Astm E927-10
Astm E927-10
Astm E927-10
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This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E44 on Solar, For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Geothermal and Other Alternative Energy Sources and is the direct responsibility of contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Subcommittee E44.09 on Photovoltaic Electric Power Conversion. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Current edition approved June 1, 2010. Published July 2010. Originally approved the ASTM website.
in 1983. Last previous edition approved in 2005 as E927 – 05. DOI: 10.1520/ The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
E927 − 10
G173 Tables for Reference Solar Spectral Irradiances: Direct 1.5 Global (as defined in Tables G173), or Air Mass 0 (as
Normal and Hemispherical on 37° Tilted Surface defined in Standard E490).
2.2 IEC Standard: 3.2.11 spectral match—ratio of the actual percentage of
IEC 60904-9 Photovoltaic Devices—Part 9: Solar Simulator total irradiance to the required percentage specified in Table 3
Performance Requirements for each wavelength interval.
3. Terminology 3.2.12 spatial non-uniformity of irradiance (in percent):
3.1 Definitions—Definitions of terms used in this specifica- E max 2 E min
S NE 5 100 % 3 (1)
tion may be found in Terminologies E772 and E1328. E max1E min
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: where Emax and Emin are measured with the detector(s) over
3.2.1 solar simulator—equipment used to simulate solar the test plane area.
radiation. Solar simulators shall be labeled by their mode of 3.2.13 temporal instability of irradiance (in percent):
operation during a test cycle (steady state, single pulse or E max 2 E min
multi-pulse) and by the size of the test plane area. A solar T IE 5 100 % 3 (2)
E max1E min
simulator must fall into at least the C classification.
where Emax and Emin are measured with the detector at any
3.2.2 simulator classification—a solar simulator may be one
particular point on the test plane during the time of data
of three classes (A, B, or C) for each of three categories:
spectral match, spatial non-uniformity, and temporal instabil-
3.2.14 field of view—the maximum angle between any two
ity. The simulator is rated with three letters in order of spectral
incident irradiance rays from the simulator at an arbitrary point
match, spatial non-uniformity and temporal instability (for
in the test plane.
example: Class ABA). Large area and small area simulators are
classified according to the appropriate table. The simulator 4. Significance and Use
classification may be abbreviated by a single letter character-
ization. A simulator characterized by a single letter is indicative 4.1 In any photovoltaic measurement, the choice of simula-
of a simulator with all three classes being the same (for tor Class should be based on the needs of that particular
example: a Class A simulator is the same as a Class AAA measurement. For example, the spectral distribution require-
simulator). ments need not be stringent if devices of identical spectral
response from an assembly line are being sorted according to
3.2.3 test plane area, A—the area of the plane intended to
current at maximum power, which is not a strong function of
contain the device under test.
spectral distribution.
3.2.4 small area solar simulator—a simulator whose test
4.2 Classifications of simulators are based on the size of the
plane is equal to or less than 30 cm by 30 cm or a diameter of
test area and the probable size of the device being measured. It
less than 30 cm if the test area is circular.
has been shown that when measuring modules or other larger
3.2.5 large area solar simulator—a simulator whose test devices the spatial non-uniformity is less important, and up to
plane is greater than 30 cm by 30 cm or a diameter of greater 3 % non-uniformity may not introduce unacceptable error for
than 30 cm if the test area is circular. some calibration procedures.4 Accurate measurements of
3.2.6 steady-state simulator—a simulator whose irradiance smaller area devices, such as cells, may require a tighter
output at the test plane area does not vary more than 5 % for specification on non-uniformity or characterization of the
time periods of greater than 100 ms. non-uniformity by the user. When measuring product it is
3.2.7 single-pulse simulator—a simulator whose irradiance recommended that the irradiance be measured with a reference
output at the test plane area consists of a short duration light device similar to the devices that will be tested on the simulator
pulse of 100 ms or less. to minimize spatial non-uniformity errors.
3.2.8 multi-pulse simulator—a simulator whose irradiance
output at the test plane area consists of a series of short
duration, periodic light pulses. Note that the light pulses do not 4
Herrman, W., and Wiesner, W., “Modelling of PV Modules—The Effects of
necessarily have to go to zero irradiance between pulses; a Non-Uniform Irradiance on Performance Measurements with Solar Simulators,”
steady-state simulator that fails the 5 % requirement in 3.2.6 Proc. 16th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf., European Commission,
can be classified as a multi-pulse simulator if the irradiance Glasgow, UK, 2000.
variations are periodic.
TABLE 1 Classification of Small Area Simulator Performance
3.2.9 time of data acquisition—the time required to obtain
one data point (irradiance, current, and voltage) if there is a Characteristics
E927 − 10
4.3 It is the intent of this specification to provide guidance TABLE 3 Spectral Distribution of Irradiance Performance
on the required data to be taken, and the required locations for Requirements (Small and Large Area Simulators)
this data to be taken. It is not the intent to define the possible Percent of Total Irradiance
methods to measure the simulator spectrum or the irradiance at interval, µm Direct Global
AM 0
AM 1.5 AM 1.5
every location on the test plane.
0.3 to 0.4 Not Specified Not Specified 8.0
4.4 Note that the letter classification scheme (see 3.2.2) does 0.4 to 0.5 16.9 18.4 16.4
not include a number of important properties, especially the 0.5 to 0.6 19.7 19.9 16.3
0.6 to 0.7 18.5 18.4 13.9
test plane size, the field of view, nor the steady state or the 0.7 to 0.8 15.2 14.9 11.2
pulsed classifications (see 3.2.3 through 3.2.8, and 3.2.14). 0.8 to 0.9 12.9 12.5 9.0
These additional properties are included in the reporting 0.9 to 1.1 16.8 15.9 13.1
1.1 to 1.4 Not Specified Not Specified 12.2
requirements (see Section 9). It is also recommended that they
be included in product specification sheets or advertising.
4.5 Because of the transient nature of pulsed solar intervals must agree within the spectral match ratio in Table 1
simulators, considerations must be given to possible problems to obtain the respective Class.
such as the response time of the device under test versus the
time of data acquisition and the rise time of the pulsed 5.3 A reference device should be used for determining the
irradiance. If a pulsed solar simulator includes a data acquisi- spatial uniformity of the simulator. The reference device must
tion system, the simulator manufacturer should provide guid- have a spectral response appropriate for the simulator; a silicon
ance concerning such possible problems that may affect mea- device is typically a good choice. A map of simulator spatial
surement results on certain test devices. uniformity must be supplied with the simulator to assist the
user in simulator operation and to clearly define different areas
4.6 The simulator manufacturer should provide I-V data in the test plane that may have different classifications.
showing the repeatability of multiple measurements of a single
device. This data should include a description of how the 5.4 For the evaluation of temporal instability, the data
repeatability was determined. acquisition system may be considered an integral part of the
solar simulator. When the data acquisition system of the solar
5. Classification simulator measures data simultaneously (irradiance, voltage,
and current data measured within 10 nanoseconds of each
5.1 A solar simulator may be either steady state or pulsed, other), then the temporal instability may be rated A for this
and its performance for each of three determined categories classification but the range of irradiance variation during an
(spectral match, spatial non-uniformity, and temporal instabil- entire I-V measurement, including times between points, must
ity) may be one of three Classes (A, B, or C). A simulator may be reported and less than 5 %. If a solar simulator does not
be classified to multiple Classes, depending on its characteris- include the data acquisition system, then the simulator manu-
tics in each of the performance categories. For example, a facturer must specify the time of data acquisition as related to
simulator may be Class A related to spatial uniformity and the reported temporal instability classification.
Class B related to spectral distribution. Classification for all 5.4.1 For a steady-state simulator without an integral data
three performance characteristics must be defined and provided acquisition system this rating must be given for a period of 1
by the manufacturer. second, and actual instability data must be reported for 100
5.2 The manufacturer shall provide test area information to milliseconds, 1 minute, and 1 hour.
assist in proper usage of the simulator. Tables 1 and 2 give 5.4.2 In the case of a pulsed solar simulator with a data
performance requirements for small and large area simulators acquisition system that measures irradiance, current, and volt-
for the three performance categories: spectral match to the age sequentially, temporal instability must be evaluated.
reference spectrum at all intervals, non-uniformity of 5.4.3 The user of a pulsed simulator should verify that the
irradiance, and temporal instability of irradiance. Table 3 gives device under test has reached final electrical output levels when
the spectral match requirements for spectral distribution of data acquisition has begun and that the device under test has a
irradiance for Direct AM1.5, Global AM1.5, and AM0. The fast enough response to follow the rapidly-changing irradiance.
simulator irradiance is divided into the same wavelength 5.4.4 The ultimate test of the stability of the simulator and
intervals and compared with the reference spectrum. All system is the actual measurement of data on the total system.
For simulators that include an integral data acquisition system,
a repeatability measurement should be made on the significant
measured parameters such as voltage, fill factor, and current to
TABLE 2 Classification of Large Area Simulator Performance
verify the correction being applied on each data pair is
repeatable from measurement to measurement. The manufac-
Classification Spectral
Spatial Non-uniformity Instability
turer should specify how repeatability was measured and report
Match the results.
of Irradiance of
to all Intervals
Class A 0.75 to 1.25 3% 2% 6. Hazards
Class B 0.6 to 1.4 5% 5%
Class C 0.4 to 2.0 10 % 10 % 6.1 The use of a solar simulator involves several safety
hazards. A partial description of potential hazards follows:
E927 − 10
6.1.1 Electrical hazards due to the high voltage associated performance in each classification. Another source of test
with starting, flashing or operating xenon arc lamps. methods may be found in the suggested procedures section of
6.1.2 Ultraviolet radiation from xenon arc lamps that can be IEC 60904-9.
very harmful to bare skin and especially to eyes. 8.2 Spectral Irradiance:
6.1.3 The very high temperature of the bulb. 8.2.1 A spectroradiometer calibrated according to Test
6.1.4 Many bulbs may be under pressure. Even at non- Method G138 is an acceptable instrument for simulator spec-
operating conditions, the bulb may be pressurized to several tral irradiance measurements.
8.2.2 The spectral irradiance data are then integrated over
6.1.5 Generation and possible buildup of ozone due to the
the wavelength intervals defined in Table 3, and also integrated
ultraviolet content of the light.
over all the wavelength intervals to obtain the total irradiance.
7. Performance Requirements The integration results in each of the wavelength bands are
then normalized by the total irradiance and compared with the
7.1 Spectral Match: percentages in Table 3. Spectral irradiance deviation limits for
7.1.1 The data comparison shall indicate the spectral match Classes A, B, and C are given in Tables 1 and 2.
classification as per the following: Class A—Spectral match within 0.75 to 1.25 for 8.3 Non-uniformity of Spatial Irradiance:
each wavelength interval, as specified in Table 3. 8.3.1 A uniformity device is used for determining the Class B—Spectral match within 0.6 to 1.4 for each non-uniformity of spatial irradiance of the simulator by mea-
wavelength interval, as specified in Table 3. suring the irradiance. The linearity and time response of the Class C—Spectral match within 0.4 to 2.0 for each uniformity device must be appropriate for the characteristics of
wavelength interval, as specified in Table 3. the simulator being measured.
7.1.2 All intervals listed in Table 3 must fall within the 8.3.2 Divide the defined test area into at least 36 equally
range of ratios for spectral match listed in Table 1 or Table 2 sized (by area) test positions. Using the uniformity device,
for the simulator to qualify for the associated spectral match determine the irradiance in each of the test positions.
classification. The uniformity device shall be no larger than the
7.2 Non-uniformity of Spatial Irradiance: area of the individual test positions.
7.2.1 A map of simulator spatial uniformity must be sup- The uniformity device shall be at least large enough
plied with the simulator to assist the user in testing and to that the area of the device times the number of test positions is
clearly define different areas with different classifications. greater than 25 % of the total defined test area.
7.2.2 The class of the simulator for spatial non-uniformity is It is recommended that a single cell be used for a
given by Table 1 or Table 2 depending on the size of the uniformity device.
simulator. 8.3.3 While the uniformity device may be centered in the Class A—Spatial non-uniformity 2 % or 3 %, as test positions inside the perimeter of the test area, it must be
specified in Table 1 or Table 2. placed to the outer edge of the test area for those test positions Class B—Spatial non-uniformity 5 %, as specified in on the test area perimeter.
Table 1 or Table 2. 8.3.4 At least one measurement of the irradiance must be Class C—Spatial non-uniformity 10 %, as specified made in each location, and the spatial non-uniformity is
in Table 1 or Table 2. determined according to 3.2.12.
8.3.5 Simulator manufacturers are encouraged to take more
7.3 Temporal Instability of Irradiance:
than the 36 measurements specified as a minimum number in
7.3.1 The class of the simulator for temporal instability is
this procedure.
given by the following: Class A—Class A: Temporal instability 2 %, as 8.3.6 The uniformity device must have a spectral response
specified in Table 1 or Table 2. appropriate for the simulator, and a silicon device is typically Class B—Class B: Temporal instability 5 %, as a good choice.
specified in Table 1 or Table 2. 8.4 Temporal Instability of Irradiance—Separate cases for Class C—Class C: Temporal instability 10 %, as pulsed and steady-state simulators are provided. Note that
specified in Table 1 or Table 2. temporal instability of irradiance cannot be determined for a
pulse simulator without a data acquisition system.
8. Classification Parameters 8.4.1 Pulse Simulator, with Data Acquisition System:
8.1 The following requirements specify the parameters Simultaneous Data Sampling—If three separate data
needed to determine the classification of a solar simulator. inputs simultaneously measure values of irradiance, current,
8.1.1 Because of the large number of possible test methods and voltage within 10 nanoseconds of each other, and the
and the varieties of different solar simulator configurations and irradiance does not vary by more than 5 %, then the temporal
uses, it is beyond the scope of this specification to provide instability is Class A. If this condition is not met, the temporal
specific test methods for the measurements necessary for instability of irradiance must be determined using
simulator classification. It is therefore the responsibility of the (1) Multi-pulse Simulator—The 5 % limit must be deter-
simulator manufacturer to provide upon request information mined with measurements of irradiance at each pulse for the
about the test methods used for the determination of the number of pulses in a typical I-V curve measurement.
E927 − 10
(2) Single-pulse Simulator—The 5 % limit must be deter- 9. Reporting Requirements
mined with multiple measurements of irradiance during the I-V 9.1 The following information shall be supplied, as a
curve data acquisition period of a single pulse. minimum, by the simulator manufacturer: Sequential Data Sampling—If the data acquisition 9.1.1 Date of issue,
system measures irradiance, current, and voltage in succession, 9.1.2 Manufacturer of simulator,
determine the temporal instability using these steps: 9.1.3 Type of simulator (single pulse, multi-pulse, or steady
(1) Measure at least 10 irradiance data points evenly state),
spaced in time during the portion of the pulse that is used for 9.1.4 Date(s) of measurements used to determine simulator
I-V measurements. classification,
(2) Determine the maximum and minimum irradiance for 9.1.5 Defined test area size,
this data measured in 9.1.6 Distance between test plane and light source,
(3) Calculate the temporal instability according to 3.2.13. 9.1.7 Test plane depth (allowable distance from test plane),
8.4.2 Steady State Simulator: 9.1.8 Classes for all three characteristics: spectral match, Simultaneous Data Sampling—If three separate data spatial non-uniformity, and temporal instability,
inputs simultaneously measure values of irradiance, current, 9.1.9 Maximum and minimum irradiances used for 3.2.12,
and voltage within 10 nanoseconds of each other, and the
9.1.10 Spectral distribution data,
irradiance does not vary by more than 5 % during the I-V curve
9.1.11 Repeatability data,
measurement period, including times between irradiance,
9.1.12 Map of non-uniformity of irradiance measured over
current, and voltage data sets, then the temporal instability is
the specified test area,
Class A. If this condition is not met, the temporal instability of
9.1.13 Summary of temporal instability determination, in-
irradiance must be determined using
cluding: For steady state simulators either not including the Case used for determination,,,
data acquisition system, or without simultaneous measurement, or,
of irradiance, current and voltage, and the irradiance does not Maximum and minimum irradiances used for
vary by more than 5 %, the following procedure is used to
determine temporal instability. Irradiance variations over the additional periods
(1) Measure the simulator irradiance over a period of one
specified in 5.4.1, if required by,
second, taking at least 20 measurements evenly spaced in time
over the one second time period. The instrumentation used to 9.1.14 Measurement methods used to determine classifica-
measure irradiance should have a frequency bandwidth of at tion categories,
least 100 kHz to minimize high frequency filtering of simulator 9.1.15 Percentage of the total irradiance of the simulator
instability. that falls within a 30° field of view, and
(2) Determine maximum and minimum irradiances from 9.1.16 Recommended time interval for verification of clas-
the data recorded in sification.
(3) Calculate the temporal instability according to 3.2.13.
(4) For reporting purposes only, also record the irradiance 10. Keywords
variations for the additional periods required by 5.4.1. 10.1 photovoltaic; solar simulation; solar; testing
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