5924070, Is College Best Option - Edited.

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Is College the Best Option?

In our current point of view, college is mandatory for everyone. Society believes that if

one fails to further their studies to the college level, they are regarded as unsuccessful people.

Thus college is neither an option nor a privilege in our society but a requirement. Some argue

that if one fails to pursue higher education, their journey to success is doomed. However, due to

the rise of living standards and the advancement of technology, the question is whether college is

the best option and the best move to take. Some successful people never went for higher

education, and others dropped out on the way. Both parties have strong points to argue

concerning college matters. A recent study shows that most people join college due to peer

pressure, and thus, it is a waste of money and resources. Thus each person has their opinion on

whether college training is worth it. Some argue that college is not the best option because of the

costs and debts incurred during training. This essay focuses on college education been the best

option in the society despite the costs and expenses incurred during training.

A times college education is expensive due to the completion of school programs. A

child's dream may come to an immediate end to the cost of a program at a certain college. Thus

due to its costs, a student may end up having more debts which can, in turn, negatively affect

future earnings (Purzer and Urvi 6). The cost of a college education has significantly gone

recently, and thus, it leaves them with doubts about whether it is worth it or not. In developing
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countries, most parents could not be in a position to fund their children's education due to the rise

of living standards forced by economic deterioration. According to research conducted,

sponsorship is as well affected due to an increase in tuition fees. A study conducted between

1972 to 2012 shows that the cost of college education has gone up by 1120 percent as compared

to the cost of food and medical expenses (Purzer and Urvi 6). The government has consequently

cut funding in public institutions due to economic harshness and thus leading to a major blow to

students. While some argue that a college education is not worth it, most consider it a wealthy

investment (Ramadhan and Yasir Ahmed 9). Successful graduates are guaranteed a well-paying

job at long last. Universities and college graduates have the upper hand in landing employment

opportunities over those not furthering their studies. (Purzer and Urvi 6). College education not

only brings food and money to the table but also gives one an educational view of life.

Therefore, a college education is crucial for the employment status of the potential graduates and

the amount of cash they will receive at long last.

There is an increase in college student loans than ever before. Many reasons lead to this,

such as lack of funding from the government, faculties demanding more, and changes in demand.

For the past ten years, college education has become more of a burden rather than advantageous

(Ramadhan and Yasir Ahmed 9). According to the report published by the business insider, the

average student debt in student loans is seventeen dollars. These figures have forced college

students to work extra hard to settle their debts. Surprisingly, the government has yet to come up

with a solution to settling such a debt (Monarrez). Educational financial aid has struggled to

maintain the awarding of student loans, and consequently, schools have gone the extra mile to

raise school fees. Most students are enrolling in school colleges, and thus, the government needs

to catch up with that pace. Therefore most families who cannot afford student loans drop out of
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school. However, the chance of getting a more paying job than the minimum wage rate is

crucially determined by holding a college certificate. A person holding a college certificate has a

higher chance of acquiring a good-paying job than people who do not have one during job

interviews (Ramadhan and Yasir Ahmed 9). For instance, a clear example is when a person

working as an attendant receives a low wage rate salary as compared to graduates who hold

popular managerial offices earning even more than ten dollars per hour. Some community

colleges have proved to be cheaper than other universities, and they provide significant benefits

to graduates.

Many people are smart outside, but they perform poorly in class. Most people tend to

undermine college studies as they believe to be perfect in whatever they are doing. Such people

end up making decisions that negatively impact their lives. Students who claim to be perfect in

life without attending college studies make informed decisions such as eating fast food. For

instance, some people find it interesting to focus on other activities, such as sports; thus, they fail

to attend class work. Before their understanding of the universe, most people argue that they can

transform their skills without concentrating on academic matters. However, these forms of

people end up being a waste to society. A college education opens a student's mind to

intellectuals, and a combination of intellectuals assists students to improve on their skills. Even

though the cost of college training might be too high to afford, college training enables one to

identify one focus and specialize in it (Monarrez). For instance, a college student who identified

teaching as an area of specialization has more chances of securing a good job than someone who

pretends to be perfect for the real world without the required skills. Thus, college students can

apply different life situations more than people who never attended the training.
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College training is time-consuming for many people in society. Some argue that college

is a waste of time and available resources. Going for college training may waste people’s time

that they could have used in areas such as engaging in trade activities, marriage, or other ways of

making money. For instance, they are some courses where one has to spend even more than ten

years still learning and gaining experience. Unfortunately, after all that is spent in college, there

is assurance and guarantee that one will get employed. It becomes tiresome and discouraging to

encourage people to join college training. In addition, college tuition fees have significantly

increased for the past ten to twenty years, and thus, people will waste money while others take

loans to pursue a course and later end up jobless (Monarrez). On the other hand, despite the

argument on the wastage of resources, there is a high probability that one will get a white-collar

job and recover the cash invested in college. Thus, a graduate will be satisfied and live a

successful life compared to a school dropout (Ramadhan and Yasir Ahmed 9). Parents advise

their children to work hard in schools and colleges to have a bright future. Successful graduates

will receive a successful and decent amount of cash, more than the costs incurred while gaining

skills in college and universities.

There needs to be teacher motivation in colleges. Some people argue that in college

training, teachers are only appreciated partially. According to research conducted twenty

nineteen, most teachers have a low wage rate, and in some instances, they are pressured to

deliver by the school authorities. How will college be the best option if teachers are not even

appreciated for their devotion? One of the major challenges teachers in college education

encounter is that the resources they may require may need to be made available, making it

difficult to progress and deliver. One research proved that the education sector has yet to advance

in technology, and sometimes, it forces teachers to stop teaching some courses. Thus how will
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teachers motivate students if they are not motivated? Therefore some students prefer to school

drop out rather wastage of time. In contrast, the government has laid down measures to motivate

teachers. For example, the government has established a teacher's commission to voice teachers'

issues to the government (Monarrez). In addition, the government has set aside huge funding to

improve teaching environments for teachers and learners in colleges. For example, for the past

three years, the government has increased public colleges' funding to encourage students to learn

(Ramadhan and Yasir Ahmed 9). Furthermore, college administrations have gone the extra mile

in motivating teachers, such as paying them extra hard and paying for those trips to refresh for

the new academic year. Therefore, teachers are motivated day in and day out.

There is a variance in the quality of education in colleges. Many argue that colleges are

divided into high class, middle, and lower class. A report published last year states that the

quality of education in colleges depends on the resources allocated. For instance, a community-

based college cannot be compared to a city college. In comparison, a community-based college

may need more research equipment, which might be abundant in some colleges. Furthermore, the

quality and skills experienced by teachers may vary with teachers of different colleges.

Governments need to pay more attention to urban colleges remembering local colleges; this

brings deviance with the level of teaching (Ramadhan and Yasir Ahmed 9). For instance, there

will be a difference for a student from a local college compared to an urban college. One will

feel inferior to the other. In this case, people who cannot afford urban universities will tend not

to join local colleges for fear of not getting the same treatment. However, some people believe

that only a person who does not want to acquire the relevant skills can have a mentality of

difference in college. According to business insider, even local students studying in local

colleges perform much better than students from big colleges. Thus people acquire skills relevant
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to their expertise regardless of where they learn. In addition, some believe that one’s mentality is

the key determinant of whether to gain or lose while learning.

In conclusion, it is evident that education and the workforce go hand in hand. Time and

time again, people have argued about whether college or university is the best option or not.

Such arguments have led to deeper research that will help learners decide which way to take.

This paper has claimed that college training is crucial for the success of life. As explained above,

there is a difference between a school dropout and a college graduate. The difference is not only

financial but also the success rate of a person. A college graduate has a higher chance of

acquiring good job opportunities, payslips, and living a good life than school dropouts.
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Works Cited


WORTH IT?." https://scholarworks.calstate.edu/downloads/8w32rb749

Purzer, Senay, and Urvi Gupta. "Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-

PEER) Annual Report from January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021." Journal of Pre-

College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER) 12.1 (2022): 6.


Ramadhan, Falah Hassan, and Yasir Ahmed Mikael. "Lateral Thinking And Its Relationship To

Cognitive Independence For College of Basic Education Students At Mosul University."

Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities 29.)2022( )1( ‫) الجزء‬9( ‫العدد‬.


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