Infusions 1
Infusions 1
Infusions 1
A] Furosemide (Lasix)
5 – 40 mg /hr
12 ampoules (40 mg/4 ml) at rate 0.5 – 4 ml/hr
1 ml = 10 mg
B] Torasemide (Examide_
5 – 20 mg/h
5 ampoules (10 mg) over 50 cc saline at rate 5-20 ml/hr
1 ml = 1 mg
E] Heparin
PE 80 U/Kg, 18 U/kg/hr
AC$ 60 U/Kg, 15 U/kg/hr
1 ampoule (5000 U) over 50 cc saline
Loading = 1 ampoule bolus
Maintenance = dose X body weight / concentration (= 100)
FUP PTT / 12 hrs, FUP platelets daily
1 ml = 100 U
F] Enoxaparin
H] Eptifibatide (Integrlin)
Loading: 180 µg/kg double bolus 10 min apart
Maintenance: 2 µg/kg/min for up to 18 hrs
Small vial = 2 mg/ml, Large vial = 0.75 mg/ml
Loading dose (from small vial) = 180 X wt / 2000
Maintenance dose (from large vial) = 2 X wt X 60 / 750
For a 70-kg adult with normal renal functions
Loading from small vial = 6.3 ml
Loading from large vial = 16.8 ml
Maintenance from small vial = 4.2 ml/hr
Maintenance from large vial = 11.2 ml/hr
CrCl 30-50 decrease maintenance dose by 50%
CrCl < 30 contraindicated
CBC at baseline, 4 hrs & daily
I] Dobutamine (Dobutrex)
2.5 - 30 µg/kg/min
β1 & β2 agonist positive inotropic & chronotropic effect. Vasodilator effect
Ampoule (250 mg) over 50 cc saline
1 ml = 5000 µg
Rate = dose X weight X 60 / 5000
For an 80-kg adult
Rate ranges from 2.4 ml/hr to 28.8 ml/hr
Side effects:
1. Down regulation of β receptors
2. ↓ Ca2+ content of sarcoplasmic reticulum
3. ↑ cAMP arrhythmia
4. Initial hypotension (not given if ABP < 70/40 unless with vasopressor)
J] Dopamine
Diuretic dose (D1): 3-5 µg/kg/min
Inotropic dose (β1): 5-10 µg/kg/min
Vasopressor dose (α1): 10-25 µg/kg/min
Ampoule (200 mg) over 50 cc saline
1 ml = 4000 µg
Rate = dose X weight X 60 / 4000
For an 80-kg adult
Rate ranges from 3.6 ml/hr to 30 ml/hr
K] Norepinephrine (Levophed)
0.01 – 1 µg/kg/min
Mainly α1 agonist, weak β1 effect
Ampoule 8 mg over 50 cc saline 1 ml = 160 µg
Ampoule 4 mg over 50 cc saline 1 ml = 80 µg
For an 80-kg adult
Rate ranges from 0.3 to 30 ml/hr (8 mg ampoule)
Rate ranges from 0.6 to 60 ml/hr (4 mg ampoule)
L] Adrenaline
0.05 – 1 µg/kg/min
6 ampoules (1 mg) over 50 cc saline
1 ml = 120 µg
Rate = dose X weight X 60 / 120
For an 80-kg adult
Rate ranges from 2 to 40 ml/hr
M] Lidocaine
Loading: 1-1.5 mg/kg over 2-3 mins
Maintenance: 1-4 mg/min [3 to 12 ml/hr]
N] Amiodarone (Cordarone)
Loading bolus: 5 mg/kg over 1 hour
Maintenance infusion: 50mg/hr for 24 hours
1 ampoule = 150 mg
Bolus: 3 ampoules (450 mg) over 30 min!!!
Maintenance: 4 ampoules (600 mg) over 50 cc saline at rate 4.2 ml/hr to be repeated once
Oral maintenance: 2X3X7 then 1X3X7 then 1X1
O] Pantoprazole (Controloc)
8 mg/hr = 10 ml/hr
P] Insulin
0.1 U/kg/hr
50 units over 50 cc saline
Q] Midazolam (Dormicum)
3 ampoules (3 X 15 mg) + 45 cc saline
Start with1 ml/hr & gradually titrate the dose
R] Fentanyl
50 µg/hr
1 ampoule = 100 µg
3 ampoules over 50 cc 1 cc = 6 µg