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Question 6:

A. What are the essential elements of preventive maintenance onboard ships?

B. Analyze the link between statutory and classification survey of the ship machinery with
respect to routine maintenance and how it is effectively merged in ships safety
management system under ISM code

Answer :

A. Essential elements of Preventive Maintenance:

 Routine Servicing and Maintenance:

o This forms the first of any preventive maintenance program and is
based on the recommended program laid out by the manufacturer
o While the service interval recommended by the manufacturer must
never be exceeded, it may be reduced based on operating conditions,
service types or as per service bulletins
 Condition Monitoring:
o Condition monitoring tool such as performance monitoring and
vibration monitoring forms the vital importance of preventive
maintenance system
o Condition monitoring tool along with trend analysis forms a effective
way to prevent breakdown
 Inspection:
o Timely and regular inspections is important to know the general
health of the machinery
 Replacement of parts
o Replacement of critical parts must be carried out as the prescribed
o Cost of repair far exceed the replacement cost of the parts in long
 Documentation:
o Update and accurate documentation and record keeping helps in
establishing database for establishing routine maintenance
 Inventory Updating:
o An effective inventory database is essential for successful
implementation of PMS

B. Statutory and classification survey of the ship machinery with respect to routine

 Element 10 of ISM code requires company to establish procedure to ensure

that maintenance is carried out in conformance of rules and regulation. In
addition, surveys and inspection is also carried out and record to be
 Element 10.4 requires measure to test and inspections to carried out and
promote reliability of equipment to be integrated into ships operational
 Statutory and classification survey is means of inspection
 The CSM quarterly listing is incorporated into a vessel’s preventive
maintenance program, thus providing a link between maintenance and
 PMS provides a documented means of verifying details w.r.t. overhaul,
maintenance and performance thereby serving as a tool for crediting survey

Question 32:

A. What is the purpose of annual surveys?

B. Give a list of items that would be examined by a surveyor during annual survey.

C. Also explain condition of class. What impact condition of class has on a ship's commercial
VS. technical aspects

Answer :

 The purpose of annual survey is to visually examine and ascertain the general condition of
the vessel or that relevant requirements are complied with.
 A more thorough annual survey may be specified for particular structure, machinery
installation or equipment due to consequences of failure or age.
 During an annual survey efficient condition of following is to be verified-
1. Complete overall examination of structure, including void spaces and critical
structure behind fire insulation as deemed necessary by surveyor.
2. Hatchways on free board and superstructure deck.
3. Weather decks
4. Ventilation coamings and ventilation ducts.
5. Air pipes
6. Windows, dead lights and side scuttles
7. Water tight doors
8. Exposed casings and sky lights.
9. Bilge level detection and alarm system
10. Anchor and mooring arrangements
11. Load line items like gangways, bulwark etc
12. Main and auxiliary steering gears including their associated equipment and control
13. Machinery space with particular attention to propulsion system and emergency
14. Means of communication between all critical places
15. Bilge pumping system and bilge wells, including operation of extended spindles, self
closing drain cocks and level alarms.
16. Pressure vessels including safety devices, relieving gears, insulation and gauges
17. Electrical equipment and cabling forming the main and emergency installations are
to be generally examined. Satisfactory operation of main and emergency sources of
power to be checked.
18. Remote control on QCV.
 Condition of Class (COC) or recommendation are both synonymous terms used by IACS
societies for requirements that specific measures, repairs, request for survey etc. are to be
carried out by the owner within a specified time period in order to retain class.
 If a COC is not dealt with within the time limit specifies, unless it is
postponed before the due date by agreement with the society, class of the
vessel may be subject to suspension. And when the class is suspended the
society will notify the owner, flag administration and underwriters. They will
publish the information on its website and convey the information to
appropriate databases.
 Change in the class status of vessels can have serious consequences for
insurance coverage. Vessel insurances automatically terminate when class is
suspended( temporarily lost) or cancelled (permanently lost) during the
insurance period.
 Being in class is essential for P & I coverage and P&I cover is essential to a
vessel's ability to trade. Also conducting routine checks PSC may ask for class
certificates. Following and incident like collision or coming into a port, PSC
are very likely to check whether or not class has made any recommendation.
 When buying ship the prospective purchaser will want to know about the
vessel class and its class record history. Financiers of the vessel will also
usually specify that a vessel must be classed as a part of continuing
warranties contained in loan agreement.

Q6). (A). what is the purpose of annual surveys?

(B). Give a list of items that would be examined by a surveyor during
annual survey. (C). Also explain condition of class. What impact
condition of class has on a ship's commercial V/S Technical aspects?

2013 Feb 2015

2013 Aug 2014 Nov 2016 Mar
E April

o The purpose of annual survey is to do the general inspection of items relating
to particular certificate to ensure that they have been maintained and remain
satisfactory for the service for which ship is intended.
o Annual surveys are to be held within ± 3 months of each anniversary date of
initial classification survey or the completion of the last special survey.
o It consists of examination for the purpose of ensuring as far as practicable that
hull equipment and related piping are maintained in satisfactory condition
o An annual survey should enable the Administration to verify that the condition
of the ship, its machinery and equipment is being maintained in accordance
with the relevant requirements
o Hull Survey – for Cargo Ships
 protection of cargo hatch opening: - No unapproved changes have been
made to the hatch covers, hatch coamings, their securing and sealing
 examination of mechanically operated steel covers. This includes hatch
covers, stiffeners, gaskets, compression bars, drainage channels of
longitudinal, transverse and intermediate cross junctions. Clamping
devices, retaining bars, chains, ropes, pulleys, guides, guide rails,
tracks, wheels, stoppers, tensioning devices – like gypsies, wires,
safety locks. Loading pads/bars and side plate edge, chocks, drainage
channels & drain pipes
 all mechanically hatch covers should be operating satisfactory
 protection of other openings. This includes: -
 Hatchways, manholes, and scuttles in freeboard and
superstructure decks
 m/c casings, funnel annular spaces, skylights
 portholes and all openings
 ventilation, air pipes, together with flame screens, scuppers
 watertight bulkheads, bulkhead penetrations, details in enclosed
 freeing ports
 protection of crew: - guard rails, stanchions, life lines, gangways,
ladders, deck houses
 confirmation of loading guidance and stability data
 No alterations have been made to hull or superstructure (relating to
load line)
 Anchors and chain cables
 Confirmation of operation of manual/automatic fire doors
 Salt water ballast spaces: - for corrosion and thickness measurement
o Hull Survey - For Tankers
 cargo opening including gaskets, covers and coamings
 p/v, v/vs, flame arrestors and flame screens
 cargo and crude washing equipments, tank vent piping system above
weather deck
 electrical equipment: - intrinsically safe, explosion proof areas,
physical condition of cables, cable supports and means of cable
protection from mechanical damage
 gas detection system in pump room
 confirmation of not having potential source of ignition in pump room
or cargo area
 pump room ventilation system
 cargo discharge pre-judge level indicators are operational
 area designated for helicopter operations
o Hull Survey - For Chemical Tankers
 verification of gas and vapour tightness of doors and air ports.
 Cargo handling piping to be examined
 Ventilation system: - all spaces of cargo area, cargo pump room, cargo
control room, closing devices of all air intakes and opening into
accommodation service.
 Cargo tank liquid level indicators, alarms for cargo tanks.
 Environmental control of vapour space in cargo tanks and void spaces
surrounding tanks
 Pump and pipeline identification.
 Electrical bonding
 PPE and fire protection
o Annual survey of machinery space
 machinery and boiler spaces inspection.
 Main and auxiliary steering gear
 Testing of communication means between bridge, ECR and steering
 Emergency escape routes
 Bilge pumping system and bilge wells.
 Boiler pressure vessel and external mountings
 Electrical machinery, emergency source of power
 Fire extinguishing apparatus – fire hoses, nozzles, applicators
 Testing of emergency fire pump
 Fire extinguishers, their testing, inspection
 Examination of fixed firefighting system and fire smoke detection
o Annual Audits
 Annual surveys include annual audits to maintain validity of ‘PMS’.
 This includes records of performance test, maintenance records,
written details of breakdown and malfunctioning

o these are the requirement imposed by the society which will affect the class if
not complied with by the assigned due date.
o Condition of class is a defect/blemish of hull/machinery/equipment, repair of
which cannot be left to the direction of owner.
o This is only given to the class items and not to the statutory item
o When conducting surveys, any damage, defects, or breakdown is noticed
which is of such nature that does not require immediate permanent repair but
is sufficiently serious to require rectification by a prescribed date in order to
maintain ‘class’, suitable “condition of class” will be imposed by the surveyor
o Where adequate repair facilities are not available, consideration may be given
to allow the ship to proceed directly to complete the voyage by imposing this
“condition of class
o Where ‘condition of class’ is imposed, a due date will be assigned for
completion and ships ‘class’ will be subject to a suspension procedure if
“condition of class” is not dealt with. “condition of class” can be postponed by
o If it is ascertained that the owner has failed to comply with regulation of the
‘class’ on reported conditions of hull or equipment or machinery of the ship
before the due date assigned by audition of ‘class’ the ‘class’ will be
suspended or withdrawn.
o The suspension or withdrawal of ‘class’ may be extended to include other
ships controlled by same owner, when failure to comply with these
requirements of ‘class’ imposed are sufficiently serious.
o A vessel must be in ‘class’ at all times to be covered for insurance and

1) Audit always forecasts on past activities and then detect the fault and propose the
corrective action.
2) Audit always focuses on system operation, system procedure and documentation.
3) Audit always looks only on the system.
4) Audit is focused on software items.
5) Audit of entire system is not possible as it is done on sampling basis like surveillance
6) For example an auditor will check satisfactory repair of pump and will enquire, find
and analyze as to when pump was last inspected, why deficiency not found before
survey etc.
1) Survey focuses on future activities so that equipment continues to function for next
2) Survey focuses on physical status of machinery or equipment.
3) Survey looks on product.
4) Survey is focused on hardware
5) Survey of entire system is possible like safety equipment survey, main engine
performance survey etc
6) For example in a survey of fire pump surveyor will check satisfactory repair of pump
and noted deficiency removed.

Q. Vetting and PSC difference

This is a technical inspection focussed on compliance with international
maritime safety and environmental rules for ships in port of a foreign country.
In case of serious observed deficiencies ships can be detained in a Port.
The industry for which we carry the cargo, employs inspectors who screen
every vessel before it is allowed to perform a voyage for them
Oil Majors have implemented a Ship Inspection Report (SIRE) programme and
established a Vessel Inspection Questionnaire (VIQ) that sums up all items to be
checked in a SIRE vetting.
SIRE vettings are performed by professional inspectors with experience in the
maritime world. The interval between SIRE vettings may not exceed 6 months.
The chemical industry uses a similar system, established by the Chemical
Distribution Institute (CDI). The chemical industry may require a CDI vetting
every year.

There a three important interlocks mandatorily provided on boilers. They are

1. flame failure interlock for gas and liquid hydrocarbon fired boilers. This interlock
uses the photocell as the sensing device. It locks out the boiler on flame failure to
avoid the accumulation of explosive mixtures in the furnace.
2. The extra low water level interlock. This interlock safeguards the boiler tubes from
heat damage when the boiler is starved of feed water due to failure in delivering feed
water into the boiler.
3. The excess pressure interlock. As the name suggests it prevents excess pressures
development inside the boiler. It shuts off the boiler at the set excess pressure setting
before the boiler safety valves could act.
Stephen Carey, A marine engineer for over 50 years.
Answered Apr 7, 2018

It’s best if you think about this yourself, using the various search engines to find out more
about it. Essentially an interlock is a safety device to stop the boiler firing when various
important parameters are not met. These interlocks depend on the complexity of the boiler
controls but, to start simply, think about what would cause a safety problem in the boiler -

Water level: The most important one. Low-low water level can uncover the heating surfaces
and cause a boiler explosion, so an interlock is necessary to shut down the fires in this event.
A simple semi-manned boiler installation could get away with only this one interlock.

An automated system has to do the pre-start checks before lighting up, so checks that all is
OK before firing is allowed to start. There could be many interlocks preventing this, and a
glance at your boiler schematic will show you what they are as they are usually all ganged in
with the single element that sets the firing sequence in motion.

Going through the normal pre-start checks on a manual boiler system will lead you to the
ones that have to be checked by the boiler automation. Where each one is clear, the
automation will go on to the next check, such as -

1. Water level - if not OK, burner locked out, alarm sounds

2. FD Fan start. If fan fails to start, burner locked out, alarm sounds
3. Furnace purge. Timed purge, furnace pressure sensed, if not satisfactory, burner
locked out, alarm sounds
4. Start fuel pump: If pump fails to start, burner locked out, alarm sounds
5. Start boiler feed pump: If pump fails to start, burner locked out, alarm sounds (the
feed pump will run unattended and feed the boiler on demand through the level
6. Fuel temperature and pressure: Timed wait - if temperature and pressure not
satisfactory within timed period, burner locked out, alarm sounds
7. Furnace pressure and min modulation for firing: This ensures that the fan has
modulated for minimum flame on starting, to ensure the furnace pressure is correct. If
not, burner locked out, alarm sounds
8. Start igniter: If igniter fails to energise, burner locked out, alarm sounds. In some
installations it is not possible to check if the igniter is working or not, so this step may
be missed out
9. Open fuel valve to burner: Flame should light, as sensed by the flame eye. If the flame
eye does not sense the flame within a timed period, burner locked out on flame
failure, alarm sounds
10. FD fan modulates to minimum modulation in order to maintain correct furnace
pressure. If the furnace pressure doesn’t stabilise within a timed period, either an
alarm will sound or the burner will lock out.
11. Alarms set: The normal running alarms are usually under a detente during firing, and
will come on line after a satisfactory start. If any of them (such as the water level) are
not satisfactory, the burner will lock out.
12. Raising steam: The boiler will modulate on demand. If it is a superheat boiler, there
may be other interfaces with the steam temperature, superheater and de-superheater
controls, starting valve etc that ensure there is always a steam flow through the
superheater bank. If insufficient flow through the superheater, and the control doesn’t
correct it, then the burner will lock out to avoid damaging the superheater bank.
13. Water level: The feed pumps and level regulators will look after the level, with an
alarm at low level, and shut down at low-low level as at the top of the page. There are
other alarms and shutdowns incorporated in the system auxiliaries such as the
deaerator, desuperheaters, condenser controls and feed heaters - far too much to try to
explain here

Automation on steam propulsion boilers in ships (ships are my experience - I have no land
installation knowledge, though the systems are similar) is a complicated affair. I have written
and proof-read many manuals on these systems and it’s too much to put down here without
copying it all out and pasting. It’s far better for the OP to research this after a few guidelines
as any system I give may not match his own.

For instance, here’s the top-level ignition sequence for an automated superheated propulsion
boiler burning diesel, heavy oil and LNG - there are pages and pages of this stuff which make
up the basic overview drawings, and even more pages of the actual schematics for the system,
right down to the wiring diagrams - a veritable library

Stephen Carey, A marine engineer for over 50 years.

Answered Apr 7, 2018

It’s best if you think about this yourself, using the various search engines to find out more
about it. Essentially an interlock is a safety device to stop the boiler firing when various
important parameters are not met. These interlocks depend on the complexity of the boiler
controls but, to start simply, think about what would cause a safety problem in the boiler -

Water level: The most important one. Low-low water level can uncover the heating surfaces
and cause a boiler explosion, so an interlock is necessary to shut down the fires in this event.
A simple semi-manned boiler installation could get away with only this one interlock.

An automated system has to do the pre-start checks before lighting up, so checks that all is
OK before firing is allowed to start. There could be many interlocks preventing this, and a
glance at your boiler schematic will show you what they are as they are usually all ganged in
with the single element that sets the firing sequence in motion.

Going through the normal pre-start checks on a manual boiler system will lead you to the
ones that have to be checked by the boiler automation. Where each one is clear, the
automation will go on to the next check, such as -

1. Water level - if not OK, burner locked out, alarm sounds

2. FD Fan start. If fan fails to start, burner locked out, alarm sounds
3. Furnace purge. Timed purge, furnace pressure sensed, if not satisfactory, burner
locked out, alarm sounds
4. Start fuel pump: If pump fails to start, burner locked out, alarm sounds
5. Start boiler feed pump: If pump fails to start, burner locked out, alarm sounds (the
feed pump will run unattended and feed the boiler on demand through the level
6. Fuel temperature and pressure: Timed wait - if temperature and pressure not
satisfactory within timed period, burner locked out, alarm sounds
7. Furnace pressure and min modulation for firing: This ensures that the fan has
modulated for minimum flame on starting, to ensure the furnace pressure is correct. If
not, burner locked out, alarm sounds
8. Start igniter: If igniter fails to energise, burner locked out, alarm sounds. In some
installations it is not possible to check if the igniter is working or not, so this step may
be missed out
9. Open fuel valve to burner: Flame should light, as sensed by the flame eye. If the flame
eye does not sense the flame within a timed period, burner locked out on flame
failure, alarm sounds
10. FD fan modulates to minimum modulation in order to maintain correct furnace
pressure. If the furnace pressure doesn’t stabilise within a timed period, either an
alarm will sound or the burner will lock out.
11. Alarms set: The normal running alarms are usually under a detente during firing, and
will come on line after a satisfactory start. If any of them (such as the water level) are
not satisfactory, the burner will lock out.
12. Raising steam: The boiler will modulate on demand. If it is a superheat boiler, there
may be other interfaces with the steam temperature, superheater and de-superheater
controls, starting valve etc that ensure there is always a steam flow through the
superheater bank. If insufficient flow through the superheater, and the control doesn’t
correct it, then the burner will lock out to avoid damaging the superheater bank.
13. Water level: The feed pumps and level regulators will look after the level, with an
alarm at low level, and shut down at low-low level as at the top of the page. There are
other alarms and shutdowns incorporated in the system auxiliaries such as the
deaerator, desuperheaters, condenser controls and feed heaters - far too much to try to
explain here

Automation on steam propulsion boilers in ships (ships are my experience - I have no land
installation knowledge, though the systems are similar) is a complicated affair. I have written
and proof-read many manuals on these systems and it’s too much to put down here without
copying it all out and pasting. It’s far better for the OP to research this after a few guidelines
as any system I give may not match his own.

For instance, here’s the top-level ignition sequence for an automated superheated propulsion
boiler burning diesel, heavy oil and LNG - there are pages and pages of this stuff which make
up the basic overview drawings, and even more pages of the actual schematics for the system,
right down to the wiring diagrams - a veritable library

Auxiliary Boilers


Auxiliary Boiler Steam Supply System and System Devices Operation and
Maintenance of Auxiliary Boiler Nejat ÖZTEZCAN 2018
2. 2. Marine Steam Boilers Historical development of the marine boiler : • the first
practical steam engine Symington, 1803 (a small paddle-wheeled vessel) • the first
passenger steamship Clermont, 1807 • Merchant Ship Great Easter 1858 (213 m in
length and 24.5 m in breadth)
3. 3. Definition of Boiler Steam boiler or a boiler is basically a closed vessel into which
water is heated until the water is converted into steam at required pressure. This is
most basic definition of boiler. There are many different types of boiler utilized for
different purposes like running a production unit, sanitizing some area, sterilizing
equipment, to warm up the surroundings etc.
4. 4. The boiling point of water will be raised with an increase in pressure.
5. 5. Basic diagram of a boiler
6. 6. LATENT HEAT: Latent heat is the heat which supplies the energy necessary to
overcome some of the binding forces of attraction between the molecules of a
substance and is responsible for it changing its physical state from a solid into liquid
or from liquid into a vapor, the change taking place without any change in temp.
SENSIBLE HEAT :Sensible heat is the name given to heat when its transferred to or
from a substance with changes in temp only, and no physical change of state.
7. 7. Normally, the steam for an engine takes in sensible heat between the feed
temperature and saturation temperature, latent heat at saturation temperature, and
sensible heat between the saturation temperature and final steam temperature.
8. 8. HEAT TRANSFER METHODS There are three ways that heat is transferred, •
conduction, • radiation, • convection and all three means occur in a boiler.
9. 9. CONDUCTION: Conduction is the flow of heat energy through a body or from one
body to another in contact with each other, due to difference in temp. The natural flow
of heat takes place from high temp to a lower temperature. Example: in boilers heat is
conducted through the heating surface to the water.
10. 10. RADIATION: Radiation is the transfer of heat energy from one body to another
through space by rays of electro-magnetic waves. The rays of heat travel in straight
lines in all directions at approx. the same velocity as light. Example: in a boiler the
heat from the burning fuel passes off in rays in all directions striking the furnace
walls, tubes, and other heating surfaces raising their temps.
11. 11. CONVENTION: Convention is the method of transferring heat through a fluid by
the movement of heated particles of the fluid. Example: In the water tube boiler the
tubes are arranged to assist the convection current and the boiler designed to take full
advantage of the law of heat transmission.
12. 12. Classification of Boilers Boilers can be classified as follows: 1. According to
geometric orientation of boiler: 2. According to location of furnace: 3. According to
method of water circulation: 4. According to working pressure: 5. According to
number of tubes in the boiler: 6. According to relative position of water and hot gases:
13. 13. Types of Boilers Boilers are generally divided into two types: ''firetube'' and
''water- tube''. Fire-tube Boilers In fire-tube boilers, combustion gases pass through
the inside of the tubes with water surrounding the outside of the tubes. The
advantages of a fire-tube boiler are its simple construction and less rigid water
treatment requirements. The disadvantages are the excessive weight-per-pound of
steam generated, excessive time required to raise steam pressure because of the
relatively large volume of water, and inability to respond quickly to load changes,
again, due to the large water volume.
14. 14. Fire-tube boilers are: • Relatively inexpensive • Easy to clean • Compact in size •
Available in sizes from 600,000 btu/hr to 50,000,000 btu/hr • Easy to replace tubes •
Well suited for space heating and industrial process applications • Minimal refractory
Disadvantages of fire-tube boilers include: •Not suitable for high pressure
applications 250 psig ( 18 Bar) and above. •Limitation for high capacity steam
15. 15. scotch marine firetube boiler
16. 16. Water-tube Boilers In a water-tube boiler, the water is inside the tubes and
combustion gases pass around the outside of the tubes. The advantages of a water-
tube boiler are a lower unit weight-per- pound of steam generated, less time required
to raise steam pressure, a greater flexibility for responding to load changes, and a
greater ability to operate at high rates of steam generation. • Saving in weight. • The
possibility of using high pressures and temperatures. • Greater mechanical flexibility.
• Rapid steam raising. • Saving in space. • Wider safety margin in event of explosion.
A water-tube design is the exact opposite of a fire-tube.
17. 17. Various Uses Of Steam On Ships •For Main Engine Propulsion/Turbines (in case
of steam ships) •For Power Generation (to run steam turbo generators) •For Running
Auxiliary Machinery (in case of steam ships) •For Soot Blowing and for the steam
atomized burners. •For Fresh water generation (Evaporators) •For Fire Fighting
(Steam drenching) •For heating duties (Main Engine Fuel Oil Heater, Galley Supply,
Purifier, Calorifier , Galley, Accommodation heating, Sea chests tracer lines for
pipeline heating) •For cargo heating •For fuel tank heating •For deck machinery •For
running Cargo pump turbines •For tank washing in tanker ships and general cleaning
18. 18. Advantages of Steam Steam are clean, pure and naturally safe. Steam is water,
which is plenty of available and cheap. Due to the high heat content of steam,
relatively small bore, pipe work is required to distribute the steam at high pressure.
The pressure is then reduced at the point of use, if necessary. Steam provides
excellent heat transfer. Relationship between the pressure and temperature of
saturated steam, easiest way to control the amount of energy input to the process
simply by controlling the saturated steam pressure. Because of very high heat
transfer properties of steam, the required heat transfer area is relatively small. Not
only is steam an excellent carrier of heat, it is also sterile, and thus popular for process
use in the food, pharmaceutical and health industries.
19. 19. Boiler types : According to usage • Hot water boiler • Thermal oil boiler • Steam
boiler • Steam generator • Exhaust gas boiler
20. 20. Hot water boiler: Hot water boilers are normally used in room and building
heating. These kinds of systems are suitable for discharge temperatures of up to
140°C. The advantage of hot water over steam is that the energy loss is much lower
than with steam boilers. Thermal oil boiler : In hot oil boilers, oil is used instead of
steam or water. The advantage of oil is that the system does not have to be pressurised
above 100°C as with water and steam. Thermal oil is still liquid in atmospheric
pressures of up to 300°C. In contrast, water requires a pressure of 85 bar to avoid
evaporating at that temperature. If the unique features of steam are not required,
thermal oil can be a good alternative.
21. 21. Steam generator: In the steam generator, the feed water and steam are in principle
passing through one long tube - designed as winded-up tube coils serially connected.
The advantages using a steam generator compared to conventional steam boilers: •
Easy to operate - normally no requirement for boiler authorisation • Rapid start-up
and establishing full steam pressure • Compact and easy to adapt in the existing
machinery arrangement • Price attractive - especially at low steam rates.
22. 22. Shaft power Output 49% Lubricating oil cooler 3% Jacket water cooler 5% Air
cooler 17% Heat radiation 1% Exhaust gas 25% Standart Engine Fuel Consumption
% 100 (167 gr/kW) Exhaust gas boiler: Steam can be produced not only by oil or gas-
fired burners, but also by utilising the substantial amount of waste heat in hot flue
gasses or exhaust air. Waste heat boilers use heat that would otherwise be wasted by
exhausting into the atmosphere to heat water and make steam.
23. 23. With more expensive bunker oil prices and much tougher environmental
requirements, it is of major importance for shipping companies to reduce their
consumption of fuel oil today than it ever has been before. One of the ways to reduce
emissions is to utilize the energy in the exhaust gas with waste heat boilers. Typically,
an Exhaust Gas Economizer is able to generate approximately 500 kg/h steam from
the exhaust gas of a single 1000 kW auxiliary engine. Recovery of waste heat from
the exhaust gases has a direct effect on the efficiency of the process.
24. 24. New environmental regulations In 1973, IMO adopted the International
Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, today known universally as
MARPOL, which has been amended by the Protocols of 1978 and 1997 and kept
updated with relevant amendment. MARPOL Annex VI, first adopted in 1997, limits
the main air pollutants contained in ships exhaust gas, including sulphur oxides (SOx)
and nitrous oxides (NOx), and prohibits deliberate emissions of ozone depleting
substances (ODS).
25. 25. Under the revised MARPOL Annex VI, the global sulphur cap will be reduced
from current 3.50 % to 0.50 %, effective from 1 January 2020, subject to a feasibility
review to be completed no later than 2018. The limits applicable in ECAs for SOx and
particulate matter were reduced to 0.10 %, from 1 January 2015 (IMO, 2015). As of
1st of January 2015 regulation 14 of the IMO MARPOL Annex VI states that all
vessels sailing within the environmental controlled areas ((North American Emission
Control Area, Baltic Sea and the U.S. Caribbean Sea Emission Control Area) must
reduce their SOx emissions to a maximum of 0.10 %.
26. 26. Why MARPOLAnnex VI? Emission Gases from Ships Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx)
– create Ozone and smog Sulphur Oxides (SOx) – create acidification Carbon Dioxide
(CO2) – is a GHG Carbon Monoxide (CO)- is s very toxic gas Hydrocarbons (HC) –
gas, soot and some particulates The concentration of the differing exhaust gases is
variable according to the engine type, engine settings and fuel type.
27. 27. Historical Crude Oil Prices and Price Chart
28. 28. Composite boilers A composite boiler arrangement permits steam generation
either by oil firing when necessary or by using the engine exhaust gases when the ship
is at sea. Composite boilers are based on fire tube boiler designs. The Cochran boiler,
for example, would have a section of the tube bank separately arranged for the engine
exhaust gases to pass through and exit via their own exhaust duct.
29. 29. Steam Boiler Efficiency The percentage of total heat exported by outlet steam in
the total heat supplied by the fuel is called steam boiler efficiency. Steam boiler
efficiency depends upon the size of boiler used. A typical efficiency of steam boiler is
80% to 88%.
30. 30. There are 6 important points that must be considered in order to improve boiler
efficiency. 1. Feed Water Temperature To improve any system’s efficiency, it is
important to maintain the standard of all the inputs of that system. In boiler system, it
is the feed water which plays an important role in deciding the overall efficiency. For
this, the feed water temperature must be maintained at approx. 80- 85 deg C to ensure
boiler is operated at high efficiency. The hot well needs to be monitored for correct
temperature and level. Any sudden fall in the level of hot well means more addition of
cold water to maintain the level, which leads to reduction in the feed water
temperature. •Maintain Feed Water temp- 80 to 85 deg. C •Ensure hot well level
controller is operating properly •Monitor feed water temperature through hot well
31. 31. 2. Supply of Air to Burner Air is required to ensure adequate fire is generated
inside the furnace through good combustion. It is therefore important to know the
percentage of air for efficient combustion. For fuel oil fired marine boiler with
register type burner, 15-20 % by weight of air is required for efficient combustion.
Controlling excess air within the required range will lead to decrease in the flue gas
losses •Excess Air to be reduced or avoided •Know the air fuel ratio for your boiler
under its current rating •Keep a check on the content of combustion gases using flue
gas analyzer to adjust the air fuel ratio accordingly
32. 32. 3. Structural Importance The outer shell or structure is an important part which not
only contains the pressure but keeps the temperature of the flue gas intact inside the
boiler for better heat exchanging ability. Things to Check: •Leakage from the boiler
shell must also be checked. This occurs mainly due to deformation or bulging of shell
leading to cracks and leakage. •The insulation of the boiler must be checked for any
damage or leakage. •The refractory should be checked at least once in a month for
their condition. Any damage in the refractory will lead to localized heating of the
shell and damage to the same.
33. 33. 4. Blow Down Control It is normally observed that boiler blow down is not
performed regularly by operators. Blow down is only performed when the water test
results are high in chloride or when high conductivity alarm occurs. This leads to
uncontrolled continuous blowdown which is actually waste of boiler heat and
efficiency. •Avoid continuous long blowdown •Regular short blowdown are
recommended •Keep a regular check on boiler water chloride content
34. 34. 5. Boiler Loading Ships provided with more that one boiler or steam generators
must ensure that the load of the boiler is neither too low nor too high. The best
operating range to get the maximum boiler efficiency is 2/3rd of the boiler full load. If
the boiler is operated below 50% load, more air is required to burn the fuel which
increases the sensible heat loss. It is always better to run less number of boiler at high
load than more number at low load. Pro Tips: •Highest efficiency of boiler can be
achieved at 2/3rd of the full load •Avoid running the boiler at below 25% load as the
efficiency reduces significantly below this load
35. 35. 6. Soot deposits The oil fired boilers are prone to soot deposits in the tube and
internal boiler surface which reduces the heat transfer rate. A regular cleaning of
boiler and economiser tubes must therefore be performed. Record and observe the
stack temperature for indication of soot deposits. An accumulation of soot on the fire
side of boiler tubes decreases boiler efficiency. •Recommended to install a dial type
thermometer at the base of the stack to monitor the exhaust flue gas temperature
•When the flue gas temperature rises to about 20 o C above the temperature for a
newly cleaned boiler, it is time to remove the soot deposits
36. 36. Choosing A Marine Boiler While Designing A Ship
37. 37. Marine boilers used in ships today are mostly for auxiliary purposes in vessels that
run on marine diesel engines or diesel electric propulsion. In case of ships using steam
turbines (mostly found in high speed vessels used by navies), boilers are a part of the
main propulsion system. A ship designer’s should be able to choose the right kind of
boiler for a particular ship depending on the requirement for that particular project. To
rate a boiler, one first needs to correctly estimate the steam output required from a
boiler for the ship being designed. For this, the three main requirements are:
Requirement 1 – Steam consumption required to compensate heat losses in tanks.
Requirement 2 – Steam consumption required to raise the temperature of fuel oil in
tanks. Requirement 3 – Steam consumption required for other services.
38. 38. Requirement 1- Steam consumption required to compensate heat losses in tanks:
Most ships run by diesel engines have fuel oil tanks that are used to store Heavy Fuel
Oil (HFO). Since the viscosity of HFO is very high, and its high viscosity makes it
unable to flow. But in order to transfer the stored HFO to the settling tanks and then
the HFO service tank, the viscosity needs to be maintained at a level corresponding to
which easy flow is possible. For this, HFO storage tanks are equipped with heating
coils to maintain the fuel at a certain temperature. The heating fluid in the heating
coils is steam that is produced in the auxiliary boiler.
39. 39. Requirement 2- Steam consumption required to raise the temperature of fuel oil in
tanks: Not only is steam required to compensate the heat losses from fuel oil tanks,
but steam is also used to heat the fuel oil to required temperature before being used in
the engine. For this, the time (t) in hours, required to heat up the oil in each type of
tank is generally considered as follows: For Storage Tank – 0.2 DEG C/HR RISE IN
TEMP. Service and Settling tank – 4 DEG C/HR RISE IN TEMP. All other Tanks – 1
40. 40. Requirement 3- Steam consumption required for other services: Steam is also used
in ships to supply to other heating requirements, some of which are listed below: Used
as a heat exchange medium in Heavy Fuel Oil purifiers, Light Diesel Oil purifiers,
and Lube Oil purifiers. Steam used as a heating medium in booster modules. To pre-
heat main engine jacket cooling water. Used as a heating medium in calorifiers
(calorifiers are high pressure storage units of heated water, which is used in gantry
and toilet utilities).
41. 41. The type of boiler to be used in the ship is also to be chosen by the designer based
on the following criteria: •Functionality of the boiler. •Space Constraints. For most
auxiliary boilers, shell and tube boilers are used,. However, for exhaust gas
economisers or exhaust gas boilers (These are boilers that do not have a furnace. They
are also fire tube boilers, where exhaust gases from the engine are passed through the
fire tubes to heat the water in the boiler drum.) vertical configurations are preferable,
as it provides less back pressure on the exhaust gas system. Exhaust gas boilers are
used when the vessel is on voyage, and when in port, the auxiliary boiler is used.
42. 42. The Basic Steam Cycle
43. 43. The basic steam cycle The basic steam cycle is a four phased closed, heated cycle.
This means that the fluid in the system is reused and heat must be added to the cycle.
The heat is added in the boiler firebox or furnace where the chemical energy of fuel is
converted to the thermal energy of combustion gases and water is boiled to generate
steam. This steam is expanded in the turbines, converting the thermal energy of the
steam into mechanical energy of the engines and other turbine driven machinery such
as turbine generators and main feed pumps.
44. 44. This steam is exhausted to a condenser which cools the steam and turns it to a
fluid which can be pumped through the system again. This condensed steam, or
condensate, is deaerated and pre- heated to remove oxygen and stored till needed.
When needed, the water, now called feedwater, is raised to the proper pressure so that
it can be fed into the cycle again.
45. 45. 1. Generation Phase ( Boiler) To generate steam, it is necessary to heat water to its
boiling point by adding a sufficient amount of heat to change the boiling water into
steam. 2. Expansion Phase ( Work to be done) The expansion phase of the basic steam
cycle is where steam is expanded in turbines to convert the thermal energy of steam to
the mechanical energy of rotation in the turbines.
46. 46. 3. Condensation Phase ( Condencer or Hotwell) When steam changes phase from
vapor to water in the main and auxiliary condensers, that water is called condensate.
4. Feed Phase ( Pressure ) The condensate that is collected in the storage section of
the Hotwell or DFT is now called feedwater and becomes a supply for the steam
cycle. It also provides a positive suction head for the main feed booster pumps
(MFBPs) or the main feed pumps (MFPs), as applicable.
47. 47. Boiler Feed Systems Types of Feed Systems There are basically two main types
of feed systems : 1. Open feed System 2. Closed feed system The main difference
between an open feed system and a closed feed system is that in a closed feed system
none of the parts of the system are exposed to the environment. Closed feed system is
generally used in a high pressurized system such as a high pressure water tube boiler
supplying steam to the main propulsion steam türbine, turbo generators or cargo
pumps in tankers.
48. 48. The main parts of a closed feed system are: 1. A regenerative type condenser 2.
Air ejector 3. Extraction pump 4. Deaerator 5. Feed tank.
49. 49. Open feed system for an auxiliary boiler An open feed system for an auxiliary
boiler ; the exhaust steam from the various services is condensed in the condenser.
The condenser is circulated by cooling water and may operate at atmospheric pressure
or under a small amount of vacuum. The condensate then drains under the action of
gravity to the hotwell . The hotwell will also receive drains from possibly
contaminated systems, e.g. fuel oil heating system, oil tank heating, etc.
50. 50. •The feed filter and hot well tank is arranged with internal baffles to bring about
preliminary oil separation from any contaminated feed or drains. •The hotwell
provides feed water to the main and auxiliary feed pump suctions. •De-aeration is the
removal of oxygen in feed water which can cause corrosion problems in the boiler.
51. 51. HOTWELL • Hot well is a tank or reservoir in which condensed hot water is
collected from different steam lines. • It’s also called as Cascade tank. • It’s an
integral part of Boiler feed water system. Purposes: •Collects condensed water
•Supply feed water
52. 52. Steam-dumping equipment The steam dump equipment is designed for dumping
excess steam generated by the boiler plant from the steam system to an atmospheric
dump condenser. It is essential that the condenser is dimensioned to be able to absorb
the amount of steamgenerated in the exhaust gas boiler or exhaust gas part of the
combined boiler.
54. 54. BOILER External attachments. ( Mountings on Boiler ) All marine boilers are
required to be fitted with certain essential mountings. The minimum requirements are
as follows: • 2 safety valves • 1 steam stop valve • 2 independent feed check valves •
2 water gauges (or equivalent) • 1 pressure gauge • 1 salinometer cock or valve • 1
blow-down valve • 1 low water level fuel shut-off device and alarm
55. 55. Boiler equipment for safety : 1. Water level gauges and indicators 2. Safety
valves. ( 2 pcs.) 3. Combined high steam and low water safety valve. 4. Fusible plug.
56. 56. Safety Valve The safety valve, which prevents over pressure is one of the most
important fittings. The spring-loaded pop-off safety valve pops open when steam
pressure exceeds the MAWP.
57. 57. There is no routine maintenance on a safety valve. Safety valves are routinely
tested to ensure proper operation.. With the boiler pressure at a minimum of 75% of
the safety valve set pressure, the safety valve try lever is lifted to wide open position.
Steam is discharged for 5 sec to 10 sec. The try lever is released, and the disk should
snap to the closed position against the valve seat.
58. 58. Malfunctioning safety valves must be replaced as soon as possible. Replacement
safety valves must comply with the Class Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and all
design specifications of the boiler. Any adjustments or repairs to a safety valve must
be performed by the manufacturer or an authorized manufacturer representative.
59. 59. •The full rated discharge capacity of the safety valve(s) must be achieved within
110% of the boiler design pressure. •There must be an adequate margin between the
normal operating pressure of the boiler and the set pressure of the safety valve. •As
per the requirements, at least two safety valves should be fitted to the boiler and both
are mounted on a common manifold with a single connection to the boiler. Boiler
with super heater, normally three safety valves are fitted; two to the boiler drum and
one to the superheater. •The superheater must be set to lift first to ensure a flow of
steam through the superheater.
60. 60. Close examination and attention during overhauling •Check valve and seat for
wear, cavity corrosion , pitting and any fault. •Valve chest must be cleaned condition
and drain line clear •Hammer test to spindle for any crack and check its straightness
•Hammer test to compression spring for any fracture and check for corrosion. Free
length is limited to 0.5 % of original free length. •Check the guide plates and bushes
for uneven wear and have sufficient clearance to allow free movement of •Check
compression nut and cover bush’s threads and any sign of wear and tear. •Connecting
pin should be a free fit in the lid and no bending. Pinhole to be regular shape.
61. 61. Routine check The following should be regarded as recommendations of routine
checks on the safety valves, in order to secure a correct function: Monthly Examine
the safety valves for any leaking, such as: Is water seeping from the drain plug at the
valve body? Is the escape pipe hot due to seeping steam from the valve seat?
Examine the drain and expansion device at the escape pipe. Examine the lifting gear
device, i.e. clean up and grease all sliding parts. Yearly The safety valve should be
tested in operation by raising the boiler pressure. Expansion and exhaust pipe should
be examined at the same time.
62. 62. 47 Ball 42 Bonnet 41 Lifting lever 40 Split pin 39 Bolt 38 Screw 37 Spring 29
Cap 27 Gasket 26 Springplate 23 Lead seal 22 Drain screw 21 Lock nut 18 Ball 17
Adjusting screw 16 Slotted pin 15 Gasket 14 Spindle 13 Lift aid 12 Disc 10/25 Split
cotters 9 Lift limitation ring 8 Hex. nut 7 Gasket 4 Spindle guide 3 Stud 2 Seat 1
Body 17 37 14 10, 25 8 16 18 12 13 15, 22 2 1 23 26 39, 40 41 29 38, 47 42 27 21
63. 63. STEAM STOP VALVE This valve, typically installed directly on the steam
output fitting on the boiler, has several functions. • It is primarily used to close the
steam boiler from the downstream system when needed. • it can also be used to
slowly preheat the system following stoppages. • It is also used to ensure a minimum
boiler pressure in the event of excess steam demand.
64. 64. main stop valve for fire tube boilers Cast steel self-closing main stop valve for
water tube boilers
65. 65. FEED CHECK VALVES The feed check valve as fitted to the boiler is normally a
non-return globe valve, the chest being spigotted into the boiler end-plate. Some
boiler makers fit a combined shut-off and feed valve, two valves in one chest, on both
the main and auxiliary feed lines. The shut-off valve, a screw-lift valve, is between
the feed valve and the boiler, and the boiler pressure is under this valve Feed water
regulation : The feed water control valve supplies the boiler with at least the same
amount of water discharged in form of steam.
66. 66. WATER LEVEL GAUGES Water gauges play an important part in the safety of
boiler operation. The water level gauge provides a visible indication of the water level
in a boiler in the region of the correct working level. You should blow down a gauge
glass periodically to remove any sediment from the glass. Types of water gauge: For
boiler pressures up to about 20 bar it is normal practice to use round glass tubes
suitably connected to the boiler by means of cocks and pipes, for indicating the
working level of the water. Above 20 bar the glass tube is replaced by what is in
effect a built-up rectangular-section box having a thick plate glass front and back.
67. 67. The Normal Operating Water Level (NOWL) should be approximately in the
middle of the gauge glass. The water column is blown down first and then the gauge
glass to remove any sediment. Water should enter the gauge glass quickly when the
gauge glass blowdown valve is closed. Water level indicators and gauges If the
apparent obstruction cannot be removed by blowing down, then the boiler should be
shut down and allowed to cool.
68. 68. For pressures above 20 bar the round water gauge glass has been replaced by
rectangular- section box having a thick glass front and back.
69. 69. To test a gauge glass, the following procedure should be followed: 1. Close the
water cock and open the drain cock for approximately 5 seconds. 2. Close the drain
cock and open the water cock Water should return to its normal working level
relatively quickly. If this does not happen, then a blockage in the water cock could be
the reason, and remedial action should be taken as soon as possible. 3. Close the
steam cock and open the drain cock for approximately 5 seconds. 4. Close the drain
cock and open the steam cock. If the water does not return to its normal working level
relatively quickly, a blockage may exist in the steam cock. Remedial action should be
taken as soon as possible. The authorised attendant should systematically test the
water gauges at least once each day.
70. 70. Overhaul of water gauge mountings : Water gauge mountings should be
overhauled at least at every boiler survey and, at this time, particular care should be
taken to see that all passages through the cocks and also those through pipes and
columns (if fitted) are clear. Water-level indicators: For emergency conditions, remote
water-level indicators are fitted in water tube and fire tube boiler installations. These
are always additional to the normal classification society requirements for water-level
71. 71. Water level controls The maintenance of the correct water level in a steam boiler
is essential to its safe and efficient operation..
72. 72. Water level transmitter in all steam boilers is most importance to have a constant
water level in order to have a safe boiler operation and to maintain a good steam
quality. The steam boiler is normally equipped with the following transmitters:
SAFETY • Low low level, burner shut down. • Low level alarm. • High level alarm.
CONTROL • Low level, pump start. • High level, pump stop. The control level
transmitter can also be a modulating type which can work according to the following
principles: • Conductivity probes. • Float control. • Differential pressure cells.
73. 73. PRESSURE GAUGES All pressure gauges on marine boilers operate on the
Bourdon principle. The main component is a phosphor bronze or stainless steel tube
of oval cross section which is bent in the form of an arc being fixed at one end and
free at the other. By applying pressure internally, the tube tends to straighten and the
amount of movement at the free end is proportional to the pressure applied. Through a
link attached to the free end of the tube motion is transmitted by means of a quadrant
to a small pinion on the pointer which, in turn, pivots about the central axis of the
74. 74. When the gauge is not under pressure, the pointer rests on a pin. It is important to
ensure that this pin is fitted and remains in position. There have been cases where a
missing pin has allowed a pointer to commence a second circuit of the gauge dial thus
falsely indicating a low pressure when in fact a dangerous overpressure situation has
endured. They should always be mounted in an upright position and should be
regularly checked for accuracy.
75. 75. SOOTBLOWERS The heating surfaces of any boiler, both fire and watertube
types, may be kept clean, and the boiler thus be constantly available for service in an
efficient condition. Soot blowers are fitted in suitable positions so that all the heating
surfaces, tubes, superheaters, economisers and air-heaters can be maintained in a
clean condition, provided, of course, that the equipment is properly maintained and
regularly operated (usually every twelve hours). The cleaning operation is performed
by jets of high-pressure steam or air.
76. 76. BOILER DRUM INTERNALS It is obviously an essential requirement for any
boiler that steam supplied to the range or to the superheater should be free of water
77. 77. MANHOLE This is provided at suitable position on the boiler shell so that the
man can enter into boiler shell for inspection, maintenance and repairs. This hole is
usually made in elliptical shape of the size convenient for a man to enter through this
hole. The opening is closed by steam tight cover.
78. 78. Handhole Covers Manhole and handhole covers are removed to provide access to
boiler parts during a boiler inspection. Before removing any covers, make sure all the
proper permits and lockout tagout procedures have been followed. Make sure the
boiler is not in a vacuum by opening the boiler vent valve. As soon as the boiler has
been dumped, open the handholes, remove the manhole cover, and thoroughly flush
and wash out the water side. Do not dump a boiler unless it can be flushed
immediately. If a boiler is dumped and not flushed right away, the sludge and
sediment air- dry on the heating surfaces, making it extremely difficult to clean.
79. 79. Boiler Accessories for efficient operation: 1. Feed water pumps 2. Superheater 3.
Economizer 4. Air preheater 5. Steam Trap 6. Condenser
80. 80.  Function: Its is a pump which is used to deliver feed water to the boiler.  The
appliances in common use for delivering the feed-water into the steam boilers are: a)
Reciprocating pump b) Rotary pump
81. 81. A Superheater is a device used to convert saturated steam or wet steam into dry
steam used in steam engines . SUPERHEATER
82. 82. Economiser • An economiser is a device in which the waste heat of the flue gases
is utilised for heating the feed water. • The economizer on a boiler is used to add heat
to feedwater Advantages of Economiser • The Temperature range between various
parts of the boiler is reduced which results in reduction of stresses due to unequal
expansion. • Evaporation capacity of boiler is increased. • Overall efficiency of boiler
is increased.
83. 83. Air Preheater • The function of the air pre- heater is to increase the temperature of
air before it enters the furnace. It is generally placed after the economizer; so the flue
gases pass through the economizer and then to the air preheater. Combustion
efficiency can be increased when air is preheated.
84. 84. STEAM TRAP (Condenstop) Steam trap is used to collect and automatically drain
away the water resulted from partial condensation of steam without steam to escape
with this condensate through a valve. The valve after draining the condensate is
closed. Is presses the leakage of steam from the trap. A Steam trap allows condensate
to pass through, but stops steam.
85. 85. Why Steam Traps? • The duty of a steam trap is to discharge condensate, air and
other incondensable gases from a steam system while not permitting the escape of live
86. 86. Reliability • Experience has shown that 'good steam trapping' is synonymous with
reliability, i.e. optimum performance with the minimum of attention. Causes of
unreliability are often associated with the following: • Corrosion, due to the condition
of the condensate. • Waterhammer. • Dirt
87. 87. Types of steam trap: • Thermostatic (operated by changes in fluid temperature •
Mechanical (operated by changes in fluid density) - This range of steam traps operates
by sensing the difference in density between steam and condensate. • Thermodynamic
(operated by changes in fluid dynamics)
88. 88. Bimetallic steam trap Mechanical Steam Traps
89. 89. Thermostatic Steam Traps Liquid expansion steam trap
90. 90. Balanced pressure steam trap
91. 91. Thermodynamic steam trap
92. 92. Considerations for Selecting Steam Traps • Waterhammer Waterhammer is a
symptom of a problem in the steam system. This could be due to poor design of the
steam and condensate pipework, the use of the wrong type of trap or traps or a leaking
steam trap, or a combination of these factors. • Dirt Dirt is another major factor which
must be considered when selecting traps.
93. 93. Testing and Maintenance of Steam Traps Routine maintenance Routine
maintenance depends on the type of trap and its application. Routine maintenance
which involves cleaning and re-using existing internals uses just as much labour but
leaves an untrustworthy steam trap. It will have to be checked from time to time and
will be prone to fatigue. Any routine maintenance should include the renewal of any
suspect parts, if it is to be cost effective.
94. 94. Replacement of internals The renewal of internal parts of a steam trap makes good
sense. The body will generally have as long a life as the plant to which it is fitted and
it is only the internal parts which wear, depending on system conditions. There are
obvious advantages in replacing these internals from time to time. Replacement of
traps On occasions, it will be easier and cheaper to replace traps rather than repair
them. In these cases it is essential that the traps themselves can be changed easily.
95. 95. CONDENSER The condenser is a heat exchanger which removes the latent heat
from exhaust steam so that it condenses and can be pumped back into the boiler.. A
condenser is also arranged so that gases and vapours from the condensing steam are
removed. It is also required to reduce the back pressure and so allowing a greater
amount of work to be done by the engine, improving efficiency.
96. 96. The two principle types of condenser are: • Surface : in the surface type, there is a
temperature drop of about 8°C from inlet to outlet and the condensate and air leave
from the bottom • Regenerate : in this type, steam flowing along the regenerative
passage and up into the tube nest heats the condensed droplets from the tubes so there
is practically no temperature drop in the condenser. Air trapped by the exhaust baffles
is extracted separately by an ejector.
97. 97. • Strainers Pipe scale and dirt can affect control valves and steam traps, and
reduce heat transfer rates. It is extremely easy and inexpensive to fit a strainer in a
pipe, and the low cost of doing so will pay dividends throughout the life of the
installation. Scale and dirt are arrested, and maintenance is usually reduced as a result.
98. 98. Pressure Reducing Valves Where there is a possibility that the pipework
downstream of reducing valves could be shut off during normal operation, a trapping
point should be provided to drain any condensate formed during this period. This
keeps the downstream pipework free of water and protects the reducing valve from
filling with water and 'locking-up'. Float traps discharge condensate continuously and
do not disturb the pressure in the pipe when discharging.
99. 99. Ejector For most water-cooled condensers, the shell is under vacuum during
normal operating conditions. Diagram of a typical modern injector or ejector
100. 100. This diagram shows the basic components of an Ejector used in the Oil
and Gas industry. This Ejector was designed for use with gas. It has similarities with
the “basic” Ejector shown in the above diagrams. These are: 1) There are three
connections. One for the high pressure (HP) motive, one for the low pressure (LP)
suction entrained and one for the medium pressure discharge. 2) The suction (in this
case gas) comes in at the side. 3) There is a nozzle for converting the pressure energy
of the high pressure motive into kinetic energy. The Diffuser The Diffuser is designed
to firstly mix the two incoming streams. Then, when mixing is complete, the
diverging section slows the mixture down, thereby increasing it’s pressure. This is the
reverse of the process occurring in the nozzle.
102. 102. Function Audible and visual Action Low water level Alarm Low Low
water level * Alarm Burner stop High water level Alarm High High water level Alarm
Feedwater pump stop Low steam pressure Alarm High steam pressure Alarm Burner
stop Low feedwater pressure Alarm Stand-by pump start Low fuel oil pressure Alarm
Stand-by pump start Low fuel oil temperature Alarm High fuel oil temperature Alarm
Low combustion air pressure Alarm Burner stop Flame failure ** Alarm Burner stop
Burner not in firing position Alarm Burner stop
103. 103. Boiler Safety Devices as for UMS status: 1. Flame failure: (Photocell
shut down combustion system and gives alarm.) 2. Low and high water level: (Level
is maintained by feed pump, controlled by float operated on/off switch.) 3. Low and
high Steam pressure: (If steam demand drops, high steam pressure will shut down
burner and/or ME speed reduced. Low steam pressure alarm, will be given if there is
fault in combustion condition) 4. Fuel temperature: (Deviation from set temperature
range, cause burner to be shut off and alarms given for both low and high
temperature.) 5. Fuel pressure: (Low fuel pressure cause automatic controller to shut
down burner and alarms given.) 6. Smoke density: (Emitted smoke through uptake,
being monitored and if deviate from normal limit, shut down the system and alarm
given.) 7. Air / fuel ratio: (Air register damper controller keeps correct ratio, and shut
down the system and alarm given on deviation.) 8. Draught fan failure: (Air supply
fan failure operate audible and visual alarms.) 9. Very low water level: (Burner
stopped and alarms given.) 10. Very high water level: (Burner stopped or ME slow
down and alarms given to avoid foaming and carry over.) 11. High flue gas
temperature: (Burner stopped and alarms given.)
104. 104. Safety Devices on Boiler: 1. Flame failure alarm 2. Low water level
alarm. 3. Very low water level alarm and cut-off. 4. High water level alarm 5. Low
steam pressure alarm 6. Low oil temperature alarm and cut-off 7. High oil
temperature alarm and cut-off 8. Low oil pressure alarm and cut-off. 9. Force Draught
Fan failure alarm and cut-off. 10. Power failure alarm. 11. Safety Valves.
105. 105. BURNER At ship, for burning low grade residual fuel, burner is essential
for atomization. Burner is a mechanical device which supplies the required amount of
fuel and air to create a condition of rapid mixing and for producing flame. This
mixing rate is very important as it decides the stability and emission of flame.
106. 106. Types Pressure Jet Burner: This uses the pressure of the fuel oil to create
atomization and a rotating spray. The fuel, at the correct viscosity, passes the centre
passage of the burner, so the swirl plate where the pressure energy is converted into
tangential velocity energy. Rotating Cup Burner: It uses the principle of centrifugal
force to increase the velocity of the fuel and thus achieve atomization. The burner unit
comprises a heat resistant steel cup, which is fixed to the end of a shaft that is rotated
at high speed by an electric motor.
107. 107. Y-Type Burner: It atomizes the oil by spraying it into the path of a high
velocity jet of steam or air. Although either medium can be used, steam is usually
more readily available and economical at sea. Steam Assisted Burner: In this burner,
when running at full power, the burner operated as a pressure jet burner and steam and
hence water consumption was kept to minimum. A good burner should have: • Stable
and Proper operation • Less pollution • Less noise • Increased safety • More
operational life
108. 108. Dual fuel burners: These are burners designed with gas as main fuel and
have additional facility for burning fuel oil. The changeover of the fuel from gas to oil
should be rapid as there should not be any interruption in the supply. While changing
the supply from gas to oil, the gas lines should be first isolated, and oil supply should
be switched on. The boiler should then be re-fired. Fuel oil is a stand by and used for
short periods. Oil firing capacity may be basic.
109. 109. Ultrasonic Burner Manufactured by Kawasaki is said to offer the
following advantages; • Wider turn down ratio with lower excess air (15 :1) • Low O2
levels • Simplified operation • Reduced acid corrosion problems Atomisation is
achieved primarily by the energy of ultrasonic waves imparted onto the fuel by the
resonator tip which vibrates at a frequency of 5 MHz to 20 MHz under the influence
of high speed steam or air impinging on it. Extremely small droplet sizes result which
allow for a very stable flame.
110. 110. Burner And Controls Before making any attempt to start a burner-boiler
unit, the manufacturer’s instruction manual should be read thoroughly in order to get a
good understanding of how the burner operates. The operator should be familiar with
the various parts of the burner and understand their function and operation.
111. 111. The burner should be checked over thoroughly to ascertain all parts are in
proper operating condition. Some of the points to check are: 1. Fuel lines: All of the
fuel connections, valves, etc., should be inspected thoroughly. Make sure all the joints
are tight, pressure gauges and thermometers are in place and tight, and valves are
operative. Fuel lines should be checked for leakage. 2. Check all of the burner linkage
for tightness and wear at connecting points. 3. The electrical wiring should be
checked very carefully. Make sure all connections are tight. Check all the terminal
strip connections. Sometimes the vibration from shipping or operation will loosen
112. 112. Boiler Automatic Burning System: 1. With correct water level, steam
pressure transmitter initiates cut-in at about 1.0 bar below working pressure. 2. Steam
pressure transmitter initiates Master Relay to allow ‘Air On’ signal to force draught
fan. 3. Air feedback signal confirms ‘Air On’ and allows 30-sec. delay for purge
period. 4. Then Master Relay allows Electrode to strike ‘Arc’. 5. Arc striking
feedback signal confirms through electrode relay and allows 3-sec. delay.
113. 113. 6. Then Master Relay allows burner solenoid valve for ‘Fuel On’
operation. 7. Fuel On feedback signal allows 5-sec. delay to proceed. 8. As soon as
receiving Fuel On feedback signal, Master Relay checks ‘Photocell’, which is
electrically balanced when light scatter continuously on it. 9. Result is OK and cycle
is completed. 10. If not, fuel is shut-off, Alarm rings and cycle is repeated. 11. Steam
pressure transmitter initiates cut out automatically at about 0,06 bar above W.P.
114. 114. Examples of ship boiler systems
115. 115. Typical marine oil-fired auxiliary boiler for cargo ships – vertical water-
tube type.
116. 116. Legend: 1. Steam boiler 2. Water drum 3. Steam drum 4. Row of water
tubes 5. Furnace 6. Exhaust gases chamber 7. Water level gauge 8. Float switches
chamber 9. Feed valve 10. Scum funnel 11. Bottom blow-off funnel 12. Safety valve
13. Main steam valve 14. Air escape valve 15. Manometer and press. controls cut-off
valve 16. Fuel nozzle pressure controls 17. Float switches chamber blow-off valve 18.
Float switches chamber upper valve 19. Float switches chamber lower valve 20. Hot
well 21. Condensate observation tank 22. Hot well refilling pump 23. Boiler water
tank 24. Burner 25. Fuel supply valve 26. Drain ( dewatering ) valve 27. Scum valve
28. Blow down valve
117. 117. All personnel charged with the operation of an auxiliary boiler should be
thoroughly familiar with the boiler, its controls, and all safety precautions. Operating
instructions can be found in the appropriate manufacturer’s technical manual. All
boiler operators must be concerned with two hazardous conditions that could occur in
a boiler when the automatic control system malfunctions: (1) low water level (2)
excess fuel in the combustion space (which tends to turn the boiler into a bomb).
Operator and maintenance personnel must NEVER bypass or defeat any of the safety
controls and devices used on auxiliary boilers. Maintenance requirements for
auxiliary boilers are contained in your ship’s PMS Manual.
118. 118. FIRING UP Firing the burner should follow the procedure(s) outlined in
the specific burner operating instruction manual for the equipment being started.
Check the condition of all auxiliary equipment that serves in firing or feeding the
boiler, interlocks, limits, feedwater supply pumps, etc. By this time all of the auxiliary
equipment should have been checked out for proper size and pressure to ensure proper
operation of the unit. 1. When the boiler is closed, check and close the blow off
valves, water column and gauge glass drains, and gauge cocks. 2. Open the vent
valves, gauge glass shutoff valves and steam pressure gauge valves. 3. Fill the boiler
with water at ambient temperature, but not less than 20°C. Fill to a level about 3 cm.
above the bottom of the gauge glass.
119. 119. 4. Blow down the water column(s) and the gauge glass(es), making sure
that water returns to proper level promptly. 5. Fuel piping should have been pretested
for leaks. The oil pump sets should be started so oil can be circulating, and oil
pressures adjusted to the burner requirements. İf fuel lines are new or repaired
precautions should be taken to make sure these lines are clean. The strainers should be
checked frequently.
120. 120. 6. Start the burner on low fire in accordance with instructions listed in the
specific burner operating instruction manual. 7. The boiler should be warmed up
slowly to permit temperatures to reach saturation temperatures, and metal and
refractory temperatures to equalize. As the boiler begins to warm up, it should be
watched closely for leaks and also signs of expansion. 8. When pressure in the boiler
has reached 10 to 15 psi, close the drum vent.
123. 123. A circulation flow measurement control system must be installed to
ensure a continuous water circulation. M33 The system should in general consist of an
orifice, differential pressure indicator switch, and reducing valve. The reducing valve
and the orifice will protect the system by reducing the pump discharge flow variations
resulting from different working conditions. The differential pressure indicator switch
provides low circulating flow alarm and start of the stand-by pump.
124. 124. Sample valve A sample valve is installed enabling connection to a sample
cooler for taking test samples to perform boiler water analyses.
125. 125. Boiler operation Boiler operation mode The exhaust gas boiler is
operated in connection with one or more oil fired boilers. The combination between
an exhaust gas boiler and oil fired boiler(s) makes it possible to operate the boiler
plant in different modes. The different modes are: 1. Operation only on the oil fired
boiler(s) 2. Operation only on the exhaust gas boiler 3. Operation on both the oil fired
boiler(s) and exhaust gas boiler.
126. 126. Oil fired boiler operation mode When the main engine is stopped, the
only heat source is the burner(s) of the oil fired boiler(s). The burner is operated by
means of signals from the boiler gauge board and the steam pressure is kept within the
set point limits. As the circulation pumps are operational, hot boiler water is pumped
through the circulating system and the exhaust gas boiler is kept heated and
127. 127. Exhaust gas boiler operation mode When the exhaust gas flow through
the boiler, produced by the main engine, is sufficient to maintain the steam pressure,
the burner(s) of the oil fired boiler(s) will not be in operation. If the exhaust gas flow
is above the required flow to maintain the steam pressure at a given steam output, the
pressure increases. At a pre-selected set point the steam dump equipment, located
elsewhere in the steam system, opens the dump valve and regulates the steam line
pressure. If, however, the circulation outlet valve has been closed the boiler pressure
may rise above the maximum allowable working pressure. At this point, the safety
valves open and ensure any further increase of the steam pressure.
128. 128. Normal operation When an exhaust gas boiler has been put into service it
requires only little attendance. However, the following items must be ensured: The
circulation valves on both the exhaust gas boiler and oil fired boiler(s) must be
opened. One of the circulation pumps must be operating continuously (also in port)
while the other pump is in automatic stand-by start mode. The flow measurement
system must be operational. Open the air escape valve once in a while to remove air
pockets in the boiler. All alarms, especially circulation failure/start of stand-by
pump, must be attended to immediately and the cause must be established and
rectified as soon as possible. The routine maintenance must be followed according to
the recommendations.
129. 129. Dry running Continuous water circulation must always be maintained
through the exhaust gas boiler while the main engine is running. However, the design
of the boiler allows operation without water with the full exhaust gas flow through the
smoke tubes, provided the boiler is operated depressurised. Although the boiler
materials are selected to accept unlimited dry running, there is always the risk of a
soot fire and every effort to re- establish the water circulation should be made in order
to reduce the dry running period to a minimum. Furthermore, operation of the boiler
without water eventually dries out the gaskets, and a replacement of the gaskets is
130. 130. Dry running must be limited as far as possible and only allowed in case
of emergency if no other operation alternatives are present. Before start of the boiler it
must be drained and the manhole cover should be dismounted to ensure that it is
operated completely depressurised. Please note that the temperature inside the boiler
must not exceed 400ºC. When the boiler operates without water, it will gradually be
heated to the same temperature as the exhaust gas. It is therefore important to allow
the boiler to cool before restarting the boiler water circulation, thereby avoiding
excessive thermal shock stresses which, if repeated, would result in damage.
131. 131. Combined operation mode The steam production is controlled by the
amount of exhaust gas from the main engine and the gauge board of the oil fired
boiler(s) which controls the burner(s). If the main engine produces an insufficient
amount of exhaust gas to maintain the steam pressure, the boiler gauge board initiates
start of the burner. The burner operates as long as the steam pressure does not exceed
the set point for stop. If the steam pressure increases above this set point, the boiler
gauge board initiates stop of the burner.
132. 132. Stop to normal stand-by condition The main engine can be stopped at any
time without special preparations regarding the boiler plant. The circulation of water
through the exhaust gas boiler must be maintained after stop of the main engine for
the following reasons: The boiler is kept heated by the oil fired boiler(s) and
therefore ready for start of the main engine. A soot fire may develop even after stop
of the main engine, and if the tubes are not properly cooled, this may result in severe
damage to the boiler. External corrosion of the boiler tubes due to sulphuric acid is
133. 133. Stop to cold condition Stop to cold condition is generally the same
procedure as stop to normal stand-by condition. If required, the circulation pumps can
be stopped during prolonged stays in port. However, not earlier than 12 hours after the
main engine has been stopped and provided that no abnormal conditions have
occurred during the cooling period, e.g. small soot fires. The boiler water circulation
must be re-established prior to the next start of the main engine.
134. 134. Emergency stop The boiler must be taken out of service immediately if:
A substantial loss of water is noted. The safety valve cannot function. Oil in the
boiler water is detected. Too high salinity level is detected.
135. 135. BOILER REPAIR Plugging of tubes In case of a leakage tube, the boiler
must be stopped and the pressure lowered to atmospheric pressure. If the leaking tube
cannot be located immediately via the inspection doors, the boiler should be set on
pressure by means of the circulation pumps so that the leakage indicates the damaged
136. 136. The main engine must be stopped during the repair work. Open and, if
necessary, remove the inspection doors in the exhaust gas inlet box and outlet box.
When the damaged tube has been located, clean the inside of the tube ends with a
steel brush so that no deposits are present in the tube. Plug and seal weld both tube
ends with a conical plug. Tube plugging results in reduced efficient heating surface,
and accordingly the boiler efficiency will decrease.
137. 137. Exchange of tubes From an operational point of view up to 10% to 15%
of all tubes can be plugged with a conical plug, but if more tubes are damaged, an
exchange of tubes is necessary. It is possible to replace the tubes from the outside of
the boiler. After location of the damaged tubes, they must be replaced according to the
following procedure: The main engine must be stopped during the repair work.
Ensure that the boiler pressure is lowered to atmospheric pressure and that it is
completely drained of water. Open and remove the inspection doors in the exhaust gas
inlet box and outlet box. If necessary remove the inlet box and/or outlet box.
138. 138. The damaged tubes must be cut right below and above the tube plates.
Remove the damaged tubes. Scraps of metal and welding material in the tube holes as
well as the tube plates must be grinded off. The new tubes should be placed in the
tube holes one by one and seal welded onto the tube plates . Only skilled personnel
with knowledge and qualifications to perform certified welding should perform repair
139. 139. The tubes should be rolled after the welding work has been completed.
After completion of the repair work, clean the working area. Refill the boiler with
water and check for leaks through the inspection doors before starting up. Mount and
close the inspection doors again.
141. 141. Daily Maintenance Check water level. Upon entering the boiler room,
check to ensure there is water in the gauge class. Blow down boiler. Blow down
boiler in accordance with the recommendation of your feed water consultant. Blow
down water level controls to purge float bowl of possible sediment accumulation.
Check combustion visually. Look at the flame to see if something has changed.
Changes may be an indication that a problem is developing. Treat water according to
the established program. Add chemicals and take tests as outlined by consultant.
Record boiler operating pressure or temperature. Excessive steam or water
temperature drop will alert you to excessive loading on the boiler. Record feedwater
pressure and temperature. Change in pressure or temperature may indicate a problem
is developing with feed system.
142. 142. Record stack temperature. Changes in stack temperatures could indicate a
boiler heat transfer problem. Record oil pressure and temperature. Changes in
pressure and/or temperature could have an effect on combustion in the boiler. Record
oil atomizing pressure. Changes in pressure could have an effect on combustion in the
boiler. Record boiler water supply and return temperatures. Check temperatures to
detect system changes. Record makeup water usage. Excessive makeup water could
be an indication of system problems in both steam and hot water systems.
143. 143. Weekly Maintenance Check for tight closing of fuel valves. Check to
ensure fuel does not flow through the fuel valve(s) when the burner is shut off. Check
fuel and air linkages. Check to ensure all set screws on linkages are tight and securely
holding the linkage in place. Check indicating lights and alarms. Check for burned out
or loose light bulbs. Also check to ensure the alarm bell or horn sound on the
appropriate shut down condition. Check operating and limit controls. Check to ensure
the controls shut the burner down at their predetermined set point. Settings should be
verified with actual pressures and temperatures on the boiler gauges. Check safety and
interlock controls. Check to ensure the controls shut the burner down at their
predetermined set point. Settings should be verified with actual pressures and
temperatures on the boiler gauges.
144. 144. Check for leaks, noise, vibration, unusual conditions, etc. Check
operation of all motors. By developing a routine, any change in operation or bearing
temperature will usually be caught in time to avoid a failure. Check lubricating levels.
Check levels of any oil bath filters, oil level in air/oil tank, oilers on pumps, etc. Add
oil in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Check flame scanner
assembly. Using the appropriate meter, check the flame signal strength at the program
relay flame amplifier. Ensure the scanner assembly is clean and dry. Check packing
glands on all pumps and metering devices. Proper tension on packing glands will
extend life of equipment. Check gauge glass. Ensure there are no cracks or etching in
the glass or leakage around the packing. Check operation of water level controls. Stop
the boiler feed pump and allow control to stop the boiler under normal low fire
conditions. See your operating and maintenance manual for a more detailed
145. 145. Monthly Maintenance Inspect burner operation. Analyze combustion.
Take the flue gas analysis over the entire firing range, comparing these and stack
temperature readings with previous month. Inspect for hot spots. Inspect the boiler to
ensure no hot spots are developing on the outside of the boiler. Hot spots can indicate
a refractory failure or baffle failure, thus causing improper gas flow through the
boiler. Inspect burner operation. Visually inspect the pilot flame, main burner flame
throughout the firing range, free movement of linkages and general burner operation.
Check for flue gas leaks. Ensure something hasn’t changed in the breeching, stack or
overall system that allows flue gas to be drawn into the boiler room.
146. 146. Semi-Annual Maintenance Clean low water cutoff (s). Remove head
assembly or probes, inspect and clean out any sediment or contamination in the
column or piping. If the condition exists, determine why. Check oil preheaters.
Remove the heating element an inspect for sludge or scale. Clean oil pump strainer
and filter. Ensure they are not plugged, thus reducing the flow of the required oil to
the burner. Clean air cleaner and air/oil tank. Inspect and clean out any sediment or
contamination. Add oil in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Check pump coupling alignment. Check alignment of all couplings to ensure the
tolerances are within the manufacturer’s recommendations.
147. 147. Annual Maintenance Annual maintenance should be coordinated with the
annual pressure vessel inspection performed by insurance or government groups.
Establish a firm procedure with all outside inspection groups so that your equipment
will be in a proper state of readiness. Disconnect all power supplies and lock switches
in the off position. Whenever there is more than one boiler connected to a common
header establish a routine procedure of locking the header valve on any unit that is
down for cleaning or inspection, close any flue gas outlet dampers, and all pieces of
equipment required to isolate the boiler.
148. 148. 1. Clean fireside surfaces by brush or use a powerful vacuum cleaner to
remove soot. After the cleaning process and if boiler is to be left open, it is advisable
to spray all fireside surfaces with some type of corrosion preventative. 2. Clean
breeching. Inspect breeching and stack and remove any soot build up. 3. Clean
waterside surfaces. Remove all handhole and manhole plates, inspection plugs from
water column tees and float. Thoroughly wash all waterside surfaces. 4. Check oil
storage tanks. Oil storage tanks should be inspected for sludge and water
149. 149. 5. Check fluid levels on all hydraulic valves. If any leakage is apparent,
take positive corrective action immediately. 6. Check gauge glass for possible
replacement. If internal erosion at water level is noted, replace with new glass and
gaskets. On all unattended boilers, the gauge glass mounting should be of the safety
style with stopchecks in case of glass breakage. 7. Remove and recondition safety
valves. Have them reconditioned by an authorized safety valve facility. 8. Check on
the condition of the fuel pump. Fuel pumps wear out and the annual inspection time is
the opportune time to rebuild or replace them.
150. 150. 9. Boiler feed pumps. Strainers should be reconditioned. Feed pump
elements wear and must be replaced. 10. Condensate receivers should be emptied and
washed out. Make an internal inspection, if possible. If the receiver has a make-up
valve mounted, it should be overhauled and checked for proper operation. 11.
Chemical feed systems should be completely emptied, flushed and reconditioned.
Metering valves or pumps should be reconditioned at this time. 12. Tighten all
electrical terminals. All terminals should be checked for tightness, particularly on
starters and movable relays.
151. 151. Inspection of the boiler Inspection of boiler exhaust gas side The exhaust
gas section should be inspected at least once a year. During this inspection, the
following issues should be taken into consideration: Check the welding in the
exhaust gas section. A careful examination should be carried out with respect to any
possible corrosion or crack formation. Check that the smoke tubes and stay tubes are
intact and that soot deposits are within normal limits. Check that the inlet box and
outlet box are intact and that soot deposits are within normal limits.
152. 152. Inspection of boiler steam/water side The boiler water side (interior) must
be carefully inspected at least once a year. At these inspections, hard deposits,
corrosion, and circulation disturbances can be found at an early stage and preventive
measures must be taken to avoid unexpected material damage and boiler breakdown.
The presence of hard deposits at the boiler tubes reduce their heat transfer properties
and decrease the capacity of the boiler. Further, it can be established whether the feed
water treatment is satisfactory, and whether the blow-down is carried out sufficiently.
153. 153. Insufficient blow-down will cause accumulation of sludge in the bottom
of the boiler. Incorrect feed water treatment is commonly causing hard deposits or
corrosion. If hard deposits are not removed, it may lead to overheating. Incorrect feed
water treatment does, however, not always lead to hard deposits. For example, a too
low or too high pH-value may give an electrolytic reaction, causing corrosion in the
boiler. When the boiler interior is inspected, examine all parts carefully and be
attentive to deposits, corrosion, and cracks. It is advisable to pay special attention to
this inspection.
154. 154. Procedure and remarks for inspection Stop the boiler and allow it to
cool. Ensure that the boiler is depressurised and that all valves are closed. Access
for inspection is achieved through the manholes, hand holes and inspection doors. The
boiler can be entered when it is sufficiently cold. Check the welding in the boiler. A
careful examination should be carried out with respect to any possible corrosion or
crack formation. If deposits are forming at the boiler tubes, the boiler should be
chemically cleaned. After chemical treatment the boiler should be blown-down at
least twice a day for approximately one week. This will ensure that excessive sludge
deposits due to chemical treatment do not collect in the bottom of the pressure vessel.
155. 155. Contamination If the steam/water side of the boiler is contaminated with
foreign substances like oil, chemicals, corrosion products etc., it is very important to
act immediately to avoid damage of the boiler. Layers of thin oil films, mud, etc.
exposed to the heating surfaces cause poor heat transfer in the boiler, leading to
overheating followed by burned out pressure parts. In order to remove such
contamination, a boiling out or acid cleaning should be performed immediately.
Corrosion products from the pipe system or insufficient boiler water treatment may
result in corrosion in the boiler itself. It is therefore important to observe that such
circumstances do not occur in the system.
156. 156. Cleaning smoke tubes The main engine exhaust gas contains carbon
particles and unburnt residues (soot, etc.) and the amount is strongly dependent on the
state of the engine and the supply of scavenging air. These soot/un-burnt residues will
accumulate on the boiler heating surface if not removed by cleaning. Furthermore, the
combustion quality of the engine is changing together with the load, where the best
combustion is in the high load range and the lower range is giving a more
“contaminated” (black/coloured) exhaust gas. And the more contaminated the exhaust
gas is, the more fouling will appear in the exhaust gas boiler. Therefore, it is
impossible to specify exact time intervals in which the smoke tubes should be soot
157. 157. Some general guidelines are given below: Inside inspection. Check of
the exhaust gas temperature on the outlet side of the boiler. The boiler should be
cleaned if the outlet exhaust gas temperature lies approx. 20°C above the temperature
in a clean boiler at a specified engine load. Check of the pressure loss. The boiler
should be cleaned if the pressure loss lies approx. 20 mm WC above the pressure loss
in a clean boiler.(At the specified MCR - Maximum Continuous Rating -of the
engine, the total back pressure in the exhaust gas system after the turbocharger (as
indicated by the static pressure measured in the piping after the turbocharger) must
not exceed 350 mm WC (0.035 bar).) It is recommended to keep a consecutive record
of the exhaust gas temperature and pressure loss related to different engine loads in a
clean boiler.
158. 158. Water washing procedure The most effective way of soot cleaning is
water washing, as most of the deposits consist mainly of non-soluble particles held
together by a water soluble bonding material. Water washing will have the following
benefits: Dissolves the bonding material. Washes the loosened insoluble deposits
away. Water washing must be carried out when the main engine is stopped and the
boiler has been cooled down. However, the boiler should be warm enough for the
water to evaporate so that the tubes will not remain moist after washing. Both fresh
and sea water can be used. However if sea water is used, the boiler must be
thoroughly washed afterwards with fresh water in order to remove all salt deposits.
Where deposits are highly corrosive or bonded, a soaking spray with a 10% soda ash
solution is advisable before washing.
159. 159. Hydraulic Testing of Boiler: Necessary condition: 1. Boiler internal
inspection is not satisfactory. 2. Surveyor demanded. 3. After structural repairs of
160. 160. Requirement: 1. Surveyor must be present. 2. Gag the Safety Valves. 3.
Close all opening. 4. Blanks inserted at Main Steam Stop Valve and Gauge Glass. 5.
Measuring tape placed around boiler to check bulging. 6. Deflection gauge placed in
the furnace. 7. Remove lagging to check leak points.
161. 161. Procedure: 1. Open vent cock, fill boiler with warm water completely,
until water overflows from vent cock, and close the vent cock. 2. Attach force pump
and test pressure gauge. 3. Apply water pressure, 1.25 times of approved working
pressure, for not more than 10 minutes. 4. If satisfied, Surveyor will stamp on bottom
front plate near the furnace.
162. 162. Important Points for Boiler Cleaning on a Ship Boiler cleaning is one of
the most important processes that are to be performed routinely on marine boilers on a
ship. •If the boiler water is treated properly with chemicals and the concentration of
chemicals is within the acceptable range then the deposits on the walls of water and
steam side of the boiler will be minimal. •If boiler is operating on distille water rather
than drinking water, the deposits inside the tubes will also be minimal and can be
removed by boiling out. The hard deposits inside the tubes are removed with the help
of scrubber and brush from the upper drum. •If the boiler oil burner is functioning
properly and proper maintenance is being carried out from time to time then the soot
deposits inside the oil fired boiler will be minimal.
163. 163. The soot deposits can be removed with the help of water washing with 10
percent soda solution through the inlet door in the uptake with the help of water hose.
Necessary precautions are to be taken during water washing. It is to be noted that the
refractory present inside the boiler does not get wet. During water washing the
refractory should be covered with the plastic sheet and water should be drained off
continuously through the drain provided at the bottom. In case the refractory gets wet,
the lighting of boiler should be done very slowly, otherwise the refractory will crack
and drop down and finally cause overheating and deformation inside.
164. 164. Feedwater Pump maintanence: During periods of operation, there is very
little that can be done except to check it periodically to make sure everything is
functioning normally. Bearing temperatures should be checked and the vibration can
also be observed. Packing gland adjustment can be done and, depending on types of
lubrication methods employed, lubrication of the bearing can be done. At that time the
bearings should be checked carefully, lubricant replaced or added. Flexible couplings
should be opened up, checked for wear and alignment, washed out thoroughly and
reassembled with new lubricant. During the same inspection, the pump seals can be
inspected and, if necessary, replaced.
165. 165. FEED WATER TREATMENT The treatment and conditioning of boiler
feed water must satisfy three main objectives: • Continuous heat exchange • Corrosion
protection • Production of high quality steam
166. 166. Feed and boiler water Boiler and feed water should be chemically treated
in order to avoid corrosion and scaling in the boiler. In most vessels make-up / feed
water is distilled by an evaporator, and the distillate is generally very good make-up
water. In practice most distillate used contains minor parts of various salt
combinations, which can be chemically treated away. Further, the distillate may
contain dissolved gases like for example oxygen (O2) and carbondioxide (CO2),
which may lead to corrosion in the boiler, steam and condensate system. Note : It is of
great importance that the feed and boiler water are chemically treated in order to
avoid corrosion resulting from the above mentioned factors.
167. 167. SCALE Scale formation in boilers leads to lower efficiency because of
reduction in heat transfer rates. Overheating and tube failures may result, and often
the high cost of chemical cleaning may be entailed. Typical constituents of scales and
deposits in boilers are: • Calcium carbonate • Calcium sulphate • calcium and Calcium
phosphate • Complex silicates of magnesium • İron and copper oxides. • sodium •
aluminium • Magnesium hydroxide • Magnesium phosphate
168. 168. Boiler Corrosion Electro-chemical Corrosion: •Hydrogen ions (H⁺) are
generated by acid concentration under hard dense deposits and can penetrate grain
boundaries of tube metal, •Hydrogen attack can occur very rapidly, causing the tubes
cracked, failed and ruptured. •General wastage occurs when pH value is < 6.5.
•Pitting (Air Bubble pitting and Scab pitting) occur when pH value is between 6–10 in
the presence of dissolved Oxygen.
169. 169. CORROSION The presence of oxygen in the feed water can cause
serious effects on the metals of the system. It can give rise to feed line corrosion with
the formation of corrosion products of iron and copper and a simultaneous reduction
in the effective thickness of the metals used to construct the feed system. The most
serious aspect of corrosion in the feed line is that the iron and copper oxides thus
formed are carried further through and will tend to accumulate in the boiler, even if
adequate blowdown has been regularly carried out.
170. 170. Localised pitting can lead to tube failure
171. 171. Caustic Cracking corrosion: •Inter-crystalline cracking occurs when
excess concentration of Caustic Soda (NaOH) in boiler water, comes in contact with
steel, under stresses and high temperature. •Metal becomes brittle and weak. •Damage
occurs to riveted seams, tube ends and bolted flanges. •Prevented by dosing Sodium
Sulphate (Na₂SO₄) to give protective layer. •Ratio of Na₂SO₄ to NaOH should be
maintained 2 : 5.
172. 172. Corrosion by Oil: •Animal or vegetable oil decomposed to fatty acid and
causes corrosion. •Causes are over lubrication of machinery, leakage of heating coils
& inefficient filtering of feed water. •Prevented by Liquid Coagulant Treatment,
which coagulates oil droplets & suspended solids and settle them at low points, and
they can be blown-down.
173. 173. Corrosion by Galvanic Action: With dissimilar metals in a saline
solution, galvanic action results and more anodic metal corrodes. Corrosion occurs
when feed water is contaminated with salt-water. Prevented by carrying out Chloride
Test daily. Chloride Level should be 0 – 300 ppm, and blow-down if > 300 ppm.
174. 174. CO₂: Reacts with H₂O to form Carbonic Acid (H₂CO₃) which reduces
pH value (Alkalinity) of feed water and accelerates general type of corrosion.
Groovings along the pipe’s bottom, bends & threaded section.
175. 175. FEED AND BOİLER WATER ANALYSİS Marine Engineers must
make following analysis of the feed and boiler water in order to have a good
treatment. •pH •Conductivity •Total Alkalinity •Chloride •Hardness •Chlorine •Iron
•Phosphate •Hydrazin
176. 176. The water required for boiler feed purposes i.e for steam generation
should be of very high quality and thus requires a lot of treatment. Untreated water,
containing impurities may lead to the following problems in boilers: •Scale and
sludge formation •Boiler Corrosion •Caustic embrittlement •Priming and foaming
177. 177. Proper treatment of boiler feed water is an important part of operating
and maintaining a boiler system. As steam is produced, dissolved solids become
concentrated and form deposits inside the boiler. This leads to poor heat transfer and
reduces the efficiency of the boiler. Dissolved gasses such as oxygen and carbon
dioxide will react with the metals in the boiler system and lead to boiler corrosion. In
order to protect the boiler from these contaminants, they should be controlled or
removed, trough external or internal treatment.
178. 178. Foaming and priming in boilers Boiler water carry-over is the
contamination of the steam with boiler- water solids. This is called foaming and it is
caused by high concentration of any solids in the boiler water. Priming is the
carryover of varying amounts of droplets of water in the steam (foam and mist),
which lowers the energy efficiency of the steam and leads to the deposit of salt
crystals on the super heaters and in the turbines.
179. 179. Foaming: Formation of thick layer of steam bubbles, on top of water
surface inside boiler. Priming: Rapid carry-over of large amount of water, in steam as
it leaves the boiler. Causes: 1. Higher water level than normal 2. High amount of
TDS, total dissolved solids 3. High amount of suspended solids 4. Contamination by
oil and other organic substances 5. Forcing the boiler Effects: 1. Water hammer 2.
Contamination and scaling 3. Fluctuation of working water level
180. 180. When taking a sample for water testing, please observe the following:
Use a clean, rubber-stoppered, resistant glass bottle or a new plastic bottle Either
thoroughly wash and rinse used bottles or use new bottles for samples Before taking
samples through metal lines and valves, allow water to run for several minutes to
wash out the system. This is necessary to make certain the sample taken is
representative and not contaminated with a disproportionate amount of any one
impurity. Rinse the container throughly with the water that is to be analyzed before
taking a sample.
181. 181. •Salinity Indicating System A Salinity indicating system is installed to
detect the presence and source of salt in the feedwater system and thus guard against
its discharge to the boiler. There is a salinity indicator panel mounted on the main
operating platform near the main switchboard. This panel indicates the salinity
readings measured by cells located at; •Main condensate pump suction •Auxiliary
condensate pump suction •Feed pump suction •Atmospheric Drain Tank
182. 182. Chemical Feed System Provision is made in the feed piping for injecting
boiler compound into either boiler while in operation. The system consists of a
chemical compound feed tank and all the necessary piping, valves and fittings, and is
arranged to discharge chemical compounds from the compound feed tank to each of
the boilers, using feed pump discharge pressure. The compound tank has a capacity of
approximately five gallons. The purpose of chemically treating feedwater is to turn
scale forming salts to a nonadhering sludge
183. 183. Chemical Safety Containers that contain hazardous materials must be
labeled, tagged, or marked.
184. 184. Boiler Blowdown Many difficulties in boiler operation occur because of
excessive concentrations of sludge, silica, alkalinity, chlorides, or total dissolved
solids. To prevent an excessive accumulation of dissolved and undissolved solids
which will interfere with proper boiler operation, a blowdown program should be
established. The amount of blowdown or number of times the boiler is blown each
day depends upon the concentration of solids in the boiler water.
185. 185. When necessary to blow down the boiler through the blowoff valves they
should be opened slowly and carefully. The boiler should be blown down at lower
firing rates. Blowoff valves should be closed tightly after blowdown is completed.
The boiler should be equipped with either two slow-opening valves or one quick-
opening valve and one slow-opening valve piped in series.
186. 186. Sootblowers Boiler tubes and heating surfaces get dirty because of an
accumulation of soot, slag deposits, and fly ash. These substances are excellent
insulators and reduce the effectiveness of the heating surface. Therefore, they must be
removed to ensure the continuation of optimal boiler performance. Removal can be
accomplished by using a hand lance or a sootblower. Steam and compressed air are
usually used for blowing, although water and shot are sometimes used to remove
certain types of deposits that become baked hard and are difficult to remove with the
conventional sootblower.
187. 187. The operation of soot blowers is called "blowing tubes." Tubes are blown
on the following minimum occasions: •After leaving port •Before entering port •After
making heavy smoke •Once each week when steaming SOOT BLOWERS are
normally used water tube boilers. Before using soot blowers on a boiler, drain soot
blower lines. •Bridge must be informed before blowing.
188. 188. BOILER ACCIDENTS 33% 39% 28% Chart Title LOW WATER
(739 STEAM BOILER- 847 HOT WATER BOILER) / 11 injuries
189. 189. FURNACE EXPLOSIONS During this past year a number of boiler
furnace explosions have occurred and have resulted in several deaths and many
injuries. A furnace explosion is usually a result of instantaneous combustion of
flammable gas, vapour or dust that has been allowed to accumulate in the boiler.
Precautions against furnace explosions may include: •Ensure that fuel valves on non-
operating burners do not leak. •Ensure that fan(s), dampers and burners are in good
condition. Purge the furnace each time before igniting the first burner. •Ensure that
fuel controls and flame safeguards operate as required. Ensure the air intake is open
and the stack is not obstructed.
190. 190. •Ensure that fuel system is free of contaminants. •Ensure proper fuel/air
ratio. •Clean and service the guns before reuse. •Do not use soot blowers to blow soot
in a cold boiler. •Ensure that limit and operating controls are in good working order
and are not by-passed or jumpered-out.
191. 191. Seawater in the boiler If the boiler had to be operated with seawater the
salinity will rise rapidly since the salt remains in the boiler while the water boils off.
Salt will son precipitate and accumulate on the bottom and also on the heating surface
where it, just as boiler-scales, inhibit the heat transmission to the water and causes the
metal to overheat and in worst case burst. You may also get foam in the boiler that
will cause difficulties to maintain the water level and water droplets might follow
with the steam, causing problems with turbines and engines.
192. 192. It is very dangerous to operate a boiler with salt in it, and you have to
control the salt concentration by frequently blowing off from the bottom of the boiler
and form the water surface to keep the salinity below 9.5% (boilermakers and
classification societies may recommend other values). It would also be a good
measure to reduce the capacity of the boiler. After this emergency operation it would
be wise to open up the boiler for inspection since seawater promotes formation of
193. 193. Oil showing in the water level gauge glass Stop the burner immediately.
Oil present, even small quantities, in boiler water will cause foaming and moisture
carry-over. It also forms a heat insulating film, sometimes a carbonized layer, over
tubes or shell surfaces. Even a very thin layer may result in tube or plate material
failure due to overheating. The oil manifests itself by forming an oily ring inside the
water gauge glasses, at the water level.
195. 195. What is Steam Hammering in Ship’s Steam System? While working on
ship or in steam system, one must have heard an abnormal banging and rattling sound
from the steam pipe. This is known as Steam hammering. Steam Hammering in Steam
System In a steam piping, when steam flow is suddenly stopped or condensed, then it
results in gaseous shock wave, which are thermal shock wave resulting in to steam
hammering. Causes Normally, if the steam piping system is not properly drained then
the steam travelling in the pipe will come in contact with cold water and implode
causing shock wave, developing thermal stress.
196. 196. Boiler Gas side is cleaned during operation; i. By means of steam, soot
blowing ii. By injecting soot remover powder (chemical) to the system. To test a
gauge glass, the following procedure should be followed: •Close steam and water
cock, open drain cock, nothing should come out the cocks are not leaking. •Open and
close steam cock to check cock is clear. •Open and close water cock to check cock is
clear. •Close the drain •Now open water cock, water should gradually rise up the top
of gage glass. •Open the steam cock, the water should fall to the level of the water in
the boiler.
197. 197. What is the consequence of low water level? What is your immediate
action? Boiler running without water will cause overheating the tubes, tube plates and
shell, that will lead the boiler to face thermal over stress damage, crack or rupture to
the tube, tube plates, shell plates. However, low water level alarm should be activated
and boiler firing will shutdown. If the boiler water level found minimum at the water
cock level it is safe to put feed water in the boiler.
198. 198. What is the consequence of high water level? What is your action? Ans:
This will cause priming of the boiler, loss of heat from the heaters, possibly loss of
steam pressure. As per as possible steam heating to be minimized temporarily, carry
out partial blow down to normal level. Then introduce normal heating again.
199. 199. What is the purpose of treating boiler water? Ans: a) Prevent scale
formation b) Prevent corrosion c) Control of sludge formation and prevent carry over
to the system d) Prevent entry of foreign matters to the boiler. What is the problem if
boiler water contaminated with oil? Ans: i) Create layer on the boiler plates, tubes etc
and reduces heat transfer and thermal stresses are induced. ii) initiates corrosion
200. 200. Question: What will be the probable reasons, when the boiler load can
not be increased to peak conditions? Answer: Soot on the heating surfaces. Even a
thin layer of soot will reduce the boiler efficiency. Not the right fuel for the burner.
Too low feed water temperature. Question: Boiler manholes Why are boiler manholes
elliptical in shape? Answer: The boiler manhole-lids are mounted from the inside of
the boiler so that the boiler pressure will help to keep them tight. Hence the manholes
have to be elliptical in shape to make it possible to take the lid out from the boiler.
201. 201. Question: Is it possible to overheat heavy fuel oil thus causing any water
in it to turn to steam and cause problems at the pump and burner? Answer: Yes it is.
The temperature of the heavy fuel oil is very often 130°C to 150°C and water
introduced to that temperature would immediately evaporate into steam; well it
depends on the pressure too. Question: How to operate auxiliary boiler onboard ship
for at least 10 days period when all boiler chemicals are finished. Answer: Pay
attention to the measured values of the boiler water quality, when/if the salt
concentration increases then blow off from the bottom of the boiler more frequently.
202. 202. What is the proper maintenance of boiler: Water Side: Daily boiler water
test. Boiler water treatment. Gas Side: Regular cleaning. Combustion System: Fuel
pressure, temperature and viscosity correct values maintained. Burner maintenance.
Air register, Air damper and forced draught fan.
203. 203. Effect of foaming and priming ? 1.Can cause water hummer 2.Can cause
contamination and scaling. 3.Can cause fluctuation of working water level. Procedure
for hydraulic pressure test on marine boilers ? Hydraulic pressure test is 1.25 times
working pressure, ( 10 minutes maintain ) 1.Close all openings. 2.Open air vent cock.
3.Fill up boiler water fully 4.Close the air vent cock 5.Place hydraulic jack to feed
water line. 6.Fit standard pressure gauge. 7.Applied hydraulic pressure 1.25 times of
working pressure and maintain 10minutes.
204. 204. When boiler safety valve setting made ? •Every boiler survey. •After
safety valve overhaul. Why ship side blow down valve is open first and close last ?
•To prevent pressure build up in blow down line. •In pipe burst, it may be injurious to
watch keeper. What if no test and treatments is done to boiler ? •Reduction in boiler
efficiency due to poor heat transfer •Reduction in factor of safety •Overheating of
metal resulting distortion and eventual failure •Increase in fuel consumption •Excess
concentration of NaOH (caustic soda) may cause caustic embrittlement on boiler
metal and tend to failure of boiler metal •Corrosion
205. 205. What is meant by soot blow ? •Purpose is to remove soot, to prevent EGE
fire or soot fire. •To get steam generating efficiency good •To increase heat transfer
efficiency •Time – Day time at sea 2 -3 times/day What is the procedure to soot blow
? 1.Inform to bridge 2.Check wind direction, good if transverse direction 3.Raise
boiler pressure 4.Open drain cock until soot blow pipe drain clear 5.Open soot blower
valve 6.Increase the air to boiler to more than 50 % 7.Open steam valve & carried out
by turning wheel 20 -30 sec 8.Then close steam valve, soot blower valve 9.Open drain
206. 206. Boiler safety valve examination and attention during overhauling ?
•Checked its valve and valve seat for wear, cavity corrosion . •They should be
grounded properly but maker’s limit must be maintained such as width of seating,
clearance between valve ex. •Valve chest must be cleaned condition and drain line
clear. •The spring should be hammer tested for any fracture and check for corrosion.
Free length is limited to 0.5 % of original free length. •The spindle should be hammer
tested for any crack . •The guide plates and bushes are checked for uneven wear and
have sufficient clearance to allow free movement of spindle. •The compression nut
and cover bush’s threads are carefully checked it for any sign of wear and tear.
•Connecting pin should be a free fit in the lid and pin should not bent or pinhole gone
out of shape.
207. 207. What are the indication of tube leaking : • White smoke • Boiler Water
Low Level Alarm • Hot Well tank low water level • Feed Pump running continuously
• Chane flame shape • Noise
208. 208. If the boiler water level low, what are the reasons? 1. Consumption rate is
higher than the feed rate 2. Hot Well tank empty 3. Safety valve blowing 4.
Blowdown valve leaking 5. Boiler tubes leaking 6. Feed water pump is not working
properly 7. Heating coil is leaking 8. Faulty gauge glass 9. Faulty working water level
209. 209. If the boiler water is low, what to do ? 1. Stop firing 2. Check the water
level gauge If water level is low then; 1. Inform the C.E 2. Stop feed pump 3. Shut
main steam stop valve 4. Stop purifier if running 5. Go for a check At sea; 1. If water
level is below the gauge glass, it is unsafe to put water. 2. Inform the C/E 3. Stop feed
pump 4. Inform bridge and reduce engine RPM 5. Shut main steam stop valve 6. Stop
purifier if running 7. Go for a check
210. 210. With the respect to contamination of boiler water by fuel oil explain why
the presence of oil is hazardous? Oil will effect to the heating surface and causes; 1.
Over heating 2. Poor heat transmission 3. Efficiency loss 4. Oil may cause acid
corrosion 5. It may cause priming
211. 211. What actions will you take in case of foaming and priming? • Scum blow
down • Reduce boiler fire rate • Check whether boiler chemicals added are excess • In
case of bad priming the boiler may have to be taken out of service, shut down • For
contamination due to oil have to be chemically cleaned
212. 212. What check should be carried out on a boiler during watch? 1. Steam
pressure and temperature 2. F.O pressure and temperatures 3. Drain the water level
gauge glass 4. Check the flow gas temperatures 5. Check the flame shape 6. Feed
water pump pressure and temperatures 7. Feed water transmitter 8. Check safety
valves 9. Hot well tank temperatuer and level 10.Hot well check for oil 11.Condenser
cooling water temperatures 12.Check any leaking of pumps and valves 13.Blow down
the boiler 14.Soot blow
213. 213. Describe starting a boiler? • Ensure that the vent valve on the boiler is
open • Check that the steam stop valve is closed. • Check that all the valves for fuel
are open, and let the fuel circulate through the system Ÿ • Check and open the feed
water valves to the boiler and fill the water inside the boiler drum to just above the
low water level. • ŸStart the boiler in automatic mode. • Check the combustion
chamber from the sight glass to ensure the burner has lit and the flame is satisfactory.
• Keep a close eye on the water level as the pressure increases • Close the vent valve
after the steam starts coming outside. • Once the working steam pressure is reached,
blow down the gauge glass and float chambers to check for the alarms. • Open the
steam stop valve.

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