23-24-III-DSL-Assignment List
23-24-III-DSL-Assignment List
23-24-III-DSL-Assignment List
Identify which Data structures are needed for the following applications and also justify answer
You are first going to visit a amazon.com and now you
are visiting another website flipkart.com, now there is
YouTube link. Now you click there and go to that
1 address. So, whenever you visit a webpage see that Evaluate
URL stored somewhere. Now you can go back to last
visited webpage flipkart.com and from there you can
go back to the amazon.com as well.
In medical systems, emergency departments to
prioritize patients based on the urgency of their Evaluate
medical condition. If both patients have at same level
then prioritize according their arrival.
In Traffic Systems, each light of traffic light gets ON one
by one after every interval of time. Like red light gets Evaluate
ON for one minute then yellow light for one minute and
then green light. After green light, the red light gets ON.
You all have a music player in your phones and will
have songs in it. Suppose you have four songs in your
phone. After playing song one, song two will be played. Evaluate
4. Apply Data Then song three will be played and then song four will
Structure be played like that. It doesn’t stop after playing one
You all have a music player in your phones and will
04/10/2023 have songs in it. Suppose you have four songs in your PO1, PO2,
phone. After all the songs are played the music player CSL301.4 PO3, PO5,
DOS: 5 will stop playing but sometimes you play a playlist in a Evaluate PSO1, PSO2
repeat mood. So that after the last song is completed
the first song will start play again and it will play in the
cyclic mode and will never stop.
You all have a music player in your phones and will
have songs in it. Suppose you have four songs in your
6 phone. After playing song one, song two will be played Evaluate
then song three will be played and from song three you
can play song four as well as song two
In ABC organization, number of employees working on
different post. The number of employees who work Evaluate
under a certain manager or team Each employee has a
boss all the way up to the CEO of a company.
A software programs designed to interact with
databases. It allows users to store, retrieve, update, and
8 manipulate data within a database and can be used for Evaluate
purposes like managing inventory, storing customer
information, or tracking financial transactions.
Google maps for building transportation systems,
where intersection of two or more roads are
9 connecting via link, thus their navigation system is Evaluate
based on the algorithm to find out the shortest path
between two roads or paths.
Prof. Satish Kuchiwale Dr. Shankar Patil Dr. K. T. Patil
Subject Incharge DQAC HoD
LO No. LO Description Bloom’s Level