Fin Results
Fin Results
Fin Results
[Rs. in lakhs]
Sl. Particulars Quarter Quarter Year ended Year ended Year ended Year ended
No. ended ended 31.03.2009 31.03.2008 31.03.2009 31.03.2008
31.03.2009 31.03.2008 (Audited) (Audited) (Audited) (Audited)
(Audited) (Audited)
(Consolidated) (Consolidated)
(a) Interest / Discount on Advances / Bills 116507.16 88857.08 438487.42 322128.61 438486.32 322126.78
(b) Income on Investments 46347.40 29830.36 150766.51 107822.25 150766.52 107822.26
(c )Interest on balances with Reserve Bank of India and other 2137.56 1053.23 8503.01 15118.72 8503.02 15118.72
inter bank funds
(d) Others 5646.41 2740.59 8978.20 6585.90 8978.20 6589.93
2 Other Income 49325.48 23992.80 110721.48 69977.85 111136.52 70208.45
3 TOTAL INCOME (1+2) 219964.01 146474.06 717456.62 521633.33 717870.58 521866.14
4 Interest Expended 127809.00 85095.70 437637.48 307323.56 437101.84 306309.25
5 Operating Expenses (i ) + (ii) 24682.24 21028.20 100157.65 89195.51 100189.82 89225.84
(i) Employees cost 10390.00 7774.71 46797.17 42786.76 46805.70 42795.47
(ii) Other Operating Expenses 14292.24 13253.49 53360.48 46408.75 53384.12 46430.37
(All items exceeding 10% of the total expenditure excluding 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
interest expenditure may be shown separately)
6 TOTAL EXPENDITURE (4+5) Excluding Provisions and 152491.24 106123.90 537795.13 396519.07 537291.66 395535.09
7 Operating Profit before Provisions and Contingencies (3-6) 67472.77 40350.16 179661.49 125114.26 180578.92 126331.05
8 Provisions (other than tax ) and Contingencies 21072.79 10190.71 38586.28 18573.56 41036.92 18573.55
9 Exceptional items 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
10 Profit (+)/Loss (-) from ordinary Activities before tax (7-8-9) 46399.98 30159.45 141075.21 106540.70 139542.00 107757.50
11 Tax Expense 20350.87 9599.80 51798.22 33041.94 49509.63 32716.73
12 Net Profit (+)/Loss (-) from ordinary Activities after tax (10-11) 26049.11 20559.65 89276.99 73498.76 90032.37 75040.77
13 Extraordinary items (net of tax expense) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14 Net Profit (+)/Loss (-) for the period (12-13) 26049.11 20559.65 89276.99 73498.76 90032.37 75040.77
15 Paid-up equity share capital 14343.79 14343.79 14343.79 14343.79 14343.79 14343.79
(Face value of the Share is Rs. 10)
16 Reserves excluding revaluation reserves (as per balance sheet of 475307.22 408507.46 475307.22 408507.46 479886.03 413978.36
previous accounting year)
17 Analytical Ratios
(i) Percentage of shares held by Government of India 57.17% 57.17% 57.17% 57.17% 57.17% 57.17%
(ii) Capital Adequacy Ratio 13.66% 12.09% 13.66% 12.09% 13.75% 12.45%
(iii) Earning Per Share (EPS)
a) Basic and diluted EPS before Extraordinary items (net of tax 18.16 14.33 62.24 51.24 62.77 52.31
expense) for the period, for the year to date and for the previous
year ( Not to be annualised)
b) Basic and diluted EPS after Extraordinary items for the 18.16 14.33 62.24 51.24 62.77 52.31
period, for the year to date and for the previous year (not to be