Gradable and Ungradable Adjectives Exercises
Gradable and Ungradable Adjectives Exercises
Gradable and Ungradable Adjectives Exercises
Language quiz
Now let’s practise what you learned in the lesson! A, B or C – which is
It’s going to be an extremely ______ day, so wear plenty of sun cream!
A) roasting B) boiling c) hot
It’s going to be an extremely hot day, so wear plenty of sun cream.
Well done! Now you can check your answers at the bottom of the next
page. Page 1 of 2
Show what you can do: writing
Describe the things in the list below with both gradable and ungradable
adjectives using modifiers.
The last film you saw.
The last film I saw was totally awful. The acting was very bad and the story
was extremely boring. Page 2 of 2