Week 8 Plan
Week 8 Plan
Week 8 Plan
Day & Date: 25th - 29th September, 23 No. of periods: 1/2 Lesson Materials & Resources: : Cambridge Primary English Learner’s
Book, Workbook.
Look Fors:
Students can identify the language features of a news article.
Students can write a mini report.
Foundation Public School
Lesson Plan Template (III to Grade XI)
Group Activity:
Organize the learners into groups and ask them to roughly draft a mini report on any past event which is newsworthy and was
of interest to their friends and family. Task to be done on a loose sheet.
Ask the learners to check their work for Headline, 5W1H, Language, tense and punctuation and they can also be referred to
use the structure of inverted pyramid for their mini report.
Wrap Up/Plenary:
Ask the learners, how are we doing? 5mins
How will you differentiate for learners who require additional opportunities to deepen their learning?
They can be asked to write their own news report on India’s recent visit to the Moon. Chandaryan-3
What went well?
Foundation Public School
Lesson Plan Template (III to Grade XI)
Day & Date: 25th - 29th September, 23 No. of periods: 2/2 Lesson Materials & Resources: Cambridge Primary English Learner’s
Book, Workbook.
Ask your learners that what is a broadcast or who is a broadcaster and what is their role. Record their verbal responses on the
board, then inform your learners that a broadcast is a transmission of a program of information by radio or television. Other
mediums could also serve the role these days.
Discuss with them the register of a broadcast and how they should sound? Let them know that, a broadcaster is called a
Foundation Public School
Lesson Plan Template (III to Grade XI)
presenter and they need to sound very clear and use expressions along with the formal language but in moderation.
Now ask few learners to role play a news broadcast using their mini reports form the prior lesson. They will asked to don it
following the conventions and the way they have witnessed it on TV. Encourage them to look and sound like a news reporter.
If time permits, each group can present their broadcast to the class.
Wrap Up/Plenary:
Learner’s broadcast is the plenary for the lesson.
How will you differentiate for learners who require additional opportunities to deepen their learning?
They will be asked to assess the broadcasting of the fellow learners if its up to the criteria, they will also provide the feedback.
What went well?
Foundation Public School
Lesson Plan Template (III to Grade XI)