2 Micro Teaching Role Play
2 Micro Teaching Role Play
2 Micro Teaching Role Play
A.V Aids ---- Power Point Presentation ,black – board, charts, flash
cards , handout,
Previous knowledge ----- Student have some knowledge about Role- Play.
General knowledge ---- At the end of microteaching program the student will be able to
4 3min Explain the Principles of role play Explanatio Listening Power Did you tell
principles n point me principles
of role play 1)As a teaching techniques, role playing is based on the philosophy that presentati of role play?
meanings are in people, not in words or symbols. on
3) Should be flexible.
5 2min Classify Types of Role – Play ;- Lecture Listening Power point Did you tell
the types cum & presentation me
of Role - 1) Sociodrama Discussion Discussion classification
play of Role –
Its deals with the interactions of people with other individuals or play?
groups, e.g. Mother, Nurse, Leader etc..
It always involves situations of more than one person and deals with
problems that a majority of the group face in executing their roles.
2) Psychodrama
6 2min List out the Steps of Role playing ;- Questioning answering Black board What are the
steps of steps of role
role play 1. Selection of a problem playing ?
4. Briefing
5. Role-playing action
7. Evaluation
7 2min Explain the Advantages of role- playing ;-- Explanation Listening Power point Explain the
advantages presentation advantages of
of role play 1. Allow students to develop an understanding of others perspectives. role playing?
9 2min Explain the Use of role play in Nursing Education ;--- Explanation Listening Power point What are the
use of role presentation uses of role
play in 1. Develop real communication skills in leadership, interviewing and play in nursing
Nursing social interaction and obtain constructive feed back from peers. education?
Eg. How to listen, how to lead a discussion.
Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2002. Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktek Jakarta Rineka Cipta.
Bailey. Kathleen M. 2005. Practical English Language Teaching: Speaking New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies.
Bailey Kathleen M. and Savage. L 1994. New Wave in Teaching Speaking Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Brown. H. Douglas, 1994. Teaching by Principle: An Interactive Approach to Language PedagOGy. California: Prentice Hall Regents.
Anonymous. 2004. Teaching Methods Advantages and Disadvantages Cambridgeshire Adult & Community Leaming Available online at: cambsad
pbworks.com/Teaching Methodsudanddisuds.