Guide To Sinhalese Vanamala Alphabet

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Sinhalese Alphabet

Guide to Sinhalese Varnamala

I n English language there are vowels and consonants. Likewise, in

Sinhala also there are vowels and consonants. The difference is that in
Sinhala all the vowels appear in the beginning and the consonants form
another group. The standard Sinhala alphabet has 15 vowels and 42
consonants, and a few other symbols.

Let's start with vowels.

Sinhala Vowels
In Sinhalese, there are 18 vowels sound. However, only 16 vowels
are required for writing colloquial spoken Sinhala (suddha Sinhala).
Out of those 16 vowels, seven of them are short and other seven are
long. Remaining two of these vowels are unique to the language and
are represented as “æ“ and “æ:”. The vowels in Sinhala can be further
broken down as dependent or independent vowels. Below is
comprehensive list of vowels:

Independent Vowels:



















Dependent Vowels:















Sinhala Consonants
In Sinhalese, there are 42 consonants sound. However, only 41
consonants are required for writing colloquial spoken Sinhala (suddha
Sinhala). The rest of the sound are load word from either Sanskrit and
Pali and have been added into Sinhala in the course of linguistic
change. Those consonants are:









































Sinhala Numerals
Sinhala in the present day uses numerals which were introduced by
Portuguese, Dutch and English after 1505 AD.











Interesting Facts about Sinhala Language

 Sinhala is one of the two official languages in Sri Lanka
 Sinhala is one of the oldest languages of the world. The first historic
rock carving believed to be the first use of Sinhala was discovered in
200 BC.
 There are two coexisting versions of the Sinhala language. One
version is used for everyday communication while the other is for a
formal version for literature.
 Sinhala alphabet has been selected among the five most beautiful
languages out of hundreds of languages in the world.
 Sinhala language has stronger connection to Buddhism. One of the
oldest inscriptions of Sinhalese is related to Buddhism.
 Sinhala has lot of influence from other language such as Dravidian
and Tamil in addition to Dutch, English, and Portuguese.

Sinhala at a glance
Sinhala (සිංහල, ˈsɪnhələ, ˈsɪŋələ), also spelled Singhalese or Cingalese,
is an official and national language of Sri Lanka. It is spoken by over
16 million native speaker and additional 2 million as a secondary

Pronunciation: [ˈsiŋɦələ]

Native Name: Sinhala (සිංහල)

Number of Speakers: 20 million

Language family: Indo-Aryan

Ethnicity: Sinhalese People

Writing System: Sinhala Script

Spoken in: Sri Lanka

Status: Official Language in Sri Lanka

Two digit language code (ISO 639-1): si

A Complete Sinhala Alphabet Chart

Below is a list of complete Sinhala Alphabets Chart

Independent Vowels:



















Dependent Vowels:














Two Part Dependent Vowels:
























































Special Characters:




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