CC Unit-1
CC Unit-1
CC Unit-1
Asst. Prof., CSE Dept.
Cloud Computing Principles and Paradigms
Authors: Rajkumar Buyya, James Broberg,
Course Objectives
• To provide comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of Cloud
Computing concepts, technologies, architecture and
applications by introducing and researching state-of-the-art in
Cloud Computing fundamental issues, technologies,
applications and implementations.
What is
Cloud Computing ?
Cloud Computing is a set of service-oriented architectures, which allow users
to access a number of resources in a way that is elastic, cost-effective, and
Clouds are a large pool of easily usable and accessible virtualized resources
(such as hardware, development platforms and/or services). These
resources can be dynamically reconfigured to adjust to a variable load
(scale), allowing also for an optimum resource utilization. - Vanquero
Clouds are hardware based services offering compute, network, and storage
capacity where: Hardware management is highly abstracted from the buyer,
buyers incur infrastructure costs, and infrastructure capacity is highly
elastic. - McKinsey
Read like “awesome”
Potential Problems Internet connection
Cloud site failure
• Completely dependent on network
• Cloud site failure
• Back-end server/network failure
• Result in inaccessible data
• Sensitive information
• How much do you trust the public cloud vendor?
• Application integration – (exchange info when local and
on cloud)
Roots of Cloud Computing
SOA, Web Services, Web 2.0, and Mashups
• Web services (WS) open standards have appreciably
throw in to advance domain of software assimilation.
• VMWare ESXi:
▫ Pioneer in virtualization, bare metal hypervisor
▫ Provides advanced virtualization techniques of processor, memory and
• Xen:
▫ Open-source project
▫ It has pioneered the para-virtualization concept, on which the guest OS,
by means of a specialized kernel, can interact with the hypervisor, thus
significantly improving performance
• KVM:
▫ Is a linux virtualization subsystem
▫ In addition, activities such as memory mang. And scheduling are
carried out by existing kernel
Autonomic Computing
• Improve systems by decreasing human
involvement in their operation.
• Manage themselves, with high-level guidance from
• Properties :
▫ Self-configuration
▫ Self-optimization
▫ Self-healing
▫ Self-protection
▫ IBM reference Model
Layers and Types of Clouds
Examples of CC
CC is the use of H/W or S/W off-site that is accessed over N/Ws
The main types of CC includes- SaaS, PaaS, Iaas &
FaaS(popular method)
• Software as a Service- No installation on PC, access online,
Examples include
✔ Square, which processes payments online
✔ Google Apps such as Google Drive or Calendar
✔ Slack, allows collaboration and chat b/w other users
• Infrastructure as a Service – provides infrastructure
components : servers, storage, networking, security on cloud
Examples include
✔ Dropbox, a file storage and sharing system
✔ Microsoft Azure, offers backup and disaster recovery services,
hosting and more
✔ Rackspace, offers data, security and infrastructure services
• Platform as a Service – provides computing platforms
such as OS, Prog. Lang. exe. Env., DB and web servers
Examples include
✔ Google App Engine and Heroku, allows developers to develop
and serve apps