CHAPTER IV Interpretation III

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This chapter presents, analyses, and interprets the data drawn from

the questionnaire conducted by the researchers.

Areas covered in the interpretation include the challenges encountered

by the tourism graduates in their current occupation, the respondent’s level of

satisfaction in their current occupation, and significant relationship between

the challenges encountered and the level of satisfaction of the respondents in

their current occupation.

Table 1

Challenges Encountered by the Tourism Graduates in Their

Current Occupation

Table 1.1

Challenges Encountered by the Tourism Graduates in Their

Current Occupation based on Personal


Item WM Interpretation Ranking

1. I am not confident enough to 1.86 SE 4

communicate with my colleagues.
2. I am having a hard time on task that 1.84 SE 5
requires critical thinking skills
3. I can’t handle emotional stress in the 1.83 SE 6.5
4. I can't easily adapt to the changes 1.83 SE 6.5
around me.
5. I am not creative enough to contribute 1.74 LE 9
6. I am not decided yet on what career I 1.90 SE 3
want to pursue.
7. I am still waiting for an offer on my 2.22 SE 1
dream job.
8. I can't find the job that will satisfy me. 1.92 SE 2

9. I don't have the drive to work. 1.76 SE 8


Table 1.1 reflects the challenges encountered by the tourism

graduates in their current occupation based on personal.

The table shows the challenges encountered by the tourism graduates

in their current occupation based on personal. It presents the composite

weighted mean 1.88 which indicates that the respondents slightly extend on

their current personal occupation. Furthermore, the table presents the first

three highest weighted mean of 2.22, 1.92, and 1.90 which implies that the

respondents still waiting for an offer on their dream job, can't find the job that

will satisfy them, and not yet decided on what career they want to pursue. On

the other hand, the three least weighted mean of 1.74, 1.76, and 1.83 which

implies that the respondents was not creative enough to contribute ideas,

don't have the drive to work, and can’t handle emotional stress in the

workplace and can't easily adapt to the changes around them.

Table 1.2

Challenges Encountered by the Tourism Graduates in Their

Current Occupation based on Social



Item WM n Ranking

1. My friends recommended this job. 2.21 SE 2

2. My family wants me to pursue this job. 2.35 SE 1

3. Most of my colleagues are in this field 2.16 SE 3

that’s why I pursue this job.

Table 1.2 reflects the challenges encountered by the tourism

graduates in their current occupation based on social.

The table shows the challenges encountered by the tourism graduates

in their current occupation based on social. It presents the composite

weighted mean 2.24 which indicates that the respondents slightly extend on

their current social status. Furthermore, the table presents a highest weighted

mean of 2.35 which implies that the respondent’s family wants me to pursue

this job., It was followed by a weighted mean of 2.21 which implies that the

respondent’s friends recommended this job. Lastly, by a weighted mean of

2.16, which means respondents most of their colleagues are in this field that’s

why they pursue this job.

Table 1.3

Challenges Encountered by the Tourism Graduates in Their

Current Occupation based on Economics Status


Item WM Interpretation Ranking

1. I have a hard time finding a job because 2.07 SE 4

it was not in-demand
2. I need to have a temporary job for the 2.04 SE 6

3. I don't have a lot of opportunities to grab 1.98 SE 7

4. I can't afford the needed 2.05 SE 5

5. The distance between my home and 2.18 SE 2
work is not convenient for me.
6. The cost of living near the workplace is 2.36 SE 1
very high
7. My wage is not enough to my regular 2.17 SE 3

Table 1.3 reflects the challenges encountered by the tourism

graduates in their current occupation based on economics status.

The table shows the challenges encountered by the tourism graduates

in their current occupation based on economic social. It presents the

composite weighted mean 2.12 which indicates that the respondents slightly

extend on their current economic status. Furthermore, the table presents a

highest weighted mean of 2.36 which implies that the respondent’s cost of

living near the workplace is very high. It was followed by a weighted mean of
2.18 which implies that the respondents distance between their home and

work is not convenient for them. Then, followed by weighted mean of 2.17

which signifies that the respondent’s wage is not enough to their regular

expenses. Next was, respondents slightly extend they have a hard time

finding a job because it was not in-demand with the weighted mean of 2.07.

Followed by a weighted mean of 2.05, which means students slightly extend

that they can't afford the needed requirement/training. Moreover, the

respondent slightly extend that they need to have a temporary job for the

meantime with the weighted mean of 2.04. Lastly, with the weighted mean of

1.98, the respondents don't have a lot of opportunities to grab.

Table 1.4

Challenges Encountered by the Tourism Graduates in Their

Current Occupation based on Professionalism


Item WM Interpretation Ranking

1. I don’t have the resources/supply to look 1.88 SE 1

professional at work
2. I don’t feel empowered in performing my 1.83 SE 3
3. I don’t have a good working relationship 1.69 LE 5
with my boss.
4. The company ask us to do overtime 1.87 SE 2
without advance notice.
5. The company doesn’t provide us enough 1.82 SE 4
knowledge to perform our task well.

Table 1.4 reflects the challenges encountered by the tourism

graduates in their current occupation based on professionalism.

The table shows the challenges encountered by the tourism graduates

in their current occupation based on professionalism. It presents the

composite weighted mean 1.82 which indicates that the respondents slightly

extend on their current professionalism. Furthermore, the table presents a

highest weighted mean of 1.88 which implies that the respondent’s don’t have

the resources/supply to look professional at work. It was followed by a

weighted mean of 1.87 which implies that the respondent’s company ask

them to do overtime without advance notice. Next was, respondents slightly

extend they don’t feel empowered in performing my job with the weighted

mean of 1.83. Followed by a weighted mean of 1.82, which means students

slightly extend that their company doesn’t provide us enough knowledge to

perform our task well. Moreover, for the last it was least extent that they don’t

have a good working relationship with my boss with the weighted mean of


Table 2

Respondent’s Level of Satisfaction in Their Current Occupation

Table 2.1

Respondent’s Level of Satisfaction in Their Current Occupation based

on Salary


Item WM Interpretation Ranking

1. I feel I am being paid fairly for the work I 3.19 S 5

2. My wage is enough for my regular 3.20 S 4
3. My company provides 13th month pay 3.30 VS 2
every year.
4. My company offers good employee 3.28 VS 3
5. My company provides wage increases. 3.15 S 6

6. The company pays us on time. 3.54 VS 1


Table 2.1 reflects the respondent’s level of satisfaction in their current

occupation based on salary

The table shows the respondent’s level of satisfaction in their current

occupation based on salary. It presents the composite weighted mean 3.28

which indicates that the respondents very satisfied on their current salary.

Furthermore, the table presents a highest weighted mean of 3.54 which

implies that the respondent’s company pays them on time. It was followed by

a weighted mean of 3.30 which implies that the respondent’s company

provides 13th month pay every year. Then, followed by weighted mean of

3.28 which signifies that the respondent’s company offers good employee

benefits. Next was the respondents satisfied that wage is enough for my

regular expenses with the weighted mean of 3.20. Followed by a weighted

mean of 3.19, which means the respondents was satisfied that they feel being

paid fairly for the work they do. Moreover, for the last it was satisfied that their

company provides wage increases with the weighted mean of 3.15.

Table 2.2

Respondent’s Level of Satisfaction in Their Current Occupation based

on Career Development


Item WM Interpretation Ranking

1. The company makes me feel 3.38 VS 3

empowered in the workplace
2. The company give me chances for 3.30 VS 4
3. The company provides seminars and 3.43 VS 2
trainings that helps me for my career
4. The company always recognize good 3.47 VS 1
performing employee.

Table 2.1 reflects the respondent’s level of satisfaction in their current

occupation based on career development

The table shows the respondent’s level of satisfaction in their current

occupation based on career development. It presents the composite weighted

mean 3.39 which indicates that the respondents very satisfied on their current

career development. Furthermore, the table presents a highest weighted

mean of 3.47 which implies that the respondent’s company always recognize

good performing employee. It was followed by a weighted mean of 3.43 which

implies that the respondent’s company provides seminars and trainings that

helps me for my career growth. Followed by a weighted mean of 3.38, which

means the respondents was very satisfied that their company makes them

feel empowered in the workplace. Moreover, for the last it was very satisfied

that their company give them a chances for promotion with the weighted

mean of 3.30.

Table 2.3
Respondent’s Level of Satisfaction in Their Current Occupation based

on Work Environment


Item WM Interpretation Ranking

1. I am comfortable socializing with my 3.53 VS 2


2. I use my resources effectively 3.55 VS 1

3. My colleagues and my superior listen 3.46 VS 5

and value my opinion

4. We work collaboratively in my workplace 3.50 VS 3.5

5. The company has an environment that 3.50 VS 3.5

is conducive for working.


Table 2.1 reflects the respondent’s level of satisfaction in their current

occupation based on work environment.

The table shows the respondent’s level of satisfaction in their current

occupation based on work environment. It presents the composite weighted

mean 3.51 which indicates that the respondents very satisfied on their current

work environment. Furthermore, the table presents a highest weighted mean

of 3.55 which implies that the respondent’s use their resources effectively. It

was followed by a weighted mean of 3.53 which implies that the respondent’s

comfortable socializing with their colleagues. Then, followed by weighted

mean of 3.50 which signifies that the respondent’s work collaboratively in their

workplace and the company has an environment that is conducive for

working. Lastly, the respondents was very satisfied with their colleagues and

superior listen and value their opinion with the weighted mean of 3.46.

Table 3

Significant Relationship Between the Challenges Encountered

and the Level of Satisfaction of the Respondents in their Current


Significant Relationship Between

the Challenges Encountered and

Level of Satisfaction of the

Respondents in their Current Verbal

Occupation r- value p-value Interpretation

Personal and Salary -0.19 0.05 Significant

Personal and Career Development -0.26 0.01 Significant

Personal and Work Environment -0.38 0 Significant

Social and Salary 0.09 0.38 Not Significant

Social and Career Development 0.07 0.47 Not Significant

Social and Work Environment -0.02 0.86 Not Significant

Economic and Salary -0.43 0 Significant

Economic and Career Development -0.38 0 Significant

Economic and Work Environment -0.47 0 Significant

Professionalism and Salary -0.28 0 Significant

Professionalism and Career -0.30 0 Significant

Professionalism and Work -0.41 0 Significant


The table shows the result of significant relationship between the

challenges encountered and the level of satisfaction of the respondents in

their current occupation. The Pearson r - value, p-value and its descriptors

were considered in this table. It reveals that the Social and Salary and Social

and Career Development has a positively no correlation of 0.09 and 0.07 and

its p – value is 0.38 and 0.47 greater than 0.05 which means that not

significant. While, Social and Work Environment has a negatively no

correlation of -0.02 and its p – value is 0.86 greater than 0.05 which means

that not significant. It follows by Personal and Career Development with r –

value of -0.38, Economic and Salary with r –value of -0.43, Economic Career

Development wit r – value of -0.38, Economic and Work Environment with r –

value of -0.47, Professionalism and Career Development with r – value of -

0.30, and Professionalism and Work Environment with r – value of -0.14, they

are negatively low correlation and their p – value are 0 less than to 0.05 which

means that significant. On the other hand, Personal and Salary has r – value

of -0.19, Personal and Career Development has r – value of -0.26, and

Professional and Salary has r – value of -0.28 wherein they are negatively no

correlation and they have significant with the p – value of ( 0.05, 0.01, and 0 )

less than or equal to 0.05.

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