Bot Obe
Bot Obe
Bot Obe
1. Preamble
to obtain practical and hands on experience techniques which provides
knowledge and use modern scientific applications
Every student can able to analyze the reason and methods of plant’s
involvement in inter and multidisciplinary aspects
4. Vision
PEO 2: able to gain subject knowledge and which is play a role in societal
PEO 3: able to obtain practical and hands on experience techniques which
provides knowledge and use modern scientific applications including
computational techniques
PO3: Realize and entrust the professional ethics regarding relevant disciplines
of life sciences to implicate any regulations, responsibility and norms of
this University or any other University recognized by the Syndicate as equivalent
thereto shall be eligible to register for the Degree of Master in Botany (M.Sc.,) and
undergo the prescribed course of study in an approved department of this
Mode of Selection:
Applicants have to be selected through entrance examination and also as per
the norms of Tamil Nadu Government.
3. Duration of the Course:
The duration of the M.Sc., Degree shall be two years consist of four semesters
under Choice Based Credit System.
9. Credit Calculation
Tutorial/Demonstration 1 1
Practical/Internship/self-Learning 2 1
(Applicable to the candidates admitted from the academic year 2018-2019 onwards)
Semester - I
Core Cr
Hrs/ CI
Cours Paper Code Subject edi EA
Week A Total
e ts
Plant Diversity I – Algae, Fungi,
I 04 04 25 75 100
18PBOTCT01 Lichens and Bryophytes
Plant Diversity II –
II 18PBOTCT02 Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms 04 04 25 75 100
and Palaeobotany
Microbiology and Plant
III 18PBOTCT03 04 04 25 75 100
Plant Anatomy, Microtechnique
IV 18PBOTCT04 04 04 25 75 100
and Embryology
V 18PBOTCP01 Practical – 01 (Core I & II) 05 03 40 60 100
VI 18PBOTCP02 Practical – 02 (Core III & IV) 05 03 40 60 100
18PBOTE01 Elective - I 04 04 25 75 100
SWAYAM (Non Credit Course) - - - - -
Sub Total 26 205 495
30 700
Semester - II
Core Cr
Hrs/ CI
Cours Paper Code Subject edi EA
Week A Total
e ts
18PBOTCT0 Plant Ecology and
VII 4 4 25 75 100
5 Phytogeography
18PBOTCT0 Cell Biology, Genetics and
VIII 4 4 25 75 100
6 Molecular Biology
18PBOTCT0 Plant Physiology and
IX 4 4 25 75 100
7 Biochemistry
X Biological Techniques 4 4 25 75 100
XI Practical – 03 (Core VII & VIII) 3 2 40 60 100
XII Practical – 04 (Core IX & X) 3 2 40 60 100
18PBOTE02 Elective - II 4 4 25 75 100
18PBOTS01 Supportive - I 4 4 25 75 100
SWAYAM (Credit Course) - - - - -
Sub Total 30 28 230 570 800
Semester - III
Core Cr
Hrs/ CI
Cours Paper Code Subject edi EA
Week A Total
e ts
18PBOTCT0 Taxonomy of Angiosperms and
XIII 6 4 25 75 100
9 Economic Botany
18PBOTCT1 Plant Biotechnology and Genetic
XIV 6 4 25 75 100
0 Engineering
XV Nanobiotechnology 6 4 25 75 100
18PBOTCP0 Practical – 05 (Core XIII, XIV &
XVI 8 4 40 60 100
5 XV)
18PBOTS02 Supportive - II 4 4 25 75 100
SWAYAM (Credit Course) - - - - -
Sub Total 30 20 140 360 500
Semester - IV
Core Cr
Hrs/ CI
Cours Paper Code Subject edi EA
Week A Total
e ts
XVII Research Trends in Botany 5 4 25 75 100
XVIII Project Work 25 12 50 150 200
SWAYAM (Non Credit Course) - - - - -
Sub Total 30 16 75 225 300
Summary of Credits
Semester Credits CIA EA Total
I 30 26 205 495 700
II 30 28 230 570 800
III 30 20 140 360 500
IV 30 16 75 225 300
Grand Total 120 90 650 1650 2300
Course of Study:
The course of study for the M.Sc., Degree shall be in Botany (CBCS) with
internal assessment according to syllabi prescribed from time to time.
5.1 The component of Internal Examination;
Internal Tests (Best of two out of 3) 10 Marks
Seminar 05 Marks
Assignment 05 Marks
Attendance 05 Marks
Total 25 Marks
The allotment of marks and Scheme of examination as follows;
5.2 Theory Core Paper
External 75 Marks
Internal 25 Marks
Total 100 Marks
Duration of examination 3 Hours
100% - 91% 5
90% - 81% 4
80% - 71% 3
70%- 61% 2
Below 60% No marks
7. Question paper Pattern:
10. Ten point scale Grade and Grade point System (recommended by UGC)
The UGC recommends a 10-point grading system with the following letter
grades as given below:
As per part of M.Sc., Botany Degree students shall undertake a study tour and
field visit of different types of vegetation, ecosystems etc., under the guidance of
faculty members not less than 4 - 5 days.
Herbal Technology
Fungal Biotechnology
Mushroom Technology
Cytogenetics and Plant Breeding
Biofertilizers Technology
Marine Botany
Correlation of Programme objectives with course outcomes for M.Sc.
Develop an understanding of
Classification, Nomenclature,
Occurrence and Distribution,
Ultra structure of cell
This course provides the better
understating about the
structure, development of plant
kingdom, origin and modern
evolutionary concepts.
Study of palynology,
fertilization, nutrition of embryo
and sexual incompatability
system of Algae, Fungi, Lichens
and Bryophytes, Pteridophytes,
To understand fossilization
about different separation
techniques of biomolecules,
structure, function and
application of basic equipments
and advanced equipments used
in biology and molecular
biological techniques
Understand the basic
concepts of
principles and
Practical - Taxonomy of
Angiosperms and Economic Botany,
Plant Biotechnology and Genetic
Engineering and
Nanobiotechnology -18PBOTCP05
Obtained skill to identify the
plants according to the rules
Know the economic importance
of plants
Understand the techniques of
tissue culture, genetic
Know the importance of
nanoparticles and their
Research Trends in Botany -
Fungal Biotechnology
Develop an understanding of
process control, upstream and
downstream process.
Know the differences between
aerobic and anaerobic
Biofertilizers Technology -
The course provides knowledge
about different biofertilizers and
their applications, involving
microorganisms, Soil fertility,
fermentation, organic farming
and organic fertilizers.
Marine Botany - 18PBOTE06
understand marine plants
especially marine angiosperms
and their physiology,
biochemistry, applications and
conservation strategies
Photobiology -18PBOTE07
Appreciation and conservation
of wildflowers, wildlife, forests,
wilderness areas, and other
natural resources and
cooperate with other agencies
promoting these interests.
Unit wise programme specific qualification attributes
Hours of
Intended Learning
Unit Unit Title Instructio
Chapters(K1, K2)
Plant Diversity I: Algae, Fungi, Lichens and Bryophytes
Evolution, Classification and Ecology of
I K1, K2 14.4
II Distribution and Characters of algae K1, K2 14.4
III Mycology K1, K2 14.4
IV Lichenology K1, K2 14.4
V Bryophytes K1, K2, K3 14.4
Plant Diversity II: Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany
Pteridophytes - Characteristic features –
I Habitat of Pteridophytes – Lifecycles – K1, K2 14.4
Origin – classification –
Morphology, structure and reproduction 14.4
II K1, K2
of Pteridophytes
III Classification of Gymnosperms K1, K2 14.4
vegetative, anatomy and reproductive 14.4
IV K1, K2
structure of
V Paleobotany K1, K2 14.4
Microbiology and Plant pathology
I History, Classification and characters K1, K2, K3, K5 14.4
Sterilization techniques and isolation of 14.4
II K1, K2, K3, K5
micro organisms
Food and Dairy Microbiology and 14.4
III K1, K2, K3, K5
Fermentation Process
classification of diseases and non – 14.4
IV K1, K2, K3, K6
parasitic diseases
Non-parasitic Plant diseases 14.4
V K1, K2, K3, K6
Plant anatomy, Microtechnique and Embryology
I Structure and organization of tissue K1, K2, K3, K4 14.4
II Leaf and Floral anatomy K1, K2, K3, K4, K5 14.4
III Microscopy - Microtechnique K1, K2, K3, K4, K5 14.4
IV Palynology K1, K2, K3 14.4
V Embryology K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6 14.4
Practical - Plant Diversity I: Algae, Fungi, Lichens and Bryophytes
and Plant Diversity II: Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany
V Paleobotany K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6 21.6
Practical - Microbiology, Plant pathology and Plant Anatomy, Microtechnique
and Embryology
I Microbiolgy K1, K2, K3, K6 21.6
II Plant Pathology K1, K2, K3, K6 21.6
III Plant anatomy K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6 21.6
IV Microtechnique K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6 21.6
V Embryology K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6 21.6
Plant Ecology and Phytogeography
I Ecological and environment structure K1, K2 14.4
Vegetation and non-conventional sources 14.4
II K1, K2
of energy
Global environmental changes, 14.4
III K1, K2, K3, K4, K5
environmental impact assessment
Pollution and Global environmental 14.4
IV changes, environmental impact K1, K2, K3, K4, K5
V Phytogeography K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6 14.4
Cell Biology, Genetics and Molecular Biology
I The plant cell: Structure and function K1, K2, K3, K6 21.6
II Organization of gene and chromosomes K1, K2, K3, K6 21.6
III Mendalian principles – Gene mutation K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6 21.6
IV Chromatin organization – DNA replication K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6 21.6
V Gene expression K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6 21.6
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
I Physiology of water relation to plants K1, K2, K3 14.4
II Photosynthesis K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6 14.4
III Metabolism and sensory biology K1, K2 14.4
IV Biomolecules K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6 14.4
V Enzymes K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6 14.4
Biological Techniques
I Biochemical analysis K1, K2, K3, K4, K5 14.4
II Chromatography and Electrophoresis K1, K2, K3, K4, K5 14.4
III Spectroscopy techniques K1, K2, K3, K4, K5 14.4
Structure, function and application of 14.4
IV K1, K2, K3, K4, K5
basic equipments
V Immunology K1, K2, K3, K4, K5 14.4
Practical - Plant Ecology and Phytogeography and Cell Biology, Genetics and
Molecular Biology
I Plant Ecology K1, K2, K6 21.6
II Phytogeography K1, K2, K6 21.6
III Cell biology K1, K2, K6 21.6
IV Genetics K1, K2, K6 21.6
V Molecular Biology K1, K2, K6 21.6
Practical - Plant Physiology and Biochemistry and Biological Techniques
I Plant physiology K1, K2, K6 21.6
II Biochemistry K1, K2, K6 21.6
III Colorimetry and spectroscopy K1, K2, K6 21.6
IV Electrophoresis K1, K2, K6 21.6
V Immunology K1, K2, K6 21.6
Taxonomy of Angiosperms and Economic Botany
I Classification and Herbarium K1, K2 14.4
II Chemotaxonomy and Biosystematics K1, K2 14.4
III Study of diagnostic characters of family K1, K2 14.4
IV Study of diagnostic characters of family K1, K2 14.4
V Economic Botany K1, K2 14.4
Plant Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
II Indian Medicinal plants K1, K2 10.8
III Phytochemistry K1, K2, K6 10.8
IV Importance of medicinal plant products K1, K2, K3, K6 10.8
V Conservation of medicinal plants K1, K2, K3, K6 10.8
Fungal Biotechnology
I History, and taxonomy of fungi K1, K2 10.8
Develop an understanding of process 10.8
II control, upstream and downstrem K1, K2
fungal diversity to medicine, diseases, 10.8
III K1, K2, K3, K6
industrial processes and food production.
IV Important medicinal application of fungi K1, K2, K6 10.8
V Application of fungi in agriculture K1, K2, K6 10.8
Mushroom Technology
I Introduction of edible mushroom K1, K2 10.8
II Spawn preparation methods K1, K2 10.8
III Cultivation of mushroom K1, K2, K3, K6 10.8
Preservation and chemical analysis of 10.8
IV K1, K2, K6
V Economic importance of mushroom K1, K2, K6 10.8
Cytogenetics and Plant breeding
medicinal plants
III Traditional herbal medicine K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6 10.8
Indian Traditional Medicinal plants and 10.8
IV K1, K2, K3, K4, K5
their phytoconstituents
V Marine phytochemistry K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6 10.8
Project Work and viva voce
I Different specialization of research K3, K4, K5, K6 468
Course Structure
SALEM – 11
PG Programme M.Sc., Botany – Course Structure
(Applicable to the candidates admitted from the academic year 2018-2019 onwards)
Semester - I
Core Hrs/ CI
Paper Code Subject edi EA Tota
Course Week A
ts l
Plant Diversity I – Algae, Fungi,
I 04 04 25 75 100
18PBOTCT01 Lichens and Bryophytes
Plant Diversity II –
II 18PBOTCT02 Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms 04 04 25 75 100
and Palaeobotany
Microbiology and Plant
III 18PBOTCT03 04 04 25 75 100
Plant Anatomy, Microtechnique
IV 18PBOTCT04 04 04 25 75 100
and Embryology
V 18PBOTCP01 Practical – 01 (Core I & II) 05 03 40 60 100
VI 18PBOTCP02 Practical – 02 (Core III & IV) 05 03 40 60 100
18PBOTE01 Elective - I 04 04 25 75 100
SWAYAM (Non Credit Course) - - - - -
Sub Total 26 205 495
30 700
Semester - II
Core Paper Hrs/ CI
Subject edi EA
Course Code Week A Total
18PBOTCT0 Plant Ecology and
VII 4 4 25 75 100
5 Phytogeography
18PBOTCT0 Cell Biology, Genetics and
VIII 4 4 25 75 100
6 Molecular Biology
18PBOTCT0 Plant Physiology and
IX 4 4 25 75 100
7 Biochemistry
X Biological Techniques 4 4 25 75 100
XI Practical – 03 (Core VII & VIII) 3 2 40 60 100
XII Practical – 04 (Core IX & X) 3 2 40 60 100
18PBOTE02 Elective - II 4 4 25 75 100
18PBOTS01 Supportive - I 4 4 25 75 100
SWAYAM (Credit Course) - - - - -
Sub Total 30 28 230 570 800
Semester - III
Core Hrs/ CI
Paper Code Subject edi EA
Course Week A Total
Taxonomy of Angiosperms and
XIII 18PBOTCT09 6 4 25 75 100
Economic Botany
Plant Biotechnology and
XIV 18PBOTCT10 6 4 25 75 100
Genetic Engineering
XV 18PBOTCT11 Nanobiotechnology 6 4 25 75 100
Practical – 05 (Core XIII, XIV &
XVI 18PBOTCP05 8 4 40 60 100
18PBOTS02 Supportive - II 4 4 25 75 100
SWAYAM (Credit Course) - - - - -
Sub Total 30 20 140 360 500
Semester - IV
Core Hrs/ CI
Paper Code Subject edi EA
Course Week A Total
XVII 18PBOTCT12 Research Trends in Botany 5 4 25 75 100
XVIII 18PBOTPR01 Project Work 25 12 50 150 200
SWAYAM (Non Credit Course) - - - - -
Sub Total 30 16 75 225 300
Summary of Credits
Semester Credits CIA EA Total
I 30 26 205 495 700
II 30 28 230 570 800
III 30 20 140 360 500
IV 30 16 75 225 300
Grand Total 120 90 650 1650 2300
Annexure - I
Semester - I
Core Course - Theory
Semester I
Paper Code 18PBOTCT01
Core Course – I
Marks 25 + 75= 100
Plant Diversity I: Algae, Fungi, Lichens and Credits 04
Bryophytes Hours/Week 04
Course Outcomes:
1.Ahluwalia, A.S. ( Ed. ). Phycology: Principles, Processes and Applications. Daya
Publishing, House, New Delhi. 2003.
2. Kumar, H.D. Introductory Phycology. 2nd Ed. Affiliated East-West Press, New
Delhi.651 pp.1999.
3. Lee, R.E. Phycology. 4th Ed. Cambridge University Press, London. 2008.
4. Chapman, V.J. and D.J. Chapman. The Algae. ELBS and Macmillan , NY. 1977.
5. Fritsch, F.E. The Structure and Reproduction of Algae (Vol. I and II). Vikas
Publishing House Pvt., Ltd., New Delhi. 1979.
6. Grahm, L.E. and L.W. Wilcox. Algae. Prentice Hall, U.S.A. 2000.
7. Grahm,L.J. and L.Wilcox. Algae. 2nd Ed. Benjamin Cummings ( Pearson), San
Francisco, CA.720 pp. 2009.
1.Alexopolous, C.J., C.W. Mims and M. Blackwell. Introductory Mycology. 4 th Ed.
John Wiley & Sons, New York. 880 pp. 2007.
2. Bilgrami, K.S. and R.N.Verma. Physiology of Fungi. 2nd Ed. Vikas Publication
House, New Delhi.8
3. Moore, D., Robson, G.D. and Trinci, A.P.J. 21st Century Guide book of Fungi,
Cambridge University Press, N.Y. 2011.
4. Webster, C.J. Introduction to Fungi. 3 rd., Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge. 841 pp. 2007.
5. Sharma, P.D. The Fungi . 2 nd Ed. Rastogi Publications, Meerut. 2004.
M. Farmer, eds. Oxford: Clarendon, 1992.
1.Chopra, R.N. and P. K. Kumar. Biology of Bryophytes. Wiley Eastern Ltd., New
Delhi.350 pp.1988.
2. Rashid, A. An Introduction to Bryophyta. Ist Ed. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi. 298 pp. 1998.
3. Chopra, R.S. and S.S. Kumar. Mosses of Western Himalayas and adjacent Plains.
Chronica Botanica, New Delhi. 142 pp. 1981.
4. Dyer, A. F. and J. G. Duckett.(Eds.). The Experimental Biology of Bryophytes.
Academic press, London. 281 pp. 1984.
5. Goffinet, B. and A.J. Shaw. Bryophyte Biology.2 nd Ed. Cambridge Univ. Press,
Cambridge.580 pp. 2009.
6. Kashyap, S.R.. Liverworts of Western Himalayas and the Punjab plains. Vols I II.
Researchco Publications, New Delhi. 1932
7. Kumar, S.S. An approach towards Phylogenetic Classification of Mosses. Jour.
Hattori Bot. Lab. Nichinan , Japan. 1984.
Semester I Paper Code 18PBOTCT02
Core Course – II Marks 25 + 75= 100
Credits 04
Plant Diversity II: Pteridophytes, Hours/Week 04
Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany
Course Outcomes
This course provides the better understating about the structure,
development of plant kingdom, origin and modern evolutionary concepts.
Unit – I
Pteridophytes – Introduction – Vascular cryptogams – Characteristic features
– Habitat of Pteridophytes – Lifecycles - Origin of Pteridophytes – Evolution of
Sporophyte - Classification (Sporne, 1967) – Economic Importance – Recent scenario
in Pteridology.
Unit - II
Morphology, structure and reproduction of Selaginella, Isoetes, Gleichenia,
Equisetum, Ophioglossum, Marselia, Salvinia, Adiantum, Psilopsida, Lycopsida,
Sphenopsida, Pteropsida and Pteris. Stelar and soral evolution. Telome theory -
Heterospory and Seed habit. Apogamy and Apospory.
Unit – III
Classification of Gymnosperms (Sporne, 1967). Comparative study of
vegetative, anatomy and reproduction structure of Cycadales, Coniferales and
Taxales. Woods of gymnosperms.
Unit – IV
Comparative study of vegetative, anatomy and reproductive structure of
Ginkgoales and Gnetales. Economic importance of gymnosperms.
Unit – V
Geological times scale. Fossilization, types and age determination. Rajmahal
hills, Deccan intertrappean flora. Study of morphology, anatomy and evolutionary
trends of following groups of fossil forms. Lepidodendrales, Rhyniales
Text books
Govil C.M. 2011. Gymnosperm. Krishna Prakashan Media.
Sambamurthy, A.V.S.S. 2005. A Textbook of Bryophytes, Pteridophytes,
Gymnosperms and Paleobotany. I.K. International Publishing House. New
Trivedi P.C. 2002. Advances in Pteridology. Pointer Publishers.
Vashishta B.R. 2001. Botany for degree students – Pteridophytes. S Chand
& Co Ltd; 5th edition.
Bhatnagar S.P. and Alok Moitra1996. Gymnosperms. New Age
Rashid A 1978. An introduction of Peridophytes. Vikas publishers.
Parihar N.S. 1959. An introduction of Peridophytes. Central Book Depot.
Reference Books
Bower F.O. 1963. The Ferns
Taylor D.V. and Hickey L.J. 1997 Flowering plants: Origin, evolution and
Sporne K.R. 1996. Morphology of Pteridophytes. Hutchinson; 3rd edition.
Arnold C.A. 1972. An introduction to Paleobotany. New York, McGraw-Hill
Semester I Paper Code 18PBOTCT03
Marks 25 + 75= 100
Core Course – III
Credits 04
Microbiology and Plant pathology Hours/Week 04
Course Outcomes
Unit I
Unit II
Unit III
pasteurization-industrial microbiology- alcoholic fermentation – process and
recovery of products. Bio pesticides - immobilization of microbes.
Unit IV
Unit V
2. Atlas R.M. 2000. Microbiology – Principles of Microbiology. Mosby Year Book Inc,
3. Black J. 2007. Microbiology – Principles and Explorations. 7th Edition, Prentice Hall
International, Inc, New York.
5.Prescott, L.M., Harley, J.P. and Klien, D.A. 1996. Microbiology (3rd ed.), Brown
W.C. Publishers, Boston, USA.
6. Tortora, G.J., Funke, B.R. and Case, C.L. 1995. Microbiology-an Introduction (5th
ed.), The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company Inc., Redwood city, California,
7. Wistreich, G.A. and Lechtman, M.D. 1988. Microbiology (5th ed.), Macmillan
Publishing Company, New York, USA.
8.Alexander, 1978. Introduction to soil microbiology, Wiley Eastern Private Ltd.,New
9.Carpenter, P.L. 1977. Microbiology, W.B. Saunders Co., London.
10.Darglos, J. 1975. Bacteriophages. Chapman & Hall Ltd., London.
Semester I
Paper Code 18PBOTCT04
Core Course – IV Marks 25 + 75= 100
Credits 04
Plant Anatomy, Microtechnique and
Hours/Week 04
Course Outcomes
Unit I
Structure and Organisation of tissue – unicellular, colonial and multicellular
forms – organization of shoot and root apical meristem, - Cambium and seasonal
activities, Cambium in monocotyledons. Vascular cambium – types – Ontogeny -
Secondary xylem – sap wood and heartwood, reaction wood, growth rings.
Unit II
Anomalous secondary thickening in dicot (Aristolochia, Boerhaavia, Bignonia,
Achyranthes, Nyctanthes) and monocot stems (Dracaena and Yucca) - Nodal anatomy
- Leaf development – phyllotaxy – floral meristem and development (Arabidopsis).
Unit III
Microscopy – Principles and applications – types of microscopes (Compound,
Phase contrast, Fluorescent, SEM, TEM and Cryo-electron microscopy) -
Photomicrograph – Preparation of microscopic Slides – Types - Microtomy - Staining
and Mounting – Whole mount methods – Squash and smears – Labelling methods –
Histochemistry and Cytochemistry.
Unit IV
Floral parts – Microsporangium – Morphology and development of Male
gametophyte – Megasporangium – Morphology and Development of Female
Gametophyte – Embryo sac - types (Monosporic, Bisporic and Tetrasporic) -
Nutrition of embryo sac. Palynology – Pollination - Fertilization – Double fertilization.
Unit V
Sexual Incompatibility – Mechanism and Methods to overcome Sexual
Incompatibility - Endosperm – Types – Functions (haustoria) - Embryo development
in Dicot and Monocot – Polyembryony – Parthenocarpy – Apomixes - Seed
germination and Seedling growth – Embryology relation to taxonomy and
applications of Embryology.
Plant anatomy
Ray F. Evert. 2006. Esau’s Plant anatomy- Meristems, Cells and Tissue of the
Plant Body- their structure, Function and development,. John Wiley Edition,
Hoboken, New Jersy.
Pijushroy, (2010).Plant Anatomy, New central Book Agency, Pvt Lit, New
Larry Peterson, R., Peterson, C.A. and Melville, L.H. 2008.Teaching plant
anatomy through creative laboratory exercises. NRC, Canada.
Charles B. Beck. 2010. An Introduction to plant structure and development.
2010. Cambridge University Press. New York.
Pandey, S.N. and Chadha, A. 1996.Plant anatomy and Embryology.Vikas
Publications, New Delhi.
Pandey, B.P. (1978). Plant Anatomy, S. Chand & Co., New Delhi.
Marimuthu, R. 2008. Microscopy and Microtechnique. MJP Publisher, Chennai.
Johansen.D.A. 1940.Plant Microtechnique.MC Graw Hill, New York.
Hayat, M.A. 2000. Principles and Techniques of Electron Microscopy-
Biological applications.Cambridge University Press. UK.
Lersten, N.R. 2004.Flowering Plant Embryology. Blackwell Publishing,
Pandey, S.N. and Chadha, A. 1996.Plant anatomy and Embryology.Vikas
Publications, New Delhi.
Pullaiah, T., Lakshminarayanan, K. and Hanumantha Rao, B. 2001.Text book of
embryology of angiosperms, Regency Publications, New Delhi.
Davis, G.L. (1966). Systematic Embryology of the Angiosperms.
Dwivedi, J.N. (1988). Embryology of Angiosperms.Rastogi& Co., Meerut.
Bhojwani, S.S. and Soh, W.Y. 2001. Current Trends in the embryology of
angiosperms. Kluwer Academic Publishers.The Netherlands.
Paper Code 18PBOTCP01
Semester I
Marks 40 + 60 = 100
Core Course – V
Credits 02
Practical - 01 Hours/Week 04
Semester I
Paper Code 18PBOTCP02
Core Course – VI
Marks 40 + 60 = 100
Practical - 02
Credits 02
Microbiology, Plant pathology and Plant
Hours/Week 04
Anatomy, Microtechnique and Embryology
Cleaning and Sterilization of Glassware
Preparation of culture media
Sterilization techniques
Serial dilution techniques – Pure culture (Pour/Streak/Spread)
Differential staining methods of bacteria by using Gram stain
Antibacterial assay - disc diffusion/agar well method
Isolation of microorganisms from various sources (Milk, Water, Air,
Vegetables, Fruits and Bread)
Motility of Bacteria
Plant Pathology:
Isolation of pathogens from diseased tissues (leaf, stem and fruit)
Symptoms and identification of diseases caused by fungi (Blast of paddy, red
rot of sugar cane, Tikka disease), Bacteria (Blight of paddy, Black arm of
Cotton) Virus (Bunchy top of Banana & TMV), – Mycoplasma (little Leaf
Plant Anatomy & Microtechnique:
Study the structures of various Microscopes
Study the structure of Microtome
Staining methods (Simple/Permanent)
Student should submit two number of Permanent slides for practical
Study the anomalous, primary and secondary features in selected Monocot and
Dicot plants
Detailed study of TS, TLS and RLS from various wood for to identify the soft and
hard wood
Study the anatomical abnormality of C4 and CAM plants (Leaf/Stem).
Study of pollen morphology
Pollen germination experimental study
Identify the different types of embryos, polyembryony, endosperm types,
types of pollen grains.
Any stage of embryo excision from Cucumber seeds.
Semester - II
Core Course - Theory
Semester II Paper Code 18PBOTCT05
Core Course – VII Marks 25 + 75 = 100
Course Outcomes:
The course will enable students to understand how environment influence the
life of different organisms and vice versa.
Unit I
Basic ecological principles: definition of ecology and environment -
components and characters of ecosystem – homeostasis. Ecosystem - structure and
function. Factors affecting environment – Abiotic- Edaphic, Climatic, Topographic.
Biotic – Allelopathy. Biotic and Abiotic interaction, Population Ecology, Curve, r and
k Selection, meta population, species interaction, interspecific competition.
Unit II
Ecosystem – types – aquatic, terrestrial, desert and forest ecosystem.
Estuarine and mangrove ecosystem – adaptations. Studying vegetation – types – list
and count quadrat methods - density abundance frequency, Ecological niche,
ecotone, edge effect. Flow of energy in ecological system, quality of energy,
Primary and secondary foundation species enhance biodiversity. Non Conventional
Sources of Energy (Solar, Hydro, Wind, Biogas, Geothermal, Ocean thermal, Tidal
Unit III
Ecological succession – Seral and Climax communities – Hydrosere,
Xerosere. Bog succession, sand dune succession. Ecosystem components – energy
flow, food chain, food web and ecological pyramids. Biogeochemical cycle – water
cycle, carbon cycle and nitrogen cycle.
Unit IV
Pollution : types – Pollutants, air, water, soil, thermal, radiation and noise
pollution and their impact in environment and control measures. Global
environmental changes; biodiversity status, monitoring and documentation; major
drivers of biodiversity change; - biodiversity management approaches; Green
house effect and its consequences. Waste recycling. Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA). Disaster management: Floods, earthquake, Cyclone and
landslides and Tsunami – Ozone depletion – Invasive species – Global warming and
Unit V
Phytogeography – major biome in world and India. Continental drift -
hypothesis - Gondwana land factors involved in distribution., Introduction to IUCN
criteria - Red data, rare, endangered species Endemism - Age and Area hypothesis.
Hot spots, Plant exploration. Invasion and introduction. Remote sensing-
introduction and its principle
References: `
Text Books:
Anathakrishnan,T.N. (1982)-Bioresource Ecology-Oxford & IBH
Ambasht, R.S. (1974) - A text book of plant ecology (3rd Edn.) Students’
Friends. & Co., Varanasi, India. • Agarwal, K.C. (1987) - Environmental
biology- Agro-botanical publications, India.
Chawla, S. 2011. A text book of Environment & Ecology. Tata Mc Graw-Hill,
New Delhi.
Reference Books:
Billings, W.B.(1965)- Plants and the ecosystem - Wardsworth Publ.Co.,Inc.,
Conard, H.S. Plant Ecology - Iowa state Press., Iowa.
Odum E.P. Gray, W. Barrelt 2004. Fundamentals of Ecology. 15th edition.
Thomas Asia Pvt. Ltd.
Chapman, J.L. and Reiss, M.J. 1999. Ecology; Principles and Applications. II
Ed. Cambridge University Press. New York.
Putman, R.J. and S.D. Wratten. 1984. Principles of Ecology. University of
California Press, Berkeley and Los Angels.
Schulze, E.D., Beck, E. And K. Muller-Hohenstein. 2005. Plant Ecology.
Springer. New York.
Odum, E.P. 1978. Basic principles of ecology.
Polunin, N. 1992 Principles of Plant Geography.
Velentin. 1978. Taxonomy, Phytogeography and Evolution.
Paper Code 18PBOTCT06
Semester II
Marks 25 + 75 = 100
Core Course – VIII Credits 04
Cell Biology, Genetics and Molecular Hours/Week 04
Course Outcomes:
The course will facilitate the adequate knowledge about the cell biology and
basic concept of genetics, structure of organisms and advanced molecular
Unit – I
The plant cell: Structure and function of cell wall, membrane, chloroplast,
mitochondria, ribosomes, peroxisomes, golgi apparatus, nucleus, nucleolar
organizer and ER. Structure and functions of biomolecules, stablizing interaction -
Van der Waals, electrostatic, hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic interaction. Cell
division – crossing over – synaptonemal complex and cell cycle –cytokinesis.
Unit - II
Organization of gene and chromosomes: Morphology and chemistry of
chromosome; molecular organization of centromere and telomere. Karyotype.
Polytene, lampbrush and B- chromosomes,. Structural and numerical alteration of
chromosome (Eu and polyploidy) and its significance. Detection of molecules using
immunoprecipitation, flowcytometry and immunofluorescence microscopy. In –situ
hybridization – FISH and GISH.
Unit – III
Mendalian principles – Laws of inheritance - monohybrid, dihybrid, test cross,
back cross. Alleles, Epitasis, Interaction of genes, complementary genes,
dominance, segregation, independent assortment - Gene mapping methods,
Linkage maps - Sex determination. Extra chromosomal inheritance involving
chloroplast and mitochondria. Mutation types, causes and detection, mutant types,
insertional mutagenesis.
Unit – IV
Chromatin organization – DNA replication, repair, recombination, C- value
paradox, Operon concept, transposans. Transcription, RNA splicing – post
transcriptional modification. Enzymes involving in replication and transcription.
Translation – targeting of proteins to different cellular compartments.
Unit – V
Plastome – structure and function. Transcription and processing of chloroplast
RNA. Gene knock out and knocking in bacterial and eukaryotic organisms. Isolation,
separation and analysis of carbohydrate and lipid molecules. Gene expression
analysis micro array based techniques.
Text Books
Gupta P.K 2013 Genetics and Cytogenetics. 7th Edition.
Rastogi Publications.
Ahluwalia K.B 2005 (First Edition). Genetics. New Age International
Private Ltd. Publishers, New Delhi.
Sariu C 2004 (Sixth Edition) Genetics. TATA McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Ltd., New Delhi.
Pawar C.B 2003 (First Edition). Genetics Vol. I and II.
Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai
Reference Books
Derobertis E.D. and De Robertis E.M.F. 2002. Cell and Molecular Biology 8th
Edition. Lee and Fab International edition, Philadelphia.
Cooper G. 1996. The cell – A molecular approach. ASM Press, Washington
Buchanan B.B. Gruissem W., Jones R.L. (2008). Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology. American Society of Plant Physiologist, Maryland, USA.
Sheeler P and Binachi D 2004. Cell and Moecular Biology, Third edition, Wiley
New York, USA.
Hartk D.L and Jones, E.W 1998 Genetics: Principles and Analysis (Fourth
Edition). Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Massachusetts, USA.
Khush, G.S 1973. Cytogenetics of Aneuploids. Academic Press, New York,
Karp, G. 1999. Cell and Molecular Biology : Concept and Experiments. John
Wiley and Sons, Inc., USA.
Lewin, B. 2000. Gene VII. Oxford University Press, New York, USA.
Lewis, R. 1997. Human Genetics: Concepts and Application (Second Edition).
WCB McGraw Hill, USA.
Paul Khurana, S.M and Machiavelli Singh 2015. Biotechnology: Progress &
Prospects. Studium Press USA.
Robert, F and Weaver. 2012. Molecular biology -5th ed. The McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc. New York.
Kar D.K. 2011. Cell Biology Genetics & Molecular Biology .New Central Book
Agency (P) Limited.
David Clark Nanette Pazdernik 2012. Molecular Biology 2nd Edition.
Academic Cell
David P. Clark, 2009.Molecular Biology. Elsevier
Molecular Biology of the Cell, Sixth Edition 2017. Bruce Alberts, Alexander
Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter
Walter. Garland Science.
Paper Code 18PBOTCT07
Semester II
Marks 25 + 75 = 100
Core Course – IX Credits 04
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Hours/Week 04
Course Outcomes:
The subject provides to understand fundamentals of Physiological aspects of
plants and their different biochemical pathways.
Unit I
Water relations of plants – Structure and Physicochemical properties of water,
Solute transport and photo assimilate translocation – uptake, transport and
translocation of water, ions, solutes and macromolecules from soil, through cells,
across membranes, through xylem and phloem; transpiration; mechanisms of
loading and unloading of photoassimilates. Stomatal physiology; source and sink
Photosynthesis - Light harvesting complexes; Photophosphorylation -
photoprotective mechanisms; CO2 fixation-C3, C4 and CAM pathways. Respiration
and photorespiration – Citric acid cycle; plant mitochondrial electron transport and
ATP synthesis; alternate oxidase; photorespiratory pathway.
Nitrogen metabolism - Nitrate and ammonium assimilation; amino acid
biosynthesis. Plant hormones – Biosynthesis, storage, breakdown and transport;
physiological effects and mechanisms of action. Sensory photobiology - Structure,
function and mechanisms of action of phytochromes, cryptochromes and
phototropins; stomatal movement; responses of plants to biotic and abiotic stress -
photoperiodism and biological clocks – vernalization – seed dormancy.
Biomolecules of the cell: Classification of Carbohydrates - Monosaccharaides-
Disaccharides – Polysaccharides – Homopolysaccharides - Heteropolysaccharides-
Protein – Structure - Glycoproteins. Lipids- Fatty acids- Essential fatty acids-
Triglycerides - Phospholipids - Glycolipids- Lipoproteins- Steroids - Aliphatic Lipids.
Enzyme as catalysts – kinetics, classification, nomenclature, properties and
mechanisms of enzyme action. Vitamins – general characters – classification –
structure and properties – fat soluble and water soluble vitamins. Secondary
metabolites: Classification, biosynthesis, and functions of terpenoids, alkaloids,
phenolics, flavonoids, coumarins.
1. Jain, V.K. (2007). Fundamentals of Plant Physiology. S. Chand & Co. Ltd., New
2. Salisbury, F.B. and Ross, C.W. (1992). Plant Physiology.Wadsworth Publishing
Company, Belmont, California, USA.
3. Taiz, L. and Zeiger, E. (2010). Plant Physiology.Sinauer Associates, India. 9.
Verma, S.K. (1999). Plant Physiology. S. Chand & Co., New Delhi.
4. Pandey, S.N. and Sinha, B.K. 2010. Plant Physiology, Vikas Publishing, New Delhi.
5. Nelson,D.L and M.M.Cox. Lehninger.2005 Principles of Biochemistry, 4th Edition,
W.H. Freeman & Company, New York.
6. Sathanarayana, U.2002 Biochemistry, 2nd Edition, Books & India Co Ltd, Kolkata.
3. Berg,J.M., J.L.Tymolzko& L.Stryer.2002 4th Edition, W.H. Freeman & Company,
New York.
7. Moore, T.C. 1979. Biochemistry and physiology of plant hormones.Narosa book
Distributors, New Delhi. M.Sc. Botany (UD)-2017-18 onwards Annexure No: 51A Page
16 of 37 SCAA Dated: 03.07.2017
8. Roberts, E.A. 1987. Plant growth regulators.Kluwer Academic publishers, London.
Paper Code 18PBOTCT08
Semester II
Marks 25 + 75 = 100
Core Course – X Credits 04
Biological Techniques Hours/Week 04
Course Outcomes:
On successful end of this course, students will talented to
understand much knowledge about different separation techniques of
biomolecules, structure, function and application of basic equipments and
advanced equipments used in biology and molecular biological techniques
Unit I
General Principles of Biochemical analysis – Principles and Methodology of
Colorimetry, Spectrophotometry, pH meter and Centrifugation techniques.
Unit II
Chromatographic techniques: principles and methods (Paper. Thin layer,
Column, Adsorption, Partition, Ion-Exchange, Gas-liquid, chromatography and
HPLC). Electrophoretic techniques – Principles, Methodology, Types of
Electerophoresis (Agarose gel electerophoresis, SDS-PAGE).
Unit III
Principles and applications of FTIR, XRD, LCMS, NMR, MALDI-TOF – PCR
(Thermocycler and Real Time PCR) – ELISA – Flow Cytometry - AAS
Unit IV
Structure, function and application of basic equipments used in biology
experiments - Rotary evaporator, Autoclave, Laminar air flow chamber, Laboratory
freezer, Hot air oven, Incubator, Magnetic stirrer, Water, Refrigerated, thermostatic
and Plasma thawing bath, Shakers (Orbital, Rotary, Vortex, Gyratory sieve shaker
and rotary flask shaker) – Distillation Unit – Photo flame meter, Ultrsonicator –
Transilluminator – Soxhlet apparatus – Lyophilizers.
Unit V
Immunological techniques: structure of antibodies and its types – Antigenicity
and immunogenicity – generation of antibody – production of polyclonal and
monoclonal antibody – Antigen Antibody interaction – Immunoprecipitation –
Epitope mapping - immunodiffusion – Agglutination.
Jeyaraman, J. 1981. Laboratory Manual in Biochemistry. Wiley Eastern Ltd.
Plummer, D.T. An Introduction to practical biochemistry. Tata MC Graw Hill
Co. New York.
Keith Wilson and John Walker. 1995. Practical biochemistry. Univ. of
Cambridge., New York.
Chawla, H.S. 2000. Introduction to biotechnology. Oxford and IBH publishing
Co., New Delhi.
Johansen, D.A. 1940. Plant Microtechnique. MC Graw Hill Co., New York.
Nagarajan, P. and Senthilkumar, N. 2001. Molecular biology principles and
methods a practical approach, Sree Narmatha Printers, Coimbatore.
Sharma, R.K. and S.P.S. Sangha. 2009. Basic Techniques in Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology. I.K. International Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
Keith Wilson and John Walker.2010. Principles and Techniques of
Biochemistry and Molecular biology. Cambridge University Press, New York.
Palanichamy, S. and M. Shunmugavelu. 1997. Research methods in Biological
Sciences. Palani Paramount Publications, Palani.
P.R. Yadav and Rajiv tyagi, 2006. Biological Technicques, Discovery
Publishing House, New Delhi.
Susan carson, Heather B. Miller and D. Scottwitherow, 2012. Molecular
biology techniques, Elesiver.
Bajpai P.K. 2006. Biological instrumentation and Methodology. S Chand
Publishers, New Delhi.
Annadurai. B. 2011. A textbook of immunology and immunotechnology.
S.Chand Publishers, New Delhi.
Ananta Swargiary. 2017. Biological tools and Techniques. Kalyani Publishers,
New Delhi.
Sabari Ghosal and Srivastava A. K. 2009. Fundamentals of Biological
Techniques and Instrumentation. PHI Learning Private Ltd. New Delhi.
Gurumani. N. 2006. Research Methodology for biological sciences. MJP
Publishers, Chennai.
Skoog, Holler and Crouch.2007. Instrumental Analysis. Cengage Learning
Pvt.Ltd. New Delhi.
Semester II
Paper Code 18PBOTCP03
Core Course – XI
Marks 40 +60 = 100
Practical – 03 Credits 02
Plant Ecology, Phytogeography, Cell Hours/Week 04
Biology, Genetics and Molecular Biology
Determination of linear changes in vegetation by using line and belt transect
Determination of frequency, density, abundance, dominance, FICC,
dominance index, similarity index and diversity index by using quadrat
To find out the bulk density of a given soil sample
To study soil density and porosity
To determine the vegetational cover in a given area
To prepare list of Endangered, Endemic and Threatened species in a selected
Phase Contrast Microscope
Fluorescence Microscope
Karyotyping of monocot (mitosis)
Karyotyping of dicot (mitosis)
Induced aberration of chromosomes
Genetic cross analysis monohybrid and dihybrid
Test cross and back cross
Isolation of plant genomic DNA and RNA
Analysis of nuclear DNA by agarose gel electrophoresis
Demonstration of PCR
Semester II
Paper Code 18PBOTCP04
Core Course – XII
Marks 40 + 60 = 100
Practical – 04
Credits 02
Plant Physiology, Biochemistry and Hours/Week 04
Biological Techniques
Hands on experience in the use of instruments like Calorimeter,
Spectrophotometer, pH meter, Centrifuge, Thin layer chromatography,
Agarose gel electrophoresis, PAGE and PCR
Demonstration of Rotary evaporator, Autoclave, Laminar air flow chamber,
Laboratory freezer, Hot air oven, Incubator, Magnetic stirrer, Water bath,
Shakers, Distillation Unit, Photo flame meter, Ultrsonicator, Transilluminator,
Soxhlet apparatus and Lyophilizers
Analysis the data from FTIR, XRD, LCMS, NMR, MALDI-TOF – PCR
(Thermocycler and Real Time PCR) – ELISA – Flow Cytometry
Semester - III
Core Course - Theory
Semester III
Paper Code 18PBOTCT09
Core Course – XIII
Marks 25 + 75 = 100
Taxonomy of Angiosperms and Economic Credits 04
Hours/Week 06
Course Outcomes:
To learn the major patterns of diversity among plants, and the characters and
types of data used of classify plants.
Unit – I
Unit – II
Unit – III
Unit – IV
Unit – V
Text Books
Pandey, B.P. 2012. Taxonomy of Angiosperms. S.Chand and Company Ltd.,
New Delhi.
Rajkumar Gupta. 2006. Text book of Systematic Botany. CBS Publishers. New
Subrahmanyam, N.S. 1995. Modern Plant Taxonomy. Vikas Publishing House
Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
Gurucharan Singh. 2010. Plant Sytematics – An Integrated Approach. IIIrd ed.
Science Publishers. US.
Plant Systematics. 2nd Edition. McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York.
Plant Taxonomy and Biosystematics. Edward Arnold, London. STUESSY, T. F.
Pandey.B.P. (1987) – Economic Botany.
Verma. V (1984) – Economic Botany.
Porter.C.L., 1982 – Taxonomy of Flowering Plants, Eurasia Publications House,
New Delhi
Reference Books
Bensen, 1957. Plant Classification. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi.
Cronquist, A. 1968. Evolution and Classification of Flowering Plants. Thomas &
Nelson (Pvt.) Ltd., London.
Davis, P.H. and Heywood , V.M.1963. Principles of Angiosperm Taxonomy.
Oliver & Boyed – London.
Henry, A.N. and Chandra Bose, 1980 . An aid to the International Code of
Botanical Nomenclature, Today & Tomorrow’s Printers & Publishers, Delhi.
Lawerence, G.H.M. 1961, Taxonomy of Vascular Plants. MacMillan and Co.,
New Delhi.
Street, H.E., 1978. Essay in Plant Taxonomy, Academic press, London.
Bentham, G. 1988. Handbook of British Flora. (7th Ed., revised by A.B. Rendle
in 1930). Ashford, Kent.
Cronquist, A. 1988. The Evolution and Classification of Flowering Plants. (2nd
Ed.) New Delhi. 482pp.
Darlington, C.D. and A.P.Wylie. 1955. Chromosome Atlas of Cultivated Plants.
Allen and Unwin, London.
Hutchinson, J. 1973. The Families of Flowering Plants. (3rd Ed.) Oxford Univ.
Lawerence, G.H.M. 1951. Taxonomy of Vascular Plants. MacMillan, New York.
Rendle, A.B. 1904. Classification of Flowering plants. Cambridge , England.
2nd. Vol.1 930.
Stace, C.A. 1989. Plant Taxonomy and Biosystematics (2nd Ed.). Edward
Arnold. London.
Takhtajan, A.L. 1997. Diversity and Classification of Flowering Plants.
Columbia Univ. Press. New York, 642 pp.
Woodland , D.W. 1991. Contemporary Plant Systematics. Prentice Hall. New
Pullaiah, T. 2007. Plant Taxonomy. Regency Publications, New Delhi.
Paper Code 18PBOTCT10
Semester III
Marks 25 + 75 = 100
Core Course – XIV
Credits 04
Plant Biotechnology and Genetic
Hours/Week 06
Course Outcomes:
The subject provides knowledge about different techniques of biology and
Gene level.
Unit I
Unit II
Unit III
Sources of patent Information – Patenting Methods – Patenting of higher plants,
genes and DNA sequences – Plant Breeders Rights and Farmers Rights – A brief
account on Geographical Indication (GI).
Unit IV
Unit V
Chawla, H.S. 2000. Introduction to biotechnology. Oxford and IBH publishing
Co., New Delhi.
Harry Levine. 2006. Genetic Engineering: A Reference Hand book. ABC –
CLIO, Inc, California.
Arie altman and Paulmichael hasegawa, 2012. Plant biotechnology and
agriculture prospects for the 21 st centuary, Academic Press.
C.M. Govil, Ashok Aggarwal and Jitender Sharma. 2017. Plant Biotechnology
and Genetic Engineering, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
Suresh Kumar Gahlawat, Raj Kumar Salar, Priyanka Siwach, Joginder Singh
Duhan, Suresh Kumar, Pawan Kaur. 2017. Plant Biotechnology: Recent
Advancements and Developments Springer.
C. Neal Stewart, Jr. 2016. Plant Biotechnology and Genetics: Principles,
Techniques, and Applications John Wiley & Sons.
Isil Aksan Kurnaz, 2015. Techniques in Genetic Engineering. CRC Press.
Huang .P.C., 2012. Genetic Engineering Techniques: Recent Developments.
Paper Code 18PBOTCT11
Semester III
Marks 25 + 75 = 100
Core Course – XV
Credits 04
Nanobiotechnology Hours/Week 06
Course Outcomes:
Unit I
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Food and Agricultural applications of Nano particles – Nanomedicine and Novel
drug delivery systems – Health and Environmental impacts of Nanotechnology.
Unit V
Murty BS, Shankar P, Baldev Raj, Rath BB and James Murday. 2013. Textbook
of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Springer. University Press (India) PVT
Subbiah Balaji. 2010. Nanobiotechnology. MJP Publishers, Chennai.
Jeremy Ramsden, 2016.Nanotechnology: An Introduction. William Andrew.
Geoffrey Hunt, Michael Mehta, 2013. Nanotechnology: Risk, Ethics and Law
Taylor & Francis.
Jo Anne Shatkin, 2012. Nanotechnology: Health and Environmental Risks,
Second Edition CRC Press.
Jesus M. de la Fuente, V. Grazu. 2012.Nanobiotechnology: Inorganic
Nanoparticles Vs Organic Nanoparticles Elsevier.
Michael R. Hamblin, Pinar Avci, Tarl Prow, 2016. Nanoscience in Dermatology.
Academic Press.
Makio Naito, Toyokazu Yokoyama, Kouhei Hosokawa, Kiyoshi Nogi 2018.
Nanoparticle Technology Handbook, Elsevier.
Monique A. V. Axelos, Marcel Van de Voorde, 2017. Nanotechnology in
Agriculture and Food Science, John Wiley & Sons.
Claudia Atavilla, Enrico Ciliberto, 2017. Inorganic Nanoparticles: Synthesis,
Applications, and Perspectives CRC Press.
Paper Code 18PBOTCP05
Semester III
Marks 40 + 60 = 100
Core Course – XVI
Credits 03
Practical - 05
Hours/Week 06
Taxonomy of Angiosperms, Economic
Botany, Plant Biotechnology, Genetic Engineering and Nanobiotechnology
Study the taxonomical descriptions for all plant parts Root, Stem, Leaves,
Flowers, Fruits and seeds.
Study of the morphological and floral characteristic and economic importance
of Magnoliaceae, Menispermaceae, Polygalaceae, Caryophyllaceae,
Oxalidaceae, Meliaceae, Rhamnaceae, Vitaceae, Sapindaceae,
Combretaceae, Lythraceae, Aizoaceae, Rubiaceae, Oleaceae, Gentianaceae,
Boraginaceae, Bignoniaceae, Podestemaceae, Loranthaceae, Orchidaceae,
Liliaceae, Commelinaceae, Musaceae, Arecaceae, Cyperaceae, Poaceae.
Preparation of Artificial keys
Herbarium techniques, preparation and submission of 50 herbarium
Floristic studies of selected area
To study the economic importance of Cereals, Legumes, Fruits, Spices and
Condiments, Fibres, Timber and Vegetable Oil.
Callus induction
Preparation of vermicompost/vermiwash
Study the effect of biofertilizer on different crop cultivation
Collection and preparation of table regarding different Geological Indication
of India
Semester - IV
Core Course - Theory
Paper Code 18PBOTCT12
Semester IV
Marks 25 + 75 = 100
Core Course – XVII
Credits 04
Research Trends in Botany Hours/Week 06
Course Outcomes:
On the successful completion of this course students will able to know recent
trends in plant science and its applications.
Unit I
Unit IV
Pharmacognosy – Introduction – history – Indian System of medicine – natural
sources of Drugs – Crude drugs – Classification of crude drugs – Collection and
Processing of crude drugs – Phytoconstituents of therapeutic value – Histochemical
tests for phytochemicals – Drugs containing
carbohydrates/glycosides/lipids/Volatile oils/Resin/Alkaloids/Tanninis – Analytical
pharmacognosy – Anatomical features of selected medicinal plants (Senna leaf,
Datura leaf, Cinchona bark, Nuxvomica seed).
Unit V
Biostatistics - Methods of collection and classification of data; Primary and
secondary data, qualitative and quantitative data. Frequency distribution, graphical
representation, normal distribution - Mean - Median and Mode - Mean deviation,
Standard deviation, variance (ANOVA), standard error, co-efficient of variation -
Linear regression and correlation (simple and multiple) – t-test – X2 test – Chi-square
test. Role of software in Biostatistics (SPSS)
Harborne, J.B. 1973. Phytochemical methods – A Guide to modern technique
of plant analysis. Thomsan Publications Pvt. Ltd. UK.
Mahajan. B.K. 1997. Methods in Biostatistics. Jay Pee Brothers Medical
Publishers (P) Ltd. New Delhi.
Bernard Rosner. 2010. Fundamentals of Biostatistics. Brooks/cole, Boston,
Agarwal, B.L. 1988. Basic Statistics. New Age International Publishers. New
Sahu, P.K. 2013. Research Methodology: A Guide for Researchers in
Agricultural Science, Social Science and other related fields. Springer, New
Arthur Lesk, 2012. Introduction to Genomics, OUP Oxford.
John M. Archibald, 2018. Genomics: A Very Short Introduction Oxford
University Press.
Dhavendra Kumar, 2012. Genomics and Health in the Developing World.OUP
Richard M. Twyman, 2013. Principles of Proteomics, Garland Science.
Devarajan Thangadurai, Jeyabalan Sangeetha, 2015. Genomics and
Proteomics: Principles, Technologies, and Applications, CRC Press.
Supratim Choudhuri, 2014. Bioinformatics for Beginners: Genes, Genomes,
Molecular Evolution, Databases and Analytical Tools, Elsevier.
Michael Agostino 2012. Practical Bioinformatics, Garland Science.
Michael Heinrich, Joanne Barnes, Simon Gibbons, Elizabeth M. Williamson
2012. Fundamentals of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy. Elsevier Health
Biren Shah, Avinash Seth 2012. Textbook of Pharmacognosy and
Phytochemistry - E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.
A.N.M. Alamgir, 2017 Therapeutic Use of Medicinal Plants and Their Extracts:
Volume 1: Pharmacognosy, Springer.
Simone Badal McCreath, Rupika Delgoda, 2017.
Pharmacognosy: Fundamentals, Applications and Strategies, Academic
Belavendra Antonisamy, Prasanna S. Premkumar, Solomon Christopher, 2017.
Principles and Practice of Biostatistics Elsevier India.
Merrill, 2012. Fundamentals of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Jones & Bartlett
Clemens Posten, Christian Walter, 2013. Microalgal Biotechnology: Potential
and Production, Walter de Gruyter.
Peter Castro, Michael Huber, 2015. Marine Biology, McGraw-Hill Higher
Elective Courses
Herbal technology
Fungal Biotechnology
Mushroom technology
Cytogenetics and Plant breeding
Biofertilizer Technology
Marine Botany
Paper Code 18PBOTE01
Elective Course - I
Marks 25 + 75 = 100
Herbal Technology
Credits 03
Hours/Week 03
Course Outcomes:
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Post harvest technology of medicinal plants: Importance of post harvest
technology in medicinal crops: factors responsible for deterioration of medicinal
produce – pre and post harvest factors. Maturity indices for harvesting medicinal
plants and pre harvest treatments. Systems of storage of harvested produce –
packaging principles and methods of processing. Important medicinal products –
essential oils, volatile and non volatile oils, oleo resins – active principles.
Unit V
Course Outcomes:
3. Colin Ratledge, Bjorn Kristiansen, “Basic Biotechnology”, 2nd Edition, Cambridge
University Press, 2001.
5. Harrison R.G. Todd P., Rudge S.R. “Bioseparation Science and Engineering”,
Oxford Press 2003.
7. Bioprocess Engineering Basic Concepts by M.L. Shuler and F. Kargi, Prentice Hall
9. Kelvin Kavanagh, 2011. Fungi: Biology and Applications. John Wiley & Sons,
12. Tkaez, J.S. and Lange, L. 2004. Advances in Fungal Biotechnology for Industry,
Agriculture and Medicine. Academic/ Plenum Publications, New York.
13. Arora, D.K. 2004. Hand book of Fungal Biotechnology. Marcel dekker Inc., USA.
14. Wainwright. 1992. An introduction to fungal biotechnology. John Wiley & Sons,
New York.
Paper Code 18PBOTE03
Elective Course - III
Marks 25 + 75 = 100
Credits 03
Mushroom Technology
Hours/Week 03
Course Outcomes:
Unit –I
Unit – II
Unit – III
yellowing of oyster mushrooms, Bacterial soft root, fungal brown blotch, wet bubble,
dry bubble, cob web, green blotch.
Unit – IV
Unit – V
Insects and pest attacking mushroom – fungal, bacterial, viral diseases. Food
preparation from mushroom; soup, cutlet, omelette, somasa, pickles, curry. Cost
benefit ration – marketing in India and abroad, export value. Processing and
preservation of mushrooms and Economic importance of Mushroom -
Pharmaceutical application and in industries.
Mushroom Production and Processing Technology, Pathak Yadav Gour (2010)
Published by Agrobios (India).
Kannaiyan, S. Ramasamy, K. (1980). A hand book of edible mushroom, Today
& Tomorrows Printers &Publishers, New Delhi.
Tripathi, D.P. (2005.) Mushroom Cultivation. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co.
Paper Code 18PBOTE04
Elective Course - IV
Marks 25 + 75 = 100
Credits 03
Cytogenetics and Plant breeding
Hours/Week 03
Course Outcomes:
Unit I
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Heterosis, Apomixis: types of apoxmies in higher plants, significance in plant
Unit V
Text books
Ram J.Singh. 2017. Plant Cytogenetics. Third Edition. Traylor and Francis
group, CRC Press.
Hank W. Bass and James A. Birchler .2012. Plant Cytogenetics, genome
structure and chromosome function .Springer New York Dordrecht
Heldelberg London. ISBN: 978-0-387-70868-3.
Mahabal Ram. 2010. Fundamentals of Cytogenetics and Genetics . Published
by PHI Learning Private Limited , New Delhi.
Gupta P.K. 1999. Vytogenetics. Rastogi Publication Meerut.
Prasad G. 1998. Introduction to cytogenetics. Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi
Sinha U and Sinha S. 1998. Cytogenetics, Plant Breeding and Evolution . Vikas
Publishing house Pvt.Ltd.New Delhi.
Swaminathan M.S., Gupta P.K and Sinha U 1974. Cytogenetics to Crop Plants .
MacMillan Ltd. New Delhi.
Reference books
Burnham C.R. 1962. Discussion in Cytogenetics. Burgess Publishing
Harti D.L and Jones E.W. 1998 Genetics: principles and analysis . 4th Edition .
Jones and Barew Publishers Massachusetts. USA.
Karp G. 1999. Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts andExperiments, John
wiley and Sons inc USA.
Fikui K. and Nakayama S. 1996. Plant chromosomes: Laboratory Methods .
CRC Press Boca Ration Florida.
Swanson C.P., Merz T and Young J. 1973. Cytogenetics. Prentice Hill of India
Private Ltd. New Delhi.
Paper Code 18PBOTE05
Elective Course - V
Marks 25 + 75 = 100
Course Outcomes:
Unit I
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Vermiculture and Vermitechnology – Introduction – Advantages of
vermicomposting – Earthworms – Ecological types of Earthworms –
Vermicomposting and their application in organic culture – Compost making.
Unit V
Paper Code 18PBOTE06
Elective Course - VI
Marks 25 + 75 = 100
Credits 03
Marine Botany
Hours/Week 03
Course Outcomes:
Unit I
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Unit V
Laura Barsanti and Paolo Gudtier. 2006. Algae- anatomy, Biochemistry and
Biotechnology. CRC Taylor and Francis, New York.
Jackson, D.F. 1972. Algae and Men. Plenum Press.
Kannupandi, T. 1998. Coral reefs of India. State of Art report. ENVIS
Publication Series 2/98.
Krishnamurthy, V. 1985. Marine Plants. Seaweed Research and utilization
Association, madras.
Stein, J.R. 1973. Hand book of Phycological methods. Cambridge University
Swaminathan, M.S. 2003. Bioresources status in Selected Coastal Location.
Chapman, V.J. 1976. Coastal Vegetation. Pergamon press. New York.
Daves, C.J. 1985. Marine Botany Physiology and Ecology of Seaweeds.
Dawson. 1960. Marine Botany.
Naskar, Kumundrajan and Rathindranath mandal.1999. Ecology and
biodiversity of Indian mangroves. Vol.I and II.
Elective Course - VII Paper Code 18PBOTE07
Marks 25 + 75 = 100
Photobiology Credits 03
Hours/Week 03
Course Outcomes:
Unit I
Unit II
Unit III
Photosynthesis - Influence of Oxygen on Net Photosynthesis - Regulation of CO2
Exchapge by Stomata
Unit IV
Unit V
Pedro J. Aphalo, Andreas Albert, Lars Olof Björn, Andy McLeod, T. Matthew
Robson and Eva Rosenqvist. 2012. Beyond the visible A handbook of best
practice in plant UV photobiology. Europian Coopoartion in Science and
Hans Mohr and Peter Schopfer. 1995. Plant Physiology. Springer, UK.
Pedro J. Aphalo. 2006. Light signals and the growth and development of plants
– a gentle introduction. University of Helsinki, Finland.
Mukjerjee S. and Ghosh A.K. (2009) Plant Physiology. New Central Book
Agency; 3rd Revised edition edition.
Jain, A. K. (2003), “Textbook of Physiology”, Arichal Publishing Company.
New Delhi.
Salisbury F.F. and Ross C.W. 1992. Plant Physiolgy. (IV edition) Wordsworth
Publishing Company. California, USA.
Hopkins W.G. 1995. Introduction to plant physiology, John Wiley and Sons,
new York, USA.
Moore T.C. 1989. Biochemistry and physiology of plant hormones, Springer
Verlag. New York, USA.
Taiz L. And Zieger E. 1998. Plant physiology, Sinauer Associates Inc. and
publishers, USA.
Supportive Courses
Paper Code 18PBOTS01
Supportive Course - I
Marks 25 + 75 = 100
Credits 03
Bioremediation and
Hours/Week 03
Course Outcomes:
Unit I
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Unit V
Paper Code 18PBOTS02
Supportive Course - II
Marks 25 + 75 = 100
Credits 03
Biodiversity and Forest Ecology
Hours/Week 03
Course Outcomes
The course will enable to understand the biodiversity in the environment, its
structure, forest ecology and conservation.
Unit – I
Unit – II
Unit – III
Unit – IV
Unit – V
Dan Binkley and Richard F.Fisher (2013). Ecology and Management of Forest
Soils. Published by John Wiley and sons limited.
Prabodh K Maiti and Paulami Maiti (2011). Biodiversity- Preception, Peril and
Preservation. Published by Asoke K.Ghosh,PHI Learning Private Limited
John M.Fryxell and Anthony R.E. Sinclair (2014). Wildlife Ecology,
Conservation and Management. Published by John Wiley and sons limited
Fred Van Dyke (2008).Conservation Biology – Foundation, Concepts and
Applications. Published by Springer Science and Business Media B.V. ISBN:
Biodiversity conservation in managed and protected areas Katwal/Banerjee
Agrobios, India 2002.
Paper Code 18PBOTS03
Supportive Course - III
Marks 25 + 75 = 100
Credits 03
Horticulture and Gardening
Hours/Week 03
Course Outcomes
Unit – I
Unit – II
Unit – III
Unit – IV
Unit – V
Paper Code 18PBOTS04
Supportive Course - IV
Marks 25 + 75 = 100
Credits 03
Marine Natural Resources
Hours/Week 03
Course Outcomes:
This course provides knowledge about various marine natural resources and
their biochemical compounds and applications.
Unit I
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Unit V
resources – types of screening – screening models and activity – Anticancer
screening – testing methods – toxicity evaluation – uses of animals in experiment –
clinical trials.
Bhakuni, D.S. and Rawal, D.S. 2005. Bioactive marine natural products.
Springer, New York.
Marco Colazingari, 2013. Marine Natural Resources and Technological
Development: An Economic Analysis of the Wealth from the Oceans,
Karyn Morrissey, 2018. Economics of the Marine: Modelling Natural
Resources, Rowman & Littlefield International Ltd.
Paper Code 18PBOTS05
Supportive Course - V
Marks 25 + 75 = 100
Credits 03
Hours/Week 03
Course Outcomes:
Unit I
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
marmelos, Tinospora cordifolia, Gloriosa superba, Solanum nigrum, Catharanthus
roseus, Tribulus terrestris, Adhatoda vasica, Gymnema sylvestre, Andrographis
paniculata, Momardica charantia, Syzygium cuminii and Pterocarpus marsupium.
Unit V