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Expert Systems With Applications 238 (2024) 122181

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Supervised contrastive ResNet and transfer learning for the in-vehicle

intrusion detection system
Thien-Nu Hoang a, 1, Daehee Kim b, *
Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute (A2I2), Deakin University, Geelong, Australia
Department of Future Convergence Technology, Soonchunhyang University, Asan-si, 31538, Chuncheongnam-do, South Korea


Keywords: High-end vehicles have been equipped with several electronic control units (ECUs), which provide upgrading
Controller area network functions to enhance the driving experience. The controller area network (CAN) is a well-known protocol that
Intrusion detection connects these ECUs because of its modesty and efficiency. However, the CAN bus is vulnerable to various types
Supervised contrastive learning
of attacks. Although the intrusion detection system (IDS) is proposed to address the security problem of the CAN
Transfer learning
bus, most previous studies only provide alerts when attacks occur without knowing the specific type of attack.
Moreover, an IDS is designed for a specific car model due to diverse car manufacturers. In this study, we pro­
posed a novel deep learning model called supervised contrastive (SupCon) ResNet, which can handle multiple
attack classification on the CAN bus. Furthermore, the model can be used to improve the performance of a
limited-size dataset using a transfer learning technique. The capability of the proposed model is evaluated on two
real car datasets. When tested with the Car Hacking dataset, the experiment results show that the SupCon loss
reduces the overall false-negative rates of four types of attack by an average of five times compared to the vanilla
cross-entropy loss. In addition, the model achieves the highest F1 score on both the vehicle models of the survival
dataset by utilizing transfer learning. Finally, the model can adapt to hardware constraints in terms of memory
size and running time to be deployed in real devices.

1. Introduction studies applied simple machine learning models, including K-means

(D’Angelo, Castiglione, & Palmieri, 2020), K nearest neighbors (KNN)
The intelligent vehicle industry has gained considerable attention (Derhab, Belaoued, Mohiuddin, Kurniawan, & Khan, 2021), and one-
and interest from companies, researchers, and consumers. Many elec­ class support vector machine (OSVM) (Avatefipour et al., 2019), as
tronic control units (ECUs) are installed inside a smart vehicle to assist well as complex deep learning models, such as deep neural network (M.
with more advanced functions. These ECUs are interconnected through J. Kang & Kang, 2016), long short-term memory (LSTM) (Ashraf et al.,
an in-vehicle network (IVN) in which the controller area network (CAN) 2020; L. Kang & Shen, 2021; Taylor, Leblanc, & Japkowicz, 2016),
protocol is widely used, although other technologies, such as the local convolutional neural network (CNN) (Ahmed, Ahmad, & Jeon, 2021; M.
interconnected network (LIN), FlexRay, and Ethernet, are also available. Chen, Zhao, Jiang, & Xu, 2021; Desta, Ohira, Arai, & Fujikawa, 2022;
The CAN protocol lacks encryption and authentication mechanisms Hoang & Kim, 2022; Seo, Song, & Kim, 2018; Song, Woo, & Kim, 2020;
despite its fast speed and simplicity. Hence, there is a trade-off between Sun, Chen, Weng, Liu, & Geng, 2021), and recent transformer networks
efficiency and security. Many studies demonstrate that a CAN bus (Nam, Park, & Kim, 2021; Nguyen, Nam, & Kim, 2023) to build an
network can be attacked in various ways (Hoppe, Kiltz, & Dittmann, efficient IDS. Despite good results achieved in previous studies with high
2011; Jo & Choi, 2021; Koscher et al., 2010). Thus, different mecha­ detection accuracy and low error rate, there are still two major issues.
nisms have been introduced to fill the gap in the security of the CAN bus. First, most of them solve the problem of binary classification, which
One of them is developing a system monitoring and detecting attacks in consists of two classes: normal and abnormal. This study aims to solve
the CAN bus network, which is called an intrusion detection system the multiclass classification problem that distinguishes between normal
(IDS). With the rapid development of the machine learning field, various traffic and different types of attacks. A specific type of attack is then

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (T.-N. Hoang), [email protected] (D. Kim).
Work done during the Master’s degree in Korea.
Received 31 October 2022; Received in revised form 13 October 2023; Accepted 13 October 2023
Available online 16 October 2023
0957-4174/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
T.-N. Hoang and D. Kim Expert Systems With Applications 238 (2024) 122181

notified to the user by the system. Since multiclass classification is more receive and simultaneously act upon the same message according to the
challenging than binary classification, we propose the concept of concept of message filtering.
contrastive learning (Chopra, Hadsell, & Lecun, 2005). This can improve A CAN message is called a frame belonging to four types, such as
detection ability by learning from dissimilarity and similarity between data, remote, error, and overload frames. While the data frame contains
training samples. In addition, contrastive learning-based models can the main information in ECU communication, the remote frame is used
solve the challenge of class imbalance in the CAN bus hacking dataset. when a unit requests peculiar information from other ECUs. Meanwhile,
Second, most machine learning based IDSs learn the behavior of CAN the error frame supports error detection and fault confinement. An
message transmissions of a specific vehicle model. Further, CAN ID overload frame will be sent whenever a node requires a delay of the next
meanings are distinct for different vehicle models although the CAN frame. Every CAN frame is made up of a sequence of dominant bits (0)
messages follow the same structure. Consequently, if we want to develop and recessive bits (1). The data and remote frames have the same
an IDS for a newly launched vehicle model, we must collect new large structure, as shown in Fig. 1. The data and remote frames start with a bit
datasets and train a new model. In this study, we apply the transfer called the start of frame (SOF), which is always a dominant bit (0).
learning technique to address the problem. According to the length of the ID, the CAN data are classified into CAN
The main contributions of this study can be summarized as follows: 2.0A and CAN 2.0B. CAN 2.0A is a shortened version of CAN 2.0B,
without the extended identifier. Hence, the CAN 2.0B format structure is
• We introduce a novel model called supervised contrastive (SupCon) described in Fig. 1. The 11-bit length base identifier is followed by a 1-
ResNet, which combines supervised contrastive learning with the bit substitute remote request (SRR) and 1-bit identifier extension (IDE).
traditional ResNet and minimizes the supervised contrastive loss, The successive 18 and 6 bits represent the extended identifier and
rather than the traditional cross-entropy loss. To the best of our control field, respectively. The data field containing 64 bits is the con­
knowledge, our study is the first to apply contrastive learning to the tent of the message. The following 16 bits for cyclic redundancy check
in-vehicle IDS. (CRC) and 2 bits for acknowledgment are utilized in error detection and
• We propose using an inductive transfer learning framework, which correction. The end of the frame (EOF) is recognized by seven consec­
facilitates the generalization of a deep learning model across utive bits. For more information regarding the other frame types, we
different CAN bus data from different car models. We used the pre- refer to the CAN specification reported by Bosch Robert GmbH (BOSCH
trained SupCon ResNet model to transfer learned knowledge from CAN Specification Version 2.0, 1991).
a rich source dataset to other limited target datasets. By this way, the
proposed system can save time for data collection on a new vehicle 2.2. Security in CAN bus protocol
• We prove the efficiency of our proposed system through compre­ Despite the advantages mentioned above, the most severe problem in
hensive experiments and analyses on two popular real car datasets: CAN protocol is message transmission without authentication and
the Car Hacking (Song et al., 2020) and Survival (Han, Kwak, & Kim, encryption. Since there are no source and destination addresses in a CAN
2018) datasets. When tested with the Car Hacking dataset, the message, any node connected to the bus can obtain the message during
SupCon loss lowers the overall false-negative rates of four types of message transmission. Consequently, an attacker who compromises a
attack by almost five times on average, compared the cross-entropy node on the bus can easily sniff the information on the bus. There are
loss. Furthermore, the proposed SupCon-based transfer learning two levels of an adversary: weak and strong (Cho & Shin, 2016). A weak
system achieves the highest F1 scores on both KIA Soul and Chevrolet attacker can prevent the ECU from transmitting messages or keep the
Spark datasets, at 0.9998 and 0.9979 respectively, compared to other ECU in a listen-only mode. Meanwhile, a strong attacker can completely
baseline models. control an ECU and have access to the memory data. Consequently,
malicious messages can be injected to launch the attack in addition to
After providing an overview of the problem and stating the contri­ the abilities of the weak attacker. These two levels of attacks are proved
butions of the study in Section 1, we introduce relevant background in several studies (Hoppe et al., 2011; Jo & Choi, 2021; Koscher et al.,
knowledge and security issues in the CAN bus protocol in Section 2. 2010). In this study, our proposed IDS handles the strong attacker
Then, various studies related to the in-vehicle IDS are summarized in including three different types of injected messages:
Section 3. Our proposed system is described in detail in Section 4. Next,
the experimental setup and results are presented in Section 5, where we • DoS: The attacker floods the bus by injecting messages containing the
showed the efficiency of the proposed method empirically. Finally, highest priority ID 0x0000 and arbitrary data fields. The legitimate
Section 6 presents the conclusions and directions for future works. messages are prevented from being transmitted, resulting in unusual
effects, such as flashing dash indicators, intermittent accelerator/
2. CAN bus background steering control, and even full vehicle shutdown, since the message
with the ID 0x0000 always wins the bus (Cho & Shin, 2016).
2.1. CAN bus system • Fuzzy: The attacker injects messages with an arbitrary ID and data
fields at a high frequency. Aside from being randomly generated, the
The controller area network (CAN) is one of the protocols used in the injected IDs can be chosen from those appearing in the normal traffic,
in-vehicle network comprising many connected ECUs. The CAN bus, which is supposed to be difficultly detected. The effect of this attack
which is invented by Robert Bosh GmbH in the early 1980 s, has become is similar to the DoS attack.
common in automotive systems because of its advantages, including • Target ID: The attacker injects messages with a specific ID and
high bit rates (up to 1 Mbit/s), cost-effectiveness, and system flexibility manipulated data fields as his intent. To achieve this, the attack re­
(BOSCH CAN Specification Version 2.0, 1991). The concept of CAN quires the attacker to have knowledge of the meaning of the specific
protocol comprises message prioritization and multi-master. Every CAN ID by reverse engineering techniques.
message contains an ID related to the content of the message. Based on
this, each ECU obtains its relevant messages from a message filterer. 3. Related works
There is no source and destination information in CAN messages. In
addition, the ID implies the priority of a message: the lower the ID, the 3.1. Deep learning-based in-vehicle IDS
higher the priority. When the bus is idle, any unit can start to transmit a
message. The message whose higher priority wins the bus and takes the Two main approaches to counter in-vehicle cyber-attacks are mes­
right to send the message. During transmission, any number of nodes can sage authentication and intrusion detection (Cho & Shin, 2016).

T.-N. Hoang and D. Kim Expert Systems With Applications 238 (2024) 122181

Fig. 1. CAN 2.0B data frame format.

Message authentication consumes more resources and time, although it score is low. In (M. Chen et al., 2021), a GAN trained with an auxiliary
provides a higher security level. Consequently, these approaches task was proposed to deal with multiclass classification and unknown
decrease the CAN bus performance. Therefore, intrusion detection is attack detection. A high F1 score of 0.9963 was achieved but training the
preferred. Different types of IDS have been proposed to monitor and GAN network is difficult. Meanwhile, (Desta et al., 2022) proposed a
analyze transferred messages on the bus, detect vicious behaviors, and concept of recurrence plots, which is the matrix of subtraction values of
make an alert if detected. multiple CAN IDs within a specific window size. In addition, they sug­
With the rapid development of deep learning models, many deep gested using a lightweight CNN model with the proposed recurrence
learning-based in-vehicle IDS have been introduced. A study by (M. J. plots to foster the speed of IDS. However, the accuracy of multiclass
Kang & Kang, 2016) was one of the first research that applied deep classification is not high. Since multiple-class classification is a complex
learning for CAN bus intrusion detection. The authors developed a deep problem, we are aware of very few studies addressing this topic that
neural network where each neuron takes each bit of data payload in the have produced significant results.
CAN message as the input. The network was trained in a supervised
manner with two classes: normal and abnormal. However, the proposed
3.2. Transfer learning for the in-vehicle IDS
model was investigated using a synthetic dataset with simple attack
models. Although the result was not impressive, this study is the first to
All previous models can only be applied to a specific car model.
apply advanced deep learning models to the CAN bus network. Several
Hence, retraining a new model on a new dataset is required if we build
studies applied recurrent neural networks (RNN) to identify injected
an IDS for a newly released car. It is time-consuming and requires lots of
messages since CAN messages possess sequential patterns. (Taylor et al.,
effort to collect data for every newly released car model. Therefore,
2016) used the long short-term memory (LSTM), which is the
transfer learning is proposed to address the problem. As far as we know,
improvement of RNN, to predict the next bit in the data payload of
the study (L. Kang & Shen, 2021) is the first study that employed transfer
normal CAN message sequences. The invasion is detected by checking
learning for cross-domain CAN bus data and presented an LSTM-based
the difference between the predicted and receiving values on the bus.
model to solve the binary classification. The authors tested their pro­
Meanwhile, the LSTM-based autoencoder adopted by (Ashraf et al.,
posed scheme on the survival dataset (Han et al., 2018), which is a small
2020) was trained with special statistic features of the CAN message
dataset. The data from Kia Soul and Chevrolet Spark models were used
sequences. These models were designed for a message sequence of a
for testing the transfer learning, while the data of a Hyundai Sonata car
specific CAN ID. This implies that we need to train many models sepa­
was treated as the source dataset which was employed for training a
rately, corresponding to the number of IDs in a CAN network of a
pretrained model. The proposed scheme did not achieve good results,
vehicle. To reduce the number of models, (Nam et al., 2021) employed
because the amount of source training samples was not enough. Instead,
the bi-directional generative pretrained transformer (GPT) network to
transfer learning is only beneficial when there is a large source dataset.
predict the next CAN ID in the CAN message sequence, which was used
Compared to existing works, this study aims to build a deep learning
for abnormal detection to identify attacks. Recently, (Nguyen et al.,
model that can classify multiple attacks in the in-vehicle network. In
2023) devised a novel transformer attention-based method that dem­
addition, we test the transfer learning capability of our proposed model
onstrates impressive performance in the multiple classification task,
on a large source dataset. As a result, our reported results are more ac­
despite its high complexity.
curate and reliable. In summary, Table 1 compares our proposed scheme
Aside from time series-based methods, the convolutional neural
to other CAN IDS studies from different perspectives.
network (CNN) was exploited in many CAN bus IDS studies. CNN is
commonly used for various computer vision tasks, such as object
detection, image colorization, and image segmentation. Hence, a CNN- 3.3. Contrastive learning in IDS
based IDS requires an image representation of CAN messages. In (Seo
et al., 2018), multiple one-hot vectors representing consecutive CAN IDs To the best of our knowledge, there are no studies applying
were stacked to form a CAN image, which is fed into the CNN generative contrastive learning in the in-vehicle IDS design. However, some recent
adversarial networks (GAN). The proposed method can perform binary works have proposed the use of contrastive learning to the network IDS
classification (normal/abnormal) with an overall accuracy of 97 % and (Andresini, Appice, & Malerba, 2021; Liu, Wang, Jia, Luo, & Wang,
detect unknown attacks. Similarly, a previous study (Song et al., 2020) 2022; Lopez-Martin, Sanchez-Esguevillas, Arribas, & Carro, 2022). For
manipulated CAN ID sequences in binary form, which is used to train a example, (Andresini et al., 2021) combined the autoencoder and triplet
simplified Inception Resnet. The proposed model achieves a low false- loss to demonstrate an IDS on various network datasets, such as
negative rate in the case of DoS and spoofing attacks, but the result of KDDCUP99,2 AAGM17,3 and CICIDS17.4 Meanwhile, autoencoder-
the fuzzy attack is not good. Despite the high F1 scores with limited based contrastive learning was introduced as a part of a multi-task
labeled data, the problem is still binary classification. In addition, the model in (Liu et al., 2022). In addition, (Lopez-Martin et al., 2022)
combination of CNN and LSTM was utilized in (Sun et al., 2021) to deal suggested a novel concept of contrastive learning, in which they pro­
with sophisticated attacks. However, the study also solved the binary jected the labels and features into the same representation space. In the
classification problem. The study (Ahmed et al., 2021) used the
knowledge from the VGG-16 model trained on ImageNet datasets to
solve the problem of multiple class classification in the CAN bus. Due to
the difference in domains between source and target data, the final F1

T.-N. Hoang and D. Kim Expert Systems With Applications 238 (2024) 122181

Table 1
Deep Learning CAN-IDS Summary.
Related work Year Main methods Features Multiclass Real time Real Transfer
classification evaluation dataset learning

(M. J. Kang & Kang, 2016 DNN Data payload

(Taylor et al., 2016) 2016 LSTM Data payload √
(Seo et al., 2018) 2018 CNN GAN CAN ID √
(Ashraf et al., 2020) 2020 LSTM Autoencoder CAN ID √
(Song et al., 2020) 2020 CNN CAN ID √ √
(L. Kang & Shen, 2021 LSTM CAN ID √ √
(Nam et al., 2021) 2021 Bi-directional GPT CAN ID √
(Sun et al., 2021) 2021 CNN-LSTM CAN ID √ √
(Ahmed et al., 2021) 2021 CNN Data payload √ √ √
(M. Chen et al., 2021) 2021 CNN GAN CAN ID √ √ √
(Hoang & Kim, 2022) 2022 Convolutional Adversarial CAN ID √ √
(Desta et al., 2022) 2022 CNN CAN ID √ √ √
(Nguyen et al., 2023) 2023 Transformer Attention CAN ID + Data √ √ √ √
Ours CNN with Supervised Contrastive CAN ID √ √ √ √

classification phase, the predicted label is a class having the closest 4. Methodoloy
distance to the input features in that representation space. All studies
mentioned suggested that contrastive learning is suitable to solve the 4.1. Problem formulation
problem of class imbalance, which occurs in in-vehicle IDS research.
The intrusion detection system is installed in the CAN bus to monitor
3.4. Semi-supervised learning based IDS the CAN network and provide an alert if there is any malicious message.
By using the fluctuation in the CAN ID sequence of consecutive CAN
One line of research closely aligned with our study involves semi- messages, this study aims to build an intrusion detection system f that
supervised learning (SSL) based IDS. SSL methods address the issue of classifies a sequence of CAN IDs into a set of C attack types, denoted as
limited labeled data by leveraging abundant unlabeled data to map in­ A = {a0 , a1 , a2 , .., aC }, where a0 is a normal sequence. Suppose that
formation into a latent space, thereby enabling effective classification several CAN log messages are collected from a car model under both
within that space (K. Chen, Rögnvaldsson, Nowaczyk, Pashami, normal and attack circumstances. After processing, the data D = {(Xi , yi )
Johansson, & Sternelöv, 2022; N. Doulamis & Doulamis, 2014; Mam­ } are ready to train a machine learning model for the intrusion detection
meri, Zhao, Boukerche, Siddiqui, & Pekilis, 2019). SSL approaches can task, where Xi is a sequence of CAN IDs and yi ∈ A is the corresponding
be categorized into four main streams: generative models, self-training- label. The objective is to build a multiple class classification IDS f(⋅|X),
based methods, co-training and multiview learning, and graph-based which determines whether a CAN IDs sequence Xi belongs to a normal
methods (Zhu, 2005). For more detail review, we refer to the SSL sur­ class or one of C predefined attack types as accurately as possible.
vey in (Zhu, 2005). In the context of CAN-bus intrusion detection, the The most important challenge for a supervised-based IDS is how to
pioneering work of (Hoang & Kim, 2022) applied SSL to confront the collect enough attack samples, especially for a newly released car model.
challenge of scarce data. Specifically, their proposed model integrates We cannot apply a model trained on a CAN dataset A to another CAN
autoencoders and generative adversarial networks in a two-stage dataset B if A and B are from different manufacturers because each car
training process: the initial stage focuses on learning robust data rep­ model owns a specific CAN IDs pattern. Transfer learning can address
resentations, which subsequently enhance the performance of super­ this problem by extracting meaningful knowledge from a pre-trained
vised learning in the subsequent stage. Additionally, they achieve model. We assume that an elegant source dataset Ds exists collected
commendable results in classifying unknown attacks. from a car model s. From this, we can build an efficient IDS fs (⋅|Xs ) for
Both contrastive learning and SSL-based methods share the objective the source car. The final objective is to build an IDS model for the target
of discovering highly generalized data representations that contribute to model ft (⋅|Xt , fs ), with a limited target dataset Dt where |Dt |≪|Ds |.
effective classification tasks. However, these approaches stem from
distinct perspectives. While SSL-based methods capitalize on unlabeled
data, contrastive learning methods glean insights from comparisons 4.2. Proposed system
across diverse classes. It is worth emphasizing that the primary advan­
tage of our proposed model in this paper, compared to SSL-based The proposed system presented in Fig. 2. Overview of the proposed
methods, lies in its ability to leverage label information from available system. comprises two stages: supervised contrastive learning from the
data sources without necessitating additional unlabeled data. Through source data and transfer learning for the target data. While supervised
the integration of label information into the contrastive learning contrastive learning reduces the effect of class imbalance in the training
framework, our model enhances the classification task and cultivates data, transfer learning addresses the problem of limited data on a newly
data representations that exhibit greater generalization for the purpose released car model.
of transfer learning. In the first stage, we collect and gather the data from data stream,
which is then used to build the CAN ID frame. After being labeled, the
preprocessed CAN ID frames from source data are fed into the SupCon

T.-N. Hoang and D. Kim Expert Systems With Applications 238 (2024) 122181

Fig. 2. Overview of the proposed system.

ResNet model. The proposed SupCon ResNet model includes three parts: sequence frame. We choose N = 29 because of the convenience of pro­
the encoder, projection, and classification networks. cessing square matrix in the CNN architecture network. Consequently,
the input fed into the proposed model is a matrix of 29 × 29, which is
• The encoder network (Encoder) maps the input X into the repre­ visualized in Fig. 5.
sentation feature space. In this study, we designed a compact ResNet-
18 architecture used as the Encoder. 4.4. ResNet architecture
• The projection network (Projector) projects the outputs from the
encoder network into another space, which is normalized and used to The ResNet (Residual Network), which is introduced first in 2015 by
measure the distance for the supervised contrastive loss. From ex­ (He, Zhang, Ren, & Sun, 2015), has become a popular architecture in
periments, the model with a projector produces a higher accuracy, deep learning. This allows us to train a much deeper network without
compared to the model without it (T. Chen, Kornblith, Norouzi, & performance degradation. Theoretically, the more layer, the better
Hinton, 2020). In addition, a non-linear projection network is result a deep learning model provides. However, training a deep
assumed to be a better choice than the linear one. Hence, a multiple network is challenging because of vanishing gradient and saturated
layer perception (MLP) with one hidden layer is used in our model. training error. In a previous study regarding ResNet, the authors intro­
• The classification network (Classifier) is a linear layer performing the duced the concept of skip connection to solve the problems. At that time,
final classification task that maps the outputs from the Encoder to C the 152-layer ResNet architecture outperformed the other well-known
classes. models, such as AlexNet and VGG, to win first place in the 2015-ILSVRC
The Classifier is trained with traditional CE-entropy loss thereafter, The Fig. 3 displays a residual block, the core element in the ResNet.
while the Encoder and Projector are trained together with SupCon loss. The block takes the input x and outputs y as follows:
In the second stage, we performed data processing on the target data
y = F (x, {W i } ) + x (1)
the same as the source data. Training the target model from scratch may
lead to the overfitting problem because of the small size dataset. Hence, where the function F (x, {W i } ) represents the residual mapping to
we utilized the pre-trained model fs for fine-tuning the target model. be learned with the weight of layers W i . The x identity mapping is called
After completing the training of the source model, we transferred the a “shortcut connection” that is element-wise addition to the function F .
weights of the encoder from the source model to the target model. After Consequently, the simple concept of adding the identity x to the
training the classifier on top of the frozen encoder, the entire model is outcome does not increase the total number of parameters, depth, width,
trained with a small learning rate and the unfrozen encoder. The and computational cost (except for the negligible element-wise addi­
outcome of the system is the IDS model composed of the encoder and tion), compared to the plain network. The authors also showed that
classification networks, which will be deployed in a real environment. ResNet, which was 20 and 8 times deeper than AlexNet and VGG
respectively, still has lower complexity.
4.3. Data preprocessing The CAN bus IDS requires not only high accuracy but also low
running time. Therefore, we design a compact ResNet-18 to meet these
In this study, only CAN IDs in the CAN messages were used, which requirements. The Fig. 4 shows the detail of our architecture used for the
was motivated by the message transmission mechanism in the CAN bus encoder network. Concretely, we reduced the number of channels of
protocol (Song et al., 2020). Each CAN ID in the CAN bus has its message each layer in the original ResNet-18 architecture by four times to pro­
transmission cycle. Meanwhile, the message is broadcasted on the CAN duce the compact version. After passing through the convolutional layer
bus based on the priority mechanism. Therefore, we believe that a with a kernel size of three, the sample goes through eight residual blocks
certain sequential pattern exists in the CAN ID sequence. If an attacker to produce a hidden features representation with the size of 128.
injects some messages into the CAN bus, the pattern will be broken. We
stacked N sequential CAN IDs representing 29-bits, to create a CAN ID

T.-N. Hoang and D. Kim Expert Systems With Applications 238 (2024) 122181

Algorithm 1. Supervised Contrastive Training.

{ }
• D : a dataset includes Xi , yi where 0 ≤ i < N, N is the total number of samples, X i ∈ R29×29 , yi ∈ [0, C).
• n_epochs, learning_rate, class_epoch: the hyperparameters for training including the number of epochs for training, the initial learning rate, and
the epoch to start training the classifier network, repspectively.


• θEnc , θProj , θClassifier : the weights for encoder, projector, and classifier networks, respectively.

for epoch from 1 to n_epochs do

Adjust the learning_rate with cosine annealing.
Update θEnc and θProj by optimizing the SupCon loss
( ( z) )
∑N 1 ∑N exp zi ⋅ τj
L supcon = − i=1 Nyi − 1 × j=1 1i∕
= j 1y i =y j
log ∑N ,
1 =i exp(zi ⋅ τk )
k=1 k∕
( )
where zi = fProj fEnc (Xi , θEnc ), θProj .
if epoch >= class_epoch then
Update θClassifier by optimizing the cross-entropy loss
∑N fc (Xi ,θ )
e Classifier
L CE = − i=1 yi log(∑C f j ).
Classifier ( i Classifier )
X ,θ
end if j

end for

Fig. 3. 3 The residual block in ResNet.

4.5. Supervised contrastive model between samples of different classes. Contrastive loss can be better than
the cross-entropy if it is trained with hard positive/negative pairs. For
Compared to the traditional cross entropy that learns from the label, example, a hard positive pair comprises two samples that belong to the
contrastive learning learns from the dissimilarity between samples. In same class but appear different. Meanwhile, a hard negative pair in­
general, the goal of contrastive learning is to produce embedding fea­ cludes those from different classes but appear quite similar. The topic of
tures wherein similar samples stay close to each other, while dissimilar how to design an efficient hard mining technique for effective training is
ones are distant from each other. The original contrastive loss attempts also a promising direction in contrastive learning research. In 2020, the
to minimize the embedding distance when they are from the same class SupCon loss (Khosla, P., Teterwak, P., Wang, C., Sarna, A., Research, G.,
by taking a pair of (xi , xj ) as the input; otherwise, it maximizes the dis­ Tian, Y., Isola, P., Maschinot, A., Liu, C., Krishnan, D. (2020), 2020) was
tance: proposed to solve the problem of the original contrastive loss. It out­
( ) [ ]⃦ ( ) [ performed the traditional cross-entropy on the ImageNet datasets in
L cont xi , xj , θ = 1 yi = yj ⃦fθ (xi ) − fθ xj ‖22 + 1 yi terms of the accuracy. The SupCon loss is extended from the contrastive
] ( )
= yj max(0, ∊ − ‖fθ (xi ) − fθ xj ‖22 ).
∕ (2) learning in a self-supervised manner (T. Chen et al., 2020) by leveraging
the label information. Fig. 5 illustrates the structure of the supervised
where yi , yj are the labels of xi and xj respectively; fθ (⋅) is the encoder contrastive model, compared to conventional neural networks trained
function; and ∊ is a hyperparameter defining the lower bound distance

T.-N. Hoang and D. Kim Expert Systems With Applications 238 (2024) 122181

learning process for the supervised contrastive model does not need to
perform hard mining, which slows down the training time. For more
detail, we refer to the proof of the original paper (Khosla, P., Teterwak,
P., Wang, C., Sarna, A., Research, G., Tian, Y., Isola, P., Maschinot, A.,
Liu, C., Krishnan, D. (2020), 2020). By learning from dissimilarity/
similarity, the model produces good representations r, which are then
used to train the classifier with cross-entropy loss as usual. The training
process is summarized in Algorithm1 where the SupCon and cross en­
tropy losses are jointly optimized. Two main steps are involved: training
the encoder and projector, then training the classifier. To be more spe­
cific, we trained the classifier with the encoder, which was trained
through several epochs previously by the SupCon loss. This improves
classification accuracy since it is fed with robust latent representations
as a result of contrastive learning. For learning rate schedule, we also
applied cosine annealing (Loshchilov & Hutter, 2016), which is sug­
gested to boost the convergence of the optimization algorithm.

4.6. Transfer learning

Transfer learning is a technique for improving the performance of a

target model on a limited target data by utilizing knowledge from a
related source model, trained on an abundant source data. According to
(Pan & Yang, 2010), the formal definition of transfer learning is
described as follows:

• Domain: A domain D = {X , P(X)} includes two components: a

feature space X and a marginal distribution P(X) of data X.
• Task: A task T = {Y , f} comprises a label space Y and a predictive
function f = P(Y|X), which is trained on a dataset consists of pairs {
xi , yi }, where xi ∈ X and yi ∈ Y.
• Transfer learning: Given a source domain D s , a corresponding
source task T s , and a target domain D T and target task T T , the
objective of transfer learning is to learn the target conditional
probability distribution P(Y T |XT ) in D T with the information gained
from D S and T S . Here, D S ∕ = D T or T S ∕
= T T . The assumption is
that there are enough labeled source examples, which are substan­
tially larger than labeled target examples.

Based on the relationship between the source and target domains,

source and target tasks, and availability of data, transfer learning tech­
niques have various types: inductive, transductive, and unsupervised.
For more details on these categories, we refer to the survey of transfer
learning (Pan & Yang, 2010).
We have the D S and D T domains from different car models to apply
Fig. 4. Detail of the compact ResNet encoder network. the transfer learning definition to the IDS for the CAN bus. Although
they have the same data format that follows the predefined CAN mes­
with cross-entropy loss. The SupCon architecture has three main parts: sage structure, each dataset owns a different message transmission
the encoder network, projector network, and classifier. The encoder behavior. This implies the X S = X T , whereas P(XS ) ∕ = P(XT ). These
network maps the input x to a representation vector, r = Enc(x). After properties prevent the ability of a generalized IDS model for all car
being normalized, r is fed into the projector network to produces the models. In practice, it is difficult to collect a large amount of training
representation variable z = Proj(r). The encoder and projector network data for each car model. Based on the framework of (Pan & Yang, 2010),
are trained with the supervised contrastive loss as below: the inductive transfer learning technique is suitable for our problem. We
( ) utilized the encoder in the supervised contrastive learning model, which
is trained on a source data, as a pre-trained model. The predictive target
∑N 1 ∑N exp zi ⋅ τj
L supcon = − i=1 N − 1
× j=1
1i∕=j 1yi =yj log(∑ ( )) (3) model includes the encoder that has the same structure as the source
N zk
k=1 1k∕
=i exp zi ⋅ τ
model and top classifier, which is attached to solve the target task. First,
we trained the target model with the frozen encoder. This step can be
where N is the total number of training samples, Nyi is the number of
considered as the initialization of the weights of the classifiers. Finally,
positive samples that have the same label yi with the sample i, j and k are
we trained the entire model after unfreezing the encoder network with a
the indices of positive samples and all samples in the training set,
small learning rate to avoid overfitting, which is called fine-tuning stage.
respectively. In addition, temperature parameter τ controls the
smoothness of probability distribution. A small τ will be good for
5. Experimental results
training, but too small τ can lead to unstable training because of nu­
merical instability. In the original paper, the authors state that L supcon
5.1. Experiment setup
possesses the implicit property that encourages the hard positive/
negative mining without performing it explicitly. As a result, the
We used two popular datasets produced by the Hacking and Coun

T.-N. Hoang and D. Kim Expert Systems With Applications 238 (2024) 122181

Fig. 5. Difference between the SupCon ResNet and traditional CE ResNet.

termeasure Research Lab (HCRL) of Korea University: Car Hacking For each model, we performed the entire process from dataset splitting
(Song et al., 2020) and Survival (Han et al., 2018) datasets. The Car to evaluation five times and reported the average results.
Hacking dataset was collected from the Hyundai Sonata model, while The experiments were conducted on a server provided with 32 Intel
the Survival dataset was collected from three different car models (i.e., (R) Xeon(R) Silver 4108 CPUs @ 1.80 GHz, a memory of 128 GB, and an
Hyundai Sonata, KIA Soul, and Chevrolet Spark). We used the data from Nvidia Titan RTX 24 GB GPU. All the code written in Python 3.7.10 and
the Sonata Hyundai car model in the Car Hacking dataset as the source Pytorch 1.9.0 is published on the Github.5
and treated the others as the target ones since the data of the Hyundai
Sonata car model is much larger than the others. The label space of
5.2. Evaluation metrics
source and target tasks are different: Y S ∈ R5 including normal, DoS,
fuzzy, spoofing RPM, and spoofing gear information. Meanwhile, Y T ∈
As our problem is multiclass classification, we evaluated the pro­
R4 including normal, DoS, fuzzy, and malfunction. In detail, Table 2 lists posed model using the false-negative rate (FNR), recall (Rec), precision
the data size information of each dataset and Fig. 6 illustrates the dis­ (Prec), and F1 score (F1). These metrics were calculated from the
tribution of classes in Car Hacking and Survival datasets. confusion matrix using true/false positive/negative samples. When we
Each message in both two datasets follows the same format con­ calculated a metric of a specific class, this class is considered positive,
taining a timestamp, CAN ID in HEX, the number of data bytes, 8 bytes of whereas the others are considered negative. Concretely, the FNR is the
data, and the label. We extracted CAN IDs and transformed them from fraction between the false-negative and the total number of positive.
hexadecimal to 29-bit representation. Then, the CAN ID sequence frame
was built by stacking 29 sequential samples together. A stride value s is FNR(%) =
× 100. (4)
the number of messages between two continuous frames. The stride TP + FN
value affects the number of frames. For example, there are more frames In the case of the IDS, the FNR must be as small as possible. In
created if the stride value is small, but there are fewer variations be­ addition, the FNRs of the attack classes are expected to be smaller than
tween them. We choose s = 15 for the Car Hacking dataset and s = 10 for that of the normal class because the consequence of a missed detected
the Survival dataset because the size of the Survival dataset is quite attack sample is more dangerous than that of a false alarm alert.
smaller than that of the Car Hacking dataset. Meanwhile, the recall is calculated as the fraction between true positive
The dataset comprises multiple files corresponding to the attack and the total sum of true positive and false negative.
types. For each file, the frame was labeled as normal if there is no
injected message, whereas the label of the frame is a non-zero integer Rec = . (5)
number considering the type of attack. We combined all the processed
frames to obtain the final dataset. The train/test splitting rate is 7:3. The The precision is calculated as the fraction between the true positive
final number of training and testing samples are summarized in Table 3.
We trained the model on the training set and evaluated it on the test set.
Source code is available at

T.-N. Hoang and D. Kim Expert Systems With Applications 238 (2024) 122181

Table 2 Table 3
The number of messages in Car Hacking and Survival datasets. The number of train and test samples for the Car Hacking and Survival datasets.
Attack type #Messages #Messages #Messages Dataset Training (#Samples) Testing (#Samples)
(Hyundai Sonata) (KIA Soul) (Chevrolet Spark)
Car Hacking 773,235 331,391
DoS Attack 3,078,250 181,901 120,570 Survival – KIA Soul 42,366 18,160
587,521 33,141 22,587 Survival - Chevrolet Spark 18,614 7,981
Fuzzy Attack 3,347,013 24,990 65,665
491,847 39,812 5,812
Malfunctioning – 173,436 79,787 does not show better results. Overall, the model with a batch size of 512,
7,401 8,047 which is the best model with the lowest mean of FNRs, is chosen for the
Gear Spoofing 4,443,142 – –
following experiments.
RPM Spoofing 4,621,702 – –
654,897 5.4. Comparison with other supervised methods
Note: The Sonata values come from the Car Hacking dataset, while the other
values are from the Survival dataset. The red color indicates injected messages, To show the advantage of the supervised contrastive loss, we
while the black indicates normal messages. compared the SupCon ResNet with the vanilla CE ResNet, which also
utilized the compact ResNet architecture. The main difference is the way
and the total sum of true and false positives. these models are trained, as described in Section 4.5. In addition, we
compared the proposed model to various recent supervised-based CAN-
Prec = . (6) bus IDSs including:
For our problem, the proposed model should achieve both high recall • Histogram-based KNN (Derhab et al., 2021) constructs histograms
and high precision. Therefore, the F1 score is used to balance these two summarizing the latent patterns in CAN ID sequences within a spe­
metrics. The F1 score is defined as the harmonic mean of precision and cific window size. The histograms are then inputted to a simple
recall. classifier – KNN with the recommended optimal window size of 30 as
suggested in the study.
Prec × Rec
F1 = 2 × . (7) • Inception ResNet (Song et al., 2020) and Rec-CNN (Desta et al.,
Prec + Rec
2022) are two state-of-the-art CNN based methods in CAN IDSs.
Since the original studies addressed the binary classification prob­
5.3. Choosing hyperparameters for the SupCon ResNet model lem, we re-implemented the models in a multiple class classification
to compare with our model.
Choosing the right hyperparameters is important in deep learning • LSTM and Transformer Attention based approaches (Nguyen et al.,
because it can boost the performance of a model. Three hyperparameters 2023) are time-series-based CAN IDSs. We report the best results of
should be considered in the SupCon ResNet model: the learning rate, these models with the optimal window size of 128.
batch size, and τ value. For simplicity, we set the τ value as 0.07 as
advised in the original paper (Khosla, P., Teterwak, P., Wang, C., Sarna, As we can see from Table 4, our proposed ResNet architectures (both
A., Research, G., Tian, Y., Isola, P., Maschinot, A., Liu, C., Krishnan, D. CE ResNet and SupCon ResNet) yields smaller FNRs of all attacks
(2020), 2020) and tuned only the learning rate and batch size. The au­ compared to most studies. The results of the Inception ResNet and his­
thors of the SupCon study stated that the SupCon loss takes advantage of togram based KNN are worse than those reported in the original papers.
large batch sizes. Hence, we tried different batch sizes of 512, 1024, This indicates that multiple class classification is therefore more chal­
2048, and 4096. We set the learning rate as 0.05 for 512 and 1024 batch lenging than binary classification. Unexpectedly, the performance of
sizes. Meanwhile, the learning rate of 0.1 was used for the model with LSTM model is lower than other CNN-based methods. In addition, the
the batch size of 2048 and 4096. Finally, we trained the top classifier for Transformer Attention based model demonstrates comparable results,
four models with the same configurations with batch sizes of 256 and a particularly for DoS and Fuzzy attacks, with the FNRs of 0.0 % and 0.1
learning rate of 0.01 after 150 epochs. In addition, we also applied the %, respectively. However, it is worth nothing that the optimal window
cosine annealing for learning rate schedule. We reported the FNR size of the Transformer Attention based model is 128 CAN frames, which
grouped by attack types of four models in Fig. 7. The results showed that is significantly larger than that our window size of only 29 frames.
the classifier trained with SupCon loss classifies normal and attack Furthermore, the Transformer Attention based model introduces high
samples well on the Car Hacking dataset, as all models have FNRs lower complexity which will be discussed in Section 5.7.
than 0.1 %. The Fuzzy attack has the highest FNR in almost settings, Compared to the CE ResNet, the SupCon loss reduces the FNRs
while the DoS attack is easily detected. This finding is aligned with the almost five times on average. As a result, the proposed SupCon model
study in (Song et al., 2020). Moreover, we compared these models in achieves the highest average F1 score of 0.9998 for all the attacks. In
terms of the average FNRs. The results suggest that the larger batch size addition, Fig. 8 illustrates the confusion matrices of the two models: the

Fig. 6. The distribution of classes in Car Hacking and Survival datasets.

T.-N. Hoang and D. Kim Expert Systems With Applications 238 (2024) 122181

Fig. 7. False negative errors grouped by attack types of each set of hyperparameters.

Table 4
Comparison of the proposed SupCon model and other supervised models.
Attack Type Model FNR Rec Prec F1

DoS Inception ResNet (Song et al., 2020) 0.30 0.9970 0.9999 0.9985
Histogram KNN (Derhab et al., 2021) 0.51 0.9950 0.9997 0.9973
Rec-CNN (Desta et al., 2022) 2.0 0.9800 0.9924 0.9862
LSTM (Nguyen et al., 2023) 0.74 0.9926 0.9911 0.9919
Transformer (Nguyen et al., 2023) 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
CE ResNet (Ours) 0.21 0.9979 0.9997 0.9987
SupCon ResNet (Ours) 0.02 0.9998 1.0 0.9999
Fuzzy Inception ResNet (Song et al., 2020) 0.33 0.9967 0.9992 0.9979
Histogram KNN (Derhab et al., 2021) 1.20 0.9880 0.9998 0.9939
Rec-CNN (Desta et al., 2022) 17.0 0.8300 0.8964 0.8619
LSTM (Nguyen et al., 2023) 3.27 0.9673 0.9666 0.9670
Transformer (Nguyen et al., 2023) 0.01 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999
CE ResNet (Ours) 0.24 0.9976 0.9997 0.9987
SupCon ResNet (Ours) 0.06 0.9994 1.0 0.9997
Gear Spoofing Inception ResNet (Song et al., 2020) 0.20 0.9980 0.9996 0.9988
Histogram KNN (Derhab et al., 2021) 0.23 0.9977 1.0 0.9989
Rec-CNN (Desta et al., 2022) 7.63 0.9237 0.8244 0.8763
LSTM (Nguyen et al., 2023) 3.12 0.9688 0.9983 0.9833
Transformer (Nguyen et al., 2023) 0.32 0.9968 0.9938 0.9953
CE ResNet (Ours) 0.11 0.9989 0.9997 0.9993
SupCon ResNet (Ours) 0.06 0.9994 0.9999 0.9997
RPM Spoofing Inception ResNet (Song et al., 2020) 0.19 0.9981 0.9997 0.9989
Histogram KNN (Derhab et al., 2021) 0.16 0.9984 1.0 0.9992
Rec-CNN (Desta et al., 2022) 15.50 0.8450 0.8763 0.8604
LSTM (Nguyen et al., 2023) 2.50 0.9749 0.9553 0.9650
Transformer (Nguyen et al., 2023) 0.06 0.9994 0.9999 0.9996
CE ResNet (Ours) 0.12 0.9988 0.9998 0.9993
SupCon ResNet (Ours) 0.06 0.9994 1.0 0.9997

SupCon ResNet and CE ResNet to show the superiority in detection 5.5. Transfer learning results
performance of using the SupCon loss. Noticeably, the SupCon ResNet
decreases misdetected attack samples significantly, more than half of The SupCon ResNet produces good representations that contribute
them, by learning from (dis)similarity. There are 51 DoS samples clas­ learned knowledge to train an efficient classification model using a small
sified falsely as a normal class in the case of the CE one, whereas there is dataset. In this section, we will analyze the results of transfer learning
only 1 sample in the case of the SupCon ResNet. Moreover, the SupCon from the proposed model, trained with the Car Hacking dataset, to other
ResNet also decreases the number of false-negative samples within the smaller-size and different car model datasets. We set up the experiment
attack classes and false alarm cases. See (Fig. 9). with three different configurations:
According to the results, the SupCon ResNet model effectively sep­
arates the classes on the Car Hacking dataset. This is because of the Random: We trained the model on new datasets from scratch. This
motivation of contrastive learning: the similar samples are pulled means that the weight of the model is randomly initialized without
together while the dissimilar samples are pushed far apart. Due to the transfer learning.
richness of the Car Hacking dataset, the SupCon ResNet can learn robust CE ResNet: We used the CE ResNet trained on the Car Hacking
representations. These representations are useful not only for the source dataset as the pretrained model.
dataset but also for other CAN datasets, which will be proved empiri­ SupCon ResNet: We used the SupCon ResNet trained on the Car
cally in the next section. Hacking dataset as the pretrained model.

T.-N. Hoang and D. Kim Expert Systems With Applications 238 (2024) 122181

Fig. 8. Comparison of confusion matrix between CE and SupCon models.

Fig. 9. The performance of the proposed model as a function of the number of training samples grouped by attack types. The metrics are FNR (lower is better) and F1
score (higher is better).

Table 5 Table 6
Transfer learning results for KIA Soul data. Transfer learning results for Chevrolet Spark data.
Attack Type Model FNR Rec Pre F1 Attack Type Model FNR Rec Pre F1

Normal Random 0.04 0.9996 0.9980 0.9988 Normal Random 0.25 0.9975 0.9960 0.9967
CE ResNet 0.04 0.9996 0.9990 0.9993 CE ResNet 0.11 0.9989 0.9982 0.9985
SupCon ResNet 0.00 1.0 0.9999 0.9999 SupCon ResNet 0.11 0.9989 0.9992 0.9991
DoS Random 0.12 0.9988 1.0 0.9994 DoS Random 0.18 0.9982 1.0 0.9991
CE ResNet 0.05 0.9995 1.0 0.9997 CE ResNet 0.05 0.9995 1.0 0.9998
SupCon ResNet 0.01 0.9999 1.0 1.0 SupCon ResNet 0.04 0.9996 1.0 0.9998
Fuzzy Random 0.49 0.9951 0.9994 0.9973 Fuzzy Random 2.99 0.9701 0.9731 0.9719
CE ResNet 0.20 0.9980 0.9992 0.9986 CE ResNet 1.46 0.9854 0.9901 0.9878
SupCon ResNet 0.06 0.9995 0.9999 0.9997 SupCon ResNet 0.47 0.9953 0.9902 0.9927
Malfunction Random 0.21 0.9979 0.9987 0.9983 Malfunction Random 0.28 0.9972 0.9994 0.9983
CE ResNet 0.13 0.9988 0.9992 0.9989 CE ResNet 0.13 0.9987 0.9989 0.9988
SupCon ResNet 0.03 0.9997 1.0 0.9998 SupCon ResNet 0.04 0.9996 1.0 0.9998
Overall Random 0.21 0.9979 0.9987 0.9983 Overall Random 0.93 0.9908 0.9923 0.9915
CE ResNet 0.13 0.9988 0.9992 0.9989 CE ResNet 0.44 0.9956 0.9968 0.9962
SupCon ResNet 0.03 0.9997 1.0 0.9998 SupCon ResNet 0.17 0.9984 0.9974 0.9979

The results of KIA Soul and Chevrolet Spark models are presented in the KIA Soul and 0.47 % for the Chevrolet Spark, respectively. We can
Table 5 and Table 6, respectively. see that the dataset from Chevrolet Spark is more difficult to detect than
Overall, transfer learning reduces FNRs and increases the F1 score, the dataset from KIA Soul, as the models of Chevrolet Spark produce
especially for the fuzzy attack. For example, on both two target datasets, higher FNRs and lower F1 scores. This is because the training dataset of
the FNRs of the fuzzy attack reduce by two times when using the CE Chevrolet Spark is smaller than that of KIA Soul. For example, there are
ResNet as a pretrained model, compared to the random model. With the only almost 6,000 fuzzy attack messages in the Chevrolet Spark dataset,
SupCon ResNet model, this number decreases significantly to 0.06 % for which is much fewer than 39,812 samples in the KIA Soul dataset. Even

T.-N. Hoang and D. Kim Expert Systems With Applications 238 (2024) 122181

in the case of a substantially small dataset, the model transferred from Table 7
the SupCon ResNet still achieves the lowest FNR of 0.47 %. To sum up, Model Complexity Comparison.
when using the SupCon ResNet as a pretrained model, the performance Model #Parameters MACs
of the target model improves significantly. From the experiment results, (M) (M)
we observe two important conclusions as follows: Inception ResNet (Song et al., 2020) 1.69 97.19
Rec-CNN (Desta et al., 2022) 0.53 47.71
• When the CAN dataset is relatively small, transfer learning from a Transformer (Nguyen et al., 2023) 2.67 240.46
different car model can improve the detection ability in terms of FNR Ours 0.7 32.56

and F1 score.
• It is more accurate to obtain knowledge using the SupCon ResNet at least 300 k training samples.
model than with the CE ResNet model. In fact, the SupCon ResNet
increases the overall F1 score.
5.7. Model complexity analysis

5.6. The effect of training size Along with high detection accuracy, a CAN-bus IDS must follow
hardware constraints, such as low computing power, small memory size,
In this subsection, we analyze model sensitivity by examining how and small response time, such that it can be installed and deployed in an
training size affects the performance of the proposed model. We evalu­ ECU. Table 7 shows the complexity of the proposed model in terms of the
ated the model from two different perspectives: its performance on its number of parameters and multiply-accumulate (MAC) operations [27],
own and its capability for transfer learning tasks. compared to other CNN-based and transformer-based methods. While
From the first perspective, we adjusted the number of training the number of parameters relates to the memory size of a deep learning
samples within the range of [100 k, 700 k] and visualize the FNRs and F1 model, the MACs involve the speed of the model. Compared to the
scores of these models for different attack types in Fig. 7. It is clear that Inception ResNet, our model is more lightweight and expected to run
as we increase the amount of training data, the prediction model per­ faster. Although the Rec-CNN has less parameters, the model generates
forms better, resulting in lower FNRs and higher F1 scores. The results bigger MACs due to large fully connected layers. Consequently, the Rec-
also confirm that the fuzzy attack is the most challenging, consistent CNN is expected to run slower than our proposed model. Furthermore,
with the findings in the previous section. Interestingly, the gaps in FNR transformer-based method has the highest computational demands due
and F1 scores between different attack types diminish significantly with to the intricateness of the attention mechanism, despite its outstanding
an increase in training samples. Specifically, the gap between the FNR of performance. In particular, the number of total parameters of the
fuzzy attacks and the others is approximately 0.3 % when the number of transformer network is approximately four times greater than that of our
training samples is 100 k. The value decreases to less than 0.1 % when model. The proposed model was deployed on the NVIDIA Jetson AGX
the number of training samples reaches 700 k. Xavier to test the resource constraints. We chose the NVIDIA Jetson AGX
From the second perspective, we applied the four models in the first Xavier, (which has 512-core Volta GPU with Tensor Cores, 8-core ARM
setting to transfer learning for the KIA Soul and Chevrolet Spark models. CPU, and memory of 32 GB RAM), because it can be integrated into the
Fig. 8 shows the overall FNRs of models employed from this setting. On vehicle’s XPU to detect intruders in CAN bus [14]. The result shows that
one hand, the results for the KIA Soul dataset demonstrate the robust­ the proposed model spends approximately 5.96 ms to detect one frame
ness of the proposed model to variations in the number of training containing 29 messages. This implies that the model can process up to
samples. All FNR values are below 0.4 %. Notably, even in the extreme approximately 4800 messages within a second. Simultaneously, there
setting where the training samples of source and target datasets are 100 are approximately 2000 CAN messages on the bus (Song et al., 2020).
k and 10 k, respectively, the FNR remains as low as 0.35 %. On the other Therefore, our proposed model has enough capability to be deployed in
hand, the results of the Chevrolet Spark dataset reveal challenges in a real ECU.
transfer learning. This can be explained by a large discrepancy in the
data pattern of CAN signals between the source dataset (Hyundai model) 6. Conclusion
and the Chevrolet Spark. However, as shown in Fig. 10, an FNR lower
than 0.1 % can be achieved by a model trained from at least 20 k training This study aims to develop a lightweight and efficient CAN bus
samples of target datasets and using the pretrained model trained from intrusion detection system capable of detecting and identifying specific

Fig. 10. The effect of training set size (of both source and target datasets) on transfer learning problem. The metric used for the illustration is FNR (lower is better).

T.-N. Hoang and D. Kim Expert Systems With Applications 238 (2024) 122181

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