All Hands Naval Bulletin - Dec 1944

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Official U.

S. Navy photograph

Jap BB Y a m a t o flees after two direct bomb hits from Helldiver that got safely back to its 3d Fleet carrier.

The following is the full text of Navy Department Communique No. 554, released 17 Nou. 1944. For an earlie? account of the action described here see Pacific Fleet Communique No. 168, 9. 48. The Navy Department communique uses local dates.

Jap Lose 2 Battleship, 4- Carrier,

8 Cruisis in 2d Buttle of Philippines
viding support for General MacArthurs invading forces and maintaining without interruption the sea-borne supply lines pouring men and munitions into the combat area. The Japanese are still wondering what hit them. It is impossible, therefore, to identify the composition of our naval forces or to describe the damag-ther than losses-suffered by us in the three-day fight. All damage, however, was remediable and some of the United States ships hurt in the fight are already back on duty. We lost one light carrier, the USS Princeton; two escort carreirs, the uss Saint Lo and uss Gambier Bay; two destroyers, the uss Johnston and USS Hoel, and one destroyer escort, the uss Samuel B. Roberts, and a few lesser craft. Against this, the Japanese definitely lost two battleships, four carriers, six heavy cruisers, two light cruisers and an undetermined number of destroyers. These ships were seen t o go down. SO severely damaged that they may have sunk before reaching pori, and in any event removed from action for from one to perhaps six months, were one Japanese battleship, three heavy cruisers, two light cruisers and seven destroyers. In addition, damaging hits were noted on six battleships, four heavy cruisers, one light cruiser and 10 destroyers. The victory not only made possible the continuing supply of men and munitions to General Douglas A. MacArthurs successful invasion forces, but by its magnitude can conservatively be said to have greatly reduced future casualties in both men and water-borne equipment. Like all battles, this one did not just happen. The engagements, in one of which surface ships slugged it out against each other, and in which the far-ranging carrier-borne U n i t e d States aircraft both intercepted and pursued enemy ships with conspicuous success, were preceded by a series of other actions which fall into a definite, strategic pattern when reviewed in order.

reports-necessarily inBASED onfor certain fleet units and complete due to the neckssity of radio silence the impossibility of having some officers in attendance at evaluation conferences because of continuing operations of fleet units-the following information is now available on the Second Battle of the Philippines:

SERIES of naval A and, inturn out of beengagements terms victory, ones which may to among the decisive battles of modern times, were won by our forces against a threepronged attack by the Japanese in an attempt to prevent our landings in the Philippine Islands. The fact is known. Progress of the three-day battle which began 23 October was promptly reported to the American public a s f a r as military security permitted. It is now possible to give a chronological and diagrammatic review of the Second Battle of the Philippines, which left the United States Fleet in command of the eastern approaches to the Philippines, pro-

RELIMINARIES to the show-dawn battle can be said to have opened with the landings on Peleliu and Morotai, southwest of the Philippines, on 15 September. These landings in themselves were preceded by a two-weeks series of feints and thrusts, by Vice Admiral Marc A. Mitschers carrier task force of the 3d Fleet, which kept the Japanese forces off balance while

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Japanese believed their own propaganda, t h a t at least 15 carriers had been sunk and varying quantities of other warships. A task force of the Japanese navy was sighted leaving the Empire to give the American fleet its coup de grace; but when the astonished pilots of the enemy scouting force saw the size of the healthy opposition deploying t o receive them, the Japanese expedition wheeled and ran back to the safer waters of the Empire. Admiral Halsey ironically observed that his ships sunk by J a p radio announcement had been salvaged, and were retiring at high speed toward the Japanese fleet. On 14 October, our carrier planes began working over the Philippine island of Luzon, and the lesser islands of the archipelago t o the south and east, in order to come into immediate support of the amphibious forces approaching for the invasion. Only about 85 enemy planes were bagged in the sweeps over approximately 100 airOfficial U. S. Navy photograph fields up to the time our carriers, both BIG JAP CARRIER trails smoke during attack by 3d Fleet carrier planes. the large and f a s t ones and the smaller Picture was taken an hour and a half before she heeled ouer and sank. escort ships, converged in support of the landings of the United States am- immediately extended their patrol ber, two enemy forces were detected phibious forces on Leyte. The strategy searches westward over the Visayan coming down from the northern tip had succeeded, and the landings were Sea and the Sulu Sea. On Tuesday,.24 of Luzon to join battle. They included effected by General MacArthurs forces October, two large enemy fleets were two battleships, the Ise and Hyuga., in complete surprise. seen making their way eastward. One, four carriers, including one large ship i n the Sulu Sea, was obviously headed of the Zuikaku class, a heavy cruiser, I11 for the Mindanao Sea and its exit into three light cruisers and six destroyers. HE invasion of the Philippines the Pacific, Surigao Strait. It con- The 3d Fleet, upon receipt of this inemployed a grand-scale use of all sisted of two battleships, Ftmo and formation, turned to meet t h e oncomarms of modern warfare: land and Yamashiro, two heavy cruisers, two ing enemy. amphibious forces, surface and sub- light cruisers and eight or 10 destroyIV surface ships, and, of course, a tre- ers. Our carrier planes attacked and HE United States forces aiding mendous a i r coverage. inflicted some damage on the battleand protecting the landing on A look at the chart will show the ships, one of the cruisers and two of Leyte were now the target for three confusion of islands upon whose peri- the destroyers, but the enemy contin- converging Japanese groups totaling, meter the initial assault was made. ued doggedly on the way to the strait, without estimating submarines, nine They form a maze of channels, of at whose mouth, where it debouched battleships, four carriers, 13 heavy which the two providing the best eg- into Leyte Gulf, a surprise reception cruisers and seven light cruisers, and ress t o the Pacific a r e San Bernardino committee was being assembled. 30-odd destroyers. The stage was set. Strait in the north, between Luzon The larger enemy force of the cenShortly after midnight, o u r P T and Samar Islands, and Surigao Strait tral prong of attack was initially comthe in the south, between Leyte and Min- posed of five battleships, the modern boats off Straitsouthern approaches t o Surigao detected and reported danao. Yamato and Musashi, and the Nagato, the approach of the enemys southern One of the precautions our forces Kongo and Haruna. I n support were force, the one that had been battered took against a Japanese incursion seven heavy cruisers, one light cruiser but not deterred. The PTs reported ,from the westward was to post sub- and from 13 to 15 destroyers. This t h a t two of their torpedoes had probmarines on the opposite side of the task force was also engaged as it ably struck as many ships, but still archipelago. Early on the morning of steamed through the Sibuyan Sea by the enemy came on. Three hours later, 23 October, before daylight, two of the carrier force of the 3d Fleet. One United States destroyers on picket our submarines flashed the word t o of the Japanese battleships and two duty in the strait discovered the Japthe invasion forces t h a t a strong Jap- of the cruisers were heavily damaged anese coming through in two columns, anese fleet was headed northeastward and most of the other vessels in the making about 20 knots. The destroyers from the South China Sea into Philip- group received hits. After engaging attacked, and almost simultaneously pine waters-and characteristically re- in a running battle, the Japanese the battleships and cruisers stationed ported, also, t h a t they were moving turned back upon their course as if a t the mouth of the strait opened fire. in t o attack. They sent four torpedoes decided not to attempt t o force San The enemy was caught in narrow in each of three heavy cruisers, two Bernardino Strait. waters, and caught in the fire, too, of of which were reported to have been While these carrier strikes were be- five battleships he had accounted as left sinking and the third heavily ing made against the two enemy fleets, lost i n the sneak attack on Pearl damaged. The enemy\forces scattered, our own ships and landing forces were Harbor-the West Virginaa, Ma/ryland, and in the pursuit one of our sub- being subjected to a very heavy air Tennessee, California and Pennsylmarines ran on a reef in the middle of attack by hundreds of land-based vania, all modernized and more powerthe restricted channel and had to be planes darting out from the Philip- ful than ever. destroyed, after all of the crew was pines 100 o r more a i r fields. During The Japanese columns slowed inderemoved to safety. these attacks the Princeton was hit cisively t o 12 knots, and then, as shell Later that day other contacts with and set on fire, and so damaged t h a t after shell from the American vessels the enemy were reported, in Mindoro the carrier had to be destroyed. found their marks, the enemy tried t o Strait, south of Luzon, and off the Among t h e attacking Japanese reverse course and escape. Of the two mouth of Manila Bay where the re- planes was one group of carrier-based battleships, two heavy cruisers and porting submarine badly damaged an- aircraft which flew in from the north, two light, and 10 destroyers, all were other heavy cruiser, which managed, so search groups were dispatched from sunk except one battleship, one or two however, to limp into the bay. cruisers, and perhaps half the destroythe 3d Fleet to track them down. At Thus alerted, the carrier air forces 1540 of that same Tuesday, 24 Octo- ers. The next day our aviators dis-

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Official U. S. Navy photograph

AFTER T H E BATTLE: Friedly Filipinos help PT search for survivors of .lap warships destroyed by 7th Fleet force in Surigao Strait.
covered the battleship and a fugitive cruiser, badly crippled, and finished them off. Our losses in the entire action were one P T boat sunk and one destroyer damaged. While t h e southern prong of the Japanese attack was being obliterated by surface action, the northernmost had been located from the air during the night-and it promptly swung from a southeasterly course t o a northerly one. Hot pursuit resulted in a new contact early in the morning of the 25th. The Japanese carriers had few lanes on their decks-they had sent t I e i r aircraft out against our ships the day before, and the planes apparently had to refuel on Luzon before returning to their mother ships. Indeed, the Japanese airplanes came in t o rejoin their carriers while the United States bombers and torpedo planes were sending three of the four ships to the bottom and making the deck of the fourth no fit landing place f o r anything. Twenty-one of the homing Japanese airplanes were intercepted and destroyed by the fighter cover of the United States forces. Not only did the aerial assault sink three of the four carriers and damage the fourth, but two of the Japanese destroyers were sent down. The enemy force turned and made their way toward Japan, with iome of our ships crowding on all steam to catch them -the remainder of the 3d Fleet units turned south at full speed for a reason about to be made clear. Our cruisers and destroyers quickly overtook the surviving but crippled Japanese carrier and sent it down without effort. During the night one of our submarines intercepted a damaged cruiser and finished it off with torpedoes. What had caused Admiral Halsey to divert part of his force southward was the report t h a t a group of our escort carriers operating in support of the landings on Leyte w a s being threatened by superior enemy forces. The antisubmarine p a t r o l of this group of six escort carriers and seven destroyers and destroyer escorts had detected in Wednesdays dawn an approaching Japanese force of four battleships, seven cruisers and nine destroyers. These were apparently the surviving elements of the enemy task force which had been attacked from the air in the Sibuyan Sea and forced t o flee westward. Durinn the ninht the group had traversed San B e r n k din0 Strait. T h e escort carriers,. silhouetted against the dawn, came under heavy fire from the Japanese force which, in the western gloom and with the Philippine hills providing further concealment, possessed every advantage of position and firing power. The carriers, converted merchantmen, headed off to the eastward into the east wind at the top of their limited speed, launching aircraft to attack the enemy. But the enemys superior speed and gun power swiftly told. The Japanese continued to close in, hauling around t o the northward and forcing this carrier group to head southward, under continuous fire from the enemys 16-, 14- and 8-inch shells. Japanese marksmanship was poor, and American seamanship excellent, however, a n d although frequently straddled, o u r ships were not heavily hit during the first p a r t of the engagement. By 0900, though, despite a sustained air attack on the enemy and the best efforts of the destroyer support with smoke screens and forays against the Japanese, the carriers began to take considerable punishment. One of them was sunk. Two destroyers and a destroyer escort w h i c h courageously charged the Japanese battleships went down under the enemys heavy shells. Nevertheless, the Japanese paid an exhorbitant price for their success, such as it was. Two of their heavy cruisers were sunk, and one;-perhaps twoof their destroyers went down under the concentrated counter-attack from surface and air. Still the enemy pressed his advan-

tage, and by 0920 the carrier group had been jockeyed into a situation with the Japanese, only 12,000 yards distant, and in position for the kill. Then, suddenly, the enemy ships hauled away, gradually widening the distance, and t o the astonishment of the battered American forces, broke off the battle with a final and harmless spread of torpedoes before steamihg over the northern horizon at high speed, trailing oil from pierced hulls as they fled. What had happened can be reconstructed from the events already reviewed. The Japanese admiral, with a costly local victory in sight, received word of the destruction of the southern force in Surigao Strait and t h e utter rout of the northern force with the destruction of its carriers. He had t o get back through San Bernardino Strait, or face annihilation. Further, though the J a p may not have known it, we had a battleship and cruiser force-a part of the 7th Fleet-in Leyte Gulf for the purpose of protecting the transports and landing craft from any enemy force attempting t o destroy them. This was the force which so completely defeated the Japanese southern force before daylight in the southern p a r t of Leyte Gulf, a 1 m o s t annihilating i t a n d which was still available-almost unscathed-to prevent the entrance of the central force. The vanguard of the returning 3d Fleet units caught one straggling enemy destroyer before it reached the strait and sank it. Early the next day air groups from our carriers ranged over the Sibuyan Sea and continued attacks on t h e fugitives, probably sinking one heavy cruiser and a light cruiser. Back at the scene of the attack on the carriers, the Japanese continued to harass the American ships with land-based planes, resulting in the sinking of a second of the CVEs, but the Second Battle of the Philippines was over and decisively won. The enemy fleet had sustained losses and damage which materially weakened their over-all naval and air strength against the final drive of the United States forces against the Empire. We must not, however, allow ourselves to feel that this victory effectively prevented any reinforcement of the J a p forces on Leyte and Samar, because he can still, by the very nature of the geography of the islands which afford protection and hiding places for short, fast transportation runs, continued his reinforcements at an increasingly diminishing rate. H e cannot, however, prevent our own reinforcement and supply of General MacArthur and his gallant troops. Our naval and air forces will continue t o insure the control of these sea approaches to the Philippines and the effective support and supply of our troops. The 3d Fleet was under command of Admiral William F. Halsey Jr., USN, during the operations, and the 7th Fleet was under command of Vice Admiral Thomas C. Kinkaid, USN.

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The following article is from a combat report recorded on sound film hy the Officeof Naval Records and Library, as related by a naval officer stationed in Hankow, China, a f e w days before the Jap attacks o n Pearl Harbor and the Phi&pznes. Today its our side that is smashing its way through the Philippines; heres what it was like when the tide was running the other way.

None of us had the foggiest idea what the situation was up there, but we knew it was pretty serious. We had about six different kinds of blow up ship bills, burning ship in shallow water, destroying ship in deep water, and burning ship when beached or when alongside a dock. But on the 27th, we got word to liquidate the go-down up there, the Navy stores and so forth, and beat it on down to Shanghai. At 1100 on the day we picked out to sail we sent word up to the Japanese, as it was the usual custom there to warn them we were leaving, and told them we were going to sail a t 1300. So a t about 1255, down the beach a t full speed comes a Japanese fourstriper with a sword about five feet long. He hopped on board. Nothing doing, my friend, says he in Japanese. You cant leave unless you have an escort. We can probably arrange it in a week, 10 days at least. We knew in 10 days it would be too darn late. The captain told the Jap, Unless you want to ride this gunboat down to Shanghai, youd better ease off on the beach here, because we are going to shove o f f in five minutes. The J a p changed his tune right away. He apparently had two or three plans ready, for he said Well, if you just give me a boat to get back t o my gunboat here, Ill get under way right away and Ill escort you down there. Youve got to have an escort because you dont know what the Chinese will do. There might be mines and all sorts of terrible things. We gave him the boat and, by golly, they were under way about 10 minutes after we were. So there we went, a J a p sloop ahead of us, and the next the uss Wake and next the J a p gunboat. About two nights down we invited the Japs over for the movies. We couldnt travel on the Yangtze at night, so we anchored and the skipper went over and in the midst of the blackout there on both ships, invited the J a p s over for the movies. They came, about nine of them, and their skipper was just absolutely a caricature of a J a p ; you know the kind, with teeth that stick out and what hair he had left had been worked over with a clipper like a poodle in the summer. When we got down to Shanghai, there were the other two gunboats, the Luxon and the Oahu, all boarded uptheir awnings furled and the doors

the of ABOUT Yangtze27thHankowNovember, 1941, we left t o come down the river in a gunboat.

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AFTER T H E BOMBlNG of Cauite, the Lanikai headed for Soerabaja, first picking up some fuel oil for her diesel from the sub tender Canopus, Friends
boats in a minesweepers motorboat. I was sent out to patrol the mouth of the bay. Id sail back and forth all day and I was supposed to report if I saw a periscope. Needless to say, none ever showed up. That went on for about three o r four days and then I went into Manila. Got word t o pick up the staff and carry them over to Mariveles. This was in the midst of a n air raid about every two o r three hours, I guess-the Japs had complete control of the sky and were trying to get the merchant ships that were still in the harbor there. These were slipping out each night, two or three at a time. I went over alongside Pier ,I and they were evacuating the typewriters, files and other paraphernalia that finally got sunk on the Pecos. The Admiral (Admiral Hart) had decided to go down south and direct things from Soerabaja. It was decided that the Lanikui would take some of his staff, including the flag lieutenant. Then, with a few other newcomers, off we all went t o Mariveles about three miles away and picked up what chow we could. Over at Mariveles everything was in the same sort of confusion that we found in Cavite-sort of orderly disorder. The 4th Marines had just come in and there was stuff all over the place. You could have anything you wanted-a machine gun, a little pushcart, a bag of rice, anything that you had strength to carry off.

on the Canopus wished them luck, but said, For

Gods sake, dont be a fool and sail off in that crate.

Youd better stay here where youll be safe?

We made it down to Makassar in about two weeks, Wed sail during the which we grabbed. Out in the bay we night. Wed make our plans well in picked up three o r four barrels of advance so that around sunrise wed gasoline floating around, that had been be off what appeared on the chart to on some torpedoed o r bombed ship. We be a fairly good cove that we could get spent the rest of the afternoon fran- into and hole up during the day. Wed tically swabbing the green paint on go right alongside the beach if we this white yacht with swabs or any- could. The first official move, of thing else that we could lay hands on. course, would be to t r y to contact some Our final guess was to go over Filipinos, all of whom beat it to the alongside the Canopus and beg, bor- hills the first time they saw us berow or steal some fuel oil for our cause they thought we were Japs. We diesel. They didnt want t o give us were never able to do any more than any but we finally got a barrel o r two chicken trading with the men. The Japs flew over us every other out of them. Everybody was waving at us, wish- day o r so, but if they ever saw us they ing us their very best and saying (For probably thought we were harmless. Gods sake dont be an utter fool and Fortunately we had the foulest sort of sail off in that crate. Youd better weather going across the Sulu Sea, stay here whery, youll be safe. Stay three days out in the open, and as we on the Canopus. were going by Jolo, we went by at We got away about 2000 that night, night. There was a lot of activity the Peaw and ourselves, the last two over there, searchlights and a little surface ships, I believe, that g o t away. booming. We discovered later that it At that time we had myself, the skip- was a J a p battleship and a couple of per, the four passengers, about 15 Fili- destroyers and what not bombarding pinos in the crew and about 50,000 of Jolo and about t o go ashore. the biggest cockroaches in the PhilipMeanwhile, all this time from pines. I never saw such things. We Manila we hadnt seen a sogl who didnt have any rats (which caused could give us any info on the war. some concern to some of the famished We still were listening with our little passengers, by the way) but we had two-bit radio that we picked up in cockroaches to make up for it. We Manila. The radio we were supposed used t o catch them in buckets. Put to use had never given a squeak cqmcorn meal in half a bucket of water, ing o r going. We never got anything and the cockroaches would hop in, out of that. thinking it was a bucket of cornmeal. We got down t o the first port on the By morning the thing would be filled Celebes, and our Dutchman went with cockroaches. ashore and made peace with the

15 or 20 10-gallon cans of green paint

Amongst the ruins we found about

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natives, telling them who we were. The natives were very keen that we should go over to a telephone about ,20 miles from there. They said it was a very short ride on the bike, and would only take us a day or two. After swapping a few chickens and getting some coconuts, we went on down t o the next port, where we were met by a Dutch gunboat. The skipper was out on the bridge and wanted to know who we were. Were we Japanese or were we on their side? We roused the Dutch naval officer we had aboard and he ave the news across to the gunboat, w%ich was then within easy range of our powerful three-pounder. He convinced them we were okay and that we were friendly. We got into port and over came the Dutchman t o congratulate us on how well one of our officers spoke Dutch; he could almost be taken for a Dutchman. Then he said, LYouknow, we got the most peculiar telephone call from Sabang up the way here. They said a Japanese ship had just come in and had two or three Germans on board, one of whom spoke fairly good Dutch, and they are on their way down the coast. They wouldnt come over and telephone. They were very much relieved to learn that we wer6nt the spearhead of the Japanese invasion. We got some charts from these fellows to get us through the reefs around Makassar, and went trailing down through some of the most beautiful coastline Ive ever seen, a million small islands about 40 to 50 feet across and with palm trees-just the sort of business youd see in Dorothy Lamours movies.

these two pages the first 0Nphotographs releasedare the Mulof berries-artificial harbors prefabricated in E n d a n d . t n w d


SUNKEN SHIPS form one sector of breakwater f o r American Mulberry and provides mooring place f o r small craft.

PHOENIX, a concrete blockhouse mounting A A guns, is pushed into place before being sunk as pltrt of breakwater.

FL o A T IN G B R F A Y w AT E R , moored between phoenixes, protects an entralzce to the harbor.

Official U. S. Navy photographs

Supplies are unloaded at Loebnitz pier and roll ashore ouer pontoon bridgeway that falls and rises w i t h tide.

CAUSEWAY, one of seueral, slopes d o w n from beach to floating pierhead for unloading landing craft,

STORM that wrecked U . S. port

beats against sulzke.n freighters forming part of the breakwater.

WRECKED Mulberry and l a n d h g craft after storm. Seabees cleaned up, partly restored port.
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MAP or PLAYING BOARD i s shown above. Actual size of the board is approximately 12 inches by 24 inches to make each block I I/16-inch square. The units or pieces, cut from round (doll) sticks, are 3/8 of an inch in diameter, but pieces of other sizes and shapes can be used, so long as the board is made big enough t o hold them. Countries, colonies and pieces are colored t o match names of countries: the oceans may be colored blue. Alternate light and dark shadings on the board are only for convenience in counting

and determining diagonal lines: you play on all squares alike, not as in checkers. l h e longitude and latdude lines are similarly for counting and determining horizontal and vertical lines, and have no other significance. The numbers and letters along the two sides are t o identify moves when the game i s played by mail, semaphore, etc. Black squares are the blockade points. Stars indicate the various capital squares. Board sits so that players own colony i s a t his left (drawing above i s as seen by Redland player).

Your enemy is likewise free to take overt action any time he wishes. You continue arming until all of your pieces a r e put on the board two a t a time (but pieces once destroyed in action can not be put back on) And, unless the enemy has your coloniai capital you continue receiving 1 0 tankers of oil hach turn. (If he has your colonial capital, you get none and Gust flght on with your stored supply (see next page) if YOU have his. YOU get 20.) When flnall; all of your pieces have been placed on thk board, you begin receiving 20 tankers of oil each turn (unless. of course. the colonial capitals a r e occupied or the colonies blockaded). NOTE Because there I s a training period : involved, a piece cannot be moved during the turn in which it is placed on the board.

period of play being the winner and receiving whatever prize is provided. The winner of each war receives: Potnts For winning by blitzkrieg, or winning s declared war in 5 turns 1,000 or less For winning an undeclared war before all the pieces a r e placed on the board o r winning a declared war infrom 6 to 1 0 turns. 500 For winning in a n y other way. 200 F o r each unit left on the board. . 20 F o r each tanker of oil unexpended 1 The loser of each war receives: For each unit left on the board.. 20 For each tanker of oil unexpended 1

. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .


does Got know what the othe; is doing he may (as in Bridge) in effect trumphis partners ace, ruining his strategy.

While the rules which follow may seem long and complicated, actually war, except that you must win the war you will find them fairly simple once in the very flrst turn in which you take you see that they are devised to give overt action. the pieces the same capabilities and ALLIES limitations a s the comparable units in Where more than two persons (or two actual war-and also to take into coneeneral staffs) desire to Dlav in the same , .~~ . .. .. ..~. . .~~~~~~ sideration the time factor involved. i a m e , - - a l ithe participants divide into two ~ Since speed, distance and mobility a r e sides and then all take turns playing according to the rules of a n y of the variations calculable factors in war, there is a above.- For instance. A and B as Redland similar element here: by the rules, owwose C and D a s Greenland. A wins the incident and plays Arst for RGdland. C Army and Navy units cannot change then plays for Greenland ; B plays for Rkdcourse during one move. And since land: D plays for Greenland: A . . plays planes cannot fly indefinitely, the again, etc. rules provide a maximum flying range A and B can tell each other (provided they speak so their opponents can hear) for Air units. You will find you a r e what they have in mind, so they wont t r v to run the same forces on a swlit s t r a t e m 2 fighting a war by the same general but of course the enemy can hear and--act rules that govern real wars-rules accordingly. (Of course, too, the conversayou more or less already know. tion might be propaganda to deceive the TO MOVE YOUR UNITS e n e m y ) On the other hand if one Ally
BLITZKRIEG This is exactly the same as undeclared
~ ~ ~~ ~

Since wars are not necpssarily fought nnlv f n r revenee. but sometimes for simDle spoi1s,-any O f the variations above may-be turned into a w a r of conquest by applying the following p-int system, with the player accumulating the most points during a
L .

It costs one tanker to. move any one piece one square. Pieces move as follows: ARMY units can move as many squares as desired (if you have enough oil) anywhere on land. in any one straight line in a n y direction, including the diagonal. They cannot change directions in the same moye. NAVY units move exactly as army units. except thnt they move a t sea. AIR units move either 2 4 6 8 or 10 squares. (This. is to repreient the limita-

tions of aircraft-weather need for airstrips, etc., and flying range:) Unlike Army and Navy units, Air units can change directionin flight as desired, so long as they make such changes on the even squarethey cannot turn on the 3rd or 5th square, etc. Air units must come to rest on land, or on ships at sea (thus becoming aircraft c a r r i e r s 4 e e nezt page). If a n air unit lands on water otherwise, it is lost. Air units cannot land on the blockade bases. NOTE I n addition to these regular flights, : Air units may be crated by moving oce square in a n y direction. (This puts the Air vnit i n a different range: a target which was inaccessible because it w a s 5 squares a w a y is now 4 squares a w a y and thus within range.) Howeyer, a n plr unit cannot engage in any flight during the same d a y it is crated nor can i t crate onto a n enemy-occupied square. TO TAKE E N E M Y UNITS Your Army or Navy unit simply moves onto the square occupied by the enemy unit, and the enemy unit is taken from the board. Your unit must stop in t h a t square and cannot be moved again until another d a v (other units mav still be moved that same day, of course); Your Air unit can bomb an enemy unit out of existence and fly on-but the enemy unit must be in the even square (2nd. 4th, etc.). Air units can also destroy by landing on the square occupied by the enemy unit but they cannot take off again until another turn. However, if a n Air unit chooses (and if i t can d o i t within its flying range and oil supply) i t may make a suicide dive to destroy 2 enemy units-by bombing one enemy unit and then flying on t o destroy a second unit. If i t does this, the two enemy units and the silicide Air unit a r e aZ removed from the board. Air Z units need not necessarily return t o original bases. They can fly from land to ship, o r ship to land (if they have the range). If they do not have range enough to flv to safety, they suffer the consequences of enemy attack or loss at sea, as the case may be.


Air units can ffy over any units on the board, but Army or Navy units cannot move through another unit in their course. You cannot drive your Army into the sea, or fly Air units into the sea, etc., simply

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to get them out of t h e way. The jam-up is konsidered a problem of snarled movement, etc. Except for pieces placed on top O others to form a new type of unit (this f is explained below) n o two units cam OCCUPY the same square. Although you normally r e c p e d 20 tankkrs of oil during each day this amount may be more or less depenbing upon who controls the coionies and blockade points. If, at the bedinnlng of your turn, you have a n Army unlt in the capltal of the enemys colony YOU receive 1 0 extra tankers of oil for th& turn (and for every turn in which Your Army unit remains there) on the presumption t h a t you are getting that colonys production. If, at the beginning of your turn, the enemy has a n Army unit in the capital of your colony, you receive 1 0 tankers less during t h a t t u r n and every turn in which the Army unit remains there. If You control each others colonv in that manner it balances out-you get 1 0 extra and 10s; 1 0 so t h a t you g e t your usual 20. If the enhmy h a s a Navy unit in either of the blockade Doints off-your colonv at the s t a r t of yourturn you-lose 5 tafikers of oil for each turn i t S Q remains. If he has both blockade points, you lose 10. (Of course if he h a s both points and the colonys capital as well, the w a r is over.) However, while t h e blockaded belligerent loses tankers, t h e one who is doing the blockading does not get a n y extr? tankers as a result : a blockade deprives the enemy of supplies but does not give supplies to the blockader. Army units may be moved over water by being placed on Navy units-and they thus


The three little countries between the twn belligerent countries unhappily &&-aie ih whim of. the two big enemies but they maihtain their neutrality if possible. Thev have standing armies. which SCPVP as a - . of - - inrt . Maginof line between the belligerents. If a belligerent piece enters within the boundaries of one of tine neutral countries. that countrys Army piece may be moved to intern the invading piece (that is t o say.



the other belligerent must play f o r the neutral country and use his own oil to move the neutral piece to take the enemy piece off the board). But if a belligerent piece moves into a neutral country to capture or destroy one of the neutral units, the remaining units (if any) of that particular country [NOTE: Not ALL three countries-just the one] join with the forces of the non-aggressor belligerent and a r e henceforth allies and used by the belligerent as he sees At.

Two Sample Strategies [or Battle Plans1 This is the simplest to execute. Its objective is to move into the enemy capital and win by invasion in one stroke. Against an unsuspecting enemy, i t can work beautifully. On the flrst dav:


capital, they must take his Army units which stops them there rather than letting them go on to the capital. Once they a r e stopped he can take Your Army units with otheg units of his, and the battle is on. Or, while YOU a r e busy with your sitzkrieg strategy he might be executing a strategy of his awn which might force You to modify yours Simply to counter his theat. Here

OVERSEAS INVASION is t h e second basic plan. First:

Cost : 2 tankers of oii ; you store up 18. On your next day:


That costs you 1 t a n k e r ; you save 1 9 On your second move:

or troop transports. To get them on the Navv unit must be touchine shore. a n 6 the Army unit then moves on k the same way i t would move if t h e Navy unit square were land. The Navy unit must also be touching land f o r the Army unit to get off. Army units can be loaded aboard Air units f o r paratroop opcr;Ltions. However, Air units serving as paratroop transports in this way cannot serve as bombers at the s a m e time (i. e.. they cannot destroy enemy units and fl$ away,.- A paratroop unit mat. however, land on a n y unit (or double unit) ashore and destroy it. I n such a move, the Army unit cannot move off during t h a t turn it being presumed t h a t t h e Army unitparticipated in the taking of the piece and h a s thus already moved. If the paratrooD unit lands in an UnOCCUDied sauare. t h e -Army unit m a y move off in accord: ance with note (4) just below. Air units c a n be placed on Navy units by flight or by crating t o make aircraft carriers. However. corrzer-based Azr unzts have a total flying-rauge of only squares instead o 1 0 . If your Air unit takes off from a d i p and cannot bomb and either fly on t o iand or r e t u r n - t o the carrier within t h e 4 squares of flight (2 going and 2 returning), it crashes into the sea and Is lost. If an aircraft carrier unit takes another Navy unit by moving onto its square t h e Air unit cannot move off its Navy h i t during t h a t turn. NOTE: (1) A unit can carry only one other unit at a time. ( 2 ) When the 2 units are moved together, two tankers of oil are expended f o r each square moved. ( 3 ) When a double unit is destroyed by enemy action, the whole double unit is removed. (4) The unit which is being carried i s not considered to have moved just because the carrier has moved. If it moves onto the carrier in one turn. it cannot move off until a later turn-but if it was on the carrier when the day started, even though both pieces are moved together, the top piece can then still be moved off during the same day. ( 5 ) When t h e bottom piece is moved and stops t o let the top piece move off, the bottom piece cannot move again t h a t day.

can be utilized either as amphibious units

As your third day s t a r t s you have 2 0

tankers more. o r a total bf 39. It costs you 20 to fly your paratroop unit to the enemy colony and one more to move the Army unit off onto the capital. With 1 8 left, you can move the Navy unit farthest out UP to the most distant blockade point, and then move the other Navy unit on the diagonal u p to the other

. , . , .

Thatcosts you 1 6 tankkrs. You have 40 tankers left, enough to move your Army units into the enemy capital. thus:

And the war is over!

tanker of oil f o r t h e bombardment. Similarly, a Navy unit can knock out a n A-Y unit touching the shore (and thus considered shore installations) by moving to the shore and expending a n additional tanker of oil for t h e bombardment-again if it is in a straight line with t h e shore d i t . .

SHORE DEFENSES AND OFFSHORE BOMBARDMENTS If a n enemy Navy unit touches against the shire, your Army unit can destroy it If i t i s in a straight 1in.e with it, by moving to t h e shore and expending a n additional

This effectively stops you temporarizy, because your Air units when they knock out the neutral army bannot then go on and bomb out his A;my units too (they a r e three squares away not two and thus out of bombing ranke). Andwhen your Army units go down toward his

i t would be impossible for your invading Navy to steam up t o the top blockade point. You would have to stop to take t h a t Navy unit, which would be lying in its course. Meanwhlle the derense could bring u p other reinforcements and the battle wouId be on. But if the defense did not steam his fleet up and move it out on the very first move there would be no way to stop your attkck. These a r e the two classic strategies. I n between and in combination there a r e countless other variations. Strange surprises can result. For this is w a r !

Page 24

1 NOV. 1944 5

Page 16

If the advance across the Central Pacific looked suspiciously like a dagger pointed straight at the heart of the Philippines, the advance up from New Guinea was a curving scimitar aimed at their belly. Leap Year Three trip-hammer blows fell in On 14 June our forces took their rapid succession. Following a month third and most daring leap of the of naval and air poundings, the U. S. Landing plumb in the enemys 6th Army landed on Arawe, New ackyard, they invaded the Marianas, Britain, 10 days before Christmas. a 1300-mile advance from Kwajalein. On Christmas marines established Forced to fight by this invasion of beachheads on both sides of Cape a key defense only 1,250 miles from Gloucester. On 1 January Allied the J a p mainland, the Japanese fleet fighters landed behind the J a p lines at last came out of hiding to exchange at Saidor, New Guinea. long-range air blows with the Navy. By 10 February Australian and I n a two-day running battle, the Japs U. S. troops had sliced through Huon were routed and fled into the night peninsula, met, and isolated the last after suffering a crippling defeat ,in Japs there. Five days later New which they had two carriers sunk, Zealand and American troops occufour others damaged, and a battleship pied the Green Islands and the northand two cruisers damaged. In addi- ern end of the Solomons archipelago. tion, 402 of their planes were shot With this, and the neutralization of down in a single day, a record carnage battered Rabaul, General MacArthur still known among Pacific airmen as announced the Solomon Islands campaign strategically completed. the Marianas turkey shoot. On the last day of February AmeriSaipan fell on 8 July, Tinian on 1 August. By 9 August, J a p resistance cans landed in the Admiralty Islands. on Guam was at an end, and the first Marines had already joined with Army U. S. territory taken by the Japs had forces on Cape Gloucester, winning the entire southern half of New Britcome back under the American flag. From the Marianas, our warships ain. On 20 March marines landed on 1 and planes battered the Bonin and Emirau and by 1 April most of New Volcano Islands, little over 500 miles Britain was ours as the Japs fled to a from Japan. Smashing raids on the last stand at Rabaul. An estimated Palaus and Philippines followed, with 100,000 Japs were now cut off and Admiral Halseys 3d Fleet carrying facing almost certain destruction. out the first seaborne attack on the At Hollandia, big J a p base in New Philippines a s his planes sank or dam- Guinea, bombers destro~red 288 J a p aged 89 ships, destroyed 68 planes, planes in one week. Following a con.wrecked five airfields, and, in one ference between Admiral Nimitz and spectacular blow, wiped out an entire General MacArthur, a t which plans

February our air patrols reported that virtually all J a p warships had fled Rabaul. Alterations were made through the Spring on other enemy targets, from Satawan and Ponape in the Carolines to Paramushiru in the Kurils, and on Marcus and Wake. Late in March, in a three-day visit to Palau, Woleai and Y a q Task Force 58 made a clean sweep: every ship anchored there sunk or damaged. A few days later Admiral King reported that 2,000,000 tons of J a p shipping had been destroyed since the start of hostilities. By early April American sovereignt y had been established over all but four of the numerous Marshall atolls, and Navy civil affairs officers had moved in t govern our first cono quests. The springboard, having supported many small jumps, was ready for a big one.

52-ship convoy. Two days later the 3d Fleet softened up Palau, then moved back to the central Philippines and shot down 156 planes, destroyed 277 on the ground, sank 40 more ships and damaged 43 others. On 14 September our Central Pacific forces invaded the Palau Islands, marines landing on heavily defended Peleliu and Army troops stcrming rshore four days later on Angaur Island. In five months, J a p losses in the Marianas and Palaus totaled over 66,000-63,388 dead and 3,267 captured. With the Marianas and Palaus under control, the stage was now set for the Central Pacific assault to coincide with another pressing upward from the Southwest Pacific. Objective : the Philippines.

Return to the Philippines


JULY 1 9 4 0 :

1,076 vessels d i s p l a c i n g 1,875,000 t o n s

J U L Y 1 9 4 3 : 18,421 v e s s e l s d i s p l a c i n g 4,926,586 tons


1 NOV 1 9 4 4 : 56,270 v e s s e l s d i s p l a c i n g 10,486,184 t o n s 5

were completely integrated, amphibious forces and Army troops of the Southwest Pacific command landed at Hollandia and Aitaps on 22 April; six days later our plmes were operating from airfields a t both bases. A month later another leap-frog landing carried the Allied forces 125 miles further up the coast to pick off the Japs Wakde Island bomber field. Next jump was t o Biak Island, and the first tank battle in the Southwest Pacific. On 2 July troops landed on Noemfoor Island, and by the end of July we had seized the coastal area of Sansapor and two nearby islands at the western tip of Netherland New Guinea, 600 miles southeast of the Philippines. The narrowing miles to the Philippines shrunk still further when on 14 September, the same day Central Pacific forces were invading the Palaus, Southwest Pacific forces swept into Morotai Island in the Halmaheras group, less than 400 miles frem Davao. Four days later it was revealed that General MacArthur would lead the invasion of the Philippines, with the Navy protecting and supporting the campaign. On 19 October the assault came, achieving complete surprise, with the 3d and 7th Fleets supporting a landing on Leyte, midway between Davao and Luzon. In the first 24 hours 250,000 troops were reportedlv p~ ashore, more than were landed by the Allies during the first day in Normandy. This was it-and the J a p fleet finally came out for a showdown battle (see page 2). In the first great meeting of U. S. and J a p fleets, and their first surface action, the Japs sent two fleets throuKh the Philippines toward the beachhead a t Leyte, a third steaming down from Formosa. They met a staggering defeat. AI1 three J a p fleets were put t o rout, with 24 J a p warships sunk, including two battleships, four carriers, six heavy cruisers and two light ones; 13 ships so severely damaged that they may have sunk, and 21 shim damaged. One of the wars most crushing defeats,

Page 18

the Second Battle of the Philippines saw the Japs risk 60 ships, have 58 of them sunk or damaged. The year of battle that had begun with the attack on the Gilberts wound up with American forces returning, as promised, to the Philippines-an advance of 3,000 miles from Tarawa, 4500 from Pearl Harbor. The next chapter would be written in 1945.

CBl Round-Up

Pushed out of India, and back in Burma, the Japs did some pushing of their own in China. From bases in China the 14th AAF had long whittled away Japans shipping, sinking more than 384,000 tons since 1 Jan. 1944, w t h 107,600 tons more probably sunk, 105,700 tons damaged. But a 14th AAF officer bitterly summed up the sad fact at years end: From all of these missions, eight of our air bases are missing. Throwing back Chinese army forces, the J a p drive through China, to provide a land route for supplies and to clear the coast against expected invasion, had forced the abandonment of one hard-won U. S. base after another. From China in mid-year a new weapon brought the war down on the Japs own mainland-far-ranging B-29 Superfortresses of the newly formed 20th AAF. Half as large again a s Flying Fortresses, the B-29s made their first raid on Japan on 15 June, giving the Japs their first homeland bombing since General Doolittles fliers took off from the Hornet in 1942. The initial raid struck Japans Pittsburgh, Yawata, wiping out an estimated 20% of the empires steel capacity. Later raids smashed Sasebo, Choguku, Kyushu and Nagasaki in Japan proper, the Mukden area in Mawhuria, Formosa, Rangoon, Palembang, Singapore, Sumatra, Nanking and Shanghai. Growing numbers of B-29s promised new air terror for the J a p in 45. The sinking of the Nazi battleship Tivitx, by RAF fliers with 12,000-ton bombs, freed further British Fleet units f o r the Pacific.

Rockets were also used by Navy planes, against U-boats, other planes, and shore installations, and in October the Navy announced that it was now prepared to use jet-assisted take-offs for carrier planes and flying boats. Navy manpower was up to 3,200,000, plus Marine Corps and Coast Guard personnel. This was almost 10 times its Pearl Harbor size and a further increase to 3,389,000 in 1945 was authorized if needed. It was officially announced that no demobilization could be expected for the Navy before the defeat of Japan. Now 28 months old, the Womens

and-dent&f schools, and 1,000 enlisted men had been chosen from the ranks for the term which began 1 November 1944. No trainees either from the service o r civil life will enter V-12 in the term starting 1 March 1945. On the War Bond front, the Navy set new records for itself. Almost 2,000,000 military allotments f o r War Bonds were in force at the end of October and 93.8% of the Navys civilian personnel were participating via the payroll savings plan. Total sales f o r the Navy were expected to pass the one-billion-dollar mark (1944 sales alone approximated $600,000,000, more than doubling the 1943 total). About 4% of all Series E War Bonds sold during the war have been sold to Navy personnel, the Treasury estimated. Looking forward to 1945, Admiral King estimated that the J a p Navy had been reduced to not more than onehalf of its maximum strength after the Philippines battle, and that when the war in Europe releases the powerful forces engaged there, the greater part of them will be brought to bear against Japan. In his review of a year of continuous progress and gratifying success, Admiral Nimitz reported t h a t We have cleared out of the way a number of essential preliminaries to tackling the main strength of the enemy. All opportunities we can create o r which present themselves will be exploited to the utmost to bring the enemy to decisive defeat at the earliest possible time.

. ..




Navy News of 1944

Sad-blow in the Navys year was the death on 28 April of the man who had led it during its greatest growth -Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox. Into his place stepped James Forrestal, who as Under Secretary of the Navy had supervised its expansion since 1940. Ralph A. Bard, Assistant Secretary since early 1941, became Under Secretary. By 1944s end the U. S. Navy was a more powerful force than sea power had ever known. From its already great strength in 1940, with 1,076 vessels displacing 1,875,000 tons, it had mushroomed into a giant of 56,000 vessels, more than 10,000.000 tons. Its a i r arm had more than 30,000 planes. Among new Navy ships commissioned were the 45,000-ton superbattleships Missouri and Wisconsin, joining their sister ships, the Iowa and New Jersey, already in action. New 2200-ton superdestroyers, of the Allen M . Sumner class, were added to the fleet, a s were many new landing vessels and rocket-firing landing craft.
NEW G U I N E A 4 21-26 Apr.)


(29Apr.- I May)


a 6June-7Auo.)


I I132 104

1 150







j 911

Page 20


O U R third year of participation in the war in Europe saw the Nazis battered from all sides, stripped of huge areas of conquered territory and forced back almost to their own prewar frontiers in the west and east, where powerful Allied armies got set f o r the kill. After invading western Europe in the largest amphibious operation in all history, the Allies liberated France, Belgium and Luxembourg. Greece also was cleared of Germans in 1944, and three of Hitlers satellites-Rumania, Finland and Bulgaria-were knocked out of the war. Large portions of Holland, Italy, Poland, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Albania and Hungary were wreyted from the invaders. German U-boats were virtually driven from the Atlantic, and our convoys continued giving Britain and Russia the flow of food and war materials so necessary for the mounting offen- , s1ves. Aerial assaults on German cities and factories went on unceasingly, reducing a considerable portion of the Reich to rubble. thousands of smaller craft appeared off the coast of Normandy and thousands of troops swarmed ashore under cover of the greatest sea and air bombardment in the history of war. Our warships steamed close inshore and dueled with shore batteries. Fire support for advancing troops was continued for miles inland, with naval gunfire liaison officers accompanying the troops to spot targets. Beachhead6 were established and consolidated, and within two weeks Allied troops were advancing inland on a 116-mile front. After capturing Cherbourg on 26 June, giving the Allies a major port, the U. S. 1st Army launched an offensive on a 30-mile front and Slowly pushed the Germans back from the base of the Cherbourg Peninsula. British and Canadian troops took Caen after a 33-day struggle and by 20 July were punching slowing forward toward Paris, 110 miles away. In the meantime, the U. S. 3d Army broke out of the beachhead and made lightning thrusts across the Brittany peninsula and eastward toward Paris. One of the mechanized columns advanced 52 miles in two days, then swept ahead 42 miles on the third day. Another column turned north and forced the withdrawal of German forces which had been blocking expansion of the Normandy beachhead. As the 3d Armys onrushing columns neared Paris, French patriots arose from the underground on 23 August and, aided by the arrival of Allied troops, liberated the city. As the Germans fell back behind the Siegfried Line, pursued by the U. S. 3d and 1st Armies, the British 2d and Canadian 1st Armles swung northeast through France and into Belgium and Holland. Aachen, a city of 160,000, was the first large German city to be Captured. It was blasted to rubble and then occupied by the U. s. 1st Army after the defenders had spurned a surrender ultimatum on 20 October. The Allies suffered a reverse a t Amhem, in Holland, where survivors of an initial force of 6,000 airborne troops were forced to fall back. leaving 1,200 wounded and 2,800 killed or captured comrades behind. However, their heroic stand, together with other airborne landings ahead of our ground forces, made possible a move by the British 2d Army that threatened to outflank the Siegfried Line. Behind that front the gl-eat Belgian port of Antwerp was captured intact, giving the Allies a deep-water port just a few mles behind the front lines. It was opened to shipping early in November when British commandos, in a costly amphibious operation landed on Walcheren Islann at the mouth of the Schelde river and wiped out stubborn German resistance. Two weeks later the Allies opened a full-scale offensive that carried into Germany a t several points. The end, if not at hand, was in sight.

Invasion of Southern France

A fourth European front had been opened 15 August when an Allied force of 800 vessels landed troops in Southern France. Heavy aerial and naval bombardments softened up coastal defenses for two hours before the assault. Allied troops encountered surprisingly light resistance. As they fanned out inland it was found that about 40% of the defending troops were Russian, Czech and Polish prisoners of war. Invasion forces of the U. S. 7th Army pushed ahead 35 miles during the first three days, effected a junction with the 3d Army on 1 1 September and began battering through the Belfort Gap gateway to Germany. By 20 November its teammate, the French 1st Army, had reached the upper Rhine.

Our success in keeping supply lines open to Britain made possible the tremendous offensive launched from there in June. The turning point came last December when eight of a pack of 15 U-boats were sunk in a n eight-day running fight. On 26 December the German pocketbattleship Schurnhorst engaged an Allied convoy bound for Russia and was sent t o the bottom by British warships, led by the powerful Duke of York. During the same9week three Nazi destroyers and a blockade runner were sunk in the Bay of Biscay. The death blow was administered on 12 November t o the !firpitz, Germanys last battleship, by a force of 29 RAF Lancasters. Three direct hits by special armor-piercing six-ton bombs sank the pride of the German navy in Tromsoe Fjord in northern Norway. In February it was announced that U. S. and Brazilian forces had bagged 18 U-boats in the South Atlantic. Five British sloops on escort duty accounted for six U-boats in 20 days during March, and the greatest convoy in history arrived safely in England with vast stores and troops for the forthcoming invasion. The success of the Allied battle against subs was hdicated by an announcement on 10 Mag that 1,250,000 tons of war equipment had been convoyed to Russia in the previous six months with only 2% lost by sinkings. Ship losses continued t o decline until, in July, a joint Anglo-American statement revealed that U-boats were now the hunted instead of the hunters. It reported that more than 500 U-boats had been sunk since the war started, 17 of these after D day while attempting t o interfere with crossChannel traffic.

Battle of the Atlantic

The IfalianFront

A year ago the Italian campai@ was bogged down below Cassino by winter rains, mountainous terrain and stubborn German resistance. Then, in an operation on 22 January, u. s*forces seized a beachhead behind the front at Ami0 and Pushed within 20 miles of Rome. The Germans counterattacked and for several days the situation was tense and seriOUs. When efforts to take Cassino failed, the inhabitants were warned t o leave and the city was leveleti with 3,500 tons of bombs and 85,000 artillery projectiles on 15 March. But still the Germans there held out. Two months later, to break the stalemate, the U. S. 5th Army launched its biggest offensive on 18 May, captured Cassino and soon had the Germans in broken retreat toward Rome.

The Western FronS

After months of preparation, the long-awaited western front in Europe was opened on 6 June when an invasion armada of 4,000 ships and

1941 f i g w e is f o r December oaly.

campaign. The Germans retreated so rapidly that the 5th Army had difficulty keeping in contact. It was estimated that the Germans lost 70,000 men, about 60% of their troops in Italy, in 24 days. Meanwhile, a French army captured the island of Elba. On 19 July Leghorn, the great Italian port and naval base, fell to advancing Allied troops. The Germans abandoned Florence and fell back to the Gothic Line, north of the Arno river. Rimini was taken by the

Page 21

British 8th Army in October, while the 5th Army neared Bologna in an advance slowed by rains and rugged terrain. U. S. and British cruisers and destroyers supported ground troops in the campaign with almost daily bombardments of military objectives along the coast. Late in September-British amphibious forces landed in Albania and Greece, meeting little resistance a s the Germans fled northward. Corinth and Athens were liberated without a fight, and the last Germans pulled out of Greece on 2 November. Yugoslav Partisans cleared much of the Dalmatian coast, and Albanian partisans freed their capital city, Tirana.

The (Aerial Front

A year ago this month Berlin was being razed from the air. The demolition began in earnest on 22 November when Allied heavy bombers dropped 2,300 tons of explosives on the Nazi capital and left it a sea of flames. For five days the destruction continued on a nightly schedule, as millions of civilians were evacuated from the city. Bremen, the Ruhr and Emden also took an incessant blasting. By early December it was estimated that one-third of Berlin was in ruins. On 24 December some 3,000 Allied planes smashed at gun emplacements along the invasion coast and Berlin was pounded again. A record of 11,000 tons of bombs were dumped on European targets during December. On 20 February 2,000 U. S. bombers and escorting fighters raided eight German plane production centers and knocked out a n estimated one-fourth of Nazi fighter plane output. New six-ton factory buster bombs were used for the first time in March, and shuttle bombing was started between Italy and England. The air assault on the Reich reached new intensity during April and forced the Nazi to utilize the greater portion of the Luftwaffe for home defense. On more than one occasion 3,000 Allied planes were put in the air for assaults on Europe. Bombers based in Italy began striking at Budapest and Ploesti oil refineries. Shuttle bombers from Britain and Italy reloaded in Russia and struck again on their way home. In May, Allied air attacks were shifted from industrial centers to western defense areas and supply lines feeding them in preparation for the coming invasion. During this month 130,000 tons of bombs were dropped on Europe in 29 days and 700 Luftwaffe fighters were shot down. The aerial assault on Germany continued unabated after the liberation of France. Operating from French airfields, our planes now were able to reach every part of the Reich; surprise raids were possible because the bombers no longer had t o fly over long stretches of occupied territory en route to their targets.

The Eastern Front

The third Russian winter offensive was launched on 6 January as the Red Army drove 10 miles into pre-war Poland. Germans made such a hurried retreat that dinners were found hot on barracks stoves. The two-anda-half year siege of Leningrad was lifted on 21 January and the Red Army crossed into Estonia two weeks later. Another offensive took Krivoi Rog after four months of fighting and the Ukranian army swept into Bessarabia. The Russians were still rolling forward in April. They recaptured Odessa, drove into the Crimea and laid siege to Sevastapol, and advanced into Rumania. Sevastapol fell on 9 May. In June the Red Army opened the offensive that took Finland out of the war. It crashed through Finnish defenses on the Karelian Isthmus and advanced 15 miles the first day. Driving 60 miles up the isthmus, the Russians captured Viipuri. A renewed Russian offensive, coordinated with the invasion of France, opened on 23 June. In four days they had librated, 1,700 places and were within 34 miles of the old Polish border in the north. In 22 days one Red Army had advanced 265 miles, an average of 12 miles a day, and reached the 1941 Soviet-German border on 19 July. Another army pushed to the Baltic Sea west of Riga, encircling an estimated 375,000 Germans in Latvia and Estonia. Early in August, after advancing German Secret Weapons 440 miles toward Berlin in 52 days, Hitlers revenge for his reverses on the Red Armies on the central front slowly came t o a stop at the border all fronts came in the form of robot of East Prussia and the gates of War- bombs (V-1) which began falling on saw. However, other Russians were London and vicinity soon after D day. occupying Rumania and Bulgaria and Fired from launching platforms moving into Yugoslavia, where they across the Channel, these one-ton joined forces with the Yugoslav Par- buzz-bombs wreaked great destructisans. By early September, Rumania, tion until counter measures and the Bulgaria and Finland had asked for liberation of the French coast reduced or arranged armistice terms. Riga robot bomb launchings to isolated efwas captured in October, freeing two forts from planes. The British revealed in November Soviet armies for the drive into East Prussia. F a r to the north, a Red that the Germans were using another bombs (V-2). army took Petsamo and was helping terror weapon-rocket 100 in the Finns clear their country of re- Launched about were miles away the Germany, they fired into maining German troops. stratosphere and descended at speeds As the western Allies opened their .estimated from 800 to 2,000 miles an big drive into Germany in November, hour. Germans also used these rocket Russian troops hammered a t the gates bombs against Allied troops and posiof Budapest. tions in Europe.

Page 22

Picture Highlights from

of crushing offensives against Japs. Marines conquered island in 76-hour battle, bloodiest in Corps history ; Army won Makin. Later, task forces hit Carolines, Marshalls.

Nov.-Dec. 1943 Dawn of 20 Nov. atofTarawa also marked dawn a year

Carrier task forces hit base at Feb. 1944 Raid, saidtwo-day attack,J a p was reTruk in bagging 23 ships, 201 planes. Admiral Nimitz, turn visit for J a p fleets Pearl Harbor one, 7 Dec. 1941. Partial settlement of debt included this enemy cruiser.

Achieving complete surprise, forces of Gen. MacArthur and Admiral Nimitz leap-frogged Japs on New Guinea, cut off J a p 18th Army, won airfields a t Hollandia and Aitape, 420 miles nearer Philippines. Here LST enters Tanahmerah Bay.

Official U. S. Coast Guard ohotooraoh . - .

April 1944

Page 24

ROCKET-FIRING LCIs made their debut in 1944. Here one of t h e m blasts enemy position o n Leyte. Rockets were also used om other landing craft and on Navy aircraft durimg t h e past year.

SUPER-DESTROYERS: So powerful that in t h e last war they would have been classed as cruisers, the mew 2,200-ton Allen M. Sumner class of DDs joined t h e fleet this year. T h i s i s first picture released.

British Official photograph

MULBERRIES: T o w e d across the Channel and set ub off Normandy, prefabricated portable ports helped to make possible t h e liberatiom bf western Europe.

All Fronts During Our Third War Year


in Italy. U. S Chinese troops capture Myitkyinaairdrome. U. s.forces invade Wakde. Allied carrier-force planes raid Soerabaja. 1 8 : Cassino falls to Allies. 1 9 : Large convoy reaches Russia without loss of merchant ship. 21-23 : Land-based Navy planes bomb Kurils. 2 4 : U. S. troops take Torracina, Italy. 2 5 : U. S. forces link Anzio beachhead with mainfront. Navy reveals bombers using rocket guns against U-boats. 2 7 : Allies land on Biak Island. 2 8 : Army, Navy bombers raid Saipan. 2 9 : First tank fight in Southwest Paciflc occurs on Biak. 30: Chinese isolate J a p garrison at Kamaing.

U S., French troops reach Hitler line .

2 3 - 2 4 : U.

2 4 : Allies break into Mogaung Burma. 25 : Allies take Follonica ItalG. 25-26 : Navy task force d e l l s Paramushim. 25-28 : Allied planes drop 153 tons of bombs 26 : Yanks take Cherbourg. 28 : Reds take Mogilev, drive 2 9 : Two thousand U.

S. center.

heavies bomb Ploesti oil

on Yap.



dustrial Germany. China-based Liberators bomb Takao, Formosa. 3 0 : Danes riot against Nazis in Copenhagen.

S planes bomb in.

JUNE U S. troops take Velletri and Val.

monone, Italy.

Wundi Islands near Biak. Fortress5s from ltaly raid Balkans, land in Hussia. 4 : U. S. 5th Army takes Rome. 5: U S. heavies bomb Pas-de-Calais and . Boulogne areas of France. 6 : Allies invade Normandy following intense aerial, warship bombardment. U. S. bombers give Bangkok, Thailand, worst raid. 7: Allied invasion troops in France expand beachhead. take Baveux. Allies in Italy score major- bEeaki through northwest of Rome. 8 : Allied bombers sink four J a p destrouers off Biak. 9 : Allies capture Ste. Mere-Eglise, France. 1 0 : 5th Army captures Tuscania Italy. Red Army opens offensive against Fin1 and 10-14 : U. , S. task force attacks Saipan. Tinian, Guam, Rota. 1 3 : Germans launch robot bomb attack on England. 5th Army drives 70 miles north of Rome. 1 4 : U S. forces land on Saipan. Carrier . planes a t t a c k Bonin. Volcano Islands. 1 5 : B-29 superfortresses bomb Yawata. Japan. Americans capture CharanKanoa Saipan. 1 6 : Chinese kapture Kamaing. 1 7 : Mitchells, Aghter escort destroy 50 Jap planes in raid off Sorong. 18 : Yanks cut across Cherbourg peninsula. Red Army takes Kiovisto. breaks Mannerheim line. U. S. Pacific Fleet forces destroy 402 Jap Planes off Saipan ; we lose 27 planes. 19 : U. S. carrier planes sink J a p carrier damage many warships, drive off big Jap fleet near Saipan in First Battle of the Philippine Sea. U. S. heavy bombers hit Nazi robot bases. 20 : Red Army takes Viipuri Finland. Yanks in control of all Biak airfields. J a p s capture Changsha. 2 1 : Approximately 2,200 U. S. bombers in shuttle raid between England and Russia on Berlin. Allied task force planes raid Port Blair in Bay of Bengal. 2 2 : Allied bombers sink six J a p vessels in Sorong area. 2 3 : Red Army unleashes offensive against Nazis near Vitebsk. U. S. carrier planes attack Iwo Jima, shoot down 1 1 6 J a p planes; we lose five.

2 : Army lands unopposed on Owi and

2 : Yanks land on Noemfoor Island. 2-3: Paciflc Fleet carrier force raids Bonin, Volcanoes. 3 : Russians capture Minsk. 4 : Reds capture Polotzk British take Ukrul. India. U. S. forces take Garapan, capital of Saipan. 7: B - 2 9 s raid Sasebo, Yawata in Japan. Thousand-bomber raid on Germany brings out heavy fighter opposition115 Nazi fighters shot down. 8 : Organized resistance ends on Saipan. 9 : Caen falls to British, Canadians. U. S. 5th Army takes Vqlterra, Italy. 1 3 : Red Army captures Vilna. Navy land planes bomb Volcanoes. Navy announces Task Force 58 destroyed 7 6 7 J a p planes, sank or damaged 70 ships in months Pacific operations : its loss 157 planes. 13-1. 4 : British: Greek landing force Wipes out Axis garrison on Symi.


October: Yanks breached Siegfried Lime.

1: Russians reach Baltic. 2 : American flag raised over Tiniar). 2-3 : Robot-bomb attack lasts 1 4 hours. 3 : Americans take Rennes. Brittany. 3-4: U. S. warships, carrier planes batter Bonins Volcanoes. 4 : Allied patrols enter Florence. U. S.. Chinese troops take Myitkyina. 7 : Yanks cut off Brittany. 8 : Hengyang palls to Japs. B-24s attack Shanghai harbor area. 8-9: Allied bombers hit J a u airdromes at Davao. 9 : U S. tanks bypass L e Mans. Army . bombers use Marianas bases to hit Iwo Jima. Navy reveals Americans are back on Baker Island. east Of the Gilberts. Jap resistance ends on Guam. 10 : B - 2 9 s bomb Nagasaki, Japan and Palembang. Sumatra. Russians renew Warsaw drive. 11 : British .reveal carrier planes attack Norweeian coast 1 2 : Allies in control of Florence. 13 : Allied bombers practically neutralize ~ i a l m a h e r n airdromes. 1 5 : Allies land on Riviera In invasion .Of Southern France. China-based Liberators raid J a p naval base in Pescadores. 1 7 : Red Army reaches East Prussian border. J a m uushed out of Eastern India. RXF-drops 70,000 incendiary bombs on Kiel. Stettin. 1 9 - 2 2 : Red Army takes Jassy, 350 other places in Rumania drive. 2 0 : B - 2 9 s bomb Yawata. U. S. troops close in on Paris. French troops enter Toulon. 21 : Liberators Mitchells bomb Halmahera and Da;ao. 22-23 : Italy-based bombers attack Vienna. 23 : Marseille, Grenoble fall to Allies. FFI announces Paris is free. Liberators make heaviest raid on Halmahera. 24 : Paris battle continues. 25 : Paris liberated. 28 : Yanks reach Marne River. Reds drive 10 miles into Transylvania. 28-29 : Allied planes strafe, bomb Davao. 2 9 : Polish troops take Fano, Italy. 30: Red Army takes Ploesti. 31: British take Amiens, France. Red Army enters Bucharest. 1: U. S. c a r r i w D1nne.s hlast Volcanoes ~f o r three days. Bombers-make heaviest raid on Davao and Palaus. 2 : U. S. 1st Army enters Belgium. 5th Army cautures Pisa. Robot bombs hit P a r i s 2-4: Allied planes sink or damage 49 Jau barges, cargo ships. 3-4: Liberators hit Marcus Island for first time. 4 : Finns, Russians conclude armistice. British capture Breda, Holland. 5: Russia declares war on Bulgaria. 6 - 1 3 : Navv task force shelln Paiaus. 7 : J a p s capture -Ling& China airbase. Allies land at Soepiori Island. 8 : Russians enter Bulgaria. 3rd Fleet units attack n e a r Mindanao. sink 32 coastal vessels 20 sampans B2 9 s raid Anshan, Manchuria, Malts lifts blackouts.


Official U. S. Army Signal Corps photographs

August: Paris was Liberated.

1 4 : Allied-bombers raid Bula, Geram oil 1 5 : Robot bonlbs strike London after flvenirrht -.-D..

center. Red troops take Pinsk.

- I . .

1 6 : British 8th Army takes Arezzo Italy. 1 8 : British break through at east end of

Official U. S. Army Air Forces photograph

Jutze: B-29s first bombed Jafian.

Normandy peninsula. Premier Tojo of Japan is relieved of his job. More than 1,800 U. S. planes attack robot bases. 1 9 : Allies take Leghorn, Italy. Reds cross 1 9 4 1 Nazi border. 2 0 : Americans invade Guam, after carrier planes and warships soften u p island defenses f o r 17 days. 21 : R A F blasts Nazi convoy off Helgoland. 2 3 : Marines land o n Tinian. Russians enter Lublin. 2 4 : Allied air patrol planes sink J a p vessel within 70 miles of Mindanao. 24-25 : U. S. carrier ulanes hit Palaus. Yau . . and Ulithi. 2 5 : Allied naval force attacks Sabang. 2 6 : Chinese troops retake Leiyang. Ked Army takes Deblin, 35 miles from Warsaw. Double-size robot bombs hit England. 27 : Allied planes begin large-scale attacks on Halmahera. 28 : Russians capture Brest-Litovsk. 28-30 : Liberators bomb Truk. 2 9 : Red artillerv shells Warsaw suburbs. Yanks t i k e Coutances. France. B-29sbomb Anshan, Manchuria. 30 : Allies land at Sansapor. 31 : Yanks take Avranches. France.


Page 27


Heres Straight Dope on the Laws and Regulations on Retirement Pay and Pensions for Naval Personnel
HATS the straight dope on retirement? That question, in a variety of forms, is constantly directed at BuPers and Marine Corps and Coast Guard headquarters-from officers and enlisted personnel who have served long enough to anticipate retirement after the war, from reservists who a r e considering making the regular service their career and from personnel disabled in service. The retirement question has thousands of answers, depending on individual service records and other circumstances and upon numerous Federal statutes and Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard regulations affecting retirement. But there are general statements which cover most situations, and these a r e summarized below. In general, the Navy and Marine Corps operate under the same retirement laws and their retirement regulations a r e the same in most cases. The Coast Guard operates with the Navy only in time of war o r when the President so directs, and upon termination of the emergency it is scheduled to revert to the peacetime jurisdiction of the Treasury Department. Coast Guard retirement laws and regulations are not identical with those of the Navy and Marine Corps, and Coast Guard retirement procedure is presented separately in this article. While the naval retirement system functions along well-defined lines, it should be remembered that voluntary retirement is not always a right of a n officer o r enlisted person. In many instances it is discretionary with the President. Once retired, a n officer or enlisted man remains on the retired list, even if called back to active duty. Retirement falls into two classesofficer and enlisted. Each of these, in turn, may be sub-divided into regular Navy and Naval Reserve o r Mar m e Corps and Marine Corps Reserve, a s the case may be, and then into retirement for service o r retirement for disability. For regular Navy or Marine Corps enlisted retirement, the Fleet Reserve o r Fleet Marine Corps Reserve is an intermediate stage, since a majority of regular Navy and Marine Corps enlisted men pass to the retired list from this Reserve. Active duty service, as used for purposes of retirement and disability pay, includes generally any combination of regular and reserve service, commissioned, warrant o r enlisted. An officer or enlisted person entitled t o retirement f o r service-connected physical disabilities may elect to accept retired pay from the Navy or pension from the veterans Administration. Retired pay is the same, depending upon rank o r rating and length of service, regardless of nature of disabilty. Pension o r compensa-

tion from the Veterans Administration varies, depending on the nature of the disability. Neither officer nor enlisted personnel, under existing law, may draw both retired pay and disabilty pensions except t h a t Public Law 314, 78th Congress, recently authorized persons of the regular Navy drawing retired pay for military or naval service and eligible for pension or compensation from the Veterans Administration to accept the latter if they waive the equivalent in retired pay. To prevent duplication of payments, the department with which any such waiver is filed will notify the Veterans Administration of the receipt of such waiver, the amount waived, and t h e effective date of the reduction in retired pay (the individual need take no action beyond signing the waiver). Under present rulings of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, retired pay f o r service is subject to Federal income tax whereas retired pay f o r disability incurred in the line of duty and Veterans Administration pensions a r e not. The same laws and regulations for service-connected physical disability which apply t o male officers and enlisted personnel of the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard apply likewise t o officers and enlisted personnel of the womens reserves of these three branches of the armed forces. Since the womens reserves are but recently established and temporary, as now set up, there is no provision for retirement of womens reserve

personnel for service. This situation probably would be changed should any or all of the womens reserves be made permanent by subsequent Congressional legislation. The Navy Nurse Corps and its own reserve operate under separate retirement laws, administered by the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery for all but final action in each case. Retirement prqcedure f o r this branch of the service is, like t h a t of the Coast Guard, presented separately.

cers of the Marine Corps are retired in like manner and with t h e same relative conditions in all respects as provided for commissioned officers of the line of the Navy, and commissioned warrant and warrant officers of the Marine Corps under the same conditions provided for similar officers of the Navy. Although the words regular Navy a r e used throughout, that which follows regarding retirement of naval officers is applicable also to officers of corresponding grades of the Marine Corps. FOR SERVICE:
Upon his own application submitted to SecNav via offlcial channel; a line offlcer of the regular Navy may be retired with 20 years or more of active commissioned service. Approval of such applications is a discretionary matter with the President. Upon approval of the President the Officer is transferred to the retired


For most personnel not covered by the retirement and disability provisions outlined in this article, there is available upon release to inactive duty or honorable discharge a sum of money commonly called mustering-out pay. The mustering-out pay law applies t o those who leave the service on o r after 7 Dec. 1941. The scale of payments follows: To eligible veterans with less than 60 days active service, $100. Those with active service of 60 days o r more but no service outside the continental limits of the United States o r in Alaska, $200, payable in two monthly installments of $100 each. Those with active service of 60 days or more and with service outside the continental limits of the United States or in Alaska, $300, payable in three equal monthly installments. All personnel with the above service a r e eligible for the benefits of the mustering-out pay law except the following :
(1) Those who were not discharged
under honorable conditions.

(2) Those who at the time of discharge or release from active duty are
transferred or returned to the retired list with retired pay or to a status in which they receice retirement pay. (3) Those discharged or released from active duty on their own request to accept employment who have not served outside the continental limits of the United States or in Alaska. ( 4 ) Members of the armed forces whose total active service has been as a student detailed for training under certain specialized or college training programs. (5) Any member of the armed forces for any active service performed prior to date of discharge for the Purpose of entering the U. S. Naval Academy, the U. S. Coast Guard Academy. or the U. S. Military Academy
( 6 ) Those whose only service has been as a cadet a t the U. S. Coast Guard

Academy or as a midshipman at the U. S. Naval Academy or in a preparatory school after nomination as a principal, alternate, or candidate for admission to any such academy. (7) Any officer, who a t time. of discharge or release from active service, held a grade higher than that of captain in the Marine Corps or lieutenant in the Navy or Coast Guard or any captain or lieutenant with over 17 years service for pay purposes.

Page 31

would be approved only under most extraordinalv circumstances. Upon liis own application, submitted to SecNav via offlcial channels, a n officer of the regular Navy. line o r staff. includina commissioned -warrant and warrant o f k e r s may be retired with 30 years active duty service. Approval of such applications is a discretionary matter with the President. , Uwon awwroval of the

to apply for retirement f o r active a u t y service of less than 30 years. An officer who is retired upon his own application after 3 0 years active service i s entitled to 75% of t h e highest pay of his permanent grade on the active list. Approval of an offlcers request f o r retirement a f t e r 4 0 years or more of active duty service is by law mandatory upon the President. This officer! retired pay is equal to 75% of the active duty pay of his permanent grade at time of retirement (i. e 75% of base p a y and 75% of longevity) .* F o r purposes of 30- or 40-year retirement in the regular Navy, active duty as an officer or enlisted man in the Army Navy Marine Corps Coast Guard and their reserve componbnts including service as a midshipman if appointed prior to 4 March 1913, and military service in the adjunct forces may be counted. However, only active commissioned service in the various branches of the service may be counted for 20-year retirement. Service t h a t may be counted for 20-year retirement of officers in the regular Marine Corps is restricted by law to commissioned service on the active list of the Marine

Corps. whether under a temworam or wermanent appointment and commissioned service on active dut); in the Marine Corps Itescrve and thc Zlatlonal Kava1 Yolunteers. Upon reaching 64 years of age, all regular commissioned officers on the active list, except those serving in the ranks of admiral and vice admiral, a r e retired by t h e President in their current rank at 7570 of the active duty pay (in cases below the rank of rear admiral, 75% of base pay and. 75% of longevity) they were drawing at time of retirement, regardless of length of service and whether their rank is permanent or temporary. Officers serving in the rank of admiral or vice admiral on the active list under tempor a r y appointments or designations become subject t o . the 64-year age retirement a f t e r reverting to their previous r a n k upon the termination of their temporary appointments o r upon t h e termination of t h e duty which resulted in their designations as admiral or vice admiral. The P a y Readjustment Act of 1 9 4 2 provides t h a t the retired wav of a n y officer of the regular Navy who served- in a n y capacity as a member of the military or naval forces of the U. S. prior to 1 2 Nov. 1 9 1 8 hereafter retired under a n y provision of law. shall. unless such officer is entitled tb retired pay of a higher grade, be 75% of his active duty pay at time of retirement (i. e.. 75% of base way a n d . . 75% of longevity). Officers of the r e m l a r Navv and Marine Corps who have been spkcially commended by SecNav (or the Secretary of W a r ) for performance of duty in actual combat are. upon retirement. placed upon the retired list with the rank of the next higher grade-with 75% of the active duty pay of the grade in which serving at the time of retirement. This does not apply to line officers on a permanent promotion list who fail physically for promotion, a r e found incapacitated for service by reason of physical disability contracted in line of duty and a r e retired in the rank f o r

which selected or adjudged fltted, in accordance with section 12(b) of the Line Personnel Act of 2 3 June 1938. When a regular officer is being retired, he is automatically considered for the honor of being placed on the retired list at one grade higher if he has been specially commended by SecNav (or the Secretary of W a r ) for performance of duty in actual combat. The term specially commended is interpreted strictly by the Board of Decorations, Medals and Awards, and the higher grade is recommended for relatively few of those who a r e considered. When such a recommendation is approved by SecNav. t h e officer is, upon retirement, advanced t o the higher rank on t h e retired list (but with retired pay based on his r a n k at time of retirement). Any regular Navy or Marine .officer who is retired for physical disability incurred in line of duty is entitled to retired uav at 75% of the active dutv Dav of his permanent-rank- or of the rahK ih which disability is determined to have been incurred if serving under a higher temporary amointment. . . Regular officers who are found t o be incapacitated for service by reason of disability not the result of a n incident of the service a r e whollv retired with one vears pay, or if the disability is not the iesult of their own misconduct, may instead be Placed on the retired list with 50% of their active dutv D a y (i.e.. 5 0 % of base way and 5 0 4 of lonkevitvj. if the President s o determines. (Retirkment provisions for one years pay and 50% of pay do not apply to offlcers of the Naval Reserve or Marine Corps Reserve.) Brieflv. the wrocedure for retirement of officers - f o r physical disability follows : ( 1 ) Examined by a board of medical survey, board recommends appearance before a retiring board: ( 2 ) Report of the board of medical survey is transmitted to the Surgeon General for appropriate recom-



of the Regular Navy and Marine Corps and Their Reserves

(See accompanying article)

Length of Service for Pay Purposes

Comm. 2nd Lieut. 1st


w. 0.


IO Vrs.

.w.0. than



iver 10 Vis.


CommoCapt.; Colonel

Under 3 Yrs.
3 Yrs. or More 6 Yrs. or More $112.50 i131.25 137 81


$187.50 196 88 206 25 215.63 225 00

Lt. Col.

Half: Brig. Gen

Adm. Lower


lag and


General Officers


5112.50 118 13.

1 $125.00 I $150.00 I
131 25 157 50 137 50

$218.75 $250 00 229.69 240.62 251.57 262 50 275 00 287.50 300 00 312 50 325 00 337 50 350 00 362 50 375 00

118.13 123.75 129.38

RETIREMENT OF ALL. OFFICERS at 757 of bane pay and 75% of longezty for: A-Physical disability incurred in line of dutv (at anv time).

- __ _ - _-137 50 144.38 .... .

150.94 157.50

1 / 1 1
165 00

9 Yrs. or More
12 Yrs. or More 15 Yrs. or More

i172.50 180.00

. . _ _. . .

143.75 150.00

143.75*( 172.50 180.00 180.00

9 fig uz




__ - ---___170.63 177.19 183.75


164.06 187.50 .. _.. . . -187.50 - 234.38 273.44 - - -156.25 - 187.50. -195.00 202.50
rer 2Oyrs. 1243.75

284,38 295.31 306 :25 317.19


35 E=

146.25 151.88




243.75 253.13 306 25

I 24 Yrs. or More
27 Yrs. or More

157.50 163 13 168.75

217.50 225.00


I 262.50 I

168.75 I 202.50

I 175.00 I 210.00 I

1 262.50 1

- d8

82 4s

190.31 196.88

262.50 275.00 366.67 287.50 383.33 300.00 400.00

30 Yrs. or More 20 Yrs. 21 Yrs.

- -i l

108 33

130.00 1 162 50


375.00 189.59 206.72 226.41 245.00 255.21



for 20 years or more of active duty 8eTv1ce as commissioned officer, under oonditiona set forth in accompanylng article. Totals are based upon 2W% of month1 base pay and longevity muziplied by number of years of active duty service. Remaining fractional period of RIX months and over counts a8 one year.

22 Yrs. 23Yrs. 24Yrs. 25 Yrs. 26 Yrs. 27 Yrs. 28 Yrs. 29 Yrs. 30 Yrs. or More 168.75




216.56 247.50 -




I $250.00

s Z

8 W

8 W

I I 1

140.00 I 168.00 I 210.00 145 83

I 1

175.00 I 218.75


245.00 255 21


I I I 1

312 50 - 416.67
291.67 325.00 433.33 326.25 238.33

I 280.00 I

151.66 182.00 227.50 265.41 265.41 303.34 -163.13 169.17 175 21 195.75 244.69 253.75 262.81 203.00 210.25

Page 32

Ensign over 5 yrs.: $131.81; Lt. (Jg.) over 10 n . $172.50; Lieut. over 17 yrs.: $234.30; Lt. Comdr. over 23 yrs.: $295.31. s:

- -~


- 350,OO - ~ - - - 362.50 - 350.41

306.62 306.62 375.00 187.50 225.00 281.25 328.13


1 I I

285.47 296.04

285.47 296.04

337.50 450.00 466.67





mendation and then is forwarded to BuP e r s or Marine Corps where (3) BuPers (or M. C.), if concurring with the recommendation O the Surgeon General. recomf mends to SecNav t h a t the officer-then be ordered bc?fore a retirine board : ( 4 ) Re-


the provisions of which are explained in detail in the accompanying article. The totals below were arrived at in each case by adding the percentage of base pay paid for each class of the Fleet Reserve and the specified amount of longevity pay allowed. Time spent in the inactive Fleet Reserve does not increase the longevity credit upon transfer to the retired list.

(for members of the Fleet Reserve atzd emlisted retired after 30 years of service, whem om hzctive list.) The following tables are based on 'the Pay Readjustment Act of 1942,

President approves the flnding bf- the retiring board t h a t the officer is incapacitated in line of duty, the officer's retirement becomes effective on the flrst day of t h e month following the President's action. The report of a board of medical survey it should be noted merely represents a n kxpert opinion and by law is not\binding on the Navy Department or t h e President.


15-18 " 18-21 21-24 24-27 '' 27-30 '' 30 & Over Add 10% if


(Regular Line and Staff officers): Provisions of these laws appear in Chapter 44. U. s. Navy Regulations. However, this phase of retirement has been suspended for t h e duration.

Followine totals include 1 , base pay with all longevity: 2 3 4 Pay Grade: 114 fi7.20 60.80 51.20 41.60 12-15 years (20%)................ 73.60


73.50 (25%)................ 80.50 79.80 (30%)................ 87.40 86.10 (35%)................ 94.30 (40% )................101.20 92.40 9S.70 (45%)................ 108.10 (50%) ................115.00 105.00

66.50 72.20 77.90 83.60 89.30 95.00

56.00 60.80 65.60 70.40 75.20 80.00

45.50 49.40 53.30 57.20 61.10 65.00

6 .5 35.20 28.80 38.50 31.50 41.80 34.20 45.10 36.90 48.40 39.60 51.70 . 42.30 55.00 45.00

7 26.67

29.17 31.67 34.17 36.67 39.17 41.67

credited with extraordinary heroism.


Under current procedure when retired officers on active duty r e t h n to an inactive status on t h e retired list, their retired pay is computed on the base Pay of the r a n k in which they were originally retired, plus longevity pa2 due for service on active duty, except as discussed below. Those whose retired pay is based on 2 % % of their pay multiplied by the number of years of service add 2 % o/, for each year


5 6 7 52.80 43.20 40.00 56.10 45.90 42.50 24-27 (40%)................124.20 113.40 102.60 86.40 70.20 59.40 48.60 45.00 27-30 (45%)................131.10 119.70 108.30 91.20 74.10 62.70 51.30 47.50 30 & Over (50%)_....._..__..... 138.00 126.00 114.00 96.00 78.00 66.00 54.00 50.00 f f Add 10% i credited with extraordinam heroism 01 i conduct marks for 20 yeaw exceed 95%. DO NOT add 20% i credited with both. f

base pay with all longevity: Following totals include Pay Grades 1 1-A 2 3 4 18-21 years (30%) ................ 110.40 100.80 91.20 76.80 62.40 117.30 107.10 96.90 81.60 66.30 21-24 '' (35%)................


(NOTE: I n the above tables. t h e 30 years and over longevity pay range is included because a Fleet Reservist may have 30 years' active duty service credited f o r pay purposes, covering certain active service rendered subsequent to transfer to t h e Fleet Reserve, which does not entitle him to receive the beneflts of 30-year retiremnt at Q14 of base pay and % of longevity.)

However. when so aromoted. they a r e advanced (after ret& to in&ctive duty on the retired .list) t o the highest rank they held on active duty. provided their service . was satisfactory. If, as a result of retiring board proceedings approved by the President, i t i s found t h a t they have incurred physical disabilitv while serving on active dutv in time o f - w a r or national emergency -and the retiring board proceedings a r e 'instituted within six months' of the time of their release to inactive duty o r termination of temporary appointment, such officers receive retired pay based on their higher r a n k under the following conditions : (1) OWcers retired originally for reasons other than physical disability subsequently disabled in line of duty 'while on active duty in higher rank. ( 2 ) Officers retired originally f o r physical disability who a r e found incapacitated for active duty while serving under a temporary appointment in a higher rank. Officers retired originally for reasons 'other than physical disability, if it is determined by retiring board proceedings that they incurred physical disability while serving on active duty in the same rank as t h a t held by them on the retired list, are entitled,. if not otherwise entitled thereto, to receive 7 5 % of their active duty pay (i. e., 7 5 % of base pay and 75% of longevity 1.


One-half base pay, only, as Fleet Reservist: Pay Grades 1 1-A 2
69.00 63.00 57.00

Add all longevity upon completion of 30 years. Longevity. based on length of active service, makes totals the same as those given in table immediately above. except 1 0 % increase does not accrue to Class F-5 for extraordinary heroism.or 9 5 % marks in conduct.

3 48.00

4 39.00

5 33.00

6 27.00

7 25.00



3 4 5 6 7 137.03 123.98 104.40 84.83 71.78 58.73 54.38 74.25 60.75 56.25 141.75 128.85 108.00 87.75 (NOTE:I n the above table. the 2 7 t o 3O-year longevity D a y range is included because a man may have 3 0 years' active duty service-credited-for retirement purrinses hut NOT for aav nurDoses (i.e.. discharee Drior to exairation of enlistment. ._._ 27-30 years (45%)._..........._._ 150.08 30 & over (50%),._.........._..___. 155.25

Three-fourths base pay plus s/a longevity: Pay Grades 1 1-A 2

of minorkf e&i&me& "c6unfing as' full enlistGenf). The rates of pay of enlisted men of the insular force o the Navy (Philippines and Guam) a r e one-ha!f the rates f of pay prescribed for enlisted men of the regular Navy in corresponding grades. This means one-half the rates f o r actlve duty. and one-half of the above Fleet .. Reserve and retirement rates.)


Officers of the Naval and Marine Corps Reserves a r e eligible for transfer: to the honorary retired list a t 5 0 % of their active duty pay (i. e.,.50% of base pay and 50% of longevity) if they have performed a total of not less than 30 years' active service in t h e various branches of the armed forces or have had not less than 2 0 years' such kervice, the last 1 0 of which shall have been performed during the 11 years immediately preceding their transfer to the honorary retired list. It is seldom, however, t h a t reserve ORcers attain retirement with pay for service alone, because they usually a r e transferred to the regular service or returned to inactive duty after service of a few years. Peacetime active duty for reserve officers always is governed by available congressional appropriations for this purpose, and these appropriations seldom allow for more than a very limited number of reserve offlcers on active duty. For reserve officers who a r e ineligible for retirement with pay. b u t who request retirement from the Naval or Matins Corps Reserve after 20 years of honorable service-active and/or inactive-they m y be transferred to the honorary retired llst of the Naval or Marine Corps Reserves, where they a r e carried without compensation and from which they m a y still be called to active duty. Upon reaching the age of 6 4 , they a r e required to be transferred to the honorary retired list.

Naval and Marine Corps Reserve office1 who have been specially commended k SecNav (or the Secretary of W a r ) fc their performance of duty- in actual comb a t with the enemy, when placed upon the honorary retired list, are advanced t o the next higher grade.

Personnel of the Naval and Marine Corps Reserves called to active duty since 8 Sept. 1939 for extentled service in excess of 3 0 days, who suffer disability im Zilte of duty while so serving, a r e entitled to receive t h e same pensions, compensation, retirement pay and hospital beneflts as provided by law o r regulation for personnel of corresponding grades and similar length of service of the regular Navy or Marine Corps. As previously explained, if they are eligible f o r retirement for service-connected disability they m a y elect whether to accept retired pay o r a pension from the Veterans Administration.


status revert t o enlisted status again, and suhseauentlv a r e retired as enlisted men.
When enlisted personnel temporarily promoted to commissioned or w a r r a n t

t h e y - a r e aavanced on the retired list t o the highest rank held on the actiye list but with retired pay based on thew enlisted status. Tf.-hnwever. as a result of retiring board proZe6dings. they a r e retired for physical disability found t o have been incurred while serving in their temporary commissinned or- warrant status. except as hereafter stated, they may be retired as commissioned or warrant officers of the regular Navy under all provisions applicable to officers of the regular Navy. T O be eligible f o r this, they must have a disability incurred while serving in such temDorary rank. Enlisted men originally retired f o r physical disability a r e not eligible for advancement on the retired list for physical. disability incurred while serving in a higher temporary rank.


Retirement laws and regulations affecting enlisted personnel of the regular Navy, Naval Reserve, Marine Corps and Marine Corps Reserve are much more comprehensive than those affecting officer personnel and require

(Comtitzued om Page 66)

USO-Camp Shows, Inc., Takes Bits of Broadway and Hollywood to Servicemen in All Parts of the World
and ~ o ~ od BROADWAY the foxholes~ m ohave moved into and adVanCe bases of the worlds battlefronts, When Paulette Goddard visited servkemen in India, a lottery was held t0 see who would pilot her plane, thereby settling a dispute which raged a n ~ e a ~ ~ from one ~ ~ side of the Himalayas to ~ ~ ~ ~ the lights from Broadway and Hollywood Other Boulevard-have traveled by sea and In North Africa servicemen howled air t o remote parts of the world to en- with amazement t o discover that Jack tertain large and enthusiastic service Benny could r e d l y Play a violin. Geeze, said one ,soldier. I didnt Bob Hope recently completed a tour think he COdd do it. of the south pacific during which he Aw, he aint so hot, said another. and his troupe gave 28 performances in 10 days (including travel time) before 180,000 sailors, soldiers and ma- kissed her-dat was faked! nnes. He later wrote: We did our AS an exit piece t o her act, Miss first show in a coconut grove and Landis would invite any serviceman when Frances Langford and Jerry to come up t o the platform and jitterColonna came on, the boys applauded bug with her. There was no lack of SO hard you could hear the coconuts volunteers, and things got so out of falling for miles.. Somebody told me hand she was finally forced t o limit the J a p stragglers on Guadalcanal her invitations to four. Even then she used to sneak in at night and watch was all but exhausted when the show the shows from the trees. was over. USO-Camp Shows, Inc. a nonprofit From Guadalcanal, where it rains 175 inches a year, one feminine star organization, is responsible for this reported : They (the soldiers and sail- morale-boosting entertainment, with om) would sit in rain so dense that the Navy Department, through its we could hardly see them.. ..They Special Services Division of the Bucheered each of us for at least five Pers Welfare Activity, and the War minutes at every appearance, Though Department, through its Entertainthe show was one and a half hours ment Section of Special Services, colong, theyd cheer and beg f o r more. operating in a thousand and one ways.


Big-time performers, o r the movie studios to which they are under contract, donate their services. Those who cant afford t o work for free are paid small salaries by UBO-Camp Shows, Inc., which also meets personal expenses of the entertainers, from a share of the National War Fund collected ~ ~ annually by voluntary thome~ ~ ~ a front subscriptions to supllort various Wartime relief and welfare activities. Transportation, quarters and rations for the touring troupes are provided b y ~ ~ a.$~o~~,vf;c., o $ ~ ~ was set up
22 October as booking agency to secure andahandle entertainment for American servicemen both within the U. S. and abroad. I n the next 32 months, nearly 125,000 performances before 71% million men in the services were given. rn addition, 265 major screen, stage and radio personalities had made thousands of personal appearances in the course of 131 independent tours. the last three months of that period more than 46,000 performances were given before almost 25 million servicemen. Of this number it is conservatively estimated that 10,880,000 servicemen attended 21,760 of these performances given at overseas bases. USO-Camp Shows, Inc., is a branch of United Service Organizations, created at the outset of the war to provide entertainment for American fighting men and to correlate and cooperate

~ L$$?gi:t:$,~ ~



call for sailor and soldier participation but require only a few minutes o inf struction and rehearsal. The girls in these troupes assist in arranging the programs and furnish the feminine touch. There are several concert units on

condensed musicai comedies.


original cast, was playing in Naples are in Europe. . Ofhers which will

Judy Manmers i s escorted to stage of a U . S. warship headed ouerseas.

hotel bombing in North Africa. Fortunately, she was away at the time. In New Guinea, p a r d s could hear a show but not see it. They were stationed some distance away from t h e audience t o keep out straggling Japs. Before t h e Germans were driven out of North Africa, one unit which played i n the combat area had to beat a hasty retreat because the car in which it was riding had taken the wrong road and got between the lines. A commanding officer in the Southwest Pacific reported: The boys (in the troupe) were a godsend t o the troops i n the northern territory and in New Guinea. The day of their arrival we had a particularly bad air raid and t h e boys fell into a new pit we were digging, which was 12 feet deep, and one of t h e boys h u r t his leg. Other than that, there were no casualties. There were two 500-pound bombs dropped within 50 feet of their trench which shook them up considerably but they went on t h a t night as. if nothing had happened. I n spite of the dangers, the long hours and hard work, numerous performers go overseas time after time. Myles Bell and his wife, Nan Bedini, a comedy team, have made nine trips. The time a troupe spends overseas vanes. Entertainers are generally signed u p for six months, but many remain out much longer. One fourman team has been overseas-in the Middle East, Persian Gulf and ChinaBurma-India areas-since 4 Sept. 1943. What do servicemen like best i n the way of entertainment? Tastes vary from .the classical t o puppet shows; so all kinds of acts are sent out. However, variety shows get the greatest applause. Such shows generally include several girl singers and dancers, perhaps a magician o r a n acrobat, a comedy team, etc. Another kind of unit is composed of five o r six actresses who encourage participation of military personnel in entertainment programs where time and conditions permit. Generally men overseas and in this country as well are f a r too busy f o r rehearsals. However, a number of plays and other programs, have been developed, including quiz shows and game shows, which are being readied. There is also a steady and surpris- . ing demand for concert entertainment. Such Derformers as Grace Moore. others are enthusiastically received. The tvDical American nirl. whether

mendous morale builder, rating just after chow and mail. Girls are included ing men is something t h a t cannof be expressed by mere words. The re-

. .. . . .

the idea a s a morale builder.

SaiDan shortlv after it was takin.-

USO-Camp Shows artists and the miilions of men entertained under exacting wartime conditions do not reflect the amount of Dleasure brought to the

Official U. S. Navy photograph

Sailors a d marines see USO-Camp Shows performance Page 36


New Hebrides.

Official U. S. Marine Corps photoprapb

News of arrival of American girls in USO-Camp Shows unit brought this crowd to Marine base in South Pacific.
fare Activity. Navy field officers are also cooperating to see that all hands a r e provided with a s much entertainment as it is possible to give. The War and Navy Departments and USO-Camp Shows officials audition all units before they are sent out. Within the U. S., welfare and recreation officers, after the appearance of a show, file reports with USO-Camp Shows and the War and Navy Departments on the weather, attendance, quality of the acts, audience reaction and behavior of troupe personnel. Few complaints are ever received. The program is expected t o expand, even after the fall of Germany and the lessening of operations in the ETO. Occupation troops in Europe will need entertainment from home more than ever before. In the Pacific, our vastly expanding operations will increase the already heavy demands for entertainment in that war area. What such entertainment can mean to men going into battle has been told by a chaplain in a letter t o a friend: It happened a t Dutch Harbor while the then-impending attack on Attu was in the making. Picture a huge ship . . tied to a dock. The wind is It blowing cold off Mt. Ballyhoo. will soon be time t o sail, and meantime, no one is permitted off the ship they stand around, waiting. By happy coincidence, there are two traveling units of USO-Camp Shows in Dutch Harbor at that parSince the men ticular moment. cannot come ashore to a show, then the show will come t o the men. And in almost less time than it takes to tell it, an improvised stage is erected on the dock immediately in front of the ship, a loud speaker is hooked up to a microphone and the show is on!



.. .

.. ...


Every available inch of space aboard that ship was crowded. They were lined several deep along the rail; they sat in the lifeboats and on the life rafts. I dont believe that any troupers ever played to a more appreciative audience. The show proceeded: songs, instrumental solos, dances? jokes, imitations. Tugs were bustling about the ship and were nudging her out into the stream. Her nose was already turning. The girl at the mike sang song after song. Then she began, softly and warmly, to sing Aloha. The voices of the men, joined with hers, drifted back across Dutch Harbor. The ship had turned; only her stern showed to us ashore. But we could hear the men singing as they sailed for Attu.

. . .


.. .


U. S.

Coast Guard uhotoarauh

Official U. S. Navy photooraph

MEDITERRANEAN: Troupers Katherine Cornell Brian Aherne (right) and Miss Cornells husband, Broadway producer Guthrie McClintic (left), chat with Coast Guardsman on tour of European theater.

GUADALCANAL: Ray Milland (arms folded) and Rosita Moreno cheer up wounded men on a tour of wards in a Navy mobile h o s p i t a l . Their guide, beside Miss Moremo, is a chief pharmacists mate. Page 37

SIR: The omcers a n d men of t h e us8 Chetco have read with interest the story of the uss Choctaws towing feat described in the July issue of your $lapazine p. 19. A job well done. However we kll feel t h a t the 24-day trip of th6 Choctaw is just a n overnight trip as compared to a cruise we completed a few months ago. A report is enclosed.-R.E.G., Lieut., USN. 0 Lieut. Gs report appears on p . 69-ED.

SIR: Is my wife eligible f o r beneflts under the Emergency Maternity and Inf a n t Care program sponsored by the Department of Labor?-W.T.A., QM2c, USNR 0 No. The program you refer to is available to the dependents o f men in the lower f o u r pay grades only (INFORMATION BULLETIN A U Q . 1 9 4 4 p . 6 6 ) . Since you are in t i e third paygrade, your w i f e zs not eligible f o r these benefits. For medical benefits available to your wzfe other than those under the Emergency Maternzty and Infant Care program see BuMed Circ. Ltr. 1 Oct.. 1 9 4 5 Pd-2 (064-39) ( N D B , cum. ed. 43-14&2).-E~.

SIR: Is it permissible for CPOs holding aviation rates on shore stations, other than chief aviation pilots, to wear aviation greens?-C.O.B.. Ylc. 0 No. Under provisions of BuPers Circ. Ltr. 145-44 .INDB, 15 May 1 9 4 4 , . 4 4 - 5 8 0 ) all commzsszoned warrant and chzef petty officers who are )designated naval aviators and serving in pilot status are required to have the aviation winter working uniform. While all other commissioned a i d warrant oflicers assigned to duty in aviation commands m a y {but are not required t o ) wear the aviation winter working uniform when it is prescribed as the uniform of the day f o r aviators, there is no such provision for GPOs who are not desiqnated as naval aviators a& serving in pilot status.-ED.

~~~ ~~

SIR: (1) Would an A-V(N) reserve offlcer who was 25 years of age or older upon completion of flight traininp. and who has since completed 1 8 months <r more of sea duty. be eliaible f o r a transfer to the reeul a r Navy? (2) Is there a n y informatyon available as to the reserve officers the Navy will wish to transfer to the regular Navy upon completion of the war?A.M.A., Lt., USNR. e (1) No. Under orovisiom of BuPers Circ L t r 81-44 ( N D B 31 Jan.-*ig& 44114j onemust be L E S k than 2 5 y e a k of age when he completes trainzna. l d ) There i s at this time -no w a y of vdetermining what the peacetime requirements of naval personnel wzll be, as the size and strength of the postwar N a v y must be determined by congressional enactment. Plans f o r the transfer of reserve officers to the regular Navv are now in preparation and will be published as soon as congressional enactment determines the size of the postwar Navy. The size of the postwar N a v y will naturally determine the number o f reserves who may be permitted to transfer.


SIR: There id a great deal of controversy at this station concerning the honors rendered during the playing of the national anthem. Some people insist that during the playing of the anthem, whether indoors or

Page 38

in- which says : No designation to indicate D a y made 1 shall be used integrally with i.atings?-E.J.G.. Ylc, U S N . * A s of 1 July 1 9 4 4 awl continuhg until further notice, all advancements in rating of enlisted personnel to pay grades 4 to 1A, inclusive, and ohanges f r o m pay grade 1A to 1 of the regular N a v y and Naval Reserve, including Womens Reserve, are temporary. A gunners mate, for .I?stance, who recezved a permanent appointment to CPO prior to 1 July 1 9 4 4 was designated CGM / P A ) . O n 1 July 1 9 4 4 his designator was changed to CGM. If, howeve?, he received an. acting appointment przor t o 1 J u l y 1944 he w a s designated CGM(AA) and o n 1 j u l y 1 9 4 4 his rating designator became CGM(T). A12 petty officer ratings, effectzve 1 July 1 9 4 4 or after, carry the ( T ) after the rating designator to indzcate temporary appozntment. Seamen t-atiwgs d o not carry the


SIR: As a.member of t h e Fleet Marine Force, 3rd Marine,Division, I was Issued the division insignia. Now t h a t I a m in V-12 training a m I entitled to wear the patch on my Navy uniform? I a m mighty proud of my old outflt and would certainly appreciate wearing its insignia.-J.N.S.. AS, V-12. W h e n detached from m y Marine Corps un!t m d assegnad to duty Vzth a m v a l un%tyou wre no longer entatled t o wear the hfarine shoulder patCh.-ED.

SIR Would vou Dlease clarifv the state! ment in Alnav 110-44 (NDB 3 6 June 1944 44-724) dealing with advankement in rat:

SIR: According to t h e 1943 edition of Bluejackets Manual, p. 195 : Enlisted men may be permitted to wear civilian clothes when on 1eave.or liberty in United States ports. Is this st111 i n effect?-E.J.N.. BM2c. No. Alncv 99-48 ( F D B , cu,m ea. 4 9 .2 0 1 4 ) provzdes that unzfornzs wzll be wora at all times except when one hs engaged in exercise or in his home with less than three guests pTesent.-ED.


SIR: Several of u s would like to buy a jeep. We would like to know where to write in order to flnd out if there a r e a n y to be sold. Can service personnel get them at reduced prices?-B.M.H., PhM3c. Existing regulations provide,that SUTPlUS automobiles at the present tznte may be sold O N L Y to REGISTERED DEALERS by the Surplus Commodities Division of the Treasury Department, Washangton 25. D. C. A s yet no jeeps have been sold, nor i s there any provzszon under current regulations whereby automobiles m a y be sold t o service personnel at re,duced costs.-ED.

f T ).--ED.

SCHOOL NOT REQUIRED SIR: I a m a PhoM2c in the Seabees. I n

order t o qualify f o r PhoMlc IS I t necess a r y for me to attend the Navy School of Photography, or may I secure the rating in my Seabee battalion?--G.N., PhoMZc.

* Y o u are CRMIT). Until postwar naval needs are finally determined, it is ltot QOSsible to answer questions relatzve to reverting back to rates held on o r before 30 June, 1944.-ED.

SIR: I n the article The Movies T h a t Make the Rounds in your September 1944 issue you mention t h a t there is a shortage of qualifled motion picture projection equipment operators. Is it possible to qualify far this type of work in the Navy? -D.S.K., S2c. Sound motion picture technicians are trained at the Sound Motion Picture Technician Schools, Navy, Yard, N . Y., and NTC, San Diego, Cahf. The courses aTe eaght to ten weeks z length and electrin cians mates and non-rated men, qualzfied in accordance with the provisions of,BuPers Manual Art. E - 5 4 0 6 ( 9 ) are elzgzble for this training. Quotas are authorixed when training facilities are mailable, provided COS. indjcccte a need. for trained sound ntotzon pzcture. techniczms. Y o u m a y write to BuPers, vza oncia1 charnels, stating your qualificatims and int0resfs.-ED.

SIR: What is the policy for naming aircraft carriers?--N.A.B., QM2c, USN. Aircraft cwrrzers ( C V ) , aircraft. carriers, laroe ICVB) and aircraft carriers. small ( C V L ) are .named f o r famous ships formerly on the N a v y list and important battles of the present or past wars. Airoraft carriers, escort ( C V E ) carry names o f islands, bays and sounds o f the U. S. and battles of the present war.-ED.

Under- current instructions you must either be a graduate o f the school O R satisfy your GO that you have gained a comparable degree o f competence (Art. D5Z08.11 of QuElifications for Advancenent in Rating issued recently as Part b, Chapter 5, Skction 2, BuPers Manual). PhoM i s a general service rate, and advancement can be made withi? conzplement zn accordance wzth exzstzng dzrectiVeS-(INFoRMATION BULLETIN,V . 1 9 4 4 , NO
p . d5).-ED.


Enlisted personnel are assigned to military government billets without callzng for volunteers. They do not requQre special schooling f o r this type of duty, altd are therefore assigned f r o m general detail as requaremelzts become evident.-ED.
SIR : I understand that BuPers recently started notifying by letter those men recommended f o r warrants o r commissions who have been placed on fhe eligibility list. (1) Will all men previously recommended receive these letters of notifications? (2) I have heard t h a t all men recommended before 1 Jan. 1944 must be rerecommended as previous lists were discarded. Is this true?-A.J.O., GMlc,

Foreign Wars. Can you tell me if the provision in Uniform Regs relative to the wearing of :badges or their ribbons of milit a r y soci$ies commemorative of wars of the U. S. entitles me to wear the VFW bar on my uniform?-C.S., MM3c. Yes, Article f5-5(a) (Optional Badges), Uniform Regs, covers the V F W bar. Note, however that the wearing o f such a ribbon i s ohional with the holder B U T , i f it i s worn; the wearer cannot wear at t h e same time m y decoration, medal, ribbon, or badge awarded b y the A r m y Navy, Marine Corps or other branch o f h e government (as lkted in Atrticle 15-4).-ED.

WEARING OF VFW RIBBQN SIR:I am a member of the Veterans of

SIR: I understand t h a t enlisted personnel in the Marine Corm receive $ 5 a month extra compensation f o r qualifying as expert riflemen. Are there a n y provisions f o r extra pay for enlisted personnel in the Navy who a r e expert riflemen o r expert pistol shots?-H.M.R., CSK, USN. * A r t . 0 - 5 5 1 8 o f BuPers Manual makes provision f o r payment of extra compensation at rate of $5 a month to Navy enlisted m e n who qualify as expert riflemen or expert pistol shots. Qualificatzon i s good for one year rovzding man does not again qualify wit&n the vear in which case the qualification uear be)gins anew on the date of re-qualification. However, this payment has not been authorixed for current fiscal year under Art. 2145-5 S & A Memo No. 5 0 1 ofJune 1 9 4 4 nor has it been since 1932. The Marine) Corps prouision (including payment) i s still in etfect.-ED.

How Did It Start?

HAMMOCKS: When Columbus visited the West Indies, he found t h a t the natives slept in cotton nets suspended between two trees. The natives called the n e t s hammaw. (The term first appeared in both Spanish and English as harnaca, the Spanish spelling, but in the latter eventuaIIy was changed to hammock.) About 100 years after the English learned of hammocks a s a result of Columbuss discovery, they were introduced into the British Navy. In 1596, they were mentioned officially as hanging cabbons or beddes. By 1660, most English ships on foreign duty had hammocks, each of which was shared by two men, but they did not become common throughout the service until a later date. We adopted the custom from the British. (If you have a differentversion send it along t o the Editor.)

of notificatioffl o f action taken on recommendations for temporary appointment to warrant and aommissioned rank was begun by BuPers in May 1 9 4 4 and appliea, to new recommendations. I n additiom, let. ters of notification hazze recently been sent to all successful candidates recommended by their Cos prior to May 1944 who have not uet been appointed from. the eliqibzli t y list. I f you have not recezbed such notification, you m a y a s s u e e that you were not selected b y a n admtnistrative board. ( 2 ) Once gaze have been placed on the eligibility list f o r t,emporary appointment, re-recommendation i s not necessary w r desired by BnPers. After six months or more your CO may re-recommend you, and iuch re-recommendation will b,e given the same consideration as the original recommendation without prejudice by reason of earlier disapproval.-ED.

USNR. * ( I ) The practice of sending out Fetters

SIR: Has t h e Navy authorized t h e wearing of bars f o r each six months overseas duty ?-R.E.C., Sklc. _USN. No. The chevron was authorixed during World W a r I to indicate each six months ovmseas duty, but was replaced by the issuance of the Victory Medal. Area f i b b o w , instead of chevrons, have been authorized f o r overseas dutg in this war. -ED.

S1~:Are there a n y specialist ratings in radio open t o Seabee personnel?-G.K. EM2c. No.-ED.


SIR: Is it possible to have the shorthand requirements waived for qualifylng for a Y l c rating?-J.M.M., YZc, U S N . No.-ED.

Page 39


Official U. S. Navy photooraph


The 16-inch guns in two forward turrets of the new USS Missouri fire in salvo. Six

projectiles in flight may be seen at upper right. Note turbulence in the water, caused by blast.

military planes and raided the Omura aircraft factory on Kyushu Island, the railroad yards at Rangoon and JaP installations at Shanghai and Nanking. In China, Japanese forces took Kweilin and LUichOw, sites Of the last U. S. air bases in southeastern China, and virtually established a of land link between conquered northern and southern China. British subs were active in Far Eastern waters, reporting the sinking of 69 J a p ships. Our own submarines sank 24 enemy vessels, including a light cruiser, a destroyer and a seaplane tender. Allied shipping losses in the Atlantic during October were the lowest of any month of the entire war, a joint Anglo-American statement announced. (For additional details of the fighting last month, see special war-review section beginning on p. 15.)

equipment over the lengthening distance t o our advance bases. Extension of Pacific Fleet activities into distant areas has created a supply problem of great magnitude, requiring adjustments in the supply organization. Admiral Ingersoll has been selected for this important expanded command because of his experience in accomplishing, in an outstanding manner, the logistic support of all naval forces in

the Mediterranean a n d European areas, as part of his duties as Commander-in-Chief of the U. S. Atlantic Fleet since 1 Jan. 1942. Simultaneously with Admiral Ingersolls change in command, the following changes in flag commands in the fleet were effected: Vice Admiral Jonas H. Ingram, USN, Commander 4th Fleet, replaced Ad. miral Ingersoll as Commander - in Chief, U. S. Atlantic Fleet, with the rank of admiral. Rear A d m i r a l William R. Munroe, U S N, Commandant, 3d Naval District, replaced Admiral Ingram a s ComAdmiral Ingram mander 4th Fleet, with the rank of 77 iice admiral. Vice Admiral David W. Bagley, USN, Commander Western Sea Frontier, replaced Vice Admiral Robert L. Ghormley, USN, as Commander Hawaiian Sea Frontier, Vice Admiral Ghormley is preparing for a new assignment which will be announced at a future date. 1944 has been announced by Admiral Nimitz. The famous old battleship was capsized and sunk within 10 minutes after the start of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, but was salvaged and put in drydock on 28 Dec. 1943. She originally was commissioned 2 May 1916 and escorted Allied convoys during World War I. The Navys two new 45,000-ton carriers will be named C&al Sea and Midway in honor of famous naval battles in the Pacific. These new flattops, slated t o be the largest known ships of their type in the world, are being constructed at the Navy Yard, Brooklyn, N. Y and at the Newport News Shipbuildiing & Drydock Co., Newport News, Va. A third carrier of this class also is under construction.
homa at Pearl Harbor as of 1 Sept.

Gen. MacArthur Praises Pacific Fleet for Its Part In Philippine Invasion
An expression of appreciation for the part the Navy played in the Philippines invasion was received from Gen. Douglas MacArthur, USA, commander-in-chief, Southwest Pacific Area, by Admiral Chester w. Nimitz, u s N, commander-in-chief, Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas, a s follows: At this time I wish t o express t o you and all elements of your fine command my deep appreciation of the splendid service they have rendered in the recent Leyte operations and their record needs no amplification from me. But I cannot refrain from expressing the admiration everyone here feels for their magnificent conduct. All of your elements, ground, naval and air, have alike covered themselves with glory. We could not have gone along without them. To you my special thanks for your sympathy and understanding cooper: ation. bdmiral Nimitz replied: Your generous message concerning the participation of the forces of the Pacific Ocean Areas in the Leyte operations is gratefully acknowledged. The Pacific Fleet is proud to have had a share in the return of the U. S. flag to the Philippines, and in commencing their liberation. We look forward with confidence to further successes in our mutually supporting efforts.

Navy News
0 The Navy Department announced last month that the President had approved the appointment of Admiral Royal E. Ingersoll, USN, as Commander Western Sea Frontier, effective about 15 November. In addition to commanding the naval forces engaged in protecting shipping in coastal waters, Admiral Ingersoll will manage the flow of supplies to the Pacific Fleet through West Coast ports. In carrying out this duty he will have the status of a Deputy Commander-in-Chief, U. S. Fleet and Deputy Admiral Ingersoll Chief of N a v a l Operations. Increased importance is attached to the Western Sea Frontier command because of the vital necessity for the uninterrupted flow of supplies and

Decommissioning of the uss Okla-

Page 42

All three will accommodate planes larger than any which heretofore have operated from the decks of carriers. Early in the war the names Coral Sea and Midway were assigned t o two escort carriers, but their names have been changed t o Anzio and Saint Lo, commemorating battles in the European theater, so that the new giants may bear the names of two of the Navys greatest victories. Arrangements have been made by the Navy to ship whole blood from the West Coast for emergency transfusions to wounded Army, Navy and Marine Corps personnel in the westernmost Pacific. Naval Air Transport Service flights now make it possible t o have blood from volunteer donors in the U. S. transfused into a casualty on the Leyte beachhead within 48 hours after it has been taken from a donor. Blood plasma, which has been flown regularly t o the Pacific, has been a great life saver, but under some circumstances whole blood as well a s plasma is required. Robot bomb attacks on the continental U. S. are entirely possible but such attacks Eould have no great military effectiveness, it was announced last month in a joint Army-Navy statement. The statement pointed out that bombs might be launched from submarines lying offshore, from long. range bombers controlled across the Atlantic by submarines, or from catapult plane tenders. Such attacks probably could not entirely elude Allied sea and air patrols, but it is impossible to insure that such an attackwould be completely frustrated, authorities said. 0 Leathernecks observed the 169th anniversary of their corps 10 November, a s their commandant, Lt. Gen. Alexander A. Vandegrift,. USMC, warned that the toughest part of the Japanese war is yet to come. Since the corps last birthday, he said, our advance in the Pacific has been steady and unswerving. We take deserved pride in our role a s the spearhead of a great amphibious drive against a formidable enemy. His message was read t o marines at every post and station in the world, afloat and ashore. Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, USN, reviewed the Marine Corps splendid record in the Pacific in a radio address. You may be certain, he told marines in the Pacific Ocean Areas, (that your 170th anniversary in 1945 will find the Marines even closer t o Japan. Said Lt. Gen. Holland M. Smith, Commanding General of Fleet Marine Force, Pacific: Whatever targets are assigned t o us we will capture. 0 New details on the role of combatant vessels in amphibious operations and in supporting ground forces were revealed last month when the Navy released reports on the achievements of three U. S. warships in the Mediterranean. The uss PhiZadelphia, dubbed the LGalloDincrGhost of the Sicilian Coast after ihe-Germans twice reported her sunk, steamed into her home berth at the Philadelphia Navy Yard last month with five battle stars on her bridge, but without a scratch on her. She participated in five major campaigns-North Africa, Sicily, Salernoi Anzio and southern France-and her main batr:

Official U. S. Coast Guard photograph

FIGHTING A HURRICANE: Coast Guardsmen clutch lines on swamped

decks of a loaded tanker during storm north of Cuba.

tery of 6-inch guns have tossed 9,000 rounds a t the enemy. Shells have whistled over her and around her, a torpedo passed under her and enemy aircraft have raided her 35 times, yet not a man aboard has been killed or seriouslv wounded in all these actions. The USS Plunkett is once more on the prowl in the Mediterranean after receiving a direct hit from a 500-pound bomb at Anzio. The DD shot down four German planes at Salerno and Anzio, counted six probables and several others damaged before she was forced to head back home for repairs. She returned to southern France in time for the invasion and last month was busy bombarding shore positions along the Italian and French coast. Although damaged twice while participating in three invasions-North Africa, Sicily and Anzio-the uss Ludlow is still on the job in the Mediterranean. Never, in the many months of action, has there been a fatality aboard the Lucky Lud; Victims on the Ludlows list include more than a score of shore batteries, numerous tanks and trucks and many enemy troop concentrations. At Salerno, the scrappy little destroyer went within three-quarters of a mile of shore to support u. S. troops and knock out enemy mobile batteries and pillboxes. A torpedo hole in the port bow of the uss Maryland was patched up in

less than 49 days, it was revealed last month at the Pearl Harbor Navy Yard. The battleship was struck by an aerial torpedo off Saipan while supporting the invasion and was given temporary repairs at an advanced base. Details of the damaze were radioed ahead t o the navy yardu so that plans and materials were ready when the Mayyland arrived. Previously, a cruiser had been refitted with a new prefabricated section a t the same yard in nine days, and destroyers had been refitted with whole sections, complete with all internal equipment, in 12

Radio Electrician George R. Tweed,

on Guam while the island was. occupied by the Japs, returned there recently for 10 days on a special assignment and thanked the natives who helped hide him during his strange exile (INFORMATION BULLETIN, Sept. 1944, P. 9). If I named every loyal native who helped me on Guam, he said,,,Id come up with a list a foot long. Mr. Tweed W a S especially pleased t o find that Antonio Arturo, a native rancher of SDanish descent, had not been harmed by the Japs. The enemy had learned, just about the time Tweed got away, that Arturo had been sheltering the American. As a searching party closed in on the ranch, however, Arturo-with his wife and eight children--escaped

USN, who spent two and a half years


to the same cave where Mr. Tweed had lived for nearly two years, and remained safely there until the island was liberated by U. S. forces. A Demobilization Division has been established within BuPers to plan and coordinate the machinery for returning to civilian life those persons not required in the post-war Navy. Although the Navy has already announced that demobilization cannot begin until the defeat of Japan, BuPerk began demobilization and postwar studies in the latter part of 1943, and the new move is in furtherance of efforts to be completely prepared for demobilization when the time comes. An experimental redistribution center has also been established by the Navy at NTC, Lido Beach, Long Island, N. Y., through which enlisted personnel in the New York area being separated from the service will be processed. The procedure developed a t this experimental center will be used as a pattern in other redistribution centers which will be organized later. Reflecting the growing importance of minecraft in the Pacific war, Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, USN, commander-in-chief of the Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas, has established the command of Commander, Official U. S. Navy photograph Minecraft, Pacific Fleet. Rear Ad- CHANGING WEAPONS: Giant crane moves worn 14-inch gun of veteran miral Alexander Sharp, USN, has been U. S. battleship to flat car during refitting operations at Bremerton Navy appointed to the new post. Yard where the BB was given armament with new linings. Admiral Nimitz also announced last month the assignment of Rear Admiral Walden L. Ainsworth, USN, a s the same month of 1943. The pay- bouncing around for two days in life Commander Cruisers and Commander ments consisted of $60,754,878 from rafts, they were spotted by another Destroyers, Pacific Fleet, relieving Ad- the government and $27,119,998 from Catalina of their own squadron and a miral James L. Kauffman, USN, who the enlisted men. destroyer came out to pick them up. has been assigned to another sea command. Admiral Ainsworth, who for- 0 Patrol Squadron 72 and Air Group Air Group 32s best day came on 29 merly commanded a cruiser division, 32 recently returned to the States for April 1944 when eight of its Hellcats participated in every major naval ac- rest and reformation after tours of attacked a formation of 30 Zeros, detion but one in the South Pacific since duty in the Pacific. stroyed 21 of them and sent the others December 1942 and in most of the reVP 72, which specialized in rescue scurrying home to Truk without a cent combat in the western Pacific. duty, saved 69 downed airmen, includ- single American casualty. During its First tank landing ship to return ing its own skipper, Comdr. Sidney J. combat tour aboard an Zndependencefrom the European war is the Lawrence, USN. Twenty-two were res- class carrier, Air Group 32 destroyed LST 208, which traveled 35,000 miles cued in 10 separate open-sea landings, 109 planes in the air and on the and participated in four amphibious while the others were saved by direct- ground, sank or probably sank 28 assaults. Launched at Senaca, Ill., in ing surface vessels to the scene. Not ships and damaged 51 other vessels. June 1943, the 208 joined amphibious a single man was lostduring the tour High scorer of the group was Lieut. forces in North Africa in time for the of duty, but Commander Lawrence and Richard H. May, USNR, who shot down Sicilian campaign and the invasion of eight of his crew nearly spoiled the five, probably one more, and made six Italy. Then, in August 1943, the ship record when their Catalina was dam- assists. proceeded to the Indian Ocean to land aged by antiaircraft fire and forced 0 Vice Admiral Henry V. Butler, USN tanks on Arakan in support of British to land at sea near Jaluit. After ( p e t ) , who had served as administratroops. With that chore completed, tive offlcer of the Navy Department in the 208 returned to Europe and hit the Executive Offices of the Secretary the Normandy beaches on D day. since March 1942, has returned to inTanglefoot Tale active status. He was succeeded by Rear Admiral Howard F. Kingman, Comdr. Ronald J. Chinnock, USNR, who USN, has assumed his new duties as His big feet saved his life, dehad been assistant administrative ofcommandant of the 15th Naval Disclares Ens. Carl E. Smith, USNR, trict, Commander Panama Sea Fronficer for the past six months. pilot of a carrier-based Hellcat. tier and Commander Southeast Pacific 0 By shooting down nine J a p fighter Ordered by his carrier to bail out Force. He relieved Capt. Ellis S. lanes and two probables in one at 5,000 feet when his planes elecStone, USN, who had been acting comour and 35 minutes of aerial battling trical system was damaged, Ensign candant since Rear Admiral Harold in the Philippines on 24 October, Smith pulled the ripcord and was C. Train, USN, was detached last June. Comdr. David McCampbell, USN, besurprised t o be jerked up by his Admiral Kingman formerly was in came the Navys top-ranking ace, with feet. As he hung, head down, from command of a battleship division in 30 planes to his credit. Commander his parachute he discovered that the Pacific, and was commended by McCampbell and a wingman, Lt.(jg) his harness had been yanked off his Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, USN, Roy W. Rushing, USNR, together shoulders and had caught around CincPac, for the efficient handling of worked over a formation of J a p fighthis large brogans. He managed to ships under his command during the ers that had been escorting bombers secure a hold on the harness and invasion of Tarawa. and torpedo planes in a prospective athit the water in a sitting position. tack against U.S. carriers off Luzon. Dependents of Navy enlisted perTen minutes later he was picked up Their fearless interception was partly sonnel received $87,874,876 in 1,312,by a destroyer. responsible for preventing an attack 369 family allowance checks during Good old feet! said Ensign that might have caused damage to our October 1944, or nearly four times the Smith. forces a t a critical stage in the develamount paid out to dependents during

Page 44

Ships & Stations

A sailor from NTC. Miami, Fla., was visiting his home town on Navy Day. Since he had served many months at sea and held the Purple Heart, he was invited by the local American Legion post to participate in the Navy Day ceremonies. His letter of invitation read : You are cordially invited to be one of the speakers at our Navy Day ceremony. The program will take place in the city park and will include a talk by the mayor, a short speech by a Navy lieutenant, your talk and then the firing squad. A new variation in the ceremony of reporting aboard and paying respects to the CO was introduced recently at the Naval Pre-Flight School, St. Marys College, Calif. by an officer reporting for duty. Unintentionally he signaled his arrival there by going out on a nearby golf course and hooking his ball through the living room window of his skippers home. He then pursued his ball into the house with such nonchalance that he was invited t o stay for tea. A recent survey of the 43d Construction Battalion reveals that it is a cosmopolitan outfit. Members of the battalion come from every state in the Union, with the exception of Arizona. Others were born in Czechoslovakia, Italy, Switzerland, Russia, Norway, Sweden, Philippine Islands, Puerto Rico, Canada, Scotland, England, Ireland and Germany. Accustomed to returning salutes, as a lieutenant in the U. S. Merchant Marine, Buddy Clarke is now rendering them as he goes through recruit training at NTC, Bainbridge, Md. The former singer and dance band maestro received a medical discharge after serving two years with the merchant marine, and was then inducted into the Navy. 0 Charles H. Griesen, AS, recruit at NTC, Great Lakes, Ill., has received a most unusual letter from his former buddies at a Sturgeon Bay, Wis., shipyard. It was 210 feet in length and 20 inches in width, with messages from 5,004 persons. Being a conscientious person, Griesen attempted to answer each of his well-wishers but found that his training period was not long enough t o accomplish the task. 0 The Naval Order of Wise Old Owls has been organized at NATB, Corpus Christi, Tex., by instructors who have completed 500 hours of instruction without an accident o r violation of training rules. Those meeting the requirements are issued a certificate designating them as Wise Old Owls. Seventeen officers received certificates recently from Rear Admiral Charles P. Mason, uSN, commandant of the base. 0 Armchair q u a r t e r b a c k s are rewarded for expert prognosticating at NAS, Norfolk, Va. E.ach week the Daily Dope Sheet, station newspaper, lists 20 football games and gives a $25 war bond to the entrant who picks the most winners. Second and third prizes are 12 free admissions to the station theater.

Official U. C. Coast Guard photograph

SEA-SKY TRANSFER: From a ersonnel boat going 20 knots, a Coast Guardsman grasps harness and hitc es ride aboard Sikorsky helicopter during airsea rescue demonstration.


oping naval action. Lieutenant Rushing shot down six Jap fighters, then joined Commander McCampbell and Lt.(jg) Albert c. Slack, USNR, in chasing the J a p planes nearly all the way back to Manila-a distance of more than 100 miles. As a tribute t o the memory of the late Secretary of the Navy, the elementary school adjacent to the Naval Air Station, Patuxent River, Md., was designated on 29 Sept. 1944 a s the Frank Knox School. The U.S. Naval Home, Philadelphia, observed Navy Day (27 October) with a ceremony dedicating Building NO. 2 as Laning Hall in honor of the late Rear Admiral Harris Laning, 48th governor of the home. Admiral William H. Standley, USN (Ret), former Chief of Naval Operations and former Ambassador to Russia, who was a classmate of Rear Admiral Laning a t the Naval Academy, delivered the address. The present governor, Rear Admiral Forde A. Todd, USN (Ret), gave a brief history of the home, which housed the Naval Academy from 1839 until it was moved to Annapolis in 1845. Laning Hall is a three-story brick structure built a s a naval hospital shortly after the Civil War. It has been rehabilitated as a dormitory and doubles the number of beneficiaries who can be accommodated in th? home. Biddle Hall, the other dornutory, whose cornerstone was laid in 1827, was dedicated in honor of Commodore James Biddle, USN, the first governor, last Memorial Day. @Sniperswere still prevalent in Antwerp last month when the Navy moved in-in a jeep. Although the port of Antwerp is administered by

the British under Allied control, the Navy maintains an office there to act as liaison with the British and to assist U. s. naval and merchant marine personnel aboard cargo ships coming into the port. In the first naval party to arrive were Capt. James C. Van de Carr, U S N (Ret), who is naval port officer; his aide, Lt. Comdr. Norman J. Gaynor, USNR, and John F. Greenan, SK2c, USNR. They found that the Belgian underground had managed to prevent serious damage to the port as the Germans fled.
0 Oil tankers of the Pacific Fleet Service Force, which served the 3d Fleet up to and including the Second Battle of the Philippine Sea, have been commended by Admiral William F. Halsey, USN, for their magnificent performance. He said the oilers delivered urgently needed fuel and replacements for two months without one failure as to place, time or amount, and that this accomplishment was a prime factor in the success of the 3d Fleet.

0 After the final class of Spar recruits reports at Palm Beach, Fla., on 16 December, recruit training will be conducted exclusively a t the Coast Guard Training Station, Manhattan Beach, N. Y. Although the enlistment of Spars for replacements and special needs of the service will be continued, the major part of the Coast Guard Womens Reserve recruitment and training program is now completed. Training of Spar officers will be completed with the commissioning of 41 women on 5 December a t the Pay and Supply School, Palm Beach, Fla. The Spars observed their second birthday on 23 November.

Page 45


U . S. Navy Communiques In Full and Pertinennt . E x c e r p t s From Others

and blowing up a n ammunition dump. O n the same day the uss Eberle was again in action in this area.

21 OCTOBER U . S. Pacific Fleet Communique No. 162

1 Carrier aircraft of the Paciflc Fleet . on 20 October (west longitude date) continued to attack. At Coron Bay, southwest of Mindoro Strait, a cargo ship, previously damaged, a small coastal cargo ship and a small escort vessel were sunk. Four enemy PT-boats, three at Batangas Bay and one at Cebu harbor, were also gunk SeGeral ammunition barges were destroyed in Masabate harbor, while two medium cargo ships and two luggers were damaged. At Bulan ground instalhtions and a hangar near the airfield were bombed. 2. During the day 13 enemy planes were shot down and 37 destroyed on the ground. some of which previously had been reported damaged. Our losses were three planes, one pilot and one air crewman. 3. I n the month-long operations against the Philippines Ryukyus and Formosa, which commended on 2 1 September and have continued until the present, the carrier aircraft employed have consisted of Hellcat fighters, Avenger torpedo planes and Helldiver divebombers. GENERALMACARTHUR'S HEADQUARTERS IN THE PHILIPPmEs-Our ground forces a r e consolidating their beachhead positions and driving inland on all sectors. Food and supplies have been landed on schedule against light opposition. Our ground casualties in the preliminary operation have been exceedingly light. I n the inland waters of the Central Philippines our planes bombed a 5 000-tOn tanker, a freighter-transport, fi;e light naval craft and 11 barges and coastal vessels. I n addition two 5 000-ton fleet auxiliaries, 1 0 car& vesseis, six light naval c r a f t and small ships were damaged. Two of our planes were shot down. Vice Admiral Thomas C. Kinkaid. USN, commander of the Allied naval forces in the Southwest Pacific is in command of the 7th U. S. Fleet. The Australian squadron is commanded by Commodore John A. Collins. Elements Qf the 3d U. S. Fleet, commanded by Admiral William F. Halsey J . r, USN a r e providing naval support. V\saT/m: A 1.000-ton freighter and several luggers were set afire . XUZU I s l m d s : Our fighters destroyed 0; damaged a 6 000-ton freighter-transport three freighter; of 1,000 tons, three coast&l vessels and several small craft . CeramBuru: A four-engined flying boat and several small craft were destroyed Banda Sea: Patrol planes damaged a coastal vessel off Flores Island Bismarcks-Solomons: Air and naval patrols swept the coast lines, destroying a barge.

ported from the Aegean that a military force was landed by the Royal Navy on the west coast of Lemnos at dawn on 1 6 October and t h a t a f t e r fighting in t h e town Mudros was occupied by 1300 on the 17th. The enemy withdrew in a Siebel ferry and other craft. Several enemy craft were driven ashore by our flyers while one was set, ablaze and possibly caused another to sink. Some 400 enemy


U.S. Pacific Fleet Communique No. 164

On 23 October (west longitude date) enemy forces including battleships a n d cruisers we& sighted moving eastwafd through' the Sibuyan Sea and Sulu Sea in the Philippines and were attacked by carrier aircraft of the 3d Fleet. Further details a r e not available. ADVANCED HEADQUARTERS LEYTE ON Our ground forces a r e steadily progressing along the entire front. In the 10th Corps sector we have advanced three miles beyond Tacloban in pursuit of enemy forces retreating to the north. West of Palo stubborn enemy resistance has been encountered in t h e hills flanking the main road Borneo: Reconnaissance units destroyed a 1.000-ton freighter off the north coast Amboina-Ceram: A coastal vessel t o the northwest was hit BisnaarcksSolomons: Five barges were sunk a n d buildings were destroyed.

T u s c m inigGebted-A-&d enggged a n enemy destroyer southbound on the western side of the entrance to the Gulf of Salonika. She was driven ashore and destroyed.

estv's s h i n s Termaaant and

23 OCTOBER Navy Department Communique NO.549

The submarines Herring and Golet a r e overdue from patrol and presumed lost. Next of kin of casualties have been notifled. Mopping-up operations on Angaur a n d Peleliu Island in the Palau group continued on 20 and 2 1 October (west longitude date). Corsair fighters of the 2d Marine Aircraft Wing, in support Of ground operations, dropped incendiary bombs on the holed-up enemy. Corsairs also bombed a lighthouse and gun emplacement on Babelthuap Island on 20 October Seven'th A F Liberators bombed Yap A Island on 20 and 2 1 October. A single Navy Ventura search plane attacked the island also on 2 1 October. Antiaircraft Are was meager. Liberators of the 7th AAF loosed 49 tons of bombs on the airfield and installations on Iwo Jima in the Volcano Islands on 20 October. Light intercepting enemy planes were encountered : three were shot down, one was probably destroyed and one damaged. One of our Liberators was lost: A Navy search Liberator on 2 1 October bombed and strafed a small cargo ship west of Iwo Jima. Corsairs and Dauntless divebombers of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing continued neutralization raids in the Marshall Islands. On 20 and 2 1 October, one of the Corsairs was shot down but the pilot was rescued. ROME,naval commulzique-On 20 October while carrying out minesweeping ope'rations near the Franco-Italian frontier the French destroyer Forbin was fire$ upon by enemy batteries. She returned the fire, destroying one battery



U . S. Pacific Fleet Communique N o . 163

On 23 October (west longitude date) searchers from carriers of the 3d Fleet located two enemy forces headed eastward through the Philippine Archipelago. The flrst force which consisted of three or four battleships, 1 0 cruisers and about 13 destroyers, was sighted south of Mindoro and later moved westward through the Sibuyan Sea. It w a s attacked repeatedly by carrier aircraft and incomplete reports indicate t h a t all battleships were damaged by bombs. A t least one was hit by a torpedo a n d one cruiser was tornedoed. A second enemy force was sighted in the Sulu Sea southwest of Negros Island, which consiked of two battleships one cruiser and four destroyers. Both' battleships were damaged by bombs and t h e light units were severely strafed. In the late afternoon of 23 October a third enemy force was located southeast of Formosa, approaching from Japanese home waters During thk action on 23 October a strong force of shore-based aircraft attacked one of our task forces and succeeded in seriously LOSS OF damaging the us9 Princeton, a light PRINCETON c a r r i e r. Subsequently the Princeton's magazines exploded and the ship, badly crippled, was sunk. Her captain and 1 3 3 other officers and 1 2 2 7 enlisted men were saved. Casualties' among her personnel were light. Approximately 1 5 0 enemy aircraft were shot down during this attack. On 24 October the enemy forces were brought to action. Reports whlch a r e as yet incomplete indicate t h a t severe damage has been inflicted on the enemy, t h a t at least one of his large carriers has been sunk and t h a t two others have been severely damaged. General action is continuing A V N E HEADQUARTERSLEYTE D A CD ON , Our ground forces have made extensive gains in all sectors on the front of the 24th Corps , Carrier aircraft of the 7th Fleet executed close support missions, attacking enemy ground installations, supply dumps and lines of communication. On 22 and 2 3 October our planes struck enemy airdromes in the western Visayas and northern Mindanao. Targets included Cebu, Bacolod, AlicanCe, Fabrica. Buluan and Del Monte. Sixty-four enemy planes were destroyed o r severely damaged on the ground and one divebomber was shot down. Visaym - Miltc%anao .- Our land - based planes set three vessels aflre in Cagayan harbor. Medium and light bombers attacking shipping southwest of Zamboanga damaged five medium freighters, flve coastal vessels and several barges

U . S. Pacific Fleet Communique No. 165




GENERAL MACAR"HUR'S HEADQUARTERS ON LEYTE-Our ground forces have advanced in all sectors a n average depth of four miles Strong enemy defenses, carefully prepired with concrete pillboxes and supporting artillery positions, were skillfully enveloped by infi!tration and the enemy was forced t o withdraw. Direct assault w a s thereby avoided and our casualties remain light. The enemy is already showing signs of lack of maneuverab!e cohesion In the face of the skillful tactics of our local commanders. The 10th Corps to the north h a s taken Tacloban the capital of Leyte and secured Taclobgn airfield on Cataisa; Pen in su 1a. I n the southern sector the 24th Corps h a s seized Dulag and its airdrome and is pushing toward San Pablo in the Leyte Two strong enemy counterattacks were sharply repulsed. Enemy a i r activity aeainst our beachheads and shipping was likited to dawn and dusk raids by small groups of aircraft. Three enemy bombers were destroyed by ships' antiaircraft fire. Some damage and casualties were sustained by one of our ships. Celebes Reconnaissance planes scored a A i v e r t h i t nn a 1.000-ton freighter near &kissa< setting-'it ablaze. ROME, naval communzque-It is reTTs 11e " ,


I. S


. .



Pacific Ocean



See 26 October.


Page 47

Amboina-Ceram: Several coastal vessels were destroyed. ADVANCED HEADQUARTERS ON LEYTE The enemy air force on 24 October attempted a large-scale daylight attack on our shipping in Leyte Gulf shortly after dawn. Our carrier flehters effectivelv intercepted breaking up these formaiions. Fifty-thrke enemy planes were shot down in a i r combat, and antiaircraft flre destroyed three others. The Japanese Fleet in force, during the early hours of the 25th. sortied from Philippine waters through Surigao Strait at the south and Sam Bernardino Strait at the north and converged upon our forces in Leyte Gulf. The 7th Fleet, with elements of the Australian squadron, under Vice Admiral Kinkaid and with surface forces supported by escort carriers, intercepted both attacks. The enemy:s southern force, comprising two battleshius. one heavy cruiser. one Lieht cruiser and four destrovers. was completely routed, losing early in the action at least one battleship of the Yamasharo class a n d several cruisers and destroyers. The remnant retreated westward throueh Surieao Strait under continued air atiack f r o m our escort carriers. which inflicted additional losses and damagc. Every hostile ship was either sunk or heavily damared. In this engagement we incurred extremely light losses, having several PT-boats sunk or damaeed and one destroyer damaged. The enemys northern force, four battleships and several cruisers with destroyers. gained contact with one of our escort carrisr erouas off the east coast of Samar and attacked by gunflre. Our planes from t h a t group, supported by those of another of our group, drove off the attacking fleet, forcing-it to retire to the north. Detailed information is not -vet available, but combat reports indicate t h a t the enemy lost several cruisers and destroyers while three battleships, three cruisers and additional destroyers were badly damaged Ship casualties sustained by our forces were one escort carrier sunk and several escort carriers a n d destroyers damaged.

Marine Aircraft Wing on 22, 23 and 24 October. Antiaircraft gun positions at Nauru were bombed by Mitchells of t h e 7th A A F

See 27-29 October.

One large carrier was severely damaged by bombs and torpedoes and is believed to have sunk. One light carrier was deflnitely sunk. Two battleships were probably sunk. Two light cruisers were definitely sunk. Two battleships, three cruisers and a number of destroyers withdrew to the northward in a damaged condition. On 2 4 October a carrier task group of the 3d Fleet assisted units of the 7th Fleet in striking a force of enemy battleships, cruisers and destroyers which had sortied through San Bernardino Strait and was attacking escort carriers of the 7th Fleet off the Leyte Gulf. Fragmentary reports available indicate that, in cooperation with the aircraft from the escort carriers, the following damage was inflicted on this enemy force : One heavy cruiser was sink. Four battleships were heavily damaged by bombs and left the scene at low speed, trailing oil. One destroyer was left dead in the water. About midnight 24-25 October this enemv force withdrew through the San Bernardino Strait in a badly damaged condition. During the night surface ships of the Paciflc Fleet sank a cruiser of this enemy force. Paciflc Fleet carrier aircraft on 25 October were continuing to attack this force during its retirement through the Sibuyan Sea. This incomplete report will be amplified as further details become available. Two groups of l i t h AAF Liberators hit gun positions and installations on Onnekot a n Island and Paramushiru Island, in t h e northern Kurils. on 23 October (west longitude date). Another group of 11th AAF Mitchells bombed buildings on Paramushiru the same day and was intercepted by flve enemy flghters. No damage was done to our aircraft. On 2 4 October 11th A F Mitchells A bombed and left burning a 6.000-ton cargo ship south of Paramushiru. Navy search Liberators and Venturas of Fleet Air Wing 4 on the, same d?y bombed Paramushiru, Matsuwa and Shimushu. All our planes r e- i i r n d .- t _. Four grounded enemy planes were destroyed by Corsairs of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing which bombed and strafed the airfleld at Yap Island on 2 1 October. On 22, 23 a n d 24 October similar attacks were repeated. One of our planes was shot down on 23 October by intense antiaircraft flre. 1 Liberators of the 7th AAF also bombed Yap on 2 1 22 23 and 24 October, setting Ares near iheairfleld and in Yap town. Corsairs of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing bombed and strafed enemy-held positions in the northern Palau Islands on 22, 23 and 2 4 October, destroying trucks and barges and setting fuel tanks and storage a r e a s ablaze, Iwo Jima, in, the Volcano Islands, was bombed by a single Liberator of the 7th A A F on 22 October. On 2 4 October ? t h AAF Liberators hit Iwo J i m a again with approximately 58 tons of b m : o b. Three enemy flghters intercepted our planes, but no damaee was done. Pagan-Island was bombed by 7th AAF Liberators on 22 October and strafed by Thunderbolts on 23 and 24 October. Rota Island was strafed by Corsairs of the 2nd

five small freighters and coastal vessels. Halnzahera: Fighters hit .a light naval craft. HOMF naval communique--On the night of 2 2 - 2 s October Allied light coastal craft operating in the Gulf of Genoa attacked a n enemy southbound convoy near La Suezia. Tomedoes were flred and exuloscons seen in the convoy though no-deflnite claims of sinking cab be made. On 24 October the destroyer USS Woolsey carried out a successful bombardment of enemy road transport near the FrancoItalian frontier.


ing . . Makassar: Patrol planes debtroyed or damaged a 3,000-ton freighter-transport,

four coastal vessels were set aflre b v straf-

27 OCTOBER, Navy De@avtmenbCommuniqae No. 551

According to latest information received, the following U. S. naval vessels in addition to the uss Princeton (light carrier), have been sunk during the recent operations in the Philippines: Two escort carriers, two destroyers, one destroyer escort. No details have been received. Next of kin of casualties aboard above vessels will be notified as soon as POSsible. CHUNGEING,14th AAP communiqueOn 26 October B-24s of the 14th AAF struck at remnants of a Japanese task force fleeing from Admiral Nimitz fleet in the South China Sea east of the Luichow Peninsula. The bombers scored two direct hits on a transport. Another direct hit left a freighter listing and burning. A tanker w a s bracketed and left smoking. I n all, 8,000 tons of shipping were probably sunk and 1,200 tons damaged.


Navy Defiartment Communique No. S.50

EUROPEAN THEATER 1. During- the -Allied- operations for the liberation of northern France the following naval vessels were lost as the result of-enemy action or the perils of the s e a : Miantonomah (mine vessel), LSTs 8 1 4 , 576 4 9 6 4 9 9 5 2 5 and 9 2 1 . L C I ( L ) s 8 5 , 91,98, 65, Si9 and 25.9; ls 504, 550, 578 and PT 509. 2: I n addition to the above, a number of smaller landing craft were lost. 3. The next of kin of casualties have been informed.

LEYTEPalawan: Our patrol planes sank a 2,000ton cargo vessel and damaged another in a level straflng attack at Puerto Princess Borneo: Our reconnaissance units, striking enemy shipping off the north and east coasts sank a small freighter and damaged fobr others and a barge. CHUNGKING 14th A A P communique-In night operatibns about 75 miles west of the Luichow Peninsula B-24s of the U. S. 14th AAF on 26 October probably sank one Japanese destroyer and damaged another. They also damaged a tanker and cargo vessel.



U. S. Pacific Fleet Commrcniarce No. 167

U. S. Pacific Pleet Communique No. 166

On 24 October (west longitude date). the enemy carrier task force which had been sighted in the Philippine Sea on the previous afternoon approaching from Japanese home waters was attacked by a concentration of aircraft surface ships and submarines of the Pa& Fleet during the d a y and the following night. Despite their support by enemy aircraft from Luzon. the following damage w a s inflicted. with no damage to our ships involved in this action: One large carrier exploded and sunk.

U. S. Pacific Fleet Communique No. 168

1. Amplifying. reports on the Second Battle of the Philippine Sea although still subject to revision as moke information is received, indicate a n overwhelming victory for the 3d and 7th U. S. Fleets. The Japanese Fleet h a s been decisively defeated a n d routed. The Second Battle of t h e Philippine Sea ranks as one of the sea battles o f World



Japanese communiques as broadcast from Tokyo made t h e usual fantastic claims about American losses in what they have officially named the Naval Battle O f the Philippines. Following f is their version of the losses on both sides :

.Taps - - Win Oral


U. S. Losses

Sunk: eight aircraft carriers. three rruisers. two destroyers and more than four t r b s p o r t s . Damaged : seven carriers, one battleship and two cruisers. Planes shot down: about 500.

Japanese Losses
Sunk: one battleship, one carrier, two cruisers and two destroyers. Damaged : one battleship, one carrier. Planes lost: 120, and six planes that have not returned.


rler aircraft, a n d had attacked units of the Seventh Fleet off Samar Island during t h e morning of 24 October. I n the ensuine battle. most of the enemv's

enemy force r a n northwest from the scene-of the action and during t h e early hours of darkness passed westward through the San Bernardino Strait. About 2 a.m. a straggling cruiser was sunk by gunfire of the 3rd Fleet. 10. Meanwhile the southern enemy force had crossed the Sulu Sea, the Mindanao Sea, had attempted t o pass through the Surigao Strait, and met the 7th Fleet in a night action 24-25 October. As announced by the Commander in Chief, Southwest Pacific area, all units of this enemy force were sunk or decisively defeated. 1 . On 25 October carrier aircraft of the 1 3rd Fleet were launched aeainst the criDpled and damaged enemy fleeing we&ward through the Sibuyan Sea. Damage done to the enemy during the retirement of the enemy forces from San Bernardino Strait by the combined efforts of the 3rd and 7th Fleets and shore based aircraft of the Southwest Pacific Area included one Mogamz-class cruiser sunk off Mindoro Island one Noshiro-class cruiser sunk south ' of Mindoro Island, one battleship possibly sunk and three other battleships and three other cruisers further damaged. 12. The total damage inflicted on the Japanese Fleet during the period 22-27 October 1944 included: SUNK: Two battleships Four carriers Six heavy cruisers Three light cruisers Three small cruisers or large destroyers

relentlessly pressed their attacks home with telling effect. ADVANCED HEADOITARTERS E ON L On- 26 October --ou;--caGier-based planes sank a n enemy destroyer and severely damaged a light cruiser in the Camotes Sea. The same day carrier fighters and shivs' antiaircraft fire destroyed seven attacking enemy planes. One 01 our carriers sustained some damaee nnd rasualtien. Amplifying dispatcEes-of the battle of South Leyte Gulf on 26 October report confirmed enemy losses to be greater than originally estimated. The total enemy naval force t h a t sortied through Surigao Strait was composed of two battleships, the Yamashiro and Fuso * two heavy cruisers, two light cruisers and 10 destroyers. O this force both battleships one heavy f and one light cruiser and six'destroyers were sunk in immediate action. The remaining two cruisers and four destroyers, badly damaged. fled and were destroyed in subsequent air attacks. Many survivors from sunken enemy war!red, including the

ar lost planes . . . Borneo:Palawan. We sanktwocoastal Air patrols a vessel east of Sandakan Celebes:

Patrol planes also damaged a

Seven ldestroyers ESCAPED IN DAMAGED CONDITION: Six battleships Four heavy cruisers One lieht cruiser

Heavy units sank a small d e i g i t e r in the Gulf of Boni. CHUNGKINO, 14th BAR' commzcnigueRevised reworts of a n attack hv R-24s nn a n enemy -convoy off LuicGG" Pen:lGula on 26 October show one transport was sunk, a large cargo vessel probably sunk. and a freighter and tanker damaeed. On 27 October. B-25s caught tanker east of the north end of Hainan Island apparently in difflculty. It had an escort of gunboats and tugs. The B - 2 5 s scored direct hits and the tanker was left sinking by the stern with Jifeboats putting out. LONDON, Air Mmistrv communioue-At 9 o'clock this morning force of Lancas: ters of the R A F Bomber Command attacked with 12.000-pound bombs the Tirpztz, moored off Haakoy Island four miles due west of Tromsoe. Thou& clouds hid the battleship just as the -bombs-were about to be released, flrst reports indicated t h a t at least one hit was obtained.

30 OCTOBER U.S. Pacific Fleet Communique No.


o u r combat patrols.

I n this action, the following destruction was inflicted upon t h e enemy: SUNK: One carrier of the Zuikaku class, sunk by carrier aircraft. One light carrier of the Zuiho Class, crippled by carrier aircraft . a n d l a t e r sunk by the gunfire of cruisers a n d destroyers, Two light carriers of the Uhitose class, sunk by carrier aircraft. One light cruiser or large destroyer sunk by gunfire. One destroyer sunk by carrier aircraft. One cruiser was severely damaged by carrier aircraft and w a s sunk duri n g the night b y a submarine. DAMAGED: One battleship h i t by 2-4 torpedoes and many bombs. One battleship h i t by bombs. Three cruisers damaged by bombs and gunfire. Four destroyers bombed, strafed or h i t by gunfire. None of the 3rd Fleet shiDs enszaged with t h e enemv carrier force-were -damaged. The 3rd-Fleet in this phase of the action lost 10 planes, 8 pilots and 1 0 aircrewmen, all shot down by antiaircraft fire. Before all the damaged enemy ships could be tracked down and destroved the engagement was broken off to prdceed to t h e assistance of 7th Fleet carrier escort groups then under attack off Samar Island. 9.. The enemy force of. battleships, cruisers and destroyers which had been attacked i n the Sibuyan Sea had sortied through t h e San Bernardino Strait in spite of the damage inflicted by our car-

cort and a few lesser craft. 14. The following battleships seriously damaged at Pearl Harbor .took p a r t in these actions : West Virinza Maryland, Tennessee, California and P;?nnsglvania. The new carriers Lexzngton, Wasp and Hornet also participated. 15. In all these actions, U. S. submarines played a highly important p a r t a n d a r e credited with sinking and damaging several enemy warships-both before and after the air and sea battles on 23, 24 a n d 25 October. 16. Much of the credit for the destrucon inflicted on t h e Japanese Fleet goes ) the naval airmen who gallantly and

ee 2e30October, 13-14 Novembep.

Carrier aircraft of the 3d Fleet continued to attack targets in southern Luzon on 28 October. In Manila harbor a heavy cruiser prev i o u s l y damaged was probably sunk: while another cruisDAMAGE TO er was damaged. JAP FLEET A third cruisec o f f Cavite was hit by two 1,000 - pound bombs and severely damaged. An oil tanker was also damaged when i t received a hit from a 1000-pound bomb. Airfields in the vicinity o Manila were f attacked. Twelve or more planes were destroyed on the ground and several large Ares were started. Our aircraft were intercepted by a number of enemy fighters over southern Luzon, 4 5 of which were shot down. One of our carrier groups was attacked by enemy fighters and divebombers of which 1 2 were shot down. Two rhore en'emy planes were shot down the next day over our carriers. I n the Central Philippines search and patrol fiights by carrier-based aircraft of the 3d Fleet on 28 and 29 October shot down 1 9 enemy fighters and destroyed three coastal cargo vessels near Cebu. Corsairs of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing bombed the airfield on Yap Island on 25 October. Seventh, AAF Liberators attacked the same airstrip on 26, 2 7 and 28 October. Moderate antiaircraft fire W a s encountered. Enemy barges were strafed off Babelthuap Island, in the Palau proup, and a radio station was hit by Corsairs of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing on 25 October. Our fighters met meager antiaircraft flre. Seventh AAF Thunderbolts attacked targets on Pagan Island on 25 October. Corsairs of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing bombed gun emplacements near the Rota airstrip on 25 and 27 October. Five enemy barges were damaged by a single Navy search plane at Iwo Jima in t h e Volcano Islands on 26 October. Navy search Liberators bombed the airfield on 27 October. Another Navy search plane destroyed a radio and weather station and

Page 49

left Ares on Muko Jima in the Bonin Islands on 27 October. Seventh AAF Liberators started flres and bombed shipping i n the Hahd Jima harbor on 27 October. The next ddy another group of 7th AAF Liberators bombed the same harbor installations and shianine a e a i n Ventura search pian&bYfFLeet Air Wing 2 bombed objectives on Wake Island on 2 4 October. Two sampans were strafed. Enemy antiaircraft Are was inaccurate. Mitchell bombers of the 7th AAF bombed the airfield. and defense installations on Nauru Island on 26 October causing large fires. Antiaircraft fir; was meager. Corsairs of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing hit the airfleld on Ponape during 2 4 October. One of our planes was slightly damaged by antiaircraft fire Corsairs and Dauntless divebombers of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing and Venturas o Fleet Air Wing 2 continued neuf tra1,ization raids in the Marshall Islands during 24 25 26 27 and 28 October Further details of the naval engagement off Samar Island on 25 October between our 7th Fleet escort carrier groups and a numerically suuerior enemv force of four battleships, seven heavy cruisers two light cruisers and 1 2 destroyers havk been received. Our forces. attacking against seemingly overwhelming odds, sank one enemy heavy cruiser and one destroyer and severely damaged three battleships or cruisers and a destroyer. Three other enemy heavy fleet units and three destroyers were probably sunk by the combined a i r attacks of our planes and those of a 3d Fleet carrier group which came up. We lost two of our escort carriers, two destroyers and one destroyer escort a n d sustained considerable casualties. Borneo: Patrol planes flred a small freighter . . GeZebes: Air patrols bombed Manado township and scored a direct hit on a 1.000-ton freighter. Near Makassar our flghters destroyed a coastal vessel Moluccas: Light naval units destroyed a barge. LONDON, Admiralty communique-Carrier-borne aircraft of the Royal Navy have carried out further successful attacks on enemy shipping off the Nomegian coast and on shore installations on the mainland. During the course of these operations, which took place in the vicinity of Bodo, in the Norwegian leads, a total of six enemy ships were sunk. These comprised two .supply ships a medium-sized tanker, a n aircraft tende; and two naval auxiliary vessels. In addition, a large U-boat was attacked a n d driven ashore in a damaged condition. A further 19 enemy vessels, including seven large supply ships and one of medium size, were damaged by cannon flre or by bombs. An armed coaster and an armed trawler were also driven ashore.


See 30 October, 6-7, 14, 16, 20


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and amount o? damaee be announced at the present time. Such information would be of value to the enemy in estimating accurately the size of our naval forces operating in Philiuuine waters and what shim a r e available- for immediate action. IiIitchell bon1bei.s o f . thc 11th A - I V bomber Parainusliiru. in the northern Kurils, on 30 October. s?tting buildings aflre and damaging several small craft. Antiaircraft fire w a s inaccurate and all planes returned. A single Navy search plane bombed the airfleld at Iwo Jima on 29 October. Antiaircraft flre was not encountered. Corsairs of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing strafed personnel areas on Rota Island on 30 October. Antiaircraft fire was meager. Seventh AAF Liberators on 29 October dropped bombs on the airfield at Yap Island, causing flres and explosions. Corsairs of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing also bombed the airstrip and set a fuel dump ablaze. Corsairs of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing on 29 October strafed targets on Babelthuar, Island. in the northern Palau Islands, and sank 'two barges. Seventh AAF Mitchells bombed the airstrip and gun installations on Nauru Island on 30 October. Enemy-held Dositions in t h e Marshall Islands -were bombed in neutralization raids on 29 and 30 October. ON ADVANCED HEADQUARTERS LEYTE The enemy continues his efforts at reinforcement under cover of darkness from Cebu to Leyte. Carrier based planes strafed and destroved or damaeed 20 enemy barges a t Ormoc on the wes? coast. Light naval units at night sank two luggers on Ormoc Ray as well as two lighters in Surigao Strait. Celebes: Our air patroIs bombed Manado town and damaged a 1,000-ton vessel in the Banggai Archipelago Halmahera: Light naval craft at night started fires among coastal installations near Niti Amboina: Air patrols damaged small shipping in coastal sectors Lesser Sundas: Patrol units damaged a small freighter off Flores.

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U. 5. Pacific Pleet Commusique No. I72

A single enemy PT-boat on t h e night of 26 October (west longitude date) attempted to attack one of our beaches on Peleliu Island, in t h e southern Palaus, where cargo unloading was in progress. A torpedo is thought to have been launched, but it did no damage. There were a few personnel casualties. however, from enemy- machine-gun Are from the vessel. The PT-boat w a s sunk as i t tried to escape northward. Corsairs of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing bombed and strafed shipping installations and oil-storage areas on Koror Island, in the northern Palaus. on 30 October. A second group of Corsairs hit trucks and barges at Babelthuap Island on the same day. The airfleld at Yap.Island was bombed and strafed by Corsairs of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing on 30 October. A single search Liberator bombed targets on Iwo Jima through meager antiaircraft Are on 30 October. Seventh AAF Thunderbolts strafed installations and gun positions on Pagan Island on 31 October. Neutralization raids against enemyheld positions in t h e Marshalls continued on 30 October. ADVANCED HEADQUARIPERS ON LEYTE The enemy is apparently continuing reinforcements of the Ormoc a r e a by barge. Our Leyte-based fighters attacked enemy installations and shipping at Ormoc. destroying a n ammunition dump and causing large fires. A small freighter a n d lugger were sunk. One light naval unit a t night s a n k a troop-laden barge off the west coast. Mircdanao: Escorted m e d i u m units bombed San Rogue airfleld at Zamboanga and destroyed by straflng, several fuel barges i n the' harbor Bormeo: A 10,000-ton tanker as d6stioyed when explosives on the deck were detonated by straflng. Two other tankers, two 1,000ton freighters and a barge were heavily damaged Halmahera: Air patrols destroyed three barges and a coastal craft.

31 OCTOBER Navy Department Communique No. 552

1 U. . sinking batant against lows :
P A C I F I C A N D FAR EAST S. submarines have reported the of 18 vessels, including one comship as a result of operations the knemy in these waters, as fol-

1 destroyer 4 small cargo vessels 5 medium cargo vessels 1 medium tanker 1 small auxiliary 2. These actions have not been an-

3 medium cargo transports large transport 2 small cargo transports

U. S. Pacific Fleet Communiaue No. 171
I n the Second Battle of the Philippine Sea, 22-27 October (west longitude date),

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ROME naval communique-On 30 October (he French cruiser Emile Bertin bombarded beaches and e n e m y troop movements near the French-Italian frontier. The areas were well covered. On 31 October the French destroyer Forbin engaged targets in the same area a n d scored direct hits on a pillbox and enemy personnel. The work of t h e Allied minesweeping force off the south coast of France, the Aeeean and in the waters of Greece is coritinuing successfully. Many mines have been accounted for.

3, NOVEMBER U. S. Pacific Pleet Communique No. 173

During the night of 1-2 November nine enemy twin-engine bombers presumably from bases in the Bonins, bombed a n d strafed Isely airfield on Saipan and the nnrthnrn ~ . on Tinian.. Three of t h e airfleld ~ ~ . . .~ .. enemy raiders were shot down, one by night flghter aircraft and two by antiaircraft guns. O u r personncl casua1tit.s were four killed and one seriously injured when one of the enemy planes w a s shot down and crashed on the field Minor damage w a s sufferea at both airflelds. An enemy reconnaissance seaplane attacked Peleliu Island on 31 October but was shot down by one of our Hellcat nieht flehters. a n e gf the 3d Fleet carrier groups wa8 attacked by enemy fighters and divebombers on 1 November. inflicting some damaee to several ShiDs and light Personner casualties s i x enemy planes were destroyed by a h a i r c r a f t flre and four others were shot down by our aircraft. Eleventh AAF Mitchell bombers dropped fragmentation and incendiary bombs O n , Paramushiru on 31 October. One of Our planes was attacked by five enemy flght7 e r s but is reported to have landed safely. Seventh A A F Liberators and Navy search Liberators of Fleet Air Wing 2 teamed up to hit enemy positions in the Volcano Islands and the Bonins on 31 Ortnher __...._ at Chichi and Iwo Airfleldln were bombed, shipping a t Iwo was attacked. and buildings at H a h a were hit. Antiaircraft flre was intense. Seventh AAF Liberators bombed four cargo ships at Chichi on 1 November, scoring several direct hits. One ship was sunk one was left burning while the other two were damaged. Shventh AAF T>iherstnrs also bombed shiuuinn in the

Novkmber. Two small cargo ships were heavily damaged near Babelthuap, while barges and trucks were destroyed at both Babelthuap and Yap. Seventh A F Thunderbolts bombed PaA gan Island on 2 November, destroying a twin-engined bomber as i t neared the airfield. Corsairs of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing strafed gun emplacements at Rota Island on the same day. Seventh AAF .Liberators bombed the airstrip and installations at Marcus Island on 1 November. repeating the attack the . . next day. A single PBY of Fleet Air Wing 2 bombed Nauru Island on the night of 1-2 November. Antiaircraft flre was inaccurate. Corsairs of t h e 4th Marine Aircraft Wing continued t o neutralize enemy-held positions in the Marshall Islands on 2 November. LONDON, Admiralty CommuniqueDetermined attempts by s t r o n g forces of

Yap was hit by 7th AAF Liberators on 2 November. WASHINGTON, 20th AAF cmmunique-

f r o m the United Kinedom to Russia and back were frustrated 6y the ships and naval aircraft of the Home Fleet. Not one of the merchant ships sustained any damage. Enemy losses were three U-boats sunk and several others. damaged during engagements fought wlthln the Arctic Circle.


U.S. Pacific Pleet Communique No. 175

Liberators of the. 7th +AF attacked enemy shipping in Chichi J i m a harbor in t h e Bonin Islands on 2 November (west longltude date). Targets included two destroyers, one large transport, four medium transports and four small transports. Other 7th AAF Liberators bombed a large enemy transport at H a h a Jima on 2 November. Land objectives at H a h a Jima were attacked by Liberators the next day. A Navy search Liberator attacked IwO J i m a in the Volcano Islands on 2 November. Seventh AAF Liberators bombed t h e airstrip on Iwo Jima on 3 November. Two grounded enemy planes were destroyed and one probably destroyed. Six to eight Japanese fighters were seen in the air but did not attack our planes. Five Liberators were damaged by intense antiaircraft fire. Koror Island in the northern Palaus W a S heavily attacked by 7th AAF Liberators on 2 November. Large Ares were started and explosions were observed. Thunderbolts and Liberators of the 7th AAF damaged the airfleld on Pagan Island in the Marlanas on 3 November. Corsairs of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing strafed enemy installations on Rota Island on 3

1 1

I n the longest daylight mission ever flown by military planes B-29 aircraft of the 20th AAF today bohbed the dockyard and repair facilities of the great Singapore naval base, on the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula. The strike w a s made by a substantial force of the 2 0 t h Bomber Command from India bases. It was exceeded in length by only a few miles on 1 0 Aug. 1944, when the same bomber conimand conducted a night mission from In_. dia against the Pladjoe reflnery at Palem-. bang,-Sumatra. Coincidentally with the attack on Singapore some elements hit the PangkalanBraidon oil reflnery on the Japanesedominated island of Sumatra. Good to excellent results were reported at both primary and secondary targets. At Singapore, the former British naval base now in Japanese hands, the weather was clear enough f o r visual bombing, and direct hits were observed on a control house in the largest drydock and on other vital points. I n addition, t k o direct hits were scored on a Japanese ship in d w dock Pakgkalan-Brandon is probably exceeded only by the Pladjoe reflnery as a supplier of high-octane aviation gasoline in the Far East. Our planes encountered only weak enemy flghter plane resistance. None O f our aircraft was lost t o enemy action at either target. ADVANCED HEADQUARTERS ON LEYTEOur patrols at Masbate damaged a 3,000ton freighter transport Mindanoa: Fighter-bombers hit and damaged a n 8,000ton transport at Jolo Moluccas: .Our planes sank a 1,000-ton freighter and eight barges Bismarck-Solomons: Our medium units light bombers and flghters sank a barbe and bombed enemy-occupied plantations on New Ireland starting Ares near Rabaul and destroyinghuts in southern Bougainville. Light naval units a n d night patrols shelled shore targets. SUPREME HEADQUARTERS, ALLIEDEXPEDITIONARY FORCE-Naval casualties a n d losses in landing craft were severe during the assault on Westkapelle, particularly in a close-support squadron which, by its determined action engaging superior batteries at close range, drew the enemys flre while the assault went through. Next of kin of casualtles are being informed as soon as possible.



Catching the enemy apparently by surprise, carrier-based Hellcat fighters, Avenger torpedo planes and Helldiver divebombers of the 3d F!eet bombed airflelds. shipping and ground installations in southern Luzon, on 4 November (west longtitude date). P r e l i m i n a ~ reports show t h a t much damage was dsne in M q i l a harbor and at five airflelds in the vicinity. Over Clark Field our flghters were Intercepted by 80 enemy planes, of which 58 were shot down. Enemy a i r opposition became less effective during the remainder of the day, but a n additional 25 enemy interceptors were shot down over other targets. Five more enemy planes were shot down in the vicinity of 3d Fleet carriers and three more were destroyed by our night fighters over Clark Field. More than 100 planes on the ground were also destroyed during the operation. Our losses have not yet been reported. Over Manila there w a s only light opposition. Shipping in the harbor was heayily bombed, with preliminary reports showing the following results : One heavy qruiser burning and left in a sinking condiuon from several bomb and torpedo hits. One light cruiser damaged. Three destroyers damaged. Several cargo ships damaged. One subchaser sunk (off Lubang Island). At Clark Field oil storage areas, shops and hangars were bombed and set aflre. At Batangas Field Lipa Field Legaspi Field and Lubang h e l d , ground installations were heavily damaged. Venturas of Fleet Air Wing 4 strafed targets at Torishima., a n island east of Paramushiru in the Kurils on 4 November. Eleven aggressive enemy flghters intercepted our planes and shot one of them down. Eleventh AAF Liberators bombed Installations at Kurabu-Saki on t h e southern tip of Paramushiru and started several Ares. Antiaircraft Are was moderate. Liberators of the 7th AAF bombed two 180-foot enemy transports at Chichi J i m a

U.S. Pacific Pleet Commumique No. 176

at Yap Island. Corsairs of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing strafed enemy targets on Rota Island on 31 October. On 1 November targets on Rota were again strafed by Corsairs. while 7th AAF Thunderbolts launched rockets against supply dumps on Pagan Island. ADVANCED HEADQUARTERS ON LEYTE Mindanao: Night a i r patrols destroyed a 7 000-ton tanker off Tawitawi . . . Bor<go;- - O n e - ~ o f - - o u rnight -reconnaissance units sank a 1,000-ton freighter and damaged two others northeast of Sandakan Celebes: Our heavy units destroyed a coastal vessel east of Boetoeng Timor: A coastal vessel and a barge were sung north of Kupang New Guinea: Light naval craft shelled shore positions south of Manokwari. ROME naval communique - It is reported &om the Adriatic that on the evening of 1 November t h e HMS Wheatland and the HMS Avondale, operating among the islands west of P a g Island, met and engaged two enemy destroyers, both of which were sunk. About a n hour and a half later a third destroyer was engaged and sunk. Some survivors were rescued and made prisoner. Our forces suffered no casualties, a1though the Avondale sustained superflcial damage. CHUNGKING 14th. AAF communique-A Japanese destkoyer was sunk and a large transport damaged and left listing in two missions by B-24s against a convoy in the South China Sea, east of Hainan Island, on 2 November.

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U. S. Pacific Pleet Communique N o . 174

Corsairs of t h e 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing bombed a n d strafed targets on Yap Island and in the northern Palaus on 1

See 31 October, 1-2, 11-12 November.

Page 51

in the Bonin Islands on 4 Novemher.. RP.. . -. sults were not observed. Other Liberators hit Haha Jima on the same day. Our Planes were intercepted by two enemy Aghters of Which one w a s damaged. Cataiinas of Fleet Air Wing 1 attacked targets on Koror Island in the . .. . - northern . .. . P a i a u Islands on 3 November. On 4 November Corsairs of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing bombed and strafed airflelds on Babelthuap Island and started Ares in the northern Palau Islands. Other Corsairs of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing strafed the airstrip on Yap island. Ventura search planes of Fleet Air Wing 2 bombed Wake Island on 1 November. Enemy defense installations and airstrips were attacked. Antiaircraft fire damaged two Venturas, but none of our pilots or crewmen w a s injured. There was no enemv a i r onaosition. Seventh h F Lib&ator&attacked air defenses and enemy shipping at Marcus Island on 3 and 4 November. Two Liberators were damaged by antiaircraft flre. Corsairs O the 4th Marine Aircraft f Wing bombed Nauru on 4 Novemher. One . .. . . small explosion w a s observed. Enemy antiaircraft Are was intense but inaccurate. A Angle Catalina of Fleet Air Wing 2 attacked Nauru the night of 4 Novemhnr

10 NOVEMBER Navy Defiartmmt Communique No. 553

PACIFIC A N D FAR EAST 1. U. S. submarines have reported t h e sinking of six vessels, including one combatant ship and one naval auxiliary, as a result of operations against the enemy in these waters, a follows : s 1 light cruiser 1 medium converted seaplane tender 3 medium cargo vessels 1 medium tanker 2. These actions. have not been announced in any previous Navy Department communique.

U.S. Pacific Fleet Communique No. 279

On 6 November (west longitude date) Mitchells of the 11th AAF and Venturas of Fleet Air Wing 4 bombed and strafed Torishima in the northern Kurils, and attacked nine Self-DrODelled wooden barees off the east coast- of-Paramushiru, two-of which were seen to blow up and sink. Our aircraft were intercepted by 15 to 2 9 enemy flghters, three of which were shot down. one urobablv shot down and one damaged. One of t h e Mitchells was lost. On 8 November 11th AAF Liberators attacked Paramushiru, Matsuwa and Onnekotan Islands but results were not reported. Liberators of t h e 7th AAF on 7 November bombed two barges at H a h a Jima in the Bonin Islands with unobserved results. At Chichi Jima a direct hit w a s scored on a medium careo shim A Navv search Liberator bombed- Iwo j i m a in thk Volcano Islands on 8 November. Corsairs of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing strafed the phosphate works and airstrip at Rota Island on 7 November. Corsairs and Avengers destroyed a s u g a r mill on 8 November. Thunderbolts of t h e 7th AAF strafed supply dumps and installations on Pagan Island on 8 November. Seventh AAF Llberators bombed Marcus Island on 8 November. ADVASCEDHEADQUARTERS ON LEYTE Our flghters. ranging from local airdromes. executed numerous low-level bombing 2nd straflng attacks on enemy installations and small shipping. Two barges and a coastal vessel were destroyed and several other c r a f t damaged.

Corsairs and Dauntless divebombers of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing continued neutralization raids on the Marshall Islands on 4 November. ROME, a v y communique During t h e N last flve days Allied warships have again bombarded enemy positions near t h e Franco-Italian border. On 1 November the U. S. destroyer Ben8on flred uuon enemv rail tranannrt- a n d troop concentrationsi-thet a r g e t a r e a being well covered. The next day, the French cruiser MontcaZm bombarded the enemy gun emplacements and troops, starting a large Are. Naval support to the Army continued on 3 November when the U. S. destroyer Woolsey Ared on large troop concentrations a n d obtained three direct hits.


See 3 November.
probably destroyed another. Two Liberators were damaged. A single Liberator also bombed Otomari south of Onnekotan. Results were unobsArved. Torishima. a small island east of Paramushiru, was bombed and strafed by 11th AAF Mitchells on the same day. All planes returned. 6. Liberators of the 7th AAF bombed three cargo ships and a tanker at H a h a Jima in the Bonins on 5 November. but results were not observed. On t h e s a m e day other Liberators bombed Ani J i m a in t h e Bonins. 7.. Corsairs and Avengers of the 2nd M a n n e Aircraft Wing on 5 November strafed and bombed Rota Island the phosphate plant being the principal &get. 8. Neutralization raids by Corsairs and Dauntless divebombers of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing were continued in the Marshall Islands on 6 November.

the Liberators shot down one Dlane and

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U.S. Pacific Fleet Communique No. 177

1. Hellcat flghters Avenger torpedo Planes and Helldiver divebombers of the 3d Fleet on 5 November (west longitude date) Cont i m e d attacks on s o u t h e r n Luzon which had been begun t h e previous d a y. Preliminary reports show t h a t additional heavy damage w a s inflicted upon the enemys a i r strength, shipping and ground installations by our airmen on the second day of the operation. 2. In addition to the 191 planes destroyed on 4 November (as previously announced in Communique 176) a n additional 249 enemy aircraft werd destroyed on the ground and in the air on 5 November. Many others were damaged on the ground by straflng. A recapitulation of t h e number of enemy aircraft destroyed in the two-day strike totals 440 with 113 of these having been shot down in the air and 327 destroyed on the ground. The largest concentrations of enemy planes were found at Nichols Field Clark Field Nielson Field Lipa Field Tarlac Field Bamban Field and M a b a l h a t Field. d g u r e s on Pur own losses a r e not yet available. 3. Heavy damage was inflicted upon enemy ground installations during the attack on 5 November. Three oil storage a r e a s were set ablaze at the north Clark Field : Are resulted from a tremendous explosion at the northeast Clark Field: a railway engine and flve t a n k cars were destroyed north of Malvar. 4. Shipping in Manila harbor was again brought under aerial attack on 5 November and the following damage w a s inflicted on this day: Three cargo ships sunk one oil tanker sunk : one destroyer probhbly sunk : two destroyers damaged two destroyer escorts damaged : one t r a d e r damaged : several cargo ships damaged (making a total of 1 4 cargo ships damaged for the two-day strike). 5. A single Liberator of t h e 11th AAF bombed three small transports off t h e northeast coast of Onnekotan Island on 5 November. Other 11th AAF Liberators also bombed the island the same day. In a running battle with seven enemy fighters


HEADQUARTERSAn ON L E ADVANCED enemy convoy of four large cargo ships and 15 destroyers bearing troop reinforcements landed at Ormoc Bay last night. I n a series of divebombing and mass flight attacks in t h e face of intense antiaircraft flre, our medium bombers and Aghters from both local and rear bases sank three of the four enemy transports of aDDroximatelv 5.000 tons each and seven--of the 1f dektroyers. Our -fighter cover shot down 16 enemy planes over the Ormoc a r e a and probably destroyed flve others. We lost four bo-mbers and four flehters. -Air patrols over the northern Visayas and southern Luzon sank a 2.000-ton freighter in Ragay Gulf and darnaged the nearby dock. Others scored three- direct hits on a 6,000-t-n troop-laden transport off Mindoro, leaving i t dead in t h e water and burning. Borneo: Air patrols destroyed two small coastal vessels off t h e north coast Kendard: Our flghters attacked a n d left burning two freighters of 1,000 tons each, a coastal vessel and a barge. Others strafed enemy installations near Pomelaa and damaged flve schooners. ROME, N a v y communique-After extensive sweeping operations t h r o u g h thickly laid mineflelds. the British cruiser Argonaut accompanied by other warships and a cohvoy, arrived at Salonika 9 November. Troops, stores and motor transport were disembarked. On 8-9 November t h e French cruiser Ceorges Leygues and the U. S. destroyer Madison bombarded enemy guns troop concentrations a n d motor transcort in support of t h e Army neal: t h e FrancoItalian frontier. LONDON, Admiralty commu?z&ytte His Majestys submarines, during recent patrols in Far Eastern waters have sunk a total of 45 enemy vessels,including a large supply ship, one of medium size, one sub chaser and three landing craft. In addition, a supply ship of medium

U. S. Pacific Fleet Communique No. 178

Eleven enemy aircraft raided Saipan a n d Tinian Island shortly after midnighb on 6 November (west longitude date). causing no damage or personnel causalties. Three planes were shot down by antiaircraft Are, while a fourth was probably destroyed. Seventh AAF Liberators dropped bombs on a n airfleld and revetments at Iwo Jima in the Volcano Islands on 6 November. A large flre resulted and two twin-engined bombers on t h e ground were robably destroyed. A Navy search L g e r a t o r also bombed Iwo Jima on 5 November. Thunderbolts of the 7th A A F attacked P a g a n Island twice on 6 November, rocketing and straflng installations. Corsairs of t h e 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing attacked enemy barges and small c r a f t in t h e northern Palau Islands on 6 November. Seventh AAB Liberators bombed antiaircraft gun positions and a radio station on Marcus Island on 6 November. Navy search Venturas of Fleet Air Wing 2 bombed and strafed gun positions airstrips and ground installations on Wake Island on 6 November. Large Ares were started. Neutralization raids were made over the Marshalls on 6 November by Corsairs of t h e 4th Marine Aircraft Wing.

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.. Medium units executed a low-level .. .


HEADQUARTERS O N T.I?TWW Vhayas: A 1,000-ton freighter w%i-i;nk by strafing at Sabrita Mindanao:


the bay-. ; B n r u I O n e of our-flght&-paz trols attacked and damaged a coastal vessel Lesser Sundas: Our medium units attacked enemy defenses at Waingapoe on Sumba Island and damagad a small freighter-transport nearby,

at Cagayan. scoring hits on a dpatrovpr


Puge 52

size and a n enemy minesweeper were probably sunk. Fourteen other supply ships were damaged.

17. Pacific Fleet Comrnuniaue No. 181 S.

Under cover of a storm-during the night of 7-8 November a n enemy force of approximately 200 troops, equipped with knee-mortars a n d machine guns went ashore on Naereeonz Island northeast of Peleliu in tge P%au group. This island had previously been occupied by a small patrol of U. S marines. Several LCIs . took off our patrol without casualties. Twn of our Punboats and a destrover blocyke8- fienges--~Pascage to the noi'th f r o m which the enc'my troops had opparently come. and bombarded the Island. On 9 November Cprsairs and Avengers of the 2nd Marine Alrcraft Wing attacked Ngesang on Babelthuap Island in the north Palaus sinking one barge and setting Are to fuel tank. Moderate antiaircraft Are was encountered. Hellcat flghters bombed Koror and Babelthuap. Corsairs sank a barge at Babelthuap and scored a direct hit on a radio station. Yap Island was bombed by Corsairs of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing. Cofsairs of the Marine Aircraft Wing on 1 0 November sank a Japanese destroyer previously damaged n e a r Golou in the Palau Islands. Liberators of the 7th AAF on 10 November bombed Koror Island, setting several small Ares. Several small islands in the northern Palaus were hit by Catalinas of Fleet Air Wing 1 and Corsairs and Avengers of the and Marine Aircraft Wing in night operations. and two fuel dumDs were set aflre. Airflelds on -Peleliu Island and Angaur Island a r e now being used by U. S. landbased aircraft of the 2nd A F a n d the A 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing. On 1 0 November Liberators of the 7th AAF bombed airstrips on Iwo Jima, causing large Ares in storage areas. Meager antiaircraft Are was encountered. Another force of Liberators bombed the Iwo J i m a airflelds t h e next day. Three enemy flghters were seen in the air but did not attack our planes. Thunderbolts of t h e 7th AAF attacked Pagan Island in t h e Marianas without encountering resistance on 10 and 11 November. Corsairs of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing also attacked installations on Rota on 10 and 11 November. On 10 November enemy-held positions in the Marshall Islands were further neufralized by Navy search Venturas of Fleet Air Wing 2 and Corsairs of the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing. ADVANCED HEADQUARTERS LEYTE ON O u r local flghters strafed and destroyed an anchored float plane and three barges off Palompon. Carrier planes of the 3d Fleet shot down 1 3 enemy flghters during their last strike on shipping in Ormoc Rnv. __"_ LONDON, i r Mintstm commultique A The T i r i t s has been s u n 2 Yesterd a y morning 29 Lancasters of t h e RAF Bomber B Y R A F Command attacked the German battleship T i r p d t z with 1 2 000-pound bombs. There were several diiect hits and within a few minutes the ship capsized and sank. One of our aircraft is missing.
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U. S. Pacific Fleet Communique No. 182

er torpedo planes and Helldiver divebombers of the 3d Fleet attacked a 10BLAST



U.S. Pacific Fleet Commanique No. 180

Carrier-based Hellcat flghters, Avengship e n e m y conv o v i u s t outside OGriioc Bay on 10

The convoy consisting of three large transports, o i e medium transport, flve destroyers and one, destroyer escort, was apparently attempting t o reinforce enemy positions on Leyte Island. The damage inflicted upon the enemy consisted of the following : One transport seen to explode and sink. T h e three other transaorts seen to sink. - _... .. . Two destroyers seen -to sink. One destroyer escort seen to sink. One destrover left awash. thought t0 ha& -sunk One destroyer with bow blown Off, thought t o have sunk. One destroyer damaged. (These ships destroyed and damaged a r e in addition to the ones destroyed the previous day in the same general a r e a by General MacArthur's land-based aircraft and reported previously by him.) Approximately 20 aggressive enemy flghters furnished aerial cover for the convoy attacked by the carrier-based planes. Of these, 13 were shot down and flve were probably destroyed. In addition, a two-engined reconnaissance plane and a divebomber were shot down near our carriers. Our losses were nine planes, but it is believed t h a t most of the pilots and aircrewmen were rescued. Catalinas of Fleet Air Wing 1 on the night of 8 November bombed ground installations at Koror Island in the northern Palau Islands. Hellcats of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing harassed the Arakabesan a r e a on Babelthuap in night sorties. Corsairs of the 2nd Marine Maricraft Wing bombed YaD Island. hitting the airstriz. hanrrars and small craft. Liberators of ;he 7th AAF on 8 NOvember bombed antiaircraft gun positions and harbor shipping at H a h a Jima in the Bonins. Other Liberators bombed Okimura town on H a h a Jima, causing two large explosions near antiaircraft gun positions. A . Navy search Liberator bombed Iwo J i m a in the Volcano Islands. while Army Liberators strafed Kita Iwo Jima. On 9 November 7th A.AF Liber'atqrs again bombed Iwo Jima, hitting t h e airfleld. Our planes were intercepted by from three t o flve enemy flghters, of which one was shot down and two damaged. Cornairs of the 2nd marine Aircraft Wing strafed enemy targets on Rota Island on 9 November. A single Navy search plane on 9 November dropped bombs on the airfleld and barracks at Nauru Island, while Corsairs of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wina continued t o neutralize enemy-held posiz tions in the Marshalls. ADVANCED HEADQUARTERS ON LEYTE Another enemy c o n v o y attempted to reach Ormoc this morning with further troop reinforcements. Four large enemy transport vessels escorted by six destroyers approaching under the cover of darkne& were caught by our aircraft in the morhing entering Ormoc Bay. Carrier planes of the 3d Fleet, striking in force destroyed the entire convoy with an es'timated 8.000 enemy troops aboard only remnants reaching shore. Other &emy shipping in the Visayan a r e a was also attacked, with full reports not yet at hand.


KornF Mnlaknl and Arakabesan. in the

7th' AAF bombed - a power station at Koror on 1 November. but results were 1

were unobserved.
A near miss was scored on

a medium

LONDON, Admiralty commulzique ~n enemv convov which was attematina t o



either blown U D or sunk and one SUPDIY


13 NOVEMBER Navy Department Press Raleass

The submarine us8 Darter was destroyed by her own crew in order to prevent capture by the enemy after the vessel had run aground in a n a r e a under enemy control. All officers and men were rescued unharmed and are now at an advance naval base.

See 13,19 November.

target area.

LONDON Admiralty communique - A further 2& supply ships and a n antisubmarine vessel have been sunk by His Majestys submarines operating against the Japanese in Far E a s t e r n , waters. The supply vessels were engaged on coastal traffic and in order to carrv out successful attacks the submarines hLd in many cases to approach close to enemyoccupied territory and within range of enemy shore batteries. All the vessels were -heavily laden. Many were carrying
LONDON d z F a l t y communique-DurA ing a s&eep off the Norwegian coast yesterday Wildcat aircraft operating with ships of the Home Fleet entered Trondheim Fjord and attacked two armed trawlers. One trawler was sunk and the other was set on flre and is believed t o have been sunk.
file1 - -I

a n d hlew iin. - - -.

Kong the night of 15 November, scoring direct hits on the target. They sank one enemy cargo vessel and damaged another in a convoy 1 0 0 miles south of S. Johns t Island. LONDON, Admiralty communique-While on aatrol off the coast of Norway last Monbay, lignt coastal forces manned by personnel of the Royal Norwegian Navy, intercepted a large enemy supply ship and a n armed trawler escort which were Proceeding on a northerlycourse about 40 miles north of Bergen. Hits with, torpedoes were obtained on the supply ship and on the trawler, which a r e both believed to have been sunk.

Navy Department Comnzunique No. 554, giving a aetailed review of the Second Battle of the Philippznes, appears %nfull OW pages 2-5-ED. HEADOUARTERSLEYTEON ADVANCED Our fighters bombed and strafed im the Ormoc area sinking more than 30 barges in the hardor. , Philippines: Air gatrols sank a small freighter off P a n a v lsl u n i and bombed ~ Z a m & , a n ~ i irirficltl. Borneo: Air patrols bombed Sandakan and shipping to the noiThwcst, c l t a r l u ~ i n g a coastal vessel and damaging two others Halmahera: Our air and naval patrols attacked enemy-occupied villages and sank two barges.

16 NOVEMBER U . S. Pacific Fleet Communique NO. 183

A revision based on evidence gathered after the carrier task group attacks in the Manila Bay a r e a on 1 2 November (west longitude date) raised the damage flgures given in Communique 1 8 2 on Japanese shiD losses. It is &own t h a t a light cruiser was s u n k it had been reported as badly damaged. Four destroyers were sunk ; two had been reported as exploded. Eleven cargo vessels and oilers were s u n k ; this number had been reported as sunk or blazing. There are no other revisions of a n y information contained i n Communique 182. On the nieht of 10-11 November search




Volcano Islar sition was encountered. On 1 2 November Navy search Liberators again bombed installations on Iwo J i m a and scored near misses on a medium cargo vessel at Chichi Jima. The following day a Navy search Liberator was credited with nrobable hits on a small cargo ship n e a r Iwo Jima. On 13 November a Mitchell of the Zd Marine Aircraft Wing made possible hits on a medium cargo vessel near H a h a Jima. Search Venturas of Fleet Air Wing .1 bombed installations on the Yap airstrip on the night of 10-11 November, meeting meager antiaircraft flre. On 1 2 November Corsairs and Hellcats of the 2d Marine Aircraft Wing. with Navy search Liberators of Fleet Air Wing 1 bombed and destroyed warehouses and vehicles on Japanese bases in the northern Palau Islands. Corsairs of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing struck the airstrip on Yap on the same day. Straflng corsairs of t h e 2d Marine Airc r a f t Wing sank several barges and small craft on 13 November in the northern Pala u s and Y a p areas and struck the airstrip on Yap. and Liberators of the 7th A A F pounded docks and a radio station on Arakabesan. Hellcats of the 2d Marine Aircraft Wing made harassing attacks on Japanese bases in the Palaus on the night of 1 3 November. On 13 November bombers of the 7th A A F and Navy search Liberators struck the airstrip and installations on Woleai, in the western Carolines. Avengers and Corsairs of the 2d Marine Aircraft Wing bombed Rota, in t h e Marianas, on 12-13 November. Thunderbolts of the 7th A F hit Pagan on 13 A November. Continuing neutralization raids were made in the Marshalls on 11 November. Corsairs of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing a n d a Navy search Ventura of Fleet Air Wing 2 bombed Jaluit on the same day. Nine Ares were seen. Dauntless divebombers of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing attacked installations on Mille on 1 No1 vember. ADVANCED HEALKJUARTERS ON LEYTEVisavas: Air patrols over water to the north sank a Japanese gunboat and two fuel barges Borneo: A i r patrols damaged two 2.000-ton enemy cargo vessels Ceram-Amboina: Several small craft were destroyed. Netherlands N e w Guinea: Our grougd forces have landed in the Mapia Islands, 145 miles southwest of Biak. Only slight resistance was encountered. Landing w a s supported by naval bombardment and earlier heavy bombing attacks, which caused large Ares in enemy supply dumps and defense positions. CHUNGKING 14th AAF c o m m u n i q u e B-24s bombed the Kowloon docks at Hong

ADVANCED HEADQUARTERS LEPTEON Celebes: Air patroi planes sank or damaged five coastal vessels off Butong Island . Amboina-Ceranz: Patrol planes on coastal sweem destroved a schooner Bismarclcs - golornons Light naval units bomaarded shore positions. CHUNGKING. 14th AAP communique Two additional freighters of 256 feet each were sunk by DT24s south of Samah Way a t the tip of Hainan Island during the night of 15 No\cinber. On thc night of 1 6 -November a large enemy freighter was probably sunk 6 0 miles south Of Hong Kong.


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vember. Fires were started i fuel storn age spaces and storage buildings in the northern Palaus. Avengers and Corsairs of the 2d Marine Aircraft Wing hit Rota on 1 7 NOvember. Eleventh AAF Liberators on 16 November bombed Suribachi in the northern Kurils. Meager antiaircraft flre was met. Fighters of the 7th AAF made strafing attacks on Pagan in the Marianas on 15 November. The 4th Marine Aircraft Wing continued neutralization attacks in the Marshalls on 1 6 November. ADVANCED HEADQUARTERS LEYTE ON Luxon: A patrol piane off t h e south coast left a 3,000-ton freighter-transport in flames as a result of direct hits Visavas: I n the Palawan a r e a Datrol planes damaged a warship three s m a l l freighters and bombed Pukrto Princess town Borneo: Our escorted heavy bombers in force flew over 800 miles to attack the enemy naval base at Brunei Bay, dropping 1 1 2 tons of bombs on shipping in the harbor. Five direct hits were scored on a n enemv battleshin and four on a heavy cruiser,foliowed--ik each Case by explosions and Ares. Our bomber a i r Patrols bombed Sandakan and Tarakan and attacked enemy shipplng off the coast. Two freighters, one of 1 0 0 0 tons and the other 3,000 tons, were shnk. Two other cargo vessels were set aflre and 1 2 barges damaged. Manado: Our medium units bombed airdromes at Langoan while patrol planes covering the coast lines damaged three barges and destroyed a fuel-laden lugger at Kendari. Makassar a i r patrols attacked enemy shipping destroying a 1,000-ton freighter, damAging two other cargo vessels and two barges Halmahera: Light naval units a t night sanlc eight enemy supply barges.





20 NOVEMBER Navy Defiartment Communique No. 555

1. The following vessels of the Southwest Pacific force have been lost as the result of enemy action or the perils of the sea in the Philippine area, but not in the battles of 24-25 October: The destroyer uss Abner Read the destroyer escort uss Eversole YMS 70 (a minesweeper) P T s 520 and521, fleet t u g Sonoma ~ ~ 1 1 0 6 5 . 2. Thb following vessels of t h e Sowthwest Paciflc force have been lost in the New Guinea area as the result of enemy action or the perils of the sea : The destroyer escort uss Shelton. PTs 568 and 571. 3. The next of kin of casualties have been notified.

19 NOVEMBER U.S. Pacific Fleet Communique No. 184

Before dawn on 1 0 November (west longitude date) ships of the Paclflc Fleet bombarded installatlons on lwo J l m a i n the Volcanoes. Several explosions were observed after the first salvos. Large Ares ashore were started which could be seen by ships 35 miles away The enemy apparently was surprised aAd his shore batteries replied ineffecively to our Are. causing no damage or casualties to our forces. Only one enemy plane was in the air. On 1 4 November unit? of the 8 l s t A r m y Division reoccupied Ngeregong Island in the Palaus without resistance. The island had been occupied by a n enemy force of approximately 200 men on the night of 7-8 November (reported in Communique 181) which meanwhile had been heavily attacked with bombs and gunfire. Corsairs and Hellcats of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing with Navy search Liberators of Fleet Air Wing 1 bombed enemy-held islands in the northern Palaus on 1 4 November, destroying vehicles and barges and starting flres in ammunition dumps. Fighters of the 2d Marine Aircraft Wing pounded the airfield on Yap the same day. Navy search Liberators of Fleet Air Wing 1 attacked H a h a Jima in the Bonins and Iwo Jima in the Volcanoes on 1 4 November. On the next day Navy search Liberators hit Chichi Jima and H a h a Jima. One coastal cargo ship was hit at Chichi Jima. Liberators of the 7th AAF on 1 6 November sank one medium cargo ship at Haha Jima in the Bonins and caused explosions and flres in two other cargo ships. Other Liberators of the 7th AAF the same day struck at shipping in Chichi Jima, and. Navy search Liberators of Fleet Air Wing 1 bombed Okimura town on H a h a Jima. Results were not observed. From 1 4 to 16 November Marine units on Saipan killed 248 and captured 47 Japanese in a drive to clear the island of remnants of the enemy garrison. A number of machine guns were captufed. Our losses were nine killed and 40 wounded. Fighters of the 2d Marine Aircraft Wing blasted airflelds on Yap on 16 No-

U. S. Pacific Fleet Communique No. I85

Aircraft from a carrier task force under the tactical command of Vice Admiral J. S. MoCain, USN, struck at shipping and airfields in and around Manila on 1 8 November (west longitude date). Incomplete reports show that two large cargo ships and one large oiler were burned in Manila harbor and about 1 0 0 enemy planes were destroyed on the ground. Light flghter opposition was met over the target a n a 1 0 Japanese aircraft were shot down. Our flghters destroyed eight additional attacking planes near our carriers. Fighter planes of the 2d Marine Aircraft Wing hit a fuel dump and other storage areas on Babelthuap in the Palaus and sank two enemy barges in water around this island on 1 7 November. On the same day Catalinas of Fleet Air Wing 1 bombed the town of Koror. Fighters of the 2d Marine Aircraft Wing pounded the runways on Yap airfleld. On 1 8 November straflng and bombing attacks were made by planes of Fleet Air Wing 1 on barges near Kita Iwo Jima in the Bonins. Unaggressive attacks were made on our planes by flve enemy flghters. Liberators of the 11th AAF on 1 8 November bombed targets in Suribachi in the northern Kurils. Intense antiaircraft Are were encountered. Second Marine Aircraft Wing Fighters attacked the phosphate plant on Rota in the Marianas on 18 November. Fighters of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing encountered intense antiaircraft flre in bombing attacks on the power plant and other installations on Nauru on 1 8 November. An explosion was observed near the power station.


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Page 54

Unit Citation Awarded To Three Submarines And a Destroyer Escort

Three submarines and a DE have recently received the Presidential Unit Citation-the uss Sand Lance, USS H a r d e r and uss Seahorse for outstanding pdrformance against enemy surface forces in Japanese-controlled waters, and the uss England for destroying six enemy ships in 12 days. The S a n d Lance was cited for a J a p cruiser and destroying or severely damaging thousands of tons of enemy shipping. Operating f a r from her home base, she skillfully evaded hostile escorts and air patrols, and tracked her targets doggedly under the most dangerous and difficult weather conditions. Resolute and daring. in combat, the Harder struck wherever the enemy could be found, sinking or damaging many thousands of tons of hostile shipping. The Seahome employed highly aggressive tactics in inflicting extensive damage on Japanese combatant units and heavily escorted convoys. Her accurate torpedo fire sank an exception-,

ally large amount of enemy shipping and damaged other vessels. The England, skillfully coordinating her attacks with other vessels and with cooperating aircraft between 19 and 31 May 1944, dealt her devastating blows to enemy operations during a particularly crucial period and disrupted attempts by the enemy to evacuate key units. By this heavy loss to the enemy, she contributed substantially to the advance of the fleet in the occupation and seizure of additional enemy-held territory.

40th CB Honoredby Army For Work Under Jap Fire

For clearing and repairing an airstrip under fire on Los Negros Island last 2 March, the 40th Construction Battalion has been awarded the Armys Distinguished Unit Badge (comparable to t h e Navys Presidential Unit Citation). The Seabees landed while the area was still under enemy fire and began. work. It became commonplace for the operators to be fired upon by snipers, and for the operators to return the fire while continuing their work. When it became necessary to clear fire lanes into the jungle to permit concentration of automatic-weapons fire, the bulldozer operators cut the required lanes in superb disregard of enemy fire. After working most of the day and night, small parties of Seabee personnel still found time during their few hours of leisure t o rout out small bands of the enemy, to locate and report pillboxes and otherwise carry the offensive to the Japanese positions. Their fighting spirit created an immediate resurgence of the offensive spirit in weary Army troops.

Gold Star in Lieu of Second


*Comdr. John A. Tyree Jr:, uSN, Purcellville, Va.: As commandlng officer of a submarine in the Pacific war area, he destroyed a large armed passenger-freighter. Taking advantage of every favorable attack opportunity, he succeeded in sinking an important amount of hostile shipping. *Lt. Comdr. Allen L. Seaman, Usm, Madison, Conn. (missing in action) : Piloting a patrol plane in the Pacific area from 1 Nov. 1943 t o 24 March 1944, he flew repeatedly over enemy waters and strongly fortified bases to deliver devastating attacks against Japanese aircraft, ships, barges and land installations, returning safely on each occasion. On 1 November he 1 made a low-altitude bombing and strafing attack on Kepingamarangi Island and destroyed three float-plane fighters and a fuel dump, probably destroyed a fourth plane and damaged a fifth,

Official U. S. Navy photoorapli


Admiral Frederick J. Horne, USN, right, Vice Chief of Naval Operations, receives O r d e r of the Legion dHonneur (rank of commander) from Vice Admiral Raymond Fenard, chief of the French Naval Mission t o the U. S. This decoration, one o f Frances highest, also was awarded recently t o Rear Admirals Wilson Brown, USN, naval aide t o the President; Milo F. Draemel, USN, commandant of the 4th Naval District; William S. Farber, USN, Sub-chief of Naval Operations; William B. Young, (SC) U S N , Chief of BuS&A; Edward J. Marquart, USN (Ret), former commandant of the 3d Naval District; Robert A. Theobald, USN ( R e t ) , commandant of the 1 s t Naval District, and Commodore Vance D. Chapline, USN, in the rank of Officier; and Capts. Oswald S. Colclough, USN, and Cuthbert A. Griffiths, U S N , in the rank o f Chevalier.


*C.omdr. John D. Crowley, USN, Springfield, Mass. : As commanding officer of a submaxine during its first war patrol in Japanese-controlled waters, he was aggressive and determined in tracking the enemy. His daring attacks inflicted a loss of thousands of tons of valuable Japanese shipping sunk or damaged. *Lt. Comdr. John B. Rowe, (MC) USN, Milford, Mich.: Serving in the uss Liscome Bay when it was sunk on 24 Nov. 1943, he displayed great courage and zeal in treating and evacuating wounded personnel from the ship. After getting in the water he continued his efforts to save personnel, in one instance attempting artificial respiration. Through his efforts numerous men were saved from certain death.

sition. His brilliant leadership and sound judgment enabled our forces to steer their courses to the assigned beaches, and contributed to the SUCcess of the invasion. *Lt. Comdr. John McWhorter, UsNR, Berkeley, Calif.: ,As commanding officer of a destroyer escort during July 1944 'in the Atlantic, he located an enemy ship and made a n extremely accurate attack which destroyed the vessel.


*Rear Admiral Walter S. De Lany, John D. Crowley John A. Tyree Jr. Roy M. Davenport John B. Rowe USN, Washington, D. C.: As assistant chief of staff and operations officer on Comdr., U S N Comdr., U S N Lt. Comdr., U S N Lt. Comdr., (MC) the staff. of CincPac from 1 Feb. 1941 USN to 23 June 1942, he displayed the highest qualities of judgment and initiative, thereby contributing materially in the prosecution of the war against Japan. *Rear Admiral Calvin T. Durgin, USN, Palmyra, N. J.: As commander of a major task group during the amphibious invasion of southern France, he exhibited marked skill and extreme energy in providing for carrier-based air support during the assault landings. His aggressive leadership contributed materially to the early establishment of the beachhead and the Robert A. Morris George P. Brown Charles W. Savitr Clarence H. Black rapid advance o the occupying forces. f Lieut., U S N R Lieut., U S N R Lt. (is), U S N R AM2c, U S N Rear Admiral Lynde D. McCormick, Photograph not available of James W. Daugherty, C W T , USNR. Photograph of Lt. Comdr. uSN, Berryville, Va.: As war plans Allen L. Seaman, U S N , appeared with report of his first Navy Cross citation i n November officer on the staff of CincPac from 1 issue of the I N F O R M A T I O N BULLETIN, p. 58. Reports of citations of Lt. Comdr. Davenport Feb. 1941 to 14 Jan. 1943, he displayed and Aviation Metalsmith Savitz appeared in November issue, pp. 57 and 59. the highest judgment and initiative, thereby contributing materially t o the NAVY CROSS cont and operations officer of a task force prosecution of the war against Japan. that the other two craft in his division and commander of a cruiser division *Rear Admiral Don P. Moon, USN, might score the final devastating hits, in the Marianas from 15 June to 10 Kokomo, Ind. (posthumously) : AS thereby contributing in large measure Aug. 1944, he contributed materially commander of a naval task force prior to the damage inflicted upon the to the landing in Normandy, he t o the sinking of the carrier. James W. Daugherty, CWT, USNR, Japanese during the initial landings worked tirelessly to develop sound and Bokoshe, Okla.: When an enemy bomb and supporting bombardments of Sai- complete plans for the execution of severely damaged his ship during the pan, Tinian and Guam, and during the assault. His ability and leadership contributed in large measure to the Sicilian campaign, he heard the cries the Battle of the Philippine Sea. success of our forces in this strategic of men who were trapped in the after operation. fireroom. He went t o the aid of his Commodore William A. Sullivan, helpless comrades and cut away a USN, Baltimore, Md.: As Commander blackout device, entered the fast floodSalvage Force, North African Waters, ing, steam-filled compartment and asGold Star I n Lieu of Second and faced with the demolition and sisted the imprisoned crew members t o LEGION O F MERIT blockade of important captured ports safetv. .kcapt. Dashiell L. Madeira, USN, in North Africa, Sicily and Southern Tampa, Fla.: As commander of the France, he displayed tireless energy Destroyer-Destroyer Escort Shake- and expert technical knowledge in redown Group, Fleet Operational Train- storing to marine service the harbors Gold Star i n Lieu of Second ing Command, Atlantic Fleet, from of Bizerte, Palermo and Naples. November 1943 until September 1944, D I S T I N G U I S H E D SERVICE MEDAL Commodore (then Capt.) Humbert *Rear Admiral Lyal A. Davidson, he handled his assignment with such W. Ziroli, USN, New York, N. Y.: As skill that every vessel trained under commanding officer of the uss BrookUSN, Washington, D. C.: As the commander of a naval task force during his command reported for operational lyn during the Sici!ian campaign, he the invasion of Southern France, he duty as a finished product, completely operated under persistent bombing atexercised sound judgment and tactical qualified to perform its combat mis- tacks and well within range of enemy shore artillery in close support of the ability in disposing of his ships t o sion. Capt. James M. Steele, USN,Marlin, 3d Division. Gunfire of his vessel deexecute and cover the landings. He directed the gunfire support of the ad- Tex.: As a war plans officer on the stroyed several positions and shore vancing troops in coordination with staff of CincPac from 31 March 1942 batteries and contributed in large the aerial bombing and contributed to 9 Jan. 1944, he contributed mate- measure t o the success of our forces. ma4erially t o the success of the in- rially to the prosecution of the war *-apt. Charles Allen, uSN, Annapoduring this vitally important period lis, Md.; Comdr. Harold Biesemejer, vasion. by his high quality of judgment and USN, Modesto, Calif.; Comdr. William initiative. A. Fly, USN, Summit, Miss., and Capt. Charles Wellborn, Jr., USN, Comdr. Beverly A. Hartt, USN, PortsLos Angeles, Calif.: As commander mouth, Va.: As commanding officers of three destroyer squadrons during of U. S. vessels during the invasion of Gold Star in Lieu of Third the amphibious assault on Italy, he Sicily, they gallantly fought their L E G I O N OF MERIT rendered invaluable service during the ships through repeated bombing at*Capt. William R. Smedberg 1 1 covering of approach and the initial tacks and effected the landing of em1, USN, Arlington, Va.: As chief of staff landings in the face of intense oppo- barked troops and equipment with

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marked efficiency. Upon completion of these operations, they skillfully retired from the combat area without damage to their vessels. *Capt. (then Comdr.) Thomas H. Binford, USN, Aberdeen, Miss.: AS commander of Destroyer Division 58 during the Java Sea campaign, he worked in close liaison with the Dutch commander of the Allied striking force. Although hampered by inadequate maintenance and communications facilities, he contributed materially to the destruction of Japanese surface forces without loss t o his own command. Capt. Edward W. Clexton, USN, Arlington, Va.: As material officer on the staff of Commander Air Force, Atlantic Fleet, from March 1941 until July 1944, he organized and supervised the equipping, overhaul, repair, procurement and assignment of aircraft and aircraft material for all squadrons and other units. He also was responsible for equipping and installing military changes in the planes of many carrier air groups destined for the Pacific. Capt. John P. Cromwell, USN, Henry, Ill. (missing in action): As commander of Submarine Division 43 from October 1943 to March 1944, he handled the varied and complex details of his assignwent with skill and initiative. Under his leadership his vessels completed eight war patrols and sank many tons of enemy shipping. Capt. Ranson K Davis, USN, Gains. ville, Fla.: As chief of staff to a naval task force commander during the invasion of Sicily, he skillfully assisted in the planning and subsequent execution of landings at Terranova,. Sardinia and Brolo, thereby contributing materially to the rslpid advance of the 7th Army toward Messina. k c a p t . Stephen R. Edson, (SC) urn, Chevy Chase, Md.: As supply officer on the staff of Commander U. S. Naval Forces, African Waters, during the Sicilian and Italian campaigns, he arranged many complex details of organization and administration so that effective logistic support, could be adequately provided. k c a p t . Marshall R. Greer, USN, Scranton, Pa.: As commander of an escort carrier task group operating in the Atlantic from May t o October 1943, he carried out his duties so successfully that no vessels were lost in the convoys escorted by his task group. Capt. John P. Heath, USN, Camden, S. C.: As force aviator of the Western Naval Task Force, he coordinated the operations of sea and air forces during the invasion of France and thereby contributed greatly t o the success of the operation. k c a p t . Francis M. Hughes, USN, Selma, Ala.: As commanding officer of the uss Blcck Island and commander of an Atlantic Fleet antisubmarine task group, he achieved outstanding success in combined air and surface operations against enemy Uboats. The aggressiveness of the attacking units and the close cooperation between all units resulted in the destruction of more enemy subs than were sunk by any other similarly engaged task group during the same period.

k c a p t . Benjamin-B. C. Lovett, USN, darkness behind the enemy lines at Baltimore, Md.: As air officer on the &Terranova with resourcefulness and staff of Commandextraordinary ability. er 7th Amphibious Capt. Timothy F. Wellings, USN, Force. he assisted East Boston, Mass.: As training and in the preparation gunnery officer of the Western Naval of plans for nuTask Force during the invasion 'of merous vital comNormandy, he planned the training bat operations in phases of the actual assault and constrategic war . , tributed to the success of the landing areas. Hceffectiveand operations as a whole. ly coordinated the Capt. Charles J. Whee!er, USN, MoVarious forces inbile, Ala.: As commanding officer of volved and contriba warship in the uted materially t o rantmi cm+h the success of task DoAfin a r n o e frnm or I Gau force operations. *Capt. Charles J. Moore, USN, DecaSept* 1943 to 23 tur, Ill.: As chief of staff to the Com- June 19449 he mainmander 5th Fleet from August 1943 tained his ship at to September 1944, he supervised the the highest point Of meticulous planning of operations and efficiency a t a l 1 directed the intricate details of their execution in the Gilbert. Marshall and his their capture and to the decisive defeat of major Japanese fleet units i n the Battle of the Philippine Sea. paigns during thia Capt. Wheeler k c a p t . John E. Reinburg Jr., USN, important period. Cautillo, Tex. : As commanding officer of the Naval Advanced Amphibious *Comdr* James H- Barnard, USNRz Base, Dartmouth, Devon, he exhibited New y*: serving as &ill in supervising the assistant force surgeon on the staff operations, training, maintenance and of Commander 7th Amphibious Force, lo~stical support finally the and he assisted in the preparation of medibat loading of a l ~ landing ships at- cal plans for the Woodlark-Kiriwina, taphed to his base. AS a result, all La% Finschhafen, Arawe, Cape GlouShips were ready and departed on time tester, Saidor, Admiralty Islands, Halfor the successful invasion of Nor- __,a;Tn? :! 'an'n ?am I da Aitape, Wakde TTe personally supervisea ana assiscea in caring for *Capt* John B* Rmney, USN, New- the sick and wounded while subjected port, R. I.: As commander of a de- to enemy fire. stroyer division during the Sicilian Comdr. John w. Bays, USN, Culver, campaign, he directed his ships in carrying out vital screening and shore Ind.: As force operations officer of the bombardment missions. On the night westfm Naval Task Force* he dis' ling. professional skill an attack against a hostile convoy off U u L l l l K UK Panning and training the ~ i Islands in which an i F- phases and the amphibious assault ~ ~ ~ landipg orfTJhe 1st U. S. Army in Norlighter and an E-boat were sunk. manu:'. 1 1 xir1eless devotion to duty 1s i c a p t . Giles E. Short, USN, Washing- contributed imlr ieasurably to the sucton, D. C.: As commander of the first pc19$. +he N~,., -.--mandy campaign. escort carrier task group to operate in the Atlantic, from Ami1 to June 1943, *LFoy+* As fa M. l! secretary on USNR, Charhe displayed such skill and efficiency lox'sville, that no vessel was lost from the con- the staff Of Commanaer Amphibious Force, Atlantic :?etA a$ on the staff voys escorted by his task group. n J-01 u ~ ~ r i ~ r i a ~ iU. r u e n. ivaval Forces, Shumaker, USNs Northwest African Waters, during the D* c* (posthumously) : invasions of French Morocco, Sicily As 'Ommanding Officer Of the uss and Italy, he organized the records Orreans in the Solnmons frnm 24 July 1943 to 7 Ami1 1944. he skillfullv di- ?!? ?dne !?%! ec $ ? -esulted in the efficient and prorected the operations of his vessel in of a rapidly growing I, numerous vital missions during this P~~~~ period of intense activity and con- LYsbb' Corndr- LileSh ghton, USN, tributed in large measure t o the SUCHpulton, Me,: K S commanding officer cess of our forces. 01 tne uss Lualow while it was oper*Cap'. Harry R* Th'Jrber, USN, Ho- ating off the north coast of siCily qulam, Wash.: As operations officer from to 18 Aug. 1943,he fought his ship skillfully ~ ~ f i ~~ h! ~d ~c ~ f! f$ ~ $ & ~ ~ ~on enemy and inflicted severe ~ losses o ~ ~ frefrom 24 Dee. 1942 to 24 1943 he quent air attacks, aircraft diiring d l o ~ bringing the L meticii1ously planned, organized And through without serious damage.u His coordinated activities of the various vigorous and effective shore bombardunits in the area, contributing matements in support of Army forces conriallv to the success of our forces. *Capt. Charles Wellborn Jr., USN, tributed our forces,measure to the success of in-large Los Anaeles. Calif.: As commander of . __ a destrover sauadron during. the invaComdr. Charles H- c richton, USN, sion of Sicily,' he organized and coop Loveland, Colo. : While commanding a dinated the activities of port security, destroyer, he estab1i;hed co-ntact-with minesweeping, convoy, routing, sal- a Japanese submarine and skillTu1lY vage and gunfire support f o r the 7th dropped a depth-charge pattern which A m v in the Palermo area. He com- probablv inflicted serious damage t o ' manded the amphibious landing in ihe sub: In conjunction with another

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vessel, he so coordinated the action as to probably destroy the enemy vessel. *Comdr. Frederick D. Kime, USN, Kane, Pa.: As force communicatioiia officer of the Western Naval Task Force during the amphibious landing in Normandy, he coordinated all communication activities so that all commanders Were able to communicate with the Bchelons above and below them. He contributed immeasurably t o the success of the amphibious landing and the Normandy campaign. Comdr. Reginald R. McCracken, USN, Albia, Iowa: While on the staff of Commander Fleet Air Wing 4 during the Aleutian Islands campaign, he prepared search and patrol plans preliminary to the recapture of Attu and Kiska and directed details of their ex.ecution. His sound judgment and counsel contributed greatly to the successful operations of the wing. Comdr. Edward S. pearce, USN, Chicago, Ill.: Attached to the staff of the Commander, South Pacific Area and South Pacific Force from 16 ~~l~ 1942 to 22 Nova 1943, he skillfully trained a section of specialized commissioned and enlisted personnel which was a vital factor in the successful prosecution of the war in the ~~l~~~~~ area. Corn&. (then Lt. Comdr.) ~ ~ c. willims, u s ~Richmond, va.: , commanding officer of the uss T k p p u during perations Off the nrrth coast Of from 26 to 2o he engagedin escort duties for ~ ~ ~ ~ $ u ~~ { o through without serious damage. He directed shore bombardments in support of forces for three amphibious landings behind enemy lines. samue1 C. Bartlett J ~ . , Lt. USNR, Brookline, M ~ ~ ~i~. : ~ from 8 March 1942 to 30 June 1944 were an important contribution to the successful operations of the 7th Fleet against the enemy. Lt. Okla. Charles in action) He Tulsa,Comdr. (missingW. Brewer, :USN, commanded an aircraft squadron from March to December 1943 which attacked and sank several enemy ships, thereby contributing to our success in the campaign against the enemy. Lt. Comdr. John L. Maloney, USNR, Staten Island, N. Ye: As commanding offirer of the USS Strive during the Sicilian campaign, he went to the assistance of one of our destroyers which had been damaged by enemy bombers. He maneuvered the

Official U. S. Navy photograph


Comdr. Paul s. Maguire, USNR, commanding officer of the U. S. Navy transport which bore th6 Brazilian Exped.tionary Force t o Italy, receives the Brazilmn Order of Military M e r i t from 6 e n . Enrice 6.Dutra, Brazilian minister of war. In the center i s Rear Admiral Jose M. Neiva of the Brazilian Navy. Commander Maguire is the first naval officer t o receive this ~ decoration. In the foreground ~ ~ l l is the silver serving dish presented t o the General





Chaser (NTCiMiami, Fta.)

T?& Sir, the SkiMm said

we COdd bring our musical k s ~ ~ z m e naboard. ts

alongside despite continual threats of air and submarine attack and skillfully controlled the flooding while towing p damaged vessel into Palermo f the ~ ~ ~ harbor. *Lt. Comdr. John H. McWhorter, USNR, Berkeley, Calif.: As commanding officer of a destroyer escort during June 1944, he sighted and attacked an enemy ship and assisted in destroyh g it with accurate and effective gunfire* *Lt. Comdr. Francis C. Pollard, USCG (Ret), Balboa Island, Calif.: As commanding June 1942, he the USCGC Northland in officer of contacted a U-boat and maneuvered for action. Although handicapped by inadequate equipment and a limited number of depth charges, the Northland delivered two vigorous attacks which probably destroyed the submarine. Lieut. Paul A. Alfieri, USNR, Bronx, N. Y.: During the invasion of Sicily in July 1943, he displayed remarkable skill, keen initiative and untiring energy in making available information of great value in planning future operations. He contributed in large measure to the success of our invasion forces. *Lieut. George M. Caldwell (MC) USNR, White Sulphur Springs, W. Va.: When all light and ventilation were lost aboard his ship by a bomb hit during the Sicilian campaign, he administered medical attention to the injured with calmness and resourcefulness. He was responsible for keeping the loss of life to a minimum through his judgment and Professional skillLt. (jg) Frank Ammons, USNR, Elkhart, Ind.: He was commanding officer of the LCX 452 during the invasion of Sicily when his craft, carrying a cargo of high explosives and inflammable material, was suddenly attacked by a

low-flying enemy plane. He fought his ship so skillfully that the plane was destroyed. Lt. (jg) Francis M. Borcyckowski, USN, Lyndon Station, Wis.: When an enemy bomb inflicted severe damage on his ship during the Sicilian campaign, he coolly entered the flooded, steam-filled engine room, surveyed the extent and nature of the damage and then quickly proceeded with control measures. *Lt. (jg) Robert D. Frey, USNR, St. Louis, Mo.: He was serving aboard the uss Mayrant during an enemy air raid on the harbor of Palermo, Sicily, on 1 Aug. 1943, when bomb hits close to the destroyer exploded ammunition. He steadfastly remained at his station and continued t o direct the fire of his battery, probably damaging or destroying one or more of the hostile planes. *Lt. (jg) Hugh B. Hughes (SC), USN, Eastport, Md. (posthurnoush) ; As assistant to the force SUPPlY officer of a major naval task force during the campaims against French Sicily and Italy, he rendered invaluable service in connection with the SUPPlY of large naval forces throughout a Period of more than a Year. *Chief Gunner Fay Lkhtner, m N , Mountain Grove, Va.: As battery control officer and rangekeeper operator aboard the uss Mayrant when she was attacked by enemy planes on 26 July 1943, he obtained a rangekeeper solution within 20 seconds after the sighting of enemy planes and directed the guns under his control in fighting off ~ ~ the attacking aircraft. At the height Of the engagement. when the gunnery officer W a s wounded and unconscious, he assumed control of the main battery and shot down one Plane and s~!& OuSlY dam


New N* y*: As Officer Of the uss oBannon, he was assigned the hazardous task of intercepting and Preventing the Japanese from evacuating their beleaguered troops from the Vella Lavella area on the nip;ht of 6-7 Oct. 1943. He closed to 7,000 yards and engaged nine enemy &ips with a devastating torpedo and p;unfire attack, He contributed in large measure to the sinking and damaging of several Japanese vessels, and rescued the survivors from a severely damaged vessel of his squadron.

.kComdr(then Lt* Omdr.)


Gold Star in Lieu of Second

*comdr. Brooks J. ~ ~USN, ca~ ~ nandaigua, N. y.: While officer of a submarine from 11 D ~ ~ 1943 to 12 Jan. 1944, he maneuvered his vessel into position and succeeded in sinking two enemy ships totaling 17,906 tons and in damaging one vessel of 10,800 tons. Comdr. (then Lt. Comdr.) George E. Peckham, USN, Cresco, Iowa: As


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carted coiivoy and sank a large Japanese transport. Japanese ships that were attempting *Lt. Comdr. Jack E. Gibson, USN, to evacuate beleaguered troops from Pontiac, Mich.: As patrol leader of a the Vella Lavella area on the night of motor torpedo boat flotilla in the 6-7 Oct. 1943. When the other two South Pacific from 23 August to 14 vessels of his squadron were severely Oct. 1943, he directed the operations damaged and compelled to withdraw, of his boats with great tactical skill. he continued fighting his ship until the On the night of 13-14 October his paenemy was repulsed. He greatly con- trol was persistently bombed and tributed t o the sinking of one o r more strafed for seven hours, but his boats hostile ships and the damaging of avoided damage and casualties and three others. shot down an enemy plane and captured its pilot. Lieut. Jack M. Bristow, USNR, Norfolk, Va.: As commanding officer of an LCT(5) at Arawe, New Britain, on 16 SILVER STAR MEDAL and 17 Dec. 1943, he skillfully manCapt. (then Comdr.) Thomas H. Bin- euvered his ship ford, USN, Aberdeen, Miss. : Command- during a Japanese ing. Destroyer Division 58 during the aerial attack and Battle of the Java Sea, he fought his assisted other vesships boldly, going in unsupported to sels in sending deliver a successful torpedo attack heavy volumes up of against two hostile heavy cruisers and a n t i a i r c r a f t fire seven light cruisers. He forced the against the attackJapanese t o break off the attack, ers. When the comthereby enabling the Allied ships to mander of his LCT Lieut. Bristow regain their battle formation. group became incaj , Capt. (then Lt. Comdr.) Edward N. pacitated, he assumed command and Parker, USN, Bellefonte, Pa.: As com- directed the departure and return to mander of Destroyer Division 59 and base. in command of the second section of *Lieut. Donald E. Craggs, USNR, Destroyer Division 58 during the Bat- Norwalk, Calif.: As assistant engitle of the Java Sea, he was courage- neer officer of the uss Mayrant when ous and daring in the face of severe it was damaged by a bomb which enemy fire. He delivered a successful landed close aboard off Palermo, torpedo attack against two Japanese Sicily, on 26 July 1943, he promptly heavy cruisers and seven light cruis- entered the flooded forward fire room, ers, forcing the Japs t o break off the from which live steam was pouring, attack and enabling the Allied ships and carried a seriously wounded comto regain their battle formation. rade t o safety. He then organized and *Comdr. Homer F. McGee, USN, directed the repair of pumps and their Westwego, La.: As commander of a operation until the flooding. of the task group of LCIs during assaults on compartment was under control. Lae and Finschhafen, he skillfully Lieut. James W. Liddell, Jr., USNR, maneuvered his ships toward their ob- Evanston, Ill.: As navigator and asjectives and, while planes bombed and sistant approach officer of a submarine strafed his forces and machine guns during its first war patrol, he expertly and mortars blasted them from the navigated his ship through confined beaches, he fearlessly beached and un- Japanese-controlled waters. He conloaded his vessels. Although several tributed in large measure t o the sucof his craft were damaged, he com- cess of his vessel in destroying an enpleted his mission and withdrew on emy ship in each of several attacks schedule. and in damaging two others in heavily Comdr. Charles 0. Triebel, USN, escorted convoys. Lieut. Richard K. Margetts, USN, Peoria, Ill.: As commanding officer of a submarine during a successful war San Diego, Calif.: As commander of patrol in the Pacific, he pressed home a division of assault boats during the a series of skillful attacks which re- invasion of Italy, he effected the landsulted in the sinking of an important ing of the initial assault-boat waves amount of hostile shipping and the against strong enemy fire from beach damaging of a motor-driven cargo ves- defenses. Later he went to the assissel. He also struck a t a heavily es- tance of a boat group attempting to land on an adjacent beach and delivered concentrated rocket fire which cleared the way for the landing. He then assisted in the rescue of personne1 from a stranded landing craft which was under enemy fire. Lieut. Cyrus R. Taylor, USNR, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. (posthumously) : When his PT-boat was bombed by an enemy float plane while patrolling with another torpedo boat on 13 March 1944, he directed highly effective evasive tactics and enabled his crew to destroy the Jap plane and bring the torpedo boat through without casualties among personnel or damage to the vessel. Lieut. Peter L. Vander Jagt, USNR, Grand Rapids, Mich. : As boat division officer during the invasion of Lae and Bulletin (NTC, Great Lakes) Finschhafen, he personally led the
ridge, he sought out and engaged nine

commanding officer of the uss Self-

assault waves of landing craft from his ship to the beach and, despite bitter enemy machine-gun and mortar fire, made each landing on schedule at the designated points without the loss of a single craft o r use of navigational aids or markers. *Lt. (jg) Leonard J. Mason, Jr., USNR, Millbrook, N. Y. (missing in action): As pilot of a torpedo plane, he participated in a strike against warships of the Japanese fleet off the Marianas on 20 June 1944. Flying through intense antiaircraft fire, he pressed to within point-blank range of his targets in a vigorous attack which resulted in three torpedo hits and four possible hits being scored on the enemy warships. Ens. Frederick N. Moses Jr., USNR, Hermosa Beach, Calif. (posthumously): As commanding officer of the LCT ( 6 ) 5.40 during the invasion of France, he maneuvered his ship skillfully through hazardous waters and remained at the control station in the face of point-blank artillery fire. Despite numerous hits on the vessel and casualties among personnel, he successfully beached his craft before he himself was mortally wounded. *Fred W. Witter, CTM USNR Harrison, Me.: As chief of the boat during the war patrol of a submarine, he skillfully aided in maintaining the efficiency of the control room during diving and maneuvering. H i s enthusiasm was an inspiration t o the crew under trying battle conditions. Witter, CTM *Edward K. Johnakin, BMlc, USN, Norfolk, Va.: During the invasion of Normandy he directed and assisted in taking his units equipment ashore, then returned to his ship with a rubber boat and moved a number of burned soldiers ashore by having them cling to the boat a s it was towed ashore under enemy fire. Later he led a volunteer group which returned to the abandoned landing ship and recovered the balance of his units equipment and gear. *Michael Kruk, MMlc, USNR, Palermo, N. J.; Frederick R. Schmidt, MMlc, USNR, Norfolk, Va., and James S. Marvel, BM2c, USN, Little Creek, Del.: While serving as the crew of a lead scout boat of the support unit of an assault group during the invasion of Normandy, they maintained their advanced position for inshore traffic control in a rough and heavy sea and under extremely hazardous conditions. They also evacuated casualties from burning landing craft under heavy enemy fire and continued to render aid in the immediate assault area through the difficult period of the attack. Jerold D. Dever, Slc, USN, Tacoma, Wash.: He was a member of a boat crew of the sixth wave which landed in Normandy in the face of heavy fire from enemy machine guns and light cannon. When a large percentage of disembarked troops were either killed or wounded, he braved this fire, waded through knee-deep water and singlehandedly carried seven wounded soldiers into his boat.

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Gold Star in Lieu of Third


*Comdr. Charles W. Brewer, USN, Tulsa, Okla. (missing in action) : AS commander of a carrier-based fighter squadron, he led component parts of the entire air group on a bold strike against en my merchant shipping near the Marianas on 13 June 1944. His flyers destroyed a Japanese destroyer, three escort vessels and numerous other craft, Comdr. (then Lt. Comdr.) Robert H. Isely, USN, Los Angeles, Calif.: Leading his torpedo plane squadron in four assaults against Palau on 30-31 March 1944, he skillfully directed the laying of mine fields which completely blocked the main channel to Palau harbor. His squadron seriously damaged several enemy vessels by rocket and bombing attacks and destroyed six important J a p ships in the face of severe antiaircraft fire. *Lt. Comdr. Richard Upson, USNR, Madison, Wis. (missing in action) : Displaying great tactical skill in the face of intense antiaircraft fire, he led a torpedo squadron in repeated attacks against a large concentration of hostile ships in Palau harbor on 30 and 31 March 1944. As a result of his inspiring leadership, one merchant ship and one destroyer were sunk, sure hits were secured on nine other vessels and probable hits on four others, ground installations were heavily bombed and valuable photographs were taken.

ALieut. Gerald G. Hogan, USNR, Brooklyn, N. Y.: Piloting a torpedo bomber attached t o the uss Card during August 1943, he sighted and attacked a fully surfaced U-boat. He boldly flew in against heavy antiaircraft fire t o deliver two perfectly executed bombing attacks which probably destroyed the submarine. *Lieut. John P. Vivian, Jr., USNR, New Rochelle, N. Y. (missing in action): When a daylight strike was ordered on Miyoshino airfield, Shimushu Island, on 14 June 1944 to protect a surface task force from possible air attack by J a p bombers, he volunteered to lead a six-plane flight of medium bo.mbers on this exceedingly hazardous mission. Without fighter ewort o r cloud cover for the last 100 miles t o the target, he daringly pressed home a n accurate glide-bombing attack on the assigned area.


Gold Star in Lieu of Second


*Comdr. Charles. W. BFewer, USN, Tulsa, Okla. (missing in action) : While on antisubmarine patrol, he sighted a surfaced enemy U-boat and commenced an effective strafing attack. He concentrated his fire on the conning tower, preventing the subs antiaircraft guns from being manned, and fired over 1,000 rounds at close range. His attack resulted in a violent explosion and flame which filled and enveloped the conning tower and superstructure of the submarine. *Lt. Comdr. Richard Upson, USNR, Madison, Wis. (missingin action) : As commander of a torpedo squadron in the Pacific from February 1943 t o April 1944, he participated in several extremely daring missions t o rescue flyers forced down in enemy waters. During a vital period of offensive activities, he led his squadron in damaging attacks on Japanese shipping and shore installations, and in close support of subsequent landing operations. Lieut. Melvin C. Hoffman, USN, Salt Lake City, Utah: After escorting bomber planes safely t o their target a t Kwajalein on 4 Dec. 1943, he attacked and shot down one seaplane and burned two others on the seaplane ramp. When his team was attacked by 19 enemy fighters, he skillfully handled the tactical maneuvers of his entire team and worked his way back to the rendezvous point.

*Comdr. (then Lieut.) Porter W. Maxwell, USN, Clarksburg, W. Va.: Piloting a divebomber in the Solomons area from 3 October to 8 November 1942, he fought with outstanding skill and released his bombs on enemy surface forces, ground installations and troop concentrations. On 8 October he led his flight in an attack on the Japanese fleet near Guadalcanal and scored direct hits on a heavy cruiser. *Lt. Comdr. (then Lieut.) Leonard E. Harmon, USN, Cranston, R. I.; and Lieut. (then Lt. ( j g ) ) James J. Delhom, USNR, New Orleans, La.: As pilot and copilot, respectively, of a Liberator, thev maneuvered their damaged plane through intense antiaircraft fire and pressed home repeated attacks against a surfaced enemy submarine. *Lt. Comdr. Rolla S. Lemmon, USN, Long Beach, Calif. (missing in action) : While returning to his carrier after leading a successful assault on Sawar, New Guinea, on 2 1 April 1944, he detected a Japanese bomber which was attacking an American task force, and destroyed the plane. Later the same day he shot down another bomber and destroyed a barge loaded with Japanese soldiers, killing about 20 of them. *Lt. Comdr. John R. Little, USN, Southgate, Ky. (posthumously) : As commander of a bombing squadron in the Solomons from 29 October to 13 December 1943, he led two strikes against heavilv fortified enemy instdlations a t Kahili airfield, Bougainville, and inflicted severe damage upon the runway and personally scored hits on hostile antiaircraft positions. Later he led a vigorous assault on Kara airfield and released his own bomb over the airstrip with devastating results. *Lt. Comdr. Richard Upson, USN, Madison, Wis. (missing in action) : On 30 and 31 March 1944, he led his squadron in attacks against enemy ships in the strongly defended harbor at Palau in the face of intense resistance. His squadron sank one merchant shiw and one destroyer, scored 31 sure hits on nine other ships, took

valuable photographs, and dumped 26 tons of bombs on ground installations. *Lt. Comdr. Ernest W. Wood Jr., USN, Sacramento, Calif.: As commander of an air group attached to the uss Princeton in action in the 1 Marianas from 1 to 19 June 1944, he led his group on numerous strikes against enemy airfields and installations in support of our ground forces. He destroyed parked aircraft and severely damaged m;litary positions, later carrying out hazardous reconnaissance flights at low altitudes t o determine . t h e damage inflicted in these raids. ALieut. Russell P. Bone, USNR, Lehi, Utah. and Lieut. Howard P. Schuette, USNR, Phoenix, Ariz. (both missing in action): When a daylight strike was ordered on Miyoshino airfield on Shimushu Island to protect a surfaCe task force from possible air attack by J a p bombers, they volunteered for this hazardous mission and flew the last 100 miles to the target without fighter escort or cloud cover. Although given discretionary authority to turn back, they proceeded through strong fighter opposition and intense antiaircraft fire t o make a determined glide-bombing attack upon the assigned target area. jrLieut. Kenneth E. Cotton, USNR, San Marino, Calif. (missing in action): Flying escort for an air group during a strike against Japanese surface units a t Kwajalein on 4 Dw. 1943, he personally shot down in flames two fighters and contributed to the destruction of 17 other fighting planes and one bomber, and the probable destruction of two other planes. ALieut. Robert S. Merritt, USN, Arcadia, Calif.: As a fighter pilot in the Bismark Archipelago area on 1 No1 vember 1943, he flew high cover for Composite Squadron 22 during an attack on a Japanese cruiser. He led his division against a superior number of hostile aircraft attempting to intercept our formation and personally destroyed two enemy fighters, then repelled several attacks made upon his wingman whose plane had been severely damaged. ALieut. Raymond L. North Jr., USNR, Trenton, N. J., and Lt. (jg) John E. Goodrich, USNR, .Oneonta, N. Y. (both missing in action) : As pilot and co-pilot, respectively, of a Liberator during action against enemy forces in the Bay of Biscay on 28 Dec. 1943, they skillfu!ly maneuvered their plane through intense antiaircraft fire and delivered numerous bombing and strafing runs against a large force of destrovers attempting t o escape Allied naval units. *Lt. (jg) Frank M. Delgado, usm, Las Vegas, N. M. (missing in action): As pilot of a torpedo plane in action at Palau Island on 30 and 31 March 1944, he braved intense antiaircraft fire to deliver an accurate glide-bombing attack upon a Japanese cargo vessel, scoring several hits and sinking the ship. Lt. (jg) Willis H. Folkedahl, USNR, Eagle Grove, Iowa (missing in action): Taking part in an eight-plane strike against Japanese shipping off the Marianas on 20 June 1944, he defied enemy fighter plane opposition

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home a n attack at point-blank range on a 15,000-ton J a p carrier, scoring an effective hit.

tarily participated in hazardous patrols in the hope of rendering service in case of casualties. Severely wounded when his boat was sunk. he be treated first. *Lt. . l i p ) (then SK3c) Alfred M.

a t t a c k s skillfully despite intense enemy opposition. While escorting our bombers on a strike against Lakunai airfield, he was wounded early in the action but he fought his badly damaged plane courageously, shooting down one J a p plane and damaging another. In a later mission he destroyed one fighter and probably two others before his plane was hit and he was forced to bail out. *Lt. (jg) Lloyd Nicholas, USNR, Elcor, Minn. (missing in action): Pilot; ing a torpedo bomber in an attack on enemy shipping in Truk Atoll on 17 Feb. 1944, he braved intense antiaircraft fire and assisted in destroying and damaging a substantial number of Japanese ships. Lt: (jg) .Robert E. Sterling, ~ S N R , Pontiac, Mich. (missing in action) : Piloting a divebomber against Japanese forces off the Marianas on 20 June 1944, he flew a t the extreme ranqe of his craft to take part in a strike against shipping. Although his bomber was damaged by intense antiaircraft fire, he scored a direct hit on a 15,000-ton carrier and contributed t o its probable destruction. *Lt. (jg) Frederick R. Stieglitz, USNR, St. Louis, Mo. (missing in action): While flying a carrier-based fighter in support of our landings at Hollandia, New Guinea, on 18 June 1944, he encountered two enemy fighters. He fought his ship with outstanding skill and shot down one plane and severely damaged the other. On another occasion he intercepted a J a p dive bomber which was attempting to track our fleet and sent it crashing into the sea after a bitter engagement. George M. Wienecke, AMM2c, USNR, Baltimore, Md. (missing in action): As turret gunner of a torpedo plane during an attack against Japanese warships off the Marianas on 20 June 1944, he carried out his duties with calmness and courage in spite of heavy air opposition and intense antiaircraft fire. Several times his fire prevented enemy fighters from making runs on the attack formation, and he continually informed his pilot of the situation around him.

on 18 Feb. 1942,- he swam ashore, made his way up an icy rock ledge and received a heavy line from the frozen,-making possible the rescue & the maioritg of the officers and crew by boatswains chair. *Lt. (jg) Dick G. Futrell, US= Porum. Okla. fmissinp. in action): 1944, he struggled clear of the plane and then went to the aid of his a n -

Mainsheet (NTC, Bainbridge, Md

Maybe well have better luck with the CPOs, Millie.

NAVY AND MARINE CORPS MEDAL *Capt. Richard M. Scruggs, USN, Madison, Fla.: When a man who was cutting a pontoon cable fell overboard and crashed heavily against the edge of a causeway, he jumped over the side at peril to his own life and kept the man afloat. He then towed him away from a converging LST and pontoons to a position from which the man could be lifted out of the water.

*Lieut. William J. Cole, USN, Liberty Center, Ind.: Following a serious explosion aboard the cruiser in which he was serving, he rushed to within a few feet of the explosion area to set depth charges on safe and then went below to assist in the rescue of injured personnel trapped in the burning compartments. After assisting in the rescue of three men, he returned to the depth charges, disarmed the explosives and threw them over the side. *Lieut. Preston Hoggard, UYN, Lewiston, N. C.: When a gasoliro leak in the steering gear compartmect caused a serious explosion aboard his cruiser on 7 Oct. 1943, he risked his life to enter the fume-filled compartment and took measures to extinguish the blaze before the flames could reach 10,000 gallons of gasoline stored near the explosion area. His daring initiative helped prevent further detonations and probably saved many lives. f Lieut. George W. Laidlaw 11, USNR, River Forest, Ill.: Ens. Howard T. Healy, USNR, Roslindale, Mass., and Ens. Lester K. Pecan, USNR, Hempstead, N. Y.: Following the explcgon of the naval magazine at Port Chicago, Calif., on 17 July 1944, they voluntarily proceeded from Mare Island to the scene and entered an extremely hazardous area where ammunition cars were on fire. They broke open the burning cars, working on top of them, and played hoses through the holes made by falling fragments, continually exposing themselves to danger until the flames were extinqished. They contributed materially to bringing the flames under control, thereby averting further explosions and possible loss of life. Lt. (jg) William F. Beebe, USNR, Wilmette, Ill.: When an enlisted man fell overboard on-the night of 6 M.ay 1944 and was immediately carried away by the swift current, he plunged into the shark-infested water and swam about 200 yards to the aid of the drowning seaman. He remained with the exhausted and helpless man and kept him afloat until a rescue craft arrived. *Lt. (jg) Edward D. Cyrtin, (MC) USNR, San Bernardmo, Calif. (posthumously): As medical officer aboard a

jacket; and gave the man his own rubber life raft, renouncing his own chances of survival.
lux was stranded on a hazardous and rocky shore on 18 Feb. 1942, he proceeded in a motor whaleboat through heavy seas and freezing temperatures and secured a line from the stranded vessel to shore. This enabled 10 men still aboard to reach safety. Later he rescued two members of the whaleboat crew and scaled an icy cliff and walked three miles in subzero weather to summon assistance. *Lt. (jg) Howard L. Murray, USNR, Norfolk, Va. (posthumously) : As third officer of a motor torpedo boat

ain on the morning of 27 March 1944, he rendered gallant service throughout the action in which the vessel was sunk. *Ens. William 0. Seymour Jr., USNR, Monroe, N. C. (posthumously) : When his plane developed serious engine trouble necessitating an immediate forced landing, he realized that the beach where he could make. a courageously turned away from the shore and crash landed in the bay near the Naval Air Station, Squantum, Mass., thereby preventing the death o r injury of scores of persons on the beach. Chief Camenter Clarence M. Bailey,

pinned the gun captain of the forward 20-mm. gun between the catwalk and the ships side, he went to the aid of this man and took charge of the rescue work. When it became necessary to amputate the mans leg at the knee to free him, he assisted the medical officer in the operation while supported only by a life line and faced with the danger of another explosion. +Robert L. Donnett. CBM, USN. San



craft had capsized between and Stirling Islands on of his 1944, d dived over the side 12 June boat Fhe swam to the more exhausted soldm who was floating face down. He sueceeded in getting the helpless man in the boat and administered artificial respiration until the craft docked, undoubtedly saving the man's life. *Eugene R. Brown, AOMlc, USNR, Wollaston, Mass. (posthumously): AS a flight deck aviation ordnanceman, he ran immediately to a bomb which h a d b e e n jarred loose from a landed plane and grasped the rotating arming vanes of the already Partially armed bomb. He Prevented a r m i n g of t h e bomb and thereby Brown, AOMIc nrevented a &tonation, which probably would have taken many lives (18 June 1944, near Marianas). *Edward F Duclos, CMlc, USN, . Swansea, Mass., and Claude C. Goldman Jr., TM2c, USN, Aiken, S. c.: Serving aboard the uss Buck when it was sunk by an explosion, they were dazed and wounded when thrown against the after deck house. They assisted in removing casualties to life rafts and set all depth charges On safe. Then they released two men who had been trapped in the after s t e e r i n g compartment. Remaining aboard until the last minute, they were unable to swim a safe distance from the rapidly sinking ship and received serious internal injuries from underwater explosions. j , John P. Witzke Jr., AMMlc, USNR, Baltimore, Md. (missing in action) : As a survivor of a crashed plane ,afloat in a rubber raft, he exhibited great skill in administering first aid to one of his fellow survivors. H~ in also showed expert handling the raft during the six-hour period before he was rescued. william E* Jr*, MM2c, USN9 Sari Francisco, Volunteenng for diving Operations during the period the JapaneSe attack On Harbor, he made numerous dives inside submerged ships under extremely hazardous conditions in Order to assist in the diffiHe contributed in large measure to the successful 'Ompletion of these vital operations. Raymond Javorskv, PhM2c* USN, Chicago, 111.: Following an exdosion a t the Naval Magazine, port Chicago, Calif., on 17 July 1944, although not attached to the station complement, he volunteered to enter a highly dangerous area and worked tirelessly to bring the flames under He contributed to the Prevention Of further and possible loss Of life. *John F. O'Brien, BMZC, USNR, Pawtucket, R. I.: When he saw a small child carried into the water by a runaway jeep on the night of 29 May 1944, he jumped into the swiftly run-

ning sea and grabbed the child, swam about 40 feet to the pier and carried the child t o safety. T. G. Vandagriff, SFZc, USN, Wellington, Tex.: He voluntarily engaged in diving operations incident to the salvage of vessels damaged at Pearl Harbor and made many dives under extraordinarily hazardous conditions inside submerged vessels for a total of more than 100 hours of successful underwater work. *John 0. Wolfgram, BM2c, USNR, Marblehead, Mass.: Seeing the desperate struggles of a fellow seaman who had fallen overboard from the S C 1661 on the night of 29 Dec. 1943, he dived over the side, swam to the unconscious man and brought him to safety. Maurice E. Redwine, W T ~ CUSNR, , Indianapolis, Ind.: While en route to the Naval Training Station, Newport, R. I., on 23 July 1944, he was attracted to a burning house where two women and three children were trapped on an upper floor. He instructed the women to toss the children out of the window and, when these five were safe on the ground, rushed into the blazing house and carried out another child before collapsing from the effects of the smoke.

he were to be freed before the ship sank, he performed the operation under extremely hazardous and unfavorable conditions. North NewRoy W. Lajeunesse, coln*Comdr. Portland, Me.: AS USN, mander of three LST echelons at Vella Lavella, he was subjected to fierce bombarding by hostile planes on two occasions. He fearlessly directed the unloading of supplies vital to our operations and successfully completed his mission despite the loss of one ship and serious damage t o another. ~l~~~ E. ~ ~ USN, ~ *comdr. Washington, D. c.: serving various in capacities in the Atlantic Fleet, h e made material contributions to the war in the Atlantic. Largely through his efforts, tactics, training methods, weapons and material essential to the continued success of aircraft were developed and improved. *Lt. Comdr. William M. Drane, USN, Clarksville, "J'enn.: As commander of ' an aircraft squadron of the Atlantic Fleet from March to September 1943, he and his pilots are credited with several successful attacks on enemy U-boats. He contributed materially to the campaign against German submarines.

.: .

.Gold Star in Lieu of Second

*Lieut. Jonathan S. Raymond Jr., USNR, Pittsburgh, Pa. (missing in action): As division leader of a motor torpedo boat squadron operating off the coast of Bougainville on the night of 5-6 May 1944, he attacked numerically superior enemy landing craft with devastating gunfire and forced the hostile vessels to withdraw.


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.kcapt. Harold F. Fick, USN, Cleveland Heights, Ohio: As commanding officer of a warship and as commander of an Atlantic Fleet antisubmarine task group from 14 to 30 July 1944, he inflicted extremely heavy losses on the enemy during a period of intense activity in the mid-Atlantic, and contributed materially to the successful prosecution of the Battle of the Atlantic. k c a p t . James J. McGlynn, USN, San Diego, Calif.: As commanding officer of the amphibious base at PortlandWeymouth, England, he supervised the operation, training, maintenance and logistics support and finallv the combat loading of landing craft attached to the base. All these craft, except those seriously damaged by enemy action, departed on time for the successful assault upon the Continent. Comdr. Jasper L. Custer, (MC) USNR, Shreveport, La.: When the uss Block Island was sinking on 29 May 1944, he went to the aid of a man pinned between the wreckage and gave him medical aid while attempts were made to free the man. When it became evident that i t would be necessary to amputate the man's leg if

Comdr. George R. Gronvold, Redwood City, Calif.: As engineering officer of the uss Block Island when she was sunk, he worked feverishly with complete disregard for his own safety to neutralize and remedy the damage. Corrective measures had progressed to such a degree that the engine room could have been kept in operation, when a third explosion made it necessary t o abandon ship. *Lt. Corn&.. Robert S. fiowles, USNR, Detroit, Mich.: As first lieutenant and damage control officer of the USS Block Island when it was sunk on 29 May 1944, he organized and led the repair party to the damaged parts of the ship and took prompt and effective damage control measures. He succeeded in delaying the ship's sinkinn long enough to allow the crew to abandon ship without additional loss of life. Lt. Comdr. Curtis B. Munson, USNR, Lake Forest, Ill.: As an officer on the staff of Commander, 11th Amphibious Force, he displayed sound judgment, resourcefulness and devotion to duty durinq the period of preparation and assault upon the coast of France on 6 June 1944. *Lt. Comdr. William R. Stapgs, USNR, Chicago, Ill.: As commanding officer of an aircraft squadron on board an escort carrier of the Atlantic Fleet from April to August 1943, he exhibited outstanding leadership and professional ability and was responsible for the success of his squadron j n several attacks on enemy submarines. *Lt. Comdr. Claude W. Stewart, USN, Seattle, Wash.: As commanding officer of Composite Squadron 19 attached to the uss Charger from Auqust 1943 to January 1944, he skillfully led his squadron into action during a period of particularly intense activity by enemy undersea craft. He launched attacks against U-boats effectively and with outstanding courage.


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*Lieut. Thomas H. Byrd, USNR, New York, N.Y.: As commanding officer of a warship which was screening a carrier during July 1943, he attacked an enemy ship with vigor and determination and was successful in destroying it. Lieut. Joseph J. Connor, (MC) USNR, Denver, Colo. : Accompanying a boat pool during the evacuation of a Marine battalion from a position several miles behind Japanese lines, he worked tirelessly in caring for the injured despite a constant barrage of enemy fire. Although forced to work in the darkness, he carried out his task with such skill that no lives were lost. *Lieut. Samuel N. Etheredge, (MC) USNR, Norfolk, Va.: Attached to a Marine rifle battalion during an engagement with Jspanese forces at Piva Forks, Bougainville,. on 24 Nov. 1943, he constantly subjected himself to artillery and mortar fire while carrying out his duties. He skillfully ministered t o the injured and inspired his assistants to remain at their posts despite the extreme danger. ALieut. Lawrence I. Field, USNR, New York, N.Y.: As officer-in of special equipment aboard stroyer escort during an engagement with a Japanese submarine, he rendered valuable assistance to his commanding officer and contributed materially to the probable destruction of the enemy craft. This was the first successful action against an enemy sub by a U. S. destroyer escort. ALieut. Harry C. Goudy, USNR, Baltimore, Md.: As Armed Guard officer attached to the ss Richard Hovey when it was sunk by a Japanese sbbmarine in the Arabian Sea on 29 March 1944, he was the last to go over the side of the stricken ship and remained in the water while the sub fired on the helpless survivors. Reaching a life raft, he assumed command of the men aboard and supewised the long. search for other survivors. He cared for the wounded, assisted in distilling water from an improvised still and encouraged his men until they were rescued 16 days later. He succeeded in bringing all but one of his men through the ordeal. *Lieut. Irwin I. Meller, USNR, Brooklyn, N.Y.: As commanding officer of a PC for a period of 18 days in the area screen of the Naval Western Task Force, he effectively performed his dutv of protecting vessels of the task force from German surface ships and submarines, and assiqted in the protection against enemy aircraft. *Lieut. Howard V. R. Palmer Jr., USNR, Harrisburg, Pa.: As commanding officer of the LST 359 off Normandy when it was shaken by an underwater explosion, he was hurled into the air and critically injured. Although sufferinq from intense pain, he remained a t his post and directed the saving of his ship. Only after the ship was safely harbored would he allow himself to be evacuated to a hospital. +Lieut. Frank E. Pierce Jr., USNR, Chicago, Ill. : AS cbmmanding officer of a PC during the invasion of France, he effectively performed the task of protecting vessels in the

Hoist (NTC, San Dieno)

Pilzd out for m w i f e ~ b e w gets y she those nylons.

Western Task Force area from German surface forces and submarines. *William L. Minor, CMoMM, USN, Denver, Colo.: Serving on a submarine during seven war p a t r o l s , he kept the main engines of his ship in operation under extremely adverse conditions. On many occasions he l a b o r e d f o r 24 hours without rest. During March 1942 he assisted in the evacuation of 55 Minor, C M ~ M M persons from Corregidor. *Ray B. King, BMlc, USN, Piney Flats, Tenn.; Wilford W. Leonard, MoMMlc, USNR, Shallotte, N. c.; Louis P. LHeureux, BMlc, USN, North Grafton, Mass., and Leland Martin, SM2c, USNR, Apollo, Pa.: As crew members of the lead scout boat of an assault group during the invasion of Normandy, they carried out their duties under great danger and continued in it unrelieved despite fatigue and personal injury. They rescued and assisted casualties under fire with complete disregard for their own safety. +Ralph E. Beach, SM25 usm? Fort Wavne. Ind.: While assisting in the lowering of a ramp on an LCT during t h e invasion of Normandy, he was w o u n d e d in t h e legs and back by a shell burst in the bow which killed two men. Despite his wounds. he remained at his station and was largely instrumental- in getting the Beach, SMZc tanks off. *Stacey V. Bennett, SMlc, USN, Groton, Conn.: Serving as an assistant to the commanding officer of a submarine during torpedo attacks, he used his keen vision to assist in attacks that resulted in the sinldng of a very large amount of enemy shipping, and in the evasion of enemy counter? measures after the attacks. *John P. Thomas, SM2c, USNR,Weldon, N. C.: When his landing craft was sunk during the invasion of Nor: mandy, he reached the beach in an-

other landing craft loaded with rangers who were to assault the cliffs. He repeatedly exposed himself t o terrific enemy fire in an effort to establish communications by semaphore. A;though suffering from concussion and severe bruises sustained when he was buried by a rock slide, he persuaded the medical officer not to evacuate him and returned to the beach two days later and performed his duties until his unit was evacuated to England. Cosmo Trevisano, GM2c, USNR, P a t e r s o n , N. J. (posthumously) : Serving as a 20-mm. gunner on the night of 13 May 1944 when his boat attacked four enemy barges in the face of heavy fire from shore positions, he exhibited expert marksmanship and by his deadly fire enabled his boat to withdraw from the skill were an inspiration to the men of his boat. *Richard W. Borden, PhMSc, USNR, Goldsboro, N. C.: As a member of a medical section of a beach battalion during. the invasion of Normandv. he and evacuate the wounded under direct enemy artillery shelling. He not only saved many lives, but gave an example of coolness and efficiency that inspired his shipmates and contributed materially to the success of this phase of the operation on this sector of the beach. *Russel I. Olson, RM3c, USCGR, Modesto, Calif.: As a member of the beach party of a naval transport during the landing operations at Eniwetok Atoll, and at Perry Island, he quickly established radio communications with all vessels partVpating while under enemy fire and thus contributed materially to the success of the landing operations. *Thomas J. Ryan, S M k , USNR, Woonsocket, R. I.: As a survivor of the uss Susan B. Anthony, picked up by the LST 515, he voluntarily administered first aid to more than 40 stretcher cases on the landing craft. When Army and Navy doctors came aboard five hours later to remove the six most serious, cases t o the beach, they said he had done an excellent job. *Paul Schimpf, GM3c, USNR, Pertn Amboy, N. J.: As a member of the Armed Guard unit aboard the SS .Tames Guthrie when it was torDedoed 1944, he took charge of one life boat containing 25 men. With great initiative and skill he directed the rescue of a number of men thrown into the sea. When heavy seas threatened to hold on the life lines and joined the group in the water. +.Tames .. Moulds. F2c. USNR. TrenT

Corry when it was sinking off the coast of France on 6 June 1944, he assisted an officer in the removal of wounded from the forward fire r o o m Although the fire room was rapidly flooding, he carried on until a fatally wounded shipmate could be brought t o the deck and placed in a lifeboat.

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One Step Ahead of the Japs

(Cokthued from Page 9) overhead and tropical fruit all around. It was like something out of a book of adventure. A t one of these small ports Some natives caine over in one of the small dugout canoes selling fish. We bought some fish for the Filipinos and wanted to buy the boat itself, as i t was a beauty of a dugout, but nothing doing. We finally settled for one of the natives hat, a big woven bamboo one. In about an hour, around came a soldier. He said that the Dutch authorities on the other side of the bay had seen this suspicious boat and wanted us to come over and be identified. We sent a letter back that we were sorry but we didnt like to go out in the middle of the day when the Japs were flitting around, and thought that would fix it up. In about an hour, back comes a messenger in a boat, with even more urgent messages that we come across to the other side and be identified, otherwuie they were likely to fire on us. Mranwhile, a sailor succeeded in buying the boat from the messenger. The messenger went back on foot. Well, the third time, they .had a platoon come around. They said that we had better come over to the other side of the bay and no fooling. They had a gun over there and they were going to use it. So we went over. This Dutchman said, God, Im certainly glad to see you, and see this thing is on the level. We were perfectly certain you-were Japs. They are only around the corner from here. First you bought the hat and secondly you bought the boat and it looked to me like you all wanted to make a landing. From then on we made a point of searching for the Dutch commandant. We got down one more bay the next day, and lay quietly alongside the bay, picking up some drinking water from a little spring nearby. Bombers were going back and forth all day. American B-24s and Flying Fortresses from the Dutch fields near Soerabaja went over to bomb the J a p transports off Bali, and an occasional J a p would flit by. We traveled on up the south coast of Java, with everything very quiet, f and finally got up to Tjilatjap. O f the entrance of the port we met an old friend-,the gunboat Tulsa, with a classmate of mine on board. The Tulsa skipper came on board and fixed us up with a pilot, an old Dutchman whose entire stock of English was profanity, which he used on the Filipino helmsman who knew no English whatever, even profanity. So thats the way we went through the entrance. We got into Tjifatjap, where they had begun to have a rough idea that the tune was about over. Two or three air raids in the afternoon upset the whole routine. No planes came over, actually, but every time there was an air-raid warning everybody would disappear and the ships would get under wav and stand cut. We were agxin out of what little fuel we had so we tried t o get some from Dutch Shell. There wasnt a soul around but two o r three clerks and two or three Dutchmen. There were a lot of British or Canadian troops embarking that night, and the Americans hadnt arrived yet. The Langley was still on her way up with fighter planes on deck. The Dutch did give us our oil. We got a little more chow, and went up and phoned the capitol, Bandoeng, where the Admiral was. On the way out we stopped alongside the Pecos. Our poor Filipino boys were beginning to realize by that time that there were climates other than the Manila variety. They all had whites, and I had a couple pairs of shorts, which was the extent of my wardrobe, so we went alongside the Pecos and filled up with fresh water, got a little fresh grub and asked the skipper if we could have some clothes. He broke out his paymaster who came up with Bureau of Supplies and Accounts manual under his arm, and said that all he had left was about ten or twelve suits of blues. The skipper of the Pecos, a gentleman of the old school, said, Give them the blues. So we got our blues and left that night. And off we set for Australia. We discovered later that the Pecos and the rest of the ships, what few there were left, had gotten under way the night following. We were doing about three knots so we went straight south. The Japs didnt bother us. The weather fortunately was absolutely foul, but the Filipinos were closer to death than any human beings Ive ever seen. The aide and myself and an old Filipino cook whose legs would barely carry him around, and one or two of the P.O.s were the only ones left on their feet. We went south as long a s we could and ran into headwinds that absolutely stopped US, so we started easing over toward Australia, towards the west coast. We thought thats where the Japs would be, but we had t o take a chance. We had no charts for Australia at all, except a general chart of all Australia roughly comparable to one youd find in a geography book. After about ten days we made a landfall, and started heading down what we thought was a well-marked channel; i t looked that way on this chart. We were looking for a town which was on the chart in great big letters, as big asthe letters that indicated where Perth was. We looked all over, but could find no town, not even a stable, nothing. After cruising along merrily for a while, there was this grinding crunch which people feel every now and then. We were all thrown flat and discovered we were hard and fast on the beach again. We didnt know it but the rise and fall of the tide there is about 25 or 30 feet. Ordinarily, in the ports farther along the coast they run ships ashore there at high tide. When the tide goes out, they drive wagons out alongside the ship and unload right out of the wagon. The ships just on dry land. Well, to our horror, not knowing

this, the tide kept going out and out and we crawled over the side and

with a terrific crash t o about 45. It suddenly dawned on us about then that she had a two- or three-foot keel loose all over the deck. everything. cut

we entered in the log, of course, that we had careened ship to inspect the bottom.

All that was saved out of the lal lassget some drinking -water in Tjilatjap before we started. as we hadnt heen beer; maybe

wont b e able to get

in there so far, ahd we were recei;ed with the greatest acclaim. This was roughly three and a half or four weeks after wed left Java. And thnt

Fremantle, although our friGnds had f a r as that part of the cruise is concerned.

was captuked at Sha&hai and the Luxon was destroyed ut Butaan to

Aus tra1ia.-ED.)

sunk b y enemy aircraft at Darwin,

Page 64

The following lists show the composition of the Senate and House of Representatives of the 79th Congress, which meets 3 Jan. 1945. They a r e based on unofficial returns from thP 7 November general election (see p. 46) through 20 November. Includedare members who were elected to other offices this year and who may therefore resign. One asterisk indicates members reelected this year; two asterisks, holdover senators whose terms do not expire this year. Names not marked a r e those of new members. Numbers indicate congressional district. Party affiliations are shown in parentheses: D for Democratic, R for Republican, . others spelled out.

House of Representatives

Henry C. Dworshak*(R). ILLINmS-At large : Emily Taft Douglas (D) 1 William L. Dawson*(D) : 2. Wil. liam' A. Rowan*(D) : 3. Edward A. Kelly ( D ) ; 4. Martin Gorski*(D) ; 5. Adolph J. Sabath: (D) * 6 Thomas J. OBrien* ( D ) : . 7. William 'W. 'Link(D) : 8. Thomas S . Gordon*(D) * 9 Alexander J Resa(D) : . 10. Ralph G. Church*(R): 11. Chauncey W. Reed*(R) : 12. Noah M. Mason*(R) : 13. Leo E.' Alien* ( R ) ; 14. Anton J. Johnson: ( R ) * 15 Robert B. Chiperfleld*( R ) ; 16. EverGtt M. Dirksen*(R) : 1 7 . I m l i e C. Arends*(R) 18. Jessie Sumner*(R) 19. Rolla C McMillen*(R) 20 Sid Simp[son* ( R ) . 2 i . Evan Howeli*(R) ; 22. Melvin Pri&(D) ; 23. Charles W. Vprsell*(R) ; 24. James V. Heidinger*(R), 25. C. W. Bishop*(R). INDIANA-1. a y J. Madden*(D)- 2 R . Charles A. Halleck*(R) * 3. Robert' A . Grant*(R) : 4. George W Gillie*(R) ; 5. : Forest A. Harness*(R) ; 6. Noble J. Johnspn*(R) ; ?. Gwald W. Landis*(R) : 8. Charles M. LaFollette*(R) : 9. Earl Wilson*(R) ; 10. Raymond S. Springer*(R) ;


As explained above, Fleet Reservists found incapacitated for duty a r e transferred to the retired list, regardless of whether they have completed 30 years service. Disabled enlisted personnel eligible for the Fleet Reserve, under current procedure usually a r e transferred to the Fleet Reserve and thence to the retired l i s t a t the rates of pay outlined under retirement for service, provided they so request. Regular Navy enlisted uersonnel whose service does not put them-within reach of transfer to the Fleet Reserve are, if disabled in line of duty, discharged from the service and turned over to the Veterans Administration for compensation. Any enlisled man who has served in the Navy or Marine Corps, or both, for a total of not less than 20 years active duty, and who has not been discharged for misconduct, may, in lieu of being provided with a home in the Naval Home at Philadelphia, apply f o r relief under Section 4756, Revised Statutes. If granted relief is a sum equal to one-half the pay df the applicants ratine a t the time of discharge. This pension will not be awarded to any person who is in receipt of a pension from the Veterans Administration. I n any case where a naval pension is awarded under Section 4456, Kevised Statutes. and the pensioner subsequently applies for a regular pension from the Veterans Administration. thc Vetera n s Administration will permit the individual concerned to elect which pension he de-. sires to receive. An enlisted man who has served in t h e Navy o r Marine Corps, or both, for not less than 10 years active duty, and who has not been discharged for misconduct, may, if not receiving a pension from the Veterans Administration apply for relief under Section 4757, Revisid Statutes. Upon application, SecNav is authorized to convene a board of not less than three naval officers, one of whom i s to be a surgeon, to conduct a n examination and to recommend a suitable amount of relief and for a specified period of time The relief granted by this section is presently ranged from $2.00 to $8.00 per month. Opinion has been requested from the Judge Advocate General, however, as to whether or not $8.00 i s the highest award t h a t can be made.


not apply to chief warrant officers and

retirement pay, see page 73.

Serve and Marine corps Reserve are on the honorary retired list without pay

or allowance upon reaching the age Of 64 or upon their own request after ,completion of 20 or more years active o r inactive service in the reserve. Under the terms of the Naval Reserve Act, service in the Naval Reserve includes service in the Army, Navy,, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Naval Auxiliary Service, Naval Reserve Force, Naval Militia, National Naval Volunteers, Naval Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve Force, and Marine Corps Reserve. Enlisted men of the honorary retired list who have performed a total of not less than 30 years active service in the reserve as that term is deflned above, O r who have had not less than 20 Years active duty service the last 10 Years of which was perfor&ed during the 11 Years immediately preceding their transfer to the honorary retired list, are, except while on active duty. entitled to pay at the rate of 5 0 % of their actiye duty base pay and 5 0 % of their longevity Pay.

( 3 ) When retiring, if, at age 64 and appointment pursuant to the Temporary Promotion A c t ; or if disabled in line of duty while serving in a hieher rank pursuant to the Temporary Promotion Act, officers a r e retired in the grade of their temporary higher rank with the retired pay of t h a t higher rank. (4) If retiring for any reason other than physical disability while serving under a n aauointment pursuant to the Temporary Promotion Act or when retiring, if having served under a n appointment pursua n t to the Temporary Promotion Act, officers a r e retired with highest rank held while on active duty, and with retired pay of permanent grade held at time of retire(5) When retiring, if they served in the Coast Guard during the First World war, they a r e placed on the retired list with tBe highest- grade held during that w a r (unless they attained a higher grade later), with retired pay of permanent grade at time of retirement.

in any capacity a s a member of military

or naval forces prior to 12 Nov. 1918, they are entitled to retired pay of 757fof active duty pay at time of retirement (I. e 7 5 % Of base pay and 75% Of longevity).

( 6 ) When retiring, if they have served

There is no Navy retirement pay f o r physical disability for enlisted reservists who a r e not eligible, for retirement for service: Such personnel, however, a r e fully protected by the Veterans Administration. The procedure is to discharge them f r o m . the Navy (but only after full hospitalization and observation) s o t h a t they m a y apply to the Veterans Administration for disability pensions. Reservists who are entitled to retirement with retirement pay have the same privilege of election of either accepting discharge and applying to the Veterans Administration or accepting retired disability pay under the same provisions outlined f o r personnel of the regular Navy.

If found by -a retiring board to be incapacitated for active service because of service-connected disability or infirmities of age, Coast Guard officers may be .retired at 7 5 % of the base pay of their grade a t time of retirement including 7 5 % of longevity. See exception ( 3 ) above if retired for disability while serving in .a higher rank Pursuant to t h e Temporary Promotion Act.

RETI RED OFFICERS ON ACTIVE DUTY: Same provisions as for officers of the
regular Navy and Marine Corps.

active service upon retain the inactive duty on the retired list return to highest enlisted rating attained while on active duty. with the retired pay thereof. Ex-Fleet Reservists on the retired list when subsequently released to inactive duty revert to the rating and classification held at the time of original transfer to the Fleet Reserve, with longevity pay credit for additional active tluty. . , .

The q u e s t i o n has been asked whether Civil Service with a Federal Government agency may be counted for transfer to the Fleet Reserve, the Fleet Marine Corps Reserve, the retired list of the regular Navy 01 r e p lar Marine Or the honorary retired lists of the Reserves. The anSwer is NO.



F o Coast Guard Reserve w&s ~ ~ created early in 1941, and there are no provisions for retirement of Reserve officers for service.
The same provisions prevail here as for omcers of the Naval Reserve.

Because retirement laws and regulations affecting the Coast Guard differ substantially in many respects from the Navy and the Marine Corps, they are presented separately in the following summary:


Regular Coast Guard enlisted men mag be retired upon their own application after 30 years of active service, or automatically &~$$l~~e&&;, & ~ % p e ~ ~ held at time of retirement. They z!%igible f o r retirement at higher grade or rating, or pay, if they meet any of the conditions listed in exceptions ( 3 ) . ( 4 ) and (5) under retirement of regular officers for service. Enlisted men of t h e Coast Guard also may be retired upon their own application a f t e r 20 Years Of active Service at 2 % % Of the total of their base pay and iongevitY. multiplied by the number of years Of active service*

tive status in the Fleet Reserve in the ratings held upon original transfer to the Fleet Reserve, plus longevity pay credit f o r additional active duty performed since original transfer to the Fleet Reserve, unless retired in the temporary. rank. held, on active duty because of physical disability. Legislation designed to make permanent the temporary higher wartime enlisted ratings of Fleet Reservists on active duty is now pending in Congress (H. R. 1822).


z :t :

7 :


Upon his own application, a n officer of the regular Coast Guard may be retired, after 30 or more years of active service. If application is approved, he is transferred to the retired list at 7 5 % of the pay and increase of his grade (i.e., 7 5 % of base pay and 7 5 % of longevity) at time of retirement. The same rate of retired pay prevails for the compulsory and automatic retirement of officers upon reaching age 64. Rank on the retired list is that of the permanent grade at the time of retirement. There are, however, exceptions to the above : ( l ) Officers speciallJ by SecNav for performance of duty in actual combat, as outlined in naval officer retirement, may be retired at next higher grade with retired pay of their permanent grade. (2) Upon retirement after 40 years of service, before age 64, retiring cfficers a r e advanced one grade with retired pay of the higher grade. This one provision does


In addition t o the above classes of naval personnel the men of the insular force of the U. S Navy, who a r e natives of the . Philippines and Guam, also a r e eligible for the Fleet Reserve or the retired h s t if they meet the service, requirements. Their pay base and longevlty, IS one-half t h a t of re)gular Navy personnel, and their Fleet Reserve and retired pay is correspondingly one-half t h a t of regular personnel. The insular force was established by an Executive Order of 5 April 1 9 0 1 and h a s h e m R Dait of the naval service ever since.

Enlisted men serving under regular enlistments in the regular Coast Guard a r c eligible f o r retirement for service-connected disability at 7 5 % of base pay plus lOngeVitY, unless eligible for retirement in higher rating or grade, or pay, under exceptions ( 3 ) , ( 4 ) and ( 5 ) listed unper retirement of regular officers for service.


Unless they a r e eligible f o r retirement otherwise, enlisted men of the Naval Re-

disability in line of duty, personnel in these clases a r e discharged from the Coast Guard for action of the Veterans Administration.

SPECIAL TEMPORARY ENLISTMENTS AND ENLISTED PERSONNEL OF THE COAST GUARD RESERVE: There are no prov~s~ons for retirement for service for these classes. I n cases of

Page 67

Retirement procedure for NaVY nurses is administered by BuMed, subject t o final approval by SecNav.
Members of the Navy Nurse Corps may, upon their own application, request retirernent after 30 years of active service or,

ment (converted) or National Service Life I~~~~~~~~ policy:^ As previously pointed out in this article, an eligible veteran may waive retired pay in favor of disability pen*ion from the Veterans Administration.

No. 5 8 E Chestnut St., Columbus 15.0. . No. 6 610 S. Canal St., Chicago 7. Ill. No. 7 Old .U. S. Custom House. St. Louis 1. Mo. NO. 8 1000 Main st., Dallas 2. Texas. NO. 9 1 4 0 Montgomery St., San Francisco 4, Calif.

cover conveniently all parts of the country.




Same as for regular nurses.


Same as for regular nurses.


general, disability benefits are available from the Veterans Admin-

ce&6& ~

few Weeks. O r earlier. (7) The regional ofRce retafns the records a n a takes a n y necessary action In event the claim is reopened, as long as the veteran resides in that territory. If he moves to territory served by another regional offlce, his Ale is transferred.

dependents or over $2500 in the case of a married person o r one with minor children. The rate of pension under Reeulation 1 ( 2 ) Part 111 as amended will be $ 6 0 monthiy if the vhteran is rate$ permanent total and in receipt of pension f o r a continuous period of 1 0 years or, if Permanent total, reached the age of 65 years.

:$&&~ , e n ~ ~ b~ , l t ; l ,~ , . ~ ~~ ~ ~ F

Whats Your Naval I. Q.?

1 When Admiral David G. Farra. gut, USN, gave the now famous command (at Mobile Bay, 1864) : D,?mn the ,torpedoes. Full speed ahead, he was not referring to torpedoes as we know them today. To what was he referring ? 2. In bending a heaving line to a hawser, which is preferred: ( a ) clove hitch, (b) timber hitch, or (c) rolling hitch ? 3. What officer is responsible for the daily winding of the ships chronometers ? 4. Identify this distinguishing mark. 5. Is a pelicafi hook (a) the hook on the bill of a pelican, (b) a fish hook, or (c) a hinged hook held together by a ring? 6. A Paddys hurricane is: (a) dead calm, (b) not enough wind to float the pennant, (c) a hurricane of short duration, (d) a type of storm peculiar to the Irish sea? 7. What types of naval vessels are designated by the following: (a) YNg,
(b) YRD(M), (c) YPD, (d) LCI(G), (e) YTT? 8. What are the Rules of the Road? 9. What are sister ships? 10: Identify these planes:

Slow Train
To Noumea
By Lieut. R.E.G., USN, Commanding, USS Chetco
I n October o f last year the Chetco departed from an East Coast port with three tows for Australia. The initial leg o f the journey t o Panama was a shakedown cruise, as the Chetco had been acquired from the merchant marine only a few days prior i o departure.

1 . By Act of Congress battleships 1 of the U. S. Navy must be named f o r the States of the Union. True o r false? 12. If necessary, may a salute be given with the left hand? 13. Prominent in recent news dispatches were the following places: ( a ) Corigara, (b) Ngeregong, (c) Ormoc, (d) Tromse fjord, (e) Ulithi. Can you locate them? 14. Who said Dont give up the ship? When? 15. What differentiates a U. S. light cruiser from a heavy cruiser?
(Answers on Page 7 2 )

Legislative Matters of Naval Interest

The President has designated Vice Admiral Jonas H. Ingram, USN, as Cinclant, with the rank of admiral, and Rear Admiral William R. Munroe, USN, as commander 4th Fleet, with the rank of vice admiral. Recess appointments, made by the President pending Senate approval, follow: 0 To be vice admiral:
Howard L. Vickery. USN. David W. Bagley, I N N , to continue while serving as Commander Hawaiian Sea Frontier (replacing appointment as vice admiral held while serving as Commander Western Sea Frontier).

t n- . .. as deDUtV chief of Industrial Rer . d -.. h.


adjustment Brarich, Ullice of ProLuienient and Material. Milton 0. Carlson. IJSN : Henry C. Flana- .. .. gan, U S N ; John G Moyer U S N ; Homer W. Graf. USN; Ciifford 0. Richardson.


Harry L. Merring.

To be rear admiral:

(Ret). .until de-

To be commodore:

Bulletin (NTC, Great Lakes)

Herbert B. Knowles, U S N ; Thomas Brittain U S N ; Donald W. Loomis, USN, and Jbhn B. McGovern, USN, untJl detached as commanders of transport squadrons. Irving H. Mayfleld. USN. until detached as chief of staff to Commander South Paciflc Force. Francis W. Sc-nland. U ~ N until detached as Commander NT&DC, San Diego, Calif. Otto M. Forqter. TTSN. until Aetgched as Commander, NT&M: Shoemaker, Calif. Paulus P Powell USN until detached as chief of staff t o Commander 3rd Amphihious Force. Thomas P Jeter USN until detached as chief of stpff to CoAmander Battleships Paciflc Fleet. Arieigh A. Burke USN until detached as chief of staff to Cbmmander Fast Carrier Task Force Pnciflc Fleet. Edwin D. Foster. (SC) USN, while serving as aviation supnly offlcer and supply offlcer-in-command. Naval Aviation Supply DeDot, Philadelnhi?. Vernon F. Grant, USN (Ret), until detached as Commander Naval Air Bases. Guam. Cyril T. Simard. USN, until detached as Commander Naval Air Bases, 13th Naval District. Walter F. Boone USN until detached as Comm-nder NLval Air Bases, 12th Naval District. William M. Angas. (CEC) U S N ; Andrew G. Bisset (CEC) USN, and John R. Perry, (CEC) &N, _until detached as offlcers-incharge of naval construction brigades. Harold M. Martin. USN. until detached as chief of staff and aide to Commander Air Force, Atlantic Fleet. Russell M. Ihrig USN until detached from staff of Comkandek-in-Chief, U. S. Paciflc Fleet and Paciflc Ocean Areas. Jerauld Wright, USN. until detached as a n amphibious group commander. Merrill Comstock, USN, until detached as chief of staff to Commander Submarine Forces, Paciflc. Albert L. Swasey, CC-V(S) USNR (Ret), until detached from duty in BuShips. James B. Carter USN, until detached as assistant chief of! staff (operations) to Commander-in-Chief. Paciflc Fleet and Paciflc Ocean Areas; Valentine H. Schaeffer. USN, until detached as chief of staff to Commander 7th Fleet.


At Panama it was decided t o send the Chetco direct t o New Caledonia, nonstop. Maximum supply o f food, water and fuel was obtained and on 27 October the Chetco departed with four tows, a PC having been added t o the tow. Plans were made t o complete the t r i p i n 60 days. The tow was about 5,000 feet i n length, and it would be necessary t o refuel from the tow. Shortly after departing the PC required urgent medical assistance and slipped her tow and returned t o port. The t r i p was continued without her. It had been planned t o refuel from the tow during calm seas: b u t a choppy sea persisted, and so the first refueling operation was conducted under adverse weather conditions and required about 24 hours t o complete. Again, after about 40 days out, it was decided t o refuel, as a calm sea existed. The second refueling required only a few hours, as we were able t o g e t alongside and use two pumps, one of which was a handy-billy which had been altered so as t o be water cooled. Fresh water was our major problem. No evaporators had been installed and our supply was limited. A f t e r a few days out it was discovered t h a t the seams i n the stern had opened and that the two after fresh water tanks had changed t o salt water. It was necessary t o stop all personal use o f fresh water. W a t e r was used only for cooking and the cooling o f the engines. Deck drains were altered t o enable us t o catch rain water i n cans. However, it seldom rained. Full beards were prominent. Bad luck again befell us after about six weeks out. Squally weather and rough seas set i n and the towing lrawser, 12-inch manila, carried away between the first and second tow. This occurred just a t nightfall and recovery operations were conducted throughout the night, hampered by rough seas and torrents of the rain we had been praying for a few hours before. N o w all thouqhts of fresh water were gone. Tow was recovered just prior t o daylight and the journey resumed a t slow speed. Bad weather continued for the next I O days and speed was slow. Before the t r i p was completed there were three more losses o f the tow and subsequent recoveries. Incidentally, the Chetco cannot boast o f a towing engine, only a small capstan.
O u r food supply proved inadequate and the last few days the menu consisted o f hardtack, applesauce and ham. The last day it was applesauce. O n 2 January, we arrived a t Noumea, thus completing 67 days a t sea and having traversed 7,200 miles o f water. N o cheeri n g crowds greeted u s - b u t 30 bags o f Christmas mail did.

Page 69

SPORTS, GAMES, AND All Navy, Marine Corps m d Coast Guard MUSIC EQUIPMENT Activities

V-DISC KITS 12 Phonograph records of music designed to suit all tastes



All Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard activities outside United States; hospitals within the United States treating battle casualties

AFRS TRANSCRIPAll Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard TIONS activities outside the United States 16 phonograph records of transcriptions of major radio network shows, and special talent programs manufactured t o piay on turntable which turns at 33% rpm.


PERIODICAL SUBAll Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard CRTPTTONS Activities _.. .. Subscriptions t o magazines are the responsibility of each activity. There is no package distribution of magazines.

SPECIAL 4TTEN710N invited to Notes on this subject. LIBRABY BOOKS

USO-CAMP SHOWS. 1 INC. On Shore Within U. S.: All Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard activities, Complements of 1,500 or over Marine Corps and Coast Guard with complements of less than 13th.NDS. Hospital Circuit 1 Hospital Sketching Circuit Overseas Those hospitals carrying a preponderance of Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard personnel deemed eligible by BuMed All Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard activities ashore and afloat sharing equitably with Army


All Navy and Marine Corps activities including navy vesSels manned by Coast Guar& personnel

S H I P AND STATION All Navy, lfarine Corps and Coast Guar1 PAPERS Activities All Navy, Marine Corns and Coast Gum ENTERTAINXENT MOTION PICTURES Activities


All Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guan Activities

Page 70

3uPers Manual, Art. E-7401 to E-7411, incl. 3uPers Itr. Pers-524-gm L1-2-150 of 8 June 1944. $S&A Manual, Art. 940. .ire. Ltr. No. 132-42 (corrected) (NDB, cum. ed., 31 Dee. p3.) ,!rc. Ltr. No. 163-42 (corrected) (NDB, cum. ed., 31 Dec. 1943.)

Naval vessels to be commissioned receive their allotments from BuPers as follows: destroyers and larger, 3 months prior t o the commissioning date; other vessels, 1 month prior to the commissioning date. BuPers allots annually a lump sum to the Commandant of the Marine Corps for reallocation to units of the air and ground personnel of the Fleet Marine Force. DuPers grants direct allotments to naval vessels in commission and manned by Coast Guard personnel in the same manner as other naval vessels. The allotments granted fleet and area commanders aw to provide for the welfare and recreational needs of their stafls, construction battalions. hase hospitals, advance base units, (including craft attached thereto) and other naval establishments under their command.

(a) Joint Itr. Pen-1012-PL P10-(A) BuS&A No. P10 l ( 3 ) of 1 6 July 1943. (b) Sports - Games - Music Catalog; Navy, Coast Guard Marines. (c) Coast Guard Hq. Circular 209.

Newest edition of the catalogue will be distributed ahout 1 Jan. 1945 to all ship and shore activities in commission i n that date. Requests for additional copies should he adJressed to BuPers.

BuPers Circ. Ltr. 154-44 (NDB, 3 1 May 1944, 44-631).

A11 kits in one monthly release of V-Discs contain the same

assortment of 20 records each.

BuPers Circ. Ltr. 236-44 (NDB, 31 Aug. 1944, 44-1001)

Turntables attached to 35 mm. strip fllm projector will play AFRS transcriptions. A limited quantity of turntables are distributed through the twu service tortes. The number of transcriptions available for distribution is limited.

For selection of magazines and newspapers attention is directed to SecNav ltr. P9-1 of 24 Aug. 1944 (NDB, 3 1 Aug. 1944, 44-962). The following magazine overseas editions are published: New Yorker, Time, Life, Newsweek, The Infantry Journal, Inside Detective, Modern Screen, Reader's Digest, The Sporting News. New York Times Oversea Weekly is available where printed overseas. Mats sent airmail overseas to such points as Army and Navy may designate for reproduction by Army or Navy where letterpress is available. Or copies may be obtained from N. Y. Times direct (write Times for details). Armed Senices Editions (paper-bound books) are provided for BuPers Manual. Part E. Chapter 6. recreation and are expendable. They should be passed from man to man. Books may be exchanged between libraries by mutual agreement. Non-receipt of books should be reported to BuPcrs. ( a ) BuPers Itr. NAV-1477-jhs P10-2(60) of 27 March Transportation as specifled in ref. (e) and (h). 1042. (b) BuPers Itr. Pers-2232-EC P10-2(60) of 14 Oct. 1942. (e) BuPers Itr. Pers-2231-MT P10-2 of 2 June 1943. (d) BuPers Itr. Pers-2231-VD P10-2 of 24 June 1943. (e) BuPers Itr. Pers-521-oh P10-2 of 3 Dec. 1943. ( f ) BuPers ltr. Pers-521-oh P10-2 of 24 April 1944. ( 9 ) BuPers Itr. Pers-521-sf P10-2 of 29 April 1944. Hospital Circuit: Transportation as specifled in ref. (g). (h) BuPers Itr. Pers-51-REB N33 of 5 Sept. 1944. Hospital Sketching Circuit: Transportation a s specified io ref. (f). (i) Dupers Circ Ltr. No. 216-44 Pers-5-RI Pal dated .41mY furnishes transportation t o and from area. Local trans31 July 1944 with enel. 1, Joint Statement of Policy of portation within area, meals and housing accommodation% Secretaries of War and Navy of 5 July 1944. furnished hu naval activity serviced.

( a ) BuPers Manual E-7601 through E-7604 (as corrected by BuPers Manual Circ. Ltr. No. 24-44 of 15 April 1944). ( a ) Instructions, Navy Motion Picture Film and Projecting The success of the Navy Motion Picture Service which supEquipment, 1040. plies 35-mm. film depends upon the rapidity with which motion picture programs are circulated. Failure to keep pro(b) BuPers Manual, Part E Chapter 7 See. 3. (c) BuPers Itr. Pers-2217-MT SS5-1 df 17 June 1943. grams moving will result in bogging down of the entire system. (d) BuPers Itr. Pers-51131-sf EN4-3(P) of 25 Sept. 1944. Plans are, now being formulated for the establishment of (e) BuPers Circ. Ltr. 2.12-44 (NDB, 31 Aug. 1944, 44- naval liaison units in all Army overseas motion-picture exchanges, and such additional Navy exchanges as may be 1005). necessary to Properly service naval activities ashore and (I) BuPers Itr. Pers-511-VD 585-1 of 22 Sept. 1944. (g) BuPers Itr. Pers-2231-oh SS5-,I of 28 Aug. 1943. afloat,outside continental U. S. with the 16-mm. gift film. (h) Article 1443 Advance changes U. S. Navy Regs. 0 ~ 1 3 1G.k. Ser. 31501'3. 15 Sept. 1944 (NDB, 15 Sept: 1944, 44-10523.

Longevity Pay Provisions Liberalized


Alnav Lists Service To Be Credited and Sets Up Procedure

Liberalized longevity pay provisions for naval personnel, under a recent act of Congress approved by the President, were announced to the service on 2 Nov. 1944 by Alnav No. 200. Whereas previously certificates of service, used t o substantiate credits of pay and allowances accruing by reason of length of service, could be executed only by commissioned officers, the Alnav extends the right of preparing such documents to commissioned warrant and warrant officers. A sample form is shown at the right. Enlisted personnel who are not now being credited with longevity service listed in the Alnav should ask their COS or disbursing officers to initiate a request for statement of service, as provided for in the Alnav. However, where such service has already been made an official part of the enlisted man's record, eligibility for longevity pay may be substantiated by a CO's order or, in the case of Marine Corps enlisted personnel, by stating the service on the Marine Corps pay rolls. The procedure f o r establishing eligibility for longevity pay is set forth in detail in section seven of the Alnav, a complete text of which follows: 1 Sections 1, 3, 8 and 9 of the Fay . Readjustment Act of 1942, 56 Stat. 359, as amended by the Act of 2 Dec. 1942, 56 Stat. 1037, and Section 3A of the Pay Readjustment Act of 1942, as added by the Act of 2 Dec. 1942, were further amended by the Act approved 7 Sept. 1944, Public Law 421, 78th Congress, retroactive to 1 June 1942, with respect to service which may be counted f o r pay purposes by commissioned officers, commissioned warrant officers, warrant officers, and enlisted personnel on active duty. Service heretofore considered a s of a temporary nature under the provisions of Section 3A has now been made permanent and has been extended t o commissioned warrant officers, warrant officers, and enlisted personnel. Service which may now be counted for pay purposes, in time of peace as well as in time of war, is a s hereinafter set forth for each class of personnel.
Commissioned Officers 2. (a) LONGEVITY A N D PAY PERIOD INCREASES-In the computation of service for all pay purposes, 1or.gevity and pay period increases, commissioned officers shall be credited with full time (active-and inactive) for all periods during which

they were enlisted or have held corn" missions as officers or have held ap-pointments a s warrant officers c&r" Army field clerks in the:
(1) A m y C' ( 2 ) Navy (3) Marine Corps ( 4 ) Coast Guard (5) Coast and Geodetic Survey ( 6 ) Public Health Service (7) Organized Militia prior t o 1 Juiy

1916 (8) National Guard (9) National Guard Reserve (10) National Guard of t h e United States (11) Officers Reserve Corps of the

(b) In addition to the service specified in paragraph 2 ( a ) , officers who

30 Sept 1944 (Date)

Amy (12) Medical Reserve Corps of the Army ( 1 3 ) Naval Militia (14) National Naval Volunteers ( 1 5 ) Naval Reserve Force (16) Naval Reserve (17) Marine Corps Reserve Force (18) Marine Corps Reserve ( 1 9 ) Coast Guard Reserve ( 2 0 ) Reserve Corps of the Public Health Service (21) Philippine Scouts ( 2 -) ~ , Philiunine Constabularv .2 2 ) Reguiar Army Reserve ( 3 (24 ) Medical Reserve Corps of the Navy ( 2 5 ) Dental Reserve Corps of t h e N m a ( 2 6 ) Enlisted Reserve Corps

(File Number)
To: Subj:



USMC l e t Lieut. Richard Roe Name i n full, Class if Reserve,Bronch of Service)

The Disbursing Officer,

Statement of Service.



(a) Pay Readjustment Act of 16 June 1942,as amended (a) "iv @2153$/2f@

1 In accordance w i t h references t h b following officer's c e r t i f i c a t e of . ' service for longevity pay purpases is aubmitted. It is requested that W pay acGountbe adjusted accordingly.


From To EIiLISTED SERVICE: National Guard ( T e n s ) Active 8Nov25-WOv27 . (Pvt. Company "M",144th Infantry) U S w i n e corps (~er.No.676767) 8Jan28-7S&2 .. U S Marine corps (ser.Ipo.676767) 8Ja32-WOv35 ..

b e . Moa,


0 10 4 2

4 14

W m R A m SrnVICE:

U.S.Marine Corps

10~0~35 -12Mar40

2. Appointed F i r s t Lieutenant for temporary service i n the U.S.Marim COrP on 13 March, 1940, and have held appointment continLiously since t h a t date.

3. I c e r t i f y the above t o be a true and correct statement of my Prior service. I n the evsnt of any e r r o r s I authorize checkage of my pay account t o adjust any overinyment resulting therefrum.

?- - i-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l r _ _ _

(For Disbursing Officer) Completed l a s t 3 Fears' period o f service

Total service for pay purposes on 16San44


18 years
John Doe

50-373 Symbol No.

ENCLOSURE ( A ) to Aha# No. 200 shows form of certificate of service to be submitted in quintuplicate by commissioned officers, commissioned warrant oficers and warrant officers. Page 73

were in the regular services on 30 June 1922 and have served continuously as such subsequent thereto, are entitled to count all service which was then counted in computing longevity pay, and service as contract surgeon serving full time. Reserve officers and officers appointed to the regular services pursuant to the Aviation Personnel Act of 1940 are entitled t o count prior active service a s appointed aviation cadets. (c) Service as a n enlisted aviation cadet on and after 4 Aug. 1942, is enlisted service and is counted a s enlisted service under paragraph 2 (a). (d) Retired officers, warrant officers, and enlisted men on active duty are entitled to count inactive service on the retired list in computing their active duty pay (22 Comp Gen 664). (e) Service in the Coast and Geodetic Survey which may be counted for pay purposes is service in excess of one year a s a deck officer or a junior engineer, and service in the grade.of aide (relative rank of ensign), or in a higher grade. Service in the Public Health Service which may be counted for pay purposes is service in the grades of assistant surgeon, assistant dental surgeon, or assistant sanitary engineer [relative to the rank of lieutenant (jg)], or in a higher grade. Commissioned Warrant Officers 3. (a) LONGEVITY INCREASES -In the computation of service for longevity increases in pay, commissioned warrant officers shall be credited with full time (active and inactive) for all periods during which they were enlisted or have held commissions as officers or have held appointments a s warrant officers, or Army field clerks in any of the services set forth in paragraph 2 ( a ) , 0 1 , ( e ) , (d) and (e), hereof,

except in the Medical Reserve Corps of the Army. (b) PAY PERIOD INCREASESIn the computation of service for advancement to a higher pay period commissioned warrant officers of the regular services with creditable records on the active list shall be credited only with active commissioned service in the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and the Reserve components thereof (22 Comp Gen 236). In addition to the foregoing, commissioned warrant officers of the Naval Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve with creditable records may count inactive commissioned service in the Naval Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve for advancement in pay periods (22 Comp Gen 439). Certificates of creditable records are issued only by BuPers, Headquarters U. S. Marine Corps and Coast G-uard. Headquarters. (c) LIMITATION ON T O T A L P A Y A N D ALLOWANCES-The total pay and allowances of commissioned warrant officers is limited to $458.33 per month. Warrant Officers 4. LONGEVITY INCREASES-In the computation of service for longevity increases in pay, warrant officers shall be credited with full time (active and inactive) for all periods during which they were enlisted or have held commissions as officers or have held appointments a s warrant officers, o r Army field clerks in any of the services enumerated in paragraph 2 (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e), hereof, except in the Medical Reserve Corps of the Army. Enlisted Men 5. LONGEVITY INCREASES-In the computation of service for longevity increase in pay, enlisted men shall be credited with full time (active and inactive) for all periods during which they were enlisted or have held commissions as officers or have held appointments as aviation cadets, cadets, midshipmen, warrant officers, or Army field clerks in any of the services enumerated in paragraph 2 (a), (b) , (c) , (d) and (e), hereof, except in the Medical Reserve Corps of the Army. Service Not Creditable 6. Gxcept as noted in paragraph 5 hereof the following service may not be counted for pay purposes:
(1) Cadets ( 2 ) Midshipmen ( 3 ) Emergency Officers Retired List ( 4 ) Inactive National Guard ( 5 ) State Home or Territorial Guard ( 6 ) Army and Navy ROTC and CMTC (7) Time spent in a fraudulent enlistment (8) Time spent in an enlistment in the National Guard prior to 18th birthday.

Hoist (NTC, San Dieuo)

18 certainly doesnt flatter me, does it?

Statementof Service 7. Credit for service which is not now being counted for pay purposes will be substantiated, in the case of officers, by a statement of service from

BuPers, Headquarters, U. S. Marine Corps, or Coast Guard Headquarters, as applicable, or by the officers certificate of service prepared in accordance with paragraph 8 hereof. In the case of enlisted personnel the credit will be substantiated by a statement of service from BuPers, Headquarters, U. s. Marine Corps, or Coast Guard Headquarters, as appropriate, o r where such service has been verified and has been officially made a part of the service record, by a GOS order, or by stating the service on Marine Corps pay rolls. Officers should submit certificates of service or request a statement of service only if complete service is not shown in the last Navy Register listing service. Except for the organization in which now serving, requests for statement of verification of service will include the originals or certified copies of evidence substantiating such service or (1) full name and serial number under which served, (2) branch of service, (3) date and place of enlistment and discharge, (4) company or regiment from which discharged, (5) rank or rating at discharge, (6) permanent home address at date of enlistment and discharge. All requests for statements of service will show full name, rank or rating, classification, and service or file number as appropriate. Officers Certificates of Service 8. Under authority of the Certification Act of 26 Oct. 1942, 56 Stat. 987 and officers certificate of service shall be accepted for the duration of the war and for a period of six months thereafter to substantiate credits of pay and allowances accruing by reason of length of service. Officers certificates of service will be prepared substantially in accordance with the attached sample [Enclosure ( A ) ] and will show the name, rank, and file number of the officer, organization in which the service was performed (including state or territory if National Guard or Naval Militia), service number, rank or rating at discharge, company or regiment from which discharged, inclusive dates of t i m e served and of time lost in each organization, total net time served in each organization, and total service for pay purposes, and will be supported by certified copies of available evidence substantiating such service. Many officers certificates of service submitted in accordance with Alnav 22-43 have been erroneous, thus necessitating checkages against the pay accounts of the officers concerned. Officers should therefore use extreme care in the preparation of their officers certificate of service to insure accuracy and completeness of the information contained therein. If the officer is in doubt as t o the accuracy of the prior service, a statement of service should be requested; but only one request for a statement of service

Page 74

should be submitted and then only if an officers certificate of service has not previously been filed. The officer concerned should retain a copy of any statement of service or officers certificate of service furnished to obviate further requests. Filing of Ofhcers4 Certificates of Service 9. Officers certificates of service Will be furnisxed the disbursing officer in quintuplicate. The original of the officers certificate of service will be filed as a payroll voucher, one copy will be retained in the files of the disbursing officer, and three copies will be forwarded with the financial returns of the disbursing officer for subsequent verification of service and filing in the officers record. The disbursing officer concerned will be notified only in those cases where errors are discovered and it becomes necessary to make adjustments i n an 0 s cers pay account. Copies of officers certificates of service forwarded with the disbursing officers returns will be wrapped in a separate package appropriately labeled to show the contents, disbursing officers name, activity, and period of returns, and will be forwarded in the container in which the returns are shipped. The disbursing officer will note on the original and all copies of an officers certificate of service the date on which the officer completed the last three years period of service and the total number of years service completed on that date. Computation of Service 10. Enlisted service commences with date of enlistment and ends with date of discharge,. less deduction for all time lost d~ to AOL, A w o L , SKMC, and NPDI. C M ~ X ~ r v i c for Pay PPr. e poses commences in the case of( a ) Naval Academy graduates COmmissioned from midshipman-if commissioned within six months of date of graduation-with the date of rank stated in COmmission ; (b) Permanent commissioned Warr a n t officer appointed from permanent warrant rank-with the date of rank stated in COmmiSsion; (C) Temporam officers appointed Pursuant to the Act of 24 July 1941-with the date appointed by the President; (d) All other officers-with the date of acceptance of commission or warrant and not the date of rank stated therein. Officer service terminates with approved effective date of resignation, Or discharge* having Oncurrent service in Or more Organizations may count service in One organization only. Retroactive Credits 1 . Disbursing officers are author1 ized to make any retroactive credits

due for period on and after 1 July 1942, provided such adjustments are made prior t o 30 June 1945, substantiated by statements of accounts for periods not carried on the rolls of the disbursing officer making such credit and by statement of service, officers certificate of service, or COs order, as appropriate. The difference in pay and allowances for the period 1 to 30 June 1942, may be paid only upon submission of a claim to General Accounting Office, in view of the lapsed appropriation. Retired Officers 12. In computing retired pay Of retired Officers in an inactive status, any Wecified in paragraph (a) 9 (b) ( c ) 7 and (e) which may have had On date of refirementplus active service performed subsequent to retirement shall be countedBack Pay 13. No back pay or allowances shall accrue to any person who was not en-

titled to receive active or retired pay on 7 Sept. 1944. Navy Nurse Corps 14.The foregoingis not to membersof the Navy Nurse Corps. Dependents-Women9s R~~~~~~ and Navy Nurse Corps 15. Effective 1 Oct. 1944, members of the Womens Reserve, female physicians and surgeons appointed in the Medical Corps of the Naval Reserve, and members of the Navy Nurse Corps are entitled to increased rental and subsistence allowances on account of a husband, &ild 01 children, 0 1 parent or parents in fact dependent upon such member of their chief support. Chief support will be determined in the manner set forth in A r t 21423(3) (4) (b) and (c) BuSandA Manual, letter of the SecNav, dated 6 March 1943, and Circ. Ltr. No. 8 (1943) of the Paymasters Department, Marine Corps.

Hawaiian Island Naval Activities Request Nearly 5,000 waves

The services of approximately 5,000 Waves have been requested by activities in the Territory of Hawaii to fill vacancies in complement and to replace men for the rotation program and for duty with the fleet. Nearly half of these requests have come from aviation activities, which include a n aviation supply depot and several a i r stations on the Islands of Oahu, Maui and Hawaii. Billets are available for Wave personnel in 30 different enlisted ratings, and for officers with many different types of qualifications. This information is based on a report of a survey made in the Hawaiian area by Lt. Comdr. Jean T. Palmer, USNR, assistant for the Womens Reserve to the director of enlisted personnel, BuPers, and Lt. Comdr. Joy B. Hancock, USNR, Womens Reserve representative for BuAer and the DCNO (Air). Womens Reserve personnel have also been requested by naval activities in the 10th and 15th Naval Districts, Bermuda and Alaska. However, until such time as surveys similar to the study conducted in the Hawaiian Islan& are made, Waves will not be assigned to the other overseas areas in which they are eligible to serve under public Law 441. will plans, Under current first be assigned to billets under the jurisdiction of the commandant, 14th Naval District, and later t o duties with shore-based fleet activities in the Hawaiian Islands. At the present time, two Wave officers, the first to be assigned permanent duty overseas, a r e now in the Hawaiian Islands. They are Lt. Comdr. Eleanor G. Rigby, USNR, district director for the Womens Reserve, and Lieut. Winifred R. Quick, USNR, assistant t o the district personnel officer. Adequate plans for housing Wave personnel in the Hawaiian area have already been made, and facilities to accommodate approximately 4,000 women a r e expected t o be ready by the end of January 1945. Because of the curfew in Hawaii, which requires that enlisted personnel be in their living area by 1800 and officers by 2200, each activity will be a self-contained unit in order to provide the recreational and entertainment activities which would normally be found off the station. In the Pearl Harbor area, for instance, it is planned that Waves will be quartered in a quonset hut city, which will .include a chapel, mess hall, open-air movie, several recreational halls, tennis courts, ships service store and access to swimming pools and bathing beaches. There will be a recreational area where Waves may entertain men guests, and i t is expected, according to the report, that special passes will be available to Navy men who are invited by Womens Reserve personnel to the various activities at the quonset hut city. Similar housing and recreational facilities will be available at the air stations and other activities to which Waves are to be assigned. All Wave personnel destined f o r duty in Hawaii will first be ordered to a distribution center on the west coast f o r processing before going overseas. The availability of space on vessels which can accommodate women will determine the number of women to be assigned to each overseas draft.

Page 75

In U . S. Suruiuing Son of Family Losing Two or More

In recognition of the sacrifice and contribution made by a family which has lost two or more sons who were Marine Corps and Coast Guard, under

Plans to be Made for Continuing Protection

Waves to Have Exercise SzCit

An exercise suit, consisting of light blue denim shorts and matching skirt, t o be worn with long or short-sleeved white shirt and blue o r white ankle socks, has been approved for wearing by members of the Women's Reserve when participating type of garment. which require this in sports activities The garment may be purchased from unappropriated welfare funds and provided as an item of station equipment whenever the CO makes participation obligatory i n a particular sport for which the exercise sult is deemed appropriate. The suit is to be purchased by the women themselves whenever the CO designates that t h e garment must be worn by enlisted personnel taking part i n any particular sport but in which participation is not obligatory. m e n e v e r the ' has not PE0 scribed a regulation outfit for sports. the garment may be worn optionally by officers and enlisted personnel while engaging in any sports activity for which 'he suit appropriate. Other exercise suits which have been authorized by local COS may be worn until the present supply is exhausted Or those in p o s ~ s s i 0 nare no longer The new garment not be in the f o r several months. F o r details see the letter from the chief of Naval Personnel dated 16 Nov. 1944 t o all naval activities in the U. S. and commandants of loth, 14th, 15th and 17th Naval Districts and NOB, Bermuda (QR/JJ55 Pers-

Transportation Costs To Be Paid for Disabled Personnel To Stations of Preference

Provisions for transportation at government expense of disabled enlisted personnel hospitalized from activities within the U. S. have been liberalized by a recent BuPers directive. As in the case of disabled enlisted men evacuated from overseas and later found qualified by Boards of Medical Survey for limited shore duty, personnel hospitalized from activities within the U. S. were granted the privilege of designating their home naval 'district, river command, naval air training command o r naval construction training center a s the one in which they wished t o serve (July 1944 INFORMATION BULLETIN, 70). p. However, under the provisions of the previous directive, transportation a t government expense was authorized f o r only those disabled enlisted men returned from overseas. Those hospitalized from activities within the U. S. were required t o perform t h e travel at their own expense to the district of their choice. me current policy permits transportation allowances for disabled enlisted personnel of both categories. For details see BuPers Itrs., 27 Ma 1944 and 26 Oct. 1944, Pers-6303-Dd 2 p16-3/MM, to commandants of continental naval districts and river com-8 mands and chiefs of naval air traiilhlg commands.)

Garrison cap Authorized For All Wave Personnel

A specially designed garrison cap personnel in for Officers and the Reserve has been authorized by the SecNav to be worn at such time as it is officially incorporated into Uniform Regulations by notification from BuPers. Grey seersucker caps and navy blue serge caps will be made up to be worn with the appropriate uniforms as a n optional cap either on or off station. Current regulations which authorize, when prescribed by the CO, the wearing of the male officer's garrison caps by Wave officers and CPOs while on the station will remain in effect until such time a s the newly designed caps become available in the stores and authority to wear them is 0%cially included in Uniform Regs.

writers in For Fellowship Awards

fellowships for perand enlisted personnel, who Officers sonnel, both men and dem34-ECS) . onstrate potentialities for creative writing, are available from the 20th Century-Fox Film Corporation. The fellowships a r e worth $1500, and a r e payable both to personnel on active dred Bailey' I REMEMBER YOU- mm service and t o honorably discharged Followinn is the list of V-Discs conIS JUST AROL~ND CORNER-J;) THE Stafveterans. tained i n the December kit to be ford. B ~ To ~qualify, ~personnel must ~ ~ submit ~ mailed the middle of the month t o 109. D~~~~~~ jEvoUs BY THE'LIGHT OF THE SILVERY MOO; a book or play, either in full draft, ships and naval activities outside the -Bing Crosby; A O G M SOUVEMN Y part of draft or in o u t h e form, tocontinental limits, and hospitals withNIRS ; SLEEP-Benny Carter. gether with at least 1completed chapin the United States treating battle 110. H~~~~~~~~Is JES. A T~~~~ cALLED JOE-Woody Herman. ter (to indicate the approach to the casualties. For information on how to get the discs, recorded exclusively for JALOUSIE-Boston "POPS" Orchestra. material), t o Bertram Bloch, eastern story editor f o r 20th Century-Fox, 30 members of the armed forces, see table Tucker. Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y A . on pp. 70-71. 101. TALES FROM T H E V I E N N A WOODS 112. THE VERYTHOUGHT You-Gene : OF committee of judges will pass on the Krupa: THE WHITE S A O F SG A TR I M GYPSY AIRS-Andre Kostelanetz. Nu; IN A SHANTY IN OLD literary qualitv of the idea material 102. MELODY A ; CHICAGO; IN FORYOUand the possibilities for full length deTommy Dorsey. TOWN-Johnny Long. 103. NANCYKISSME AGAIN: ; THERE'LL Bn 113. THE MOLDAU (Smetana) Toscanin. velopment by the author. If the conA HOTTIME IN THE TOWN OF BERLIN 114. : :$ t ~ o , " l " , c ~ ~ tribution is o ~ A ~ have sufficient~ ~ ~ ~ ~ considered to ~ ~ ~ s -Frank Sinatra. merit, a fellowship award will be made 104. WHICH SWITCH WITCH; THE BASS DREAMS-Maj. Glenn Miller. ON THE BARROOW FLOOR-Red Norv?. 115. CHLOE-Spike Jones; MAKIN' WHO& and the winner will then have one PEE-TOnY Pastor. I CAN'T GET STARTEWBUnnY Beri116. THE TRAIN; Year t o complete a full-length book gan. 105. SONGSOF THE NAVIES-Lt. Rudy LADY FLAMINGO-Duke Ellington. ; or lay. Vallee 117. AFTERYOU'VE GONE: KING PORTER I present, 20th Century-Fox cont 106. SUNSET STRIP-Jimmy Dorsey; STOMP-Benny Goodman award Of 25 SHARECROPPIN'- Charlie BarBLUES 118. WE'LL MEET AGAIN-' Ink Spots * IN BLUES THE NIGHT;THEMTHE& fellowships, but the number may vary, net 107. U N FURTIVA ~ LAGRIMA (Donizetti)EYES-LoUmell Morgan. depending on the qualitv of the subRichard Crooks ; LARGO (Handel) - 119. E S E P R D ; CIRIBIRIBIN ; CARNIAT R A A E missions. The awards will be made on VAL O F VENICEF-Harry James. Ezio Pinza. 120. BEGINTHE BEGUINE; STAR DUSTthe basis Of individual merit and not 108. ALWAYS-Joan Edwards: HOLDON, Artie Shaw. KEEPYOUR HAND THE PLOW-MilON in competition with other entries.


'''. ~


Page 77

Indebtedness Statement Required from 0ficers Submitting Resignation

A reserve officer, in submitting his resignation from the service, must obtain from the officer carrying his accounts a statement as to whether or not he is indebted to the U. S., asindicated by his records. No resignation will be oonsidered unless such statement is attached to the letter of resignation under provisions of a letter from SecNav, 26 Oct. 1944, to all ships and stations (NDB, 31 Oct. 1944, 441205). This requirement is in addition to those reported in the October 1944 INFORMATION BULLETIN, 63, in an p. article on the policy and procedure established for termination of active duty of reserve officers of the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard (NDB, 15 Sept. 1944, 44-1031).


November 1944 The following is a statement, reprhted from a pamphlet issued by the Navy Departmeizt last month, of the money which the people of the Nation, through the Congress, have made available to the Nauy-and how {t has been spent.

What The Navy Has Cost

Congress since 1 July, 1940, has authorized the Navy t o spend for defense and war.

What The Navy Has Achieved

housed, and trained 3,600,000 officers and men Built, a r m e d , supplied, fueled, and sent to sea I 0,3OO,OO tons of ships Built, armed, fueled, and 62,000 Launched glanes Built and equipped.. 300 aduance bases The Navy 1 Julyfed, c 1o t since , 1 1944, has: hed Inducted,


$I I 8 billion

unused and available for future needs

2 Navythis total, Of still has


T w o Ships Added to List Eligible for Bronze A

uss Buck at any time between 26 June
1941 and 18 July 1941 or aboard the

$24 billion

............. .....

Personnel who served aboard the

13Subtracting (itemunthe 2) *used balance

from the authorized total (item 1 ) shows that the Navy has placed orders and entered into other commitments w h i c h amount t o

uss Aquila at any time between 15

Nov. 1941 and 7 Dee. 1941 have been granted authorization by the Navy Department Board of Decorations and Medals t o wear the bronze A upon the American Defense Service ribbon, as provided for by General Order 190. These two ships are in addition to the list contained in Art. A-1042 of BuPers Manual.

With the Navy in existence on July 1, 1940, these new men and weapons add up t o

Worlds Largest Fleet


2 of war has: in 3 years This Fleet


$94 billion

Convoyed in the Atlantic and Pacific, troops and supplies aggregating . . 6 [


Merchant Marine Ribbons To Follow Navy and Army Ribbons in Precedence .

A recent change in Uniform Regs provides that merchant marine ribbons, which may be worn by naval personnel who received them before entering the naval service, are to be worn after all Navy and Army ribbons, and in accordance wifh the precedence list approved for the Maritime Service. This provision is contained in BuPers Circ. Ltr. 347-44 (NDB, 15 Nov. 1944, 44-1287). Authority for wearing merchant marine ribbons by naval personnel is provided for by BuPers Circ. Ltr. 47-44 (NDB, 29 Feb. 1944, 44-228). F o r a precedence list of merchant marine ribbons see I N FORMATION BULLETIN,Nov. 1944, p 3 5 .

Of these orders and o t h e r commitments, some have not yet been fulfilled and, therefore, are not yet p a y a b l e ; they amount to


$25 billion

ships Landed on enemy beaches assault waves of.. I ,200,000 troops Sunk 1,400 enemy ships totaling approximately..

Shot down or destroyed


amount committed (item 3) shows that the Navy in 4% years has acCually spent

S u b t r c t i n g the 5 amountsanotfrom payyet the able (item 4)




planes Cleared the Japs from a Pacific area of. : . 8, I 7O,OOo . square miles

$69 billion

The COST of all this to date i s

$69 billion

New Naval Reserve Register Issued

The recently published 1944 edition of the Naval Reserve Register, containing statistics relative to commissioned and warrant reserve officers, has been mailed to larger ships and shore activities, as provided in BuPers Circ. Ltr. 320-44 (NDB, 31 Oct. 1944, 44-1228).


This pamphlet attempts only to summarize the cost of the war i n material terms. It cannot measure the cost in human terms. The Navy, however, wishes here to express its gratitude to the famifies of the 3,800,000 men and women who wear its uniform. W e hope their sacrifice will be made easier by pride in the achievements of their Navy. Thus far in this war twenty-nine thousand Navy men have given their lives. More than nine thousand are missing; four thousand five hundred are prisoners of war. Thirty thousand five hundred have been wounded. T o these men and to their families the Navy and the Nation acknowledge a debt surfiassing all measure. JAMES FORRESTAL, Secretary of the Navy. 19 November 1944

Page 79

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