vessels is usually too
expensive. It is mainly used in emission control areas due to its relatively low concentration of
sulphur, carbon, and nitrogen. Livanos et al. compared a diesel engine (with and without a
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waste heat recovery system) to a dual-fuel engine (marine diesel oil and LNG as a pilot fuel).
Even though the use of LNG lowers operating expenses, decreases emissions, and increases
the efficiency of the power system, the authors highlight significant issues such as high
investment costs, a shortage of LNG facilities at ports, and safety concerns. These concerns
were also raised by Schinas and Butler, who discovered that ships travelling on fixed routes had
LNG is often less costly than HFO, but MDO costs about half as much, although
nowadays (2022) due to the energy crisis these prices are constantly changing.Besides, the
interest in alternative fuels is rapidly growing because of the energy security concern all over the
world. Among the candidates of alternative fuel, biofuels, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and
liquefied natural gas (LNG) are the potential ones. Nevertheless, the economic aspects and
availability make LPG and LNG more realistic solutions compared to biofuels. Additionally,
natural gas can be considered as one of the solutions to control engine emissions at present as
compared to traditional fuels. In a homogenous charge compression ignition engine (HCCI), the
after-treatment technique combined with natural gas present an outstanding potential to meet
According to Elgohary, Seddiek and Salem(2014), economic and population growths are
the most important drivers of growing global energy demand. They led to a rapid development
of international seaborne trade and an increase in the number of global vessels. Air pollution
from these ships is of great concerns and regulations are currently enforced since May 2005 by
the International Maritime Organization to limit such pollution. The different alternative fuels
were compared in terms of several parameters such as availability, renewability, safety, cost,
performance, economy and compliance with emission regulations. This comparison revealed
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that liquefied natural gas could be considered as the future replacement to the current marine
bunker fuel. This conclusion has been further verified by comparing diesel engine with different
powers when using both heavy fuel oil and liquefied natural gas. The engines were compared
against fuel consumption, cost saving as well as emissions. Liquefied natural gas has proved to
be better than heavy fuel oil due to fuel cost reduction by about 31% per year and decrease in
emissions of SOx, NOx, CO2 and particulate matter by about 98%, 86%, 11% and 96%,
respectively. The resulted emissions from using liquefied natural gas were found to comply with
the current International Maritime Organization regulations. Moreover, this article highlights the
latest rules and regulations that govern the use of liquefied natural gas as marine fuel onboard
In the last decade, LNG has changed from being an expensive, regionally traded fuel to
a globally traded source of energy. Its costs throughout all stages of the value chain have
diminished due to significant economies of scale along the whole value-added chain (Simmons,
2005), and have now reached a level where LNG can compete for pipeline supplies on the
global stage—even though recent price increases in raw materials and increasing investment
activities have led to a certain re-escalation of investment costs. In addition to the US, LNG is a
major supply source for Asian nations and parts of Europe. Increasingly, LNG trade links
regional markets: for example, cargoes have been rerouted in the Atlantic Basin to reap
arbitrage benefits based on the price differential between American and European markets. The
Middle East is rapidly becoming a swing producer: exporters deliver to customers in both the
Annual growth rates for the US natural gas market are estimated between 0.3% (Pacific
region) and 1.3% (East South Central as well as South Atlantic region) by 2030 (EIA, 2006a).
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Demand is expected to increase continuously until 2030 in industrial, commercial and residential
sectors. Due to the high price level of natural gas, coal is predicted to become more attractive
for power generation. However, the scenarios of the EIA until now omit costs for CO2 emissions.
Implementation of a policy introducing a price for CO2 in any significant measure will have an
impact on the relative price of coal in the US and therefore would support more gas-fired power
According to Aven (2016), the study of risk analysis as a scientific field started about 30
to 40 years ago, hence making it a relatively young discipline. In spite of being a young
discipline, risk analysis has been applied to a wide range of industries such as the medical
sector, engineering infrastructure sector, transportation sector, security and defence sector,
social and the legal sector to find appropriate technical, safety, economic and environmental
LNG is emerging as the preferred future fuel in many industries due to its higher
efficiencies and less environmental concerns. This has led to significant growth in processing,
storage and transportation of LNG in large volumes around the world. However, as LNG is a
cryogenic fluid with vapour dispersion characteristics and thus highly flammable, the growth
comes with additional health and safety challenges (Sun and Guo, 2013).
Though the application of risk analysis in the LNG sector continues to receive
considerable attention from practitioners and researchers, yet some regulators and the general
public remain unconvinced about the safety of LNG facilities, thus delaying the expansion of
existing facilities as well as preventing the construction of new facilities in some countries. To
reveal the holistic issues and future perspectives on LNG safety, comprehensive and systematic
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in the LNG sector is increasingly becoming important (Animah and Shafiee, 2019).
The LNG industry has an excellent safety record, as a result of several factors. First, the industry
has been developed to ensure safe and secure operations, from engineering to technical
competency of personnel. Second, the physical and chemical properties of LNG are well
understood and the plant designs are well proven through many years of operation. Third, the
standards, codes, and regulations that have been developed for the LNG industry ensure safety
As a globally traded commodity, LNG assumes a significant role in the energy supply of major
coastal nations such as the US, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and some European states. This
section focuses on LNG receiving infrastructure in the US. For a survey of the globalizing LNG
market and the issues related to LNG supplies, see Jensen (2005).
Natural gas has been used as a marine fuel since the first LNG carriers used the boil off
gas from cargo tanks in their engines. Liquefied natural gas has a relatively high energy per unit
of mass of 21,240 BTU/lb, compared to low sulfur diesel, which has an energy per unit of mass
of 18,122 BTU/lb. However, diesel has a higher density of 7.09 lbs/gal compared to 3.49 lbs/gal
for LNG. Thus, a gallon of low sulfur diesel contains almost twice as much energy than a gallon
of LNG (AFDC, 2017). Though diesel fuels have advantages in storage and energy per unit
volume, natural gas adoption is driven by the increasing public concern about air pollution,
specifically sulfur compounds and particulate matter. As IMO moves towards regulating CO2
emissions, natural gas adoption will most likely increase, as studies have shown natural gas has
LNG; since its flammability rate is between 5% and 15% by volume during evaporation, it
will be flammable when in contact with air in this range (Kumar et al., 2011b). This shows us the
risks that may occur during fuel operations. If an explosion occurs after the slightest leak, the
consequences will be quite devastating. Under these risks, IMO has created the IGC
(International Gas Code) in order to carry out safe operations for LNG and similar lowburning
gases (Vanem et al., 2008). In addition to these, various classification societies and authorities
such as ISO have also created their own additional rules (IMO, 2020b).
LNG is a cryogenic liquid created based on the process of reducing the volume 600
times by condensing natural gas at -162°C (Aneziris et al., 2020). It contains mainly condensed
methane (CH4), ethane (C2H6), Propane (C3H8), sometimes butane (C4H10) and in addition to
all of them, nitrogen, carbon dioxide (CO2), water and traces of helium, hydrogen sulfide,
mercury (Jeong et al., 2020). It is clear, odorless, non-toxic and non-corrosive under
atmospheric pressure. Its density is 0.4-0.5 Kg/L, so it will stay above the water in case of
leakage (Ramachandran and Stimming, 2015). Since carbon steel will become brittle at
cryogenic temperatures, aluminum and stainless steel tanks should be used when liquefying
natural gas or storing LNG (Jeong et al., 2020). The heat of vaporization, which is the amount of
heat required for a substance to pass from liquid to gas, is 501.6 kJ/kg for natural gas (Scurlock,
2016). Two main types of tank designs are preferred for LNG transportation. The first is
spherical tanks independent of the main ship structure, and the second is prismatic shaped
membrane-lined tanks mounted on the inner hull. While spherical tanks carry LNG between
50000-135000 m3 with 4-6 tanks, prismatic tanks can carry 160.000 m3 LNG with 4 tanks, each
of which can carry 40.000 m3 (Coşkun, 2004). The tanks prevent the risk of fire by reducing the
oxygen level with the inert gas system (Pitblado et al., 2004).
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While LNG is being liquefied, it goes through certain stages, first of all, CO2 is
decomposed, then the dehydration stage is started, mercury is separated, the first cooling is
done, it is liquefied, nitrogen is removed and LNG is stored as the final product (Alfa Laval,
2021). After the liquefaction process, ships carrying LNG arrive at the port destination, and are
stored there in special purpose tanks after being regasified from liquid state, and the natural gas
is transmitted according to its purpose through the pipeline system (Aneziris et al., 2020).
Maritime Students- This will help them to understand the use of liquified natural gas as an
alternative fuel for future marine operation and its environmental impact and support
Maritime Instructors - Maritime industry professionals will be able to teach students gain a
established by the International marine Organization (IMO), when liquified natural gas is taught
Future Researchers- The results of this study will serve as guide for future studies pertaining to
different key factors, each offering significant avenues for exploration and study.
For clarification and understanding of terms related to this study, the following terms are
Alternative Fuel are derived from sources other than petroleum. Most are produced
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) produced when a fuel is burned is a function of the carbon content of the
Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) is a residual fuel incurred during the distillation of crude oil. It is used to
generate motion and/or heat that have a particularly high viscosity and density. Heavy fuel oil is
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) is the main
International Maritime Organization (IMO) is the United Nations specialized agency with
responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine and
atmospheric pollution by ships. IMO's work supports the UN sustainable development goals.
Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) is a product of fracking. The energy used to extract and transport
LNG contributes to climate change.It is a clear, colourless and non-toxic liquid which forms
Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) is also a promising feedstock in the chemical industry for the
synthesis of olefins such as ethylene, propylene, as its boiling point is below room temperature,
LPG will evaporate quickly at normal temperatures and pressures and is usually supplied in
Maritime Industry is transportation of people, goods, and products by sea is under the
responsibility of the marine industry. This encompasses anything from container ships and oil
tankers to cruise ships and passenger ferries to smaller boats like fishing boats.
Nitrogen Oxide (NOX2) is to bring air to very high temperature, especially in the presence of
Sulfur Dioxide (S02) is a gaseous air pollutant composed of sulfur and oxygen.
This study aims to investigate the liquified natural gas as an alternative fuels for future
seafarers with experience around the country respondents to gather the needed information in
this study.
This study is limited to 100 seafarers with experience around the country. The main
information as the main instrument that determines how the respondents are able to relate in
this study.
This Study is can be completed within in 10 months from the time it is started
The researchers aim to understand the environmental benefits of using liquified natural
gas as an alternative fuel for marine operations. The researchers also aims to evaluate the
economic implications of adopting LNG as a fuel for marine transportations as well as, the
The researcher's main objective is to study the liquified natural gas as an alternative fuel
for future marine operation. The gathered data will defined the use of liquified natural gas as
alternative fuel for future marine operation by the used of the Quantitative method that provides
will be defined using statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data collected through
The sampling method will use random sampling under non-probability sampling. The
respondents were selected based on their characteristics and qualities that fit to the given
Document Code: DCAVRKMI-F-URPF
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DR. CESAR A. VILLARIBA RESEARCH AND Effectivity Date: August 2022
Reviewed by: QMR
QUALITY FORM Approved by: President
requirement. The researchers chose this sampling method to include the Seaman who are
Onboard. The researchers will choose Seafarers through online applications. Furthermore, the
researchers choose 100 respondents and subgroups in total, the design of the random sample
as part of the non-likelihood sample and carried out by random selection. The researchers
choose Seafarers who are in progress that use various technologies in engine. This study will
discover the acceptance of Liquified Natural Gas as an alternative fuel for future Marine
Operation . Respondents' names are optional to fill the questionnaire is handled carefully to
The respondents will be selected using a simple random sampling technique that
focuses on the acceptance of Liquified Natural Gas as an alternative fuel for future Marine
Operation . The researchers will be selected randomly till 100 respondents from Officer to
The respondents are from different parts of the Country it gives a major effects to travel,
interaction from others but since we are in Quezon, Province we can communicate with them
through online via social media. The researchers will choose 100 Seafarers with experienced
5.5. Assumptions
The researchers will determine the acceptance of liquified natural gas as an alternative
fuel for future marine operations. The researchers will randomly select 100 respondents from
the seafarers that been working on engine and deck department by the use of the Quantitative
method that provides a deeper understanding of what information is needed by the researchers.
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Reviewed by: QMR
QUALITY FORM Approved by: President
And it will provide knowledge and information to students, graduate students, and those who
take Marine Engineering and Marine Transportation about the liquified natural gas as an
alternative fuel.
The questionnaire will be distributed by using Google Form or other internet connectivity the
respondent will be randomly selected till 100 seafarers have been reached the researcher uses
quantitative as a method in deeper understanding. In order to find the result of the study, the
researchers are using various statistical treatments on the data of this research. In this part, the
researchers will present how they are going to gather the data needed and how they will
analyze the collected data which is generated from the instrument that will be helpful in this
Frequency and Percentage Distribution, and Weighted Mean are the statistical tools that will be
For sub-problem 1, Frequency and Percentage Distribution was used to categorize the
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% is the percentage
F is the Frequency
2. Weighted Mean
For sub-problems 2 to 5, Weighted Mean is another technique that was used to assess the
acceptance of liquifued natural gas as an alternative fuel for future marine operations.
4 n+ 3 n+2 n+n
WM = N
WM = Weighted Mean
n = number of respondents
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profile which is compromise of name, age and current onboard along with years of service. The
dependent variable for this study is the benefit of using LNG and its economic implications.
The conceptual figure as shown in figure 1 consist of two boxes of which the left box is
the independent variable and the right box is the dependent variable while that connects the
independent variable and the dependent variable indicates the relationship between them.
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throughout. Please remain consistent with citation format throughout the proposal)
Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC). “Fuel Properties Comparison.” U.S. Department of
A. Lauer, V. Eyring, J.J. Corbett, C. Wang, J.J. Winebrake Assessment of near-future policy
instruments for oceangoing shipping: impact on atmospheric aerosol burdens and the
earth’s radiation budget Environ. Sci. Technol., 43 (15) (2009), pp. 5592-5598
Alfa Laval. (2021). Inert gas solutions for lng carriers,viewed 30 September 2021, from
Almeida Trasviña, H. F. 1 Aug 2021 Design of energy-efficient mixed refrigerant cycles for LNG
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Aven, T. (2016). Risk assessment and risk management: Review of recent advances on their
Banawan AA, El-Gohary MM and Sadek IS. Environmental and economical benefits of changing
from marine diesel oil to natural-gas fuel for short-voyage high-power passenger ships.
Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 2010; 224(2): 103–
Bai J., Li X. (2021). IMO’s marine environmental regulatory governance and china’s role: An
Byeong-Yong Yoo 2017 Economic Assessment of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) as Marine Fuel
for CO2 Carriers Compared to Marine Gas Oil (MGO) (Energy) p 772-780
Churchill R., Lowe V., Sander A. (2022). The law of the Sea (Manchester: Manchester
University Press).
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Corbett, James J, Ph.D., Thomson, Heather, Winebrake, James J. Ph.D. “Natural Gas for
Waterborne Freight Transport: A Life Cycle Emissions Assessment with Case Studies.”
Sayı 1.
Danish Ministry of the Environment. (2010). Natural gas for ship propulsion in Denmark —
possibilities focusing LNG and CNG on ferry and cargo routes (Report No. 1338 2010).
Elgohary M. M., Seddiek I. S. and Salem A. M. (2014) Overview of alternative fuels with
Gilbert, P., Walsh C., Traut M., Kesieme U., Pazouk K., Murphy A. (2018). Assessment of full
life-cycle air emissions of alternative shipping fuels. Journal of Cleaner Production , 172
H Thomson and J Corbett and J J Winebrake 2015 Natural Gas in Marine Fuel (Energy
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Hye Jeong Lee and Seung Hoon Yoo and Sung Yoon Huh 2020 Economic Benefit of
Introducing LNG Fueled Ship for Imported Flours in South Korea (Transportation
IMO (2020a). Fourth Greenhouse Gas Study, viewed 01 November 2021 , from
IMO Third IMO GHG Study 2014 International Maritime Organization (IMO), London, UK (2014)
IMO Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships International Maritime Organization, London,
UK (2013)
UK (2014)
I.Animah, M. Shafiee (2019). Application of risk analysis in the liquefied natural gas (LNG)
Jensen, James, 2005. Global LNG markets—the challenge in meeting forecast growth
Jeong, B., Park S.,Ha, S.,Lee J.(2020) Safety evaluation on LNG bunkering: to enhance
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Jun Woo Jeon and Gi Tae Yeo 2017 Study of Optimal Timing of Container Ship Order
Kumar, S. , Kwon H.T. , Choi, K.H. , Hyun Cho, J. , Lim, W. Moon I. (2011b) Current status and
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MARPOL (1973) International convention for the prevention of pollution from ships. Available at: (Accessed 10
November 2022).
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Ramachandran, S. , Stimming U. (2015). Well to wheel analysis of low carbon alternatives for
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S. Bengtsson and K. Andersson A comparative life cycle assessment of marine fuels: liquefied
natural gas and three other fossil fuels Volume 225, Issue 2
Scurlock, R. G. (2016). Stratification, rollover and handling of lng, lpg and other cryogenic liquid
SOLAS (1974) International convention for the safety of life at Sea. Available at:
SOLAS (1974) International convention for the safety of life at Sea. Available at:
Sun, B. and Guo, K. (2013). LNG accident dynamic simulation: application for hazardous
Stettler, M.E.J., Midgley, W.J.B., Swanson, J.J., Cebon, D., Boies, A.M., 2016. Greenhouse gas
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UNCLOS (1982) United nations convention on the law of the Sea. Available at:
Wankhede, A. (2020) Marine Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) For Ships – Properties, Challenges and
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Vanem, E., Antão, P. , Østvik, I. , Castillo Comas, F. D. (2008). Analysing the risk of lng carrier
Please describe how you will ensure that the The researcher will comply with the University
activity will be carried out to the highest policies on research ethics and integrity. They will
standards of ethics and research integrity. cite and acknowledge all sources of data utilized
in conjunction with the research.
Please describe how potential ethical health There are no potential ethical health and safety
and safety issues arising as part of this issues expected in the conduct of this research.
research have been considered and how they
will be addressed.
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Will the proposed research involve research The research proposal will not involve the use of
on animals, human participants, human tissue animals, human tissues or patient/participant
or patient/participant data? data. However, the research will involve
respondents whose informed consent would be
secured prior to the conduct of the actual
Has the proposed research been reviewed by It will be submitted for review to the Research
the research ethics committee of the Ethics Committee
V. Expected Outputs and Deliverables (This refers to the products of the research which
would contribute and increase the stock of knowledge.)
This study is expected to comprehensively give the benefits and advantages of adopting
liquified natural gas as an alternative fuel for future marine operations of new ship designs and
existing ones.
VI. Target Beneficiaries of Research Results (who and how many are the direct / indirect
beneficiaries of the study, what are the benefits that are likely to accrue in the short or long
Activities Strategy
1.Research Presentation Presentation
VIII. Activities
Activities Months
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Approved Research Title
2. Background of the Study
2.1. Rationale of the Research
2.2. Purpose of the Research
(include ressearch questions
2.3. Theoretical Framework
2.4. Literature Survey (outline)
4. References (10)
2.5. Literature Survey (improved)
2.6. Significance of the Research
2.7. Definition of Terms
2.8. Scope and Limitation of the Study
2.9. Statement of Desired Outcomes
4. References (12)
3. Description of Method or Approach
3.1. Research Design/Research
Instrument/Data Gathering Procedures
3.2. Respondents/Units of
Analysis/Subjects of the Study
3.3. Sampling Design and Procedures
3.4. Research Locale/ Study Site
3.5. Assumptions or Hypotheses
3.6. Data Analysis Plan
3.7. Research Paradigm/Conceptual
4. References (min 15)
IV. Research Governance and Ethics
V. Expected Output and Deliverables
VII. Dissemination Plan
VIII. Activities
IX. Curriculum Vitae and Research
Submission to the panel members
Proposal Defense
Submission to the Ethics Committee
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Curriculum Vitae
Roy Julio F. Principe
Cental B Brgy. San Isidro Ilaya General Luna, Quezon
Contact no. 09956285889
E-mail Adress: [email protected]
Personal Data
Date of Birth July 5, 2003
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Personal Data
Date of Birth Janaury 06, 2001
Place of Birth Pagbilao, Quezon
Gender Male
Status Single
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Nationality Filipino
Religion Roman Catholic
Father’s Name Marcelo M. Baracael
Occupation +
Mother’s Name Marcelo M. Baracael
Occupation Housewife
Educational Background
Secondary (Senior High School) Talipan National High School
Brgy. Talipan Pagbilao, Quezon
SY. 2016-2019
Secondary (Junior High) Talipan National High School
Brgy. Talipan Pagbilao, Quezon
(2012 – 2016)
Primary (Elementary) Bantigue Elementary School
Brgy. Bantigue Pagbilao, Quezon
(2006 – 2012)
Reymark R. Regencia
P-097 Purok Pipisik Brgy. Caridad Ibaba Atimonan, Quezon
Contact no. 09511570898
E-mail Adress: [email protected]
Personal Data
Date of Birth August 18, 1999
Place of Birth Atimonan, Quezon
Gender Male
Status Single
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Nationality Filipino
Religion Roman Catholic
Father’s Name Reynaldo P. Regencia
Occupation +
Mother’s Name Marites R. Regencia
Occupation Housewife
Educational Background
Secondary (Senior High School) Atimonan National Comprehensive High School
Brgy. Buhangin Atimonan, Quezon
(SY. 2016-2018)
Secondary (Junior High) Atimonan National Comprehensive High School
Brygy. Buhangin Atimonan, Quezon
(2012 – 2016)
Primary (Elementary) Caridad Ibaba Elementary School
Brgy. Caridad Ibaba Atimonan, Quezon
(2006 – 2012)
X. Research Instruments
What are the environmental benefits of using LNG as a fuel for marine operations?
Description Strongly Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly
Agree (4) (3) (2) Disagree
(5) (1)
1. LNG can reduce greenhouse
gas emissions
2. LNG had lower sulfur
3. LNG can reduce particulate
matter emissions
4. LNG had noise reduction
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What are the economic implications of adopting LNG as a fuel for marine operations?
Description Strongly Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly
Agree (4) (3) (2) Disagree
(5) (1)
1. Do you considered or
implemented LNG as a fuel for
marine operations?
2. Adapting LNG as a fuel
compared to traditional marine
3.Long-term operational costs of
using LNG as a fuel are lower or
higher compared to traditional
marine fuels
4. LNG fuel lowers the operating
5. LNG more realistic solutions
compared to biofuels
6. Growing global demand for
LNG might influence its pricing
and accessibility as a
transportation fuel.
7. Adoption of LNG might impact
various sectors, especially in
maritime shipping industry
8. Establishment of LNG
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What are the challenges in retrofitting existing vessels or designing new ships to accommodate
(5) (1)
1. Training and crew competency
to operate and maintain newly
designed ships with LNG fuel
2. LNG fuel systems to have
efficient fuel storage and handling
3. Double-walled fuels tanks
4. Gas detection and monitoring
5. Emergency Shutdown systems
6. New design of Fire
suppression systems
7. New design of ventilation and
exhaust systems
8. Safety features considered for
newly designed ships with LNG
fuel systems
TO THE EXAMINER: Rate the examinee and his/her work using the scale indicated below:
1. Abstract
2. Rationale of the Research
3. Purpose of the Research
4. Theoretical Framework
5. Literature Survey
6. Significance of the Research
7. Scope and Limitation of the Study
8. Statement of Desired Outcomes
9. Description of Method or Approach
10. Research Paradigm/Conceptual Framework
11. Research Instrument/Instrumentation
12. References/Documentation
Regencia, Reymark
Baracael, Jan Emmauel
Principe, Roy
_____________________________________ __________________