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Br J Sports Med 2000;34:359–366 359

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsm.34.5.359 on 1 October 2000. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on September 8, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Physiological and anthropometric determinants of
sport climbing performance
Christine M Mermier, JeVrey M Janot, Daryl L Parker, Jacob G Swan

Abstract Research interest in rock climbing has

Objective—To identify the physiological increased since the late 1970s, in part
and anthropometric determinants of because of increased participation in the
sport climbing performance. sport. One of the first studies of the physi-
Methods—Forty four climbers (24 men, 20 ology of rock climbing performance was by
women) of various skill levels (self reported Williams et al.1 Since then, the focus of
rating 5.6–5.13c on the Yosemite decimal research has shifted from outdoor rock climb-
scale) and years of experience (0.10–44 ing to indoor sport climbing, which has given
years) served as subjects. They climbed two researchers better control over extraneous
routes on separate days to assess climbing variables. This shift coincides with the emer-
performance. The routes (11 and 30 m in
gence of sport climbing as a competitive
distance) were set on two artificial climbing
walls and were designed to become pro-
Despite the increased research in this area,
gressively more diYcult from start to
finish. Performance was scored according there is still some debate, as well as conflicting
to the system used in sport climbing evidence, in the climbing literature about
competitions where each successive hand- which physiological and anthropometric
hold increases by one in point value. factors are important in determining climb-
Results from each route were combined for ing performance. Mermier et al3 examined
a total climbing performance score. the physiological responses during rock
Measured variables for each subject in- climbing and found a non-linear relation
cluded anthropometric (height, weight, leg between heart rate and oxygen consumption
length, arm span, % body fat), demo- (VO2), which suggests that VO2 may have a
graphic (self reported climbing rating, small role in determining climbing perform-
years of climbing experience, weekly hours ance. Billat et al4 concluded that the overall
of training), and physiological (knee and percentage of maximum VO2 required is
shoulder extension, knee flexion, grip, and relatively small during climbing. However, in a
finger pincer strength, bent arm hang, grip recent study by Booth et al,5 moderately diY-
endurance, hip and shoulder flexibility, and cult climbing was shown to elicit a significant
upper and lower body anaerobic power). portion of climbing specific peak VO2 in elite
These variables were combined into com- climbers. Other studies have attempted to
ponents using a principal components identify specific physical characteristics
analysis procedure. These components present in elite climbers.2 6 Watts et al2
were then used in a simultaneous multiple concluded that climbing performance is best
regression procedure to determine which predicted by percentage body fat (%BF) and
components best explain the variance in strength to body mass ratio in elite sport
sport rock climbing performance.
climbers. Grant et al6 found that elite climbers
Results—The principal components analy-
diVer from recreational climbers and active
sis procedure extracted three components.
These were labelled training, anthropomet- non-climbers on measures of leg span, %BF,
ric, and flexibility on the basis of the flexibility, and muscular strength and endur-
measured variables that were the most ance.
influential in forming each component. The It is evident that the determination of com-
Center for Exercise ponents related to climbing performance
and Applied Human
results of the multiple regression procedure
Physiology, University indicated that the training component needs further investigation. The goal of this
of New Mexico, uniquely explained 58.9% of the total vari- study is to improve our understanding of
Albuquerque, New ance in climbing performance. The anthro- which components determine climbing per-
Mexico, USA pometric and flexibility components ex- formance by using a larger and more diverse
C M Mermier plained 0.3% and 1.8% of the total variance sample within the climbing population, as well
J M Janot
D L Parker
in climbing performance respectively. as more advanced multivariate statistical
J G Swan Conclusions—The variance in climbing procedures than those used in previous
performance can be explained by a compo- studies. These procedures should allow us to
Correspondence to: nent consisting of trainable variables. More achieve a greater understanding of the rela-
C M Mermier, University of importantly, the findings do not support
New Mexico, Center for tions among components of climbing perform-
Exercise and Applied Human the belief that a climber must necessarily ance, which can be used by those who wish to
Physiology, Johnson Center, possess specific anthropometric character- improve their climbing ability. Therefore the
B143, Albuquerque, NM istics to excel in sport rock climbing.
87131-1251, USA purpose of this research was to determine
email: [email protected]
(Br J Sports Med 2000;34:359–366)
which anthropometric and physiological com-
Accepted for publication Keywords: rock climbing; strength; muscular endur- ponents best explain the variability in climbing
10 March 2000 ance; training; anthropometric determinants performance.

360 Mermier, Janot, Parker, et al

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsm.34.5.359 on 1 October 2000. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on September 8, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Methods subject was standing. Total distance in cm was
SUBJECTS measured from the top of the level to the
Twenty four male and 20 female volunteers, ground.
aged 18–49, were recruited from the universi- Skinfold thickness was measured to the
ty’s student body population, the local climb- nearest 0.5 mm using a Lange caliper
ing gym, and the surrounding community. (Cambridge Scientific Industries, Columbia,
Before participating in the study, the subjects Maryland USA). All measurements were
completed a health history questionnaire, a taken on the right side using anatomical sites
climbing history questionnaire, and a consent according to the Jackson and Pollock9 10 three
form approved by the university’s human sub- site equations for both men and women. These
jects review board. The climbing history ques- measurements were performed until two were
tionnaire was used to obtain information within 10% of each other. The equations
about the length, frequency, and type of developed by Siri11 and Heyward and
climbing experience (sport, traditional, ice, Stolarczyk12 were used to convert body density
aid, etc), self reported ratings (defined as to %BF for men and women respectively.
highest level consistently climbed), and the
specific training programmes for climbing for
each subject. These variables were used to
quantify the training and experience of the
Range of motion (ROM) was measured at the
hip and shoulder and reported in degrees.13
Subjects were excluded on the basis of previ-
Subjects were allowed to warm up/stretch for
ous climbing experience (fewer than five
five minutes before measurements were taken.
climbs) or unsuccessful completion of a
All measurements were taken on the right side
screening climb rated ∼5.5 on the Yosemite
at maximum active ROM. The larger of two
decimal scale (YDS).7 Subjects were also
measurements at each site was recorded. Hip
excluded on the basis of self reported pre-
abduction with external rotation was
existing medical conditions contraindicative to
measured using a goniometer while the subject
the study’s testing regimen and/or climbing
was seated. The goniometer was centred at the
trials. Because of the maximal exertion re-
inguinal fold at the axis of rotation with the
quired for the upper and lower body Wingate
knee bent. A bubble inclinometer (Baseline,
tests, an age limit was imposed (men > 45
Irvington, New York, USA) was used to assess
years, women > 55 years, all subjects < 18
shoulder abduction, shoulder flexion, and
years) according to the American College of
hip flexion. Subjects were instructed to lie
Sports Medicine’s Guidelines of exercise testing
supine on a mat for hip flexion measurement.
and prescription8.
The inclinometer was placed on the upper
border of the patella and zeroed with the leg
flat on the ground. Shoulder flexion and
Subject testing was completed over a span
abduction measurements were taken while
of three visits, two at the university and one at
subjects were standing with palms facing
a local climbing gym. The variables measured
inward and kept in the same plane throughout
at visit 1 were the performance climb 1, bent
the motion. The device was placed at the
arm hang, height, weight, arm span, leg length,
mid point of the biceps brachii for flexion and
isokinetic leg flexion and extension strength,
on the medial deltoid for abduction. The
isokinetic shoulder extension strength, and
device was zeroed with the arm relaxed at the
lower body anaerobic power. Grip strength,
pincer strength, grip endurance, skinfolds for
body fat, hip and shoulder range of motion,
and upper body anaerobic power were Muscular strength
measured during visit 2. Performance climb 2 Each muscular strength measurement was
was performed during visit 3. All visits were expressed relative to body mass to control for
completed within a 14 day period. The the eVect of body size. Isokinetic strength was
subjects were also asked to maintain their measured during shoulder extension and leg
current training regimen throughout the flexion and extension using the Cybex II isoki-
study. netic system (Lumex, Ronkonkoma, New
York, USA) in conjunction with the Humac
ANTHROPOMETRIC VARIABLES OF THE SUBJECTS 680 computer testing program (Humac 680
Height was measured without shoes to the System; Computer Sports Medicine, Nor-
nearest 0.5 cm at mid inspiration using a wood, Massachusetts, USA). The Cybex
stadiometer. Subjects were weighed to the system was calibrated before each trial and set
nearest 0.1 kg in athletic apparel without shoes at a speed of 60°/s. After a warm up of three
on a Seca digital electronic scale (Seca Corpo- repetitions for each movement, subjects per-
ration, Columbia, Maryland, USA). Arm span formed six maximal repetitions. The peak
was measured with the back against a wall and torque obtained for each motion was re-
the arms outstretched laterally at the height of corded.
the shoulders. Total distance from the tip of Grip strength was measured using the
one middle finger to the tip of the other mid- dominant hand. A hand dynamometer (Jamar,
dle finger in cm was noted. Ape index was cal- Asimow Engineering, Los Angeles, California,
culated by dividing arm span by height. Leg USA) was used for all measurements and
length was determined using a carpenter’s adjusted so that the middle phalanx lined up
level placed at the level of the groin while the with the handle. Subjects were given three

Climbing performance 361

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsm.34.5.359 on 1 October 2000. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on September 8, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
trials for maximum isometric grip strength. a test protocol that optimises peak power,
The highest reading was recorded as grip mean power, and percentage power decline for
strength. diVerent people.15 However, this upper body
Pincer strength was determined by using a relative workload was chosen because pilot
pincer dynamometer (Pinch Gauge; Samson testing showed that it elicited the highest peak
Preston, Bolingbrook, Illinois, USA). Subjects and mean power output. Peak power output,
were instructed to use only the thumb and mean power output, and percentage power
middle digit of their dominant hand. They decline were recorded. Peak power and mean
were allowed three attempts to achieve a maxi- power output were expressed relative to body
mum value. The highest value of the three mass.
attempts was recorded.
Climbing trials
Muscular endurance Subjects were given unlimited time to warm
Muscular endurance was assessed by a up, stretch, and perform easy climbing before
timed bent arm hang and grip endurance. The each of the climbing trials. They were allowed
bent arm hang was performed on a climbing one opportunity to complete a screening climb
hang board (Pusher, Salt Lake City, Utah, (∼5.5 YDS) before further testing. There
USA) using the two biggest holds (about 28 was no time limit for completing any of the
cm apart) on the uppermost portion of the climbs.
board. The bent arm position was chosen over Subjects attempted performance climb 1
a full flexion (termed lock oV strength) or during visit 1 and performance climb 2 during
extension position because pilot testing visit 3 using a belayer and rope for safety. The
showed that climbers could hold these posi- climbs were performed on sight, with no prior
tions for extensive periods of time without the knowledge of the route and no information or
muscles of the shoulder girdle and upper arm encouragement given during the climb.
becoming fatigued. A ladder was used to posi- Subjects were allowed to view the route
tion climbers on the hang board to minimise from the ground, but not allowed to touch
extraneous muscular eVort. Subjects were any holds before the start of the trial. Only
timed from the point at which 90° was one opportunity was given to complete the
obtained at the elbow joint, until the point at routes.
which this angle could no longer be main- Performance was scored according to the
tained. The researchers determined by eye system used in sport climbing competitions
when the 90° position was no longer main- where each successive handhold increases in
tained during the trial. point value by one. Subjects were given a point
Grip endurance of the dominant hand was value for the highest handhold reached. A sub-
measured by timing how long the subjects jective point value was then added to the point
could maintain 50% of their maximum volun- total based on how well they used their last
tary contraction using a hand grip dynamom- hold. If the subject touched but did not grasp
eter. Time measurement started when the sub- the last hold before falling, 0.1 was added to
ject obtained the target value on the the point value. If the subject grabbed but was
dynamometer, and was stopped when the sub- unable to move oV the last hold before falling,
ject could no longer maintain this value after 0.5 was added to the point value. If the subject
verbal encouragement. The researchers in- grabbed the last hold and then tried to move oV
spected the dynamometer visually throughout of it, the score for that hold was increased by
the trial. 0.9.
The performance climbing routes were
Anaerobic power designed to begin relatively easily (∼5.7) and
Upper and lower body anaerobic power increase in diYculty with each handhold/move,
was assessed using a Monark 824E cycle with a minimum number of resting positions.
ergometer (Monark, Varburg, Sweden) An attempt was made to vary the nature of the
interfaced with a computer. Data were col- movements on both routes so as not to give
lected with the OptoSensor 2000 testing soft- advantage to any given climber. The same cer-
ware package (Sports Medicine Industries, tified competition route setter set both routes
Inc, St Cloud, Minnesota, USA). Subjects and determined the ratings, and another expe-
were instructed to complete a five minute rienced route setter climbed the routes to con-
warm up with no resistance. The warm up firm the ratings.
required easy pedalling (60–70 rpm) inter- Performance climb 1 was set to start at ∼5.7
spersed with three “sprints” at maximum rpm. YDS and progressed with increasing diYculty
Subjects then rested for about five minutes to to ∼5.12 YDS at the top. This route consisted
recover from any fatigue associated with the of 21 handholds over 11 m of climbing. Climb
warm up. 1 was set on a vertical wall, and required a
Anaerobic power was assessed using the traverse around a 90° corner and technical
previously described Wingate testing moves on small holds.
protocol.14 Workload for the lower body was Performance climb 2 was set to start at
set at 0.092 kg/kg body weight for men and ∼5.7 YDS and progressed to ∼5.13 at the
0.075 kp/kg body weight for women.14 The top. This route consisted of 42 handholds over
workload for the upper body was set at 40% of 30 m of climbing. Climb 2 consisted of ∼10 m
the lower body workload. Little research has of traverse climbing on a vertical wall using
documented the best workload for an upper large holds. The route continued to traverse
body Wingate test, and it is diYcult to choose around a 45° corner, and became more

362 Mermier, Janot, Parker, et al

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsm.34.5.359 on 1 October 2000. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on September 8, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 1 Anthropometric and demographic characteristics of the sample (n=44) Results
Men (n = 24) Women (n =20)
Tables 1 and 2 give the means, standard
Mean SD Range Mean SD Range deviations, and ranges for the anthropometric
and physiological variables. The sample exhib-
Age (years) 30.4 6.0 21.0–45.0 32.2 9.2 18.0–49.0
Weight (kg) 72.8* 11.6 40.1–94.2 60.1 5.9 50.2–69.9 ited a wide range of scores for all measured
Height (cm) 177.4* 8.8 163.5–193.5 166.4 5.7 157.8–192.5 variables.
Leg length (cm) 82.7* 5.9 74.2–96.3 77.3 4.0 71.0–85.0
Arm span (cm) 185.4* 9.6 168.0–207.0 168.6 8.4 157.0–192.5
PCA was used to reduce the original set
Ape index 1.0 0.02 1.00–1.08 1.0 0.03 0.96–1.11 of variables to a smaller set that accounts
Body fat (%) 9.8* 3.5 3.3–17.2 20.7 4.9 14.1–29.6 for most of the variance in the initial variables
Self reported rating (YDS) 5.10c* 1.5 5.8–5.13d 5.9 1.7 5.6–5.12c
Total years climbing 7.2 6.1 .10–22 7.0 10.7 0.1–44.0 and to determine which variables could be
Training (hours/week) 7.2* 5.0 1.0–20.0 4.1 3.6 0.0–15.0 combined to best reflect underlying structures
*Significantly diVerent from women (p<0.05). or processes related to rock climbing
performance. This optimises the case to
variable ratio and increases power for subse-
overhanging with smaller sloping holds for quent analyses.16 The PCA was initially
∼5 m. The last ∼15 m of the route required
performed with men and women as separate
the ascent of a more severe vertical overhang-
groups. However, the two analyses produced
ing section on small sloping holds. No climber
the same components, therefore data for the
in the study was able to complete climb 2.
men and women were combined for all subse-
quent analyses. PCA with oblique rotation was
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS performed initially on 25 variables for a
Standard descriptive statistics (means, stand- sample of 44 men and women. The PCA was
ard deviation, range) were used to present the rerun with 17 variables after 12 variables were
characteristics of the subjects for all variables. omitted because of having very low commu-
The means of some variables diVered signifi- nalities or not loading on any component.16
cantly between men and women; therefore Barlett’s test of sphericity was significant
descriptive statistics for men and women are (p<0.001), indicating that it was reasonable to
reported separately. A Pearson’s product- proceed with PCA even considering the small
moment correlation was used to determine the sample size.
relation between climbing performance routes Three components were extracted on
and climbing skill. the basis of the analysis of the scree plot,
A principal components analysis (PCA) requiring 17 iterations for rotation. Oblique
was used to reduce the large number of rotation was chosen because of a moderate
anthropometric and physiological variables to correlation between components 1 and 2 (r =
a smaller number of components. In addition, −0.312). Variables were well defined by the
a simultaneous multiple regression procedure component solution, and communalities (h2)
was used to determine the amount of variance tended to be high. Table 3 shows loading of
in climbing performance that could be ex- variables on components, communalities, and
plained using the components derived from percentage of variance and cumulative
the PCA. An SPSS statistical package (version variance. With a cut oV of 0.40 for inclusion of
8.0; SPSS, Inc, Chicago, Illinois, USA) was a variable in interpretation of a component,16
used. Alpha level was set at 0.05 for all analy- all variables loaded on at least one
ses. component.

Table 2 Mean muscular strength, endurance, flexibility and power output characteristics of the sample (n=44)

Men (n=24) Women (n=20)

Mean SD Range Mean SD Range

Knee extension (ft lbs/kg BW) 2.09* 0.24 1.37–2.59 1.72 0.27 0.95–2.13
Knee flexion (ft lbs/kg BW) 1.40* 0.20 1.09–1.89 1.20 0.28 0.79–2.10
Shoulder extension (ft lbs/kg BW) 1.30* 0.22 0.86–1.75 0.91 0.13 0.69–1.11
Bent arm hang time (seconds) 51.80* 14.62 19.0–90.0 25.05 14.41 3.00–56.60
Grip strength (kg/kg BW) 0.65* 0.14 0.39–0.95 0.49 0.10 0.35–0.65
Pincer strength (kg/kg BW) 0.14 0.03 0.10–0.21 0.12 0.02 0.06–0.16
Grip endurance (seconds) 79.69 37.17 19.50–174.0 79.78 29.82 34.00–174.00
Hip flexion (degrees) 137.2 15.9 100.0–165.0 142.3 13.3 104.0–165.0
Hip abduction (degrees) 89.4 20.2 62.0–133.0 92.0 21.2 63.0–140.0
Shoulder flexion (degrees) 180.8 17.8 135.0–208.0 185.7 15.8 152.0–210.0
Shoulder abduction (degrees) 146.8* 35.2 74.0–195.0 170.9 17.6 145.0–199.0
Wingate lower body peak (W) 1230.71* 229.44 575.0–1620.0 728.85 115.57 468.0–929.0
Wingate lower body peak (W/kg BW) 16.87* 1.56 13.84–19.80 12.15 1.57 8.24–14.90
Wingate lower body mean (W) 639.04* 103.0 361.0–873.0 407.1 50.0 319.0–524.0
Wingate lower body decline (%) 64.58 7.11 49.0–75.0 59.4 12.09 19.0–77.0
Wingate upper body peak (W) 494.42* 120.87 199.0–766.0 289.0 45.11 207.0–389.0
Wingate upper body peak (W/kg BW) 6.80* 0.85 4.96–8.20 4.80 0.60 3.38–5.80
Wingate upper body mean (W) 328.37* 61.92 158.0–420.0 194.25 23.55 128.0–134.0
Wingate upper body decline (%) 54.96 9.39 37.0–77.0 53.0 11.44 10.0–64.0

*Significantly diVerent from women (p<0.05).

ft lbs/kg BW, foot pounds per kilogram of body weight; W/kg BW, Watts per kilogram of body weight; kg/kg BW, kilograms of force
per kilogram of body weight.

Climbing performance 363

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsm.34.5.359 on 1 October 2000. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on September 8, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 3 Component loadings: pattern (P) and structure (S), communalities (h2), % of was 64. The mean (SD) climbing performance
variance, and cumulative % of variance for principal component analysis on climbing score was 18.96 (6.4) (range 11.2–36.4) and
30.62 (13.6) (range 11.0–59.6) for women and
Items Component1 P/S Component2 P/S Component3 P/S h2 men respectively.
Table 4 presents the zero order correlations
Weight −0.82/−0.84 0.81
Height −1.00/−0.96 0.94 among the predictor components and
Leg length −0.94/−0.86 0.81 climbing performance for the total sample.
Arm span /0.38 −0.87/−0.94 0.96 Inspection of the correlation matrix showed
Body fat −0.85/−0.89 /0.43 0.90
Ape index /−0.45 0.78 that only the training component and climbing
Hip flexion 0.75/0.75 0.59 performance, as well as the training and
Hip abduction −0.75/−0.71 0.77 anthropometric components, show a signifi-
Hang time 0.91/0.90 0.84
Lower body power 0.53/0.68 /−0.57 0.81 cant relation to one another. It is interesting
Upper body power /0.59 −0.50 /−0.72 0.79 to note that the training component shows a
Climbing rating 0.74/0.70 0.70
Experience 0.64/0.67 0.61
high positive relation to the criterion
Knee extension 0.51/0.59 0.60 measure, climbing performance. This suggests
Knee flexion 0.71/0.71 0.64 that higher climbing performance scores
Shoulder extension 0.89/0.91 0.85
Grip strength 0.81/0.79 0.70
are associated with a higher degree of
% of variance 39.06 15.35 10.36 training.
Cumulative % 39.06 54.41 64.77 A simultaneous multiple regression proce-
Component labels: Component1 = training, Component2 = anthropometric, Component3 = flex- dure was used to determine which components
ibility. were significant predictors of climbing per-
formance in the sample. For this particular
Table 4 Zero order correlations among the predictor
components and climbing performance (n=44) regression procedure, all components were
entered concurrently to evaluate their contri-
Component 1 2 3 4 butions to the overall regression model. When
1. Climbing performance – 0.798* −0.195 0.168
applied simultaneously using all predictor
2. Training – −0.312* 0.037 components, the regression procedure resulted
3. Anthropometric – 0.029 in an R2 of 0.658, an adjusted R2 of 0.633, and
4. Flexibility –
a standard error of the estimate of 7.46. A
*p<0.05. Durbin-Watson test was also calculated to
evaluate if the independence of error assump-
Labelling of components can be highly sub- tion in the regression model was met. The
jective. The components are operational repre- value was 2.12, which indicated that this
sentatives of the construct implicit in the label assumption was met.
and do not “explain” the variables. Suggested Table 5 presents the predictor components
interpretative labels for each component were from this regression procedure for the sample.
derived from the variables that were the most A tolerance diagnostic of multicollinearity was
influential in forming the components. Com- calculated for each predictor component to
ponent 1 was named “training” because of evaluate the possible presence of multicolline-
strong loadings of variables deemed to be arity among the components. A tolerance of
trainable such as knee and shoulder strength, less than 0.10 would indicate the presence of
grip strength, upper and lower body power, significant multicollinearity problems. The
hang time, %BF, and self reported sport range of tolerance for the components was
climbing rating. Component 2 was named from 0.901 to 0.997, indicating the absence of
“anthropometric” as weight, height, leg length, significant multicollinearity problems among
arm span, and ape index were the most the components.
influential variables. Component 3 was labelled The standardised â coeYcients indicate the
“flexibility” because of the strong influence of magnitude of unique contribution that each
both hip ROM variables in forming the component makes to maximally predicting the
component, although climbing experience was criterion measure in the regression model.
also included. Only one component makes a significant
contribution to the prediction model according
MULTIPLE REGRESSION PROCEDURE to the t values for each â coeYcient (table 5).
The criterion measure for this study was repre- The training component has the largest â coef-
sented by a total climbing performance score ficient, meaning that it makes the largest
over two climbing routes. A Pearson’s product- unique contribution to the overall regression
moment correlation was calculated to deter- model, followed by the flexibility and anthro-
mine if the scores from the two routes could be pometric components.
combined into a total performance score. This The squared semi-partial correlations
value (r = 0.81) indicated that the two routes (part r2) for the components show that about
were measuring similar climbing abilities; sub- 58.9%, 0.3%, and 1.8% of the variance in
sequently, one total score was used as the climbing performance can be uniquely ex-
dependent variable. The total possible score plained by training, anthropometric, and flex-
ibility respectively (table 5). The total part r2
Table 5 Set of all predictor components for climbing performance (n=44) value is 0.610, indicating that 61.0% of the
variance in climbing performance can be
Component B â Part r2 t p
accounted for by combining the unique
Training 9.967 0.809 0.589 8.31 0.001 variance explained by the three predictor
Anthropometric 0.660 0.054 0.003 0.550 0.585
Flexibility 1.679 0.136 0.018 1.47 0.149
components. This value can be subtracted
from the R2 value to obtain the percentage of

364 Mermier, Janot, Parker, et al

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsm.34.5.359 on 1 October 2000. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on September 8, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
explained variance that is due to overlapping tests. In PCA, variables with low correlations
of the predictor variables or multicollinearity with the important components and with low
of predictor variables. This value was calcu- squared multiple correlation with all other
lated to be about 0.048, meaning that 4.8% of variables are considered outliers. In our
the total explained variance was due to opinion, the fact that these variables were not
overlapping of the predictor variables. This extracted in the PCA does not mean that they
relatively small amount of multicollinearity are not important to climbing performance,
among the predictor components gives greater rather that they were unrelated to other
justification to the interpretability of the variables in the solution for this model. The
regression model results. usefulness of these variables needs to be
clarified by future research.
Discussion The PCA extracted a three component
Sport climbing has grown tremendously in model to represent variables related to sport
popularity in the past few years, and standards rock climbing performance. The component
of diYculty have continued to rise along with (training) that captured the largest amount of
the number of competitions. Climbers of all cumulative variance in the PCA model
abilities who are interested in improving would (∼39%) included variables that are influenced
benefit from research into determinants of by training such as strength, power, %BF, and
sport climbing performance. Much of the climbing skill (self reported rating). The
scientific literature on climbing focuses on second component included anthropometric
climbing injuries and their prevention. A few measures such as height, weight, arm span,
recent studies have examined physiological and leg length, and ape index, and the third
anthropometric variables related to component included hip flexibility along with
climbing.2–6 17 18 This study attempts to de- years experience, explaining about 15% and
scribe which variables explain sport climbing 10% of the cumulative variance for the model
performance in a heterogeneous sample of respectively. The importance of these findings
climbers. lies in the use of this statistical method because
A number of recent studies contain descrip- it shows that success in sport climbing is
tive data on elite or experienced climbers.2–6 In related to the interaction of multiple variables
1993, Watts et al2 compiled anthropometric rather than a limited number of variables
data on 21 men and 18 women semifinalists at as previously identified.2 6 The relative
a World Cup sport climbing competition. In importance of the first component under-
general, the elite climbers were characterised as scores the need for successful training pro-
being small in stature, with low %BF, high grip grammes to include workouts that emphasise
strength, and high grip strength to body mass the development of muscular strength, endur-
ratio. Grant et al6 compared various anthropo- ance and power, as well as climbing specific
metric and physical variables of elite and skills.
recreational male climbers. Elite climbers were According to the results of the PCA, the
found to have greater upper body endurance three components that were extracted from
(bent-arm hang time and pull ups), finger the original set of variables are training,
strength, and hip flexibility as measured by the anthropometric, and flexibility. Previous re-
sit and reach test. search that focused on identifying variables
In this study, male and female climbers that explain climbing ability included some
tended to be similar in stature to those in the variables that are associated with these
study by Watts et al.2 Also, the elite climbers in components.2 6 However, in our study, the
the study by Watts et al2 had, on average, lower training component was the only significant
body mass (66.6 v 72.8 kg for men; 51.5 v 60.1 predictor of climbing performance, thereby
kg for women), less body fat (4.7% v 9.8% for reducing the importance of the anthropomet-
men; 10.7% v 20.7% for women), greater rela- ric and flexibility components to overall
tive grip strength (0.78 v 0.65 for men; 0.66 v climbing ability.
0.49 for women), and more climbing experi- One of the most important findings of this
ence (11.2 v 7.3 years for men; 8.8 v 7.0 years study is that climbing ability can be signifi-
for women) than the climbers in this study. Our cantly explained by the training component.
male climbers also compared favourably with Many climbers believe that climbing success
the elite climbers in the study by Grant et al6 depends on certain characteristics that are
with respect to %BF (9.8% v 14.0%) and bent considered to be largely untrainable, such as
arm hang time (51.8 v 53.1 seconds). It is small body stature, a positive ape index, and a
important to note that the subjects in our study specific body somatotype for climbing. It is
are more diverse as a sample with respect to evident from previous research that elite
climbing ability than the samples in the other climbers possess similar anthropometric and
studies cited. A diverse sample was selected to physiological characteristics. Watts et al2 identi-
enhance external validity to lend greater gener- fied small to moderate stature and very low
alisability of the results to climbers of various %BF as being characteristics shared by elite
abilities. climbers. However, when these variables, along
Twelve variables did not load on any compo- with other anthropometric and physiological
nent in this analysis. These included age, variables, were entered into a multiple
shoulder flexibility, finger pincer strength, grip regression model, only %BF and grip strength
endurance, hours of training a week, and abso- to body mass ratio were considered to be
lute measurement of peak, mean, and decrease significant predictors of climbing ability. These
in power for upper and lower body Wingate two predictor variables can be improved

Climbing performance 365

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsm.34.5.359 on 1 October 2000. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on September 8, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
through specific modes of training, which traditional climbing. Although attempts were
thereby would improve climbing performance. made to vary the type of movements and holds
The results from Watts et al2 show that, when the routes were set, it was impossible to
although there is a tendency among elite eliminate completely the gain or loss of advan-
climbers to share certain anthropometric char- tage for any given climber. However, the power
acteristics, they are not necessarily required to of this study lies in the specific application of
attain elite levels of climbing performance. the findings to sport rock climbing.
Given the results of Watts et al,2 trainable vari- In conclusion, the results of this study show
ables are most important to climbing perform- that a large portion of the variance in climbing
ance in elite climbers. performance can be explained by a component
Grant et al6 suggested that improvements consisting of trainable variables. More impor-
in climbing ability can be made through tantly, these findings do not support the belief
training to increase shoulder endurance, finger that a climber must possess specific anthropo-
pincer strength, and hip flexibility. In our metric characteristics to be successful in the
study, hip flexibility measurements contrib- sport of climbing. Thus, engaging in a training
uted significantly to the third component, programme to increase muscular strength,
but were not associated with the first power, and endurance is more important than
component (training). This is not to say that flexibility and anthropometric measurements
flexibility cannot be improved through for determining climbing performance in
training, but that the flexibility component was climbers of all abilities.
not a significant determinant of climbing
performance in this study. These results
appear to be counterintuitive especially with 1 Williams E, Taggert P, Carruthers M. Rock climbing:
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total variance in climbing performance was climbers. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 1995;35:20–4.
explained by the current model, leaving 34% of 5 Booth J, Marino F, Hill C, et al. Energy costs of sport rock
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the variance explainable by other factors. How- 18.
ever, considering similar attempts made by 6 Grant S, Hynes V, Whittaker A, et al. Anthropometric,
strength, endurance, and flexibility characteristics of elite
previous authors,2 the amount of explained and recreational climbers. J Sports Sci 1996;14:301–9.
variance in our study is relatively large. This 7 Graydon D, ed. Mountaineering: the freedom of the hills. 5th
ed. Seattle: The Mountaineers, 1992.
would leave other factors, such as problem 8 Kenney W, ed. ACSM’s guidelines for exercise testing and pre-
solving skills, psychological factors, and climb- scription. 5th ed. Media, PA: Williams & Wilkins, 1995.
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in this study, as possible predictors of climbing 10 Jackson A, Pollock M. Generalized equations for predicting
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In addition, it is believed that route familiar- composition. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sci-
ity improves climbing performance.19 The ences, 1961.
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ment. 1st ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 1996.
completing the same route could have favoured 13 Heyward V. Advanced fitness assessment and exercise prescrip-
less experienced climbers. In this study, this tion. 3rd ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 1998.
14 Bar-Or O. The Wingate anaerobic test-an update on meth-
was controlled for by allowing only one attempt odology, reliability and validity. Sports Med 1987;4:381–94.
at each route. However, in the non-competitive 15 Inbar O, Bar-Or O, Skinner J. The Wingate anaerobic test. 1st
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setting, repeated attempts at the same route are 16 Tabachnick B, Fidell L. Using multivariate statistics.
common practice. Therefore further study is 3rd ed. Northridge, CA: HarperCollins College Publish-
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limited practice on the routes before testing strength, endurance, and blood lactate with sustained
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study is the low generalisability of the findings 19 Birkett B. Techniques in modern rock and ice climbing. London:
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Take home message

Although it is traditionally thought that physical attributes such as height, arm length, and
body weight are important in climbing performance, the variables found to explain most vari-
ance in sport climbing ability are trainable. Research to determine the most eVective training
programmes for sport rock climbing is still required. However, muscular strength, power, and
endurance specific to sport climbing should be included in the training regimen.

366 Mermier, Janot, Parker, et al

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsm.34.5.359 on 1 October 2000. Downloaded from http://bjsm.bmj.com/ on September 8, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
This paper contributes some new information which builds on previous published work toward
the development of an athlete model for sport climbing performance. The study includes assess-
ment of variables that have not been previously reported and uses a principal components analy-
sis procedure to present a diVerent perspective of analysis. The results may have limited applica-
tion, however, except to discriminate between climbers of a wide range of ability. The concept of
diversity within subjects for this type of study is well illustrated in an article by Sjodin and
Svedenhag,1 in which the authors illustrate that VO2 max correlates well with mean marathon
running velocity for runners with velocities ranging from 3.0 to 5.4 m/s (r = 0.78). However, the
correlation suVers when the sample is reduced to only “fast” runners with velocities between 4.65
and 5.40 m/s (r = 0.01). Thus the application of interpretations may be limited to samples of
diverse climbing ability. Still, this work has identified possible factors that may now be studied to
determine how training induced changes are reflected in changes in performance.
Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation,
104 Presque Isle Avenue, Marquette, MI 49855, USA

1 Sjodin B, Svedenhag J. Applied physiology of marathon running. Sports Med 1985;2:83–99.

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