Unit Plan Colorwheel

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Color Wheel/Emotion Organic Shapes Unit Plan

Color Wheel/Emotional Organic Shapes Unit Plan

Color Wheel/Emotion Organic Shapes Unit Plan

By Erika Warmington

Table of Content

Unit overview…………………………………………………….3

Class Profile………………………………………………………3

Rationale for Unit………………………………………………3-4

California Content Standards……………………………………4-5

California Art Standards…………………………………..4

California ELA Standards………………………………....4
California ELD Standards……………………………….4-5

Goal for Unit………………………………………………….…5-6

Objective for Unit……………………………………………….6-7

Instructional Strategies……………………………………….…7-8

SDAIE Instructional Practices………………………………….....8

Color Wheel/Emotion Organic Shapes Unit Plan

Assessment of Student Achievement………………………………9

Materials/Equipment Need for Unit…………………………....9-12

Daily Lesson Plans…………………………………………….13-16

Reflection…………………………………………………..…17- 18

SDAIE Techniques and Practices………………………………...19

Color Wheel/Emotion Organic Shapes Unit Plan

Unit Plan

Teacher: Mrs. Warmington Content/Subject: Art

Two days a week Grade Level: 2nd & 3rd
Topic: Color Theory explored through the color wheel and organic shapes.

UNIT OVERVIEW: In this unit students are asked to master the color wheel. Through the
process of collage, students will search through magazines for colors that represent the primary
and secondary colors on the color wheel. Student will then expand their knowledge and findings
by using their color wheels to create shaded organic shapes.

The Color Theory Unit spans for at least three weeks in October in the first Trimester. This
includes Two days of instructions and demos, five days of creativity time, and one day for
students to present their final works. Each day includes time for guided instructions, questions
and practice.

RATIONALE FOR UNIT: The development of Color theory follows the previous units about
the Elements of Art and culture. Prior to this, students worked on Aerial Perspective using Asian
culture to create a scene. Before that students worked on a logo hunt collage and before that they
learned about Emotional line making. This unit now asks students to apply some of the skills
they have learned in order to create a color wheel collage that focuses on color and proper use of
materials. This involves close observation and searching skills that will help them develop a
unique color wheel. Students will also develop skills for respecting their materials and supplies
they get by showing them how to properly care of each tool used and develop the understand of
material waste. This part of the unit plan will develop the skills students need to create their next
project on organic shapes by understanding the color theory. Students will create organic shapes
using their color wheels to guide them into creating strong color harmonies that show emotion
and line work.

This unit plan also focuses on developing students knowledge of different elements in the
elements of art by focusing on two new elements, color and shapes. By focusing on color it
builds students knowledge of how to use color in order to interrupt the world, how color sways
thinking, change actions, and causes reactions. Learning to use color to express one’s self or
feelings of groups helps to further the students’ understanding of the power of what color can do,
providing them skills that can make powerful statements through their own artwork. Focusing on
how we see shapes, develop the way we see things and interrupt things. Combining previous
knowledge and these two elements help develop students to think beyond a pretty picture but
build on expressing themselves in a way others can interrupt their feelings or thoughts. Students
will also learn how to convey their message through oral language and written language in order
to describe what they created and their intended meaning.


California Art Standards:

Color Wheel/Emotion Organic Shapes Unit Plan

3.VA:Cr2.2: Demonstrate an understanding of the safe and proficient use of materials, tools, and
equipment for a variety of artistic processes.
3. VA:Cr2.3: Individually or collaboratively construct representations, diagrams, or maps of
places that are part of everyday life.

3. VA:Pr4: Investigate and discuss possibilities and limitations of spaces, including electronic,
for exhibiting artwork.

3. VA:Re9: Evaluate an artwork based on given criteria.

California ELA Standards:

Reading Standards for Literacy

1.5: Demonstrate knowledge of levels of specificity among grade-appropriate words and explain
the importance of these relations (e.g., dog/mammal/animal/living thing.
1.7: Use a dictionary to learn the meaning and other features of unknown words.
3.1: Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, nonfiction).

Listening and Speaking

1.2: Connect and relate prior experiences, insights, and ideas to those of a speaker.
1.7: Use clear and specific vocabulary to communicate ideas and establish the tone.

California ELD Standards:

Part 1: Interacting In Meaningful Ways

A. Collaborative
1. Exchange information and ideas with others through oral collaborative discussions on a range
of social and academic topics.
3. Offering and supporting opinions and negotiating with others in communicative exchanges.
4. Adapting language choices to various contexts (based on task, purpose, audience, and text

B. Interpretive
5. Listening actively to spoken English in a range of social and academic contexts.

C. Productive
9. Expressing information and ideas in formal oral presentations on academic topics.
12. Selecting and applying varied and precise vocabulary and language structures to effectively
convey ideas.

Color Wheel/Emotion Organic Shapes Unit Plan

Part II: Learning About How English Works

A. Structuring Cohesive Texts

1. Understanding text structures
B. Expanding and Enriching Ideas
4. Using nouns and noun phrases
5. Modifying to add details
C. Connecting and Condensing Ideas
6. Connecting ideas


 Students will develop art based researching skills involved with creating a 2D color
 Students will develop safe and proficient use of maintaining their tools by cleaning them,
organizing, storing, and handling them properly.
 Students will develop knowledge of primary and secondary colors. How these colors
work together or against each other in works of art or express a mood or emotion.
 Students will further develop art research skills by finding colors and hues in magazines
not images.
 Students will apply what they have learned from previous units about elements of art,
lines, value, space, and apply these towards the color wheel and organic shapes project.
 Students will recognize space with collage, values of color and lines when creating the
color wheel.
 Students will recognize elements of art in their organic shapes project and personal
development of connecting meaning with color.

Presentation/ Written Description

 Students will develop vocabulary to properly talk about their work by making
connections with their artwork.
 Students will understand and be able to articulate their artistic choices.
 Students will understand appropriate classroom behavior.
 Students will title their work with meaning.
 Students will be able to convey a message through written language.


1. Students will be able to work collaboratively to solve construction and aesthetic
a. Students will demonstrate this by participating in class discussions, and peer
discussions in order to problem solve.
2. Students will be able to use their scissors properly and efficient.
a. Students will demonstrate this by guiding their paper into the scissors to cut.

Color Wheel/Emotion Organic Shapes Unit Plan

3. Students will be able to use a glue stick properly.

a. Students will demonstrate this by applying the necessary amount and apply it to the
piece of paper there are gluing down, not placing glue on the color wheel its self.
4. Students will be able to distinguish complement colors, hues, primary colors, and
a. Students will demonstrate this by written and oral presentation, choice of colors picked
from magazines on their color wheel.
5. Students will be able to justify their artistic choices when asked questions.
a. Students will demonstrate this ability through the presentation of their final artwork to
the class in a group collaborative critique.
6. Students will be able to hang their artwork up in a salon style hanging.
a. Students will demonstrate this ability by putting their artwork on the white board in
random orders.
7. Students will be able to store their materials properly.
a. Students will demonstrate this by putting their supplies away neatly and organized
back to where they are suppose to go.
8. Students will be able to clean and take care of their materials.
a. Students will demonstrate this by cleaning their work space of scraps, putting caps on
glue sticks, and placing their artwork in their folders.
9. Students will be able to actively join a discussion/ critique.
a. Students will demonstrate this by supporting a positive environment through respect,
asking and answering questions while participating in classroom critiques.
10. Students will be able to write or talk about their work using vocabulary learned from this
unit and past units.
a. Students will demonstrate this through oral presentation and written language using
proper vocabulary to describe their artwork.
11. Students will be able to apply past knowledge to solve new art problems.
a. Students will demonstrate this ability through the creation of organic shapes and the
color wheel.
12. Students will be able to connect meaning through color.
a. Students will demonstrate this by understanding and using colors that create emotion.
13. Students will be able to create a title to connect their work with reasoning.
a. Students will demonstrate this by thinking about their artwork and creating a title that
connects to their emotions or thoughts.


Conference (Mini-Conference): Teacher/Student conferencing is used on work days

when student’s work is in progress. A more formal conference between teacher/student is
conducted at the end of a project with the use of a rubric.

Color Wheel/Emotion Organic Shapes Unit Plan

Cooperative Learning: Students work in tables of two to share knowledge and ideas.
Each discussion or demonstration students ask their peers to go over the information and ask
each other questions of problems or misunderstandings before approaching the teacher.

Exit Ticket: Students are asked to write down at least one question about something they
do not understand and one thing they learned about. I use the tickets to inform the next day’s
lesson with a discussion.

Discussion: Students explore their thinking, respond to ideas, process information, and
articulate their thoughts in exchanges with peers and the teacher. Discussion can be used to
clarify understanding or misunderstanding, and to ask questions or guide students to higher

Visual Organizer: Students can observe images and connect visual meaning with text.
To compare, analysis, and organize meaning visually through proper vocabulary words.

Guided Exploration: Teacher models a concept or skill that part of a larger set of skills
or knowledge, and guides the students as they practice their first step of the color wheel.

Modeling: Teacher demonstrates activity though creating step by step directions and
going over them by visually showing students. This step guides students as they practice their
first steps of new skills that will develop over time.

Oral Explanation: Teacher will demonstrate a critique that students will explain their
thinking, justify reasoning, and to communicate their understanding of the project using learned

Lecture: Direct lecture is used to introduce information that is best explained to the
group through text or imagery. Clearly providing instructions and outline of expectation.

Hands on Learning: Is an essential part of art education. Students will use their tools to
engage with paper, magazines, and cake circle in order to learn about collage and pastels.

Scaffolding: Scaffolding is used when introducing new skills. Lecture, demonstration,

directions, and discussion help students gain a better understanding of the color wheel and
emotion meaning of color. Scaffolding directions into small steps help students process they
concept and creation of the project.

Student Self-Assessment: Students self asses both formatively and summatively. During
mini-conferences students are asked to discuss their process and reasoning. At the end of the
project, students evaluate their finished work and are asked to form reason and use learned
vocabulary about their work.


Color Wheel/Emotion Organic Shapes Unit Plan

Contextualization: To practice and link vocabulary, emotion, and imagery to real world
context. Scaffolding through modeling, bridging, schema building, language development and
text development.
 Color Wheel and Organic shapes: modeling during demonstrations and modeling of
possible solutions and techniques during mini conference.
 Discussion and critique: Scaffolding questions in order to think about the process.

Comprehension: Through oral and text language by investigating, ideas, and skills to
succeed and connect knowledge.
 Activity: Students individual artwork and students understanding of the concept.
 Listening and speaking activities: Students learn to listen to their peers and gather
information from each other. Students also learn to join a discussion with understanding
meaningful questions or input on what they see.
 Writing activities: Learn to convey ideas though written text through a handout of
questions and rubric.
 Cooperative activities: Class discussion of construction concerns. Peer group discussion
on techniques and questions.

Checking for Attention and Understanding: Formative, Informative, and in process

 Confirmation and comprehension checks through exit ticket, mini conference, and
frequent checks for understanding during lectures and demonstrations by asking
 Classification during mini conference by having student ask questions and through
lecture and demonstration by checking on the students knowledge.
 Assessment technique through performance, production, scaffolding, and exit tickets.


Color Wheel and Organic Shapes:

Diagnostic: Each student’s skill level is assessed at the end of each unit. Art growth is
heavily dependent on prior knowledge, experiences, prior struggles and achievements.
Formative: Mini conferences is used for each student to address individual concerns and
progress. Exit tickets are given to provide for understanding and communication with each
student to address any questions that are not asked during class time to provide all students with
the opportunity to have a voice and demonstrate understanding.
Summative: Students will submit a finished color wheel with a rubric to show their
understanding of color theory. Students will also show their understanding by submitting their
final project on past knowledge of the elements of art through their organic shape and connecting
meaning through a written short paragraph of why they used certain colors to convey emotion.

Color Wheel/Emotion Organic Shapes Unit Plan

Formative: Mini conferences, students are asked to talk about their process, ask


Day 1 Day 4 Day 7

 Overhead Projector  Activity time  Response to Exit tickets
 Project Guidelines  Mini Conference  Demonstration
 Demonstration  Work on two colors  Activity time:
 Informal Assessment Scissors, magazines, glue Paper, Pastels, pencils
sticks, rulers, Pencils,
White round Cake boards.
Day 2 Day 5 Day 8
 Questions  Activity time for half the  Activity time:
 Material Guidelines class. Scissors, magazines, Paper, Pastels, Pencils
 Activity time: Color Wheel glue sticks, rulers, Pencils,  Handout: Rubric
 Work on two colors White round Cake boards.
Scissors, magazines, glue sticks,  Discussion, presentation.
rulers, Pencils, White round Cake
Day 3 Day 6 Day 9
 Review  Overhead projector  Handout: Questioning,
 Questions  Dictionary checklist
 Activity time: Work on two colors  Project guidelines  Participation
 Scissors, magazines, glue sticks,  Prior Knowledge  Presentation
rulers, Pencils, White round Cake  Exit ticket
Day and Topic Objectives Instructional Activity Assessment Materials
Strategies Sequence

Color Wheel/Emotion Organic Shapes Unit Plan

October 3, 2019 Students will be able Lecture, Lecture, Pre-Assessment, Overhead

Color Theory/ to distinguish Discussion, Discussion, Formative, projector, Scissors,
Instruction/ complement colors, Visual Organizer, Demonstration, Informative magazines, glue
Demo hues, primary colors, Contextualize, Questions sticks, rulers,
and secondary. Scaffolding throughout. Pencils, White
Comprehension, round Cake boards
Checking for
attention and

October 4, 2019 Students will be able Visual organizer, Demonstration, Ipsative, Scissors,
Material Care/ to use a glue stick and Guided Activity Informative, magazines, glue
Activity scissors effectively Exploration, Formative sticks, rulers,
and properly. Hands on Pencils, White
Students will be able learning, round Cake boards
to clean and take care Scaffolding,
of their materials. Comprehension,
checking for
attention and
October 10, 2019 Students will be able Cooperative Discussion, Informative, Scissors,
Review/ Activity to apply past learning, Activity Formative magazines, glue
Time knowledge to solve Discussion, sticks, rulers,
new art problems. Hands on Pencils, White
Learning, round Cake boards
October 11, 2019 Students will be able Conference, Activity, Mini Formative and Scissors,
Activity Time/ Mini to justify their artistic Cooperative Conference Summative magazines, glue
Conference choices when asked learning, Hands with individual sticks, rulers,
questions. on Learning, students Pencils, White
Student self- round Cake
assessment, boards, and Rubric
October 17, 2019 Students will be able Discussion, Oral Activity: Finish Formative/ Scissors,
Activity Time/ to actively join a Explanation, up/ Summative magazines, glue
Presentation discussion/critique. Hands on Discussion/ sticks, rulers,
Students will be able Learning, Critique Pencils, White

Color Wheel/Emotion Organic Shapes Unit Plan

to connect meaning Comprehension, round Cake

through color. Contextualize, boards, White
Checking for board.
attention and
October 18, 2019 Students will be able Lecture, Lecture/Discus Pre-Assessment, Overhead
Organic Shapes/ to connect meaning Discussion, sion/ Formative, Projector,
Group through color. Modeling, Hands Demonstration Informative, Handouts, Pastels,
discussion/Demo/ on Learning, / Activity/ Exit Summative rules, paper,
Activity Comprehension, ticket pencils, erasers,
Contextualize, Color Wheel
Checking for
attention and

October 24, 2019 Students will be able Cooperative Quick Formative, Pastels, rulers,
Questions/Respond to work Learning, Discussion/ Informative paper, pencils,
/ Activity collaboratively to Discussion, Handout erasers, Color
solve construction Hands on Activity/ Wheel
and aesthetic Learning,
problems. Comprehension,
Checking for
attention and
October 25, 2019 Students will be able Cooperative Activity/ Formative, Pastels, rules,
Activity/ Rubric to create a title to Learning, Handout/ Go Informative, paper, pencils,
connect their work Scaffolding, over Rubric Summative erasers, Color
with reasoning. Hands on Wheel, Rubric,
Students will be able Learning, Title
to write or talk about Contextualize,
their work using Checking for
vocabulary learned attention and
from this unit and understanding.
past units.
October 31, 2019 Students will be able Visual Organizer, Saloon style Formative, White board,
Gallery/ to justify their artistic Oral Explanation, gallery set up Informative, Magnetics, Rubric,
Presentation choices when asked Discussion, of all work, Summative Written
questions. Students Student self Discussion, understanding
will be able to assessment, critique,
actively join a Contextualize, Written
discussion/ critique. comprehension, understanding.
Checking for

Color Wheel/Emotion Organic Shapes Unit Plan

attention and


Reviewed by:

Cooperating Teacher Initials:

Candidate Name: Lesson Date:

Subject: Learners’ Grade Level/s:

Planned Lesson Duration:

 Pre-planning
 Group Discussion
 Demonstration of what to expect
 Taking Responsible Risks
 Thinking Interdependently
 Communicating emotion with color
 Understanding color theory
 Elements of art

OVERVIEW: This lesson follows the color wheel, color theory, and connecting colors
that represent a mood/emotion. In the unit, students are asked to become an expert on
their understanding of the color wheel and expressing an emotion using a color by
writing and talking about it. The students have time to discuss and plan what
complementary colors they will use to express an emotion.

Yesterday, students were asked to complete an exit ticket. They were asked the
following: What colors are you using: Primary colors? Secondary Colors?
Complementary colors? Are they warm or cool colors? What are the emotions for these
colors (Comfort, Anger, Calmness, Sadness)? What do you think you will have trouble

Today, I will hand back their exit slips with responses to each of their concerns. We will
go over common concerns by having a group discussion to clarify any
misunderstanding following a short demonstration of new techniques of prior knowledge
using pastels. After, students will work in pairs of two to practice the new techniques and
use their partner system to help them guide themselves in the project.

RATIONALE: Exit ticket is a formative assessment, allowing me to see areas of

understanding and areas of struggle. Responding to every exit ticket is my way of letting
each student know that I value their thoughts, knowledge, and concerns. I conduct a
whole class discussion to address common concerns, answer any questions student
might have thought about, and give solutions. Students can develop independent

thinking and practice thinking and communicating their ideas and thought process which
is essential habits to develop in an art class.

Introducing new techniques of using pastels to blend, shade, and create hues will keep
students interested in the activity. The demonstration allows me to model the technique
for the students while presenting new information and helps me support a variety of
different learning needs.

Having students work in pairs of two allows the students to continue to work through
ideas and concerns with the support of their peers. Working together asks students to
express what they learned, keep them actively thinking about the project, practice their
listening skills, thinking skills, and sharing skills through sharing materials. This also
allows students to take care of their materials.


California Art Standards:

 3.VA:Cr2.2: Demonstrate an understanding of the safe and proficient use of
materials, tools, and equipment for a variety of artistic processes.
 3. VA:Cr2.3: Individually or collaboratively construct representations, diagrams,
or maps of places that are part of everyday life.

CA ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARDS (Non-Math and English content areas):

California ELA Standards:
 Listening and Speaking
 1.2: Connect and relate prior experiences, insights, and ideas to a speaker.
 1.7: Use clear and specific vocabulary to communicate ideas and establish the

ELD STANDARDS (All content areas):

 Part 1: Interacting In Meaningful Ways
 A. Collaborative
 1. Exchange information and ideas with other through oral collaborative
discussions on a range of social and academic topics.
 3. Offering and supporting opinions and negotiating with others in communicative
 B. Interpretive
 5. Listening actively to spoken English in a range of social and academic

 Students will be able to work collaboratively to solve construction and aesthetic
 Students will be able to use pastels to create hues.
 Students will be able to connection emotion through color choice.


 I will model academic language when going over a whole class discussions.
 I will demonstrate, step by step use of material to create organic shapes and connect
colors towards emotion.
Hands on Learning
 Students will use pastels and paper to create their very own emotional organic shapes that
display the understanding of color theory.
Peer Teaching
 During work time students will have time to work with a peer and discuss their concerns
and problem solve.
 Students will develop listening skills and vocabulary by helping one another.


 Listening and speaking activities
 cooperative activities
Checking for attention and understanding
 Confirmation and comprehension checks
 Clarification requests
 Asking questions

New Vocabulary
 Primary colors
 Secondary colors
 Complementary colors
 Warm and cool colors
New concepts
 Connecting color with emotions
 Thinking and communicating
 Thinking independently
Essential Concepts
 Pre-Planning
 Collaboration
 Taking Risks
 Thinking
 Persistence



Introduction/Anticipatory Set:

 Exit Ticket Answers

 What colors are you using: Primary colors? Secondary Colors? Complementary
colors? Are they warm or cool colors?
 What are the emotions for theses colors (Comfort, Anger, Calmness, Sadness)?
 What do you think you will have trouble with?

Activity Sequence:
 0-5 minutes: Getting settled, hand back tickets
 5-15 minutes: Whole class discussion (Challenge thinking)
 15-25 minutes: Demonstration (Pastel, shading, connecting emotion)
 25-50 minutes: Work in pairs of two, practice techniques and work on art project.
 50-54 minutes: Clean up
 54-55 minutes: Wait behind desk to be excused

Wait behind desk to be excused. Check area for clean up.

Formative/ informative
 Checks for understanding while guiding a discussion.
 Observation of student demonstrating techniques during collaborative work time.
 Checking area for clean up and proper storage of materials.

 Pastels
 Paper
 Pencils
 Rulers
 Erasers
 Color Wheel

Nevin, A., Thousand, J. & Villa, R. (2007). Differentiating Instruction: Collaborative Planning
and Teaching for Universally Designed Learning. Retrieved through Blackboard:

The Vocabulary Acquisition Model: Learning the spelling and meaning of words. Retrieved by
Blackboard: https://learn.csuchico.edu/webapps/blackboard/execute/displayLearningUnit?

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