2 - Anatomy of Salivary Glands Edited

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‫‪Anatomy of‬‬

‫‪Salivary Glands‬‬
‫‪ Important‬‬
‫)‪Lecture (2‬‬ ‫‪ Doctors Notes‬‬
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‫‪ Notes/Extra explanation‬‬
‫هذا العمل مبني بشكل أساسي على عمل دفعة ‪ 436‬مع المراجعة‬
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By the end of this lecture the student should be able to:
Describe the anatomy of the parotid gland: position, shape,
structures within it , innervation and parotid duct.
Describe the anatomy of the submandibular and sublingual salivary
glands: location, shape, parts, ducts and innervation of the glands.
Salivary glands
o Are exocrine glands, that produce saliva.
There are 3 large named pairs of salivary glands o
and multiple minute unnamed glands in the
submucosa of the oral cavity (lips, palate &
under surface of the tongue).

The three NAMED PAIRS are:

Parotid(biggest): produces a serous watery secretion.

Submandibular: produces a mixed serous & mucous

Sublingual: secretes saliva that is predominantly
mucous in character.
Parotid Gland

Parotid gland
o It is the largest salivary gland formed entirely of serous acini.
o It has 3 surfaces :
1- Superficial 2- Anteromedial 3- Posteromedial
o Accessory part:
A small part that is separated from the main gland.
o Capsule of the parotid gland: tight, derived from cervical fascia of the neck.
We have:
True capsule  from the fibrous tissue of the gland
False capsule  from deep cervical fascia

Position: Gland wedged between

• Anteriorly: mandibular ramus & masseter + medial pterygoid
(the parotid gland is behind them) ‫هي تكون في الوسط وفوقها شيء وتحتها شيء زي السندويتس‬
• Posteriorly: Mastoid process & sternomastoid muscle + posterior
belly of digastric (the parotid gland is in front of them)
Shape: Triangular and has:
• Apex (lower end): behind angle of the mandible
• Base (concave upper end): directed upward just below the
zygomatic arch, external auditory meatus &TMJ.
(temporomandibular joint).
Parotid Gland
Parotid Duct (of Stensen):
o It opens into the vestibule of the mouth on a small papilla, opposite the upper second molar
(maxillary) tooth.
o Parotid duct 5 cm long, runs on the masseter muscle, then it pierces buccal pad of fat & buccinator

Structures within Parotid Gland
From superficial to deep OR lateral to medial (horizontal section)
(you have to know both)

Very important Note:

1. Facial Nerve (motor supply) 2. Retromandibular vein 3. External Carotid artery the sequence from
outside to inside is
most superficial structure intermediate in position Most deep (Nerve, vein, artery)

• The facial nerve it divides the gland into superficial & deep parts. In the exam you might have a
question about the structures

• TWO Branches before it enters the gland to supply two muscles (posterior belly of digastric and stylohyoid) found in the gland, so it is
important to know them

FIVE (terminal) Branches within the parotid

which leave anteromedial suface of the gland:
1- Temporal
2- Zygomatic
Muscles of
3- Buccal the face
4- Mandibular
5- Cervical.
Structures within Parotid Gland
From superficial to deep OR lateral to medial (horizontal section)
(you have to know both)

1. Facial Nerve 2. Retromandibular vein 3. External Carotid artery

most superficial structure intermediate in position Most deep (most medial)

• Formed by the union of • It is divided into its 2-

maxillary & superficial temporal terminal branches
veins. maxillary and
• Before it leaves the gland it is superficial temporal
divided into 2 division/branches: arteries. (within the gland)
1. anterior (join the facial vein and form the
common facial vein)

2. Posterior (join the posterior auricular and form

the external jugular )

Inferior salivary nucleus  to parotid gland
Superior salivary nucleus  to sublingual and submandibular

Parotid Gland Extra

Nerve supply and lymphatic drainage

o Parasympathetic (secretomotor):
• from inferior salivary nucleus (of 9th cranial nerve
“glossopharyngeal nerve” in medulla oblongata)  via its
branch: tympanic nerve  forms tympanic plexus in middle
ear  then via lesser petrosal nerve (preganglionic fibers) to
otic ganglion
• The postganglionic fibers running in auriculotemporal nerve
supply the parotid gland.

o Sympathetic:
• from plexus around external carotid artery.

parotid lymph nodes which finally drain into upper group
of deep cervical lymph nodes.
Parotid Gland
Blood supply
*Arterial supply:
• external carotid artery + its branches (superior temporal and maxillary)
*Venous drainage:
• into the retromandibular vein.

Clinical Notes:
1- Parotid gland infection: Mumps
• viral disease caused by the mumps virus.
• Initial signs and symptoms often include fever, muscle pain, headache,
poor appetite, and feeling tired.
• This is then usually followed by painful swelling of one or both parotid
salivary glands.
• In adults
• About two to three out of every 10 adolescent or adult men who have
mumps may experience painful swelling of the testicles.
Submandibular Gland
o located deep to the body of the mandible.
o Formed of two parts:
• Large Superficial Part
• Small Deep Part
o Both parts continuate around the mylohyoid muscle

o Arterial supply: o Venous drainage:
Facial artery. Facial vein.
Submandibular Gland
Submandibular Duct

o The duct emerges from the deep part of the gland.

o It passes forward along the side of the tongue, under the mucous membrane of the floor of the mouth.
o It is crossed laterally by the lingual nerve.
o It opens into floor of mouth on the summit (highest point) of a small sublingual papilla (the sublingual caruncle*),
which lies at the side of the frenulum of the tongue.
o Clinically, it is important to remember that the submandibular duct can be palpated through the floor of
the mouth alongside the tongue.
o Saliva can usually be seen emerging from the orifice of the duct.
* Sublingual caruncle: an eminence on either side of the frenulum of the tongue, on which the major duct of the sublingual gland and the duct of the submandibular gland open.
Submandibular Duct
Clinical Note
1. Calcus Formation
o The submandibular duct is a common site of calculus formation.
oThe presence of a tense swelling below the body of the mandible, which
is greatest before or during a meal and is reduced in size or absent
between meals, is diagnostic of the condition.
oClinically: examination of the floor of the mouth will reveal absence of
ejection of saliva from the orifice of the duct of the affected gland +
Frequently, the stone can be palpated in the duct, which lies below the
mucous membrane of the floor of the mouth.
1- A ranula is a mucous a extravasation cyst Extra
Sublingual Gland (related to sublingual gland)
2- stones are mostly (related to submandibular)
3- Mumps is a swelling (related to the parotid)

oAlmond shaped
oThe smallest of the three main salivary glands.
oIt lies below the mucous membrane of the floor of
mouth(between mylohyoid & side of the tongue), close to
the midline.

Sublingual Ducts:
oThe sublingual ducts are 8 to 20 in number.
oMost open into floor of mouth on the summit of the
sublingual fold, but a few may open into the submandibular

Clinical Note:
• It is a mucus extravasation cyst.
• Involved sublingual gland
• Found on the floor of the mouth.
Sublingual Gland
o Arterial supply: o Venous drainage:
Facial artery.(lingual branch) Facial vein. (lingual branch)
o Lymph drainage:
Submandibular lymph nodes.
o Nerve Supply
• Parasympathetic secretomotor supply is from
• Preganglionic superior salivary nucleus of the facial (7th)
nerve  The fibers pass to the submandibular ganglion via
the chorda tympani nerve and the lingual nerve.
• Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers reach the
submandibular & sublingual glands either directly or along
the duct.
• Sympathetic: from plexus around facial artery.
\Clinical application
• Largest It opens into the Parasympathetic from inferior salivary nucleus Structures within the gland:

• Formed entirely of serous acini vestibule of the via auriculotemporal nerve 1- Facial nerve:
• Triangular in shape mouth on a small Sympathetic: from plexus around external -TWO Branches before it
• accessory part: papilla, opposite the carotid artery. enters the gland
A small part that is separated from the main upper second molar Arterial: ECA & its branches. -FIVE Branches within the
gland. (maxillary) tooth. Venous drainage: retromandibular vein. parotid
• Capsule: Lymphatic: parotid & deep cervical lymph 2- Retromandibular vein.
Tight, derived from deep cervical fascia of the nodes. 3- External carotid artery.

• deep to the body of the mandible The duct emerges Arterial supply: Clinical application:

• Formed of 2 parts: from the deep part Facial + lingual artery. -the submandibular duct can
of the gland. be palpated through the floor
Large superficial part It is crossed laterally Lymph drainage:
of the mouth alongside the
Small deep part by the lingual nerve Submandibular + deep cervical lymph nodes tongue.
It opens on the Parasympathetic secretomotor supply is from Saliva can usually be seen
summit of a small superior salivary nucleus via lingual nerve emerging from the orifice of
sublingual papilla, the duct.
which lies at the side -common site of calculus
of the frenulum of formation.
the tongue. The presence of a tense
swelling below the body of
the mandible.
• The smallest • sublingual ducts Arterial supply: -

are 8 to 20 in Facial artery.

• Most open into Venous drainage:
the summit of the Facial vein.
sublingual fold, Lymph drainage:
but a few may Submandibular lymph nodes
open into the
submandibular Parasympathetic secretomotor supply is from
duct. superior salivary nucleus via lingual nerve
MCQs 5. Which of the salivary is the largest?
1. The submandibular duct emerge from which part of the gland ? B.submandibular
A- The superficial part C.Parotid
B- The deep part D.Buccal
C- The anterior part
6. Parotid produces a
D- The posterior part
A. mixed serous & mucous secretion.
2. The submandibular duct crossed laterally by which structure ? B. serous secretion
A- The lingual nerve C. mucous secretion
B- The facial nerve D. nothing
C- The parotid duct 7. Structures within the Parotid gland?
D- retromandibular vein
A. Facial nerve
B. Retromandibular vein
3. Which of the following duct is a common site for calculus formation ?
C. External carotid artery
A- The thoracic duct
B- The parotid duct D. All of the above
C- The sublingual duct 8.How many branches the facial nerve gives before it enters the
D- The submandibular duct parotid?
A.5 B.2 C.3 D.4
4. What’s the blood supply for the sublingual gland?
A- Sublingual artery 9.Which of the salivary glands is capsulated by the deep cervical
B- Facial Artery faciae?
C- External carotid artery A.Sublingual
D- Submental Artery B.submandibular
Answers: 1. B, 2. A, 3. D, 4. B, 5. C, 6. B, 7. D, 8. B, 9. C
A\ What are the structures within the parotid gland ?
1-Facial nerve – most superficial structure
2- retromandibular vine - intermediate in position
3- External carotid artery – most deep structure

B\ Qhat’s the nerve supply for the parotid gland ?

- Sympathetic from plexus around External carotid artery
- Parasympathetic from ( inferior salivary nucleus- tympanic nerve ) through the
glossopharyngeal nerve to tympanic plexus –lesser petrosal to otic ganglion which is
postganglionic fiber running in auriculotemporal nerve
Good luck
Special thank for team436
Team Leaders:
Faisal Fahad Alsaif
Rawan Mohammad Alharbi

Team Members:
Abdulaziz Aldukhayel
Abdulrahman Alduhayyim
Rinad Alghoraiby
Rawan Mishal
 References:
1.Girls’ & Boys’ Slides
2.Greys Anatomy for Students
[email protected] 3.TeachMeAnatomy.com

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