Sample Chap 34 Wdimensions PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL

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Statement of the Problem

This study aims to investigate the influence of academic stress and perceived social support
on the psychological well-being of college students during the pandemic. More specifically, it answers
the following questions:
1. What is the level of academic stress of the college students in terms of:
1.1 academic expectations,
1.2 faculty work and examinations,
1.3 students’ academic self-perceptions?
2. What is the extent of perceived social support among the college students in terms of:
2.1 appraisal support,
2.2 belonging support,
2.3 tangible support?
3. What is the level of psychological well-being among the college students in terms of:
3.1 autonomy,
3.2 environmental mastery,
3.3 personal growth,
3.4 positive relations with others,
3.5 purpose in life, and
3.6 self-acceptance?
4. Is there a significant relationship between:
4.1 academic stress and psychological well-being,
4.2 perceived social support and psychological well-being?
5. Do academic stress and perceived social support significantly predict the psychological
well-being of college students?


The analysis and interpretation of the data supplied in text and tabular

formats are presented in this chapter. The study’s findings which provide an

answer to the statement of the problem are also discussed.

Level of Academic Stress

Table 1 presents the level of academic stress of college students. The

overall mean is 3.09 with a standard deviation of 0.547 which is described as

moderate. This indicates that college students experience moderate

academic stress. This relates to the study of Jain and Singhai (2018) over the

past few years the numbers in academic pressure have increased.

Table 1. Level of Academic Stress of college students

Item Mean Std. Deviation Description

Academic Expectation

Teachers have unrealistic expectations of me 2.92 .891 Moderate

The unrealistic expectations of my parents 3.08 1.311 Moderate

me out

Category mean 3.00 .944 Moderate

Faculty work and examinations

The time allocated to classes and academic 2.70 .896 Moderate

work is

The size of curriculum (workload) is excessive 3.15 .942 Moderate


My teachers are critical of my academic 3.32 .836 Moderat


I believe that the amount of work assignment 3.16 1.00 Moderat

is too 2 e

Examination time is short to complete the 3.57 1.09 High

answers 4

The examination questions are usually difficult 3.59 .950 High

Category mean 3.25 .554 Moderate

Students’ academic perception

Am confident that I will be successful student 1.99 1.05 Low

Am confident that I will be a successful in my 1.99 1.08 Low
future 8

I can make academic decisions easily 2.63 .897 Moderat

I have enough time to relax after work 2.96 1.02 Moderat
4 e
I fear failing courses this year 4.15 1.21 High
I thin that my worr abou examination is 3.49 1.07 High
k y t s 3
weakness of character

Am unable to catch up if getting behind the 2.99 .990 Moderat

work e
Competition with my peers for grades is 2.77 1.15 Moderat
quite 8 e

Examination times are very stressful to me out 3.59 1.06 High

Even if I pass my exams, am worried about 3.58 1.18 High
getting 5
a job

Category mean 3.01 .458 Moderate

Overall Mean 3.09 .547 Moderate

With regards to Academic expectations, the highest mean is the

parents’ unrealistic expectations (M = 3.08, SD = 1.311). The lowest mean is the

teachers’ unrealistic expectations (M = 2.92, SD = .891). While the category

mean is 3.00 with a standard deviation of .944 which is described as

moderate. This indicates that the academic stress of the students with

regards to academic expectations highly comes


from the parents unrealistic expectations towards them and the teachers

unrealistic expectations just follows. This relates to the study of Çelik (2019)

stating that individuals may fear losing their position and love if they do not

coincide with or do not meet the expectations of important figures (i.e.

parents, teachers). Also, adolescents who match their career choices with

their parents’ academic and career expectations may be perceived as “ideal”

and pleasant. Additionally, as Peña et al. (2021) stated that there is no

connection between teachers' expectations and their students' present

academic performance.

As for the Faculty work and examinations, the highest mean is that the examination

questions are usually difficult (M = 3.59, SD = .950 ). The lowest mean is that the time

allocated to classes and academic work is enough (M = 2.70, SD = .896). While the

category mean is 3.25 with a standard deviation of 0.554 which is described as moderate. The

result that the examination questions are usually difficult substantiates to the study of

(Acharya, 2003; Polychronopoulou and Divaris, 2005) as cited from Bedewy and Gabriel (2015)

who identified excessive school work, congested classrooms, strikes by faculty, and lack of

laboratory equipment as a source of stress. While, time allocated to classes and academic

work is enough having the lowest mean, substantiates to the study of Russo-Gleicher, (2019)

and Abracero et al. (2021) that academic worries include failure to complete assignments on

time, absence from online discussions, and inability to answer emails or phone calls.

In the matter of Students’ academic perception, the highest mean is the fear of failing

courses this year, (M = 4.15, SD = 1.216). While the lowest mean (M = 1.99) is the

confidence in becoming a successful student (SD = 1.056) and confidence in future


career (SD = 1.088). While the category mean is 3.01 with a standard

deviation of .458 which is described as moderate. This corroborates to the

study of (Hancock, 2001; Hembree, 1988) as cited by Bedewy & Gabriel

(2015) that negative test cognition is frequently associated with increased

anxiety and poor performance, where students underestimate their own

capabilities or overestimate the repercussions underlie failure. Moreover,

important factors influencing students' academic achievement include their

perceptions of their own abilities, associated goals, and the significance of

their learning (Dogan, 2017).

The indicator that has the highest category mean is the Faculty work

and examinations (M = 3.25, SD = 0.554) followed by Students’ academic

perception (M = 3.01, SD = .458) and the lowest would be the Academic

expectation (M = 3.00, SD =

.944). This means that Faculty work and examinations and students’

academic perception has a bigger impact on how students perceive their

academic stress than academic expectations.

Level of Perceived Social Support

Table 2 presents the level of perceived social support. The overall

mean is 3.29 and the standard deviation is 0.532 which describes it as

moderate. This suggests that the college students sometimes perceive social

support. As Cobo-Rendón et al. (2020) stated, the eudaimonic well-being of

the students are correlated with the perceived social support they have from

family and friends, the support they have from the beginning of being a

university student will benefit their general well-being.


Table 2. Level of Perceived Social Support

Item Mean Std. Deviation Description

Appraisal Support

There is someone I can turn to for advice 3.56 1.236 Hig

about handling problems with my family.

When I need suggestions on how to deal 3.50 1.180 h

with a personal problem, I know someone I can
turn to.
3.53 1.111 Hig
Category mean

Belonging Support

I feel that there is no one I can share my 3.05 1.295 Moderate

private worries and fears with.

I don't often get invited to do things with 2.98 1.138 Moderate

If I wanted to have lunch with someone, I 3.53 1.166 High
easily find someone to join me.

Category mean 3.16 .165 Moderate

Tangible Support

If I wanted to go on a trip for a day (for 3.00 1.255 Moderate

example, to
the country or mountains), I would have a
hard time
finding someone to go with me.

If I were sick, I could easily find someone to 3.34 1.178 Moderate

help me
with my daily chores.

If I decide one afternoon that I would like to 3.36 1.193 Moderate

go to a
movie that evening, I could easily find someone
to go
with me.

If I had to go out of town for a few weeks, it 3.08 1.163 Moderate

would be
difficult to find someone who would look
after my
house or apartment (the plants, pets, garden,
If I was stranded 10 miles from home, 3.51 1.209 High
there is
someone I could call who could come and get
If a family crisis arose, it would be difficult 2.91 1.150 Moderate
to find
someone who could give me good advice
about how
to handle it.

If I needed some help in moving to a new 3.10 1.210 Moderate

house or
apartment, I would have a hard time
someone to help me.

Category mean 3.19 .685 Moderate


Overall Mean 3.29 .532 Moderate

In the category of Appraisal support, the highest mean is 3.56 and the standard

deviation is 1.236 for having someone to turn to for advice about handling family

problems. On the other hand, the lowest mean is 3.50 and the standard deviation is

1.180 for having someone to turn to for suggestions on how to deal with a personal

problem. While the category mean is 3.53 and a standard deviation of 1.111

which is described as high. This relates to the study of Tan, Hurd & Albright

(2017) that student support from fellow students may be beneficial in

reducing mental health problems by grounding them in the reality of their

deserved place at college despite the marginalizing experiences they

encounter. In addition, as the students helped to validate and also normalize

one another's worries, appraisal support may enable a person to reframe a

distressing situation in less unpleasant terms (Williams, Thankore & McGee,


The data shows in the category of Belonging support, the highest mean

is 3.53 and the standard deviation is 1.166 for easily finding someone to have

lunch with. Conversely, the lowest mean is 2.98 and the standard deviation is

1.138 for not getting invited to do things with others often. While the category

mean is 3.16 and a standard deviation of 0.165 which is described as

moderate. This supports the study cited by Pownall et al. (2022) to Stadtfeld

et al. (2019) that given the significance of student social networks in

reducing stress and enhancing academic achievement, a lack of social

engagement and a robust social network may have an impact on students'

sense of belonging. Children who feel like they belong at school get better
scores and choose to take and excel in more challenging classes (Murphy,

Boucher & Logel, 2021).


In terms of the Tangible support category, the highest mean is 3.36

and the standard deviation is 1.193 for easily finding someone to go to for a

movie. On the other hand, the lowest mean is 2.91 and the standard

deviation is 1.150 for difficulty finding someone to give good advice on how to

handle a family crisis. Meanwhile, the category mean is 3.19 and a standard

deviation of .685 which is described as moderate. These findings appreciates

the study of Bakul & Karmaker (2021) that people who receive more tangible

support have a tendency to be less pessimistic about the future since it gives

them a sense of stability through trying times and that positive tangible

interpersonal support may reduce emotional repression, leading to improved

psychological well-being.

The highest mean in all categories is Appraisal support (M = 3.53, SD

= 1.111), followed by Tangible support (M = 3.19, SD = .685) and Belonging

support (M = 3.16, SD = .165). This shows that in perceiving social support,

the students need someone to talk with to hear the feedback and

suggestions, followed by meeting their needs and lastly to feel that they


Level of Psychological Well-being

Table 3 indicates the level of psychological well-being of college

students that has an overall mean of 3.29 with a standard deviation of 0.401

that is described as moderate. This indicates that college students

exhibit moderate psychological well-being. As Tang et al.(2019) stated,

Psychological well-being is a core feature of mental health, it can be hedonic,

eudaemonic, happiness and resilience, this activates the emotion regulation

of the self and how it is expressed. In fact, psychological


well-being also has painful emotions which is normal but people need to

overcome these emotions to get their lives well (Huppert, F., 2009).

Table 3 Level of Psychological Well-being

Item Mean Std. Deviation Description


In general, I feel I am in charge of the 3.61 1.043 High

situation in
which I live.

I tend to be influenced by people with 2.53 1.063 Low


I have confidence in my own opinions, even if 3.66 1.033 High

are different from the way most other people
Category mean 3.27 .562 Moderate

Environmental mastery

The demands of everyday life often get me 2.58 1.125 Low

I am good at managing the responsibilities of 3.40 1.049 High

Category mean 2.99 .756 Moderate

Personal growth

When I look at the story of my life, I am 3.65 1.182 High

pleased with
how things have turned out so far.

In many ways I feel disappointed about 2.79 1.182 Moderate

achievements in life.

I think it is important to have new 4.24 1.027 Very High

experiences that
challenge how I think about myself and the
For me, life has been a continuous 4.31 1.041 Very High
process of
learning, changing, and growth.

I gave up trying to make big 3.02 1.172 Moderate

improvements or
changes in my life a long time ago
Category mean 3.60 .643 High

Positive relationships with others


Maintaining close relationships has been 2.91 1.15 Moderat

difficult 4 e
and frustrating for me.

People would describe me as a giving 3.78 1.09 High

person, 3
willing to share my time with others.

I have not experienced many warm and 3.01 1.11 Moderat

trusting 6 e
relationships with others.

Category mean 3.23 .745 Moderate

Purpose in life

Some people wander aimlessly through life, but 3.43 1.09 High
I am 4
not one of them.

I sometimes feel as if I've done all there is to 2.88 1.06 Moderat

do in 7 e

Category mean 3.15 .627 Moderate


I like most parts of my personality 3.52 1.06 High

I live life one day at a time and don't really 3.32 1.18 Moderat
think 7 e
about the future.

I judge myself by what I think is important, not 3.63 1.09 High

by the 3
values of what others think is important.

Category mean 3.49 .633 High

Overall 3.29 .401 Moderate

In the category of Autonomy, the statement that having confidence in one's own

opinions has the highest mean of (M = 3.66, SD = 1.033). On the contrary, the statement that

has the lowest mean is being influenced by people with strong opinions (M = 2.53, SD =

1.063). While the category mean is 3.27 with a standard deviation of

.562 that is described as moderate. This confirms the study of Ryff

(2014) that a fully-functioning person does not rely on the standards of

other individuals. Furthermore, a degree of autonomy can be beneficial to

students as numerous studies have shown results in which higher levels of

autonomy correspond to higher levels of well-being and vice versa

(Melendro, Campos, Rodriguez-Bravo & Resino, 2020).


As for the category of Environmental mastery, the statement that has

the highest mean is good at managing daily responsibilities (M = 3.40, SD

= .756). Whereas, the statement that has low mean is getting down on

everyday life demands (M = 2.58, SD = 1.125). While the category mean is 2.99

with a standard deviation of .756 that is described as moderate. This

associates to the study that high environmental mastery individuals feel

more in control of their surroundings and hence have a stronger sense of

influence on their surroundings and the results showed that environmental

mastery measure demonstrated substantial variations between the regular

and pre-confinement week periods, with the former achieving a higher

mean than the latter (Fernández-Abascal & Martín-Díaz, 2021).

In the presented data, the category of Personal growth has the

statement with the highest mean of 4.31 and a standard deviation of 1.041

for life is a continuous process of learning, changing, and growth. The lowest mean

is 2.79 with a standard deviation of 1.182 in the statement, feeling

disappointed about achievements in life. While the category mean is 3.60 and a

standard deviation of .643 which is described as high. This substantiates Ryff

(2014) that in order to achieve the maximum of one's psychological

potential, continuous learning and solving problems results in the expansion

of one's talents and abilities must be improved.

The highest mean in the category of Positive relationships with others is described as

a giving person, willing to give time to others (M = 3.78, SD = 1.093) and the statement with

lowest mean is difficulty and frustrations of maintaining close relationships (M = 2.91, SD =

1.154). While the category mean is 3.23 with a standard deviation of .745. This corroborates

to Ryff (2014) that people with strong positive


relations are satisfying and strong relationships with others and are capable

of strong empathy, affection, and intimacy. Moreover, Demetillo, Quila &

Bencito (2021) also stated that respondents' high mean scores in this

component show the respondents' readiness to participate in meaningful and

caring relationships with others.

In the category of Purpose of life, the statement with the highest mean is not

wandering aimlessly (M = 3.43, SD = 1.094) and the one with the lowest mean is to have

done all there is to do in life (M = 2.88, SD = 1.067). While the category mean is

3.15 with a standard deviation of .627. This corroborates to Weinberg &

Gould (2007) that the setting and achieving of goals are pivotal as they can

be inspirational and motivational in nature and a strong purpose in life

suggests a sense of directedness and a feeling that there is meaning in

living. Furthermore, supporting students as they actively discover and

pursue their life's purpose might help them become more resilient and

persistent (Sharma & Yukhymenko-Lescroart, 2022).

In terms of the category of Self-acceptance, the highest mean is 3.63 with a standard

deviation of 1.093 for judging myself as to what I think is important, not by the values of

what others think is important and the lowest mean is 3.32 with a standard deviation of 1.187

for living life one day at a time and not really thinking about the future. While the

category mean is 3.49 and a standard deviation of 633. This substantiates the study findings

of Kam and Prihadi (2021) that Mattering and Unconditional Self-Acceptance were strong

protective variables against social comparison among university students, and that

Unconditional Self-Acceptance partially mediated the association between mattering and

social comparison. Furthermore, elevated levels of


self-acceptance create a positive attitude and improved satisfaction with life

as there is acknowledgment and acceptance of multiple facets of oneself

(Ryff, 2014).

The category that has the highest mean is Personal growth (M = 3.60, SD

.643), followed by Self-acceptance (M = 3.49, SD = .633), Autonomy (M = 3.27, SD


.562), Positive relationships with others (M = 3.23, SD = .745), Purpose in life

(M = 3.15, SD = .627), and Environmental mastery (M = 2.99, SD = .756).

This shows that the Psychological well-being of the students starts on what

they wanted to accomplish and becoming a functioning individual, followed

by accepting who they are, thereafter, taking control of their environment

and their internal locus of control, soon is their relationships with other

people and then find their purpose in life and lastly, controlling their

environment as to what they wanted to achieve.

Significant relationship between Academic Stress and Perceived Social Support

towards Psychological Well-being

Table 4 shows the correlation between Academic Stress and

Perceived Social Support on Psychological Well-being.

Table 4. Correlation between the Variables

Variables Associated r p-value Remarks

Academic Stress & Psychological Well-being -.225 .001 Significant

Perceived Social Support & Psychological .445 .000 Significant


The table shows that academic stress has an inverse correlation with
psychological well-being (r = -.225, p < .05), which indicates that in every

increase of academic stress, the psychological well-being will decrease and

conversely. This is similar to the study of Malik, Saidin, Abd Wab, and

Nordin (2020) which concluded that


stress level has a moderate and inverse relationship with psychological well-

being. Furthermore, they suggest that if students were able to reduce their

levels of stress, they might be able to increase their psychological well-


The perceived social support has a positive correlation with

psychological well-being (r = .445, p < .000). It is inferred that with an

increase of perceived social support the students’ level of psychological well-

being will also increase. As well as the 2010 study by Yasin and Dzulkifli that

there was a significant negative relationship between social support and

psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, and stress suggesting

that the higher the perceived social support, the lower are the psychological


Influence of Academic Stress and Perceived Social Support on Psychological


With the use of Multiple Regression Analysis in table 5, the results

indicate that Academic Stress and Perceived Social Support are predictors

of Psychological Well-being of the students.

Table 5. Influence of Academic Stress and Perceived Social Support on

Psychological Well-being
Standardized Coefficients Interpretation
Beta t p-value

Academic Stress -.203 -3.263 .001 Significant

Perceived Social R Square = .239 F = 31.086

p value = .000
R =.489

Table 5 shows that academic stress has negative effects on

psychological well-being (B = -.203, p < .05). This means that in every

increase of academic stress, the psychological well-being will decrease

by .203. A similar study by Baiju and Rajalakshmi (2021) concluded that

there is indeed a significant relationship between the two measured

variables, the academic stress and psychological well-being as depicted by

the Spearman correlation of 0.282 with corresponding p-value of 0.01 at a

0.05 level of significance.

Perceived social support influences psychological well-being of college

students (B = .434, p < .05). This means that the psychological well-being

will increase by .434 as the perceived social support increases. Cobo-Rendón

et al. (2020) found that students with high eudaimonic well-being have

higher scores for general social support during the two measurements

coming from their friends and family

The table indicates that 23.9% of the variance psychological well-being

can be explained by academic stress and perceived social support, which

means that 76.1% of the variance can be attributed to other factors aside

from academic stress and perceived social support.

Chapter 4


Chapter 4


The findings and conclusions of the study are presented in this

chapter. It also discusses the recommendations for further research.

The study provided insight on the level of psychological well-being of

college students during pandemic. It has been identified that academic

stress is inversely correlated with psychological well-being and perceived

social support is positively correlated with psychological well-being.

The findings of the study are as follows:

In the level of academic stress, the overall mean is 3.09 with a standard

deviation of .547. which is described as moderate. This indicates that the college

students experience moderate academic stress. Furthermore, the indicator faculty work

and examinations has a mean of 3.25 with a standard deviation of .554 which is the

highest. In the indicator, students’ academic perception with a mean of 3.09 and a

standard deviation of .458. Lastly, the indicator academic expectation has a mean of

3.00 with a standard deviation of .944 which is the lowest.

The overall mean of the level in perceived social support is 3.29 with a standard

deviation of .532 which is described as moderate. This indicates that the college

students sometimes perceive social support. Moreover, the indicator appraisa


support has the highest mean (M = 3.53, SD = 1.111), next is the indicator tangible

support (M = 3.19, SD = .685), and the indicator that has the lowest mean is the

belonging support (M = 3.16, SD = .165).

The psychological well-being has an overall mean of 3.29 with a standard

deviation of .401 which is described as moderate. This indicates that college students

exhibit moderate psychological well-being. The indicator that has the highest mean is

personal growth (M = 3.60, SD = .643), followed by self-acceptance (M = 3.49,

SD = .633), autonomy (M = 3.27, SD = .562), positive relationships with others (M =

3.23, SD = .756), purpose in life (M = 3.15, SD =.627), and the lowest mean is the

environmental mastery (M = 2.99, SD = .756).

Academic stress and psychological well-being are inversely correlated (r = -.225,

p < .05), which means that as academic stress increases, psychological well-

being will decrease and conversely. On the other hand, perceived social support is

positively correlated with psychological well-being (r =.445, p < .05), which means that

as perceived social support increases, psychological well-being will also increase.

Both academic stress and perceived social support has a significant relationship with

psychological well-being.

Academic stress and perceived social support are a significant predictor of

psychological well-being. The academic stress has a negative influence on

psychological well-being (B = -.203, p < .05), which indicates that the psychological

well-being will decrease by .203 as the academic stress increases. The perceived

social support has a positive influence on psychological well-being


(B = .434, p < .05), which indicates that psychological well-being will increase by

.434 as the perceived social support increases.

Academic stress and perceived social support can explain the variance

psychological well-being by 23.9% while the variance can be explained by other factors

by 76.1%.

The null hypothesis is rejected since the p-values are less than the level of

significance (.05). Where, the academic stress (p = .001) and perceived social support

(p = .000) has a significant relationship with psychological well-being. Additionally,

academic stress (p = .001) and perceived social support (p = .000) significantly predict

psychological well-being.


Based on the findings, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. College students’ level of academic stress is described as moderate

which denotes that the students experience moderate academic

stress. The indicator Faculty Work and Examinations has the highest

mean, followed by Students Academic Perception and last is the

Academic Expectation. Thus, this means that the students are

experiencing a moderate amount of academic stress and the sequence

of indicators above has been their stressors.

2. College students’ level of perceived social support is described as


These are the sequence of indicators in their descending means:

Appraisal Support, Tangible Support, Belonging Support. Thus, this

means that students


have a moderately perceived social support and to have appraisal

support is what they really need as it has the highest mean.

3. The level of psychological well-being of college students is described

as moderate which indicates that the students exhibit moderate

psychological well-being. These are the indicators of this variable in a

descending order from their mean: Personal growth, Self-acceptance,

Autonomy, Positive relationships with others, Purpose in life,

Environmental mastery. This denotes that the students have a

moderate amount of psychological well-being and to have personal

growth as the highest indicator.

4. Both academic stress and perceived social support has a significant

relationship with psychological well-being. The academic stress is

inversely correlated with psychological well-being, which means that

every time academic stress increases, the psychological well-being will

decrease. On the other hand, perceived social support is positively

correlated with psychological well-being, which indicates that as the

perceived social support increases, the psychological well-being will

also increase.

5. The academic stress and perceived social support are both significant

predictors of psychological well-being. In particular, academic stress

has a negative influence on psychological well-being. Which denotes

that when the academic stress increases, the psychological well-being

of the students will decrease. Whereas, perceived social support has

positive influence on psychological well-being wherein, as the

perceived social support of the students increases, the psychological

well-being increases as well.

6. There are other factors that can explain psychological well-being other

than academic stress and perceived social support.

7. The null hypotheses are rejected since, there is a significant

relationship between academic stress and perceived social support to

psychological well-being, and academic stress and perceived social

support significantly predict psychological well-being.


The following recommendations are presented since the psychological

well-being of the college students is medium:

1. Faculty work and examination has the highest mean variable in the

variable academic stress. Teachers may see to it to follow the syllabus,

keep the examination questions directly coming from the given

reference, and review the questions after the exam. Also, if they

observe something unusual from the student, they can talk to them

and check on their psychological well-being.

2. Parents may consider to lower their academic expectations of the

students, consider the students’ psychological well-being by speaking

with them and observe if they are acting unusual, and parental

involvement may help them develop the students’ belongingness.

3. In variable perceived social support, belonging support has the lowest


Students need more interaction with their peers and if possible, open

up anything that bothers them so that they can gain comfort and

possibly get solutions on their problems.


4. The Office of Guidance, Assessment and Counseling Center may

conduct a webinar with regards to how to increase perceived social

support, psychological well-being, and reduce academic stress.

● Increase Perceived Social Support- They can highlight that

having someone to rely on, lowers depressive symptoms

and will widen their circles. To have someone to confide

with, tell problems, ask for a thing that’s needed will be

able to increase their psychological well-being.

● They must maintain their webinar with regards to mental

health and academic stress so that at a certain point in

time, the students will be reminded about these topics.

5. Future researchers may incorporate other observations with the

existing study and use this as a framework for integrating with other

aspects of psychological well-being.

6. The study had assessed all courses, thus the future researchers may

focus on one course to see the level of psychological well-being per


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