Electrical Power Systems, Faculty of Information Technology and Systems, Delft University of Technology
P.O. Box 5031, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 15 278 6219, Fax: +31 15 278 1182, e-mail: [email protected]
Abstract - It is expected that increasing amounts of new generation A further difference between these new technologies and
technologies will be connected to electrical power systems in the conventional means of electrical power generation is that
near future. Most of these technologies are of considerably smaller many of them are of considerably smaller size than
scale than conventional synchronous generators and are therefore
conventional thermal, nuclear and hydro units that up to this
connected to distribution grids. Further, many are based on
technologies different from the synchronous generator, such as the
moment deliver the majority of the electrical power consumed
squirrel cage induction generator and high or low speed generators worldwide. Therefore, they are often connected to low and
that are grid coupled through a power electronic converter. medium voltage grids and not to the high voltage
When connected in small amounts, the impact of distributed transmission grid, resulting in longer electrical distances.
generation on power system transient stability will be negligible. As long as the penetration level of these new technologies in
However, if its penetration level becomes higher, distributed power systems is still low and they only cover a minor
generation may start to influence the dynamic behavior of the power fraction of the system load, they hardly impact the dynamic
system as a whole. In this paper, the impact of distributed generation behavior of a power system. Therefore, in power system
technology and penetration level on the dynamics of a test system is
dynamics and transient stability studies, they are normally
investigated. It is found that the effects of distributed generation on
the dynamics of a power system strongly depend on the technology
considered as negative load and their intrinsic dynamics and
of the distributed generators. their controllers, if present, are not taken into account.
However, if the amount of new generation technology
Keywords: distributed/dispersed generation, transient stability, introduced in a power system becomes substantial, it may
power system dynamics, modeling, simulation start to influence the overall behavior of this system [1,2]. Up
to this moment, it is unknown at which penetration level and
I. INTRODUCTION in which way distributed generation influences power system
dynamic behavior, which is partly caused by the lack of
It is expected that increasing amounts of new technologies for adequate models of the new technologies.
electrical power generation will be introduced in electrical The goal of the research presented here is to acquire insight in
power systems in the near future. A number of reasons for the impact of distributed generation on power system
this development exist. The emphasis on power generation transient stability. To this end, various technologies and
from renewable sources in order to reduce the environmental penetration levels are studied. The paper is structured as
impact of power generation leads to the development and the follows. First, the research approach is described and the
use of technologies for renewable power generation, such as preparation of the test system and the modeling of the various
solar panels, wind turbines and wave power plants. The goals distributed generation technologies is commented upon. Then
of decreasing the cost associated with electrical power the results of the investigations are presented and discussed.
transmission in liberalized markets and increasing the
efficiency of primary fuel use by using combined heat and II. RESEARCH APPROACH
power generation (CHP) lead to the installation of generation
equipment at consumer sites. For the research, a well known dynamics test system was
Many of these new technologies do not use a conventional chosen and adapted to the needs of this study. In the base
grid coupled synchronous generator to convert primary case, this test system does not contain any distributed
energy into electricity. Instead, they use a squirrel cage or generation. The whole load is covered by the ten large scale
doubly fed induction generator (some wind turbine concepts) synchronous generators present in the system. This system
or a synchronous or squirrel cage induction generator that is has been widely used for various kinds of power system
grid connected through a power electronic converter (other dynamics studies. The considerations leading to the choice of
wind turbine concepts, small scale high speed gas turbines). this test system and the development of the models used in
In the case of solar panels and fuel cells, it is not even the research will be commented upon in more detail in the
mechanical power that is converted into electricity. next paragraph, in which the preparation of the test system is
Table 2. Results for the maximum rotor speed deviation as stability indicator
for various distributed generation technologies and penetration levels. The
number of the generator at which the value occurs is indicated in
Dist. Maximum rotor speed deviation [10-3 p.u.] and relative
pen. change [%]
0 6.4 (6) 6.4 (6) 6.4 (6) 6.4 (6) 6.4 (6)
0 0 0 0 0
9 6.1 (6) 6.1 (6) 6.1 (6) 5.9 (6) 5.9 (6)
A. Overview of results 23 6.5 (3) 5.9 (9) 6.1 (7) 7.4 (9) 5.1 (9)
In tables 2 and 3, the simulation results are summarized. In +12.1 +1.7 +5.2 +27.6 -12.1
the first row for each of the penetration levels studied, the
maximum, and thus worst values of the two stability 29 6.1 (9) 6.9 (9) 6.2 (7) 8.4 (9) 5.1 (9)
indicators used, namely the maximum rotor speed deviation
+5.2 +19.0 +6.9 +44.8 -12.1
and the oscillation duration, are displayed, together with the
numbers of the generators at which the given values occur in 33 5.7 (3) 7.4 (10) 6.3 (2/3) 8.5 (9) 5.1 (9)
parenthesis. These numbers correspond to figure 2. In each
-1.7 +27.6 +8.6 +46.6 -12.1
second row, the relative change compared to the base case is
given in per cent.
In the left column, the distributed generation penetration level induction generator, SM synchronous machine, PE stands for
is indicated. In the second row, the distributed technologies distributed generation which is grid connected through a
are indicated. ASM means asynchronous squirrel cage power electronics interface and if a C is added to the
acronym, the distributed generators are equipped with voltage which in turn slows down the speeding up of the synchronous
and frequency control. generators. When the asynchronous generator is at a larger
From tables 2 and 3, it can be concluded that it is difficult to distance and more weakly coupled to the synchronous
derive an overall conclusion with respect to the impact of generator, its speeding up during the fault will result in an
distributed generation technology and penetration level on increasing reactive power demand. This will result in a lower
power system stability, because the results are quite mixed. terminal voltage at the remote synchronous generator and thus
Therefore, each of the three main technologies, namely the in a decrease of synchronizing torque and a faster increase in
squirrel cage induction generator, the synchronous generator rotor speed.
and the power electronics interface will separately be In the cases studied here, both the synchronous generators
commented upon. and the distributed asynchronous generators are spread
through the system. The finding that distributed generation
B. Asynchronous generator based on squirrel cage induction generators seems not too
From tables 2 and 3, it can be seen that distributed squirrel have much effect on the transient stability of power systems
cage induction generators have an ambiguous influence on the can therefore probably be explained by noticing that both
two stability indicators. Both the maximum rotor speed effects occur simultaneously and counterbalance.
deviation and the oscillation duration are not very much
effected and the maximum value occurs at various generators C. Synchronous generator
when the distributed generation penetration level changes. It can be concluded from table 2 that an increasing
The shape of the oscillation is not very much influenced as penetration level of distributed generation based on
well, as can be seen from figure 3. In this figure, the rotor synchronous generators either with or without voltage control
speed deviation of the generators 1 and 6 is depicted for the leads to a decrease in the overspeeding of the synchronous
base case and for a distributed generation penetration level of generators during the fault. This result can be explained by
20 and 33 per cent respectively. By inspection, it can be seen realizing that the distributed synchronous generators are
from this figure that the oscillation duration is in the range of equipped with an excitation winding on the rotor, which
6 seconds. This is in the same range as the longest oscillation keeps the generators excited during the fault. As a result of
duration which occurs at generators 5, 3 and again 3 this, the distributed generators supply a fault current and the
respectively for the depicted distributed generation voltage during a fault does not drop as far as with no
penetration levels, according to table 3. These observations distributed generators present. As a result, the synchronizing
lead to the conclusion that distributed squirrel cage generators torque at the generators remains higher.
do not have very much influence on the transient stability of This reasoning is supported by simulation results depicted in
an electrical power system. figure 4. In this figure, the terminal voltage of generator 6,
This result can be explained as follows. As discussed in [11], which has the highest overspeeding during the fault as can be
the effect of squirrel cage induction generators on power concluded from table 2, is given for a penetration level of 0,
system stability depends on their distance to the synchronous 20 and 33 per cent of both uncontrolled and controlled
generators. If they are located near synchronous generators synchronous generators. It can be seen that the higher the
and the latter speed up during a fault, the stator frequency of penetration level of distributed synchronous generators, the
the asynchronous generators increases. This leads to a higher the terminal voltage of generator 6. The response is
decrease in the slip frequency and thus in generated power,
Fig. 5. Rotor speed deviation of generator 10. The solid line corresponds to
the base case, the dotted line to a 33 per cent penetration level of
uncontrolled synchronous generators.
Fig. 7. Rotor speed deviation of generator 9 after connection of uncontrolled [1] M.K. Donnelly, J.E. Dagle, D.J. Trudnowski, G.J. Rogers, “Impacts of
(upper graph) and controlled (lower graph) distributed generation. The solid the distributed utility on transmission system stability”, IEEE Transactions
line corresponds to the base case, the dashed and dotted lines to a distributed on Power Systems, v.11, n.2, p.741-746, 1996.
generation penetration of 20 and 33 per cent respectively. [2] F. de Leon, B.-T. Ooi, “Damping power oscillations by unidirectional
control of alternative power generation plants”, IEEE PES Winter Meeting
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power system transient stability are presented. Starting from a [5] PSS/E 25, On-line Documentation, Schenectady, US: Power
Technologies, Inc., December 1997.
base case, the New England test system, the load was [6] Dispersed System Impacts: Survey and Requirements Study, EPRI TR-
increased in a number of steps and the load increases were 103337, Palo Alto, EPRI, July 1994.
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synchronous generators were studied. It was concluded that [9] J.G. Slootweg, H. Polinder, W.L. Kling, “Dynamic Modelling of a Wind
the impact of distributed generation on power system Turbine with Doubly Fed Induction Generator”, 2001 IEEE Power
transient stability depends both on the penetration level and Engineering Society Summer Meeting, July 15-19, 2001.
[10] J.G. Slootweg, H. Polinder, W.L. Kling, “Dynamic Modelling of a
the technology of the distributed generators. Wind Turbine with Direct Drive Synchronous Generator and Back to back
Distributed generation based on asynchronous generators Voltage Source Converter and its Controls”, 2001 European Wind Energy
does not have much impact on the transient stability, probably Conference and Exhibition, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2-6, 2001.
because the opposite effects of near and remote generators [11] “Load representation for dynamic performance analysis”, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems, v.8, n.2, 1993, p. 472-482.
counterbalance. Distributed generation based on synchronous [12] M. Klein, G.J. Rogers, P. Kundur, “A fundamental study of interarea
generators decreases the overspeeding of the large scale oscillations”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, v.6, n.3, 1991, p.914-
generators, but seems to decrease the transient stability by 921.
increasing the oscillation duration. The latter might be caused BIOGRAPHIES
by the interarea oscillation phenomenon. Distributed
J.G. Slootweg received his MSc degree in electrical
generation based on power electronics decreases the
engineering from Delft University of Technology on
overspeeding of generators, because it is disconnected during September 23rd, 1998. During his education he stayed in
a fault. However, at increasing penetration levels, this results Berlin for six months, to hear lectures at TU Berlin and to
in large voltage drops at some nodes, due to the loss of large conduct research at the Dynamowerk of Siemens AG. He
amounts of generation. The impact on the duration of the is currently working towards a PhD on the effects of large
scale integration of new technology on power system
rotor speed oscillations depends on whether the power dynamics. The research is carried out at the Electrical
electronic converters are equipped with voltage and Power Systems Laboratory of Delft UT.
frequency control or not.
In this paper, only one test system has been analyzed. It W.L. Kling received his MSc degree in electrical
engineering from the Technical University of Eindhoven
proved possible to explain most of the observations using in 1978. Currently he is a part time professor at the
generally accepted theoretical insights obtained from the Electric Power Systems Laboratory of Delft UT. His
literature. Therefore, it can be expected that in other test experience lies in the area of planning and operation of
systems similar results will be obtained. However, some power systems. He is involved in scientific organizations
such as Cigré and IEEE. He is the Dutch representative in
results could not be fully clarified. Especially these need the Cigré Study Committee 37 Planning and
further research, using other test systems and methods of Development of Power Systems.