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As an introduction, this chapter presents the background of the study,

research question, purpose of the study, significance of the study, scope of the

study, and definition of key terms.

A. Background of The Study

In our current life, English has become a second language which is an

international language. International English is the concept of the English

language as global means of communication in numerous dialects, and also the

movement towards an international standard for the language (Patel and Jain,

2008, p.6). Along with the development of technology and era, every Indonesian

needs to learn English. It can be said that by learning English, we can compete

with others in this increasingly sophisticated era. English is language that is

widely used for communication between people who do not have the same first

language or even second language. English is one of the kind languages used all

over the world. It is used for communication between native speakers and

nonnative speakers of English (Harmer, 2007 p. 13). Even though it did not have

the greatest number of speakers in the world, it is the most widely used language

in the world.

The Indonesian government included English as the first foreign language

used in Indonesia. English is included in the curriculum and is an important

subject in elementary, junior and senior high schools so that it has a great

opportunity to be used as the language of instruction in several schools in


Indonesia. Furthermore, in the teaching and learning process teacher have

important role. Harmer (2007, p. 108) states there are some teacher roles the first

is facilitator; it means that teacher is helping student in the learning process.

Second, is resource teacher is seen as a source of knowledge and expertise for

student. The last one is counselor; teacher gives advice and support. So, teachers

have strategic role in shaping the character and educated of student. Moreover, in

teaching English choosing a learning strategy that suits the needs of student is

very important. The teacher must apply interesting strategies in the classroom. So

that, student understand well about what they are learned. Therefore, for teaching

English in four skills speaking, reading, listening and writing many English

language teacher have the different strategies.

Lecture method is constituting teachers’ classroom-based practices such as

teaching methods, student discipline and student assessments. There is enough

evidence to show that well-managed classrooms make students have a sense of

responsibility and motivate teacher to teach their students with confidence and

high esteem (Jepketer et al. 2015, p. 63–64). In other statement Sarode (2018, p.

58), Teaching strategies refer to methods used to help student learn the contents of

the desired course and can develop goals that can be achieved in the future. The

teaching strategy identifies the various learning methods available to enable them

to develop appropriate strategies for dealing with identified target groups.

Based on the preliminary observation at SMA Muhammadiyah Kendari,

the researcher conducted this study for some reasons. First, English teacher in
SMA Muhammadiyah Kendari have good knowledge, experience in making

comfortable atmosphere, understanding style and interest in teaching English.

Second, most of students are active when they are studying in the classroom and

also, they can make decision or arguing for their opinions.

Therefore, the researcher is interested in analyze the teachers’ strategies in

teaching English at SMA Muhammadiyah Kendari. This study is almost similar to

previous research conducted by Pratiwi et al. (2021) which proposed to analyze

the teacher strategies in teaching English to young learners in private primary

schools in Yogyakarta. The result shows that the teachers applied many strategies
in teaching English such as cooperative, contextual, think together with the

students, expository, inquiry, exploration-elaboration-collaboration, TPR,

students’ active learning, and video strategies. The differences between this
research and the previous research is that this study will analyze the teachers’

strategies in teaching English at SMA Muhammadiyah Kendari. Therefore, the

researcher proposed research title “Teacher Strategies in Teaching English at

SMA Muhammadiyah Kendari”.

B. Research Question

Based on the background above, the research question of this study was

“what are the teacher strategies in teaching English at SMA Muhammadiyah


C. Objective of The Study

Based on the problem statement, the objective of this research was “to

analyze the teacher strategies in teaching English at SMA Muhammadiyah


D. Significance of The Study

There were two significances of this study; they are theoretical

significance and practical significant. The explanation is as follow:

1. Theoretical

This research can be used as the reference for someone who wants to do

same research in a deeper, more advanced, and more effective manner related to
the teachers’ strategies in teaching English.

2. Practical

Beside the theoretical, the researcher hopes this research is able to give

practical significance to the teachers, the researcher, as well as the reader.

a. For Teachers

This study is expected to give teacher, an input concerned with the

implementation of teaching strategies that may be applied in teaching English.

b. Researcher

The researcher will get some information, knowledge and also

experiences about teaching English strategy.


c. Readers

This study expected to give a contribution to readers, particularly the

student of English Department of Muhammadiyah University of Kendari, in

enriching reference concerned with the guiding strategy in teaching English.

E. Scope of The Study

This study was limited to analyze the teachers’ strategies in teaching

English at SMA Muhammadiyah Kendari. The data would be gained through

observation and interview. The strategies was adapted from many sources such as

Lestari, Asrori & Sulistyawati (2019), Sharma (2015, p.44) & Kindsvatter (1996),

in Wahidah (2015).
F. Definition of Key Term

The writer defined the definition of key term used in research in order to

avoid misunderstanding. In the explanation, the key terms are as follow:

a. Strategy in Teaching

According to Richard and Willy (2002), a strategy is the procedure used

in learning which serves as a way to reach a goal conscious or unconscious

processes that language learners make use of in learning and using a language.
Based on the definition above, strategy means a plan, step, or conscious action

toward the goal of learning that makes the learning process more enjoyable,

more effective, and more transferrable to the situation. In this research, the

strategy is a step used by the teacher to teach English vocabulary at the

primary level.


There are two parts in this chapter, those are findings and discussions. In
this chapter the researcher showed the data from observation and interview related

to the teacher strategies in teaching English.

A. Findings

In this section, the researcher presented findings to answer research

question from observation and interview about the teacher strategies in Teaching

English. The researcher did observation three times in two weeks. The first

observation was on 18th August 2022. The second observation was on 1st

September 2022. And the third observation was on 5th September 2022. Every

class took 120 minutes per-meeting. The observations were carried out in the

same class, namely class XII, but with different materials. This class consisted of

21 students. The object of this research was one teacher because the English

teacher in this school also just one teacher.

Moreover, the researcher did interview with the teacher face-to-face in

SMA Muhammadiyah Kendari. The interview was conducted on 5th September

2022. The interview with the teacher took 7 minutes with 10 questions. The 10

questions were made by the researcher. The researcher asked several questions

related to the teacher's strategy in teaching English to strengthen the findings on

observation. Based on the results of observations and reinforced by the results of

interviews with the teacher, the researcher concluded that there were several


strategies used by the teacher in teaching English. Before conducting interviews

with the teacher, the researcher first explained about the teaching strategies of

some of the researchers' theories.

From those observations, the researcher found eight strategies, they are: recalling

memory, brainstorming, Pair Work, students’ presentation, lecture method,

multimedia method, independent study, & mastery learning. Those strategies were

adapted from Lestari et al. (2019), Sharma (2015, p.44) & Kindsvatter (1996), in
Wahidah (2015). The information about teachers’ strategies in teaching English at

SMA Muhammadiyah of Kendari, as follow:

a. Observation I

In this first observation, the teaching material was about personal letter.

The observation conducted on Thursday, 18th August 2022 at 10.30 a.m. Based on

the data observation, the researcher found three strategies that used by the teacher
while teaching English. The teacher’s strategies in teaching English on the first

observation can be seen in the table below, as follow:

Table 4. 1 Teacher Strategies in teaching English in The First Observation
Meeting Teaching Activity
Strategies 5
Multimedia Method The teacher gave the students learning material
in the form of paper containing the material they
will learn.
Lecture Method The teacher explained more about the learning
material and indeed the lesson needed a lot of
explanation by the teacher.
Mastery Learning The teacher asked students to make a personal

Pictures 4. 1 Teacher Strategies in Teaching English (1st Meeting)

1 Mastery Learning
Lecture Method

This was proved by the results of interview on 19th September 2022, the
teacher said that: “I also used mastery learning”.
The teacher also said: “And there is a strategy that I use most often,
namely the lecture method”.
He added: “Usually, I only use the media in the form of reading texts to be
distributed to students”.
b. Observation II

In the second observation, the teaching material was about Offering help.

The observation conducted on Thursday, 1st September 2022 at 10.30 a.m. The

researcher found four strategies that used by the teacher during teaching in the
class. The teacher’s strategies can be seen in the table below:

Table 4.2 Teacher Strategies in Teaching English in The Second Observation

Meeting Teaching Activity

Brainstorming Before starting the core lesson, the teacher
asked the students if they had ever offered help
to others, and
what the expressions were like.
After that the teacher related the learning
material to the student's experience of offering
Multimedia Method 5The teacher gave learning media form of paper
to the students.

Lecture Method The teacher explained more about the learning

material and indeed the lesson needed a lot of
explanation by the teacher.
Independent Study The teacher asked students to look for
Strategies expressions of offering help in a dialogue.
This was proved by the results of interview on 19th September 2022, the
teacher said that:
“At the beginning of the lesson I asked the students about their experiences
regarding the material to be studied, which strategy was brainstorming”.
He added: “There is a strategy that I use most often, namely the lecture
The teacher added: “Independent study is rich in it, because I had a
meeting about personal letters and at the second meeting, I also asked them to
look for information in a dialogue text and a personal letter text.”
c. Observation III: offering Help (5th September 2022)

In the third observation, the teaching material was same with the second

observation, that was about Offering help. The observation conducted on Monday,

5st September 2022 at 01.00 p.m. based on the data observation, the researcher
found three teacher’s strategy in teaching English. The strategies can be seen in

the following table:

Meeting Teaching Activity

Recalling Memory The teacher asked students about last week's
In Pair Students form group Pair Work to create a
dialogue about offering help
Students’ Students present the dialogue they have made
Presentation Pair Work
Mastery Learning Students created a dialogues and presentations
that can practice their writing, reading and
speaking skills.

Pictures 4.2 Teacher Strategies in Teaching English (3rd Meeting)

Recalling Memory In Pair

Students’ Presentation Mastery Learning (Speaking)

This was proved by the results of interview on 19th September 2022, the
teacher said that: “I've used Pair Work and presentation strategies.”
The teacher added: “Recalling memory, I usually use several times.”
By the explanation above, the researcher concluded that there were five
strategies that used by the teacher in teaching English, those are: recalling

memory, brainstorming, independent study, pair work, mastery learning.

B. Discussion

In this section, the researcher explained more deeply about the strategies

used by teacher in teaching English at SMA Muhammadiyah of Kendari. Based

on the result of observation and interview, the researcher found seven strategies

that used by the teacher in teaching English, those are: recalling memory,

brainstorming, lecture method, independent study, Pair Work, and students’

presentation and mastery learning. The explanation, as follow:

1. Recalling Memory

Recall memory is one of the methods used to measure how much memory

is in the student's head. Students need to be able to recall information in order to

retain what they learnt in the prior class. Additionally, by connecting the prior and

subsequent materials, students are better able to comprehend the entire body of
information. From the observations and interview, the researcher concluded that

this strategy is often used by teachers to see students' knowledge of the material

they have learned in previous meetings. This strategy is a good strategy to test
students' understanding. It was also confirmed by the teacher during the interview,

that a strategy that could be used to test students' understanding of the material he

gave was to ask students to re-explain the material they had learned.

Lestari at al. (2019), stated that recalling memory is important to help

students remember the material they have learned in the previous meeting.
Moreover, this strategy helps students relate the previous material with the

coming materials so that the students understand the whole materials more
easily. Recalling memory is like an aid for the students to remember the previous

knowledge that they have learned in the previous meeting. Sometimes some of

the students forget the material that is learned in the last week. Therefore, the

teacher implementing the recalling memory strategy is accommodating in the

learning process.

2. Brainstorming

Brainstorming is one of the strategies used by teacher when teaching

English. As the researcher explained in the previous section, the teacher used this

method at the beginning of learning before entering the core material by linking

student experiences with the material to be studied. This is done to get students'
focus and enthusiasm for their learning material. This was also confirmed by the

teacher during the interview session. He said that this strategy aims to get

students' attention to the material. Lestari et al. (2019) in their research said that

the teacher applied a brainstorming strategy to increase the students' curiosity and
help them acknowledge the new materials. In this strategy, students are given the

freedom to express their opinions and the teacher also openly justifies students'

opinions. The good characteristic of brainstorming is that the students are not

criticized for their ideas so students will be open to sharing new ideas (Handayani,


3. Independent Study

Independent study is a teaching strategy to enhance and support other

instructional activities and independent study as an individualized learning that

allows student to define problems or questions and analyze information. The

researcher found the result of the observation teacher strategies used in teaching

English at SMA Muhammadiyah of Kendari was independent study. Wehrli &


Nyquist (2003, p.1-6) proposed that the advantages of independent study strategy

are it promotes independent learning abilities, it allows learners to advance at their

own pace, and it complements other learning activities. Based on the results of

observations, when the teacher applies this strategy in the classroom, students do

the assignments given by the teacher in class independently without asking for

help from other friends.

However, this independent study itself has disadvantage, such as students

seem more selfish and do not want to share information with their friends and not

all students were able to work independently. In this case, the researcher saw what

was happening in the field, students were asked to work individually by looking

for information in a reading text. The result was that there were some students

who are not able to do it themselves, so they have to ask for cheats from their


4. Lecture Method

The lecture method is a method that provides explanations of a material.

Usually done in front of several students. This method uses spoken language.
Students usually sit while listening to the explanation of the material presented by

the teacher. The teachers applied lecture method for some teaching material which

needed more explanation before. Based on the results of observations, the teacher

for some time explained the learning material to make students first understand

the material. This was confirmed by the teacher in the interview, he said that he

used the lecture method when teaching several times to clarify learning material.

The lecture method had advantages and disadvantages. Sharma (2015), in

her research proposed one of the advantages was the students can be focused in

accepting the teaching material, while the disadvantages was the students became

passive rather than active in the learning process. However, to overcome this, the

teacher seemed to try to make students participate actively in learning, such as

asking students the meaning of some vocabulary, identifying with the reading text

so that students participate, it made the class look less passive.

5. Pair Work

Pair work is a strategy where student work with their partner to discuss

about the material given. According to Harmer (2007) in pair work, students can

practice language together, study a text, research language or take part in

information-gap activities. In this study, the teacher used this strategy when

teaching one of the materials, where the teacher asked students to work together in
pairs to make a dialogue. This strategy is good to make students all active in the

class. It was also said by the teacher in the interview, he said that pair work helps
all students to be active in the class. It allows students to work and interact

independently without the necessary guidance of the teacher, thus promoting

learner independence. Harmer (2007), also said It recognizes the old maxim that

„two heads are better than one‟, and in promoting cooperation, helps the
classroom to become a more relaxed and friendly place. If we get students to

make decisions in pairs (such as deciding on the correct answers to questions

about a reading text), we allow them to share responsibility, rather than having to

bear the whole weight themselves.


6. Students’ Presentation

The purpose of the presentation is for students to better understand the

material, because given the task they must read. Another goal is for students to

learn to work in groups, be able to present a material, hone speaking skills and

many other goals. The presentation method in learning was one way delivery of

assignments given by the teacher in front of the class to other students. This

method was a combination of the discussion method. Students were placed to

conduct Pair Works during the learning process. From the results of the

discussion, the students then presented the results of their discussion. With the

method used, it could train students to learn actively in delivering assignments

orally and as a result, it was hoped that all students can actively participate in the

learning process.

7. Mastery Learning

Mastery Learning is a teaching system approach that requires students to

completely master each unit of lesson material, both individually and in groups, as

evidenced by the completeness of student learning outcomes using various

methods applied. Based on the observation, the teacher used this teaching

strategy in teaching English. The researcher concluded that the focus of learning

on the individual acquiring writing, reading and speaking skill. It assumed that

through this approach learning can be improved, and the variability in what

students learn can be decreased. Accordingly, it also assumed that all student

without learning handicaps can master learning tasks, given the necessary amount
of time and instruction needed to learn the task. It can be seen from the results of

observations in the classroom, where the teacher used this strategy several times

and side by side with other strategies.

8. Multimedia Method

In general, multimedia is the use of several media to present information.

This combination can contain text, graphics, images, video, and sound. but in this

study, the teacher only used text media. The teacher uses this method several

times, namely at the first, second and third meetings. It was confirmed directly by

the teacher that he often used text media to be distributed to students so that

students easily understood the learning material explained when using the lecture

method. Arsyad (2015, p.19 in Karimah, 2016), said that the use of learning media

in the teaching and learning process can generate new desires and interests,

generate motivation and stimulation of learning activities, and even bring

psychological effects on students.

Generally speaking, the teacher implements a variety of English teaching

strategies in the classroom. It indicates that the teacher makes an effort to provide

the students with the best learning opportunity for enhancing their English-
language proficiency. Because there is no extracurricular activity included in the

learning process, she did not want the children to get disinterested or lose their

enthusiasm. This is in reference to Suyanto (2008, p.18), said that young students

rapidly grow bored and have a short attention span. As a result, several activities

should be carried out to help pupils enjoy and be more motivated to learn a




This chapter consists of four parts; those are conclusion, implication,

limitation and suggestion, the explanation as follows:

A. Conclusions

Based on the result of observation and interview, the researcher took a

conclusion that the teacher used several strategies in teaching English. Those

strategies are: recalling memory, brainstorming, lecture method, pair work,

students’ presentation, independent study, pair work, and mastery learning. Each

meeting, the teacher used different strategies but some are the same such as

recalling memory and independent study strategy. The teacher chose a strategy

that was comfortable and easy to apply in teaching English. He tended to adapt to

the conditions of his students' abilities. Examples of efforts were preparing

teaching materials, providing correct and easy-to-understand explanations to

students, giving additional assignments (homework), reminding students of the

last material at each meeting.

Based on the research, those strategies are effective to be implemented in

teaching English to young learners because they can help the students to have a

good English learning experience. Those strategies are worthy for teachers

conducting a learning process that is fun and suitable for young learners. Besides,

students can enjoyably learn English.


B. Pedagogical Implication

This research is implicated to find out more strategies that implicate in

teaching English, those are not only for teachers but also for English department

students who will be a teacher. It also supports teacher’s effort in carrying out

their responsibility in teaching and learning process. There are many strategies in

teaching English that can be used by the teachers. Thus, from the implication from
the teacher used the many strategies such as recalling memory, brainstorming,

lecture method, pair work, students’ presentation, independent study, pair work,

and mastery learning.

A. Limitation of The Study

The subject of this study was not as much as the writer expected. It was

because, the researcher expected the subject more than one teacher to examine the

strategy used, in order to see the differences that could have occurred in the

strategy used by each teacher. However, because the English teacher owned by

the school where this research was conducted was only 1 teacher. So, the number

of the subject was not in accordance with the expectations of the author.

C. Suggestion

The researcher took some suggestions, they are:

The students perceive that the teaching strategies implemented: increase

their participation in the classroom activities; build their understanding on the


material; help them memorize the material easily and enhance their interest and

motivation in the learning process.

Moreover, it is better for the teacher to create other creative teaching

strategies (such outdoor activity, role play and playing games) so that the students

as young learners are more engaged in the learning process.

For the other researchers, the writer suggests to have a deeper

investigation of the other English teaching strategies used by teachers in the

school or other schools. Hopefully, the other researchers will gain more variety of

strategies in teaching English to young learners.

Similarity Report ID: oid:22918:45773922

61% Overall Similarity

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