303am 62.EPRA Journals-4113
303am 62.EPRA Journals-4113
303am 62.EPRA Journals-4113
Divya Bharathi.R
Student of III B.Com.(PA), Department of Commerce with Professional Accounting, Dr. N. G. P
Arts and Science College, Coimbatore.
Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce with Professional Accounting, Dr. N. G. P Arts and
Science College, Coimbatore.
Indian Oil Corporation Limited owns and operates a network of crude oil and petroleum product pipeline in
India. The main objective of this analysis is to determine the firm’s liquidity and profitability position by using
tools like ratio analysis. Various ratios like current ratio, liquid ratio, absolute liquid ratio, Gross profit ratio,
Net profit ratio, operating profit ratio, operating ratio have been used to measure the financial performance of the
company. Secondary data was used for the study. For a better understanding of the analysis, the findings are
interpreted in tables. This analysis consists of interpretation, findings and suggestions to assists the company to
improve its performance.
KEY WORDS: Financial Performance, Ratio Analysis, Liquidity Ratios, Profitability Ratios.
To know the changes over working capital financial structure analysis, activity analysis and
for a period of five years. profitability analysis. The study aimed at analysing
To analyse overall financial performance the financial performance of TNSC APEX CO-
of Indian oil Corporation Limited. OPERATIVE BANK. The researcher used analytical
type of research to analyse the firm’s position. The
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY researcher suggested the concern to increase the
The study is about financial performance so it working capital to meet short term obligations. The
deals with the secondary data. The data has been study concluded the performance of concern was
collected from annual reports of the company. The found to be good.
study covers the period of five years ranges from Seema Thakur (2019), financial performance means
2014-15 to 2018-19. Analytical research design is confirming the results of a firm’s strategies and
chosen for the study. The analytical research usually operations in economic terms. The researcher studied
concerns itself with cause-effect relationships. the financial performance, profitability and soundness
of Dabur India Limited. Analytical research design
Tools and Techniques has been chosen for the study. The study found that
For analysing the financial performance of Indian the financial performance was very well covered and
Oil Corporation Limited the following tools are the company was maintaining good financial
used: performance.
1. Ratio Analysis
Profitability ratios
Liquidity ratios
2. Working capital Analysis.
A liquidity ratio is a financial ratio that
indicated whether a company’s current assets will be
LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY sufficient to meet the company’s obligations when
The analysis is based on annual reports of the they become due.
company. Current ratio
The statement studied are historical past, that Liquid ratio
cannot be the index for future estimation. Absolute liquid ratio
REVIEW OF LITERATURE This ratio measures the financial strength of
Deepika and Dhivya (2019), the analysis the company. Generally 2:1 is treated as the ideal
of financial statements is to obtain better ratio, but it depends on industry to industry.
understanding of firm’s position. The objective of the Current Ratio = Current Assets/Current
study was to know the profitability and solvency of
the business concern. The study covered a period of
2012-16. The research methodology was based on
secondary data. They found that sales were in
fluctuating trend. They concluded that profitability
and solvency was upto satisfactory level and their
growth was fluctuating.
Elayabharathi, et.al (2019), the study
included the area of working capital analysis,
Table No. 1
Table Showing Current Ratio
(Rs. in crores)
Table No. 2
Table Showing Liquid Ratio
(Rs. in Crores)
Table No. 3
Table Showing Absolute Liquid Ratio
(Rs. in Crores)
Table No. 4
Table showing Gross Profit Ratio
(Rs. in Crores)
Table No. 7
Table showing Operating Ratio
(Rs. in Crores)
Table No. 8
Table showing Capital Turnover Ratio
(Rs. in Crores)
Year Sales Capital Employed Capital Turnover Ratio
2014-2015 4,49,508.66 50,453.32 8.91
2015-2016 3,46,044.74 60,045.87 5.76
2016-2017 3,55,379.00 74,392.79 4.78
2017-2018 4,21,491.82 77,331.91 5.45
2018-2019 5,28,148.93 91,345.00 5.78
(Source: Secondary Data)
Interpretation SUGGESTIONS
A high capital turnover ratio indicates that a The Indian Oil Corporation can take proper
business is using its capital resources efficiently. The steps in increasing its liquidity position as it
corporation has capital turnover ratio of 8.91, 5.76, was decreasing and fluctuating throughout
4.78, 5.45, 5.78 during the year 2014-2015, 2015- the year.
2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019 respectively. The Corporation can invest in marketable
securities to improve its absolute liquid ratio.
FINDINGS, SUGGESTIONS AND The liquidity ratios of the Indian Oil
CONCLUSION Corporation is not upto the standard ratio. So
Findings the corporation can take necessary steps to
The Indian oil corporation has highest improve its liquidity position.
current ratio 0.85 in the year 2016-2017 and The Corporation can keep on improving its
lowest current ratio of 0.64 in the year 2015- profit in forthcoming years, which will also
2016. enhance the share value of the Corporation.
The corporation has highest liquid ratio 0.15 In general, the higher a company’s working
in the year 2018-2019 and lowest liquid ratio capital, the better. High working capital is
0.11 during 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016- considered a sign of a well-managed
2017 and 2017-2018. company with the potential for growth.
The corporation has highest absolute liquid However, some very large companies
ratio 0.016 in the year 2014-2015. The actually have negative working capital. This
lowest absolute liquid ratio is 0.005 during means their short-term debts outweigh their
the year 2016-2017 and 2017-2018. liquidity.
The Indian Oil Corporation has highest
Gross Profit Ratio in the year 2016-2017, CONCLUSION
that is, 104.25. It has the lowest Gross Profit The study reveals that the financial performance is
Ratio during the year 2014-2015, that is, fair. It has been maintaining good financial
7.65. performance and further it can improve if the
The Indian Oil Corporation has the highest company concentrates on its operating, administration
Net Profit Ratio of 5.41 during the year and selling expenses and by reducing expenses. The
2016-2017.It has the lowest Net Profit Ratio company should increase sales volume as well as
1.08 during the year 2014-2015. gross profit. The company was able to meet its entire
The Indian Oil Corporation has the highest requirements for capital expenditures and higher level
Operating Profit Ratio of 9.87 during the of working capital commitment with higher volume of
year 2017-2018. It has the lowest Operating operations and from its operating cash flows. In order
Profit Ratio of 2.35 during the year 2014- to compete with global economic scenario and to
2015. sustain its place in Petroleum Industry, it need to
The Operating Ratio of the Indian Oil monitor its financial performance continually and take
Corporation is maximum during the year financial decisions rationally.
2014-2015, i.e. 97.65 and lowest Operating
Ratio during the year 2017-2018 i.e. 90.13. REFERENCE
1. Deepika.S and Dhivya.B(2019),”A study on
The corporation has highest capital turnover
Financial statement Analysis of Oil and Natural
ratio 8.91 in the year 2014-2015 and lowest Gas Corporation limited”, International Journal
capital turnover ratio 4.78 in the year 2016- of Applied Research, Volume 3, Issue 3,
2017. pp.no.537-540.
Net decrease in working capital is Rs. 12, 2. Mr. V. Elayabharathil, Mrs. D. Praveena, Mrs. S.
714.37 during 2015-2016. Rathilka (2019),”A study on Financial
Net increase in working capital is Rs. 4, Performace Analysis with reference to TNSC
289.57 during 2016-2017. Bank, Chennai,” International Journal of
Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in
Net increase in working capital is Rs. Education, Volume 5, Issue 2, pp.no.2949-2955.
3,769.37 during 2017-2018. 3. Dr. Seema Thakur (2019),”A study on Financial
Net increase in working capital is Rs. 12, Performance Analysis pf Dabur India Limited,”
178.37 during 2018-2019. International Journal of Scientific Engineering
It is found that the overall performance of the Research , Volume 10, Issue 9, pp.no.217-223.
Indian Oil Corporation is fair.