Final Term 8th Class Date Sheet

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Final Term

Date Sheet and Syllabi

Grade 8
Subject Date / Day Syllabi
Oxford Progressive English 8
Unit 2: (Horses)
Text 2: The Wonderful Horse
Unit 4: (Conflict)
Text 1: War is a Bad Taste Business
Unit7 (Belonging):
Text 1. Becoming to American,
Test 3. I Miss you Palestine,
Text 6. Mum, Dad and Me
English Unit 8 (Money):
Text 1. The Bewitched Jacket,
Text 3. King Midas,
Text 4. Dane -Geld
Unit 9 (The English Language):
Text 1. The Pardoner’s Tale by Geoffrey Chaucer,
Novel: Great Expectations (complete)
Complete KIPS Worksheet.
All the relevant work done in books, workbooks &
notebooks is included.
Final Term (Old Edition)
Unit 1: Human Organ Systems (From First Term)
Unit 4: Pollutants and Their Effects on Environment
Unit 7: Force and Pressure
Unit 11: Electricity
Science Final Term (New Edition)
Unit 2: Human Nervous System (From First Term)
Unit 7: Acids, Bases and Salts
Unit 8: Force and Pressure
Unit 10: Electricity and Magnetism
(All work done in book and workbook will be included.)
PCTB Mathematics 8 (22-23 Edition)
11-12-2023 Chapter 6 Factorization, Simultaneous Equations –
Monday Ex 6.1 – 6.9 + Relevant Ques from Review 6 only)
Chapter 7 – Fundamentals of Geometry
‫)‪(Pages done in WBk only‬‬
‫)‪Unit 9 – Areas and Volumes (From Term I‬‬
‫‪Chapter 11 Trigonometry‬‬
‫‪+ Relevant Workbook Pages‬‬
‫)‪PCTB Mathematics 8 (SNC Edition‬‬
‫‪Domain 1 Sub-Domain i – Real Numbers‬‬
‫‪Domain 1 Sub-Domain ii – Estimation and Approximation‬‬
‫)‪Domain 4 – Congruency and Similarity (Ex 4.1 only‬‬
‫‪Domain 5 Sub-Domain i – Information Handling‬‬
‫)‪(Ex 5.1 – 5.3 only‬‬
‫)‪Domain 5 Sub-Domain ii – Probability (From Term I‬‬
‫‪+ Relevant Workbook Pages‬‬
‫‪Previous Edition‬‬
‫قبس ربمن‪1‬۔دمح‪،‬قبس ربمن‪2‬۔تعن‪،‬قبس ربمن‪11‬۔یلمودحت‪،‬قبس ربمن‪22‬۔الاہلاال اہلل‪،‬قبس ربمن‪22‬۔ دخااس‬
‫ورک ک ُب‪:‬ظفلاورہملکیکااسقم‪،‬امسرعمہفاوراسیکااسقم(ہحفصربمن‪1‬ات‪)4‬‬
‫‪12-12-2023‬‬ ‫میہفتابعرت‪:‬ربمن‪2‬‬
‫‪Tuesday‬‬ ‫‪Revised Edition‬‬
‫ورک ک ُب‪:‬ظفلاورہملکیکااسقم‪،‬امسرعمہفاوراسیکااسقم(ہحفصربمن‪1‬ات‪)4‬‬
SSt (New Edition)
Chapter 4 (Political Awakening in the Sub-continent)
Chapter 1(Arrival of the British in the Sub-continent)
Chapter 4 (Industralization and International Trade)
Chapter 6 (Social and Economic Development)
13-12-2023 SSt (Old Edition)
Chapter 5 (Struggle for Pakistan)
Chapter 1 (Consolidation of British rule)
Chapter 4 (Natural Diasters)
Chapter 6 (Natural Regions)
Chapter 8 (Neighbouring Regions of Pakistan)
‫ تیشخالہٰی‬
‫ جحاوراسیکاعریگملتی‬
14-12-2023 ‫ اوسٔہروسلاورامہرییلمعزدنیگ‬
Thursday )‫االخقوآداب(اپرٹیس‬
‫ اوختاالسماورااحتدیلم‬
‫ رحصوعمطیکاممتعن‬
�‫ رضحتدیسانااممنیسح‬
‫ وسرۃامجنل‬
‫ وسرۃارلنمح‬
15-12-2023 ‫ وسرۃاولاہعق‬
Friday ‫ وسرۃاکلمل‬
‫رضحتومٰیس� یکداع‬،‫وسرۃاالرشنح‬،‫وسرۃا ح ٰی‬

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