No Factors 1998-99 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10* 2010-11 2011-12
I Organisation (As on 31st March)
1 Central Offices 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 Divisions 8 8 8 7 7 7
3 Depots 38 53 53 46 46 48
4 Regional Workshops 0 1 1 1 1 1
5 Staff Employed 19749 23972 25309 21498 21458 21009
6 Staff Ratio per Schedule 6.43 5.44 5.64 5.38 5.35 5.21
IV Traffic Activities
1 Total Sch. Kms. (Lakhs) 3836.12 5766.23 5779.32 5449.00 4978.32 5030.10
2 Total Service Kms. (Lakhs) 3736.01 5457.23 5541.02 5210.71 4800.93 4946.74
3 Daily Service Kms. (Lakhs) 10.24 14.91 15.18 14.28 13.15 13.52
Passengers Carried per day
4 11.25 20.00 21.00 19.00 19.10 21.00
5 Daily Tr. Revenue (Lakhs) 94.71 216.21 236.48 232.17 247.88 278.32
6 EPKM (Ps) 925.3 1450.1 1557.7 1626.4 1884.6 2059.2
7 Percentage Load factor 65.0 63.1 63.4 63.3 65.8 65.6
V Performance
1 Percentage Fleet Utl. 94.4 91.7 92.3 91.4 92.0 94.4
2 Avg. Veh. Utl. (Kms.)
a) Effective 331.3 344.9 342.7 334.0 336.0 342.3
b) Gross 336.4 351.7 350.8 342.7 345.4 351.6
3 Diesel (KMPL) 4.93 5.10 5.07 5.01 5.03 5.07
4 Tyre Performance (Avg. Kms.)
a) New Tyres 43593 45722 45135 45698 45089 50966
b) Retreaded Tyres 28249 23543 22096 22230 22060 23554
c) Avg. Life of Tyres 117009 114690 109702 118490 109286 116797
No Factors 1998-99 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10* 2010-11 2011-12
VI Quality of Services
1 Breakdowns per 10000 Kms. 0.18 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.09 0.08
2 Accident per lakhs Kms. 0.18 0.14 0.14 0.13 0.11 0.10
3 Percentage Punctuality
a) Departures 94.0 94.9 94.4 94.6 94.3 95.4
b) Arrivals 94.4 95.8 95.6 95.3 95.1 95.9
Public Complaints per lakh
4 0.06 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.02
* Bijapur Division transferred to NEKRTC w.e.f. 19-11-2009 vide Govt. order No TRD 119, N E W 2008, Dtd : 19-11-2009
The amended RTC Act of 1982 provides for the Management of the Corporation by the
Board of Directors. The Board of NWKRTC as on 31-03-2012, consisted of 10 Official Directors
and one non-official Director. The Official Directors representing the State Government are
appointed by the State Government.
The NWKRTC has Corporate Office at Hubli, 7 Operating Divisions at Belgaum, Hubli,
Bagalkot, North-Kanara, Gadag, Chikkodi, Haveri and 48 operating depots in its jurisdiction.
Besides there is one Regional Training Institute and a Regional Workshop at Hubli.
As on 31-03-2012, the Corporation has operated 4031 Schedules with 4403 vehicles,
covering daily 14.62 lakh Schedule Kms.. At the end of the year 1520 Ordinary, 1836 Express, 348
City, 186 Sub-urban, 87 Rajahans, 18 Meghadoot, 18 Sleeper Coach & 18 Airavat (Volvo) services
were in operation. 628 new vehicles were added to the Fleet and 565 old vehicles were scrapped
during the year.
Several initiatives were taken on key areas of operation such as improving quality of service
and improving adequacy of services etc. and to optimize the revenue. Line checking activities have
also been intensified.
The operational results during 2011-12 are as under comparing with 2010-11 :
i) Percentage fleet utilization increased to 94.4 from 92.0
ii) The average vehicle utilization increased to 342 from 336.
iii) The average KMPL improved to 5.07 from 5.03.
iv) No of accidents decreased to 532 from 565 and rate of accidents per lakh Kms is
decreased to 0.10 from 0.11.
v) No of Breakdowns decreased to 4045 from 4565 and rate of breakdowns per 10000
Kms decreased to 0.08 from 0.09
vi) The punctuality of service maintained by the Corporation stood at 95.4 and 95.9 in
respect of departure and arrivals respectively.
vii) The Effective Kms increased to 4946.74 lakh kms from 4800.93 lakh kms, which
entails growth of 3.0%.
viii) Total Traffic Revenue realized was increased to Rs. 101864.81 lakhs, from
Rs.90476.25 lakhs, growth works out to 12.6
ix) The EPKM is also increased to 2059.3 paise from 1884.6 paise during the previous
year period, which entails growth of 9.3%.
The Corporation has accorded high priority for providing increased amenities for traveling
public. There are 128 permanent Bus-Stations besides 67 rural way side shelters and 06 City pickup
The Corporation has maintained cordial and harmonious relation with the labour during the
year. The Corporation continued to extend all facilities to workmen for the development of cultural
and sports activities and also for the welfare of medical, housing and other measures.
The Corporation has formulated Action Plan for addition of 750 new vehicles during the
year 2012-13, out of this, 550 are for replacement and 200 for augmentation of schedules. Steps have
also been taken to improve the performance efficiency of inputs to bring down the costs.
The N.W.K.R.T.C has been established by the State Government under the provisions of
section 3 of the Road Transport Corporation Act-1950 (Central Act) w.e.f. 01-11-1997. As per the
Sec.5(2) of the RTC Act 1950, the Board shall consist of a Chairman and such other Directors being
not less than 5 and not more than 17. There were Eleven (11) Directors as on 31-03-2012. The
Chairman is the non-official Director and other ten (10) Directors are Official Directors. The State
Government has appointed all the Directors.
2) Sri. T. Shyam Bhat, IAS, Transport Commissioner, Bangalore was appointed as Director on
the Board of Directors of NWKRTC vide Notification No. ¸ÁjE 18 ªÁF¸Éà 2011 Dated :
28-07-2011 in place of Sri Bhaskar Rao, IPS, Transport Commissioner, Bangalore
3) Sri G.N.Shivamurthi, KAS (SG), Managing Director, NEKRTC, Gulburga was appointed as
Director on the Board of Directors of NWKRTC vide Notification No. ¸ÁjE 23 ªÁF¸ÉÃ
2011 Dated : 19-08-2011 in place of Sri Shankar Patil, KAS(S.G.) Managing Director,
NEKRTC, Gulburga
4) Sri P. S. Sandhu, IPS, Inspector General of Police, North Region, Belgaum was appointed as
Director on the Board of Directors of NWKRTC vide Notification No. ¸ÁjE 2 ªÁF¸ÉÃ
2011 Dated : 23-08-2011 in place of Sri N. Shivakumar, IPS, Inspector General of Police,
North Region, Belgaum.
6) Sri Nandan Singh, IAS, Deputy Secretary (Transport), Ministry of Road Transport &
Highways, Government of India, New Delhi was appointed as Director on the Board of
Directors of NWKRTC vide Notification No. TRD 227 SASUMSE 2011 Dated : 02-11-
2011 in place of Sri S. K. Dash, IAS, Joint Secretary(T), Ministry of Road Transport &
Highways, Government of India, New Delhi.
7) Sri. Bijay Kumar Singh, IPS, Deputy Inspector General of Police was appointed as Director
(Security and Vigilence), KSRTC, Bangalore and Director on the Board of Directors of
NWKRTC vide Notification No.¸ÁjE 109 ¸Á¸ÀA¸Éà 2010 Dated : 29-09-2011.
8) Sri. N. Manjunath Prasad, IAS, was appointed as Managing Director, KSRTC, Central
Office, Bangalore and Director on the Board of Directors of NWKRTC vide Notification
No. ¸ÁjE 03 ¸Á¸ÀA¸Éà 2012 Dated : 25-01-2012 in place of Sri Gourav Gupta, Managing
Director, KSRTC, Central Office, Bangalore.
With the above changes the following is the composition of the Board of Directors of
NWKRTC as on 31-3-2012.
During the year 2011-12, three (3) Board Meetings were held and 63 Subjects were placed and 2
subjects by circulation were considered and 65 Resolutions were passed.
Chapter – 2
2.1 SET-UP:
1 Belgaum 7 690
2 Hubli 7 738
3 North Kanara 8 562
4 Bagalkot 7 570
5 Gadag 7 479
6 Chikkodi 6 552
7 Haveri 6 440
TOTAL 48 4031
1 Staff position :
The strength of Class I &II officers was 162 and accounted for 0.77 % of the total
permanent staff strength of the Corporation. The ratio of officers to staff is 1:128 as on 31-03-
No. of employees as on
Sl.No Category
31-03-2011 31-03-2012
Regular Employees :
1 Class-I & II Officers 175 162
2 Class-III & IV Officials
i ) Drivers 4526 4305
ii) Conductors 5039 4857
iii) Driver-Cum-Conductor 6259 6294
iv ) Traffic Supervisory 695 698
v) Mechanical 3050 2962
vi) Administration 1696 1712
vii) Civil Engineering 18 19
Total Class-III & IV 21283 20847
Total Regular employees 21458 21009
3 Candidates on select list :
i ) Drivers -- --
ii) Conductors -- --
iv) Mechanical ( Helper-B) -- --
v) Others (Driver cum Conductor) -- --
Total -- --
Grand Total 21458 21009
2. Staff ratio :
The total Staff working in the operating divisions was 20457 to operate 4031 schedules at the
end of the year. The Division staff Ratio per schedule as on 31-03-2012 was 5.07 including Officers.
The overall staff ratio per schedule of the Corporation including the staff employed at Central Unit,
R.T.I. was 5.21. The details of staff employed is given in Table –3. Unit wise details are given in
Annexure –1.
As On 31-03-2011 As On 31-03-2012
Sl.No Units Staff Staff Staff Staff
Employed Ratio/Schd. Employed Ratio/Schd.
1 Operating Divisions 20867 5.21 20457 5.07
2 Regional Workshops 390 0.10 361 0.09
3 Other Central Units 201 0.05 191 0.05
Total 21458 5.35 21009 5.21
10 Drivers, 14 Conductors, 1556 Driver cum Conductor, 27 Technical Asst., 2 Sweepers, 49
Junior Assistants cum DEO, totally 1659 staff were recruited during the year 2011-12.
The number of candidates recruited during the year from Scheduled Caste were 321 and
from scheduled tribe were 45. Category wise details of recruitment during 2011-12 are furnished in
Persons Recruited during 2011-12.
Sl. No Category
SC ST Others Total
1 Chargeman -- -- -- --
2 Jr. Asst. cum DEO 5 1 43 49
3 Conductor 3 0 11 14
4 Artisan -- -- -- --
5 Asst. Artisan -- -- -- --
6 Driver 10 -- -- 10
7 Driver cum Conductor 303 44 1209 1556
8 Officer Helper -- -- 1 1
9 Sweeper -- -- 2 2
10 Mali -- -- -- --
11 Technical Assistant -- -- 27 27
Grand Total 321 45 1293 1659
At the end of the year, there were 3306 employees belonging to the Scheduled Castes and
902 employees belonging to the Scheduled Tribes on the roll accounting for 15.7% and 4.3%
respectively on the total employment. The category wise working position of the Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes in the Corporation as on 31st March is indicated in Table –5.
Working Position as on 31st March
Category Employees in 2010-11 Employees in 2011-12
Total SC ST Total SC ST
1 Class -I Officers 70 14 3 68 11 4
2 Class –II Officers 105 17 8 94 18 7
3 Class - III Officials
A Admistration 1402 235 48 1424 241 50
B Traffic
i)Supervisory 695 153 36 698 160 35
ii) Driver & Conductors 15824 2007 609 15456 2347 657
C Mechanical * 3050 493 143 2962 471 145
Total (A+B+C) 20971 2888 836 20540 3219 887
4 Class - IV Officials * 312 59 6 307 58 4
Grand Total 21458 2978 853 21009 3306 902
1. Regional Training Institute, Hubli: In RTI Hubli, refresher/induction training was given to
784 employees during the year 2011-12.
2. CIRT Pune : During the year 2011-12, 11 officers have been deputed to various training
programmes in CIRT, Pune.
f) Apart from the above, 61 employees were deputed to undergo specialized training in
different field at different companies.
2.5 - REWARDS :
The system of granting cash rewards and commendatory notes to the employees as
recognition of their meritorious services, exemplary conduct, honesty etc., is in force. Rewards are
granted to employees in various categories working in different Units.
The details of cases of default and their disposal during the year with figures of the previous
year is indicated in Table-6.
Sl. No Particulars 2010-11 2011-12
1 No. of cases pending as on last day of the previous year 19952 21053
2 No. cases detected during the year
a) Conductors 36925 34262
b) Drivers 27696 22628
c) Mech 5700 5020
d) Others 4502 5034
Total (a to d) 74823 66944
3 No of cases finalized
a)Dismissed/Discharged/Terminated/Removed 497 400
b) Suspended (as a specific punishment ) 41 0
c) Fined 49 45
d) Warned 4783 4051
e) Other punishments
i) With hold of increments 1505 1231
Ii) Pay reduction 3681 2679
iii) WH/Promotion 75 1
Iii) Absent period treated as absent 249 135
Iv) Exonerated 102 355
v) Training period postponed 80 22
vi) Closed 228 1462
Vii) Recovery 61466 56870
Viii) No. of cases where penalty not imposed. 966 666
Total ( a to e ) 73722 67917
4 No.of cases pending as on the last day of the year. 21053 20080
The Unit Heads are empowered to impose major and minor penalties to class III & IV
employees respectively. Managing Director is the appellate authority.
During the year under report 2 new depots were commissioned. Thus, there were 7
divisions and 48 depots in the Corporation as on 31-03-2012.
The number of routes operated by the Corporation were 4002 as on 31-03-2011 and 4053 as
on 31-03-2012. The average route length was 94.27 kms as on 31-03-2012.
Details of routes, route kilometers, Schedules and scheduled kilometers operated as on
31-03-2012 are given below in Table-7.
The total number of schedules operated were 4008 as on 31-03-2011 and 4031 as on
31-03-2012 and there is increase in schedules by 23 or 0.6% over previous year. The daily scheduled
kms. programmed for operation were 14.62 lakh kms as on 31-03-2012 against 14.37 lakh kms as
on 31-03-2011. Division-wise Routes & Route Kms is shown in Annexure-2
The interstate services operated on reciprocal basis with the three neighboring states is
indicated in Table-8.
City/Suburban services were continued to operate at Belgaum, Hubli, Dharwad, Bagalkot,
Gadag-Betageri, Karwar & Kumta.
The City & Suburban services represented by 125951 kms (8.6%) of the total schedule kms
operated by the Corporation as on 31-03-2012. The details of City operations by the Corporation is
indicated in Table-9.
Sl. Cities/ As on 31-03-2012
No Towns Routes Route kms Schedules Daily Schd kms.
1 Hubli 610 8996 254 61509
2 Dharwad 302 2872 104 24205
3 Bagalkot 10 110 4 846
4 Belgaum 219 2960 145 33495
Gadag &
5 10 120 22 4976
6 Karwar 1 8 2 222
7 Kumta 2 8 3 698
Total 1154 15074 534 125951
The Mofussil services operated by the Corporation have been covered 1336110 kms daily
at the end of the year which formed 91.4% of the total operations. Besides operation of ordinary
services on Mofussil routes, the Corporation operated Express, Non-stop and Night services in
addition to premier services on long routes. The details of such operations as on 31-03-2012 is
shown in Table –10.
As percentage As percentage to
Sl. Daily Schd
Type of Services to Moffussil operation of the
No kms
services Corporation
i) Long distance and night services : All District/Taluk headquarters were connected to
Bangalore and other major Cities within the state and in the neighbouring states by operation of
long distance services. 724 long distance routes were in operation as on 31-03-2012, with
route length ranging from 200 kms to 1,000 kms. Some of these long distance services were
operated as night services.
ii) Express and Non-stop services : Express services are being operated by the Corporation with
limited number of stops with fare slightly higher than the ordinary services with a view to
reduce journey time. Non-stop services on selected routes were also operated.
1836 express services were operated covering 788414 kms daily. It accounted for 59.0% of the
kms operated in Mofussil routes by the Corporation as on 31-03-2012.
iii) Premier services : To meet the needs of affluent sections of the travelling public and also to
provide comfortable journey particularly during nights, the Corporation operated premier
services. 87 Rajhans, 18 Meghadoot, 18 Sleeper Coach & 18 Volvo services were in operation
as on 31-03-2012. Rajhans, Meghadoot, Sleeper Coach & Volvo services have the coverage of
41918 kms, 8092 kms, 9202 kms and 10610 kms respectively,Thus this constituted 3.1%, 0.6%,
0.7% and 0.8% respectively of the total mofussil operation.
The details of fare structure are furnished in Schedule –B.
The Corporation continued further consolidation of existing services. Some salient features
are summarised in Tables and in the following paragraphs.
A) Kms. covered : The details regarding the kms. operated with comparative figures of the
previous year are shown in Table-11.
During the Year Variation over previous year
Sl.No Operational Coverage
2010-11 2011-12 Actual Percentage
1 Kms. Operated ( lakhs ) :
a) Gross (Own) 4937.94 5081.58 143.64 2.9
b) Effective 4800.93 4946.74 145.81 3.0
c) Dead 137.92 134.84 -3.08 -2.2
2 %age of Dead Kms. to
2.9 2.7 -0.2 -6.9
3 Avg. Daily Effective Kms
13.15 13.52 0.36 2.8
The total service kms. operated during 2011-12 is 4946.74 lakhs as against 4800.93 lakh
kms during the corresponding period of the previous year 2010-11. The average daily service kms is
13.52 lakh kms and 13.15 lakh kms during 2010-11 i.e. increased by 0.36 lakh kms or by 2.89. The
percentage of dead kms to effective kms is 2.7 during the year 2011-12. The division wise details of
kms. covered is furnished in Annexure-3.
B. Vehicles and their utilisation: The details of vehicles held for operations and their utilisation
during the year 2011-12 with comparative figures for the previous year are shown in Table-12.
Sl. During the Year Variation over pr. Year
No Operational Factors 2010-11 2011-12 Actual Percentage
1 Avg. No. of Buses held in the
4258.7 4183.9 -74.8 -1.8
Operating Divisions
2 Avg. No. of buses on-road 3916.9 3949.0 32.1 0.8
3 Fleet utilization (%) 92.0 94.4 2.4 2.6
4 Avg. vehicle utilization (kms)
a) Gross 345.4 351.6 6.1 1.8
b) Effective 336.0 342.3 6.3 1.9
5 Avg. Carrying capacity 50.0 51.9 1.9 3.8
6 Total No. of passengers carried
6972.00 7686.00 714.5 10.2
( in lahks )
7 Avg. No. of passengers carried per
1910.00 2100.00 195.8 10.2
day (in thousands)
The average number of buses held by the divisions is 4183.9 Average vehicle utilisation
increased from 336.0 kms to 342.3 kms on effective kms. The Division- wise analysis of
vehicles held and their utilisation is shown in Annexure-4. The Total number of passengers
carried per day is 21.00 lakhs during the year 2011-12.
C. Luggage and parcel transport : The facility of carrying luggage free of charge up to 30 kgs, per
adult passenger, and 15 kgs. per Child passenger was continued during the year. The luggage in
excess of these limits was charged at the rates given below.
Luggage Rates : Rs. 5.00 up to 10 stages per unit of 20 kgs after 10 stage per stage per unit 0.50
News Papers: 0.75 ps. Per unit of 5 kgs. or part thereof irrespective of the distance.
Parcel Service : The parcel transport facility was also provided in all the Divisions of
D. Bus stations & passenger shelters : As on 31-03-2012 there were 128 permanent Bus-stations,
besides 67 rural way side shelters and 06 City pickup shelters.
Basic amenities such as waiting halls, drinking water, toilets etc., have been provided in all
the Bus stations constructed and maintained by the Corporation.
Details of these amenities and facilities provided as on 31-03-2012 with comparative details
as on 31-03-2011 are given in Table-13.
As on
Sl. No Amenities 31-03-2011 31-03-2012
1 Bus Stations :
a) Permanent 128 128
b) Temporary --- ---
2 Rural wayside shelters 67 67
3 City pickup shelters 6 6
4 Refreshment Rooms 127 115
5 Other stalls for soft drinks, fruits, pan beeda,
688 768
books and stationery etc.,
E. Advance booking and reservation facilities : The Corporation has adopted AWATAR (Any
where Any time Advance Reservation) system, the new system enable Online Bookings at all
counters of KSRTC/NWKRTC/NEKRTC and Frenchises (Private Booking Agents appointed
by the Corporatiion) located in the State and neighbouring States and also through Internet.
If reservation was done in groups (four or more) the corporation extended a discount of
5% on the fare applicable.
Discount on return journey is extended up to 10% for express & higher class services, if
both onward & return journey tickets are booked simultaneously at available reservation
Cancellation of Reservation Tickets :
Sl.N Duration
Cancellation Fee Refunding Amount
o. (Cancellation time)
i) Upto 72 Hrs. before the 10% of Basic fare 90% of Basic fare +
scheduled departure time (Other fees - Reservation fee)
ii) Between 72 Hrs. and 24 hrs 25% of Basic fare 75% of Basic fare +
before the departure time. (Other fees - Reservation fee)
iii) Between 24 Hrs. and ½ an hour 50% of Basic fare - 50% of Basic fare +
before the departure time. (Other fees - Reservation fee)
iv) 30 minutes before departure time 100% of Basic fare No Refund
and after wards + Other fees
Casual contract services : In addition to the regular transport services, the Corporation provided
buses on Contract basis on payment of prescribed charges based either on kms or on duration basis.
The Corporation also extended special concessional rates to bonafide students for
educational purposes and also sports. The rates for hiring the buses on casual contracts as on 31-03-
2012 are furnished in schedule - C.
G-1.Concession, seasonal passes and free passes: Concession extended by the Corporation to
the different categories to the travelling public/ students are detailed below.
1 School students up to VII Standard Free
2 a) VIII, IX & X Standard School Students Rs. 350/- for 5 months.
Rs. 700/- for 10 months.
b) For girls VIII, IX & X Standard School Rs. 265/- for 5 months.
Students Rs. 525/- for 10 months.
a) All NWKRTC, class III & IV employees working at places where city services are operated
are issued with free passes to report to the place of work and return to their home, as per
the industrial truce settlement.
b) A free pass without restriction of distance is issued to all Employees and their families once
a year for a travel to any place in buses operated by NWKRTC and other Corporations of
Karnataka, Employees have the choice of moving in different viable routes for their up and
down journey. The validity of such passes will be for one month only.
c) All School and College going children of NWKRTC Employees are issued with free passes
to attend schools and colleges in City and Moffussil services for travel between two specific
H - Public complaints: The rate of public complaints per lakh passengers was 0.02 in 2011-12 and
0.01 during 2010-11. All complaints received from the public were carefully enquired and
suitable action were taken.
Suggestions received from the commuters for improvements of the services were always
given due consideration and appropriate action were taken to implement them wherever such
suggestions were accepted.
I - Special services for Jathras / Fairs: The Corporation operated special services on occasions
like Fairs, Jathras, and religious cultural and social celebrations to cater the increased transport
needs. During the year 2011-12 special services were operated on 38 occasions and 23.48 lakh
kms were covered as against 35 occasions and 22.46 lakh kms in 2010-11. On this count 2091
vehicles were deployed in 2011-12 as against 2897 of 2010-11 and an amount of Rs. 704.98
lakhs was realized in 2011-12 as against Rs. 619.12 lakhs in 2010-11.
J - Quality of services: Particulars in regard to quality of services for the year 2011-12 with
comparative figures for the previous year are furnished in Table-14. Division wise analysis is
indicated in Annexure 5.
The over all rate of breakdowns per 10,000 kms during the year 2011-12 has decreased
to 0.08 from 0.09 during previous year. The rate of accidents per lakh kms during the year
2011-12 has decreased to 0..10 from 0.11 during previous year.
Classification of accidents according to the nature compared with the previous year figures is
shown in Table-15.
Sl. No Nature of Accidents 2010-11 2011-12
1 Fatal No.s 131 124
Rate * 0.03 0.02
2 Major No.s 107 64
Rate * 0.02 0.01
3 Minor No.s 327 344
Rate * 0.07 0.07
4 Total No.s 565 532
Rate * 0.11 0.10
5 No. of fatality 155 144
6 No. of Injured 856 724
*- Rate of accidents per lakhs kms.
The total number of accidents reported during 2011-12 were 532. Of these 124 were fatal, 64
were major & 344 were minor or insignificant in nature.
Chapter – 4
The number of passenger buses held by the Corporation as on 31-03-2011 were 4347. New
buses added were 628 and 565 old buses were scrapped during the year 2011-12. As on 31-03-
2012, the fleet strength of the Corporation stood at 4403. The no. of departmental vehicles such as
Cars, Jeeps, Trucks, vans etc., held by the Corporation at the end of the year was 158.
The over all fleet Composition as at the end of the year is given in Table-16.
Make wise and Unit wise breakup of passenger buses is furnished in Annexure-6. Age wise
composition of vehicle in terms of kms. performed is shown in Table-17.
No. Kilometres Nos. %age Nos. %age Nos. %age Nos. %age Nos. %age Nos. %age
1 Below 1 Lakh No's 443 40.3 31 1.0 0 0.0 12 60.0 6 33.3 492 11.2
Kms 0.42 0.61 0 0.38 0.08 0.43
2 Above 1 Lakh but No's 201 18.3 73 2.3 1 2.1 275 6.2
below 2 Lakhs Kms 1.61 1.59 1.89 1.61
3 Above 2 Lakhs but No's 163 14.8 265 8.2. 29 61.7 457 10.4
below 3 Lakhs Kms 2.43 2.57 2.52 2.52
4 Above 3 Lakhs but No's 35 3.2 240 7.4 15 31.9 290 6.6
below 4 Lakhs Kms 3.35 3.4 3.19 3.43
5 Above 4 Lakh but No's 3 0.3 407 12.6 2 4.3 412 9.4
below 5 Lakhs Kms 4.64 4.54 4.07 4.53
6 Above 5 Lakh but No's 13 1.2 630 19.6 643 14.6
below 6 Lakhs Kms 5.52 5.45 5.45
7 Above 6 Lakh but No's 55 5.0 784 24.3 2 10.0 1 7.1 842 19.1
below 7 Lakhs Kms 6.36 6.37 6.17 6.64 6.36
8 Above 7 Lakh but No's 115 10.5 521 16.2 3 21.4 639 14.5
below 8 Lakhs Kms 7.51 7.54 7.21 7.53
9 Above 8 Lakh but No's 58 5.3 205 6.4 6 42.9 269 6.1
below 9 Lakhs Kms 8.31 8.38 8.34 8.37
10 Above 9 Lakh but No's 13 1.2 41 1.3 54 1.2
below 10 Lakhs Kms 9.52 9.42 9.44
11 10 & Above No's 1 0.1 21 0.7 6 2 14.3 30 0.7
Kms 11.44 11.37 14.02 13.58 12.05
Total No's 1100 100.0 3218 100.0 47 100.0 20 100.0 18 100.0 4403 100.0
Kms 2.67 5.65 2.79 5.05 5.90 4.88
During the year 2011-12, 8 Chassis were received from M/s TATA against the purchase
order of 8 Chassis and 804 chassis were received from M/s Leyland against the purchase order of
1206 chassis. 12 chassis were received from M/s Volvo against the purchase order of 20 chassis. In
all 824 chassis were received during 2011-12 against the purchase order of 1234.The make wise
details of chassis ordered, received etc. are indicated in Table-18.
The over all performance during the year 2011-12 as compared with the previous year is
given in Table-19.
Sl.No Particulars 2010-11 2011-12
Avg. age of Vehicles as on 31st March
1 497874 487528
( in kms )
Percentage of vehicles aged more than 6 lakh kms. in
2 35.1 41.7
the fleet
3 a) Avg. Vehicle Utilisation (Gross kms ) 345.4 351.6
b) Avg. Vehicle Utilisation (Effective Kms) 336.0 342.3
4 Percentage Fleet Utilisation :
a) Divisional Fleet 92.0 94.4
b) Overall Fleet 89.8 91.8
5 Percentage vehicle off road during the year
a) Operating Divisions 5.3 3.0
b) Overall (including RWS) 7.7 5.9
6 Rate of Breakdowns per 10,000 kms.
a) Mechanical 0.08 0.07
b) Other failures 0.01 0.01
c) Total 0.09 0.08
7 Rate of Diesel consumption (kms. per litre ) 5.03 5.07
8 Rate of Engine oil Top-up (KMPL ) 7253 11805
9 Average Tyre kms.
a) New 45089 50966
b) Retreaded 22060 23554
c) Average Life 109286 116797
10 Avg. Battery kms : New 2.68 2.78
11 Avg. Engine kms :
a) New 6.62 6.34
b) Reconditioned 1.40 1.51
12 Avg FIP kms. :
a) New 5.46 5.60
b) Reconditioned 1.46 1.33
i) New Bus Bodies : During the year 533 Moffussil, 48 City, 31 Deluxe, 12 Volvo and 4
Sleeper Coach vehicles were built. Table-22 indicates the details of production in respect
of bus bodies built in 2011-12.
Buses Built at
Sl. No Types of Body Outside
1 Sleeper Coach 4 4
2 Volvo 12 12
3 Deluexe 31 31
4 Semi deluxe
5 Moffussil 8 525 533
6 City 48 48
Total 8 620 628
ii) Manufacture of items/ testing of spare parts etc. : Besides reconditioning of assemblies,
a large no. of spares and minor assemblies required by the divisional / depot workshops
were manufactured / fabricated to meet the requirements from time to time.
The Regional Workshops also carried out tests on number of spare parts received
from the indigenous manufacturers to find out the suitability of such parts for the vehicles
of Corporation.
iii) Reconditioning & Repairs of Cars / Jeeps : The Car section attached to the Regional
Workshop, Hubli attended to the reconditioning and repairs of departmental cars and jeeps.
In addition to this assemblies like FIPs, Starters, Dynamos, Gearboxes, front axle and rear
axles etc., were also reconditioned / repaired.
Chapter – 5
The value of stock of stores and materials held by the Corporation as on 31-03-
2012and the transactions during the year 2011-12 vis-a-vis the position during 2010-11 is given in
The inventory holdings of stores classified under major heads in relation to the fleet strength
and magnitude of inventory to consumption at the end of the year 2011-12 with comparative figures
for previous year are furnished in Table-24.
Magnitude of the
Inventory holding per
Inventory holding on inventory held on
bus owned as on
31st March 31st March
Sl. Classification 31st March
( Rs Lakhs) ( month's
No (In Rs)
2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012
1 Fuel 213.54 305.95 4912 6949 0.06 0.07
2 Lubricants 107.34 88.80 2469 2017 2.40 1.78
(including Retd.Tyres) 83.22 52.85 1914 1200 0.24 0.14
4 Batteries 1.90 2.94 44 67 0.15 0.23
Spare parts (including
Assmb.) 526.65 489.45 12115 11116 2.74 2.45
6 Uniforms 6.26 6.26 144 142 0.42 0.35
7 Other consumables 306.96 588.37 7061 13363 1.07 1.91
Total 1245.87 1534.62 28659 34854 0.27 0.27
The total value of inventory of stores held by the Corporation as on 31-03-2012 was Rs
1534.62 lakhs as against Rs. 1245.87 lakhs held as on 31-03-2011. Increase in the inventory holding
is noticed in fuel & other consumables.
Of the total inventory of stores held as on 31-03-2012, 31.9% accounted for spares
(including assemblies), 25.7% accounted for fuel & lubricants, 38.3% accounted for other
consumables and 3.4% accounted for tyres, tubes, flaps & 0.2% accounted for batteries. Similarly
stock holding per bus as on 31-03-2012 was Rs 34854 of which Rs. 11116/- for spares/assembly,
Rs. 13363 for other consumables and 8966 for fuel & lubricants.
The value analysis of stores and purchases consumed during the year 2011-12 with
comparative figures for the previous year is shown in Table-25.
Purchase Consumption
Sl. Avg. per Bus Avg. per Bus
Classification In Lakh Rs In Lakh Rs
No ( Rs) ( Rs)
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
1 Fuel 44330.20 55704.62 1019788 1265151 44357.96 55612.21 1020427 1263053
Chapter – 6
6.0 - The financial results of the Corporation and the salient features of the financial management
during the year 2011-12 are detailed in the following paragraphs.
The capital contribution of the Corporation consisted of contribution from the participating
Governments viz., the State and Central Governments. The State Government has invested Rs.
4255.00 lakhs as Capital Contribution and Rs. 1700.00 lakhs for infrastructure development. Loans
were also raised from Commercial Banks during the year. The capital investment of the
Corporation is shown in Table-26.
The capital investment of the Corporation increased from Rs 67073.53 lakhs as on 31-
03-2011 to Rs 70220.91 lakhs as on 31-03-2012 with an addition of Rs 12490.10 lakhs and
repayment of Rs. 9342.73 lakhs during the year. The Corporation has raised loan of Rs 6450.00
lakhs from Commercial Banks
The composition of gross capital expenditure on fixed assets at the end of the year, with net
addition/deduction during the year is shown in Table-27.
With a net addition of Rs 10784.79 lakhs to the fixed assets during the year 2011-12 the
cumulative expenditure on fixed assets increased from Rs 65459.62 lakhs to Rs 76244.41 lakhs as on
31-03-2012. Out of the total capital expenditure of Rs 10784.79 lakhs, an amount of Rs 8050.54
lakhs (74.6 %) constituted investment on passenger vehicles and Rs 2405.55 lakhs (22.3%) on land
& Buildings while the balance of Rs 328.70 lakhs (3.0%) comprised of other assets including
departmental vehicles.
The gross revenue turnover increased from Rs. 103259.46 lakhs in 2010-11 to Rs
115906.84 lakhs in 2011-12, representing an increase of 12.2 % or Rs 12647.38 lakhs. The detailed
analysis of revenue receipts is presented in Table-28.
Of the total gross revenue collected during the year under report, Rs 101864.81 lakhs,
constituting thus 87.9 % of the total represented traffic receipts and Rs 14042.03 lakhs constituting
12.1 % represented miscellaneous receipts. The Corporation received the reimbursement of Rs
9123.47 lakhs from the State Government during 2011-12, towards concessions extended to various
categories of the Passengers.
The rate of gross earning per effective kms during the year 2011-12 was at 2343.1 paise
which was higher by 192.2 paise or 8.9% over that achieved during 2010-11. The EPKM realised on
traffic revenue increased from 1884.6 paise to 2059.3 paise.
1 Staff :
a) Traffic 24982.94 28742.56 23.5 24.3 520.4 581.0
b) Workshop & Maintenance 3876.41 4389.54 3.6 3.7 80.7 88.7
c) Others 1374.37 1645.90 1.3 1.4 28.6 33.3
d) P.F. Welfare. etc., 5480.83 6005.36 5.2 6.7 114.2 121.4
Total - Staff 35714.55 40783.36 33.6 34.4 743.9 824.4
The operating expenditure includes all items of revenue expenditure and also capital charges
like Depreciation, interest on capital and loans etc. The increase in operating expenditure was 11.2%
as against an increase of 12.2% in the gross revenue turn over. The major factors that contributed
for increase in the operating expenditure are :
1 Increase in staff cost to an extent of 14.1% due to natural increase in wages and also additional
payment of DA arrears.
2 Increase in fuel price and there by cost increase by 10%. Similarly there is also increase in price
of lube oils and spares etc.
The various measures taken by the Corporation to control the cost and to improve the earnings
are mentioned below:
2 Monitoring on the operational activities as per action plan and reviewing the actual
performance in all aspects and taking necessary corrective steps to achieve the targets.
5 100% electronic ticketing machines have been put in use to control pilferage and also other
traffic irregularities.
The financial results of the Corporation and Financial ratios indicating the trends in
productivity of investment during the year 2011-12 are given in Table-30.
The revenue turnover ratio increased from 4.66 in 2010-11 to 4.68 in 2011-12. Due to hike
in the price of various inputs and enhancement of dearness allowance, there was increase in the
operating expenses. The operating ratio has decreased to 102.02 in 2011-12 from 102.95 in 2010-11.
The Corporation incurred loss of Rs 2343.55 lakhs in 2011-12 as against loss of Rs 3044.40 lakhs
in 2010-11. The percentage of return on capital was 2.39 in 2011-12 as against –0.60 during 2010-
The position pertaining to the various internal funds and reserves of the Corporation during
the year is furnished in Table –31.
(Rs. in lakhs)
Opening Closing
Balance as Additions Withdrawals Balance as
Sl.No Description of Fund
on 31-03- during during 2011- on 31-03-
2011 2011-12 12 2012
1 Depreciation fund 35540.00 8425.84 4314.59 39651.25
Insurance fund for vehicles third
2 20.00 1829.35 1829.35 20.00
party risk only
Insurance fund for other Assets
3 3870.15 483.99 20.10 4334.04
( including vehicles )
Insurance fund /freight
4 surcharges for risk in carriage of 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
parcels & goods
5 KSRTC Employees Welfare &
918.15 38.26 0.00 956.41
Passenger Amenities Fund
6 General Reserve Fund 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sinking fund for repayment of
7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Debenture loan
Capital reserves for financing the
8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
expansion programme
Total 40348.30 10777.44 6164.04 44961.70
The total internal fund balance as on 31-03-2011 was Rs 40348.30 lakhs. The total addition
during the year to the various funds amounted to Rs 10777.44 lakhs and the withdrawals during the
year were Rs 6164.04 lakhs. After this transaction, the total funds balance stood at Rs 44961.70
lakhs as on 31.3.2012
The balance shown against various funds in Table-31 are exclusive of the amounts
withdrawn and utilised as internal resources for purpose of capital expenditure and repayment of
loans. The details of the funds utilised up to 31-03-2012 are given in Table 32.
(Rs. in lakhs)
Chapter – 7
The value of land held by the Corporation, as on 31.03.2012 was Rs 1312.68 lakhs.
The revised budget for capital expenditure on building and fixtures for the year 2011-12
was estimated at Rs. 4774.85 lakhs. The actual expenditure incurred during the year was Rs. 2393.86
As on 31-03-2012 there were 166 committed works sanctioned at a total estimated cost of
Rs. 4774.85 lakhs, which were under various stages of progress against which an expenditure of
Rs.2393.86 lakhs was incurred for 166 works up to 31-03-2012. The break up of the committed
works and the progress of expenditure up to the end of the year under report is furnished in Table-
*- Spill over expenditure of 2010-11, works are also included and further works have been
taken up under Dr. Nanjundappa report SDP works are included. Further to provide better &
hygienic toilet facilities to traveling public. in all total 21 number of “Nirmal Type” hygienic toilets
are constructed and are under different stages of progress.
Apart from the permanent works of capital nature, a number of semi-permanent, temporary
and other minor works such as construction of bus shelters, way side shelters, etc., were also taken
up during the year under report. The expenditure incurred on such temporary works during the year
amounted to Rs.500.00 lakhs.
Chapter - 8
Gratuity is paid either in accordance with the KSRTC Gratuity Regulations or in accordance
with the provisions of Gratuity Act 1972 which ever is beneficial to the Employee. The quantum of
gratuity will be equal to one month’s pay for each completed year of service. 1872 Employees have
retired /expired/resigned/VRS, from service and an amount of Rs.22,64,56,808/- has been paid as
gratuity during the year 2011-12.
All Class III and IV Employees are entitled to Festival Advance of Rs 2,000/- per annum
recoverable in ten installments.
Corporation level sports and cultural activities committee and Divisional level sports and
cultural activities committees are functioning satisfactorily. An amount of Rupees 25,000/- have
been sanctioned from Central & Cultural fund to conduct sports and cultural activities to the
Apart from it an amount of Rs.3000/- is also being paid towards establishment of Reading
rooms / libraries in all the divisions.
Sports events have been conducted at all divisions on the eve of Rajyotsava and inter
Division volley ball, Kabaddi, Carom/Chess, Inter Division Athletics and other indoor sports events
& cultural activities conducted.
All the regular Employees of the Corporation are enrolled as members of this fund by
contributing Rs.20/- each per month. Out of Rs.20/- an amount of Rs.7/- is set apart towards
death coverage and the balance of Rs.13/- will be credited to the Employees savings account. In the
event of death of an employee while in service and on receipt of such information, the Corporation
will immediately pay Rs.5,000/- towards funeral expenses and the balance amount of Rs.33,000/-
will be paid to the dependents towards final settlement in addition to the savings plus interest and
also Rs 1,02,000/- as a GIS claim.
The Employees who are retiring/resigning from service are entitled to get their contribution
along with interest as per the provisions of this fund.
The NWKRTC Employees children’s are being paid Educational assistance and scholarship
every month ranging from Rs.100/- to Rs.225/- p.m. for studying courses like ITI, Diploma, B.E/
MBBS/ BVSC/ MBA/M.Com/ MA/M.C.A/ M.Sc etc. The educational assistance will be extended
to one member of the employee’s family.
Around One hundred and Twelve students will be admitted every year for these trades.
These trainees will be paid a stipend of Rs.100/- every month besides free pass facilities during their
training period.
The Industrial Training Institute was established out of Employees Educational Assistance
Fund, for which Employees will contribute Re.5/- every month through salary recovery and an
amount of Re.5/- will be paid by the Management as matching grant.
During the year under report there were no incidence of strikes or stoppage of work by
employees of the Corporation and over all situation was normal.
Chapter – 9
9.1 - SECURITY :
The main duties of this Department are to provide Physical Security to the property of the
Corporation against theft, fire, pilferage and mis-appropriation etc., by the employees and also
outsiders. The Security personnel of operating Units have reported cases of different types relating
to theft, mis-use and mis-appropriation of NWKRTC property. Comparative figures of the cases
reported during the year 2010-11 and 2011-12 are given in the Table 34.
The Security staff have also reported other types of cases involving employees of the
Corporation and the details are as follows.
The department has ensured proper departmental action against erring employees by the
Competent Authorities by initiating disciplinary action. In case of theft and mis-appropriation
complaints have been lodged in the jurisdictional police stations against erring employees and
offending outsiders for ensuring legal action against them.
The Security staff of operating divisions and Regional Workshops have detected and
reported cases of theft, mis-appropriations, loss and damage to the NWKRTC property.
9.3 - THEFT OF NWKRTC PROPERTY: The details of such cases reported and enquired in to
during 2011-12 are shown in Table-36.
No. of
Amount of property No.of outsiders
Year No. of cases Employees
involved (in Rs.) involved
2010-11 04 21364.00 05 00
2011-12 02 1550.00 01 01
9.6 - FIRE ACCIDENTS : 5 cases of fire accidents worth Rs. 45,000/- have been reported during
the year 2011-12, as against 4 cases of fire accidents reported during 2010-11.
9.7-ROBBERY CASES : No robbery case was reported during the year 2011-12.
The department takes cognizance of petitions received and information gathered on various
acts of omissions and commissions on the part of the officers and officials of the NWKRTC in their
discharge of duties, indulging corrupt practices etc., and arranges for proper enquiries. 92 petitions
of all types have been received during the year 2011-12 apart from files received in the previous
year. All petitions have been enquired into, in 29 cases reports have been sent to various disciplinary
authorities for initiating action against the employees. 68 enquiry reports have been closed. Thus at
the end 57 petitions are pending with Deputy Chief Security & Vigilance Officers / Security &
Vigilance Officers/ Divisional Security Inspectors of the various Divisions at enquiry stage.
In all the Divisions, Vigilance Committees have been formed with a view to get source/
information on corrupt/illegal activities that go on clandestinely against the interest of the
organization. The Vigilance Committee consists of staff representing different section of the
Depots who have good reputation of working. Some of the Vigilance Committee members have
given valuable information on the area of corruption which helped to arrest the corruption in the
Corporation to greater extent.
In order to ensure that fake tickets are not brought into the circulation, regular and sustained
exercise have been carried out. Tickets collected at random from the alighting passengers are verified
to find out whether these tickets are genuine or otherwise. No cases of circulation of fake tickets
have come to light during the year 2011-12.
Divisional Controllers were instructed to ensure 100% scrutiny of way bills to detect the
pilferage by conductors. This can reduces the magnitude of alteration drastically and
computerization of ticket accounting has helped in arresting the short remittances by the
The Security & Vigilance staff of operating divisions have detected and reported cases of
pilferage by the conductors & Drivers. The details are as furnished in Table-38.
There were no mis-appropriation cases reported against the conductors during the year
2010-11 and one case reported in the year 2011-12.
The details of the performance of the Line Checking Squad for the year 2011-12 and the
related figures for the previous year 2010-11 are as follows.
A Dismissal 0
B Termination / removal 0
C Pay reduction 128
D Recovery from pay 354
E Post-ponement of increment 09
F Censured 35
G Acquitted 01
Total 527
The Corporation has capital expenditure programme of Rs 144.20 Crores of which Rs 64.50
Crores borrowings from the Commercial Banks.
The total expenditure incurred by the Corporation during the year for its developmental
activities was Rs 107.85 Crores.
The programme of Expenditure that was proposed and actually incurred during the year
2011-12 are given in Table-41.
Rs. in Crores 2011-12
Programme Outlay
No. Actual
1 Land & Building 25.80 24.05
2 Passenger buses and departmental vehicles 110.60 80.51
3 Plant, Machinery and Equipment’s and Others 7.80 3.29
TOTAL 144.20 107.85
The Corporation has received Calling Attention notices and questions pertaining to the
working of the Corporation from the State Legislature. All the questions were replied.
10.3.3 At Central Office/Divisional Office and Regional Workshop level:
The following software are being used at Central Offices, Divisions and Divisional
• Payroll Software
• Profit Plus accounting package
• Store Inventory Software
• Default Software
• Vehicle Depreciation Software
• Provident Fund Ledger Software
The LAN, Internet & required Computer hardware facilities are provided to all offices of
10.3.4 At Bus Terminal level:
AWATAR (Any Where Any Time Advance bus Reservation System) advance reservation
system is implemented in all the major bus stands of the Corporation. At present 55
AWATAR counters are functioning across the Corporation out of which 25 are managed by
the Corporation and 30 are management by the franchisees. Some of major terminal also
provided with "Sakal" system.
10.3.5 Innovative IT Projects:
To bring the transparency in the operation following new initiative are introduced first time
in the corporation.
• Crew Management System (CMS): It is a new IT innovation, developed as part of D&R with
the initiative help of private partner. Its implemented in a depot of Hubli division
successfully. Using CMS computer based crew booking, Scheduling, attendance, allowance
etc work is managing. This application is first of its kind in the History of STU’s in India.
10.4.1 B.R.T.S : Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS) projects work is being implemented between
Hubli-Dharwad cities . The total project cost estimation is about Rs.452.00 Crores. The State
Government, NWKRTC, HDMC and HDUDA are the main stake holders of the project.
The corporation in contributing 15% of its share in the project inform of share. The
government has accorded its approval for the project and project is under progress. In
respect to NWKRTC, construction of three new city Depots, one Divisional Workshop; and
up gradation of four Bus Terminals and process other futures like ITS, rolling stock etc.will
be taken up.
10.4.2 Gadag –Betageri : To improve the bus transportation system in Gadag-Betageri twin
cities, a project namely "promotion of Public Transport system in Gadag-Betgeri twin
cities" was submitted to the Government of Karnataka for financial assistance. Accordingly
the state government has approved for Rs.5.00 Crore budget inform of grants.
A proposal was submitted for financial assistance to improve the urban transport in total
eleven small/median cities coming under Corporation jurisdiction. Accordingly State
Government has directed to prepare Detailed Project Report. The preparation of Detailed
Project Report is under progress
The MIS (IT) department has made special efforts for execution of the above projects.
Various schemes for protecting environment conservation of resources and operation of
vehicles in the pollution below the norm are in force. Aforestration programme has been carried
out in the vacant land belonging to Corporation. Vehicles are checked for emission of smoke level.
Environment friendly vehicles are inducted to the fleet.
North Western Road Transport Corporation at present having 1 Central Office, 2-Civil Engg
Dept. 7-Divisions, 1- Regional Workshop, 1- Regional Training Centre, 7- Divisional Workshops,
47- Depots, 86- Bus-Stand, Public Information Officer , Assistant Public Information Officer, First
Appellate Authority and Nodal Officer, has been appointed in all the above offices. & list and
particulars(including Address & Mobile Numbers) Board of Directors of th Corporation, All
departments of the Central Office, Division, Workshop, Regional Training Centre, Depots & Bus
stands administration structure ,Working system of the above Offices , List of rules & Regulations
of the Corporation, List of Committee an available on website www.nwkrtc.in for information in
Kannada & English Languages. The list will be updated time to time.
For information of general public boards displayed in all the Offices of North Western Road
Transport Corporation as stipulated under the Act and training has been imparted to all Public
Information Officers & case workers so as to know the importance of the Act and how to follow
the said Act. We proudly declare that till this date no penalties imposed on Corporation for any
late and wrong information by the Authorities under the Act.
Right To Information Act 2005 implemented in the Corporation in letter and spirit.
Applications received by the public under the Right To Information Act 2005 during the year
2011-12 has been disposed as detailed below.
Total Total Total Fees
No Of Total Total
Applicat Total Applications collected from
Sl. Public Applications Pending
ions Applications Disposed receiving
No. Informati Disposed In applicati
Receive Disposal After the Applications /
on time ons
d time limit Records
1 152 1759 1654 1312 342 105 27248/-
Total Total
Total First Total
No Of Total Total Appeal Total Appeal ammoun
appeal Pending
Sl. First Appeal Applications Applications t of
Applicatio appeal
No. appellate Applications disposed disposed after penalties
ns applicatio
authority Disposed Intime the time limit imposed
received ns
1 12 49 41 39 02 08 Nil
1. Rs. 23 per km. for Ordinary Coaches subject to a daily minimum of Rs. 6900/- per bus
2. Rs. 26 per km. for Vayavya Karnataka Sarige Coaches subject to a daily minimum of Rs. 7800/- per bus.
3. Rs. 31 per km. for Vayavya Karnataka Sarige (12 mtr) Coaches subject to a daily minimum of Rs. 9300/-
per bus.
4. Rs. 33 per km. for Rajhans Executive type Coaches subject to a daily minimum of Rs. 11550/- per bus.
5. Rs. 34 per km. for Rajhans Semi Sleeper type Coaches subject to a daily minimum of Rs. 11900/- per bus
6. Rs. 38 per km. for Rajhans (12 mtr Chassi) Coaches subject to a daily minimum of Rs. 13300/- per bus
7. Rs. 45 per km. for Meghadoot Coaches subject to a daily minimum of Rs. 15750/- per bus.
8. Rs. 45 per km. for Carona Sleeper type Coaches subject to a daily minimum of Rs. 18000/- per bus.
9. Rs. 61 per km for Vovo semi Sleeper type Coaches subject to a daily minimum of Rs. 30500/- per bus.
10. Rs. 70 per km. for Multi Axle type Coaches subject to a daily minimum of Rs. 42000/- per bus.
11. Rs. 28 per km for Semi low floor type Coaches subject to a daily minimum of Rs. 7000/- per bus.
12. The daily minimum kilometers of each contract is 300 Kms in respect of Ordinary & Vayavya Karnataka
Sarige Coaches.
13. The daily minimum kilometers of each contract is 350 Kms in respect of Rajhans and Meghdoot coaches.
14. The daily minimum Kms of each casual contract is 400 kms in respect of A/c Carona Sleeper
15. The daily minimum kilometers of each contract is 500 Kms in respect of Volvo & Sleeper Coaches.
1. Rs. 920/- per hour or part thereof for ordinary buses for 40 kms.
2. Rs. 1040/- per hour or part thereof for Vayavya Karnataka Sarige buses for 40 kms.
3. Rs. 1240/- per hour or part thereof for Vayavya Karnataka Sarige (12 mtr) buses for 40 kms.
4. Rs. 1320/- per hour or part thereof for Rajhans Execurive buses for 40 kms.
5. Rs. 1360/- per hour or part thereof for Rajhans Semi sleeper buses for 40 kms.
6. Rs. 1520/- per hour or part thereof for Rajhans (12 mtr chassi) buses for 40 kms.
7. Rs. 1800/- per hour or part there of for Meghdoot buses for 40 kms.
8. Rs. 1800/- per hour or part there of for Carona buses for 40 kms.
9. Rs. 2440/- per hour or part thereof for Volvo/Sleeper buses for 40 kms.
10. Rs. 1120/- per hour or part thereof for semi low floor buses for 40 kms.
11. Rs. 2800/- per hour or part thereof for Multi Axle Volvo buses for 40 Kms
The students studying in the schools and colleges recognised by the Government of Karnataka or Indian
Union who are engaging buses for study tours/excursions etc., shall be given a discount of Rs. 2/- & Rs. 1/-
per km respectively on the above rates on all type of vehicles (subject to availability of vehicles.) within the
state of Karnataka and of Re.1/- discount in interstate for School/Colleges.
Note : Revised Pay Scales are as per Letter No. KST/CO/ACC/PADT/2190/2012-13, Dtd : 13-08-2012.
Assumed Life Amount of Revenue
Sl. Rate of Annual Incidence in
Type of Assets Expenditure in 2011-12
No. in years in Kms. Contribution ps per Km.
(In Rs)
A Bus Fleet :
On the basis of
Kms subject to
1 Diesel Passenger Buses 10 560000 782211520 158.1
Operated less
than 5.60 lakhs.
B Departmental Vehicles :
1 Domestic Trucks 4
Departmental vehicles such as 1/6th of the
2355666 0.5
2 Cars, Station Wagons, Jeeps, 6 original Cost
Motor Cycles.
E Misc. Equipments :
Sl. No. Divisions Staff Employed Staff Ratio / Schds Staff Ratio / Bus held Eff. Kms. per Emp / day
9 Total / Avg. 20,867 20,457 5.21 5.07 4.80 4.78 63.03 66.07
11 Overall / Avg. 21,458 21,009 5.35 5.21 4.87 4.77 61.30 64.33
Annexure - 2
No. of Depots No. of Schds. No. of Routes Route Kms Avg. Rt. length (Kms)
Sl. No. Divisions
2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012
9 Total / Avg. 46 48 4,008 4,031 4,002 4,053 3,74,022 3,82,077 93.46 94.27
Annexure - 3
Scheduled Kms. Cancelled Kms. Extra Kms. Effective Kms. Dead Kms. Gross Kms(excl PVT)
Sl. ( in Lakhs ) (% age to Schd. Kms)
(% age to Schd. Kms) ( in Lakhs ) (% age to Eff. Kms) ( in Lakhs )
No. 2010-11 2011-12
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
Own Pvt. Total Own Pvt. Total
1 Belgaum 852.80 838.96 43.77 26.42 18.66 20.13 827.70 0.00 827.70 832.67 0.00 832.67 19.62 16.77 847.32 849.44
5.1 3.1 2.2 2.4 2.4 2.0
2 Hubli 810.94 835.92 40.51 25.88 11.94 13.58 782.03 0.30 782.33 823.61 0.00 823.61 27.72 25.17 809.75 848.78
5.0 3.1 1.5 1.6 3.5 3.1
4 UK 683.73 697.46 28.92 18.37 11.14 15.47 665.92 0.00 665.92 694.56 0.00 694.56 29.30 31.41 695.22 725.97
4.2 2.6 1.6 2.2 4.4 4.5
5 Bagalkot 719.64 726.66 41.06 28.22 11.89 18.82 690.47 0.00 690.47 717.26 0.00 717.26 9.46 9.93 699.93 727.19
5.7 3.9 1.7 2.6 1.4 1.4
6 Gadag 601.24 619.50 41.29 32.66 9.37 7.89 568.69 0.42 569.11 594.73 0.00 594.73 14.17 15.15 582.86 609.88
6.9 5.3 1.6 1.3 2.5 2.5
7 Chikkodi 736.71 732.57 39.52 33.10 21.35 21.99 718.54 0.00 718.54 721.46 0.00 721.46 15.11 15.88 733.65 737.34
5.4 4.5 2.9 3.0 2.1 2.2
8 Haveri 573.26 579.03 34.74 22.72 8.34 6.12 546.86 0.00 546.86 562.45 0.00 562.45 22.54 20.53 569.40 582.98
6.1 3.9 1.5 1.1 4.1 3.7
Total 4978.32 5030.10 269.81 187.37 92.69 104.00 4800.21 0.72 4800.93 4946.74 0.00 4946.74 137.92 134.84 4938.13 5081.58
6.0 3.7 1.9 2.1 2.9 2.7
Annexure - 4
Avg. No. of Buses Avg. No. of Buses Avg. No. of Buses Avg. No. of Buses % age % age Fleet
Sl. No. Divisions Held On - road Off - road held as road Off - road Utilisation
Worthy spare
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
1 Belgaum 735.3 707.9 680.8 671.4 36.2 20.9 18.3 15.7 4.9 2.9 92.6 94.8
2 Hubli 771.7 760.6 712.6 731.0 42.1 22.1 17.3 7.4 5.5 2.9 92.3 96.1
3 UK 569.3 577.5 522.1 532.6 25.7 20.16 21.2 24.7 4.3 3.4 91.7 92.2
4 Bagalkot 595.2 590.4 544.2 558.6 36.0 18.81 14.9 13.1 7.1 3.7 91.4 94.6
5 Gadag 511.2 502.0 468.6 472.8 28.7 14.87 14.2 14.6 4.8 2.5 94.0 94.2
6 Chikkodi 604.0 586.3 551.4 552.2 29.2 15.34 23.3 18.7 6.2 3.3 91.3 94.2
7 Haveri 472.0 459.1 437.2 430.5 26.4 14.77 8.3 13.9 5.6 3.2 92.6 93.8
Total / Avg. 4,258.7 4,183.9 3,916.9 3,949.0 224.5 126.9 117.6 108.0 5.3 3.0 92.0 94.4
Annexure -5
Sl. No. Divisions Rate of Breakdowns Rate of Accidents Regularity ( % age ) Total Passengers Public Complaints per
per 10000 Kms. per Lakhs Kms. Departures Arrivals Carried (Lakhs) Lakh Passengers
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12
1 Belgaum 0.05 0.12 0.11 0.10 95.1 94.3 95.2 94.8 1162.00 1281.00 0.01 0.01
2 Hubli 0.12 0.07 0.13 0.12 97.3 98.5 99.1 97.7 1270.94 1401.09 0.01 0.01
3 UK 0.10 0.08 0.12 0.13 97.4 98.2 97.0 98.9 1034.91 1140.89 0.03 0.02
4 Bagalkot 0.12 0.07 0.11 0.10 92.6 95.1 92.0 92.9 1053.06 1160.91 0.01 0.03
5 Gadag 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.10 88.9 91.3 91.5 94.5 907.81 1000.78 0.01 0.00
6 Chikkodi 0.06 0.06 0.10 0.08 94.9 96.3 95.8 97.0 907.81 1000.78 0.00 0.01
7 Haveri 0.13 0.09 0.12 0.11 94.0 94.1 95.1 95.5 635.47 700.55 0.01 0.06
Total 0.09 0.08 0.11 0.10 94.3 95.4 95.1 95.9 6972.00 7686.00 0.01 0.02
Annexure - 6
1 Belgaum 123 588 6 6 4 727 203 518 5 6 10 742 333.1 338.9 308.4 321.4 49.4 50.0 4.83
2 Hubli 107 635 20 6 4 772 179 575 3 6 10 773 300.8 307.9 277.7 295.9 47.2 52.0 4.83
3 UK 95 469 9 2 0 575 163 422 5 2 0 592 349.4 356.3 320.5 328.6 50.7 52.5 4.90
4 Bagalkot 115 481 11 0 0 607 156 449 0 4 0 609 347.6 350.9 317.8 331.9 50.6 53.7 5.28
5 Gadag 62 434 10 0 0 506 122 384 4 0 0 510 332.7 343.7 305.0 323.7 50.5 55.3 4.98
6 Chikkodi 76 497 10 0 0 583 159 425 3 0 0 587 357.0 356.9 325.9 336.2 50.7 50.0 4.93
7 Haveri 54 404 17 0 0 475 107 352 11 0 0 470 342.0 357.0 317.4 334.7 50.4 50.0 5.23
8 RWH 13 83 6 0 0 102 11 93 16 0 0 120 4.28
Total 645 3,591 89 14 8 4,347 1100 3,218 47 18 20 4,403 336.0 342.3 308.9 323.0 50.0 51.9 4.88
Annexure - 7
1 Belgaum 5.04 5.07 8340.0 18628.3 43,741 49,087 23,287 27,171 120454 121953 3.29 2.68
2 Hubli 4.94 4.92 7244.0 11069.2 55,827 59,683 26,890 28,151 131475 127463 2.81 2.41
3 UK 4.96 4.98 8509.0 13907.5 34,647 35,395 17,564 17,374 101218 108490 3.79 4.21
4 Bagalkot 5.02 5.13 6118.0 11085.4 44,987 64,757 20,292 26,646 92455 118149 2.34 2.00
5 Gadag 5.00 5.10 5500.0 9219.8 41,820 43,891 20,724 20,559 103999 103254 3.00 2.89
6 Chikkodi 5.19 5.17 14267.0 14600.8 44,303 53,780 20,571 21,441 103889 114269 2.90 2.82
7 Haveri 5.12 5.16 5163.0 7907.1 46,712 47,976 24,382 25,034 106405 115860 2.45 2.71
Total / Avg. 5.03 5.07 7253.0 11805.0 45,089 50,966 22,060 23,554 109286 116797 2.91 2.79
Annexure-9 (1)
Comparative Per Vehicle Per Vehicle Comparative Per Vehicle Per Vehicle
Figures for K.M. in PARTICULARS K.M. in Figures for K.M. in PARTICULARS K.M. in
(In Rs) (In Rs)
2009-2010 Paise Paise 2009-2010 Paise Paise
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. Salaries and Allowances : 8809036144 1834.86 1. Revenue from Passengers 2015.2 9968771224
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
B) Employer's Contribution to
117328523 24.4 24.4 120642848
Pension Scheme.
12611837 2.6 Deposit linked Insurance 3.3 16281528
2169370 0.5 C) Interest to HDFC 0.4 1846223
7. General Charges:
1787500 0.4 a) Advertisement & Publicity 0.4 1878332
900913 0.2 b) Postage 0.2 799185
1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 0
10097823274 2103.3 Total Operating Expenses 2274.8 11252949908 9047625614 1884.6 Total Operating Revenue 2059.2 10186481210
10097823274 2103.3 C/F 2274.8 11252949908 9047625614 2103.3 C/F 2059.2 10186481210
Annexure-9 (5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
To Non-Operating Expenses 0 0
1582766469 329.68 Total Expenditure 331.2 1638559442 1582766469 329.68 Grand Total 331.2 1638559442
_ _
304444740 63.4 Net loss B/D 47.4 234355903 0 Prior period Receipt 0
3 2 6 5
1722738344 1. Current Liabilities & Provisions 2220982194
784713 3. Provision for bad and doubtful debts 784712 141472 5. ASSET ADJUSTMENT ACCOUNT. 120958
3 2 6 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Staff Cars/Vans &
14 24741750 16345555 16345555 41087305 5304175 5304175 35783130
Furniture & Office
15 40623487 4020274 4020274 44643761 477779 477779 44165982
16 Training Equipments 35690 0 0 35690 0 0 0 35690
22 Miscellaneous Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 Buildings - in - Progress 0 0 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Deduct Balance under A.H.No.572 1123832573 Deduct Balance Under A/H No. 572(-) 1123832573
2430168561 2841293161
(Mohamed Khalid),
Chief Accounts Officer
Statistical Graphs
(1998-99 & 2004-05 to 2011-12)
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Postal/Parcel 121.73
Total Traffic
Advertisement 19.54
Rent 41.59
Sale of
Commercial 874.70
Reimbursement 9123.47
Fuel 45031.23
Spares &
Tyre & Tube 4436.56
Lubricants 575.26
Battery 126.90
Depriciation 8425.84
MV Tax 4899.63
Staff 40783.36
Interest 2934.91
Total : 118250.40
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