Southern Phone Customer Terms

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Your guide to choosing Southern Phone

Southern Phone Company Customer Terms

8 November 2023

1 LET’S GET STARTED .......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Helping you stay more connected ............................................................................................ 1
1.2 We’re always here to help.......................................................................................................... 1
2 WHAT WE OFFER............................................................................................................... 1
2.1 Our plans ..................................................................................................................................... 1
2.2 Our bundles................................................................................................................................. 1
2.3 Our special promotions .............................................................................................................. 2
2.4 Our products – some rules to know .......................................................................................... 2
2.5 Installing and connecting you to our services .......................................................................... 3
2.6 Carbon neutral products and services ...................................................................................... 4
3 YOUR GUIDE TO SIGNING UP ........................................................................................... 4
3.1 How to sign up ........................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 What happens after you sign up ............................................................................................... 5
3.3 Transferring from another provider .......................................................................................... 5
4 THE INS AND OUTS OF CREDIT ASSESSMENT ............................................................... 5
4.1 How we credit assess ................................................................................................................ 5
4.2 If we need a credit report .......................................................................................................... 5
5 YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES – A QUICK OUTLINE ............................................................... 6
5.1 General responsibilities .............................................................................................................. 6
5.2 Complying with our Policies ...................................................................................................... 6
5.3 Cooperating with us ................................................................................................................... 6
5.4 Cooperating with our Suppliers ................................................................................................. 7
5.5 Bringing your own products ...................................................................................................... 7
5.6 Cancellation of a Supplier arrangement ................................................................................... 7
6 CHARGES AND BILLING – AN OVERVIEW........................................................................ 7
6.1 What you’ll need to pay ............................................................................................................. 7
6.2 Where to find the charges ......................................................................................................... 8
6.3 Your Billing Period ...................................................................................................................... 8
6.4 When you’ll receive a bill ........................................................................................................... 9

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6.5 How your bills are delivered ...................................................................................................... 9
6.6 Your bill due date ....................................................................................................................... 9
6.7 Paying your bill ........................................................................................................................... 9
6.8 Requesting bill information ......................................................................................................10
6.9 Querying a bill ...........................................................................................................................10
6.10 If you’re unable to pay .............................................................................................................10
6.11 Late payments ..........................................................................................................................10
6.12 GST ............................................................................................................................................11
7 CANCELLING, SUSPENDING OR RESTRICTING YOUR SERVICE................................... 11
7.1 You can cancel your service ....................................................................................................12
7.2 You can cancel your service earlier than your agreed term ..................................................12
7.3 You can cancel your bundle ....................................................................................................12
7.4 You can transfer to another provider .....................................................................................12
7.5 We can cancel, suspend or restrict your service ...................................................................12
7.6 What happens after your service is cancelled ........................................................................13
7.7 Early termination fees ..............................................................................................................14
8 MAINTENANCE AND FAULTS ......................................................................................... 14
8.1 Notifying you about maintenance ...........................................................................................14
8.2 Reporting and repairing faults .................................................................................................14
8.3 Cost of repairing faults ............................................................................................................15
9 KNOW YOUR RIGHTS AND REMEDIES ........................................................................... 15
9.1 Your Australian Consumer Law rights ....................................................................................15
9.2 Implied terms and warranties ..................................................................................................15
10 WHO’S RESPONSIBLE? ................................................................................................... 15
10.1 When neither you nor we are liable ........................................................................................15
10.2 When you and we have limited liability ...................................................................................16
10.3 Claims against our Suppliers ....................................................................................................16
11 THINGS CHANGE ............................................................................................................. 16
11.1 Changes we can make without notifying you in advance .....................................................16
11.2 Changes we can make when, or before, notifying you ..........................................................16
11.3 Changes we can make after notifying you .............................................................................17
11.4 How we can notify you ............................................................................................................17
11.5 Our fair contracting promises ..................................................................................................17
12 WHEN THE UNEXPECTED HAPPENS ............................................................................. 17
13 A WORD ABOUT PRIVACY............................................................................................... 18
13.1 Privacy and data sharing ..........................................................................................................18
13.2 Access to communications ......................................................................................................18
13.3 Identity verification ..................................................................................................................18

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14 COMPLAINTS ................................................................................................................... 18
14.1 How we'll handle your complaint ............................................................................................18
14.2 If we can’t resolve your complaint to your satisfaction .........................................................19
15 GENERAL IMPORTANT DETAILS..................................................................................... 19
15.1 Notices ......................................................................................................................................19
15.2 Other important information ...................................................................................................19
15.3 Other .........................................................................................................................................20
16 OUR TERMS IN PLAIN ENGLISH ..................................................................................... 20
Schedule 1 – Southern Phone nbn® Plans ............................................................................. 24
Schedule 2 – Southern Phone nbn® Plans and Fibre Upgrade .............................................. 39
Schedule 3 – Southern Phone Mobile Plans .......................................................................... 41
Schedule 4 – Southern Phone Wireless Broadband Plans (Home and Mobile) .................... 58
Schedule 5 – Southern Phone Home and Business Phone Plans ......................................... 67

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Part 1 – Welcome to Southern Phone


1.1 Helping you stay more connected
These Customer Terms are here to help you decide whether our telecommunications
products and services are right for you. You’ll find useful details and key information about
what we offer and the terms and conditions that apply. It’s a good idea to read these terms
carefully so you can make a well-informed decision.
It’s also important you know that these Customer Terms don’t set out all the details we’re
required to give you before you sign up to an Agreement. The rest of the details are set out
in your order confirmation, the Critical Information Summary for your plan (if any), any
Additional Terms and our Policies. If there are inconsistencies in these documents, the earlier
one mentioned here applies, unless your Agreement says otherwise.
Some words in these Customer Terms have special meanings. We’re making it easier for you
to see these words by capitalising them. You can find their meanings in clause 16 of these
Customer Terms.
These Customer Terms are issued by Southern Phone Company Limited ABN 42 100 901
184 and are current as at the date on the front page. They may change from time to time.

1.2 We’re always here to help

Want to get in touch with us? Our team is happy to answer any questions and help you with
more details you may need about our products and services. Visit or
call us on 131 464.
You can also appoint an Advocate or Authorised Representative to contact us about your
account with us. You may need to send us some documents before we speak with the person
you’ve appointed.
Here’s what an Advocate or Authorised Representative can and can’t do:
(a) An Advocate can contact us on your behalf and discuss your Agreement with us,
but they can’t change the Agreement unless you’re with them and provide your
(b) An Authorised Representative can discuss your Agreement with us and can also
change the Agreement on your behalf.

2.1 Our plans
We offer a range of plans to suit your needs and budget. Your Agreement sets out the details
about your plan, including any special conditions that may apply, such as On-Peak or Off-
Peak rates and Allowances.

2.2 Our bundles

(a) Bundles and discounts: we may supply a bundle of products and services to you
for a total discounted charge. We may also supply products or services at a
discount, subject to certain conditions. If you cancel a bundle (or part of a bundle)

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or no longer meet the conditions for a discount, you may be billed non-discounted
charges for the remaining products or services. A separate Agreement applies to
each bundle.
(b) Bundled products: we may supply products to you (such as a modem or mobile
handset) bundled with our services. You may not have to pay the full purchase price
of that product upfront, but certain conditions set out in your Agreement may apply
to the bundled product.
Where a product is bundled with a service, it may be provided at no cost to you
(where we pay the entire cost, subject to some conditions), on a subsidised basis
(where we pay some of the cost and you pay the rest, either upfront or in
instalments over a set period), or on a periodic basis (where you pay the cost in
instalments over a set period). Your Agreement will include any specific conditions,
including the terms of any device payment plan and what happens if you don't meet
the conditions.

2.3 Our special promotions

We may offer special promotions on terms set out in your order confirmation and/or Critical
Information Summary which will apply instead of any other terms (including these Customer
Terms) to the extent of any inconsistency.

2.4 Our products – some rules to know

(a) Risk and ownership: if we supply a product to you, you assume risk in that product
from the delivery date. We or our Suppliers will own the product until the
minimum term ends (for bundled products under clause 2.2(b)) or until full
payment is made (for any other products). Where we or our Suppliers own the
product, you hold it on our (or our Supplier’s) behalf unless title has passed to you.
(b) Delivery: we’ll take reasonable steps to deliver a product to you on the delivery
date and at the address set out in your Agreement, during normal business hours
in that area. If you’d like to change the date or location of delivery, just get in
touch with us. Please note that whether we accept any change is at our
reasonable discretion and may be subject to conditions or require payment of
additional charges, which we will notify you of in advance.
(c) Loss or damage: you’re responsible for a product owned by us or our Suppliers if
the product is on your property, in your possession or under your control and you
must take reasonable steps to ensure that the product is not lost, damaged or
stolen. Any loss or damage to, or theft of, that product that is caused by a failure
by you to take these reasonable steps is your responsibility, unless it is caused by
us, our staff or our Suppliers.
(d) Substituted products: if a product is unavailable, we’ll take reasonable steps to let
you know and may provide you with a similar product of equal or greater value or
will provide you with a refund. If a product isn’t technically suitable for your needs,
we'll take reasonable steps to let you know and may provide you with a similar
product or a modified product of equal or greater value that is suitable or we’ll
provide you with a refund.
(e) Cancelling your Agreement: except as specified below, or if a different position
applies under any Additional Terms, if you have a product that’s paid for on a
subsidised or periodic basis, and your Agreement is cancelled for a reason other

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than our fault, you may be charged for the unpaid balance of the product cost
(excluding any subsidised amounts), or we may require you to return the product
to us within 10 calendar days. If the product isn’t returned within 10 calendar
days, we may take steps to recover it or charge you for the unpaid balance of the
product cost.
If you choose to cancel your Agreement under clause 11.5, and you find that the
product you’ve purchased from us is incompatible with similar services provided
by other telecommunications providers, please get in touch with us to discuss
options for that product. Your options will always include an ability to return the
product to us (and we will waive any unpaid balance of the product cost) or an
ability to keep the product (however, we will charge you for the unpaid balance of
the product cost).
(f) Loan or rental products: if you’re using our loan or rental products and your
Agreement is cancelled for any reason (except our fault), those products must be
returned to us within 10 calendar days. If not, we may take steps to recover them
or you may be charged for the unpaid balance of the product cost.
(g) Repairs: if you have any concerns with products we’ve supplied to you, please get
in touch with us. You may request additional services for your product, such as
repairs. If we agree to those additional services, you’ll be charged on a time and
materials basis plus any additional charges from our Suppliers. Nothing in this
clause affects your rights under the Australian Consumer Law – including the
right to repairs or other remedies where applicable see clause 9.1.
(h) Intellectual property: we or our Suppliers retain all intellectual property rights in
any software, manuals or user documentation provided with products.
(i) Personal property security: we or our Suppliers may register a security interest in
the products we provide to you under your Agreement (as a 'purchase money
security interest'), where permitted by law. If we ask you, you must promptly sign
all documents that we reasonably require from you to ensure that our security
interest is valid, enforceable and that it takes priority over other securities, to the
extent permitted by law. When we supply products to you, we may provide you
with further details about the security interest and your rights under the
applicable laws.

2.5 Installing and connecting you to our services

Subject to any extra requirements in a schedule, when we install or connect a product or
service for you:
(a) we’ll do so during normal business hours at the address specified in your order
confirmation. We’ll take reasonable steps to complete the installation or
connection by the installation date set out in your order confirmation;
(b) you must ensure we have safe access to the property, and prepare the site for
installation or connection in accordance with any requirements we provide to you,
all at your expense; and
(c) you must notify any third parties and obtain all consents for us to enter onto your
site to install or connect the product, as well as any permits or approvals (such as
local council approvals) required to install or use the product or service.

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If you’re unable to meet the requirements at (b) and (c) above before the installation date,
we may reschedule the installation to another date at our reasonable discretion and require
you to comply with additional conditions and pay any necessary additional charges, which
we will notify you of in advance.

2.6 Carbon neutral products and services

(a) Carbon Neutral applies to the products and services set out in your Agreement
and is provided at no extra charge, unless your Critical Information Summary says
(b) We hold Climate Active Certification in respect of our provision of the products
and services to you. You may view our Climate Active Certification and Public
Disclosure Statements at as
may be updated from time to time.
(c) Our Climate Active Certification for the products and services provided by us
under this Agreement to be Carbon Neutral does not apply to the embodied
emissions of network infrastructure for mobile, internet and home phone (VoIP)
services, any BYO products, any purchased goods and services for our retail
operations and base building energy use of our retail offices.
(d) Our Climate Active Certification and provision of the products and services
provided by us under this Agreement is subject to all Regulatory Requirements
from time to time. We will not be liable to you or any third parties for any loss or
damage arising from or in connection with:
• any changes to our Climate Active Certification or the Carbon Neutral aspect of
the products or services provided by us under this Agreement, caused or
contributed to, by changes to or new Regulatory Requirements;
• our Climate Active Certification ceasing or being suspended or terminated for
any reason; or
• any information in connection with our Climate Active Certification or the
products and services provided by us under this Agreement being Carbon
Neutral (including the information provided in Public Disclosure Statements or
on the Climate Active website), including if that information is inaccurate,
incomplete or contains errors.
Clause 2.6(d) continues after the termination or expiry of the Agreement.
(e) To obtain and maintain our Climate Active Certification, we will (amongst other
things) acquire and retire eligible carbon offset units from greenhouse gas
abatement suppliers which are eligible under the Climate Active Certification
program, in our absolute discretion. You are not able to direct or otherwise require
us to allocate funds to any particular abatement projects or suppliers.
(f) If our Climate Action Certification for your products or services under this
Agreement ceases or is suspended or terminated, your products or services under
this Agreement will no longer be considered Carbon Neutral.


Ready to connect with us? Welcome aboard! Here’s a handy guide on what you need to do
to start using our services.

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3.1 How to sign up
Signing up is easy. Simply apply online at, call us on 131 464 or get
in touch with us in any other ways we make available. Please note that you have to be over
the age of 18, and provide us with a valid email address which we may verify, in order to sign
up with us.
We’ll process your application and if we need more details from you or anyone else, we’ll let
you or them know. We may also conduct a credit assessment, including external credit
checks, as set out in clause 4.
Once your application is accepted and the product or service is confirmed by us, we’ll start
providing you with the product or service you applied for. If a cooling-off period applies to
your product or service, we will start providing the product or service to you after the
cooling-off period has expired. Anything you do before we confirm your application, such as
cancelling your existing service with another provider, is your responsibility.

3.2 What happens after you sign up

Your Agreement starts on the date we accept your application, which is the date that we
confirm in writing that we’ll provide the product or service to you (the Agreement Date).

3.3 Transferring from another provider

If you’re transferring to us from another provider, it’s definitely worth checking with that
provider if there are any costs or restrictions on transferring.
You can authorise us to arrange the transfer of your service to us or you can cancel your
existing service with your provider. You will remain responsible for any ongoing use or
termination charges with your existing service provider.


As part of your application, we may need to do a credit check to work out if the plan you’ve
chosen is a good fit and also to confirm that you’re able to pay your bills on time. Here’s a
quick outline of what we may review or require:

4.1 How we credit assess

We may need to assess your ability to pay for our products or services by requiring you to
provide information to help us assess your application. This may include an identity document
(such as your Australian driver licence, Australian passport, Medicare Card or as otherwise
requested by us), your personal information and your employment status. We may also need
an external credit check. We collect, use and disclose your personal information as set out in
clause 13.
Depending on the outcome of this assessment, and the value and nature of the services or
products you have applied for, we may supply the services or products to you on the
condition that you take certain steps, such as maintaining security or providing a guarantee.

4.2 If we need a credit report

At any time, including as part of a credit assessment, we may obtain a credit report about
you from a third party credit reporting service, for the purposes set out in our privacy policy
(including our credit reporting policy) and in clause 13.

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5.1 General responsibilities
As our customer, you agree to comply with the requirements set out in these Customer
Terms, the schedules and any other terms and conditions in your Agreement. In particular,
you must not use the services:
(a) in breach of law;
(b) in breach of another person's rights or to infringe copyright;
(c) to create, transmit or communicate anything that may be considered defamatory,
obscene, pornographic, discriminatory, offensive, in breach of confidence, illegal,
or which may bring us, our Related Companies or any of our Suppliers into
(d) to send, allow to be sent, or assist in the sending of spam, to use or distribute
email harvesting software, or otherwise breach the Spam Act;
(e) in a way that is misleading or deceptive;
(f) in a way that results, or is likely to result, in damage to property or injury to any
(g) in any way that damages or interferes with our services to other customers, our
Suppliers or any Facilities, or exposes us to liability; or
(h) to provide a carriage service as a carrier or carriage service provider (as defined in
the Act).
You also agree that:
(i) you won’t share, resell or resupply the services to another person for reward or
payment; and.
(j) whenever you provide information to us, it must be true, complete and not

5.2 Complying with our Policies

You must comply with our Policies, such as our Fair Use Policy and any service-specific fair
use policy in the schedules (each referred to as a Use Policy). We may update our Policies
from time to time. We'll notify you of any updates in accordance with clause 11. Our fair
contracting promises in clause 11.5 will apply to new or changed requirements where
You must ensure that anyone who uses your service does so in accordance with the terms
and conditions of your Agreement, including applicable Use Policies. You’re responsible for
the use of your products and services by you or anyone else. We’ll notify you of any updates
in accordance with clause 11. Our fair contracting promises in clause 11.5 will apply to new
or changed requirements where applicable.

5.3 Cooperating with us

You must always cooperate with us and comply with our reasonable directions:
(a) to enable us to provide the services, address any problems that arise, resolve any
disputes or complaints and to meet our obligations to our Suppliers; and

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(b) for safety, security or reliability of the services or Facilities, compliance with law or
when dealing with an emergency.
When you interact with our staff, you agree to be respectful at all times. You must deal with
our staff courteously and not harass, be rude or be misleading. If you breach this requirement,
you may receive a written warning. If you breach this requirement again, you’ll be in material
breach of your Agreement and we may suspend or restrict your service, or cancel your
Agreement, in accordance with clause 7.5.

5.4 Cooperating with our Suppliers

To help provide you with our services and certain Facilities as part of the Network, we use
third party service providers (Suppliers). To access and use those Facilities, we need to meet
certain Supplier requirements.
As our customer, you must comply with any Supplier requirements (including Supplier
requirements in the schedules or that we notify you about). If a Supplier requirement says
that the Supplier can exercise a right or power in relation to the service provided to you, the
Supplier may exercise its right or power directly, or we may do so on its behalf.
Supplier requirements may change during the term of your Agreement. We’ll notify you of
those changes in accordance with clause 11. Our fair contracting promises in clause 11.5
will apply to new or changed requirements where applicable.

5.5 Bringing your own products

You’re welcome to Bring Your Own (BYO) products to use with our services. Before you do,
you must ensure the products comply with law and any requirements and directions provided
by us or our Suppliers and are used in accordance with technical standards and requirements.
We’re not responsible for loss arising from your use of BYO products except to the extent
caused by our breach of contract, breach of consumer guarantees under the Australian
Consumer Law or our negligence or wilful misconduct.

5.6 Cancellation of a Supplier arrangement

If we can’t provide a service to you because we’ve cancelled an arrangement with a Supplier,
our Supplier may arrange to supply you with the service directly. In these circumstances, we
may, acting reasonably, transfer our rights and obligations under your Agreement to that
Supplier so it can continue to supply the service to you. If we do so, we’ll notify you of this
in accordance with clause 11. You agree that the rate plan and charges may be altered to
the Supplier's nearest applicable rate plan and charges. Our fair contracting promises in
clause 11.5 will apply to alteration of the rate plan or charges.


This overview includes details about what you need to pay for, your payment methods, and
when your payment is due.

6.1 What you’ll need to pay

(a) Usage and charges: you’re responsible for all usage and charges for your service
as set out in your Agreement (whether incurred by you or someone else using
your service), including:
• charges to install, set up and/or use your service (including connection fees);

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• charges for products or installation as set out in your Agreement or a separate
quote we give you. We’ll always take reasonable steps to notify you of additional
charges that our Suppliers may charge you, or that may be required by our
Suppliers. For example, if we find that installation may cost more than expected,
you may need to pay additional charges before we install or connect your
• charges relating to billing, such as a $1.75 fee (inclusive of GST) to receive
paper bills and a $10 late payment fee if you don’t pay your bill by the due date;
• early termination charges (if applicable) – see clause 7.7;
• charges for third party products and services you’ve agreed to, such as mobile
content; and
• charges for third party products or services which we on-charge to you (Third
Party Charges), such as nbn® ancillary charges set out in Schedule 1. Charges
will be considered to be Third Party Charges if they relate to the sale or supply
of telecommunications products or services to you, are passed through to you,
and we don’t bill you for those costs or charges as a component of any other
charges. Third Party Charges may include an administrative fee set by us, which
we will notify you of in advance. See clause 11 which explains how Third Party
Charges may change.
These charges may change from time to time in accordance with clause 11.5. Our
fair contracting promises in clause 11.5 will apply to these changes.
Because you may be responsible for charges incurred due to someone else using
your service, you should keep your account details secret. If charges are a result
of our mistake, you won't be responsible for those charges.
(b) Reimbursing us for charges: upon request, you must reimburse us for reasonable
costs or expenses we incur as a result of, or in connection with:
• a request or direction to provide information or evidence in relation to you or
your use of the services from law enforcement, a court or other competent
authority or a demand to do so from a legal practitioner; or
• any third party claims of actual or alleged illegal use of the services, or breach
of a third party's rights, in relation to your use of the services.

6.2 Where to find the charges

You can find the charges in your order confirmation or Critical Information Summary.
Charges may also be set out in the schedules, on our website, or be notified to you. Some
charges for services supplied by our Suppliers (such as international calls or other Third Party
Charges) may be varied by our Suppliers on little to no notice. In those cases, the Supplier's
charge applies and we’ll use reasonable efforts to update any price lists as soon as practical.
Our fair contracting promises in clause 11.5 will apply to these changes .

6.3 Your Billing Period

Unless your Agreement says otherwise, your Billing Period starts from the day that your
service is activated and ends after one calendar month from that day.
Example 1: a Billing Period that starts on 1 January ends on 31 January.
Example 2: a Billing Period that starts on 15 January ends on 14 February.

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If a Billing Period doesn’t fall naturally within a complete calendar month, we’ll extend the
Billing Period to end on the first day of the next month.
Example 1: a Billing Period that starts on 30 January ends on 29 February (if a leap year) or 1 March
(if not a leap year, since 29 February wouldn’t exist).
Example 2: a Billing Period that starts on 31 January ends on 1 March, since 30 February doesn’t
If you sign up for additional services, all services will have the same Billing Period. In the first
month, we will bill you for the new service on a pro rata basis for the remainder of the Billing
Example: if the Billing Period for existing services is 1 to 31 January and you add a new service on 15
January, you’ll receive a bill for the first part month (15 January to 31 January) for the new service, and
afterwards the Billing Period for all your services will be the same (1 February to 28 February etc).

6.4 When you’ll receive a bill

Unless your Agreement says otherwise, you’ll receive a bill at the start of each Billing Period.
Your first bill will include the fees and charges for your plan in the first Billing Period and any
other fees and charges that we're able to bill at the time. This may include your monthly plan
fees for your device payment plan, Third Party Charges, and paper billing charges, if
Depending on your type of service or activity, you may be billed at a different time. For
example, we may bill you for certain products or services either upfront or over a period of
While we always strive to ensure your bills are accurate, we may be unable to determine all
the applicable charges by the time a bill is issued. If this occurs, we may need to provide you
with a late bill or to bill you for charges from a previous Billing Period as permitted in the TCP

6.5 How your bills are delivered

Your bills are sent by email, unless you request paper bills. You’ll need to pay for non-standard
bill information, or if you request a non-standard bill delivery method such as a paper bill.
Paper bill charges are set out in clause 6.1 and your Agreement.
You’ll receive a bill each Billing Period. We may issue bills using a billing agent. If so, payment
to our billing agent is payment to us and failure to pay our billing agent is a failure to pay us.

6.6 Your bill due date

Except as set out below, your bills must be paid within 14 calendar days of being issued.
If you have a direct debit or credit card arrangement set up, we may charge your chosen
payment method at the end of each Billing Period. We’ll make sure you have access to
sufficient billing information for a reasonable period of time before your payment method is
If a bill becomes overdue, you must pay all undisputed charges immediately.

6.7 Paying your bill

If your Agreement specifies 'direct debit only', then you must pay for your service with direct
debit. We may suspend your service if your direct debit arrangements are cancelled, or if you
cause a reversal of direct debit charges, without our approval (subject to us notifying you in

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accordance with the TCP Code). If you reverse a transaction without our approval, you may
need to pay our costs of reinstating the transaction where we consider it is reasonable in the
circumstances for us to do so (subject to us notifying you in accordance with the TCP Code).
We may provide separate direct debit terms that set out the conditions of use of the direct
debit method.
Please note that direct debit is not available for flexible payment arrangements such as credit
management or financial hardship. For flexible payment arrangements, please select an
alternative payment option.
You can pay using the payment methods we notify you about, which may include direct debit,
credit card or other methods. Surcharges may apply to some payment methods as set out on
our website here and on your bill. If any payment is dishonoured, you may be charged a
reasonable payment dishonour fee and we may recover from you any fees we’ve incurred as
a result.

6.8 Requesting bill information

You may request access to some historical billing information as permitted under the TCP
Code. You may also be permitted to request an itemised bill. You can make either of these
requests by getting in touch with us.
For billing information older than 24 months from the date the charge was first incurred, you
may be charged for us to provide that information.
For an itemised bill request, we require at least 14 calendar days' notice for charges billed
within the last 12 months, 21 calendar days' notice for charges billed within 12 to 24 months
and 28 calendar days' notice for charges that are older.

6.9 Querying a bill

If you have questions about charges on your bill, please get in touch with us. We’ll review
your bill in accordance with our complaints handling policy, available on our website here,
however, you must pay any undisputed amounts.
We won’t take credit management action in relation to a disputed amount that’s the subject
of an unresolved complaint if the complaint hasn’t been resolved and is being investigated
by us, the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman or a third party that has the power to
determine the outcome of a complaint. However, if you are notified that some or all of a
disputed bill has been determined as payable, you must pay that amount to us in accordance
with the arrangement you have agreed with us.
You must not raise a billing dispute for an amount more than 12 months after the bill for that
amount has been issued, and we won’t be required to pay or issue credits for such amounts.

6.10 If you’re unable to pay

We're here to help, so if you’re unable to pay your bill for any reason, please tell us as soon
as you can. You may be entitled to payment assistance, access to financial counselling, or
other help with paying your bill. You can find our financial hardship policy on our website
here or by getting in touch with us.

6.11 Late payments

If you don’t pay on time, you’ll be in breach of your Agreement. In addition to any other
remedies we have, you may be charged a late payment fee and/or recover any collection fees
or other expenses we incur.

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If your payment is 60 calendar days or more overdue, or we consider that it is reasonable to
do so, we may refer the collection of your overdue bill amount to a collections agency.
Any additional charges payable by you under this clause will only be to reimburse our
reasonable costs.

6.12 GST
Unless expressly stated otherwise, all amounts payable in your Agreement are exclusive of
If any amount is expressed to be inclusive of GST, the GST inclusive price assumes a GST rate
of 10%. If the rate of GST changes, the GST inclusive price will be adjusted to reflect that
If GST is payable on a taxable supply made under or in connection with your Agreement, the
party making the supply (GST Supplier) may recover from the recipient of the supply
(Recipient) the amount of that GST (GST Amount) in addition to any consideration otherwise
payable or provided for the supply.
The Recipient must make payment of the GST Amount to the GST Supplier at the same time
and in the same manner as it provides the consideration for the relevant supply subject to
the Recipient receiving a tax invoice from the GST Supplier on or before the due date for
If there is an adjustment event in relation to a supply which results in the amount of GST on
a supply being different from the GST Amount, the GST Supplier must issue an adjustment
note to the Recipient, and:
(a) may recover from the Recipient, by giving 7 calendar days’ written notice, the
amount by which the GST on the supply exceeds the GST Amount; or
(b) must refund to the Recipient, within 7 calendar days of becoming aware of the
adjustment event, the amount by which the GST Amount exceeds the amount of
GST on the supply.
If a party is entitled to be reimbursed or indemnified under or in connection with this
document for an amount, the amount reimbursed or indemnified is reduced by the amount
of GST for which the party has an entitlement to claim an input tax credit. It is to be assumed
that there is an entitlement to a full input tax credit on an acquisition associated with the
reimbursement or indemnity, unless the party to be reimbursed or indemnified demonstrates
otherwise before the date the payment is to be made.
Terms defined in A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth) have the same
meaning when used in this clause, provided that GST also includes any additional tax, penalty,
fine, interest or other charge relating to GST.


We understand that your needs may change from time to time, and that may mean our
services won’t suit you anymore. And while we’ll do our best to work that out with you, if you
do decide to cancel your service, this section sets out how you can do that and the
obligations we each have when you cancel.
This section also sets out other details, such as suspending or restricting a service and early
termination fees.

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7.1 You can cancel your service
If you need to cancel your service, you can do so by simply getting in touch with us. Your
Agreement will end within 5 business days of your cancellation request and, unless your
Agreement says otherwise, you’ll receive a refund for charges paid in advance for the
remainder of your Billing Period on a pro-rata basis. See clause 6.3 for information about your
Billing Period.

7.2 You can cancel your service earlier than your agreed term
If you’re cancelling a service (or any bundled product or service) that is on a Fixed Term or
other minimum term arrangement (such as a device payment plan, set out in the Additional
Terms) before the end dates set out in your Agreement, and cancellation is for something
other than our breach, you may be required to pay any or all of the following:
(a) early termination fees – see clause 7.7;
(b) additional charges for product or installation services that were provided on a
'subsidised', 'periodic' or 'no upfront cost' basis – see clause 7.3;
(c) any usage or network access charges up to the cancellation date; and
(d) any other amounts specified in your Agreement.

7.3 You can cancel your bundle

You may have chosen our bundled products and services on a 'subsidised', 'periodic' or 'no
upfront cost' basis for a minimum term.
If you choose to cancel the bundled product before your minimum term ends, unless
otherwise agreed, you may be charged a pro-rata amount of the value of the product or
services over the remainder of the minimum term. You won’t need to pay for anything
provided to you on a ‘free’ basis.

7.4 You can transfer to another provider

If you decide to transfer your service to another provider, any outstanding charges that apply
before you cancel your services, as well as any early termination fees that may apply under
your Agreement, must be paid.

7.5 We can cancel, suspend or restrict your service

(a) Cancellation, suspension or restriction: we can suspend or restrict a service, or
cancel your Agreement, by notice to you (if practicable), if:
• you’re in material breach of your Agreement, we tell you about that breach and
you don't fix it within a reasonable time requested by us (which won’t be less
than 30 calendar days);
• you die, we reasonably believe that you’re a serious credit risk or we’re unlikely
to receive or retain payments from you for amounts payable under the
• we reasonably believe that its necessary to do so:
• to prevent you or someone else that uses your service from breaching or
continuing to breach the Use Policies or other Policies;
• because you’ve vacated the address to which a service is provided;

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• to facilitate maintenance of the Network or to protect the security or
integrity of the Network;
• to protect any person or property from a serious risk of death, personal
injury or harm;
• due to fraud, illegal conduct or attempted fraud or illegal conduct, by you
or someone else using your service; or
• to respond to an emergency or to assist emergency services;
• it becomes technically infeasible to continue providing the service;
• you are, or become, a carrier or a carriage service provider (as defined in the
Act); or
• we’re required to do so due to a requirement in our agreement with a Supplier,
by law or order of a court or other competent authority.
(b) Reconnection charge: unless it’s a result of our mistake or caused by a situation
that is completely out of your control, we may charge a reconnection charge for
re-instatement of a service that has been suspended, restricted or terminated.
(c) Notice: we won’t disconnect, suspend or restrict a service under this Agreement
for credit or debt management reasons without informing you first, except where
we reasonably assess that an unacceptably high credit risk exists, we reasonably
suspect fraud or attempted fraud or the service has reached a point, nominated by
you, at which service will be restricted.
In all other circumstances, we’ll take reasonable steps to give you at least 5
business days' notice (if possible) before disconnecting, suspending or restricting
your services, and we’ll provide all other notices and take all other precautions
required by the TCP Code before disconnecting, restricting or suspending your
(d) Reduction in charges: you’ll be entitled to a pro rata reduction in charges for the
provision of a service if we suspend or restrict the service and the suspension or
restriction doesn’t arise from your fault or material breach of the Agreement. If
the suspension or restriction does arise from your fault or material breach of the
Agreement, you must continue paying the full charges until your service is
disconnected, such as until the end of the current Billing Period or until the End
Date if the Agreement is cancelled.

7.6 What happens after your service is cancelled

From the date your Agreement ends under clause 7.1 or 7.5 (the End Date), our obligations
to you under your Agreement will end (except any obligations that survive the End Date) and
you will no longer receive services under your Agreement. Also:
(a) we may provide you a bill for any services and any other amount which we’re
entitled to (including early termination fees) that we have not yet invoiced;
(b) if your normal payment method is by direct debit or credit card, you authorise us
to recover any undisputed outstanding amounts (including early termination fees)
from that payment method;

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(c) if your Agreement with us requires you to return any product owned by us or our
Suppliers, you must promptly return the products (if you don’t, we may charge
you a reasonable amount for that product, which we will notify in advance); or
(d) if your Agreement with us requires you to pay the remaining charges on the
product owned by us or our Suppliers (and to keep the product), you must pay out
the remaining fees on your device payment plan in your next bill; and
(e) no other agreement between us is affected, unless we cancel that agreement.
The cancellation or expiry of your Agreement doesn’t affect any right of action (whether ours
or yours) that has arisen before the End Date and doesn’t affect any limits of liability or
indemnities set out in these Customer Terms.

7.7 Early termination fees

If your Agreement ends before the expiry of a minimum period for a particular service (such
as where you leave a Fixed Term plan early), and unless these Customer Terms otherwise
specify (such as under clause 11.5), you’ll need to pay an early termination fee unless:
(a) you have terminated your Agreement because of our breach; or
(b) we have made a change to this Agreement under clause 11 which has a
detrimental impact on you, and you are exercising your right to cancel this
Agreement under clause 11.5 in response to this change.
The early termination fees will be calculated from the date your Agreement ends – see
clause 7.1.
Early termination fees are usually set out in your order confirmation, the Critical
Information Summary, or these Customer Terms.


We want to make sure you enjoy a great experience with us. Here’s some information on how
we’ll take care of upkeep and resolve service issues to help you stay connected.

8.1 Notifying you about maintenance

We’ll take reasonable steps to notify you before we or our Suppliers need to maintain the
Network or specific Facilities in ways that may interfere with your use of the service.

8.2 Reporting and repairing faults

If you experience a fault with your service, please get in touch with us. Before reporting a
fault, you should take steps to ensure that the fault isn’t being caused by your device or
something else that’s outside the Network, such as a private network (e.g. your home Wi-Fi).
You should not report a fault directly to our Suppliers unless we ask you to.
We’ll take reasonable steps to repair faults in our Network within a reasonable time. If the
fault relates to our Supplier's Facilities, we’ll take reasonable steps to have our Supplier repair
the fault within a reasonable time. If a fault arises from your product, you’ll be responsible
for maintaining or repairing the product (except where you have warranty or Australian
Consumer Law rights in relation to products supplied by us).

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8.3 Cost of repairing faults
If you cause a fault or damage to the Network or specific Facilities, you may be charged the
reasonable costs of repair. Also, if the fault you report turns out to be false, or is caused by
your product or you should reasonably know the fault is unrelated to us or our Suppliers, you
may be charged for the reasonable costs of responding to your report, including any amounts
charged by a Supplier as a result of your report.


9.1 Your Australian Consumer Law rights
You have important rights under the Australian Consumer Law that can’t be limited,
excluded, restricted or modified . Nothing in your Agreement limits, excludes, restricts or
modifies those rights in any way. Full details of these rights and the consumer guarantees
are available from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission at or
from a local consumer protection agency. If we supply you with products or services under
an Agreement, and you’re told they come with a "manufacturer’s warranty" or “product
assurance" or similar, those rights are in addition to, and not instead of, your rights under the
Australian Consumer Law.

9.2 Implied terms and warranties

To the extent permitted by law, and subject to the Australian Consumer Law, we give no
condition, warranty or undertaking and we make no representation to you about the
condition or suitability of any product or service provided under an Agreement, its quality,
fitness or safety, other than those set out in the Agreement. We don’t warrant or represent
the performance, accuracy, reliability or continued availability of the services, any products
or Facilities or that the services, products or Facilities will operate free from faults, errors or
To the extent permitted by law, including the Australian Consumer Law, our liability for
breach of implied conditions, warranties or undertakings is (at our option) limited to:
(a) providing equivalent products or services to those provided under your
Agreement; or
(b) paying you the cost of replacing the products or services, or acquiring equivalent
products or services, provided under your Agreement.

10.1 When neither you nor we are liable
You aren’t liable to us, and we aren’t liable to you, for any indirect or consequential loss, or
any economic loss, business interruption, loss of revenue, profits, anticipated savings, actual
or potential business opportunities or contracts or loss of data, or for any obligation to
indemnify another person or any obligation to contribute to the compensation of loss or
damage suffered by another person except where the obligation to indemnify or contribute
is set out in these Customer Terms.

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10.2 When you and we have limited liability
Your liability to us, and our liability to you, for any loss is limited to $1,000 in aggregate for
the term of the Agreement, except for the following matters:
(a) a party's liability for personal injury or death caused by that party's negligence;
(b) a party's liability for fraud, criminal act or wilful misconduct;
(c) your liability to pay the charges and any expenses under your Agreement;
(d) your liability to compensate us for any damage to products owned by us or a
Supplier under clause 2.4(c);
(e) your liability to reimburse our costs and expenses under clause 6.1; and
(f) your right to claim for losses under the Australian Consumer Law – see clauses
9.1 .

10.3 Claims against our Suppliers

Our Suppliers may require us to exclude your liability for a claim against them. Subject to
your rights under the Australian Consumer Law, in those circumstances you acknowledge
that you won’t have a claim against our Suppliers about their supply of a service to you, and
you agree that you won’t make such a claim. This clause doesn't limit our liability to you for
those services.

11.1 Changes we can make without notifying you in advance
We may change your Agreement with immediate effect by updating these Customer Terms
or the relevant Policy or other document, at, if we reasonably
consider the change is likely to benefit you or have a neutral effect on you. We may also
notify you of the change in view of the nature of the change and any other matters we
consider relevant.
Examples of changes that we reasonably consider benefit you: adding new services at no cost to you,
lowering charges, giving you extra rights, or increasing our obligations.
Examples of changes that we reasonably consider have a neutral effect on you: changing the name of
a service, changing our contact details or correcting typographical errors, in a way that doesn’t affect
your product or service detrimentally.

11.2 Changes we can make when, or before, notifying you

We may change your Agreement with immediate effect:
(a) if you’ve agreed to that change;
(b) to accommodate a change in law or where required by law or a regulator;
(c) to reflect a change in Third Party Charges, where varied from time to time by
those third parties, which have a neutral or beneficial effect on you;
(d) due to security or technical reasons, which have a neutral or beneficial effect on
you; or
(e) to prevent fraud.

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If we reasonably consider the change is unlikely to benefit you or have a neutral effect on
you, we'll notify you at the same time as the change, or as soon as reasonably possible
afterwards in view of the nature of the change and any other matters we consider relevant.

11.3 Changes we can make after notifying you

We may change your Agreement in ways that don’t fall within clauses 11.1 or 11.2, and we’ll
give you reasonable notice beforehand in view of the nature of the change and any other
matters we consider relevant. This includes making a change that’s required by our Supplier,
whether under contract or by law, or a change made in connection with a Supplier's service
that we resupply to you.

11.4 How we can notify you

We may notify you about changes to your Agreement in any way we consider reasonable,
such as bill message, bill insert, direct mail, email, SMS/MMS, My Account or telephone. We
may use these ways to direct you to further information about the changes, such as on our
website at

11.5 Our fair contracting promises

For changes we’re required to notify you about under clauses 11.2 or 11.3, you may cancel
your Agreement by notifying us during the 30 calendar day period after we notify you of the
change, and if you do so:
(a) the change is of no effect and doesn’t form part of your Agreement, unless
required by law;
(b) your Agreement will end within 5 business days of your cancellation request and
you'll receive a refund for charges paid in advance for the remainder of your
Billing Period on a pro-rata basis; and
(c) except as noted below, we’ll waive any applicable early termination fee under
clause 7.7.
However, you may be required to pay usage or network access charges up to the date that
your Agreement ends, outstanding amounts for any services or any products (subject to
clause 2.4(f)) and, where the change arises from clause 11.3, any early termination fee that
we are entitled to charge in accordance with clause 7.7 or other charge that we incur for
cancelling a resupply service with our Supplier that are specified in your Agreement.


If an event occurs that’s outside our or your reasonable control (an Unexpected Event), and
it prevents you or us from complying with obligations under your Agreement, those
obligations will be suspended for the duration of the Unexpected Event (other than any
obligation to pay money). If a party is affected by the Unexpected Event, they must use best
endeavours to promptly notify the other party about the Unexpected Event and minimise,
overcome or remove the Unexpected Event as quickly as practicable (however, this won’t
require either party to settle any industrial dispute).

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Your privacy is important to us. How we handle and protect your personal information and
credit related information can be found in our privacy policy. Here’s a quick look at what you
need to know and agree to as our customer.

13.1 Privacy and data sharing

We collect, use and disclose your personal information and credit related information in
accordance with our privacy policy (including credit reporting policy) which is available here
or on request.
As our customer, you acknowledge and agree that we may provide our Related Companies
with data about you or your service for various purposes as set out in our privacy policy or
permitted by law. We may also provide data about you or your service to Related Companies
to assist with complying with our obligations at law, to assist with complaints or disputes, or
in relation to any obligations you or we have under your Agreement.

13.2 Access to communications

If you receive carriage services (as defined in the Act) from us, you acknowledge that we or
a Supplier may:
(a) intercept communications over or using the service where required by law or at
the request of an authorised government agency; or
(b) monitor usage of the services and communications sent over the service for
billing, network monitoring or management purposes, or where required by law or
at the request of an authorised government agency.

13.3 Identity verification

We may need to ask you to provide identity verification information or complete identity
verification activities in certain dealings with us, so that we can help protect you and
vulnerable customers and ensure there is no unauthorised access to your personal
information, business information or your service. We will deal with information you provide
to us in accordance with our privacy policy. If you are unable to meet the identity verification
requirements, we may not be able to fulfil your request.

We’re here to give you great value, service and support. Sometimes, despite our best efforts,
we may not get it right every time. But we’re here to help, listen to you and fix what we can.

14.1 How we'll handle your complaint

We're here to help. If you’re not happy with a product or service, please get in touch with us
first about your complaint or if you need assistance. We handle complaints in accordance
with our complaints handling policy, available here or on request.
We don’t charge you to make a complaint, but there may be a cost recovery charge for
providing access to certain information.

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14.2 If we can’t resolve your complaint to your satisfaction
You may also complain to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman at


15.1 Notices
Except where a particular method of communication is required in your Agreement or
applicable law, any communication between us and you under your Agreement may be in
person, in writing, by telephone or by electronic means (including email, SMS/MMS to an
agreed number).
If your Agreement requires notice in writing, you and we may agree that written notice is not
required, unless it is required by law. If communication is required to be in writing (under this
Agreement or applicable law), it may be made by mail or electronic means.
Any communication may be made by electronic means unless you request us to send
communications to a postal address or we determine that electronic means isn’t possible.
Any written communication by a party is deemed to have been received:
(a) if sent by mail, two business days after the date of sending; or
(b) if sent by electronic means, on the earlier of receipt of delivery transmission or the
day of transmission (unless notified that the delivery was unsuccessful or

15.2 Other important information

(a) Business days – a business day is any day that isn’t a Saturday, Sunday or public
holiday in the State or Territory where you live. Unless the context requires
otherwise, if you or we are required to do something on a date that isn’t a
business day: (i) any payment due on a date that isn’t a business day must be paid
on or by the next business day; and (ii) in any other case, the thing must be done
on or by the previous business day.
(b) Document errors – where an error or misprint appears in a document (which is not
an advertisement) that we provide to you in connection with your Agreement, we
may re-issue the document or notify you of the error or misprint. You won't be
entitled to a reduction or variation of the charges, and alternatively you also won't
be charged more, as a result of an error or misprint. Our fair contracting promises
in clause 11.5 will apply where applicable.
(c) Commission – we may pay a commission to any agent, employee, contractor or
dealer in connection with the acquisition of services and your Agreement.
(d) Delays – subject to the Australian Consumer law, where we have exercised
reasonable care and due diligence, we won’t be responsible for any delay in the
provision of a service, and you aren’t permitted to cancel or amend a service due
to delay unless we agree otherwise.
(e) Governing law – your Agreement is governed by the laws of your State or
Territory of residence. You and we submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the
courts in that State or Territory.

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(f) Transfer of your Agreement – we may transfer or novate our rights and
obligations under your Agreement to a third party at any time without your
consent. If you consider (acting reasonably) that the transfer or novation will
cause detriment to you, you may cancel your Agreement by notifying us and we
will waive any applicable termination fee under clause 7.7. Unless we otherwise
agree, you can’t transfer or novate your rights and obligations under your
Agreement to any third party without our consent. See clause 5.5 for details about
continued services by our Suppliers.
(g) Clauses that continue to apply – clauses 2.2, 2.4(a), (c), (f), (h), and (i), 6.1(b), 6.4,
6.11, 6.12, 7, 9, 8.3, 9, 0, 13, 0 15 and 16 of these Customer Terms (Part 1) will
survive termination or expiry.
(h) Entire agreement – the documents forming the Agreement contains the entire
agreement between the parties about its subject matter.
(i) Waiver – except as otherwise provided in the Agreement, a right created under
the Agreement may only be waived in writing signed by the party granting the
(j) Brand notices – nbn®, nbn co and other nbn logos and brands are trade marks of
nbn co limited and used under licence.

15.3 Other
In our Customer Terms:
(a) a legislative provision or legislation (including subordinate legislation) is to that
provision or legislation as amended, re-enacted or replaced, and includes any
subordinate legislation issued under it;
(b) a document (including this document) or agreement, or a provision of a document
(including this document) or agreement, is to that document, agreement or
provision as amended, supplemented, replaced or novated;
(c) a party to this document or to any other document or agreement includes a
successor in title, permitted substitute or a permitted assign of that party;
(d) if a word or phrase is defined, any other grammatical form of that word or phrase
has a corresponding meaning; and
(e) if an example is given of anything (including a right, obligation or concept), such
as by saying it includes something else, the example does not limit the scope of
that thing.


To help clarify specific terms or words you’ve read in these Customer Terms, we’re explaining
them clearly and simply right here, so you know exactly what they mean.
The following words have the meaning set out below.

Additional Means any additional terms and conditions available at

Terms (as updated from time to time)
and applicable to the products or services you are purchasing. Our fair
Southern Phone Company (ABN 42 100 901 184) Page 20
contracting promises in clause 11.5 will apply to any new or changed
requirements where applicable.

Act Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cth).

Advocate Has the meaning given in the TCP Code.

Agreement The agreement (as varied from time to time) you make with us when
you accept the terms of the Agreement. It consists of these Customer
Terms, Critical Information Summary, order confirmation and our

Agreement Date Has the meaning given in clause 3.2.

Allowance A limited volume of services to use during a period of time as set out in
your Agreement.
Example: an internet plan with a monthly data allowance of 500 GB.
Unused Allowances can’t be redeemed for cash, and they don’t carry
forward unless your Agreement says otherwise. If you exceed your
Allowance, additional charges may apply or your service may be
restricted as set out in your Agreement.

Australian As set out in Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010
Consumer Law (Cth).

Authorised Has the meaning given in the TCP Code.


Billing Period Has the meaning given in clause 6.3.

BYO Bring your own.

Carbon Neutral "Carbon Neutral" in accordance with the Climate Active Certification
that applies to the products and services provided by us under this

Climate Active The Australian government's Climate Active initiative.

Climate Active The certification in respect of the products and services provided by
Certification us under this Agreement in the Climate Active initiative, issued in
accordance with the Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standards
administered by the Australian government.

Customer Terms This document (Welcome to Southern Phone) and the applicable
schedules for your plan.

End Date Has the meaning given in clause 7.6.

Facility The networks, software and infrastructure used to provide the service.
Facilities may be owned or operated by us or our Suppliers.

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Fair Use Policy Means the fair use policy available here (as updated from time to time).

Fixed Term A fixed period of time with a minimum period as set out in your
Agreement. An early termination fee may apply if you cancel a Fixed
Term service before the minimum period ends – see clause 7.7. To be
clear, a Fixed Term plan isn’t a Month-to-Month plan. Once the
minimum period of a Fixed Term plan ends, the Fixed Term plan rolls
over into a Month-to-Month plan.

GST Supplier Has the meaning given in clause 6.12.

Month-to- A service that’s acquired on a month by month basis and no early

Month termination fee applies if you cancel the service. For clarity, a Month-
to-Month plan isn’t a Fixed Term plan. You can choose to end a Month-
to-Month plan – see clause 7.1.

Network The collection of Facilities used to provide the services.

Off-Peak Days or times where different charges or other special terms apply as
set out in your Agreement.

On-Peak Days or times where different charges or other special terms apply as
set out in your Agreement.

Policy The policies available at (as updated from time

to time). Our fair contracting promises in clause 11.5 will apply to any
new or changed requirements where applicable.

Policy The policies available at (as

updated from time to time). Our fair contracting promises in clause
11.5 will apply to any new or changed requirements where applicable.

Regulatory Means any Commonwealth, State or Territory or local regulation,

Requirements including any laws, regulations and regulatory and administrative
documents, orders, licence conditions, codes, guidelines or standards
(including Climate Active Certification, the Climate Active Carbon
Neutral Standard or similar standards or requirements) that are
applicable to the supply of the products and services provided under
this Agreement from time to time.

Related Has the same meaning as "related body corporate" (as defined in the
Company Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)).

Spam Act Spam Act 2003 (Cth).

Supplier Has the meaning given in clause 5.4.

TCP Code Telecommunications Consumer Protection Code (C628:2019) as

amended from time to time.

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Third Party Has the meaning given in clause 6.1(a).

Unexpected Has the meaning given in clause 12.


Use Policy Has the meaning given in clause 5.2.

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Schedule 1– Southern Phone nbn® Plans

Section 1 – Service description

This schedule set outs details about our nbn plans, which consist of:
(a) internet services (nbn plan) (internet services); and
(b) optional services to add-on to our internet services (optional services).
When we refer to "nbn plan" in this schedule, we mean the internet services and any optional
services you choose (unless the context indicates otherwise).


2.1 An outline of our nbn plans
Our nbn plans offer the features below. Optional features are noted below. For further details
about the specific nbn plan you’ve chosen, take a look at your order confirmation and Critical
Information Summary.
All our plans comprise a broadband internet service provided to you over the nbn network,
which is operated, and provided to us, by nbn co. These services allow you to connect to the
internet and send and receive data.
Services using the nbn network are provided using different technologies and are only
available in areas where one of the nbn network technologies is available.
We offer the following nbn plans:

Item Features

nbn® home broadband plans A broadband internet service to allow you to

connect to the internet and send and
receive data for personal purposes.
Services using the nbn network are
provided using different technologies and
are only available in areas where one of the
nbn network technologies is available.

nbn® business broadband plans A broadband internet service to allow you to

connect to the internet and send and
receive data for business purposes.
Services using the nbn network are
provided using different technologies and
are only available in areas where one of the
nbn network technologies is available.

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You may also take up these optional services if offered with an eligible nbn plan:

Item Features

Home phone A home phone service, provided to you over

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) using an
eligible internet service.
This is available as an optional service as
part of your eligible internet service. We
don't offer standalone home phone service.
See our Home and Business Phone Plans
Schedule for details about this bundled

Business phone A business phone service, provided to you

over Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
using an eligible internet service.
This is available as an optional service as
part of your eligible internet service. We
don't offer standalone home phone service.
See our Home and Business Phone Plans
Schedule for details about this bundled

If the Home and Business Phone services

are under your name, please note you have
the right to:
(i) use the number;
(ii) make or receive a call/SMS, and;
port the number, where the number is
portable and active.

2.2 What’s unique about our nbn plans

Be mindful of the following limitations to our nbn plans:

Item Description

Priority assistance We don’t offer priority assistance. If anyone

at your place has a life threatening medical
condition, our nbn plan may not be suitable.

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Item Description
Please contact another provider, such as
Telstra, if you need priority assistance.

Power failures Our nbn plan won’t work during power

failures. If the power fails, you’ll need to use
a mobile phone to make or receive calls,
including calling emergency service
numbers (eg 000). For FTTP connections,
you may have the option to install a battery
back-up power supply unit which will
provide emergency power for up to 5 hours.
A battery backup unit won’t power any
cordless phones or phones that require
external power. You’ll be responsible for
replacing the batteries in the battery
backup unit.

Medical and security alarms If you have a medical or security alarm (or
other special device such as an elevator
emergency phone, fire indicator panel, or
EFTPOS machine), it’s really important you
check its compatibility with an nbn service
before signing up. Chat to your medical or
security alarm service provider to find out. If
your service is incompatible, they’ll be able
to take you through your options.

If you choose an optional service, the following may also apply:

Optional service: home phone or business phone service

Item Description

Customer service guarantee In order to use the home phone or business

phone service, we’ll need you to waive
your rights under the Telecommunications
(Customer Service Guarantee) Standard
2011. When you sign up, we’ll provide you
with information about the Customer
Service Guarantee and what you need to

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Section 2 – Fees and charges


3.1 Internet services
The charges that apply to internet services on our nbn plans include:

Type of charge Charge (inc GST)

nbn plan charge See your order confirmation and Critical

Information Summary.

Early termination fee (if applicable) See your order confirmation and Critical
Information Summary.

Modem fee (if applicable) See your order confirmation and Critical
Information Summary.

Connection fee (if applicable) See your order confirmation and Critical
Information Summary.


You may also need to pay Third Party Charges which we pass on to you, such as those listed
below, plus some charges that arise in specific circumstances. These charges include nbn
ancillary charges. Get in touch with us for more details about Third Party Charges.

Type of charge Description Charge (inc GST)

New Developments See your Critical Information Summary. nbn $300

Charge co charges this fee to us and we on-charge it
to you.

Incorrect call out fee See your Critical Information Summary. $220

Late cancellation fee Applies when you cancel an appointment for $82.50 for FTTB,
a technician to attend your property less FTTN, FTTC and
than 24 hours before the scheduled HFC (or $165 if
appointment start time. the appointment
is outside normal
business hours
for FTTP, Fixed
Wireless, FTTB,

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Type of charge Description Charge (inc GST)

Missed appointment Applies when a technician attends your $65 for first
fee property for a scheduled appointment, and missed
no one is there to let the technician in. appointment for
FTTC and HFC or
$82.50 for
appointments (or
$165 if the
appointment is
outside normal
business hours
for FTTP, Fixed
Wireless, FTTB,

Restoration fee Applies if we restore your nbn service after $55



You can make certain changes to your plan, such as change to another nbn speed tier, or
add or remove an optional service (such as a phone service). Your order confirmation and
Critical Information Summary set out any additional charges and terms and conditions that
Fees may also apply if you change other aspects of your nbn plan. Such changes may be
subject to our agreement or other conditions, so get in touch with us for details.

Section 3 – Service-specific terms


6.1 Providing information to our Suppliers
You consent to us sharing information about you with our Suppliers (including nbn co), so
they can help supply services to you and manage their contract with us. This may include
your full name, billing address, street address and details of the services. We’ll only share
information about you with our Suppliers in accordance with our privacy policy and in other
circumstances where the law allows it.

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6.2 Installation, cabling and products for optional services
Unless we tell you otherwise, we won’t provide any installation, cabling or other products for
any optional services. If we do, we may charge you for it.


7.1 nbn technologies
We can only supply you with internet services if your property is serviced by the nbn network
by one of the supported technologies listed in the table below. When you contact us, we can
check if you have been connected to the nbn network and whether you are eligible.

Item Supported technology

Wireless, Satellite Wireless and Satellite (Sky Muster® Plus)
technologies provided as part of the nbn
network are supported.
See clause 15 for the meaning of these

More information about these different technologies can be found on our website here or
the nbn co website here.
Once you’ve signed up for internet services using the nbn network, you may not be able to
sign up to other fixed-line internet services at your property that don’t use the nbn network.
7.2 Installing nbn products
If your property isn’t already connected to the nbn network, we’ll ask nbn co to establish
your nbn network connection and install nbn products. nbn co is an independent company,
responsible for the nbn network and installing all nbn products at your property.
7.3 Installation appointments
If nbn co needs to come to your property to install nbn products, nbn co may offer you a
choice of appointment times. We don’t manage their schedule (including any cancelling or
rescheduling of appointments).
If you have scheduled an appointment with nbn co and nbn co tells us that they’ve
rescheduled or cancelled the appointment, we’ll give you as much warning as we reasonably
can. If you need to reschedule your appointment, you must let us know at least 1 business
day before your scheduled appointment. If you don’t, you may be charged a late cancellation
fee or missed appointment fee – see ‘Section 2 – Fees and charges’.
Subject to your Australian Consumer Law rights, we can’t promise that nbn co will keep its
appointments and we’re not responsible for any loss or inconvenience you may suffer if it
does not.
7.4 Installing and using the nbn connection box
To connect to the nbn network, you’ll usually need an nbn connection box (sometimes called
a 'Network Termination Device' (NTD) or 'Network Connection Device' (NCD), depending on

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your connection type). The nbn connection box remains the property of nbn co and should
not be removed from the house or premises.
When installing the nbn connection box, nbn co will determine its preferred position. You
can ask nbn co to install the connection box in a different location. This is subject to nbn co's
approval and may result additional costs for a 'non-standard installation'. Your nbn plan can
be terminated without notice if you relocate the nbn connection box to another house or
You must ensure that mains power is available and an unobstructed double power point is
located within 3 metres of the nbn connection box.
7.5 Obtaining other people's consent
If you're not already connected to the nbn network, you may need to obtain the consent of
certain people so that nbn co can install nbn products at your property. This may include the
owner of your property (which may be you or your landlord), your building manager or body
corporate (if applicable) and anyone else who is the account holder for an existing third party
fixed-line internet service at your property. See clause 5.5 of the Customer Terms (Part 1)
for details.
If you find out that anyone has withdrawn their consent to the installation of nbn products
at your property, you must let us know immediately.
7.6 Your cooperation
You must cooperate with us, nbn co and nbn co's installer and provide reasonable assistance
to help connect your property to the nbn network. If we ask, you must ensure that an adult
is available to provide access to your property, so that nbn co or its installer can perform
(a) to enable the internet service to be supplied you; and
(b) on or in relation to the nbn network, nbn products, our Network, or, where lawful,
a third party’s network.
7.7 Non-standard installations and subsequent installations
At the time of installation, nbn co will assess whether the installation at your property is a
standard installation, a non-standard installation, or a subsequent installation. A non-
standard installation or a subsequent installation may incur additional costs.
Before starting a non-standard installation or subsequent installation, nbn co will provide you
with a quote for any additional costs and only perform the installation if you agree to pay
those costs. We’ll bill you for the additional costs.
7.8 Works you arrange
You’re responsible for all cabling, products and third party services that you arrange (including
anything on your side of the nbn network boundary). If you engage anyone to carry out works
associated with the services provided by us, you must ensure that they comply with all laws and hold
all necessary registrations and certifications.


8.1 Back-up battery for FTTP connections

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If you have a FTTP connection, you can also install (at your cost) a backup battery for the
nbn connection box. If the power goes down, the backup battery will, for a limited time,
supply power to the UNI-D (data) port of the nbn connection box. The back-up battery will
provide power to the nbn connection box but no other devices such as modems and cordless
8.2 Extra consents for FTTB and FTTC installations
If you order a FTTB connection and your building (eg the apartment block your property is
in) isn’t FTTB-ready, nbn co will require access to your building (including its
telecommunications infrastructure) to make the building FTTB-ready. You must arrange that
access with your building manager.
If you order a FTTC connection where your property has a 'main distribution frame', you must
ensure that nbn co has all necessary consents to use any in-premises or in-building wiring,
cabling or products (including common property) at your property to supply the services. You
must tell us immediately if the consent is withdrawn.
8.3 Services using existing copper wiring
Some technologies for the nbn network make use of the copper wiring that’s already
connected to or within your property. These connections require you to install a compatible
VDSL2 modem inside your property.
As part of the set-up of the internet services, nbn co will disconnect that wiring from the
existing telephone network and connect it to the nbn network. As a result, you’ll no longer
be able to use any third party service that was supplied over that wiring (such as a fax or
telephone). There will also be a period when your previous third party services are
disconnected but the internet services aren’t yet available. In this case, nbn co will notify
your existing provider when disconnection has occurred.
8.4 Services using HFC technology (pay TV and third party internet)
Some technologies for the nbn network make use of the HFC connection that is already
connected to your property. This is also known as cable, and may have been installed as part
of previous pay TV or other third party internet services at your property.
As part of the set-up of the internet services, nbn co will install and activate its own products.
It will also install an HFC radio frequency (RF) splitter so your existing third party services
will work after the installation. However, there will be a period when your existing HFC third
party service (such as internet or pay TV) won’t be available. If you don’t require your existing
third party services after the installation of the internet services, you must arrange to cancel
8.5 Disruption to nbn FTTC connection
If you have a FTTC connection, the internet service may be temporarily interrupted if nbn co
performs any installation, activation or relocation work or other activities that affect the
distribution point unit near you. This might include activities that relate to other properties,
nbn co customers or nbn internet.
8.6 Mains power outages
If your nbn FTTN, FTTB FTTC, HFC, or Satellite suffers a mains power outage:

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(a) you cannot use data services (eg the internet, email or VoIP calling); and
(b) you cannot make or receive telephone calls (including to emergency numbers) using
the nbn internet services.


9.1 Application of this section
This section 9 applies to Sky Muster® Plus Satellite services (Satellite services).
9.2 Limitation of liability
To the full extent permitted by law, subject always to our obligations under the Australian
Consumer Law, we exclude all liability of nbn co, its Related Companies and each of their
respective personnel, arising from or in connection with the Satellite service. You
acknowledge that nbn co is not providing, and does not have a contractual relationship
with you for the supply of the Satellite services.
9.3 Warranty disclaimer
(a) Subject always to our obligations under the Australian Consumer Law but
notwithstanding anything else in this Agreement, you agree:
(i) the Satellite service is provided ‘as is’ and without warranty of quality or
(ii) your use of the Satellite service is at your own risk;
(iii) you are using a public, unfiltered internet connection and should take all
precautions for the security and filtering (if applicable) of your information;
(iv) you are solely responsible for any loss or damage to your equipment,
device or to any information or other data that may result from your use
of the Satellite service;
(v) there may be interruptions, delays, omissions, inaccuracies with the
Satellite service and that it may not be available at some times;
(vi) subject to section 9.3(b), and to the full extent permitted by law, subject
always to our obligations under the Australian Consumer Law, you release
nbn co and its Related Companies, affiliates, directors, officers, agents,
employees, contractors or representatives, but excluding us, (Released
Parties) from any and all liability that may arise in connection with the
Satellite service or your use of the Satellite service;
(vii) we hold the benefit of this clause for and on behalf of the Released Parties,
and any of the Released Parties may enforce this clause as if it were party
to this Agreement.
(b) Section 9.3(a)(vi) does not apply to a claim by you for loss or damage suffered or
incurred by you arising from or in connection with:
(i) any damage to, or loss of, tangible property to the extent that such losses
are caused or contributed to by nbn, its Related Companies or any of their
respective personnel or third party suppliers; or
(ii) the death or personal injury of any person to the extent caused or
contributed to by: (A) negligent or wilful acts or omissions of nbn, its

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Related Companies or any of their respective personnel or third party
suppliers; or (B) any equipment or network owned, operated or controlled
by nbn co.
9.4 Satellite service fair use and usage limits
You should refer to our Critical Information Summary for information about the usage
limitations that apply to your Satellite service and also the nbn Sky Muster Plus - Fair Use
Policy for full details.


You need to comply with both our Fair Use Policy and applicable nbn Fair Use Policies (the
nbn Ethernet - Fair Use Policy and, if applicable, the nbn Sky Muster Plus – Fair Use Policy).
To make it simple for you, we’ve included nbn co's key "fair use" requirements in our Fair Use
Policy. However, if any applicable nbn co Fair Use Policies change, you’ll need to comply with
those changes. We'll notify you of changes to our Fair Use Policy and any relevant changes
to the applicable nbn Fair Use Policies. Our fair contracting promises in clause of the
Customer Terms (Part 1) will apply to these changes where applicable. Additional policies
and terms may apply for certain technologies, such as Satellite – see section 9 of these terms.


11.1 Setting up your in-premises products
As well as an active nbn connection box, you’ll need in-premises products (such as a modem)
to use the internet services. You’re not required to buy a modem from us, but you have the
option to do so. If you use your own modem or other products, you must ensure that it’s
compatible with the nbn network and meets relevant standards.
Unless we agree to supply or set up your modem or other products, you’re responsible for
doing so. You must ensure that you follow any instructions we send to you, including
instructions about testing your connection. If you don't, your products may not function
correctly on our Network or the nbn network. If we agree to supply or set up your modem or
other products, additional fees may apply.
11.2 Speed and performance of the internet services
There are several factors that may affect your experience on the nbn network. Inside your
home, the speed or performance of your internet services may be affected by things like
router quality, in-home cabling, distance between router and WiFi devices, electrical and WiFi
channel interference, the number of devices connected to the router or the number of third
party services supplied through nbn network technology. Outside your home, the speed or
performance of your internet services may also be affected by things like cell tower capacity,
distance to the cell tower, signal strength, obstructions to the line-of-sight from the antenna
to the cell tower, and weather conditions.
To improve speed or performance, try placing your modem away from electrical appliances
or in a central location, or get in touch with us to discuss options.
11.3 Your obligations
In addition to your general obligations set out in clause 5.1 of the Customer Terms (Part 1),
you must:

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(a) ensure that the products, networks or systems you use with the internet services
are compatible with the nbn network and are used in accordance with law;
(b) ensure that products provided to you by us or by nbn co, to use with the internet
services, is maintained and you must notify us if the product becomes materially
damaged or faulty;
(c) comply with any additional instructions we give you about the use of the internet
services or any products (including any instructions set out in any operations
manual that’s made available to you);
(d) follow our reasonable directions, policies and procedures about your use of, or the
integrity of, the internet services, the nbn network, our Network or any third party
network or products; and
(e) follow our reasonable directions, policies and procedures about protecting the
health or safety of any person, or as required for us to comply with our obligations
to our Suppliers (including nbn co).
11.4 Changes and repairs to nbn-owned products
Except for work carried out under the Australian Consumer Law, if you want nbn co to
change or repair products owned by nbn co, we or nbn co will give you a quote for the work
and nbn co will only perform work if you agree to pay for it.
11.5 Fault reporting
Before reporting a fault with the internet services, you should ensure that it isn’t caused by
your products. We may charge you additional charges required by nbn co if you make a fault
report in relation to the nbn network or internet services and nbn co determines there was
no fault with the nbn network – see ‘Section 2 – Fees and Charges’.
11.6 Dynamic IP addresses
Unless otherwise specified in your Agreement, we’ll provide your internet services with a
dynamic (periodically changing) IP address. Some uses or applications that rely on a fixed IP
address may not be supported. If you don’t have a static IP address, you may request one.
Availability may be subject to conditions, including our current policies, service-specific
terms and additional charges.
11.7 Allocation of IP addresses, email addresses and domain names
You may be allocated with IP addresses or other internet identifiers in connection with your
internet services. You don’t own the identifiers allocated to you and, except where you’re
permitted to transfer an identifier to another provider, you have no right to retain these
identifiers when your Agreement ends.
Some of these internet identifiers are licensed and controlled by third party authorities that
oversee the allocation of these identifiers, subject to separate rules and regulations. These
authorities may change the rules and regulations that apply to the use of these identifiers.
We aren’t responsible for any changes to these rules or regulations or for any action by, or
required by, these authorities.
You acknowledge that your IP address may be managed by network address translation (also
known as NAT) and it may not be globally routable (that is, directly reachable by all other
internet users). Some uses or applications that rely on inbound connections may not be
supported. If you don’t have a globally routable IP address, you may request one. Availability

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may be subject to conditions, including our current policies, service-specific terms and
additional charges.


In addition to any rights we have under the Customer Terms, and except as set out in clause
7.5 of the Customer Terms (Part 1), we may cancel, suspend or restrict your services (or any
part of your nbn plan) by notice to you, in any of the following circumstances:
(a) if you don’t meet any of the requirements set out in clauses 7.2 (Installing nbn
products), 7.5 (Obtaining other people's consent), 7.6 (Your cooperation), 8.2 (Extra
consents for FTTB and FTTC installations), 10(Using your nbn plan - general), or
11.3 (Your obligations);
(b) with respect to an optional service, if you're no longer eligible to receive an optional
service (for example, if your internet services are cancelled, suspended or
restricted, you may no longer be able to receive a phone service that relies on your
internet service);
(c) if a Supplier tells us that your conduct is in breach of your Agreement as it applies
to the services provided by that Supplier (including the Use Policies);
(d) if we think the cancellation of your nbn plan (or any part of it) is necessary, because
a Supplier has told us that it will cease providing the underlying service to us, and
we’ve given you at least 6 months' notice; or
(e) if we think that suspension or restriction of your nbn plan (or any part of it) is
necessary, because a Supplier has told us that it will be suspending or restricting
any part of its services that we rely on to provide all or part of the nbn plan to you.
If we cancel, suspend or restrict your nbn plan (or any part of it) under clause (b), you agree
that we can rely on our Supplier's report of your conduct and we don’t have to complete our
own investigation. However, you can notify us that you dispute an assessment and in that
case we’ll take reasonable steps to review the relevant circumstances.
If we cancel, suspend or restrict your nbn plan (or any part of it) under clause (d) or (e), you
won’t be required to pay early termination fees (for cancellations) and we may provide you
with a refund at our discretion (for suspensions or restrictions).
For cancellations under clauses (d) or (e), we’ll try to tell you as soon as we can, after being
notified by the Supplier.


13.1 Application of the Customer Terms
This clause applies in addition to any limitations or exclusions set out in the Customer Terms
– see clause of the Customer Terms (Part 1).
You have important rights that can’t be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. For
information about these rights, see clause 9 (Your Australian Consumer Law rights) of the
Customer Terms (Part 1).
13.2 Protecting our Suppliers
When you use the services, you must:

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(a) meet all of the requirements set out in clause 5.1 of the Customer Terms (Part 1),
as well as the Use Policies; and
(b) not use the services in a way that could cause us, any of our Suppliers or anyone
else to do any of things in clause 5.1 of the Customer Terms (Part 1) or the Use
13.3 Rights of our Suppliers

Without limiting anything else in your Agreement, you agree that our Suppliers may take
certain actions that they consider necessary in relation to your use of the underlying service
provided by that Supplier, including the following, in relation to the phone service:
(a) without limiting clause 13.2 of the Customer Terms (Part 1), a Supplier may
intercept communications and provide usage-related information to government
or regulatory authorities or law enforcement agencies, to the extent required by
Law to do so, and may (but is not obliged to) monitor the usage of the service and
communications sent over it for compliance with the underlying agreement, to
protect the Network and that Supplier's other users;
(b) if a Supplier considers, in its reasonable opinion, that you’re not complying with your
obligations in clause 13.2 above, that Supplier may take any steps that it considers
necessary to ensure that it complies with Law and any industry codes of practice,
court directions or notifications or directions from a government agency, without
us or the Supplier incurring any liability to you; and
(c) a Supplier may scan your products and test the security of the underlying service
provided by that Supplier, to assist us to keep the Network secure from
unauthorised access. However, neither we nor our Suppliers are required to carry
out such a scan or test.
13.4 Claims against our Suppliers
Each of our Suppliers (including nbn co) are providing underlying services to us, on a
wholesale basis, so that we can provide the services to you. As a result, your relationship is
with us and not any of our Suppliers. Nothing in these terms gives you a right to anything
provided by our Suppliers (including any network or products owned by any Supplier).
As a result, except as required by law (including the Australian Consumer Law), our Suppliers
aren’t responsible to you for any loss or damage arising from the supply of, or your use of,
the services or our Supplier's networks. You acknowledge that you have no claim, and agree
that you won’t make such a claim, against our Suppliers, for any of these matters. Please see
clause 10.3 of the Customer Terms (Part 1) for more information.
13.5 Your responsibilities under this schedule
In addition to your responsibilities under clause 5 of the Customer Terms (Part 1), you’re
responsible for and must reimburse, on demand from us, any costs or expenses incurred by
us as a result of, or in connection with:
(a) loss or damage caused by you, your agents or representatives to our Network, the
nbn network or products owned by us or our Suppliers, as a result of a failure to
comply with this schedule; or
(b) loss or damage arising from your failure to obtain permission to connect or install
the nbn network or internet services, from any person described in clauses 7.5

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(Obtaining other people’s consent) or 8.2 (Extra consents for FTTB and FTTP
This clause applies except to the extent the loss or damage is caused by our (or our
Supplier's) breach of consumer guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law or our (or
our Supplier's) negligence.
13.6 Rights to use third party software
If we notify you of certain terms that relate to third party software (an 'end user licence
agreement' or EULA), you must comply with those terms.
For any third party software we provide to you, whether or not we provide a EULA, you agree
(a) our Supplier's software licensor retains its rights to the third party software;
(b) the third party software is the confidential information of our Supplier's licensor;
(c) you can't assign, transfer, lease or rent the third party software;
(d) you can't modify or create a derivate work from the third party software;
(e) you can't remove or modify rights notices contained with the third party
(f) except as permitted by law, you can't reverse engineer or try to find out the source
code, algorithms, structure or organisation of the third party software;
(g) you’ll indemnify our Supplier and the licensor for any claims arising from your
breach of this clause 13.6 or any improper, unlawful or unauthorised use or dealing
with the third party software by you or someone else using your service.


Section 2 and clauses 8, 12, 13.1, 13.3, 13.4 and 13.5 of section 3 to this Schedule 1 will
survive termination or expiry.


To help clarify specific terms or words you’ve read in this schedule, we’re explaining them
clearly and simply right here, so you know exactly what they mean.
The following words have the meaning set out below. If a capitalised word isn’t defined
below, it may have the meaning set out in the Customer Terms (Part 1) instead.

EULA End user licence agreement which sets out terms and conditions that apply
to use of third party software made available to you.

Fixed Fixed wireless technology, provided as part of the nbn network. Fixed
Wireless wireless uses an outdoor antenna to connect to a transmission tower and is
available in certain locations.

FTTB Fibre to the basement technology, provided as part of the nbn network.

FTTC Fibre to the curb technology, provided as part of the nbn network.

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FTTN Fibre to the node technology, provided as part of the nbn network.

FTTP Fibre to the premises technology, provided as part of the nbn network.

HFC Hybrid fibre coaxial (also known as cable), used as part of the nbn network.
HFC uses an existing cable or pay TV connection.

nbn co NBN Co Ltd, the company responsible for operating and managing the nbn

nbn Fair Policies published by nbn co from time to time specifying what constitutes
Use acceptable use of services provided by nbn co, including the following:
faa-wba-nbn-ethernet-fair-use-policy-20211221.pdf and
policy-20200401.pdf (or another address chosen by nbn from time to time)
as re-named, updated or replaced from time to time.

Numbering Telecommunications Numbering Plan 2015 or its replacement.


Satellite or The Sky Muster satellite technology, provided as part of the nbn network.
Sky This technology uses a rooftop satellite dish to connect to a satellite provider
Muster® and is only available in certain locations.

Supplier In this schedule, our Suppliers include Vocus Pty Ltd (ACN 127 842 853),
Symbio Wholesale Pty Ltd (ACN 136 972 355), NBN Co Ltd (ACN 136 533
741) and any other third party supplier who provides services to us to enable
the provision of the services described in this schedule.

VoIP "Voice over Internet Protocol", a service that allows you to place and receive
voice calls over an internet connection.

Use For this Schedule, the "Use Policies" include our Fair Use Policy and the nbn
Policies Fair Use Policies.

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Schedule 2 – Southern Phone nbn® Plans and Fibre

Eligible Customers with an nbn fibre-to-the-node (FTTN) or nbn fibre-to-the-curb (FTTC)
connection may upgrade their nbn technology to nbn fibre-to-the-premises (FTTP) (the Fibre
Upgrade) when they acquire a new Eligible Plan. The Fibre Upgrade is part of nbn co’s
Change of Access Technology (COAT) program.

You are an Eligible Customer for the Fibre Upgrade if you are:
(a) a new or current Southern Phone customer;
(b) your address is currently connected to the nbn network via FTTN or FTTC
technology; and
(c) your address has been assessed by nbn co as being eligible for an upgrade from FTTN
or FTTC (as applicable) to FTTP.

Southern Phone’s Eligible Plans are:
(a) For an FTTN to FTTP Upgrade:
(i) Home Fast – 100/20 Mbps
(ii) Home Superfast – 250/25 Mbps
(iii) Home Ultrafast – 1000/50 Mbps
(b) For an FTTC to FTTP Upgrade:
(i) Home Superfast – 250/25 Mbps
(ii) Home Ultrafast – 1000/50 Mbps

4.1 Key Conditions
An Eligible Customer must place an order for a new Eligible Plan for the Fibre Upgrade to
occur and remain on an Eligible Plan for a minimum of 12 months after the Fibre Upgrade.
nbn co will undertake pre-activation work before the Fibre Upgrade can occur and an
appointment will be required. Once the appointment has been booked, a person over the
age of 18 must be present at the address at the time of the appointment. If you miss an
appointment, you may incur a fee.
4.2 Cancellation and Downgrade Fee
Southern Phone Company (ABN 42 100 901 184) Page 39
The Eligible Customer must pay a cancellation/downgrade fee of $220.00 (incl. GST), if:

Existing nbn technology Within 12 months

Cancels or downgrades to a Southern Phone nbn plan

that is below the Home Fast plan or moves to a new
Eligible customers upgraded
from FTTN service Transfers the nbn service to another customer who
cancels or downgrades to a Southern Phone nbn plan
that is below the Home Fast plan (ie transfer of

Cancels or downgrades to a Southern Phone nbn plan

that is below the Home Superfast plan or moves to a
new property
Eligible customers upgraded
from FTTC service Transfers the nbn service to another customer who
cancels or downgrades to a Southern Phone nbn plan
that is below the Home Superfast plan (ie transfer of

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Schedule 3 – Southern Phone Mobile Plans

Section 1 – Service description

This schedule set outs details about our mobile plans, which consist of:
(a) mobile phone services (mobile services); and
(b) optional services to add-on to our mobile services (optional services).
When we refer to "mobile plan" in this schedule, we mean the mobile services and any
optional services you choose (unless the context indicates otherwise).


2.1 An outline of our mobile plans
Our mobile plans offer the features below. Optional features are noted below. For further
details about the specific mobile plan you’ve chosen, take a look at your order confirmation
and Critical Information Summary.
Our mobile plans include the following:

Item Features

Post-paid mobile SIM plans (personal) A 3G/4G/5G personal mobile phone service,
which may come with Voice over LTE
(VoLTE). 5G is a separate plan and is
available in selected areas only (excluding
Unless you purchase a device from us, you'll
need to bring your own unlocked mobile
device that's compatible with the applicable
Depending on the relevant plan and
technology, services may be available using
the Optus mobile network or the Telstra
mobile network. See coverage map and
Orange 4G coverage map on our website for
more detail.

Post-paid mobile SIM plans (business) A 3G/4G/5G personal mobile phone service,
which may come with Voice over LTE
(VoLTE). 5G is a separate plan and is
available in selected areas only (excluding
NT ).

Southern Phone Company (ABN 42 100 901 184) Page 41

Item Features
Unless you purchase a device from us, you'll
need to bring your own unlocked mobile
device that's compatible with the applicable
Depending on the relevant plan and
technology, services may be available using
the Optus mobile network or the Telstra
mobile network. See coverage map and
Orange 4G coverage map on our website for
more detail.

You may also take up these optional services if offered with an eligible mobile plan:

Item Features

None Not applicable.

2.2 What’s unique about our mobile plans

Be mindful of the following limitations to our mobile plans:

Item Description

Exclusions See your Critical Information Summary.

International calls Unless your Critical Information Summary

says otherwise, you'll need to pay for
international calls. See Attachment A of this
schedule below for rates and connection

Voice over LTE (VoLTE) Available for compatible devices to make

and receive voice calls in Australia over the
Optus 4G Plus network. See clause 8.4

Wi-Fi calling Available for compatible devices to make

and receive calls, or send and receive SMS,
where there’s limited mobile coverage but
an accessible Wi-Fi service in Australia. See
clause 8.4 below.

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Section 2 – Fees and charges


The charges that apply to our mobile plans include:

Type of charge Charge (inc GST)

Minimum monthly fee See your order confirmation and Critical

Information Summary.

Data charges See your order confirmation and Critical

Information Summary for details on our data
charges, including for Extra Data.

Calls, SMS and MMS to standard Australian See your order confirmation and Critical
numbers Information Summary.

International calls, SMS and MMS See Attachment A to this schedule.

Excluded call types on Optus mobile • Directory assistance 1223: 50¢ per call.
• 124 Yes: $1.75 per call.
• Video calls (national): 50¢ per minute
(charged in one minute blocks).
• Video calls (international): 50¢ per
minute (charged in one minute blocks).
• Call diversions (international): same as
international calls (see Attachment A to
this schedule)

Excluded call types on Telstra Network See your order confirmation and Critical
Information Summary.

SIM card replacement fee See your order confirmation and Critical
Information Summary.


You may also need to pay Third Party Charges which we pass on to you, such as those listed
below, plus some charges that arise in specific circumstances. Get in touch with us for more
details about Third Party Charges.

Type of charge Description Charge (inc GST)

Port-out fee May apply if you transfer your mobile service See your order
to another provider. This fee is charged by confirmation and
our Supplier and we on-charge it to you. Critical

Southern Phone Company (ABN 42 100 901 184) Page 43

Type of charge Description Charge (inc GST)


You can make certain changes to your plan, such as change to another plan, or add or remove
an optional service, subject to limitations (such as the number of changes we allow within a
month). Your order confirmation and Critical Information Summary set out any additional
charges, limitations and terms and conditions that apply. You can’t change to another plan if
your number is suspended or deactivated.
Fees may also apply if you change other aspects of your mobile plan. Such changes may be
subject to our agreement or other conditions, so get in touch with us for details.

Section 3 – Service-specific terms


6.1 Providing information to our Suppliers
You consent to us sharing information about you with our Suppliers, so they can help supply
services to you and manage their contract with us. This may include your full name, billing
address, street address and details of the services, and additional information to port your
number (if relevant), as set out in clause 7.2 below. We’ll only share information about you
with our Suppliers in accordance with our privacy policy and in other circumstances where
the law allows it.
6.2 Additional products
Unless we tell you otherwise, we won’t provide a mobile device with your mobile plan or
other products for any optional services. If we do, we may charge you for it.
6.3 Value added services
Value added services may be available with your mobile plan. A description of the value
added services, including pricing, is set out in your order confirmation, Critical Information
Summary or other location that we specify from time to time, and may be varied in
accordance with clause 11 of the Customer Terms (Part 1).
If you choose any value added services, you acknowledge that:
(a) you may incur Third Party Charges for the use of those value added services;
(b) some value added services may require specific products (such as a compatible
mobile device) – we’ll let you know about these requirements on request; and
(c) some value added services may require specific network coverage – we’ll let you
know about these limitations on request.
Value added services are for your personal use (and also for non-commercial use, in the case
of mobile content). You must not copy, publish, republish, re-distribute, re-communicate or

Southern Phone Company (ABN 42 100 901 184) Page 44

otherwise commercially exploit any content made available through the value added services,
including by framing, linking, posting in news groups or any other form of copying except as
approved by us and our Suppliers.


7.1 Your SIM card
We’ll send a SIM card to you when you sign up to a mobile plan. Once you receive the SIM
card, activate it by following the instructions we provide you.
SIM cards continue to be our Supplier’s property. However, you’ll be responsible for any loss
or damage to the SIM card from the date that it’s delivered to you. You mustn’t damage or
try to interfere with the SIM card. We may ask you to return the SIM card if we provide you
with a replacement or you no longer need the SIM card.
If your SIM card has been lost or stolen, please let us know as soon as possible. You’ll be
responsible for all usage and charges until you tell us your SIM card is lost or stolen.
7.2 Your mobile number
We can provide you with a mobile phone number when you activate your mobile plan. If we
do, clause 9.6 applies in addition to this clause 7.2.
We can also arrange for you to continue using your existing mobile number (if any) after
you sign up with us, so long as the number is still active. Simply ask us to transfer (or 'port')
the number to us when you sign up. The following will apply:
(a) first, we’ll need to verify that you have authority to port the number to us. Your
existing service may be interrupted while we undertake this verification;
(b) your existing provider may charge early termination fees to cancel your existing
service. Any services not being ported to us will stay with your existing provider;
(c) where you are bringing your own device, you’ll need to ensure that your mobile
device is unlocked and compatible with the applicable mobile network;
(d) until we tell you that the porting is completed, your existing provider will be
responsible for your existing service and you should contact them to discuss the
service or any service faults;
(e) we'll use reasonable efforts to let you know when the porting is completed;
(f) we may need to disclose your personal information to other service providers,
network providers and financial institutions for call routing, complaint handling,
fraud prevention and investigations, or fault management. If we do, we'll do so in
accordance with our privacy policy; and
(g) if you have a complaint or inquiry about the transfer, or would like to check on
progress, please get in touch with us.

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If we're unable to verify your identity or complete the porting process, we'll get in touch with
you to discuss your options.


8.1 Mobile network
Most of our mobile plans are available on the Optus mobile network, although some of our
plans are available on the Telstra mobile network. Check coverage at or
based on your address and relevant plan.
For mobile phone services available on parts of the Optus mobile network:
(a) 3G devices can access the Optus 3G (UMTS 2100 MHz / 900 MHz) network;
(b) 4G devices can access the Optus 3G network plus some or all of the 4G Plus
network. The Optus 4G Plus network uses multiple frequencies (LTE 700 /1800 /
2100 / 2300 / 2600 MHz) to provide coverage; and
(c) 5G devices can access the Optus 5G network, plus some or all of the Optus 4G Plus
network and the Optus 3G network.
For mobile phone services available on parts of the Telstra mobile network:
(a) 3G devices can access the Telstra 3G (850Mz / 2100MHz) network; and
(b) 4G devices can access the Telstra (700 /900 /1800 /2100 /2600 MHz) network.
Coverage and speed will vary depending on your device and location.
8.2 Disruptions to your connection
Our mobile plans depend on the availability of the applicable mobile network. There may be
disruptions or interruptions to your connection, due to things such as network congestion.
Except as required by law (including the Australian Consumer Law), we can’t guarantee that
your mobile plan will always be available and without interruption.
8.3 Fault reporting
Before reporting a fault with the mobile services, ensure that it isn’t caused by your products.
We may charge you additional charges required by our Supplier if you make a fault report in
relation to the Network or mobile services and our Supplier determines there was no fault
with the Network or mobile services.
8.4 Voice over LTE (VoLTE) and Wi-Fi calling
Our mobile plans may be eligible for Voice over LTE (VoLTE) and Wi-Fi calling.
• VoLTE enables you to make and receive mobile voice calls over the Optus 4G Plus
network. VoLTE is only available in selected areas and for compatible mobile devices
Depending on your mobile device, some features may not be available via VoLTE and
there may be service limitations.
• Wi-Fi calling enables you to make and receive mobile voice calls over a local Wi-Fi
network. Wi-Fi calling is only available for compatible mobile devices. You’ll need to
arrange your own access to a Wi-Fi network to enable Wi-Fi calling.

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For VoLTE and Wi-Fi calls, you’ll be charged the applicable voice call charges (if any). You
won’t incur data charges for these calls. Additional charges may apply for excluded call
types, such as premium numbers and international numbers.


9.1 Fair Use Policy
You need to comply with our Fair Use Policy. We'll notify you if this policy changes, and our
fair contracting promises in clause 11.5 of the Customer Terms (Part 1) will apply to these
changes where applicable.
9.2 Your obligations
In addition to your general obligations set out in clause 5.1 of the Customer Terms (Part 1),
you must:
(a) ensure that the products, networks or systems you use with the mobile services are
used in accordance with law;
(b) ensure that products provided to you by us or by our Supplier, to use with the
mobile services, are maintained and you must notify us if the product becomes
materially damaged or faulty;
(c) comply with any additional instructions we give you about the use of the mobile
services or any products (including any instructions set out in any operations
manual that’s made available to you);
(d) follow our reasonable directions, policies and procedures about your use of, or the
integrity of, the mobile services, our Network or any third party network or
products; and
(e) follow our reasonable directions, policies and procedures about protecting the
health or safety of any person, or as required for us to comply with our obligations
to our Suppliers.
9.3 Calling number display
Calling number display (CND), also known as Caller ID, allows the recipient of your call, SMS
or MMS to see who has called or sent the SMS or MMS. We provide CND at no extra cost
with our mobile plans.
Contact us if you wish to block the display of your number so that people don't see it, either
for individual calls or on a permanent basis. If you request permanent blocking, it may take 2
business days to implement. Your number will still be disclosed to emergency services or
when sending a SMS or MMS message. You may not see another person's phone number if
they’ve blocked display of their number, if the call or message is from an overseas number, if
their network doesn't support CND or if the call is from a payphone.
If you receive an unwelcome or harassing call, SMS or MMS and need to know the other
person's number, contact us to discuss your options.
9.4 Dynamic IP addresses
Unless otherwise specified in your Agreement, we’ll provide your mobile services with a
dynamic (periodically changing) IP address. Some uses or applications that rely on a fixed IP
address may not be supported.

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9.5 Allocation of IP addresses, email addresses and domain names
You may be allocated with IP addresses or other internet identifiers in connection with your
mobile services. You don’t own the identifiers allocated to you and, except where you’re
permitted to transfer an identifier to another provider, you have no right to retain these
identifiers when your Agreement ends.
Some of these internet identifiers are licensed and controlled by third party authorities that
oversee the allocation of these identifiers, subject to separate rules and regulations. These
authorities may change the rules and regulations that apply to the use of these identifiers.
We aren’t responsible for any changes to these rules or regulations or for any action by, or
required by, these authorities.
You acknowledge that your IP address may be managed by network address translation (also
known as NAT) and it may not be globally routable (that is, directly reachable by all other
internet users). Some uses or applications that rely on inbound connections may not be
9.6 Allocation of telephone numbers
Any phone number which we provide to you is not owned by you and, except where you're
permitted to transfer your mobile service to another provider and keep the phone number,
you have no right to retain the number when your Agreement ends.
We’re required to comply with the Numbering Plan, which sets out rules for issuing,
transferring and changing telephone numbers. If we do something to comply with the
Numbering Plan, such as changing or withdrawing a previously allocated number, you agree
that you will have no claim against us. You mustn’t do anything that causes us to breach the
Numbering Plan or makes it more difficult for us to comply with the Numbering Plan,
including to reallocate, reassign, or transfer any number except where we let you or you're
permitted to by law.


In addition to any rights we have under the Customer Terms, and except as set out in clause
7.5 of the Customer Terms (Part 1), we may cancel, suspend, restrict or not renew, activate
or port your services (or any part of your mobile plan) by notice to you (if practicable), in any
of the following circumstances:
(a) if you don’t meet any of the requirements set out in clause 6.1 (Providing
information to our Suppliers) or the Use Policies;
(b) if our Supplier tells us that your conduct is in breach of your Agreement as it applies
to the mobile services provided by that Supplier (including clause 6.1 (Providing
information to our Suppliers) or the Use Policies);
(c) if our Supplier tells us that it will be taking action:
(i) to reduce fraud, perform system or Network maintenance it determines
necessary, to reduce or prevent interference with the Network, for
reasons related to credit and debt management;
(ii) because there has been an unusually high use of the mobile service; or

Southern Phone Company (ABN 42 100 901 184) Page 48

(iii) because it believes the mobile service is not being used (where there has
been no use of the mobile service for 3 consecutive months);
(d) if we think the cancellation of your mobile plan is necessary, because our Supplier
has told us that it will cease providing the underlying service to us due to a change
in law, regulation, rule or government direction affecting your mobile plan, and
we’ve given you at least 30 days' notice; or
(e) if we think that suspension or restriction of your mobile plan is necessary, because
our Supplier has told us that it will be suspending or restricting any part of its
services that we rely on to provide all or part of the mobile plan to you.
If we cancel, suspend or restrict your mobile plan (or any part of it) under clause (b) or (c),
you agree that we can rely on our Supplier's report of your conduct and we don’t have to
complete our own investigation. However, you can notify us that you dispute an assessment
and in that case we’ll take reasonable steps to review the relevant circumstances.
If we cancel, suspend or restrict your mobile plan (or any part of it) under clause (d) or (e),
you won’t be required to pay early termination fees (for cancellations) and we may provide
you with a refund at our discretion (for suspensions or restrictions).
For cancellations under clauses (c), (d) or (e), we’ll try to tell you as soon as we can, but we
may not be aware of these things happening until our Supplier tells us. For clause (c)(iii),
we’ll tell you in advance of the cancellation.


11.1 Application of the Customer Terms
This clause applies in addition to any limitations or exclusions set out in the Customer Terms
– see clause 9 of the Customer Terms (Part 1).
You have important rights that can’t be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. For
information about these rights, see clause 9 (Your Australian Consumer Law rights) of the
Customer Terms (Part 1).
11.2 Protecting our Suppliers
When you use the mobile services, you must:
(a) meet all of the requirements set out in clause 5.1 of the Customer Terms (Part 1),
as well as the Use Policies;
(b) not make or receive calls, or send or receive content on the Network, other than for
your own personal or business use (as applicable);
(c) ensure that any devices connected to the Network are technically compatible,
comply with generally-accepted industry codes or standards (to the extent
applicable) and otherwise comply with all reasonable procedures, standards or
requirements notified by us or our Suppliers from time to time;
(d) not do anything that would endanger the health or safety of any person, or
negatively impact or degrade the normal operation of the Network;
(e) not wholesale, resell or resupply any service (including transit, refile or aggregate
domestic or international traffic) on the Network;

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(f) not use the mobile services (including any SIM card) in connection with a device
that switches or re-routes calls to or from the Network to the network of another
supplier; and
(g) not use the mobile services in a way that could cause us, any of our Suppliers or
anyone else to do any of the things in clause 5.5 of the Customer Terms (Part 1),
this clause 6.2 or the Use Policies.
11.3 Claims against our Suppliers
Each of our Suppliers are providing underlying services to us, on a wholesale basis, so that
we can provide the mobile services to you. As a result, your relationship is with us and not
any of our Suppliers. Nothing in these terms gives you a right to anything provided by our
Suppliers (including any network or products owned by any Supplier).
As a result, except as required by law (including the Australian Consumer Law), our Suppliers
aren’t responsible to you (including in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise) for
any loss or damage arising from the supply of, or your use of, the mobile services or our
Supplier's networks. You acknowledge that you have no claim, and agree that you won’t
make such a claim, including in negligence, against our Suppliers, for any of these matters.
Please see clause 10.3 of the Customer Terms (Part 1) for more information.
11.4 Co-operating with our Suppliers
In addition to your responsibilities under clause 5.3 of the Customer Terms (Part 1), if our
Supplier tells us that your conduct is in breach of your Agreement as it applies to the mobile
services provided by that Supplier (including the Use Policies), you must cooperate with us
and comply with our reasonable directions about your conduct, to enable us to meet our
obligations to our Supplier.
11.5 Your responsibilities under this schedule
In addition to your responsibilities under clause 5 of the Customer Terms (Part 1), you’re
responsible for and must reimburse, on demand from us, any costs or expenses incurred by
us as a result of, or in connection with loss or damage caused by you, your agents or
representatives to our Network or products owned by us or our Suppliers, as a result of a
failure to comply with this schedule.
This clause applies except to the extent the loss or damage is caused by our (or our
Supplier's) breach of consumer guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law or our (or
our Supplier's) negligence.
11.6 Supplier intellectual property rights
In addition to your obligations under clause 2.4(h) of the Customer Terms (Part 1), you must
not use or promote our Suppliers' intellectual property rights, or the trade marks or names or
any other person in conjunction or association with our Suppliers' intellectual property rights,
without their consent.
11.7 Rights to use third party software
If we notify you of certain terms that relate to third party software (an 'end user licence
agreement' or EULA), you must comply with those terms.
11.8 Supplier-specific end user terms

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In addition to any other obligations under the Customer Terms (Part 1) or this schedule, the
following Supplier-specific end user terms apply to you if your mobile plan includes an
underlying service that is provided to us by Optus or Telstra:
(a) Assignment: for the purposes of novation under clause 5.6 of the Customer Terms
(Part 1), you agree to novate this Agreement from us to our Supplier on receipt of
a notice from us or from our Supplier. This clause remains subject to clause 5.6 of
the Customer Terms (Part 1) and our fair contracting promises in clause 11.5 of the
Customer Terms (Part 1).
(b) Privacy and marketing consents: by entering into an Agreement for the provision
of mobile services, you consent to allow us to disclose to our Supplier or its Related
Companies certain end user details relating to your affairs or personal particulars or
carriage services supplied to you (including any listed or unlisted telephone number,
address and account history). You also consent to allow our Supplier or its Related
Companies to use that information in order to facilitate the supply of carriage
services to you by us and by our Supplier, and for marketing purposes. This clause
remains subject to clause 13.1 of the Customer Terms (Part 1).
(c) Liability of our Supplier: clause 11.3 above applies to our Supplier's liability to you.
(d) Carriers and carriage service providers: if your mobile service is cancelled under
clause 7.1 of the Customer Terms (Part 1) or clause 5 above because you are or
have become a carrier or carriage service provider, the person that cancelled the
service (us or our Supplier) will negotiate in good faith with you to enter into a new
agreement for the supply of the mobile service, on terms to be agreed.


Section 2 and clauses 8, 10, 11.1, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7 and 11.8(b) of Section 3 to this
Schedule 1 will survive termination or expiry.


To help clarify specific terms or words you’ve read in this schedule, we’re explaining them
clearly and simply right here, so you know exactly what they mean.
The following words have the meaning set out below. If a capitalised word isn’t defined
below, it may have the meaning set out in the Customer Terms (Part 1) instead.

EULA End user licence agreement which sets out terms and conditions that
apply to use of third party software made available to you.

Extra Data As described in your Critical Information Summary (if relevant).

Fair Use Policies The following Supplier policies:

of our Supplier
(a) Telstra's Acceptable Use Policy (accessible at
(b) Telstra's FairPlay Policy (included in the Home & Family, and Small
Business Customer Terms accessible at; and

Southern Phone Company (ABN 42 100 901 184) Page 51

Optus's Fair Go policy (accessible at

Gigabyte (GB), Data use (uploads and downloads) is measured in Kilobytes (KB).
Megabyte (MB) 1 Megabyte (MB) = 1024 KB and 1 Gigabyte (GB) = 1024 MB.
and Kilobyte

Numbering Plan Telecommunications Numbering Plan 2015 or its replacement.

Optus Optus Networks Pty Limited (ACN 008 570 330).

Supplier In this schedule, our Suppliers include Optus, Telstra and any other
third party supplier who provides services to us to enable the provision
of the services described in this schedule.

Telstra Telstra Corporation Limited (ABN 41 100 901 184).

Use Policies For this Schedule, the "Use Policies" include our Fair Use Policy and
the Fair Use Policies of our Supplier.

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Attachment A – Southern Phone Mobile fees and rates
for international calls, SMS and MMS
The fees and rates below are current as at 4 November 2021 and include GST.
We may change these rates in accordance with our Customer Terms. Get in touch with us to check
the most recent rates.
For SMS and MMS to standard international landline and mobile numbers, we charge 55¢ for each
SMS and 77¢ for each MMS.
For voice calls to standard international landline and mobile numbers, a call connection fee of 40¢
applies to each call. Calls are charged in one minute blocks based on the per-minute rates set out in
the table below.
Rates exclude premium numbers, satellite numbers and video calls.
Country Calls to standard landlines and mobiles (per minute)
Afghanistan $2.12
Albania $2.04
Algeria $1.95
American Samoa $2.42
Andorra $2.82
Angola $2.04
Anguilla $1.95
Antarctica $9.92
Antigua & Barbuda $2.04
Argentina $1.83
Armenia $2.63
Aruba $1.95
Ascension Island $4.95
Austria $1.73
Azerbaijan $1.82
Bahamas $0.62
Bahrain $0.90
Bangladesh $0.87
Barbados $2.17
Belarus $2.59
Belgium $1.86
Belize $2.52
Benin $2.13
Bermuda $0.81
Bhutan $1.25
Bolivia $1.61
Bosnia & Herzegovina $2.38
Botswana $2.20
Brazil $1.71
British Virgin Is $2.07
Brunei $0.87
Bulgaria $4.11
Burkina Faso $2.49
Burundi $2.82
Cambodia $1.29
Cameroon $2.53
Canada $0.40

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Country Calls to standard landlines and mobiles (per minute)
Cape Verde $2.92
Cayman Islands $1.82
Central African Republic $3.78
Chad $1.39
Chile $1.40
China $1.07
Colombia $1.03
Comoros $2.68
Cook Islands $5.15
Costa Rica $0.81
Croatia $1.73
Cuba $9.52
Cyprus $0.72
Czech Republic $2.39
Denmark $1.42
Democratic Republic of Congo $2.65
Diego Garcia $9.00
Djibouti $3.29
Dominica Islands $2.20
Dominican Republic $1.00
East Timor $14.23
Ecuador $1.82
Egypt $1.50
El Salvador $2.30
Equatorial Guinea $2.52
Eritrea $2.82
Estonia $3.10
Ethiopia $2.50
Falkland Islands $4.95
Faroe Islands $2.72
Fiji $1.19
Finland $1.25
France $0.74
French Guiana $4.32
French Polynesia $2.65
Gabon $1.91
Gambia $3.03
Georgia $1.40
Germany $0.74
Ghana $1.46
Gibraltar $3.10
Greece $0.67
Greenland $5.49
Grenada $2.20
Guadeloupe $4.95
Guam $0.43
Guantanamo Bay $0.31
Guatemala $1.10
Guinea Bissau $4.79
Guinea Republic $2.20
Guyana $2.19
Haiti $2.38
Honduras $1.82

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Country Calls to standard landlines and mobiles (per minute)
Hong Kong $0.57
Hungary $1.44
Iceland $2.04
India $1.20
Indonesia $0.94
Iran $1.27
Iraq $1.12
Ireland $0.62
Israel $0.87
Italy $0.74
Ivory Coast $2.04
Jamaica $2.07
Japan $0.77
Jordan $0.91
Kazakhstan $1.43
Kenya $1.30
Kiribati $5.18
Kuwait $0.95
Kyrgyzstan $1.30
Laos $0.75
Latvia $1.75
Lebanon $1.29
Lesotho $2.13
Liberia $2.82
Libya $2.56
Liechtenstein $3.95
Lithuania $1.67
Luxembourg $1.76
Macau $0.65
Macedonia (FYR) $2.28
Madagascar $3.07
Malawi $1.60
Malaysia $0.74
Maldives $2.12
Mali $2.45
Malta $2.38
Mariana Islands $0.62
Marshall Islands $2.42
Martinique $3.29
Mauritania $2.04
Mauritius $1.27
Mayotte Island $2.68
Mexico $1.52
Micronesia $2.07
Moldova $1.58
Monaco $3.05
Mongolia $1.40
Montenegro $1.65
Montserrat $4.97
Morocco $2.95
Mozambique $2.11
Myanmar $2.92
Namibia $2.12

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Country Calls to standard landlines and mobiles (per minute)
Nauru $9.44
Nepal $2.04
Netherlands $1.41
Netherlands Antilles $1.63
New Caledonia $2.23
New Zealand $0.51
Nicaragua $1.95
Niger $1.35
Nigeria $1.17
Niue Island $6.25
Norfolk Island $8.47
North Korea $8.49
Norway $1.32
Oman $1.85
Pakistan $1.80
Palau $2.43
Palestine $1.38
Panama $1.10
Papua New Guinea $2.35
Paraguay $0.94
Peru $1.42
Philippines $0.91
Piticairn Is $2.42
Poland $1.65
Portugal $2.61
Puerto Rico $0.53
Qatar $1.80
Republic of Congo $2.04
Reunion $2.15
Romania $1.55
Russia $0.65
Rwanda $1.58
San Marino $0.73
Sao Tome & Principe $8.89
Saudi Arabia $1.23
Senegal $2.10
Serbia $1.22
Seychelles $1.03
Sierra Leone $3.37
Singapore $0.61
Slovakia $1.69
Slovenia $3.43
Solomon Islands $7.46
Somalia $4.50
South Africa $0.88
South Korea $0.97
South Sudan $3.50
Spain $1.68
Sri Lanka $1.03
St Helena $5.69
St Kitts & Nevis $2.19
St Lucia $2.08
St Pierre & Miquelon $2.57

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Country Calls to standard landlines and mobiles (per minute)
St Vincent & Bequia $1.95
Sudan $0.95
Suriname $2.01
Swaziland $1.95
Sweden $1.42
Switzerland $2.22
Syria $1.82
Taiwan $1.00
Tajikistan $1.41
Tanzania $2.38
Thailand $0.90
Togo $2.65
Tokelau $6.59
Tonga $3.23
Trinidad & Tobago $1.10
Tunisia $3.72
Turkey $0.98
Turkmenistan $1.10
Turks & Caicos Islands $2.19
Tuvalu $4.95
Uganda $1.45
Ukraine $1.10
United Arab Emirates $1.30
United Kingdom $0.55
United States of America $0.29
Uruguay $2.02
Uzbekistan $1.03
Vanuatu $4.40
Vatican City $3.03
Venezuela $1.56
Vietnam $1.23
Virgin Islands (Us) $1.24
Wallis & Futuna $9.28
Western Samoa $5.50
Yemen $1.85
Zambia $2.29
Zimbabwe $3.17

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Schedule 4 – Southern Phone Wireless Broadband Plans
(Home and Mobile)

Section 1 – Service description

This schedule set outs details about our wireless broadband plans, which consist of:
(a) wireless broadband internet services (wireless broadband services); and
(b) optional services to add-on to our wireless broadband services (optional services).
When we refer to "wireless broadband plan" in this schedule, we mean the wireless
broadband services and any optional services you choose (unless the context indicates


2.1 An outline of our wireless broadband plans
Our wireless broadband plans offer the features below. Optional features are noted below.
For further details about the specific plan you’ve chosen, take a look at your order
confirmation and Critical Information Summary.
Our wireless broadband plans include the following:

Item Features

Mobile broadband plans A wireless mobile broadband service

designed for data-only access to a mobile
network within Australia, using the Optus
mobile network, or using the Telstra mobile
Unless you purchase a device from us, you'll
need to bring your own unlocked mobile
device that's compatible with the applicable

Home wireless plans A wireless home-based broadband service

designed for data-only access to a mobile
network within Australia, using the Optus
mobile network.

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You may also take up these optional services if offered with an eligible wireless broadband

Item Features

None Not applicable.

2.2 What’s unique about our wireless broadband plans

Be mindful of the following limitations to our wireless broadband plans:

Item Description

Exclusions See your Critical Information Summary.

International use This service cannot be used outside of


Section 2 – Fees and charges


The charges that apply to our wireless broadband plans include:

Type of charge Charge (inc GST)

Minimum monthly fee See your order confirmation and Critical

Information Summary.

Data charges See your order confirmation and Critical

Information Summary for details on our data
charges, including for Extra Data.

SIM card replacement fee See your order confirmation and Critical
Information Summary.

Early termination fee See your order confirmation and Critical

Information Summary.


You can make certain changes to your plan, such as change to another plan, or add or remove
an optional service, subject to limitations (such as the number of changes we allow within a
month, and restrictions on changing to a plan with a lower monthly fee).
Your order confirmation and Critical Information Summary set out any additional charges,
limitations and terms and conditions that apply. You can’t change to another plan if your
service is suspended or deactivated.

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Fees may also apply if you change other aspects of your wireless broadband plan. Such
changes may be subject to our agreement or other conditions, so get in touch with us for

Section 3 – Service-specific terms


5.1 Providing information to our Suppliers
You consent to us sharing information about you with our Suppliers, so they can help supply
services to you and manage their contract with us. This may include your full name, billing
address, street address and details of the services. We’ll only share information about you
with our Suppliers in accordance with our privacy policy and in other circumstances where
the law allows it.
5.2 Additional products
Unless we tell you otherwise, we won’t provide a wireless device with your wireless
broadband plan or other products for any optional services. If we do, we may charge you for
it. See your order confirmation and Critical Information Summary for terms and conditions
that apply to devices.


6.1 Your SIM card
We’ll send a SIM card to you when you sign up to a wireless broadband plan. Once you receive
the SIM card, activate it by following the instructions we provide you.
SIM cards continue to be our Supplier’s property. However, you’ll be responsible for any loss
or damage to the SIM card from the date that it’s delivered to you. You mustn’t damage or
try to interfere with the SIM card. We may ask you to return the SIM card if we provide you
with a replacement or you no longer need the SIM card.
If your SIM card has been lost or stolen, please let us know as soon as possible. You’ll be
responsible for all usage and charges until you tell us your SIM card is lost or stolen.


7.1 Wireless broadband network
Most of our wireless broadband plans are available on the Optus mobile network, although
some plans are available on the Telstra mobile network. Check coverage at or
based on your address and relevant plan.
For wireless broadband services available on parts of the Optus mobile network:
(a) 3G devices can access the Optus 3G 900 MHz network;

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(b) 4G devices can access the Optus 3G network plus some or all of the 4G Plus
network. The Optus 4G Plus network uses multiple frequencies (LTE 700 /1800 /
2100 / 2300 / 2600 MHz) to provide coverage; and
(c) With 5G devices, coverage and speed will vary on your device and location.
Coverage and speed will vary depending on your device and location.
7.2 Disruptions to your connection
Our wireless broadband plans depend on the availability of the applicable mobile network.
There may be disruptions or interruptions to your connection, due to things such as network
congestion. Except as required by law (including the Australian Consumer Law), we can’t
guarantee that your wireless broadband plan will always be available and without
7.3 Relocation of your connection
For home wireless plans, if you choose to relocate to an address other than your nominated
address, we will undertake a serviceability check to determine whether you will continue to
have access to the home wireless plan. If the wireless broadband service is not available at
your new address, you may either cancel the service in accordance with this Agreement or
access an alternate wireless broadband service utilising a different access method.
7.4 Fault reporting
Before reporting a fault with the wireless broadband services, ensure that it isn’t caused by
your products. We may charge you additional charges required by our Supplier if you make
a fault report in relation to the Network or wireless broadband services and our Supplier
determines there was no fault with the Network or wireless broadband services.
7.5 Special conditions for home wireless plans
The following conditions apply to the home wireless plans:
(a) we may migrate your wireless broadband service to the nearest comparable month
to month plan after 24 months, or earlier if you breach an applicable Use Policy or
are no longer eligible for the home wireless plan (for example, if you move address
and do not notify us);
(b) you must not connect to the wireless broadband service other than at your
nominated address. If at any time it is detected that the supplied device has been
(or is being) used at a different location other than your nominated address, we or
our Supplier may suspend or cancel your wireless broadband service; and
(c) you must have a device supplied and purchased from us which is fitted with a SIM
to use the wireless broadband service. If you insert the SIM card into a device other
than an approved device, the wireless broadband service will not work.


8.1 Fair Use Policy
You need to comply with our Fair Use Policy and the Fair Use Policies of our Supplier. We'll
notify you if this policy changes, and our fair contracting promises in clause 11.5 of the
Customer Terms (Part 1) will apply to these changes where applicable.
8.2 Your obligations

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In addition to your general obligations set out in clause 5.1 of the Customer Terms (Part 1),
you must:
(a) ensure that the products, networks or systems you use with the wireless broadband
services are used in accordance with law;
(b) ensure that products provided to you by us or by our Supplier, to use with the
wireless broadband services, are maintained and you must notify us if the product
becomes materially damaged or faulty;
(c) comply with any additional instructions we give you about the use of the wireless
broadband services or any products (including any instructions set out in any
operations manual that’s made available to you);
(d) follow our reasonable directions, policies and procedures about your use of, or the
integrity of, the wireless broadband services, our Network or any third party
network or products; and
(e) follow our reasonable directions, policies and procedures about protecting the
health or safety of any person, or as required for us to comply with our obligations
to our Suppliers.
8.3 Dynamic IP addresses
Unless otherwise specified in your Agreement, we’ll provide your wireless broadband
services with a dynamic (periodically changing) IP address. Some uses or applications that
rely on a fixed IP address may not be supported.
8.4 Allocation of IP addresses, email addresses and domain names
You may be allocated with IP addresses or other internet identifiers in connection with your
wireless broadband services. You don’t own the identifiers allocated to you and, except
where you’re permitted to transfer an identifier to another provider, you have no right to
retain these identifiers when your Agreement ends.
Some of these internet identifiers are licensed and controlled by third party authorities that
oversee the allocation of these identifiers, subject to separate rules and regulations. These
authorities may change the rules and regulations that apply to the use of these identifiers.
We aren’t responsible for any changes to these rules or regulations or for any action by, or
required by, these authorities.
You acknowledge that your IP address may be managed by network address translation (also
known as NAT) and it may not be globally routable (that is, directly reachable by all other
internet users). Some uses or applications that rely on inbound connections may not be


In addition to any rights we have under the Customer Terms, and except as set out in clause
7.5 of the Customer Terms (Part 1), we may cancel, suspend, restrict or not renew, activate
or port your services (or any part of your wireless broadband plan) by notice to you (if
practicable), in any of the following circumstances:
(a) if you don’t meet any of the requirements set out in clause 5.1 (Providing
information to our Suppliers) or the Use Policies;

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(b) if our Supplier tells us that your conduct is in breach of your Agreement as it applies
to the wireless broadband services provided by that Supplier (including clause 5.1
(Providing information to our Suppliers) or the Use Policies);
(c) if our Supplier tells us that it will be taking action:
(i) to reduce fraud, perform system or Network maintenance it determines
necessary, to reduce or prevent interference with the Network, for
reasons related to credit and debt management;
(ii) because there has been an unusually high use of the wireless broadband
service; or
(iii) because it believes the wireless broadband service is not being used
(where there has been no use of the wireless broadband service for 3
consecutive months);
(d) if we think the cancellation of your wireless broadband plan is necessary, because
our Supplier has told us that it will cease providing the underlying service to us due
to a change in law, regulation, rule or government direction affecting your wireless
broadband plan, and we’ve given you at least 30 days' notice; or
(e) if we think that suspension or restriction of your wireless broadband plan is
necessary, because our Supplier has told us that it will be suspending or restricting
any part of its services that we rely on to provide all or part of the wireless
broadband plan to you.
If we cancel, suspend or restrict your wireless broadband plan (or any part of it) under clause
(b) or (c), you agree that we can rely on our Supplier's report of your conduct and we don’t
have to complete our own investigation. However, you can notify us that you dispute an
assessment and in that case we’ll take reasonable steps to review the relevant
If we cancel, suspend or restrict your wireless broadband plan (or any part of it) under clause
(d) or (e), you won’t be required to pay early termination fees (for cancellations) and we may
provide you with a refund at our discretion (for suspensions or restrictions).
For cancellations under clauses (c), (d) or (e), we’ll try to tell you as soon as we can, but we
may not be aware of these things happening until our Supplier tells us. For clause (c)(iii),
we’ll tell you in advance of the cancellation.


10.1 Application of the Customer Terms
This clause applies in addition to any limitations or exclusions set out in the Customer Terms
– see clause 9 of the Customer Terms (Part 1).
You have important rights that can’t be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. For
information about these rights, see clause 9 (Your Australian Consumer Law rights) of the
Customer Terms (Part 1).
10.2 Protecting our Suppliers
When you use the wireless broadband services, you must:
(a) comply with all of the requirements set out in clause 5.1 of the Customer Terms
(Part 1) and the Use Policies;

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(b) not send or receive content on the Network, other than for your own personal or
business use (as applicable);
(c) ensure that any devices connected to the Network are technically compatible,
comply with generally-accepted industry codes or standard (to the extent
applicable) and otherwise comply with all reasonable procedures, standards or
requirements notified by us or our Suppliers from time to time;
(d) not do anything that would endanger the health or safety of any person, or
negatively impact or degrade the normal operation of the Network;
(e) not wholesale, resell or resupply any service (including transit, refile or aggregate
domestic or international traffic) on the Network;
(f) not use the wireless broadband services (including any SIM card) in connection with
a device that switches or re-routes calls to or from the Network to the network of
another supplier; and
(g) not use the wireless broadband services in a way that could cause us, any of our
Suppliers or anyone else to do any of the things in clause 5.1 of the Customer Terms
(Part 1), this clause 10.2 or the Use Policies.
10.3 Claims against our Suppliers
Each of our Suppliers are providing underlying services to us, on a wholesale basis, so that
we can provide the wireless broadband services to you. As a result, your relationship is with
us and not any of our Suppliers. Nothing in these terms gives you a right to anything provided
by our Suppliers (including any network or products owned by any Supplier).
As a result, except as required by law (including the Australian Consumer Law), our Suppliers
aren’t responsible to you (including in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise) for
any loss or damage arising from the supply of, or your use of, the wireless broadband services
or our Supplier's networks. You acknowledge that you have no claim, and agree that you
won’t make such a claim, including in negligence, against our Suppliers, for any of these
matters. Please see clause 10.3 of the Customer Terms (Part 1) for more information.
10.4 Co-operating with our Suppliers
In addition to your responsibilities under clause 5.3 of the Customer Terms (Part 1), if our
Supplier tells us that your conduct is in breach of your Agreement as it applies to the wireless
broadband services provided by that Supplier (including the Use Policies), you must
cooperate with us and comply with our reasonable directions about your conduct, to enable
us to meet our obligations to our Supplier.
10.5 Your responsibilities under this schedule
In addition to your responsibilities under clause 5 of the Customer Terms (Part 1), you’re
responsible for and must reimburse, on demand from us, any costs or expenses incurred by
us as a result of, or in connection with loss or damage caused by you, your agents or
representatives to our Network or products owned by us or our Suppliers, as a result of a
failure to comply with this schedule.
This clause applies except to the extent the loss or damage is caused by our (or our
Supplier's) breach of consumer guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law or our (or
our Supplier's) negligence.

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10.6 Supplier intellectual property rights
In addition to your obligations under clause 2.4(h) of the Customer Terms (Part 1), you must
not use or promote our Suppliers' intellectual property rights, or the trade marks or names or
any other person in conjunction or association with our Suppliers' intellectual property rights,
without their consent.
10.7 Rights to use third party software
If we notify you of certain terms that relate to third party software (an 'end user licence
agreement' or EULA), you must comply with those terms.
10.8 Supplier-specific end user terms
In addition to any other obligations under the Customer Terms (Part 1) or this schedule, the
following Supplier-specific end user terms apply to you if your wireless broadband plan
includes an underlying service that is provided to us by Optus or Telstra:
(a) Assignment: for the purposes of novation under clause 5.6 of the Customer Terms
(Part 1), you agree to novate this Agreement from us to our Supplier on receipt of
a notice from us or from our Supplier. This clause remains subject to clause 5.6 of
the Customer Terms (Part 1) and our fair contracting promises in clause 11.5 of the
Customer Terms (Part 1).
(b) Privacy and marketing consents: by entering into an Agreement for the provision
of wireless broadband services, you consent to allow us to disclose to our Supplier
or its Related Companies certain end user details relating to your affairs or personal
particulars or carriage services supplied to you (including any listed or unlisted
telephone number, address and account history). You also consent to allow our
Supplier or its Related Companies to use that information in order to facilitate the
supply of carriage services to you by us and by our Supplier, and for marketing
purposes. This clause remains subject to clause 13.1 of the Customer Terms (Part
(c) Liability of our Supplier: clause 10.3 above applies to our Supplier's liability to you.
(d) Carriers and carriage service providers: if your wireless broadband service is
cancelled under clause 7.1 of the Customer Terms (Part 1) or clause 9 above
because you are or have become a carrier or carriage service provider, the person
that cancelled the service (us or our Supplier) will negotiate in good faith with you
to enter into a new agreement for the supply of the wireless broadband service, on
terms to be agreed.


Section 2 and clauses 7 9, 10.1, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7 and 10.8(b) of Section 3 to this
Schedule 4 will survive termination or expiry.


To help clarify specific terms or words you’ve read in this schedule, we’re explaining them
clearly and simply right here, so you know exactly what they mean.
The following words have the meaning set out below. If a capitalised word isn’t defined
below, it may have the meaning set out in the Customer Terms (Part 1) instead.

Southern Phone Company (ABN 42 100 901 184) Page 65

EULA End user licence agreement which sets out terms and conditions that
apply to use of third party software made available to you.

Extra Data As described in your Critical Information Summary (if relevant).

Fair Use Policies The following Supplier policies:

of our Supplier
(a) Telstra's Acceptable Use Policy (accessible at
(b) Telstra's FairPlay Policy (included in the Home & Family, and Small
Business Customer Terms accessible at; and
(c) Optus's Fair Go policy (accessible at

Gigabyte (GB), Data use (uploads and downloads) is measured in Kilobytes (KB).
Megabyte (MB) 1 Megabyte (MB) = 1024 KB and 1 Gigabyte (GB) = 1024 MB.
and Kilobyte

Optus Optus Networks Pty Limited (ACN 008 570 330).

Supplier In this schedule, our Suppliers include Optus, Telstra and any other
third party supplier who provides services to us to enable the provision
of the services described in this schedule.

Telstra Telstra Corporation Limited (ABN 41 100 901 184).

Use Policies For this Schedule, the "Use Policies" include our Fair Use Policy and
the Fair Use Policies of our Supplier.

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Schedule 5 – Southern Phone Home and Business
Phone Plans

Section 1 – Service description

This schedule sets out details about our phone plans, which consist of:
(a) home or business phone services (fixed line phone services); and
(b) optional services to add-on to our fixed line phone services (optional services).
When we refer to "phone plan" in this schedule, we mean the fixed line phone services and
any optional services you choose (unless the context indicates otherwise). When we refer to
"phone service" in this schedule, we mean the home phone and the business phone service,
unless we specify otherwise.


2.1 An outline of our phone plans
Our phone plans offer the features below. Optional features are noted below. For further
details about the specific mobile plan you’ve chosen, take a look at your order confirmation
and Critical Information Summary.

Item Features

VoIP home phone plan A residential home phone telephone service

using VoIP technology, available as a
bundled inclusion with one of our nbn®
home broadband plans.

Next home phone plans This is a home phone residential only

service that operates over the Optus 3G/4G
Mobile Network or the nbn® network
(excluding Fixed Wireless and Satellite
Your telephone service will be connected by
our Next home phone plans equipment.
Plans may not be available in all areas.

VoIP business phone plan A business fixed line phone VoIP telephone
service available as a standalone service,
but must have internet access to function.

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You may also take up these optional services if offered with an eligible phone plan:

Item Features

None Not applicable.

2.2 What’s unique about our phone plans

Be mindful of the following limitations to our nbn plans, which may apply when you are
purchasing a VoIP home phone plan or VoIP business phone plan. See our nbn Plans
Schedule for more details:

Item Description

Priority assistance We don’t offer priority assistance. If anyone

at your place has a life threatening medical
condition, our nbn plan may not be suitable.
Please contact another provider, such as
Telstra, if you need priority assistance.

Power failures Our VoIP services won’t work during power

failures. If the power fails, you’ll need to use
a mobile phone to make or receive calls,
including calling emergency service
numbers (eg 000). For FTTP connections,
you may have the option to install a battery
back-up power supply unit which will
provide emergency power for up to 5 hours.
A battery backup unit won’t power any
cordless phones or phones that require
external power. You’ll be responsible for
replacing the batteries in the battery
backup unit.

Medical and security alarms If you have a medical or security alarm (or
other special device such as an elevator
emergency phone, fire indicator panel, or
EFTPOS machine), it’s really important you
check its compatibility with our service
before signing up.

Section 2 – Fees and charges


The charges that apply to our fixed line phone services include:

Type of charge Charge (inc GST)

Southern Phone Company (ABN 42 100 901 184) Page 68

Minimum monthly fee See your order confirmation and Critical
Information Summary.

Calls to standard Australian numbers See your order confirmation and Critical
Information Summary.

Calls to special numbers You’ll need to pay for some types of calls,
such as:

• calls to 13 and 1300 numbers: 40¢ per

• calls to 1223 (directory assistance): 65¢
per call
• satellite numbers: call rates and
connection fees, are available at
Attachment B to this schedule.

Some types of calls can’t be made from

your phone service, such as premium
numbers (e.g. 19xx), Sensis Information
Phone Service (1234) and Telstra Call
Connect (12456).

International calls
Call rates and connection fees are available
at Attachment A to this schedule.

Transfer out $8.00

Applicable to customers who wish to port
out their number to a new provider.

Section 3 – Service-specific terms


4.1 Customer service guarantee

In order to use the phone service, we’ll need you to waive your rights under the
Telecommunications (Customer Service Guarantee) Standard 2011. When you sign up, we’ll
provide you with information about the Customer Service Guarantee and what you need to

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4.2 VoIP phone and internet services

Our VoIP phone plan is an optional service, which we may offer as an addition to eligible
internet services under our nbn plans. The phone service will allow you to make and receive
phone calls using your internet connection. It’s offered using VoIP technology and is only
available with eligible internet services. Unfortunately, a Fixed Wireless or Satellite internet
service is not an eligible internet service for the phone service. We'll tell you more about
eligible internet services on request.

You can have one home or business phone service for each eligible internet service you
purchase from us. In order to receive the home or business phone service, you must keep
your eligible internet service active with us, so that you are able to make and receive calls.

If you're no longer eligible to receive an optional service (for example, if your internet
services are cancelled, suspended or restricted), you may no longer be able to receive a
phone service that relies on your internet service.
4.3 Use of Southern Phone modem

The home and business phone service is only offered with compatible modems supplied by
us. To ensure that the phone service operates correctly, we don’t offer a home or business
phone service with BYO modem.
4.4 Use of handset

We don’t provide a handset for your use of the phone service. You’ll need to purchase your
own handset, and ensure that it’s compatible with the phone service we provide. You'll be
able to use most standard landline handsets with our home phone service provided they
meet Australian standards. These are available for purchase at most large electronic
4.5 Connecting your service

We can provide you with a local phone number when you activate your phone service. If we
do, clause 5.2 applies in addition to this clause.

We can also arrange for you to continue using your existing local number (if any) after
you sign up with us, so long as the number is still active. Simply ask us to transfer (or
'port') the number to us when you sign up. The following will apply:
(a) first, we’ll need to verify that you have authority to port the number to us. Your
existing service may be interrupted while we undertake this verification;
(b) your existing provider may charge early termination fees to cancel your existing
service. Any services not being ported to us will stay with your existing provider;
(c) until we tell you that the porting is completed, your existing provider will be
responsible for your existing service and you should contact them to discuss the
service or any service faults;
(d) we'll use reasonable efforts to let you know when the porting is completed;

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(e) we may need to disclose your personal information to other service providers,
network providers and financial institutions for call routing, complaint handling,
fraud prevention and investigations, or fault management. If we do, we'll do so in
accordance with our privacy policy;
(f) if you have a complaint or inquiry about the transfer, or would like to check on
progress, please get in touch with us;
(g) if you're changing address on the same day that your existing number is being
transferred, we may not be able to reverse your transfer request; and
(h) if you're located outside of the geographic area that your number was allocated,
incoming calls to your number may be charged as if you’re within the geographic
area that your number was allocated. If you change to a new service provider, you
may not be able to keep your out-of-area number.

We may need you to complete an identity verification process. If we're unable to verify your
identity or complete the porting process, we'll get in touch with you to discuss your options.
4.6 Installation, cabling and products
Unless we tell you otherwise, we won’t provide any installation, cabling or other products for
this service. If we do, we may charge you for it.


5.1 Calling number display

Calling number display (CND), also known as Caller ID, allows the recipient of your call to
see who has called. We provide CND at no extra cost with our phone services, if your
handset accepts CND.

Contact us if you wish to block the display of your number so that people don't see it, either
for individual calls or on a permanent basis. If you request permanent blocking, it may take
two business days to implement. Your number will still be disclosed to emergency services.
You may not see another person's phone number if they’ve blocked display of their number,
if the call or message is from an overseas number, if their network doesn't support CND or
if the call is from a payphone.

If you receive an unwelcome or harassing call and need to know the other person's number,
contact us to discuss your options.

5.2 Numbering allocation

You may be allocated a telephone number in connection with your phone services. You
don’t own the telephone number allocated to you and, except where you’re permitted to

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transfer your telephone connection to another provider and keep the telephone number,
you have no right to retain the allocated telephone number when your Agreement ends.

We don’t offer the ability to choose your telephone number for the phone service. You’ll be
allocated a telephone number as part of the setup of the phone service.

We’re required to comply with the Numbering Plan, which sets out rules for issuing,
transferring and changing telephone numbers. If we do something to comply with the
Numbering Plan, such as changing or withdrawing a previously allocated number, you
agree that you’ll have no claim against us. You must not do anything that causes us to
breach the Numbering Plan or makes it more difficult for us to comply with the
Numbering Plan, including to reallocate, reassign, or transfer any number except where
we consent or the law permits.
5.3 Unlisted numbers

If you request for an unlisted number, we won’t list your name, address or telephone number
in the White/Yellow Pages telephone directory (both online and offline), and we won’t
disclose your telephone number through directory assistance or operator assistance services.
Your number will also be blocked so that when you make a call, your number won’t be available
on their Calling Number Display.

However, your number will still be made available for emergency call service and law
enforcement purposes.


6.1 Value added services

Value added services may be available with your phone plan. A description of the value added
services, including pricing, is set out in your order confirmation, Critical Information Summary or
other location that we specify from time to time, and may be varied in accordance with clause 11
of the Customer Terms (Part 1).

If you choose any value added services, you acknowledge that:

(a) you may incur Third Party Charges to use those value added services; and
(b) some value added services may require specific products (such as a compatible mobile
device) – we’ll let you know about these requirements on request.

Unless otherwise specified in your Agreement, we will provide you with the following value added
services as part of the phone service, for no additional charge: voicemail, call waiting and call
diversion/forwarding. Call diversion/forwarding to an international number will be charged the
relevant international call rate and connection fee (see Attachment A to this schedule).
6.2 Disruptions to your connection

Our internet-enabled phone services depend on the availability of your internet service. There
may be disruptions or interruptions to your connection, due to things such as network congestion.

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Except as required by law (including the Australian Consumer Law), we can’t guarantee that your
phone service will always be available and without interruption.
6.3 Fault reporting
Before reporting a fault with the phone services, ensure that it isn’t caused by your products.
We may charge you additional charges required by our Supplier if you make a fault report in
relation to the Network or phone services and our Supplier determines there was no fault
with the Network or phone services.


7.1 Application of the Customer Terms
(a) This clause applies in addition to any limitations or exclusions set out in the
Customer Terms – see clause 9 of the Customer Terms (Part 1).
(b) You have important rights that can’t be excluded under the Australian Consumer
Law. For information about these rights, see clause 9 (Your Australian Consumer
Law rights) of the Customer Terms (Part 1).
7.2 Protecting our Suppliers
When you use a phone service, you must:
(a) meet all of the requirements set out in clause 5.1 of the Customer Terms (Part 1),
as well as the Use Policies;
(b) not use the phone services in a way that could cause us, any of our Suppliers or
anyone else to do any of things in clause 5.1 of the Customer Terms (Part 1) or
the Use Policies; and
(c) not knowingly do anything to compromise the security, safety or operation of the
phone services.
7.3 Rights of our Suppliers

Without limiting anything else in your Agreement, you agree that our Suppliers may take
certain actions that they consider necessary in relation to your use of the underlying service
provided by that Supplier, including the following, in relation to the phone service:
(a) without limiting clause 13.2 of the Customer Terms (Part 1), a Supplier may
intercept communications and provide call-related information to government or
regulatory authorities or law enforcement agencies, to the extent required by law
to do so, and may (but is not obliged to) monitor the usage of the service and
communications sent over it for compliance with the underlying agreement, to
protect the Network and that Supplier's other users;
(b) if a Supplier considers, in its reasonable opinion, that you’re not complying with your
obligations in clause 7.2 above, that Supplier may take any steps that it considers
necessary to ensure that it complies with law and any industry codes of practice,
court directions or notifications or directions from a government agency, without
us or the Supplier incurring any liability to you; and
(c) a Supplier may scan your products and test the security of the underlying service
provided by that Supplier, to assist us to keep the Network secure from

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unauthorised access. However, neither we nor our Suppliers are required to carry
out such a scan or test.
7.4 Claims against our Suppliers
Each of our Suppliers are providing underlying services to us, on a wholesale basis, so that
we can provide the services to you. As a result, your relationship is with us and not any of
our Suppliers. Nothing in these terms gives you a right to anything provided by our Suppliers
(including any network or products owned by any Supplier).
As a result, except as required by law (including the Australian Consumer Law), our Suppliers
aren’t responsible to you for any loss or damage arising from the supply of, or your use of,
the services or our Supplier's networks. You acknowledge that you have no claim, and agree
that you won’t make such a claim against our Suppliers, for any of these matters. Please see
clause 10.3 of the Customer Terms (Part 1) for more information.
7.5 Your responsibilities under this schedule
In addition to your responsibilities under clause 5 of the Customer Terms (Part 1), you’re
responsible for and must reimburse, on demand from us, any costs or expenses incurred by
us as a result of, or in connection with loss or damage caused by you, your agents or
representatives to our Network, the nbn network or products owned by us or our Suppliers,
as a result of a failure to comply with this schedule.
This clause applies except to the extent the loss or damage is caused by our (or our
Supplier's) breach of consumer guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law or our (or
our Supplier's) negligence.
7.6 Rights to use third party software
If we notify you of certain terms that relate to third party software (an 'end user licence
agreement' or EULA), you must comply with those terms.
For any third party software we provide to you, whether or not we provide a EULA, you agree
(a) our Supplier's software licensor retains its rights to the third party software;
(b) the third party software is the confidential information of our Supplier's licensor;
(c) you can't assign, transfer, lease or rent the third party software;
(d) you can't modify or create a derivate work from the third party software;
(e) you can't remove or modify rights notices contained with the third party software;
(f) except as permitted by law, you can't reverse engineer or try to find out the source
code, algorithms, structure or organisation of the third party software;
(g) you’ll indemnify our Supplier and the licensor for any claims arising from your
breach of this clause 7.6 or any improper, unlawful or unauthorised use or dealing
with the third party software by you or someone else using your service.


To help clarify specific terms or words you’ve read in this schedule, we’re explaining them
clearly and simply right here, so you know exactly what they mean.

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The following words have the meaning set out below. If a capitalised word isn’t defined
below, it may have the meaning set out in the Customer Terms (Part 1) instead.

Fixed Wireless Fixed wireless technology, provided as part of the nbn network. Fixed
wireless uses an outdoor antenna to connect to a transmission tower
and is available in certain locations.

Numbering Plan Telecommunications Numbering Plan 2015 or its replacement.

Supplier In this schedule, our Suppliers include Optus, Symbio, nbn co and
Vocus and any other third party supplier who provides services to us
to enable the provision of the services described in this schedule.

Satellite or Sky The Sky Muster satellite technology, provided as part of the nbn
Muster® Plus network. This technology uses a rooftop satellite dish to connect to a
satellite provider and is only available in certain locations.

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Attachment A – Southern Phone Home Phone fees and rates to make
international calls
The fees and rates below are current as at 29 June 2021 and include GST.

We may change these rates in accordance with our Customer Terms. Get in touch with us to check
the most recent rates.

For voice calls to international landline and mobile numbers, a call connection fee of 40¢ applies to
each call. Calls are charged in one minute blocks based on the per-minute rates set out in the table

Rates exclude premium numbers, satellite numbers and video calls.

Country* Price per minute calls to fixed lines Price per minute calls to mobile
Afghanistan $1.07 $1.07
Albania $0.45 $0.74
Algeria $0.45 $1.24
American Samoa $0.29 $0.29
Andorra $0.14 $0.60
Angola $2.66 $0.76
Anguilla $0.60 $0.60
Antarctica $5.78 $5.78
Antigua & Barbuda $0.60 $0.60
Argentina $0.12 $0.48
Armenia $0.45 $0.76
Aruba $0.45 $0.45
Ascension Island $3.06 $3.06
Austria $0.06 $0.76
Azerbijan $0.60 $0.69
Bahamas $0.29 $0.29
Bahrain $0.76 $0.76
Bangladesh $0.45 $0.60
Barbados $0.60 $0.60
Belarus $0.76 $0.83
Belgium $0.06 $0.76
Belize $0.60 $0.60
Benin $0.55 $0.55
Bermuda $0.29 $0.29
Bhutan $0.60 $0.60
Bolivia $0.45 $0.45
Bosnia-Herzegovina $0.60 $0.88
Botswana $0.45 $0.48
Brazil $0.22 $0.45
Bulgaria $0.22 $1.02
Burkina Faso $0.60 $0.60
Burundi $0.85 $0.97
Cambodia $0.76 $0.76

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Country* Price per minute calls to fixed lines Price per minute calls to mobile
Cameroon $0.76 $0.76
Canada $0.04 $0.08
Cape Verde $0.91 $0.91
Cayman Islands $0.45 $0.45
Central African Republic $1.32 $1.32
Chad $0.91 $0.91
Chile $0.12 $0.60
China $0.03 $0.03
Colombia $0.29 $0.29
Comoros $1.07 $1.07
Congo Islands $0.73 $0.86
Cook Islands $1.53 $1.53
Croatia $0.22 $0.57
Cuba $2.31 $2.31
Cyprus $0.29 $0.45
Czech Republic $0.11 $0.60
Denmark $0.06 $0.60
Diego Garcia $2.90 $2.90
Dijbouti $1.22 $1.22
Domicia Islands $0.60 $0.60
Dominican Republic $0.45 $0.45
East Timor $1.44 $3.74
Ecuador $0.60 $0.64
Egypt $0.60 $0.60
El Salvador $0.45 $0.45
Equatorial Guinea $0.91 $0.91
Eritrea $1.07 $1.07
Estonia $0.12 $0.76
Ethiopia $1.22 $1.53
Falkland Islands $3.13 $3.13
Faroe Islands $2.66 $2.66
Fiji $0.91 $0.91
Finland $0.83 $0.60
France $0.06 $0.60
French Guiana $0.91 $0.91
French Polynesia $0.76 $0.76
Gabon $0.98 $1.05
Gambia $3.54 $1.02
Georgia $0.37 $0.45
Germany $0.05 $0.76
Ghana $0.45 $0.50
Gibraltar $0.14 $0.18
Greece $0.04 $0.57
Greenland $1.53 $1.53

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Country* Price per minute calls to fixed lines Price per minute calls to mobile
Grenada $0.60 $0.60
Guam $0.14 $0.14
Guantanamo Bay $1.22 $1.22
Guatemala $0.45 $0.45
Guinea Bissau $2.31 $2.93
Guinea Republic $1.07 $1.07
Guyana $0.91 $0.91
Haiti $0.65 $3.48
Honduras $1.07 $1.07
Hong Kong $0.05 $0.12
Hungary $0.14 $0.76
Iceland $0.14 $0.76
India $0.15 $0.15
Indonesia $0.29 $0.45
Iran $0.45 $0.45
Iraq $1.53 $1.53
Ireland $0.05 $0.76
Israel $0.06 $0.40
Italy $0.06 $0.76
Ivory Coast $0.60 $0.76
Jamaica $0.29 $0.60
Japan $0.06 $0.45
Jordan $0.60 $0.76
Kazakhstan $0.14 $0.60
Kenya $0.60 $1.07
Kiribati $2.01 $2.01
Kuwait $0.29 $0.29
Kyrgyzstan $0.45 $0.45
Laos $0.45 $0.45
Latvia $1.10 $0.76
Lebanon $0.45 $0.76
Lesotho $0.69 $0.87
Liberia $0.70 $0.96
Libya $2.76 $0.72
Liechtenstein $1.18 $1.60
Lithuania $0.51 $0.51
Luxembourg $0.12 $0.60
Macau $0.22 $0.22
Macedonia $0.60 $0.91
Madagascar $0.98 $1.38
Malawi $0.36 $0.83
Malaysia $0.06 $0.14
Maldives $1.82 $1.94
Maldova $0.77 $1.48

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Country* Price per minute calls to fixed lines Price per minute calls to mobile
Mali $0.76 $0.76
Malta $0.45 $0.86
Mariana Islands $0.22 $0.22
Marshall Islands $1.07 $1.07
Martinique $0.87 $0.99
Mauritania $0.91 $0.96
Mauritius $0.76 $0.76
Mayotte Island $0.45 $1.27
Mexico $0.45 $0.74
Micronesia $0.91 $0.91
Monaco $0.22 $0.81
Mongolia $0.29 $0.29
Montenegro $0.45 $0.76
Montserrat $0.76 $0.76
Morocco $0.76 $0.91
Mozambique $0.45 $0.59
Myanmar $1.22 $1.22
Namibia $0.45 $0.79
Nauru $3.46 $3.46
Nepal $0.91 $0.91
Netherlands $0.46 $0.60
Netherlands Antilles $0.60 $0.91
New Caledonia $1.07 $1.07
New Zealand $0.05 $0.91
Nicaragua $0.60 $0.60
Niger $0.82 $0.82
Nigeria $0.29 $0.76
Niue Island $2.45 $2.45
Norfolk Island $2.77 $2.77
North Korea $2.00 $2.00
Norway $0.06 $0.60
Oman $0.60 $0.60
Pakistan $0.76 $0.91
Palau $2.51 $2.51
Palestine $2.66 $0.88
Panama $0.29 $0.60
Papua New Guinea $2.12 $2.12
Paraguay $0.45 $0.60
Peru $0.22 $0.76
Philippines $0.34 $0.50
Poland $0.06 $0.76
Portugal $0.06 $0.76
Puerto Rico $0.12 $0.12
Qatar $1.07 $1.07

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Country* Price per minute calls to fixed lines Price per minute calls to mobile
Rawanda $0.66 $0.66
Reunion $0.45 $0.60
Romania $0.45 $0.76
Russia $0.45 $0.60
San Marino $0.61 $0.61
Sao Tome & Principe $3.08 $3.08
Saudi Arabia $0.76 $0.76
Senegal $0.60 $1.27
Serbia & Montenegro $0.45 $0.76
Seychelles $0.96 $1.05
Sierra Leone $0.91 $0.91
Singapore $0.05 $0.05
Slovakia $0.56 $0.76
Slovenia $0.85 $0.98
Solomon Islands $2.62 $2.62
South Africa $0.14 $0.67
South Korea $0.06 $0.22
Spain $0.06 $0.76
Sri Lanka $0.60 $0.60
St Helena $3.09 $3.09
St Kitts & Nevis $0.62 $0.62
St Lucia $0.76 $0.76
St Pierre & Miquelon $0.81 $0.81
St Vincent & Bequia $0.60 $0.60
Sudan $0.76 $0.76
Suriname $0.91 $0.91
Swaziland $0.45 $0.45
Sweden $0.06 $0.76
Switzerland $0.06 $0.91
Syria $0.60 $0.60
Taiwan $0.05 $0.29
Tajikistan $0.43 $0.43
Tanzania $0.76 $0.77
Thailand $0.08 $0.08
Togo $2.66 $0.87
Tokelau $3.33 $3.33
Tonga $1.62 $2.18
Trinidad & Tobago $0.45 $0.45
Tunisia $1.53 $1.74
Turkey $0.45 $0.60
Turkmenistan $0.60 $0.60
Turks & Caicos Islands $0.74 $2.50
Tuvalu $1.97 $1.97
Uganda $0.45 $0.70

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Country* Price per minute calls to fixed lines Price per minute calls to mobile
Ukraine $0.45 $0.56
United Arab Emirates $0.76 $0.76
United Kingdom $0.05 $0.60
Uruguay $0.45 $0.45
USA $0.05 $0.05
Uzbekistan $0.45 $0.45
Vanuatu $1.38 $1.69
Vatican City $0.02 $0.02
Vietnam $1.07 $1.07
Venezuela $0.22 $0.60
Virgin Islands (Br) $0.58 $0.58
Virgin Islands (US) $0.03 $0.03
Wallis & Futuna $6.00 $6.00
Western Samoa $1.18 $2.18
Yemen $0.60 $0.60
Zambia $0.81 $0.81
Zimbabwe $0.22 $1.00

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Attachment B – Southern Phone Home Phone fees and rates to make
satellite calls
The fees and rates below are current as at 29 June 2021 and include GST.
We may change these rates in accordance with our Customer Terms. Get in touch with us to check
the most recent rates.
For voice calls to satellite numbers, a call connection fee of 40¢ applies to each call. Calls are charged
in one minute blocks based on the per minute rates set out in the table below.

Satellite Calls to satellite numbers (per minute)

Satellite Inmarsat $14.32
Satellite Iridium $8.59
Satellite Thuraya $3.35

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